#well done sir weller
halfbloodworthy · 2 years
I truly enjoy how Yosak and Gwendal's friendship is entirely based on the anxiety they both have for Conrart.
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overlookedfile · 2 years
Muse Kicks 3
I think I’ve got all the stories I can reasonably manage right now. Thank you to everyone who sent requests.
Current Requests:
George Garea meets a new male lover. - Done
Ricardo/Evelyn expecting their 2nd child - Done
Diego Rivera, faithful Done
Paul using liquid courage to approach an old crush Done
Reynaud being soft & flirty with his new wife - Done
Inspector Uhl / f!magician!reader
I probably shouldn’t, since work is starting to wind up into the busy days, but I’m opening my Muse Kicks aka Asks/Prompts again. I don’t think I’m going to have time to work on my longer stuff (requires more coherence and uninterrupted time than I can spare), but I think I’ve got energy for a few one-shots. At this time, I’m willing to write for the following Molina characters (in no particular order):
Silas McCall (Roar)
Maxim Horvath (Sorcerer’s Apprentice)
Cliff (Orchids)
Otto Octavius (Spider-man)
Paul Weller (Unbreakable You)
George Garea (Love is Strange)
Ricardo Morales (L&O: LA)
Davide Rieti (The Moon and the Stars)
Boris Plots (Undertaking Betty)
Diego Rivera (Frida)
Comte de Reynaud (Chocolat)
Sir Jeremy Burtom (The Imposters)
Boris Blavasky (The Man Who Knew Too Little)
Ira Moss (Nervous Energy)
Denis Brabant (Scorpion Spring)
Stephen Arden (Species)
Jonas Nyeburn (Hideaway)
Angel (Maverick)
Satipo (Indian Jones)
Cezar (Ladyhawke)
Or, since I’m resuming work on other fandoms as well, I’m also willing to write for the following not-Molina characters:
David Rossi (Criminal Minds)
Artie Nielsen (Warehouse 13)
Murray Markowitz (Hunters)
Matt Carroll (Bad Manners)
W.W. Beauchamp (Unforgiven)
Terry Donovan (Ray Donovan)
Steve Walker (Fear)
Inspector Uhl (The Illusionist)
Chuck Rhoades (Billions)
I’ll update this post when I have reached my limit on what I feel I can manage in a reasonable amount of time.
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brain-deadx0 · 4 years
Frozen Heart ch 2
Chapter 2: For the First Time in Forever
Chapter one: Do you wanna build a snowman
Notes: This story will diverge from the original Frozen mostly when we get to the plot so to any fans of our stand in Hans don’t worry… Too much.
several years later...
Patton was woken from his sleep by a knock at the door. “Whosit?”
“Prince Patton?”
“No I’m p’ttn.” He mumbled into his pillow.
“Yes your highness, you are.” The probably familiar voice said, “Sorry to wake you, sir but-”
“No, no you didn’t. I’ve been up for hours.” Patton told them with a yawn as he started to sit up.
His eyes drooped shut before he moved to get out of the bed and after a moment the knocking came again.
“Who is it?” Patton said as he opened his eyes again.
“Still me, sir.” The voice said with amusement, “It’s time to get ready.”
“Fer what?” Patton asked as he tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes.
“Your brothers coronation, sir.”
“Right. The cornermaration…”
Patton tiredly placed his glasses on his nose and his room came into focus. As did the light blue suit he had been itching to wear, sitting in the corner of the room.
“It’s coronation day!” Patton said excitedly as he jumped out of bed.
He got dressed as quickly as he could and brushed down his messy morning hair. Before long he was speeding through the halls taking in the sights he hadn’t seen since before he could remember.
The castle was filled with energy and Patton was absolutely giddy with excitement. The windows were being opened as well as all the main doors.
He couldn’t wait to see what the ballroom looked like when it was full of actual real life people. There’ll be music and dancing and life. And people!
He couldn’t wait to meet everyone and make friends! And who knows maybe he’ll meet someone who’ll become more than a friend. And oh boy wasn’t that a thought?
After all, it was always situations like these where people met and fell in love and got married and lived happily ever after, right? At least that’s how it happened in the books.
And sure it’s not like Patton was expecting all that to happen in one night, but just imagining finding his true love made a warm fuzzy feeling spread in his chest. Seeing someone from across the room, locking eyes, and meeting for a dance before spending the rest of the night talking and laughing together. Oh it would be such a great change from everything.
Logan had barely slept that night. He knew that probably wasn’t helping his nerves at all but there was nothing to be done about it now. Today was coronation day and it wasn’t as if he could get out of his own coronation.
He removed his gloves and picked up a candle holder and small music box like they were the orb and scepter he would need to hold later. Everything would be fine. He’d hold them like he was supposed to during the ceremony and then as soon as it was over he could put his gloves back on and just keep to himself as best he could for the rest of the night. It’s just for one day. He could do this.
But even as he tried to convince himself the candle holder and music box were quickly becoming covered in ice.
God he couldn’t do this.
But he had too.
“Conceal. Don’t feel.” He told himself as he placed the decorations down.
He opened the door to his room and stepped out. “Tell the guards to open the gates.” He told the nearest servant.
When Patton heard they were opening the gates he ran to make sure he was there the moment they opened.
Patton bounced on the balls of his feet as the large wooden doors creaked open, and before anyone could stop him he ran through them.
The town was so pretty!
It was decorated for the coronation of course but even looking past the streamers and flowers Patton could tell it was still beautiful. He ran through the square trying to take everything in at once. He probably could’ve gone on like that all day if it weren’t for the horse.
Patton was running around a corner when he collided with the chest of a large horse and fell to the ground; losing his glasses in the process.
“Oh my gosh I am so sorry!” Someone said.
A moment later someone was in his line of sight offering him his glasses, “Are you alright?” They asked.
“Oh yes I’m fine,” Patton laughed as he put his glasses back on, “I wasn’t watching where I was… going.” ‘Oh that is a handsome man.’
“No it was my fault. I should’ve been more aware of my surroundings.” The handsome man said, “Are you sure you’re alright?” He asked as he helped Patton to his feet.
“Oh yeah, that was nothing.” Patton blushed as he brushed the dirt off of his suit.
“Well I would hardly call getting run into by a horse “nothing,” but I’m glad you’re okay.” The man smiled, “I am Prince Roman of the Southern Isles.” He said with a bow.
Patton bowed back, “Prince Patton of Arendelle.”
“Prince…? My lord.” He said before dropping to one knee, “Once again I am so sorry for hitting you with my horse.”
“Oh. Um you don’t have to do that.” Patton told him, “Besides it really was my fault.”
“Well regardless, I would still like to extend my formal apologies for running into the Prince of Arendelle with my horse.”
“No no no it really is fine. I mean I’m not that prince. If it were my brother Logan then it’d probably be, you know, but I’m not and it’s just… me.” ‘Please stop talking.’ He thought to himself.
Roman rose to his feet and smiled, “Well I know we’ve just met but I think “just” you is pretty-“ whatever he was about to say was cut off by the sound of bells.
Bells. Bells!
“The bells. The coronation. Oh my gosh I’m so sorry but I have to go.” Patton told him.
“Right, of course.” Roman agreed.
Patton stood there for another moment before realizing he hadn’t actually walked away yet, “Oh! Um see you later.” He said before rushing away.
‘Oh my god he’s adorable.’ Roman thought to himself as he watched the prince run back towards the castle.
When Logan walked into the room he was almost disappointed to find that Patton wasn’t there. Only for him to appear moments later as he ran to his place on the side of the alter; nearly tripping himself by stopping so quickly. Logan supposed It was nice some things never changed.
But he didn’t have time to dwell on it as he walked towards his place, royal mantle trailing behind him, and kneeled in front of the bishop. He clenched his fists and hoped no one would notice the slight shake of his hands as the crown was placed on his head.
At the bishops instructions Logan rose to his feet. Now was the part he had been dreading. He carefully slipped off his gloves and grabbed the orb and scepter as they were offered to him before turning to face the people.
‘Conceal. Don’t feel. Conceal. Don’t feel.’ he chanted in his head with every breath.
But despite the mantra he could feel the frost forming under his fingers as the bishop continued to talk.
By the time the man had finally finished the orb and scepter were covered in a thin coating of frost. Thankfully it wouldn’t have been noticeable to anyone who wasn’t standing next to him. Even then they would’ve had to have been watching the artifacts. But Logan couldn’t put them down fast enough and replace his gloves when the bishop finally said, “King Logan of Arendelle.”
“King Logan of Arendelle!” The crowd echoed.
“I mean are you sure I’m supposed to stand- oh ok.” Patton said as he was ushered to stand next to Logan on the pedistal.
Neither brother spoke for a few long moments.
“Hello, Patton.” Logan finally said.
“Me? Oh, hey…”
“... You look well.” Logan told him.
“Thank you. You look weller. I mean. Wait is that even a word? You look great!” Patton said back.
Logan smiled, “Thank you. And yes, “weller” is technically a word and you used it correctly.”
“Oh. Ok. Good.”
“So…” Logan said after another moment of awkward silence, “This is what a party looks like.”
“Yeah.” Patton agreed as he looked back over the crowd. He’s never seen the ball room so full of life and he couldn’t help but smile, “It’s warmer than I thought it’d be.”
Logan huffed out a small laugh at that and Patton smiled wider, “I’d have to agree with you on that point.”
“Mmmm do you smell that, Lo-gan?” Patton asked. Not sure if he should call his brother by his old nickname or not.
They both inhaled deeply to catch the scent.
“... Crofters.” They both sighed happily.
They laughed when they realized they had said that in unison.
Patton argued with himself internally. There’s so many things he’s wanted to say to Logan after all these years. But just as he’s about to say something he’s interrupted.
“Your Majesty. The Duchess Of Weaseltown.”
A woman, probably just a bit too old to be showing as much cleavage as she was in her gown, and wearing a hat with an over sized feather, stepped forward; barely concealing a frown.
“Weslton.” She corrected, “The Duchess Of Weslton.” She says with a curtsy.
Logan nods his head in acknowledgment.
The duchess rose from her curtsy and cleared her throat before continuing, “Your Majesty, as your closest partner in trade, it seems only fitting that I offer you your first dance as King.”
Logan schools his face and Patton bites his tongue as the duchess proceeded to do… something with her feet that was probably meant to be dancing before going down into a deep curtsy.
As she bowed her head and held out her hand the large feather dipped forward, practically covering her entire face.
Both brothers hide their giggles by pretending to stifle their coughs.
“I appreciate the offer Madam, but unfortunately I don’t dance.” Logan tells her.
Patton almost breaks as her head flies up so fast the feather bends to the point it looks as if it will break.
“Oh?” She asks.
“But my brother here is a marvelous dancer.”
The duchesses face brightens instantly.
“Wait what?”
“Lucky you!” She says before suddenly pulling Patton by the arm into the dance floor.
Logan hid his amused smile behind his hand and bit his lip when he heard the duchess say, “Don’t worry your highness if you swoon I will be sure to catch you!”
Patton shot him a slight pout over the duchesses shoulder and Logan sent back a smile and a shrug.
Patton did his best to keep up with the duchesses… dance moves, but it was hard to keep your composure between having your feet stepped on and getting hit in the face with a feather every five seconds. Not to mention when she began to dance like an angry chicken he was very close to bursting out in laughter.
“It’s so great to have the gates open again, don’t you agree?” She asked.
“Yes. It’s great to-” Patton’s sentence was cut off when the duchess was suddenly right in his face; giant feather reaching across to touch the tip of his head.
“Why did they shut them in the first place? Do you know the reason?”
The woman scrutinized him for a moment before backing up with a bright smile, “Oh alright.” She said before taking his hands, “Now hang on, they don’t call me the Little Dipper for nothing!”
Patton let’s out a slight help as he’s suddenly being flung backwards into a dip. He can see Logan trying not to laugh at him. And tries to send him a glare without smiling.
Patton didn’t know how long he actually spent dancing with the duchess, it could’ve been one song or twenty by the time he was finally able to make it back to Logan.
“Let me know when you’re ready for another round, m’lord!” The duchess called.
Patton’s back was to the crowd and Logan hummed out a laugh at the look of fear that momentarily crossed his face at the idea.
“Well, she was… sprightly.” Logan said.
“Remind me to wear steel toed shoes next time.”
“Are you alright?” Logan asked, still unable to hide his smile.
“I can’t say the same for my feet but personally, I’ve never been better. This day has been amazing. I wish it could be like this all the time.” Patton told him as he gazed back out over the crowd.
“Me too…” Logan admitted. But just when he was actually starting to enjoy himself he remembered why it couldn’t. The permanent white streak in Patton’s hair was proof of that. “But it can’t.”
Patton frowned, “Why not? I mean now-”
“It just can’t, Patton.”
Logan could see the hurt in Patton’s eyes even before he spoke.
“I’m- if you’ll excuse me for a minute.” Patton says before walking away.
It takes everything Logan has not to stop him right there and apologize. But no. The gates have to stay closed until he is safe to be around. Even if it means hurting Patton’s feelings in the process.
‘I’m going to tell him.’ Logan decided.
After all, Patton isn’t five years old anymore. And knowing why they couldn’t have the gates open all the time might make it easier to tolerate. Patton probably wouldn’t want to see him anymore when he realized how dangerous Logan was… but at least he’d know. And he’d be safe.
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benjimirthursby · 4 years
Prompt #10: Avail - “Weaving the Cloaks, Forging the Dagger.” - The Book of Thursby: Scions of Numenor
“I never expected that our work would evade notice, rather I hoped to effect some measure of control over how it was observed, assessed, judged.”
-Benjimir Thursby, “Seven Stars to the Horizon.”
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(Revised 9/21 for additional content, details, grammar, and Feng Shui.)
Officially it had no formal title, but in communique and common speech it was referred to as Company Hall.  Among the officers of the Thursby Company it was often named Tondera Hall, for reasons none would explain when asked.  Among the Scions company it was called the White Tree after the first sub-level which had been arranged into a spa by the same name.  The spa was open to the public and frequently served recuperating company members.  The first level held a service desk at which members of all companies, guests, and customers of the spa conducted business.  A crafting, engineering space, which Ossimira Miegs seemed to dwell in all hours the night and day was behind the service desk.  Scattered through the hall, in sub-levels under the main building, were quarters and rooms.  Most were in the hill abutting the hall, others in the sub-levels along the ridge overlooking the nearby streams and lake.  This afforded many rooms windows.  Collectively the design also made the hall seem deceptively small as seen from it’s courtyard.
Benjimir kept personal quarters in Company Hall.  Also, there were offices for the newly appointed business management gurus the Twinkinryker twins.  A few rooms served as backups to their Thursby Company counterparts in Ul’Dah.  Benjimir was in conference with his younger brother Bondermir in one such room.  A plaque on the door identified it as AUXFLTOPS.  The Auxiliary Fleet Operations room.  There was next to it a similar room whose focus was caravans and warehousing related.
In the far end of the room was a large map on the wall.  On the map were color coded paper icons representing company ships, convoys, anchorages and port slips.  Each was pinned to the map with a small slip of paper naming each.  Ships were labelled by class, origin, destination, mission and commander.  Strings from the icons led to each ships destination on the map. 
Two clerks, “up wellers,” Sammie and Adler, sat at the Watch Desk next to the map.  They had a small Linkpearl box in front of them.  The box was of Eorzean craft, intended to channel many links to it.  Those paired links were in boxes aboard each of the ships on the map.  As updates were received, the maps, ledgers, schedules and other information were updated there.  In Ul’Dah an identical room, larger and more elaborate, replicated the effort.  Which room actively took responsibility for “the watch” rotated.  Today “Tondera” had the watch.  Another set of rooms nearby and in Ul’Dah were similarly appointed and focused on caravans.
“Watch, Baxter.  Arriving, Kugane slip 3, FSB 1251.” a voice said over the link box.  Adler marked a log and spoke into the box.  “Baxter, Watch aye.  Time in, Fleet Standard Bell 1251.”  Adler walked to a short step ladder in front of the main map and updated the marker for the ship and moved it to Kugane.
Benjimir returned his eyes from the Watch desk to the map he and Bondermir were standing in front of.  His attention was drawn repeatedly to the older map on the opposite wall.  A few years prior it tracked Company and Maelstrom vessels and points where battles had been fought in the Dragonsong War.  None involved Company ships at that point.  In the years since the current map in front of him traced points of contact and combat, mostly with pirates and the initial engagements with the Confederacy to the present day.  Points of contact with Garlean ships were highlighted.  There had not been any fighting since the previous war and little even then.  The Imperial fleet had been scattered and unable to mass during the conflict.  
“The Alliance wants nothing to do with it, but the sentiment in the ranks isn’t solidly behind their leadership.” Bondermir said.  He pointed up at several places on the map.  “There are skirmishes all along these Imperial zones of control, Ala Mihgo, and such.” he added.  Each zone had one or more ports and shipping lanes traveled by Company ships.
“And we have business interests, caravans and Scions all over those places.” Benjimir lamented.  “If this escalates and the Alliance is drawn into a fight involving the Empire we may have a difficult time avoiding contact this time.  Our footprint is bigger now.” he said rhetorically as Bondermir knew this as well as any in the Company.
“Aye.  It is aligned with our intents and interests to oppose the Imperials.  If this continues to track along its current path the Alliance will get drawn into it.  If they are pulled into a shooting war I don’t foresee how we avoid it either.”  Bondermir said.  Benjimir nodded his head and pointed to the areas nearest to the Imperials.  The conversation paused.
At the duty desk the clerk picked up a small card and reached to another device next to the Linkbox.  It resembled a childs toy, a small keyboard with six keys and a small speaker, set in a wooden box with gold painted decorative details.  The clerk pressed a button on the linkbox which locked the transmission open then began to tap the keys on the new device. She pressed two keys like playing a musical instrument, each resulted in a different tones playing.  She repeated this six times with two different keys each then spoke into the Linkbox.  “Watch testing with Forrostar, Andustar, Baxter, Fairstar, Fairsea, Entulesse. FSB 1300.”
“We need eyes and ears out there.  And everywhere else really.  This is happening weather we or the Alliance wants it or not and we’re still treating this like a research project writ large.” Benjimir said, turning to his brother.  
“Business ledgers, passenger manifests, field reports from the Scions don’t tell us enough of what we need to know.  We have more shipping agents than intelligence agents.  We won’t avail ourselves anything by being passive here.  With the Twinkinrykers onboard now I’m naming you our Director of Strategic Information.  I need spies Bondermir, a lot of them.” Benjimir said.
At the Watch desk the Linkbox squawked with a long three tone signal, which was assigned to the Company Hall.  A voiced followed up as Sammie and Adler began to mark entries into their logs and close them.  “Tondera, Ul’Dah.  Tondera we stand ready to relieve  you.”  the voice said.  Sammie leaned forward and pressed the key to talk on the Linkbox.  “Ul’Dah, Tondera, we stand relieved.”  A moment later the voice from Ul’Dah spoke again.  “Tondera aye.  All players, all players, Ul’dah has the Watch, FSB 1305, good day!”
Bondermir cringed at the identical twin Lalafells taking up much of his work over the Thursby Company but it was something long planned.  “For both companies?” He asked.  Benjimir shook his head.  “No, only the TC.  Keep this clear of the Scions of Numenor.  We need them to keep their hands clean.  Variance from that is at my sole discretion, is that understood?” Benjimir said with a stern look.  
“Understood sir.  When should I begin?” Bondermir asked.
“At once and with haste.  I already feel a draft on our backside.  Like we are missing something.  Right now, we are the fly on the web Bondermir.  The Empire is a ruthless but professional organization.  An unambiguous risk to already know we are here or to endanger our people.  We need to know not only what is happening but to guard ourselves from those that maybe watching”  Benjimir said.
“It will be done.” Bondermir said.  He looked at the center of the room.  There sat the wargaming table.  A prized possession and training tool of commodore T’subaki.  It was a map of Haydaelyn’s Ruby Sea with an overlapping grid.  Along the side of the table, arranged in neat rows were small model ships of unique design, presented from the waterline up.  It was used to model possible engagement scenarios, plan and test responses.
“I wish there was a game for planning this sort of thing out.” Bondermir thought to himself.
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To Forgive and Forget - Chapter 5
And here is chapter 5. Sorry this took a bit longer to post than I promised some of you. Life happened. 
Lots of angst ahead… though by now I'm sure you're all waiting for it. 
I will see you all on the group chat! ❤❤
"Patterson! Where the hell is that chopper?" Kurt shouted through comms. Jane hadn't regained consciousness. She was struggling to breathe and the bleeding had slowed - which wasn't a good thing - it meant that she had lost too much blood, and judging by the puddle on the ground and the amount soaked into the shirts Kurt was pressing to her wound, she didn't have much time left. 
"ETA is 30 seconds." Came Patterson voice through his earpiece. 
Just as she said that, Kurt could hear the thud of the propellers flying over head. There was a large field by the warehouse, so there was no worry about them landing. 
The paramedics arrived on site, running through the warehouse with their gurney and medikit. Tasha waved them over and even they were slightly taken aback at the scene that greeted them. 
 They quickly assessed the situation, dropping to their knees beside her. The lead paramedic quickly took her pulse.
"Right get her on the gurney." he said urgently. "We will have to try and stabilise her in transit… we don't have enough time to do it before we leave." 
He brought the gurney down to floor level and as a unit, they lifted Jane smoothly, getting her ready for transfer. One paramedic started strapping her on and lifting the gurney back to it's original height, while the other started ripping packets of gauze open, replacing the blood soaked shirts. He threw them on the floor and they landed in the cold concrete with a wet splat.
Kurt knew that Tasha would stay and secure the scene and complete the search of the warehouse for the girl. Wordlessly, Kurt got on the gurney, straddling Jane's hips as he replaced the medics hands with his own. He knew that they needed to keep pressure applied and it would take both of them to control the gurney in order to get her out of the maze-like warehouse quickly. 
She wasn't moving. She wasn't even reacting to pain anymore. She was pale, cold and limp. Kurt took a deep breath, trying to push any dark thoughts to the back of his mind so he could focus on the task at hand. 
They got out to the helicopter and loaded her in. Once on board, Kurt moved to the back of the chopper so the medics could work. He knew he wasn't meant to accompany them, but there was no way he was leaving her. The pilot took off quickly, time was not on their side.
He watched as one put an oxygen mask on her face and started a line, while the other started taking her obs. He grit his teeth, trying to keep control of his emotions. He couldn't lose her. 
The flight to the hospital was the longest seven minutes of his life. Her heart rate and blood pressure were all over the place. 
Just as they were coming in to land, she coded. 
"We've lost her!" The lead medic shouted. Starting compressions!"
"Jane?" Kurt asked urgently, leaning forward. "Jane!" 
Right now… right now she was dead. His wife. His beautiful wife. He may have just lost her and the last conversation they had, they had been yelling at each other.
Guilt and shame settled into the pit of his stomach, and grief settled into his heart. 
The helicopter landed. There was a trauma team waiting for them. One of the doctors got onto the gurney, continuing compressions, while another jumped on the other side, continuing with keeping pressure on her wound. 
Kurt scrambled out of the helicopter, running after the team. They whisked her down the corridor, yelling at people to get out of the way. 
They reached the trauma bay and pushed her through the double doors. A nurse put her hand on Kurt's chest.
"Sorry dear, but you can't go any further." she said briskly, but kindly, before turning and running through the doors to join the team in trying to save Jane's life.
Kurt stood in the corridor, watching the doors swing in their wake. 
He stood there, covered in his wife's blood, the sudden silence crashing down on him in waves. 
"Sir?" a voice asked. "Sir are you alright?"
It was in that moment that Kurt realised he had been holding his breath. He turned to look at the orderly and realised he must look a sight. He didn't know what to say, because no, no he wasn't ok. 
The orderly sensed this anyway, offering a hand of comfort.
"There's a private bathroom down the hall that you can use to clean up, if you like." she said gently, leading him away from the triage bay. 
He begrudgingly turned to walk with her, his heart telling him he should stay where he was, but his head telling him he really needed to wash his wife's blood off of him.
"Here, you go in here and get cleaned up, I'll find you a pair of scrubs you can get changed into."
Kurt nodded his thanks, walking into the private bathroom quietly.
He stopped in his tracks when he saw his reflection. There was blood everywhere. Up his arms, over the torso of his shirt, on his forehead. 
Jane's lifeless body flashed into his mind. 
"Oh god…" he choked. He drew in a shuddering breath, suddenly unable to hold his emotions back. His whole body started shaking in grief and shock. The blood crusted to his skin was stifling, burning into his skin. 
He turned on the faucet, pumping soap onto his hand as quickly as possible. He scrubbed his hands and arms until they were raw and even then he could still feel the blood, hot and sticky, coving his skin. 
Rage coursed through him as the grief and guilt overwhelmed him. He picked up the nail brush, that had turned red with her blood, and threw it across the room, falling to his knees with a yell.
"Jane!" he cried out, before he dissolved into a fit of tears. "Oh Jane…"
He felt a hand on his shoulder, but was too overwhelmed with grief to react.
"Here dear." The old woman said. She gently passed him the scrubs, before leaving him alone again. 
He didn't move, for what felt like hours. After what had really only been a few minutes, he hoisted himself off the floor, changing into the fresh pair of scrubs. He disposed of his blood soaked clothes into the toxic waste bin and moved to find out what had happened to his wife.
When he got to reception, he almost turned around. He wasn't sure he was ready to hear what had happened. To confirm his greatest fear… that she had died. That she was never coming back.
"Sir?" the lady at reception asked again. He hadn't heard her the first time.
"Ah… Jane Doe?" he said with a shaky voice. "She was just brought in by helicopter… I'm her… I'm her husband." He stammered.
The nurse searched the computer, before looking up at him. 
"A doctor will be along to update you shortly." she said, and Kurt could see the grief in her eyes.
He nodded quietly. He could have gone off at her, begging for her to tell him herself. To tell him now, but he still wasn't ready to hear those words. Not yet.
He walked back to the waiting room and sat down, hanging his head. The last time he had spoken to his wife, they had been screaming at each other. He had been so mad. They had both said some unforgivable things. But he didn't know then that that would be the last time he would ever speak to her. 
"Oh Jane… I'm so sorry." he whispered. He brought his hands up to his face, biting back the tears that were threatening to overcome him again.
He was broken out of his thoughts, by the ringing of his phone. 
"Weller." he answered gruffly.
"Kurt! How's Jane?" It was Patterson. 
He cleared his throat, but otherwise stayed silent. 
"Oh god… she's not…?"
"I don't know." he replied quietly. "She coded in the chopper… I haven't heard anything since."
"Oh Kurt…" He could hear the despair in her voice. 
He didn't know what to say to her. Jane was her family too. This would break all of them.
"Reade and Tasha have a lead on where Tyler might be…" she continued. "They received a call from… well from…" she paused.
"From Clem?" he asked shortly.
"Yeah…" Patterson answered nervously.
"Ok…" was all he replied. "Keep me updated."
"There's something else you should hear…" She said.
"What's that?" He wasn't sure he could take much more today. He was close to breaking point as it was. He was in complete denial.
"Jane didn't have her vest, because she gave it to the shooter."
"I know that." Kurt replied, "That's why I had to shoot him in the head."
"Yeah but she removed it to save one of the younger SWAT guys…"
"What do you mean?" he asked, sitting forward.
"The shooter was going to kill him, because he was too scared to give away his vest… it was his first op… anyway Jane stepped in and give him her vest instead. Things went south and the shooter had SWAT guy at gunpoint. Jane went to charge at him and that's when he shot her."
Kurt was silent for a moment. She had sacrificed herself. That's why she was shot…
"Thanks for telling me…" he whispered.
"Please let us know what's happening with Jane… the moment you hear something." Patterson said. She almost sounded desperate.
"I will." he choked out. He hung up the phone before he lost his resolve completely.  All he could think about was the last words he said to her. 'I just wish that you would think about someone other than yourself for once.' 
His last words may have gotten her killed. 
He shook his head. 
Even if he hadn't have said that to her, he knew that she would have done the same. She was selfless. She was always doing things to try and keep others safe.
His heart constricted and before he knew it, he was crying into his hands. 
It was over twenty minutes later that a doctor came to see Kurt. 
"Kurt Weller?" he asked.
Kurt nodded.
"I'm doctor Thompson." he introduced himself.
Kurt looked up at the doctor, biting the inside of his cheek. He wasn't ready… though he wasn't sure he ever would be ready, to hear that his wife had died. 
The doctor came and sat beside him.
"Jane was very sick when she came to us… she had lost a lot of blood."
Kurt's heart sank. No no no no no no no….
"We got her heart started again, she is currently in surgery." 
He choked.
"She's alive?" he whispered.
The doctor nodded. 
"She is… but Kurt I have to warn you… her chances of survival are dim… if she makes it through the surgery, the next 48 hours are crucial."
Kurt swallowed. He had just been told that she was alive, only to have that ripped away again. She might not even survive the next ten minutes.
"I'll update you when I can." The doctor said. 
Kurt shook his hand.
"Thank you."
The doctor nodded, then left the room, leaving Kurt by himself again. 
He was about to pull out his phone to ring Patterson, when there was a soft knock on the door.
"Kurt…?" came a soft voice.
He looked up to see a blonde head and large blue eyes staring back at him.
"Patterson." he whispered.
She strode into the room, wrapping him in a tight hug. 
"I left the moment I hung up the phone." she said quietly. "I… I didn't want you to be alone."
He looked at her gratefully.
"Have you heard anything yet?" she asked hesitantly. She wasn't sure she wanted to know that answer.
"She's in surgery." he replied. "Though… the doctor said that there's a high chance she won't  make it through the surgery." 
Patterson's face fell.
She reached out and took Kurt's hand. It was going to be a long and arduous wait. The worst part was knowing that there was nothing that they could do to help. All they could do was wait and that was the hardest part. 
At least they could wait together. Right now, they didn't have to be alone.
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marumafan · 8 years
Yuuram in Novel 6
Finally, at the end of this novel, the Royal Couple gets reunited.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Novel 6. ch.2 -Wolfram's journey-
The 82 year old in the prime of youth was proud of all of his accomplishments in the past year.
He'd gotten engaged and adopted a daughter. He even overcame his picky eating habits. However...
"Ugh! Urrrrrrrrgh... bu... buaarrggh!" He still got seasick. (..)
Their hasty journey that His Majesty the Maou's life depended on did not leave room to be picky about the the method of transportation. Far from a luxurious tourist ship, this cargo ship was so rough around the edges it was about to start growing fur. Despite that, the passengers jammed into the tight quarters without complaint.
"No, of course this would confuse you. This is a social class you weren't aware of until now. Unless something extreme happened, you'd never have crossed this gap." "But he always tries to go 'over there.'" "Are you talking about His Majesty?" Gisela's skin, pale as was typical of the healing hands tribe, gained a little color. Her calm, thoughtful green eyes narrowed under her eyelashes as she smiled. "His Majesty is wonderful. He really is a special person."
------------------------------------------------------------------ Novel 6. ch.3 -My confession that held no true emotion-
"You not an impostor, are you? Are you really my son-in-law, Sir Norman? Do you swear your love to my daughter?"
"Of course, I swear to Gad[14] that I love Miss Flynn!"
I love elephants more, though.
My declaration was supposed to be 'Afro, moved to tears!' but the Plainsmen's expression remained hard. I had only deepened his suspicion with my confession that held no true emotion.
Oh, but thankfully Wolfram isn't here. If he'd heard what I said right now there would be no excuse good enough to get out of that situation.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Novel 6. ch.11 - The cliff scene-
I don’t even have enough strength left to talk much less ask what’s important about him.   With the next small tremor, I’ll definitely fall.  I have no feeling left in my fingers at all and after losing focus for a split second, my left hand slips off.  My one arm holding on becomes three fingers, two fingers, and lastly my middle finger…
My awareness comes back with a shock like my shoulder is being dislocated. Pale fingers and a sleeve in a familiar color were solidly grasping my right wrist.
“I finally caught you.”
“… Wolf… why are you here..?”
Lord Wolfram von Bielefelt gives a bitter laugh as his beautiful face twists into a grimace. For a moment, I see traces of his eldest brother and despite the state of emergency I’m in, I feel a sense of admiration.
“You’re a flirt and a cheat so I secretly stuck a transmitter on you so I can chase after you anywhere in the world.  Hey, it’s no good with just one hand.  Grab on with both of them.”
“But with your weight… you won’t be able to pull me up.  If things go wrong, you might even-!”
“If that happens…”
Wolfram grabs a hold of my sweaty wrist with both hands as it starts to slip and gives me a stern and manly smile.
“I’ll fall with you.”
Something must have happened while I was away because this is the first time I’ve seen such an expression on his face.
“Trust me.”
Overpowered by his confidence, I swing my dangling left arm overhead.  The Pretty Boy, who used to be a delicate and high-strung little yippy puppy, pulled me up with all his strength a little overenthusiastically and he ended up falling on his back and pulling me down with him.  When I panicked and tried to get off of him, a part of my sleeve or something caught against his cheek and left a small scrape.
“Wolf, you’re bleeding… I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize.  It’s to be expected,” he says rapidly and then looks around impatiently.  “It would have been nice if Gisela had come to this side.  Unfortunately we’ve been separated.  Anyway Yuuri!  What were you doing and where!?  It’s inexcusable to leave me, your fiancé, behind and go off on some journey without thinking about anyone else!  And on top of that, you couldn’t even pull yourself up as you’re about to fall off a cliff… This weakness is unfit for the Demon King.  This is why I call you a henachoko… Yuuri?”
Didn’t I endure it until now?
“What’s wrong?”
Even when night came, when I was alone, when I met Josak, didn’t I endure it until now?  Then why can’t I bear it anymore?  It’s only been a few dozen seconds since we met again.
“Wolf… Conrad is…”
“I know.”
I must look really miserable.  He’s not even getting mad that I’m talking about the brother he doesn’t like and he’s put an arm around my shoulders.
“It’s okay if you cry.  I was a little distraught as well.”
“He’s not dead.  He’s definitely not dead, but…”
But he’s not here or anywhere.  Lord Weller isn’t coming back.
“You can cry as much as you want.  Gurrier, Gisela and I are all here.  You can cry as much as you want any time now.”
“… Damn it!”
I force myself to pull away and show him my injury from getting caught on a jagged rock.
“Look at this, you can see the flesh… It’s bleeding so much… And then this is where you grabbed me and pulled me up.  It’s all swollen and hot.  I might have sprained my wrist.   Worst case, it might even be broken.  What do I do?  Damn… it hurts… it really hurts.  It’s so ridiculously painful there are tears in my eyes… How stupid am I?”
“You’re not stupid.  The foolish one is Conrart.”
Why are you only saying things like that to me?  Things that just make me hurt even more.
Things that just make me want to cry out and sob.
“But even if you know it’s foolish, there are times you have to do it anyway.  Even you’re like that, right?  You’ve always done things like that.”
“Well sorry for being a fool.”
A man that looked like a companion of Wolfram’s comes running forward while stumbling.  I recognize that closely shaven head.  It’s Günter’s subordinate Dacascos.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Novel 6. ch.11 - Wolfram's words-
I will strength into my knees and stand next to Wolfram. “… If they have a mask, can anyone become king…?” “No.  The only ones who can be a king are those who have the talent for it.” Even though he doesn’t know what’s going on, Wolfram is thinking of the words I want to hear. “That’s something that you possess.”
Yuuram in Novel : 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17
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catsuitmonarchy · 8 years
Cooch Girl Goes Circus Week 2.8
It took me a while but I finally got my first circus bruise.  It was another glorious day of there only being two of us AND the first thing we did was German Wheel. Score! We’ve only done it the one time and it’s one of those things that you can only do so much on if you keep having to switch out. But with only two of us in class this week it meant we got to do it for a long time. And the teacher basically had us do it the whole class.  I did really well. Like really really well. Even weller when you consider I didn’t have circus shoes on, which means it was more painful and I didn’t have any foot traction. That’s actually how I bruised my foot is my right foot slipped during rim rocks and one of the foot paddles hit my heel. It hurt a lot. Not enough to stop me but enough for me to go ‘oh god that is bruising already’ and limp a bit.  But I kept going and even got upgraded on some things. My stalls were good and I was even able to be braver about taking them higher and doing the back stalls longer. I only slipped out a few times.  There was something really zen about the German Wheel and the constant rocking and getting into a rhythm with it. I think that might be why I did better with the rocks than any of the rolling things. That and I need to be better about shifting my weight correctly. While hamster wheeling it was not uncommon for me to not put enough weight forward and get kind of stuck. And then sometimes I overcompensated and went too fast. But I did good on inch worms. Also with the hamster wheeling my small frame and feet are issues since there’s less coverage to put my weight on. But I made adjustments and was working it out. The only thing I really fucked up on were the thriller rocks, which I insisted we learn based on the name even though the coach was like ‘maybe we should give your feet a break’. P’Shaw, sir! My feet already hurt so I’m all in for five more minutes. Anyway I was doing the legs backwards so I was doing something else okay instead of the right thing well.  After German Wheel we were given the choice between unicycle or juggling. I chose juggling, the classmate chose unicycle. “We can juggle. I don’t want to force unicycling on you.” “Yeah but every time we have a chance at rolling globe I make the entire class do rolling globe so I kind of deserve this.” “You make an excellent point. Unicycling!” So we did it and it was the devil and I hated it but stuck through it even though the pedal hurt my feet and the process hurt my pride. Because failing comfortably is important. I thought of hopping off to go juggle but I didn’t. I stuck with it and I am proud of myself for that. But then the coach spotted me away from the bar and helped me ride on my own and now I get it. I felt so powerful! I mean I still wobbled a lot and he had to correct my pedaling speed like every two seconds but it felt great to actually make it further than six inches.  I still was able to fall off but the last time I did it I caught the unicycle before it could fall and the coach congratulated me for that and marked it as performance improvement.  My feet did eventually need to stop so I went and grabbed juggling balls for the last five minutes. Got up to 8 three ball cascades in a row with minimal pausing. Which felt pretty good considering I think one of the balls was heavier than the other two and it was throwing me off. (Not a cop out, I held them in my hand and the one that was a different color combo defintely felt heavier. Maybe their coded or maybe it was just a weird one.) Anyway I love small class days and I also love balance based floor apparatuses. I’m considering switching to just an aerial class but I don’t want to give up on those things or juggling. Tight wire I found a friend I can practice with but the globes and wheels are much harder to do on your own. 
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