50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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Last night's tea was chicken biryani and half a packet of brown rice. Was actually nice and i managed to get the spice quantity just so to cater for Andy's hot taste buds and my mild taste buds . 馃ぃ Work, rehearsal for 9 to 5 and lots of cleaning done yesterday . By the time I rolled into bed at 12.30pm last night I was well and truly ready for it . And needless to say I'm feeling shattered today. #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchersblog #flexeffect #weightwatchers #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersuksupport #weightwatchersuk #weightwatcherscommunity #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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I'm behind again on my days . It's been a busy weekend. The day started with some lovely a Christmas singing.... a Christmas carol rehearsal for some gigs the lovely Rock of Ages cast are attending during December. There were more people than just Andy and I of course.... but I figured they wouldn't want to be plastered all over my social media so I cropped them out . It was a good way to get festive and i cannot express how bloody excited for Christmas I am! We dug out the scaletrix that's been in the loft for about ten years last week ... with the intention to sell it. Turns out, not only did Maisie love it but it doesn't work anyway and we ( by we, I mean husband) managed to put enough of the track together to let Maisie have a little go before it got skipped . Then we had a frantic Christmas list update to do for her 馃檴 finished the day with a chicken roast dinner . My meals currently are quite basic but I have had lots of new recipe ideas that I cannot wait to work out properly and try. #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchersblog #weightwatchers #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchersuksupport #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #instadailly #50shadesoflife #instadiet #wwflex #flexeffect
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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I didn't have time yesterday to update my food . It was a busy one and i missed the meeting:( but I was saved by my lovely friend who got me all what I need to take on the new flex approach to weight watchers . And I gotta be honest. After spending the afternoon reading all the information and meal planning and doing the food shop , I am pretty excited about it. In the latest magazine I saw an advert for some Beanies coffee. Anyone who knows me knows I am a coffee addict and since seeing this advert it's one of the only things I have been able to think about! So I went to Sainsbury's yesterday and bought some . My expectations were not met . It filled the kitchen with a beautiful toffee aroma but tasted very little of toffee . Maisie and I had afternoon tea yesterday although I sat there with a coffee and didn't consume any naughty but deliciously inviting food , I made do with poached egg on toast and then we had a well earnt family afternoon/evening watching Xmas movies with a tea of vegetables, roast potatoes and a chicken breast sliced and stuffed with green pesto, tomato and mozarrella light . Was yummy!! #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #flexeffect #mywwfood #mywwfooddiary #wwcommunity #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchersblog #50shadesoflife #instadailly
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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This is how I am feeling right now. 馃槨 I have just spent half an hour typing out a big long blog post ... something I haven't had time to do for a while .... my fingers are that cold and basic functioning is becoming more and more minimal that I pressed the wrong thing and deleted the Bastard. The whole bloody lot!!! Remained calm -ish .... thought I'll have a break , just do my mini , daily, what did I eat today blog instead before returning to 're write the long one. Turns out i am unable to click on that without deleting too! I'm not gonna lie ... the air has turned as blue as my fingers at present . So tea tonight was turkey stir fry with brown rice.... you lovely people will need to use your imaginations to visual how it looked. Don't aim too high!! And I am going to leave it there tonight and go and rock in a corner, in the dark somewhere whilst hugging the dog to try and keep warm ( being very careful not to injure her ofcourse ) because despite the Heating being on full ... I'm freezing. Will try again tomorrow.... ffs. #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchersblog #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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A morning of study , a cold and wet dog walk to brush away the cobwebs and relax and then home for some lunch before starting the Christmas plans . Christmas is quite possibly my favourite time of year and by the point I normally have Xmas cards written, some presents bought and decorations ready to go up ... this year I so far done zilch about it. So whilst having a break from studying I am going to start getting my Christmas on! 馃巺 #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchersblog #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood #foodblogger #foodblogging #christmas #planningtime
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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Home from work earlier than expected again but least my lunch was already made 馃ぃ tuna salad with plain popcorn , 2 plums , apple , orange and no added sugar jelly for pudding /snacks. Feeling quite on board with this no count this week. I'm feeling rather hopeful come Saturday. An afternoon now In front of the laptop hoping to find something potentially beneficial 馃 #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchersblog #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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After spending the day yesterday wallowing in shame and regret from the copious amounts of red wine consumed on Saturday night, we went to bed really early last night after counting down the hours all day until we could go back to bed . I am now wide awake at 4am ready to start my day! I'm not normally raring to go so early... I think today's eagerness is fuelled by the fact that we are Christmas shopping while Maisie is at school. So bloody excited! Anyways. This comparison picture is of me 18 months ago... size 22 and me on Saturday night. Size 12. Over the moon is an understatement. Keep believing. If I can do it, anyone can . #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersgirl #weightwatchersuksupport #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchersukfamily #weightwatchersflexpoints #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchersblog #weightwatcherscommunity #flexeffect #50shadesoflife #instafood #instadiet #keepbelieving
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