chondronectin-blog · 11 years
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it counts for so much, honestly. thank you. i could use some friends right now.
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ironicallypositive · 11 years
welcometogeekdomthyla said:He…. what?….. WHAT? WHAAAAAAAT?\
eric kripke said he wanted them burned after the end of every episode for reasons that no one knows which is disturbing
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sanderberry · 11 years
welcometogeekdomthyla reblogged your post: URL-Inspired Graphics
  Guys please stop reblogging, if you're not following me or were not in the first group then I will not be doing them. On my blog there is a post of the people I am doing the graphics for. Wait till next time. 
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fandomsaremythyla · 11 years
If anyone wants to add me on Skype, or is in Starfleet 2.0 and I haven't added you yet, just look me up under the same thing as my URL, or put your Skype name in my askbox or something and I'll add you.
We gotta get the new blog up and running for Starfleet, man. I wish I was tech savy enough to do it on my own but I can't even fix my own tumblr, nevermind a newly created blog. *cough cough Sam where are you*
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somethingdownthere · 11 years
welcometogeekdomthyla reblogged your audio post: I wish the Star Trek music could be the soundtrack...
You are my favorite person.
Well thanks for the high praise! =)
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mylifeintrash · 11 years
*hugs* You can pass this on to people on your dash, or you could not. I dunno. All I know is I got two of these at the same time and I'm sick so it made my day. Hoped I helped with yours. Food for thought.
[hugs] ily
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booksandhotchocolate · 11 years
*hugs* You can pass this on to people on your dash, or you could not. I dunno. All I know is I got two of these at the same time and I'm sick so it made my day. Hoped I helped with yours. Food for thought. (Also I'm steering away from the template here but I love your blog.)
Can I just give it to everyone reading this?
I just finished my 10 day work stretch so I'm dead tired and will disappear online in a few minutes but thank you for this. :)
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detectiveintraining · 11 years
just when i was starting to bang my head against the wall from boredom i found this :D
massive thanks to stungg for providing me with the boredom buster!!
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions you were tagged on and make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know they were tagged
So, let's answer this woop woop!
1. put your ipod on shuffle, what are the first 5 songs?
Oasis - Stop Crying Your Heart Out
Bowling for Soup - 1985
Passenger - Let Her Go
Walk The Moon - Anna Sun
King Charles - Lady Percy
2. what are your favourite 3 tv shows?
Obviously, my three main fandoms - Supernatural, Sherlock and Hannibal. BUT, I also have non fandom shows that I love like newborn kittens nibbling my fingers, namely, Criminal Minds, Fringe and House.
3. what are your least favourite baby names?
All the weird, barely pronounceable ones ending in -eisha or -yron... In Malta a woman caused epic shockwaves when she named her baby boy [and I'm not kidding, here: x], CLEAVAGE.
4. If you had to donate all your money (however much) to one charity, which one would it be? 
Animal sanctuaries. Any. All. 
5. Is there any languages that you would really like to learn?
Icelandic. Already have started. Would also love to learn French because the pronunciation is gorgeous but it's just so. damn. difficult.
6. If you had an unlimited amount of money and you could spend any amount of it on one thing, what would you choose? (not including any sort of idea that would allow you to keep all that money)
Build stables and buy horses. And ride on them from morning to nightfall, galloping into the sunset.
7. Which Hogwarts house do you think you would be sorted into? why?
Ravenclaw. I always felt I'd belong there and was so happy when Pottermore did actually sort me there. It's their cleverness and interest in studying, I guess.
8. If you could write a scene in the 3nd tv show answered in the 2nd question, what would it be about?
Hahaha, does this need saying? Post-Reichenbach reunion with lots of punches evolving into window steaming hot hot hot sex *stares into the distance longingly for 3 hours*
9. If you could bring anyone back to life or out of a book/movie/tvshow/etc for a day, who would it be? what would you say to them?
I think my choice is between Dean/Snape. I'd tell Dean that the world doesn't rest on his shoulders alone and that FOR FUCKS SAKE CAS LOVES YOU OPEN YOUR BLOODY EYES AND SMELL THE ROSES. I'd also love to shake Snape by the shoulders and explain that he does not need to be a decade old rage fuelled, stuck up tosser to Harry.
10. if you could have any job in the world and money wasnt a factor, what would it be? why?
You know those amazing wildlife documentaries where people travel across the globe searching for rare animals and sights? That's me. In my dreams. There's just so much beauty out there and I'm stuck on this annoying little rock *rants*
11. last one, this question stumped me haha, If you could have an unlimited amount of something except for money what would it be?
Nail polish remover. I seem to run out of it on a weekly basis.
These were great :D
My turn now... hmmm let's see...
Do you treat books following the 'bend its spine, I'll bend yours' maxim?
What song plays in your head when you think of your top otp finally admitting their love for each other?
What 3 books are currently on your to read shelf?
Tea or coffee or hot chocolate or...?
If you could send something to your favourite celebrity, what would it be, to whom, and why?
What's your favourite moment of the year, so far?
What does your favourite pair of socks look like?
What song is currently stuck in your head?
If you could have one talent, what would it be?
What is the ringtone on your phone?
last one's always tough. If you could enter a book/show/film of your choice what would it be, and would you become a new character or stay as yourself?
Tag time!!
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ladyeru · 11 years
welcometogeekdomthyla said: Definitely stick with the cat. Also a camera with a flash might help. And yeah, salt or iron.
WHY'D I LEAVE MY CAMERA DOWNSTAIRS.. Salts downstairs too.... got iron though... that will have to do.....My cat keeps looking at the corner of my room though.... It's highly disconcerting.
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