#well too late now
tkachunk · 2 years
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gorgeous gorgeous girls get high sticked in the face
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yesthebush · 1 year
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ineffable wives in the 1960s
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beanieman · 1 year
i feel almost. embarrassed when I tell ppl Shins my favorite. Like yeah.... That stupid sobbing wet cat of a man is my favorite............... how the fuck did this happen again. stupid catboy................
Don't be embarrassed! He's a very well written character despite his wet cat nature.
Plus, it could be more embarrassing! You could have an entire Tumblr blog themed around him. Man, that would be so humiliating.
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mytho-nerd · 1 year
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This is heavily inspired by @/localgreekmythologywh0re’s fic nostalgia ( GO READ IT!! ITS AMAZING)
I love Penelope and Odysseus so much and I completely forgot about them until i read nostalgia!! So naturally, I wanted to draw them! They’re so lovely and they just love each other so much how could I not love them
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froggielovescoffee · 1 year
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silly little doodle i will never color
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pullakori · 1 year
Febuwhump 2023
Day 11. Fever
TW: dub-con, fuck or die
Also, this is a/b/o, if that is not your cup of tea, you have been warned
"He took Charles." Raven's words had hunted Erik ever since he and Darwin had made it back to the destroyed CIA base. The telepath had supposed to come to The Soviet Union with Erik and Moira, but his surpressants had failed and he had to stay behind to deal with his heat. A part of Erik had wanted to stay back too, his alpha instinct demanding him to stay close to the omega he had befriended and started to care about.
But that idea had been foolish. He could do nothing to actually help Charles and he had his mission. So he had travelled to Russia with the others and captured Frost and gained some good intel. But Shaw hadn't been there, so the mission had been a failiure in his eyes. And then hearing that the bastard had been in the CIA base and taken Charles with him when they had left... Erik had been ready to rogue.
But Charles had been right, Erik needed help. He needed a team, and with Raven's instructions they had moved to Xavier estate and with Moira's help, they had trained. It had been difficult, all of the teenagers had tested his patience and the training had been grueling, but when the time came, they pulled through.
Lifting the submarine in Cuba had almost been impossible, his rage struggling to fuel the power he needed. It had been the tought of Charles that had given him the last ounce of power he had needed to pull the sub out of the sea and on to the shore. The peace that he had found with the other man as they had traveled together.
After their plane had crashed, the others had fought with Shaw's henchmen, while Erik had gone to find Shaw in the sub. The other alpha had been expecting him, talking to him like Erik was his long lost son. It had made Erik sick.
"Cut the bullshit, Shaw. Where is Charles?" He had demanded, seemingly surprising the other man, but that hadn't lasted for long.
"Why Erik, I didn't know you were interested in things like that. Always thought your alpha instincts were quite lacking." Shaw had laughed. "And while in any other scenario I would happily give him to you, my boy, his mutation unfortunately makes him quite dangerous in the wrong hands."
'Give him to Erik', 'in the wrong hands', the way Shaw spoke about Charles had made Erik see red, a growl escaping his throat.
"But don't you worry, I'll take good care of him." And that had been the last drop.
"Where is he!?" Erik had shouted, sending a table flying at Shaw by its metal feet. The impact had had little effect on the other man, only making him stumble slightly, before he had turned back to Erik.
"It seems I have to teach you another lesson."
They had fought, though it felt more like Erik had taken a beating. Shaw's powers too much for Erik to match.
It had been then, that Erik had heard Charles' voice in his head.
'Charles! Where are you? Are you safe?' Erik had spoken, taking an advantage on Shaw's gloating talk and pause in the fight.
'I can't focus for long Erik! You need to get Shaw's helmet! Only then I can help you!' Charles' voice had sounded strained, tired and under it was a sense of panic and urgency.
And Erik had managed to do it. He had used the electric cords that were hanging from the sub's roof to pull the helmet off and a second later, Shaw had frozen in place. For a moment Erik had been blinded by the newfound upper hand. Having Shaw under his mercy had been everything he had wanted and finally the time was there. He had wanted to savour it, remember every small detail of terror in Shaw's eyes.
But he had been snapped out of that trance by the pained scream in his head.
'Hurry, Erik!' Charles' voice told Erik he had no time to lose. And suddenly, he hadn't wanted to draw any of it out any longer. So he had pulled out the coin and with a precise move, pushed it through Shaw's head.
For a moment, nothing happened, but after a second Shaw's body dropped down to the floor and on the same second Charles' presence in Erik's head dissappeared.
'Charles?' Erik thought, hoping to hear his friend's voice in his head again, but when nothing happened, his worry turned into panic. "Charles!" He shouted, moving further into the submarine to look for Charles.
He shoved every door open with his powers and each room with no Charles only managed to make him more agitated. But Charles had to be inside the sub, he had heard him in his head! And finally he found him, deep in the sub, in a room that had been made to look like a luxurious bedroom.
The first thing that Erik noticed was the smell, that reminded the alpha of an overly ripe fruit. The room reeked of it, assaulting his nose the moment he opened the door. Next, it was the noises, weak and distressed. And finally, Erik saw him. Chained by his wrists on the bed, laying on his stomach, fully naked and his skin flushed completely. It hit Erik like a ton of bricks.
Charles was in heat.
But that shouldn't be possible, not so soon after his last one.
"Charles?" Erik's voice was hoarse, his throat suddenly dry. He took slow steps towards the telepath, who was writhing on the bed, seemingly unaware of anything thag was happening around him.
When Erik got beside the bed, he lifted his hand carefully, wary of causing more disterss for the omega, but he had to know what was happening to his friend. He used his power to break the cuffs on Charles' wrists, before trying to turn his head gently away from the pillow, but the omega let out a weak screech and tried to pull away from the touch.
"Fuck!" Erik swore and pulled his hand away. The telepath's skin felt like it was on fire. "Sorry, Charles. I'm sorry, Charles please." He didn't even know what he was pleading for, kneeling beside the bed and staring at his friend. He didn't know what he was supposed to do.
Charles' spiked distress subdided, his fast shallow breaths turning deeper, until he turned his head towards Erik. His eyes were hazy and unfocused, his pupils blown wide, leaving only small sliver of blue in sight. His nostrils flared before he let out a small moan, trying to push himself up on his arms, but they were so shaky that he fell back down on the bed. This was followed by another whine.
He was completely out of it.
"Erik!?" It was Raven.
"In here!" Erik shouted over his shoulder, unable to move from his place beside Charles. That was, until he remembered the other man's naked state and stood up to find something to cover him with. The duvet had fallen from the bed and as Erik lifted it, he could smell Shaw on it. Another growl escaped his throat, every cell in his body telling him to throw the repulsive piece of textile as far away from the omega as possible. But there was nothing else to use, so he forced his arms to work and covered Charles' lower body with it.
The action clearly made the telepath displeased, making him writhe more once again, and no wonder, he was burning from the inside out.
"Erik, we won. Did you find Char-" Raven's words were cut off short when she appeared at the bedroom's door. Hank was with her and they both stared at the omega with horrified eyes. "Charles!" Raven rushed towards her brother, but without even thinking, Erik stepped between them, growling and showing his teeth. The other alpha stopped, but mirrored Erik's expression, redy to start a fight.
It might have happened, if Charles hadn't right then let out a miserable moan and Hank putting himself between them.
"Calm down!" The beta told them, before he moved to Chares, examinig him without touching him. "Why is he in heat? It's too soon." He wondered out loud.
"Shaw's doings, most likely. He said that Charles' power would make him a danger in the wrong hands." Erik pieced everything together. "He must have intended to bond with him." Even saying the words made him sick.
"He would have wanted to ensure that Charles couldn't use his powers against him." Raven summarised and Hank nodded.
"Or even make him use his powers for his own purposes."
The beta started to go through the drawers of the bedside tables.
"He most likely used something to force Charles' body into another heat." He paused and turned to look at the two alphas, before looking at Raven.
"Get one of the Shaw's men, they might have more information." She wasn't pleased with the idea, looking between Charles and Erik.
"It's gonna be alright, but we need to hurry." Hank interrupted her and Erik had to admire the beta's newfound confidense.
Raven looked at Charles one last time, before pointing at Erik.
"You keep your hands to yourself." She warned him, before running out of the room.
Hank kept looking through the drawers, but Raven's words made Erik realise something.
"Why am I not more affected by his scent?" Erik asked the beta, who hummed in thought.
"It's not a natural heat, so his pheromones are much weaker." He explained and it made sense. This over ripe scent was not even half as tempting as Charles' pre heat scent in the CIA base had been...
Focus, verdammt!
"Here we go!" Hank proclaimed, pulling a small brown bottle out of the drawer and looking at its label. "Honepeptin. That's good, at leats it's not some illigal drug." He thought aloud, turning to look at Charles and a frown appearing on his face. "But I don't think he should be this out of it, if Shaw used this..."
Erik didn't get a chance to ask, when Raven got back with the wind controlling omega man.
"Janos said he might know something usefull." Raven told them, coming to stand beside Erik, while Janos stayed by the door. It seemed that Shaw's men were somewhat ready to work together now that their leader was dead.
Hank didn't waste any time and started to ask questions.
"Did Shaw use this on Charles?" He began, showing the other man the bottle. Janos looked at it, before nodding.
"Yes, he wanted to use a bond to control him." To Janos' credit, he looked disturbed about the notion. An alpha using a bond to use an omega like that was considered one of the highest forms of abuse. It meant breaking the omega's will and mind, only small pieces of them left afterwards.
"Then why is he in such a bad shape?" Hank asked and Janos glanced towards the bed, where Charles was sobbing against the pillow.
"I can't be sure, but it might be, because this time he used a bigger dosage."
"This time?" Raven asked and Janos shrugged.
"This was the second time he used the drug on him."
"What?" Hank gasped, and while Erik didn't know the spescifics, it sounded bad. "Why? Why would he do that? Let him go through a heat without just bonding with him, if that's what he wanted?" Janos took a deep breath, before he answered with distant voice.
"The first time he fought back." He told them. "And Shaw wanted him to beg for him to knot him."
A shudder ran through Erik. He turned to look at Charles, watching him try to push himself up with his shaking limbs, only to fall down once again. And he finally realised, that he was trying to present. So out of it that he was ready to let any alpha to fuck him.
"Will he be alright?" Erik asked, looking at Hank, who looked too grim for his liking. Raven must have thought the same, as she stepped closer to the beta, her voice almost desperate when she spoke.
"Hank?" She simply asked and he let out a frustrated growl.
"With this high of a dosage it would be bad enough, but this is the third heat his body has been forced into in a month." Hank recounted, distress getting better of his voice and he shook his head, before looking back at Charles. "I don't think his body can take it."
"What do you mean, Hank?" Raven asked, fearful of the answer, as was Erik, who was holding his breath.
Hank sighed, turning to look at Raven with apologetic eyes.
"His heart won't be able to take the stress. If Charles tries to go through this whole heat, it will most likely fail."
No, Charles couldn't die. He was a first true friend Erik had made. He had made Erik feel that his life was worth living, that he wasn't just Shaw's monster and now he would lose him too? No, there had to be a way!
"What if he doesn't go through this heat? What if it's stopped?" Raven insisted, but Hank shook his head.
"The only way a heat stops early, is when-"
"A bond is formed." Raven finished for him and after a small pause, she turned to look at Erik. "Would you do it?" She asked, her eyes pleading. Erik felt his own eyes widening. "Would you do it for my brother?" Erik looked from Raven to Charles, whose breathing seemed to be getting too quick and irregular.
Erik would be lying if he said that he hadn't thought about it, that he hadn't imagined a life with Charles by his side. The two of them as partners, as bond mates. He had made himself a promise, that if he would survive his encounter with Shaw, that he would have asked a premission from Charles to court him. He was sure that he had found his life partner, his soul mate, if there was such things. He wanted to spent the rest of his life with this man.
But this? This was all wrong. Charles didn't have a chance to choose. He couldn't look Erik in the eye and tell him 'yes, I want this'. By doing this, Erik would force Charles to a life with him, wether he wanted that or not.
But surely that was better than to let Charles die?
Erik looked at his friend, weak and slowly burning from the inside out and knew that there was only one option. He would rather take Charles' hatered than see him dead or forced to bond with another alpha.
So Erik turned back to Raven and gave her a single nod. She sighed with a releaf and Hank coughed.
"We should give you some privacy." He said, but Erik shook his head.
"I'm not going to do it here." He insisted. The whole place was tainted with Shaw's scent, there was no way Erik would bond with Charles in here.
"We don't have much time." Hank argued, but Erik had a plan already figured out. He turned to Janos.
"Can the teleporter get us to a manor in Westchester?" He asked and Janos nodded.
"He might need more instructions on the way, but he sould manage." And without further prompting, the omega whistled, summoning the devil looking alpha, who appeared with a puff of smoke.
Erik turned and walked beside the bed to gather Charles into his arms. Sweat was shining on his burning skin, but Erik wrapped him in the duvet regadless. The journey wouldn't be long. It was telling how drained Charles was that he didn't try to fight it more than few seconds, until he settled in Erik's arms. He did rub his nose against the alpha's neck, where his sent glands were. It seemed to calm him somewhat.
The teleporter, Azazel stepped beside Erik, who did his best to keep his calm having another alpha so close to his omega in heat. But Azazel didn't even look towards Charles, putting his hand on Erik's free shoulder instead.
"Now let's get you and your little mouse home." He said and with a strange pull in Erik's stomach, he and Charles were teleported away from the submarine and Cuba.
Azazel had to stop once to ge better idea where he was going, but they were standing in the manor's entrance hall in less than ten seconds. Erik opened his mouth to talk, but the other man beat him to it.
"I'll get the rest, you go and take care of your omega." He said and with a puff of smoke he was gone.
Erik stood there a few seconds, until a small whine from Charles made him move. He hurried upstairs into an empty quest room. His alpha insticts told him to bring Charles to his own room, bit Erik didn't want to overwhelm Charles with his smell. There luckily wasn't too much dust in the room and a swift use of some spare metal helped him get rid of the dustiest cover on top.
He laid Charles gently down on the bed and uncovered him from the duvet, which he forcefully threw out of the room, before closing and locking the door. Charles' scent might not have been strong enough to cause Erik to lose his control entirely, but he needed to make sure that there was no way of someone coming in and disturbing them while they would be so vulnerable.
Charles was breathing shallowly and he had already turned to lie on his stomach. Erik sighed and sat down beside him, stroking his back gently. The omega let out a broken moan and leaned into the touch.
All of this was still wrong, but Erik leaned close to Charles and whispered into his ear.
"Don't worry Charles. Everything is going to be alright."
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routamieli · 2 years
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First time for everything I guess, even for art summaries. I post weekly to my own site maanantai.art, so all of these and a couple more are found in there.
Also, the laziest layout, because I couldn’t be bothered to move all the originals from iPad to desktop.
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delicris · 1 year
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orpheuslookingback · 2 months
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you just know she was at home sensing a disturbance in the repressed lesbian force or something
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ruporas · 4 months
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it's time to go, my love (ID in alt)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 25 days
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I'm not going back to Gusu with you.
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ok so i’ve been seeing a lot of ideas and victim swaps for sdr2′s 3rd chapter and trial (i was going to say lately but i have no idea how strong this fandom is actually going now so) and i had some ~thoughts~
so the one topic of conversation is that souda, despite being one of the survivors, has no one he was especially close to. Specifically, he is the only one who isn’t mourning the death of a significant person by the end. And there have been a lot of suggestions on how this could’ve been dealt with; and i had an idea of my own that i actually ended up liking so. thought i might as well record it.
also, obviously, if this has been done before, from the bottom of my heart: my bad. i haven’t seen one like this personally, so these are just my own thoughts and ramblings
with that out of the way: 
firstly, let me quickly mention one of the more popular ideas. namely having sonia die instead of hiyoko. instant no there for me; i love souda (whether thanks to fanfics or his character design or actual canon is up for debate tbh) but his behavior towards sonia in the game is, as everyone knows, pretty fucking awful. 
he doesn’t intend to be creepy but that doesn’t change the fact that he is; he doesn’t respect sonia’s individuality, he’s creepily territorial sometimes (i’m replaying the game and i’m just starting the party scene but he’s already threatened to beat up a guy for talking to/walking with her; like dude, chill, you’ve know her for a day) and his admiration for her comes from this strange, worship-esque standpoint. 
simply put, he loves the idea of her, not her herself. this is pretty clear in the game and i don’t think it’ll really change with her death; if anything it’ll be useless because the most he’ll learn is maybe he shouldn’t have been a borderline stalker when she was alive. they weren’t emotionally close at all, he wouldn’t grieve her the way we see the other survivors do. dead sonia would deserve better.
this got twp paragraphs longer than intended. anyway.
the idea i specifically wanna talk about here was, at first, instead of changing any of the victims or culprits, we can take the quicker and relatively easier way of just. changing some character relationships. specifically, developing a friendship between two characters; just have souda be one of the damn victim’s or culprit's friend. 
my first instinct was gundham for,,,obvious reasons, i think, not least because i’ve been seeing a lot of soudham (+ sonia! i forget the ship name) content and it’s influencing me. he dies, souda cries, sonia also cries, they bond. now the survivors are closer, souda probably learns to see sonia as a person, and he has besties besides hajime (who is practically juggling a whole ass harem).
my second, and steadily becoming more preferred, choice, is ibuki. have souda and ibuki be friends!
we’ve seen intense bonding over less; hiyoko and mahiru’s bond, although a pleasant one, was still a sudden surprise to me. it was really nice but, well, kind of random. maybe i just missed signs? but that’s besides the point; the point is they just need a simple starting point and we can snowball from there.
and what better than to start with their most obvious and likely memorable trait? appearances. they can literally start at surface level and work their way in deeper.
have them chat over hair dyes, the brands they prefer, tips and troubles and they can even have those little events we see with the girls baking or mahiru and hiyoko in the bath (what the heck was that by the way), except we see them helping each other dye their hair. they both specifically dye black to pink too, although ibuki of course has more colors. basically just them messing around with hair, coloring and cutting and whatever else they please, along with eyeliner and piercings and clothing.
and then there’s the rest. why they deliberately chose to be so flashy to begin with. their personalities, just as flashy and bright and often overbearing. not being able to really always connect with others their age. their ambitions and fears, and what inspired or caused them. insecurities. dreams. childhood.
ibuki’s passion for her work and inherent confidence and certainty in herself inspiring souda to battle his insecurity. her putting him in his place when he crosses a line; we see she calls him out when she catches on to his schemes at the diner scene in chapter 2 when she pinpoints him coming to see sonia. ibuki teaches him to be friendlier. souda teaches her to cease the energizer-bunny shtick once in a while, reigns her in (although ibuki’s pretty stable i think, at least in comparison to the fellow emotionally constipated lunatics running around in her class). let them connect.
and then let one of them die.
at first i just went with ibuki as usual, and nothing really changes except that desired outcome of souda mourning someone special to him and growing from it.
buuuuuuuuuuuuuut, what if we went ahead and swapped them?
they become close friends, souda dies in chapter 3, and ibuki is then one of the survivors. this could let us kill two birds with one stone honestly; it can set up for both of them to have good arcs.
souda’s can be a subplot leading up to the deadly life where he gradually improves his behavior towards sonia and learns to push past his fears somewhat, even by something small like helping or at least voicing concern/some empathy for nagito when he gets infected, despite having been or even still being so afraid and distrustful of him. he doesn’t have to suddenly become fearless or kind, just better. it’d even fit with hiyoko; both victims being people on the road to self-improvement, tragically cut short.
the difference between the reactions could be fun to explore too; because mikan could derail the case by poking at a wounded ibuki who is a) very vocal and b) might be too focused on souda to focus on the essential clues found on hiyoko, because hiyoko doesn’t have her mahiru to take the role of main griever for her
this could just make the trial interesting and more emotionally impactful and also make despair mikan more compelling than “crazy horny yandere nurse” by playing with targeted people’s emotions plus her own meek act
ibuki’s resulting arc be somewhat like himiko’s from ndrv3 but reversed, where she becomes a bit more grounded and serious but still retains her own spirit after maybe bonding with fuyuhiko; she bounces back pretty well from the last two cases but after being personally invested in this one she might try and fail to still keep going then have that talk fuyuhiko did with akane (”i know how you feel, don’t blame yourself”) and then she can have a healthy breakdown idk (and then they can have that awkward Talk with akane together in chapter 4 and then maybe with sonia and hey this can become a whole trend)
this’ll also nicely wrap up the cast in chapter 6 where they all have someone special to think about (souda’s reason for just wanting to live is obviously super valid but since it’s not really explored this may as well happen instead to complete the set)
and yes this is hardly thought through properly; i have no idea how chapter 4 would play out since souda has a pretty big role in that investigation with his talent, though 5 and 6 would hardly be affected, and this could all be difficult to put in nicely considering how much happened in chapter 2 and how little time for set up there was for 3
most of what i said would have to be casual dialogues, lines in free time events or maybe a special scene if lucky. maybe the weird bath scene coulld be replaced by one with souda, ibuki, mahiru and hiyoko together instead just to really hammer it it; dr loves its heavy handed parallels after all.
but anyway, these are just rambles, and i just really wanted my girl ibuki to see the light of day a little longer lmao.
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acornmoment · 2 years
Do I need to willingly lose this fight or could I have used Dig?
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gothwineaunts · 6 months
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Buns 🐰
For context, our readers started an Easter trend where they were drawing Annabel in a bunny costume and we were jealous and wanted to join in. Better late than never?
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to-shards-you-say · 8 days
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miss when this lot actually got to have fun for once
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excali8ur · 4 months
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Weird dream.
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