#well at least I don't have to watch season four when Henry will not be there
lorrainestea · 1 year
Happily writing my fanfictions and doing photo edits just to forget that Tissaia will probably die next week.
It works for now because I'm stuck in season two, but boy, the pain that will probably come with the rest of season three...
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pinkeoni · 1 year
What Exactly Do I Mean When I Say "Will is Jesus Christ?"
(or Why Will is the Chosen One)
Do I mean that Will is actually the second coming of Christ? Well, no, at least not in a literal sense. All I mean to say by this is that—
Will is the chosen one, and he is the hero of the story who is meant to save the world from the apocalypse.
Apocalypse imagery and references to Revelations is all over the place in season 4. The four victims representing the four horsemen of the apocalypse, Henry "One" effectively being a God-like figure, references to Revelations 1:8 regarding Henry, hell I'll go as far to say that Robin playing the trumpet at the beginning of the season is a nod to the sound of trumpets that is meant to signal the beginning of the apocalypse.
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The important thing about Revelations being that at the end of the day, the second coming of Jesus Christ, the chosen one, saves the day.
This really robust old post that I made, which was also one of my first theory posts, goes into detail on how Will fits the criteria of a Christ-figure, or a figure in literature or media that is allegorical to Jesus Christ. Will's biggest piece of evidence being his full on burial and resurrection in the first season.
If I'm talking about Christ-figures in the show then I should probably talk about El, who admittedly has much more in your face Christ-coding than Will does. Walking on water, performance of miracles, the mother who got pregnant out of strange circumstances, along with her own resurrection and so-on.
So then, if El clearly has more Christ-coding than Will, why am I placing the title of Jesus onto Will? Is it just because I like him more than El? Is it because I see Will as a more important character than El?
Just as a general disclaimer, I will admit that I do have a major Will bias, anyone who follows me knows that. He's been my favorite character since I first watched the show. Although, my labeling of him as the chosen one has nothing to do a dislike of El or a belief that she is not an important character. I love El, and it's plain to everyone that watches the show how important she is. However, I just don't believe that the chosen one who saves the day is what her arc is building towards.
They've been building up El's chosen one status while also quietly breaking it down in the background, in the same way that they've quietly been leaving bread crumbs pointing toward Will's Christ status while also seemingly suggesting that he isn't that important of a character. Why have a character tell El that she's "the cure," then make a point that she loses against Henry at the end of the season? Why sideline Will for the past two seasons, but throw in lines of dialogue pointing toward his involvement with the Upside Down?
What I believe they are going for is a classic bait-and-switch to subvert expectations in the final season. Lead the audience to believe one thing, while still leaving clues to suggest the other so that when the twist is revealed it doesn't come out of nowhere.
So what is El's arc actually about? I won't deny El's role in the final battle of the show, it's not like she's going to be completely sidelined, but I don't think that her saving the world on her own while everyone else watches is what her arc is building towards. The real core of her arc is El discovering who she is as a girl, rather than becoming a superhero.
I actually made a post awhile ago talking about El’s monster/superhero dichotomy, and it’s actually incredibly important to my argument. The post itself is more in depth, but tl:dr: El believes that she can either be a superhero or a monster, and bases her worth on her ability to save the world and others, an unfair expectation to place onto one girl.
If at the end of the season, El single-handedly saves the entire world, wouldn’t it feel counterintuitive to her arc? She needs to learn that her self worth doesn’t rely on her ability to save the world, and if she ends the show this way, it wouldn’t create a solution for her cyclical train of thought.
Furthermore, wouldn’t this ending be a bit expected, and even boring? This is what El has been doing for the past four seasons of the show. Continuing that pattern would only feel anticlimactic. From a writer’s pov, if you wanted the ending of you show to be dynamic and interesting, you would want to do something new.
So why do I think that Will is the chosen one?
It’s not like I’m pulling the chosen-one-Jesus-Christ label out of my ass just because I like Will. I actually do have many reasons to believe this.
The first one is the confirmation that Will is going to be a big part and focus for next season. It’s been theorized that this means Will is going to become a villian, and while I do love a good Will villian AU, there are many reasons I could list off as to why he wouldn’t become a villian. Without going into it all right now, let’s just say that it would not only go against what Will stands for, but also what the show itself stands for.
Even in show, we have signs pointing toward Will’s chosen status. Let’s start with the fact that Will is the one who kicks the entire show off in the first place, when he is taken by who we later learn to be Henry. Now, this could have just been wrong-place-wrong-time kind of thing, but given how much has been revealed has actually been part of a larger plan constructed by Henry, I highly doubt that mere coincidence is the case.
Let’s look at some more evidence within the fourth season. Let’s talk about the fact that, despite not even being present in Hawkins and gone for much of the supernatural action, Will is still being brought up by name and even implicated in the strangeness of the Upside Down.
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Do I think Will is gonna solo-kill Vecna in the climax of the show? Chosen one doesn’t mean only one. No, despite all my rambling about El not being the hero, I’m not gonna deny her importance to the supernatural plot. I think something else the show keeps building upon is the importance of support from friends and family— saving the world is likely gonna be a group effort. I do think, however, that Will possesses some kind of unique ability that is going to be crucial to winning.
What would being the hero mean for Will’s arc? Well, it would give him a sense of control that he hasn’t had before. Will has had a lot of agency and autonomy ripped from him in past seasons, and this would be his way of reclaiming that. It would be the perfect subversion of expectations as well. The character that everyone expects to be just the helpless victim, or hell even the villian, is the one who rises to become the hero who saves the day in his own way.
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kiraridertime03 · 4 months
My Adventures With... Supermen?
Alright, so, I just got done watching the third episode of My Adventures with Superman's second season, Fullmetal Scientist. Great episode, fun episode, as per usual. However, certain inclusions have me scratching my head, leading me to only one big question...
Which would be a spoiler, so beware below, but...
Are they gonna kill Superman?
Now, I am not confident in this conclusion at all, it is purely because of two primary character inclusions in the past few episodes that seem to be pointing in this direction. It could mean nothing, but I am crazy.
To see what I mean, we need to jump back to the 90's. One of DC's major events within that period was titled Reign of the Supermen. It was a story that was spread across the 4 main Superman comics of the time, Superman, Action Comics, Superman: The Man of Steel, and Adventures of Superman (ha). This brief storyline, in short, followed 4 Superman Related characters as they vie for the role of his successor. This is because, right before this, Superman famously died.
Yeah, this event is the sequel to the Death of Superman, and builds up to his revival at its end. It wasn't very long, less than a year, but it is there. However, what is important for now is who our four Supermen are.
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The first, who we'll skim over because he is least important right now, is The Eradicator, some freak alien who steals Clark's body and takes his identity. The details currently don't matter, though keep a lookout for their stupid glasses!
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The second is Conner Kent's Superboy. This is the clone one made up of Clark and Lex's DNA. You may recognize him from the series Young Justice, however, at this point, he was in his Leather Jacket Era, not his black T-Shirt era.
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However the final two are more interesting to see. The first we'll talk about is Cyborg Superman. He was once astronaut Hank Henshaw, but he got all fucked up in space, blaming Superman for it for plot reasons. When he eventually died because of space, he was able to upload his mind into a almost clone body of Superman with Robot bits. He then claims to just be Superman revived. Eradicator does this too, but it's funnier for him.
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Finally, there is who is one of the more popular characters we see in this event, probably only rivaled by Conner, that being John Henry Irons, aka Steel. He is the only one without Super in the name, having designed to design a suit that helps him be like Superman, though he also gives himself a rad as hell hammer because John Henry. He was later played by Shaq.
So, now we jump back to present day, with MAWS's second season. The first episode draws the gang to S.T.A.R. Labs in Coast City (A place important to the Reign of the Supermen arc for reasons we don't have time to get into and probably won't get into because it probably won't happen exactly like the comic if it does happen in the show) and we meet Hank Henshaw. Neat, me and many others think. It makes sense, he is a space science guy, so might as well draw on a character from the lore. Plus, it gives the creators the opportunity to do a Cyborg Superman later down the line, as this show does love its robots. However, I didn't think much more of it. That was until Episode 3, an episode primarily dedicated to introducing John Irons and making him Steel, if briefly. Now, on its own, this is still innocuous, he is a fairly popular Superman character, and they do a great job with him, I love his larger bodied design.
However, things become suspicious when these two are introduced in such rapid succession. The writers want these Supermen in play for... something. It, of course, hasn't introduced all of them. There has really been no trace of Eradicator, and it seems weird to have Lex cloning Superman this early in the show. So, while we have half of the Supermen here, we aren't quite there yet. Although... We do have another Super nearing us very soon.
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Much of this season's arc seems to be prepping for the introduction of Supergirl, Kara Zor-El. You know her, she got her own TV show, she's probably more popular than most of the characters we've seen in this post. However, we don't know too much about her role in the season past that. From what we've seen from annoyingly spoilery Toonami bumbers, she's probably being controlled by the remnants of the Kryptonian empire, whether it be ruled by Zod or Braniac, and whether it being of her own volition or not, and her current arc seems nebulous. However, Superman has built up quite the positive reputation even just in the single season we've seen him in. Imagine the kind of pressure, whether she has taken an antagonistic role in the past of the series or not, that it may place on her if Superman "dies" (or get sent across the galaxy or captured by the government and made to be presumed dead by the public or something). Especially if she has to take down an evil Cyborg claiming to be her cousin.
Do I think this will happen this season. It's probably too early to say, but I find it to be... doubtful. I have my doubts to them ever "killing" Superman, fakeout or not. If they did, it would probably be a season finale cliffhanger before having a 2 episode premier the next season with a Reign/Return of Superman arc the next season. However, they definitely want to do something Reign related at some point. Whether that means "killing off" Supes is yet to be seen. Though, given how close the two arcs are to each other and how much the government (Amanda Waller) wants to kill Superman, I wouldn't be surprised.
Long story short... Uh... Good episode, fun episode. I like this show a lot and I hope it keeps being good.
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(Slightly Late) 2023 Fic Roundup Post
Like it says on the tin, about 24 hours late, but I wanted to wait until Yuletide reveals were up, since 3/4 of my fic output happened in the last two weeks of December.
Due to a case of writer's block that I just couldn't shake for most of the year, I finished only four fics in 2023 and made barely any progress on any WIPs. That being said, I did manage to write about 15k words of a separate book project that I am horrendously behind on, so there's that. Hopefully I can do more of both this year.
One standalone fic written for a Valentine's Day exchange:
The heart is an organ of fire (House of the Dragon, M) - How Rhaenyra Targaryen arrived at her sister-in-law’s funeral with one husband and left with another. Written for @crossingwinter.
And three for Yuletide:
A Wedding in Firenta for @iberiandoctor (Guy Gavriel Kay, A Brightness Long Ago) - “Was our last encounter at the Sardi wedding? Piero’s older son, in Firenta?” “Were you there? I forget.” The other man smiled. “No, you don’t,” he said.
Over the past year, I have been trying to catch up on various authors who have written new things that I missed. Thus, I ended up reading three new-to-me books by one of my all-time favourite authors, Guy Gavriel Kay. I had only read the first in the series when @iberiandoctor's prompt turned up on the Yuletide list and I took it on impulse, hoping to make myself write something. And I succeeded, go me!
The New Galatea for @edwardianspinsteraunt (My Fair Lady) - Eliza Doolittle departs. Henry Higgins tries to move on. Freddy Eynsford-Hill succeeds.
Every now and again, my brain tells me I want to do something with My Fair Lady. I don't know how old I was when I first saw it, but I have incredibly clear memories of dancing around as a 3-4 year old singing "Wouldn't It Be Loverly," and feeling very close to Eliza at least as far as her love for chocolates was concerned. But the ending never sat well with me. Higgins got off too easy. And while I wanted to write an enormous reworking that grappled with an Eliza whose family came from India and thus added another layer of complexity to the class dynamics already at work, I didn't have time for that, so I stuck to fixing the ending and restricted myself to a few oblique hints.
Pandora's Mirror for@chthonic-cassandra (Penny Dreadful) - Hecate Poole’s history was one of betrayal and blood, but her end, at least, would be her own.
I have been long overdue for a rewatch of Penny Dreadful and came across this prompt before I had time to start it. I am now 3 episodes into Season 2 and already have a small list of things I wish I'd done slightly differently in the fic, but I'm very pleased with how it turned out given how long it had been since I'd last watched the show. Hecate is one of those characters who spends a lot of time on the sidelines, at least in the first half of S2, before her own internal conflicts come to the fore, and I really enjoyed exploring what her history might have looked like.
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wandringaesthetic · 1 year
Some very belated thoughts regarding Final Fantasy XVI (and Game of Thrones)
If you've ever had a conversation with me about A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, you would know that my exhaustion regarding it is endless. I read the first three books circa 2003, when I was in highschool.
There was the slow release of the books. There were the absolutely depressing things that happened to the characters. There was the show, which I initially viewed with enthusiasm but then I couldn't stand the mention of for reasons I couldn't articulate. I fell behind on the show, and then it caught up with the manga, and then the show was about to end, and I thought, well. If I ever want any closure on this story I had better finish watching the show, because god only knows whether or not GRRM is ever going to finish the books. So I watched every season so far in preparation for the last one, some 15 years, two college degrees, a marriage , a child, and several jobs later than when I first started this journey.
And we all know how that ended. D&D apparently had information regarding how GRRM is planning on ending the story, but I'm pretty sure they misunderstood the themes badly enough that GRRM, if he ever gets there, is going to take a very different route to those conclusions.
Meanwhile, Jon Snow is still at least mostly dead in the books.
I will never know peace regarding Westeros. It's fine. (It isn't).
Other than being left hanging, a major reason A Song of Ice and Fire absolutely exhausts me is the misery train. I remember seeing a gifset, early in the show days, with images of the Stark Family with the words "we are never ever ever getting back together." Nothing good ever happens here. No one is getting back together.
And this is where FFXVI departs from Game of Thrones. You'll get your childhood friend slash adopted sister back. You'll get your brother you thought you killed back. You'll get your dog back. You'll get your beloved chocobo back. (Reuniting with Ambrosia made me maybe the most emotional that anything in the game did, I so did not expect it.) You might die at the end (maybe, it's up to interpretation) but there will be some relief from your loss and misery.
Allegedly, early in development for FFXVI, Yoshida made the whole team watch the first four seasons of Game of Thrones. There's a kinship here, and it's intentional. As much as part of me groans at this, there's a precedent for this in Final Fantasy. Yoshida has long been an admirer of Matsuno, and Matsuno directed Final Fantasy Tactics, a game that was not influenced by Game of Thrones (I don't think it was translated into Japanese at the time), but that was influenced by The War of the Roses, especially as told by Shakespeare, something A Song of Ice and Fire was ALSO influenced by. Yoshi-P should have made the whole team watch Henry IV part 1, 2, and 3
Anyway! FFXVI has a kinship with GoT, especially early in the game. There are a lot of warring factions. There's a lot of moral dubiousness. There's sex and violence and swears. But somewhere in the middle it breaks down and becomes so extremely Final Fantasy. Perhaps (as someone who really loves Final Fantasy) TOO Final Fantasy.
Early in the game, you have human enemies. The ironblood, the empire, Benedikta and Kupka.
But pretty soon, you find out that there's something Beyond, gunning for you (Clive) specifically. Arranging his life in a certain way so that he will acquire certain powers.
Something Final Fantasy does Very often is a villain switcheroo. Either a henchman of the villain overthrows who you thought was the main villain and becomes the main villain, or some Dark Force was influencing the main villain this whole time. This is done sometimes well and sometimes poorly.
So, Ultima, he's some kind of ancient alien. He claims he's a god and probably isn't, exactly. He's going to suck up all the lifeblood of the planet and cast the spell that ends the world. He takes up all the light and air from any part of the plot that does not involve him.
He is playing Final Fantasy villain greatest hits, is what I'm saying. But he sucks. He sucks so bad. He is near the bottom in my ranking of Final Fantasy villains. If I had to choose villain rep from this game for a future Dissidia game, I would choose Barnabas Tharmr over him.
(I feel the Final Fantasies that don't have strong villains are that way because the real villain is organized religion, or time, or despair, or something like that, but that's another essay)
This kind of singular, definitely evil, otherworldly antagonist is the opposite of what makes the morally gray, messy, many factions storytelling of Game of Thrones work. So in the end all of the GoT stuff is set dressing. It means very little.
Part of me wants to see an FFXVI that didn't pull its punches, in which Joshua really died in the prologue, in which none of the dominants or their nations are really right or good. Where it's about power. Where we maybe focus on the messy liberation of the bearers.
But that story maybe ends more like A Song of Ice and Fire might end (if it ever ends), where most of our characters are dead, where the people left just barely survived because they banded together against the oncoming night or blight rather than fight each other over scraps.
And that story is... Exhausting.
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eloves-writes · 3 years
Don't know if this is a dumb idea, feel free to ignore it if this isn't the type of thing you write
The reader and Spencer are married and both work at the BAU and they have a 4 year old son. And unfortunately their sitter canceled so they had to bring him at the office, which was possible cause it was paper work day
a/n : not dumb at all! this is super cute, i’m personally not great with kids so this might not be my best writing ever but i really hope you still enjoy! i used the season 7 team bc they’re my personal faves but i’d imagine it as more season 14/15 spencer :)
baby genius at work
stupid job. stupid criminals committing crimes on a sunday evening. stupid police in tampa needing the bau’s help on said sunday evening when they definitely could solve it themselves. at least you didn’t have to go to florida, they just needed an over-the-phone consult but still- it was generally inconvenient to get called into work with no notice and a 4 year old at home. you could get some paperwork done before monday though, if that was a plus.
“spence?” you called from the kitchen, quickly trying to pack your son’s overnight bag. you hoped that a sitter would pull through and he could stay the night somewhere that wasn’t your office- a specialist unit for profiling serial killers, rapists, and pedophiles wasn’t an ideal babysitters club. “did the sitter call you back?”
your husband entered the room followed by your son, theo. they were both smiling mischievously like they’d been doing something you’d disapprove of in the next room. they probably were.
“yeah,” spencer said, running a hand through his overgrown, messy hair. “can’t make it, too late notice.”
theo ran around your feet with far too much energy for a small boy at 8pm, his hair just as messy and unkempt as his father’s. you sighed irritably, throwing the dinosaur backpack over your shoulder along with your own work bag.
“did you try jj? maybe will could watch theo, he’d love to see henry and micheal.” you ruffled the boy’s hair as he jumped up and down, trying to calm him.
“will’s on duty, they have a sitter.”
“crap. i mean, shoot. erm, we’ll just have to take him to work,” you sighed, searching the kitchen counter for your phone you’d somehow misplaced in the last 15 minutes.
“what?” spencer exclaimed nervously. “we can’t take our son to work, he’s four! what about all the files? what about-”
“i’m going to work with mommy and daddy!” theo shouted happily. you gave your husband an amused but sympathetic look. his eyes told you he’d given in.
“garcia can watch him. she never does any work anyway and he’ll fall asleep in an hour, it’s fine- we just need to get going or we’ll be even later than we already are.” before you could even comment on the still-missing phone, you saw theo was playing with it and took it back before loading him into the car with his overnight back and blanket; you had no idea if you’d be back home tonight.
soon enough you made it to quantico, and despite all hopes looking good that your son had fallen asleep, his sixth sense of impending excitement woke him up as you pulled in to the parking lot. spencer held his hand to walk him inside and you handled the bags. garcia was walking along the corridor as the elevator reached the bau floor and squealed at the sight of your son.
“oh my goodness! it’s the baby genius! to what do i owe this pleasure?” she smiled, theo running into her arms. you heard a faint “auntie penelope!”- garcia absolutely adored all the team’s children to the ends of the earth and back.
“can i babysit? can i watch him? please, because you're my favourite genius lovebirds in the whole world?” garcia asked excitedly, wrapping her arms around him. you laughed and nodded.
“he is all yours, pen. let me know if he starts getting tired,” you changed you focus to theo. “behave yourself for auntie penelope.”
she smiled happily, leading him towards the bat cave to let you and spencer focus on the case. theo liked the bat cave, all penelope’s little things on her desk and all the screens and things to play with. he was unlike his father in that way; spencer didn't like computers and avoided the sort of well-meaning chaos of garcia’s desk, but theo was like him in other ways- he adored reading, and had sounded like a walking thesaurus since the day he learned to speak. the funniness he obviously got from you, but the hair was unquestionably inherited from your husband too. spencer placed his hand on the small of your back and guided you into the bullpen to your desk where emily gave you a friendly smile and carried on with her paperwork; you could tell it was really not an exhilarating case because everyone looked tired. you suspected they’d cheer up if they knew theo was here, but you wanted to get some actual work done before they all wanted to be his favourite aunt or uncle.
you did all get a few reports finished and a short consult on the case before garcia came back into the bullpen with a sleepy theo about an hour later, the team all turning their heads and suddenly looking less tired and bored.
“you didn’t tell us baby genius was joining the team tonight!” jj said, getting up from her desk to hug him. she was closely followed by emily and morgan, the latter of which was convinced he was the superior god-parent to jj. garcia was still mad you didn’t choose her, but she definitely loved him just as much.
spencer stood beside you and placed his hand on your waist, the way he always liked to stand. “we weren’t planning on it,” you yawned. “sitter cancelled.”
“i’m wayyy more fun than a sitter,” garcia promised. you were quite sure she was.
the team all stood around fussing over theo, who was more than happy with the attention but looked like he’d fall asleep the moment it stopped. you took a second to appreciate the way the team loved your’s and spencer’s son; the job took absolutely everything out of them except their endless love for each other and their families. it showed you the ugliest people with the ugliest lives, but they still chose to prioritise the purity and innocence of a child. they had so, so much love to give and wisdom to share- when you and spencer decided to bring a baby into the world, you knew they would be raised by the best family that could be. every member of the team was part of that family, just the way you wanted it to be forever and ever.
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bitches-who-write · 3 years
Hi how you doing? Uhhh, it's the bitch with a stutter again....... Could you do a thing of where y/n forces the boys to go spend the night in a supposedly haunted house with them. I love spooky places I don't know why I just think it'd be funny to see how they would react. Thank you 💛
This one was a lot of fun to write so we hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Just foul language.
Fright Night
You’re obsessed with everything horror.
From horror movies to haunted theme parks to real haunted houses.
Now that it’s officially spooky season, you’ve been dying to explore a legitimate abandoned haunted house.
Only Problem is.. You’re not brave enough to go completely alone.
You knew out of all four of the Bower’s Gang, Victor was the one to ask to go with you since he’s into the paranormal stuff.
It’s the night of your haunted house endevor and Vic mentions to the guys hes not going to be around to chill for the night.
“Why the fuck not?” Henry asks annoyed
“I’m going to spend the night in a haunted house with Y/N”
Vic could tell by the look on Patrick’s face that he was about to make a sexual comment.
“No Patrick...this isn’t going to get sexual.”
Patrick smirks “It might get sexual because I’m coming with.”
“Well if this fuckin’ idiot is going, then I’m going too.” Henry says semi unamused.
Belch doesn’t even have a say. He’s the designated driver.. The only one with a car so he's automatically in.
The 5 of you enter in the old, andonded house.
Patrick slams the door shut, resulting in the old, rusted door handle to fall off.
“Well… we’re all stuck in here now.” Patrick laughs with amusement.
You begin to panic as you realize you’re actually really locked in now.
“How the fuck did you break the handle?! Now we really can’t leave!”
What’s wrong, princess, didn't you want this?” Henry spat.
Belch laughs at your outburst, “Stop complaining. It’s too late now”
“At least we have shit to entertain ourselves with.” Patrick laughs carefree as he whips out an Oujia board and candles.
You stare at him in shock, “where the hell did that come from?!”
“Yeah dude, where did that come from? It wasn’t in the car with us” Henry chuckles looking entertained.
Patrick’s slow creepy smirk spreads across his face. “Magic… I have a lot of hidden crevices, don’t judge me. I’m built different.” Patrick fake pouts but still smirks at everyone.
Belch makes a face of disgust “I’m not touching that after it’s been in your crevices.”
He then proceeds to wipe the board down with hand sanitizer.
Vic shakes his head no. “Nope. Not-uh, I dont fuck with that shit. I’ve seen too many movies to know not to touch that board.”
You also shook your head no. “Yeah, no- I’m with Vic on this one, absolutely fucking not.”
Patrick grabs yours and Victor's hands and slams down on the board. “Now you’ve touched it. Now you have to play.”
For someone who wasn’t very interested in coming earlier, Henry looks really entertained.
You all sit in a circle as Belch lights the candles.
(candles also came from Patrick’s crevices)
You smile nervously. It’s one thing to watch this stuff in movies but it’s another thing to be participating in it- while actually IN a real haunted house.
“Now remember pussies, you always have to say goodbye before ending a conversation.” Henry says in a low, yet serious voice
Patrick lets out a very creepy laugh, “Yeah. We wouldn’t want anything following us out of this place.”
Vic gives you a soft smile, feeling bad about this situation. You wanted to spend the night and see if you’d capture any orbs in photos or hear a door squeak open, but weren't looking to communicate with the dead!
Patrick speaks up first, sporting a devilish smirk like he’s up to no good. “I’ll ask the first question. Patrick licks his lips. “Assuming this is a dude I’m talking to… are you cut or uncut.”
“Oh my God, Patrick! You can’t ask that!” You scream.
Vic lets out a sigh “Uh..How did you die..?”
Belch looks at around..”Is it my turn now?” He thinks for a second before speaking up “Are you going to try and kill us?”
Henry rolls his eyes. “Ask something interesting you pussies! Hey Bitch!” Henry shouts, yelling at the spirits. “Show yourself!”
“Henry!” You gasp, trying to cover his mouth. “Ghost...ghosts… I am SO sorry. Please don’t haunt us. I’m good, he’s the asshole here.” You say quickly and frantically.
Patrick laughs at you teasingly, “Aww come on. Y/N are you scared?” He lips his lips getting off on your scared behavior.
Blech closes the board and blows out the candles
“Hey! I told you you had to say goodbye you asshole. Have some respect” (coming from Henry).
“Let’s just try to get some rest now.” You suggest in a shaky voice, jumping and flinching at every little noise, making the guys laugh.
You spread out the sleeping bags and place them closely together. You didn’t want to be to on top of them, you hardly knew them to be honest other than Vic. But you were really freaked out and needed to be close to them all- and preferably in the middle.
Belch is on your far left with Vic next to him, you in the middle, Henry on your other side and Patrick on the far right.
You slept close to Vic but when he turned to sleep on his side, you attempted to get closer to Henry instead.
Henry glared at you and shoved you off of him, chuckling to himself when he heard you whimper.
Henry lifted his head to see if the other guys were awake. When he realized no one was awake to see, he sighs and puts his arm around your waist and pulls you close.
“Don’t fuckin’ get use to this and don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” He says in a quiet voice.
You felt a presence standing above you causing you to wake up.
When you opened your eyes you saw a white shadow standing over you.
You let out a scream and jolted up, grabbing all your stuff and literally went out the window.
The guys woke up, shrugged and laughed it off. They slowly pack up and leave the house but in such a carefree manner, unlike you.
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morfinwen · 2 years
For the Fandom Ask Game: The Raven Cycle, Red Vs. Blue, and the Cosmere (feel free to narrow this down to just one series if you need/want), please?
The Raven Cycle
I'm not even going to try to make this explainable to someone who hasn't read the books. Apologies for the incoherence.
favorite character: Richard Campbell Gansey the Third.
least favorite character: Barrington Whelk, devoid of virtually any good traits and holder of several awful ones. Joseph Kavinsky, partially because of his (to me) utterly inexplicable popularity with the fandom, partially because of who he is as a person.
brOTP: Gansey and Ronan. The Gangsey (Gansey, Ronan, Adam, Blue, Noah, and Henry) as a whole.
OTP: Gansey/Blue.
OT3: Not a thing for me.
NOTP: Ronan/Kavinsky. For so many reasons.
favorite storyline: One of my favorite, if not my very favorite recurring element is one or more characters coming to the aid of another, often in a way the other character didn't anticipate -- Ronan facing Adam's dad, Adam saving Ronan, Ronan and Gansey showing up at court for Adam, everyone looking for Blue when she's at Jesse's, everyone showing up when Gansey's underground at the estate, everyone refusing to hurt Adam when he's possessed, etc.
least favorite storyline: I think more could have been done with the demon, frankly.
what I wish had happened but didn’t: I wish there had been more exploration into the "king voice" thing.
what happened that I wish hadn’t: You can try to tell me they all forgot about Noah at the end, but i won't believe you.
Red vs Blue
... Yeah, this isn't going to make a whole lot of sense, either.
favorite character: Leonard Church. Or, more specifically, Alpha!Church and Epsilon!Church, who are effectively the same person. Not including the Director, who is also Leonard Church, and in some ways the same as Alpha and Epsilon, but also not really.
least favorite character: Malcolm Hargraves.
brOTP: Church and Carolina. Almost a literal brOTP.
OTP: Church/Tex and Carolina/York.
OT3: Not a thing.
NOTP: Some ships that are popular in the fandom, but i don't feel strongly negative about any canon ships.
favorite storyline: The Chorus arc is probably my favorite.
least favorite storyline: Well, i stopped watching sometime in season 15. I don't think it's terrible, but it lost my interest and never regained it.
what I wish had happened but didn’t: I would have liked to have seen more of the other AI fragments, especially like what we saw with Epsilon in seasons 12 and 13. A lot more AI bullet time!
what happened that I wish hadn’t: Eh, nothing i feel strongly about.
The Cosmere
Gonna restrict this to The Stormlight Archive.
favorite character: Shallan, followed closely by Kaladin.
least favorite character: Oh, who to pick? There's quite a list. I'll go with Sadeas, but all the prologues have built up Gavilar to be almost as bad (or possibly even worse!).
brOTP: Kaladin and Adolin.
OTP: Shallan/Adolin.
OT3: Nope.
NOTP: Same as above, nothing canon (at the moment) comes to mind.
favorite storyline: Oh, what to pick? I love a lot of things about all of the books, but i think there's something special about Kaladin's arc in the first book. If i could draw or animate or compose music, i would love to do something for the moment where he and the rest of Bridge Four decide to go back for the Kholin army. Just, incredible.
least favorite storyline: Not really a thing.
what I wish had happened but didn’t: Can't think of anything, offhand.
what happened that I wish hadn’t: Poor Elhokar should have had a chance to become a better king. (Not that i think it's bad from a narrative perspective or anything, but the poor guy deserved so much better).
Thanks for asking!
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stahlop · 4 years
Ready to Run (Prologue)
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Here is my entry for the @captainswanmoviemarathon. This is my take on the Julia Roberts/Richard Gere romcom, Runaway Bride. I thought Emma with her walls, would be perfect in the Julia Roberts role. And Killian will be borrowing from his season 2 Hook for his attitude towards Emma.
Warning: Emma's character is currently engaged to Graham through most of this fic and there will be some references and scenes with her past grooms, so if you don't like reading about past relationships, don't read any further.
Thanks so much to the Captain Swan Movie Marathon for putting this together. I've been wanting to write this for at least a year, and this finally kicked my butt in gear to get it started.
And thanks to my beta @imlaxdris71​!
When nationally known vlogger, Killian Jones, makes a scathing video about Runaway Bride, Emma Swan, who subsequently gets him fired, he vows to find out everything he can about her to prove that his video about her was right. After all, she's left three men at the altar and is getting ready to get married again. But on his journey to prove what a terrible person she is, he ends up finding out that Emma is not the villain he thought she was, and he may be falling for her as well.
Oh god, oh god, oh god! 
This wasn’t happening!
“Breathe honey, breathe.” A voice from behind her says. Her vision has gone black and everything sounds far away. She starts feeling dizzy. Oh god, she can’t faint in front of everyone on top of everything else.
“Good thing I always carry spare paper bags in my purse.” The voice, sounding vaguely like her mother’s, says. She hears the crinkling of paper and then a brown paper bag is shoved in front of her face. “Here sweetie, blow into this.” Emma finally recognizes the sweet sounds of her mother’s voice coming from behind her. She blows into the paper bag and the dizziness starts to subside and her vision starts to come back. Unfortunately, the reason for her major breakdown is still in her line of vision. Neal Cassidy, love of her life, soon to be husband, groom to her bride as they are standing in front of a crowd of people on the back porch of her parent’s farmhouse, has just been arrested by the police before the nuptials could even begin!
She had been admiring her dress in the antique full-length mirror. It had been her mother’s dress—a white sleeveless ball gown with a feathered skirt. She had no idea how her mother had managed to keep it the same snow white that it had been on her wedding day, or how she’d managed to not lose a single feather from it. Of course, it was a little more snug on her than it had been on her mother as Mary Margaret had not been four months pregnant when she’d gotten married. Leave it to Emma to end up with a shotgun wedding. But she really did love Neal, regardless of the pregnancy. It was as her mother was finishing curling her hair that they heard the commotion outside and the unmistakable sound of the town sheriff reading rights to someone. Emma had swung open the door, only to see Neal being led away in handcuffs screaming that he was innocent and that this was all a big mistake. 
And now she was here, breathing into a paper bag in front of practically the whole town.
In the days that follow, the whole story finally comes out. Neal Cassidy, whom Emma’s parents already dislike due to the fact that he is twenty-three and she is barely eighteen, stole some watches from a jewelry store in Boston, a good four hours from their little town of Storybrooke, Maine over a year ago. He had been caught on camera and the FBI had come looking for him. The goddamn FBI had come and arrested her fiancé ! 
The FBI came back a day or two later to question Emma about the whole thing. Luckily, she’d met Neal after the heist so nothing could be pinned on her. But they did take away the delicate diamond studded watch Neal had given her as her wedding present, as it was apparently one of the stolen watches. Emma wonders what else Neal gave her that was stolen.
After the debacle of her non-wedding, life goes on as normal in her town. But because Storybrooke is so small, everyone comments to her about what happened at the wedding. No one tiptoes around it whatsoever. So Emma just goes with it. She laughs when Ashley, her photographer, makes a joke about never wanting to see pictures of Neal again when giving her back her deposit. She smiles when Aurora, from Beauty Bakery, tells her to keep the cake since chocolate is always good for stress eating, and she’s sure Emma will be doing a lot of that in the coming days. When her best friend Elsa claims to have thought Neal was a jerk from the beginning and she never thought he’d do right by her, Emma comes out with her own half-truths just to make Neal look worse in her own eyes, even though she’d been blindly in love with him right up until his arrest.
When Henry is born five months later, looking so much like Neal with his big brown eyes and thatch of brown hair, Emma decides that this is all that she needs. She only needs the love of her family, and she’ll be damned if she’s lulled into marriage again by another smooth talking huckster. 
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@profdanglaisstuff @thisonesatellite @mariakov81 @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @jennjenn615 @kmomof4 @superchocovian @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @xsajx  @qualitycoffeethings @snowbellewells @courtorderedcake @captainswanmoviemarathon
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