#wednesday talks
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dizzyizzystiddies · 10 months ago
I love that Murph wears a watch because that combined with how often he touches his face means on rare occasion you can make out what insane time they were filming at
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khorsia · 1 year ago
no one is giving me enough spike smut can someone deliver ?
link anything a bitch is desperate ♡
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ecopunkacademia · 5 months ago
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My teacher is in fandoms and has mentioned TMA before. I wear outfits inspired by characters all October and am being told to dress as an Archivist. I will be coming to class as Jon Sims.
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woahitswednesday · 1 year ago
I just want to say thank you to all the men here
That give me such super nice nicknames in questions and messages and stuff! 🥰
They're slutty, fun, degrading, just all the good stuff
I appreciate you all 😘💜
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khorsia · 1 year ago
reblogging to say that it genuinely wasn’t that long ago that my friends & i made a hobby of loitering outside a 7/11 (sitting on the sidewalk on the side of the building by the redbox machine) chain smoking cigarettes & just sharing vibes. same with the fast food restaurant next door (great patio for loitering). granted it was a more rural town so maybe we just got lucky but it feels so unsafe & not okay to even think of doing that anymore regardless of where you are.
& that’s the root of it i think. safety. even without anti-homeless measures, it doesn’t feel SAFE to just be somewhere now. i’m gonna sound like a boomer when i say this but the quality of life has declined so much that i don’t even feel safe walking around my (relatively nice) neighborhood in broad daylight alone. too many weirdos, too much uncertainty, too much could go wrong.
the removal of public spaces via making them inhospitable has many faces. all of them meant to confine us & drive us inside, insane, away from each other, backed into corners. it’s easier to control us that way, when we won’t leave our homes.
if every bench was cushioned & lined with blankets, i’d still feel uneasy just sitting there.
if every store suddenly allowed hanging out, i’d still pass it by without stopping. because at the root of it all i no longer feel safe to just be. i think a lot of people would agree with that.
however that being said i will counter with, parks. if you can find a nice park (playground & all), mostly that’s okay to sit in. same with like nature if it’s accessible to you, walking trails etc. it’s not the same as being out in ~public~ but damn its all we’ve got.
like man doesn’t it fucking suck that there’s not really any public space. that you can’t go anywhere without spending money on food or transportation, that unless you wanna sit on a mall bench all day or browse library shelves you basically can’t do anything in public? even standing in front of a building without paying for something (“loitering”) is illegal. everything is built to punish homeless people which means if you ever want to sit down or rest or exist in public every building and park bench and windowsill is telling you to kill yourself instead. maybe that has something to do with the unpleasantness of online spaces, where everyone is shoved together into a giant digital chamber because it’s the only “public square” still available while also being isolated and alone in their room on their phone because everything sucks and a global pandemic is still happening. like I’m just saying I think that has more to do with how annoying people are on the internet than like mcu fanfiction
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gotham-snark · 6 months ago
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Batman and Robin 2023 13- an emotional goodbye from the current creative team 🫡
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dceasesd · 8 months ago
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writers are sick and twisted for this. i love it
i’m so glad people are recognizing how fucked up her part in the whole thing was everyone always forgets about her
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ecopunkacademia · 5 months ago
I live in the area so looked for real information on this incident. The suspect, Soriano, is not from Puerto Rico he is from the Dominican Republic and is wanted for a murder there in 2019. He allegedly illegally entered Puerto Rico where he got a forged NY ID.
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dizzyizzystiddies · 10 months ago
I want so desperately for Oisin to find out his grandma is dead by the Rat Grinders rolling up to the Bad Kids table in the cafeteria and Riz to just casually be eating a tupperware of her flesh.
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khorsia · 2 years ago
i’ll love you till you call the cops on me
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ecopunkacademia · 4 months ago
I still can't believe I'm doing a presentation on an assigned reading about fanfiction for 30% of my grade.
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khorsia · 2 years ago
no for real though i saw a post on here forever ago about how the real revolution isn’t expensive silver mock-punk jewelry or ripped up tights from aliexpress & shit you can buy online it’s in the streets & it looks however you want it to. it’s in your tshirts from 10 years ago that you still wear & shoes you’ve worn holes into & a really bad hair dye job your best friend did in your kitchen. i wish i could find it. but i think about it all the time. when the aesthetic of being punk is now trendy the realest punk you can be is yourself
Every time I see companies selling """punk""" jewellery or clothing I become apoplectic with rage. Just saw a £65 padlock necklace advertised to me bitch Fuck you go to your nearest weird little shop that sells everything in the world including fake Rolexes and bongs the size of a toddler. Buy a thing of chain and a padlock. Borrow some bolt cutters someone you know will probably own some and if not get some cheap ones or borrow from a local tool library. Slap em together. Maximum cost £30 and that's MAXIMUM that's assuming you bought over a metre of expensive heavy chain AND bought the bolt cutters. You can do it for under a fiver with a wallet chain and pliers. I still wear a necklace I made when I was 15 out of a wallet chain and pliers and a padlock I got in a set of 3 from poundland. If the issue is dexterity or otherwise disability related then find a friend and swap a favour with them it'll still be cheaper than these scamming poser companies and will help you build community and share resources. Something which is actually punk. Fuckin. Capitalist posers
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woahitswednesday · 1 year ago
It's so weird sitting on the couch watching TV while my ex makes dinner
This hasn't happened without me having to help in some way in a looong ass time. Seriously feels so odd.
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doctorsiren · 4 months ago
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Day 25 of Sirentober / Doctober
Muse / Oracle
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters
Available as a print on my Etsy Shop
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imjustanasshole · 6 months ago
"can't people just be friends?"
not under my roof.
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dizzyizzystiddies · 2 years ago
Izzy: [complaining about the revenge]….Jim can fight at least
Jackie: who the fuck is Jim?
Izzy: You know. The one with the knives
Jackie: ???
Izzy: KILLED your husband
Jackie: Bonifacia Jimenez that woman is a curse!
Izzy: oh was that their name? Definitely not a woman. Goes by Jim now
Jackie: You know what I’ll respect that. Doesn’t mean I don’t still hate them.
Jim: Jackie
Jackie: Bonifacia
Jim: It’s Jim now
Jackie: noted
I just realized that in S1E3, Spanish Jackie still referred to Jim as Bonifacia, but then in S1E8 when Jim turned up with Geraldo, Jackie called them Jim
Which means that either Jim started the hostage negotiation with their name and pronouns
Or somewhere in Izzy’s hate-fueled diatribe against Stede he also mentioned that the crew member with all the knives is non-binary now
And I CANNOT decide which is funnier
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