#well then I just gotta fuckin do it then cuz I know I can HOW DARE THEY !! YOU CHALLENGE ME!! I'LL PROVE YOU WRONG !! MWAHAHAHAHA type shit
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dan-crimes · 2 years ago
Hmm someone outta stop me bcuz I'm seriously considering going thru my whole blog just to tag all my Sonic posts cuz the way my brain works I'm casually lookin thru my blog and a thought pops up tellin me like Man just think of how hard it would be to tag all of these tho I wish I could so I don't lose some of the cooler posts I got on here... wait is that a challenge? You don't think I'm capable of going thru all these posts and tagging them? HA! YOU KNOW NOT MY POWER! YOU KNOW NOT WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF! IF I WANTED TO I REALLY COULD and etc etc etc so yeah I'm like super close to biting the bullet and going thru all my posts just to tag some of those potential straggler posts of Sonic stuff I may have reblogged back in the day
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your-internet-bf · 4 months ago
Awww, c'mon, man, you can tell me how big it is. Cmonnnnn, I'm curious! You're a good lookin guy, I'm sure you're packin some heat down there, right?
What's that? You don't... huh? What do you mean? Here, just let me...
Don't moan, man, don't gotta make this weird... Well damn. No, no, I'm not disappointed at all, it's just... Here. Feel this.
No, shh, just feel. When you reach between a man's legs, you should feel something like this. Yeah, there's a lot there haha, maybe not something quite like this... What's that? Can you see it? That's a little gay, dude... Naw, I'm joking. Here.
Ahaha, you should see your face, man. What, you thought just because it was that big it had to be hard already? Naww, look, you're cute and all but it takes a little more than - ohhh, shit. No, you're right, your hands probably won't fit. Yeah. Why don't you...
Ahhh, fuck. Quick to get on your knees, and christ, that feels good... Yeah, fuck, use your... Ugh, christ, I know you're choking, I'm just gonna use your throat for a minute. You look so fucking hot down there... C'mon, c'mon... Aha. A little too big for your throat, huh? That's alright. Lick your spit up off my cock, I've got something else for you to try.
Jesus, I can see how soaked you are through your clothes. Take those off, lemme get a look at you. God, you've got a great ass, you know that? Spread that shit for me, let me look... God, dude, you look tight. Let me just feel around here... Yeah, shit, can you spread a little more? I wanna really get a good look. Yeahhh, that's good, right there. Yeah, I'm gonna - aha, that was a cute sound. What happens if I - ahaaaa. That wasn't very manly of you. Okay, okay... On the bed.
Spread your fuckin legs, what do you think I'm about to do? No use in being shy now, I JUST felt how fuckin wet you are. If you're not gonna do it, I'm gonna have to make you... Yeah, alright, I've waited long enough. Oh don't gimme that, I know you want it. Look, when I lay it on your tummy... Almost to your belly button. Beg me to put it in. Yeah, man, seriously. Beg me for it. Like a slut. Use your big boy words and fucking beg me to take this fat fucking cock of mine and pound your cunt.
See, was that so hard? Good boy. Now, grab onto something, cuz this is gonna hurt.
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bookshelf-dust · 3 months ago
change my mind
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carmen berzatto x fem!reader
gif by @emziess
word count: 1,876
warnings: swearing, sugar is still pregnant for the sake of this fic, some playful shouting/sibling behavior, clingy and petty carmy, smooching, barely proofread cuz i’m lazy lol
synopsis: carmy takes it personally when you tell him he has separation anxiety. he just wants you to stay with him all the time. since when is that a problem?
a/n: yes, this is absolutely a fic inspired by and named after a one direction song. i’m healing my inner child and this song just never, ever gets old, lemme’ tell you. with my winter break getting closer, i desperately need some clingy carmy.
“Natalie!” You practically screech, embracing the woman, arms strong around her shoulders but going easy with how close you bring yourself to her growing belly. She smiles and laughs into your hair. You both sway back and forth, secretly thinking how good it is to be in another sane person's presence. 
Sugar says your name in the sweetest tone, the kind that, even though she’s hugging you, gives away the grin on her face. “I’m so glad you’re here! I’ve been dying to have some girl time, I swear.”
You both turn at the sound of the door slamming shut, as though someone has kicked it closed with their heel. 
Carmy holds a tray of food up above yours and his sisters head. “Good to see you too, Sug. I’m okay with being chopped liver, it’s fine.”
You hear Pete’s voice from behind you. It echoes a little with the windows open, allowing the cool air to seep in. “It’s that girl bond, am I right?” 
Natalie pulls away and covers her hand with her mouth. Carmy snorts, patting Pete on the back. “Yeah, man. Sure is.”
Then he makes eye contact with his sister. “You know, you could’ve just invited one of us, seeing as all I’m good for is dropping off food.”
Sugar’s socked feet pad across the floor, the squishy spheres of gel sticking and unsticking with each step she takes. Her arms come up around Carmen’s neck and she pulls him into a hug before smacking him on the head. 
“What the fuck, dude?”
Nat gives him an extra squeeze and clears her throat, taking on her worst, but best, male voice. “What the fuck, dude? How could you hit me like that?”
He shoves her away, but you catch how gentle it is, considering she is carrying his niece. “I do not sound like that. And why are you wearing fuckin’ hospital socks around the house?”
“Pete suggested they’d be good while I’m pregnant since I’m so clumsy.”
“They’ve worked pretty well so far,” he chimes in, peeking into one of the trays of food you brought. You go over to him and open it fully, whispering that he can go ahead and eat, if he’s ready. To Pete, if you said it’s alright, it’s like nothing else can touch him. 
“I can get you some, Bear,” you say. “All you gotta do is ask, they’re like a dollar at Walmart.”
“Okay, let’s just eat, alright?” He fusses, though there’s that telltale dimple appearing on his face. He drags a tense hand through his hair. 
“Yes, chef.”
You’re in the first year of your masters program, and when you called Carmy a few weeks ago to tell him the dates for your fall break, you both decided you didn’t feel up to a stereotypical Thanksgiving this time around. Spending a day with Natalie and Pete seemed much more appealing than waiting for an inevitable panic attack from Carm and a full-on fight, political or not, from any given Berzatto or uncle on your mother’s side of the family. 
You’ve spent the past three nights in Carmy’s apartment, but you’re heading back to campus tomorrow morning so that you can focus on submitting your finals and tying up any loose ends. You told him ahead of time that you only planned to stay for a few days, knowing yourself and knowing that the longer you let yourself stay, the harder it would be to head back and finish up the fall semester. 
Besides, it would only be a bit longer until you could settle in with him for winter break. 
Nevertheless, Carmy was grumpy. He was trying to hide it from you because of course your decision was logical, but he is a selfish man. If it was up to him, you’d stay with him every day of the year and let him treat you like a princess. 
Each time you catch him frowning, you remind him that you’ll be coming home to him again in a matter of days. There’s a miniature whiteboard on his refrigerator that you found in the dollar section at Target. It was meant to hang on the wall, but you hot glued little circle magnets on the back four corners. Carmy laughs every time he sees it because he’s splashed something on the fridge door and needs to wipe it clean. You took the lone, failing dry-erase marker from the kitchen drawer and doodled a little calendar on it.
You drew two slightly uneven squares for your countdown. Currently each block has a number, but you know he’ll feel better when the left spot loses any number higher than 0. 
All throughout dinner, Carmy’s hand is at the small of your back, your knee, your bicep, the nape of your neck, resting on your wrist so he can feel your pulse. Like he’s afraid you are about to slip out of his grasp, only to be swept away by the current and never seen again. 
Sugar clears her throat, tucking a chunk of hair behind her ear and wiping her mouth on a paper napkin. “Someone piss in your cornflakes, Carm?”
He blinks over at her, practically jumping at being noticed. You can see his fingertips glistening with sweat under the fluorescent dining room lights. 
You have a forkful of pasta in your mouth, but you begin to chew with haste, shaking your head to try and redirect the conversation. 
You swallow, “It was me, Nat.”
“What?” she asks, voice raising a tinge. “Are you guys having a fight or something? Oh god, should I have said I was sick tonight?”
Pete coughs, his cheeks red as he fights his body’s urge to choke on the food he’s shoving in his mouth to avoid anything slightly awkward. 
The knees of Carmen’s jeans rub together when he sits back further in the dining chair, the sound of the denim, scratchy and rough, communicating his pouty demeanor as he crosses his arms.
“She’s leaving me,” he deadpans.
Forks clatter across plates. “What the fuck, Carm? Are you serious?” He laughs to himself because that vein is protruding from Natalie’s forehead. You elbow him in the ribs. 
You exhale hard enough that Pete feels it on the other side of the table.
“I am not leaving him. He’s pitching a fit because I’m going back to campus tomorrow so that I can focus on finals.”
Natalie’s eyes swing back and forth between the two of you like she’s watching a tennis match. 
“She thinks I’m a distraction,” Carmy says. 
“No duh,” Sugar laughs. “You’re the ultimate distraction. Hell, you’re made of distractions, what with all that unmedicated ADHD.”
“No duh? What are we, five? Y-you think I’m incapable of supporting my girlfriend’s ambitions because I’m some deranged, like fucking—some koala bear?”
Sugar nods once, affirmatively. 
Carmy scoffs. 
You throw back the rest of your wine and put out a hand like a cop directing traffic would. “Alright, that’s enough. Let’s finish eating, okay? I’ll deal with Carmy’s separation anxiety later tonight.”
He looks at you like he’s been slapped, that crinkle between his brows forming, followed shortly by the appearance of his frown lines. “I do not have separatio—”
“Good garlic bread, huh?” Pete says, crunching loudly. “There fancy butter in this?” 
“I can’t believe you think I have separation anxiety!”
“You do have separation anxiety, baby.”
Carmen shrugs off his coat and tosses it at the arm of the couch, but he misses and it slides right off. What a perfect metaphor for his life right now. 
“Just because I’m sad that you’re leaving me?”
“I’m not leaving you, Bear. I’m going to campus so I can ensure I get all my shit done.”
“And you can’t do that here? You already told me you don’t have any in-person finals. You’re submitting everything online, so you don’t have to go back—not really. I must really be a bother, huh?”
He regrets it already, but his petty, pitiful brain quit thinking logically about half an hour ago. 
“Carmen. Anthony. Berzatto.”
He winces. The day Sugar told you his middle name was his last day of peace. He’d had you half-convinced he just didn’t have one because he was the baby and Donna was tired of coming up with names. 
You take his face in your hands, your grip on his cheeks much gentler than the look you’re giving him. 
“Carmen. Listen to me, alright? When I’m here with you, I’m in a state of like, pure bliss. I don’t want to think about my assignments because you make me so content and happy, and you’re so stupidly cute that I just want to look at you all day and I know I won’t be productive because of it.”
Carmy’s eyes flash. His cheek twitches under your thumb where the muscles around his mouth are fighting an involuntary smile. 
His gaze flickers down to your lips when you start grinning as you speak.
“I just want to do really well on my finals, Carm. I’ve worked so hard this semester, and I want to give it my all and finish strong, you know? It’s the fact that I have no self control and would have to pull myself away from you to get work done.”
Carmy blinks at you. “I promise I can keep from distracting you. I’ll even set you up a workspace and bring you lunch or somethin’. So you can do your shit and not be bothered. We could make Richie buy you coffee.”
You laugh. 
“I’m serious,” Carmen continues. “I can be accommodating.”
You take your hands away from his face and step back, setting your fingers against your hips like that’s going to help you think better. He’s already winning you over, but you still want to do all the responsible things. 
There’s a kind of humorous tension in the room. 
Carmy is waiting for you to speak, and you’re trying to pretend like it’s a hard decision to make. If he’s serious about helping you stay focused, there’s no reason you couldn’t just go ahead and stay. 
You inhale, just to make Carmy cringe and brace himself. 
“Baby…if you say you want me to stay, I’ll change my mind.”
“I want you to stay!” Carmy blurts. “Please. I’ll get down on my fuckin’ knees if you really want me to. Stay. I promise I’ll keep out of your hair and help you be productive.” 
You giggle, soft and slow, and it reaches Carmy’s ears, enchanting him like you’re made of some love potion, whatever ingredients you’d need for that sort of thing running through your veins. 
“I’d already pretty much decided on staying right after we left Nat’s.”
Carmy swats you playfully on the hip. “Oh, fuck off! Maybe you should go back, if you’re gonna be so mean to me.” He turns to walk towards the kitchen, glancing at you over his shoulder. 
You move quickly, launching yourself off the floor and landing on his back. He hoists you up, bursts of laughter leaving his throat. 
“You love it when I’m mean to you,” you say, and you press a kiss to the side of his neck, all warm and sickly sweet. 
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note: none of the gifs or images i use are mine! i get most of my images from pinterest or here, and gifs from about the same. please let me know if i ever don’t credit someone properly!
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diorsluv · 1 year ago
feather , part 33
“ no, duh ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
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liked by _quinnhughes, mackie.samo, jamie.drysdale, and 199,272 others
lhughes_06 call me gordon ramsay the way i’m always cookin 😮��💨🧑‍🍳
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jamie.drysdale bro maxxed out frat boy speak
→ lhughes_06 ☝️🫵🤫🧏‍♂️
jackhughes is that what the burning smell was
→ jackhughes tell that to the smoke detector
→ lhughes_06 SHUT UP
yourusername when he can cook 🙈
→ rutgermcgroarty WHAAAAAAAAT
→ lhughes_06 oh 😳
→ dylanduke25 😱😱
→ _quinnhughes oh. OH. OH? O H ?
→ edwards.73 WAIT A SECOND……..
→ jackhughes what the fuck!
→ colecaufield WHAT DID I MISS???
→ trevorzegras did you have some secret intervention that i was not a part of?!?
→ _alexturcotte say it again no fucking balls
→ jamie.drysdale i checked life360 i know where you are 😒
→ adamfantilli so WHAT THE HELL IS THIS
→ mackie.samo go ahead n repeat that one for me
→ yourusername now that i have all your attention did you see that drake video 😨
edwards.73 this is the hardest soft launch i’ve ever seen
→ rutgermcgroarty i bet something’s harder tho 👀
→ lhughes_06 ✅ rutgermcgroarty
→ markestapa WHAT
→ yourusername WOAHHHH 🙉🙉
→ _quinnhughes BRO WHAT THE FUCK
→ jackhughes the dick jokes are getting worse
→ trevorzegras but i taught him well jackhughes
username10 bro exposed half her face thinking we weren’t gonna know 🙄
→ username87 i meannnnnn we all know anyways 🫢🫢
trevorzegras whens the hard launch
→ lhughes_06 well don’t spoil the surprise
→ trevorzegras 😥
→ colecaufield whos gonna tell him
→ _quinnhughes not me
→ jackhughes def not me
→ yourusername i volunteer as tribute 🙋‍♀️
markestapa luke is a dumbass confirmed
→ lhughes_06 mark is a bully confirmed
→ markestapa 🤬
→ lhughes_06 😓
luca.fantilli remember when you used to post about the friend group? cuz i dont 😒
→ lhughes_06 i just wanna show of my gf 🙁
→ lhughes_06 is that so wrong 😔😔
→ luca.fantilli yes
→ lhughes_06 oh…
→ yourusername and i’m sure your gf wants to show you off too lhughes_06
→ lhughes_06 well if she did then i’d be very flattered
→ yourusername ah then you should be pretty flattered cuz i’m almost 100% positive she wants to
username51 man im ngl ur girlfriends hot
→ lhughes_06 oh hell no BACK UP
→ username40 LMAOOO
elblue6 oh that’s great sweetie! when did you learn to cook?
→ jackhughes mom he still doesn’t know how to
→ lhughes_06 YES I DO
→ elblue6 did your best friend and newly turned girlfriend teach you?
this reply has been deleted
→ _quinnhughes 💀
→ elblue6 oops
username88 ellen’s actually a fucking savage
→ username92 mama hughes 🫶
username13 i’m waiting for fuckin tmz to make some article about this shit
→ username7 GOODBYE NOT TMZ
username65 luke sweetie even my non hockey friends know about this shit.. you gotta step it up
liked by lhughes_06
_quinnhughes bro thinks hes cooking just cuz he got a girl
→ lhughes_06 I COOKED SO HARD FYM
→ yourusername lukey ily but you did not cook whatsoever 😭😭
→ colecaufield we cooked for him
→ adamfantilli and burned 2 kitchens down in the process
→ lhughes_06 so what i’m hearing is you did more damage than i did
→ _alexturcotte 🤫🤫
dylanduke25 she literally doesn’t even like steak
→ lhughes_06 and how would you know that
→ dylanduke25 because she texted the group chat that like two years ago
→ lhughes_06 ACCORDING TO RESEARCH taste buds change about every 7 years soooo
→ edwards.73 dude she turned you into a nerd
→ yourusername on behalf of his gf THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING A NERD
→ markestapa 👀👀 yourusername
username22 he aint foolin anyone
username78 oh my god he can cook 😱😱😱
rutgermcgroarty but isn’t being able to cook like the bare minimum
→ lhughes_06 no……..(?)
→ yourusername YES IT IS 👏👏
→ lhughes_06 I MEAN YES IT IS
→ markestapa no it’s not 🙄🙄
→ yourusername i mean they jus gotta know the basics is what i’m saying yk
→ mackie.samo your man knows more than just the basics from what i’ve heard
→ yourusername yes he does 🤭🤭
→ dylanduke25 shit is that why i can’t get a date
adamfantilli i really thought you weren’t gonna post her 😔
→ lhughes_06 don’t be jealous man don’t worry
→ adamfantilli i’m not jealous 😕😕
→ mackie.samo idk you kinda do seem jealous
→ adamfantilli I’M NOT
→ luca.fantilli it’s okay bro let it out
→ yourusername awww adam do you want his attention 😣😣😣😣
→ adamfantilli stfu i KNOW you can’t be talking yourusername
→ yourusername oh ! 😃
→ markestapa LMFAOOO
username9 you live to torture us
username27 there’s no point in begging they’re never gonna do a hard launch
→ username66 it’s not like they need to
jamie.drysdale you’ve successfully shivered my timbers
→ lhughes_06 what 😥
→ jamie.drysdale my timbers are shivered as fuck
→ colecaufield LMAO
→ lhughes_06 I DON’T GET IT
→ jamie.drysdale i don’t need to see you two kissing on insta i already see it every day on ft
→ trevorzegras i mean at least you’re getting a show 🫣🫣
→ jamie.drysdale GOD NO
→ jamie.drysdale i’m going to vomit
→ jamie.drysdale never make that implication ever again
luca.fantilli what a jumpscare
→ lhughes_06 bro stop fucking hating 😒
→ luca.fantilli i can’t help myself
→ yourusername get off the fanboy agenda lu 🙄🙄
→ luca.fantilli fuck both of you
→ adamfantilli i think they’re already doing that luca.fantilli
→ yourusername MY GOD NO
username33 i don’t think they know what soft launch means anymore
_quinnhughes you didn’t even have the decency to put a trigger warning 😔
→ lhughes_06 wtf would it even say 😭
→ jackhughes tw happy couple
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liked by _quinnhughes, trevorzegras, edwards.73, and 248,050 others
yourusername shit’s feelin a little too soft now.. might have to switch it up 🫣
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markestapa are u saying what i think ur saying
→ yourusername idk marky what do you think i’m saying 🫢
→ markestapa shut the fuck up dont tease me like this
→ yourusername you’re such a fan stop acting like you don’t know we’re already together 🙄🙄
→ markestapa thanks for crushing my dreams and aspirations🖕
jamie.drysdale i know you forced him to wear that shirt
→ yourusername WHAT NO I DIDN’T
→ trevorzegras lying is a sin ‼️
→ yourusername is it so hard for you to believe that maybe he just genuinely loves me 😔
→ jackhughes yes
→ _alexturcotte honestly it’s harder to believe that you genuinely love him
→ colecaufield lmfaooo no we’re just saying he’s hard to love
→ _quinnhughes damn
→ lhughes_06 damn.
→ yourusername am i?? 🙊
edwards.73 i don’t think you wanna hard launch him
→ yourusername why 😓
→ edwards.73 everyone’s gonna get jumpscared
→ lhughes_06 uncool bro. UNCOOL.
→ mackie.samo lukey boy you sound pretty offended as her “best friend”
→ lhughes_06 i’m just being a cool best friend and getting offended for her boyfriend WHO I’M SURE IS GREAT AND AMAZING AND SUPER HANDSOME
→ rutgermcgroarty okay buddy you do you
lhughes_06 you’re actually so cute
→ yourusername my bf doesn’t approve of you go away ❌❌
→ lhughes_06 aw shucks
→ jackhughes AW SHUCKS??? 💀
→ rutgermcgroarty stop the glazing
→ luca.fantilli biggest dickrider i’ve ever seen
→ dylanduke25 literally hop off her dick bro
→ mackie.samo you guys smell that?? cuz i smell a d1 dickrider
→ trevorzegras bro folded so hard
→ _alexturcotte stay strong my brother
→ lhughes_06 shut the fuck upppp
username54 you’re killing me 😓
colecaufield are you stepping on his docs
→ yourusername they’re dupes 🙏🙏
→ lhughes_06 THEY ARE NOT DUPES
→ lhughes_06 i mean from what i’ve heard at least
→ _quinnhughes you’re fumbling this secret really hard
→ edwards.73 there’s nothing to fumble at this point 😭 _quinnhughes
→ markestapa bro has enough money to buy 100 pairs of doc martens and still gets the dupes
→ yourusername financial management!
adamfantilli it’s SUMMER. why did he buy you skates 😭😭
→ yourusername indoor rinks 🙄🙄
→ luca.fantilli use your brain little bro
→ rutgermcgroarty 🧠 adamfantilli
→ adamfantilli that’s.. not what people use that emoji for
→ rutgermcgroarty i know exactly what they use it for 😉😉
→ yourusername HUH????
→ lhughes_06 whats wrong with buying her skates during the summer 😐
_alexturcotte 🧱🚀
→ _quinnhughes how the hell do you read it wrong it’s literally emojis?
→ dylanduke25 bricked up rocket?????? wtf is that
→ _quinnhughes never mind
→ mackie.samo it means hard launch dumbass 😒😒 dylanduke25
trevorzegras do you just tie a bow around everything and call it coquette now
→ yourusername that’s exactly what i do
→ trevorzegras oh 😰😰
→ mackie.samo SO COQUETTE 👺
→ colecaufield so coke ett!
→ jackhughes i thought it was pronounced coke-eh???
→ yourusername cocaine
→ jamie.drysdale oh.
→ markestapa novocaine yourusername
→ edwards.73 why are we naming drugs
→ rutgermcgroarty NOVACANE markestapa
→ dylanduke25 FRANK OCEAN 🥰
→ _alexturcotte what the hell is going on
username29 does he spoil you
→ yourusername he does 🤭
_quinnhughes i see he’s treating my lil drizzy good
→ yourusername wtf u never call me that
→ _quinnhughes what’s wrong with calling you lil drizzy 😥😥
→ trevorzegras it’s MY nickname for her
→ yourusername ehhhh trevorzegras
→ trevorzegras shush now
→ _quinnhughes shut your face zegras
→ trevorzegras face is shut 🫡🫡
mackie.samo i flinched out of utter terror
→ yourusername next time i see you you’re gonna flinch cuz of my fist
→ mackie.samo okay then square up 😤
→ yourusername i got your sisters on speed dial
→ mackie.samo i got your brother and bf on speed dial 🙄🙄
→ yourusername but they can’t hit me or else my mommy will get mad
→ mackie.samo fucking cry baby
→ yourusername suck it 🤬
dylanduke25 is that book cinderella
→ yourusername only you would look closely enough to notice what book i’m reading 😭
→ dylanduke25 what can i say i love the details
→ yourusername mhm i bet the girls love you
→ dylanduke25 no actually they don’t 💔
→ yourusername aw duker it’s okay ily
→ dylanduke25 i bet your bf’s punching the air rn
→ yourusername he’s currently whining about you and laying on top of me 😃😃
username58 luke’s a clingy bf?!?! 🙉
jackhughes mom misses you
→ yourusername AW TELL HER I MISS HER MORE
→ _quinnhughes the ass kissing is crazy
→ yourusername shut up before i tag your mom
→ lhughes_06 mom’s trying to steal my girl 🤬
this reply has been deleted
→ jackhughes luke we all saw that you’re such a pussy
next chapter notes ) ITS SHORT I KNOW but after you know.. stuff……. happened i really wanted to get something out AND IT’S VALENTINES DAY SO HOW COULD I NOT i hope you guys had a great day, valentine or not!!
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys@loveforaugust@cstads-blog@h0e4fictionalme-n
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babyaiker · 8 months ago
I’m writing this at 5am but when @verdemoun “kieran duffy hyperfixation page” themself encourages you to talk about your now 5 month long obsession, you know you gotta,,, 
Mini break down of Kieran’s characterization in the Paying A Social Call mission, lets go
Before I get too far please know I genuinely have no beef with people who baby Kieran. He’s a fictional character and we’re all just having fun, I just really like analyzing the text ^^
In my last post where I talked about my favorite part of Kieran’s character, I briefly mentioned how the mission Paying a Social Call (the mission in chapter 2 where Kieran is freed) contains a lot of characterization for Kieran that a chunk of the fandom misses. It was when I was watching someone's random stream did I remember how much was getting left out. While I've seen plenty of people rant about Kieran's mischaracterization in the fandom, details from this mission were often left out of the discussions I personally saw. So while I really don't care WHO you interpret Kieran as, having an excuse to rant about the mission I could probably quote start to finish is fun.
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Despite the circumstances Kieran finds himself in, he’s not a coward. He knows his worth and isn’t afraid to bite back at others for messing with him. The only reason he cowers and runs off is usually because he was physically hurt, threatened to be hurt, or knows the person he's talking to would gladly hurt him. We have evidence of him acting like this in maaany different ways through the hidden dialogue scenes in camp. His goddamn catchphrase “I ain’t no O’Driscoll” is an example in of itself, showing that he isn't just cowering and crying because of how he’s treated, he's actively fighting against it.
But now let’s actually get into Paying A Social Call, as the only thing Kieran does throughout the entire mission besides show the boys where Six Point Cabin is, is defend himself. 
The beginning of that quest is well… a beginning for sure. I’d probably be a mess too if I was starving and about to get my nuts ripped off. 
His whole “I ain’t no O’Driscoll” shtick only gets louder the second he’s untied. He’s as cooperative as he needs to be, but is gonna make sure everyone knows he isn’t happy about it. While there's a lot of snarky shit he can end up saying, the dialogue where he directly compares the Van Der Lindes to the O’Driscolls is something special. Like Jesus I would not be saying that shit in the predicament you're in right now! While you can still hear the unsureness in his voice, he’s not afraid to say it as it is. (I still find it interesting that even non Kieran fans will point back to that dialogue as foreshadowing and be like "aw shit the horseboy was right fellers")
Okok skipping ahead to the end cuz arughh there's a specific line said in the last scene that completely changed Kieran’s character for me. All I’ll say about the gunfight is that right before it, when John has his gun up against Kieran, while the camera pans to a group of O’Driscolls, you can see Kieran give Arthur a thumbs up when Arthur shushes him. It’s such a tiny detail but it amused me and my partner when we discovered it.
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At the end of the mission, after Arthur realizes that Colm isn't there, he confronts Kieran at gunpoint, pretty much ready to kill him. Kieran of course acts like how we’d think he would,,, he promptly begs for his life. But once Arthur spares him and gives him the decency of running away, Kieran doesn't grovel back to him, begging to be taken back, he fuckin yells at him. He understandably points out that letting him go free is as good as killing him, as the rest of the O’Driscolls would likely have his head for this (didn’t like typing that). His very blunt, angry line of “So I’m one of YOU now!” genuinely made me rethink what I’d been assuming about him. It likely dawned on me while I was staring at the streamer’s “hose goat” cam, but just demanding a spot in the gang like that isn’t something a coward would do. He is incredibly firm in his “fuck you, you’re stuck with me now”.
Even his dialogue after is just more examples of him being very aware of his vicarious situation (Arthur: “Alright, but I’m warning you”, Kieran: “Oh, I know”) and being more than eager to start proving himself useful (Kieran: “See Arthur, I ain’t so bad!” ^^)
I genuinely think the whole “whiney useless baby” assumption comes from the fact we play as Arthur. Arthur VERY adamantly views Kieran this way, literally calling him a baby as a way of antagonizing him. And because most everyone loves Arthur, they’re bound to view Kieran the same way he does. Unreliable narrator kinda thing, though I'm not saying that's a bad thing in the slightest. And with the magic of RDR2’s actually good character writing, I can sit here for 700 words summarizing why Kieran’s actually kinda cool sometimes. 
So ya, I wouldn’t say Kieran’s a coward, but I’m also not gonna say he’s some crazy cool badass murderer outlaw. He’s a dude trying to survive who’s been kicked out of or lost every home he’s known. He’s still a silly guy I wanna lovingly snap over my knee like a twig. With the life he’s lived you can’t afford to be unable to stick up for yourself, he’s just smart enough to know when it’s time to lay low.
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son-justdont · 23 days ago
okay so here's the update regarding my mom's opinions on catws
she fuckin gets it, dude
i talked about how despite everything hydra does to make him look intimidating, you can see that he's very neutral, sometimes even scared. i showed her this gif:
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and she said "it's like he's lost"
we talked about how he's extremely calculating and doesn't react emotionally even in high stress or when he's being bested, like when Natasha fucked up his arm, or even during the face reveal. and she said "because they didn't understand the science of it... the serum enhances everything about the person, and he wasn't bad. that's why they had to work so hard and wipe him so much, because he wouldn't ever actually want to do those things." i couldn't help but smile while she was saying this lmao
she also said: "to me, Steve always seemed... independent. it's almost like Bucky relied on him more than the other way around" which is the most stucky thing she could've ever said. she's so fucking right
she was like "wait, so he pulled him out of the water... and then he just walked away?? so now he's just wandering around... and the longer he stays unfrozen, the more he's going to remember everything"
we can't quite yet watch civil war but we are very excited for it lol
oh, and she loved nick fury and she didn't even know who the fuck he was. i forgot to explain beforehand but she understood pretty quick. and then she was very upset when he "died" as well LOL she said "THEY NEED TO STOP DOING THAT." she hated rumlow immediately as well and i was like yeah that's the correct opinion
now i wanna respond to some of the comments under the cut cuz ive been having such a good time lmao
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@bucky-boychik-barnes @impetusofadream HERE U GO (one of them is from a different post where i talked about the same thing lmao)
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@ilovemosss i read this post out to my mom including the replies and when i read this one she went "YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!"
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@sentowritesstuff @stuckydrewx @partofthefandom @musette22 @rillils @skullfragments
she really thought all these responses were so funny and sweet! i however will not be introducing her to ao3 lmfao. she's no prude but she's pretty shy. i'll have to just relay ideas i find myself, i think. if anyone has any non-M rated recs you think she might like based on what she's said, feel free to send them my way haha
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honestly she'd probably enjoy herself but i am probably only be showing her Cap and Bucky related stuff LSKDJF we didn't even watch avengers and i sure as hell am not showing her AoU. i'm basically explaining the relevant information as to what went on in between movies. i was like "natasha is an ex russian spy that was groomed to be as a child. that's basically all you need to know" like i didn't even explain nick fury and she was SO UPSET WHEN HE DIED LMAO
and, i gotta spill the beans, but i haven't seen a marvel movie since the first black panther. yeah that includes IF and EG. i know what happens but my interest in marvel PLUMMETED back then and i never caught up. honestly i'm only back into this stuff because i rewatched jessica jones and then wanted to go through the whole MCU from the beginning, saw CA:TFA, went "oh yeah this was all that i liked," and went all in for them.
i have watched TFatWS and i loved it (it seems like the fandom doesn't though LOL) for what it was, so i'll probably show her that. she is gonna be so so so so so upset regarding steve's choice, just like the rest of us. and i'm not looking forward to it lol. but i'll update when that happens too
i'll have to make a post civil war mom thoughts once that happens haha
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danaduchy · 5 months ago
all texts from Kerry
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Found Henry Holy shit, Henry's on board. Way to go! Check outta rehab of his own free will… thru the window, hehe. Some nurse tried to stop us - at first I thought she wanted an autograph, but she didnt even recognize me. Tell you the rest later How's it going with Nancy? S'all under control That's what I like to hear
Samurai's back together What about Johnny? He amped for this gig or meh? * As amped as he's ever been. Must be important to him cuz otherwise I wouldnt be forced to take this stupid pseudoendotrizine * Hard to say. You know how he is Well I'm amped as fuck, if anyone's wonderin. It'll be fuckin shimra - just gotta remember not to get too wasted before. Old habits die hard, haha
Waiting for you Kerry? Where are you? On the way. Chill. Gotta change
What's up, V? Too bad you split so quick after the concert - we didn't even get a chance to chat I barely know anything about you, except you've got a shit-ton goin on inside You're the one who left early That so? Hm, maybe. Anyway, it was fuckin nova, wasn't it? Shoulda recorded it for you cause you didn't catch anything thru Johnny
Hey! Heey. So I cant stop thinkin about our little adventure. FUCKIN AWESOME. Thats how you live life. ON THE EDGE :> * Who doesnt like explosions and races right? :) Lemme know if the rest of your plan worked out Sure, I'll text or call ;) If I can't convince you to blow up anythin else, then at least we can go for a drink. Take care! * Egh, day just like any other. Hope it helped you tho Pff, sound more nonchalant than a karaoke star from kabuki ;) I'll be in touch
Coffee at Caliente Know what? I'm glad we got a chance to talk over coffee. You're a straight shooter, V. Nothing like the ass-kissers I'm usually surrounded by. It's good we did what we did, right? Blowing that van to bits? Cuz I been thinking… * To be honest, got no clue if anything good will come of it. I agreed cuz you paid me. Honest as ever, huh? Means I was right about you. Appreciate that, V. I really do. Don't ever change. * It was the right thing to do. And you've got nitro running through your veins. Don't you ever let yourself think otherwise! Nitro in my veins? Yeah, and a fuse sticking out of my ass. Least that's what I felt back then. Was worth it, though - slept like a fucking baby for the first time in ages. Talk to you later. Thanks again!
Reward Hey, forgot to send the eddies before, but should hit your account any sec. PREEM WORK :>
Where are you? Well, where are you? At this rate I'm gonna be a fuckin skeleton by the time you get here.. Move your ass or forget about this whole thing Dunno where you are or what you're up to, but I'm a busy fuckin man. Forget about it - don't have time for this shit Srsly, V? Ditched me with the badges and split? Shitty move. We're fuckin THROUGH Where the fuck are you? Grrr doesnt matter. I'm checkin out, goin home. Call ya if somethin comes up
answer yr phone!!! Hey, V. Got a job for you. Corner of Grey and Mallagra. Be there first thing in the morning, we'll talk it over. I'm fucking livid, V! Those Us Cracks bitches clearly didn't get the hint. Instead of cancelling after we blew up their truck, they just moved their show to another date! Meet me at Riot ASAP. We'll deal with them differently this time. The Us Skanks still wanna fuck me over and record the cover, V! On top of that, their lawyers won't stop yappin'. We really need to talk. I'm at Dark Matter right now. Come 'round the back, the bouncers will let you in. It's easier to reach my dead grandma than you, V! Anyway, Us Cracks are done, for real this time. We should celebrate! Stop by Dark Matter. Use the back entrance.
What's up? Hey, hows it going? Ownin the streets of NC? * More like tryna survive. Let's just say the city and I are even Sweet. What's that? What's up with me? Nice of you to ask. Hammerin out some sick tunes. Ok, more like trying to hammer out. Keep your fingers crossed * Hey hey, you could say that. Lotta stuffs been happenin - even without you! :O Yeah yeah, whatever! I'm stringin together some fresh tunes… OK, more like thinking about some fresh tunes. Keep your fingers crossed
Missed holocall! V! Whatever you're doing right now - drop it and come see me at the Marina. Pier four.
Scratch that! Spoke too soon Slight change of plans - waitin on an important delivery and the fuckin gonk's late. Be at the marina at 7pm!
Kova-chek this out :D Kovachek went ballistic when he found out the yacht went up in smoke! Even went back on those pills that turn him into you know, whatever the opposite of a cyberpsycho is. More goo than a man haha this is greaaaaat! * Ouch. Musta sunk a lotta eddies into that float! :P Speakin of dickheads tho - turns out he stashed a ton of drugs on board! Like, two yachts' worth. And we sent aaaall of that to the bottom of the sea :D Bay's full of fish high off their fins now! * Literally zero living organisms in that bay, Ker. Yeah duh they they took their happy fishy asses down to the spaceport and went to la la land. Anyway tellin ya whenever I'm down, I think about our seaventure and it's like insta good feels :* * Wow. What now? Feel like blowing more of his shit up. Think he's got a luxury crib somewhere in the Rockies… Something to think about… :P FUCK NO! I GOT IT! We make a Kovachek voodoo doll! Can't wait to stab that prick right in the dick :D * I really don't care about that dick, Kerry. Fine OK. As long as you care about MY dick, that is :P
Hey :* Heeey, how's it hanging? Everything all right? I'll just come right out and say it - I miss you. Just a little bit though ;) You coming by anytime soon? * Miss you too, if you can believe that. See? We're tuned to the same frequency. I'll try to swing by sometime. Preem. I'll be waiting! * Hey! Well well, look who's suddenly spilling their guts out :P Dunno when I can drop by though :/ Sad face :( But fine - I know the world doesn't revolve around me. It sucks, but that's the way it is. Take care! * Been thinking about you… Thinking about you too. You're like some chorus to this incredible song that's been stuck in my head lately. On loop :) * What's new? Still conquering the world with music? Planning to! :) don't really know if there's anything left to conquer though. You're already mine, right? (I know, I knooooow, it's cringe. But I couldn't hold myself back!) Latest song I wrote - read it and weep. Wrote it while thinking of you: "Where you whisper, open up your heart / Reveal the place where I once had a heart" Whaddaya think? * I like it. It's gentle, but still has a bite. And knowing you, probably has multiple meanings ;) Exactly! I knew you'd get it :*** * Hmm, you were thinking about me when you wrote that? Dunno if that's good or bad :< it's up to you - that's the whole point! :* * Got a bunch of things on my plate right now. Times are tough. Oh, OK, cool. Do what you gotta do. We'll talk later, no prob.
Serious business Check it out, V. Got this email from a lifelong fan. It's serious. Gotta write her back. Dear Mr. Eurodyne, the day we both have been waiting for is finally upon us! I got rid of my husband, my house and all the other remnants of my former life. Now, I'm truly ready to give you my heart and all my other organs, should you desire them. You are the Sun and I am the Moon - I live to bask in your radiant brilliance. I love you, Mr. Eurodyne, and eagerly anticipate the time we'll finally be together. We will meet soon - I'm sure you know exactly where." She also sent me a gift card to a junk shop in Providence, wherever the fuck that is. It's clear she's nuts, just not sure if it's the murder-suicide variety. She writes me same day every year, like clockwork. What if she dissolved her man in a vat of acid, burned down her house and now she's sharpening her sickle cuz I'm next!? What are we gonna do, V??? * You really worried about her? More importantly: Kerry Eurodyne actually reads fan mail? Adorable. Yeah, yeah, Kovachek usually deals with all that shit. Even signs photos and sends them to the fans. But the fucker always forwards stuff from this crazy broad. Gets his rocks off fuckin with my blood pressure. Anyway, thought you might get a kick out if it. Seriously though, I should probably do something. Don't want her to knock on my bedroom door a year from now. * What, your first psycho groupie? Unbelievable :D Don't worry about it. We'll deal with her. Fuckin preem. What should I do, V? Ideas?? * Call the Providence PD. Let them scare her off? Or better yet, put her in a straitjacket? Boooring! 'Sides, cops mean lawyers and I hate dealing with them even more than I hate Kovachek's guts. No worries, I'll think of something else.You're in charge here. * Why not have a bit of fun? Write her back, give her Kovachek's address and say you'll be waiting for her there exactly one year from now :P Hahahaha you beautiful fucking GENIUS! Think I'll do exactly that. He'll shit himself when he sees her! We'll set up a camera and film it, too. Can't wait!Not worth your time. * She probably thinks she's pregnant with Lizzy Wizzy's love child, too. Check if the store has a netpage, see if they ship to NC and get yourself something nice! Smart! I'll see if they have anything worth my while. Get myself a studded choker. Or one of them Russian stacky doll-in-a-doll-in-a-doll things. Thanks, V! Later
Truth or Dare! I'm boooooooored, V. Let's play Truth or Dare! :D * Really don't have time for this, Ker. Cmon, don't be like that. TRUTH or DARE??? * Fuck it. Dare. OK, here it goes. Hope I got your full attention! OKOK here's your dare: "Survive one year with a rockstar" :D * Cheeky ;) Guess I can give it a try ;) * Don't know if I have time for that, Kerry. * Truth! Got nothing to hide. Here it goes: "After a little good morning sex, what I really want is…" * Coffee and cigarettes. Glass of whiskey if I need a little hair of the dog…
* Scrambled eggs. Clearly.
Puzzle by yrs truly V! Made one of them picture riddles for you, V! Wanna see it? :D Fuck yeah you do! Heeeere goes! …69 <3 * Not right now, Kerry. Got some other things on my mind… No worries. Listen, we all have days like this. Thinking of you here with my little puzzle, hope that helps :* * Really, Ker? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Yeah, yeah, just warming up! Okay, get ready for round two! |$| >< #o.O# ;( * Kerry slapped the shit out of Kovachek! * Rockstars are the best spankers! Sorry, all you get is a kiss :* * My man is shit at puzzles :* You got it, you shrewd beast :D Congrats! Your reward - a Kerry Eurodyne sextape! Now all that's left is to shoot it :P I'll send you something sweet <3
Personality test You're not gonna believe this, V. I took one of those personality tests and apparently, I'm a NARCISSIST! Can you believe that shit?? * You, a narcissist? That can't be right. I know, right? Good thing you're smart about these things. You're so sweet, babe :* * Might be some truth to it if I'm REAL honest :) You do… tend to be an arrogant snob. Not to mention your ego's the size of a small planet :* Haha took the test again and now it says I'm a sociopath! Told you it's all bullshit! Told you I'm not a narcissist! Honestly you should listen to me, I'm smarter than whatever "scientist" came up with this shit!
Ah V fuuuck worlds biggest hangover, shakes and willies. Need a kind soul to tell me I'll come out the other side OK :-/ my age be damned ;-| * Textin ya from Dtown, 'hood's the very embodiment of shakes and willies * Got a gig, mebbe not worlds biggest but mondo anyway. This is me needin assurance I'll come out the other end in 1 piece Ever in the thick of shit, eh? It's where your&Johnny's minds meet, both uber vibe on it. JS better be fuckin happy - is he? * Need better candy to pop at raves, physio venting helps, mutes nerves, you'll stride strong, won't bother us workin peeps! Srsly V - soundin like you need time off, ad hoc vacay. U know, throw the monkey off your back, dunno, air your skull sponge. * Could be, just not now Handlin ginormous gig in Dogtown. Elbow deep in it, serious as a heart attack. * That an invite….? ;> Dunno, maybe…? My door's wiiiiiiide open, always ;> * Got this biz I gotta tend to first, one way or another… Oh ok mystery man - you do you. gotta say, findin this diss kinda titillating. Is it the masochist in me? tension's… ooooh, got my mouth watering. * Right, I know. One of these days - surprise! You'll see, be at your front door. Only if I'm home, obvi. You're textin a raucous, go-get-'em busy man… * OOO-K. So get lost, find a release. * Hmm, you're temptin me to call. Will do, given time. Do do do, plz. I'll be waitin <3
OK then I'll play support - we're all gonna all right, better'n all right - golden Which is DEF NOT me now - after a fuckin weird-ass 48 hrs, and this is me talkin…! just straaange… like unbelievably so Ahem, got stories to tell, solid gold * well, yeah, might find it a lil hard to believe… welp, hope you're whole and fine and happy. If you are, suck it. Dissin somebody like this - not nova, choom, supra unpreem * OK spill So dig this - meet-up w the enemy, competing publishing bitchez. Top dogz, bubbly flowin, rails vanishing up noses - all in back of a stretch cuz they out to impress my ass with their asses. Kinda sad, really. Gotta give 'em an e for effort, tho - they say: choom, got a mountain o' eddies for ya. N I say, really - where from? N they say, our mountain's a volcano, it'll spew scratch like lava… Hm i say, how's that? N they say, Zetatech product placement - next tour, choom so I says let's go - Zetatech now! they practically jizz. Zetatech HQ I get out, drop my pants and moon eveybody lookin out the windows of the building while I give the bitchez in the limo the finger at the same time. N i called Delamain.\nDel and me, we rollin, talkin anti-iperialism - any sense in it given the state of the world? Know what? we actually come to a conclusion - that nuthin makes sense anymore. So we go on rollin, and go on talkin and drinnk myself into grief. 18 hours later Del dropped me by my crib. He wished me GOOD LUCK IN THIS WORLD. choom was deep depressed, so much so he gave me a discount * Could've happened to Kerry and Kerry alone, that Plain to see, admit it, I just might be the king of NC's nightlife * vive le roi! and may the consort bask in his light ;> xoxo * hm, yeah, no titles more important than that… BETTER FUCKIN BELIEVE IT. * Oooh could go for a convo about life's futility. But DT takes no prisoners forgives no mistakes - need to focus. salty! somebody's in a m0000d * well, just don't see your parties and hangovers as overly important to me just now, if ever * yeah, sorry, just this gig, shitstorm, tense, lots to handle OK I get it, all crystal. Need a lil cheerin up or just leave you the fuck alone? * may be better off just leavin me alone, I'll ping you later, OK? say no more, luv ya and dreamin daily about your sweet tush <3 Eurodyne out * cheerin up, plz :) OK catch: How ya get a bass player to have that gleam in his eye? Shine a flashlight in his ear. That help any? * yup, did wonders :D thx raise you on the holo later, 'kay? * hm, not great, but I won't hold it against you. cute of you to try ok, so here's somethin to keep you warm at night in the meantime, you sweet precious thing <3
You doing anything? Yo, why haven't you shot me a message or nothin? I'm sitting over here like a dumbass waitin for my phone to start buzzin… * Sorry, Ker! You know how it is, life and shit… I know I know, didn't mean to be a total prick * I was just about to text you! Uh huh… suuuure… * You coulda shot me one too, y'know :P The fuck do you think I'm doin right now?!? So listen, how busy are ya? Gotta admit, I'm gettin the itch real bad. Like, a good itch, to see you I mean. * Sounds great! My megabuilding pad maybe? A megabuilding, huh? I mean, sure, guess that'll work… * Then I'll be waitin for ya at my Northside apartment :) Preem. Then I'll get there when I get there. * Let's meet up in Japantown. Just a hop and a skip for you ;) Perfect! * Can you drive over to the Glen? Love to see you too <3 I can do whatever the fuck I want. * Whaddaya say to a little date downtown? My Corpo Plaza place? Ohhh baby, my ass is already out the door! * I'm free! Wanna swing by Dogtown? You outta your mind? No fucking way! Either we meet in NC proper or I ain't goin out. Don't forget to tidy up a bit, yeah? ;)
Goooood morning, Night City! And you, V! Listen, I'm bored outta my mind. Wanna be bored together at least? You asleep? :P Oh, what's that? You want me to come over? Sure! You're one hot piece of ass, you know that right? You were in my dream last night. A good one. Don't worry, I ain't mad at dream V or nothin - in fact I wanna meet up! I hit a creative block, need some inspiration. I need you. I'm coming over. * Sounds good :) Megabuilding apartment then. Hope you remember which one's mine! On my way! * Genius idea from a genius himself. I'll be waitin for ya in Northside <3 Guess this means I have to change outta my bathrobe. The sacrifices we make! * Japantown. Now. :P Preem! Callin a Delamain right now! * Missed you too. Come to the Glen :) * Sounds like it's time for a trip downtown. My Corpo Plaza pad to be exact * Swing by Dogtown, I'll show you my fixer-upper :P Over my cold, dead, bullet-riddled body! The fuck you even doing there?! Get back to civilization, V! * haha XD so, right now's not good, but don't worry - I'll be thinkin of ya ;) Oh so that's how you wanna play this… nah, just messin, V. wink, wink. I'll catch ya another time!
I like you, V. Thought I owed you a little reminder of that. And hey, not to impose or nothin, but if you wanna spend some more time together, don't be such a coward about it, y'know? Hit me up!! * I like you too, Kerry. I'll let ya know :) Ain't we an adorable fuckin pair of sweethearts! Ha! * No imposing. I'd love to see you again soon too ;) Careful with those boundaries now, V. Let em down too far and I might just move right in! * Course! Soon as I find some time, you'll be the first to know! You honor me, sir! Hang tough out there, V. And remember - don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Hey, Ker! Life's been feelin a lil empty without ya… wanna meet up? So, wanna see me again? Fuck yeah! Your place ok? Heeey! I do, I do! Just… can't right now. Schedule's crammed. But I'll be in touch real soon!
I fucking love surprises! Yo, V, this is a nice ride! Seems like whenever you're on my mind all I can think about is rides ;) * Yeah I know ;) * I love surprising you :) As crazy as my life is, without you it'd be boring as hell <3 Thanks for the flowers! Thank christ they're artificial cuz I'm allergic to pollen. Sneezing, goopy eyes, the whole fuckin thing. Also… "Feedback"? What? Did we hook up at one of my concerts? Honestly I can't remember. * Totally. Speaker feedback fused our audio systems somehow. Made the sex interesting at least. Whaaa, well whatever, I don't need the whole sciency mumbo jumbo :D * You kiddin? How could you forget! Man, what the fuck was I on that night…
Won't see me for a while Gonna need to vanish for a while maybe a month or so. Hope you didn't have any romantic escapades planned and all set up :P Nooo :( Who'm I gonna take to the N54 rave then? :((( * Shiiiit mean to say I'm gonna miss an N54 party? Wanted to surprise you… Real fucking shame :/ I know ;( We'll crash multiple raves when I'm back in town tho :) Promise! * Take someone else feel free but just this once. Long as you promise - no hand holdin' no indecent stuff no INTIMACY mental neither :P Oh please faithful's my middle name :* Fuck really wish you could make it Make it up to you 100%
Long time no see :] There's this merc I know and haven't seen for a while… oh yeah it's you! :D C'mon pick up gotta tell you how wasted me and Slavoy McAllister got at this N54 rave xD Think we might've burnt down half the studio… by accident ofc XDD Hey, V? Pick up, choom Still can't top you 'n' me as a wrecking crew ;) Fuck, you ok? Pick up dammit not funny V 13 missed calls from: Kerry Eurodyne
You ghosting me? Fuck, pick up! Really?! Can't even bother to send ONE word?! Just gonna pretend like nothin happened, huh? COWARD
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starryylies · 1 year ago
Hi !!! Idk if you've done this already but can you do my angel boy Gaz and Ghost with a girl who love scary movies ??? I feel like they'd totally have the mentality of "I gotta comfort her when she's scared" but Gaz specifically flinches and I think Si would like "brace" if that makes sense like wincing his eyes. I dunno if you've done something like that but your emo story reminded me of me and it made me so happy I'm a metalhead and I was gonna ask for more but it was already in there and that just mad emy day ilysm already okay bye -🫀
Simon n Gaz watching a horror movie with s/o
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HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Again so sorry (I’m sorry for saying sorry sm) but like Omg I love this cuz I love horror smmmm!!! Insidious,suspiria,Bwp, conjuring you name it I love them omgggg.
So thank you so much for the awesome ask and I hope you enjoy it 🩷🩷🩷
Also I used the movies sinister and lights out for the references :))
♰ he thought watching the movie sinister will be fun cuz he thought he could protect you from the jumpscares
♰ he needs to be protected from the damn movie tho (okay this movie is fucked up tho and it’s totally normal to be scared)
♰in the beginning he thought it will be some poorly made movie with shit ass jumpscares but boy was he wrong
♰ when the scene of the family hanging themselves comes on he was taken aback and he lets out an audible wince shutting his eyes
♰ he genuinely finds the movie scary and gory, cannot help but find himself wince and shut his eyes whenever he thinks there will be a jumpscare
♰ as the movie progressed and the other tapes were revealed he just couldn’t take it anymore, his limit broke off when the mowing scene came
♰ but you seemed to be enjoying the movie, anticipating what the next scene will reveal
♰ he shut the tv before he could see further, it was too much for him
♰ “fuckin hell love this movie is a fuckin nightmare” he groans
♰ “noo It’s a well made film :( plus I enjoy a good scare ya know”
♰ god how could you be so chill with it, he can’t tell if he should admire you or keep his distance
♰dw he admires you :)
♰ keeps on ranting about how he’d never do such a stupid fucking thing
♰ says Ellison was a stupid fuckin idiot for getting his family there and curses him for the rest of the day
♰ asks you your opinion on the movie and who you think is recording the tapes
♰ ends up going on the net to see how the movie ends cuz he can’t let it go
♰when he finds out the ending he has an ‘aha’ moment.
♰ tries watching the movie again but ends up stopping in the beginning itself cuz he can’t handle it.
♰ probably doesn’t want kids after this movie
♰ Awh this poor guy just wanted to watch a scary movie with you to hold you when you’re scared but it kinda ends up being the opposite
♰ you both decide on watching lights out (I wanted to pick hereditary or mother but too much cuz I’m writing this at 3am)
♰ see lights out is a Pretty chill film but Diana is creepy as hell and sadly gaz became a victim to Diana’s jumpscares
♰ when she killed the dad gaz visibly flinched like on the edge of the sofa hoping the dad would survive
♰ but boom the bitch killed him :/
♰ felt really bad for the brother (Martin)
♰sympathised with him a lot by saying he’s a good kid and that he’s really strong.
♰ surprised on how you’re not getting scared or anything
♰ thinks that you have watched this film before
♰ gaz got shit scared during the scene where Rebecca and her boyfriend came and Diana creeped around them
♰ the end made him tear up just a lil :(
♰ you ended up comforting him holding him close cuz he felt bad about their mom
♰ thinks it’s adorable how you give lil facts about the movie from time to time though.
♰ cursed Diana for the rest of the day,
♰ if you take any medications, don’t worry you’ll never miss them now cuz gaz will make sure you eat yours on time
♰ keeps the bathroom and living room lights on that night
♰ will search for movies like lights out
♰ will never watch them though
♰ is proud that he got closer to you tho
♰ will definitely hold you the entirety of the movie
♰ will never have a horror movie date again tho
♰ but will watch a horror movie with you if you ask him cuz how can he say no to you :))
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1427 · 1 year ago
When the Levee Breaks (pt. 4)
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Daryl Dixon x OFC
The one in which a stripper that used to know Merle and Daryl shows up at the Atlanta camp. Daryl’s feelings are complicated but mostly he hates her, right?
Chapt. Setting: Highway outside of Atlanta. 
Chapt. Warnings: degrading and sexist language, degrading behavior, season 2 Daryl, smut, oral (m receiving)(kind of) weird. Just weirdo perv (out of desperation) Daryl. 
Word Count: 3200
A/N; Daryl’s POV 😩🤷‍♀️ 17+ mdni
Been keepin’ Merle’s stuff pretty well hidden. Guess I should probably just get rid of it, right? But I can’t. S’not mine to get rid of. So I just hide it. Separate bag from the rest of his meds, all the way at the bottom of a backpack, stuffed under the seat of my truck. 
Beatle says she’s been sober off spazz shit for three years. Pretty sure three years ago s’when I met her though, so I’unno how she figures that. 
But now we’re ditchin’ the truck and I gotta find a way to carry it without Beatle finding it. Don’t even have time to be upset about my truck. Had it for at least the last ten years. Loved this thing like it was the only thing I had. Basically was for a while. 
Takin’ Merles bike. It’s got some dumbass Nazi shit on it, but ‘m not complainin’. That shit don’t matter anymore. Neither does bein’ upset over a truck that’s not gonna do me any good without gas. 
Pack myself two bags. One goes with Beatle in Dale’s RV, the other is the pack I’d had stuffed under the seat. Spazz gets hidden underneath a few shirts, smokes, the couple sips left of girlwhiskey, and the rest of Merle’s scripts. Stuff I don’t trust Beatle with.  
I think she knows, too. She doesn’t say it but she gives me a look when I tell her ‘m holdin’ onto it. I offer her a whole cigarette. All for herself. And it shuts her up enough not to push it. 
Don’t know if I like when she’s happy or not. Kinda makes me feel sick so I try not to think about it. Dunno. Whatever. Don’t got time to think about that shit anyway. S’always somethin’. 
Don’t really even got the time to think about what a shit show the CDC was. Just gotta keep movin’. Guess the plan is Fort Bennet? Don’t know. Don’t care. ‘m just goin’. 
It’s nice to be back on a bike again. Can’t feel nothin’ but the vibrating underneath me and the air in my face. Can’t hear nothin’ but the engine. By myself. Like all this shit hasn’t happened…
No use in thinkin’ ‘bout it that way, though. Has happened. And I ain’t gonna be one of those sorry sacks that wants to pretend shit ain’t the way it is. That’s one thing I like Beatle for. She don’t pretend shits gonna go back. Don’t miss nothin’, ain’t lookin’ for no one. Far as I see it, she’s happy mostly. Guess it’s easy when someone’s takin’ care of everything for ya. Me. Giving her my smokes and buildin’ fires for my damn self, thinkin’ everything tha’s mine is hers. It ain’t. 
Other people makin’ plans. Other people findin’ shelter. Other peoples food. 
Too many people in this group ain’t pullin’ their own weight. It’s gonna catch up sooner or later. Beatle’s a weak player. Can’t decide if I should help her out or not. Can’t decide if I should protect her or not. Cuz she don’t want it, she don’t think she needs it. But she’s gonna need it. Sooner or later. 
Cuz I know I hate her and all that. Dumb fuckin’ bitch for sure. But after what happened at the CDC? Thought we were gonna die. Thought she was gonna die. Fuck. I’unno. Guess I felt somethin’. 
I’m in between knowin’ it and hatin’ it. It can be both right? Cuz it’s definitely both. One more thing I gotta care about. Real fuckin’ stupid. 
We’re only on the road a few hours before shit blows. Literally. Dales radiator. Good ‘n done. Then more bullshit happens but ain’t that the way shit is now?
A whole herd of ‘em come through and everyone’s fine. Andrea’s havin’ a panic attack ‘bout the geek that almost ate ‘er, Carol’s kid run off into the woods, and T-Dog’s all but bled out. But to me? Basically fine. No one’s dead or nothin’. 
Don’t know where Beatle was when the herd came. But she’s fine too, and any worryin’ I’d been doin was a waste of fuckin’ time. Not gonna waste any more of it bein’ mad I was worried in the first place. That I couldn’t think ‘bout anything else. Just images of her stupid happy face gettin’ ripped apart. Guess I care now. At least ‘bout her not bein’ dead. ‘Bout her bein’ here.
She’s standin’ outside the RV with me, sharing a cigarette cuz I don’t know how else to tell her I’m glad she’s alive. Can’t stop lookin’ at her. She’s either ignoring my staring or pretendin’ I ain’t doin’ it, and ‘m grateful. Don’t wanna talk ‘bout that shit. Just wanna look at her, and fix all those images in my head. Her face still happy and perfect and smilin’ at me like it wasn’t bein’ eaten by monsters a few minutes ago. 
I feel sick. Somethin’… different. 
“Can I just hug you, please?” She asks like she’s been waitin’ to say it. 
“Why?” I squint at her, dragging the smoke. Kinda want to - kinda mad she asked instead of just doin’ it, “Since when do you ask permi-“ I’m cut off by her body wrapped around mine. All four limbs holdin’ on like I’m keepin’ her anchored to the world. 
I hug her back, arms pulled tight around her. Why am I doing this? What the fuck is this? Goin’ fuckin’ soft for some dumb little girl. I can hear Merle laughin’ at me from inside my head, and I drop Beatle back down to the pavement. 
“I’m glad you’re alive.” She says, and I look down at her. Now she’s all covered in the gross shit I’m covered in. She doesn’t seem to care. Doesn’t even seem to notice. 
“Yeah?” I say at her, cuz I don’t know what else to say. Can’t tell her Im glad she’s alive. Can’t give her that. I hugged her back, that’s enough. She should know. 
She nods, smiling that stupid fuckin’ smile that I’m startin’ to like. ‘Fore her face starts wrinklin’ up somethin’ nasty. There it is. She looks at me, then down at herself. “What the fuck, Daryl?” 
Me?! “‘Pleeeease can I hug you, Daryl?’” I mock her. 
“I was worried!! And then you’re alive and okay and I  didn’t have time to look at you covered in guts and shit!” She squeals. I swear she knows it irritates me. I can see her goin’ to punch me in the arm so I let her, then pull her into another hug. 
Grabbin’ at her head to bring it close to my chest, covered in week old decaying monster meat, “C’mon, Beatle. Gimme a hug!” She’s tryin’ to fight it but ‘m stronger. 
She bends her knees and slips down and out of my arms. The blood on my hands making her too slippery to hold onto. She starts runnin’. I run after her til we get to the side of the road and she tries to hide underneath the trunk of a car crashed into the rail. 
Maybe this ain’t the time for fuckin’ around, but it don’t matter. Not when I finally got her cornered. The look of fear in her eyes does somethin’ to me. Not real fear.  Naw, cuz she’s smilin’. Cuz she’s laughin’. Just excited that we’re both still breathing. Still, smile on her face and laugh in her throat, she’s cowering beneath a cars trunk, beggin’ me to stop. The beggin’s doin’ somethin’ to me too. Fuck. 
I pick her up, slingin’ her over my shoulder, she yelps. Don’t she know how this shit works yet? “Fuckin’ quiet, Beatle. Dumb bitch.” I slap her ass once and she fuckin’ yelps again. “Wha’ did I just say?” And I slap her ass again. This time she’s quiet. 
Shit, that worked? Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. My dicks hard. 
I’unno if it’s cuz I never carried a girl over my shoulder like this, cuz I spanked her couple times, or cuz she listened. My dick gets even harder and I realize it’s definitely fuckin’ all of it. But mostly that she listened when I told her what to do. Maybe I should tell her what to do more often. Fuck. ‘m not helpin’ myself, or my problem, at all. 
I dip my head down to smell the sick I’m covered in to make it go away. It works. Even with her ass next to my face. So close I could bite it. For fucks sake. I put her down but she doesn’t run away this time. We walk slowly back to the group. Not sayin’ nothin’. Me, cuz I’m trying to focus on the smell of rotten flesh and definitely not Beatle beggin’ me to stop. Definitely not about what her face looked like when she felt my hand on her ass.  
Wonder if she’s quiet cuz she’s thinkin’ about it too.
 Wondering what she’s thinkin’ about and tryin’ to will away a stiffy. Fuck this fuckin’ high school bullshit. Like she reads my mind, I feel her needy little fingers snake into my hand. For a second I think maybe I’m smokin’ a cigarette I don’t remember havin’ but ‘m not. She’s just tryin’ to hold my hand. 
At first it feels nice, and then I feel sick again. Too many questions unanswered. Too much shit that’s already happened. Can’t trust her. So I shake her hand off, “Stop.” 
“Fine. Fuck you.” She stomps away and back into the RV. I’unno what the fuck’s wrong with me that it makes me smile. Do I like when she’s happy? Shit, I dunno. If I did, wouldn’t I not like it when she’s upset? So why does her being mad at me do it for me too? 
She comes with me to go look for Sophia. Andrea stood up like she was gonna come too, but once Beatle and I are standin’ next to the RV Andrea doesn’t follow us out.
 We don’t stray too far from the road. It’s dark, and mostly just came out here to help ease Carol’s mind. ‘m definitely goin’ soft. But I’unno. Hurts to watch people lose stuff. Their families. Hurts to watch people hurt. 
Gonna hurt Beatle in a fuckin’ second if she doesn’t shut the fuck up. We’re walkin’ through the woods. At night. She’s gotta know this shit by now. “Beatle, keep your fuckin’ voice down. Please.” Did I just say please? Fuck me. 
“Did you just say ‘please’?” Fuck. Me. 
“Shut up.” 
“Don’t think I know how.” 
“Yeah, no shit.” She laughs, and it makes me smile. And that makes me feel sick to my stomach. Again. 
Her voice cuts through while I’m makin’ myself even sicker thinkin’ about it, “You wanna play another game?”
My eyebrows raise in her direction, “Yeah, that went real well for ya last time.” 
“Nevermind.” Her face falters and she crosses her arms across her chest. 
“What, you don’t wanna get half naked and cry again?” And for fuckin’ once I wish Beatle had somethin’ to say back. Some smartass shit that isn’t even funny but she definitely means it to be. But she doesn’t. She doesn’t say anything. She just lets my question hang in the fuckin’ air and suffocate me. Cuz now I’m thinkin’ about her half naked and crying and my fuckin dicks hard again. What is this shit? Rock hard cock every time I pick on her now? ‘m not gonna be able to do this. She’s gonna notice. Where the fuck is a guy supposed to jerk off and relieve some of this shit? 
On her fuckin’ face.
She’s been quiet for too long and my brain won’t stop. It’s just getting worse. Images of her now, her face covered in my cum, her lips humming together making little bubbles with it, smiling. Shit. 
Beatle, say something. Anything.
“How big’s your dick?” Not. Fucking. That. 
She listens… right? She wants it, right? Why else would she ask that? Now, when it’s just the two of us out in the woods in the dark. She wants me to show her. 
So show her.
“Beatle.” My voice is low, barely there. Just a rasp of a word. 
She turns around, ready to explain herself before she even looks at me, “I-“ 
“C’mere.” If I don’t cut her off she’s gonna say she was just jokin’ but we both know she ain’t jokin’. She wants ta know. So she’s gonna know. 
Feel like I can see her blushin’ in the moonlight as she walks toward me, even though I can’t. Just know she is. Smile on her face like I ain’t about to wipe it off with my cock. Shit, hard as a fuckin’ rock right now. I rub my palm over the length of it, and I watch her eyes follow my arm down. Watch ‘em get bigger, wide and nervous, and it makes my dick twitch against my jeans. I pull out a smoke and light one, for a second I see a disappointment in her face, thinkin’ maybe I’d just called her over to share a smoke. Naw. “Down on your knees.” 
And Jesus Christ, does she kneel so fuckin’ fast. She stares straight ahead, and somethin’ comes over me. Can’t wait. Don’t want to. Don’t need to. Beatle does what I ask, at least when it comes to this. Like a good little slut would. That is what she’s good at, ain’t it? 
So maybe it’s a little fucked up that I grab her head and force her against the rough fabric of my jeans. Pushing my cock into her cheek as hard as I fuckin’ can. Holding her by the hair and rubbing her face on me. 
But this little bitch moans. At first I wasn’t sure, but she keeps fuckin’ moaning. She likes this. Somethin’ close to a laugh escapes my throat, past the cigarette between my lips. I take it with my fingers, letting one hand go from her head, the other hand pulls her back to look up at me. Her expression absolutely blown. She just looks at me for a second, before putting her face back on my cock on her own. It’s not the same amount of pressure but it still feels fuckin’ good. And somethin’ about her doin’ it on her own. Like she can’t fuckin’ help it. Like she needs it. 
She’s starts to lick at the fabric right where my head is and my dick spasms again at the sight of it. This time she can feel it underneath her mouth. She smiles up at me, smirkin’ down at her. Putting the cigarette in my mouth, I drag it, before bringing it down to her lips. A little reward for listening. 
She drags it once and I drop it on the ground. Beatle says “Thank you.” In the smallest voice I ever heard come out of her mouth. Fuck. I could fall in love with this Beatle. It’s just your dick talkin’ Dar, don’t get crazy. 
I grunt a laugh and start to unbuckle my belt. Unbutton my pants. Barely have my cock in my hand ‘fore her mouths around it. I pull her back by her hair, sharply. She winces in pain and reaches up to her head where I’m holdin’ on. Her eyes shoot up to look at me. 
God, fuck, what I wouldn’t give to have that image burned in my brain for the rest of my life. Her face, all discomfort and contempt because I won’t let her touch me. Like she’s fuckin’ dying for it. “Nah, keep your mouth shut Beatle. Gotta learn ta do what yer told.” 
She nods, and closes her lips. Looking from my eyes back down my body again. I lean back, takin’ myself in my hand and pressing my cock into her face. 
For a while I just rub myself all over, letting her feel the weight of it. Letting her know just how big it really fuckin’ is. Lifting it off her face and smackin’ her cheeks. Makin’ her flinch, her eyes squish closed but I press my hard cock against her eye and push up forcing her eyelid open. Fuck. I do the same thing with her lips. Smushing and rubbing the head of it into her lips to open them, I fuck against her mouth for a second. Beatles groaning and moaning but she doesn’t open her mouth. Somethin’ about it makes me need to cum. Now. No more fuckin’ around. “Open up.” 
She does. I spit into her open mouth, and she moans again, without swallowing it. Like a good slut. “Fuck, Beatle. Shit. Now stick your tongue out.” 
She does. I can see my spit falling off her tongue and I quickly catch it with my cock, before smearing as much of the slick spit from her mouth onto me. Taking myself from the base, holding hard to cut off the circulation. Always feels better when I do that. Rubbin her tongue with my cock til I can’t fuckin take it anymore. I’m about to fuckin’  cum. I pull away for only a second, my breathings all fucked and I can barely speak, “Close yer mouth.” She looks confused for a second but closes her mouth. Good. Was about to smack her. 
My left hand finds a place on the back of her head again, gripping into her hair to hold her in place. I push my hips forward and put the whole length across her face. My other hand pressing myself down into her from above her. And I fuck myself on her face. Grunting and sloppy and desperate to cum. Never done this before, shit, does anyone do this? But fuck, it’s so fuckin’ hot. Her lips and her cheeks and her eyelids and her nose all squished and being fuckin’ ruined by my cock. Shit.  Fuck. 
Right as I’m about to cum I put both hands around her head and hump her face like… I don’t even know. I feel fuckin’ insane, but she’s still moaning at the feeling of being used. Not even in a way that should be enjoyable to her. 
I don’t think I’ve ever cum that much in my whole fuckin’ life. Most of it ends up in Beatle’s hair, but there’s still a whole lot of it on her face. I mess with it for a second. Swirling my puffy post-nut dick in it before I get oversensitive. 
I put myself away, and sit down on the ground next to Beatle. Still in the exact same position. I let her kneel there, don’t tell her she can move or nothin’. Guess that’s why she doesn’t. Don’t think she can open her eyes either. S’funny. 
Relighting the short I’d dropped to the ground, I pull a bandana from my pocket. “Is it big, Beatle?” I ask her while I wipe only her mouth off, and put the cigarette between her lips. 
She sucks on the filter, and smiles. “Yep.”
Eventually I wipe off her eyes too. Can’t do anything about her hair though, so I promise to find her a hat from one of the cars on the walk back. 
And I don’t let myself think about what this might mean. Who cares? I don’t. Don’t think Beatle does neither. We’re just goin’. 
pt 5
A/N: Yeah okay,  I know. Daryl’s all back and forth. Does he not give a shit about Merle and Beatle? Does he know deep down they never did anything together? Or maybe he just wasn’t thinking about it at the time? He’s confused, guys. He also really doesn’t have all the information (Eventually he’s gonna ask but first we have to deal with Sophia. Sorry. I don’t want to either.)
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justajsworkshop · 5 months ago
There's so much content, so many opinions on what works and what doesn't. I'm just scared to commit because I dont want to waste my time following the wrong teachings and rules😭Its been years in this community. do you maybe have any advice for me? As in who/what I can follow and what to do?
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my advice is to take a step back and think about this from another perspective. let me give you a hypothetical:
for two seconds, just pretend that manifesting doesn't exist, and we gotta do everything the good ol' 3D way.
you have a friend who wants to lose weight, but they've never been to a gym before, they don't know a lot about healthy eating, they have no clue where to begin. they start researching weight loss tips but everyone is saying different stuff. keto, paleo, veganism, carb cycling, reverse dieting, lift weights, do cardio, workout every day, get rest days in, get 10k steps a day, etc.
this friend is frustrated, confused, and worried about how they're going to achieve their goal when everyone has different advice and perspectives. they pick up one approach for a day or two, maybe even a week or two, but ultimately back down from it because they're afraid it's all been a waste because someone else said something different works better. they're making zero progress along the way and losing faith in themselves and their ability to "do this right."
they come to you for advice and ask: what do i do?
what's your answer?
and i literally mean tell yourself the answer because your advice is going to be the best advice for yourself since no one knows you better than you. the biggest piece of advice i could give you right now is to learn how to become your own best friend on this journey.
there's a lot of different voices and opinions out there because there's literally infinite ways to manifest/shift. there is no one right way; there's only your way. manifesting isn't about what so-n-so says on zwitter or what j posts on tungles. it's not about methods or processes. it's about YOU.
at a certain point, you gotta be willing to break out of your fear and break some eggs to make an omelette. try stuff, test it out, see what you like and don't like. you're never going to find the right approach that works for you from the sidelines. no one likes to talk about the trial and error period because they don't wanna come off as limited, but honestly, some stuff you can't find out for yourself unless you just give it an honest shot to see if it resonates for you.
focus less on committing to/doing the wrong thing and adopt a growth mindset around this. be a scientist. experiment, document, reflect, iterate. like, you literally cannot "lose" anything from that perspective because you're always gaining knowledge and understanding of yourself and what works/resonates with you.
i really don't get why people are so afraid of trying because idk, maybe it's just my business mindset, but in business, we always say "fail fast." cuz when you do, it breaks you out of this overwhelming fear of messing up. just do it imperfectly. do it scared. do it confused. just TRY NEW THINGS and see what happens. no one can deem what does or doesn't work for you but YOU.
conscious manifesting is not a spectator sport. it's literally in the name lmao. you gotta be a conscious, i.e., an active, participant in the process. don't confuse this with efforting hard. you really just gotta be aware of yourself. that's it.
i know it's not the sexy "just decide you're doing it perfectly" -- which you def can do, and this helps. really, start encouraging yourself and telling yourself you're doing great and youre proud of yourself, too. healthy/positive self talk works wonders. but sometimes you literally just have to get over your own fear and insecurities and just try shit out because reality can't move until you do. you might as well start now!
really, just break some fuckin eggs.
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pwnyta · 5 months ago
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That hair is DIABOLICAL. Especially in blond... i know the Huntsman has that hair but it wasnt that bad in black. Hes still my favorite of the three Snow White crew TBH. The Huntsman?
Best/worst outfit- This shitty fake Aussie outfit.. IDKY but I can only imagine him with an Australian accent now. Its terrible. I do take back the Cuntsman title why are all his outfit kinda lame? Theyre really doing Snow Whites baddies dirty.
Overall- 5.5/10...
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...Not Hades... Why he look like an edgy version of Yaoi Jesus!? Not like this Hades... Not like this. I hate it here.
Best outfit- The Knight outfit. Its pretty sick...
Overall- 3/10 looks pretty cool but the fact hes so miserable even tho Hades is iconic... smdh
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...Not Robot Shota Hades.... Do they know theres Medusa, Centaur, Hydra, Pain and Panic... WHY TWO HADES AND THEYRE BOTH THE WORST!?
Best outfit- This butterfly drip is actually pretty sick. I still hate it.
Overall- 4/10 for the Butterfly outfit he gets an extra point over Idia...
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...Maleficent.... Alright big dog. You better not fuck this up. They fucked up Hades and The Evil Queen... you gotta really pop off bud. So far so fine.
Best outfit- Alright Mal... you saved yourself. I also like the Long outfit. WELL DONE BUD.
Overall- 7.5/10!
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...WHO? Silver... is he... the fuckin sewing wheel? ???
Best outfit- I get to reward the Long outfit! Well done. But since its a shared outfit... not as good.
Overall- 5/10?? I guess.
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...Maybe the green fire? I guess theres slimpicking as far as baddies in Sleeping Beauty... but why just add so many and then like NONE of the baddies in Hercules accent Hades? I dont get it Fifi... But this guy is pretty good. Rare not-twink? Real?
Best outfit- He looks nice in this half cape. I think he should have a proper belt but w/e.
Overall- 6.5/10
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WHO!?!?!? I dont like this guy at all.... but also it makes me laugh at the person complaining about people sexualizing characters when theres so much shotabait LMAO.... Girl.
Best outfit- Full armor baby. Thats the way to go.
Overall- 2.5/10
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Crowley... lookin sharp. Cool mask. Cool wing cape...
Best outfit- His standard. He doesnt have much to work with unfortunately.
Overall- 8/10
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LIPSMACK OF DISAPPOINTMENT. You can do better than that for Cruella... Come on now.
Best outfit- His standard I guess cuz his other one sucks worse.
Overall- 4/10
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Not Cinderellas step mom being better designed than Cruella... Also he reminds me of that comic with the old man with the fat ugly cat. So...
Best outfit- He doesnt get any more but its still good.
Overall- 7/10. Simple but I dig it.
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Best outfit- I mean... its simple but a little cunty. HES GOT ANTLERS ON ALL OF HIS ...outfits.
Overall- 7/10
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Best outfit- GIVE HIM MORE CLOTHES. WHY IS HE FACULTY!? WHY ISNT HE A STUDENT!? That a hamsa in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Overall- 10/10 I cant rate my mans Facilier any lower Im sorry. LMAO Hes very cute.
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Best outfit- His only outfit
Overall- ....8/10 Hes dripped out what can I say?
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HONEST JOHN!? LMAO... Yo whyd they drop the ball so hard on Sleeping Beauty and then just started pulling out these NPC baddies...
Best outfit- Only outfit. Hes serving thoooo
Overall- 9/10
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...How you gonna make the Cheshire Cat boring? I like his mome rath pants tho... I love Mome Raths...
Best Outfit- n/a
Overall- 2/10 THATS THE CHESHIRE CAT GUY!? ... boring as fuck...
What a weak ending... after all that goodness.
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britannia0 · 2 months ago
..if I had to say the biggest understatement on Copper-9, It'd be how much the weather-
I mean- sure, "We're temperature resistant robots, Uzi!" And!?- it's still AWFUL!
It doesn't help when you're searching for a creepy old facility in the middle of NOWHERE!
I- "Uhm..Uzi. Not to be rude or anything like that, becauseIwouldneverberudetomyfriends- but..you kind of-"
"What he means to say is that you walked into a tree face-first, idiot."
I can almost feel my circuits popping.
"How about you spend more time searching instead of treating me like such a prick!"
"Aw, is the mirror-cracker getting mad?"
"Argh- why yOU-"
"WOAH WOAH NOw- let's not fight, right? guys?..please?"
I swear if I didn't stop my boot from hitting the ground, she would be meeting her boss!
Sometimes..I think Uzi is a bit..unhinged.
Others- well..it's usually V.
I just- I don't get it.
Why do we have to fight all the time?
It's not like we have to.
And it's definitely not like they want to..atleast Uzi doesn't.
..I hope that sigh doesn't get commented on.
Of all the drones I could of been stuck with, it had to be an emo and her lapdog.
I really hope this is worth it.
Because if not?
Well, let's just say;
N's gonna need a new rock friend.
Ugh, can't a girl sadistically grin without being stared at for it?
Ugh, anyway- bunker. Gotta keep searching.
We've gotta be close. I just know it!
Where else would a secret underground bunker be BESIDES in the middle of a forest, anyway?
huh?- Oh, bunker door.
Wait wh-
After notes:
utter pain to write this chapter. genuinely.
I couldn't think of shit on how they'd find the bunker so I just made it a straight bs lucky find, not to mention the character interactions.
V was the biggest fuckin pain to write cuz I know jackshit about how she'd normally act mostly. (I know some stuff, but im not exactly a V fan.)
N was the easiest, his thoughts were kinda hard but he's fairly straightforward as a character, though maybe im just good at dissecting personalities.
Uzi was medium. Her speech and thoughts were fairly easy, but she acts calmer than I remember, so it was hard finding the right balance.
I know I mischaracterised her a bit, but im sure as hell not going back and redo'ing it. this singular part has took me a week to think and write about, (mostly thinking) nagging my mind every damn second.
second chapter should be alot easier since im fairly confident I can write the bunker exploration. I already have a general plot for the bunker and the art thumbnail which is likely gonna be rly hard to draw, but hopefully look worth it.
enough rambling in notes, otherwise this is gonna get longer than the actual part. see ya in the next post.
oh, one more thing-
yes, hopefully, I will write other titans' parts. I'm planning to write a shin crossover, though it'll be its own separate fic, if you guys so desire, I'll post a poll between an interconnected universe for parts or not.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 5 months ago
If Oobleck did his whole "why do you want to be a hunter" question, what would be the responses from Counter-JNPR?
Let me ... Try something.
???: Wowee JotunN! These Tacos are amazin'! How'd you make sometin' so good way out here!
Eren: *Bowing* It is no problem at all, Professor Blazing, simply a necessity for someone of my skill and standing, and it was not all me. Your skill with your semblance assisted greatly.
???: Ah! Call me Dave! Or Crazy Dave like my friends!
Eren: Uhm. Would Professor Dave suffice? It would feel unnatural to refer to you so ... casually.
Prof. Dave: Ah, 'Spose so!
Eren: Also, If I may inquire, why do your friends refer to you as "Crazy" Dave?
Prof. Dave: 'Cause a lotta 'em are Boring- Well, a lotta the old ones way back in Atlas!
Eren: Atlas?
Prof. Dave: hah! Yeah! I was one of the top Engineers, but it was so boring and my plants couldn't grow to well, so I left! My Pals Called me weird and wild, and crazy, and compared to them? YEah I am!
Prof. Dave: And more than that? I'm a Huntsman!
Eren: ... Yes you are?
Prof. Dave: Eh, All 'those guys were content to sit behind a desk and test with all the funding, but so few of them ever went out in the field - and those that did always wanted to come right back inside!
Prof. Dave: But me? I started learnin' tah engineer 'cause I wanted to learn more 'bout the world and all the things in it! I mean, if Atlas stood 'cause of the Solitas Tundra, then how else could we use nature to our advantage! and so I started learnin' about Plants, and how to grow them! Healthy food, tasty food, medicinal stuffs, and combined it with my knowledge o' machinery!
Prof. Dave: From there I couldn't just ... sit back and let other just stay out there! Our ability to learn and adapt is our Greatest Strength! So I teach others how to learn and adapt! Give 'em a foundation to build and grow in their own way, and survive!
Prof. Dave: So ... Why'd you start Huntin'?
Eren: Because there was nothing else for me to do. My life is one of service, and if I am to be expected to be the Best attendant I can be, then know how to defend my Master, Mistress, or whomever else I am assigned to care for. I have mastered many abilities of Culinary, Survival, Medical, Historical, and Confrontation diffusion tactics and skills. All that is left is for me to become a great Martialist.
Eren: To put it plainly; I do nothing else, because there is nothing else for me to do.
Prof. Dave: Hmm.
Prof. Dave: Why're you out here? What's your reason to fight?
Dawne: The Glory of it! I was one of the best tournament fighters of my years, and now I get to be a hero to people to! All those adoring fans, all the people staring up at me, knowing that I'm strong enough to cut down whatever's scaring them! Heh! That'll everyone who thought bad of me just how wrong they were!
Prof. Dave: Big, Strong, and brave?
Dawne: Absolutely! Nothing can get past me!
Prof. Dave: Wadda 'bout that there Beowolf?
Dawne: WHERE?!?!?
Dawne: Hey now! That's not funny!
Cadmine: I wanna find my people, you feel me?
Prof. Dave: Don't quite think I do.
Cadmine: Ugh, 'course you don't. Okay, so, like, A lotta people don't like me, 'Cause they think I'm "Weird" and "annoying" and people who know what my semblance is think I'm "Dangerous" or "Unstable" or Some shit like that. Hell, some bitches act like I'm Dumb or Stupid just because I talk differently from them, like, WHo the fuck asked you bitch! I'm Just fuckin' talking, if you don't like it, leave!
Prof. Dave: ... I think I'm startin' to "Feel" you! All the other folks' just don't get us! We Talk different, act different, but we're the one's out here makin' a difference!
Cadmine: Totally! Like My Girl Pyrrha! She's seen by a lot as just a tournament fighter, but they dunno the girl behind the Champion! No one knows the Girl that I am 'cuz they only take me at the surface!
Cadmine: I mean, At some point I gotta come across someone that's gonna hear me out!
Cadmine: Hell, this Team ...
Cadmine: They're almost what I think I need, Ya know? I mean, like, I'll save anyone, but It'd be nice to have a home someday! You know?
Prof. Dave: Heh. Yeah. I know.
Zhe: I ... Can't say. No reason not to I guess! Well, I guess I'm risking my life everyday, but we all die someday! Might as well do what I can to make everyone safer! It's outside, you get to travel, meet people, shoot BIG Guns!
Prof. Dave: That's it?
Zhe: Yeah! Just wound up on this path one day, and haven't had a strong enough reason to hop off! There's nothing else for me right now, but I'm happy! Why fix what ain't broke!
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gibbearish · 10 months ago
zayne is a bust, help me pick the next name to try out. propaganda and poll under the cut
for context all of these except cj were found on old english names websites so . thats why theyre so weird lmao
go back to cj: my bf thinks it fits me pretty well (funnily enough his overall opinion on it has flipped from when i first started using it lmao), my issue is that id still have to figure out what to make it stand for. he suggested "cool joke" and i gotta be real with yall im extremely fucking tempted. esp bc i could make my last name Dude. i could legally be Cool Joke Dude.
Erskine: felt weird at first but ive warmed up to it, esp bc when i ran it by friends they were like "what. what is that doing in my brain. what does that remind me of" and when i went "did it conjure a ferret" they were like ?!?!?!?!? YES THAT EXACTLY????? HOW DID YOU KNOW?????? anyways turns out most people are familiar enough with the word "ermine" to associate it with ferrets but not quite enough to remember the word so like. my name could literally be a spell that conjures ferrets in peoples brains without them knowing why.
Llewellyn: full disclosure that i think it sucks but like. in a hilarious way. you know how it's supposed to sound but without fail it takes a second to say out loud. you have to rev up before you can actually get into it. theres such an unnecessary amount of Ls. saying it feels like wading through knee deep water. its so funny
Ravinger: sounds like ravenger. what more is there to say
Tranter: like. i mean. cmon. "hi i'm tranter. tranny for short." / "what's tranny short for?" "cuz ive got little legs:(" LIKE?????
Horst: HORST????? H O R S T???????? i could be HORST?????? thats so funny. thats SO FUNNY. also the website said after it stopped being used as a first name, it became german slang for an unintelligent person. so like. it sounds like horse and is also german for dumbass. thats so fucking funny
Leofwine: i have no idea how this is supposed to be pronounced and neither has anyone ive showed it to, and it is /extremely/ funny watching them try to figure it out. and i could just do that all the time
Wigstan: so i figure its supposed to be pronounced wigstin (which is funny on its own bc winston overwatch) but fuckin. wig stan. wig stan???? wig stan.
Puck+Dex: gotta be honest idk how i feel abt these ones but one of my friends was p into em so figured i should include em just in case
Eoforwine: i think currently my personal favorite of these, i think its pronounced yo fur win which means the nickname would just be Yo, and i dont Like the concept of names in general so my nickname just being 'hey you' would be p nice, and the website said the name itself means "boar friend" which fucks
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knowlessman · 3 months ago
"I'm sure it's hard for the white house to act with our own country in danger" oh shit they're bringin 'murica into this now, and maybe other players? …bnha s7e1-4
also tho "it's hard for america to decide to involve itself with another country" somebody doesn't know what the CIA actually does and what our threshold for meddling in other countries is
IT'S JANE CENA (hums john cena intro theme)
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-- also could swear there's an existing marvel/dc miss america type hero called Star but in what world would that stop this writer
tfw you're a third-string minion and you're hiding alone in a cave with your evil master and he won't shut up and he's making less and less sense
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okay who put pajama sam in a suit, I thought he stopped wearing shirts these days
"quirk: new order! when she tags something, she decides what its rules are!" okay maybe this guy does know anything about america at all
-- "is his name not tomura shigaraki?" hehehe she got L'd. not that not knowing a place's or people's real name ever stopped america from forcing whatever rules it wanted. guess she's not so close an analogy after all.
-- (star made herself a Stand out of air and caught him like a bug) yes, I'm sure hitting the big bad with, idk, extreme air pressure? and lasers, and very big missiles, will finish the job in the first couple episodes of the final season.
all for one was going on about "you're Spinner, you spin things together" does spinner have a quirk beyond being a lizard man or not
new OP and ending are okay, no notes
"this is a watershed moment for both of us. this is like… forcing each other to play shitty games!" I have to know what other translations for this line there are. …dammit, this site doesn't have an english dub version. (or I can't find it)
…huh. so he's admitting that that would've killed him. okay now THAT's interesting, he has a limit and it's a known one. …they just gotta do that again and not miss. with extra super-missiles that they probably don't have because they banked em all on this.
-- it is a game, tho, it's an actual game (that the villain is winnin cuz the show ain't over, but he's not winning it through invincibility or by playing cards he wasn't holding, and that's not nothing)
ayup. she's poisoned the vampire. I thought maybe she would just find a way to erase her own quirk before he could take it, but
-- "I don't have anyone to pass New Order onto!" … "my Reflect quirk! it's been destroyed!" well DAYUM, I was just thinking how this arc was actually pretty cool even tho it didn't seem to be adding anything that'd stick, but
-- …so, he found someone to shove new order onto, but Star's ghost had more words for him, so I'm not totally sure whether the transfer, like, worked. it sounded like he just didn't get to steal the rando's quirk, but idk
"we've captured gigantomachia and kept him asleep" uh-huh. yeah. sure. he's totally not gonna get back up the second mojo jojo decides he's got a use for him. he totally hasn't done that time and time and time again already. he's the juggernaut, he has to be considered "in play" at all times. …he's like Squee, he can be cast from exile
-- ohhhhh. …wowwwwwwwww holy shit
-- I wasn't even looking out for a mole. 'XD it had well and completely left my brain. reminds me of when the finale for scooby-doo get a clue revealed that trebla was albert and I felt the stupidest a show has ever made me feel (tbf one is not exactly looking out for subterfuge while watching that show, it is an exceptionally stupid installment of the franchise)
-- "uhhh I heard from hagakure" DEKU YOU FUCKING SNITCH HOW EVEN… HOW IS THAT THE FIRST WORDS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH I'm fuckin dyin here 'XD what the fuck
-- ("my body refracts light" so blocking aoyama's laser makes hagakure's face partly visible for the first time) …huh. … "and because this writer is The Way He Is I'm also nekkid but somehow he's restraining himself from acknowledging that because this is just that important a scene"
uhhh yeah more double agents, that panned out so well the first - …okay actually I don't remember the full details of that well enough to say it didn't pan out at all so nvm
"hey, hey. a crime is a crime, you know" shut up mic nobody likes your fashy ass
-- "it's partly our fault for not catching him" you aren't making any more sense than mic right now iida but go off
("we gotta get our gear repaired") "they were a prototype from overseas" I've already forgotten whether it was melissa's actual canon gauntlets that he got tbph
ayup. stopping for now cuz I gotta leave for work in a few hours. will post these sometime today ig
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the1975attheirverybest · 2 years ago
A/N: an “Education” Outtake that was meant to be part of the 3rd of 4th installment but I ended up taking it out cuz it felt like a tangent. Something that I still imagine to have happened between Matty and Amelia.
Warning: smut.
“What do you mean I can’t touch?” Amelia screeched, gesticulating passionately before her hands fell to her sides with a slap. “It’s my body. I can do what I want.”
“For the next 24 hours it wouldn’t be.” Matty stated calmly.
“Excuse me?! Sorry have we gone back in time to the 1950s? Actually, we can’t have. Cuz I’d have to be your wife for you to own me in the 50s.”
Matty laughed, amused by her reaction, before pulling her by her hand, to sit on the bed next to him. “I wouldn’t own your body. Just your pleasure.” He leaned in, his face inches away from hers. She couldn’t help staring into his brown eyes, his lips perfectly pink, his hair, effortlessly messy. God, he was beautiful. How was she supposed to be control herself or think about how she felt about him she found herself melting in his presence.
“Think about it this way: giving up control. Trusting someone else with it. Surrendering yourself to a different experience of pleasure, one in which you don’t know what happens next. One outside of your control. Trusting that the other person would know what you need. And how to give it to you.”
“That- umm- that other person being- you?” She panted, breathless.
“Yes, it’d be me.” He nodded, looking at her like they’re the only two people in the world.
“And how- how does that work exactly?”
“Well, it’s simple, really. You don’t cum without my permission.”
“ what if you’re not around? What if- I’m at home. Or- you’re on your?”
Matty chuckled, “still gotta ask, Mia.”
“And you’ll say yes?”
“If I feel like it.”
“Fuckin missed you….missed this.” He spoke into her skin, like a prayer, kissing his way down her body, pulling her by the hips closer to him.
She gasped softly when she felt his hand slide underneath her shirt, her heart racing at his confession of thinking about her in his absence. But she wanted to play it cool. Like this news didn’t leave her light headed.
“You good to keep going, Angel?”
She was stunned for a moment, speechless. Ordinarily, his nicknames felt flirty, unserious, just a result of getting caught up in the moment. This has a different tone to it. She couldn’t figure out why.
“Mia? If you wanna stop, we don’t have to do this.”
“No, no, I do! I want to. Please let’s keep going.”
She watched the hesitation wash away from his face and a soft smile take its place. “Good, cuz I’ve been thinking about this the whole way over here.”
Matty hooked his fingers into the waistband of her leggings, pulling them down and peeling them off her legs. He smiled at the view of her pink underwear, his eyes promising to devour her. “Pretty,” he whispered, more to himself than anything. He swiped his finger down her clothed center, hearing her hiss and jolt at his touch. “You ready for me?” He grinned, “probably won’t take that long, I mean, it’s been a while, right? You haven’t cum since I left.”
The tingle of anticipation fading instantly, she felt herself grow cold and stiff. “Uhhh-“
“Mia? How long has it been since your last orgasm?”
“I - don’t-“
“Surely it was last time. Since, I don’t recall giving you permission to cum after that.” And just like that, sweet and tender Matty had disappeared.
“I’m sorry! Okay! I’m really, really sorry!” She squealed.
“Oh, Mia. You’re in trouble.”
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