#weird game but a lot of good sonny content!
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tobinsonny · 4 months ago
sonnett vs iceland 10/27
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years ago
Of All the Places
Chapter 4
Pairing: Loki x reader Series Summary: Washing up in a small town in Oklahoma was definitely not part of Loki’s plan when he came to conquer Midgard. There is one good thing about it, though: No one recognizes him as the one who just wreaked havoc in New York. So, Loki plans to recover from the battle and move on with his life. The only problem? He’s not sure he can leave you. Chapter Summary: Loki continues to struggle with his emotions as he tries to figure out his bond with you. On top of all that stress, he finally learns what the rest of the world is hearing about New York. Chapter Warnings: long, angsty, and fluffy A/N: Woohoo! Fourth chapter is here! Totaling almost 5,000 words, the longest thing I have written to date. Any comments, questions, or predictions? I’d love to hear them and chat with you! Well, guys, gals, and non-binary pals, hope you enjoy :) Updates every Friday.
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiantfavs​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​
✥ Start at Beginning ✥ | ← Previous Chapter | Next Chapter →
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
Loki hadn’t slept well in days. Between nightmares and dreams of you, his mind was a constant hub of activity. He didn’t need as much sleep as you mortals did, but after the whole ordeal with Thanos, the lack of rest was taking a toll on him. You were the first to notice, and started hovering even more than normal, something Loki was reluctant to admit he liked. In his final days on Asgard, he’d made himself a complete loner, going so far as to isolate himself from Frigga. It was nice to have some companionship again. That was as far as Loki ever let his mind wander, though, cutting himself off before he could deeper analyze the constant pull he felt toward you. Certainly there wasn’t even anything else to analyze anyway, he convinced himself. You were, after all, only human.
Before he could get lost in thought again, Loki refocused on Matt’s caramel blonde hair as he chased him between the barn and the house. The boy’s light curls were the only thing he’d inherited from his father and looked almost exactly like Ana otherwise. It made Loki wonder how he never guessed he was adopted, seeing as he looked nothing like either of his parents. This fresh air was really starting to get to him, he decided, because he was continuously going down these deep contemplative paths in his mind. It was a constant loop of his feelings for you, his true heritage, and how he was taking advantage of your family. Then again, it may have been the traumatic, near-death experiences and hours of torture that was doing this to him. That was the one thing he always liked to forget about.
“Tag, you’re it!” Loki cheered as he tapped Matt.
The challenge in this game, for Loki at least, was not to overtake Matt’s strides too quickly. It was the perfect balance of fake chasing and finding just the right moment to execute the tagging. Still, he was having almost as much fun as the child was.
“Now you’re it!” Matt declared a few minutes later when Loki let the boy catch up to him.
If there was anything to admire about the kid, it was his tireless energy. Loki was glad to have found someone to keep pace with him as far as that went. His mind, too, was kept plenty stimulated by late-night talks with you. Ever since you’d showed him the creek a few days ago, you seemed to talk into the wee hours of the morning. He’d never noticed before just how deep and intelligent mortals could be. It was quite the accomplishment that you were changing so many of his opinions in such a short time. Then he realized he was thinking of you yet again and cut off the train of thought before it could persist.
“Loki. Matt,” Ana called, waving at them from the front porch.
After scooping the boy up in his arms, Loki jogged over to where she was standing. Matt was happily transferred to his mother’s arms as he was carried into the kitchen for snack time. The God of Mischief looked out over your land, trying to give in to the feeling of contentment he was so close to achieving. If only he didn’t constantly have that voice in his head telling him he was a monster, he didn’t belong here. Maybe then he could be happy. A part of him wished he’d lost his memory for real.
“Oh, there you are,” you said, walking out of the house. “I’m heading into town if you want to come with me and see if anything jogs your memory.”
“Yes. I would like that very much.”
As the two of you made your way to the car, you repeatedly tossed and caught your keys in a nervous pattern. Loki held the door open for you as you got in and quickly hurried around to the other side. He stared at a weird strap by his seat as he sat down. You saw his look of befuddlement and couldn’t help but let out a little laugh.
“Do you not remember how to use a seatbelt?” you asked kindly as he nodded his head yes. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you came from an alien planet.”
Then you reached across his seat to buckle him in. Unfortunately, it was a bit farther than you realized, and you fell into Loki, hand splayed on his chest, his hands immediately reaching out to steady you. For a minute, the only sound in the vehicle was your pounding hearts. You cleared your throat in embarrassment as you finished your task. The air between you held a distinct awkwardness, and Loki realized that this was the first time you’d been truly alone since the creek. It sent a thrill down his spine, even as he tried to ignore his racing thoughts. Determined to look anywhere but in your direction, his eyes landed on Mama, scowling in the window. She’d made it clear that she wasn’t keen on him spending so much time with you and Matt. If he was any smarter, any braver, he would listen to her and just leave already.
“So,” you began, clearing your throat again and driving off, “how are you feeling today?”
“I am quite well, thank you. I do believe I am fully healed.”
“Promise to still take it easy, ok?”
You lapsed into silence as you cruised along the road. Loki stared out the window, hoping to find some clarity in the scenery streaking by. You were a mortal, he should not have felt any sort of attachment to you. Then again, he hadn’t spent time with one since the Middle Ages. It had all been so dreadfully dull back then, but things had changed. You and your family were so exuberant, so captivating. But he was a god, and he should not concern himself with that. In fact, he should be on his way of this planet, which was maybe not so miserable, after all.
Before long, you reached town and pulled into a small parking lot of a building with a sign that said “24 Hour Convenience Store” and had many light-up neon signs, declaring they were open. You got out and Loki followed suit.
“Anything look familiar yet?” you asked. “I know you don’t live here, but maybe you passed through.”
Lying was his specialty, and it’s what he should have done now. He could hear himself in his head, his silver tongue weaving a tale about how things were coming back to him. Then he could pretend to contact someone and create an illusion, so you believed he had a happy reunion with his family. It would be prefect; he would leave and you wouldn’t worry about him. He truly wanted to believe it would perfect, anyway, but it wasn’t. Not if he never saw you again. There must be something special about you, he decided, and the Tesseract brought him here so he could figure it out. That was it. That had to be it.
“I am afraid not,” he replied. “Perhaps I came from the other way.”
“Yeah, maybe. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out,” you comforted him with a hug, mistaking the reason for his sadness.
His body went stiff in your embrace. He hadn’t been hugged in centuries. Granted, that was in part his fault because he was afraid receiving hugs from his mother would hurt his carefully crafted image. Now here you were, holding his body against your warm frame. Once his mind cleared a bit, he awkwardly hugged you, too, and gave your back a few uncertain pats. He should not have been encouraging this behavior, but he was. Maybe if he caused some mischief he’d feel more like his old self. Or maybe he didn’t want to be that person anymore. It was all too much. He was exhausted by the incessant back and forth of his thoughts. He untangled himself from you and gestured to the store.
“After you,” he said.
You pushed open the glass doors and were greeted by the cashier as you walked in. Loki followed you to the back where the refrigerator section was, and he chivalrously held the milk that you’d come to pick up. You also grabbed some coffee grounds and then proceeded to checkout. After setting down the items on the counter, Loki turned over a chocolate bar in his hands, feeling like a child as you took it out of his hands and put it down with the other items. You grabbed a few other bars too, flashing a smile at Loki and keeping up a conversation with the clerk all the while.
“And who’s your new friend?” the cashier, whose name tag said Mr. Berkeley, asked you.
“This is Loki. He’s staying with me until... Well for a while,” you finished, not sure how much Loki felt comfortable revealing.
“Where’re you from, sonny?”
“Unfortunately, I cannot remember. It seems I had some kind of horrid accident,” Loki explained before you could fret anymore. He was very tired of being called son by people when he was a thousand years their senior, though. “I was very lucky to have found my way onto their farm.”
“Well, that’s quite a story. You should talk to the newspaper, get the word out.”
You shot an “I told you so” look at Loki to which he responded with one that said, “We’ll talk about this later.” Before either of you could say anything, though, the news came on the TV which Loki hadn’t realized was on.
“Do you have cable back?” you inquired as Loki began to panic. “It’s still out on the farm.”
“Nah. I got a satellite on the roof. Just got it set up again this morning.
You nodded along as the anchors began the next story. “New York is still reeling from damage, but the group of superheroes, going by the name of the Avengers, is leading clean-up efforts. The perpetrator has still not been caught-”
Loki discreetly turned the TV off with his powers before you could hear any more. He’d have to make sure the satellite took significant damage before leaving.
“Dang it. I just fixed that damned thing,” the cashier said.
“What was that all about?” you asked, completely bewildered by the sudden influx of information. “What happened in New York?”
“I guess you missed it in the paper last week,” Mr. Berkeley explained. “Some crazy group of aliens attacked, led by some power hungry god. Supposedly it was Thor’s brother, but they haven’t disclosed that information yet. Reckon they want to wait until he’s caught, avoid a panic.”
“Oh my god. That’s terrible! Gosh, you miss one paper,” you laughed, trying to keep the mood light.
A dark cloud passed over Loki’s features, even as Mr. Berkeley laughed along. Despite those SHIELD agents covering this up, word had still gotten out in some capacity. He had to be careful, or else he was going to get caught, and then you’d be in danger. He cursed under his breath. Your safety should be the last thing he was worrying about, and yet it was the first thought to come into his mind. A little kindness thrown his way should not make him into the mess he was. Of course, there were so many other things to like about you, too, and he kept finding more. He didn’t want to, he didn’t want any of this, but the Norns were punishing him for something. What would have happened, he wondered, if he’d listened to Thor and just held on that fateful day? If he hadn’t let go of the staff and fallen to what should have been his ultimate demise?
“Sonny, are you alright?” Mr. Berkeley asked as you laid a hand on his arm.
“Fine, but I think we should be going. I’ll meet you outside.”
He jerked away from your touch before you could do anything else and stalked outside. At least the satellite was hanging half off the roof with a huge dent in its side. He opened his door and got into the car as you unlocked it and raced over to him.
“Loki! Loki!” you called as you hurried over. “What was that? Are you ok?”
“Nothing! Nothing at all. Can’t you see I’m fine?” he snapped, struggling with the seatbelt. “I’m fine,” he whispered again.
“Hey, look at me,” you soothed, filled with compassion and placing a hand on his cheek. “Whatever it is, just let me know. I’m here for you. Talk to me.”
Loki’s eyes fluttered shut as he enjoyed the warmth from your palm. He let go of the seatbelt and took a few deep breaths, just like his mother had taught him. A part of him wanted to hang onto this anger, knowing that it might finally drive him to leave. He knew from experience, though, that acting in moments of blind rage would never lead to anything good.
“Is it New York? Did you remember something?” you gasped. “You had felt it was important in some way.”
“Perhaps,” he said after one last steadying breath. “It may have triggered something. But really, I am just a little tired. Maybe I am not as healed as I thought.”
He turned his head away and rested it against the window as your hand dejectedly fell into your lap. It’s not that he wanted to pull away, but he knew it’s what was safest for you.
“Ok then. We’ll go home.”
Loki whispered his thanks and succeeded in buckling up. He closed his eyes as the car started and a wave of emotions crashed over him. When you said home, he immediately pictured the farm. He knew he shouldn’t, but he did.
Loki holed himself up in his room for the rest of the day, working through the new information he’d learned. He pretended to be asleep when Ana came to bring him some dinner. Notably, you had not been the one taking care of him, and he cursed himself for pushing you away. He didn’t even bother trying to convince himself it was for the best; he knew it wasn’t. After so many years on his own, he finally had a friend, and he drove you away. Why he expected anything less from himself, he didn’t know.
At some point, he fell into a restless sleep. The food from last night was still on the bedside table, but it was now joined with the Snickers bar you’d bought for him yesterday. Someone had also come and tucked him in. Maybe he hadn’t lost his friend, after all. He opened the chocolate and took a bite, delighting in the sweet and nutty flavor. He polished it off, then waved a hand over the rest of the food, causing it to disappear. He wasn’t much in the mood for eating it, but didn’t want you to worry. He nearly ran into John as he walked into the hallway with the empty tray.
“There you are!” John exclaimed. “We were getting worried. Do you need the doctor?”
“No, I am quite alright, thank you. I think I just needed some good sleep,” Loki lied.
“Only if you’re sure. Take it easy today, though, ok?”
“That’s an order,” you said, appearing behind your brother-in-law and taking the tray from Loki. “Are you hungry? You missed breakfast, but I can heat up some leftovers from you.”
“I am fine,” Loki began, but noticed you frown. “Though, I suppose I could do with a small breakfast.”
“Great!” you said a little too brightly. “I’ll meet you down there.”
“Loki, can I talk to you for a minute?” John asked, pulling him aside. “What exactly happened yesterday? We heard about New York, but it seemed like there was something else bothering them.”
Loki felt a pang in his chest at the man’s words. As if the news weren’t upsetting enough, he’d been rude to you. He could only imagine how you would feel if you knew he was the one who had caused the mayhem. He wanted to pin the blame on someone else, but the blood was on his hands and he knew he had to take some responsibility. Doing that would help him change, which he recognized was absolutely necessary after all that had happened.
“I fear I may have upset them,” Loki started, shedding his old ways by telling the truth. “I was not feeling quite right, and I turned them away. Now they clearly blame themself for it. I deeply regret it, but I am not sure there is anything I can do.”
“Just talk to them. Apologize.”
Loki did his best not to look shocked, but the last time he said sorry was when his parents caught him playing tricks on Thor, and even then it was done begrudgingly. He wasn’t even sure he could make it sound sincere.
“Listen, I’ve got an idea,” John said. “We’re heading to the city today if you want to tag along. They’re off to get some gifts for Ana while I’ve got a few potential distributors to meet with. I’m sure they would be thrilled to have your company. Unless you’re not feeling well, of course.”
“No, I’m feeling fine. That is a great idea. You have my thanks, John.”
“No problem. Now, you’d better head down for breakfast before we both get in trouble,” he laughed.
With a final nod of gratitude, Loki took off down the stairs. His light footsteps went undetected as he neared the table, once again giving him the opportunity to eavesdrop on Mama’s suspicions.
“I know something else must’ve happened yesterday. You weren’t upset over nothing.”
“It’s just the New York thing,” you replied. “I’m fine. Really.”
“You tell me what that boy did right now or so help me I’ll kick him out of this house myself!”
“Mama! He didn’t do anything wrong. I get that what happened with James hurts, believe me I do, but you can’t let it run your life. You have to be able to trust others, to trust me,” you pleaded.
“How dare you drag your brother into this,” Mama shot back, her voice cracking. “How ’bout you trust my gut when it tells me that boy is trouble. I swear-”
She was cut off by Loki doubling back and thudding down the stairs, making his presence known. He’d heard more than enough of that conversation and wouldn’t allow you to feel any more hurt than you already were.
“Good morning,” he coldly said to Mama as he walked in, nostrils flaring slightly before he regained some composure. “I am not interrupting anything, am I.”
“Only our entire lives. Why don’t you go to the police, huh? And what about the missing person ad? Why haven’t we gotten that out yet? I don’t know what game your playing, but when I figure it out, believe me you’ll be sorry.”
“Fine! You want to know what I am doing here? I do not know. I have no idea why I ended up here or why I have stayed as long as I have. So when you ‘figure it out,’ by all means, please let me know.”
“Fine!” Mama shouted as she stormed off.
Loki was comforted by the fact that in his little outburst, he hadn’t technically told any lies to you. Half-truths? Most certainly, but no outright lies. Now that he was left alone with you, though, he felt embarrassed he lost his temper. He cleared his throat before speaking.
“I am sorry,” he said, not looking at you.
“Loki, you don’t have to say sorry for defending yourself. I understand.”
“That’s not what I’m apologizing for,” he confessed, now looking into your eyes. “Yesterday I was not feeling quite right, but I should not have snapped at you nor pushed you away like that. For that, you have my sincerest apologies.
“It’s really ok, it happens to everyone. I just care that you’re feeling alright.”
You stayed where you were standing, still hesitant to move toward Loki out of fear of being rejected again. So, it fell upon Loki to close the distance between you. He took your hand in his and placed a kiss to your knuckles as a light blush coated his cheeks.
“Thank you, darling. I assure you, I am feeling more than alright now.”
Whatever was about to happen between you next was cut off by the beeping of the microwave. You finished putting together his breakfast before sitting with him at the island. Though your relationship had been repaired, the conversation was still a bit choppy and awkward as you found your footing in the friendship again. John walked in just as you were cleaning up, whistling a happy tune.
“Ready to go whenever you guys are,” he said as he leaned against the doorframe.
“You’re coming?” you asked Loki, feeling worried for his health. “Are you sure you’re up for that? I can even stay behind with you if u want.”
“Please, do not change your plans on my account. I am in a great condition to go.”
You still seemed reluctant, but agreed he could come as long as he let you know the second he started feeling unwell. He conceded, and you went to fetch your jacket with the promise you’d be back in a minute. John gave Loki a thumbs up, to which he replied with a very self-assured smile, bolstered with confidence by your latest exchange.
A few minutes later you were all piling into the car, with Loki insisting you took the passenger seat and that he’d ride in the back. He was very pleased to get the seatbelt buckled on the first try, and the two of you shared a laugh at the little inside joke. His cheeks burned slightly, remembering how you’d fallen against him. Over the next few hours, you passed time by talking, laughing, and singing along to the radio. Just as you were entering the city, a troubling thought occurred to Loki; the people here had heard the news. Even if it hadn’t been officially announced that he was responsible for New York, those rumors about him had to have included a description. Sudden inspiration struck as John parked the car.
“You don’t happen to have a hair tie in here, do you?” he inquired.
“Yeah,” you replied, reaching into the glove compartment. “Ana keeps some in here for emergencies.”
Loki thanked you as you passed it to him and quickly put his hair up in a low bun. When he turned his attention back to you, you were staring at him, and he gave you a charming, lopsided grin that had you ducking your head in embarrassment.
“Ok,” John said with a clap of his hands once you were all on the sidewalk. “We’ll meet here in, say, about 5 hours.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you agreed, before waving goodbye.
Now it was just you and Loki again as you took off towards some stores to look at some baby gifts for Ana. It would still be half a year before the baby arrived, but you were always indecisive when it came to purchasing gifts. On the way, Loki ducked into a small shop and bought a pair of sunglasses, furthering his disguise. Between that, the new clothes, and the different hairstyle, he felt pretty confident in his ability to blend in.
After two-and-a-half hours of shopping, you’d found a bunch of things to maybe get, but hadn’t decided on anything. You would go back and look some more, but you were bone tired after all the walking around. The fact that you were so exhausted made you concerned for Loki’s condition, too, not entirely trusting that he would tell you if he was feeling ill, despite his promise to.
“How are you holding up?” you cautiously asked, afraid of a repeat of yesterday if you pushed too hard.
“I am doing quite well. You, however, seem to need to stop for a spell. Come, let us rest for a minute.”
He led you over to the food court of the mall you were at and pulled out a chair for you to sit in. He glanced around at the options and, though there was nothing there that appealed to him, there was certainly something that you liked. Besides, he didn’t need to eat, but your frail mortal body would need some sustenance sooner rather than later.
“Can I get something for you to eat?” he offered.
“How about we go see a movie instead?” you proposed, eyeing up the nearby theater.
“Only if you eat something.”
“Wow. Look at how the tables have turned,” you laughed. “Fine, but you have to also.”
After a minute’s debate, you and Loki agreed on a comedy starring your favorite actor. It wouldn’t have been Loki’d first pick, but after all the stress and angst of the last 24 hours, he figured he could use a laugh. You also convinced him to try some popcorn and Pepsi. He wasn’t much a fan of the soda, but the snack was tasty enough. Though, you did end up stealing half of his after finishing your own, which was fine with him. The best part of the whole experience, though, was getting to hear your laugh over and over again. Loki thought it might be the most beautiful sound he ever heard. Well, perhaps the best part was actually when your arms brushed each other as you both went to put them on the armrest at the same time. Loki filed away all these little mental notes to dwell on at a later date. Or, if he were lucky enough to rein in his hurricane of thoughts, never again.
“Well, that killed a lot of time,” you said after the movie ended and you were stretching out, aching from having sat for so long. “We’ve still got some left though. What do you want to do?”
“I believe there was a library over by where we parked. Let us go there,” he said, quickly thinking up a plan.
By the time you walked over, there was only about twenty minutes left for him to complete what he needed to do. He hurried over to where the computers were, and though he wasn’t particularly adept with modern Midgardian technology, the directions taped to the wall were clear enough that he was able to look up a book. He sent you off to get it, claiming that the title had just popped into his head and that he was certain he used to love it, and that he wanted to check on the status of a few others. You obliged, hoping that seeing the book would bring back some more of his supposedly lost memories.
Once you were gone Loki quickly searched for information on what he learned was being referred to as the Battle of New York. Thankfully, there was as little information about him circulating as Mr. Berkeley had said. Mostly, it was just speculation and stories from people claiming they’d been there. A great number of posts and photos had been deleted, too, and Loki assumed that they were ones with more valid claims and information. Knowing how SHIELD is, Loki was sure it was all removed almost immediately, so he felt relatively safe but decided he couldn’t be too careful.
“I found it!” you said, setting the book down as Loki closed out the tab he was on.
“Wonderful! Thank you,” he replied, flipping through it. “Most unfortunately, the other books were checked out.”
You leaned over shoulder to look at the book in his hands. “That’s too bad. What about this one, though? Triggering any memories?”
“Well, I think I enjoyed reading. Other than that, I am afraid not.”
“That’s ok. We’ll keep trying.”
Your hand slowly drifted over to rest on his, and he gave you a brilliant smile. It made him wish he’d found a friend in the universe far sooner than he had. Then maybe he wouldn’t have ended up in the hands of Thanos, committing atrocities against his family and strangers alike. Then again, if none of that happened, he never would have met you. He was torn over which he preferred.
“There you guys are,” John said, walking up to where you were. “Ready to head back whenever you are.”
After putting the book back on the shelf, you were ready to leave. Loki hung back with John as you exited.
“Your plan has worked miracles, my good man. You have my sincerest gratitude,” he said.
“No problem, dude,” John said, patting Loki on the back. “Glad to bring a happy couple back together again.”
Loki’s steps faltered. Between his companion’s smirk and teasing tone, Loki knew it was meant as a joke. Mainly, anyway. John really was very off the mark, though. He and you were merely friends, nothing more. And surely that was just barely so, seeing as you were a human. There was no way you meant anything else to Loki. Right?
It wasn’t until you were back on the road, and Loki couldn’t stop looking at the back of your head, that he even began to realize just how much trouble he was in.
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dyingfad · 3 years ago
pls answer all of the anime asks i love knowing things abt you
hello beloved anon (whose name may or may not begin with "L"), thank you for the splendid request. I shall provide my answers under a "keep reading" out of courtesy, hopefully it works.
1. first anime you ever watched
Naruto. my brother and I encountered it one day while scrolling channels when I was about 6 or 7 I believe; I was fascinated by how different it was from the cartoons and shows I was used to.
2. first anime crush
I wouldn't really say I've ever had a crush on an anime character, but I'm a big fan of maka from soul eater.
3. favorite anime character
I thought about this a lot while making my fav characters list, and it is probably maka again.
4. least favorite anime character
This one's kinda tough, but I think I'll have to go with the main character from Alien Nine, Yuri Otani. I don't necessarily dislike her in terms of personality but I feel like she spends 70% of the show crying which made her very unpleasant to listen to. Alternatively any weirdly horny character could also go here.
5. list all anime you have ever watched
I have currently seen 211 shows so I shall refrain from making this that long. Though, if anyone is truly curious I do have each one listed and organized by my personal rating in a google doc that I can share.
6. popular anime you didn’t like
Made in Abyss. Really cool concept and decent visuals/music, but I often felt worse after watching an episode than I did before, it almost borders on torture p*rn at times.
7. anime you are currently watching
I'm gonna shorten some of these names, if any are unclear and you rly wanna know you can ask. Great: Sonny Boy Decent: Idaten Deities, Slime, Kaizoku, Higurashi Sotsu, Realist Kingdom, Aquatope, Peach Boy, Tsukimichi, Vanitas no Carte, Deatte 5 Okay: Tantei wa Mou, Seirei Gensouki, Kageki Shoujo, Night Head 2041, Otome Game X, Blue Reflection Ray, MHA season 5, Dragon Maid S, Cheat Kusushi
8. anime character you are most like
This one is also quite tough, I sometimes see a little bit of myself in characters but usually there isn't a ton of similarity. Though I did take a quiz a while ago that said I was similar to Uncle Iroh from avatar and I was very pleased with that answer.
9. favorite anime child
A tie between Renge Miyauchi from non non biyori and Naru Kotoishi from Barakamon.
10. favorite anime animal sidekick
Not technically an animal but Matsumoto from Vivy: Fluorite Eyes' Song was pretty good. Can't think of many off the top of my head honestly.
11. anime you didn’t expect to like but did
Nichijou. I actually stopped watching it the first time I tried thinking it was just generic cute stuff, but now it's unquestionably my favorite anime of all time.
12. anime that should get more attention from others
Mononoke. Super cool visuals and fairly interesting little stories.
13. funnest anime you have watched
Another difficult question, there are a few different ways I think a show can be fun (visually, plot twists, rapid action, etc.). But since it has all the things I just mentioned, I think I'll have to go with The Tatami Galaxy
14. saddest anime you have ever watched
Probably Plastic Memories, very similar to the movie I Want to Eat Your Pancreas.
15. anime you never get sick of watching
Nichijou, it's too good.
16. 10 best animes you have watched
Nichijou (10), Houseki no Kuni (9.8), Girls’ Last Tour (9.3), Yuyushiki (9.3), Wonder Egg Priority (9.2), Tower of God (9.2), The Tatami Galaxy (9.1), Kaguya-sama: Love is War (9.1), Mob Psycho 100 (9.0), Mononoke (9.0)
17. biggest anime crush
Still don't really have any so I'll just say Maka again.
18.10 worst anime you have watched
Juuni Taisen (6.5), Dragon Ball (kinda) (6.3), Kokkoku (6.3), Magical Girl Site (5.9), Mirai Nikki (5.6), Babylon (5.6), Ueno-san wa Bukiyou (5.4), From the New World (5.2), Asobi Asobase (5.2), Made in Abyss (5.0)
19. favorite anime ships
I don't really do this either sorry. I do like the relationship between the two main characters of Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions I suppose.
20. least favorite anime ships
Any weird pedophilic or incesty things people are freaks about.
21. anime that made you cry, when
I don't ever really full on sob because of shows, but the scene in Madoka Magica where they face off against the orchestra witch who is a character I won't spoil definitely made me tear up. Still love that scene.
22. age you started watching anime/person who introduced you to it.
As previously mentioned I think I was like 6 or 7 and I suppose you could say my brother introduced me to it.
23. unpopular character you love
I don't know if I have a good answer for this one as I'm not too sure which characters are and are not popular, but I feel like Adamant or Kongo-sensei from Houseki no Kuni is somewhat underappreciated
24. popular character you hate
Was never fond of Black Star from Soul Eater.
25. anime you would recommend to someone who hates anime
Either Cowboy Bebop or FMA Brotherhood usually seem to please people who aren't usually into anime.
26. manga you have read all the was through
There are a couple, but Shimeji Simulation is my favorite manga by far.
27. anime you plan to watch in the future
Komi-san will be getting an anime adaptation this October which I'll be watching.
28. most upsetting moment in anime, why
The scene in Made in Abyss where one character attempts to amputate the arm of another that has been stabbed by a venomous quill using only a rock and pocket knife. Like 15 straight minutes of a 12 year old screaming and crying in agony.
29. anime that deserves another season
Houseki no Kuni 100%. I've read through the manga for it and there's so much good content that could be covered.
30. one anime conclusion you would change
I would change up the ending of Carole and Tuesday quite a bit, the scope became too grandiose and ended up feeling pretty lame. Still a good show though, especially the first half.
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ruvieracd · 4 years ago
Should we expect smut in Rochambeau? 🙈 What is a "turn on" for the boys? Does Lee Scoresby have a romantic/sexual interest?
So...no smut in this one, just some hints of stuff (b/c this fic was originally written for my eleven year old niece who came up with the idea) but that’s not to say we can’t have separate parts for ‘missing’ pieces of the story as a separate work. 
We can indulge the other part of your question though.
- Lee is pretty hard for us to ship him with anyone b/c his focus is Lyra. I can’t really picture him putting attention on anyone else, but that’s not to say he probably doesn’t get out and get laid once in a while. He’s just not really interested in a committed relationship right now.
So....Alexander, I’d say his turn ons...back in the day, he probably got laid every week and you know then Eliza was never not pregnant so every time she sneezed was probably a turn on. After his life with Eliza, it’s not realistic to think he took to celibacy. He probably even attempted to start over a few times, but he just couldn’t get over Eliza. He probably had sex though, just meaningless sex. This will shock everyone, but I think he’s honestly kind of vanilla-y. I think at this point in his life, his biggest turn on is love and stability. 
Usnavi, of course, has Vanessa and he’s happy. They live together and get to be parents to Sonny basically. Usnavi likes to be dominated. He’s a bit on the submissive side of sex-and don’t forget he has the cheat factor of telepathy so he knows what Vanessa wants. He’s a “Yes, Dear” kind of guy in every sense of the way. I promise you he’s been pegged and probably doesn’t care who knows.
Ruben’s pretty easy. He’s turned on by affection. Not necessarily a ‘dominate me’ (he’s had enough of that in Jamaica), but a ‘please make the first move’ kind of mentality. About to get a little bit dirty from the RACD side (my other fic series if anyone’s interested) but Ruben’s what Alvie calls a unicorn and can basically ‘finish’ without ever being touched. He’s pretty happy and satisfied just to have intimacy and kissing and cuddles and good love making. 
Alvie and sex are a little tricky because he’s used sex a lot to get by. Sometimes hooking up with a dude at a bar meant a place to shower and sleep for the night. He’s extremely sex-positive and is more scared of the emotional aspects of a relationship than sex. He does like to get a little rough now and then (get tossed on the bed, held down, tied up, biting) but Ruben’s not totally into that (yet) but no worries because Alvie is turned on by just about anything. Good coffee? Sure. Cute laugh? Sure. SpoilernotSpoiler he’s also really turned on by Ruben being in control of his powers and taking bad guys down. 
I’ll attempt Lee, but like I said, I only see him as a loveable cowboy dad. I feel like Lee would kind of like to be dominated and take on a submissive role in the bedroom, but don’t call him Daddy. That’s weird.
@break-so-beautifully has her own opinions (as we are two different writers) so here are hers:
I agree with Alex.  The whole thing.  He's old fashioned and vanilla.  He's never had another real relationship other than Eliza.  He's been with other women, but it just wasn't the same, so he's sort of given up on ever finding real love again.
Lee - fairly similar , but I think he'd be more dominant but would not be opposed to being submissive every so often.  I think that Lee's primary focus is Lyra and I absolutely do not ship him with anyone as a result.
Ruben just wants to be loved for who he is.  He doesn't want to be dominated, but he's not opposed to someone else taking the lead.  Also, he's not opposed to experimenting with new things either.  He's a cuddler after going so long with people just using his and not really taking his feelings, wants, and needs into account.  And he's loyal like a dang puppy.  
Alvie is way more sexually experienced than Ruben and that's not necessarily a good thing.  Alvie's been hurt, rejected and used which only complicates his sometimes fragile mental state.  He's always game to try new things and as such, he keeps Ruben on his toes.  At the end of the day though, he's also loyal like a puppy dog.  
Ruben and Alvie sort of see each other as their lights at the end of the tunnel.  Ruben thinks Alvie saved him and Alvie thinks Ruben saved him.  They just work.  They shouldn't, but they do.  This is further evidenced by the fact that their abilities and control of said abilities are enhanced when their together.
That leaves Usavni.  Usnavi is VERY content to be at home with Vanessa.  Like Eliza is for Alex, Vanessa is his one true love.  He'll do anything for her.  I agree that he's more submissive in the bedroom, but he also sometimes like to show her that he can be the protector.  I would imagine they have some interesting role play that would probably involve wresting for control.  He lets her win.  Or at least that what he tells himself.
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nishistravelingblog · 4 years ago
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏: 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
I wanted to wait for the first two at least episodes to come out for each. I like getting the full several episodes to see if its actually a fluke or not but here’s my opinion on some of the summer 2021 animes.
***disclaimer*** THIS IS MY OPINION. I like slice of life type shows so I’m going to naturally rate some of the more action type shows lower but feel free to watch them yourself :)
Battle game in five seconds:
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so idk I’m kinda on the fence with this one. I actually really enjoy the concept and the MC for this show but something doesn’t sit right with me about animes who make plot points around creepy moments with teenage girls. The plot is basically about people who were granted abilities and they are forced to battle in this unknown place by unknown people. I really enjoyed the thinking aspect in the anime but as a female myself the 2nd episode was really hard to watch idk it made me want to not watch the show anymore because the whole seconds episode was geared about a pedo who has a gross ability. I know it’s not the whole show but it really left a bad taste in my mouth idk. HUGE trigger warning to people who are sensitive with stuff like that. It’s not the worst I’ve seen like it’s really not like terrible but gosh it just made me so uncomfortable. But hey there’s a hot crazy girl in it so 👀 shoot ur shots lads.
Overall rating so far: 6.5/10 (I know I’m being really harsh but again idk the second episode wasn’t my thing and honestly it’s just not really my type of anime but Other people would probably like it way more than me)
Drugstore in another world: 
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OKAY IM MAD AT EVERYONE FOR THIS ANIME. IT LITERALLY HAS A LIKE 1.8 STAR REVIEW ON THE FIRST EPISODE AND TERRIBLE COMMENTS BUT ITS LITERALLY FINE??? Listen I’m not an isekai simp or anything at all but overall the first episode isn’t as bad as everyone is saying?? I don’t know what everyone was expecting from a slice of life isekai about a potions store? Overall the show was very wholesome and sweet I didn’t get weird vibes from it at all (yet..) it was really sweet honestly and I liked the wholesome content. It’s a good show you kinda put on but you don’t pay a lot of attention to honestly. it’s not bad but it’s not the best anime out there either so overall I liked the animation and how the story is laid out. I’d give it a watch if you want a slice of life with no real plot and just want a filler show.
Overall rating so far: 7/10 (I would rate it a lower but I feel bad because of all the hate it’s getting)
Peach boy river side:
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speaking of being mad at people for misrepresenting an anime. I HATE EVERYONE ON TUMBLR. WHEN THIS FIRST EPISODE AIRED I ONLY SAW THE TENTACLE SCENE THAT WAS IT . IT WAS EVERYWHERE. I went into this anime thinking this was going to be straight hentai BUT NAH THE COMMUNITY MISREPRESENTED THIS AGAIN. Besides that one scene the whole show so far HAS NOTHING I MEAN NOTHING. It’s a very interesting show with a unique take on a old Japanese folklore. I love the concept and I love the characters. The whole story so far seems awesome and I love the concept. I will have to doc serval points thought because apparently this anime is airing out of chronological order. The skips in the show plus no real explanation between feel very unfinished but honestly I can keep up with it pretty well so far and none of this really bothers me. I just can’t rank it high overall and unbiasedly just like the isekai show I mentioned above. I would recommend this to someone who doesn’t remind plots that skip around a good amount and don’t mind bridging things together themselves. It’s a cool action/adventure with good plot so hopefully this problem gets better but we will see.
Overall rating so far: 6.3/10
Sonny boy: 
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okayyyy so I really thought I was going to enjoy this show more. I over hyped it for myself and DONT GET ME WRONG it’s very Interesting and a really unique concept but I just think I’m too dumb to watch this? Idk I don’t really understand what’s going on maybe I wasn’t paying attention to much but I’m also not attached to any of the characters at all. Maybe for this show I would’ve liked more scenes with the characters to see how they’ve changed being put in the situation they are in now. I know they keep flashing back to show the difference but personally I wish they would’ve had more context at the beginning and then did flashes back so that I could’ve gotten more attached. It’s a good show for anyone who likes more fantasy, thinking animes. It reminds me of a dr Seuss book but with a little more blood and anger behind it. I’m really on the fence with this show but I’ll probably keep watching to see where it goes.
Overall rating so far: 7.3/10
The aquatope on white sand: 
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THIS IS MORE MY SPEED. I enjoy more slice of life and romance so this show was perfect for me when it comes to stuff I enjoy. Overall it is such a beautiful story and I love the wholesome characters. I think the whole thing is interesting and I can’t wait to see where they take it! I don’t have much to say on this one but if you like slice of life’s and anything to do with aquariums or sea life I would say this is for you. Honestly the main two characters are really relatable and I would strongly recommend this to anyone who wants a laid back sweet show to watch this summer.
Overall rating so far: 8.7/10
The case study of vanitas: 
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I wish I could praise this more than I’m about to. The animation *chefs kiss*. This anime is beautiful and I mean absolutely gorgeous. I would seriously just watch it for the animation but the plot is also so interesting. I love the whole feel of the show and how it doesn’t make everything a fight scene so far but still has conflicts that keep everyone interested. I love the lore of this so far and gosh it wasn’t what I was expecting. I was expecting some dark spooky anime with like so much sadness and death BUT THIS IS SO CUTE (not that it won’t get like that but). This blends so well with plot but adds humor in very well it really does remind me on animes like bungo stray dogs, god of high school or even black Butler. But I do say that based off of the more humorous moments that mixes with the more serious moments not based off plot wise so if you like those shows you might not like this (or you might love it). I really would so far recommend this to honestly anyone who love plot, mystery, vampires, animation, or supernatural.
Overall rating so far: 9/10
The detective is already dead:
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I’m going to be honest idk about this one. Listen I liked the first episode but it just feels off. The first episode was hard to sit through and I like stuff like this so idk. Maybe it’s not my thing but I was very underwhelmed with this anime. I like the concept but I just idk I’d recommend people to check it out bc the concept is interesting and the plot is picking up but gosh that 45 min first episode made me fall asleep twice. I think I’m going to put the show on hold until the dubbed comes out because I’m not really feeling it.
Overall rating so far: 7.8/10
There are two others in waiting for but they are airing in several weeks so I might make a new post for them but yeah first impressions and Remember this is all my opinion 💕
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adarafaelbarba · 5 years ago
pairing: Rafael Barba x OC (Nina Suarez. Might work with her a bit in later fics 🤷🏼‍♀️) fandom: Law & Order: SVU warning: smut, A LOT of Spanish! and a whole bunch of pent up pining! word count: 2 878  
A/N: I’ve not written a proper smut in AGES! With that and the fact that there is a whole heap of Spanish in this, bear with me please! And please remember to reblog this and/or comment on this! it took me a while to write it! Smut under the cut!
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“If we hit from these four angles, we’ve got him”, I explained. “Benson?” Looking at the lieutenant I frowned, she wasn’t paying attention. “We’re going to get him this time Benson”, I reassured. She nodded at this.
“Barba!” Liv called out, making me turn in a flash. “This better be important Liv, I was out for dinner with my mother”, he said in an annoyed tone. “It is. Let’s talk in my office”, she said before turning to me, “I’ll be ready for briefing in 5 minutes Suarez.”
Nodding I went back to looking over the game plan when there was a tap on my shoulder. “Are you not gonna say hello to me amado?” Lucia Barba asked, giving me a warm smile. “Mrs. Barba!” I smiled wide, hugging her. “que te he dicho, llámame Lucia!” She chuckled, making me blush. “Perdóname, Lucia, I forget sometimes”, I said, laughing nervously.
“Thank you, Barba”, Liv said when they exited the office. “I’ll get it as—Nina!” He stopped in his track as he took me in. “Rafael”, I said with a wide smile. “Dios mío! It’s—it’s been a while.” He sounded almost breathless before rushing over to hug me. Hugging him back I let out a content sigh. “Ten years Rafi.” I chuckles.
The others were looking at us in wonder as we pulled away from the hug. “Oh yeah, sorry. Raf—ADA Barba and I are old friends”, I explained, smiling. They all seemed to nod at this before going back to work.
“You have to join us for dinner one of these days Nina. Where are you staying?” Lucia said in a warm, but serious tone. “She’s here on business mami, she’s not go—“ Rafael started, “I would love to Lucia. And I’m staying at a hotel down the block”, I explained. “Disparates! Family stays together!” She exclaimed. “You’ll stay with Rafi, he lives close by too.” If there was one thing I knew, you didn’t argue with Lucia Barba. “You okay with that Rafi?” I asked, looking at him, my cheeks burning. “Of course. Here’s my spare key. Make yourself comfortable”, he said, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. “I’ll see you later cariño.” Feeling my cheeks burn from the blush I nodded. “I’ll see you later Rafi! Bye Lucia!” I smiled giving them both a hug before they left.
“You okay Suarez?” Rollins asked, smirking at me. “Just fine Rollins. Can we get back on the case please?” She nodded at this and back to work we went.
It felt weird entering Rafi’s apartment without ringing the doorbell. He had texted me the address 5 minutes after he and his mother had left. And now I was here, unlocking the doors to his most intimate space.
“Cariño? Is that you?” His voice carried well in the spacious apartment as I stood in the hall. “Si”, I smiled, dropping the key on the table by the door.
Exiting the kitchen he took in my tired appearance. “I figured I should make you some dinner, to welcome you back to New York”, he said, giving me that soft smile which always made my legs weak.
Yeah, I had a big fat crush on my best friend. I never dared to tell him. He was so much older than me, having been friends with my brother up until when my brother died in Afghanistan.
“Rafi. You really don’t have to. You’re already giving me a warm welcome by letting me stay with you”, I exclaimed looking at him. “Don’t be ridiculous Nina.” He chuckled, handing me a glass of wine. “Thanks. And I’m not being ridiculous. I’m being realistic”, I said with a huff.
Don’t fall for him, don’t fall for him, don’t fall for him, I repeated to myself as a mantra before jumping up on his counter to watch him make the food.
“You are being ridiculous cariño. Mami is right, family stays together.” Hearing him say it made my heart drop. It seemed so much harsher when he said it, even in his soft tone.
Downing the wine I decided to just ignore the feeling. I could ponder about it when I went to sleep tonight.
As he continued to cook and serve wine for us both, we would talk about everything and anything. Even if I had kept in touch since we’d last seen each other there were things we hadn’t talked about that seemed better to do in person.
Like how I really had been since my brother’s passing. And later when your father died. Rafael hated himself for not being there for my family and I.
“Abuelita couldn’t understand why he would go that way. She didn’t see the pain mami and I saw in his eyes every day. It was eating him up from the inside. I’m just happy he went peacefully.” I had explained. “He’s in a better place now though cariño”, he said in a comforting voice, taking my hand in his. “Yeah, I know. I just hope we catch the guy this time, so dad wouldn’t have died in vain.” He nodded, “we’ll catch him.”
He also talked about his abuelita passing away, and I hated myself for not being there for Rafi and Lucia. He had felt so guilty for making her live in the home. «She never blamed you Raif. She knew you only meant well, and that it was the best for her», I said, jumping down from the bench to hug him. «I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you Rafi, but I’m here now. I got you.»
Taking my plate I went over to the sink after finishing the food. “Leave it, I’ll take it in the morning.” Rafael tried, but I wouldn’t budge. “No, Raf let me! It’s the least I could do after you made me this amazing meal”, I said, moving away from him to the sink.
The dishes weren’t the only thing we scuffled about that evening. I was set on taking the couch, as he didn’t have a guest bedroom, but he said I should take the bed. “Rafi! Let me take the couch, my back is still young.” He gasped at me when he heard that, “are you calling me old?” I chuckled, “I don't know old man, did I?” He couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh at that. “I’ll get you for that Suarez!” I smirked, “I bet you will Barba!”
The week continued as the first night. Mr. Camden seemed harder to catch than the team had thought, which meant longer shifts, which in turn made me more cranky.
“He’s a pro at this Fin! He knows what he’s doing cause lord knows he’s been at this game for a long time. Covering up his trail is what he does best, he’s not a sloppy joe”, I said, pacing the bullpen. “Then we just have to trick him, won’t we? Rollins fits his M.O. she could trick him”, Fin suggested. “You up for that Rollins?” I asked, looking at her. She nodded, “I’m ready.”
As we were suiting up, Rafi walked into the precinct with two cups of coffee and a big smile, which soon dropped when he saw us getting ready. «You’re heading out? I thought I’d bring you some coffee», he said, holding up the white and green Starbucks cup. «Yeah, Rollins is going undercover, hopefully, he’ll take the bait. Gracias Rafael. This will get me through the night for sure.» Smiling up at him I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him. «Of course cariño. Be safe out there, entendido?» I nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek. «Voy a. I’ll see you later.» smiling at each other one last time we pulled away before I was whisked away with Fin, Carisi, Rollins, and Liv.
«So you and Barba?» Carisi asked, looking over to me as we sat in the stakeout car. «What about us?» I asked, looking at the detective. «You like each other. Everyone can see it», he said, «You need to lay off the sweets Carisi.» I huffed, trying to pretend it didn’t affect me. «You might be a good detective Suarez, but you’re a terrible liar», Sonny said, chuckling. «So what if I like him? He doesn’t like me. He still sees me as Michael’s little sister.» I shrugged. «How about this? I’ll prove to you that he likes you. I’ll kiss you in front of him. He’ll be jealous», Sonny suggested, shrugging. «Or he’ll kill you for touching me. Just leave it Carisi», I said, groaning.
The stakeout took about 4 hours until Mr. Camden slipped up, and we could finally take him down.
Sonny didn’t speak any more about the idea. It wasn’t until after Mr. Camden confessed to at least a two dozen rapes and a couple of murders, something about him wanting to come clean cause he had been diagnosed with cancer, that it came up again.
We were exciting the interrogation room, Rafael talking to Liv. I could feel my heart skip a beat at how good Rafi looked in his three-piece suit, when Sonny pulled me in for a kiss, making me squeal in surprise. «Detective Carisi!» looking from Sonny to Rafael, he was not pleased. «You’re welcome doll», Sonny whispered before walking off.
«A word DI Suarez», Rafael said, his voice low. Nodding, I lead him to the changing rooms. No one would be in there now.
As soon as we were inside, Rafael locked the door, leaning on it. «Si señor Barba?» I said, keeping eye contact with him. «Don’t give me that tone detective», he growled, glaring at me. «If this is about Carisi kissing me. I had nothing to do with it. I’m innocent, querido, you know that», I said, looking at him. «He just wanted to get a reaction from you. He thinks you like me, but he’s lying, isn’t he?» I tended to do this, I just didn’t want to have my heart broken by anyone, so I set myself up to break my own heart before they could.
«Rafi?» I asked when he hadn’t answered me. «¿estás bien, Rafi?» I asked, still looking at him. In a few quick strides Rafael was in front of me, his hands cupping my face, «Mía!» he exclaimed before capturing my lips with his. The kiss was like nothing I had ever expected. It was rushed almost, all teeth and tongue, and moans, heavenly moans that slipped his lips. It was the kind that made all the heat in my body rush down to my core.
«mío!» I moaned when we pulled away for a breath. My arms found their place around his neck as Rafi pushed me up against a locker, his lips attached to my neck.
It was as if he knew everything about me. Where to touch me to send tingles down my spine, where to kiss me to draw out a moan. Point in case now as he was working on marking a particularly sensitive area on my neck, «Rafi», I moaned, one hand in his hair as the other hung onto the collar of his suit jacket. «Nina», he moaned in return. «Not here», I said, making him look at me. «You’re place, then you can have me any way you want me.» he moaned at that, pulling me with him.
We got quite a few looks as we went through the bullpen, but we were too far gone to care.
As soon as we entered Rafael’s apartment, clothes were thrown everywhere. He let out an audible groan as I stood there in only my underwear, and I gave myself a mental high five at the fact that I wore a matching set. «Mierda, bebé, you look amazing», he said, lust lacing his voice.
Taking in his looks, I let out a shaky breath, «As do you, amor», I said, biting my lip.
Pulling me to him he kissed me again. «Te quiero cariño. And I’m not just saying that to get you in bed. I truly, honestly, deeply love you», he confessed, cupping my cheeks. «Yo también te amo, Rafi.» I smiled through tears as I pulled him in for another searing kiss.
The kiss turned more heated and before I knew it he had picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. «Soy todo tuyo Rafi. Do with me as you please», I said, laying on his bed, looking up at him, his hand in mine. «Y yo soy tuyo mi amor, always», he said.
He laid down next to me before rolling over to kiss me. «If it’s too much, tell me to stop, and I’ll stop. Okay cariño?» I nodded, kissing him again, «Okay Rafi», I said.
Opening the drawer on his nightstand he let out a string of Spanish curse words. «Had I know this would be happening I would have bought condoms.» he groaned, hovering over me, his head nuzzled up in my neck. «I’m clean, and on the pill. You’re clean right Rafi? Please. I need you», I murmured in his ear, biting my lip as I felt him grow harder. «I’m clean. Are you sure about this cariño?» it was his insecurities that spoke now. «Please, just fuck me, papi», I said, drawing out a moan from him.
Stripping out of our remaining items of clothing, where I may or may not have let out an obscene moan at the sight of his impressive member, Rafael started leaving a trail of kisses down my body before settling in between my legs. «I’m going to take good care of you bebé», he murmured, a finger teasing my entrance as his lips attached to the bundle of nerves. «Fuck papi!» I moaned, clenching the sheets.
That man knew how to please a woman. His mouth seemingly as good in bed as it was in court. Bringing me to the brink of orgasm, before stopping, drawing out a defeated groan from me. «Why did you stop?» I asked, looking down, our eyes locking in each other’s gaze. «You were close cariño.» he started. «Yeah, because you were doing so good bebé», I said, my voice rasp from moaning. «I want to be inside you when you come undone», he said, looking at me, making me moan. That man could honestly just look at me and I’d cum just from that.
«By all means papi, no te ester deteniendo», I said, smirking before moaning as he kissed his way back up my body.
As he started kissing my lips again I reached down, grabbing his length in my hand before stroking him torturously slow. «Mierda cariño. Th—that feels—fuck—so good!» he moaned, his lips attaching to my neck as he created more marks.
«I need to feel you papi», I murmured, sucking on the sweet spot just below his ear.
Lining him up with my entrance I looked up at him as he pushed into me. The moans that followed could make a pornstar blush.
«Fuck cariño. Te sientes tan bien bebé!» he moaned, bottoming out before stopping so I could adjust to his size. «Oh my god Rafi, that feels so good! Please move papi!» I moaned back, and he complied, moving almost completely out before bottoming out again. He continued this ministration a few more times before he set a steady, but slow pace.
«I want this to last amor», he said, but I wasn’t as patient as he was. My primal needs taking over my mind as I trailed my hands down his back until they reached his perfectly shaped ass, grabbing it to press him into me. «Paciencia mi amour», he said, chuckling before moaning as I bit down on his shoulder. «Faster papi. Please make me cum», I murmured, biting down on his collarbone.
That last bite seemed to really spur him on as he picked up his pace. «Fuck Rafi, just like that bebé!» I moaned, grabbing the headboard. «Dios mío, te sientes tan bien papi!» I moaned.
My climax was approaching full speed as he kept his fast pace. «I’m so close Raf—fuck bebé!» letting out a pleasured squeal biting down hard on his neck, so hard in fact that I drew some blood, but we were too far gone to care. «Me too cariño. Cum with me», he moaned out loud.
The movements became erratic as his thumb found it’s way down to press on my clit, pushing me over the edge. «Fuck papi!!» I screamed, my walls clamping down on his member as he came too.
We laid there in absolute bliss for a couple of minutes before he pulled out of me, making me wine at the loss of fullness. «Let’s get cleaned up, then we can go to sleep», he said, helping me up. «I don’t think I can walk properly after that!» I laughed breathlessly. «Come on cariño, I’ll help you.» he chuckled, guiding me to the bathroom so we could shower.
After the shower I felt more relaxed, but still leant on Rafael for guidance. «Take me to bed Rafi.» I purred, «As you wish amor.»
That night I had the best sleep in ages.
~ FIN ~
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willandsonny · 7 years ago
INTERVIEW: Freddie Smith and Christopher Sean preview DAYS' explosive double wedding
It's double the trouble as Days of our Lives' Freddie Smith (Sonny Kiriakis) and Christopher Sean (Paul Narita) delve into the drama penned for Salem's upcoming dual wedding.
Days of our Lives viewers aren't going to know whether they should exclaim holy matrimony or holy cow during the show's double wedding involving Sonny Kiriakis (Freddie Smith) and Paul Narita (Christopher Sean), and Chad DiMera (Billy Flynn) and Abigail Deveraux (Marci Miller). Head writer Ron Carlivati has penned an affair so intense, the actors are still reeling from filming. And both Smith and Sean share with soapcentral.com that the drama slated for the screen beginning Friday, September 29, will likely affect fans in just the same manner. In other words, buckle up, because it's going to be one hell of a ride.
soapcentral.com: Soap opera weddings are never boring, and we know this one will most definitely be exciting. What specifically about the next couple of days will make this can't miss television?
Freddie Smith: If I had to sum it all up, in the almost seven years that I've been working on this show, this sequence is up there in the top three just absolute, most fun, best everything, out the door just amazing content. And I think that everyone -- the cast, the crew -- everyone went all in. Even if you don't watch Days of our Lives or you haven't watched it in years, this is the episode to start watching again. It's about to get crazy. So yes, it's going to be a must-watch wedding. It's going to be insane.
Christopher Sean: I think everyone's performances were phenomenal. Everyone brought their A-game, and I think all the cast members that were involved in the wedding as well as the cast members that were watching the wedding in the pews, everyone was so involved. We had people coming up to us afterwards patting us on the backs for our performances. It was pretty awesome. And a lot of fun.
soapcentral.com: I feel like it would be easy to give a great performance if the writing is so good.
Sean: Oh, absolutely. I would say so. They always say no actor can give a great performance without a great script, and when Ron stepped on, he just brought it. And this is definitely some of the best work that I've done on the show in my three and half years.
Smith: Yeah, the writing was on point. Definitely. We had such a blast being able to work with that dialogue and those vows -- oh my gosh! It's just insane. It's easy to act when there's a good storyline and you can actually feel what's going on for real. When the actors are performing it at a 110% and the writing is 110%, it's very easy to become emotional; you're so immersed in the work.
soapcentral.com: Obviously everyone is clamoring to know who's going to crash this thing. You can't say, of course, but can you tease how each of your characters reacts to the chaos?
Smith: My reaction would give away who it is. I think it would be obvious if I shared the emotion of what Sonny feels when this person walks in.
soapcentral.com: No matter how it plays out, the return of Will is obviously going to put a wrench in things -- whether his return happens at the wedding or if it happens later. Can you each briefly touch on how Will's return might impact Paul and Sonny's connection?
Smith: It's not like Sonny and Will broke up and then he left town. This is his husband who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and he was murdered. So with him coming back, that's a whole different realm of emotions, and it's got to be dealt with, because there was definitely no closure. So it's going to be a really big thing for Christopher's character, how Paul will react in the sense of accepting Sonny's emotional roller coaster during this time.
Sean: Or not accepting!
soapcentral.com: Christopher, how aware is Paul when it comes to how important Will is to Sonny?
Sean: The writing is so good that it made Freddie and I both so uncomfortable with how honest these scenes become. These are true things that people actually talk about. I think I've had conversations like this, so I'm aware of the unease to know that you or your partner were in love with someone [else], and you have to talk about that person and try and be as truthful and honest as you can. It's a strange situation, and that's just it. The writing was just so phenomenal, it brought out some great performances in both of us.
soapcentral.com: Regardless of fan opinion or what might happen in the weeks ahead, how do you guys feel about which guy is truly right for your characters?
Smith: That one is a difficult one, because PaulSon has become a huge part of the story and people have fallen in love with them. I think Christopher and I as actors became extremely comfortable, and the characters became extremely comfortable and in love with each other. And I think that's what Christopher was touching on, too; when this happens, we just felt so good being together, that it's kind of weird that there might be a wedge between us. Because we didn't really have that many problems. So when this comes, it's like, well, I don't know! I'm actually happy I don't have to make the decision about [which guy Sonny will end up with]! Let the writers and whoever is in charge say, "These two are the two who are going to be together." Because I wouldn't know. It's a very, very interesting triangle to play. And I can't say, because I can't pull from real life. I haven't had someone I was married to be supposedly murdered and come back from the dead right before I was about to get married, so I don't know.
Sean: You haven't? That's strange. [Laughs]
Smith: That's what makes me rare, man! I might have to do some sort of method acting and like make this happen in the next few weeks! But all joking aside, Christopher really brought the heat. Like, holy cow. It is just absolutely phenomenal work.
Sean: I think we all did. When Freddie starts to react amidst the chaos, everyone was like, "Whoa! Let's pull that back. But that was amazing!"
Smith: That's true. [Laughs] But overall, we just had a really great time. We can't wait for tomorrow to see everything unfold.
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regrettablewritings · 8 years ago
The Headcanon Thing: Sonny Carisi, even numbers
That’s one interesting system you got thar, kiddo.
2. Do they have any daily rituals?Sonny isn’t really one for routine. The most routine he gets is stopping by the coffee shop down the street on his way into work.
4. What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?Assuming that Sonny does not live with his parents and commutes from Staten Island, I think we can safely assume that the guy lives alone. That being said, the kitchen is only ever busy when this monster of the manicotti is in it!
6. Eating habits and sample daily menuThis guy … How can you be Italian and get so much good eatin’ and be so damn thin!? … Probably because by the time he gets home from work, he doesn’t feel like cooking. Sad as it is, he probably usually just has a dinner of cereal and conks out for the evening on more than many occasions. But leading up to this, there’s at least one coffee and either a sandwich from the nearby deli or something from whatever food truck is within proximity. However, his mother often makes him food to take home from whenever he visits, and those things are carb heavy.
8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulgingCliche as it is, Sonny loves to smother himself with pastries and pizza. It really hits the spot after a long week. He feels a bit guilty about it, though, often times observing it as gluttony. However, he has a hard time turning down a cake craving. And pizza’s just so cheap and good – !!
10. Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?Is manspreading a neurosis? Because if it is, freaking Sonny doesn’t notice it and hasn’t for the past several seasons. Hell, maybe he does notice it but just uses it to make the people he’s interrogating feel uncomfortable! Who knows?!
12. Favorite book genre?THE GOOD BOOK, King of All Genres, the Print of Peace, the Lamb of Literature. He also likes young adult fiction novels like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.
14. Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.) Is a birthmark an abnormality? My gut tells me he has one on his butt.
16. Biggest and smallest long term goal?Biggest: Become a lawyerSmallest: Apparently, it’s becoming trying new things
18. Favorite beverage?Not gonna lie, I can see him secretly enjoying fruity drinks. And not just the alcoholic ones, either; spending time with kids both in and out of SVU has caused him to greatly appreciate Capri Suns and juice boxes.
20. Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?Not an illness, but when he was little he swiped an entire plate of cookies at the church picnic and threw up on one of his sisters’ dresses. He cried really hard in confession about it (the priest thought it was hilarious).
22. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?He’d probably draw a smiley sun.
24. Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?He aced the bar, so we know he’s skilled with law. In his high school or college days, though, he probably enjoyed political science or theology.
26. Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?That boy is gonna become a lawyer, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. He’s got his heart set on it… . But if he can’t do so as quickly as he would like to, he would still like to stay within law enforcement. He’s seen way too much shit to take on anything else and not think about all that needs to be done.
28. Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?Honestly, Sonny probably sees everyone he works with who isn’t a complete asshole as his friend. There is no best one. Worst enemy is anyone who fucks with his squad. Or Lucifer himself. Yeah, Lucifer is a pretty good assumption.
30. Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)If someone whom he felt close to were to die, Sonny would try to put on a brave face. He would turn to God for direction and honestly probably attempt to smother his feelings because he feels that he needs to stand as a stable pillar for others to lean on. However, it’s obviously a bad idea and he will eventually snap under pressure. But what’s awful is that he’ll do it in privacy and pretend like it never happened afterward. He doesn’t encourage others to do this as well, though.
32. Thoughts on material possessions in general?He knows that not everything will make you happy and tries to consider biblical teachings that disregard materialism. However, he ain’t no monk; he loves his suits and watches and worked damn hard to get them. Just so long as you’re not living outlandishly like a certain New Yorker with a gilded apartment, Sonny will not judge you for clinging on to certain items.
34. Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)As much of a blabbermouth as Sonny can be, he likes his privacy. He’ll only let you know what he wants you to know, and he’ll do it with a cheery disposition. But if you prod where he doesn’t want you, he’ll get irritated.
36. What makes them feel guilty?Failure and disappointment. Oh, and Catholicism, which thrives on feeling bad.
38. Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?Sonny is a bit of a mix between the two: like a Type A, he’s hardworking, can be impatient, disdains failure, and can occasionally be hot-tempered (especially when he was first introduced); but, like a Type B, he loves games and is aware of his abilities and can be surprisingly open to certain concepts if given the proper amount of time. But if you give him the general description of Type A being serious and Type B being fun, he’d go with Type B, insisting that he’s a fun guy.
40. Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?Neither. While he strives to be better than what he is, it’s never done for a need to feel confident. Sonny is content in his skin.
42. Hobbies?While studying at Fordham and for the bar, Sonny put a lot of his hobbies on hold. Now that those are over, it feels weird to have more free time to himself. He fills much of it with cooking, looking up recipes, babysitting Jesse, occasionally jogging, and watching reality TV.
44. Religion?Seriously?
46. Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?Both, but they express different things. When Sonny speaks, it’s usually for blunt situations or in ways he thinks is helping. However, it’s what he does that tells the person how much he cares (or how pissed he is).
48. How do they express love?He’ll drop whatever to make sure that you’re okay. This goes for any kind of love he’s expressing, be it familial, platonic, or romantic. He’ll tease you a bit, but it never goes too far and he’s always sure to try and leave it on a sweet note by complimenting you. Also, he’ll make sure you’re not hungry. Total wiz in the kitchen (not that he’ll ever beat his mother at it), and will make sure you go to work with his next pasta dish packed in your lunch.
50. Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?Sonny’s faith has him calm about the promise of being rewarded with a pleasant afterlife. And his job is very dangerous, something that became clear especially when Dodds died and when he had a near-death experience himself. That being said, however, he doesn’t want to die any time soon. Just because you may get something great in the next go doesn’t necessarily mean you’re quite ready to end what you’ve still got going on here.He knows that when it happens, there’s no stopping it. But he want to make sure that, if he can help it, it’s not happening any time soon.
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chichirod · 6 years ago
Content. The addiction to the flow of the internet.
Maybe it’s a time travel piece. I love the idea of time travel. And done in a grounded way, What if the time travel was extremely mundane. Why sonny? Well he’s got this tone to his personality that feels like he’s being surprised by everything that happens.
What if he could time travel, but it only took him to one specific place.
Sonny and his dog. Maybe his dog is racist?
Sonny the karaoke man.
Sonny hits a car in a lot. He’s parks somewhere else. He thinks he’s off, but someone sees him. Stops him.
What are the ways that sonny could be confronted?
Pulling wallet out to pay. The false gesture.
The tip. He writes a cheap tip, but he notices something wrong with the bill. He has to confront the waiter. The waiter confronts him. Waiter asks what percentage it is, he can’t do the math in his head.
He’s somewhere public. He’s watching an inappropriate vid. Gets called out.
Shits himself.
Self sacrifice.
Goes for a date with a girl. Girl says something a little racist.
He nicely ends the date. He tells his friends, but one of his friends tells.
Sonny he’s a man who wears his emotions. He’s consistently apologetic.
He’s a hopeful auditionee. He’s not bad actually. He sings karaoke. Records it. He’s nervous. But he makes an enemy. He ends up shitting himself mid audition.
Maybe the first scene is him hitting the car, getting caught. Getting caught by the lady and then leaving the note. Or Sony watching the game and someone fucking the moment he is waiting for. Sonny and the guys waiting for this moment. Maybe they’re auto shop guys.
We are in a ship cafeteria. A man lays dead on the floor. The checkout lady realizes asks who wants his food.
The set-up. The conflict. And Every choice creates consequences.
In the dentist chair.
Sonny he’s with one of his friends outside a restaurant. They see a famous boxer passing by. Coop asks him politely for an autograph. The boxer is pissed. He’s sick of being stopped. Coop says, well you’re a celeb man, it comes with the territory. The boxer does’t like it. Coop says, c’mon man, I watched you at Caesers in 2014. He steps in and snaps a selfie, the boxer knocks him out. Sonny stands there. Boxer- I’m tired of being objectified.  Coop comes to. Holy fuck. Are you ok? Ya. Dinner. They sit at the table. The dude has a huge welt. He’s ok, but he sits pretty silently. Sonny tries to keep his mind off of it. Makes small talk. Still, nothing from Coop. Then, he spits it out. Why the fuck didn’t you do anything? You just stood there. Boomgaurtner? What the hell was I supposed to do?
Woman talking about how brutal her period is right now. Eventually sonny and this woman hook up. She turns the lights off. … We cut to him having a pee, blood all over his face. OR Someone comes in?
These are the two stories. A satire. And. A docudrama.
One character. No lights. Small crew.
A gymnast. A hockey player.
- open on videos of her as a kid jumping and enjoying the gym. Cut to today, in the bathroom. Nursing blisters and malformed toes.
- Eating toothpaste.
- The brutality of the bar.
- Mom locking the door to the fridge.
This is the story of a child gymnast. She’s is skilled, but she’s not naturally talented, but her coaches see a physical ability that they want to harness. They see the opportunity in her. A glory that they never had. They use her as an outlet. Pushing her is also a way for them to control something in their own lives. There is physical pain yes, but worse is the emotional warfare. The sacrifice that she must make while every other 12-year old goes to school, watches tv, plays on their phones. The final image?
Man and woman rent a cottage. A creepy neighbor, but oh well. They have a nice time. A new-sh couple. They have romantic time. They are making dinner. And they get into an argument over gender politics.The man is a better cook. Woman have lost their place in the kitchen because of a taboo. That night they go to be upset. The woman fingers herself quietly. The man realizes. He gets mad. He goes into the bathroom to JO. The creepy neighbor is seen coming towards their house. The two of them are scared. The woman wants to come into the bathroom, The man refuses. He argues. She should go downstairs if this relationship is equal.
- possible stories
- she kills her coach.
- she is paralyzed.
- amputates her chest.
A undocumented worker. Their parents dying. Working on a farm in California. Witness a crime. Wife kills abusive husband.
Guy parking at an office. He hits a car.
First scene should  - eat the type of world we’re dealing with. A bite of satire.
What is the final image of the film.
The wrestler -
Find him at his glory, in the ring MSG.
Cut to the locker room. Present day. Creaky version of himself.
Fans visit him. Remember the good days.
He goes home. Door locked.
Sleeps in his van.
Next morning bang bang bang.
Woken up by kids. Wrestles with them.
Car pulls in, interrupts the moment. He watches the car.
Int office. Moments later, he tries to bargain with owner of trailer
Woman runs him extension chord for his blender.
Goes to work in supermarket
Asks for more shifts.
We see him working with the Mexican dudes. Lugging.
Int gym. He holds a glass vile. His buddy says its as good as the German stuff.
Plunges the needle into his naked ass.
Cut to mall. Greets a shopkeep friendly. He gets into a tanning bed.
Hair salon. Korean woman bleaches his hair.
Driving. Eyes. The strip club.
INt shitty wrestling match. A promoter lists the matchups.
They prep for the match. Going through moves with some young blood.
Ram - a chick is here to see you.
In the hall - hey kiddo. A young girl greets him.
She there to root on her old man? No. She’s there to make amends. 12-stepper.
Interrupted by two meatheads. He puts on his act for them. The girl is pissed at the interruption.
In the ring. Kid loco taunts him. Calling him a loser. Something turns and he takes the upper hand. Ram Jam
Int dressing room. Gets offered the 20th anniversary rematch with the ayatollah.
Stip club. Door man asks for hgh. Bartender slides him a beer. Cassidy is working vip. Girl same age as his daughter on the pole
Walks passed the VIP. Casidy is being berated for being old by frat boys.
Randy busts through. Makes them apologize. Expects a thank you. Cassidy is just pissed.
Cassidy warms to him. Lapdance. Ram’s explaining the 20th’ aniversary opportunity.
They chat. Ram bleeds. Cassidy helps him. Leads to him showing her his scars.
Cassidy quotes from passion of the christ. The sacrificial ram. Her song comes on and she’s pulled to stage.
99c store. Picking up weird supplies. Thumb tacks.
Cut to match .
Randy’s heart is giving way in the match. Has a heart attack. They pull him out of the ring.
Hospital - Bypass.
Dr says no more wrestling.
Gets trailer back.
Plays vids with Adam.
Adam leaves. Ram does jumping jacks. He gets winded. He starts to cry.
Goes to Cheetahs for comfort. He asks her out. Something more real.
She meets him out back. Sympathy. But he’s overstepping.
Looks at old pic of Daughter. Goes to visit his daughter. She’s studying child development
SHe’s on her way to class. Tries to evade hum, but he charms her a bit.
He gives her a ride. Fesses to heart attack and she loses it. Now he wants to make good!? Now that he’s scared of dying?
Goes to fan expo. Learns from an old promoter that he’s been left out of a reunion.
He watches another old wrestler. In a wheelchair.  Piss trickles into a catheter bag.
Back at trailer. Scared to go in alone. Drives to..
Cassidy tries to get dances, no takers. SHe’s happy to see randy show up.
She asks about daughter. Randy doesn’t know much about what she likes. Cassidy suggests a second hand shop.
Randy goes to bar, cassidy a little rejected.
She comes to him, offers to go with him on Saturday to the shop.
Randy goes to work. Asks for something more permanent. Wayne offers deli counter.
Saturday, ram meets cased at the second hand shop. First time seeing cased clothed.
They find a shitty green jacket. Cassidy doesn’t like it, randy does, she plays nice.
They are about to part ways. Randy asks for a beer. Cassidy resists. She’s got a kid. 9years old. Ram gives her an old toy of him. Take care of that 300 bucks on eBay. Really? Nah. Cassidy obliges. One beer.
Talk about kid. Her hopes to move. Quitting cheetahs. Def leopard. Randy dances for her, They sing together. They bond over that pussy Cobain boo hoo Seattle. It’s the moment they need to meet. No contact with customers she says after they kiss. She’s gotta run.
Deli counter. Robin name tag.
Serving customers, he’s clueless. Bad exahcnage, bad exchange, then a nice one. 57… O-57 bingo. Whats my prize?
College. Ram meets his daughter. What are you stalking me? DO stalkers bring gifts?
They walk along a midway. The reminisce about when she was young.
They sit on a bench. Mint chip ice cream. He accepts her unspoken apology. Drops her off. Hope the wasn’t too painful.
Ram puts a photo of them on his fridge. On the phone. He tells a friend to count him out. He’s retiring.
Cheetah’s. Guys put dollar bills in Cassidy’s g-string. Randy tries to put a purse envelope in.
They sit. It’s a thank you card. Rand tries to ask her out to a cover band bar. It’s becoming too much for her. You think I’m a stripper.. but I’m a mom with respoonsibilities. You’re a customer.
Randy slides a 20 across the table. Cassidy slides it back. You’re refusing a customer? Argeument. Embarrasment. Randy storms out.
Shop-rite. Old lady pound of potato salad.
Guy recognizes him somehow. Teamsters? Softball? Ram Jam. Slicer fingers get closer.
Trailer. Drinking Touching scar. Turns on gun and roses. Dances around his room like it’s a ring.
Collectibles store.  Scott Bromberg. Asks for referee opportunity. Booker D tries to work him into the gig. During the match randy steps in. Gets hit with a chair. They shower. Praise Randy as the master.
Hotel bar. Shit pit story.
Hotel bar. Hanging with girls. Coke dealer walks in. I don’t do that anymore. Me neither. Cut to them in the bathroom doing bumps.
Morning. Eyes open to find a poster of fireman.
Leaves the house. Gets home opens the fridge. Dismay. Picture of him and daughter on fridge.
Bang bang bang on her door.
Daughter pissed. She waited in the restaurant for 2 hours.
She hates him. Throws a pot. He grabs her. I’m sorry. You don’t mean it. You’re right. She calms. She’s totally done Wirth him.
He leaves. Starts to cry.
Shop Rite - line at the deli counter. “You believe these fucking morons?”
Slice slice. More pressure. Customers complaining. Slice slice. Jams his thumb into the slicer. Blood everywhere. Smears blood across his mouth. He smashes into the shelves dodging a woman.
At home. Calls the promoter. He wants in. Shaves. Tan in a can. Peroxide in the hair.
Cassidy shows up. How’d you find me? Big Chris.
Cassidy explains she’s trying to get to a place in her life and she can’t bring anyone from… good for you. Quitting is hard.
He hands he the flyer. Drives off.
Cassidy’s apt. Tells the sitter. In bed by 11, no bargaining. Her son plays with the ram doll.
Cheetah’s - cased dances.
She leaves the stage.
Randy at roadside payphone. Gets Stephanie’s answering machine. Tells he loves her and that he’s going back in the ring.
Randy naps on side of road.
Gets to auditorium. Man on the phone. Man business is rocking Just opened a third dealership. Randy looks on. This is the ayatollah
They chat. Did thnink it was on. Then I get a call , its on.
Randy wants to go over the moves. Ayatollah wants to wing it.
Cassidy at gas station. Asks for directions.
Int locker room. Ram taping up.
Cassidy pulls up. Looking for locker room
Randy now suited.
Ayatollah music begins to play. Announcement.
Randy turns to find Cassidy there. She tries to get him to bail. He’s still going through with it.
Randy- this is where I belong. Listen to them.
Randy enters the ring. Ramming chairs.
He grabs the mic.
I just got one thing to say to you people. Thank you. I started in 1982. I was 6 foot 1 3 back surgeries… End of the speach. The crowd roars. Ayatollah is about to smash him.
Randy is a little intense for the ayatollah. They trade revenge moves each more real than the last.
Their in the ring out of the ring. Chocking with flags and poles.
Ayatollah  - You wanna bring it home?
Cassidy pleads with ringside.
His heart is giving. Pounding. Irregular. Hard. Ram is about to finish him. Ayatollah says just pin him.
Cassidy leaves the match sobbing.
Horns are out.
He leaps . Glorious and immortal.
Some things last a long time.
I’ll eat your sandwich if you’re not eating it.
You’re got me going. You really got me going.
I can’t believe you got th t sian out.
It looks great on you.
I like this shirt.
Do you have any salt?
Walks into coffee shop. Puts hands on the glass. He moves like an animal something he’s stalking.
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