oozeinspiration · 4 years
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My second time being on a podcast!!! I was recently part of this incredible group‘s discussion on racism. A discussion that can no longer take place behind closed doors! We need to be discussing racism with all communities, beyond our own. 🖤☮️🖤 . Taken from @isaacj.conner and the link in his bio or on his Facebook page #thecollectiveperspectivepodcast : “Episode 14: Your Experience with Race and Privilege Part 1. . Have you always based your identity on race? Have you never done so? . . What do you think views on race will look like in the future when some sense of societal normalcy has taken shape again? . . What have your experiences with racism looked like? Have you never experienced or exercised racism? . . Do you feel you understand or have begun understanding your privilege? Do you think privilege does not exist? . . We feel that such conversations are part of the foundation of unity, as all voices being heard leads the way to self-awareness, empathy, and the possibility of positive growth. . . Part 2 Scheduled for Tuesday, June 30. . @supernaz_your_superfriend @celenedrums @remyxzer0 Qiana Martin Mia C. Medeiros @joshuaboylan Isaan Wood.”. . #blacklivesmatter #unityindiversity #womenmakingadifference #womanempoweringwoman #fuckracism #antiracism #whiteprivilege #raceandprivilege #selfawareness #podcastlife #wehavearesponsibility #weareallresponsible #beresponsible #beauthentic #beaccountable #powerfulpodcast #podcastsofinstagram #sharingexperiences #myexperience https://www.instagram.com/p/CB_Cf1djk0r/?igshid=1jkrzyhj1tnpu
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peggygaldamez-blog · 5 years
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I can only imagine what a difference this makes for those kids who get this message from the role models, parents, mentors, guardians and elders in their life. If we start the process now when they are young, imagine what a difference this will make as they grow. #startthedialogue #modelthebehavior #guideandteach #wehavearesponsibility #kidsarethefuture #leadership #apositivemessage #positiveinfluence #postiverolemodel https://www.instagram.com/p/BwmVVRMn3tK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m6qwcf3wjhar
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paulwkoester · 6 years
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"Sacred Ground" During the month of June climbing above the rock fall line on Devils Tower National Monument is completely shutdown. The month of the summer solstice is "given over" to to the native people that have sacred ties to the monument. During this time private rituals are held. Prayer clothes are hung and prayers are said. I will always venture off the beaten path the moment I am given an opportunity. One reason is many people visiting our natural parks or nature in general do not know how to act while in nature nor do they have respect for it. Of course people have to be told to respect nature, not mess with or touch the prayer clothes, do not litter, pack out what you brought in, don't venture off trail, put out your camp fire, no illegal fires and etc. Yet everywhere I travel sadly there is too much disrespect and no regard for our sacred land. Though I could never relate to the experiences, tradition and connection that the native people have to the land and this place. I still felt incredibly close to the place and blessed to come across these prayer cloths. It truly is a remarkable and sacred place as is all of nature! . www.artist-perspective.com . . . . . #SacredGround #prayercloth #DevilsTower #nationalpark #nature #respectnature #protectnature #conservenature #film #NikonFM2 #Wyoming #June #summersoltice #roadtrip #offthebeatenpath #whereverImaywander #travelphotography #PaulWKoesterPhotography #oursacredland #wehavearesponsibility (at Devils Tower National Monument-Official NPS site) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvcwMyFA_MU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s5wui1k7wfqo
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cambraskinkycloset · 3 years
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On March 22, World Water Day focuses our attention on the Earth’s most vital resource.  Ensuring clean water sources for all the world’s inhabitants is the goal of World Water Day.
What a better reason to make your “s” type drink some fresh clean wonderful water. Lol. 
#drinkmorewater #noteveryonehascleanwater #worldwaterday #wehavearesponsibility #letsdobetter #cambraskinkycloset #conserve #happyholiday
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