#welcome to pelipper hell
Pelipper mail!
An email. It has found you.
[A video is attached. Dimi is screaming. Nat is screaming. That one Pelipper is still spitting marbles. And a final Pelipper descends. The video glitches out.]
Dear Nat and Dimi,
G'dirt! I found this cool bird (Ha! Dimi, you would know all about cool birds, being one yourself!), and wouldn't you know, they're like me! They seem to have the ability to travel dimensions. I've been wondering if it's a subspecies from the Infinite Cities, but I couldn't find a whole lot of information on anything like this which is weird. Thing is, this bird was giving off a very similar signal to the last thing we managed to get off the DIRT. So I thought, what if I gave it a message and then sent it off? A shot in the dark, I know, but surely worth a try, yeah?
So here it is. Itsuki and OVID and I are making progress on something to extend the range of some of the Althio tech to actually reach your DIRT! If you get this, then if you could try and extend your own range, that would be extra helpful. If we both reach far enough, we're bound to meet up somewhere in the middle. Then, if we can communicate more regularly, I think we can find a way to get you out of... wherever you ended up. Unless you found your worlds, in which case... feel free to stay there! But I'd still like to say hi, y'know? Really hoping things are good with you. It's hard here still, sometimes. Rebuilding, finding each other, after everything? There's so much going on still and it's tiring, but. We're making a better world with our own hands, no gods or anything any more! I really believe we'll succeed. So you two had better make it back to see.
Other updates, let's see... the Wormhole Museum is running smoothly. I mean, how could it not be, when it's run by us Worms! NaN and Ivy and company are still doing their thing trying to figure out the Microphone. I've made a few jumps to new places myself on unrelated business, but I haven't come across any of the Circuits, unfortunately. I've also gotten into astronomy, which is a lot of fun. You never realize how the stars are slightly different across universes until you really pay attention. You should try and look up at the sky where you're at too, might be interesting.
Anyway. The bird's getting impatient. I'm not sure why it seemed to want me to type this up instead of just handwrite. For some reason this bird delivers emails? Sure. Might as well happen.
Here's hoping this works.
And I hope you're both okay.
All the best,
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supersweetsyrupbomb · 8 months
I'm Kieran, nice to meet you. I'm currently a student at Blueberry Academy in Unova, but I'm from Kitakami and I was attendin' school in Paldea first!
... And I thought I'd have more to say here, but I can't think of anything. Oops.
Oh, right, here's my current team! (Ignore the pic, someone thought it'd be funny to take it before I could put my hair back up...)
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(as always, OOC info below!)
... Yeah, hi, this is @nebulaeofroleplay again, this time with an AU version of Kieran who's roleswapped with the protag. He and Carmine moved to Paldea from Kitakami for family reasons a few years prior to the start of the plot, Carmine having been enrolled in Uva Academy shortly after. Right now, he's currently around the early part of his AU's equivalent of Indigo Disk!
(Also yes, he has Ogerpon in this AU, but like hell is he advertising THAT.)
No NSFW, sapient Pokemon interactions are welcome, Pelipper mail and Musharna mail is on, Pelipper and Musharna malice and magic anons are off.
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prayers-to-hyliarceus · 5 months
Pelipper mail!
Here's you blond himbo back! (Link)
oh goddess hylia that is a hell of a cramped ride
Welcome back! I commend your method of defeating Team Break. Also you are not to let go of Zelda until she does so first.
Zelda im fine don't worryyyy
Ren told me I probably have separation anxiety and now that I dwell on it, that actually makes a lot of sense. That being said, no. I will worry.
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fungalpieceofshit · 9 months
Pelipper Mail! A thermos full of warm soup. It's hard to tell what's in it, but it smells delicious. There's perfectly sized bits of vegetables and meats in it and steam wafts up when you open it. A note is attached.
"Welcome to the world of Pokemon, new friend! Here, have some soup from a communal pot. This stuff freezes well so I'm just giving it to whoever. Just be careful if you have any food allergies. I have no idea what all is in it, only that it's really dang good. ~ Kyle"
...It seems this was a bit delayed in post.
~ @bugs-and-grass
But it's still fresh and warm!
Chef, if this is just how your cooking journey has begun, you're going to make pros question themselves. This is HEAVENLY.
You made a hell of a journey, Pelipper, I'm proud. Have you a treat and get some rest before setting off, ok?
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captain-mommy-issues · 9 months
[Not really Pelipper Mail… Under-The-Tree Mail? That you’re pretty sure was put there by Clavell? Anyways! Once the tornado of four very excited children has rolled through and woken everyone in the house, Arven’s left with a good few things for himself!]
[Firstly, there’s a printed image of an upper-end cookware set! There’s Clavell’s handwriting on the bottom saying “We Delibird left it at the Academy, since your kitchen is there”. You don’t think Delibird know how to write.]
[There’s a few smaller wrapped boxes too! Each one contains a video game: Super Mario RPG, Super Mario Wonder, Super Mario 3D World… the last one seems to be the Wii U version? There’s a sticky note that says “We didn’t know which one :-)”.]
[Wrapped far more cleanly, it seems like Aunt Melony’s enclosed some new picnic blankets (one with the Dogs of Paldea on it, one with the Galar League’s symbols on it) and some custom silverware with dogs at their base. There’s also a hand-knitted scarf there in yellow and purple, with a “welcome to our family” note tucked in, written in clean cursive. Melony’s kids have copied the message below that, with varying levels of cleanliness. Gordie just left his autograph.]
[Finally, for Mabosstiff… there’s a load of home-baked dog biscuits from Aunt Melony, four squeaky Maushold plushies, and a big old squeaky sandwich-shaped chew toy. The sandwich toy’s wrapped in an appropriately-sized dog bandana, with some Herba Mystica printed on it.]
[Happy Delibird Day, Arven!!]
//I usually don't do this but I feel like this would be cuter if I wrote this one out as an in-person :)
Arven stared in complete awe at all the gifts. He picked up the photograph and laughed to himself, reading the handwriting. Dad, really...
"That actually looks awesome! Arc, don't make me wanna go home already. I'm so excited to use that."
He laughed again and shook his head, then began opening the other gifts. The boy had to do a double take on all the video games. SERIOUSLY? THREE?! That's like $180 right there! But in Pokedollars that I don't feel like converting right now!
"Fucking HELL. Why did you spend so much on me?! I- I thought I told you you didn't have too!" Arven immediately covered his mouth. Right. Children. Don't swear. Contain your 15-year-old edgy potty mouth, Arven.
"Flipping heck," he mumbled to himself awkwardly.
Arven just turned back to his presents, moving onto Melony's. He pulled out the baskets and silverware and examined them, smiling.
"Arc, these are adorable! Jeez, the dogs are so cute... I am gonna use these every day."
He picked up the scarf, taking a glance at the note that fell out of it. He grabbed it, and started tearing up. Just... Wow. Family. He had family. This is his family. Don't Cry, Arven. Don't Cry. Don't Cry. Arcdamnit he's crying. He turned his head down, avoiding eye-contact with everyone.
"T-hank you..." His voice was soft, and slightly shaky. However, he had a huge smile on his face, despite all the tears flowing rapidly down his cheeks. This entire trip has made him so emotional... This poor guy has never spent time with family like this...
His tears were then interrupted by a soft woof. He looked next to him where Mabosstiff was pawing at a present.
"Go ahead, Buddy."
The Pokémon excitedly ripped open the package, very happily wagging its tail at the sight of all the gifts. It excitedly spun around in a circle and barked surprisingly loudly. Arven chuckled, looking back at the others. He stood up and pulled Clavell into the biggest hug ever, burying his face into his shoulder. Most likely because he was still embarrassed about the whole crying bit...
"Thank you," he looked over at Melony. "You too, of course. I... I appreciate this. A lot..."
"Happy Delibird Day."
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Hello, Welcome to my blog!
My name's Aiden, Pronouns He/Him
Born in Santalune, Still being raised in Santalune
I'll just be talking about my Pokémon, myself, and the annoying gym challengers from Vanville (Seriously, though, how do they keep spawning?? There's only like, three houses!)
Birthday's December 26, (Happy VERY early birthday to myself)
Pokémon are Imp (Pansage), Inchworm (Caterpie), Omen (Pidgey), and an unnamed Magnemite egg.
Pelipper Mail, Magic Anons, and Mystery Gift are ON!
And that's All :]
Hey! Name's Magnus. He/They/It, MINOR.
Please no Sexual or Romance-related asks. Makes me uncomfortable as hell.
Main is @ilikepokemon-notyou
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eartheats · 8 months
hello hello! (again!)
been a bit since I did an updated one of these, huh??? but it's been about a year since i did my original one, so!!! time for a new introduction post!
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(art made by the wonderful @professor-amaryllis's player!!!)
anyway, hello!!! my name is ren (they/them or ze/zir!!), i'm 24 years old and welcome to my silly lil blog! i mostly use this to reblog orthworm and orthworm accessories!!! i'm a pokemart worker who's on leave at the moment, and i'm currently sort of a student at the blueberry academy! i'm currently taking some researcher courses there, and i'm tryin' my hardest to become an authority in steel type pokemon! though, uh, most of my experience is with my favorite pokemon, who i'm guessin' y'all can tell who it is. heehee
but uh, what else...i've actually got a fair amount of experience as a steel type trainer, and most of my research is focused on orthworm! their environmental impact and their role in the ecosystem is just fascinatin' to me, especially livin' near 'em in zapapico for most of my life! that's actually how i befriended my big ol' lug of a partner, lulu, who you'll be hearin' about a LOT on this blog heehee. he's been my buddy since i was a tyke, and we've been trainin' together for almost two decades at this point!
arc, i'm probs gonna ramble forever if i keep this up. i guess i can basically summarize everythin' else!!! i used to be a student at the old uva academy, and it sucked! was a student at the new one too, but circumstances have made keepin' up with that and blueberry stuff a lil harder than expected. i got my foot in the door originally workin' at the montenevera chansey supply, so i know a lil bit about pokemon medicine too if ya ever need advice.
i'll leave y'all with a trainer card, if ya ever need to contact me please feel free to shoot me an ask!!! promise i won't bite. maybe i'll make one'a them faqs at some point...and maybe a page for my pokemon!! that'd be real neat heehee
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((ooc info below the cut!))
HELLO ONE AND ALL my name is Sable (they/them exclusively), late 20s, nothing's really changed all that much but I needed to make an updated intro for Ren at some point anyway, so now seemed to be a good time!
guess to set some basic ground rules:
follows will come from @shinydracozolt! that is my main blog full of weird shit, so uh, don't be alarmed.
Pelipper mail type things are on, but I can turn them off if I wish to. I will let everyone know if I decide to do this.
I have not Tumblr RP'd before, please be gentle with me.
Blog will occasionally dip feet into the High Stakes pool, especially with current plots going on in the background regarding Ren's mother, who's kind of a messy shitshow of a person. Ren's backstory in general is kind of a mess! Mom is evil with connections to Team Flare and dad is dead so uh. Whoops.
This blog will occasionally delve into sensitive topics, mostly with ask games and such. The ones that mostly pertain to Ren are: mental abuse by a parent, bullying at the old Uva, the massive shut in arc they had between ages 14-18, underage drinking (they still partake and aren't an alcoholic, but they and the bottom of a bottle go way back, so to speak), and occasional mentions of weed. (they themselves don't do it but a friend and coworker of theirs is a stoner. these posts will be tagged accordingly)
There will be occasional shenanigans with @ribesrubrum! Basically I had Ren befriend a canon character in their Kitakami arc and didn't want to potentially make things awkward, so they will interact occasionally. Don't be alarmed!
Lemme know if you need any trigger tags accommodated and I shall do my best! My memory is not the greatest thing in the world but I will do my best. <3
Would prefer no NSFW sent Ren's way, they are ace as hell. There may be occasional mentions of it from other blogs, but they'll be tagged accordingly.
Not exactly open to shipping with Ren because, once again, the whole ace deal, but if something starts to go that way feel free to let me know? But I am going to say no automatically if the player is a minor and the character in question is not 21+.
Can't really think of anything else I wanna say, but I mostly play fast and loose with shit and Ren's kind of off in their own little world sometimes lmao
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asklotlcrew · 5 months
[Pelipper mail!]
> A slowpoke-themed hairpin. It looks... old.
> squeezing it would normally make it squeak, but the squeaker's broken.
💭 . . .
💜 Hey... Are you ok?
💭 ... No.
💜 Well, I expected that answer. But don't worry, I-
💭 How am I supposed not to worry? I discover one of my friends is related to someone who made my life a living hell, we argue, and then she dissapears and has to be saved! This is all my fault! And now I get this! If I wasn't such a-
💜 [Hug.]
💭 . . .
💜 You're not alone anymore, I promise.
💭 ... Thanks. I didn't like where my brain was going.
💜 You're welcome. Now, let me just...
💜 [Puts the hairpin on her hair.]
💜 There you go, much better. It looks cute on you.
💭 . . .
💜 Heh, you're blushing.
💭 Shut up.
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bunch-of-kalosians · 1 year
So, uh. Serena and Shauna came to me, wanting to put together a blog here on Rotomblr for the three of us.
I thought, "hey, what the hell?" and, well, here we are.
My (Calem's) stuff will be in blue, Serena's in red, and Shauna's in pink. We'll also put our names in before our stuff, like I did at the top of this post, for our colorblind friends, and to improve readability more generally as well.
Like this:
Calem: Hi there, hello.
Starting that... now.
Calem: Feel free to ask us questions or chime in on posts! We're open to (almost) anything. Within reason, of course :)
Also, Pelipper mail is open. Feel free to send us stuff! We do have a little bit of a screening process though, so, uh- nothing that could actually hurt us lol
(// in character justification for me shutting down asks and mail that make me uncomfy)
// Rules and extra notes are below the cut.
OOC from here on:
A multimuse blog for various Pokémon characters, written by @sierra0451. Will not always be active, but will try to be consistently active. No promises, though. I do this for fun—nothing less, nothing more.
Semi-selective, independent blog. Adult mun, uses she/her pronouns. Please be mindful, mun is autistic! Tags are below.
Current characters
20 y/o, he/him
Engaged to Serena
Team: https://pokepast.es/6c262e3ca1216e86
20 y/o, she/her
Engaged to Calem
Team: https://pokepast.es/4a903c4c6c984233
19 y/o, she/her
Team: https://pokepast.es/19b14389f77fe140
DNI if bigoted, proship, lewd, or drama-oriented. If your first response to seeing the word "bigot" is to whine about how "everyone is such a snowflake these days", you're probably the kind of person I'm talking about.
Unless we're close (you'll know if we are), ask before sending me a DM! Sending asks is fine from anyone (as long as you don't fulfill the DNI criteria) though
Anyone (including non-RP accounts) is welcome to leave an ask, as long as you wouldn't fall under the DNI criteria.
Asks must be SFW. Swearing, violence references (though no real-world tragedies obvs), and such are fine (though I will tag those things if I answer), but sexual stuff is not.
Warning in advance: I will be slow to answer! Please be a bit patient with me, though if your ask goes, like, a week without getting a response, feel free to message me! Don't pester me though, that'll just get you blocked.
If you're throwing an ask game at me, please include the question in the ask (if it's, like, a lettered or numbered one) and specify who you're asking.
Another for ask games: if it has to do with interactions or thoughts on a character or anything, please don't send one in if I don't know you or your character(s). It won't get much of an answer, if any.
Pelipper Mail
I'll take mostly anything! Just be reasonable about it, to be honest. (Really, just no NSFW.)
Though I do reserve the right to not take a certain ask if I'm uncomfortable with it.
No godmodding. I control my characters, you control yours. Don't force relationships, especially not with characters I've already established are in relationships!
AU, OC, crossover, multiverse, and double friendly :>
This is very much a Kalosshipping (Calem x Serena) blog! Mostly fluff and maybe some angst, nothing crazy ("crazy" meaning stuff that shouldn't be happening between two canonical minors)
Discussion of serious topics will happen here from time to time! These include things like loss of a parent, PTSD, existential crises (occasionally), and abandonment issues. I'll be sure to tag appropriately when those do come up though.
Please let me know if I'm following someone problematic or if I make you uncomfortable!
If there's something you're uncomfortable with and you'd like me to tag it, please let me know! The last thing I want is to make people uncomfortable :) (i.e. all of my posts are ask to tag, along with the tags already present)
With all that out of the way, feel free to shoot an ask! I'll try and get around to answering it when I can (if, ofc, I'm comfortable doing so-)
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toxx-apex-727 · 9 months
Pelipper mail!
a thumb drive containing the first season of Welcome to demon school Iruma-kun!
oo hell yea! fuckin love this anime! im gonna force creature boy to watch it with me actually if he's not already insane about it he will be soon.
0 notes
Pelipper mail!
A frog statue perfectly sized to fit in one hand. On the back of the frog's head there is a symbol faintly etched into the stone: an equilateral triangle made up of three similar triangles with an upside down triangle in between.
The video continues. Dimi has landed on Nat's shoulder again. They're still crying.
Another Pelipper dips into the frame and pokes Nat's outstretched fist with their wing. He snaps his head to glare at it, and it balks, but then takes a breath and moves forward again.
"Go away." Nat growls.
The Pelipper squeaks, drops its cargo in front of Nat, and leaves in a hurry.
"Damn it. Why the fuck does that symbol look familiar? That thing better not explode or something."
Thankfully, it doesn't.
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jumpchain-drop · 4 years
Chapter 2.6: 1.62 Years
Year 2, day 226: Terra and I had set off to the Concealed Ruins on a job. A parcel had somehow been lost within, probably by a Pelipper with a wrecked internal compass. We’d been there before, so we were asked to retrieve it. Even for our strength, it wasn’t a breeze or anything, and the food supplies we rationed threatened to run low.
That was when we came upon something that surprised me, and I wasn’t sure I was seeing it right.
“Hey, Terra?”
“Yes, Robert?”
“What’s that?”
She looked. “That’s a locked door. But we don’t have any keys, so we can’t open it.”
I wasn’t so sure about that. I stepped up to a door with a nervous trepidation and took out the warehouse key. Despite the size of the lock, it somehow managed to fit; did the key grow to match?
The lock clicked open and I pushed open the door. And beyond was a concrete floor, metal shelves, and a covered motorcycle.
It was with like one continuous motion that I closed and relocked the door. “We are taking this.”
“Taking what?” Terra asked.
“The door,” I replied. “We’re taking the door home.”
“T-The door…? Robert, are you serious…?”
“This is like the only thing with a lock on the entire flippin’ continent. If we’re going to be able to use anything in the warehouse, we need this door at home. I don’t care how long we have to be here, we are not leaving this dungeon without this door!”
Terra responded by knocking me out, my Explorer Badge taking me back to the surface. In retrospect, I couldn’t blame her. I must’ve looked like I’d gone mad. By the time she got back, lost delivery recovered, I had calmed down significantly. She only invested in getting one of those doors when I managed to explain the merits to her calmly.
“A door will still be here,” she explained back just as calmly. “If we explore this dungeon again, a door will eventually come back up. It may not be the exact same door, but one will be there. And once we figured out how to dig it up, we can do it then.”
“Y-Yeah… Good plan… Thank you, Terra.”
“You’re welcome… Robert.”
So we went back home to reclaim our reward for a job well done. Tomorrow I’m going to look into this…
Year 2, day 229: Despite my troubles finding out about treasure, we managed to figure out how to unearth the door. There was a move capable of digging even through solid rock walls that my Dig couldn’t pierce: Rock Smash. Thankfully it could be taught through a Hidden Machine, and thankfully Mightyena could learn it.
Getting one would be a problem, though. HMs were rare to the point of non-existent in Orre. Hell, since I rarely battled as a human, I didn’t have any regular TMs. Here we made use of the one or two we managed to come across. Thankfully, our friends in the guild knew an answer: Marowak sometimes stocked various Hidden Machines, including Rock Smash, into his toughest training dungeon.
The alternative was to attempt to raid the Tower of God at my weakest by myself with an empty bag, so… Marowak it is.
We never visited the Marowak Dojo before – didn’t see much of a need when you started as strong as we did. He was quite honored to have us as students, and we could take as many of his training dungeons per day as stamina and time allowed.
We’re Team Firma, the strongest team around. This’ll be a cinch.
Year 2, day 242: I keep forgetting that we are shit at finding items.
Year 2, day 250: So it turns out that I’m the unlucky one.
I mean, nevermind that I was apparently the only human in an entire paralyzed future, which is pretty unfortunate if you think about it. And that I was pulled out of my perfectly fine if NEET human life by an asshole voice with a bunch of blinky lights and no permission.
But when Terra and Mightyena went into the Final Maze alone and left me outside to handle grocery shopping for the upcoming weeks, they came out with the HM we needed, plus a couple others.
I hate being me sometimes.
Year 2, day 251: We have a door. Not even my luck could make it disappear.
Mightyena broke down the walls binding it, while I dug the supports out from below and Terra raised the ceiling. It took hours, but every benchmark we reached was immensely satisfying. Then Terra carried it all the way to the end of the dungeon, so we could be sure the Explorer Badges would take it along with us (at least there was some treasure behind it). It’s now proudly installed in the wall of our base.
Hard to believe I was that welcome to concrete flooring.
Though I am a little sad, Terra and I discussed it and we agreed; it’s probably for the best if I stayed out of dungeons my team was in for awhile, at least until we had supplies to outlast the drought. I know she didn’t want to sound mean about it, so I didn’t take it that way, so I’m just… disappointed.
(Also because I got turned away from the Kecleon shop because Pokedollars are apparently nowhere close to the same as Poké. Damn these paper bills…!)
Year 2, day 252: To stave off my boredom, I brought out my deck of cards and played several rounds of clock solitaire (thankfully, I had no trouble with my claws). It’s a game that’s almost entirely luck, so I thought it would be a good measure.
Eighteen games, and none of them lasted enough rounds to get out of single digits before I lost.
I really regret not buying a chess board back in civilization.
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Pelipper mail!
A test tube containing a bubbly yellowish-white liquid. There is a faded label attached to it, which appears to read "███ luck (██u█ ber█y flav██)".
The video continues where the last one leaves off. The Pelipper from before is still spitting marbles into the vine basket, which Nat and Chester are clearly still putting in a lot of effort to keep upright. But now a second Pelipper is in frame. It looks at the first Pelipper with a glance that says "what the fuck is this guy doing?"
Dimi flies up to meet this new Pelipper and chirps cautiously. The Pelipper makes a motion like a shrug and offers Dimi the test tube.
Dimi lands next to the camera on the table to take a closer look at it.
"Okay, this probably is poison. Maybe the professor in Lumiose can test its contents or something? Not imminently dangerous, hopefully?"
They look at the vine basket, which seems to be becoming slightly unstable. "Nat is there anything I can do to- oh no."
The video ends.
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Pelipper mail!
Overwhelming despair.
The video continues. As the test tube Pelipper leaves, another one takes its place, looks slightly menacing for a second, then flies off.
Dimi collapses onto the table screeching. "Please please no no. NO NO THEY CAN'T BE GONE THEY CAN'T!
They start to cry. Now their voice is quieter, barely audible over the clacking of marbles still falling from the other Pelipper's beak. "Why is this happening? I... Nat? I understand now. You were right this whole time. They are all gone. We're the only ones left." They cry out in pain. "There's no point to anything we do."
Nat grimaces. The vine basket shakes. "Dimi. No. There's a point. Even if they are gone. Something will become of this. You taught me that. Please, Dimi. Please believe me."
"I... I can't." They let out a mournful screech. "And if I can't even believe that then... what's the point of me?? Sorry. You. You don't need to keep me around any more. I'm worthless like this! I probably always will be!"
"No. You're my friend, and you always will be. That fucking persists because I will make it persist. Dimi. Look at me." The bird tilts their head up. "I will not leave you." Nat make a strangled noise but then seems to push through. "I also feel like everything's about to crash and burn. But that's more reason to stay together."
Then Nat trembles and balls up both their fists, they look to the sky, and their voice takes on a hard edge. "And you. How fucking DARE you do this to Dimi. What have they ever done to you, you... you... pestilent foulfaced fucks!"
They twist their arm and make a noise that's a cross between the roar of a lion and something electronic breaking, and the vine basket expands.
"We're all doomed, but damn if I'm not going to keep all your stupid marbles contained anyway just as a big fuck you to all of you! Dimi, please. Come here. Stay on my shoulder, yeah?"
"Why?" But Dimi slowly gets up, and weakly flies toward Nat.
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Pelipper mail!
One thousand four hundred and ninety-eight marbles.
A video is attached. The camera is pointed up at the sky over Santalune City, which is rapidly filling with Pelipper. It turns quickly lower then shakes and is still as if suddenly set on a table. In the frame you can see Nat, alarmed, looking toward the sky, Yvonne, also looking up quizzically, and Dimi flying in to meet them.
Nat turns to Yvonne. "Leave."
"No way! This is so cool, it's like a Pelipper Convention!"
One of the Pelipper dives into the frame. Dimi chirps at it frantically, then turns back to Nat and Yvonne. "I don't think they understand me!"
The Pelipper opens its mouth and... marbles start rolling out, scattering on the ground and rolling in every direction. They're coming rapidly.
"Dimi. Here. Please." The bird flies like a shot onto Nat's shoulder, taking shelter under one of his antlers. Nat focuses again on Yvonne. "Serena. LEAVE."
This time, the girl nods and runs into the nearest building, barely missing a cavalcade of marbles that rolls up as she closes the door behind her.
The marbles are still coming. Nat shuts their eyes and shakes with effort. Nothing happens.
"Oh, you're trying to make something to catch them, right?"
"AAaAaaAghhh. Still not. Compatible. With this world. Can't grow anything."
Dimi swoops into Nat's bag and tosses out a pokeball. Nat's eyes widen.
"Good idea. Chester. Help."
The Quilladin grabs Nat's leg and extends his other arm. Nat does the same, also extending an arm, then screws their eyes shut in effort once again.
This time, a basket begins to form from vines that burst through the ground, and the marbles fall into it. Things seem a little calmer at least, now that the new ones landing aren't rolling all over the ground.
"Oh shit, there's another-"
The video cuts off.
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Pelipper Mail! Glitter bomb.
Hey look, speak of the Ruinous Treasures! There's a Pelipper now!
Oh, hi there! You heard us talking about you? Wanted to come and join the fu-
uvgr 394awcn4onwxa
Oh, this Pelipper has style! What a hassle this will be to get off, but I am sparkling now!
Ack sorry I just fell on the phone some glitter got in my beak. Hey Pelipper why'd you oh it's leaving WAIT WHY ARE THERE SIX MORE RAPIDLY HEADING OUR WAY???
What's happening. Why is everything sparkly?
We might have a problem!
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