#welp sorry for this massive block of text appearing in your dash everyone
kisilinramblings · 4 years
Do you think that Fu neglected Adrien/Chat Noir in comparison to Marinette/Ladybug? I think he cared about him just as much, just unintentionally focused more on Mari since he planned on making her the new guardian. He went out of his way and put himself at risk to teach Adrien in Syren, meaning he understood that he is Ladybug's equal and that it was unfair to keep him in the dark.
Here’s the thing. As viewers, we can’t know the exact answer to that question. We can presume base at what was presented to our attention or mentionned on-screen, but we start with a disavantage because the narrative follows mostly Marinette.
One reason for that is because her character has more freedom to be wherever she wants, at almost any hour. Storywise, she has more opportunities to take action, so she is more interesting to follow in an everyday life than Adrien who has a strict schedule, obligations to meet and he isn’t much authorized going outside the house without his father’s permission. So this lack of liberty impacts whenever we can see Adrien on-screen. It’s not uncommon to see him heard about an Akuma attack when he is in his room while Marinette is often nearby already when the akuma first manifests. So, unless there’s something important going on with Adrien’s character or about the Agreste household during an episode, we will follow Marinette almost by default.
Another thing is Miraculous cannot afford to do much exposition. The 21 minutes of each episode is packed with actions because there is so much going on. The writers keep it to a minimum what information or hint is important for the episode story and save the rest for later. For example, when Sapotis was broadcasted, we discover there are more Miraculous that we originally thought inside the Miracle Box. As viewers, we never get an exhaustive description of what power is contained in which Miraculous, but we learn Marinette already possessed that knowledge and it is summed up in a single phrase said before we get to see the Miracle Box fully open.
“Marinette, I taught you about all about the Miraculous and their powers”.
Marinette learning that information happened off-screen at some point before. That’s all we need to know why Marinette knows which Miraculous to pick. The viewer will get the information eventually when they see the Miraculous put in action. Same thing with the power-up potions. After Syren, both Marinette and Adrien know all about which color of their respective Magi-caron and Magi-camembert is associated with which power-up. The audience, in the other hand, will learn about each one in due time.
We often get a brief mention to something lore-related only to get the full information divided into parts. We know about the ultimate power Hawkmoth keep mentionning it during S1 but we only more information about what it consists about during the Origin episodes which were put as a season finale. Finally, we then hear about the consequences of the ultimate power from Fu at the end of Robustus when Marinette ask him to inform her about what would happen if both of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous were used together. Fu summarizes the power but then adds more informations about the consequences and what they imply, thus increasing the stake at hand. Ladybug and Chat Noir aren’t just protecting Paris, but the balance of the world. 
All that to say that as viewers, we don’t have the whole picture right away. There are things that happens off-screen and that will get more or less be subtly hinting to and there are things that have yet to be explicitely revealed to us.
So, with that said, what can we determine about Fu and Adrien’s relation? 
Season 2
We know Chat Noir was kept in the dark about the Guardian’s existence until Syren’s. We know it was a turn of event that lead Marinette to Fu after Volpina’s events. Plagg commented having seen the book somewhere before changing the subject. Tikki, on the other hand, recognized the book and prompted Marinette to recover it and bring it to the Guardian. And Tikki mentionned Kwamis weren’t supposed to lead their Holder to Fu, but she considered it important for the Grimoire to be handed back to the Guardian and that it was time for Marinette to meet him.
Also, based on the production order, Syren was a mid-season. So for half a season, Marinette had more knowledge than Adrien regarding the Miraculous and their lore. 
During Syren, Adrien and Fu shares only two brief scenes together. One in which Fu promises to explain everything to Adrien and hands him a power-up potion and the other scene where Fu comes undercover to Adrien’s house and officially introduced himself and inform him on what we assume is all the information Adrien’s need.
The fact Fu arrived for Adrien’s chinese lesson means he was prepared. It wasn’t improvised to go there at that specific moment. However, Adrien was rather surprised to see Fu instead of his actual chinese teacher, meaning they didn’t discuss things out that much beforehand. Either Plagg informed Fu without Adrien knowing or Fu did his research about Adrien’s life to know his schedule and when there would be an opportunity for him to meet him. 
This also could explain why Fu waited that long to talk to Adrien. Mind you, this is only a theory that occured to me as I am answering you. Fu had translated the grimoire but was still deciphering the power-up formulas until he figured everything out by the end of Syren. If Fu knew of Adrien’s highly supervised lifetime, he knew he couldn’t meet him up as often as with Marinette. So my theory is Fu as waited that long to make it count. To have one opportunity to reveal everything Adrien needed to be updated, then go back into hiding. The fact Fu presented himself as a substitute teacher seems to reaffirm it was exceptionnal for him to be even there in the first place. 
In any case, we don’t know if Fu meet up with Adrien occasionnally afterwards. Syren is the sole S2 episode we see them interact together. However, in Frozer, the fact Adrien knows exactly which Magi-Camembert to feed Plagg to help him fight an ice-theme Akuma hints us he has the necessary knowledge about the power-up potions to be efficient in helping out. And at the end of the Mayura episode, he completes Ladybug’s sentence when she is guessing what power has help Hawkmoth escaped.
LB: A feather! The second Miraculous that Master Fu lost-- CN: Was the Peacock!
So Fu also has told Adrien the same story he has told Marinette during the Collector. 
Season 3
During S3, again, Fu’s scenes are almost exclusively with Marinette. We can think of Backwarder and Feast as examples there.
In Reflekdoll, Adrien as Mister Bug erroneously refers the Amok as another Akuma before being corrected by Lady Noire who then explains the situation they are in so Mister Bug is better informed to better fight it. If we rewatch Mayura, Ladybug didn’t know what a Sentimonster even was then. It’s only after seeing the feather she understands it was the Peacock power in action. She probably asked more questions specific related to that Miraculous to Fu afterwards. And if Fu didn’t meet with Adrien, the information had yet to be pass on (and Reflekdoll was supposed to be an early S3 episode according to production order). 
As Ladybug, Marinette knows she has to study her foe and acquire the most knowledge she can in order to understand her Lucky Charm’s guidance, otherwise she would lose precious time. Ladybug has end user experience while Mister Bug knowledge of how the Lucky Charm work up until now was from a spectator perspective only. That’s why as Lady Noire, she has to coach him. Something might look easy until you actually had to try it out yourself. Not to mention the Lucky Charm IS particular compared to other Miraculous powers. Add to that the fact they were against two opponents who have combined their power rushed things up a bit. Nonetheless, since both were fighting a Sentimonster for the very first time, there were trial and errors in order to take it down. 
In Kwami Buster, like Marinette, Adrien knows he would have to give back his Miraculous if his secret identity was discovered. So if that was a new information to the viewers, both were still on the same page there about the stake. 
In Feast, Fu tried to protect both of Marinette and Adrien from the Sentimonster by taking away their respective Miraculous. And both Marinette and Adrien disguise themselves to keep their identity hidden and protected Master Fu. 
In Timetagger, Chat Noir’s question about the Rabbit Miraculous leaves me perplexed about the level of his Miraculous knowledge. He asked why they don’t rely on the Rabbit Miraculous more often since it appears to be a powerful one. Future!Alix then has to explain playing with time can have severe consequences. So either he lacks knowledge about the consequences regarding certain Miraculous power usage OR -- since he is more impulsive as a superhero and thus tends to rush into action -- it can simply have asked because he doesn’t think of the consequences that much. Not to mention Ladybug fixes anything anyway so there isn’t much of a problem to use any particular Miraculous from his point of view.
Anyway, despite Feast events, it is only in Party Crasher that we finally get an interaction between Fu and Chat Noir. Fu tries to stop CN from going against the supervillain alone now that Ladybug has been captured. However, CN is too upset to listen to him. Fu had the Miracle Box hidden nearby him. For this scene, it sounds plausible Fu was about to give the occasion for Chat Noir to select an ally to help him, but since CN didn’t listen to reason, Fu ended up distributing the Miraculous himself. 
In Miracle Queen, CN quickly tries to reason Ladybug to not use two Miraculous at the same time. Since he knows how dangerous it can be to do so, it means Fu has also told him that information previously. 
So, from all of this, despite lacking on-screen interactions with Fu, we can see Adrien is still pretty much up to date to what Fu could teach them regarding the Miraculous, their rules and powers, though he might have missed some details here and there. 
“I choose you both for a reason. Stay united!” 
Ever since Origin, Fu never regretted his choice. He is certain the Ladybug and Black Cat Holders he has chosen are the right ones. That they complement one another. Together, they can support one another and succeed. 
So, even if Fu wanted Ladybug to be the next Guardian of the Miracle Box, he didn’t think any less of Chat Noir as her partner. 
However, due to the disctinctive circumstances, Marinette was however personally closer to Fu than Adrien was. And this is reflected in this Miracle Queen scene toward the end. 
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When they go to Fu, LB is on her knees, right next to Fu. Pleading him to wake up. Touching him even. Chat Noir contrasts this. He is standing a bit away from Fu. Silent. There is a subtle animation of his fists tightening as Fu is not waking up though. So he is not insensitive to what is happening before him, but he is more of a spectator. He cannot do anything so he stands there. It’s only when he think of a possible hope that he sits next the LB. 
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A bit later, after realizing their Master’s amnesia is permanent, we can compare their reaction. 
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Notice that CN is placed behind LB, not next to her. Sure he is down, but LB’s expression is sadder. She will be far longer and deeper affected by this loss than her partner. Because LB was closer to Fu than he was and they supported this visually.   
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“Master, do you recognize me?”
If Chat Noir and Ladybug were both as emotionally attached to Fu, they would be framed equally with Fu at the center of the frame probably. And Ladybug would have said “us”. Here, it is specific to her. She has the attachment to Fu as an individual. She is closer to him visually. She is the one putting a hand on her chest.
Chat Noir is there and shares a similar pose than her. His head is aligned with her to draw an invisible line to Fu. Meaning he too wants Fu to be ok, but he is a bit cut by the edges of the frame. So to me, CN feels more as support to LB here than anything else. 
And color wise, we easily more associated Fu and LB together due to the dominance of the red it their respective outfit.
So yeah. LB’s bond with Fu was deeper. That doesn’t mean Fu disrespected or neglected Chat Noir on purpose. Like I’ve said, Adrien’s civilian life shut him down opportunities like spending more time with Fu, just like it costs him opportunities to hang with his friends. Fu knew Adrien’s life was controlled. He saw that boy who wanted to go to school being shut down and submitted to go back home. And that’s probably why Fu waited so long. He needed to be prepared and effective to preserve his identity as the Guardian. After all, we know Gabriel Agreste dislikes outsiders. If Fu had to go often to the mansion to meet Adrien on several instances, my guess is he would have been investigated. But since his visit at the end of Syren seems exceptionnal and impromptu, Fu’s real identity was safe. And he made it count. 
Anyway, Chat Noir’s relationship to Fu doesn’t make him less of Ladybug’s partner. Now that LB is the official Guardian, their dynamic will probably evolve. But Fu believed LB and CN will stay united and have each other’s back, no matter the trials they have to overcome. 
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