#welcome to me writing this in the most obnoxious way possible
camellia-thea · 1 year
For the asking game for Dove, here’s some custom ones to follow on from number 19 in other ask I did: What are times when she has given into frenzy? What different kinds of frenzy has she succumbed to? What happened, and how did she feel about it afterwards? (originally 19 was How does your OC behave when enraged)
gracious storyteller <3 thank you for dealing with my obsession
this is about a vampire the masquerade character, and as such has some warnings -- hunting (a living human being, by a vampire), predatory behaviour, violence. there is reference to offscreen domestic violence
dove snarls. fangs in her mouth, oblivion swirling at her feet.
the man on the ground scrambles back, but she's advancing quicker than he can move. his eyes dart around, but there is no where to go; stuck in a farmhouse outside of palmerston north of all places with a demon above him. his back meets the wall, and she steps between his legs.
well done, little mouse.
her beast speaks with the voice of her sire, but she doesn't hear it fully, focused on the meal beneath her.
he's still scrabbling on the ground, kicking out at her, and the chuckle that draws from her is throaty and feral.
she's a sight; slight and pale, but almost built from shadows, sculpted from contrasts, with teeth bared. she looks inhuman, otherworldly, but not in the way one might think of when they hear vampire. no, she looks wrong. uncanny, sickly, and now, hungry.
the room is a mess. when she first caught him, he'd tried to throw the table at her, underestimating her speed. she'd thrown him hard enough to hear a snap.
her eyes catch the light as she ducks down to kneel over his waist, one hand on the wall, another catching his chin.
don't end it so quickly, toy with him... just a little
and she does; teeth over his pulse, even as he shakes. it's not really a bite, not to feed. just enough to draw blood and pull it over her teeth. the beast is there, urging her to bite, to hurt, to tear, but she holds back. she pulls away so he can see his blood on her teeth, her chin.
the word is sharp, as she hisses it into his ear. and she's off him, standing dead still. he manages to scramble upright and throw himself towards the door.
she counts.
he fumbles with the door, his hands not cooperating.
it slams with a bang, and he's throwing himself from her sight.
her beast is purring in her head, resting over her shoulder
telling her to ruin him
because how dare he look like him.
the one who bound her
and he'd hit her.
it was enough to sentence him to death.
or worse
game over.
and she tosses herself after him.
she has no super speed, no super strength, but the shadows wind around her feet, bleed into her, and she becomes them.
he's running towards the empty, unlit road, the isolation of rural farmland working in dove's favor.
she catches him in moments, sends him flying into a bed of shadows. as if they are alive, they pull him in, the cold death of it all. he succumbs, the struggle bleeding out of him.
and finally
dove feasts
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hp-hcs · 6 months
i didn’t realize the riddle brothers were a "buy one get one free" type of deal, but alright — simp! overprotective! yandere! riddle brothers x gn! oblivious! bullied! slytherin! reader
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requested by 🎀!
2.5k words, not to brag 😌
i love writing the bros’ interactions with each other as like, actual sibling-core yk? they r just so cutie patootie
the reader's patronus makes an appearance in this, but i tried to make it as accessible to everyone as possible, so it's never explicitly stated what animal it is. it is implied that it’s able-to-fit-under-a-table sized though
also this is totally just pre-slash nothing that interesting happens
warnings: couple mentions of blood, mild descriptions of wounds, implied violence, implied bullying, murder
not edited!! this is my first like, really long fic so constructive criticism is welcome!
A well-timed shove to the small of your back sent you tumbling down an entire flight of moving stairs. 
You groaned as you hit the bottom, sprawled out on your back on the cold stone floor. You laid there for a moment, winded. You could hear the occupants of a nearby painting titter at your gracefulness (or lack thereof), so you rolled your head to the other side to give them an award winning smile and an unabashed middle finger. 
You could hear them all grumble about kids these days and how I never would’ve treated my elders this way. You just rolled your eyes at their pettiness. 
“Uh…what are you doing?” A decidedly alive voice interrupted your momentary satisfaction.
“Ah- evening, Riddle!” You said cheerily as soon as you recognized the speaker, scrambling to your feet and dusting off your uniform. “Nothing! Just…tripped. Couldn’t see very well in the dark, that’s all.”
Tom blinked, his lips twisted into a frown. “.....Fine. But don’t let me catch you out of bed past curfew again. You’re a Slytherin, for Salazar’s sake. Act like it.”
And that was it. Tom turned on his heel and continued down the hall without another word. Tom Riddle: prefect, teacher’s pet, and obnoxious hardass extraordinaire—he just...let you go, with no threats of detention or loss of house points. 
Tom, having just returned from a full night’s shift of prefect hall duty, flopped face-down onto his bed, his cheeks aflame as he let out a muffled shriek into his pillow. 
His brother, in the process of getting dressed for the day, paused at the scene in front of him. 
“Dude, what’s your deal?” 
“L/n,” Tom said by way of explanation, kicking his feet as he shrieked into his pillow again. “They acknowledged me. And they know my last name.”
“Most people know our last name, Tom,” Mattheo rolled his eyes.
“No- you don’t understand,” Tom said emphatically. “L/n is like…the cutest person to ever exist. And they’re so sweet, and smart, and funny, and-”
“And terrified of us?”
Mattheo rolled his eyes, putting his hands on his hips. “You talk about them too much. It’s getting insufferable.”
Tom just scowled and flicked his fingers to cast a wandless spell that straightened Mattheo’s tie and neatened his uniform. “The way you dress is insufferable. Slob.”
Mattheo stuck out his tongue at his brother before ruffling Tom’s hair to purposely mess it up. “Dick.”
Mattheo glanced up at you as you hovered uncertainly by the corner of his desk. 
“Can I sit here…?” You mumbled shyly, your cheeks flushing as the pretty dark-haired boy in your year smiled up at you.
“Course!” He grinned brightly before realizing that might have been too enthusiastic of a reply for eight in the morning and quickly tried to cover up his slip. “Uh…Y/n, right? I’m Mattheo.”
“Yeah, I know who you are.”
Mattheo’s stomach dropped.
Fuck, that’s not good.
“You let me copy your homework in third year for that essay on the properties of wormwood, or whatever.” You said offhandedly, like it wasn’t batshit insane to remember that pointlessly tiny detail. “Thank you for that, by the way. Potions sucks ass.”
Before Mattheo could even think, the words left his mouth. “I could tutor you if you want.”
You looked at him oddly, but grinned after a second. “Yeah, sure. That’d actually be really helpful. Snape hates me, man.”
“Really? Even though you’re in Slytherin?”
“Mhm, his baseless nepotism only extends so far.”
Mattheo barked out a startled laugh as your deadpan humor caught him off guard. You just grinned at him in response, causing the tips of his ears to immediately burn bright red.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, ducking his head in embarrassment. “Um…do you wanna meet in the library after school today? For our tutoring session,” Mattheo hurriedly added. 
“Sure, alright.” You shrugged. “See you there.”
He beamed, giving you that stupidly adorable grin once more. “Awesome! Yeah- yeah, cool. Awesome. See you there then.”
You were still shit at potions.
It had been six weeks of tutoring, and you’d learned pretty much nothing. Although, that wasn’t an issue on Mattheo’s part, but rather on his annoyingly hot older brother’s. 
Tom Riddle was surprisingly funny. For someone who gave off almost exclusively stoically austere bastard vibes, he enjoyed cracking jokes and enlisting your help in pulling pranks on his brother a bit too much.
It became your routine. Every Tuesday and Thursday after school, you would meet the two brothers in the library, waste like three hours joking around and getting absolutely no work done, and then going back to your dorm and ranting to your roommate about how fucking cute they are and how you would gladly pay for the opportunity to make out with one- no, both of them. 
(Your roommate is so fucking tired of hearing about the Riddles. You’d better buy them a latte and a cake-pop as an apology.)
You struggled to get up, your legs giving out. You cursed under your breath, putting a hand to your forehead as it throbbed in pain. 
It came away sticky with blood. 
This wasn’t going to work, you realized belatedly. With what remained of your strength, you were able to reach out and grab your wand, murmuring a quiet, “Expecto Patronum.”
A spectral creature formed in front of your eyes, remaining motionless as it stared at you. 
“Go find Riddle,” you mumbled to the Patronus, your eyelids growing heavy. 
You barely registered the wispy glowing animal immediately bounding off at your instructions, your vision doubling before your body went completely slack, the wand slipping from your fingers and hitting the tile floor with a clatter. 
Mattheo doodled mindlessly in the margins of his parchment as his brother droned on and on about the properties of willow bark in potions and really, this is important, Mattheo. Pay attention.
“Why isn’t Y/n here yet?” Mattheo asked his brother for the third time. 
Tom rolled his eyes. “I don’t know, Matt. Just like how I didn't know when you asked me five minutes ago. Maybe they just don’t want to see your stupid face any more, huh?”
“What if they’re in trouble? Or hurt?” Mattheo worried, chewing on his thumbnail and ignoring his brother’s insult. “They’re never late, Tommy.”
Tom wrinkled his nose at the use of the dumb (albeit endearing) nickname Mattheo gave him when they were children, but the sinking feeling in his gut at hearing his brother’s distressed tone didn’t help to ease the niggling worries at the back of his mind of maybe they are in trouble.
As if on cue, Mattheo shivered as something icy cold brushed against his ankles. He glanced down. A glowing spectral creature nudged his leg, looking up at him expectantly with unnervingly empty eyes. 
A Patronus. 
Y/n’s Patronus.
They followed the Patronus down the deserted hall, the animal occasionally pausing to make sure the boys were both still following it before bounding forward again.
The Patronus stopped in front of a bathroom door, giving them both that same unnervingly hollow-eyed stare of expectancy.
Tom gulped and pushed open the door, fearing that he might find the worst.
He did.
Your eyes cracked open slowly, and you winced at the multitude of stinging and stabbing pains that wracked your body.
You had to blink a couple times for everything to come into focus. You were in a small room with white walls and white flooring, and the gentle dawn illuminated the quiet space with soft rays of light. The steady beep of a vitals monitor faded into the background as you stared down at yourself.
You weren’t wearing a shirt, for one, or even a hospital gown. Pretty much your entire upper torso was wrapped in bloodstained gauze. The jagged edges of a brutal slash across your chest peeked out of the top of the dressings, and you had to close your eyes and hold your breath for a moment to keep from throwing up. Once you’d calmed back down, you opened your eyes, startled to see that you weren’t alone.
Mattheo had pulled up a chair to the side of your hospital bed and crossed his arms on the mattress, using them as a makeshift pillow. His dark lashes fanned across his cheeks, his breaths slow and even. He looked so peaceful and...unguarded in his sleep. You reached down to brush a loose curl away from his forehead.
“Having fun?”
You startled, jerking your hand back. 
Tom leaned against the doorframe of your room with an amused expression, quirking an eyebrow and wiggling his fingers in a wave.
“Shut up,” you hissed back in a whisper, your cheeks flaring red. 
Tom’s amused grin only grew at your dark blush as he invited himself into your room fully, closing the door behind him.
 “Your secret’s safe with me.” He jokingly winked, tapping the side of his nose.
“You’re insufferable.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“What am I doing here?” You quickly changed topics, refusing to even look down in Mattheo’s direction. 
Tom sighed, any amusement on his face rapidly vanishing. “You sent us a Patronus, thank Merlin. Pomfrey said you would’ve bled out if you hadn’t.”
You had no memory of casting the Patronus charm at all, but you trusted Tom’s recollection of events better than your own jumbled and spotty one. “Bled out?” You questioned, your heart hammering in your throat as your voice climbed an octave in anxiety.
Tom nodded, his face carefully schooled into a blank and neutral expression. “You were hit with the Sectumsempra spell. You've been out for three days now.”
Your brow furrowed. “Malfoy got hit with that last year though—and was in and out of the infirmary in less than a day.”
“Snape knew the counterspell and found ‘im just in time last year,” Mattheo mumbled sleepily, his eyes still closed as he tuned into the conversation at hand. “But whoever hit you with it just left you there to die.”
“Charming.” You mutter under your breath.
“Regardless of what happened in Malfoy’s instance,” Tom interrupted briskly. “You were on the brink of literal death. So I’ll ask you this one time and one time only. Who did it, Y/n?”
“I brought you a cookie from the Great Hall,” Mattheo grinned widely, climbing into your hospital bed next to you and unwrapping the napkin in his hand. “And the notes from today’s Charms lesson, but those’re boring and we both know you won’t actually read ‘em.”
“Aww, you know me so well.” You teased, breaking the cookie in half and handing him one of the pieces.
Mattheo cupped the cookie fragment in his hands like it was a priceless treasure, staring down at it in unrestrained awe. 
You just shook your head at his antics and brushed the odd reaction off.
You woke up this morning and just felt like shit. You were nauseous, and dizzy, and felt borderline faint. Tom’s voice, usually soothing and comforting to hear, sounded like nails on a chalkboard right now. He rambled on and on about the delicate process of making the temperamental Felix Felicis potion. 
“Tom,” you interrupted, your voice scratchy and quiet. “Can we take a break? Please?”
He blinked, surprised at being interrupted, but nodded slowly. “I suppose…? Why?”
“Don’t feel good,” you mumbled, setting your textbook down and rubbing your eyes. 
“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Madame Pomfrey said brusquely as she bustled around your hospital room, shooing Tom out of the way to stand by your bedside. 
(Poppy Pomfrey remains the only person who can and has shooed Tom Riddle III and lived to tell the tale—and all without a single ounce of fear.)
“I’ve raised your dosage so that you can be out of here in time for your N.E.W.T.s.” Pomfrey elaborated upon seeing your confused look.
“Fantastic.” You mumbled dryly, grinning sleepily up at Tom as he grabbed onto your hand and interlaced your fingers together. He ignored the way his heart skipped a beat in favor of letting you hold his sweaty palm.
“Go to sleep, L/n,” Tom muttered under his breath. “Potions can wait.”
Tom lay in your hospital bed beside you, running his thumb over your knuckles. “Please? We promise we won’t do anything.”
“Yeah,” Mattheo chimed in from the other side of your crowded bed, one arm tossed over your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Or at least, nothing we’ll get caught for.”
You sigh, tired of their ceaseless pleading. “Alright, alright, fine. I’ll tell you who it was.”
Both boys leaned in close.
You sigh again and roll your eyes at their overprotectiveness. “Alright, it was-”
Tucker Thompson and Devin Dobbs: Gryffindor Sixth Years Found MURDERED at Hogwarts! Dumbledore: “No comment at this time.”
You tilted the newspaper so Madame Pomfrey could read the article over your shoulder as she replaced your IV bag. 
Pomfrey just sighed and rolled her eyes. “I don’t understand how Skeeter is still employed at the Prophet.”
“Cause shock value will always hold weight in the media?” You answered dryly around a mouthful of depressingly plain infirmary wing toast. “And Skeeter’s good at nothing if not coming up with bullshit shock value titles.”
“That may be true,” she began, snatching the paper from your hands. “But patients shouldn’t be reading about such dark subjects, and certainly not while under my care. And don’t talk while eating. I rather like your company, and would hate to see you choke.”
You rolled your eyes at her suffocatingly motherly behavior. “So are they? Thompson and Dobbs; they’re really dead?”
Madame Pomfrey hesitated.
You let out a relieved breath of air that you tried (and failed) to hide behind a cough. “That’s…terrible.”
She narrowed her eyes and studied you for a long moment, her fingers mindlessly worrying the deckle edge of the newspaper in her hands. “It was them, wasn’t it? Your boys.”
“My boys?”
“Yes, yes, Riddles one and two. Your boys.”
“Oh- we’re not…”
She raised an eyebrow, pursing her lips as she tried to hold back a laugh at the utter obliviousness of teenagers. “Do they know that, dear?”
You spluttered out a half-assed rebuke to her statement, but Pomfrey quickly interrupted you.
“They’ve been staying here for hours every day for the last month. They want more than just your friendship, hon.”
“No way. We’re just friends.” You insisted firmly. “That’s all.”
Madame Pomfrey rolled her eyes. “Uh huh. Friends. Keep telling yourself that.”
You stared after her, open-mouthed in bafflement, as she rolled up the Prophet, tucked it under her arm, and turned around without another word—leaving you with zero reading material and a million questions.
you have to love how pomfrey could not give less of a fuck that the riddles murdered two students as long as she gets her ot3 absolutely iconic behavior
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Hiiii bonten Rindou hc???? Pleaseee. Love him frr
To be honest, I intended for this to be almost exclusively for haikyuu… BUT FOR YOU MY FRIEND! *pounds chest* I SHALL GIVE YOU THE RINNY OF YOUR DREAMS. Also you didn’t specify what kind you want so ima give you my finest shit, which happens to be my head cannon prowess. (Totally not because I hate writing dialogue, no,no, that’s so stupid 😳) Also important side note: I aint spend days finishing the Tok rev manga not to use it tf outta here. Tokrev and Jjk content is welcomed proudly.
idk if I’ll make a part 2, but on the off chance I do, look foreword to girldad Rinny content.
status: unedited
warnings: cursing, slightly sexual situations (but no smut), mafia bs, blood? Fluffy bullshit, Rindou being a dick hole, the ick, my bad Spanish
💜Bonten Rindou Hataini. Headcannons~💜
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The first thing off the bat, I definitely think he is on the demisexual spectrum. I know everyone else be saying that he would be all about just sleeping around like that, but to be honest, I think that that’s more of a Ran thing. I feel like the only reason he would go to strip clubs and shit like that for work, and would actually be really grossed out when people would coddle him. If he was to have a significant other, it would have to be someone he has known for a long time, or from his old delinquent days. My best idea would be a calm friend who would give him the notes from his skipped classes. And in return he’d take them out for food or some shit. Somewhere along the way y’all would just be like, “we’re totally together right?” “Duh, why else would I put up with you.” Yeah he a lil bitch.
Any way, as for him as an adult, all I gotta say is “Mmmm Papí ¿quieres una besito?~”. Like Jesus Christ man has no right being this freaking fine. Sexy Jellyfish ass boy
Yakuza Daddy🥵. This man will spoil the everlasting shit outta you, and go to Walmart for his own shit. But had does it in the most obnoxious way possible. He gets you a necklace? “Hey babe, gotchu this, your old one was musty af, take better care of your shit.” Awww you want a new dress? “Sure babe, but just know that thing barely covers shit, and will be gone by the end of the night.” You want something just random? “Wtf am I a walking ATM? No, pick it tf up, I’m buying it, you can’t stop me. Quit arguing before I buy you 3 more.”
But when it comes to himself? Yeah he only indulges in suits and Jordan’s. Other than that, he has an avengers shirt he had since he was 12 and a pinball machine. That’s the extent of his possessions. Well that and the watch you got him for his birthday, but shhhhh he can’t let you know he cares ewwwww.
Man is literally the biggest (for lack of better word) Tsundere. Like Top three in anime. Like you got 1.Kageyama 2.Sasuke 3. Him. Like manz would rather die than say he cares. His love language is quality time and gift giving, so he’s more show you he loves you, but won’t say it first. The kinda mf that when you say I love you to them say, “Yeah I know, I love me too if only there was someone out there who loved you.” Like manz is so obvious I wanna kiss him to shut him the fuck up. (I think I have a type.) like bro the me love you tf?
In terms of icks there is one thing I no for fact. This mf wears socks to bed. And not the cute fluffy kind. The musty ass crusty socks he wore all day, then stepped in water, and now you gotta deal with it while yall cuddling. I hate this mf.
On a more serious note, because of his Bonten Bs, he doesn’t have a lot of time for us. So we make time. His time. We just barge in during his meetings, lay across his lap, watch TikTok’s, while everyone (him) are just looking like “is this bitch serious!?” >:|
Anyways, because he’s so busy all the time, the majority of what he wants to do when he gets home is just to sprawl out on the couch and just stay there. You can cuddle with him too or whatever he doesn’t mind🙄. But fair warning, he’s the kinda dude who is only ever in the mood for either ww2 documentary’s or like deep sea documentary’s. Like mf has the same movie taste as my dad, I can’t with him. It’s a good day when you can convince him to try something actually entertaining. And you know what he picks? The Fucking exorcist. He’s an asshole. The kinda dude to pretend he’s unfazed, but his left leg physically won’t stop shaking.
speaking of movies, I know I say this every time, but scream Halloween costumes. Yes. Give me Rinny as ghostface please, I’ll freaking sell my soul. Especially if it’s not the robe but one of the like dry fit and leather harness- *incomprehensible pterodactyl noises* 🥵
anyway back to cuddling, his go to position is literally the Hakari and Kirara thing. Like this mf will always have a hand on your ass. He doesn’t like PDA but this? Yeah you can’t stop him. He is an ass guy, it’s just where his hand naturally gravitates.
I cannot explain the urge to play daddies home by usher every time I see him. Like he and my baby daddy Gojo have partial custody over that song. Like bro. Yes.
Tbh I don’t see him having a big wedding. Or any wedding. I think his thing would be just handing you his debit card and saying “pick some shit out. No, don’t worry bout the price I’m rich for a reason.” And after that yall just elope to some tropical place across the planet for like a month.
speaking of travel it’s a pretty common thing for you. Just that it’s always last minute. Like bro don’t even give you time to brag to the your friends. Man just pulls up 10 minutes before y’all need to go to the airport and says, “get ready, we’re going to France. How long? Idk a month? Boo hoo bitch. Stay home then. Mhm that’s wtf k thought”. Manz is such an ass but you gotta love a walking wallet.
My last thought I’m gonna share is how he physically won’t use nicnames. Like babe is the physically most he can bring himself to do. Maybe baby. He gives himself the ick every time he thinks of doing anything else
all in all, he’s the one who is always there for you, and expects the same. He’s a great guy, under all the stress and yakuza bs. Treat him well, or I’ll treat him better😤
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry this took me so long to write, I’m working on another request too, and more importantly, my final exams for collage, love that. But even do, if you liked this, please like and request something, and I will definitely be posting. Love y’all so much, I’ll see yall later.
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seeing with new eyes | egon spengler x reader
author’s note: so hi! this is my first little story i’m posting on here, very exciting stuff! i love love love requests so feel free to hit me with them :) i’m planning on putting together more of a comprehensive list of what i write for and such, but for now, ghostbusters fanfic
warnings: purposeful lowercase, jealousy, distant egon, flirting to make someone jealous, possibly ooc (it’s the first time in writing for ghostbusters), lmk if you guys see any i missed
it had only been a few weeks that i had been working with the ghostbusters to help janine take calls and make appointments, and thus far, they were the most exciting few weeks of my life.
i could hardly remember what my day-to-day was like before i scored my job at the fire station. coming in every day at eight to help janine schedule appointments, starting the coffee brewing for the boys, making sure the proton packs were ready for the specters they would face that day. it was all a routine that flowed so well it was practically second nature.
i even fit in well with janine and the ghostbusters themselves. well, almost all of them anyway.
there was ray, with his kind eyes and bright smile, who had immediately gone out of his way to welcome me to the station. he gave me the tour, teaching me all the little tricks along the way- “if you ever have business around here later at night, that stair kinda creaks—peter hasn’t gotten around to getting it fixed yet, you know how that is,” -and always made sure to keep me in the loop regarding information that referred to before i was hired. ray was easy to joke with and fun to share a snack with on our lunch break.
then, of course, winston. he understood better than anyone else what it felt like to join the gang a little later and made sure i knew he was always available to chat with. while spending time with him i learned more of the practical parts of hunting ghouls, “just in case!” he always said. winston was also one to not sugarcoat things and had pulled me aside after my interview to kindly but seriously caution me as to what the job entailed. i cherished the time we spent walking to the local sub shop and fixing up the ecto-1 together.
peter was an unavoidable presence around the station, although not an unwelcome one. the whole flirtatious douchebag bit he had going was a lot less obnoxious once i got to know the snarky but sweet man that laid behind it. peter was truly devoted to dana and seeing them together put a smile on face; this was due in part to how nice it was to see the two in love, but also because it gave me ammunition to make fun of him with. we playfully messed with each other often, switching between several of our running jokes in the same conversation—much to the confusion of the others.
and finally. the ghostbuster that seemed none too fond of me at all: egon. i admired him greatly for all of the things he’d invented while discovering more scientific information about ghosts than anyone in the field before him. and, sure, maybe i also admired the way his hair fell into his face when he was examining a new specimen and the way his eyes lit up as he jotted new findings down into the various notebooks he had scattered about. but that’s not very relevant. at least, that’s what i try to tell myself and janine. but after my first week working here, our interactions had been extremely limited.
while on my tour from ray, we wandered down to the lab. “this is the spot egon frequents, so if you ever need to find him, this is the best place to look.” ray informs me in a quiet undertone. the stark contrast in the boisterous way he’d been speaking upstairs sobered me. suddenly this whole operation felt much more serious-more real, even. we continued further into the room from the staircase to find egon bent over a microscope.
“egon!” ray greets with a slap on his friend’s shoulder. “ray.” egon mumbles back distractedly. his brows furrow as he adjusts the magnification on the equipment, before moving back and shaking his head.
“hard at work figuring out the molecular breakdown of that goo?” i ask, testing a joke to gage just how professional egon truly was.
while ray smiles, egon merely stares. he seems to be at a loss for words as he considers me and before i can apologize, he rushes out, “yes, actually. we got this when peter got, well, ‘slimed,’ we’ll call it. figuring out it’s exact components could help leaps and bounds in figuring out how exactly these specters manifest and what we can do to stop the influx new york has had thrust upon it.”
“oh! so this is definitely some, uh, important ectoplasm then. i have to admit, i don’t know much on the science side of all of this. would you mind if i borrowed your notes sometime?” i asked, shifting my feet. while it was slightly painful for me to have to ask egon for help understanding, i figured, who better than the brains of the bunch? if i was going to be working here for the foreseeable future, it would be good to have a deeper understanding of the creatures i’d be (indirectly) dealing with.
again, egon hit me with that look, as though he’s never seen something like me before. after an awkwardly long beat of silence, ray nudged egon with his elbow. egon suddenly sprung back to life, quickly maneuvering himself off of his stool and to a desk on the other side of the lab. he grabbed a stapled packet of paper and arrived in front of me, offering it to me with a fully extended arm. “it’s a thesis of sorts, you can read it before i submit it to the new york times.” egon says after i take it, tucking it gingerly into my bag.
i expressed my appreciation and shook his still outstretched hand, introducing myself despite the fact that janine told me she had already told all the guys about me. egon shot me a tight smile, and sensing rather than guessing that he wanted to get back to his ectoplasm, ray moved forward to continue my tour.
three days later, i ventured down to the lab on my own to return egon’s thesis. despite his occasionally overly scientific language, the paper had been a good read. i told him as much when i handed him the papers, making my best attempt at ignoring the flutter in my heart when our fingers brushed. “you thought so? it’s good to hear, peter was saying it may be too advanced for ‘normal people,’” at this point, he did air-quotes with his fingers and i tried my hardest not to be endeared by it. “i think he was just messing with me, ray agreed with me that it was a good middle ground of being too academic and too simple.”
with a jolt, i realized his dark eyes were directed to me for my opinion. “definitely! anything that was kind of complicated, you can deduce through the context. and from what i can tell, peter is always messing with everyone, i wouldn’t take his critiques too seriously.” i reassured, a broad smile on my face as i did so. egon opened his mouth to respond when the siren blared, signaling the beginning of a new case and then end to our conversation.
“well, i’ll catch you later! maybe you can brief me on your goo findings.” i added a wink at the end, trying to get a bit more friendly with the doctor. he stumbled his way through a goodbye before leaving the lab-not seeming to realize that he had his suit down here.
since that day, it seemed like egon was avoiding me. i wasn’t sure what i had done wrong. maybe the way i joked about his work? but no, he’d seemed fine when i did that before. the fact that i’d read his thesis? then again, egon had been the one to offer it to me.
i took my concerns to ray, where they were promptly overheard by peter.
“don’t worry your pretty little head about it, newbie. egon gets freaked about my jokes all the time and we still put up with each other!” he said bracingly, shaking my shoulders to make his point.
ray looked as though he wanted to interject, but winston called him from downstairs. he grinned apologetically and slid down the pole to see why his friend was calling him. before long, peter and i were sharing the left over lo mein on the table and discussing golden girls (a guilty pleasure of his.)
egon entered midway through this conversation without even glancing our way. he began to brew a new pot of coffee with his eyes fixed sternly on the machine. i felt a frown tug at my lips before i was able to pull myself away from analyzing this behavior and back to peter’s reasoning about how sophia was the best character. something was different though, i noted as peter scooted his chair closer to mine. my mind switched rapidly between peter’s sudden flirtatious behavior as he hooked his foot around mine to egon’s tense shoulders and white-knuckle grip on the cabinet.
“what do you think?” peter’s voice drew my eyes to him as i tried (and failed) to not notice egon in my peripheral. “about sophia.” he prompted again.
“oh, well i guess i would agree with you-” i began, before peter whooped excitedly.
“yes! i knew there was a reason i liked you!” he proclaimed, snatching my hand up and pressing a dramatic kiss to it. i raised my eyebrows at his prolonged eye contact before drawing my hand away with a chuckle.
“peter, we both know you only like me for my pretty face.” i joked. “well, it certainly doesn’t hurt.” he fired back quickly. suddenly egon snatched the whole pot of coffe, turning swiftly on his heel and closing the door harshly on his way out. “sheesh. looks like someone’s a tad jealous. you know, for egon being the scientist here, i’d sure love to study his brain. not for his supposed genius either.” peter scoffed good-naturedly.
i blinked at him in shock. “jealous? egon? no way.” i denied easily. the guy was extremely pragmatic and intelligent, i doubted he would let something so petty effect him. that and he’s completely avoided me the past couple weeks.
“watch, i’ll show you.” peter insisted. i stared at him before finally relenting with a roll of my eyes. “what’s in it for you anyway?” i asked. “well, an opportunity to bother egon, not to mention flirt with a beautiful lady-” i cut him off quickly, “goodbye peter!”
and so peter’s plan commenced. he flirted with me to apparently make egon jealous, despite the fact that i was sure egon despised me. when i told ray how ridiculous i felt this whole charade was, he agreed but chimed in with something that shook me. “although, if this is what it takes to get egon to make a move, i guess it’ll be worth it.”
i spluttered in shock. “what? it’s true! me and the other guys are sick of him being too skittish to do anything but stare at you.” ray continued as if he hasn’t just flipped my world upside down.
before i could retort, the door swung open and egon, the man of the hour, entered. ray quickly switched the topic to our shared favorite snack, cheez-itz. i stared incredulously at the choice in conversation but he gave me a look back that said ‘just go with it.’ we continued talking about cheez-itz until he left the room. “that was ridiculous.” i mumbled, putting my head down on my arms. ray patted my shoulder sympathetically, unable to reassure me because it really had been.
the following day, there was a new box of cheez-itz on my desk. i stopped a couple of feet away to examine the scene. “what’s the matter with you? you’re blocking the space.” janine said as she steered me to my desk. i silently pointed at the box.
“oh. huh.” she said, apparently also stumped. “wasn’t there yesterday.” i mumbled. she hummed as she took in the scene, before we flinched in shock as ray roughly opened the door. “(y/n)— oh, did you get more cheez-itz?” he asked reaching for the box.
“no, i guess someone… got them for me.” i concluded with a smile. ray handed them over with a shrug. “wasn’t me.” him and janine chorused. i shook my head. that much had been obvious. i sank into my chair as i tried to figure out who would gift these to me, when peter strolled in.
“venkman! what is this, some sort of courting gift?” i asked with a raised brow. “courting g—what are you talking about?” peter replied in bewilderment. i held up the cheez-itz in answer. “ah, no. not from me anyway. also you’re gonna have a visitor soon—” before he could finish speaking, egon hurriedly enters the room with winston trailing behind him.
“so there’s a party and no one invited me? real cold.” winston joked, coming to stand next to ray at my desk. before any of us could retort, egon turns to me and clears his throat.
“could i talk to you, (y/n)?” he asks, eyes shifting from me to the rest of the room.
i blinked in surprise. what was with these guys and catching me off guard today? “um, sure!” i replied, standing up so quickly that my chair rolled back. egon nodded appreciatively and walked back out into the stairwell. with a nervous glance at janine and the guys, i followed.
i shut the door behind me, finding egon standing tensely in the hallway. “are you alright?” i asked gently. he looked at me contemplatively before asking, “did you know peter is attracted to you?”
my eyebrows raised in shock. egon took this to mean no and continued. “that’s the reason he’s asked you out to dinner. he wants it to be a date.” he stared at me as he waited for my response. “oh. huh.” i said intelligently. i hadn’t been informed of this plan. i guess peter may have just started saying whatever he could to make egon jealous. i refocused when i saw egon take a deep breath in.
“do you want it to be a date?” his voice was strained. “um, i’m not sure. i guess i’d have to think about it.” i trailed off uncertainly. egon’s gaze lingered on my fidgeting hands before he burst out, “(y/n), i’d like to tell you something before you consider this date with peter. i… i have feelings for you.”
my mouth parted as i stared at him in complete shock. sure, i’d been told that egon liked me. peter had even started this whole scheme to prove it. but i never really thought it was possible. now though…
“well. this definitely changes things.” i mumbled, my mind going a thousand miles a minute. egon seemed uneasy and maybe regretful. “i-i’m sorry if i’ve ruined things—”
“you haven’t.” i replied firmly. i stepped closer and took his hand in mine. egon’s dark eyes searched mine before he slowly leaned in, bringing the hand not holding mine to rest against my collar bone and play with my hair. a smile involuntarily curled my lips up until i couldn’t contain myself anymore. swiftly, my hand caught his tie and i pulled him to me until our lips pressed together.
egon’s hand moved from mine up to my back and he pressed me closer to him, deepening the kiss with the new angle. i brought my other arm around his shoulders to keep my balance. he was a bit taller than me, and kissing him had me on my tip toes.
“does this mean we aren’t going out this weekend?” venkman’s pouty voice broke me and egon apart. his grip on my waist tightened slightly. “the jig is up peter. you can go crawling back to dana now.” i snickered. “yeah, well, sacrifices needed to be made. she’s been waiting on you two to get together longer than me.” peter replied with an overly dramatic roll of his eyes. he exited with a ‘you’re welcome!’ called over his shoulder. loud cheers erupted after he entered the room again.
“going off all the noise, i guess everyone knows we’re together now.” i hummed, turning to look back at egon. he stood with a puzzled furrow between his brows. “so all of the flirting peter’s been doing, it was all to make me jealous?” he asked. “yeah, he said there was no way you’d confess otherwise.”
at egon’s scoff, i raised an eyebrow. “well, would you have? confessed?” i inquired with a grin. his silence was answer enough. i began to giggle while egon merely shook his head and pulled me closer. “maybe venkman’s smarter than we all think.” he mumbled into my hair. i only laughed harder at this, clutching egon’s shoulders.
“so, wait—” i said, pulling away so that i could see egon. “the cheez-itz, were those you?” i asked in wonder. egon ducked his head, smiling bashfully. i gasped dramatically. “look at you being all romantic with the secret admirer stuff!”
egon moved closer once more, pressing another gentle kiss to my lips. “well, it’s not so secret anymore.” he whispered, before i pulled him in once more. at least now i knew that egon definitely didn’t dislike me.
tags! @maraudermap000
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I love your comments! 🌺 Why do you think people hate ship Fivela so much?
You mean besides hayes code loving puritanical thought police reasons that pretend they aren’t the exact same as the Moms of Liberty gay book burning group with a leftist hat on?
That is 90% of it.
But for the more reasonable ones who simply dislike the ship personally, it’s not unreasonable to assume a lot of people just don’t like thinking of Aiden’s face and romance in the same sentence. Especially if you also look at the way people treat the ace! Five headcanon as if it’s canon when in fact there has never been any evidence supporting that headcanon either in the show or the original comics. Even less so in the comics, where Five is in fact a lecherous old man who is seen multiple times with strippers. People latched onto it either because they were projecting, wanted to infantilize Five (and ace people for that matter), or think the idea of a “13yo” having lustful thoughts is icky (side note: teenagers being horny is a well documented fact. pretending it doesn’t happen literally never led to anything good historically speaking. Side side note: Five is in his 50s and pushing 70 by the last episode.). Also I say “icky” because i keep seeing words like that as if we’re all a bunch of five year olds on the playground and someone’s parents’ kissed in front of us. I digress.
Most of this is whatever. Ship and let ship also means you’re welcome to have your notp. Just don’t be a judgemental dick about it. I only take issue when it is being judgemental or it’s crossing over into other behavior. Specifically the infantilization of asexuals, which as an ace myself I find frustrating to say the least. (treating asexual people like innocent little babies is acephobic. If you treat me like I don’t know what sex is or can’t possibly have an “unpure” thought, I will bite you and it will not be fun)
Aside from all that. There’s also just plain old ship wars. Nenufair has referred to Liliego as a cost sunk fallacy and that is at least partly true. I don’t dislike the ship, personally, but some people just cannot handle when their ship doesn’t go canon, isn’t validated in some perceived way, or isn’t as popular as a different ship. It’s a tale as old as toxic fandom practices and dressing it up in therapy speak and activist terms doesn’t make it any less a ship war. You’re just being extra insulting to people who are affected by and fight for those real issues on top of being obnoxious. If you just want more attention on your otp, then being nasty about it just makes other people want to block your favorite tag altogether. It’s no way to encourage creativity and discussion.
The execution of Fivela going canon is it’s own discussion which some people liked and some people didn’t whether they shipped it or not. I have mixed feelings personally, and yeah. I would have written certain things differently, but I’m also not the author and never was. I didn’t put Five on a pedestal the way some other people seem to have, and I’m partial to happier endings but that’s my writing preferences. This wasn’t actually my story, and I am mostly content to be along for the ride. A lot of people seem pissed because this wasn’t something they wanted and the writers didn’t listen and it’s really just revealing how entitled they felt to the team just taking their order down like this is a restaurant and not a story. People are rabid right now about the whole season and their notp going canon is an easy thing to latch onto especially if they need to address the cop in their head. This is the same fandom that seethes when Allison and Luther have a cute little childhood sweathearts romance in the show adapted from the incest superhero comics. Just like people go pissy when there’s incest in their incest dragons show or gore in their violence on display anime.
A lot of people also didn’t see it coming and felt blindsided. Some are going back and realizing the tension was always there, but many refuse to see it. There’s nothing like willful blindness to fuel a good outrage.
And for some it’s just not their cup of tea, but I doubt they’re the ones screaming right now. Not everyone likes an enemies to lovers arc or messy dynamics or love triangles. Some have been burned by poorly executed tropes in the past. Some just prefer softer less dynamic relationship development. I can’t relate, but that’s fine.
Of course there’s also anyone convinced that Aiden must have been coerced or something into doing a simple kiss scene as a grown actor pushing twenty years old. People love infantilizing Aiden and it’s actually really getting on my nerves. The whole age gap discourse in general has been poisoned by pedo hysteria and judgement assholes treating grown adults like babies who can’t possibly know what’s best for them instead of looking at each individual relationship and looking for mistreatment. It’s much easier to assign a number to things as a shortcut for “bad” and “good” than to recognize abusive behavior both in others and yourself. I’ve seen nothing to suggest Aiden was mistreated on set in regards to his romance arc with Lila, and unless I do, I’m not going to assume the worst here anymore than I did when Hermione and Ron got together or...I don’t know, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.
Anyways I have a job interview to get to so I’m sorry if this is barely coherent ramblings. I just woke up and I had some venting in me ig. if someone more eloquent than me wants to expand on anything I said, I just ask we try to remain civil.
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prentissvest · 1 year
last minuets of quiet- Emily Prentiss x female/ reader
words- 1.1k
warnings- homophobia, death, case stuff, not great writing,I think that's it
you wake up to the feeling of your girlfriends warm hands moving up and down your arm in a sleepy state. Hotch has been giving everyone a lot more paperwork then usual recently and the hours you get at home have been minimal so you and Emily had decided to spend as much time together as possible out of work as you and Em have yet to tell the team about the relationship between the two of you.
its not that either of you are embarrassed or ashamed but privacy is not something you have a lot of, especially in your line of work. you have been together for almost two years now, not long after the second date Emily asked you to be her girlfriend and around the seventh date you moved into Emily's apartment.
an obnoxious ringing took you both out of your sleepy states, "prentiss." Emily says into the phone. "yes sir, ill be there soon" already knowing what the phone call was about you begin to get dresses when you feel two arms snake around your waist and Emilys head shuffle into the crook of your neck. "I don't want to go, its so nice here with you" Emily groans "me either Em but its our job" you said giggling Emily mumbling something incoherent then places a kiss to your jawline as she begins to get up and get ready herself.
the ride to the bau was short, Emilys apartment isnt far away as it is more convenient because Hotch often calls everyone in at random hours of the night.
Emilys hand shifts between the gearstick and your thigh for the entirety of the journey. you get out of the car around the corner of the bau so that it wasn't obvious that you had come here with Emily, with a team full of profilers your not sure how they had yet to figure out what was going o between the raven haired woman and yourself yet.
the team had gathered in the bullpen with tiered looks on their faces "in sorry to call you all in at such an early hour but we have a case"
the case was on six people whom had died and 1 who had gone missing more then seven hours ago the victims were found with large amounts of stab wounds, enough to class as overkill, and a cross carved into their hands, the team had information on the victims but they were trying to find the one thing that connects them all as the unsub didn't have a preference for gender nor race. "what If the unsub is targeting homosexuals" Reid suggests, Hotch turns to Garcia as she begins to do some digging for info. the tea, sits in silence while waiting for an answer "right on the money Reid, and each of the 6 victims have gone to the same gay bar within the last 4 months" Garcia says while still searching for more information like who they could have spoken to. "thank you Garcia, wheels up in 30" Hotch says nodding towards everyone.
you and Emily give each other the same knowing, pained look, you quickly speed off and get your stuff ready and head to the bathrooms as you know Emily will want to briefly talk to you before you all leave and its the one place where there is slight privacy.
Emily is not one to show emotion around people but with you she is an open book, yes you both have certain things that you prefer to keep to yourself but inevitably you end up telling each other.
you stand in the woman's restroom next to the bland shade of grey that the walls had been painted many years ago. Emily walks in a pained smile on her face as she walks closer to you. you open your welcoming arms and she gladly walks into your warm embrace. "how are we supposed to do it?" she says sniffling. it was obvious to you that she had been crying at this point with the growing wetness of you shirt.
"I don't know Em, but ill be there the whole way" yes you were struggling too but with Emilys past living with her mother the homophobia hit her hard. her mother was and most likely will never be supportive of her daughter and Emily had learned to accept that but she could never accept the sadness and anger that it fuelled.
the two of you slowly headed out to the jet slightly later then everyone else which was surprising as the two of you were usually the first ones there. the team shared a worried look when they saw the redness in Emilys eyes but they had each learned not to push her to talk.
the case moved excruciatingly slowly, it solved fast as the unsub had a clear motive and a raging signature which helped to find him fast yet every second was full of anger and pain.
Emily had decided that you both needed the last few hours before you had to leave to go on the jet to calm down and spend some much needed time together. you decided to order in Emilys favourite restaurant and watch the current series you both had been bingeing whenever you both had the chance to watch it.
as the series continued on you both began to get progressively closer to each other although you both had been together for two years you still made each others hearts race. by the end of the third episode you had your head in the crook of Emilys neck and she was running her hand up and down your arm.
the steady calmness was quickly disturbed by Reid running in shouting "HEY YN DO YOU KNOW WHERE EMILY I-" the both of you jumped apart. "Reid.. " the look of shock was evident of the younger agents face, and if there's one thing that everyone knew about Reid its that he can not keep a secret. "Reid please keep this quiet"
he backed away slowly nodding obnoxiously. "Reid-" before you could continue the rest of your sentence he bolted out of the room.
"well, you ready for our last moments of quiet" Emily said with a smile pulling at the corners of her lips, "yeah, I think its time they knew now anyway" as you both leaned forward a ecstatic Derek ran into the room "I KNEW IT, ROSSI YOU OWE ME $50!!"
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altraviolet · 6 months
TEG -> MTMTE anon here. I thought that since you seemed to appreciate my first ask, I'd share more of my impressions.
Reading TEG, I thought Brainstorm's teleportation gun saving the day immediately after being invented was a bit of a stretch in terms of plot convenience. Then I read the MTMTE annual in which Brainstorm uses an experimental gun to turn everyone tiny so they can cure Ultra Magnus' bug infestation in the most direct way possible: by simply shooting the things from inside Magnus. After this I have learned that anything is possible so long as Brainstorm is involved. Do I even mention the meta-bomb (made me laugh audibly).
I thought Whirl attacking people randomly was rather unwise of him. From Issue 1 I have learned that he is also simply Like This. I take it all back. Whirl's Punching Things Club is a great idea and all *Soundwave voice* Autobot Hypocrisy is forgiven. I generally quite disliked Whirl in TEG, but a deeper understanding of him through MTMTE skyrocketed him into being one of my favorite characters in the series.
As I started getting more familiar with the characters, I had to appreciate the brilliance of the rare-pair-loving author deciding to pair up Drift, the earnest spiritualist, with Ratchet, the obnoxious atheist. Then I decided to go to the tfwiki for something and learned they actually eventually become Conjunx Endurae in canon. How could I have underestimated the genius of the source writing.
welcome back, anon!
woo, that's certainly an eye-opening look into how the characters are perceived by folks who aren't familiar with them!
1 - Brainstorm is indeed Brainstorm. it'd be easy to use his inventions as a convenient/sudden plot point with no foreshadowing at all, but I promise I didn't do that (see below)
2 - I'm glad you came to love Whirl through reading MTMTE: he's a fav for sure!
3 - this made me laugh because Drift/Ratchet is THE BIGGEST PAIRING in IDW1 xDDD while the comic was still ongoing, there was A Lot of Grr Feelings in the fandom about whether Drift/Rodimus was canon or Drift/Ratchet was canon. dratchet is as far from a rarepair as you can possibly get, but I appreciate the thought ;D
Looping back to 1, re: the teleportation gun, it wasn't a gun that Brainstorm had just invented. he'd invented it a while ago and Perceptor took it and turned it in to Rodimus.
Perceptor's point of view, Ch 26:
Brilliant though he was, Brainstorm had no built-in limits. Intercepting dangerous ideas early was the key to defusing them. Perceptor considered himself the first line of defense for the Lost Light.
Brainstorm, Ch 28:
“I need to find my experimental teleportation gun. Have a feeling Perceptor's hid that one on me, too…”
Rodimus gives the gun to Aquafend in Ch 30.
It's revealed as the missing teleportation gun in Ch 33.
>How could I have underestimated the genius of the source writing.
xD yessssss JRO's work is very, very inspiring!
I hope you enjoy the rest of the MTMTE read. Thanks so much for sharing more of your thoughts! 💎❣️
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adventuringblind · 1 year
New to your account, but love your neorodivergent/autistic reader with Oscar!! Just wondering, are you one, or do you know someone who is? I'm just curious cause you are nailing it down even to the small stuff, and I love it. If your uncomfortable sharing, I'd understand. I'm not autistic but I am part of the neurodivergent side, so thank you for the representation cause not many write about autistic or neurodivergents as a whole.
Also, sorry for this long ass message, and the floor is the best!! I really wanna know which motor home and track feels good enough to sleep in after one of the posts you did 😅
Yes! At least… most likely. I’ve been trying to get diagnosed with something even if it’s not autism. My doctor and therapist both thing that I am and I’ve been referred to a psychologist in hopes of getting a diagnosis.
I am a teacher (when I’m not writing). I’ve had to study a lot of the criteria for anything covered under the IDEA act because it’s important as an educator and for me personally to be able get a student the help they need as soon as possible.
I’ve been able to help both students and adults get answers they needed and get students the tools to help them be successful. I also just like learning about the brain in general. Anyone who knows me personally knows not to bring up the brain unless they want me to talk about for hours.
I actually didn’t think anything about it at first. Nobody had ever said anything to me and I had accepted the fact that I was a weird kid. Like… really weird.
Too old for my age. I hated the feeling of makeup (still do) and nobody understood why. Conversations were always difficult because I didn’t get majority of the jokes or I was ‘to deep’ or obnoxiously blunt. I’m a picky eater and have always been obsessed with specific things. My sensory issues are ridiculous and I was always shushing people who talked loud next to me. People purchased me clothes that I never wear because I hate the feeling. I was either disrespectful or extremely polite. I never changed even though my friends liked different things then I did. The list goes one…
Recently I encouraged my boyfriend if four years to get tested for ADHD. No shocker to anyone that he is and is now diagnosed. He also has practice with early intervention because he worked in early childhood. His own diagnosis, research, and speculations made him bring up the idea to me.
I pushed it off because I’m overly empathetic not apathetic. Basically I didn’t feel that I met the diagnosis criteria that I’d been studying in my college courses.
Actual research about how autism is more then the diagnostic criteria led me to believe maybe I’m neurodivergent in some way.
My boyfriend love to tell me ‘I told you so.’
I also know that self-diagnosis in the autistic community is welcomes usually. The only reason I say that I am is because of that and my doctor and therapist agree. I just don’t have a formal diagnosis yet.
It has explained a lot and it makes me look back on my childhood with more sympathy for myself.
Sorry for this long winded answer. The answer is yes which is why I write for neurodivergent readers.
If you want to see something specific or maybe a different type neurodivergent reader please let me know! :)
Definitely the Redbull ring and the Mercedes garage floor because it looks cold and shiny
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lazylemons247 · 1 year
My guy pretty like a girl
Steve wasn’t the best at the whole grammar and spelling thing he wasn’t good at when he was younger and he wasn’t good at it now and he accepted that. I mean he wasn’t in school anymore so does it really matter. So instead of actually trying to spell words or names he would just spell it wrong on purpose so he could just play it off as a joke. Whenever Steve spells something wrong people always assume it’s a joke anyways so why not just lean into that. 
Steve currently works as a barista at Starbucks and every time he gets a name for someone’s order he writes the most obnoxious version of their name ever. Sometimes it gets laughs out of people and others glare at him while they sip their coffee. It doesn’t really bother him though and he usually just moves on and takes the next person in line’s order. But today is a quiet day and he’s had low to no customers. Until the doorbell chimes and Steve meets eyes with the most beautiful man he’s ever seen.
Steve quickly looks away before his staring becomes off-putting to the customer. And he gives him a second to look at the menu. Then he looks back at the customer and notices a piece of paper in the customer’s hand.
Afterwards he asks “Hey, welcome to Starbucks, what would you like to order?”
“I would like a mocha latte please,” the customer replies.
“And what size would you like, sir?” Steve asks.
“A venti,” Eddie replied.
“Will that be everything?” Steve asks while smirking.
“Can I also get a chocolate croissant?”
“And what’s the name for this order?” Steve asks.
“Oh, Eddie, my name’s Eddie,” he says.
Steve begins to make his drink.
“So.. what’s your name?”
“Oh my name's Steve,” he says as he points at the name-tag on his apron. “So is this your first time coming to this Starbucks”
“Yep, you’re right on the money about me not coming to Starbucks often. In fact I’m just picking this up for a friend,” Eddie says. 
“Seems about right,” Steve replies 
“What do you mean by that?” Eddie asks. Steve notices that Eddie’s eyebrows pinched in confusion in the most adorable way possible.
“I just meant that you don’t look like you’d order a mocha latte,” Steve says and immediately regrets it. What if he offends Eddie and he actually does like mocha lattes. He tries to read Eddie’s face to see his reaction to his comment but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what Eddie was thinking.
“What are you psychic Steve?” Eddie replies in shock. Steve mentally lets out a sigh of relief. “You’re 2 for 2 right now for knowing random things about me. One would think you’re my stalker or something.”
“I promise I’m not,” Steve says dumbly.
“I don’t know, that kinda sounds like something a stalker would say,” Eddie says coyly, “You’re not really helping your case Stevie,” Eddie adds. Steve stares at Eddie dumbly. Then Robin knocks him out of his trance by bumping him with her elbow and handing him both the coffee and the croissant. Steve then grabs a sharpie and writes “Edi” on the cup sleeve along with his phone number. Steve hands Eddie his coffee and croissant. Then watches as the gorgeous brunette winked at him as he strutted out of the store.
“Pick your jaw up off of the floor dingus,” Robin says.
“Shut up Robbie, you're acting like you weren’t gawking at that pretty girl yesterday,” Steve says defensively.
“I’m just saying if I have to see you flirt with any more customers I might just throw up.” 
End of Pt. 1
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housedeaubemarle · 12 days
FFXIV Write 2024 #5: Stamp
Note: If I've gotten any Ishgardian politics/lore wrong in this bit, forgive me - the timeline in my head and what I see don't seem to jive but I'm dying to get this out and posted. Gently-given (I'm sorry, I'm delicate after thinking a short vignette would do) corrections and critiques are most welcome!
Nine turns ago, in the antechamber of Lord Jehantel de Gerraldieux’s home:
“Aubemarle, a word in your ear if you please.”
“I am ever at your service.”
There was a silent exchange; eyes spoke while lips stayed shut. Then a smile stretched, calm and accommodating. 
He turned; another set of grey eyes, uncannily similar to his own, looked back at him in anticipation. The viscount's smile became a tad more alive. “Un moment, ma fille.”
The young woman nodded, a little too gravely when unaffected lightness would have sufficed, noted her father. Only when he gave her a quick wink did she smile slightly. Even then, she bobbed a curtsy to the other nobleman before she sat back down. 
He allowed himself to be drawn aside by the elbow, nearer a tall window, shaded by elegant drapes.
“You are truly in earnest?” was the slightly anxious, low-voiced question.
He raised an eyebrow delicately. “I thought I’d made myself quite clear earlier – hopes and prayers are not harmed by potions and poultices, which I've been credibly told are made effective by fresh supplies. The more we can make, the more we’ll spare our healers and hospitaliers.”
There was a sound of frustration. “Don't play the fool with me, Vouloix. It’s been six moons – and your apprentice remains.”
The smile reappeared. “My dear Jehan, surely you don't think me so irreverent as to announce such a thing as a mere farce.”
The other wrung his hands. “No, but the irreverence lies in how you neglect your son and heir.”
Vouloix snorted. “Neglect Remy? How precisely have I joined the ranks of fathers who so mistreat their children?”
Exasperation seeped into Jehantel’s expression and tone. Vouloix de Aubemarle was quite possibly the most agreeable man alive, but when it came to matters such as these, he was almost obnoxiously obstinate.   
“Remont must surely protest against this,” he said, trying to plead what he thought was the case of an ill-used young man. “We’ve all threatened a removal of the title before, but to see his own sister instated so officially – why, what else could it signify?”
Vouloix regarded his old friend with his usual composure. It was due to their years of friendship that he replied, “I have never threatened my son in that manner. For one thing, it is most unkind. For another, it would have the opposite effect.” He looked towards the window, crossing his arms. “Remy would view it as a reward rather than punishment.”
Jehantel’s exasperation gave way to sympathy. Reluctant heirs were as bad as none, perhaps worse in some ways. “Then isn’t it even more imperative you bring him to heel now? While he can be moulded? Fury forfend us from the day he ascends to the title and he has no idea how to uphold it in the dignity befitting such an old name.”
A mild smile – almost a smirk – touched Vouloix’s lips as he looked back at the other man. “Thank you Jehan. I am touched by your concern for my family name.”
Jehantel twisted his lips into a disapproving expression. He knew that tone. “I am trying to prevent catastrophe. You realise my son will undoubtedly deal with your children in future.”
“Undoubtedly,” murmured Vouloix, though a treacherous voice deep in the back of his mind did indeed have his doubts. All four of Jehantel's sons had been in service as Temple Knights in various orders; all four had been raised on the usual tales of honour and glory for the sake of Ishgard and Halone Herself. Their father had been rightly proud of them.
It was in that pride Jehantel and his wife had had to take partial solace after three of their boys fell, one after another, out in the field. The survival and safe return of young Ser Alamenain de Gerraldieux of the Order of Friars Templar was all they prayed for each day. Quietly however, since they were the Fury’s children, and such a fear was supposed to be beneath them, as had been their deep grief.
“Then think of his sake – at least make Remont follow along.”
Vouloix’s smile widened. “Ah, so you know enough to be aware I would have to make him do it. What do you know of my daughter?” When Jehantel hesitated and then sighed in reluctant admission – that Oudine had been and was clearly a willing party – Viscount Aubemarle added, “Let me ask you this: has Oudine lacked in any way thus far? Truthfully now.”
Those light grey eyes seemed to arrest Jehantel’s protests; he flicked his glance over to where the young woman in question sat patiently, looking over parchments that her father had entrusted her with – numbers of troops Aubemarle was supporting, other factions appealing for similar help, a letter from Count Dzemael requesting Viscount Aubemarle’s presence at another meeting in the next moon; representatives of House Fortemps would be involved, and Vouloix was one of the few Dzemael-related heads who could be counted on not to spit on the unicorn of Ishgard, figuratively or literally. Regardless of their rivalries, there had to be some decisions made without things exploding into a miniature civil war between the high houses’ respective armed guards.
It was Oudine’s hand who had drafted the replies to the letters, who had submitted suggestions of budget and resource allocation to her father – with one or two approvals of minor plans, and who had just entered her second meeting as a silent observer and secretary. 
Jehantel’s expression softened by an ilm. “I admit, she doesn’t just have your eyes, but also your discretion and consideration. For a girl, she shows promise.” He glanced back to Vouloix who beamed with pride. “But whether she has your guile is a different matter altogether.”
Vouloix continued smiling. “Guile is simply a matter of putting knowledge, opportunity and timing together. Failing that, finding the right advisor – there is no shortage of that in Ishgard.” Jehantel’s doubtful expression made him chuckle. “You do not agree?”
“Your son could do with your training,” he persisted. “Oudine will never be able to walk into places Remont can – and you know how vital those are.”
“What makes you think it will be necessary for her to enter places that do not welcome her?”
Jehantel stared at his friend. “Are you out of your senses? You know damn well how we rely on the informalities of these things. The handshakes that we don’t mention, the agreements we don’t table.” 
Vouloix's smile was aggravatingly non-committal. “You seem very sure I will name Oudine my heir.”
“Aren’t you?”
Vouloix clapped a hand on Jehantel’s shoulder reassuringly. “Worry not for my house, Jehan. I don’t. Till our next meeting then.”
“Vouloix de Aubemarle-!”
“Yes, yes, I will secure those supplies – have no fear,” he said without turning round. Thoroughly ignoring the choked unintelligible sounds of protests, Vouloix beamed at his daughter. “Quelle fille patiente j'ai. On rentre, mon chou.”
Oudine, with a look of clear doubt in her eyes, nonetheless stood, curtsied quickly to Lord Jehantel and let herself be led out on her father’s arm.
Only when they were safely in their carriage did she venture a suspicious, “Papa, what did you do?”
Vouloix leaned back in his seat, chuckling. “I could be hurt by such an accusatory tone.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “You can’t keep upsetting Lord Jehantel like this – you will lose all your allies if you go on this way.”
“They haven’t given up on me after all these years; it is quite unlikely they will now,” said Vouloix quite serenely. 
His daughter didn’t bother hiding her scepticism. “I was perfectly happy to spend a turn learning at home, you know.”
“One does not learn the ways of negotiation by sifting through letters and contracts.” He tilted his head with a slight grin. “Besides, now that he’s busy fretting about my name and your status, he may not look too hard at whom I seek out for supplies.”
Oudine levelled a dry look at her father. “Papa, he’s going to notice the Shroud poachers and Thanalan thugs.” 
Vouloix shrugged. “Does he expect the head of an Ishgardian lesser house to dare make direct trade with Gridania and Ul’dah?”
“They will cut you dry for their mushooms and rock salt.”
“Mais oui, certainement.” He beamed. “So when I present my bill to the high houses, and they inevitably complain about the cost, I will be at full liberty to recommend sending willing souls to the Botanists and Miners guilds to train. We could do with more of our own learning such skills so we may keep Ishgard well in hand. Such a cause would surely be worth a little subterfuge in the long run.”
She shook her head even though a smile escaped her. “And it just so happens Rem has found eager hands in the Brume, people whom your peers would never have considered and the other Eorzean governments would overlook.”
“The light of the Fury's blessings shines bright upon us. We should be thankful for all who are willing to serve for Ishgard, highborn or low.”
“And these folk will require some security along their journey to these foreign climes.”
“Indeed, it would be rather irresponsible to send these would-be workers all alone. A small honour guard would show they are not being abandoned to their own devices. Ser Alamenain is due to be off furlough soon; I shall suggest his name to their lordships for consideration.”
Oudine regarded her father carefully. “I fear honourable Lord Jehantel may not approve this long drawn escort mission. Neither might his son.”
Viscount Vouloix smiled at that cautious remark. “No, I daresay they may not. But your Mamma has been corresponding with Lady Gerraldieux.” He shook his head. “Three sons, I think, is high enough a price for the honour of that family; I believe the lady will make that point well.”
She nodded sombrely as their Chocobo pulled their carriage through the streets. “Papa?”
“How are you so sure all will be well?”
Vouloix took in the hesitation in his daughter's face and reached out to pat her hand. “That is the secret your mother and I have always held, ma fille: We are never sure. All we may do is plan, pray, and try. Now that you and your brother are of age, we are twice as strong – we will plan, pray and try together.”
He smiled then, grey eyes crinkling the way hers did when she gazed in the mirror. She returned the gesture. “Very well, Papa.”
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bilbao-song · 2 years
Hello! Thoughts on all the ELO albums you’ve heard?
ooooooohhhhhhhhh this will be fun. i’m probably going to be relatively succinct so as not to ramble but nonetheless:
no answer: it’s not for everyone but it’s still appealing. sometimes songs from this one get played on the deep tracks channel on sirius xm and they freak my mom out. also roy is cool so there’s that
elo ii: i loooooooove this album. again it’s not for everyone but it is definitely for me >:^) it’s nice to listen to on a rainy spring day. noticeably different and primitive-sounding compared to the later ones, but still so good
on the third day: one of my favorites for sure!!! i feel like you can definitely see the shift towards the zesty ELO sound on this one, but it’s still a tiny bit proggy. also the usa album cover is simply beautiful so that helps
eldorado: my life is dedicated to this album tbh. it’s literally perfect and contains actual magic. i listen to it most in the fall (while walking around and looking at the trees if possible lmao) but it’s welcome any time. i also think it has some of the best lyrics of all ELO albums
face the music: more fall vibes but in a different sort of way. i’m not sure why i don’t include this one on my favorites list more often bc it definitely deserves to be there?? i also rlly like the deluxe edition or whatever that has the longer version of evil woman. delicious
a new world record: exquisite; seemingly universally-liked, and it deserves to be. i feel like tightrope is also one of the best opening tracks bc it’s just so exciting to listen to and i love the beginning :’)
out of the blue: the other album my life is dedicated to along with eldorado. it was the first full ELO album i listened to, and hearing it for the first time is one of my favorite memories because i was home alone for the night, had recently purchased a whole entire box of records and planned to listen to a bunch of them that night, buuuuut i liked out of the blue so much that every time it ended i just kept starting it over and that was all i listened to all day. so. i like it
discovery: not on my favorites list BUT i like it! it’s zesty and fun
xanadu: does this count? i feel that it’s somewhat underrated although i have never listened to the non-ELO side skdlsflslfzdj
time: 10000/10 i love it. another entry on my favorites list. definitely a change of pace from the ones that came before it, but i love the whole vibe both in terms of sound and theme. i also think the album cover is really pretty lmao
secret messages: i like this album and the overall sound of it BUT to be blunt, other people act soooooooo obnoxious about it sometimes and it’s often hard to overcome that kind of association skdkdjskfk
balance of power: very good and very underrated, but very underwhelming album cover. that’s not a major priority or anything, but nonetheless
zoom: most of my thoughts about this album are actually more relevant to my thoughts on that whole entire era which is something i could probably write a very long essay about, BUT i won’t. in general tho i like it!
alone in the universe: i have such good memories of the time when this was released and it met my high expectations :^)
from out of nowhere: kind of the same as my thoughts re: AITU, but i actually think it’s probably my favorite of the two!
thank you!!!
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wyyvernn · 2 years
Can I ask for a story with Yanderes! Sypha, Trevor and Alucard, where they fall in love with the reader. Maybe the reader is from our universe and somehow went to their universe, and with that she asks for help to get back to her universe
A/n: gotta love uni shifters, nothing more satisfying to write than a reader who belongs in another universe, or i guess in another time. Also yan!trio? Today's my day. (Actually I've held off on this request for months because I didn't know how to approach it til now)
Will keep this gender neutral as always <3
Pairing/s: Yan!Alucard/Yan!Sypha/Yan!Trevor x modern!reader
Warnings: the usual disturbing yandere content
They had never seen someone so strange and out of place in their world, let alone befriend such a stranger. Although, with time they've learned to drop that word and opt for pet names far friendlier.
A friend, a partner, another pair of arms here to help them on their quest to defeating the most powerful antagonist of the land.
But you didn't feel like either of those things.
Not when you're sure they don't trust you, not when they whisper to each other behind your back. Their lack of including you in their group conversation at times made you feel like an outcast.
They whisper, they glare, their eyes glow with an unknown emotion you can't quite place your finger on but it can't be any thing good with the way they're acting.
Sypha has to be the least weird of the three. Her affections are warm and her words are as consoling as her gaze, and you often welcome her hugs when you're feeling homesick.
Yet these days, you only let her touch you out of politeness, to avoid the risk of pushing her away and causing something that does not need to be unleashed.
Still, her hands no longer press warmth against your skin, they burn and scald, at least it feels that way.
Trevor is bold and boisterous and obnoxious, and he's everything you don't want to be around. An arm is often thrown around your shoulder, an action you make quite a fuss over despite the brute ignoring you and pulling you tighter against his side.
"Really, I'm fine."
"You're bloody freezing, shut up and get warm with me."
You're about to protest but it's a battle you lose against the menacing glare he sends you from the corner of his eye. You sigh and Trevor wraps his fur shawl around the both of you. He seems to be more smug than usual, carrying a smirk that he sends Alucard from across the camp fire, who glares back at the two of you. You roll your eyes between the competitive stares.
The wonderful thing about Alucard is that he always seems to know what others are feeling, whether that's a good thing or a downright terrifying thing depends on the situation. In this case it's both.
You let him comfort you the next morning, reassuring you that if that annoying Belmont tries anything like that again, you can always trust Alucard to shove him off you.
The thing is you don't trust him, you don't trust anyone here. You only came to them a couple of weeks back and already they seem to have some possessive claim over you.
Still, you can't just leave them. You don't know this world, you don't know where to go or where is safe. The trio has been helpful thus far and even if trust isn't quite something you can give them yet, it's something that can possibly grow in time. You can at least be grateful for the protection you've received.
The next few weeks go by like what you would call back home, a rollercoaster. Some days were utter shit, the nights even shitter and ruined further by rain and night creatures ambushing the camp. Sypha obliterated them all. Whether it was her newfound motivation to protect you made her stronger all of the sudden or her irritation of being woken up by a monster screaming loudly in the distance pissed her off and caused her to blow torch it's entire fucking head off. You don't know but you think it might have been both. She snuggled with you afterwards, her scent strong with flowers and just a tinge of burning campfire smoke flooding your nostrils. Intoxicating. And quite frankly, draining.
Other days were pleasant.
The trio would leave you alone mostly, which you were thankful for. And yet, the whispers and stares started up again, prompting the hairs of your neck to stand on an end.
You couldn't bare it any longer.
You wanted to leave.
You needed to leave.
And you decide to tell them about it. Big mistake.
Night always comes quicker than day. Belmont offers his warmth again and you muster up a little more confidence to refuse him, much to his chagrin, and to Alucard's relief.
You roll your eyes again, and go to stand in front of the campfire. facing the trio. Your posture gets the attention of them all. Sypha places down her book to focus on your face, Alucard ceases caressing the hilt of his sword and Trevor finishes a bite of the fish he caught in the afternoon.
"Uhm, so. I'm sure you all know how grateful I am for your continued support. The past month has been great and I'm glad to have met you all instead of someone less kind."
You hate to lie but it's for the best, you muse.
"Welp, that doesn't sound good," mutters Trevor, and Sypha lightly hits his arm.
"Trevor, let them finish!"
You clear your throat and direct your attention to your feet, unable to face them now that you lost a bit of your confidence.
Sypha nods with a smile, encouraging you to continue.
Without wasting anymore time, you end up blurting out the last part of your speech.
"I'm going to leave here first thing in the morning."
You carry the silence on your shoulders like a burden, it weighs heavily on your bones, and you realise that maybe you should've just left because now their gazes threaten to impale a hole through your skull.
Trevor is the first to rise from his tree stump, his stance akin to that of a stalking tiger, but god those piercing eyes, that excruciating glare; the very things that urge you to flee as soon as possible. Alucard is even more dreadful; his fangs flashing behind his lips in warning, tongue running over the tips of his teeth while Sypha, the worst of all, warms a scorching heat in her palms, watching, waiting for movement in your step.
You swallow a small gulp, rethinking things. Clearly you can't win. You did have some idea of that before but now that it's been shoved head on in your face, you back down reluctantly, meekly. Their postures loosen with your next words and signs of submission.
"-Is what I was thinking before," you continue, feeding their ears each word slowly, cautiously.
"And now?" Alucard tilts his head, brow rising in question.
"W-well," you trip over your words. Fuck, are they really so terrifying as to throw off your speech?
"I've had a bit of a reevaluation, what with the whole me being from another universe and all, I could maybe, stay just a little longer."
Sypha's smile returns to her lips, tugging you into her open arms.
"Oh, I'm so glad-"
"But just for another month, I really need to get back to my world and need all of your help doing so...please."
Of course, they would say. And nod, and smile, and promise after another long, dreaded silence. But even you had a feeling that they wouldn't be so eager to lend their support, at least not to find a way to return you back to where you came from. If anything, they would find a way to keep you with them.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Man, all these self aware/isekai enstars asks got me thinking about how each characters would specifically interact with you. Like I can’t begin to imagine having brain power to hold a conversation—what if it was Leo? Bright in the morning, clock hasn’t indicated anywhere near 9 am, and there’s only solace in the taste of bitter coffee on your tongue. Your eyelids feel heavy, but the babbling doesn’t stop. Leo is too overly excited, but he knows not to be pushy—err, well at least he thinks he is. You just think he’s compensating the physical aspect by clamouring all over you with words. After 10 minutes of it, somehow, you manage to excuse yourself. Maybe sit it out in the bathroom stall to let the tears well up in your eyes. Asking the tense murmur of your heart, what ever went wrong because all you feel is desperation, but for what? To get out of here? Or are you just desperate to force yourself to get used to it? You don’t know, and the fact that you don’t, makes the coffee wear off for the second time and you’re already contemplating another round of one.
By the time you turn a corner, another one is already there ready to feed off of your attention. You don’t bother to register who it is. Would it be Wataru? Someone like him is always ready with a sonnet to recite, expressing his heart to you. Maybe someone like Mayoi, the one boy who’d always kiss the floor you walk upon, then his voice would quiver if you even spared a passing glance. What about Eichi himself? He’d be presentable, tolerable. He’d talk smooth and careful, each words precise like his stature. But both of you, mainly him, know better when he lets his gaze linger a little too long on your face and wander too far. Whoever would it be, would it change a thing? You doubt it, because there’s someone always there.
And scene…lmao sorry if I rambled too much…
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Ahh don´t please don´t apologize!! This was super fun to read and you did a really awesome job with it, too! Thank you for sending in this little scenario☺️💕
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, stalking, non-consensual touching, implied kidnapping
I think it´s really accurate for them too, Leo definitely is the kind of person that would talk your ear off for possibly hours on end if you don´t manage to excuse yourself somehow, and then claps himself on the shoulder for not having jumped into your arms as soon as he saw you for once. See, he´s being really considerate and taking your words to heart so he´s trying his best to not overwhelm you too much! Isn´t he doing a great job?
Wataru is super dramatic about everything he does and he would probably be no different when it comes to you. Watch him literally write an entire script and then act out the entire play by himself right in front of you to show you how much he adores you. I would literally die, methinks💀 And right after you just managed to evade Leo too! When will you ever be able to rest in this school?
It looks like never because oh boy, of course, Mayoi followed you through the vents and is already watching you from the corner as soon as you finally fended off Wataru. At least he´s less obnoxious and loud as the former two as he mostly keeps to himself but he still gives you the creeps. The way he stares at you so reverently and with a bright blush on his face but the second you turn to look at him he squeaks like a mouse and apologizes for being so dirty as if he hadn´t just so blatantly stared at you without a shred of decency. It´s unnerving and you swear you had seen his shadow once when you woke up in the middle of the night. Mayoi might be a timid and harmless one for the most part but that doesn´t mean you necessarily like being with him more than the others.
And then, to make matters worse, you come across Eichi. Eichi, who is always so put together and knows how to word things to get his way. He doesn´t seem very different when he is with you, he speaks very calmly and you´d like to say that it´s a welcome change of pace but you can´t help but think that there´s something off about him nonetheless. The way he always smiles at you no matter what and how his gaze lingers a bit longer than it should, the way he nonchalantly lays a hand on your shoulder to gently guide you to come with him. How the grip on your shoulder tightens ever so slightly and his elegant smile strains whenever the both of you pass someone else in the hallway. The knowledge that Eichi has all the money and influence one would need to make you disappear forever and have no one search for you.
It´s scary and you don´t know how much longer you can put up with this.
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f4eism · 2 years
Can u do a Steve x Henderson! Reader where maybe she’s getting bullied at school (he’s graduated) and is feeling really sad, and insecure feeling like she doesn’t Deserve Steve. He comforts her, and then while they’re cuddling Dustin walks in and doesn’t know they’re dating? Just fluff and some hurt/comfort
Ty!! <33
you're so welcome! ty for requesting, my writing isn't the best but i enjoyed writing for you!! :3
steve harrington x fem!henderson! reader
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you spent most of your school days in the library where you could think, or rather— for some peace and quiet. you rarely spoke and inserted yourself into things, but people still found a way to pick on you and tease you in the most embarrassing ways possible. if it wasn't some jealous girl bringing up how you managed to pull steve harrington of ALL people in hawkins high, they were talking about your weight or overall apperance. sometimes the words would really get to you, and you were slowly starting to believe them.
others times, you wanted to snap and just yell "maybe steve loves me for me! did you lot ever think about that?!" but you weren't that bold. you never have been.
the table you were currently sitting at had no other people around it except you. the table across from it was full of rude, asshole kids who always happened to pick on you at the worst possible times.
spitballs and crumpled up paper was thrown at your head as you shakily tried to continue reading stephen king's misery. to no avail, the spitballs and paper would not stop coming. you contemplated telling the librarian but deep down you knew she wouldn't do jack shit about it. one of the girls who bullied you relentlessly father was a well renowned lawyer. people knew not to fuck with the bowen family.
you rolled your eyes at the thought and quickly closed your book, grabbing your backpack and purse and speed walking to the doors, out of the library. not before loudly overhearing "she's such a loser. why did steve harrington choose her out of all people?" followed along by a bunch of snickers and giggles. that made you stop dead in your tracks, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes as you quickly tried to wipe them away and fan your face before anybody could see or notice. you got yourself together, straighting out your shirt and quickly heading for the nearest exit, not wanting to be at hawkins high a moment longer.
jogging to your car, you slammed the door and rested your head against the steering wheel. starting on the breathing techniques steve taught you, you slowly got your bearings and cranked your car up, pulling out of the hawkins students parking lot.
your first instinct was to go see steve at family video store and that's exactly where you started to head to. michael jackson's 'human nature' played softly in the background and you bobbed your head to the beat of the music. driving and listening to music was freeing to you, it was therapeutic. stopping at a redlight, you thought about steve and how he was doing. maybe he didn't want to see you? that thought always gnawed away at your thoughts, you often times found yourself doubting his love for you. you shook your head and continued driving, pulling into family video a few minutes later.
you stayed in your car for a few minutes before finally saying fuck it and getting out. walking into the store with a lopsided grin on your face, you saw robin rewinding a movie looking as pretty as ever. you skipped up to the register and with an obnoxious singsong voice said "oh robbieeee, robbie my loveee".
robin stopped what she was doing and looked at you, bursting out into a fit of giggles. you started giggling right along with her. robin was like a bestfriend to you, she was there for you when nobody else was, and you and steve were the only people who knew that she liked girls. her secret was safe with the both of you. always.
clutching your stomach, your giggles finally started to cease. starting to look at some movies, you asked "so rob, where's steve? i need to talk to him."
robin pointed over her shoulder and replied "he's in the back, he gets off in like 5 minutes actually. have fun kiddos!". you rolled your eyes at her and giggled, poking her in the side.
making your way to the back your hands started to sweat. you never knew why you got so nervous, you and steve have been dating for a few months now but he still made you as nervous as you were on you guys' first date. walking in, steve opened his arms for a hug and you gladly jumped into them. holding on for dear life.
you mumbled into his shirt "i missed you so fucking much." you started to rub soothing circles up and down his back. steve kissed the top of your head and muttered a sweet "i missed you more". your heart fluttered, god this man was going to be the death of you.
breaking apart from each other you grabbed steve's hand and started to walk to the family video doors, "cmon baby your shift is over. lets go to my place and watch a movie." you felt steve's grip on your hand tighten as you waved goodbye to robin and pushed open the doors, leading steve out.
going to your car, you asked steve if he wanted to drive his car or get in yours. he replied with "yours baby, ill call robin from your house and tell her to take herself home. she can come pick me up tomorrow at my place, yada yada."
you giggled at his antics and let go of his hand moving to get in the drivers seat.
"buckle up baby, im about to turn on metallica and you know how i get when i listen to them." steve laughed at your antics, and good god was that a beautiful sound. you smiled and turned on the metallica master of puppets, driving off to your house.
arriving at your household was almost always funny because mrs.henderson peppered steve in hugs and asked him to be a food tester for her. you loved your mom but boy was she nuts sometimes. laughing at steve and your mom, you headed off to your room kicking off your boots.
you grew impatient of waiting for steve, causing you to yell out "stevee come on im ready to watch the movie! you can pick!"
hearing feet padding to your door, you looked up and saw steve walking towards your bed. sitting down on it. you got up and closed the door, grabbing the tapes on your dresser and handing them to steve. while steve looked through them, steve decided to make small talk. "so how was your day at school y/n/n?".
you huffed and fell out against your bed, resting your foot on his lap. he started to message your ankle. you let out a soft moan and leaned up to kiss him, earning a cute smile from him.
"it was fucking awful. you know the girls at school are still head over heels for the 'fallen king steve' and they hate my guts. they make me feel like shit and sometimes i wonder why did you even pick me out of all girls in the school, especially little miss perfect nancy wheeler." you sat up from your position and looked at steve as tears started to pool in your eyes. "steve do you even really love me?" the tears were flowing freely down your cheeks now and steve reached over to wipe them off of your face. you sniffled.
"y/n thats a crazy question! of course i love you, you mean everything to me. i didnt pick nancy, because i wanted YOU. you'll always be my number one. dont let those shit heads at school have you having second thoughts about me. i love you and i always will, okay?" steve turned around from his position and placed you on his lap, hugging you close. you wiped the rest of your tears and kissed his cheek.
"and i love you too, im sorry stevie but i just get doubts sometimes and i start to believe those assholes. i wont let their bullshit get to me anymore, i promise." you smiled into his shoulder and climbed off of his lap, sniffing your tears up and clapping your hands "so! which movie did you pick babe?"
steve gave you a dopey smile "the shining".
you rolled your eyes and whined "but steveee we watched that so many times! pick something else."
he laughed at your mini tantrum. "aht aht aht, you said i could pick! now cmere so we can cuddle babe."
you walked over to your bed and sat down at the top of it, not before putting in the shining and starting it, you gestured for him to lay beside you.
peppering kisses all over his face, you quietly said "you're lucky i love you pretty boy, im sick of this movie."
steve just laughed and scooted impossibly closer to you.
"yeah yeah whatever y/n/n."
smiling you heard footsteps coming close to your door, shooting up and pushing steve away a little you saw your little brother dustin at the now wide open door with a shocked expression on his face.
"get out dustin! jesus knock next time!" you threw your pillow at him and he dodged it.
"woah steve i didn't know you were basically banging my sister! ew!"
steve laughed as you got up and pushed dustin out of your room, not before hugging him tight and ruffling his curls.
you loved moments like these the most.
you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with him. cuddled up just like this.
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manekicatwriter · 3 years
hellooo! i was wondering if i could make a request for an modern au sbi x gn sibling reader where they’re around 17-19, and they’ve got depression. they’ve had to go away for a few weeks after a bad episode ended in an attempt and they were hospitalized and sent somewhere for rehabilitation and now they’re coming home and they’re all anxious and quiet and stuff- so the boys do their best to like comfort them and reassure them that they’re loved and they belong there? i’m sorry if that’s an awkward request, i was just recently discharged after a similar situation and honestly the comfort would be great. it’s totally your call if you chose to write it tho, i understand that this is a difficult and triggering subject and not everyone is comfortable with writing things like it. if you aren’t comfy please feel free to just ignore my ask! <3
you’re here, and that’s what matters.
TW: mentions of attempted suicide. please proceed with caution.
hey! i just wanted to let you know that i’ve been through a similar situation and understand how you feel (though my case was not as severe). i wish you a safe road to recovery.
note, i think you asked for their characters but it leant itself towards their rl versions. i have a feeling the dsmp versions would be too chaotic for this sensitive subject.
REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! please do not be afraid to send in an ask. ANON IS ON!!
- phil was very scared about you being so gravely hurt, it kept him up for some nights. thankfully, you pulled through.
- he visited whenever he could. if he couldn’t, he was busy making sure coming home felt as comfortable for you as possible while also educating himself on how to take care of you.
- phil would listen to how you felt, and be understanding of your feelings.
- “You don’t have to tell me why you did it, I’m just glad you’re here,” pulling you in for a warm hug.
- when you got back home, he made sure he and the boys had prepared your favorite dinner and desserts.
It was the day you had just got home from rehabilitation, and you two were sitting on the couch. You hadn’t said much, you felt like you had nothing to say. Phil had asked for you to sit down so you two could talk, one on one.
You couldn’t meet his gaze. “I’m sorry,” your voice started to crack. “For making you guys worry about me.” Tears started to form from your eyes and you wept into your hands.
Phil immediately reached over to you to hug you, letting you cry on his shoulder. “We don’t blame you. We don’t blame anybody. I just want you to be here safe with us. Let it all out.” He pat and rubbed your back soothingly as you kept crying. But it was a good cry. He was just glad you came home.
- even though many see tommy as a loud and obnoxious boy with a general disregard for others, we all know deep down that’s a persona. he will go out of his way to make other comfortable in his presence if he truly cares for them. which he does, for you of course.
- he wants to make you happy! when the time is right, he’ll crack jokes and offer to play minecraft with you.
- would tone down the yelling. not because you asked, but he’s afraid of triggering you. treats you like glass. if you notice he’s being quieter than usual and you don’t care, you tell him you don’t.
- if you’re feeling it, he’ll take you out to fun places and to eat. nothing that’s too outlandish like a theme park, but just enough to have a reason to get out of bed that day instead of sleeping in.
It had been a week since you had gotten home and Phil had instructed you to maintain somewhat of a schedule to upkeep yourself. Right now was your nightly routine, washing yourself, brushing your teeth, and finally sliding under the covers. It felt nice. The blanket of sleep consumes you easily…
Until you bedroom door opens you’re being aggressively shaken awake. You groan, shying away, but they’re persistent.
“Ey, wake up, it’s morning!” Tommy shakes you again.
You realize you didn’t dream, but think nothing of it. “Tommy please, what do you want.”
Finally, Tommy pulled your warm sheets from over you, making you flinch. “I wanted to go out to the park today! Feed the ducks! Yeesss!”
You sighed. If you didn’t comply now, Tommy will refuse to stop nagging you for the rest of the day. You rolled out of bed and into the bathroom. You could very clearly hear Tommy’s cheers.
You two had gotten ready, eaten breakfast, and said goodbye to the rest of your family so you could head over to the park. It was close enough that it wasn’t unbearable to walk to. Even if you weren’t completely yourself yet, you were glad Tommy was.
After the short walk you two finally reached the park. Tommy immediately bolted toward the pond and you jogged behind. He had already started throwing the ducks some seeds, and even threw it on a duck. It didn’t seem too pleased.
You two sat at the edge of the pond as you watched the ducks eat. “Hey.” You hear Tommy call to you, and you turn your head to him.
“Can we talk about what happened? With you? Is it okay?” You could hear the uncertainty in his voice.
“Go ahead, what is it?”
“When Techno found out what happened to you, and told us the news, I was scared shitless.” He let out a sad huff. “I thought we were going to lose you.” Tommy kept his eyes fixed at the pond in front of him. “I’m sorry, I really shouldn’t have brought this up. I’m just glad you’re okay.” He sighed.
You put a hand on his shoulder. “Oh Tommy…” You started, “I’m sorry for making you worry. You shouldn’t have to feel like that because of my actions.”
Tommy was lost in thought for a moment, before finally speaking up, “No, please don’t apologize. It’s not anybody’s fault this happened, right?” You nodded.
Tommy stood up, dusting his pants off from the grass. “Come on now, let’s go get some ice cream!” He pulled you up from the ground.
“Last one to get to the shop has to pay!”
Immediately, Tommy bolts in the direction to the ice cream shop, and you catch up to him. No matter the circumstance is, he never seems to fail at putting a smile on your face.
- i HC wilbur being the oldest, being older than techno by 3 years and older than tommy by 8, like IRL. :]
- i think out of all of your siblings, wilbur exudes the most “protective older brother” energy, yeah?
- remember when tommy lied about his mother being in trouble and how worried and anxious wilbur got? turn that up to 11 with what happened with you.
- with wilbur being the oldest, he of course had the responsibility of taking care of everyone. but somehow you and him didn’t spend as much 1 on 1 time as much as wilbur did with his other siblings
- wilbur definitely was going to change that, realizing that and not wanting to make that mistake again.
- he decided that finding a new hobby with you wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
You were sitting at the dinner table, being the last one there. You were poking at your food for the most part, and Wilbur got home late from… whatever Wilbur thing he was doing. Phil cooked pasta for dinner tonight. Wilbur put down his bags at the door connected to the garage. “I’m home! What’s for dinner?”
“Mmm, I love some good ol’ pasta.” He said, already taking a plate out to serve himself. “Also, hey, I bought something I wanted to build with you. Do you mind?”
You finally looked up from your very interesting pasta. “Build..?” You had no idea where this was going.
Wilbur placed his plate on the table and approached the bags of groceries, going through them to find the bag he was looking for. He pulled out a LEGO set. More specifically, a LEGO City set from the looks of the box? “Wilbur, how much was that?”
He blinked at you innocently. “It was only, like, £25. And look! It’s got a little submarine we can make with a rock and ugly sea monster—“
“But why?”
“Why not? It wouldn’t hurt for you to do something new, yeah?” He smiled at you, shaking the LEGO box in front of him to show it off. You sighed, but smiled. “Alright. But maybe you and I should eat this pasta first before we start building.” Wilbur nodded.
“Speaking of water, don’t you think I could teach you how to swim or something?”
“Oh, fuck off with that!”
- i think out of everyone in the family, he understands you the most in terms of how you feel.
- not suicidal, but just generally having depressive episodes due to his ADHD.
- techno’s generally closed off, but started to really open up to you because he wanted to show he cares, even if it meant going out of his comfort zone.
- techno suggested journaling. once a day or once per week, it didn’t really matter. just as long as you could write down your feelings somewhere.
- he didn’t explicitly say it, but he also bought a book for himself so he could do it along with you. although, he more often than not just forgets to write in it until you mention your own journal.
- if you want to be sad and quiet, you can be sad and quiet with him. his room is a safe space for you if you ever need it and you’re always welcome to come in, just as long as you knock first.
With one hand on your mouse scrolling through the internet, and another resting your head on it, you were safe to admit you were utterly and completely bored. Honestly, you thought about taking another nap after your last one, but a knock on your door stopped you right before you pulled the covers over yourself. “Can I come in?”
You rose from your bed. “Come in. Oh hey Techno.”
He gave a simple wave and his signature “Halloo.” He walked right over to you and handed a journal and a ballpoint pen. “I got this. For you.” His stare was sharp but you could sort of tell he was nervous.
“What for?”
“I dunno. Writin’ your feelings down or drawin’ or somethin’. Whatever helps you vent.” He scratched the back of his neck.
“Oh Techno, thank you. That’s very sweet of you.” You gave a slight smile, but saw that he still had another journal in his hand. “You have two journals?”
Techno raised his eyebrow in confusion before looking down at his hand. “Oh this? It’s for me. So we could do it together, I guess.”
You let out a happy hum. “That’s nice. Say, why don’t we go to your room? I want to see your new lava lamp and stuff.”
Techno shrugged. “Sure. I’ve got more stationary too if you want.” He waved his hand before letting himself out the door, with you following not far behind.
hi hope u enjoyed reading as much as i did writing it. this format was new for me but very fun!
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messinwitheddie · 2 years
do you ship zadr?
No, personally I don't ship them. I do not, have not, will not draw or write anything zadr related. Zadr content isn't something I actively seek out, but If it pops up on my dash, I usually scroll past. It's no big deal to me, I'm habituated to it.
The discourse is as old as the fandom itself and I have no time and energy for it.
(Before anyone clogs up my ask box with "but you liked something tagged zadr once weeks or months ago" or "you follow zadr shippers, you disgusting old perv!"
Most zadr related content I find harmless and many zadr fans are nice/ talented. We just enjoy different cups of tea.
Anyone with "ZADR DNI, go die instead!" Or any other equally obnoxious tags and banners slapped all over their blog, I avoid, even if I also do not ship zadr. Again, I find the sentiment obnoxious. It IS in fact possible to not support a ship without harassing strangers and demonizing them.
If I like a drawing tagged zadr, it's because the characters aren't necessarily doing anything romantic in the image or whatever and I happen to like the way the characters are drawn.)
I don't have a problem with anyone else being into the ship (because they're fictional characters...
Other people interpret Zim and Dib's dynamic differently than me and that's perfectly fine.
No one will ever convince me to join the anti zadr crusade or any similar crusade for other fandoms. It's a waste of energy AND I don't have the right to dictate to anyone else how to enjoy or how to contribute to the fandoms they enjoy.
If my neutral attitude towards the subject bothers anybody, they are welcome to block me.
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