50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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I'm behind again on my days . It's been a busy weekend. The day started with some lovely a Christmas singing.... a Christmas carol rehearsal for some gigs the lovely Rock of Ages cast are attending during December. There were more people than just Andy and I of course.... but I figured they wouldn't want to be plastered all over my social media so I cropped them out . It was a good way to get festive and i cannot express how bloody excited for Christmas I am! We dug out the scaletrix that's been in the loft for about ten years last week ... with the intention to sell it. Turns out, not only did Maisie love it but it doesn't work anyway and we ( by we, I mean husband) managed to put enough of the track together to let Maisie have a little go before it got skipped . Then we had a frantic Christmas list update to do for her 馃檴 finished the day with a chicken roast dinner . My meals currently are quite basic but I have had lots of new recipe ideas that I cannot wait to work out properly and try. #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchersblog #weightwatchers #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchersuksupport #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #instadailly #50shadesoflife #instadiet #wwflex #flexeffect
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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I didn't have time yesterday to update my food . It was a busy one and i missed the meeting:( but I was saved by my lovely friend who got me all what I need to take on the new flex approach to weight watchers . And I gotta be honest. After spending the afternoon reading all the information and meal planning and doing the food shop , I am pretty excited about it. In the latest magazine I saw an advert for some Beanies coffee. Anyone who knows me knows I am a coffee addict and since seeing this advert it's one of the only things I have been able to think about! So I went to Sainsbury's yesterday and bought some . My expectations were not met . It filled the kitchen with a beautiful toffee aroma but tasted very little of toffee . Maisie and I had afternoon tea yesterday although I sat there with a coffee and didn't consume any naughty but deliciously inviting food , I made do with poached egg on toast and then we had a well earnt family afternoon/evening watching Xmas movies with a tea of vegetables, roast potatoes and a chicken breast sliced and stuffed with green pesto, tomato and mozarrella light . Was yummy!! #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #flexeffect #mywwfood #mywwfooddiary #wwcommunity #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchersblog #50shadesoflife #instadailly
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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This is how I am feeling right now. 馃槨 I have just spent half an hour typing out a big long blog post ... something I haven't had time to do for a while .... my fingers are that cold and basic functioning is becoming more and more minimal that I pressed the wrong thing and deleted the Bastard. The whole bloody lot!!! Remained calm -ish .... thought I'll have a break , just do my mini , daily, what did I eat today blog instead before returning to 're write the long one. Turns out i am unable to click on that without deleting too! I'm not gonna lie ... the air has turned as blue as my fingers at present . So tea tonight was turkey stir fry with brown rice.... you lovely people will need to use your imaginations to visual how it looked. Don't aim too high!! And I am going to leave it there tonight and go and rock in a corner, in the dark somewhere whilst hugging the dog to try and keep warm ( being very careful not to injure her ofcourse ) because despite the Heating being on full ... I'm freezing. Will try again tomorrow.... ffs. #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchersblog #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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More than happy with that! #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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Another study day today . Trying to cram a bit so I have longer than a week for the next assignment as it's a written one and it's a long old time since I have done an assignment . Stopped for a lunch of prawn salad . Weigh day tomorrow. Haven't been for two weeks as I put a bit on over show week. I'm hoping I have shed that and a little more . Off to the theatre this evening so tea will probably be egg on toast when we get home from the show this evening. #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchersblog #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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So I started Christmas this afternoon! Yay!! Planning and list making was intentional today. Buying advent calendars and masses of Christmas cards was not on the agenda... I only went shopping to stock up on fruit! But we now all have an advent calendar .... because let's face it... you are never too old for an advent calendar and i will probably have my Christmas cards written by the end of the day tomorrow. Because when I'm on something.... I'm bloody on it in full force! Tea tonight was turkey, courgette , onion and paprika burgers , homemade chips and baked beans. #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchersblog #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood #christmashasbegun #favouritetimeoftheyear
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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A morning of study , a cold and wet dog walk to brush away the cobwebs and relax and then home for some lunch before starting the Christmas plans . Christmas is quite possibly my favourite time of year and by the point I normally have Xmas cards written, some presents bought and decorations ready to go up ... this year I so far done zilch about it. So whilst having a break from studying I am going to start getting my Christmas on! 馃巺 #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchersblog #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood #foodblogger #foodblogging #christmas #planningtime
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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Home from work earlier than expected again but least my lunch was already made 馃ぃ tuna salad with plain popcorn , 2 plums , apple , orange and no added sugar jelly for pudding /snacks. Feeling quite on board with this no count this week. I'm feeling rather hopeful come Saturday. An afternoon now In front of the laptop hoping to find something potentially beneficial 馃 #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchersblog #weightwatchersblogger #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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#mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood #foodblogger #startthedaytherightway #startthedaypositive
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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Busy old day today. Got sent home from work at lunch because of how quiet the place is at the minute when ironically I have so much work to do at work 16 hours is not enough at the best of times. Rather than coming home to have a couple of hours me time before the school run I decided to tackle maisies room which has been on my to do list for the past month!. A move around, clean and clear out of her room ( still too many toys owned) I did some washing, hoovered and did half an hour of study. This evening we have been out to rehearsals and we started learning the dance routine for the opening number ... Which as a bonus is now my exercise until February. Dancing is probably one of the only activities ( apart from swimming) that I enjoy, so now I have routines to learn and nail and i will have daily physical activity. Tea tonight was gammon, veg , mashed potato and two poached eggs . Used 2 of my weekly points for a knob of butter in the mash . The rest was all free on no count . Long and busy day. Coffee time now before another busy one tomorrow! Happy Tuesday! #myweightlossjourney #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood #foodblogger
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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Still battling with the No count . So far so good . Managed a day without using any of my weekly points today so that is good. Made a salad with wafer thin chicken for lunch today but was super hungry and wanting more. Work had some jacket spuds on the offering so I had one after checking they were ok for no count . I'm not gonna lie ... it was not the best . I had it without any butter so it filled me a little more than just the salad but was dry and bland . It kept me going until tea though and tonight's tea was all no points and was chilli with brown rice . Relatively quiet day today. Been to work where all the Christmas rotas have been written and then had Maisie's little friend over for tea after school. Tonight I am going to study while Andy is out and then chill out... for a change 馃ぃ #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatchersfooddiary #weightwatchersforlife #nocount #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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Woke up starving and shattered today after an eventful wake up call in the middle of the night. But had no food in the house. 脌s old mother Hubbard would say the cupboards were bare. Picked the food shop up and had the Sunday morning puzzle of fitting it all in the fridge. I do love it though when the fridge is full of healthy goodness . We had brunch as we need to get Maisie to the theatre for her show this afternoon which I'm super excited about. So we had two crumpets, baked beans and an egg . Still doing no count :) Happy Sunday 馃槝 #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatchersblog #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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Today I have decided to shake up the diet a bit and start doing the 'no count ' approach. I have tried it in the past and not succeeded . However , I do not think I have ever done it effectively due to not controlling the portion sizes. Pasta is on the no count... However logic concludes that although it's free .... in large quantities there comes a point when it stops being free and you start having far too much . For probably the first half of my journey with weight watchers, I was shit at portion sizes . Because of my size it didn't matter so much that I didn't measure everything. I still lost weight every week. But as I got smaller, I soon learnt that my portions needed to as well. Unfortunately, I did no count when I thought it didn't matter. Now I'm a whizz with the old scales, measuring food and being able to create a meal that is enough to satisfy the three of us that I cook for, rather than cooking enough for the street . After a week of struggle and being lazy with my tracking I am figuring that mixing it up a little will hopefully help me refocus . So far so good . Maisie had her dress rehearsal today for her Christmas variety show tomorrow and I can't blooming wait to watch her . It makes me so proud seeing her on the stage that my heart literally bursts. She gets so excited because it is the only time she is allowed to wear make up... a treat for her ... a wake up call for me that she's growing up far too fast . I have used 5 of my overall weekly allowance points . today. Lunch was roasted vegetable pasta with a sprinkle of parmesan and tea was cod fillets with veg , potatoes and parsley sauce . #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatchersblog #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instafood #instadiet
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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Quick, late post as at 11.10pm we have only just sat down , but i have had a day full of productivity. Ahead again on my studies, dragged Maisie into town after school to get all presents and cards for birthdays this month , wrapped them all and wrote all the cards, sorted my princess with tea , bath , bedtime and then cracked on this evening with decorating... our vintage dining room is coming on a treat now! Can't wait to finish it and determined to have it done by the end of the week. So feeling positive today and like I'm back in control again ... plus super excited about a little venture Andy and I are currently planning. A great day for the Brown household 馃挭 Tea tonight was a new recipe... mushroom and spinach risotto sprinkled with parmesan cheese . Was actually really tasty and welcomed after a very strict day of food. Now I have THE dress for the ball I need to keep me weight down 馃ぃ #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatchersblog #weightwatcherssupport #weightlosstransformation #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersonline #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood #foodblogger
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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Study day today and I am having a quick half hour break to eat ... because I'm like a child... once my stomach starts grumbling i lose all focus and it's all i can think about. So it's best to stop ... feed myself and then I'll have a productive afternoon. 馃ぃ Lunch was one egg mashed with light mayo, spread across two wholemeal sandwich thins , a yogurt and water melon. #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatchersblog #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersonline #weighwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood
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50shadesoflife16-blog 7 years
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It's been a rough day today. I lost the stone out of my engagement ring and I am genuinely so so upset. If I didn't have Maisie with me and wasn't at Tesco I would have sat and sobbed . I know it's a ring, it wasn't a ring that cost thousands... but it's the sentiment behind it and I am for sure a woman of sentiment. I am gutted. What's made it worse is that without my engagement ring on my finger , my wedding ring falls off due to the weight loss. So I can't wear my wedding ring either without buying a ring that will fit the shape of it ! Stupid weight loss. So gutted :( . For now I have one of my normal rings on that finger just because I can't handle seeing my naked finger! We have decorated the house this evening for Halloween and I have had a day of studying and trying to catch up slightly. The ironing from the other night is finally finished with more washed and lined up ready to iron when dry and I am feeling rough as a badgers arse! Bad throat and bad head ... I still think I'm suffering from the weekends lack of sleep. So it's time to sit down and rest before I get too ill. I physically haven't time right now to get poorly 馃槀 Tea this evening was heck sausages with veg and mash... because we all know I love a bit of ( heck) sausage too! #mywwdiary #mywwfood #myww #mywwjourney #mywwjourney2017 #mywwjourneycontinues #mywwjournal #weightwatchersblog #weightwatcherssupport #weightwatchers #weightwatchersuk #weightwatchers360 #weightwatchersonline #weightwatchersfamily #weightwatchersfood #weightwatcherscommunity #50shadesoflife #instadailly #instadiet #instafood
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