#well. and Not doing acrylic/gel/dip nails will go a long ways too
morgenlich · 1 month
it is a little funny how making a Real Hobby out of painting my nails has resulted in me doing like Self Care stuff because the thing is. most people who don’t wear polish at all or rarely do, don’t usually have to do much to maintain their nail health and don’t have much reason to care about cuticle maintenance. like you CAN care about those things without doing your nails, but if you’re going to subject your nails to, say, pure acetone once a week, you do need to start caring some about those things or your nails will get pretty damaged
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iskedo · 5 months
A guide to choosing the right nails Extension 
Nails have been beautified and decorated for the last numerous years. They make the hands attractive and worth admiring. Most women look for nail extensions as a mode of beautifying their hands. Though everyone wants to go for the nail extension yet there are some points to be considered before opting for the nail extension. More careful consideration of numerous aspects that support your lifestyle, tastes, and general nail health is needed to achieve the ideal set of nail extensions than just cosmetic preferences. A plethora of choices, each with distinct qualities and benefits, must be considered to choose the ideal nail extension. There are a tonne of options available, ranging from glossy gel and stylish dip powder to sturdy acrylics. By providing insights into important factors like lifestyle demands, desired aesthetics, natural nail health, maintenance requirements, and budgetary considerations, this book seeks to streamline the decision-making process. You may make an informed decision that meets your practical demands and improves the beauty of your nails by being aware of these elements. If you work as a busy professional, a style connoisseur, or someone looking for a low-maintenance alternative, this article will lead you through the process of selecting the best nail extension for your requirements. 
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Well, opting for a right nail extension requires certain factors to be taken into consideration, these factors include: 
Think About Your Way of Life: 
Well! If you are planning to go for nail embellishment that is in the form of nail extensions then the first thing that should hover in your mind is your daily routine, the type of activities you do, and the type of lifestyle you possess.  If you work with your hands a lot or lead an active lifestyle, you may wish to choose sturdy and useful extensions. It may take some time to adapt to the extensions once they are done. For those who require nails that are robust and long-lasting, gel or acrylic extensions are appropriate. 
Assess the Health of Your Natural Nails: 
Most of us ignore the need to maintain healthy nails. Talking from a physician's perspective, they are a reflection of your health and well-being. While opting for nail extensions you need to consider the quality of your nails. To reduce any damage, you could pick less strong choices like gel or dip powder if your natural nails are in good condition. Because acrylics increase strength, they might be a better option for people whose nails are weaker. 
Decide on the Style You Want: 
Going for nail extensions requires some background work too. Various kinds of nail extensions provide you with a variety of looks.  You can search online and gain some knowledge in advance so that you can make the right decision. Gel extensions offer a more glossy, natural look, while acrylics give a more robust, bold appearance. Think about whether you want a traditional polished finish, an ombre, or a French tip. Your nail artist or salon provider can also guide you about the same. 
  Consider Upkeep: 
Your lifestyle makes a lot of difference and helps you to choose the right nail extension type. Compared to acrylics, gel extensions frequently require less upkeep and are simpler to remove. Although they require more upkeep and fill more frequently, acrylics last longer. 
Taking the Budget into Account:     Our ability to make financial commitments influences the items we choose, the sort of nail extensions we have, and the salon. Financial and budgetary issues are quite important. Your budget might also have an impact on your choice. Compared to gel or dip powder extensions, which are usually more expensive initially, acrylics could require additional fills. 
Responses Intolerable of:      Everybody has a unique type of skin. Some people may find that products that are appropriate for others cause allergies in others. Some people may experience allergies or sensitivities from specific types of nail extensions. It's always a good idea to do a preventive patch test to help you make the best decision. It is a method that lessens Taking the Budget into Account:     Our ability to make financial commitments influences the items we choose, the sort of nail extensions we have, and the salon. Financial and budgetary issues are quite important. Your budget might also have an impact on your choice. Compared to gel or dip powder extensions, which are usually more expensive initially, acrylics could require additional fills.   
Consult a Professional:     Speaking with a professional who can offer you sound guidance is always a good idea before selecting the appropriate specialist. Ask an experienced nail technician for advice. They can assess the condition of your natural nails, have a conversation with you about your preferences, and recommend the most appropriate type of nail extension for you.   
Look Over the Products:     Before selecting a nail extension, educate yourself on the available various types. Understand the requirements for application, maintenance, and any disadvantages.     Accounts and Assessments:     Consider reading reviews or contacting referrals from people who have already used the specific type of nail extension you are considering. This may provide details regarding client happiness and robustness. 
Trial Duration: Think about putting a few different kinds through trial runs. This enables you to experience how each variety feels and functions, assisting you in making a more knowledgeable choice. 
  Recall that maintaining the health of your natural nails depends on regular application. Never disregard the aftercare advice given by your nail technician and put the health of your nails above long lengths or elaborate designs. 
Finally, an intellectual and wise balance between one's style, the demands of one's lifestyle, and the health of one's nails is required when navigating the varied world of nail extensions. You may now choose the ideal nail extension for your needs by taking into account the important variables that this guide has highlighted. The path to the ideal set of extensions requires careful consideration, regardless of your needs—being economical, wanting a certain look, or prioritizing durability for an active lifestyle. Making an informed option that satisfies your practical requirements and aesthetic preferences may be achieved by assessing your lifestyle, comprehending the state of your natural nails, and taking maintenance requirements into account. Remember that the perfect nail extension preserves the integrity and health of your original nails in addition to adding attractiveness. If you are running a nail art salon or working in a make-up industry, you can also expand your business by opting for an appointment booking app that will not only streamline your business but will also help you to build clientele. You can also bring a revolutionary change to your business by opting for ISKEDO, a most sought-after appointment scheduling app. 
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 16
Thank you so much for reading and loving Derek and Juliet as much as @veroinnumera and I do. We still have a lot more to post and even more to still write! Please let us know what you think :D
What if he meets some gorgeous police officer on a case? What if he gets bored of dating a librarian? What if he realizes he’s way out of your league?
The thoughts bounced around Juliet’s head with the force of a ten pound bowling ball. They were painful and heavy and becoming too much. There was no way she was getting any sleep tonight. Checking the time on her phone, she paused a second to stare at the background. It was a picture of Derek reading to the little ones, the day he’d come to help out. She’d taken under the guise of needing photos for the library’s website...but it had been so fucking adorable she had to hold onto it. Maybe...Before some terrible thought could follow, Juliet dialed his number. If she felt like shit she was allowed to share it with the man she loved. It was okay to be vulnerable. It was still terrifying though.
Thank god they’d wrapped everything up. It had been over a week and he was more than ready to go home. Derek had missed her. Everytime a text came in from a member of the team regarding the case, her picture would flash and remind him of home. He loved his job, but now that he had someone in his life that he loved just as much, it was hard being away all the time, especially on these long cases.
When the phone rang in his pocket, he hoped it was her, smiling when her name popped up. “Juliet? The case is closed. We’ll be coming home tomorrow. How are you? I’ve missed you.”
The sound of his voice put a smile on her face. “That’s great! And I’m fine. No. I’m not fine, that was a lie. Sorry. I’m still working on this open communication thing. And now I’m rambling...long story short my brain is treating me like crap, so I thought I should call you.”
Derek hated the fact that her brain did what it did to her, but he sighed happily knowing she’d called him before the thoughts had spiraled out of control - hopefully. “I’m glad you called,” he said softly, leaning back against the wall. “Your brain is an asshole and I can promise you that none of what it’s saying is true. I love you and I miss you.”
“So you haven’t met a very sexy police officer? Who for some reason my brain suggests looks like a Victoria Secret model and has a British accent, because that accent is insanely attractive?”
“Absolutely not,” Derek replied firmly but softly, putting on his best British accent as he continued. “I haven’t met any sexy police officers and even if I had, I wouldn’t pursue anything because I have a sexy librarian at home waiting for me.”
Juliet snickered on the other side of the line. Calling had been hard originally, but it was for the best. If she hadn’t called, she wouldn’t have been able to hear his absolutely horrible British accent. “Is that it? Your accent?”
“Accents aren’t my thing!” He replied mock defensively. “I’m a kid from Chicago!”
She laughed softly. “Alright. But it’s okay because you have other things, Derek Morgan.”
“And what are they?” Derek asked, half jokingly half extremely curious.
“I’m not telling you! You’re head is big enough already!” Juliet exclaimed through giggles.
“If you don’t tell me I’ll start speaking in a British accent again.” He warned teasingly.
“Okay! Okay! Fine! You win just please don’t speak in a British accent!” She pleaded.
Juliet tried to stop the blushing even though there was no one there to see it. Knowing Derek, he could hear her face flushing through the phone. “Well, as Penelope has said, you’re built like a Greek God. I have imagined many dirty things since you left. On top of that, you’re intelligent and strong and funny and kind, so basically I have the whole package.” Yea, and you-Shut up, brain!
She had to stop it in its tracks. “You going to sleep? How early are you getting up tomorrow to get back on the jet?”
Derek felt his head swell up a bit, but got himself back to earth quickly. “Seven AM. I’ll need a lot of coffee. Talk to you tomorrow on the way home?”
“Yes, and Derek? I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Somehow she didn’t think that was possible, but she wasn’t about to fight him on that either.
“Actually, the cement industry is worth roughly $9.9 billion. Due to the inherently transportable nature it thrives in almost any geography, which is part of the reason there are cement mills in 34 of the 50 states. But, that’s actually pretty ironic because we still import about 10% of our cement!” Reid exclaimed, leaning back in his seat. “Morgan? Morgan are you listening to me?” He asked frowning slightly at the agent across from him who was just staring at his phone and smiling.
Derek’s head snapped up. “Sorry, Pretty Boy. I’m just excited to get home.”
“Juliet?” Reid asked, already knowing the answer. “What’s she saying that’s got you so happy? Or is it just going home?”
It could be. But it wasn’t. Juliet had decided to “come out of her shell” a bit and text him exactly what she wanted to be doing to him at the moment. Of course he was on the jet and couldn’t do anything about it. If she had done this last night? He definitely would’ve taken the situation into his own hands so to speak. “Not just going home. But I’m not giving away the details.”
Reid took a few seconds to get the gist of what Morgan was talking about, but then his eyes went wide. It was called sexting, wasn’t it? “Oh, OH! O-Okay forget I asked.”
Emily wandered over from grabbing coffee. “You’d better not screw this up Morgan, or I may just ask her out myself.”
“C’mon Prentiss! Don’t be like that.” Derek groaned.
“Like what? She’s hot and intelligent and I’m not blind.” Emily teased. “But seriously, you better not screw this up.”
JJ popped up from her seat and turned to him. “I second Emily. I mean, I have Will and I am happily taken, but she’s gorgeous and funny and smart, so don’t mess up.”
“How would I mess it up?”
Everyone within earshot (which was everyone but Hotch), turned to give him the side-eye. “Okay, so I have a bit of a reputation! This is different!”
Rossi snickered, remembering the looks well. Granted he had three ex-wives, but he remembered that lighter than air feeling of being in love. “We can see that. Any plans for when you get back?”
Derek shrugged. He hadn’t really thought about it; he was just excited to get back. “Well, she does,” Emily laughed.
“What?” Derek asked.
“JJ, Penelope and I are stealing her for a girls’ night.” He was about to put up a fight when Emily cut him off. “Deal with it!”
“Just don’t make a move on my girl.”
“Well, there’s gel nails and then there’s acrylic nails. You can do those however you want - crazy colors, French tips even. You would look great with French tips. Actually you would look great with any nails because look at you, and you could go short or long, and then-”
“Oh god, Penelope stop,” Juliet laughed. “Too many options. Also, can I call you babygirl too because I’m kind of jealous that Morgan has a babygirl and I don’t?”
Garcia curtsied, her smile wide. “Absolutely. I’m the residential babygirl. When was the last time you had your nails done?”
“Ummm...does me dipping my hand into a can of paint when I was five count?”
“What?! You’ve never had them done?”
Juliet shook her head feeling like a deer in the headlights. “N-no? I mean I guess I just never really got the point?”
Penelope clutched at her chest as if experiencing pains before pulling Juliet into her arms and patting her on the back. “Oh my sweet sweet child. It’s okay, babygirl is here now. You’re safe.”
Unable to help herself Juliet burst out laughing, voice muffled by Penelope’s sweater. Unfortunately it sounded like she was crying. “Oh my god Juliet, are you okay?” Garcia asked full of distress.
All Juliet could do was nod she was laughing too hard.
JJ and Emily shared a look as if to say young people these days despite the fact they were all roughly the same age. “Okay, okay c’mon. Let’s get this show on the road.” Emily pressed gesturing to take their seats.
After much deliberation and a little convincing on Penelope’s part, Juliet decided to go with slightly longer than normal for her nails in a light turquoise color she was really drawn to. “Mmm, this feels nice,” she said in a daze as the technician was finishing up with a hand massage. “I could get used to this.”
Emily was in the same position, practically falling asleep on the hand that had already dried. “I shouldn’t get used to this or I’ll sleep all the time.”
“And the problem with that?” Juliet asked.
The french manicure looked great on JJ, as it always did. Penelope of course went with the hottest of hot pinks with a little jewel on each thumb and Emily went with one of those striking reds you associate with a seductress who could just as easily kill you as kiss you. “What should we do now?”
Juliet looked toward Penelope, the resident queen of all things pampering. “Facials. We’ll practically fall asleep in the chairs.”
“Is that really a good idea?” JJ laughed.
But none of them seemed to care. They were relaxed, talked all the girl talk (including the BAU ladies wondering what Derek was like in bed) and nearly fell asleep as they’d all been afraid of doing, but it was a great day that Juliet hoped to be repeating more than once.
They parted ways and she called an Uber. The only option available was Uber Pool which Juliet wasn’t a huge fan of. Making small talk with strangers was among her worst nightmares. But it would be a short ride and she didn’t want to bother Derek to pick her up. The app said she was looking for a girl named Kerry with short blonde hair, green eyes, and a 2010 Toyota Camry.
A few moments later a car matching the description pulled up at the top of the block. The windows were blacked out. Weird...but people are entitled to their privacy. She shrugged it off and walked over opening the backseat door. The girl looking back at her through the driver’s mirror looked like the picture but she seemed...anxious. “Hi Kerry, I’m Juliet.” She smiled, extending a hand.
And that was when everything went to hell. The left side backseat door thudded shut as another figure entered the car, immediately stabbing a needle into her extended arm. As everything went hazy Juliet only had a split second to look up and see the one thing in the world that had ever truly terrified her.
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How To Properly Cut And Clean Nails To Fight Against Germs
The guidelines and restrictions in place to limit social interaction around the world are imperative to halting the spread of the coronavirus, despite the cultural and financial implications for businesses like hair and nail salons, which in many places are closed for the foreseeable future.
As we all settle into a new normal, many of our routine activities, such as haircuts and manicures, are off the table. But there’s a reason to be cognizant of our nails that has nothing to do with vanity ― nails, especially long ones, can play host to germs and bacteria, including those associated with COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus.
With that in mind, and in an effort to keep our nails from becoming a hazard to ourselves, we called upon the experts to break down best practices for nail health and maintenance at home.
Sorry but ― it’s time to go short.
New York-based dermatologist Jessica Krant offered a hard truth to the long nail lovers among us: Now might not be the time.
“The best and safest way to keep nails is short, smooth and clean,” Krant said. “Normally this only really applies in health care work, but these days, with COVID-19 around, we should all ideally keep our nails as free from germs as possible.” She said the best way to do that is to keep them trimmed short, with about 1-2 millimeters of white showing and shaped like the natural end of your nail bed. “It’s also very important to smooth them gently with a file, so rough edges and corners are gone,” she said. “This makes them the strongest and also easiest to clean, and to use with protective gloves.”
But if you’re going to stay long, buy a brush.
Sarah Gibson Tuttle, founder and CEO of Olive & June, a Los Angeles-based boutique nail salon that also offers a line of tools that make great manicures possible at home (their Poppy nail tool has a cult-like following), recommends changing out files every few months as well as washing metal tools thoroughly after each use.
“Germs can live underneath all nail lengths, but especially long nails,” Tuttle told HuffPost. “The most effective defense is making sure you’re washing and drying your hands consistently and properly. To make sure you’re getting underneath the nail, you can also use a nail brush with antibacterial soap. But just make sure you’re keeping that brush clean, as well.”
Don’t get too clipper-happy.
There’s short, and then there’s dangerously short, Krant explained.
“Do NOT cut all of the white part off,” Krant said. “That risks injury to the seal against the nail bed and opens your finger up to infections getting inside.”
Take your time soaking off gel.
Thick gel polishes can create crevices in your nails that host germs and bacteria, so it’s time to get rid of them.
Losing access to our opposable thumbs while soaking gels off can be a challenge, but think of it this way ― there’s no reason to rush to do anything, especially something like a manicure, right now.
“Proper removal of gels at home requires time,” Tuttle said. “I recommend removal while you’re FaceTiming a friend or watching TV, so you’re not tempted to damage your nails by rushing. You’ll need a file, acetone, tin foil and a hot towel as a bonus.
“First, file a bit to break the top coat seal. Then, place cotton balls soaked in acetone on your nails and wrap your fingertip in tin foil. Ideally, soak until the gels are lifting off entirely, which will take around 10-15 minutes. We like to wrap a hot towel around as well to expedite the soaking process. And the most important piece is having the patience to allow the gels to lift before removing the cotton. No harsh removal or picking, please!”
If you have acrylics, consider settling in for a movie.
“The removal process for acrylics is similar to gel, but much longer,” Tuttle said. “You will first need to clip the edge of the acrylic nail down before you file to properly break the seal. Then follow the same steps for gel removal. You’ll also need to let your nails soak for close to an hour until the acrylics are removing easily on their own.”
In the event that you do get sick and need to seek medical care, it might be best to take your polish off completely.
Krant offered some insight about our nails that poses an entirely different problem.
“When you go to the hospital, the physicians there will need to place a pulse oximeter on your fingertip,” Krant said. “This helps them easily check how well your lungs are able to bring oxygen to the rest of your body. With COVID-19, this is a critical measure to see how well you are doing, or whether you need more help. Though not all medical professionals agree, Krant said that nail polish alone prevents proper readings. Sometimes they can find some acetone in the hospital to remove your polish, but you can’t rely on that. Artificial nails totally prevent the use of a finger pulse oximeter. They may have other simple methods to measure your oxygen levels at hand, or they may not.”
Now that you have the best practices, there’s no time like the present to try DIYing at home. Tuttle has been hosting manicure boot camps on the Olive & June Instagram page that cover a broad range of mani-curiosities, from general care to nail art.
Tuttle also shared her steps for a perfect at-home manicure:
Shape, Clip and File
It’s all about the 90/10 rule: 90% of your shape comes from your nail clipper; 10% from filing. First, use flat edge clippers to cut your nail into your desired shape. Then, gently smooth out the edges. If you have polish on, all the better. Shaping with polish on helps you visualize the final shape without being distracted by the natural whites of the nails.
Dip each nail in a polish remover pot to remove old polish and excess oils that can interfere with your polish adhering to your nail bed. Pro tip: once you’ve prepped your nails, avoid touching your face and hair, which have natural oils.
Trim (hangnails only!) and buff cuticles
Using your buffer, gently glide the buffer cube back and forth along the edge of the cuticle to erase dry skin and smooth things out.
Paint, dry; paint, dry; apply top coat: dry, dry, dry. If you’re just starting out, anchoring your non-dominant hand (or even the whole arm) on a flat work surface gives you a steady canvas.
To apply your first coat of polish, start with a center swipe of polish, then swipe on either side. You should be able to cover the average nail plate in 2-3 strokes. Repeat on each nail.
Waiting 5-10 minutes in between coats makes a world of difference. It will decrease the chance of bubbles and it dries faster! Then seal your nails with the top coat formulated with your polish to maximize shine and protect your polish.
Once your top coat has fully dried, apply cuticle serum to make your mani shine. Cuticle serum is a must-have, can’t/won’t/don’t-leave-home-without-it product. You could have zero polish on and give your cuticles a dose of cuticle serum and it would add instant luster.
Pro tip: If you’ve gotten any nail polish on your cuticles or fingertips, dip a clean-up brush in your nail polish remover, then use it to remove any unwanted color or to clean up polish lines.
A HuffPost Guide to Coronavirus
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from WordPress http://justtoosilly.com/2020/03/21/how-to-properly-cut-and-clean-nails-to-fight-against-germs/
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patchsing3-blog · 6 years
I Thought I Couldn’t Afford Expensive Beauty Treatments… Here’s How I Hacked It
These days, it feels like there’s ALWAYS some ~hot new beauty treatment~ that everyone’s buzzing about — and honestly, I can’t keep up. I had just gotten the hang of a classic no-chip manicure, and then I was told I just HAD to switch to powder dip. I was in a routine of facials (and by that I mean I got one once — who am I, Rockefeller?), and then suddenly the world wouldn’t shut up about the Kardashian-approved vampire facials instead.
Whether you keep up with beauty trends or not, it can feel REALLY overwhelming to hear about all the different beauty treatments available to us. There’s waxing, threading, lasering, filling, massaging, polishing, extending, scrubbing, cleansing, extracting, curling, tightening, dipping, coloring, bleaching, taming, trimming, tanning, spraying… how is anyone supposed to keep up with all that!?
Thankfully, it’s 2018, and there’s no right or wrong way to define beauty. You could go treatment-free for life, as long as you feel confident and true to yourself. As much as I admire that, though, that ain’t me — I loooove a good beauty treatment, and I love learning about new ways to look and feel my best.
But of course, once you’ve decided what treatments you want to commit to, the number one fun-sucker of our lives jumps in: money. How does one pay for the maintenance and upkeep? Honestly, expensive beauty treatments have never been in my budget — until I discovered the ultimate hack.
You already know about Groupon as a way to buy restaurant gift cards, book an escape room night out with your coworkers, or even find cheap fitness classes — but Groupon is also a one-stop destination for making expensive beauty treatments WAY more affordable.
I made a list of beauty treatments I’m interested in trying, then I scoured Groupon to see where I could try each treatment in my city — and the results were INSANE. You want to try microdermabrasion? There’s a Groupon for that. You’ve been hearing about salt caves and want to know what all the fuss is about? There’s a Groupon for that, too. You’ve been getting your eyebrows waxed for the last 10 years and want to finally try microblading instead? You guessed it — there’s a Groupon for that.
This month, I tried four beauty treatments at various salons and studios around my home city of Chicago — and I saved almost $1,500. Here, I break down what I picked, how my treatments went, if I’d pay for them again, and how you can save some serious hard-earned cash too.
Laser Hair Removal (Brazilian Bikini)
I should probably start by telling you that I tend to be a tad high-maintenance. I am a creature of habit and comfort, and the thought of removing hair from the most sensitive part of my body has never appealed to me. I’ve been a lifelong shaver, I’ve never had a bikini wax, and I had genuinely never considered laser removal — I thought it would be way too expensive and way too painful. WRONG.
The Groupon I found was for three laser hair removal sessions on a medium-sized area (there were also Groupon options for small and large areas as well — Groupon had a handy chart to tell you which body parts count as which size area). I made a lot of jokes about how I was excited to turn into a hairless naked mole rat — but on the inside, I was insanely nervous for the treatment.
I honestly had no idea what to expect, so I ended up doing a lotttt of research on laser Brazilians — how to prepare, what it would feel like, etc. I read a lot of conflicting reviews about what it feels like, but I was expecting a forceful zap of hot pain (along with some rubbing… not sure why I expected rubbing).
For more info on the safety and effectiveness of laser hair removal, I recommend this article from Medical News Today.
How I Prepared
The day before your laser appointment, you HAVE to closely shave the entire area. Laser hair removal only works on fresh shaved skin. The laser seeks out the contrast of the follicle (it’s looking for the pigment of each individual hair), so it’s imperative that you come in prepared (Some places will make you reschedule if your shave isn’t clean enough). Additionally, I read that you should calm yourself down so you won’t tense up physically. Therefore, I also prepared by taking a shot and a half of whiskey. Do I recommend this? Honestly, yes — it helped ease my nerves a lot.
How It Went
The spa I went to (SpaDerma in Lincoln Park, Chicago) was incredibly clean, professional, and comforting. I had to fill out some paperwork (this is a medical procedure, after all), then I was taken to a private room that looked a lot like a doctor’s examination room. The technician told me to remove everything from the waist down (“Can I keep my socks on?”) and cover myself back up on the table with a sheet. I did as I was told, then she returned and told me exactly what to expect. She gave me one of those stress ball things to squeeze, then I laid back so we could get started.
How’s the pain, you may ask. It’s interesting. It honestly DID hurt more than I was expecting — it kind of feels like a very hot suction cup is sucking on your skin (but not in like, a sexy way). The bursts of pain are VERY quick — it’s literally just a zap from a laser, repeatedly. I’m incredibly ticklish, so the whole experience made me very squirmy. Thankfully, though, it was super quick — I was in and out of the treatment room in under 10 minutes.
You can only get lasered about every 6 weeks (as the hair follicles need to go through their ~growth cycle~ again before you can zap them), so I still have two more appointments to go out of my three. Will the three treatments be enough to rid me of hair-down-there? Maybe — some people see complete results after just a few treatments, but some (with light hair, in particular) require up to about nine treatments. Your technician will be able to consult with you about how many sessions you’ll need based on your skin type, hair color, and hair texture.
That being said, I haven’t technically seen results yet, but the growing-back-in hair IS noticeably softer and much easier to shave.
Would I recommend?
HECK. YES. Like I said, I can’t technically speak to an end result — but the quick amount of pain was absolutely worth the results I’m sure I will see after a few more sessions. It does hurt, but it’s certainly not unmanageable — and since it’s so quick, you can ALMOST forget it happened (just in time to go back and be reminded again). Would I pay full price for this? Probably not. But $119 to forget about shaving for awhile? Count me in. What body part can I do next!?
Gel Manicure
I know you love getting your nails done — so do I. There’s just something about a fresh manicure that makes me feel about 10 times more put-together — but bimonthly trips to the nail salon can take a real toll on your wallet. Thankfully, it doesn’t HAVE to be like that. SO many salons offer Groupon deals on gel, powder dip, and acrylics — so there’s no need to pay full price.
How I Prepared
I am literally addicted to gel manicures, so I already had one on my nails when I went in. Gel is hard to remove on your own, but the professionals make it look easy. I honestly did nothing to prepare (except get myself excited for some discounted pampering!!).
How It Went
Like I said, gel manicures are nothing new for me. You go in, pick a color from the specific gel colors (they’re different from the bottles you have at home), and then sit down. The technician first files, removes cuticles, and buffs your nails, then he or she will start applying the color. Typically, a gel mani consists of one coat of clear gel, two to three coats of color, then another top coat of clear gel. After each coat, you place your whole hand under an LED light for 60 seconds — I don’t understand the science of how this works, but it dries your nails so quickly and effectively. Once all your coats are done, there’s ZERO drying time — you can go back to your normal life/routine the second you walk out of the salon.
Would I recommend?
YES. You already know you love manicures — there’s NO reason to pay full price for them. For me, a gel manicure usually lasts almost three weeks — and that time limit comes from nail growth, not from chipping.
I’ve only ever had one facial before in my life — after a lifelong battle with my skin, I’ve been afraid to mess with it too much (and afraid to allow someone that close to it without makeup). I used to feel like facials were designed for rich people who already had good skin, but upon further research, that assumption is obviously wrong. I have hormonal cystic acne and some severe subsequent scarring — problems I honestly didn’t believe could be solved by the holistic hands of a facialist. Thankfully, though, there are people who DO make it their mission to effectively treat all kinds of skin types — meaning there is truly a facial out there for everyone.
Hydrafacials are relatively new forms of your classic facial. Basically, a high-tech hydrafacial tool is simultaneously infusing your skin with various serums AND sucking gross stuff out of your pores. I had seen videos of people getting it done on Instagram, and I wondered if it would help my poor congested pores.
How I Prepared
I use a prescription Retin-A-Micro daily, but I had to stop using that for three days prior to my appointment. Additionally, I was advised against at-home exfoliation for the days leading up, and I was told to overall be gentle to my skin. The morning of my facial I was thankfully working from home, so I wore cozy sweats and zero makeup. ~pampering~
How It Went
First of all, the woman who performed my hydrafacial was one of the most intelligent and knowledgeable women I have ever met. She is so very passionate about skincare, and I would honestly trust her with my life after meeting her. She asked me in-depth questions about my skin, my routine, my past routine, my needs, my desires, my dreams and goals, and just about everything else relating to my skin that you can think of. I love meeting people who are so clearly doing what they were meant to do — Crystal at SkinSmartRX is one of those people. She explained to me that while a hydrafacial is an incredible procedure and would help my active pimples, the scarring on my face could benefit from microneedling instead. I appreciated her honesty — but was glad to hear that she thought my skin could benefit from the treatment.
I laid back in an examination chair (like at the dentist) while Crystal first steamed my pores, then began. She used the hydrafacial tool to perform various steps of the routine — double cleansing, exfoliating, toning, and treating. The tool gives a weird sensation — I had read that it felt similar to a cold paintbrush on your skin. That’s not necessarily wrong, but I do think it’s a little harsher than that. The tool is really digging in to your skin, so it’s not exactly a pleasant sensation. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s not super comfortable either. Overall, however, it was a very relaxing experience.
The best part? When Crystal let me see the result of the treatment. Basically, the solution that is used to suck the crap out of your pores goes into a beaker, so there’s a beaker full of used solution and gunk leftover at the end. Looking at it was similar to looking at the results of a pore strip — super gross, but super satisfying.
That floating stuff was INSIDE MY SKIN.
Would I recommend?
Yes and no. First of all, I left the treatment VERY red. I was just going back home to work, so I’m glad I didn’t have to try to cover it. Thankfully, however, the redness was very short-lived. The treatment itself is incredible — but I would highly recommend chatting with an aesthetician and/or dermatologist beforehand to see if it’s good for your skin type. After having my pores sucked, I felt a bit like some excess oil was brought to the surface — I woke up the next morning with a smattering of new whiteheads.
This could be a PMS-induced coincidence, and my coworkers all assured me the next day that I looked GLOWING. I wouldn’t discourage anyone from the treatment, but I would encourage some careful consideration to decide if it’s worth the time and money (but if you’re interested in trying it out, at least Groupon offers the option of a much cheaper first try!!).
Eyelash Extensions
My natural eyelashes are COMICALLY short. I’ve never loved them — and I’ve also never loved having heavy mascara on them either. I have bad allergies (I am really airing all my bodily dirty laundry here, aren’t I?), so I rub my eyes A LOT. I also physically hate the act of taking off eye makeup — why is it so damn hard!?
All of that adds up to mean that I am a PERFECT candidate for eyelash extensions — longer, fuller lashes without any makeup!? I couldn’t hit “Purchase Groupon” fast enough.
How I Prepared
You’re not supposed to wear eye makeup or contacts to the appointment, so I strolled into Milita Advanced Skincare wearing sweats and my glasses (#hot).
How It Went
If I’m being honest, I was a real hot mess for this appointment. The night before had been filled with wine and tacos, so I was running a taddd bit late — only to discover that the spa had just moved locations, and I had gone to the wrong one. After I finally arrived at the correct location, my technician had me fill out some paperwork, then walked me through the process.
How did it feel? Huh, funny you should ask — I literally don’t know how it felt, because I fell SOUND asleep on the table. You lay on your back in a cozy warm room, and the technician has you close your eyes. She taped down my lower lashes, then with the soft touch of a unicorn kitten from heaven, she gently applied my extensions. It was so intensely relaxing, I fell asleep almost instantly. It was like the best nap I ever took — I fell asleep slightly hungover with short little lashes, and I woke up with gorgeous Gisele-worthy fringe and a newly reduced headache. Thank you, Milita.
My lashes should last about two to three weeks, at which point I’m supposed to go back in for a fill. I had told myself that this was a one-time thing, but I love the results so much that I just might have to make a habit of it.
Would I recommend?
You better freaking believe it!! I cannot overstate how big of a difference these lashes made. I had originally signed up for just a normal full set, but the technician recommended a volume partial set — she said it would give me a nice big difference while still appearing natural. I think she’s right, and I can’t wait to take these bad boys out on the town.
Moral of the story: there are WAY too many beauty treatments out there for one person to keep up with — but a tight budget shouldn’t be the reason you don’t try. I highly recommend scouting out the Groupon beauty section to find affordable EFFECTIVE treatments in your hometown — you’re going to find a new favorite, give yourself a fun upgrade, and save some cash in the process (score!).
Share your own favorite #GrouponMoments on Instagram by tagging @Groupon — I can’t wait to see!!
This post is sponsored by Groupon, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. 
Source: http://theeverygirl.com/groupon-beauty-treatments/
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ipchengyuhung-blog · 6 years
‘Bloop’ Report
Deep inside the ocean, Bloop is a sea creature being affected by the decisions made by human beings out at sea or on shore. Bloop represents one of the many sea creatures that are unable to speak for themselves at the state of the sea regarding water pollution caused by the lack of consideration made by humans. Many unique sea creatures such as Bloop are unable to live up till their intended age because of the intoxicated water and litter found under water. This has caused Bloop and the other sea creatures to be saddened by the situation that they are deeply affected by. If water pollution continues, one might not even have the opportunity to ever witness any unique sea creatures or animals for that matter and would be something that our future generations would only come to know of within pages.
With 'sad' to work with for a topic, we had to pick a few items from a whole lot on a table. we were initially spoilt for choice as items were all definitely blue in colour and majority of them had the potential to be a material or object of sadness if manipulated correctly.
So with a decision to be made, our team wasted no time and quickly came to a mutual decision on which items we would want to work with. And so we picked these few items, a blue rope, rubber bands, hot glue, and cotton. so how we ended with these few was after evaluating what is the emotional link to sadness it had as an object.
The blue rope is a great representation of sloppiness. Usually experienced when a person is too sad and couldn't care less on their appearance anymore. The rope's flimsy and drooping nature also depicts how the person would walk slouched in sadness as opposed to a joyful one who walks upright with pride.
Rubberbands; while it is a useful tool in tying up objects, the most profound characteristic to it would be how it has this elastic nature that gives off a sense of tightness and constriction.
The melting hot glue under extreme heat makes a physical iteration of the term 'meltdown' This is something that a person would normally face when under negative pressure.
And lastly the cotton wool as we felt that through the cotton's natural adsorbent property, it best signifies how a person is usually saturated with emotions when experiencing sadness as an emotional phase.
Despite the items being picked based on its presumed material behaviour or particular characteristic, we do not fix or restrict ourselves to just those properties we assumed they had. Inspirations did appear after experimenting around with these materials we had. Using a simple but strong question of ‘What if…’ proves to be good way to pause and either reflect on our previous step, or fantasize and imagine the possible steps next.
An example would be the reflection of how the way we chose to apply the paint onto cotton fibers did have a significant effect on the outcome visually; be it to spray paint it or just dip it entirely into paint. Or how we imagined and fantasize about creating a stiff pattern out of flimsy materials like the strings. A pattern that is perhaps a play of both organic and geometric lines.
The team gathered and discerned on what depicted the emotion - sad as it was assigned to us through a lucky draw. Immediately we all agreed that a form that represented sadness was the way it droops downwards and we decided to focus on materials and objects that had this vital element in their form or ability. We did not want to limit ourselves to think of the final outcome at that present moment so we decided to move on towards exploring the various techniques with the chosen materials.
To better affirm the decision of the top three materials that we had chosen which were blue rubber bands, glue sticks and lastly, blue strings. A series of experimentations had to be undergone. This is crucial as it has helped us to measure and to see if the materials would work well together. In the midst of our experimentations, we tried to find various ways to dissect each of the three chosen materials and in exploring ways to reconstruct them while going deeper to play around the way it is being placed especially in an unusual way that it is typically being known for.
Cotton wools were easy to manipulate and to form with just a touch from the human hands. To ensure that it is still part of the theme “Blue”, we decided to spray paint the cotton wools different shades of blue to give us a visually contrasting palette. Everything slowly came together, each of the materials giving its own uniqueness in its form and ability.
We were researching and got inspired by an artist called Tansy Hargan on Instagram. He is known for exploring landscape materials and processes with mixed media layers and lines. We instantaneously fell in love with one of his art pieces that involved strings being intertwined into a spiderweb because it portrays how if one is being stuck in a web of sadness, it gets quite challenging to get out of it and becomes a vigorous spinning cycle if one is unable to get out of it. It is a lot like depression and how one may not be able to see the light under the tunnel because a person may be feeling trapped and unable to be freed from the web till at times - it becomes too late.
Our assembling process was inspired by Tansy Hargan’s work. We started to lay blue ropes over each other. There were two different shades of blue ropes, we used both of them to achieve some contrast between the ropes since they are overlapping each other.  We used hot glue to glue down the overall structure of the piece and as well as the intercepting points. We chose to do this on a piece of paper just as a temporary backing.After this we thought about using the straws for provide a different texture from the ropes. We glued it down and we also experimented with burning the straws to give it an aged look.
Then we proceeded to get even more hands on by dyeing cotton with acrylic paints with our hands. We had paint on our hands and we massaged the paint into the cotton. Pulling the cotton it in and out to obtain an even colour. We had more cotton left, so we also experimented with different shades of blue paints. After painting the cotton, we also tried to combine some of the cotton together to see what we can get. The process was simple but yield great results. The cotton went on to the piece with hot glue. We also added in wood shavings to get a neutral shade to stand out from all the blue.
After this we started to remove the paper backing. Then we realised that the overall structure for the piece was very flimsy and weak. To enhance it, we weaved in metal wire on the perimeter. It definitely did help to make it stronger.
At this point we thought we were done with our project. We wanted to make this a piece where you can hang it up. We searched around for some material to make a hook for it. Then we stumbled upon this long thin plastic material. We attached it to the opening of one of the straws , the other end to the corresponding end of the straw. We all had the same consensus that it looked somewhat like a fish. As we were progressing through this project, we were always focusing on human feelings (sad). Since our project resembles a fish, and we are on the subject of blue, we thought about changing the direction to the consequences of water pollution. That is how bloop came about.
After attaching the plastic, we used hot glue to fill the ends of the straw to make sure it will be held properly. We thought about giving it a fin, so we used the same plastic material, bent it and created a fin. We thought it would be appropriate to wrap the blue rope around the fin to propagate the idea of water pollution and its effect on these marine creatures.
We were tasked to take a final picture of our work. We were initially hung up about having our piece to be hanged up.  We indeed found a nail on the wall and we hanged it up took a few pictures. Once again we thought we were done , while cleaning up we were left with quite a bit of cotton and we thought it was a waste if we did not use it. So we took a white piece of paper as our background, laid bloop on it and used the leftover materials as the water bed for bloop the aqua marine creature that is being affected by water pollution.
Through the experimentations, we realised that one of the materials that we have chosen - blue rubber bands were not able to conform to the idea and vision that we were going for. We tried various ways to tear them apart, cut it up and to even stretch them apart to their maximum capacity however to no avail, we knew that it was a material that we had to switch out with something that was easier to manipulate due to the time constraint given to us as well. As we gathered back at the materials table, we took a good glance at what could potentially be paired with our blue strings and glue gun.
We also thought that having a wood structure would help us. We had two different experimentations. The first one we used a bamboo that was cut into two. We had all of our different materials inside of the cavity.  We thought of using the hot glue to fill it up and solidify the materials inside to achieve a gel-like look. The second one was using a wood base with cotton foundation. It resembles a diorama for the sky. We frayed and burnt some of the ropes, attaching it to the cotton foundation. We were not satisfied with both of the results and it was disappointing as we spent significant amount of time on them. We knew we had to go back to find more works that will inspire us.
When we began our final piece we started to lay the blue rope in an oval shape on a piece of wood to get an outline. We also split the ends of the rope to achieve different textures. While doing this we discussed if we wanted our work to be stuck on the wood or we wanted it to be a piece by itself. We realised we did not want to have the piece of wood to be the backing, then we tried pulling the piece out. However, the glue pulled out the some of the wood and we did not like that, so we decided to start afresh on paper instead.
We wanted our piece to have two different sides. So it could be hanged up , revealing two different sides as it swivelled. We also spent time to make the two sides to be different so there is a contrast between them. One having the white cotton , the other side having the cotton that we painted with our hands. After we realised the hanging concept did not go as well as we wanted, and the laying flat on the white background concept worked better, we quickly dismissed this idea of having two different sides.
In conclusion, we believe that we should always keep an open mind to different ideas even if we are closing in on the final product. In this case we thought we were done with the project but something came along at the end and it made our project even better. If we brushed it off we might have an entirely different outcome that we might not be satisfied.
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nisestylez · 7 years
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50+ Best Nail Art Ideas
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It’s like I blinked and here I am – in the third month of the year, whose birth we almost celebrated yesterday. Winter is at its peak and sunny and happy spring and summer days are closer and closer every day. Autumn also can be wonderful because, after all, beauty is in the eye of the observer (people say so). When they are dressed and look beautiful, women are self-confident. They are more attractive and happier. It has been proven by science a long time ago. It’s normal, of course, we all like to dress and look well. But never neglect your lovely hands, dear ladies. Remember honey babe, most expensive dress in the world is nothing on you if your hands and hair are not cared.
Manicure experts, Naomi Yasuda and Kim Round, have already presented some forecasts for upcoming trends. They are known for beautifying the hands of Madonna, Kim and Khloe Kardashian. They believe that the abstraction will dominate in the world of manicure this year, blue shades, but also discrete shades. Cobalt blue will be the main color in 2018., because it is sophisticated and extravagant.
Dark nail polish colors will be very trendy, and you can decorate them with just a few details. The less is more, the minimalism wins manicures world this year. For the glamorous look in 2018. use gold and silver color and lots of rhinestones and shine.
The fashion classic is nude color. This colors give a sensational and seductive look to the hands. These tones are simple, but your hands will always shine with you and look young and nurtured. Rhinestones are there to enrich every manicure and make it luxurious. In 2018. be free to combine the colors you currently have at home and decorate nails with a tiny dot or line in metallic color. Play with colors and wear what you like and what is in accordance with your current feeling. Only then you will be really seductive and shiny.
Never forget the hand cream and do not forget to protect hands from water. Only nourished hands are nice hands. Hand scrub is required from time to time.
The latest method of making nails is dipping. The nails made in this way last from 3 to 6 weeks, and the nail making process lasts about 30% shorter than the making nails with classic gel technique. Best of all, there is no boring and long nail file in this technique, and you can choose between 122 available shades. This is a healthier way because there is no use of UV lamps, and after the classic manicure, only the air-drying liquid is applied. The correction of this manicure, originating from America, is very fast and simple because the nails are melted in acetone. This is a very good technique for ladies who wore nails made with gel and UV lamps and want to recover them now.
This are our examples for your manicure in 2018. We really hope you will find something for you. Enjoy!
When you go to the sea, this manicure will be a great choice, a femmine pink color combined with sea blue.
With acrylic technique there is no drying of nails in UV lamps, but classic drying in the air. Acrylic nails can be varnished as ordinary nails.
Gradient nail with Kiara Ski dip acrylic powder
Gold and silver glitter gels are there for the glamorous look of your hands.
Black, Gold & Marble
Black color does not have to be boring if it is refreshed with interesting details and combined with other colors. Blue is a hit this year.
Earth tones are a great choice for every occasion, they are easy to combine and you will surely look nice and like real lady with them.
Take care of the shape of your nail. Oval shape fits everyone.
Members of the younger population will choose this kind of manicure as well.
A manicure in a popular nude and pink color. I would take it in every situation because it is both – discreet and effective enough.
Whether you are going to opening an exclusive restaurant or to work, with this manicure you will look very seductive.
Flower details are modern during entire year, but especially during the summer months.
Even if you combine three and four colors in a manicure, you can look very elegant.
Cosmos on your nails. Discreet details and unrivaled colors do not diminish beauty. Sometimes what is discreet is the most beautiful and attracts the most attention.
Gentle colors in ombre style will give to your nails an cared look.
Matte colors will not have smaller popularity this year.
Gray nail varnishes have been very popular this winter. If the color fits nicely with your tan and nails, you do not have to give up of that beautiful gray in the summer months also.
Sailor manicure and naval details are somehow always predominantly tied to the summer and to rest on a beach. It’s the same situation this year.
Because of these patterns that remind on those on the sweaters, I would take this manicure in colder days.
Olive green color combines nicely with ocher, as you can see. A good choice will be throughout the year, and you can refresh this combination with the help of white or black, depending on which one you like more.
This is one of many ways in which you can enrich your French manicure. Gold or silver details, lines, points and rhinestones are always a good detail.
French manicure is a classic in the world of nails. Play with colors and be imaginative, you can complete this classic with any color or combination of two and more colors.
Many rhinestones and pearls can only make your manicure rich and expensive. If you love luxury, these nail decorations are for you.
One of the favorite women’s color combinations is certainly a combination of black and white.
A regular, classic French manicure is no longer so interesting, but its variations in terms of color and ornaments are very popular.
Purple, pink, nude, white and gold. Five colors but so elegant and definitely manicure with style.
Brave ladies who like to look modern and attractive will proudly bring neon colors on their nails.
At the top of the styles, when it comes to haircuts and when it comes to nails, it has been ombre for years. Although it is predicted that its popularity will decline, it didn’t happen yet..
Short nails can also be nice, seductive and attractive.
The white blue combination reminiscent of the sea depths and many ladies choose when they go on vacation.
A joyful and sweet manicure with details like roses is chosen by the ladies of all generations.
Although they announce the end of the popularity of too long spiky nails, they will always have sympathizers among ladies.
Anti-aging care does not only mean the anti-wrinkles care of the face, but also the care of the whole body and the nails also. Nails are very gentle and if you do not eat healthy, do not move and you have bad habits of life that will affect them.
Royal dark red and sumptuous golden color for the royal look.
One of the newer trends is jewelry for nails, like these laces.
White manicure decorate with the colors that are available to you and which you currently have in your purse. Any color will make white manicure more interesting.
Use a few nails to do a larger image, let each piece of the image be on one nail. Such a manicure will certainly not be unnoticed.
For masquerade, Halloween or similar events, find your inspiration in nail art such as this.
Baby blue and baby pink colors are a popular combination as well as black and white.
The mild, pastel gray color fits nice on hands. The milky gray color will give your hands a freshness and surely everyone will like it.
If you do not know how to decorate your nails, one gold or silver rhinestone at the nail root will be enough to achieve the desired effect.
Plaid design is almost always worn, and each year this design finds its place in the fashion industry.
A juvenile colored nails that will be ornament of some girl hands.
Over time, nails become yellow, brittle and fragile. Try to have good living habits. A long use of dark nail polish can leave stains on them.
Massage your nails with sugar, olive oil and lemon. Sugar will contribute to smoothness, olive oil moisture, and lemon will gently bleach them.
Jeans and stitched roses design
The middle length of the nails is the best and most practical. Long nails are beautiful but aren’t for every day, it will make it difficult for you to perform many activities.
Gradient nails with gel polish Presto
Choose the colors of the nail according to the mood, according to the season and the wardrobe you wear.
Details like those that resemble our grandmothers’ tablecloths will be very popular this year.
Geometric shapes, lines, triangles, will find a place in manicure this year, too.
If you use dark lacquers, apply a transparent lacquer layer before applying a dark nail polish, so that you will prevent darker spots after some time.
Nude colors are very popular. Add them some detail and shine girl!
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