#well I guess here's a good view of my music taste
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A playlist for Vaako.
Pretty Boy by Alpha Wolf "Surrender myself underneath you, nothing makes sense when I'm with you, Sink into my neck, I can't bite back, I can't bite back,"
Sew Me Up by Spiritbox "Mistakes, hard to swallow, this hate leaves me hollow because, two times that I've heard before, "It's a curse if you care enough,"Are you scared to be alone with me? and the words I speak if I, hold on to hate too hollow for anyone, to just remain in shadow, pulling backwards to sew me up?"
Take Me Back to Eden by Sleep Token "My, my, those eyes like fire, I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre, come now, bite through these wires, I'm a waking hell and the gods grow tired, reset my patient violence along both lines of a pathway higher, grow back your sharpest teeth, you know my desire, when we were made, it was no accident, you know my desire, we were tangled up like branches in a flood, I have traveled far beyond the path of reason, Take me back to Eden,"
NC-17 by HEALTH "How are we supposed to stop, without that, I don't ever want another chance, I wonder why we start at all, I remember how it really is, I wonder why we start at all,"
NERVOUS SYSTEM by Bad Omens & iRis.EXE "I found my new religion: Bathory algorithm, murder and superstition, just sit up and piss remittance, still breathing in ellipses, borderline field of vision, lovesick evangelist, a virus to the nervous system, Shut down, spit it out for you, turn me inside out, I adore you, pretty Judas bows before you, no use in trying to fight me,"
Dark Distance by Every Time I Die "Start over, this time no gods unless they're women, Spare only the ones I love, Spare only the ones I love, Slay the rest,"
Weaponized by Make Them Suffer "Arise, sleeper agent activated, operation in full effect, arise, programmed to kill, assassinator, murderer, and you're feeling that you're disconnected, like you've been neglected, mechanized, can't stop feeling you've been misdirected, manufactured, weaponized,"
Simmer by Hayley Williams "Rage is a quiet thing, oh, you think that you've tamed it, but it's just lying in wait, Rage, is it in my veins? feel it in my face when, when I least expect it, give in,"
Gored by Loathe ""Nowhere to go, you are mine," A truth resonates as you fall in endless spiral, Incompetent in disbelief, reality is frozen, feel the jaws clench and now slowly, you bend,"
Obsession by Thornhill "I'll slaughter them all, but you, a portrait of a lady on fire in my head, I'll surrender and crawl, even if it breaks me, just say that you will never leave, 'cause you're heavenly,"
Soft Spine by Spiritbox "Soft Spine ascending up to meet my eyes wide, I am a witness to your regicide, the dissolution of your soft spine, you all deserve each other, your god will sort you when you die,"
High Water by Sleep Token "For the time being, I will still avoid my own questions, and we both bury that history deep, but you know, I can hold my breath forever, for the time being, You are still a perfect reminder of what all these scars on my arms are for, if I can hold myself together, And I choke myself on sacred vapor, waiting on some holy favor, basking in the solace of regret, and it seems my hell is your high water, wash me clean again before I pull myself beneath the waves,"
ALTAR by Void of Vision (feat. Hannah Greenwood) "We crawl, we bend, we break, we live like martyrs just to die in vain, now alas, the cruelest fate, to speak your name your name and never see your face again, why do you scream, "how could you do this to us?" You left her in the rain and watched her turn to rust, do you think melodramatic disgust is a guise for pain if you call it love?"
A Martyr Left Alive by Counterparts "The holier the thief, the heavier we grieve, hallowed be a martyr left alive, bless us with lost blood, inheritance of pain, a satiated grave, stained by fate and false belief, angels starved will feed,"
Stroke by Banks "Say it's hard to breathe inside my ocean, I give you the deep but you're still floating, you would let me drown to save your own life, don't think I can't see your soul is soaking, It's always in my head, everything is always about you, you tell me you're a book that I misread, you just want to tell me what to do,"
Miracle by Bad Omens "One look at your eyes and I cave, one taste of the life now I crave it, It's not too late to die for a reason, fall down on the sword you were swinging, I wanted to dress a blade up in red with both of our necks, but I wasn't able, and I wasn't stable, I guess,"
Crawl Backwards out of Heaven by Erra "A lonely planet seen from a distant star, withering like all of the rest, we choose the things that cause us pain in pursuit of becoming human, malevolence is on the outer border of our illusion, waiting in the dark, in the earth, the secret embedded, crawl backwards out of heaven, abandon death as your obsession, crawl backwards out of heaven,"
#just something for fun#thinking too much about this guy#oh vaako#well I guess here's a good view of my music taste#besides Red Velvet#but I don't think Vaako is a Red Velvet kind of guy
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works. NO SPAM-LIKING PLEASE
Pairing: Cruella!San x boutique owner!fem reader (ft business partner!Hongjoong)
Word count: 6,745
Note: Okay this one might be my fave out of the whole series!! So many people loved it on Wattpad and I personally am really proud of this one to this day!!
The new window display looked incredible. You had stayed after closing the previous night to put it up in hopes that it would attract some new customers. Not just that, but you wanted to show off the jacket you worked so hard to reform.
You went in to make a few minor adjustments before opening for the day. As you were straightening up the outfit on the mannequin, your coworker and business partner, Hongjoong, walked in adjusting his beret.
Today's ensemble consisted of a white t-shirt with safety pins all over it, thick, black suspenders clipped onto a pair of black pants with a partial red, plaid pleated skirt attached to it—he's always dressing in the most wonderfully unique outfits.
"Morning." You greeted, stepping out of the window display. "You're looking fashionable, as usual."
"Thank you." He grinned, doing a little spin so you could see a full 360 view of the outfit. "I'm experimenting with something different."
"You mean the skirt attached to the pants?"
"Yeah. I think it looks cool, don't you?"
"Yes! I love it. We might be able to sell something like that, hm?" You grinned, raising a brow.
"If the people want it, I'll be more than happy to make more." He said. "Oh, here's your coffee, by the way."
"Ah." You placed your hand on your chest. "You're a doll. Thank you."
"You're welcome." He nodded, heading to the back.
Seconds later, music started playing through the speakers in the store, your lips curling into a pleased smile.
You and Hongjoong shared a similar music taste and you'd both curated the perfect playlist for the store. It's a mix of alternative rock, indie, and a touch of classic rock and indie pop—which was fit for your motley boutique.
The two of you had been friends since college. You both majored in business and shared a love for reforming clothes. It wasn't long until you started making plans for a business. You made a deal to go in together, save the money, and start up your own boutique, and as of one year ago, you did. It was a brilliant idea that blossomed into what it is today.
Yours and Hongjoong's business is located
in one of the fashion capitals of the world—London. You both specialize in thrifting and reforming. The two of you check out local thrift shops and buy pieces to cut up and put back together to make something unique. You can't find clothes like yours and Hongjoong's anywhere else.
"So, I stopped at a couple secondhand shops on my way here. I hope you don't mind."
"Of course I don't. What did you find? Anything good?"
"Well, I found this scarf." He spoke, pulling the accessory from a shopping bag. "The print is unique. I thought maybe we could cut up uneven chunks of the fabric and sew them on a jacket or something."
"Ooh." You nodded, envisioning the piece. "I like that. What else?"
"These dainty little chains and these boots."
"Let me guess. Attach the chains to the boots to make them edgy?" You guessed.
"Yes! This is why we're business partners." He grinned. "I'm gonna go put this stuff in the back with the other pieces."
You hummed in acknowledgement and took a sip of coffee, the sweet taste coating your tastebuds, a slightly bitter aftertaste following.
"Please help get me through the day." You spoke to the beverage as you plopped down behind the register.
Hongjoong emerged from the back room, smoothing out his shirt.
"That window display looks nice."
"Thank you. I did stay late last night to get it set up." You grinned, proudly. "I hope it attracts some new customers."
"It will. It looks fantastic. No other storefronts look like ours." Hongjoong assured you, his eyes trailing off to the dog bed behind the counter, your pet Dalmatian curled up asleep inside.
"I didn't even know Valentino was here." He commented.
"Yeah. He's tired today. He's been sleeping ever since I got here."
"Hey. If that window display doesn't attract new customers, Valentino will."
"Yeah, he's a favorite among our usual customers."
"Speaking of customers." Hongjoong pointed towards the front entrance.
Someone was standing outside in front of the display window, you couldn't see them too well from where you were sitting, though.
"I'm gonna go work on those boots. Just call me if you need me."
"Sure." You nodded, watching Hongjoong disappear behind the beaded curtain separating the front of the store from the back.
You stayed sitting behind the register, assuming the person outside was just perusing and most likely wouldn't come inside.
Just then, the door to the boutique opened, catching your attention. You turned your head and watched as a man with unique half black and half white hair strode into the store. He wore pinstripe pants and a white dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, a tight corset cinched around his waist. On top of the entire ensemble was a cream-colored fur coat draped over his shoulders. His entire appearance practically screamed high fashion and you were left speechless as you stared at this incredibly well-dressed man.
"What's that in the display window?" He asked, pointing with his cane.
"A jacket."
"I know what it is. I'm not stupid. I want to know who made it."
"I did." You answered.
"It's wonderful."
"Thank you." You were surprised to hear this man's praise. "Would you like to see it up close?"
"What kind of question is that?"
You stepped onto the platform in the display window and removed the jacket, bringing it to your new and eccentric customer.
He held it up, examining it, running his gloved fingers over the embellishments on it.
When you first got a hold of it, it was a measly little leather jacket with a couple holes in it, but now it looked like something completely new. You put a couple patches printed to look like newspapers on the jacket to cover the holes and added hundreds of studs and chains to it. To top it off, the word rebel was hand-painted on the back in sharp, white letters.
"I'll take it." The customer finally spoke.
"That's wonderful. Let me ring you up."
He followed you to the register where he paid for the jacket.
At this point, Valentino had gotten out of his bed and wandered around the counter.
"What a cute dog." He commented.
"Thank you. His name is Valentino."
"Like the fashion designer."
"The very same."
"Hm." The man gave a hum of what seemed like approval.
"You know, I just put that jacket out last night. You're the first one to show interest in it."
"What can I say? I have an eye for fashion." He grinned.
"I'd say you do. Your outfit is incredible."
"Oh, this?" He questioned as if it were nothing. "I just threw this together."
Your brows raised at his nonchalance.
"Well, darling, thank you for the jacket." He gave you a wink, retrieving the clothing from the counter. "Perhaps I'll see you around."
You blinked a few times as you watched him stride away, your cheeks feeling slightly warm at the nickname darling.
"Wait." You called out.
The man turned to glance over his shoulder.
"What's your name?"
"San. Don't wear it out, dear."
Just then, Hongjoong emerged from the back seeing San leave the store. The door closed and Hongjoong turned to look at you in your flustered state.
"Who was that?"
"San who?"
"I don't know, but he was beautiful."
Hongjoong let out a snort. "You're drooling."
You brought your hand up to your mouth, not feeling a thing.
"Am not."
"You were about to."
You rolled your eyes, choosing not to argue back.
A few days passed and all you could think about was the fashionable San. He was only in your store for about five minutes, but he made quite an impression on you, capturing your attention as soon as he stepped into your establishment.
A customer had just purchased a pair of pants with a partial skirt attached to it. Hongjoong only made one tester pair just to see if anyone would buy it.
"Looks like you need to make more of those pants." You commented.
"Looks like I do." Hongjoong smiled.
Your eyes widened as you saw San walking past the storefront, his eyes landing on the new display you set up.
"Oh my gosh." You stood from your seat behind the register.
"There he is!" You whispered, pointing to the window.
"That San guy from a few days ago?" Hongjoong asked.
"He came back? That must mean he loved what he bought."
Your cheeks became warm thinking about San loving the jacket so much that he came back.
The door opened and in walked the highly fashionable man from the other day. Today he wore a black and white striped shirt with a long, black trench coat over the top. The pants he wore were the same color as his jacket and were cropped above his ankles, showing off his shiny dress shoes with pointed, metallic-capped tips.
"Hello." Hongjoong greeted as he approached San.
"Hello." San responded as he passed Hongjoong, walking straight to you. "Y/n, my dear."
He took your hand, giving a kiss to the back of it. "It's a pleasure to see you again."
"Yeah. It's a surprise to see you." You managed to say.
A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he let go of your hand. "You're surprised I came back?"
"Well, yes."
"I wanted to see what else you've got. Hopefully it's as good as that jacket."
"Ah, well, feel free to look around." You gestured to the endless racks of clothes. "We have plenty more items like that."
San turned towards all the clothes and began perusing the store.
You watched as he strode around, his fingers running over the fabric of the clothes hanging up. Every so often, he would pull a piece of clothing off the rack, examining the garment and rubbing the fabric between his fingers. If he found something he liked, he would take it off the rack and toss it over his arm.
"I must admit, I'm impressed." San spoke up.
"Thank you. I can't take all the credit, though. Hongjoong designs a lot of these pieces as well." You spoke up.
"You're both incredibly talented." San praised. "What about this?" He retrieved a pair of pants from the rack.
You remember the trousers well, Hongjoong designed them. He took two different pairs of pants and cut them in half, one black pair, the other red plaid. He sewed them together and clipped a wallet chain onto the belt loops.
"I made those." Hongjoong spoke up.
"Incredible." San murmured. "I'll take these. I have just the right top to pair with them."
Hongjoong offered to ring up the items San had collected while you made yourself busy rearranging a jewelry display.
Once San had paid for his items, he headed towards the door, briefly coming to a stop beside you.
"Keep doing what you're doing, love. There aren't many people who possess the talent you and your business partner have."
"Thank you." You told him.
"Don't mention it." He waved his hand dismissively as he headed towards the door. "Au revoir." (goodbye in French)
Again, you were left speechless and absolutely awestruck.
"He's amazing."
San continued to stop by the boutique over the next couple weeks, always looking for new finds and wanting to know the latest piece of clothing that had been reformed. He even showed interest in Hongjoong's pants with the half skirt attached to it and requested a custom pair of his own. He was practically a regular customer at this point.
Each time he popped into the store, he wore yet another incredible outfit that left you mind blown. He was the most fashionable person you had met—besides Hongjoong, of course.
"You know San?" You asked.
"The one you always ogle at?" Hongjoong asked.
"I do not—" He gave you a look, making you stop mid-sentence. "Yes. That one."
"What about him?"
"Do you think he lives around here?"
"I don't know. Why do you ask?"
"We should hire him."
"His style is incredible. We could use someone like him on our staff."
"Hm." Hongjoong hummed. "It's not a bad idea."
The mail slot in the front door opens as today's newspaper falls to the floor. Your dog, Valentino got up to retrieve it, carrying it over to you.
"Ah, the paper. Thank you, Valentino." You thanked your Dalmatian, taking the newspaper from him.
You unrolled the paper, pausing when you saw a photo of a familiar-looking man printed on the front page.
Plastered on the front page of the newspaper was a photo of San, and he was wearing your jacket. The cover read: RENOWNED SOUTH KOREAN FASHION DESIGNER CHOI SAN AT LONDON'S FASHION WEEK.
Your jaw dropped in disbelief.
"Hongjoong?" You called out.
Your partner came hurrying over.
"What's wrong? What is it?"
"Look." You showed him the front page.
Hongjoong's eyes widened, his mouth hanging open.
"He's a fashion designer?" He exclaimed in disbelief.
"Apparently so. A renowned fashion designer too."
"I can't believe this. Do you know what that means?" Hongjoong asked.
"We had a popular fashion designer stop by our shop!"
"Exactly! Do you think he told his famous fashion designer friends about us?" He inquired excitedly.
"I don't know. Let's read the article."
South Korean fashion designer Choi San has graced London with his presence, traveling to the bustling city for London Fashion Week. He's been seen around the city wearing some eye-catching outfits that have people talking.
Choi San is known for his uniquely original and out-of-the-box designs. Fans and designers alike are all anticipating what he has in store.
"Wow." You gaped. "I'm speechless."
"Do you think those eye-catching outfits consisted of anything he bought from this store?" Inquired Hongjoong.
"I sure hope so."
You were dying for San to return to the boutique. You wanted so badly to talk to him about the new information you found out.
It was a couple days before he returned.
Those were the longest two days of your life.
One overcast day, he came striding into the boutique, graceful and elegant as ever.
"Hello." He greeted before perusing the items, acting as if he wasn't hiding a huge secret.
"You're a renowned fashion designer?!" You shrieked.
"Of course, doll." He responded, casually as his fingertips trailed over a pair of handmade earrings on display.
"And you didn't say anything?"
"You didn't know?" He asked, raising a brow.
"No. I saw you in the paper the other day."
"Well, I don't fault you for that. I'm fairly new in the fashion scene. A virtuoso, they call me. Can you believe that?" He chuckled. "It's rather flattering."
"I can't believe a famous fashion designer has been visiting our little boutique. I had no idea."
"Don't let it get to you, dear." He chuckled. "My status shouldn't change the relationship between us."
"R-relationship?" You blushed.
"Yes?" He said it like a question. "We're friends, are we not?"
"Yes! Friends. Of course. Yeah." You chuckled nervously.
That was awkward.
Hongjoong emerged from the back room with a newly reformed piece of clothing, a measuring tape draped around his neck.
"Ah! Just the man I wanted to see." He smiled. "What do you think?"
Hongjoong held up a black coat that had been completely redone. It was embellished with silver swirls and had epaulettes added onto the shoulders.
"Wow." San gaped. "I love everything about it. How much?"
Hongjoong gave him the price he was considering for the garment and San immediately bought it.
"I'll probably stop by within the next few days." He told the both of you.
"That's fine. You're welcome any time. Even if we're closed." Hongjoong smiled.
"Good to know." San tossed his shopping bag over his shoulder. "Until next time." He waved, striding out of the shop.
San returned to your store just a few days later, a large bag tossed over his shoulder.
He strode into the boutique, dropping the sack onto the floor. You furrowed your brows at him.
"Well, don't just stand there. Have a look." He gestured.
You opened the bag and began digging through it, gasping as you pulled out multiple pieces of designer clothes.
"What are you doing? This is thousands of dollars worth of your clothing."
"Right. I want you to tear it up."
"I'm sorry?"
"What you do here. Thrifting clothes. Tearing them apart and putting them back together. I'm having a show, that's why I'm here in London. I'd like to do a small showcase during my show."
"So you're talking about a collaboration? Your clothes, our style?" You questioned.
"That's exactly what I'm talking about, love."
"We would love to."
"I'd like to watch you work if you don't mind. I can assist you, of course. I would just need a station with a sewing machine."
"Don't worry. We have an extra in the back." Hongjoong chimed in. "We can definitely work something out."
"Fabulous." San grinned. "Let's get to work, shall we?"
Later that evening when the store closed, the three of you gathered in the back room where all of the sorting and reassembling took place. You and Hongjoong would examine each piece San brought in, making plans and sketches, discussing how you would upcycle it. With each piece came a story from San about how he came up with the idea for the garment. You enjoyed hearing him talk about his thought process, hanging on to every word. You took it as an opportunity to learn a bit from the fashion genius.
After examining each piece of clothing, the three of you got to work. You and Hongjoong would cut up clothes while San laid them out on a table and pieced them together, following the sketches the two of you provided. Naturally, you and your business partner had music playing to help keep everyone motivated. Though, sometimes you'd get distracted, prancing around the room and dancing.
Unbeknownst to you, San was watching and admiring you as you goofed off. To see you so carefree while doing what you love made his heart swell.
A couple hours passed and the three of you had gotten a considerable amount of work done. You cut up about half of the clothes San brought to you and laid them out with pieces of other garments of San's that you'd planned to turn into one piece.
Once you had a few pieces laid out, you and San began to sew them together while Hongjoong continued to disassemble any remaining garments in the bag.
At some point, Hongjoong let out a huff, stretching his back.
"I could use something to eat. Is anyone else hungry?"
"Starving." You responded.
Hongjoong glanced at his watch.
"It's only 7:00 PM. I can go and pick something up."
"Sounds good. San and I can stay here and keep working."
"Perfect. What's everyone in the mood for?"
You and San shared a look before you spoke up.
You then looked to San for approval, worried that he would turn the idea down and suggest some lavish meal.
"It's a classic. You can't go wrong with pizza." He responded.
"Great." Hongjoong clasped his hands together. "I'll be back soon."
Your partner left the room, the sound of the front entrance closing behind him following shortly after. You paid no mind to it as you worked, sewing the lower half of a red plaid shirt onto the bottom of a cropped, leather jacket.
"So, Y/n, how long have you been into fashion?" San inquired.
"Since I was a kid. I'd get into my parents' closet and take their clothes." You chuckled. "I remember one time I took my dad's suit jacket and tied one of my mom's scarves around the waist. Then, I got a hold of her red heels and put them on. The outfit was horrendous and I was far too little for any of the clothes, but it was so much fun."
A soft smile made its way onto San's face as he pictured a tiny you prancing around in a large jacket and heels.
"I used to draw pictures of outfits too. Most of the drawings were of dresses. I'm talking pages upon pages."
"Did you ever create any of those drawings?"
"Goodness no." You chuckled. "When I got older and learned how to use a sewing machine, my taste had changed quite a bit."
San listened to you talk about how your love for fashion progressed as well as how you and Hongjoong met and started your business together.
"That's quite a story."
"Yeah, it is." You hummed. "Not everyone is lucky enough to have their plans work out like mine and Hongjoong's."
"I'd say you're both very lucky."
Valentino, who had been napping walked up to you, resting his head in your lap. You stopped what you were doing to give him a few soft pets accompanied by ear scratches. His tail wagged happily in response. When you stopped, he lifted his paw, placing it on the side of your thigh as a way to tell you to keep going.
"Alright." You chuckled. "But only for a little while. Mama's got work to do."
San watched you with adoration, his heart thumping heavily in his chest.
"How did you get Valentino?" He asked.
"I actually found him roaming the streets. I was headed here when I spotted him. I felt so bad. He was only a little guy at the time. I brought him into the store and gave him part of the sandwich I packed for lunch. Hongjoong was surprised to see me come in with a dog, but he didn't mind. I decided that day that I would keep him." You gave the Dalmatian a fond look as you stroked his ears. "While I was working, he wandered in the back room. I later found him sleeping on a Valentino shirt Hongjoong thrifted. That's how I decided to name him."
"He's lucky to have you." San smiled.
"I think I'm the lucky one."
It wasn't long before Hongjoong returned with a couple pizzas and some drinks. The three of you took a twenty minute break to eat and rest before getting back to work. When midnight rolled around, you decided to call it a night. The three of you agreeing to close up shop and head home, promising to pick up again the next day.
You continued to meet up for a week, working tirelessly on the clothes. San and Hongjoong stayed in the back room sewing while you worked the store. When you weren't running the boutique, you were in the back helping San, switching out with Hongjoong.
It took two weeks for every piece to be completed. Once finished, each item of clothing was placed on a hanger and put in a garment bag, provided by San, then put inside a van.
"Thank you so much, darling." San beamed, flashing a bright smile accompanied by the most charming dimples. "The two of you have done marvelous work."
"It was an honor." You told him.
"It really was. To work with someone like you has been such an awesome experience." Hongjoong agreed.
"It's been wonderful working with the both of you." San approached Hongjoong, giving him a brief cheek-to-cheek air kiss.
He then moved over, doing the same to you, except he actually kissed your cheeks.
"I'll see you around." He smirked, giving you a wink before hopping into the van and driving off.
You stood with your mouth open, your cheeks burning from San's sudden kisses.
"He just..." You trailed off, your hands cupping your burning cheeks.
Hongjoong stood off to the side, unable to hold back giggles as he watched you in your flustered state, having witnessed the exchange.
"Y/n! The paper's here!" Hongjoong called. "And San is on the cover again!"
You rushed out of the back room, excitedly.
"Let's see what it says."
Hongjoong laid the paper out on the counter so the both of you could read it. The front page was plastered with photos of San wearing clothes that he bought from the boutique. Your eyes traveled from the photos to the article as you began to read it.
Choi San is set to have a fashion show this weekend where he will showcase his most recent designs. The fashion genius has been spotted walking the streets of London wearing an incredible ensemble from his new fashion line. Critics have been raving over the pieces he's been seen wearing around the city. When asked for any clues about his upcoming line, this was his response.
"Well, I can't reveal much about my designs, but the theme for the show will be 'The Next Generation of Fashion'. So stay tuned, darlings." The designer said.
"What?" You frowned. "His designs?"
"That can't be right." Hongjoong murmured.
His eyes scanned over the article, a frown on his face.
"He didn't say that, did he?"
"It says it right there, plain as day." You pointed. "I can't reveal much about my designs. Not only that, but it says he's been wearing his designs around the city. The clothes he's wearing in the photos is our stuff from the shop."
Hongjoong shook his head in response, unable to believe that San would do that.
"I have to talk with him." You murmured.
"It looks like you'll get your chance."
The door swung open and in walked Choi San, happy as ever.
"Hello, loves." He greeted, striding towards the register.
Hongjoong, who knew what was going to happen, quickly made himself scarce.
Your jaw clenched as he approached you with an arrogant grin that you wanted so badly to slap off his face. You snatched up the newspaper and slammed it onto the counter.
"Care to explain?"
The designer's brows furrowed as he looked down at the front page. "I don't understand."
"The article, San. You totally took credit for mine and Hongjoong's work."
"No, I didn't."
"It says so right here." You pointed.
He leaned down to get a better look at the paper.
"I can't believe I thought you wanted to work with me." You scoffed, shaking your head. "Just go."
San merely turned around and left the boutique without another word.
A huff left you as you spun around, storming into the back room.
"What happened?" Hongjoong inquired.
"I told him to leave."
"He didn't say anything?"
Valentino trotted in a few moments later with an envelope in his mouth.
"What's that?" Asked Hongjoong.
"I don't know. He already got the mail."
You took the lavish, cream-colored envelope from him, opening it up.
Inside was a card with two tickets to the fashion show. The card had a short note written in neat handwriting:
You've worked hard. Enjoy the show.
- San
"It's tickets to San's fashion show." You scoffed.
"He sent us tickets?" Hongjoong rushed over, peering over your shoulder.
"I guess that's what he came here to do." You assumed.
"Y/n, you need to go." He told you.
"What? No. There's no way. Not after what he did to us."
"I know you're upset that he used us, but I want to go to the show, you should too. The least we can do is show up and see our designs on the runway."
To your disappointment, he had a point. It would be nice to be able to see the clothes you and Hongjoong worked so hard to create.
You walked into the event, loud music blaring throughout the large room. You felt like your whole body was trembling. You didn't want to be there.
"You look great." Hongjoong assured you.
"That's not what I'm worried about."
"It'll be fine, Y/n. Despite what he did, I think he wanted us to be here."
"I can't understand why."
The two of you made your way to a row of seats. Hongjoong stopped suddenly, nudging you.
"Look." He pointed to the first row of seats, each one with a card on them. There were two chairs beside each other, one had a card with Hongjoong's name on it, the other with yours. You were a bit surprised to see that you had reserved seats, especially after what happened just a few days prior.
"C'mon." Hongjoong beckoned you over to your chairs.
After sitting down, you held the name card in your hand, flipping it back and forth. On the cardstock was your name printed in beautiful gold letters, a decorative box framing the print.
The show began shortly after, rock music playing through the speakers in the building as the lights started to dim. A silence settled over the room as everyone focused on the bright catwalk. A voice came over the speakers, kicking off the show.
"Welcome to the next generation of fashion."
Models began striding down the runway, each one donning an outfit you had never seen. You knew immediately that these were San's designs. Though you want very happy with him at the moment you had to admit, his designs were impeccable—they were nothing like you'd ever seen before. It was hard not to be impressed by his incredible work. He truly was a virtuoso.
Halfway through the show, that same voice came over the speakers once again.
"And now, for a special showcase."
Your eyes widened in awe as you watched the models strut down the catwalk wearing designs that you and Hongjoong created. It was like a dream come true. You just wished the circumstances were better. Though your situation wasn't the greatest, you didn't let that put a damper on your excitement.
The both of you watched with awestruck expressions as the models sashayed down the runway, showing off the upcycled pieces of San's previous fashion lines. The models looked incredible, as did their hair and makeup. Every single one had a different look and managed to match the vibe of each ensemble.
"Wow." You gaped.
"Yeah." Hongjoong nodded, his wide eyes staring unblinking at the models.
The last few models made their way off stage, signaling the end of the showcase. You knew what would happen next.
Your chest tightened when San walked up on stage. The crowd clapped and cheered as he made his way to the front of the catwalk.
His black and white hair was pushed away from his face in a messy, yet tidy way that perfectly suited him. His ensemble consisted of a white dress shirt that was unbuttoned halfway, showing off a silver body chain. The shirt was tucked into a pair of black, high-waisted trousers with two rows of buttons on the front and a chain dangling from the waist. He had on a large, spotted fur coat that resembled a Dalmatian, and bold, red gloves with many silver rings on top. The coat was long and swayed behind him as he stepped forward.
"Good evening, everyone." He greeted, scanning the crowd.
You unconsciously pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, afraid of being noticed.
"I hope you all enjoyed the show. First of all, I want to thank every single one of you for coming tonight. I appreciate your support dearly."
The crowd clapped in response.
"The showcase you all just watched was extra special. You might have noticed some familiar elements in each outfit, those elements being my old designs. Each one has gotten a new life, being turned into something different." He explained.
There were a few oohs from the crowd.
"I can't take all the credit for the end result you all saw moments ago. Yes, these may be my clothes, but they were truly brought to life by the amazing people who run a small boutique in town and I have to give all the credit to them. I was only a small part of this." He admitted. "Contrary to what the papers have been saying, all the fashion I've been wearing during my time here has been created by them. The pieces I wore were purchased at their boutique, it was not me giving anyone a sneak peek at what would be showcased tonight. You should all know, I hate giving spoilers."
Your lips pressed together as you felt shame and embarrassment flood your entire body.
"Now, I would like to introduce you all to the two incredibly talented fashionistas who re-created the stunning looks you just saw. Hongjoong and Y/n, will you come up here?" San turned right towards the both of you, your cheeks being set aflame.
Hongjoong nudged you as he stood up, heading onto the catwalk with you nervously following behind.
"Everyone please give these two a rousing applause!"
The whole room erupted in claps and cheers for you and Hongjoong. You were overwhelmed. You got to see your designs displayed on the runway and you were receiving a literal standing ovation from a room full of fashion designers and other luminaries. To top it all off, San was being genuine the entire time. Of course, you totally made a fool out of yourself and snapped at him without bothering to hear him out, and for that you needed to apologize.
San thanked everyone and gave a shoutout to yours and Hongjoong's boutique before closing out the show.
"There's going to be an after party in the next room, so please feel free to stay and hang out."
And with that, the show was over and the after party began. Everyone started getting up from their seats, making their way to the next room as you, San, and Hongjoong exited the catwalk, going backstage.
"Thank you, San. The showcase was incredible." Hongjoong told him.
"I should be thanking you. Tonight was a success and that's because of you two."
You smiled a little, guilt weighing on your heart.
"Well, I believe you two need some time alone, so I'm going to the after party. I'll see you later." Hongjoong quickly excused himself, allowing you and San some privacy.
"San, I'm so terribly sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I was really hateful to you that day." You apologized immediately.
"It's alright." He shook his head with a soft smile. "Don't worry yourself."
"I didn't know the tabloids messed up"
"Well, they did. I read the paper when I got home that day and found that they misquoted me. I never said my designs. I said the designs. They also jumped to conclusions big time and assumed the pieces from your store were my designs. I'd say I can't believe they did that, but honestly, that's how they are." He rolled his eyes. "Magazines, newspapers, websites. They're practically known for mincing people's words. How embarrassing."
"My apology still stands. I should have let you explain."
"I told you not to worry." San brought a gloved finger up under your chin, lifting your face to look at him. "You don't have to apologize."
"Alright." You sighed.
He dropped his hand, giving you a warm smile.
"So, what did you think about the show? Honestly."
"It was incredible. I was blown away by your designs and the ones Hongjoong and I worked on looked great too. It was honestly a dream come true. And that was nice of you to give our shop a shoutout at the end."
"You both deserve it." He smiled softly.
"Your outfit tonight is incredible. I especially love the coat."
"Thank you, doll. It's a tribute."
"A tribute?"
"To you. It reminded me of your dear Valentino so I wanted to wear it tonight."
You didn't hold back the flattered grin that spread across your features.
He did that for you?
"Now, let's talk about this ensemble you have on. You look absolutely divine." He told you.
Your eyes widened. "You think so?"
"I know so. Let me have a look at this." He glanced at your outfit, stepping back and allowing you to show him the full look.
You chose a flattering, yet chic ensemble; a bit edgy like what you and Hongjoong reform, but classy enough for a fashion show.
"Oh my." San gasped. "My dear Y/n, you are absolutely stunning."
You tried to stay cool, but San's compliments were getting to you, making your whole body feel like it was going to collapse.
"Love, can I tell you something?" He suddenly asked, his hand reaching for yours.
You allowed him to take it as he pulled you closer.
"Yes. Of course."
"You've captivated me, my dear Y/n. I treasure that night we shared in the back room of your shop. I enjoyed learning more about you and your love for fashion."
That brought a smile to your face.
"I enjoyed that night too, and every night after that when we worked on clothes."
"I'm glad the feeling is mutual." He smiled, his thumb running over the top of your hand.
You could tell there was something he wasn't saying or something he wanted to say, rather.
"We made a great team. Perhaps we should make this duo permanent."
"What are you trying to say?" You inquired.
"I'm saying, I want you to be my girlfriend."
You tried to hold back your smile as you looked at him.
"What if I don't feel the same?" You asked.
"Darling, I know when people are staring at me."
"I saw you gawking at me all those times I came into your boutique."
"Oh." You became flustered. "So you noticed."
"Don't be embarrassed, darling. I quite liked it. Attention from the public is nice, but attention from you is even better."
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, your heart racing.
"So, what do you say? You want to make this official?"
"Yes, please."
San was unable to contain himself as a glowing grin spread across his face, his dimples making an appearance. His hand let go of yours, moving to rest against your waist, tugging your body closer. You knew what he was getting around to and you were more than okay with it. His gloved hand cupped your cheek as his sharp, half-lidded eyes darkened slightly, his face inching closer to yours.
"Just kiss me already." You urged, desperate to feel his lips.
"What's the magic word?" He whispered.
Unable to wait any longer, you grabbed the body chain that hung over his chest, using it to pull him to you, your lips crashing against his. The unexpected action caught San off guard, but he didn't mind. In fact, he thought that was very attractive.
His hand immediately moved from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you closer so he could deepen the kiss.
"A girl who knows what she wants. I like that." He smirked against your mouth before capturing your lips fully with his own. You clung to him desperately, your hands clenching the fabric of his shirt as your head tilted slightly, wanting to feel closer to San.
A hum of satisfaction from San vibrated against your lips, sending a rush of butterflies through your stomach. His hand that was resting on your waist made its way to the small of your back, holding you firmly against him.
As much as you hated to, you pulled away in need of air. San stared down at you with flushed cheeks and swollen lips, his eyes droopy. His hair had become slightly out of place, a few extra strands hanging over his forehead. You casually brought your hand up to his uniquely-colored hair, gently running your hand over it, careful not to mess it up.
"I've always been fascinated with your hair." You admitted.
You hummed with a nod.
"I used to color it when I was a kid. I felt that I stood out too much."
"You know, sometimes standing out is a good thing."
He smiled, cupping your cheek. "That's exactly right, my dear."
The designer placed one last kiss to your lips before escorting you back out to the main room.
"Now, what do you say we go to that after party?"
"Sounds good." You nodded.
Hongjoong: Hades ⟡ Seonghwa: Maleficent ⟡ Yunho: Captain Hook ⟡ Yeosang: Evil Queen ⟡ Mingi: Dr. Facilier ⟡ Wooyoung: Hyena ⟡ Jongho: Gaston
Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
🏷 @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143 @lizzymizzy-blogg @minhanbyeol @dinossaurz @laylasbunbunny @iammeandmeisiam @delulu18
#san x reader#choi san x reader#san x you#choi san x you#san x y/n#choi san x y/n#choi san imagines#san imagines#ateez imagines#ateez scenarios#ateez oneshot#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop oneshots#ateez disney villains au
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Tongues and Teeth :: TWST
Something I made at literally 12 AM... not proofread so like go easy on me thanks </3 Kind of?? An AU of my TWST X Reader ??? Yeah. (Not really ig idk) Also angst?? I guess. Slight panic attack from Kalim and MC. Lot's of crying via Kalim <3 Characters: Kalim, Jamil, (fem!) MC Song: Tongues & Teeth, The Crane Wives {{Jamil to MC, MC to Kalim}}

I’ve grown a mouth so sharp and cruel
“For what it’s worth Jamil, I don’t forgive you.” You spat the words out like venom as you stared at the servant, your lips pressed into a thin line as your nose remained scrunched in distaste.
It’s all that I can give to you, my dear
You stared blankly at the flower that sat atop your clothes. The beautiful petals seemed to have a certain aura– one of purity. They remained uncrushed, unlike the flower Kalim had oh so kindly gifted you.
And when you come in quick to steal a kiss
You blinked owlishly as you touched your lips. The kiss Kalim had given you was chaste– quick. A small peck. For some reason, it left a bitter feeling on your lips– which was odd, because Kalim’s tasted as sweet as coconuts.
My teeth will only cut your lips, my dear
You watched from afar as Kalim sobbed violently over Jamil, the servant keeping his head low as he clenched his fists in irritation at the entire situation. The constant wailing of Kalim’s voice in his ears surely didn’t help.
And I know that you mean so well
The flower was gorgeous– a pristine white that separated itself from the dark of the night sky you and Kalim sat under. Kalim’s hands were gentle as he set the flower in your hair, his fingers brushing against your cheek.
But I am not a vessel for your good intent
The black and blue swirled and mixed, unnoticeable to the human eye as it settled in your gem. Your eyes stayed on the sand, your lips pressed together as you listened to the music.
It was so odd how humans bounced back.
I will only break your pretty things
Wide eyes watched as Jamil crushed your flower– your flower. The white petals separated from one another, rips and tears in what used to be their flawless and soft petals. Now they remained crumpled up on the floor, sitting in a disgusting pool of ink.
I will only wring you dry of everything
Covering your arms, you watched as Kalim happily chatted with Vil– a certain gleam in his eye as he babbled on and on about what repairs needed to be done to Ramshackle and how excited he was to help with the money. Next to him stood Jamil, the brunette eyeing the younger housewarden with a hidden layer of irritation and exasperation.
But if you’re fine with that
You can be mine like that
Abandon all your stupid dreams about the girl I could have been, my dear
Somewhere out there, surely, there was a version of you that was happy in Twisted Wonderland. It was made clear to you by everything the world threw at you that you should be here. It wouldn’t let you go home.
But you don’t think that happy version of you existed here, in Night Raven.
‘Cause, in the night, I know you burn with feelings
You stared at Kalim curiously from under your lashes, the cold wind whipping and tugging at your skin harshly. His smile was soft as he stared at the sky.
That was just about the only good thing to come from Ramshackle. The view it provided.
I cannot return my, dear
“I’m always chosen. Always. That’s such an obvious truth that I’ve never consciously processed it.” He admitted softly, shrugging his shoulders rather pathetically at you.
Oh my, dear
You gotta know that this won’t last
It was a calm reassurance you had told Kalim– a true one, by all means. Kalim was not responsible for Jamil’s overblot. At least, not entirely. It was high time that both he and the servant come to that realization, for the dancing back and forth over who was right and who was wrong had long worn out both their dancing shoes, you believed.
It had begun to get irritating.
But it was a sweet moment– a kind, moment. And that was something you didn’t get very often.
Desperation will erase that fact
Your cries echoed through the hallway of Ramshackle– like a gentle ghosts cry, it haunted the quietness of the night, all through your bedrooms door.
Jamil’s hand hovered over the old wood, never fully touching it as he listened to your wails as you wallowed in your own pool of misery. Eventually, he let his hand fall to his side as he heard your cries come to a stop.
“She must have gone to bed.” He muttered to himself, staring at your door one last time before walking off.
I’m keeping all of the answers in my cigarette box
Your hands gripped the ghost camera. The stupid, orange, and old camera that Crowley had gifted you. It was practically useless to you– you’ve only ever used it a handful of times before. And that mouse motif– oh, the horrid mouse motif.
It was a stark reminder that you lived in a different world. A world that, by all means, should not be possible.
But it was, and you were stuck in it.
Yeah, the answer’s in the second before the other shoe drops
The confetti rained down on you, but not for you. The colorful pieces of paper dusted your skin as yells and hollers filled the air.
But not for you. Never for you.
Slowly, your eyes found Jamils. His dark eyes stared into your own, both of you looking at each other with what felt like apathetic expressions. But there was a layer of irritation under both of your surfaces as you attempted to drown out the wails of Kalim.
And for a moment, you realized– you were witnessing Kalim’s second loss.
And one of your many.
And if you’re blind to that
I am fine with that
The wails of Kalim echoed through the empty Ramshackle dorm as he sobbed and cried for you and Jamil to come back. His hands shook as he raked them through his hair, his ruby-red eyes doused in tears.
His body couldn’t stop itself from shaking, his lips trembling as he yelled, and screamed, and soon he began to mutter under his breath. His words were so jumbled together that even Rook had a hard time understanding the housewarden.
Oh, I will ruin you
You felt like you were in a daze– a neverending one, to boot. Your heart beat in a way it shouldn’t as you ignored Leona’s voice, your eyes focused on the passed-out Jamil.
His hair covered his face in a delicate curtain as if shielding him from the world. It was as if the pure sight of him had been enough to reel you back in. As you caught your breath, you listened to Leona quietly.
But never did your eyes stray from Jamil.
Oh, I will ruin you
Each overblot. Every single one of them– in a way, they had all turned out the same, hadn’t they?
Each boy made it out alive.
They got to apologize– but never did you ever feel quite satisfied with them. A mere apology wouldn’t make up for the trauma they caused.
But despite it all, nothing ever changed. Another overblot always took the old ones' place. A different person. A different time. A different challenge.
But you always stared it in the face– and you always saved the day.
It’s a habit, I can’t help it
I know that you mean so well
Child Kalim laughed happily as he ran in circles around Child Jamil, the light shining down on them as you and Jamil stared at the scene with dull eyes.
But I am not a vessel for your good intent
Jamil’s hand wrapped around your own as you both stared at a similar scene– your, scene.
He squeezed it.
And you squeezed back.
You and Jamil– however harshly you had treated one another, in a twisted, sick, and hell-bent way– understood each other.
And you weren’t sure if Kalim ever quite could.
I will only break your pretty things
The flower Jamil had gifted you (as a replacement, you added solemnly in your mind) has long since been discarded. Where it lay now, you had no clue.
It was a shame, you thought.
Even a replacement for the purest gift you had been given had been lost.
Perhaps you were just never meant to have one.
I will only wring you dry of everything
The red outfit you had been gifted was tucked away in your closet. Grimly, you shoved the clothes Crewel had given you aside as you stared at it.
You really, really liked the outfit.
It was beautiful and dripping in gold– the silk shifted against your skin, causing you no irritation.
It was expensive, to boot.
Such a shame its history was riddled with something so horrible, you thought with a frown before slamming the closet doors shut.
And if you’re fine with that
If you’re fine with that
Kalim stared at you with wide eyes, his lips parted in disbelief as you and Jamil stood in front of him.
Jamil had…used his Unique Magic on you?
Multiple times?
Questions swam through his head at the speed of light– were any of the moments you and he shared in Scarabia together real?
When were you under the spell and when were you not?
I will poison all your happy thoughts
I will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box
And if you’re fine with that
You can be mine
If you’re fine with that
The dress was long, and the gold that was embroidered on it glistened in the light as you made your way down the aisle. Red flowers decorated the venue as you avoided everyone’s curious gazes on your form, with your head dipped low as you continued.
“You look gorgeous.” He whispered to you, making a small smile appear on your lips.
And as you peered up, you met his eyes.
But for some reason, you couldn’t tell if they were red or a dark, rooted brown.
You can be mine
#disney twst#twst#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#TWST X Reader#Fem! Reader#Female! Reader#Kalim X Reader#Jamil X Reader#TWST Kalim#TWST Jamil#reader insert#twisted wonderland reader insert#twst reader insert#Jamil X Female! Reader#Kalim X Female! Reader#tagging everything that comes to mind sob#fanfic#twisted wonderland my beloved#kalim#x reader#jamil#angst??? i guess#they get married at the end#she just can't tell who she married
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bpp lemme be sappy and incoherent for a min…
i saw this tiktok of bts’ solo era so far and i just wanna say that i’m glad that they know army doesn’t expect anything from them but music. GOOD MUSIC. like historically so many idols have gone on to do non music things after their peaks but bts knows that the core of their fandom are music fans. fans of THEIR music especially. bts as a whole prides themselves as being musicians and army prides ourselves as being fans of musicians.
idk. i guess i just wanted to appreciate how diverse this era has been musically and how proud i am of them doing the music they want even if i dont always enjoy it cuz someone else is bound to, yknow? i’m so freaking proud of their output. they’re amazing
It just tugs on your heartstrings doesn’t it? Even Jin who doesn’t have a full album yet, the song he made with Coldplay in only a few months doesn’t feel rushed or half-assed. It feels like a (sappy) sweet letter (in Chris Martin’s ink) from a friend you’ll be seeing before too long.
From Hoseok producing the beauty that is Jack in the Box; to Joon’s archive of his 20s with some of the best collaborations for a Korean artist in Indigo; to Jimin’s episodic processing of the personal struggles he dealt with during the pandemic in FACE; to Yoongi’s culmination of the AGUST D trilogy in D-DAY; to Taehyung’s expression of the music that most feels like him in Layover; and finally, Jungkook pushing himself out of his comfort zone to make a full album in a language he doesn’t speak, showcasing his skill set of ever-improving vocal ability, in classic pop songs in several genres that he’s selected to showcase his personal taste.
All the boys have done well. The assignment was to serve music, and they’ve all delivered. Some songs are more my taste than others, but I can acknowledge the work they’ve all done and I respect it.
And this isn’t really what you’re talking about Anon, but please let me go on a short tangent here.
I’ve seen chatter here and there about how Jungkook isn’t mature in his interview answers. About how he apparently comes across as a clueless puppet who can’t articulate his views eloquently, but like I said about the discourse around Jimin’s apparent lack of contribution to BTS, or Jin’s apparent lack of skill - sometimes that criticism is warranted, but most of the time people who say things like this frankly have no idea what they’re talking about.
A few of you have sent me asks months back, to give my view on Jungkook the way I’ve done about Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok etc recently. I didn’t answer because I was waiting for Golden. Now that the album’s out, I’m sitting with it and will respond to those asks before too long.
But before that, I want to draw attention to this excerpt from Jungkook’s interview in The Atlantic.

In my draft reply to the asks wanting me to talk about Jungkook, I start with saying he’s a very simple person. That’s both his charm and the thing that confuses a lot of people about him, because many of us are anything but simple, so when faced with a man like him living the life he’s living, some people respond with suspicion or bewilderment.
Simple motivations, simple words, simple considerations - this is what I’ve observed in JK for the past 10 years. He’s younger than all the members but no less intelligent that the rest of the guys on average. He knows how to communicate what he means, he just usually has a preference to do it simply, and that’s what he did in that paragraph.
I’m excited to see how he’s going to become a global pop star, even bigger than he is now, because he’s certainly got the talent and skill to show real results. I’m proud of all the projects the boys have put out so far.
By their own words, one point of Chapter 2 was to showcase their individual colours, to show the world who makes up a group like BTS, so people could more clearly see what each member brings to the table, while the guys push themselves to learn new things, expand their skillsets, and hone their individual artistry to create a stronger, more nimble group.

So far so good. It seems to be going according to plan despite everything lol. I’m excited to get Joon’s next work, PJM2, Hobi’s release, Jin’s album, and all the other goodies lined up for us in Chapter 2. It’s been a trip and it’s only going to get wilder.
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i got bored, and i decided to make a playlist for this series <33 im gonna be doing that for all my fanfics for now on
Singin' In The Rain - Cliff Edwards
"I'm singin' in the rain
Just singin' in the rain
What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again~"
I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift
"I never trust a narcissist, but they love me
So I play 'em like a violin
And I make it look oh so easy~"
When A Man Loves A Woman - Percy Sledge
"Well, this man loves a woman
I gave you everything I had
Trying to hold onto your high-class love
Baby, ooh, please don't treat me bad~"
Dangerous Woman - Arianna Grande
"I wanna savor, save it for later
The taste of flavor, 'cause I'm a taker
'Cause I'm a giver, it's only nature
I live for danger~"
Ain't Misbehavin' - Fats Waller
"I know for certain
The one I love
I'm through with flirtin'
It's just you I'm thinkin' of~"
you should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish
"Count my cards, watch them fall
Blood on the marble wall
I like the way they all
All Alone - Al Jolson
"All alone, I'm so all alone
There is no else but you
All alone by the telephone
Waiting for a ring, a ting-a-ling~"
Killing Butterflies - Lou Bliss
"Shiver like a leaf
Once you take a piece
With your big old teeth
You will never sleep, no~"
Everybody Loves My Baby - Jack Palmer
"It's my sweetie, can't you guess?
Wild about her, I'll confess
Does she love me?
Oh yes~!"
Looking At Me - Sabrina Carpenter
"I could make it nice and easy
I'ma take the lead
They ain't even looking at you, baby
They're looking at me~"
Always - Irving Berlin
"I'll be loving you always
With a love that's true always.
When things you've planned
Need a helping hand,
I will understand always.
All Around Me - Flyleaf
"Take my hand, I give it you
Now you own me, all I am
You said you would never leave me
I believe you, I believe~"
I Can't Believe You're In Love With Me - Jimmy McHugh
"Your eyes are so blue
Your kisses too
I never knew what they could do
I can't believe you're in love with me~"
Need A Favor - Jelly Roll
"Hangin' in there just barely
Throwin' up prayers like Hail Marys
If You're still there, Lord spare me
Oh, my God, oh, my God, Hail Mary~"
I Wanna Be Loved By You - Bert Kalmar
"I wanna be kissed by you, just you,
Nobody else but you,
I wanna be kissed by you, alone~!"
A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay
"'Cause you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars
Such a heavenly view
You're such a heavenly view
Yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh~"
The Song Is Ended - Irving Berlin
"The song is ended
But the melody lingers on
You and the songs are gone
But the melody lingers~"
Dusk Till Dawn - ZAYN, Sia
"I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here~"
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
"I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met~"
Crazy = Genius - Panic! At The Disco
"Other boys you may have dated
Serrated your heart with a slice
But the cut of your love never hurts
Baby, it's a sweet butter knife~"
Don't Stop The Music - Rihanna
"Do you know what you started? I just came here to party
But now we're rockin' on the dancefloor, actin' naughty
Your hands around my waist, just let the music play
We're hand in hand, chest to chest, and now we're face to face~"
Control - Halsey
"And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"
I can't help this awful energy
God damn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control~?
Good For You - Selena Gomez, A$AP Rocky
"Gonna wear that dress you like, skin-tight
Do my hair up real, real nice
And syncopate my skin to your heart beating~"
You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile - Donald Craig
"Your clothes may be Beau Brummely
They stand out a mile
But brother
You're never fully dressed
Without a smile~!
Sway - Micheal Bublé
"Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me~"
Strange Fruit - Billie Holiday
"Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck
For the sun to rot, for the tree to drop
Here is a strange and bitter crop~"
Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra
"All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, in other words
I love...you~"
#character x reader#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel x reader#alastor#alastor altruist#alastor x reader#alastor altruist x reader#music#playlist
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terje “ tchort ” schei x reader
♡ nsfw alphabet for tchort!
୨୧ more tchort! love it, i love being the only person to ever write a x reader work for this gorgeous man hehe <3
♡ requested by anon | related hc available here | view my metal masterlist here
reading music recommendations: sin by nine inch nails - dreaming in red by dismember
* 18 + content, please do not read if you’re a minor *

a = aftercare ( what they’re like after sex )
♡ i feel like tchort would be a pillow princess after sex! like, he’ll definitely make sure you’re okay and stuff but he’s so drained after sex, please just cuddle up to him, play with his hair and kiss his head…
୨୧ it makes sense anyways because you’re always on top, using him, draining him! so when you get off of him and lay next to him, he just wants to sleep with his head on your chest whilst you play with his hair and whisper how good he was
b = body part ( their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s )
♡ is it a cop out to say his favourite part of you is your face? he just thinks you’re so beautiful, he really thinks you’re too good for him! your cunt is a close second though, he loves how it tastes and could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner
୨୧ i feel like tchort would like his nose the most… not for any particular reason other than the fact that you like it, always kissing it and grinding your cunt against it when riding his face
c = cum ( anything to do with cum, basically )
♡ when it comes to his cum, he likes to cum inside of you! watching it slowly ooze out of you when you slide your cunt off of his cock is always nearly enough to make him cum again
୨୧ and when it comes to your cum, he loves eating it out of you whilst you ride his face! he’ll hold you down on his face after you’ve cum, shoving his tongue as far up into you as it’ll go to reach your cum, he’s a big fan if you squirt hehe
d = dirty secret ( pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs )
♡ the first time he ever slept in the same bed with you, cuddling into you and resting his head on your chest, he had a nasty wet dream about you and woke up with cum in his boxers…
୨୧ luckily, he woke up before you and rushed to the bathroom to clean himself up with a blush covering his whole face and his hands covering his crotch! he’s never told you about this and doesn’t plan to
e = experience ( how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing? )
♡ similar to faust, i can see him having very little or no experience before you! most people just thought he was really too quiet and off putting
୨୧ but don’t worry! he’s a very quick learner and honestly loved the first few times you two got together, he loved letting you guide his head to your cunt, loved laying back and letting you take control…
f = favourite position ( this goes without saying )
♡ tchort LOVES the cowgirl position! he’s a sub and loves just letting you use him for your pleasure, moaning and whining under you whilst watching your tits bounce as you ride his cock
୨୧ face sitting is another favourite of his, you could do 69 if you want but he really doesn’t mind you just sitting on his face without sucking him off! he gets pleasure from pleasing you and could easily have a hands free orgasm just from eating you out
g = goofy ( are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc )
♡ tchort can be a little goofy when you’re first getting undressed and into position, letting out nervous chuckles as he admires you whilst you do the same
୨୧ but when you’re actually in the midst of having sex, he’s not as goofy! he’ll only chuckle against your cunt if someone walks in on you two when he’s eating you out backstage before a concert
h = hair ( how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? )
♡ tchort looks like he has pretty thick hair so i’d take a guess and say his pubes are pretty thick too
୨୧ his pubes are dirty blonde, almost brown in colour!
i = intimacy ( how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect )
♡ he’s pretty romantic during sex! both verbally and physically! the way he eats your cunt like a starved man is the most romantic thing a man has ever done for you during sex and the compliments he stutters out whilst you ride his cock are always the sweetest
୨୧ they’re always in between gasps and moans, telling you how beautiful you look and how tight your cunt feels around his cock before his words melt into more whines and moans
j = jack off ( masturbation headcanon )
♡ tchort is another guy who probably masturbated quite a bit before meeting you but after getting with you? after tasting your cunt? after feeling you ride him? not so much anymore…
୨୧ he only masturbates when he NEEDS to! especially since sometimes you jack him off whilst riding his face
k = kink ( one or more of their kinks )
♡ as i mentioned in his dating headcanons, tchort has a major thing for your scent…
୨୧ at first, he thought it was pretty innocent but then later in the relationship, he realised he’d get rock hard after sniffing your hair for a while or smelling your perfume as you sit in his lap! when you’re riding him, as he cums he’ll often pull you down, chest to chest, and shove his nose into you hair, inhaling your scent that only makes him cum even harder
♡ simple bondage is another thing tchort is into!
୨୧ please, tie his wrists to the bed frame and use him, he loves it! he’ll clench his fists and moan the loudest when he’s tied up and being used, wether you’re riding his face or his cock
l = location ( favorite places to do the do )
♡ eating you out? he could do it anywhere, anytime! he really doesn’t care, bend over and let him eat it from the back or sit up and let him shove his mouth against your cunt whilst you grip his hair
୨୧ but his favourite places are your shared bed and backstage or in bathrooms at concerts! your shared bed is just comfy and at concerts, it gives him a thrill and makes him feel dirty, which he likes, of course! he loves knowing that people can probably hear you moaning
m = motivation ( what turns them on, gets them going )
♡ honestly, just smelling you and being around you is enough to make him horny a lot of the time… wearing skirts makes him super hot too, they always make him just want to shove his head under the fabric and lap at your cunt
୨୧ sometimes he really feels like he can smell the sweetness of your cunt, he just needs it
n = no ( something they wouldn’t do, turn offs )
♡ tchort would never ever hurt you, absolutely not… it’s not something he’s comfortable with at all! like, not even spanking
୨୧ i feel like he just can’t really dom either, he’s tried it with you before but it just didn’t click! he’s a natural born pillow princess sub
o = oral ( preference in giving or receiving, skill )
♡ tchort definitely prefers eating you out over getting his dick sucked!
୨୧ i mean, don’t think he doesn’t think you’re amazing at sucking him off but he’s just a natural giver! he eats pussy like a starved man and as i said before, he gets pleasure from it
p = pace ( are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? )
♡ well, since you’re always on top during sex, it’s really up to you how the pace goes! he’ll just hold your hips or dig his nails into the rope around his wrist and whine whilst throwing his head back against the pillows
୨୧ when it comes to him giving you oral, you’re again kind of in control most of the time, guiding his head or riding his face, but he flicks his tongue super fast! delving it into your hole whilst also covering your clit, he knows how to eat pussy…
q = quickie ( their opinions on quickies, how often )
♡ i can see him being a big of a fan of quickies! he especially likes eating your cunt before a concert, it gets him excited, even if it completely messes up his corpse paint
୨୧ he’ll usually just pick you up and sit you atop a flat surface before getting on his knees and dipping his head under your skirt, putting his tongue to “ good use ” as he says
r = risk ( are they game to experiment? do they take risks? )
♡ he’s kind of hot and cold when it comes to experimenting! if it’s something simple like trying out new material to tie his hands back with or blindfolding, he’s very open to it!
୨୧ but when it comes to trying more extreme kinks and such, he’s much more on guard and just kind of nervous about it! not against it, you’d just have to explain it to him a lot before he decides if it’s something he’d like to try with you! and with risk, i mean… he eats you out anywhere he wants, that’s pretty risky, right? he just doesn’t care who sees or hears that much, he’s too busy enjoying your taste
s = stamina ( how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last? )
♡ tchort can go about three rounds before he’s really overstimulated and just worn out! he cums a lot and very easily so he’s almost always overstimulated after sex with you
୨୧ he can last about half an hour to an hour each round, but he’ll definitely need to take a short break in between rounds to breathe and get his head straight! you can stay on top of him whilst he catches his breath, just don’t bounce on his cock and if you’re sitting on his face, scoot down to his chest for a second
t = toys ( do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves? )
♡ i can see him maybe using a vibrator against you, especially if it makes you squirt quicker! he’ll hold it against your clit whilst having his tongue delved deep into your cunt, totally uncaring about how soaked his face and hair will get
୨୧ please do not use a vibrator on him though, he’s so easily overstimulated as it is and would get so embarrassed about it
u = unfair ( how much they like to tease )
♡ tchort is not a teaser! if anything, he’s the one who likes to be teased! like i said, he’s a sub…
୨୧ he’ll blush so red if you make a gesture with your hands and mouth towards him or bend over, effectively flashing him your lace panties
v = volume ( how loud they are, what sounds they make )
♡ tchort is a loud boyyy! he’s very vocal, always moaning and whining! when you guys first got together, he was really shy about it! he’d cover his mouth to stop the noises from coming out as you rode him, only moving it when you pull it away from his mouth, telling him you want to hear him
୨୧ he’ll always be pretty shy about how vocal he is but does stop covering his mouth! he’ll just blush very deeply as he whines and moans
w = wild card ( a random headcanon for the character )
♡ when emperor went to play in liverpool, you couldn’t come for whatever reason so he took one of the plushies he’d won for you at an arcade and some of your perfume, he wanted to sleep with it and be able to smell you :(
୨୧ faust and samoth absolutely laugh at him for it but he just flips them off, mocking them right back because at least he has a partner to miss!
x = x-ray ( let’s see what’s going on under those clothes )
♡ he’s probably the smallest of all the emperor members, 5.4 inches
୨୧ tchort might not be huge but you know how to work with it!
y = yearning ( how high is their sex drive? )
♡ i’m gonna say it, tchort is kind of addicted to your cunt… he has a surprisingly high sex drive! with his scent kick and damn near addiction to your taste, he needs you every damn day…
୨୧ not always full sex obviously, sometimes he just wants to eat you out! but he probably can’t go a day without tasting you, even if he just fingers you and sucks his fingers after hehe
z = zzz ( how quickly they fall asleep afterwards )
♡ he’s always VERY sleepy after sex, he’s completely drained of energy so as soon as his head is laid on your chest and you’re stroking his hair, it takes less than two minutes for him to knock out
୨୧ he falls into a really deep sleep after sex, his legs tangling with yours with the blanket slipping down and just covering his hips
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Heya, I just want to offer some advice on your vent post, bcs I struggle with similar problems regarding selfcare. Having sensory issues + depression and anxiety sucks, and here are some things that help me wrangle my own autistic brain into caring for myself;
Making food fucking sucks, but there are a bunch of stuff that can be eaten in a cup. I know ramen and soups in a cup can be a hit or miss depending on texture, but I found that they are one of the easiest ways to get something warm and not sweet into my body.
On that note oatmeal or muesli or cereal is an option. With oatmeal being a good neutral tasting but filling thing, that you can dump some sugar or salt or whatever in to achieve the taste. When I needed something sweet but filling, I would add sugar and cinnamon. Or some syrup if I wanted some fruity flavor.
Higiene is annoying to do, I can't express that enough. But wet wipes are a saviour in that regard. I use neutral non scented ones, and they help keep the private areas clean when showering is too taxing, and can also be used for a wipe down and a way to freshen up the armpits (I have a fear of stinking, so that helps me a bunch).
I buy them along with toilet paper. People don't care what we buy, and toiletries are on everyones shopping list, but buying stuff together helps me get my anxiety to shut up.
My oral hygene and sweet tooth are mortal enemies. I've got holes and crowns to prove it, so I started working on making brushing easier on my brain. I rinse my mouth with water a few times, and if brushing feels too hard, I put some toothpaste in my mouth and spread it around with my tongue.
It either gets me to grab the toothbrush or I atleast have a slightly fresher taste in my mouth. Surprisingly, I can force myself to eat way easier when my mouth doesn't feel gross.
My struggle was with auditory hallucinations before I got meds that worked, so yea, headphones are life saving when everything is. Extra loud.
The only thing helping me not to bust my hearing when things are REALLY bad, is that warning that shows up on the screen when I try to turn the noise up over the safe limit. It makes me pause, and instead change to some other music that holds my attention better.
I hope some of these help you. I wish I had more to offer, but I myself am also struggling with the piles of laundry and dishes so... Good luck to us both I guess. Putting music on and trying to go autopilot sometimes works for me.
I have no idea what a friendship of 18 years looks like, but your bff kind of reminds me of a friend I had in my hometown. It took me moving away and getting some perspective to realize she was friends with me for the benefits of homework and stuff, and p much nothing else. Or to make a joke at my expense and not get called out for it.
I don't know what you and your bff are like, but from my point of view, she doesn't sound like a best friend. Especially not one that is for Forever, because friends do not make us feel like shit.
It took me some years to learn that, and a good friend I met in the dorms, that helped me realize what kind of person I consider a good friend. Qualities I mean, and she has remained a prime example of a best friend for 8 years now.
This is getting way longer than I intended, but I hope its of some help.
Have a good day/night, and a cookie to help you battle with the stresses you're under 🍪
This is a great advice post tbh, and I'm going to be trying some of these I don't already do. I do have a couple of soups I make very well, even if it's a bit of pain, but then I'll have food for a couple of days. I sometimes eat oatmeal multiple times a week for many days straight, and then I forget about it for like two months, and then I do it again. I like to put some frozen berries into my oatmeal, but it can also be a bit of a hit or miss since the texture sometimes sucks.
Hygiene is indeed a pain in the ass. I learned about the thing with the wet wipes a while back, and I try to remember to use them when I don't want to shower. I have a big problem with actually remembering to do things, so I have to constantly remind myself. I've never been good with brushing my teeth, ever since I started doing it on my own when I was a kid. Since no one was making me do it, I didn't really bother to do it much. Also, it's sensory hell for me and if I try to brush my tongue it's make me gag. So that's fun.
I'm kinda the opposite with the volume thing, since I often feel like even one bar of volume is way too much, so I'm not at danger of hurting my ears, luckily.
I'm probably going to like week's worth of dishes today, and it fucking sucks. I know I shouldn't let them pile up, but I just can't wash them as they get dirty, because that would be every day and I only have so much energy. I know it's disgusting to let them sit for that long but I just can't manage sometimes. Kinda same with the laundry. Everything is piling up, but I'm gonna try to get them done again so I can focus on school stuff.
The friend thing is complicated. After I made that post, she answered my messages the next day, and we talked on the phone. As usual, I didn't really air out any of my concerns and how I felt, because I didn't want to upset her. I just keep swallowing my own feelings in favor of not upsetting someone else and it sucks sometimes. You're probably right about the whole thing tbh, my BFF and I are just both pretty codependent, and it's hard to let go, especially because I have no other friends "IRL" currently.
I hope you can get through whatever stress you're battling against, too. I really appreciate the advice, because it's something I can actually use and not just the "think positive" or "try not being so sensitive" crap.
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I'm just ranting into the void about Led Zep, post TSRTS clarity.
Feel free to read how I vomit my feelings, or not. TW: mentions of drugs, death, EDs.
I hate getting too into my interests because now I feel bad knowing so much about Led Zep's members as people, and not seeing them simply as personas on a stage – which is ironic because that's the whole point of getting to know more about my interests, but it just feels... Bad.
Maybe it's just me being a new fan and all these things that are now dawning on me are well-known in the fandom or amongst older fans lmao, but I need to let my feelings out somewhere! And I think here is a good place, since I've been blessed by nothing else than heartwarmingly nice mutuals.
For example, after reading about the personal relationships between members, mostly out of curiosity, it's said from the begining that Led Zeppelin didn't start as a band between friends; Jimmy needed a band to continue an already booked tour he had from before the Yardbirds broke up — he knew Jonesy and then found Robert and Bonham, therefore he created LZ from a professional need. Which is... You know, understandable.
The thing about me discovering this is that, I guess it made me realise that it wasn't the best time in the world for any of them, as one would suppose it was from an outer point of view. Robert himself talks about the "Led Zep times" as something that brings dark memories back, rightfully so; Bonzo lived with constant anxiety, addictions and homesickness, Jimmy had horrible addictions and problems with anorexia (if I'm not mistaken), and Jonesy didn't feel comfortable at all around the ambiance of hedonism, drugs and sex that was created around the band, he was an introvert whose personality collided with the rest of the group's.
I guess I thought of them as the idealised version that is their stage personas, where they all get along perfectly well and they're all friends jskwjwkw.
Just thinking about the deeper, more hidden part of them as people makes me appreciate them more, I suppose. It makes me appreciate Robert's solo career in which he could expand himself with the music he liked making, or Bonzo being a complete sweetheart to Robert when Karac passed away, amongst other things.
I don't think there's a clear conclusion about this little rant of mine, it's the first band ever in which I take my time to actually know each member closely, read about them and understand that bands are simply not perfect as so aren't people, no matter how good of an artist they are.
A while ago, early when I started liking LZ, I read about Jimmy and Robert because I was blown away by them, and I won't lie, I was destroyed by the revelation of Robert's infidelity and Jimmy's... Taste in girls. (Sorry! I'm not completely comfortable by saying it appropriately, as I'm a grooming victim myself, but you know what I meant.)
It felt really, really bad to have two people you looked up to as literal rock gods, taken down that altar by discovering that... Eh, they aren't exactly the best people. It kind of made me think about the whole thinking process of separating the art from the artist, the moral battle inside myself because I felt guilty for liking them, and then ending up accepting that some things are simply out of my hands and I can't really do anything about them other than be conscious about what I enjoy, and hold people accountable. The best thing I could do about absolutely loving Led Zeppelin was criticise it, and not look up at them as untouchable beings of perfection.
Ty for reading, if you did! <[:^)
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Gotta scream abt smth that happened this weekend and I do not think the tags will have enough space for this particular rant. I am yelling at myself here please just disregard.
I worked a play this weekend and while driving to the theater with my colleague and one of the actors we passed some kind of sign that had some art on it that I guessed was AI generated. May not have been but it had that look so I just made a passing comment abt it. It sparked a conversation about generative AI with the actor that has left such a bad taste in my mouth since then so we're just getting it out so I can stop stewing on it.
I expressed my dislike for generative AI and how harmful it is and how distasteful I find it and I said the classic, why should I bother to read something you couldn't be bothered to write as a way to summarize my feelings and the actor we were driving seemed to take offense to that.
He started this whole thing about what if he had this dream to make a cartoon or animation or whatever but he can't draw and it's late in his life, he's almost 40, he's not gonna take the 20yrs to learn to draw and animate especially because he can't just put his life on hold for it like he has to work and make money to survive he has no time, why do that when he could just have the ai generate it? So I explained that as a visual artist (drawing/painting) the act of creation is what makes art so wonderful and is the most enjoyable part of the process etc. We went back and forth like this a bit and I'm pretty bad with words when speaking or put on the spot so I wound up saying something that wasn't like 100% the most accurate way to express the sentiment - i said if you're not willing to put in the time and practice and effort necessary to learn a skill like art, you should just give up, why bother pursuing it at all?
Naturally that didn't go down too well, and I get it cause again that's not really the best wording for what I wanted to express. But he and my colleague went into this whole thing about like what an awful thing to say and would I say that to a child, how demoralizing and demotivating and crushing for that child and whatnot and i was like ok let me try that again. The sentiment here is that these things do take work and you've got to be willing to put that work in. If you're not, generative AI is not your only option. Why not make a collaborative project then, find artists and animators and whatnot and work together?
He made examples about music too and how he tried for years to learn guitar and just wasn't any good, couldn't do it etc and why not just use generative AI to create the music he hears in his head. To that I was like well for one we already have digital music programs that are not generative AI so just use those, you'll get a better result. And again, if not, just make it a collaborative effort?? Find some actual musicians and work with them??
At the end of the day the view I hold and tried to express in a few different ways is that art is about creation. And for some people yes the end result is the more important part to them as compared to someone like me, for whom the result is secondary to the joy of the process. But even then, maybe I'm wrong but I'm willing to bet part of what makes that end result so satisfying/important is the fact that they made it, themselves, with their own two hands - there's the pride of that end result being their work, their effort. His heels were pretty firmly dug in the soil of "if I don't have the time/desire/motivation/etc to pursue learning the thing by hand what's wrong with getting it done via generative AI, you're just gatekeeping at that point."
My friend tonight said that at that point you're just looking to make content without putting any real effort/work into it and I think that sums it up pretty well. The thing is while generative AI has other issues that make me dislike it such as environmental factors, etc, I also think it has its role as a tool to add to art - I can compare it to the idea of using practical effects on TV and film that are touched up with minimal CGI as opposed to doing the whole effect with CGI.
Maybe it is kinda gatekeeping art or whatever but like. To go back to a previous statement, not to be too harsh but: if you're not willing to put even a small amount of effort to learn an art, then as far as I'm concerned, you're not actually interested in pursuing the art. You just want to make content, quickly and easily, with no active role in the creation. Even commissioning an artist to work with you to create your vision is more effort than typing a prompt into the mediocrity machine. Commissioned work is more your work than anything you rip out of generative AI. And, as an artist, it just does not seem worth it. What is the point of art - any art - if not to be the one to create it, whether the process or the end result is more important to you?
We cut the convo off because we got a bit heated abt it, and my colleague was getting anxious. The funny thing is I didn't feel like I was arguing so much as passionately debating but there's something about that actor and how he carries himself and whatnot that just made it not sit well with me and now that my weekend is done and I can relax after the chaos it's coming back like fucking acid reflux. Sorry for this ridiculous long post that's just word-vomit on your feed.
#tried to hide this post under a read more but idk if it worked so i apologize if it did not#im not this guys biggest fan for sure like#i was already mildly put off by him for various reasons but even then im quite empathetic to him as well#like the main thing is his complaints about needing makeup for the play (i and my colleague are makeup artists)#and complaints about us fucking with his eyes when all that happened was he flooded his eyes with makeup remover after a show#and the next day his eyes were producing more discharge than usual and were kind of fuzzy as a result#but like im empathetic to that bc if you dont know why your eyes are suddenly goopy and blurry thats scary!! totally understandable that he#was upset and spooked and put off by that. and after the next day when his eyes went back to normal like we said they would he was#apologetic about his attitude and all was well. but like. yeah.#idk now ive kinda lost my train of thought lol#this is why my blog title is dont read my diary lmao this is the most diary entry post of all time
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Hey there! Small journal update...
Hi, I hope you guys have been doing well. Things have been a bit busy and i stopped writing here a good bit ago. I finally have some breathing room, and wanted to write about what happened lately!
As you might recall, i started med school recently! (Not the clinic part yet so i think americans would call it pre-med) It has been fun so far, but a bit busy to be completely honest. We started getting into the thick of things after my last post! I thought I could join all of the various club activities in my uni but I couldn't because of the workload ): most of the clubs were apparently in my uni's second campus away from the city, so i couldn't have joined even if I wanted to...

-A snowy scene from campus ❄️
Going to uni, and staying in a dorm for the first time was a bit challenging, especially because i am also living in a different city for the first time in my life. At least it's novel, and i did get to make a lot of new friends.
I slowly got used to it. I get to live my childhood dream, so it is easier :D. I cleaned up my dorm room a little and brought a couple of accessories to make life easier. I also started to study again and I actually did well on my first comitee exam (A2) as well so it was nice overall. I decided to go and visit my grandparents after that.

-A view from my way back home 🚙���🚙
It was nice to visit my grandparents. I wish they came with us ): but I guess it is what it is.
I also visited some other relatives. A notable visit was to one of my uncles' house, as I got to see my little cousins. We played a little, I guess they missed me as well. They are very nice and friendly now, I guess starting school was fun for them :). I also asked some of my old friends to hang out, but they said they were busy with exams that week so I couldn't catch up with them 💔
And then I went back to uni. I thought I should socialize more, maybe do some activities with my friends, and it went great! We went to a gun range, (only bb guns coz I hadn't touched a gun before that hehe) ate some fish, bought some books and went back to our dorm.

-A picture from a concert I went to :)
I also went to a couple of concerts, and I think it was pretty fun. I couldn't convince anyone else to come with me, different music tastes I guess, but I did see a couple of familiar faces from school and that was pretty cool! I also eventually convinced some of my friends to come with me later so that was nice. (Maybe after winter break?)
One of my friends also talked me into a paintball match, a lot of people from my friend group agreed as well so I am also looking forward to going there. (Again I don't know the second thing about shooting but I think it could be fun :D )
Sadly spending time for those may have affected my second comitee exam a bit negatively 😢. Everyone got worse than what they expected because the exam was so hard (literally no one got above a 90) but I did way worse and got a C2... it's still a passing grade but I am a bit scared about future exams tbh. I've even started studying ahead of time to help with that. Hope it works out.
That's all for now. Things have been going pretty well for me overall even though my last exam was a bit shit. I hope things have worked out for you guys as well!
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high infidelity | twenty three
How’d we end up on the floor anyway? You say, your roommates cheap ass screw top rose, that’s how. We pulled up to Noah’s house and my eyes widened at the sight of it, it was beautiful. I didn’t want to creep him out and ask him if he moved but this definitely wasn’t the house he had during his twitch days. It was a bungalow hidden between a few palm trees and various plants, it had a perfect Californian vibe to it. He led me inside and my breath was taken away again, it had floor to ceiling windows that had a perfect view of the LA skyline, and open concept where his kitchen, living room and dining room blended together. I looked outside and saw he had a small in ground pool as well with an egg chair beside it, I always wanted one of those.
“Well, what do you think?” “Noah this is…wow.” I was speechless. Noah passed me a glass of wine as I admired his home like it was the Sistine chapel. “I wouldn’t give this up for Vancouver.” “Ah, it’s just a house.” He said taking a sip of his wine, “By the way, this is Jesse’s wine, don’t say anything to him.” I nodded as I brought the glass to my lips, realizing it was a sweet rose. My eyes wondered around more, I saw his vinyl collection and I immediately went over to it. I shook my head in amazement, he really knew how to keep me guessing. He had Taylor Swift’s entire discography, along with her re-records, all organized by release date. I really adored his taste in music since he didn’t stick to one genre, there was a mixture of everything in his collection.
“Big Taylor Swift fan?” I joked as I grabbed Midnights and put it in his record player. Lavender haze filled the room as I walked over back over to him. “She’s been such a huge inspiration for me. Evermore got me through so much during the pandemic.” His voice trailed off, as if there was something that happened to him during that time. I didn’t want to dig, I knew if he wanted to say something he would. “Good choice, by the way. This is my favourite opening track for an album, ever.”
“It’s so good.” I agreed as I took another sip of my wine. My eyes followed Noah as he pulled out his iPad and started typing away on it. I watched him intently, his fingers moving so swiftly, his eyes full of concentration…he did everything with such intensity, it turned me on with no effort. “I ordered from my favourite restaurant, it should be here in half an hour. I figured since it was so late we could just spend time here and I’ll take you out tomorrow.” “That sounds great.” I replied. Noah walked around the kitchen island towards me, he offered me his hand and guided me to the couch. Everything felt so romantic, he had his lighting set to a soft glow, had candles burning and put his faux fireplace on. I was curious as to what his intentions were.
“Can I ask you something?” I said now that I had a little bit of liquid courage in my system. “Why are you so hesitant to have sex with me?”
Noah sighed and put his wine glass down. “El, it’s not like I don’t want to, trust me I do. Sex has become something I take seriously now. During the pandemic when my depression hit an all time low, I was drinking so much and I used to have these girls I’d call, they’d drop everything and come over so I could fuck them to forget my problems. I had no attachment to them whatsoever and I would kick them out the second I got what I wanted. All of it left me so empty and I stopped having sex all together for a long time. Then I met you and I knew I wanted to be with you in that way, my anxiety made me feel like my old habits would come back.” He paused and I could see tears flickering in his eyes. “I just love you so much sometimes it scares me, I want to do everything right with you.”
“I love you too Noah and I know you well enough to know you wouldn’t treat me like that. I’m sorry that you went through such a dark time. I’m also sorry that I was selfish and thought maybe it was something I did.”
“You’ve done nothing wrong at all. You’ve been so patient and kind with me, I don’t deserve you.” Noah replied with a sad tone, some days this mans emotions went deeper than I expected but if anything it made me love him more. He wasn’t ashamed to show them.
I cupped his face in my hand, catching the tear that escaped him. “I think you got it wrong, I don’t deserve you.”
He softly smiled at me as he poured me another glass of wine. The more the night went on the more bottles of wine we emptied. We ended up on the floor of his living room after dinner, listening to records, laughing about nothing and enjoying each other’s company.
“You’re the greatest thing to ever happen to me you know that?” Noah drunkenly whispered as he crept up to me. I could taste his breath on me, it was sweet and strong. I watched him as his eyes focused on my lips, licking his own in the process. My heart was beating so fast and my eyes started to lose focus, I felt like maybe this was it. His lips crashed into me and I held onto the collar of his shirt as the kiss deepened. He pulled me onto his lap as he rested his back on the couch. He ripped my shirt off me and trailed kisses all over my shoulder, my collarbone and bit gently on the top of my breasts. I felt Noah growing harder under me as he took my bra off and let it cascade down my arms, completely exposing me.
“So, so fucking beautiful.” He exhaled as he caressed my breasts, tracing circles around my nipples. I was in complete bliss, every single one of his touches sent fireworks off in my mind.
Noah held the back of my neck as he gently laid me down on the carpet, he disappeared for a moment but suddenly he was towering over me. My breath hitched when I felt something cold pooling on my stomach between Noah’s lips. He had an ice cube in his mouth and was trailing it all over my body, making me squirm. When it finally melted, he undid my pants and slid them down my legs, along with my underwear. Noah’s tongue hit my clit, it was frozen solid as he flicked it back and forth. I knew I was done for as my toes curled into the carpet.
“You respond so well to my touch, you have no idea how fucking hard that makes me.” He looked up at me, grinning like a devil between my hips. He spat onto his fingers before sliding them in me, making me arch my back. His hand pressed on my lower abdomen as he hooked his fingers inside me, throwing me over the edge. “Come for me, I know you want to.”
“Noah - “ I couldn’t hold it, I screamed out in ecstasy as my body shuddered from my orgasm. He left me panting and seeing stars for a brief moment, but he didn’t give me much time to recover. He just looked at me like he was about to show me no mercy.
“I can’t wait anymore baby…I need to fuck you now.”
“I’m all yours.” I breathed out. I helped him get undressed as he closed his eyes before making a home between my thighs. He leaned over and gently kissed me, twitching as I stroked his throbbing cock. He deeply sighed with relief as soon as he was fully in me, his eyes glazed with pleasure as I wrapped around him. He started off slowly but picked up the pace rapidly, gripping into my hips to get deeper in me. Our bodies glistened with sweat, our sighs were so heavy and my body was shivering as my orgasm flooded me countless times.
“Jesus fucking Christ, you feel so good baby.” he moaned into my ear as he clasped my wrists over my head. “I don’t think I can hold on anymore.”
“Then don’t.” I whispered, his face was mere inches from mine as his hair brushed my face. He gently nodded and started to thrust into me harder, making me gasp each time. Our eyes stayed locked before he couldn’t focus anymore. Noah crashed his forehead into my shoulder as he spilled into me, letting out the most ungodly moan in my ear. My god that was worth the wait.
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I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.
Authors Note: these top gifs are how he's looking at you, hanging on your every word.
(You walk into The Hideout, scanning the room for a place to sit. It’s crowded tonight, but your eyes land on an empty seat at a table near the stage. Sitting alone, with a beer in hand, is Eddie Munson. He’s watching the band on stage but looks a little lost in his own world. You stride over, taking the seat across from him.)
Eddie: (clearly baffled) “Uh… you know this seat’s taken by... no one, right?”
You: (grinning, unfazed) “Looks like it is now.” (casually lean back, meeting his gaze.) "These guys aren't too great are they? Drove to Chicago last year to see Graveborn. Totally stole my moms car and lied about where I was. Best show I saw all year."
Eddie: (surprised, a little thrown) “Wait—you actually know your stuff? You’re not just… here to be ironic or something?”
You: (smiling) “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
Eddie: (scoffs, smirking but a little impressed) “Alright, I’ll bite—why the hell are you sitting here? You know who I am, right? The ‘freak’ everyone warns you about?”
You: (shrugging, unfazed) “I know exactly who you are. Figured you’d be more interesting than the assholes here. Plus, I thought you might appreciate someone who actually gets why Iron Maiden is better live.”
Eddie: (eyebrows shooting up) “Well, live Maiden is the only Maiden. You sure you don’t need a cooler crowd to sit with, though? I’m sure there's at least three jocks around here who’d buy you a drink.”
You: (grinning, shrugging nonchalantly) “I’m good right here. I like the view.”
Eddie: (glancing away, visibly thrown off by the compliment, scratching the back of his neck) “Alright, ‘view,’ stay put. I’m grabbing another beer. And don’t think too hard about all the other places you could be.”
(He smirks, trying to play it cool, but you can tell he’s flustered. As he heads to the bar, he throws one last glance over his shoulder, as if he can’t quite believe you’re still sitting there. A few moments later, he returns with two beers and slides one across the table to you.)
Eddie: (still skeptical but with a hint of interest) “So, what’s the deal? You just wander into bars and sit with strangers? Or am I just lucky tonight?”
You: (teasing) “Guess you’re lucky, Munson. Or maybe I have a thing for people who look like they know their way around a good riff.” (You take a sip, watching him with a knowing smile.) “And who says we’re strangers? I’ve seen you play here a few times.”
Eddie: (pleased but trying not to show it too much, chuckling) “A fan, huh? Didn’t think Corroded Coffin had much of a following outside of, well… the guys.” (He nods towards a couple of his friends in the back, engrossed in a darts game.)
You: “Maybe I just have good taste. I mean, you guys have that raw energy—you don’t see that much around here. Makes me wonder why you’re still playing in a place like The Hideout.”
Eddie: (surprised, a bit flattered) “Alright, now I know you’re messing with me. Either that or you hit your head on the way in.” (He leans forward, lowering his voice like he’s sharing a secret.) “You’re serious, aren’t you? You actually… like our music?”
You: (meeting his gaze, a bit softer now) “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
(Eddie blinks, taken aback by the sincerity. He shifts in his seat, fidgeting with his rings as he glances down.)
Eddie: (quietly, almost like he’s admitting a secret) “Most people just see us as… well, noise. Not exactly radio material, you know?”
You: (grinning) “Radio material is overrated. I like bands that mean what they play, and you guys definitely have that.”
(Eddie’s face lights up, a rare, genuine smile creeping in. He clears his throat and scratches the back of his neck, looking away briefly.)
Eddie: (awkward but trying to keep it cool) “Well, if you’re so into ‘meaningful music,’ you probably know I’m a sucker for the classics. You a Sabbath fan, or am I pushing my luck?”
You: (leaning in, meeting his intensity) “Sabbath? Please, I thought that was a given. ‘War Pigs’ alone is a masterpiece. But if you really want to impress me, tell me you’re into early Zeppelin too.”
Eddie: (grinning, almost giddy) “Alright, now you’re just showing off. Zeppelin’s my lifeblood. You got a favorite, or are you one of those people who just says ‘Stairway’ and calls it a day?”
You: (mock offense) “Hey, I’d never reduce Zeppelin to just ‘Stairway', that's sacrilege. ‘When the Levee Breaks,’ hands down. The drums on that track? Perfection.”
Eddie: (laughing, shaking his head in disbelief) “You know, I didn’t think people like you existed in Hawkins. Usually, people just look at me like I’ve got three heads if I even mention Zeppelin.”
You: “Well, maybe you’ve just been looking in the wrong places.” (You give him a playful nudge with your foot under the table.)
(Eddie blinks, caught off guard by the touch. His cheeks flush, and he quickly takes a long sip of his beer to hide his reaction.)
Eddie: (stammering a bit, clearly flustered) “Y-Yeah, well… guess I’ll have to, uh, expand my search.”
You: (raising an eyebrow) “Or maybe you don’t have to look any further at all.”
(There’s a pause as the words settle between you. Eddie’s usually quick wit falters, and he just stares at you, his eyes softening.)
Eddie: (softly, almost vulnerable) “You know… I don’t really get why you’re here. Not that I’m complaining, but… why me?”
You: (voice warm, holding his gaze) “Because you’re real, Eddie. You’re not afraid to be yourself. And that? That’s worth sitting at a table for.”
(Eddie swallows hard, visibly touched. For a moment, he looks away, as if trying to collect himself.)
Eddie: (smiling, voice a bit rough with emotion) “Well… guess I should warn you, then. People who sit at my table… they usually end up stuck here. With me. For a while.”
You: (grinning) “Guess I’ll take my chances.”
(Eddie’s grin widens, and this time, there’s no hiding the genuine happiness on his face. He raises his beer in a silent toast, and you clink bottles, the shared smile between you speaking louder than any words could.)
#eddie munson#stranger things#corroded coffin#stranger things 4#hellfire club#eddie the freak munson#fanfiction#fanfic#fan fiction#fan fic#one shot#one shots
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Only bought this dress so you could take it off + living room
Final part of the Football AU I started. You can find the other parts here: part one | part two | part three
Matt's been back in practices and games for two weeks when he finally approaches Sylvie about a date. He takes her out for dinner and a concert. Their special teams coach is in a Rush cover band and tonight was their last gig until after New Years. It was important to Mouch that they show up.
Afterward, they go out to dinner at Swift and Sons.
Sylvie calls it the best dinner she'd ever had and declares before they've even had dessert that Swift and Sons is her new favorite restaurant. To say Matt feels as if the date is going well is an understatement.
The two of them seem to have the same priorities and similar tastes. She loved spending their date supporting Mouch. Since she joined the team, Sylvie and Mouch have developed a close bond. He dotes on her as if she's the daughter he never had and Sylvie enjoys listening to him tell however many stories he wants. She appreciates his humor and his wisdom.
Watching Sylvie bond with someone who's been a mentor to him his entire career means more to him than Sylvie knows.
She cherishes the people in her life to the same degree Matt always has. To him, it speaks to her character and leaves him in more awe of her than ever.
"I can't believe you've never listened to Rush," he teases, shaking his head at her after he directs his driver to take them to Sylvie's condo.
Not one to simply sit back and take it, she dishes the teasing right back. "You'll have to forgive me for not being of a certain age."
"Did you just call me old?" Matt asks, feigning outrage. "I am not old!"
"No, but you have to admit you have suspiciously old taste in music," she says, chuckling through her words.
"Because I don't listen to Taylor Swift all the time, that means I'm old?"
"I don't listen to Taylor Swift all the time."
"No, that's true. Sometimes you listen to boybands."
"Hey! There is nothing wrong with a good boyband! We would be missing out on some truly iconic songs without them," she says, playfully smacking his shoulder.
"Okay, sure."
"Oh, I will get you to take that back eventually. Mark my words, Quarterback."
The car stops indicating they've arrived. Sylvie glances out the window but doesn't reach for the door handle. She briefly bites her bottom lip and then aims a beseeching smile at him. "Would you like to come up for a cup of coffee?"
Yes. He would like that very much. "As long as there's decaf," he jokes. "Or else I'm gonna be up all night."
She laughs and rolls her eyes at him. "Maybe being up all night might be worth it, did you think of that?"
Oh, he did. More than once. "I guess there's a chance it might, yeah."
She steps out of the car first, giving him the perfect view of her dress. It's black and backless with a halter neck. The knot holding it up rests on the nape of her neck. The minute she opened the door, he imagined what would happen if that knot came undone. He has no expectation of finding out tonight. They may have known each other for weeks now, but this is still their first date. Whatever happens, happens, but he won't put unnecessary pressure on her. Not about intimacy, physical or emotional. He knows better than most that if it's not freely given then it means nothing. Trying to force someone to do what you want them to do will always drive people further apart.
Once he's out of the car, she grabs his hand and laces their fingers together. Waving at her doorman as they pass, she makes a beeline for the elevator. Within a few minutes, that pass strangely quickly, they're standing in her living room as she drops her keys on to her coffee table.
Her condo is relatively small, but extremely cozy. She's filled it with soothing colors and personal memories. It's not just a place to live, it's a home. His condo is nowhere near this comfortable. He just never knows what to do with all the space. Aside from Football, he doesn't have many good memories to put in picture frames and use for decoration.
"I like your place," he offers, glancing around with a small wistful smile.
"Yeah, right," she says with a scoff. "It's tiny compared to your penthouse."
"More expensive isn't always better," Matt tells her. "I have a lot of space but it's all empty so it doesn't do me much good."
"Well, you can come and share my space anytime you want," Sylvie offers as she crosses the living room and heads for the kitchen. She starts a pot of coffee as she continues. "Honestly, most of the time I feel pretty isolated when I'm home. Being in a new city and not knowing very many people is lonely sometimes."
"You should call me when you need some company. I have no social life," he says with a self deprecating smirk. "You won't be interrupting anything."
“If you’re waiting for me to call and I’m waiting for you to come over then no wonder we’re both still so lonely all these weeks after meeting,” she says, laughing softly.
“I don’t want to disrupt your life any more than I already have,” he explains. It’s the first time that night that either of them have referenced their recent popularity in the press. Their affection for each other made it into Page Six and ever since the public has kept an eye on them, looking for any signs of their burgeoning relationship. “So, I’m trying to let you set the pace.”
“I appreciate that,” Sylvie says, looping her arms around his shoulders. “Most guys wouldn’t even think about that. Trust me, I know.”
His hands find her waist, pulling her closer and closer until her chest rests against his. “Yeah, well, I have a feeling you’re as private as I am. I had a hard time adjusting to life in the public eye early on in my career. I’d like to make that easier for you, if I can.”
“That’s a lot of thinking for a guy who hasn’t even kissed me yet.”
His stare roams her face and he finds a playful smile on her lips and a challenging gleam in her eyes. If he’s letting her behavior be his guide, then he’s long overdue on taking them to the next level. It’s a good thing he still has time to correct himself.
“It’s been nice to have a friend, Matt,” Sylvie tells him, letting one of her hands drift into the short hairs on the back of his head. “Especially while settling in. So, thank you for that.” He tenses for a second, afraid she might be letting him down easy, but then her eyes drift down to his lips as she keeps talking. ”But I’m all settled in now and I’d like to be more than just your friend. If that’s okay with you?”
He chuckles, holding her tighter and resting his forehead against hers. “That’s more than okay with me. Honestly, I’ve been waiting for this moment from the first minute that we met.”
She looks skeptical, unsure if he’s flattering her or being truthful, but before she can ask he swoops in and slants his mouth over hers -- sealing them together. A startled noise escapes her throat, but as her lips part and the kiss intensifies it deepens into a moan. She tries to press herself closer, but they’re as close as they can possibly be while standing up. Matt backs her up toward the sofa, pressing her down onto it once the backs of her legs hit the couch.
He’s not sure what she’s feeling but he knows for certain he’s never felt kisses like these. They’re drugging and exhilarating all at once. Goosebumps raise all over his skin and he feels overheated everywhere he hands wander. He can already tell she’s going to be an addiction he’ll never be able to quit.
This is a once in a lifetime moment and he plans to commit every bit of it to memory. The textures, the tastes, the sounds -- not a bit of it will fade no matter how long he lives.
As his kisses trail down her neck, Sylvie gently pushes against his shoulder, indicating she wants his attention. When he looks up at her, she’s grinning wickedly.
“I don’t know where you see this night going or how far you want to take this, but you should know…I bought this dress with the intention of it ending up on the floor.”His fantasy of untying that delicate bow resting on the nape of her neck comes roaring back to him as he smiles slowly and crookedly. She’s already making his wildest dreams come true and he has a feeling she’ll bring many more of them to life in the future. This isn’t just any date, it’s the date. He knows in his bones that this is the last first date he’ll ever have.
#brettsey#sylvie brett#matt casey#matt casey x sylvie brett#tvshowconfessions#prompt fic#my fic#angellwings writes
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so, i saw sim a japanese reggae metal band (i know) with two full screamo/metal bands opening and then one… idk bmth adjacent band opening???
my thoughts and experiences in no particular order
got stuck in line surrounded by Dudes and was like oh god oh no i’m gonna have no one to talk to and im gonna be here 3+ hours
met an Experiencer crowdsurfer dude who was like IM GONNA CROWD SURF SO HARD and i was like right on!!! go my dude!! and then i turned my head for a second and he disappeared
i was left with a tiny 20 year old boy who reminded me of an anxious lap dog and i was like well there’s no cute gay girls near me to talk to so i guess ill take you under my wing and made sure to drag him far up in the crowd with me (got him to third row)
every one in line was in attack on titan merch cause this band did ONE AOT song
pure evil vibes but i did find a girl with a kyuubi keychain (naruto) and complimented her on her good taste
two kids were in front of me in levi and ??? the brunette with the ponytail cosplay and they were SOOOOO scared of the screamo SOOOOO scared and so dead for every band like if you don’t fucking JUMP and SCREAM im gonna kill you???
emo/bmth adjacent band covered kyptonte by three doors down and it was so fun we all sang along
playlist between shows was soooo fun miku, george michael, rickroll… we all sang along to stuff like america FUCK YEAH and miss murder… i alone sang along to perfume
i really really really enjoy hardcore metal/screamo live but it’s so miserable to listen to studio versions??? is this anyone else
two girls left after the emo band went and gave me their spot which put me into the CROWD SURFER ZONE and i actually got tossed around by the crowd so badly i ended up dead center under even more crowd surfers and i could barely move and it was SO FUN
all of my recordings are just “here’s a perfect view of the lead singer, now it’s shaking because we’re all dancing, and now my camera and my face are pressed into a security guards tummy and pecs as he catches five surfers in a row” ANS THAYS SO FUNNT
i don’t even think any of the music tonight was like… good??! or liek it’s FINE but it’s cringe AND YET
the crowd was so clocked in and craaaaazy??? i’m covered in sweat that ain’t even mine we were all packed like sardines and flailing
and it’s more thrilling than kingda ka or the superman at six flags
i’m so alive
my feet are going to fall off cause i wore wedged boots m
i was thrown by the crowd so far i was completely separated from my shaking chihuahua boy i hope he’s alright he was so convinced he could get his merch shirt signed
even though i kept explaining throwing it on stage would just mean they kept his shirt
i hope he didn’t throw it lmao

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a few thoughts on the new ahsoka show
i'm unsure about my feelings on the backstory we didn't get to see with sabine and ahsoka. their interactions all felt reasonably in character, but there's just. so many holes. why did searching for ezra become jedi training? why did ahsoka decide to stop it? did sabine decide to put away her armor before or after that? how'd she end up just being depressed in ezra's tower?
if the rest of the show does a good job with these questions and making it seem like the story we're seeing IS better than that story and makes sense with it just in the rear view, i will be satisfied. but those are a lot of ifs, you know?
i really liked sabine's casting and feel like they did a great job with chopper. hera's pretty good and they did a good job with her makeup, and her go-betweening with sabine and ahsoka was well-done. we didn't see a lot of ezra but i did like his actor
i don't know what we're doing with the sith master and padawan or why. it could very well end up working out, but i just. don't know yet? other than her and sabine's homoerotic duel. that was hot
the morgan character is... interesting? i guess? seeing nightsister costuming in live action was cool and there could be something good going on here, but again, it's too early to tell how well it's going to work in context.
lothal looked GREAT! the structures the landscape the lothcats *chefs kiss*
jai kell my beloved <3 <3 <3
i'm on the fence about jedi! sabine, but i'm a lot more onboard with it when it's presented as "sabine is not good at this". i'm not sure WHY they're going this direction or if it will ultimately work, but i'm going to give it a chance.
ezra called her his sister!!!!!! SCREEEEEECCCCCHHHHHH
sabine's music taste and her hair dye and her speeder and her everything :) she was very good casting. if nothing else i get a very nice live action sabine out of this
overall, i'm not letting my hopes get sky high yet, but i think that it COULD be good and i'm going to give it the chance to do that.
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Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following...
tagged by @maru---maru
Event that defines your character's past:
Load up on guns, bring your friends It's fun to lose and to pretend She's over-bored and self assured Oh no, I know a dirty word... With the lights out, it's less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido... I'm worse at what I do best And for this gift I feel blessed Our little group has always been And always will until the end... And I forget just why I taste Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile I found it hard, it's hard to find Oh well, whatever, never mind
How your character sees themselves:
There's no point In fighting, yeah The silence Becomes frightening, oh The tides are rising Dreams turn into nightmares, yeah Void is mesmerizing Defeats my will, I am nowhere And it's all my fault (It's all) What you caused And it's all my fault (You know) You're not that strong, oh
How others view them:
I am hoping it's how Inanna views her:
Now dance, fucker, dance, man, he never had a chance And no one even knew it was really only you And now you steal away Take him out today Nice work you did You're gonna go far, kid With a thousand lies and a good disguise Hit 'em right between the eyes Hit 'em right between the eyes When you walk away, nothing more to say See the lightning in your eyes See 'em running for their lives
Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic):
The vessel forged inside me Watches over like the death Of the moon Strike the shepherd Sheep will scatter Mountains of despair I can see the pain It is written all over your face The screaming arrows tear through my soul In the dawn your face is haunting White ghostly dreams
A major fight scene:
Sorry for putting Ray William Johnson on your Dash in 2024
Boom, headshot Boom, headshot ... Boom, headshot Boom, headshot Boom, headshot ... Boom ... Boom, headshot Boom, headshot ... Boom, headshot Boom, headshot Boom, headshot ... Boom ... Boom, headshot Boom, headshot ... Boom, headshot Boom, headshot Boom, headshot ... Boom ... Boom, headshot Boom, headshot ... Boom, headshot Boom, headshot Boom, headshot
Opening credits song:
They all float down here.
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