#well physically it does mentally ehhhhhhh
echo-1905 · 23 days
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Idk (the limit is 30)
(Me aburro mucho)
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rutvashah · 4 years
She and he : episode 1
She has turned off all her lights, on the bed, the blanket covering up her nose because she didn't want to suffocate, nor physically or mentally. She has taken a room in this resort near the streams, singing a lullaby to her. She says to herself " Today was a superb day and tomorrow also would be a one.".
This resort, these streams and this particular room have always been her hiding place. Nature comforts her when people around don't. She decided " This is my time to heal from everything  that has left a wound on my soul, I will wander."
                 Early morning, through her window all she can see is fog, but she hears the rhythm of the streams. She takes her phone, clicks the picture of the view but she decides not to upload it as a status. Maybe later it would be added into her wandering highlight.
      She stretches her hands and she moves towards the bathroom and takes a hot steamy shower. She decides to wear a loose t-shirt and ripped jeans. A normal pony, a bit of eyeliner and a bit of purple lipstick.
She is in her breakfast area where hot delicious food originating from the various parts of the country is being served.  She decides to have fruits.  When her eyes moved towards the entrance she saw someone, someone who is known but unknown. He was there standing with his friends, the smile that can captivate anyone, the charm of his eyes that can freeze anyone.
She knows him through Instagram. For her many years, he was just a name in her friend list and now he is standing there, looking at her because she is staring at him. She turns her face to the opposite direction and sits in opposite direction to calm her heart down that was throbbing to see someone in her hiding space.
She decided to wander the food market so that when she returns to the town, she can upload cool pictures of the food and write down her review. She loved eating food and hence she loved reviewing as well.
Its a night time, the moon is in its full brightness which enables her to have a view of the stream.
She decides to take up the blanket to the bench and be there the whole night.  Just hearing to the streams makes her calm, her mind stops blabbering, she feels calm. Right when everything  was going  super smooth usual, she heard someone's voice
How did you identify me in dark?
Mostly everyone greets me with hello or hey but I guess you are a unique one
(Aside) He is polluting my calmest space. Breath, just take a long breath.
Hey, happy? Now answer my question".
Hmmm....just I knew it.
(Aside)  Is he fucking kidding me? Just knew it, bloody stalker.
I hope you ain't stalking me?
Nah, it's just by these vibes I found out it's you.
( Aside) I don't feel my vibes, how does  he.....ehhhhhhh
Okay fine!
So, how is your life treating you?
(Aside) who starts the conversation like this?
Yeah great, don't you see, I am enjoying myself?
Why do I sense melancholy in your voice?
Might be,  you are a melancholic person.
Maybe, maybe not, every emotion is part of my life.
Ain't you the shayar, the poet? those things do not impress anymore.
No offence but I am not impressing you, can I have seat here, I don't ......can't stand for long in this chilly weather.
( aside) Just leave, just leave me alone.
I don't own this bench, do whatever you want to do.
You were fun, back during tuition classes, now you are just a mean person.
(Aside) Because of your deeds.
Well, changes are inevitable.
No matter what, few things never like, you know? Like our soul.
(aside) Stop your Shayari, shayarana."
Can I share your blanket? It's pretty cold.
I own this blanket, I don't wanna share it with you. Take yours or suffer in cold.
come on, we were friends once, you can do me a favour.
(Aside ) Yeah but now IDC.
**** no reply*****
Okay let's do one thing, your room is just here, why don't you fetch another blanket for me?    
                   His voice was too appealing to for her to ignore and that's why she brings the blanker from her "chamber", that is what she likes to call her room. They both are comfortable and at the same time, they both are silent.
Hmm, if you don't mind can I say you something,  actually I wanna have ice cream.
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sadbreadcrumb · 7 years
So, I was tagged. Cool ; )
Yay, I can do this thing thanks to @lipwigvonmoist. Nicccccce, I love this kind of stuff. 
I am 5'7" or taller (i only understand centimeters, ThAnKs) 
I wear glasses (no, but I love glasses so much!!)
I have at least one tattoo 
I have at least one piercing (if ears count, then yeah) 
I have blonde hair 
I have brown eyes
I have short hair 
My abs are at least somewhat defined (I had to google what the heck is ‘abs’…)
I have or have had braces 
I love meeting new people (if they’re nice!!) 
People tell me that I’m funny (uh maybe) 
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me 
I enjoy physical challenges (heck no) 
I enjoy mental challenges (heck no) 
I’m playfully rude with people I know well (eeeeh kind of, but I prefer being flirty) 
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (I often say ‘копец’, or ‘покласть’, or ‘сорри’, things like that)
There is something I would change about my personality (like freaking everything?)
I can sing well (dunno about it lol)
I can play an instrument (ehh I’ve been learning how to play piano for five years, and now? nah) 
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (heck no) 
I’m a fast runner (for like ten seconds, then I’m a dead runner) 
I can draw well 
I have a good memory (sometimes I remember the smallest things, but I can’t remember stuff I learned today morning…) 
I’m good at doing math in my head (PFFFFFT math okay heck no)
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute (heck no) 
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling (…heck no)
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (I don’t even know what this means, but probably heck no :D) 
I know how to throw a proper punch 
I enjoy playing sports (hheecckk nnoo) 
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (oh heck no…) 
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else 
I have learned a new song in the past week 
I work out at least once a week (pffft)
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months (hc n) 
I have drawn something in the past month (wow, yes, I did…) 
I enjoy writing (I did, but now ehhhhhhh)
Fandoms are my #1 passion (liiiiike. I don’t know. I just like fanfiction and memes and sometimes fanart UH MAYBE but, really, I dunno) 
I do or have done martial arts 
I have had my first kiss (neck no))))) 
I have had alcohol 
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game 
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (anime stuff counts, right??) 
I have been at an overnight event (ehhh, maybe when I had alcohol, lol? does it count? I went to sleep at 6 am or so tho)
I have been in a taxi 
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (lol I read ER as ‘Established Relationship’)
I have beaten a video game in one day (yas, super short games!!) 
I have visited another country 
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts (I don’t even have a favourite band… or do I?..)
I’m in a relationship 
I have a crush on a celebrity (I HAVE A CRUSH ON GEORGE FROM ONESHOT!!!!!)
I have a crush on someone I know 
I have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship (ehh, I agreed to date a boy when I was eleven, but we didn’t even see each other, thanks goodness)
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (I admitted my feelings to everyone except for the one I liked…)
I get crushes easily 
I have had a crush on someone for over a year 
I have had feelings for a friend (I don’t even know if I have feelings for someone or if we’re friends…)
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” (kiiinda, but maybe not really? I don’t know)
I live close to my school uni (ahahaha it takes me two hours to freaking make it to the uni, what the heck, kill me) 
My parents are still together  
I have at least one sibling 
I live in the United States 
There is snow right now where I live 
I have hung out with a friend in the past month (liiike, I went to McDonald’s with my groupmate, because we needed to kill some time? I don’t think we’re friends tho(()
I have a smartphone 
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone (sadly) 
I have breakdanced 
I know a person named Jamie 
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce (no, but I have such friend) 
I have dyed my hair 
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week 
I know someone who has gone to jail (one of my former classmates killed his former girlfriend)
I have broken a bone 
I have eaten a waffle today 
I know what I want to do with my life 
I speak at least 2 languages (I don’t? but kinda yes)  
I have made a new friend in the past year (dunno about friends, but probably?..)
And now I have to tag people. I’ll tag two, because I don’t know much people and I’m not comfortable with tagging someone I don’t know at all, lmao. Like, I hate tagging people. So much.
@bronislavv, @erica-y-u-i​. I’m so sorry, I hope it’s okay, guys :D
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