#weeeeeeeeee here u go
oc-tober 2024!
so im running things a bit differently this year! im doing a slot system where people can submit their characters, rather than picking! i know this takes away some of the fun and mystery, but i am a bit too tired to do it myself + wanting to open this up to more than just my own picks.
you will be randomly put in a place in the queue, so there is still mystery therein of when you will be getting your art. they will all be done before the end of the month, or a few days after the end of the month!
here is the form! X
i will be closing the form once i have 25 responses!
here is (generally) what the pieces will look like:
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backuparguelles · 1 year
Emmie Becomes a Wraith
Based on “100% Molly McGee” I decided to make Molly and Darryl’s cousin Emmie Suksai McGee’s weekend visit special, as a pink wraith ghost. With special guest Libby.
Libby: so your uhhhh… Emmie McGee? U look like your Molly’s lil sister so does the face. Emmie: nice to meet ya Libby, I know Molly like u since u guys met here. And your a book lover too? Libby: yup and turtles too. I got a few to hold. Emmie: they’re so cute!!! Darryl: Hey Emmie since u and our uncle discovered our ghostly secret. Maybe me and Molly spend a weekend even better both here and in the Ghost World. Emmie: wait, I can be a ghost? Molly: well not quite dead yet but there’s a loophole called a “wraith”. Your ghostly form keeps your emotions and energy but your body is nearly boring and dull. Emmie: how we gonna know we’re going to the Ghost World. Darryl: pretend that we’re in the attic napping. Emmie: okay! (attic door open) Hey dad, uncle, and aunt; we’re just taking a nap for several hours before dinner. Alright he’s cool with. Scratch: alright kids get ready to cross zap twice jump. Get ready to rip your souls!!!
And that the bodies of the McGee kids and Libby zapped and became quite soulless and boring. But their emotionally main souls are in their ghostly wraith form in yellow, lime green, pink, and mint green. Emmie: oh my corn, eeeeeeeeee!!! I’m really a pink flying cutie RAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Libby: sweet corn she did it! Scratch: wow nice pink and some red lava color tones. But the scare-off with be after dinner in my Ghost Council as the Chairman of the afterlife. Molly: it’s a kinda long story tho but technically we’re not dead yet. Libby: alright we leave them the bed, bean bag chairs, and plushies without knowing we’re dead. Darryl: hold on tight ladies and Scratch because there’s no sunlight in the Ghost World but we can be a scary freakshow ghouls in an instant. When they enter the Ghost World, Emmie: oh my corn! Look at that place Wow!!! Weeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Emmie says hi and shakes hands to many ghosts as they can until they approach Geoff. Geoff: hey hey Scratch, McGees and Libby!!! Your the girl cousin McGee right? I’m Geoff that G-E-O-F-F not to be confused with my long time partner Jeff that’s J-E-F-F. Emmie: does he do that every time we meet them. Molly: it’s confusing but yes. Darryl: there’s Jeff with a J as described by Geoff with a G, Reggie an assistant to Scratch, Sally Tugbottom the real hero and founder of Brighton despite she has a little evil bro named Ezekiel Tugbottom, Blair: who works at the video store and a horror movie fan, The Barrister Ghosts aka Scratch’s board members consisting of Bartholomew, Sir Alister, Lucretia, and Grimbella; Howlin’ Harriet a singing salami selling woman that once have no toes, and Sonia Davis a former pro-skater and the other ghost with legs. Blair: oh hi welcome to the Ghost World, I know Molly so well u want some stale popcorn? Emmie: no thanks, that’s sour. Bartholomew: hope this visit is more special my dear McGee. Emmie: That’s Suksai McGee sir Bart. Darryl: my dad and his Irish older sibs aka Billy and Jilly are the McGee side of my family while my mom, his brother, and my mother’s mom aka Grandma Nin represents the Suksai part of the family. Sir Alister: so technically its Suksai McGee u say. Reminded me of Molly’s best friend Libby. Sonia: awwwww!!! Your family is getting bigger by the minute. Reggie: your really look like Molly, u almost like sisters! Emmie: u look like Scratch’s lil bro!!! Scratch: hey Geoff, I got fiery snacks that Emmie and his dad bought. Extra hot seaweed chips!!! Hey Jeff, Sally, Reggie, and many others. U need to try this chips, I tried but I survived the burnout. Good luck with your purple tongues!!! Geoff: even we’re not alive but really, how I’m gonna be afraid of a bag of sea chips made out from underwater? “CHOMP!” Oh my ghost, it’s hotter than lava in a volcano!!! Jeff: cough cough!!! What kind of organic chips is this? That’s from the ocean??? Sally: yeow! It’s a burning sea plant without burning the chips y’all!!! Reggie: my glasses are burning wildfire!!! Blair: wow, I need a soda here or water or milk!!! Darryl: should we get milk now ? Molly: oh boy there goes the supply of cows! Hold on guys!!!
Later they McGees learn to cook Thai food on top of the Ghost Council mountain, then dinner is finally served. Sir Alister: alright everyone a feast is about to begin! Oh wait I got some ice from Sonia. Molly: we got Thai food but we put some flags on it whether it’s spicy or not. I’ll get the non-spicy ones. Jeff: wait Molly, u got fire powers without eating spicy foods. Molly: it’s powers not food Jeff. Scratch: u want cola, root beer, lemon-lime, citrus, orange, strawberry, cream soda, ginger ale, cherry, grapefruit, and grape. Darryl: got milk too? Scratch: oh yeah!!! No one ever misses a drink. Geoff: wait there’s grape and grapefruit? Molly: they’re different fruits Geoff. Sally: great golly wild west! That’s a spicy shrimpy with bbq y’all! Reggie: so does the noodles and veggies. Oh my that’s a spicy beef! Wow that’s hot!!! RAAAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!! Blair: I got it on tape Reggie!!! Jeff: wow a dragon blaster! Nice! Geoff: this is much better than Molly’s house. Molly: I learned it from Grandma Nin. Darryl: hey guys, I heard that story sprite says what’s for dessert? Emmie: Mango ice cream!!! Grimbella: wow! It’s fascinating style of long strings sipping on a pink tongue. Sir Alister: pass me the baos and paos. Spicy beef please. Scratch: alright everyone a toast to a new regime, say easy peasy McGeesies!!! Geoff; got any more milk. My purple tongue still sparks. Darryl: chocolate anyone? We got strawberry too! Geoff: oh boy, so much for the flamin hot seaweed chips! Ugh still burning here in my mouth. Emmie: I think I gonna like this place! Muahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Sally: whoa whoa!!! Easy there Emmie my dear!!! Darryl: we been there before but hey, don’t fool the cuteness unless if a bad guy approaches. Blair: I’m new to the ghost world months ago but hey scary is scary!!! And I got it on tape!!! Lucretia: oh my now that’s a horror movie u say my Blair dear.
After the dinner a scare off is on the top of the rock of the Ghost Council mountain.
Scratch: after a weird and burning dinner party. I want to have another human friend make a great scare. Meet Emmie McGee!!! Dead or alive may the best fight win!!! Molly: sure lemme try first, ahem hissssssssssssss!!!!!! raaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! Darryl: really watch this ladies and gentelmen, guuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! and also braaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! Libby: lemme think about my scare I taught oh wait here it is now yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emmie: beginners luck but can u try this? RAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Jeff: dang girl. She needs a family partner to keep in touch even if their far away between Brighton and New York. Reggie: can I take her to New York? Scratch: sold!!! Reggie gets a human friend for Emmie and his dad!!! Emmie: finally I got a ghost friend!!! This is the best family visit ever both in Brighton and the Ghost World!!! Geoff: she grew up so fast so does Reggie!!! Molly: now we never gonna be apart with just a portal away even we’re just ghostly wraiths since we can’t let human bodies in! Darryl: if u even need us, Just need Reggie will ya so does a video call. Emmie: I love u all the ghouls especially I overcome fear of ghosts. Scratch: oh btw, keep this three wanted posters in your room. One has a scythe another are bubbly but tearful runts who are evil opposites to the council plus a green blowhard show-off and yeah I’m talking about Tug the Tornado. Keep an eye on those 3 baddies besides since I’m the Chairman of this realm there’s some nasty revenge on me and the McGees. Emmie: sure sir I won’t let u down!!! Libby: so if we come home as humans I can tour my mom’s bookstore for some shopping and learning. Emmie: can I read your books? Libby: a ghost journal might recommend u and I have a copy for free. Emmie: oh thanks Libby, your a great friend to Molly!!! Libby: hey uh anymore hugs. Darryl: ugh Scratch!!! Your chairman’s robe is squeezing us hard!!! Molly: Okay now we go home as humans. See ya later my afterlife friends!!! Sally: I knew Molly is the best human we ever met! Geoff: me too. It’s a simple love and fun. Blair: hope u see us again! Byeeeeee!!!
The end
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hoedameron · 4 years
tv show szn kicking off this mf week i’m literally gonna go fuckigngn baabnas
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cyancherub · 2 years
the way u are convincing me to read hells paradise when i haven't read a manga in like 4 years ... bonk bonk bonk that is the sound of my braincells rattling like marbles bc the plot sounds so good and they are all so Hot
i will do what it takes to get u all to read it w me. PLEASE it is so good ive said this like 5 times but im not easily sucked into things like. perhaps that sounds weird bc i detail a lot of my fixations on here BUT the truth is i pick up a lot of media only to abandon it because not many things capture my attention very wellGFKGJK (just a personal thing a weird thing abt me ole brain)
but i loved this from the very beginning the plot is so much fun and it's very engaging like im on ch. 55 and there hasn't been a single dull moment. THE SETTING AND THE WORLD IS INSANE !!!! the mangaka is so creative and a bit twisted DGKLF genuinely im having the time of my life it's a very fun and verrry interesting read !!!! there is simply so much going on it is SO INTRIGUING AND THEIR POWERS R SO COOL I JUST!! am shaking u by the shoulders
AND YES THATS ANOTHER THING everyone is sexy <3 so we can thirst and scream on here abt gorjus ladies and sizzlin smokin hot men!!!
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