cheonsayang777 · 8 months
Yangyang could destroy an entire country with just his smile. Right?
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fff777 · 3 months
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spohkh · 4 months
last reblog is my kpop twt experience being in both stayville and weishenville rn
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sungtaro · 4 months
extreme sports gfx making rn I hope my weizennies are excited
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wayvment · 7 months
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NCT Japan Twitter Update (240227)
Hello everyone!
Time has passed so quickly and my birthday has already arrived! To all Weizennie and Czennie, thank you for celebrating my birthday!
Recently, I came back with my first solo album and have been working with all my might. Although I am busy, I am taking care of my health!
Do take care of your health also.
We will meet soon, so do look forward till then!
I love you!
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thetypingpup · 2 years
"studio choom but different" is EXACTLY what i was thinking 😅
like the channel just got started so it's going to be different in terms of overall quality from studio choom. but that being said it's so cool how wayv's the first group to be on this channel, they're gonna get two performance vids, and they had an interview. feeding us weizennies well 😁
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cocobeanncteez · 5 years
YANGYANG- Hickey Prank
Requested! ♥
Genre: Fluff, Angst.
Words: 750
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You were at your bestfriend's house, getting your makeup done—well, to be specific, you were getting your hickey makeup done. The occasion was pretty simple: you were going to prank your boyfriend, Yangyang. You both have pranked each other a couple of times before, but you've never done something this extreme.
"Do you think he'll know that it's fake?" you ask your bestfriend, watching her reflection in the mirror working on your neck with the eyeshadow. "I mean, we've only been together for four months."
"I don't know, but the point is he should fall for it," she says, examining your neck. "It's done! It looks so real, wow!"
You gasped when you saw the fake hickey. Your bestfriend was really talented. "Woah! You're amazing!"
"I know right?! Change into this," she said, throwing you a short flowy red dress from her closet. Red was Yangyang's favorite color and also his favorite color on you. You changed into the dress and fixed your hair before driving to Yangyang's apartment. When you got to his door, you entered his passcode and went inside. He was wearing the hoodie you got him for his birthday and was playing a live video game— the type where you shoot other players and you can hear your teammates talking.
You sat beside him on the bed, getting his attention. "Hey babe!" he said with his usual bright smile, kissing your head. He turned all his attention back to the television screen when he heard his teammate shouting for backup. You knew he wasn't going to end his game soon, so you decided to scroll through your social media for a while. After half an hour, Yangyang took a break, putting himself and his teammates on mute.
"Where did you go before coming here?" he asked, looking at your dressed up appearance from head to toe. "You look beautiful as always, though."
"I went out with a couple of friends," you simply stated, not making eye contact with him and blushing at his compliment. Yangyang and you text a lot when you guys aren't together, so you both always know what each other are doing and where each other are.
"Oh. You didn't tell me you were going out though," he said, curious as to why you didn't tell him. You shrugged and got up to put your phone for charge. That's when Yangyang noticed the hickey. At first he thought it was just a burn, but when you sat back down on the bed, he realized it wasn't. His eyes widened as he stared at the 'hickey' on your neck in disbelief.
"Who gave you that?" he asked in a soft voice with a frown on his handsome face. Yangyang has never given you a hickey before, so he was hurt to see you with one that wasn't even given by him.
"Gave me what?" you purposely asked.
"I know you know what I'm talking about, Y/N," he says, running his hand through his light brown hair.
"No, I don't."
"There's a damn hickey on your neck, Y/N," he said. His lips were pulled into a thin line.
"Oh, that," you mumble, looking away.
"Is this what you meant when you said you were out with some friends?" he asked, stunning you a bit at how easily he believed you.
"Yangyang, it's not what—"
"—It looks like? Yeah, sure," he completed with a scoff. "Why did you come here then? Why don't you go back to your other guy?"
You decided to reveal that it's just a prank, getting off his bed and dragging him to his bathroom. He avoided looking at you the entire time even though he let you drag him. 
You turned on the sink's tap, letting the water wet your fingers before rubbing it on the hickey and showing your neck to your clearly dumbfounded boyfriend. Yangyang rubbed that skin before examining his thumb. His raised an eyebrow. "It's makeup."
"Yeah," you said, washing the rest of the makeup off. "It's a prank."
"Babe, how could you prank me like that!" he whined, dropping his head on your shoulder, kissing your bare skin. He hugged you from behind. "I swear I almost got a heart attack," he mumbled against your neck with a light chuckle, pressing soft kisses that were driving you crazy.
"I'm gonna give you a real hickey now."
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victorianera · 4 years
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Ten - NCT Resonance Pt 2
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98hong · 5 years
omgggg i love song recs!! what abt slow dive by a.c.e :3
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
ugh that final drop is so satisfying and i like the way they kinda belt the chorus yk ?? i’ve only heard cactus by them before but this was p good too heh ..
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cheonsayang777 · 7 months
Happy Ten Day!!! Happy birthday Ten!!! 축하합니다 on your solo debut and first album!!
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fff777 · 3 months
reaction part 2 to wayv heartcatchers
i mean how else is an anime fan going to gather the squad. nobody came but he wouldn't give up.
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of course xiaodery marrieds and their spidey sense
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dejun has no idea what hendery is saying lol
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lol kun and yangyang appear
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ten's loot
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you know that tweet about always feeling bad for xiaojun 😅 he was holding the bow upside down so all the arrows fell onto the floor
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xiaojun fights back!
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ten, in korean: if our teamwork is like this how are we going to..... hendery, in english: catch? ten: uh.... ten, in english: save i think this is a reference about how they're supposed to save weizennie's heart. anyway they had a laugh about it lol
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omg...yangyang is being very sehun-like on this day. he wants ten to give one to him
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ten was negotiating more archery attempts with the staff in exchange for pushups and without doing anything xiaojun assumed position
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the target stand fell down so they just had yangyang hold it
BUT THEN xiaojun was going to try again and not only did he not properly string the bow against the arrow, he also ended up dropping the arrow 🤣 never catches a break
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LMAO dejun's arrow completely missed but it stuck to the glass behind
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the guys were commenting on the staff giving them extra tries and dejun was like "ah, because y'all want to go home" and the editor's like "how'd you know"
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he's basically doing the naruto run. whatever the cupid version of that is
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lmao dejun and yangyang's super hack balance game. they had to match their answers. the first question was to give or receive love and they answered differently though i couldn't see who said what. second was cat vs dog and they picked dog. dejun was like "did you choose dog because of me?" because we know yangyang likes cats and dejun likes dogs
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he wants to be one of those cat burglars who weaves their way through a laser security system so bad
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dejun at yangyang: 你別玩,你快找,我警告你 (Don't play, hurry up and go looking, I'm warning you 😤) yangyang getting scolded lol
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hendery finally learns the truth of why some rooms with cameras have no envelopes
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xiaojun finally found it
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he opened up the sheet and went YAAAAA XP
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more crawling cat ten
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ten was saying that the people who hid the envelopes did such a good job. i wonder if months after this video, people would randomly find the envelopes that were never found lol.
老夫老妻 😏
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dejun asking kun in mandarin how to play the 'guess the person' game and kun very quickly explaining it to him
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ricodegall0 · 3 years
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Nori is a #weizenni #wayv ot7 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZxouSQt-pD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hyuckssunchip · 4 years
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Pairings: Lucas x reader, ft. Kun
Words: 1.7K
Warnings: angst, a little fluff
Upon reuniting with your ex-boyfriend you discover that not everything was as it seemed. Through obstacles and answers to can finally come to the conclusion that maybe people aren’t as bad as you thought.
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You were sitting in the coffee shop close to campus, not something out of the ordinary. You came here almost everyday after class to get your work done. With your drink just out of your reach you sat typing furiously on your laptop. Your philosophy teacher was slightly insane, and had doled out a write up assignment on whether or not humans are innately evil or not, worth a third of your grade and was due Monday.
You frowned to yourself, not knowing where to start. This prompt was so overused and you wrote the same thing every time, but certain recent events kept coming to you and oddly enough you were conflicted on your decision. 
A few months ago your boyfriend of 8 months broke things off with you. He gave no explanation or any indication to cause such a change. You were devastated and all you remember was the cold look in his eyes as he told you right to your face, “You’re not the person I want anymore. In fact, I don’t love you, I never did.” And before you could reply he up and left you sitting in the very cafe you were at now.
Maybe subconsciously you were brought here to remember. The one thing that was out of the ordinary was that you actually sat in the same spot as you did a few months back when your heart was broken. Prior to this you couldn’t even bear to look at the seat, but here you are. Obviously you didn’t think Lucas was evil, the bad memories of him just kept flooding back, yet you couldn’t let yourself move.
You sighed, shaking your head trying to focus back on the assignment. It had been almost four hours since you started but you didn’t feel even close to being complete with the assignment, or maybe you just couldn’t get yourself to leave.
“Still a creature of habit aren’t you?” A voice you could never forget asked from behind you. You whipped your head around, afraid what you thought was true.
He looked so different, so sad and tired. He looked as if he hadn’t slept or eaten in days. While there was a slight hint of humor in his voice, you could tell that it was forced, and the smile may have brightened his features, but it never reached his eyes.
You coughed looking away,  feeling the prickly sensation threaten to sting your eyes, and the feeling of your throat tightening around the lump that refused to go down.
“I guess,” you muttered, trying to keep all emotion out of your voice. You didn’t want him to see how much he still affected you. You had to be strong.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” he asked quietly, almost begging. Your eyes flitted across the almost empty room, and turned back with a  frown on your face, “I really can’t talk right now, I've got stuff to do.” You said as coldly as you could muster.
“It’ll only take a minute.” he pleaded. As hard as you tried to not look at him, you failed. Your eyes locked and you caved nodding your head as an indication for him to sit.
However, you refused to look up from your laptop and continued working. After 10 minutes he broke the silence with “I miss you.”
You stopped typing mid-word. Frozen, you closed your eyes for a second taking in a deep breath.
You felt a hand graze over your own and you instinctively flinched. At this, you heard him choke on his breath and pull away but not before giving you one last glance of hope.
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���I’m telling you Kun, it was really weird, We just sat there in silence, then he said I miss you. Everything got weird and he bolted.” You whined to your best friend Kun over the phone. Unfortunately the bad thing with having your best friend set you up with his bandmate, things  tend to get awkward when you break up.
“That is weird. He told us he couldn’t go to lunch with us because he was meeting up with an old friend. I wonder why he lied to us.” [K]
“I don’t know anymore. I’m just so upset that he had the nerve to tell me he missed me after what he said before. It’s not fair!” [Y/N]
“I still don’t really know what happened before. You wouldn’t tell me why he did that.” [K]
“Because I don’t know! He never told me either. To be honest, I hate to say this, but I’m worried about him. He looked awful. Has he been eating, or sleeping?” [Y/N]
“Y/N… I don’t think you--” [K]
“Wait, no. Don’t tell me. I’m supposed to be over him and that whole situation. Forget it. Just… keep an eye on him will you? I mean, not because I asked… because you’re his friend.” [Y/N]
“Okay Y/N. Hey, don’t let this get to you okay?” [K]
“Yeah. Alright. Are we still on for Saturday?” [Y/N]
“Yep! I can’t wait to see you! Gosh, it’s been so long.” [K]
“I know! Alright I guess I should go, I have a ridiculous paper calling my name.” [Y/N]
“M’kay see you soon!” [K]
You let out a sigh throwing your phone on the bed and flopping down next to it. Your eyes closed, ready to drift to a nap when the doorbell interrupted your peace.
Hmmm… that’s odd. It’s 7:00 PM, I didn’t order food did I? On second thought, I probably did didn’t I?
You made your way to the door reaching for your purse as it opened. “How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all. In fact, I think I owe you an explanation, and an apology.”
Your head snapped up to meet with none other than Lucas, not looking much better than he had hours before. Although the offer was enticing as he stood in the doorway holding a tub of your favorite ice cream.
You quietly left, running to the kitchen and grabbing two spoons, wagging them in his face before making your way to the couch.
“Open up, bud. You got a lot of explaining to do.” You said as he popped the lid off the tub. 
He gave you a sad smile at the term ‘bud’ and opened his mouth to talk, but not before shoveling a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.
“I know what I said was harsh and uncalled for and I understand if you can't forgive me, but there was a reason.” You nodded, continuing with your ice cream escapade.
“I want to start off by saying I love you. Ah- before you say anything, let me finish. I lied back then, I loved you then, and I love you now. And no matter what happens from here on out, a part of me will always love you.” The spoon had made it halfway into your mouth before you froze.
“I know I can’t blame what I did on someone else, but I never wanted to leave you, it really broke my heart to do that. To see you in shock and pain, it hurt me more than it hurt you. Whatever you felt, I felt ten times worse, believe me. I haven’t been well lately, I can’t seem to sleep because I always dream of you, and I can’t stand reliving what I did. I can’t keep food down and everything I do gets sloppy. That’s the only reason they're letting me do this right now.”
“Wait a minute... who’s they? Why can’t you do stuff? What are they doing to you? Lucas, if something is wrong, you can tell me, you know that right? If you’re in trouble or need help, I’m here. Okay?”
This earned a smile from him, but you were still worried, the frown never leaving your face. 
“Oh calm down,” he chuckled, “everything’s alright. Just eat your ice cream for now.” he said as he pushed the spoon towards your open mouth.
“I’m not in trouble, don’t worry about me. In fact that’s the last thing you should do for me. I don’t even deserve that.” He said with a sad smile. 
“It was my manager, they never liked our relationship. They said we had to break it off or the band would suffer. I should have never done what I did to you, but I couldn’t let the boys down after all they worked for. That's no excuse for how I told you though. I thought if I was harsh and mean, you would hate me and it would be easier for you, but I was wrong. I only ended up hating myself. I’m not asking for forgiveness or a second chance, only that you know why I did what I did. Although a boy can hope.” He chuckled sadly to himself at the last part, avoiding eye contact with you and grabbing the tub to shut himself up while he still could.
A minute of silence passed before either of you dared to move or say anything.
“You idiot! You could have told me, I would’ve understood!” You shouted smacking his chest repeatedly. It was a sight to see, a grown man getting smacked to death with a spoon hanging out of his mouth and eyes as wide as saucers.
After a bit more playful banter and some reconciliation you and Lucas sat on the couch content in each other's arms, for the first time in months. “Are you sure you’re not mad?” he asked, still timid.
“No, do you want me to be?” you giggled back. “Oh!” you gasped. “My paper! I know exactly what to write about now!” You looked over at Lucas who was staring at you with a hint of a smile sketched on his face and you gave him a peck.
“I’ll be right back!” yelling as you ran to your room, grabbing your laptop and making your way back to your spot against Lucas.
“Everything good?” He asked, digging his face into the crook of your neck.
“Yeah, everything’s good.” You whispered, smiling to yourself, knowing that Lucas’ explanation and decision may have been the factor in changing your answer. Maybe the world is made up of good people after all, it just may not be that obvious. 
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© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
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dongsichenged · 4 years
18.11.2020 wayv huya live ep.4 (dsc, qk, lyy)
(reading usernames)
winwin: in second place is... 'wayv hug bella's sister in law' (T/N: the word they used refers to your older brother's wife)
kun: bella's sister in law...?
yangyang: bella doesn't have a sister in law.
kun: bella's sister in law is... bella's older brother's... wife.
yangyang: ahh!
kun: who is bella's older brother? isn't it louis?
yangyang: bella's older brother is yangyang :)
winwin: her older brothers are louis and leon.
translated by dongsichenged
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wayvment · 1 year
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Yangyang Instagram Update (230911)
All you Osaka fans! You did great. The love from you all firmly reached me. It rained a lot today, but your enthusiasm was the best until the end. Let's meet again! WeiZennies, Czennies, I love you!
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sunuism · 3 years
dreamzens are actually insane wtf.
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