#welcome to dabi hell hehehe
willowser · 4 months
i was never really into dabi…..but the devil has grabbed me by the ankles and swung me into hell…………do you think you could maybe rec some of your fav dabi fics (or blogs)?🥹🥹
swung you into dabi hell qifbfuajak he truly is...a force to be reckoned with.....he WILL NOT let you leave btw 😔 but i'm happy to have you here with us 🥹🥹🥹
let's see....i will read anything @heich0e and @ghostbeam write about him, this by @shiggybrainr0t is beautiful, @saintshigaraki has The Dabi Piece of all time, this fic by @dashielldeveron is post-canon and looks so healing and it will make me cry, mao is writing easily my favorite dabi fic of all time, i'm sure of it already, but if you want to check it out, you need to read the tags and respect the story !! please !!! okay only if you promise then here :3
those are the first that come to mind !!!! i am probably forgetting something bc i'm here thinking about it but i feel like i haven't seen too much dabi lately !!!!! but i am also a lil picky about the characterizations i prefer hehe
but if anyone else has any dabi recs, please share !!!! for friend in need here !!! 🥹
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inkykeiji · 4 years
HIIIIIII CLARIIIIIIII!!!!! how have u beeeeen i havent seen u in a few days bc i haven’t been on tumblr bc ive been in genshin hell for like a half a week,, i miss u!! i hope you, dabi, and irl bf are doing swell :D luv u clari!!! (also your name is now recognized as a word in my phone because i send you so many asks hehehe)
hi anon bb!!! <333 ahahaha aww well i hope you’ve been having fun, at least!! I MISS U TOO ANON welcome back <33 thank you sweetpea, we are!! <33 spent most of the night watching naruto, actually!! we like to put it on in the background while we do things ehehehe
ily too!!! <333 also NO WAY THAT IS SO COOL AND CUTEEEEE AAAAAH I LOVE IT SO MUCH omg omg omg 🥺
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self instert AU
Nani the heck is this? Read here!
Chapter 24: Let me in LET ME IN!
“Welcome back Miss Palma” Jinko opens the car door “and welcome to your squadron.”
“Thank you Jinko” I step out and see the agents “sup fellas! Missed me?”
“Of course! Wish we could catch up but we have a task at hand” 44 said escorting us in “Do you remember your old room? We have your requested gear in there, hope it will do.”
We suit up in my room and load up our weapons. We requested something to cover Mimi’s and Jin’s mouth and ears. My visor covers my face and sides of my head when lowered, while Mimi and Jin’s support gear just cover their eyes and forehead. Before we met up with the head agent, Mimi had something on their mind.
“Babushkas?” she said softly “what if this is the last of our adventures?”
“I won’t let that happen” sternly said Jin as he strapped on his holsters “You two are all I have, I love you and dammit if I break myself getting us to safety then so be it!” he puts his hands on our shoulders “no time to think about the sad shit, we have drama to cause.”
We group hugged and headed to the lead for instructions. We got connected to their earpiece system so they can communicate with us and hear what we hear. Based on what they told us, the place isn’t far from where I 1st appeared as Black Phantom. We switch on our distortion voice changer and teleported out to the area, from there we roof jumped a quarter mile to this alleyway with some stairs leading to a basement door.
“Okay as expected, hot villain is the guard” I whispered to Mimi and Jin “I’m jumping in, don’t come out until I give the signal and follow along with my story.” They nod in response and lay low as I floated down into the entrance of the alleyway “Well well well, aren’t you a sight to behold?” I coo’d to get the attention of Dabi “Hello my Raven haired beauty, it’s been too long!”
Dabi looks at me with fear in his eyes “Black Phantom! I knew you’d appear, RIGHT when we settled in here too” he gets annoyed but doesn’t get on guard “look, I’m not looking for a fight, our boss is in there with our entire team” I inch closer to him and he gets increasingly nervous “maybe you can work something out with him? Just please, don’t hurt me!”
“Oh? Why would I hurt someone so beautiful?” I put my hand on his face for the copy “So the boss man is inside there huh? If I were just to pop in and have a little chat, he’d be civil and welcome me?” He glups and nods in response “how about for me and my colleagues?” I snap with my free hand and Mimi and Jin portal in and strike a pose.
“Oh my! He is beautiful” Mimi played along and put her hand on his chest “tell me babe, is there an open bar down there? I have a need to quench my thirst” she slides her hand slowly downward as she says that.
Jin puts his finger on Dabi’s forehead “Answer the question you handsome man! I can end you with the flex of my pointer finger.”
“Okay Okay I’ll talk!” he panicked “yes, there is a bar. Just go down there and ask for Shigaraki, he’s our boss.”
“Aww don’t be scared” I signal for Jin and Mimi to take their hands off him “if you ever get sick of working with these clowns, consider becoming one of us” we start walking toward the steps “we’d love to have you.”
We make it to the door and it’s unlocked, I guess they were really harking on Dabi to be a good bouncer to do this shit. The smell of too many people in a small area and beer hit us before we saw everyone look at us. The room was a decent size, wasn’t well lit, bar area with a smokey-purple man as a bartender and a bunch of villain looking people.
“Oh don’t mind us” Mimi spoke up “we came to chill, yo barkeep, mint julep on light ice please.” We sat at the bar and I scanned the room for any familiar faces, I saw knife girl and she wasn’t happy to see us.
“Here you go” said the bartender, handing Mimi her drink “anything for you two?”
“Beer please” Jin requested.
“I’ll have an Old Fashion and the presence of Shigaraki” I gave off big dick energy “I just want to talk.”
“OoooooOOOhhhHH! Shiga-kun is gonna flip when I tell him!” Toga squealed before running up some stairs on the other side of the room.
“No offense, but who are you three?” approached a lizard man “and how did you find this place? Dabi should’ve cremated you on sight!”
I scoffed “Heh, Dontcha know that this is my city? I know everything that goes on here” I see my drink get set next to me “I am the Black Phantom and these are my colleagues, Black Sniper and Black Void.”
The room gasped and the harsh whispers of rumors started among the people in the room. I smirked so hard over the sudden change of mood in the room. I flashed a look at Mimi and Jin, they were ready to cause some shit. I didn’t have to wait long for the boss to show up, in walked in a lanky, greasy haired man with hands all over his body. I was underwhelmed by his appearance, this asshole managed to kidnap Bakugo?
“Oh wow” Jin spoke up “Hand-Job man huh?”
“Aww I was going to say that!” Mimi playfully pushed Jin.
“Stop you two” I said before taking a sip of my drink “it’s clearly Handy-Man.”
“You come into my lair, bypassed my security, drink my booze, instill fear in my henchmen and insult me?” said the man with is almost seductive raspy voice “Give me one good reason not to turn you to dust right where you stand!”
“You listen here you dry ass, crusty lipped, knick knocky knees looking bitch!” I put my drink down “This is my city! I’ve taken over the shadows and collect the skulls of those who intrude on my territory.”
“Boss, didn’t Dabi warn you about them?” spoke up a man with sunglasses and thick lips “Toga too? They’re dangerous!”
“QUIET! I don’t negotiate with wannabes” Shigaraki crossed his arms “You didn’t kill Dabi and Toga that night, so what’s your kill streak Phantom?”
“We have 10 skulls in our possession” Mimi spoke up “We didn’t kill the little girl or that sexy black haired man because we wanted to pass on the warning” she starts to get cocky “now you’ve done it, one snap from Phantom and it’s lights out for all of you.”
I raise my hand in snap position “Your move Hand Man.”
“Do it then” he points at a random guy in the room “make him disappear! I’ll negotiate if you succeed.”
“Okie Dokie!” I snap my fingers and I catch this guy’s clothes on fire and Jin deploys a portal under the guy so it looks like he got incinerated. “Bye Bye bad man hehehe” I do my best maniacal giggle and the room went from scared of me to terrified of me.
“Fuck” softly uttered Shigaraki. He turned to us with fear in eyes, like he knows he done messed up now. “Heh well um, lets talk then!” he nervously says “what does my fellow villain want to talk about?”
“We want to know why in our city” Jin butted in to take over “I swear if it’s because of that blue jean, yaoi hands hero or that pompous hero school 3 cities over” he slams down his beer “I SWEAR I’m gonna flip!”
“Don’t flip! please I don’t want to know what that means” Shigaraki put his hands up in panic “but I’m carrying the mission of my successor, All for One to take down One for All lineage, starting with that school.”
“What’s the use? Those kids ain’t worth shit” I took a sip of my drink “scoped them out myself, quirks suck ass and ain’t worth stealing, including that one aggressive twink you kidnapped.”
“That aggressive twink is part of my plan to take down that green haired heir of the One for All.” 
“He’s not worth the trouble Hand Man” I rolled my neck to exaggerate my point “the boy is a secret fire breather and smells like milk for some reason.”
“Don’t forget he cries too much, treats All Might like his God, wears those stupid shoes and fashion sense is ABYSMAL!” chimed in Mimi “we captured him but he was just some whiny broccoli bitch and just hung him on the UA flagpole by his underwear.”
“Wait! you infiltrated UA?!” he asked trying to make sense of our casualness “AND captured the heir?!”
“It’s not that hard Hand Man” Jin played along “you just gotta put on the fake titties and the skirt uniform to do what you gotta do” he finished his beer and motioned to the bartender “ay, my good man” he takes a 10,000 yen bill from his jumpsuit pocket and puts it on the bar “here’s a lil something for you and our drinks.”
“Don’t tip my henchman!”
“Shigaraki Tomura! I quite enjoy these patrons” scolded the bartender “for some territorial villains, they have the common courtesy to pay for their drinks and tip well!” 
“Oof, you got full named” I teased “not so tough are ya?”
“LOOK I told you why I’m settling here!” he gets bratty “anything else you wanted to talk about?”
“You got this lair insured or some shit?” Jin asked, cueing our escape plan.
“Ummm this is an abandoned building, so no because I just claimed it on my own.”
“Aww that’s too bad” I finished my drink “I’m giving you to the count of 5 before I burn this place to the ground.”
“If you refuse” Mimi pulls out her sliver glock “I’ll shoot you directly in the butthole.”
“If you somehow survive” Jin pounds his fist in his hand “I’ll end you with my final form.”
“1....2....” I start the countdown and mass hysteria breaks loose, people running around and flooding to the exits “3.....oh what the hell! 5!” I snap to set the wallpaper on fire and a few random things in the room to make it look like the place is going down. Mimi starts shooting and gets 3 people in the butthole, all the while Shigaraki was just standing there in shock, unable to move because of the terror we radiate. I point to him “Tomura Shigaraki, let this be a warning to you. If we see you tread in our city again, I’ll be eating cereal out of your skull!”
“Don’t think we aren’t watching Hand Man” taunted Jin “we lurk in the shadows.” He deploys a portal underneath us so it looks like we just vanished into the ground. Jin portaled us across the street from the agency and we sighed in relief. I teleported us in the building to get scanned for bugs or taps. 
“I can’t believe it” said the lead agent “you three are the real deal! Bravo to you! You gained intel, drove them away AND got drinks?!” we took off our head gear to reveal our sweaty and flushed faces “I’m so proud! why don’t you three hit the showers and rest? I’ll do the paperwork and file the evidence.”
“Yes Sir!” we breathlessly saluted before making the walk to the showers. We washed up, drank water and shared the bed in ‘my room’. I was the first one to wake up, I check the time, it’s 10am. Jin was the next one to wake up, then Mimi to go follow the smell of coffee. After a debriefing with Best Jeanist and Jinko with the lead agent, we were free to go. We didn’t want to stick around, it was saturday, we had shit to do. On the ride back, I turned on my phone and I got the usual texts from my parents but none from Iida or the others. That’s weird, I thought, I would’ve guessed that Tenya blew up my phone. We arrived back to the dorms and just tried to go back to our normal routines. I did my homework and saw that it was just a quarter before 4, time to see if Tenya is in the dorms. Without warning I just teleport in his room, lucky for me, he was hunched over doing homework at his desk.
“Tenya!” I exclaimed with a big dumb smile on my face “did you miss me?”
He turned around and couldn’t believe his eyes “Ita?! You’re back!” he couldn’t control himself and hug tackled me right on the floor “my sweet, dear friend! I’ve been worried sick that something happened to you!”
“I can tell! hehehe” I get squeezed by his hug and just feel how much he worried “I just want to hold you like this” I stroke his hair “I want to feel something nice after all the nastiness I encountered.” I felt his face pressed up in the crook of my neck and those feelings for him came back. Why am I like this?
He rolled off me and sat up “Here, I’ll just place you on my lap” he lifts me up and lays me on his lap and arms like he was cradling a baby “there, much more comfortable!” he looks at how small I am in his arms and smiles “you know, I forget just how much smaller you are compared to me” I put my hand on his face and it reminded him of the rosary “that reminds me! Your necklace” he had it on his neck and took it off “here, I kept it safe.”
“You did! Thank you Tenya” he put it on me and I tucked it away under my shirt collar “I really thought I wasn’t coming back and that was going to be the last thing you were going to remember me by.”
“Well there was also that kiss” he got flushed “I’ve never been kissed before, it stirred up my heart.”
I got a bit sneaky “Ya know, you owe me a kiss.”
He perked up “That’s right! From the dance” he saw that I was getting a little squirmy “if you’re ready, here I go.” I close my eyes and anticipate the kiss, this time he wasn’t nervous or sweating. But he didn’t aim so he kissed my nose “Oh my that’s not where I meant to kiss, I’ll-”
I giggled “I’ll take it! It’s okay” he would miss “tell me, how was everything after I left?”
“Nothing happened worth noting, I came back to the dorms after you left and I just couldn’t stop worrying about you” he held my hand “it made me think about how I should just say how I feel because I won’t know when will be the next time I see them.” 
“You were overthinking huh?”
“Yeah, because I have a lot of things planned for us. I want to go on another adventure with you, I want to take you to my family estate to meet my family, I want to be your date for the next dance” he paused a bit “just...so many things that I want to do with you, because I don’t see myself doing that with anyone else.”
At this point, I’m confused by his actions. He calls me his friend but says shit like that? So am I in the ‘I like you’ zone or what? Either way, I’m not admitting shit unless he says something first.
“Oh si? Well lets start with the thing you promised me”
“Right! I have planned that I we just stay in and I cook for you, finish watching Shrek and maybe dance a little” he sets me on the floor again so he could stand up “we didn’t really do those things properly and I wanted to make things right.”
I levitated up but he wanted to carry me out of his room, I didn’t fight back this time. To my surprise, nobody was in the commons room or dining area, it was nice to have that peace. He made me some pasta dish with chicken but as I thanked him and went in for the first bite, he stopped me.
“Um you’re blocking my fork.”
“Please, let me feed you” he picks up a piece of chicken “I know you have full control of your hands and arms, but I enjoyed feeding you last time. The faces you made with every bite was so adorable” he brought the bite up to my face “I missed all those sweet little quirky things you did.”
I narrowed my eyes as I ate the piece “My quirkiness? Like what?”
He picked up another bite of food for me “Like your morning music in the bathrooms, the way you stop and dance when you hear someone play a certain song, your wheeze when you hear a stupid funny joke” I ate his forkful “when you baby talk with animals, and my personal favorite, when you sing while you do chores.”
“You like my singing?” another forkful of food was offered “why? it’s just songs I grew up hearing.”
“Well, I grew up privileged, the only live singing I heard was during parties or special occasions” he saw that I ate the forkful and picked up another bite “but your upbringing feels like it was full of music and it was never quiet! So when you sing, I can’t help but stop and listen to you express yourself to fill the empty room with your sound.”
“You never got music lessons or anything?” I took the next bite of food.
“My parents focused everything on hero studies to sustain my strong lineage of heroes” he brought the next forkful up to my face “so I never learned to play an instrument, sing nor anything in the fine arts. I always wanted to though! Maybe I wouldn’t be so boring and have more personality.”
“Yeah, maybe” I giggled as I took the next bite “my parent’s didn’t always have enough money to give to me or my siblings but they gave us the gift of music. I took all the free lessons at school and practiced my pieces until I had them memorized.” I swallowed “and by the time I was 12, my school district recognized me as a rising music prodigy. The title meant nothing to me, I was just happy to play and learn new things.”
I told him about my concert disasters and the rivals I made from the other richer schools. All the while he was listening attentively and feeding me. We finished watching Shrek and he still didn’t understand the memes. We walked over to the tree to dance out of sight, he had a playlist saved and played it on his phone as we danced. It was mostly slow dancing music.
“I think I finally realized the thing that’s been bothering me” he looked into my eyes “on who you remind me of.”
“Oh? Who do I remind you of?” I honest to Ru Paul don’t know where this is going and I tried not to sound scared.
“You remind me of my Older brother, Tensei” his face and tone was very sincere “both of you tell me to not worry when you go off on your missions, comfort me when you come back and I just admire both of you for your strength and kindness.”
My heart shattered, I’ve been sibling respect zoned, but I just give a neutral face “I forget you have an older brother sometimes and that your relationship with him is pretty normal than what I have with my older sister.”
“Well, yes it’s different” he clears his throat “I should introduce you to him during summer or winter break, despite his decommission to do hero work, he still runs the agency just as much.” 
I get a little pouty, oof I really am in the sibling zone! But if I meet his brother and can get over the age difference, I may be in a different zone with him. I do my little plot to get with his brother as we dance. But to him, it looks like I’m smiling because I’m having fun with him. He gives me a piggy back ride back to my dorms, we said goodnight and parted for the night.
“More confusing affection?” asked Jin as I passed the living room.
“No, I got sibling respect zoned” I pouted “said that I remind him of his older brother and shit. But if he’s a fool if he doesn’t think I won’t try to fuck his brother if/when he introduces us.”
“His brother is pretty hot not gonna lie” spoke up Yuka from the floor “get it girl! You got heirs to a lineage and estate in your hands if you do.”
“That’s the plan” I finger gun and everyone finger gunned me back “hehehe alright, I’ma go soak my schemin ass in the bath.”
-Monday, In Homeroom-
“Special announcement time kids!” firmly bellowed Diya “as you know, the sports festival is coming up and we don’t do that shit. And there’s a week off of school 2 weeks later, I’m very happy to announce our survival camp trip!” The class hollered in excitement “settle down! Now, it’s a huge deal among our program because theres a scoring bracket, for the guts and glory” Jin raises his hand “Yes Matsui?”
“Will 1st year and 3rd year be joining us?”
“No, 1st year is under qualified and 3rd year turned down the invite for practice tests” Diya responded “So its just us and B class. I’ll be passing out the list of gear you’ll need to pack for the trip after the sports festival weekend. Get ready for the most intense week of your life kids! You’ll wish you were never born.”
“Jokes on you, I already feel like that anyways” Hansai said with a tone of seriousness.
“Oof same” we all chimed in.
“Me too, Hansai, me too” Diya admitted with the rest of us “Now, on to other news! In vehicles and mechs, we’ll be learning to drive non-conventional escape vehicles! Hope you brought your helmets and kneepads! It’s gonna get weird.”
Mimi turns to Jin and I “I can’t wait until we go camping! I hope we see a bear.”
“I just want to see what the objective will be” I ponder “a rescue? a weapon capture? maybe a.... villain lair takedown?”
“Psh! we have experience with that!” Jin said as he mocked my fingers in snap position move “...you have to the count of 5 before I burn this place to the ground!”
Mimi mocks my pose that I did to Shigaraki “...if we catch you in our city again, I’ll be eating cereal out of your skull!”
I rolled my eyes and laughed “Guys stop! I was instilling fear in that Hand Man.”
“I know! But imagine being up in that bitch with our normal voices?!” Jin painted the picture for us “that hot villain would’ve instantly roasted us to ash. And if we managed to defeat him, oof nobody in that lair would’ve taken us seriously!”
“I really wanted that handsome man to intrude me” Mimi bit her lip “if you know what I mean fellas.”
“Mimi please! It’s only 1 hour into class” I scolded “save the sexual tension comments for lunch or some shit.”
“Don’t act like you wouldn’t show him a thing or two in the bedroom” sneered Mimi at me.
“Don’t at me like that” I got flushed “but yea, he’s so sexy and just perf. Too bad he works for that crusty ass of a man.”
“I lowkey want him to leave hand man” Jin sighed in disbelief “I get that he’s a villain and I shouldn’t be showing sympathy but the man is too handsome and powerful to be part of that group. Not to mention, he’s the only one we can’t find info on, where did he come from?”
“That’s what the lead at the agency told me too!” I perked up, remembering “there’s a handful of that blue flame quirk and they’re all in the same family, the Todoroki family. We think it’s the missing son, Touya, BUT it’s inconclusive.”
“Y’all really doing real agent work and shit at that agency” Mimi pouted “all I did was toss beached marine life back into the ocean and watch the lead get in a fist fight with a walrus.”
“That sounds like fun! All I did was freeze half to death and defrosted a gun” Jin added in protest to Mimi’s complaint “I didn’t learn shit! Hokkaido sucks in the winter.”
“Man I should’ve gone to Hokkaido” Mimi sighed tiredly “I love snow and cold weather, reminds me of home and my dad.”
Fast forward to the last half of vehicle and mechs class same day, shit starts to get crazy.
“Ya know, I’m having fun now but I’m gonna Mcfuckin suffer out in the field if this is my only option for escape” I say as I’m propelling myself on roller skates “my quirk isn’t built for speed and my little legs can’t do shit with these wheels.”
“Wanna trade then?” said Mimi stuffed in a go cart that’s barely droning on “I’m too tall for this shit.”
“Naw, that shit ain’t got brakes” 
We hear Jin scream in the distance as the rev of a 4-wheeler rips hard and accelerates. “That’s bullshit, Jin always gets the good gear and can’t handle it at the end” Mimi turns to me “You gonna go turbo and save him?”
“Nobody else is gonna do it” I groan “Where the fuck is Diya when you need him?!” I start to pick up speed to go rescue Jin from crashing the big, scary vroom vroom...for the 10th time this school year.
“You guys hear that?” said Mineta “it sounds like a runaway motor.”
“Shut up balls for brains!” yelled Bakugo “we have to finish this fucking group exercise before class ends or we’ll get late punishment!”
“No shhh! listen!” Sero hushes everyone to let them hear the noise “why does it sound like it’s getting closer?”
In comes Jin on a 4 wheeler through the open gym doors and out the other side, then I follow panting and on roller skates. “Aw fuck! Any yall get hurt?”
“No but what the fuck Palma-san?!” Kaminari screamed “I want to drive one of those things! You always get to do all the cool stuff.”
“Do you need help? Is your friend in trouble?!” asked Tokoyami.
“I need to go rescue him before he crashes or causes damage” I pant “but I’m stuck with these shitty wheels and I can’t run or levitate that fast to catch up!” I scan the room and see Iida “TENYA! I need you!” 
“Me? What do you need me for?” he said as he climbed down from a rope ladder.
“Let me copy your quirk” I put my hands out “its my only chance at catching up with him.”
“Of course! Here” he puts his face in my hands “anything for you Ita.”
Everyone looks as I sprout engines on my legs and ribs “Thanks! I owe you one Tenya!” I charge up my speed off “gotta blast!” I take off so fast, everyone almost missed me when they blinked. They all ran out the gym as they saw me catch up to Jin to turn off the 4-wheeler.
“Soooo, are we going to ignore the fact that she asked for Iida-kun in particular?” Sero spoke up, trying to start something “when she could’ve asked for Todoroki’s fire, Bakugo’s blasts, Mina’s acid, My tape, Tokoyami’s dark shadow or Aoyama’s laser to propel herself faster?” 
“YOU’RE RIGHT!” Kirishima gasped “Bro, she has a thing for you!” he elbowed Iida “ask her to be your girlfriend already! She already trusts you enough to help her.”
“Hmm I don’t know about this one guys” Midoriya spoke up after running some calculations in his head “Iida-kun’s engines are fast if used properly and she did spend the whole year refining our quirks for future use” he crosses his arms “I’m saying that she knows what’s best for any given situation.”
“Thank you Midoriya-kun” Iida fixes his glasses “she’s smart and uses what she has on hand, just because I like her doesn’t mean she likes me back.”
“Oh yea? Okay then, what did she give you on Valentines day?” Mineta interrogated Iida.
“She gave me a berry tart she baked herself in a nicely hand-decorated cake box.”
“And was this tart delicious?” Mineta’s eyes narrowed.
“Yes, everything she makes is delicious” he crossed his arms “I gave her my best compliments.”
“Iida-kun, you block head!” Hagakure scolded “when a girl gives you something like that, that means she likes you and you’re supposed to tell her how you feel” everyone agreed and she added “what did you tell her?”
“I said that I enjoyed her tart and that I’m very fortunate to have a friend like her to get such a gift” he said confidently but everyone was getting upset.
“Poor thing must’ve been heartbroken!” Momo gasped “why won’t you tell her how you feel? Most of your gestures toward her seem like you’re leading her on and it’s confusing.”
“Look I appreciate your concerns about me and Ita” he looks off in distance to see her riding the 4-wheeler back to where her class is “but I feel like her heart isn’t ready to take on my version of things” he remembers our past conversations “she’s really working on herself as a person and very hard at that. Since moving out of our dorms, she became a better student and agent, all because we aren’t there to pester her about crushes or other non-academic things. Trust me, I miss her and worry about her just as much as you do but” he sighs and turns to head back in the gym “I need to give her space so she can be happy with herself before she can be happy with me in the mix.”
“Bro that was so noble” Sero wiped a tear off his face “she’s the luckiest girl to have somebody like you.”
The school day is almost wrapped up for the day ,and for the hero A class, class let out early. Iida, Midoriya and Kirishima make their way to the East school exit when the sound of jazz music catches their attention.
“What soulful sound!” Midoriya perks up and points to a hallway “that has to be coming from the auditorium!” The boys walk toward the auditorium and take a peek through the half opened door. On stage was a Big Band arrangement of Palma-san and some of her classmates performing. “Oh wow, look at Palma-san! She’s in her element.”
“How can you tell?” Kirishima asked “I don’t see how performing for an empty room can be anyone’s element.”
“She’s doing that thing where she’s smiling while sings” Midoriya point out as she does it “also her voice is carrying, see? She’s not even microphoned but we heard her from the main hall.”
She finishes her song and there was 3 people clapping “Any requests?” Palma asks the audience.
“Yo! play Lovefool!” Mic requested enthusiastically “I dedicate it to Shota.”
“Aww how sweet” Midnight squealed “you’re a lucky man Shota to have such a romantic man!”
“I guess” Aizawa grumbled as he slumped in his sleeping bag to hide his big dumb smile.
“This song goes out to those stubborn loves” I count off the band to start “...Dear I fear we’re facing a problem...”
“Wow, I never noticed how much charm her voice is” Kirishima awed “it’s like it was made for entertainment! What do you think Iida-kun?”
He wasn’t paying attention to what Kirishima was saying, all his focus was on her singing and longing that the song was for him. “Hm? what did you say?” Iida finally said something after a minute.
“Looks like you’re entranced by her voice too huh?” Midoriya observed “it’s nothing to be embarrassed about Iida-kun. Just don’t wait too long on her” he points to Shinso and Monoma, who were in different parts of the auditorium doing the same thing, watching her from afar. “looks like you’re not the only one that can’t tell her their true feelings.”
“...I can’t care about anything, but you~” 
-End Chapter 24-
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