#well. brooke and chloe become one with the plants
lohstandfound · 1 year
because of my tags on that last post i reblogged, im gonna talk about the spores au. it has everything! it has space travel! alien plants! major character death! pinkberry! richjake! so much angst! mind control!
Jake Dillinger, Rich Goranski, Michael Mell, Chloe Valentine, and Brooke Lohst are off on a long space journey to investigate an odd radio signal coming from a distant sector that hasn't been documented very well. (Jake keeps semi-regular audio logs to send back to HQ, along with any reports and findings any of them find).
After a long journey, Michael is able to pinpoint where the signal is coming from. They find an old ship floating stagnant in space with a looping message. "For God's sake, leave us be, go away".
But they make the same mistake as everyone else does in a horror movie.
They investigate.
That was their job.
The ship is overgrown with off plants and Rich is enamoured. Unfamiliar plants in the undocumented sector? A botanist's dream. They connect to with ship to bring it to the nearby planet. In a moment of excitement, Rich rushes to board the ship without any safety gear. Jake is quick to catch him before he gets too far.
They land both ships on the planet's surface and Rich is out exploring. He does so every day. Michael is working through files and records to determine where the ship came from (and why there is no sign of any previous crew). Chloe has dragged Brooke aboard the new ship to try and get it up and running. Jake keeps track of reports and findings, occassionally joining Rich.
Jake is the first to notice that Rich's obsession with the plants is consuming him. It's all Rich focuses on. Jake begins to miss his Rich.
Brooke starts getting sick.
Rich disappears.
Jake wants to follow him, to go find him. Michael refuses to let Jake go off alone, it's too dangerous. So Jake spends sleepless nights waiting for his Rich to come back for him. He swears he can hear Rich singing or calling out to them.
Brooke starts sharing the same vacant look in her eyes as Rich did before he disappeared. She finds herself wanderin close to the edge of the wilderness.
Late one night, in Brooke's seemingly last moment of sanity, (although that's debatable, it's like she's in a trance), she makes Jake promise to take care of Chloe is something were to happen to her.
And then Brooke disappears.
Days later, while exploring the abandoned ship, Jake finds Brooke. Barely breathing, covered in fungi. They're feeding off her, but they're the only thing keepin her alive.
Suddenly, the masses of plants make sense.
Chloe refuses to leave her side.
Michael finds records of the old ship. Him and Jake report their findings back to HQ. Michael decides to risk exploring the planet for signs of the previous crew.
Michael doesn't come back.
Jake's alone.
If only they left sooner. He blames himself. They should have left when Rich disappeared and Brooke got sick. But they stayed, and Jake is convinced it's because of him.
(Chloe and Michael decided to stay because they needed to fulfil their mission. But no mission is worth risking their lives. If only they had thought about that)
Suddenly, Rich is back.
But it's not his Rich.
This Rich has a wild look in his eyes, covered in fungi. Jake's pleas fall on deaf ears. Rich has found a way for him and Jake to be together forever, and he's going to do it no matter what Jake wants.
The last recording HQ gets is Jake pleading for his life before Rich cuts the recording.
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so-were-heroes · 3 years
Even more ideas (Sorry if it’s annoying, just don’t know if the previous ask has arrived):
Akuma!Martha isn’t the one to be able of time traveling. She could have more magic related powers. Her sentimonster is the one that can time travels. This way, it’s less confusing to use the rabbit. Because they would only use it once to go back to Adrien and Marinette’s time and no more complicated time mess.
Alicorn’s first appearance: Veronica’s akumatization. She has plant themed powers “Dream of IVY COVERED WALLS and smoky French cafés” Easter egg. The school becomes a forest and they need the horse to move easier.
Rooster!Chandler: I saw some people theorizing about the rooster being about sound powers, and Heather Chandler is famous because of the “Shut up, Heather”, line so, it could work. They also represent pride, so, it could work, depending on canon. Also, since the other two Heathers already have miraculouses, it would make sense for her to get her own (after a lot of redemption and she would be probably the last one to receive a miraculous)
Dog: Gretchen Wieners. She has some similarities with Sabrina and no Mean Girls’ character has a miraculous yet. It could work. Other options would be one of the Six queens, since none of them have miraculouses, maybe Jenna, and giving the snake to Anne Boleyn since it would match her color scheme, or Brooke, or maybe give the bee someone else, and give Chloe the dog. He truth is I am not sure who would match the dog the most. There are a lot of good candidates and musicals with characters with no miraculouses.
I’m thinking she’s upset by all of the constant fear her friends are living in because of Hawkmoth and Night Feathers and wishes for a simple, happier time (Kindergarten) Cue Akumatization, and she gets a Pegasus sentimonster.
This happens overnight. Evan and Connor transform when they realize an Akuma is active when Plagg and Tikki start having these memories they don’t recall and a new post appears on the Ladyblog… From thirteen years ago. Before they go to somehow fight the Akuma who’s in another time, Veronica rushes over to them (While they’re transformed) with her journal. In it is a message from Bunnix telling them to go find the Rabbit Miraculous that the current Guardian has saved especially for Veronica on Bunnix’s orders after Paris’ Akuma problem ended.
Now as Blue Berret she travels back in time to help teenage Ladybug and Chat Noir defeat Akuma!Martha, confusing them to no end. (Akuma battle, Miracle Cure, All is well)
I do love a good Easter Egg
Oh, she’s gonna need a LOT of redemption if this is gonna happen
Yeah, I’m not so sure about the dog either. It seems like that Miraculous represents loyalty, and quite a few characters are like that. We’ll just see what its powers are in season four and then decide
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a-simple-gaywitch · 7 years
Fighting Back
Summary: Prince Jeremy is out in the village when he spots (Y/N) being attacked. He uses his lessons to defend her, leading to some emotions to become uncovered
Author’s Note: Part 2!!!
Warnings: attempted assault, swearing
Pairing: Prince!Jeremy x Reader
Type: fluff / angst / smut / other
* * * * * 
After the ball, you were sitting out in the palace gardens, a goblet of water in your hand as you closed your eyes and reveled in the cool air. You knew you should get going, get back to your room at the inn, but you couldn’t be bothered to get up. Eventually, you got off the marble bench and decided to change into your regular clothes before heading back into town. Jeremy watched from his room as you walked down the halls. He couldn’t help but think you looked better in your regular clothes. You looked so much more comfortable and confident.
You walked through the small town towards a bakery you heard was very good when you got cornered by a group of men.
“Well, look what we have here,” the one said, stepping closer to you.
“Stay away,” you growled, patting your pockets for your dagger. Your heart fell to your stomach when you realized you didn’t have it on you. You were defenseless. 
“Hey! Leave her alone!” a familiar voice yelled.
“Oh-ho, is little Princey here to save his damsel in distress?” the other man sneered, pulling a knife out of his pocket. 
Jeremy grabbed a blade from the inside of his cloak and disarmed the man. This distracted the one holding you enough for you to break free. You ended up spinning away, knocking into Jeremy. His arm wrapped around you as he held you close, his knife still pointed at your attackers. 
“Go,” Jeremy told them, still holding you to his chest. “Go or I’ll call the palace guards and make sure you never see the light of day again.” The men scrambled off their separate ways. You breathed a sigh of relief, barely noticing your body was shaking. “Hey, are you okay?” Jeremy asked, turning you so you could look at him. “Did they hurt you?”
You stared at Jeremy. “You-you did it.”
“What?” he asked, confusion clear on his face as he brushed a strand of hair away from your face.
“You saved me.” You leaned up closer to him as he bent towards you. 
Your lips were centimeters away when you were interrupted by a shot of “Jeremy! Where’d you go, man?”
Jeremy pulled his face away from yours and let you go. “Over here, Michael!”
You cleared your throat and straightened out your clothes. “Thank you, Jeremy,” you said. “I truly owe you a debt of gratitude.
That night, you laid awake in your room, staring at the ceiling. You couldn’t stop thinking about that morning’s events. if he hadn’t been interrupted, would Jeremy have kissed you? Did you want him to kiss you?
Little did you know that across the kingdom, Jeremy was wide awake, thinking the same things. He was pacing the floor of his room, running his fingers through his hair. There was a knock at his door, pulling him from his thoughts.
“Come in.”
In came the seamstress’s apprentice, Brooke. “Your Highness, you need to get some sleep,” she said. She was carrying a new set of dress robes. “You have a very busy day tomorrow.”
Jeremy waved her words off. “I can’t,” he said, running his hand down his face.
Brooke pulled up a chair. “Is it (Y/N)?”
“Oh, please, everyone’s talking about what happened in the alley today. You know Michael can’t keep his mouth shut. You know he tells me and Chloe what goes on.”
Jeremy sighed. “I just... I don’t know. A week ago she was just the annoying warrior my dad hired. Now I can’t stop thinking about how beautiful and strong she is. The way her eyes glint in the sunlight, the way she has that little half smirk when she knows she’s right, the way she-”
“Okay, okay, I get it,” Brooke laughed. “Why don’t you talk to her?”
“What, and risk getting stabbed? Yeah, I’d rather just suffer in silence.”
A month later, you were gathering your stuff when you received a summons to go to the palace. You walked into the throne room, your head held high. 
“Can I help you, your majesty?” you asked, inclining your head. 
“I’d like to offer you a permanent job on my staff,” the king told you. “You did a fantastic job training Jeremiah to defend himself and you would be a wonderful addition to our guard.”
You smiled at him ruefully. “I’m sorry, your highness, I’ll have to decline.” Jeremy, who had been sitting in his seat next to his father, popped his head up. “I can only stay in one place for so long. I’m a restless soul.”
He nodded. “Very well. Thank you for your service. I will have someone bring you your money before you leave.”
You bowed your head before walking out of the room. As you walked down the hallway, you heard someone call you.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N) wait!” You turned around to see Jeremy running towards you. 
“Can I help you?” you asked, straightening the pack on your back.
“Don’t go.”
“Stay here. Become a member of our staff. Please.”
“I thought you couldn’t stand me, your highness,” you said, raising an eyebrow. You swore you saw Jeremy’s cheeks flush.
“Not exactly.”
He cleared the space between you, standing in front of you and taking your hands in his. He couldn’t help but admire how they seemed dainty yet well-worked and calloused. “I, uh, I...” Jeremy chewed his lower lip, trying to think of what to say.
“Fuck it,” he muttered before cupping your cheeks and planting his lips on yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his hands wrapped around your back. 
You two broke away at the sound of applause. Turning around, you saw not only Jeremy’s friends, but also Jeremy’s father clapping and celebrating. You felt your cheeks heat up and saw that Jeremy’s face was also red.
“I think I might stay,” you announced to no one in particular. 
Tag List: @robot-anon @spade-anon @diamond-anon @avocado-anon @8-bit-anon @the-trashy-tornado @brooklyns-here-enthusiast @stargirl-murphy @amodestnewsie @saltymermaid @watch-the-whole-world-disappear @albertslamb @musical-trash-meg
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bb-bigbang-org · 4 years
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EPISODE 3 - “The bottom line: I really hope that this is the week where Drew goes.” - CODY
Daily Thoughts for Day 10:
Parting Words: Before the eviction, Ashley DMed me with some parting knowledge. She said she knows she is being evicted, but to make sure I watch out for Joe because he is well-liked and a "wild-card". She said he's close with Brooke, Kayla, Mandi, & Frosby and they may feel like they owe him. None of this surprises me, it is similar to what Austin told me yesterday. I do wonder if there's another alliance that Frosby is in with Joe. I do still trust Frosby and I believe that he has my best interest at heart, even if there is something else going on. I may just ask him straight up if there's another alliance.
Eviction: Ashley was evicted on a unanimous vote. I don't have much to say about this. She must have gotten herself in a bad position with both sides of the house. That's unfortunate. I wonder what's going to happen with her dying star. She messaged me before leaving so maybe she likes me, and she might give it to me. But I don't necessarily want it because I have a chance of getting the disadvantage too…
Omg yessssssssss! Lukas winning is one of the best outcomes that could ever happen for me this week.  Having a second alliance with mandi and drew I feel will be good for me long term in the game as well. I like everyone in the game but they are some ppl I dont trust.  Brook, joe,frosby,and katrina are ppl I'm watching out for. ik trying to keep brook close to me tho just incase maybe she actually does wanna work together.  
I’m loving this idea that Lukas has come up with about getting the house to cast votes on who they want to go. Because my blow up with Drew I think did plant some seeds that he’s not really an asset in this game. And from what I’ve heard people are looking to throw some votes at him, which means that if he finishes in the top 2 of this. And Lukas is a man of his word, then Drew goes up on the block
The downside is that I’ve been the biggest character so far in this game. It’s been majorly impossible for me to slide under the radar though I have tried ever since I got saved. After Austin saved me I’ve been trying to be super chill and I think I’ve done a good job at it so hopefully people will realise that there’s bigger fish to fry in this game than myself. I actually think the fact that I’ve been on the block twice in this game could be something that people won’t respect and I might be able to twist it in my favour and say that I’m not going to win because everybody keeps nominating me “I’m such a joke”, who knows it might actually work. Will just have to wait and see...
Lukas did express interest in wanting to save me last week had he won power of veto however he did approach me after the blowup with Drew saying it probably wouldn’t be a smart move for him however my argument would be that if Drew is truly playing a bad social game I don’t think saving me would have been that big of a hindrance in the game
The bottom line: I really hope that this is the week where Drew goes. He’s my biggest liability in this game and has no allegiance to me or any of my people. And the longer he stays in the worse off myself and my people are....
Daily Thoughts for Day 11:
HOH Strategy: I am wary about winning the HOH this week because I feel like I am sort of sitting in between two sides of the house. Austin seems to trust me and come to me with information, but I have an alliance with Cody, and they are enemies. For the comp, I tried to get decent scores that I didn't think would win. Last time I tried that, I placed 2nd out of 16 players though... I'm nervous!
HOH Results: Lukas won HOH again. He is probably putting a target on his back winning 2/3 HOHs, but that's not my problem. I'm okay with this win. I don't think he'll come after me because he talks to me fairly often. He may go after Cody because he's already put him up and it'd be safer than putting new blood on his hands. But I think we'll have to just see what happens. He just said "This HOH is going to work a little different, so stay tuned!" What does that mean??
Lukas's Announcement - Lukas has decided to put his nominations up to a house vote. That's probably the smartest way for him to mitigate risk from being HOH twice already. I feel even more okay after this because I feel like there are definitely bigger targets in this house than me. I feel pretty safe from nomination this week...
Andy's Realization: After discussing the nomination votes with the Syndicate alliance, Andy brought up a really good point about this Lukas thing. He may be trying to put a smaller target on his back by asking the house who they want out. But really he's gaining a lot of information from everyone about who they want gone. He could figure out what the alliances are based on who answers the same. So, we are going to each put slightly different votes to try to deflect suspicion.
Brooke: Apparently Brooke messaged Cody saying she's going to suggest that I go up because I never reply to her DMs. I want to be upset by this but she's kinda right, I don't really answer her DMs because usually she doesn't say much so I don't have anything meaningful to respond to…
I’m going to start with this. I hated Lukas “google form” on how he’s going to make his decision. Nevertheless, He was “a man of his word” and made his decision based on how the house voted. I’m really surprised with the results. Or am I? 
I got 0 votes, that is wonderful, my under the radar (UTR) strategy is going great. SYNDICATE is my main alliance, but I know it can die. WHATS THE TEA is my spy alliance, I want to keep Brooke close, I trust mandi 100%, she talks straight up, but Brooke is very calculated with her words, I can’t trust her, so I need someone I can trust with someone I don’t, to make them feel comfortable, and when I have the opportunity, strike. LONG CON. FUNFRESHFAB is my underdog alliance, I’m very certain this two girls are alone in the game, and if not, is good to have all wild cards in one room. I like small alliances, right now. With these two alliances. I can pick off at least KAYLA  and DREW. 
More later.. xoxo 🥥 
I keep losing track of if I submitted...sorry if this is a duplicate
Daily Thoughts for Day 12:
I was nominated over Cody...are you freaking kidding meeeeeeeeee? Ugh I'm super annoyed right now. I hope that I'm not the target here. Lukas's HOH strategy is just a mess, and if the intention was to stay without blood on his hands, it really backfired. We see through this strategy and recognize how much information he just collected. I don't know what I'm going to do, though... I just have to try hard for POV. If Austin wins, I wonder if he would use it, and if so on who? I'm guessing he's closer with Kayla than with me, but we do still talk game often...so I don't know..
Well shit I got put on the block for a second time in this game
And I genuinely don’t have much hope whatsoever that I’ll be saved sadly...I am still trying to scramble however it’s just not likely and I’m at peace with it. It does suck that Drew is gonna get the last laugh on me I really wanted to send that guy home after he screwed me and then went on to alienate himself from me and my people
Daily Thoughts for Day 13:
POV Competition: That competition had me majorly stressed. I spent hours preparing and I still didn't do as much as I would have liked. If time was a factor, I'd be screwed. But, overall I think I did okay. My strategy was to try to cut the pool in half with each question.
Pre-POV Results Thoughts: Austin said he would use the POV on me if he wins because he wants to work with me. I'm not sure if he actually will, but if he does win I need to prepare my allies for the possibility of him using it on me, so they don't think I'm doing something sneaky behind my back. I never approached Austin to work with him, but he messages me every day telling me his plans and now wants to help me, so why would I turn that down? I could use that to my advantage and help my allies.
POV Ceremony: I was sooooooo close to winning that POV and that frustrates me a lot. Brooke won, who is buddy buddy with Kayla, so it was obvious that she would take Kayla off the block. My only saving grace is that Cody was the replacement nominee and I think it's pretty obvious that he's a bigger threat than me.
Campaigning For Votes: I have talked to the other members of the Syndicate alliance and they have both agreed to vote Cody out instead of me. Austin also messaged me and said that he is for sure voting Cody and he is pushing for others to do the same. Kayla told me even before the POV ceremony that she would vote for me to stay over Cody if she had the option. I have also heard that Chloe and Katrina are voting out Cody as well. So, if everyone is telling the truth, then I'll be safe. I won't feel safe until the votes are read, though.
So ya with Cody and Desiree up on the Block for this elimination this just fucking sucks for me right now. Like really is the worst for my game. I mean I knew Cody would eventually go, that's why I was keeping him around was to be a vote shield for as long as I could keep him around. Now it looks like he is gone for good which I mean is better than seeing Desiree go, and I mean at this point with how many people voted for Desiree she might just become me and Andrews new vote shield. All I know is Andrew and I were sitting pretty in our 4 man alliance with Cody and Desiree and now this whole vote thing Lukas did really screwed over the Syndicate alliance. The good news is the alliance is designed to be the under the radar players all teaming up and working together without anyone knowing about us. That plan can still work without Cody, it actually might be a lot easier to work without Cody, because if Desiree can slide back into the shadows after this vote us 3 can quietly make a Final 6 if we play our cards right and not make any enemies and I know Andrew is good at not making enemies as for Desiree, seeing 6 different people vote for her in the Lukas poll makes me think she isn't as Under the Radar as I thought.  Oh well we will see how this vote goes, I'm thinking about making a play to just vote against Desiree with Katrina, just to make the vote 9-2 but then both of us just deny it like crazy and act like we have no idea who those 2 votes are and create more chaos in the house that I, Katrina and Andrew can all use to hide under. (again this idea is in the back of my mind but I probably won't do it idk yet, I might feel a little silly when I cast my vote this afternoon so we will see)  
i wish we could get the votes to flip again. that would really stir up the house.😂 but only 2 other people are on board with me.
Daily Thoughts for Day 13:
Smear Campaign: I woke up today to the news that Cody has been running a smear campaign against me. He is telling people that I was the one pushing to vote Kayla out. Meanwhile, Cody was the one who first mentioned targeting Kayla. It seems like they aren't believing the lies, which is great, but I wonder what else he's saying that I haven't heard about...
Eviction: So, the vote was 10-1 and Cody was evicted. Thank goodness. I mean, I figured it would go that way, but you just never know. Before Cody left, he said he was lying about it being his birthday. What a piece of work... Getting to know him he seemed like a good guy, I just wish he didn't play the villain so much.
HOH Competition: That competition was so hard and I need to work on my typing skills. Pretty sure there's no way I'm winning this one.😞 Hopefully one of my other alliance members wins…
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consider: a bmc wreck it ralph au!!
my initial response to this ask: nah it’s not gonna happen
then: wait a sec
AHEM. jeremy is primarily known as ‘player two’ in his little 90s two player arcade game, Survive! (a zombie kill-and-escape game set in a high school), which he inhabits with ‘player one’ michael. they’re best friends and have spent decades running from zombies together. also, jeremy is a tiny bit insanely head-over-heels for his player one, but shhhhh, nobody’s supposed to know!
however, trouble starts up when rich, their game’s primary supporting character, starts getting a little….weird. he gets a red streak in his hair. his lines within-game are delivered with more aggressiveness. after arcade hours, he’s a sudden party animal with rising popularity in the central circuit hub. also, he starts giving jeremy and michael the cold shoulder, despite having been friends with them for years. it’s weird.
it gets weirder, though, because the kids at the arcade start to notice. 
“hey, isn’t this guy kinda cool?” a boy points at rich on the screen. “how come we can’t play him? we’re just stuck playing the losers.”
jeremy doesn’t take that comment very well. 
“it’s not my fault I was programmed like this,” he wails into his hands. he’d nearly broken character, and then rich had ragged on him for slacking on player-character duties, and somehow it escalated into him arguing with michael as soon as the arcade closed for the day.
brooke, who he maybe-kinda-dated back in the late 90s when her game came in, pets his back and lets him cry some more. she casually deduced his enormous emotional baggage container for michael ages ago, and has since become his confidante. she’s used to jeremy’s breakdowns. 
“well, rich was programmed but he’s different now,” she says. “maybe you can change like him, too.”
jeremy’s still stung by loser, weary from years of pining, and he wants things to change. he wants to change. he wants to become cool, using whatever coding-sorcery that rich used. so he goes and asks.
rich, surprisingly enough, is helpful. he tells jeremy to go to Rehearsal Time, which is basically a ddr arcade machine but lets you choose characters to dance as, and to go ask Director Reyes, the game’s kinda-narrator, for help. say that rich sent him. 
so jeremy treks off to dance game land, and the first person he bumps into is christine. christine is, according to everybody else in the game, a glitch, because she doesn’t belong on the roster, her name’s never included and she’s not allowed to show herself on the screen, but she insists that she was made for the stage and to perform. she can feel it in her code!
mmmm okay and I’m not sure about specifics, but from there it all goes sideways, because associating with christine gets jeremy on reyes’s bad side, and idk somehow jeremy is still stuck there when the arcade opens, and michael wants to know where his player two is. rich has started going oddly glitch-y and incoherent, so michael runs to brooke for answers, and brooke goes with him to Rehearsal Time. 
somehow on the way, they run into chloe, who’s from the new action shooter game, and brooke is immediately smitten. jenna, who’s from chloe’s game, plays communications and data analyst, and she’s noticed something weird about the arcade’s data flow across the games, so she and chloe are investigating. all signs point towards Rehearsal Time, so they join brooke and michael and invade the game. 
aaaaand idek, jake, reyes’s right hand man, has started noticing something fishy going on, so he goes to help out christine and jeremy, and then they all crash into the others, then the big reveal shows that reyes is actually the squip, a villain from an old arcade game who got tired of always being vanquished by the players, and he’s been invading all the games across the arcade via planting code into characters from those games, and he intends to take over the entire arcade. he’s already virus-controlling a large amount of the arcade characters (including rich), and it’s up to jeremy and the others to save the arcade!
(and does he finally kiss michael? who knows? brooke and chloe get married less than two weeks later, though)
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fablefan · 7 years
Little SQUIP of Horrors
Ok but like wherES MY LSOH AU FOR BMC PEO PL E
Nerdy florist Jeremy staying and working for Mr. Reyes in his flower shop with his co-worker / crush Christine
Michael working nearby at the local ‘nerd’ store that has video games and comic books and stuff and also pining for his best friend / cute florist
Business goes slow and they all need some quick cash fast so Jeremy introduces a plant he got, one with neon blue leaves and a silver bud
(He got it from Rich. “It’s from Japan, 100% guarantees will change your life!” And Jeremy’s just like “COOL”)
He names it the SQUIP from Michael’s suggestion, but it doesn’t seem to grow well unless it’s fed green Mountain Dew
The plant makes the shop an instant success, even as Jeremy splurges all his money on Mountain Dew and grows close to Christine
Then one night, while Jer’s closing the store the SQUIP talks to him
And he sounds like Keanu Reeves for some reason
Over the next few days the SQUIP talks to Jeremy in secret, teaching him how to ‘be more chill’ and how to become famous
It also tells him that with the SQUIP, he might be able to convince Christine to turn away from her ‘bad boy’ boyfriend / dentist Jake
It’s basically the same thing as the original musical except instead of a murderer Jeremy’s just a jerk
And there’s a lot more gay in it too
Oh yeah and Brooke, Chloe, and Jenna are the backup singers
Because why tf not
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crusty-the-snowman · 6 years
How to train your dragon au Humans: Michael Jake Chloe Jenna Christine Dragons Rich - flame whipper Jeremy: night fury Mr.Heere: also nightfury fight me The squip: blue death (haha like red death) Brooke: Nadder? Changewing? Take this while I'm playing my How To Train Your Dragon Game SO Michael works as a blacksmith And so do his moms, Its kind of a family thing for them Michael, Jake, Jenna, Chloe and Christine are in training to learn how to slay dragons But theyre bad at working as a group, and on their own Christine and Jake tend to be spacey and were awful at keeping an eye on the dragons And Michael really just knows how to make weapons, not so much use them The people who stood the best chance were Jenna who honestly jyst likes studying dragons so she knows a lot about them And Chloe whos very good with weapons But those two couldnt work together very well. Mr.Reyes is dissapointed in his latest students. Michaels moms assured him its okay and if he can still be a blacksmith Its somewhat assuring, but not quite for Michael personally Jake would say his parents were dissapointed in him but they were taken by dragons, It wouldve made him a chief, but because hes so young Chloe parents were put in charge until Jakes old enough During a dragon raid one night Michael tried to shoot a Night Fury only to find himself horrifically missing and dissapointed in himself During said raid a couple dragons even go out of their cages A couple days later Michael went to gather wood only to find Night Fury scales Upon following them he found a A Night Fury with its legs wrapped up in a net in an odd way like it got itself tangled Michael with nothing else he can do with it, started to try and check out this strange dragon and document it the best he could. Only upon trying to look at its legs, unwrapped it just enough for the dragon to get away and found it didnt try to kill him. Because it was getting late Michael had to go home. The next day he went to retrieve the rope (he realized it could still be used) and noticed there were tracks assumedly from the Night Fury, but they looked bigger than he remembered Long story short Michael followed the tracks and finds the Night Fury. It doesnt appear injured but it appears VERY clumsy and occupied with a pond its trying to catch fish in. But Michael with a lack of planning for this to happen decides to start writing in a notebook the things he notices about the Night Fury from a distance. When he gets home he beings the rope back and lets his moms know he found it, (which theyre very proud of him for doing) So Michael starts leaving to study this Night Fury more, thinking he could be like the botanists that wrote the book of dragons and be really good at this. His moms are mainly happy hes found taking walks to be a sort of nice hobby He also notes Jake leaving late at night often as Michael comes back around the same time and maybe because hes really gay for Jake (this is relevant) After one very long day thats turning into night Michael realises something that he can't find an explanation for while watching this night fury hes dubbed Jeremy 1. Jeremy can't seem to hunt for himself but he seems well fed 2. Jeremy definitely doesnt match the size of the tracks he followed to him that seem to still match the shape of his foot Because he's stayed out so late though Michael gets his answer Theres the sound of a thud outside of the tunnel and in a panic he scrambles all the way inside the cave just barely out of the way to see another larger Night Fury to come in that definitely better matches the tracks he follwed The size difference suggests and same species suggests maybe this Jeremys dad. Which seems confirmed when he finds this is the the one who seems to be feeding Jeremy And it makes a lot more sense now Michael shot the net and missed hitting the Night Fury he was aiming for, but Jeremy was the one who ended up tangled up in it. For now Michael intends to leave but trying to go towards the tunnel doesnt go well when he drops his notebook Because of this in a matter of minutes hes stuck in place with a large Night Furry towering over him and huffing Michaels pretty sure this is it for him and closes his eyes regretting his life choices Until this Night Fury sneezed and proceeded to puke a fish on him like it puked fish up for Jeremy. And its clear he was just sniffing Michael and seemed to see him as a not a threat (unbeknownst to Michael its partially because Michaels been collecting NightFury scales that Jeremys been shedding and led to him smelling like him) Its also noteable Jeremy didn't take notice of Michael until his dad moved towards him. And as jeremys dad was getting Jeremys attention instead of making any noise he would manage to touch jeremy first to get his attention And until this point jeremy never took notice of Michael before when he he'd dropped things so appeared Jeremy had hearing problems which possibly had affected Jeremys abilty to hunt With this Michael came home very late and ended up having to tell his moms the truth who were very worried about him Surprisingly they werent mad considering they let Michael talk and explain how Jeremy and his dad didnt attack him and Jeremys dad even tried to feed him. Michaels moms thought this was interesting because nobody known anything about Night Furys before and Michael has the scales to prove it. They promise not to tell because Michael and his moms also know Chloes parents wouldnt be as understanding and if they heard Michael suddenly befriended dragons For now Michael keeps going alone to visit Jeremy who hes now found is quite friendly and even stops caring when Michael doesnt vary the scales with that makes him smell like a Night Fury If anything Jeremy gets excited the moment he can smell Michael and even starts saving food for when Michael shows up. (Though Michael just pretends to eat it and later bring it back to feed Jeremys dad) Over time it seems like Michaels been improving at the academy for (understanding) and "defeating" dragons, though Jake just seems better at dodging and being ignored by them Over time Michael even gets the idea to see if Jeremy can fly since hes yet to see it and one night hangs out to wait for Jeremys dad to also show up It's becomes apparent by comparison Jeremy has a weirdly formed tail wing which with a lack of hearing might mean Jeremy has some birth defects  [que some of Michael getting help from his moms to make a prosthetic similar to the movie] Michael then waits till Jeremys dad returns in hopes to fly with him and that way he can also count on him to teach Jeremy to fly assuming Jeremy hasnt been able to prior The first attempt is rough as Jeremy finds Michael cannot hold on if theyre flying upside down, but Mr.Heere is big enough he manages to grab Michael by the back of his shirt and carry Jeremy to the ground very carefully The next couple attemps was Michael and Jeremy learning to work together to fly and jeremy being taught to fly by jers dad who just so happy his son and the weird small fleshy dragon he's befriended are able to fly with him together Also in this time (maybe also because flying was way fun and Michael felt like he could do anything if he could help Jeremy fly) Michael finds the courage to ask out Jake and happen to run into him when Jakes returning home in the dead of night. Jake seems very frantic in getting inside which makes Michael very worried until he hears a squawk but not a bird type squawk And Jake panics and asks Michael to promise he wont tell anyone about what hes doing if Jake let's him inside Michaels says yes and next thing he knows Jake has pulled him into a kiss for a moment before pulling him inside One of the dragons that had escaped to academy during a raid was a red and light blue Flamewhipper, a dragon resembling a gecko and used to constantly drop its tail and paralyze people making fighting it hard Well, Michael thought it escaped like everyone else until suddenly said dragon has crawled down from the ceiling to try and eat fish and a plant called ceriman Jake seems to have in his backpack. Jake named this dragon Rich and admits during the raid he'd taken the time to free Rich feeling like the dragons weren't bad and they were essentially tormenting the dragons in there. However Rich ended up following Jake to his house. Possibly because Jakes house is warm compared to outside and Rich is very fond of crawling in and laying on Jakes jacket So every night since, Jakes been feeding Rich who has yet to leave on his own and seems to be particularly fond of Jake himself to the point Jake has been sharing a bed with him Which now explains why dragons lately have been ignoring Jake as he shells like another dragon Michael doesnt give specifics but says he has a similar situation occuring that his moms know about and decides to stay over with how late it is Rich steals part of Jakes bed Michael also offers for his moms to help Jake feed Rich but Jake declines saying hes worried Rich might not be fond of many people Later that night Jake also apologizes for kissing Michael saying he's been crushing on him for awhile and only did it because he was greatful Michael wasn't going to tell anyone Jakes explanation for his actions is a big gay mood for Michael Michael also asks if he can kiss Jake again Jake says yes and they kiss for a moment until Rich squawks at them because Jake stopped petting him The next day Jake is introduced to Jeremy who thinks Jake is another small fleshy dragon and tries to play with him also sniffs him heavily because he smells Rich and "where is other dragon??!! I can smell him but hes not on this fleshy dragon?!??" Michael explains Jeremy cant hear and has dad that typically feeds him, he also cant fly which is what Michael helps him do with his prosthetic sort of tail Jeremy pukes fish on Jake and Michael tells him he typically feeds it to Jeremys dad later at night Michael also tells Jake hes welcome to come by to visit jeremy and his dad as long as Michael's there too incase Jeremys dad acts differemt towards Jake smelling like a different dragon Jake also asks if Michael and his moms could help make him a saddel like Jeremy has but for Rich Part 1 bc it wont let me post more on this
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