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mfb1949 · 10 months ago
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heich0e · 16 days ago
just logged in and saw 10+ asks in my inbox and most of them were just anons being like "UMMM TALL GUYS CAN HAVE SMALL DICKS ARE YOU STUPID" like this is the most unserious thing to lecture me abt guys 🙏
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m4zzystar · 1 year ago
my uncles head of the food safety department of the store he works at and theres this scandal going on cause a chef flashed someone in the bathroom. people are getting fired and written up and moved to different departments for talking about it. they're calling it weinergate
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newsmeltdown · 8 years ago
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PizzaGate Update: Anthony Weiner to Blow PizzaGate Wide Open? Tyrone Shryock Prosecutors are threatening Anthony Weiner with serious charges following their probe into Clinton e-mails found on his laptop under a folder labelled life . Anthony Weiner
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artcups · 8 years ago
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HOW IS THIS STILL A THING?! #artcups #weinergate #weinertime #weinerland #makeweinergreatagain #weiner
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bb4sp · 7 years ago
“There is a reason why James Comey lawyered up, and tweets from his rat hole.” https://theblacksphere.net/2018/02/texts-reveal-comeys-intentionally-criminal-coverup-weinergate/?utm_content=buffer66db9&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
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mfb1949 · 10 months ago
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hg47 · 4 years ago
47 Reasons Why I Fear Islam - (Reason 31)
-31-There are “Good Muslims” and “Bad Muslims” just like there are “Good Christians” and “Bad Christians.”  But what people in the West think of as a “Good Muslim,” the devout Muslims regard as “Bad Muslims.” ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Cruel-Usual-Punishment-Terrifying-Implications/dp/1595551611/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380310980&sr=1-1&keywords=CRUEL+AND+USUAL+PUNISHMENT+by+Nonie+Darwish In CRUEL AND USUAL PUNISHMENT Nonie Darwish puts forth the position that many moderate Muslims do not follow the Koran or Sharia law, but are judging Islam by the behavior of their kindly grandparents. ++++------- http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/01/the_closed_circle_of_the_arab.html Glenn Fairman’s position is that the West does not understand the Arab consciousness at all, but the Arabs have a fair idea of what moves and motivates the West.  In the Muslim world there are few traditions for sharing or compromise.  Representative democracy cannot be imposed from above, it is pointless, because chosen leaders approach every debate with the attitude of, “I am right!  You are wrong!” where it would be humiliating and a personal dishonor to back down or compromise.  Power is maintained by ruthless violence.  Who will rule, and be able to steal oil revenue from the state? ++++------- tweet ~ Don’t get me started on Islam. I’ll spew a sound-bite tweet worse than Weinergate. Praying in military formation 5x a day…Brain Washing? ++++------- http://townhall.com/columnists/michaelbrown/2013/05/26/is-radical-islam-normative-islam-n1606129 Michael Brown on Islamic terror.  In a nation like Pakistan, moderate Muslims are unable to speak or write against Islamic terror for fear of their lives.  In the West, the Muslim leaders who do not speak or write against Islamic terror often consider it a valid form of jihad. ++++------- http://www.patheos.com/Resources/Additional-Resources/How-Pervasive-Is-the-Threat-of-Political-Islam-David-French-06-06-2011.html David French asks what has Israel ever done to Malaysia?  Malaysia has no diplomatic ties with Israel.  Malaysia does not recognize Israel.  Malaysia always votes against Israel at the United Nations.  Well, it’s a Muslim thing.  Malaysia is 60% Muslim, Israel stole holy Islamic land from Muslims. ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Stealth-Jihad-Radical-Subverting-America/dp/1596985569/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380589061&sr=1-1&keywords=stealth+jihad+robert+spencer In STEALTH JIHAD Robert Spencer puts out the 2008 stats for polygamous Muslim marriage within the United States, estimated between 50,000 to 100,000 at that time. @hg47 says – This 2008 estimate is about double the estimate for polygamy among Mormons within the U.S. at that time. ++++------- http://www.meforum.org/2769/benny-morris-1948-islamic-holy-war Benny Morris on how Israel’s success in 1948 aroused in the Muslim world an enormous desire for revenge.  A few nations may sign peace treaties with Israel, but intellectual Muslims, average Muslims, soldier Muslims all refuse to condone the existence of Israel.  Then, and now. ++++------- A quote from Winston Churchill: “…the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance.” ++++------- http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/29679 Alan Caruba is still angry at the destruction of the Twin Towers and the attack on the Pentagon.  He doesn’t like how we are wasting our blood and treasure in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, where Muslims have no tolerance, no moderate behavior, and just hate us more every minute we interfere on their lands. ++++------- http://familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.7460/pub_detail.asp This article postulates that there are moderate Muslims in America who DO accept the preeminence of democratic law even though they may be seen as apostates by CAIR and other Muslims who want to see Sharia law destroy every American value.  This article also argues that the violent jihadist Islamic texts must be abrogated for Islam to thrive in America. ++++------- tweet ~ Koran TweetNotes: Once all nations are conquered by Islam the World will be at peace. Therefore, Islam is a religion of peace. ++++------- http://iranpoliticsclub.net/islam/islam-danger1/ An article on every Muslim’s duty to expand Islam by every means available.  The choices Infidels face when their lands are taken over by Muslims: 1) Convert to Islam. 2) Pay a heavy regular tax to remain in your own faith. 3) Death. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Go-To-32+ +Go-To-Beginning-Of-47-REASONS-WHY-I-FEAR-ISLAM+
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moredickpics-blog · 5 years ago
Men Who Send Unsolicited Dick Pics Are Bigger Narcissists, Study Finds
The dick pic; so widely disseminated—yet so universally scorned. How many message threads end abruptly after an unwitting recipient lays eyes on a glaring, one-eyed schlong? From Weinergate to Tony Clement; the urge to send dick pics is apparently so compelling that caution is thrown to the wind, even when the personal, social and political ramifications are enormous.
These lewd dispatches are rampant (half of all women between 18-36 reported on having received one), but those who openly admit to sending them are few and far between. And while many women rightly view this as a form of harassment, it does not appear that dick pic senders see it that way—often slapping the lurid photos into otherwise benign conversation. Are they desperate? Do they do it for validation? Shock? Thrills? Comic relief? Or is there something darker at play? Beyond a painful inability to read the room; what is their deal? Why do men do this?
Thankfully, a new study presented at the Society For The Scientific Study of Sexuality in Montreal last November, has suggested some answers. It is believed to be the first empirical investigation of its kind into the phenomenon of the dick pic, drilling down to unearth the reasons why straight men send unsolicited pictures of their dicks.
More than 1000 self-selecting straight men, ages 16 to 75, were recruited from various social media sites, a university-based research participant pool and Amazon Mechanical Turk to take part in the study. They were measured on levels of narcissism, exhibitionism, benevolent and hostile sexism, and endorsement of sexual behaviors—basically to ascertain if they were oversexed. They were asked about their motivations, and what they hoped the outcome would be. Nearly half (48%) of those surveyed admitted to having sent an unsolicited dick pic in the past. The majority of the dick pic-senders were white, married or in a serious relationship, had some college/university education, and the average age of the sender was 31 (The average age of the non-sender was 33, however, so it doesn’t appear as if age is a factor).
“In a nutshell,” study lead Dr. Cory Pedersen, of Kwantlen Polytechnic University, said,
“men who had reported having sent unsolicited dick pics showed higher levels of narcissism relative to men who had never sent such images. They also demonstrated higher levels of both hostile (overtly negative views of women) and benevolent (woman-on-a-pedestal) sexism.”
They were also measured on their opinions around sexuality, based on hypothetical musings that men who send dick pics must be oversexed. “There was no difference between the two groups in the extent to which they watched porn, or masturbated or fantasized,” says Pedersen. “The dick pic-ers were not more ‘sexual’ in nature.”
Additionally, they were measured on misogyny ( Do you send these images because you dislike women), public exhibitionism (Have you ever exposed your genitals to someone that you know but who didn’t ask you to in a public setting?) and sexual satisfaction ( I send these pictures and then I can masturbate knowing that a woman is looking at a picture of my dick). “There was some endorsement for all of those other categories,” says Pedersen, “but they were very low.”
Pedersen honed in on two major reasons why men are motivated to do this. The first was a transactional mindset; they send these images in the hope that they’ll get some nudes in return. Or, fingers crossed, it will lead to a RL hookup. “The second most popular reason was what we called partner hunting,” says Pedersen. “They believe sending dick pics is an appropriate form of flirting with someone, this is how you let someone know that you’re interested in them, that you’re attracted to them. That you want to have a connection with them.”
When asked what they were hoping to get out of sending these images, a whopping 82 percent of respondents were hoping to make the person who received the image feel “sexual excitement .” “This is quite contrary to the popularly endorsed belief that men send these pics hoping to get shock,” says Pedersen. “They believe they’re going to turn someone on. The top three hoped-for reactions were positive; men were hoping for sexual excitement from the part of the recipient, they hoped the recipient would feel attractive, and they hoped the recipient would feel valued.” Given the #MeToo climate we find ourselves in, this obliviousness is astonishing. The individuals sending these unsolicited photos could stand a dose of empathy—and a clue.
Pedersen agrees there’s likely some projection at play; that’s how they would feel if they received a nude photo from a woman. “I would hypothesize it would only take one or two positive endorsements; ‘Hey! That’s a nice dick!’ for that to be reinforcing enough to continue that type of strategy,” Pedersen said. “Humans are prone to pay attention to things we already believe to be true, and to ignore things that disabuse us of our ideas. If we get one positive endorsement we think; hey, this is working! We ignore all of the women who reply with you’re gross.”
“While we do not dispute or deny that consent is sexy, and that it is an important part of all sexual interactions, our data suggests that the large majority of men are not sending these images because they hate women, or because they want power or control,” says Pedersen. “That runs contrary to a lot of feminist discourses that men do this because they hate women; that is not what we found.”
This, in and of itself, is kind of enheartening. “It runs contrary to our popular culture’s views on this subject. Nonetheless, no matter what anyone takes from this information; consent is sexy. if somebody wants to see your penis, they will probably let you know.”
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itunesbooks · 6 years ago
Righteous Indignation - Andrew Breitbart
Righteous Indignation Excuse Me While I Save the World Andrew Breitbart Genre: Politics & Current Events Price: $11.99 Publish Date: April 15, 2011 Publisher: Grand Central Publishing Seller: Hachette Digital, Inc. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - now with a chapter on the "Weinergate" scandal "Brash, funny, fiery, and irreverent." - Rush Limbaugh Known for his network of conservative websites that draws millions of readers everyday, Andrew Breitbart has one main goal: to make sure the "liberally biased" major news outlets in this country cover all aspects of a story fairly. Breitbart is convinced that too many national stories are slanted by the news media in an unfair way. In RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION, Breitbart talks about how one needs to deal with the liberal news world head on. Along the way, he details his early years, working with Matt Drudge, the Huffington Post, and how Breitbart developed his unique style of launching key websites to help get the word out to conservatives all over. A rollicking and controversial read, Breitbart will certainly raise your blood pressure, one way or another. http://dlvr.it/R361t5
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newsmeltdown · 8 years ago
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Could Anthony Weiner Charges Expose Huge DNC Scandal? Tyrone Shryock Anthony Weiner is facing serious charges following an FBI probe into Clinton e-mails found on his laptop under a folder labelled life insurance. He is now . Anthony Weiner
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demongiveth-blog · 8 years ago
two things:
kenny copying seth’s weinergate tweet almost verbatim kenny ‘pony boy’ omega bc dem thighs
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serpenttailedangel · 6 years ago
My favorite thing to come out of Gamergate was all the idiots who had no idea what Watergate was and didn’t realize that [word]gate turned into a stock scandal name as a result of that.
“You called this scandal [word]gate? Is that a Gamergate reference? Are you a Gamergater?”
“Gamergate totally stole [word]gate’s thunder by ripping off it’s name.”
I’d actually give it 50/50 that they’re foreign vs the American education system and people’s ability to notice trends in the news just being that bad.
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bb4sp · 7 years ago
“Talk about opening a can of worms.” https://theblacksphere.net/2017/12/huma-abedins-weinergate-emails-released/
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zibizuba · 5 years ago
var h12precont = 'h12c_300x250_' + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000); document.write(' <div id="' + h12precont + '">'); (h12_adarray = window.h12_adarray || []).push({"adcontainer":h12precont,"placement":"c9d6b99f00114c5a436a0f497c7bb182","size":"300x250","type":"standard","width":"300","height":"250","name":""}); </div>
  Movie star intercourse tapes are available in two kinds: the celebrities that have been well-known first and featured in a tape second and those that really turned well-known for his or her involvement in a tape. There are additionally, after all, these superstar tapes you DIDN’T wish to see. Most of those celeb tapes are literally watchable, however there are definitely a number of that we wouldn’t suggest.
This listing of well-known Hollywood celebrities caught filming a film within the sheets options somewhat of each. Be it an actor, actress, singer or politician, male or feminine, intimate motion pictures appear to be all the craze for the most important celebrities nowadays. Some are launched by former lovers seeking to make a buck whereas others are filmed in secret with out the data of the contributors. Some celebs even market their very own tapes with the hopes of constructing a buck or getting their names again within the headlines by way of information experiences a couple of star or wannabe star’s newest new superstar video. Often well-known individuals will even go for it and full on make a steamy video meant for launch. That’s definitely one approach to get individuals to speak about you…
The Recreation
Compton rapper, sort-of reality TV star, expert troll, and stupendously endowed superhuman The Recreation supposedly appeared in a leaked tape in mid-September 2016. There isn’t much going on in the clip, and it’s not possible to inform if it’s really Recreation within the video. It hasn’t made a lot of an affect on the planet, so all-in-all, the leaking of the tape was one thing of a non-event.
The lackluster high quality of ability on show within the clip is disappointing for individuals who anticipated (or hoped) a person as outspoken, match, ahem massive, and savage as Recreation to launch a Kraken of a video on an unsuspecting, god-fearing world. The place is the filth-soaked opus of wicked brutality, quivering limbs, banshee-like shrieks, flailing members, Hobbesian state-of-nature ferocity, and explosive jets of fluid the lots need?
To cite Teonny Spears of gossip website Pop Glitz:
My pal Sonny Mac informed me that somebody has leaked a intercourse tape that options Recreation, and whereas all of us HOPED it could have been very pleasing to look at, it’s solely four minutes of The Recreation in missionary type, sadly pretending to provide a very good stroke.
You’d suppose that somebody of his caliber (tremendous as hell, well-built, and packing) would have higher…recreation (no pun supposed) than this. I don’t find out about ya’ll however once I take into consideration intercourse and The Recreation, I consider GREATNESS. MAYBE he was drained and the great footage obtained misplaced someplace, right here’s to hoping it comes out later.
See extra potential damaging celeb footage here.
Hulk Hogan
Seems Hulk Hogan is really a “Actual American” which he proved by having a not-so-secret video launched to the general public. What makes it all of the extra fascinating is that the lady who Hogan is having relations with within the tape is the spouse of his pal, radio persona Bubba the Lovesponge.
Not solely that, however he had full permission to do the soiled together with her by Bubba himself. What’s not so nice was that the video was made round 2007 when Hogan was nonetheless firmly married to former spouse Linda.
In 2016, Hogan took Gawker media to court over their coverage of the whole debacle. Gawker was pressured to pay Hogan $100 million and shut down its operation. Gawker’s different media properties have been purchased up by Univision and retained.
Mimi Faust
Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta star, Mimi Faust, and her on-off boyfriend, Nikko Smith, apparently recorded a really excessive tape someday in early 2014. This footage was “found” by the pinnacle of Vivid Leisure, Steve Hirsch, by “coincidence” who supplied the 2 actuality stars big bucks to give Vivid exclusive rights to the tape.
It’s no shock that each Mimi and Nikko agreed to the provide. It is usually no shock that the tape went on sale a number of weeks earlier than their present debuted its new season.
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Farrah Abraham
On April 10th, 2013, it was confirmed that former Teen Mother star Farrah Abraham had filmed a film with grownup actor James Deen. The plan (on Abraham’s half) seems to have been to pose with Deen as a pair to create the phantasm the tape in query was a non-public tape that had been leaked relatively than one deliberately launched for bidding.
Simply while you suppose Abraham is finished, she does it once more. In early 2014, one other movie starring her dropped and launch some customized made toys that have been match to her actual measurements. After which, in 2017, the starlet (?) did a livestream from her residence the place she used a few of her personal merchandise to entertain viewers. Some people were not happy though, as Abraham promised some backstage motion, however by no means delivered.
Sydney Leathers
In August 2013, Sydney Leathers – who is legendary for exchanging racy texts with Anthony Weiner – made an film, TMZ reported. Vivid Leisure is behind the movie, which largely includes Sydney Leathers and not using a high on, holding up newspaper protection of Weinergate while touching herself. At the very least somebody’s profession goes someplace.
Kanye West
It seems to be like Kim Kardashian is at it once more. Form of.
In 2014, experiences surfaced {that a} residence video that includes Kim’s then-boyfriend Kanye West, was being shopped round. There was some debate whether or not the lady within the video was a Kim Okay lookalike or the true deal, however Kardashian herself hinted the couple would possibly’ve made a really private film.
In response to an business insider, the tape was made earlier than the couple obtained collectively. The video by no means ended up surfacing.
Kim Kardashian
In 2007, socialite and mogul Kim Kardashian created a tape with then-boyfriend rapper Ray-J. Whereas it did little for Ray-J’s profession, it launched her and her large family to fame and landed a number of actuality reveals.
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Pamela Anderson
Former Baywatch magnificence and Playboy centerfold Pamela Anderson is the queen of mature motion pictures. She made one with Tommy Lee and one with Bret Michaels. These are those we all know of, a minimum of.
Minka Kelly
Actress Minka Kelly allegedly had a tape launched illegally. It was filmed whereas she was reportedly underage. It was reportedly made by and ex-boyfriend and there’s concern that it was made earlier than she turned 18.
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Nadya Suleman
Nadya “Octomom” Suleman, most recognized for her unbelievable supply of eight infants without delay has answered the prayers of none and supplied us with a tape from Depraved Footage. Within the video Octomom is seen in all her au naturale glory.
Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton and her then-boyfriend Rick Salomon recorded a tape in 2003 shot in night time imaginative and prescient. 1 Night time in Paris is maybe one of the vital well-known superstar movies tapes on the market and even earned the Prime Renting Launch of the Yr award on the 2005 AVN Awards.
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Carrie Prejean
Carrie Prejean was dethroned as Miss USA when it was found that she was in a tape that was “too racy” to publish on a star gossip website.
Tila Tequila
Tila Tequila has a tape launched by Vivid Leisure together with her having partaking in some grownup habits with different ladies.
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Jennifer Lopez
Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez made a raunchy honeymoon tape with ex-husband Ojani Noa the place she exposes her nether areas and there’s supposedly 20 minutes of nudity. It’s, nonetheless, prohibited to be launched on account of a short lived restraining order from JLo and courtroom orders.
Kendra Wilkinson
Kendra Wilkinson has a tape launched of when she was 18 and earlier than having breast implants.
  John Edwards
John Edwards made a intercourse tape together with his mistress Rielle Hunter, reportedly whereas she was pregnant together with his lovechild. This was only one element within the scandal Edwards handled together with allegations he urged Hunter to abort the kid, known as her insensitive names and used a reported $1 million in marketing campaign funds to cowl up the affair.
Katie Price
Movie star Massive Brother contestant Katie Worth made headlines after she made a scandalous video with singer and DJ Dane Bowers. The 2 made a hot and heavy video in 1999 whereas the 2 have been courting.
Carolyn Murphy
Carolyn Murphy made a tape together with her ex-husband Jake Schroader on their honeymoon in Barbados. The video was leaked in April 2006.
Daniella Cicarelli
Brazilian TV hostess Daniela Cicarelli was taped fondling her boyfriend Renato “Tato” Malzoni on the seashore and having intercourse with him within the water. She tried to sue to dam its distribution on the Web, nonetheless a decide dominated towards her expectation of privateness of getting intercourse on a public seashore.
Chu Mei-feng
Chu Mei-feng was videotaped with Tseng Chung-ming, a married man. The tape pressured her to depart workplace as councilwoman of Taipei Metropolis and go away the town utterly. Chu went on to begin a singing profession, which didn’t go very far, and a extra profitable tv internet hosting profession.
Joan “Joanie” Laurer or Chyna, as she is best recognized, made a tape with fellow skilled wrestler Sean Waltman (X-Pac). They really solicited the tape to be distributed. The wrestler, who went on to seem on “Movie star Rehab,” later claimed she made no cash from 1 Night time in Chyna.
Colin Farrell
Colin Farrell has a 13-minute tape with Playboy mannequin Nicole Narain. It was leaked in January 2006.
Tonya Harding
Tonya Harding had a tape together with her then husband Jeff Gillooly that the couple launched legitimately on their very own after it turned so in style.
Rob Lowe
Rob Decrease obtained himself in bother after a tape the place he’s having intercourse with two younger ladies (one underage) was leaked. As if that was not unhealthy sufficient, the tape additionally confirmed Lowe having relations with one other man and a feminine mannequin. That’s a double whammy proper there.
Vince Neil
Vince Neil made a tape with grownup actress Janine Lindemulder and actress/mannequin Brandy Ledford in 1993.
Chua Soi Lek
Whereas serving as Malaysia’s Well being Minister, Chua Soi Lek was secretly videotaped having intercourse. Whereas he claimed he had no data that the tapes have been created, Chua later resigned from all of his positions together with as Minister of Well being and Vice President of the Malaysian Chinese language Affiliation.
Not all was misplaced although, as in 2009 he returned to the Malaysian Chinese language Affiliation because the president.
Fred Durst
Fred Durst has a tape illegally launched by a restore man who was engaged on his laptop in 2005. He sued a number of publishers for posting the video, and was awarded $70 million in damages.
Gene Simmons
Gene Simmons admitted to a tape that was launched in 2008. For the report, it didn’t function his longtime girlfriend and mom of his youngsters Shannon Tweed, relatively one other girl.
Dustin Lance Black
Academy Award-winning Milk screenwriter Dustin Lance Black was seen in a tape having unprotected relations with one other man. Each the video and nonetheless photographs from the tape leaked on the Web in 2009 resulting in a collection of gossip column posts, and a lawsuit from Black who claimed the distribution firm, Starzlife, had no permission to promote or revenue from his private life.
Tom Sizemore
Tom Sizemore has a tape with greater than eight hours of him “performing.”
Kid Rock
Child Rock appeared in a tape with Creed frontman Scott Stapp and 4 groupies in 1999.
Rex Ryan
In December 2010, Deadspin reported a collection of ft obsession movies was found that includes a lady who allegedly gave the impression to be Ryan’s spouse, Michelle, whereas the cameraman, who was not seen on tape, allegedly was Ryan himself.
Ryan didn’t verify nor deny the allegations nonetheless he did state in a press convention that the difficulty was a private matter.
Scott Stapp
Scott Stapp is responsible for the leak of his and Child Rock’s tape the place they’ve intercourse with 4 groupies.
Tommy Lee
Tommy Lee had a honeymoon intercourse tape with then-wife Pamela Anderson. Although he initially said the tape was stolen from his residence by an grownup actress, he later signed a cope with a distribution firm to get a reduce of the tape’s on-line gross sales.
Bret Michaels
Bret Michaels has a tape with Pamela Anderson the place he dons a vampire cape. This second tape for Anderson was allegedly created earlier than the entire Tommy Lee tape and was even featured with nonetheless photographs in Penthouse journal.
The Poison frontman sued to dam the tape’s launch, nonetheless it’s nonetheless extensively out there on the Web.
Tyson Beckford
In Could 2012 a tape of Tyson Beckford pleasuring himself whereas in an internet chat room with a feminine mannequin surfaced. The tape is 45 minutes lengthy and together with Beckford’s solo efficiency you additionally get his filmography as he rattles off his film roles to impress his iLady.
Leighton Meester
June of 2009 noticed the rise of Leighton Meester’s intercourse tape. The Gossip Lady star was apparently caught on tape together with her boyfriend on the time. In response to TMZ there’s a significantly stirring half involving her “gifted ft”.
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Rebecca Gayheart
In 2009, a house video that includes Rebecca Gayheart, her husband Eric Dane (Dr. McSteamy from “Grays Anatomy”) and former Miss America-turned-escort Kari-Ann Peniche, turned up across the web. Whereas it doesn’t actually function any motion per se, there’s definitely sufficient pores and skin being proven.
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Artykuł 35+ Celebrities Caught with Sex Tapes pochodzi z serwisu PENSE LOL.
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kalitor · 6 years ago
#Defango #FireHerpes #DirtyButtBot #BackdoorBuddy #GloryHole #Weinergate
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