#weiss starling
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pikadrawsthings · 1 month ago
HL Modern AU Music Tag Game
What is your MC / OC singing at the top of their lungs in the car regardless of day or time?
I mean, this song never gets skipped, the volume always gets blasted, and their throat probably hurts when it's over.
(The lyrics don't have to match their personality, it can just be a banger in their books.)
You personally don't even have to like the song.
Thank you so much for the tag @leaswhum 🫶✨
No Pressure Tags: @savingsallow @rypnami @weebiecreep @ps-cactus @acslytherpuff @eternalremorse @theladyofshalott1989 & anyone who wants to!
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rypnami · 2 months ago
Quidditch Universe Incorrect Quotes
Ravenclaw Edition!
callum: i'm so ugly :((( alex: noooo. you're just... aesthetically challenged... --- alex: compliment me aurelie: aurelie: you have eyes alex: that works. --- weiss: whether or not i pay taxes is none of the ministry's business! callum: it literally is?? weiss: i don't care --- callum: what's sexting? aurelie: oh merlin. i'm not having this conversation with you, ask violet. *later* callum: [on fire] she said to ask you again. --- alex: don't mansplain this to me! aurelie: ??? i'm a woman??? i can't mansplain anything? alex: ... well i'm a feminist and i believe women can do anything men can!! ---
callum and violet are mine, aurelie is @morelikeravenbore 's beloved bebe, alex is @acslytherpuff and weiss is @pikadrawsthings <3 <3 hope yall don't mind i stole your kids!
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savingsallow · 2 months ago
Hey Casper! I hope you’re doing well! 🫶
I’ve been curious about this for a while now;
How do you think Val and Ale would interact with Elijah, Lilith, Raymond and Weiss?
hello there, pika!!!! :D
thank you and i hope you're doing well, too! 🤭🫶🏻✨
also, i'm very much sorry this took me a whole millennium to answer 🫠
but here you go!! 😁❤️‍🔥:
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— Elijah Avery Finch 🦡
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He's also a Muggleborn like Eli so I'm sure that Ale would do his best to look out for him whenever he has the chance
I think there's a chance they would bond over their hatred/resentment towards their own father
Overall, I think Ale would love to have Eli as his friend since he's a chill and fun guy to be around✨
She would appreciate his warm demeanor and would try her best to be friends with him as soon as she can! 😆🫶🏻
Eventually, I think they would bond over their similar hobbies like painting and snacking! 🍓
They're both the only children in their families as well so I'm guessing that they would understand each other in that regard
She'd also tease him about Seb 🤪
— Lilith Mila LeStrange 🐍
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He would be a bit wary about her at first since she's from a pure-blood supremacist family. However, no one is actually safe from Ale's attempt to talk to people so he would still talk to her eventually
I think once they start to have some frequent small conversations, his perspective of her will change and realize that she's nothing like her pure blood obsessed lineage
He would go as far as to defend her from her own siblings who bully her 👊🏻
These two would probably have this unspoken understanding between them since they both came from pure-blood supremacist families and they're both nothing like them
At some point, I think they'll become friends or at least a shoulder to lean on 🫂
If ever Lilith opened up about her self-harm, Val would do everything in her power to make sure she would never feel the need to do that again
I can imagine them climbing trees together and just talking about life while sitting on a tree branch
— Raymond Todd Sweeney
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I can imagine these two being a part of a Poetry Club of sort 😆✨
Raymond and Ale have very different interests and hobbies. However, there will be a time when they will be able to interact since Val and Ray have very similar interests, and it so happens that Ale joined an unholy number of school clubs just to get close to her! 🤣
He would probably ask him for some 'how to get better at potion' advice
As I mentioned above, they have a lot in common✨ Like they both are into quidditch, flying, astrology and space, and more!
Val's emotions are attuned to the phases of the Moon, so I think these two can help each other out in regards to the matters of the Moon
Once she learned that his mother is a baker, she would definitely ask for recipes 😆 This is because Val is a foodie! 🍞
For fun, she would challenge him to beat her at potion-making
— Weiss Snow Starling 🦅
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This may come off as a surprise but Ale is good at sewing 🪡 so I think once he learns that she likes sewing, they can bond over this! ✨
He would have mad respect for her standing up for those who are getting bullied
Would 10/10 compliment her fits 🔥🔥🔥
She would admire her courage and the way she carries herself cuz YAAAAS QUEEN 👑✨
Since they're both into Quidditch, Val would playfully tease her by saying: "Think you can beat me in a broom race, Starling? 😏" She's more than aware that Weiss is exceptional on a broom but a little fun challenge won't hurt 🤭
Val would hate Winter sooooo much and would do her best to make sure she doesn't get near Weiss as much as possible
She would also love to hang out with her whenever they get the chance! And maybe do some shopping together, too! 🛒🎀
— — — —
In conclusion, Val and Ale would definitely want to hangout with all of them 💯 Different perspectives and new friends are always welcome in this household✨
I hope these made sense and thank you so much for the ask! I so enjoy answering it 🤭❤️‍🔥
Wishing you a wonderful day ahead and sending many warm hugs!!! 🫂🫂🫂
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pikadrawsthings · 2 months ago
This’ll be fun
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Your MC's reaction if the Goblet of Fire chose them as the Hogwarts Champion
I'll go first: Gilbert:
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plasterhound · 22 days ago
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lizardfied me and my friend's signalis ocs
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pikadrawsthings · 3 months ago
Mistletoe Kisses🎄✨
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Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone has a good Christmas/Hanukkah/Yuletide!
Needed to draw more of these goobers so I figured I’d make it ✨festive✨
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novankenn · 5 months ago
... MINE!!!
Beacon cafeteria was busy, which was normal occurrence. Team RWBY and 3/4 of team JNPR were sitting at their customary table, just chatting away.
Ruby: Umm... where's Jaune?
Yang: (mouthful of scrambled eggs and bacon) Yeah...
Weiss: Don't talk with you're mouthful!
Pyrrha: He told us to get breakfast without him.
Ruby: Did he say why?
Nora: (Mouthful pancakes) A surprise!
Ren: Nora, swallow first.
Blake: A surprise?
Pyrrha: You know how excited he gets for Grimm-oween. Said he had the BEST costume and wanted to show it off.
Weiss: (Disgusted) Oh yes... that childish holiday...
Ruby: You know that's also my birthday, right?
The group suddenly started to look around as the expansive room suddenly went completely quiet. They all turned their attention to the main doors... seeing Jaune wearing a beaming smile... in his costume...
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Students: ...
RWBY / NPR: ...
Jaune still beaming, hit a couple of extra poses...
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Students / RWBY / NPR: ...
Cardin: MINE!!!
Coco: Back off Winchester! He's mine!!
Coco proceeds to tackle Cardin...
Weiss: Ruby... Pyrrha... I'm sorry...
Ruby / Pyrrha: Weiss???
Weiss was suddenly a blur of blue and white as she used a glyph to rocked towards the suddenly very scared Jaune...
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pikadrawsthings · 27 days ago
Excellent 😈
Elijah: Solomon Sallow, 10,000%. The combination of him and Sebastian being close, alongside his own daddy issues, he totally would’ve broken Solomon’s nose if he could reach it.
Raymond: Raymond doesn’t necessarily hate Imelda per say, he enjoys some light quidditch banter, but occasionally it does get a bit too argumentative for his taste.
Lilith: in the beginning, she despised Sebastian for his use of the dark arts. She had sympathy for him when she found out about Anne through Ominis, but still didn’t like how he used unforgivables like a normal spells. (Before the offing of Unca Soly of course)
Weiss: it’s actually really hard for Weiss to hate anyone. But she does hate one person, and that’s Winter, her older sister. She doesn’t want to admit it but she needs seriously therapy after all the bullshit that Winter did to her.
We all love tropes, but I’m getting into reverse tropes because some as so fucking funny
My favourite rn is the ‘They’re nice to everybody but you’ LOL
My question is:
Who’s that one person your OC hates?
For me, My OC Riyuu doesn’t necessarily hate Sebastian, but he’s very protective of Aria who is like a sister to him. So he’s nice to everyone but Seb for a bit LOL
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rypnami · 3 months ago
MC Quidditch Teams!
(apparently you get notified if a post you're mentioned in is updated so if you are getting this notification again, sorry about that!)
this is the masterlist for the HL quidditch team universe!! it will be updated and switched around and such as more people join! ❤️
i figured we needed a more fandom-wide community and don’t we all have a soft spot for quidditch?
OPEN POSITIONS: Slytherin reserves, 2 Gryffindor beaters, Gryffindor seeker, 2 Ravenclaw chasers, 2 Ravenclaw beaters, Hufflepuff captain, 2 Hufflepuff chasers, 1 Hufflepuff beater
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Captain: Imelda Reyes
Chasers: Imelda Reyes, Cassian Malfoy ( @saibugslegacy )
Beaters: Elsie Byrne ( @rypnami ), Chayton Duffey ( @rats-n-runespoors )
Keeper: Ellie Crawford ( @accio-bagel )
Seeker: Theon Ridley ( @saibugslegacy )
Reserves: Sebastian Sallow (Beater), John Stonehenge (Beater, @tinylittleobsessions ) William Hawke (Chaser, @sammiesunkara ) Pola Bielecka (Seeker, @infernalrusalka ) Val Black (Chaser, @savingsallow ) Ombeod Black (Seeker, @ombeodblack )
Captain: Phillip Prewett ( @rypnami )
Chasers: Lenora Shore ( @lenorashore ), Raegan DeRosiers ( @hazyange1s )
Beaters: Theodore Lewis ( @smile-arigatou ), Evangeline Sterling ( @writingsoftarnishedsilver )
Keeper: Asher Bloomingdale ( @mostboringcrossover )
Seeker: Claire Fox ( @n0va25 )
Reserves: Jamie Ambrose (Seeker, @rypnami ), Leander Prewett (Keeper), Allegra Chant (beater, @lyworth )
Captain: Mousey McGregor ( @sparxyv )
Chasers: Eleanor Porter ( @endless-starlight-legacy ), Weiss Starling ( @pikadrawsthings )
Beaters: Eleanor Knightley ( @slytherinsomniari ), Alex Hayoung ( @acslytherpuff )
Keeper: Mousey McGregor
Seeker: Milena Chase ( @sparxyv )
Reserves: Danny Gibson (Seeker, @catohphm ), damien evans (chaser, @theladyofshalott1989 )
Captain: Avania Chase
Chasers: Arthur Dankworth ( @tinylittleobsessions ) Avania Chase ( @starry-slithers )
Beaters: Jaimsen Hisui ( @leaping-toadstool-caps )
Keeper: Althea Moonlace ( @amethystandemma )
Seeker: Tori Lewis ( @espressoristretto-patronum )
Reserves: Gilbert Blythe ( Seeker, @honeybadgerdontcare394 )
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celerifleuri · 3 months ago
coming in with a little update but it's mostly an excuse for me to recommend games and buy myself time before playing a certain ending!
starting with a couple things you can expect then ill share some lines straight from the draft
more or less spoilery, feel free to avoid if you'd rather play the whole thing blind
- more eric content! it truly takes some effort to get that voice to shut up and to no one's surprise he'll be getting more lines
- maelyn repeatedly stepping on her finger
- a certain unfinished family painting
elements that will probably be in bonus episodes
- starling's mother! her name starts with an A
- mentions of starling's father. if he became a creature he'd have something for dicks, make of that what you will
couple lines i was working on today
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vague outline (in between days, after that one time starling calls her name and she hears eric)
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and now for some recommendations no one asked for!
i will draw some connections to not make them seem completely out of nowhere i swear
the silent kingdom (demo)
young woman stuck in a loop/her mind, very nice differences to be found between the before and the after
nier replicant
the replay value!!!! so many differences to be found and so many details to be noticed!!! and with the remake, you get an incredible character/fight/quest inspired by the little mermaid
sorry we're closed
i can't shut up about this one! all i can reasonably mention here is the second area being an abandoned aquarium and the woman you follow here turning into a 🫶
if you too suffer from a serious sorry we're closed brainrot, feel free to dm me/ask for my steam friend code 🙏
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citadelofmythoughts · 2 years ago
What has me crying about Blake and Ruby is their moment in V8. Not only did Blake say she looked up to her and admire her, but after Ruby got KNOCKED OUT Blake was calling to her for help. O l ow lack of inner team bonding has been a thing ppl wished we had more of but Blake opening up to Ruby like that was so special. And then when Ruby struck the killing blow and smiled tiredly and said “I could hear you”.
It also goes to show that Ruby was lashing out and uses recent events. If Ruby were truly an awful person she would’ve said more personal things, brought up Raven or the Faunus or something. But she just said the first things she could that were a more recent and direct impact to her negative thoughts.
Also the idea any of them would drop Ruby after seeing this display is so stupid. And right after Yang said that Blake never gives up on ppl (that she cares about) even when they hurt her. THIS is an example of that. Ruby lashing out was starling and unsettling but bc Blake knows how Ruby usually is has known her for some time this is not like Adam or even when she was wary about Yang being too similar to him.
Like. Like it’s so Funny how people are reacting to Ruby this way when her entire mini breakdown bc I do believe she has more to say, it’s the fact that her feelings are pushed aside and there’s no time to think about her own shit and her fears are paved over with Happy Thoughts. Only responding to how the others react and not taking into account to WHAT Ruby is saying and WHY she might say it IS THE ENTIRE SCENE like. Listen it was rough but maybe ppl need to watch it again to get the message
It was Ruby lashing out of anger but there is a difference between anger and malice.
And the team knows that. It's why Blake backed away, it's why Yang didn't say anything harsher than "Hey!"
They know the difference because they've been there. Weiss, Blake, Yang they've all had a chance to process their traumas, to try to heal. Ruby hasn't. She's had to be the leader, the silver-eyed warrior, the smaller, more honest soul.
But when has she had a chance to be, Ruby?
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pikadrawsthings · 1 month ago
Yo this is sick as hell :0
Picrew link
Me vs My OC(s)
Because I can’t pick just one
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Pika vs Elijah/Weiss/Lilith/Raymond
NPT: @rypnami @eternalremorse @ps-cactus @cuffmeinblack @theladyofshalott1989 @leaswhum @acslytherpuff @savingsallow & anyone who wants to!! :)
me v. my OC
picrew link
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Bagel v. Ellie
not tagging anyone, but whoever wants to do this too please rb because I'd like to see 💚
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pokemon-blightblur · 1 year ago
Blight/Blur : All Characters
🐉 The Legend of The Dragons :
Hero of Truth, Hilbert Blackburn Hero of Ideals, Nate Blake The Heart, Cheren Slater Warrior of Truth, Hilda Weiss Warrior of Ideals, Hugh Obsidian Scholar of Truth, Bianca Alabaster Scholar of Ideals, Rosa Whitefield The Priest, N Harmonia Gropius The Doctor, Nikolai Colress / Acro Cogita
👑 Unova's League :
The Woodcutter's Apprentice, Cilan Clockworker The Angler's Apprentice, Cress Clockworker The Blacksmith's Apprentice, Cress Clockworker The Archivist, Lenora Magnolia The Artist, Burgh Barlowe The Seamstress, Elesa Starling The Prospector, Clay Tamagawa The Adventurer, Skyla Vale The Phantom, Brycen Ryder The Captain, Drayden Dragul The Musician, Roxie Fenton The Seafarer, Marlon Salvador The Enchantress, Shauntal Del Rosario The Gambler, Grimsley Slater The Princess, Caitlin Bloomingdale The Successor, Marshal Redwood The Heir, Benga Redwood The Heiress, Iris Chibana The Lorekeeper, Alder Redwood The Moon's Chronicler, Ingo Graystone The Sun's Chronicler, Emmet Graystone ✖️ Team Plasma + Order of The Heart :
The False Prophet, Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius The Eye of Love, Anthea Harmonia Gropius The Eye of Peace, Concordia Harmonia Gropius The Agent, Zinzolin Ryder The Agent, Godfrey Rood The Eye of Love, Yancy Rosewood The Eye of Peace, Curtis Greenville The Shadow, Uno The Shadow, Dos The Shadow, Tres 🔖 Gym Guides :
Waitress Tia of Striaton Scientist Satomi of Nacrene Harlequin Jack of Castelia Lady Colette of Nimbasa Clerk Katie of Driftveil Pilot Chase of Mistralton Black Belt Thomas of Icirrus Veterans Kim and Ron of Opelucid Gentleman Clyde of Aspertia Guitarist Billy Jo of Virbank Ace Trainer Santino of Humilau
🧪 Scientists :
The Counselor, Audrea Juniper The Wiseman, Cedric Juniper The Analyst, Fennel Dreamer The Prodigy, Amanita Dreamer
🩸 Family :
Harper Blackburn Lillith Slater Noland Slater Blanche Alabaster Silas Alabaster Marianne Blake Hitoshi Obsidian Giselle Obsidian Aya Obsidian Sabrina Starling Roxas Fenton Kuroba Amano Norman Slater Cynthia Cogita The Witch, Nikola Cogita
🌏 Friends and Allies of Other Regions :
The Hero of Life and Death, Calem Laflamme The Heroine of Life and Death, Serena Cendrine The Gravekeeper, Augustine Sycamore The Philantropist, Lysandre Donnadieu The King of Kalos, Azriel Donnadieu
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mixing-bowl-of-stories · 1 year ago
Who are the main characters of the forthcoming AU?
Sorry for the late response, was finishing up school work
The Forthcoming AU focuses on the Forthcoming Crowd / Forthcoming Kids
The main characters are a large crowd, and goes as follows:
- Ruby and Weiss’s kids:
Rudolph Rose-Schnee (Rudy, “Dolphin” (<- particularly said by Hei and Qorali))
Autumn Rose-Schnee (Auttie, Summer Jr)
Polar Rose-Schnee
- Yang and Blake’s kids:
Apollo Belladonna (Solar, Eclipse, Firey)
Hei Xiao Long
- Qorbyn and Jasmine’s kids:
Qorali (cor uh lie) Ozwen (Qori, Ali)
Jett Ozwen (Jetty, Fighter, Bullhead)
Ember Fall
- Blaine and Sparrow’s kids:
Wren Hill
Lila Ironwood
Starling Goodhill (Star, “Goodie Two Shoes” (<- said mainly by Apollo))
Indigo Goodwitch (Indie, Go-Go)
Of course, there are other kids than just this. But if I listed off everyone who has kids, we’d be here all night lmao
Anyways, these are just the main characters
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rpking99 · 10 months ago
Girlfriend Experiance RP's
RP's on this list are ones where your muse and the one you are interacting with have a relationship before the Rp beginins. Where you are dating and get to have some fun.
How each RP will be presented will be as followed: Name of RP (Franchise, Character)
The Hunted (Marvel, She-Venom)
Not So Invisible Love (Marvel, Sue Storm)
Van Dyne Original (Marvel, Wasp)
From The Ashes (Marvel, Jean Grey/Phoenix)
Say My Name (Marvel, Madelyn Pryor/Goblin Queen)
Workout Hangout (Marvel, Wolverine/Laura Kinney)
Best She Is At What She Does (Marvel, Wolverine/Laura Kinney)
Batwoman Is Your BatBabe (DC, Batwoman/Kate Kane)
The One And Only Birds of Prey (DC, Batgirl & Huntress & Black Canary)
Blackfire's Bae (DC, Blackfire)
In Brightest Day, In Needy Night (DC, Green Lanter/Jessica Cruz)
Not So Killer Frost (DC, Killer Frost)
Late Night At The Daily Planet (DC, Lois Lane)
Lend A Hand, Please (Monster Musume, Zombina)
18+ Pampering (Dragon Ball Z, Android 18)
Ranamon's Number 1 Fan (Digimon, Rana/Ranamon)
Riding Romance Acceleration (Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds, Aki Izayoi)
Get Away With Thorn Princess (SpyXFamily, Yor)
Alone At Night (SpyXFamily, Yor)
Forger Forever (SpyXFamily, Anya Forger (Aged Up))
Race Queen Union (SSSS//Gridman, Rikka Takarada)
Instance Domination (SSSS//Dynazenon, Mujina)
Alone At Last With Scanty (Panty And Stocking With Garterbelt, Scanty Demon)
Gift From A Sinful Angel (Panty And Stocking With Garterbelt, Stocking Anarchy)
Preassure & Relations (Kill La Kill, Ryuko Matoi)
Kiryuin Submits (Kill La Kill, Satsuki Kiriyuin)
Sister Vs Sister (Kill La Kill, Ryuko Matoi & Satsuki Kiriyuin)
Cosplay Cowabunga (TMNT, April O'Neil)
After The Show (Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Jessica Rabbit)
Wanna Ride? (Transformers Prime, Arcee)
New High Score (Kim Possible, Shego)
Help Zip Me Up? (Kim Possible, Shego)
Date With Daphne (Scooby Doo, Daphne)
Break From Mysteries (Scooby Doo, Velma Dinkly)
They Cast A Spell On You (Scooby Doo, Hex Girls)
Bratty WolfGirl GF (Helluva Boss, Loona)
Third At The Wedding (Hazbin Hotel, Charlie & Vaggie)
WhiteRose Swap Chaos (RWBY, Weiss Schnee & Ruby Rose)
All In: Betting It All, Loosing It All (RWBY, Team RWBY (Ruby Rose & Weiss Schnee & Blake Belladonna & Yang Xiao-Long))
Distracting Samus (Metroid, Samus Aran)
Womb Raider (Tomb Raider, Lara Croft)
Failed Salvation (Kingdom Hearts, Aqua)
Edenian Consort (Mortal Kombat, Kitanna)
New First Wedding (NiER, Unit 2B)
Star's Party (Lolipop Chainsaw, Juliet Starling)
Quarian Love (Mass Effect, Tali)
Strain of Combat (Street Fighter, Chun-Li)
Princess Pride's Partner (Megaman Battle Network, Princess Pride)
Jack-In, Adult Upgrades (Megaman Battle Network, Roll)
High-Cut Try Out (Persona 4, Chie Satonaka)
Amagi Challenge Victorious (Persona 4, Yukiko Amagi)
Detective Prince's Problems (Persona 4, Naoto Shirogane)
Distract The Gamer (Persona 5, Oracle/Futaba Sakurai)
Oracles Gift (Persona 5, Oracle/Futaba Sakurai & Shadow Futaba)
Ms Okumara Getting Heated (Persona 5, Noir/Haru Okumara)
Secret Revealed (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Pink Ranger/Kimberly Hart)
Night With The Tiger (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Yellow Ranger/Trini)
Sins Of The Slayer (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Ranger Slayer/Kimberly Hart)
Ranger Girlfriends (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Pink Ranger/Kimberly & Yellow Ranger/Trini)
Visiting Violet Marine Maintinence (Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, KyoryuViolet/Yayoi Ulshade)
The Exhausted Soverign (Ohsama Sentai KingOhger, Papillon Ohger/Rita Kaniska)
The Beautiful Flower Never Wilters (Ohsama Sentai KingOhger, Kamakiri Ohger/Hymeno Ran)
AIMS For the Right Spot (Kamen Rider 01, Kamen Rider Valkyrie/Yua Yaiba)
Star Of The Star Of The Stars Of Her Eyes (Kamen Rider Geats, Kamen Rider Geats/Magical Girl Geats/Ace Ukiyo)
Perks Of A Superheroine Girlfriend (Kamen Rider Geats, Kamen Rider Na-Go/Neon Kurashima)
Marriage To The Dark Elf Queen (Kuro Inu, Olga Discorida)
Wedding Of The Dark Knight (Taimanin, Hell Knight Ingrid)
Two Deadliest Women Together (SpyXFamily, Yor Forger + Street Fighter, Chun-Li)
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pikadrawsthings · 2 months ago
Time for trauma lore
Elijah: he would most definitely see himself, officially transitioned to a point where he feels comfortable in his own skin; his identity and the way he appears to others has always been a major factor to his self esteem.
Raymond: himself if he never got bit by that werewolf; he is still terrified that he might hurt someone he cares about during a full moon.
Lilith: her parents and siblings, with warmth and love in their eyes as they look at her; deep down she still cares about them, she just wants them to care about her the same.
Weiss: her sister standing along side her wearing quidditch gear; she has always had a feeling that Winter would be a menace in quidditch, she just never had the proper relationship with her to try and convince her to join.
Ask game time!
What does your MC sees in the Mirror of Erised?
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Just write a comment or reblog. I'm very curious! :3
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