#wednesday soccer prediction
meazalykov · 15 days
working on an lena oberdorf x reader series that involves an original character i’m making up! you’ll understand later but the series (that i promise i’ll finish LMAO it’s five parts) is gonna be veryyyy spicy with drama and stuff. i’m making an original character that interacts with you(reader) because i can’t think of a footballer to tag along in this series that will make sense for the plot.
all five parts will be out at the same time by september 15th!
other notes:
- redirection #9 & #10 (esmee brugts x reader) WILL come out sometime next week. if i have to predict, maybe wednesday 9/11 it will be out.
- i am finishing all requests! i won’t release all of those at the same time but all will be released my mid-october!
-outside of college work & work, i’ve been constantly writing for all of my WIPs (i’m out from soccer on an injury) which is why i’ve been releasing so much recently. i just love writing for this community. if i have to predict, all of my WIPS will be completed by the middle of october,
i hope you have a great day, evening, or night ❤️
8 notes · View notes
magicshopaholic · 1 year
Other People (Seokjin x OC)
Summary: You learn a new trick, while Seokjin discovers something unexpected at Big Hit.
Pairing: Seokjin x OC
Genre: Best friends; angst
Word count: 8.5 K
Rating: 18+
Warnings: language, alcohol, mention of diets, mentions of brain surgery, mentions of a car accident (again, Nari is a surgeon, so)
A/N: This got unnecessarily long; I would apologise for it, but I couldn't find a single thing I wanted to delete. It's also two am so I've made an executive decision to not proofread this. I wish I could predict the reaction to this fic but I honestly have no idea. Takes place approximately three months after The Test.
Tagging:  @bbl32 @quarter-life-crisis2 @dreaming-with-happiness @meirkive @faearchives @margopinkerton @purpleseoul7 @kflixnet (italics could not be tagged; drop a message if you want to be added)
Listen to: "don't know why" by norah jones
seokjin masterlist | main masterlist
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It’s cold and rainy in Seoul, even when it shouldn’t be. 
The day had started off as a nice sunny winter morning in November, the sun a soft golden, a welcome respite from the low temperature. As noon arrived, so did the clouds. By late afternoon, they were grey and ample, sealing the city in a coffin.
Now, the evening doesn’t look at all like it’s continued from the same morning. The rain comes down in torrents, creating a constant din, loud enough for people to have to speak in slightly raised voices to be heard properly. 
Nari stands outside the ER with a coffee in one hand and her phone in the other, waiting for the ambulance to arrive. The coffee is losing its heat with every passing second and she tries to gulp it down as fast as she can without burning her tongue in the process.
“What do we have?” Daeun appears from behind her, tying her hair into a ponytail, trauma gown already on.
“Two cars crashed into each other outside the mall,” supplies Nari. “Five victims, multiple contusions, broken bones and at least one head trauma. Coffee?”
Daeun accepts the cup with a nod and takes a noisy sip. “Ah, that’s good stuff. Shit, the rain is bad. I don’t think this will be our only car accident today.”
“Not even close,” mutters Nari, as two more fellow doctors join them. “I just hope we have the room.”
“We don’t,” says Jason, shifting from one foot to another. “Two of the trauma rooms are still unusable from the pipe leakage and the most of the X-ray machines are done after the Wednesday Soccer Team Incident. We have exactly one CT machine in working condition. The hospital is going to have to scrape money off the sidewalk to pay for all those repairs,” he adds, shaking his head in disappointment.
“Good thing they’re hosting a fundraiser then,” says Daeun dryly, just as the ambulance pulls in and the paramedics spill out. “A bunch of rich donors with their cheque books hanging out of their pockets - if that doesn’t work, I don’t know what will.”
Two patients, strapped to a gurney each are then lowered out of the ambulance. All four of them dash forward and tag themselves to a patient, hurrying inside as they listen to the paramedics rattle off their initial assessment and vitals on the field. Nari finds herself next to a woman, possibly in her thirties, with fresh cuts on her face and arms. Her t-shirt is drenched and her jacket has been ripped off, most likely by the paramedics themselves.
“Abdomen is tender so there might be internal bleeding,” says one of the paramedics. “There was no fire but there’s indication that she might have a swollen airway because of the fumes.”
“Alright, we need to get a CT,” says Nari, scanning the ER for an empty trauma room but finding none. “Damn it,” she mutters. “Okay, we’re going to have to keep her here - maybe we can use an ultrasound for now until we can move her.”
“Empty bed over here.” Jason steers the gurney over and immediately hooks the patient up to an IV. “I’ll get the portable ultrasound.”
“I’ll check her airway.” Nari gets to work immediately, trying to intubate the patient, who seems to have passed out entirely. She’s almost done when Jason returns, a nurse and the portable ultrasound machine in tow.
“This better work,” he mutters to her as the nurse begins positioning the patient correctly. “If we can’t find the bleed on this, we’re going to have to get in line for CT, which will take… hours.”
“Here’s hoping,” she agrees, standing back and observing the screen as he moves the transducer over the patient’s abdomen. She sighs and bites her lip when the image comes up clean. “Nothing. Move it to the left?”
Jason obliges, clicking his tongue. “I can’t believe the hospital doesn’t have a budget set aside to fix this stuff. This is a hospital,” he repeats, sounding appropriately frustrated. “Damn it, this bleed is really small. It’s barely showing up on the scan.”
“It has to be there. Here, let me try,” she offers, taking the transducer from him and moving it slower along the woman’s torso. “Do we all have to actually go to this fundraising thing, though? Can’t we skip?”
Jason scoffs. “It’s either dress up and smile at a bunch of rich people or stay here in the ER all night because all the attendings will be at the event. We’re not going to get a night off. The best we can do is make sure we’re all there so we at least have someone to talk to.”
It takes a second to click. “Shit, that’s it.” 
“What is? Did you find the bleed?”
“What? No. Sorry,” she mutters, going back to the ultrasound, feeling an encouraging flutter in her stomach. I didn’t find the bleed, she thinks apologetically. I found a segue.
It’s hours later when Nari finally gets a moment alone. Sitting at a table in the residents’ locker room, a sandwich in one hand and her phone in the other, she stares at her last chat with Seokjin. It’s a depressing series of heys and what’s ups and not muches, which is all it’s been for months now, ever since they’d last seen each other in August.
It started with superficial questions and forced conversation, half-hearted plans to meet before he had to leave for Europe again, until they dwindled down to monosyllabic answers that Nari found herself too humiliated to keep going, for more than one reason.
For one, it didn’t help her newfound insecurity of being a clingy friend, especially to a man who had made perfectly clear that he didn’t see her as anything but a friend. On top of that, she had no way of knowing what he was thinking. He wasn’t angry; she knew what Seokjin was like when he was angry and if he truly was, she would know. 
No, he wasn’t angry. He was… distant. Part of it could’ve been that he was busy, completing an entire promotional activity across Europe. But now that he’s back from their last stop in Japan, Nari knows that they have to get back on track. Being her date to a fundraiser isn’t her top pick, but it might just be the right balance between an organized event where he can’t ignore her and a public enough place that they won’t have to be alone at any point. Besides, if it doesn’t happen now, between his stint in Europe and his tour beginning early next year, she has a sinking feeling that their relationship will stagnate right here.  
She swallows, her heart racing slightly. It’s the middle of the night; Seokjin is most likely asleep, which gives her a great excuse to text and not call. 
Nari [01:11]
She sends it before she loses her nerve, the soft whoosh sounding awfully final. Her stomach tugs uncomfortably with anxiety that she’s only recently started to associate with Seokjin, a strange and new feeling of not being able to expect what’s coming. 
She continues staring dementedly at the phone, its screen dark, until she finishes the entire sandwich. 
“It’s the middle of the fucking night, Nari,” she mutters to herself, standing up with a groan and stretching. There’s no point wasting her night worrying when she’s probably not going to get a response until tomorrow. She changes out of her scrubs and runs a hand through her unwashed hair, counting herself lucky that she can get a good six hours of sleep before she has to return in the morning.
The rain has slowed to a drizzle now; despite the cold, Nari tilts her head to the sky slightly, welcoming the fresh air. She runs her hands through her hair again, feeling the droplets cooling her scalp as her hair falls around her shoulders in clumpy strands. She doesn’t even make it past the entrance when she feels the unmistakable vibration of her phone in her bag, touching her hip. 
Nari freezes. This is unprecedented; Seokjin is never awake this late. Fishing out her phone, she lets out a low breath when she sees a message from him. She can ignore it, to be sure, and deal with it tomorrow morning - but then she would come off as a coward. 
Maybe it’s the fact that it’s ridiculously late, maybe it’s the fact that she just spent a better part of the evening fixing a bleed in a person’s abdomen - but the inner voice in her head simply sighs tiredly and goes it’s just Seokjin, prompting her to shake her head and open his message.
Kimbap [01:35]
It’s anticlimactic, for sure, but still unexpected. Nari takes a seat on a bench near the parking lot and wipes the droplets off her screen with the sleeve of her jacket, hoping this isn’t going to be another one of their pointless conversations.
But he replied, didn’t he?
He did. Even though it’s the middle of the night. Encouraged, she responds.
Nari [01:39]
Didn’t expect you to be awake.
Kimbap [01:40]
We’re watching a movie at the dorm.
Nari [01:40]
Oh. Which one?
Kimbap [01:41]
Hereditary. I hate it.
Nari [01:41]
Jesus. Then why are you still watching it?
Kimbap [01:41]
There’s a bet and Jungkook is involved. It’s a long story.
Nari’s immediate response of I have time gets backspaced instantly. The honest truth is that she doesn’t have time and he clearly doesn’t want to talk about it. She can’t be sure how well a joke will land right now but she also knows that she needs to respond fast or this is doomed to be another one of their hopeless attempts at a conversation.
All of a sudden, her phone rings and Nari almost drops it. It’s Seokjin, his name blinking bright on the screen. Now fully panicking - because this was not part of the plan - Nari looks around wildly around the empty parking lot, as though hoping for someone to spring out of the bushes and tell her what to do.
The phone is still ringing. Before she realises what’s happening, her thumb does an awkward sort of spasm and lands on the screen, answering the call.
Here goes nothing, she thinks. “Um, h-hello?” she stutters.
It’s like a football being kicked into her ribcage from the inside. Nari winces, wondering when her anxiety got this severe, to the point where her best friend’s voice is starting to cause her physical comfort. She leans back on the bench and tries to breathe slowly.
“Aren’t you, um, watching a movie?”
“Yeah. But if I’m on the phone, I have a decent excuse to get out of it.”
Oh. Nari feels her shoulders deflate. “Glad to be of help,” she murmurs, chuckling awkwardly. “How - how are you? Are you in Seoul?”
“Yeah, I am. Busy, though,” he adds quickly. “The album’s coming out in a week, so there’s a lot of work going on for it.”
“Right. Of course. How’s that going?”
“It’s fine. Hectic, as per usual. What about you?” he asks after a moment. “How’s the hospital, and the… surgeries and stuff?”
“Same. I mean, hectic. As usual.” Nari closes her eyes and feels her heart sink at the sheer effort this conversation is taking. She can’t begin to think about how they got here and it seems way too exhausting to even try.
“You sound tired.” Seokjin pauses, the sentence sounding incomplete. “Have you - I mean, are you still at the hospital?”
“Going home now. I just got a sandwich at the cafeteria,” she adds, hoping she’s guessed his half-question right. 
“Now? I thought you hated the night cafeteria.”
“I do, but it beats the vending machine crap. Have to make do when the jajjangmyeon isn’t an option,” she jokes, bracing herself for his response.
But all he does is chuckle half-heartedly. “Yeah. What’s up? You texted?”
“Oh, right. Yeah.” Nari had barely worked up the nerve to text him about the fundraiser; asking him over the phone was a whole different ball game. “I was just thinking…” She trails off, her eyes widening as her vocal chords stay unwilling to go further.
Pull yourself together, woman.
“I was thinking that… we haven’t hung out in a while,” she ventures bravely, her knee jerking up and down. “And there’s a - there’s a thing later this week, so… that could be… you know.” She swallows, wishing Jason hadn’t put this stupid idea in her head in the first place. “... If you want,” she finishes lamely.
Seokjin is silent for a few seconds, during which Nari goes from anticipation to full-blown horror. “I’m sorry, are you - are you inviting me to something?” he asks, sounding confused.
“Um, kind of?”
“Like a party?”
“Well, no. Not a fun one,” she says wryly. “It’s a - there’s a fundraiser. And I have to go and… yeah, I was wondering if maybe you do, too. Since we haven’t hung out in a while.”
“Fundraiser, huh?” He doesn’t sound enthused at all. “Like, for charity? Wait, who’s the charity?”
“We are the charity,” she explains, rolling her eyes. “The hospital. Which means it’s just going to be all board members and senior doctors and other board members - and us. The residents.”
“Huh. Way to make it sound appealing, Nari.”
“It’s not appealing, at all. But it’s free food and booze and I get a chance to get out of my scrubs,” she points out. “Nice dress, straightened hair. And you’ll have to wear a suit,” she adds apologetically. 
“Right.” There’s a soft sound and Nari realises a moment later that he’s laughing quietly. It makes her stomach feel uncomfortably heavy. 
“What?” she asks, a bit defensively.
“Nothing,” he says, still chuckling. “We haven’t hung out in a while, so your idea was to do so at a… boring work event?”
Nari is quiet for a moment. The fact that he laughed is still prickling. “Well, I’d be open to other suggestions but you haven’t really had the time,” she can’t resist saying. “I work long hours; I don’t really get a lot of other opportunities to go out.”
“Yeah, Nari, I work long hours, too,” he reminds her, sounding irritatingly calm. “But if it’s either that or a hospital charity fundraising event filled with doctors… I think I’ll pick the long hours.” He chuckles again.
You’re a fucking idiot, Nari.
“Got it. See you around, Seokjin.”
“Nari, come on, I was joking -”
His words get cut off when she hangs up, fuming. She puts her phone on silent then, for good measure, and begins storming home in the cold. She won’t respond to any of his calls or messages tonight, the arse, she thinks. But fate must be on her side, for even after she gets home, changes and gets into bed, Seokjin doesn’t call or message.
Seokjin reaches the Big Hit building earlier than required. There’s no one in the rehearsal room yet, not even Hoseok, so he decides to get a much needed shot of caffeine from the cafeteria on the fourteenth floor. As he waits in line, he scans the food menu, each item like a gourmet creation.
Have to make do when the jajjangmyeon isn’t an option.
Seokjin sighs and tries not to think about what Nari had for dinner last night, but by the time his coffee is handed to him, he knows he’s a goner. It had taken him every ounce of restraint to not reach out to her again last night, knowing that no good would come of it. But now, in the light of day, he knows he can’t avoid it any longer. 
He calls her before he can talk himself out of it. Looking out at the city from the floor-to-ceiling windows and sipping his coffee, he hears her phone ring continuously until it goes to voicemail. He tries not to read too much into it; she’s probably already at work and she rarely answers unless she’s taking a break. It’s better than the other option; the feeling of Nari being angry with him is too foreign for him to consider right now.
He dials her number again to be certain and when it once again goes to voicemail, he clears his throat and takes another sip of coffee for liquid courage.
“Hey, Nari,” he begins, then sighs. “Look, I’m sorry if I was a bit of a dick last night. You just caught me off guard. Honestly, I… I didn’t think you really wanted to hang out with me so when you said you did, it just kind of threw me. And your event does sound boring,” he adds, hoping she hears the teasing in his voice, “but I’ll be there anyway. Suit and everything. I want to hang out with you, too,” he says after a moment, knowing the words don’t even begin to explain the magnitude of how much he wants to see her again, how hard it’s been to distance himself since the last time he saw her. “So… yeah. Text me the details.”
He should be saying something more but he can’t think what. As he looks around, hoping the words will come to him, he spots a figure just outside the cafeteria doors and does a double take. His mind runs through a myriad of memories to zero in on the right one, when he remembers he’s still on the phone.
“Anyway, I have to go. Bye.” Locking his phone and heading out towards the figure, Seokjin pushes his shoulders back and hopes he isn’t wrong. She’s in a slim navy blazer, skinny jeans and very high heels, a sleek laptop tucked under one arm and her fingers flying across the keypad of a Blackberry.
He taps her shoulder with a feather-light touch. “Um, hi? I think I have something that belongs to you?”
When she turns around, face carefully blank, Seokjin is momentarily sure of two things: one, that she is exactly who he thought she was, and two, that her lack of expression can only mean that she doesn’t remember him.
“You do?” A moment later, her perfectly lined lips tilt upwards slightly. “That’s right. What was it again?”
“Um…” Seokjin licks his lips, glad that he didn’t just go up to a random stranger and interrupt her in the middle of what seems to be a very long email. “I think it was a collectible of some kind? Very glamorous. Had a name on the inside?”
Her smile widens. “Do you remember what it was?”
Seokjin gulps but keeps his face still. “Of course. It was… Seulgi.” The relief at her nod is unexpected. “You think I’d forget the person that saved my hand that night? How would I ever hold a mic otherwise? My career might have been over!”
Seulgi laugh, a nice, low laugh. Her teeth are perfectly lined and perfectly white, shining against light bronze skin without a single pore. Her hair is long, straight and black, not a strand out of place. She looks like she belongs on a pamphlet for corporate employees.
Which reminds him.
“Do you - do you actually work here?” he asks. “In Big Hit?”
“Yeah,” she answers, looking only very slightly apologetic. “I thought I recognised you that night as well but I couldn’t be sure. I only just moved to the Marketing team. Sorry.”
“Uh, no, don’t be.” Seokjiin shakes his head. “It’s good to see you. And now I can return the wrist brace to you, too! This is great.”
“I mean, you don’t have to. I told you, I have a bunch of them,” she reminds him, raising her left hand slightly. From under the sleeve of her blazer, a navy blue brace, just like the purple one she’d lent him, peaks out. 
“No, no, I should,” he says anyway, shaking his head and glancing at the clock on his phone. There’s a message on his notification tray… “It’s back in my…” He wracks his brain, “... uh, flight. Which I took. The day after you lent me the brace.” He drops his face in his hands when she laughs again, low and husky.
“It’s really okay,” she says, touching his arm before taking a step back. “I actually do have a lot of them. And maybe they’ll help out some other poor soul who’s hurt his wrist.”
“That’s the hope,” he agrees, knowing his ears are reddening. “Man, I really wish I’d known you worked here. I would’ve… I don’t know. Broken the news about losing your brace sooner, for starters.”
“The loss would’ve been easier,” she agrees.
Seokjin bites his lip, preparing to let the awkwardness wash over him but it doesn’t. Seulgi’s warm, despite her appearance suggesting she’s about to walk into a room and fire a dozen people. 
“I feel really guilty, though,” he repeats after a moment. “Can I - I don’t know… buy you a coffee? It’s no collector’s edition wrist brace, but still?”
“Oh, that actually sounds good,” she replies, and for a moment his heart skips a beat of relief, “but the line seems long and I have a meeting.” She holds her Blackberry up apologetically. 
For the first time, Seokjin notices a Galaxy in her other hand – a personal cell and a work cell. She’s core corporate, he realises, possibly senior management. He doesn’t know why, but it’s slightly intimidating.
“Oh. Oh, okay. Sure.” He nods as she moves past him. “It was good to see you, though.”
“Yeah, you, too. Glad your wrist is better.” With a quick wave, she heads down the corridor and disappears from view.
Seokjin watches her leave, still cringing somewhat over the wrist brace he hasn’t thought about in months. She’d been the only person that night he’d had a normal conversation with - somehow, this doesn’t seem like the best way to show his gratitude.
It’s time to head for practice, anyway. As he steps into the elevator, he opens his messages and breathes a sigh of relief. 
Nari [09:14]
Nari [09:14]
Friday, 7 pm
It’s hours later when they’re finally done with practice. All seven of them, a choreographer and a couple camerapersons are the only ones left. Jimin and Jungkook are still standing, going over their portion of the choreography as Hoseok watches, even though they look like they might collapse any second. Taehyung is spread-eagled on the floor, his bowl hat on his face. Yoongi is sitting in one corner of the room, staring into nothing.
Seokjin feels too tired to move, every single muscle aching. He leans back against the mirror and tries to catch his breath. Next to him, Namjoon is lying on the floor and texting. Seokjin catches a couple of words and immediately looks away; It seems to be in English, so it’s a fairly easy guess who the other person is.
“Any plans tonight, hyung?” Yoongi trudges over and tumbles down on his other side, crossing his legs.
“Not a one,” answers Seokjin. “In fact, I don’t think I’ll be getting out of bed for a while so if you need anything, I’ll respond to you in two to five business days.”
“You need to be at the studio tomorrow morning.”
There’s a pause. “Fine, but apart from that,” he amends, wagging his finger in Yoongi’s face, “two to five business days.”
“There’s also the interview on Friday.”
“Damn it, Yoongi,” groans Seokjin, glaring at him. “Fine, but that’s the last one. I have plans to vegetate all weekend in my apartment,” he informs him, knowing that there’s no way he'll get the entire weekend off, but needing to put across the point, “so just… don’t ruin it for me.” He watches Yoongi make a motion that might be a chuckle and rolls his eyes. “And besides, the interview is on Thursday. So my weekend begins on Friday.”
“The interview is on Friday,” says Yoongi calmly.
“No, it’s not. It’s Thursday. The twenty-fourth.”
“Thursday is the twenty-third.”
“No,” repeats Seokjin, feeling his pulse start to race, “it - it was always on Thursday.”
“No, it’s Friday,” pipes up Namjoon from his other side, not looking away from his phone.
And thus, Seokjin is left to spend the rest of the day in a growing pit of guilt, knowing that he’s going to have to disappoint Nari yet again - this time, completely unintentionally.
Her hesitation last night had not gone unnoticed by him. It was hard to hear but equally hard to respond to, and Seokjin half-hoped that she would find it too hard to go through with actually inviting him somewhere and drop the idea altogether. 
But she persisted and while it made Seokjin profusely glad that she still cared, it also meant that he would have to find a way to face her after avoiding her for months.
It doesn’t feel nearly as easy as it sounds, for Seokjin has absolutely no idea what to expect when it comes to Nari now. Part of him still feels guilty for lying to her the day after the wedding; her question had taken him completely off guard and lying about his feelings was the only way he’d been able to think of to avoid the situation getting worse.
It was a mess already but somehow, twenty-four hours later, it was So Much Worse. Somehow, Nari had come to him with a problem he couldn’t ignore. Somehow, he suddenly had to reevaluate his entire life with her in it, and somehow, in less than a day, his short-lived future with Nari as the mother of his child and best friend for life had been created and shattered.
It was hard to think of, and so much harder to talk to Nari about. Seokjin had been on the verge, dozens of times, of just breaking the ice and chatting with his best friend while he sat in cold European towns and watched Taehyung get his heart broken over and over again by Dilara Komyshan.
At least we’re not that bad yet, he’d tried to tell himself. He wanted to tell her, too, that they weren’t that bad, that they were okay, that he just needed some time. But the thought of confessing his surreal daydream, of irretrievably changing their friendship felt like too much of a responsibility - especially if she didn’t respond well. Avoiding her sucked, but it beat being around her with nothing to say.
Still, saying no to her outright, when she’d asked him point blank to accompany him to something was too hard. The fundraiser thing did sound boring, but he wanted to see her, too, so badly. It felt like a missing limb, not being able to talk to her. 
Nice dress, straightened hair. And he would have to be in a suit. He shudders when he remembers what happened the last time she was in a nice dress and he was in a suit. 
“Namjoon.” Seokjin jogs over to the leader as they’re heading out of the building to their cars in the basement. “About this press conference on Friday.”
Seokjin hesitates, already sensing a no-nonsense mood. It hasn’t been the best day for Namjoon; the choreography was a complicated one, he was having to negotiate schedules all day, and if he’s not mistaken, he and Kaya have definitely been having some disagreement all day.
“About this press conference on Thursday -”
“- I was - yes, Friday -” Seokjin clears his throat. “How important would you say it is for all of us to show up, on a scale of one to… Grammys?”
Namjoon stares. “At least VMAs.”
Seokjin nods seriously, even though it doesn’t help him in the least. “Okay,” he says, changing tacks, “how long do you think it’ll go on?”
“Uh, I don’t know.” Namjoon sighs, scrolling through some document on his phone. “It should be done by six, but there’s a sponsors’ dinner after that - but that won’t be filmed so maybe we can leave early… of course, we’ll need to let management know so they have an exit plan…” He shakes his head and continues muttering under his breath.
“Okay, sure,” interrupts Seokjin, sensing that Namjoon is starting to lose the plot. “But what time do you think the event will actually end? Because I have to be somewhere else.”
“Uh… a thing. With Nari,” he adds shortly. To his relief, Namjoon simply raises his eyebrows but doesn’t probe.
“I - I don’t know, hyung,” he says, not sounding apologetic at all. It’s definitely a fight with Kaya. “We won’t know until we get there. Depends on the sponsors. If it helps, it’s happening right here, in this building.”
It does help, a bit, for the location is closer to the Big Hit building than the hospital is. Still, it could be better.
“Look, I just need to tell Nari if I can make it or not,” he says, no longer beating around the bush. “I don’t want to make her a promise I can’t keep.”
Namjoon licks his lips slowly and nods. “I think you’ve been in this business long enough to know the answer to that, hyung,” he says cryptically, patting his shoulder and walking away.
“What the hell does that mean?” Seokjin demands, but Namjoon just shrugs and continues walking away. 
He does know what it means, though. But you’re a coward, Kim Seokjin, says the voice inside his head, sounding like Nari’s, as he prepares to text her later that night rather than call, knowing (and somewhat hoping) that she’ll be too busy to answer right away.
Seokjin [20:11]
I have some not so great news.
To his horror, she replies almost immediately.
Nari [20:13]
Bring it.
Seokjin [20:13]
Promise you won’t get mad?
Nari [20:14]
I’m two beers and a tequila shot down. This would be the right time to give me some not so great news.
Seokjin pauses. She’s drinking, which means she got off work at a reasonable time tonight. He should be glad about that, for her, but he can’t figure out what is also bothering him about it.
Seokjin [20:16]
Oh? No surgeries?
Nari [20:16]
Nope, I’m not on call tonight. I was going to go home and crash but the others convinced me to have a drink first.
Seokjin [20:17]
Sounds like more than a drink.
Nari [20:18]
I may have gotten carried away, but zero regrets. 
Seokjin [20:18]
Do you have a ride home?
Nari [20:19]
I live half a block away from the hospital. I’m sure most of these guys will crash at my place when they’re too trashed to get home.
Seokjin [20:19]
Are you sure?
Nari [20:20]
Yes. You don’t have to worry about me, you know.
She’s drunk; her transparency makes that clear. This may be the best or the worst time to give her the news, but Seokjin doesn’t think he can continue worrying about this for the rest of the night.
Seokjin [20:21]
Okay. Look, I need to talk to you about Friday.
Nari [20:21]
Something came up and you don’t think you can make it?
Seokjin’s heart jerks. He may not have met Nari much over the last few months, but he still knows her well enough to tell when she’s reaching the end of her tether.
Seokjin [20:22]
It’s a press thing. I can’t miss it.
Nari [20:23]
Of course. Unfortunate that you found out about it only today.
Seokjin [20:23]
No, it’s not that. I actually forgot. I thought it was on Thursday but it turns out it’s actually Friday. It’s my fault - I mixed up the days.
Nari [20:24]
Of course. Some other time, I guess.
Seokjin can picture her scoff, locking her phone and placing it on a bar table, screen down. He scrambles.
Seokjin [20:25]
I’m just saying I’ll be a little late.
Nari [20:25]
Late? Are you sure?
Seokjin [20:26]
Yeah. I don’t know how late but I’ll be there. I’ll try my best anyway.
Nari [20:26]
I’m sure you will.
This time, her status goes from “online” to “offline” and he knows she’s gone. This is a side of Nari he hasn’t seen in years: snide and sarcastic. It’s incredibly rare, requires a mix of things to be going wrong in her life, and has never, ever been directed at him.
Seokjin feels squeamish and guilty and helpless all at once - but he’s also beginning to get mildly annoyed. He’s determined to show up now, if for nothing else than to prove her wrong. 
Take that, Nari. He pictures showing up at the event, jogging up the stairs and bursting into a hall filled with white-haired individuals in conservative finery. Nari, in the same leaf-green bridesmaid’s dress with strappy high heels, would be at the end of the hall at the bar, looking victorious at the assumption that he hasn’t shown. The crowd would part then and she would turn, the satisfied smirk fading at the sight of him, late and panting - but there.
The next moment, Seokjin cringes at this ridiculous fantasy. Even the imaginary voice in his head that sounds a bit like Nari snickers. 
Nari fingers the strap of her dress nervously, feeling rather odd at being this dressed up around people who only ever see her in scrubs. Most of the other doctors seem to be feeling similarly, though, and she tries to coach herself to remember that they’re still the same people - just wearing make-up and cologne.
“Hey,” comes Jason’s voice from behind her, and she turns, glad to see someone she knows. “You - wow, you look amazing.”
“Really?” Nari asks quickly, smoothing down her dress. It’s long and plain black, nothing fancy, with a thin necklace and the only strappy high heels she owns. “It’s not too low cut?”
“Um -” Jason frowns and immediately looks away. “I - I don’t know. It looks - I mean, I didn’t -” He stutters in confusion, his gaze darting around in panic. “I don’t - I mean, should I look?”
“What? No, of course not.” She shakes her head and sighs. “Sorry. I’m just not used to it.”
“Used to what?”
“This,” she says, referring to nothing in particular. “The dress and the hair and the - the make-up. I don’t do it very often.” Looking up to see him still deliberately looking away, she slaps his shoulder. “Damn it, Jace, you can look at me now.”
“Oh.” He makes a big show of slowly moving his gaze towards her, grinning when she chuckles begrudgingly. “Don’t worry, dude. You look great.”
“Thanks. You, too, by the way,” she says honestly, noting the suit and the neatly brushed hair. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen your jaw this smooth,” she remarks, turning his chin slightly.
“A last minute shave in the residents’ locker room changed the game.” Jason rubs his jaw and winces slightly. “Should I be concerned about my skills as a surgeon that I cut myself in two different places while doing it?”
Nari laughs, feeling slightly less nervous. “Not unless you’re the patient. Also, where the hell is everybody else?”
“Oh, Daeun got pulled into surgery - her motorcycle guy ruptured his spleen,” he answers, gesturing to the bartender. “She said she’d be back if it got over in time. Hyeri had to monitor her valve replacement lady to see if she’ll make it through the night. Oh, and Eunji is over there,” he adds, pointing to the other end of the hall.
Nari squints in the direction he’s pointing. “Who’s that she’s with?” 
“Her boyfriend, probably.” Jason shrugs as the bartender comes over. “A chaebol type, from what I can tell. Hey. you want a drink?”
“Uh, sure. Beer. Wait, can we have beer?” She frowns.
“I don’t know. Not fancy enough, is it?”
“We don’t have beer,” volunteers the bartender.
“Right,” says Nari. “In that case, I will have a glass of your strongest… whatever is strongest.”
Jason nods seriously. “Two of those. Thank you.”
The bartender raises an eyebrow but nods anyway, going back to mix their drinks. 
“So… it’s just you and me?” She leans back against the bar and scans the room. “Wait, do you have a date coming, too?”
“What?” Jason wrinkles his nose. “No. I’ve been on a neuro rotation all week - I haven’t had time to breathe, forget about looking for a date. You?”
“Have I had time to breathe?”
“Do you have a date.”
“Right.” Nari bites her lip. “Not exactly. I mean, I - I invited a friend. Seokjin - you met him, remember?”
“Yeah, of course.” Jason nods as their drinks arrive and they automatically pick theirs up. “Cheers. So why isn’t he a date?”
“Because he’s a friend.” As she says it, a terrifying possibility occurs to her: could Seokjin actually think this is a date? It would explain his random excuse to arrive “late” - if he does at all.
“He is? Really?” He looks mildly curious. “Because that night at Hyeri’s - I could’ve sworn he had a thing for you.”
Nari’s heart skips a beat. “You’re not the first person to think that,” she mutters into her glass, taking a stinging sip of what tastes like scotch. “Ugh, that’s disgusting.”
“It’s strong,” he remarks. “But I didn’t catch that. What did you say?”
“Nothing.” She shakes her head, the painful humiliation of that moment after the wedding seeping into her body again. “Just… he doesn’t. Have a thing for me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Really? I mean, because it seemed like -”
“Jason,” she interrupts him, needing this conversation to end. “He doesn’t. Believe me. I’m completely sure.”
For a moment, it looks like he’s going to say something else but then seems to think the better of it. Nari is thankful; reliving that moment is bad enough, but her mind is now also preoccupied with the possibility that Seokjin might be avoiding coming tonight because he thinks she’s asked him on a date - and because he’s nice and can’t reject her outright twice, he’s having to resort to half-hearted lies and work excuses.
It’s a grim thought. She and Seokjin haven’t spoken since he told her he’d try to make it - and she’d been less than gracious about it. It was the alcohol, she’d reasoned the next morning, and despite the annoyance with his flimsy attempts at avoiding her, she’d dropped him a cursory Seriously, don’t worry about it. She’d waited just long enough to get a I’ll still try my best, and tried not to think about it since.
Nari takes another sip of her disgusting drink, not sure which is worse - if he shows or if he doesn’t.
“There he is. Jerk.”
Seokjin’s ears perk up at Taehyung’s quiet snarl. He follows the younger member’s gaze and feels his mouth twist as well when he spots the one journalist who had pestered them relentlessly with questions, each one more backhanded than the previous one, ranging from their solo ambitions to accusations of plagiarism.
“Where’s Namjoon?” he mutters, looking around. “Let’s make sure he doesn’t run into that guy without other guests around. Or witnesses,” he adds.
“He’s over by the water,” supplies Jungkook. “I think he’s talking to one of the sponsors.”
“Let’s keep an eye on him, then,” says Yoongi dryly. “Just in case he decides to do something drastic, like get into a logically structured argument.”
Seokjin half-chuckles. He does want Namjoon to come over, partly to keep an eye on him but mostly to check when he can leave. He checks his phone; it’s almost eight. As much as Nari’s last message, days ago, hadn’t seemed at all confident that he would make it, it only made him more determined to show up.
Namjoon doesn’t come over, though. Eventually, Seokjin joins him, hoping to get a moment of his time between guests.
“Maybe you should take a break,” he suggests, after another one of the sponsors leave and Namjoon’s well-practiced public smile fades. “Eat something? Or even have a drink?”
Namjoon smiles wearily. “Thanks, hyung. Maybe later.” He runs a hand over his face. “God, I can’t wait to get out of here. Zoom date with Kaya,” he adds, answering Seokjin’s silent question.
“Then we should leave now,” he says immediately, jumping at the opportunity. “Or you’ll just get even more tired and you’ll have to cancel on Kaya.”
“Are you kidding? It’s the only thing I’ve been looking forward to all day,” he replies, shaking his head. “There’s no way I’m cancelling.”
Seokjin responds to this with a grimace; while he would ordinarily find it sweet, right now, this blatant happiness is just annoying. He tries to think of another line of reasoning that could convince Namjoon to bounce, but before he can, two middle-aged people, one man and one woman, join them.
There’s some initial greeting; Seokjin gets through it robotically while Namjoon goes from tired to charming in a microsecond. The topic predictability begins with the press conference that just took place, followed by both guests praising Namjoon for his wonderful answers that he receives with respectful gratitude.
“I’m sorry you all have to stay for the dinner,” the woman says to Seokjin while the other two speak about something else. “You’re so young; I’m sure you all have other plans tonight.”
Lady, you have no idea. But he forces a smile on his face. “We’re happy to be here. Besides, if I’m lucky,” he adds hopefully after a moment, “my plans might still be there after this.”
“Oh?” The lady seems most interested. “A fancy party you need to get to?”
“Something like that. I have to meet someone at an event.”
“No,” he answers hastily. “Just a friend. It’s a work thing at the hospital she works. She’s a doctor,” he adds for good measure.
To his surprise, the lady nods. “Oh, I know that. It’s a fundraiser, right? Seoul National Hospital?” When Seokjin raises his eyebrows and nods, she smiles in acknowledgement. “I have a couple of friends there, too. Those doctors do such good work - pity they don’t have the money to continue their work in peace. Your friend is smart, though,” she says after a moment, patting Seokjin’s shoulder with a knowing look, “inviting a BTS member to the event.”
Seokjin doesn’t immediately understand. “I’m sorry?”
“Well, they need the money, don’t they?” She chuckles, sounding almost impressed. “Not a lot of people have the contacts to bring in someone like BTS to be a donor.”
Something drops in his stomach. “Oh, I - I think you’ve misunderstood. She’s my friend and we - we haven’t met in a long time because we’ve both been very busy. It’s not a - I mean, I’m not a - a donor.”
The lady looks confused for a moment. “Oh. My apologies. It just seemed like a smart thing to do, you know?”
Seokjin swallows. “Sure,” he says shortly. “But, uh… it’s not like that.” He nods to himself, knowing he’s right. “Nari would never do that.”
Nari shuffles through the crowd to where she can see Jason with Eunji and her boyfriend, taking care not to trip in her heels. She sees them turn and spot her as she gets close, but she doesn’t have time for pleasantries.
“Incoming,” she states. All of their eyes dart up and behind her; Eunji is the first one to notice.
“Damn it. Come on, babe,” she commands her partner, taking his hand and setting off. “Let’s go dance before he gets us.” In a flash of a second, they’re both gone.
“Okay, it’s our turn,” she says hurriedly to Jason, placing her drink on the bar and gathering her long dress in her hand. “If Dr Jung gets hold of us, it’s going to be a repeat of the mixer.”
Jason grimaces. “Oh, God. You mean when he tried to recruit each of us one by one by using his holiday calendar as a selling point?”
“That’s the one. Come on, he’s already seen me, but maybe we can still make a break for it!” she whispers dramatically, getting ready to go but stopping when he grabs her wrist.
“It’s too late,” he says gravely. “We’re going to need another plan. Tell me about your craniotomy today.”
“I - what?” Nari’s eyes widen. “Did you not hear me?”
“I did. Now talk to me about something medical,” he instructs. “And make it seem like there’s a problem - like, just talk urgently. Come on,” he urges, shaking her wrist.
“Um - okay, uh, the patient came in with migraines and was having seizures so we did an MRI and found an aneurysm located in the temporal lobe of the brain -”
“That’s great,” he whispers, and Nari notices his gaze slide carefully to the left to watch Dr Jung reach them, before quickly looking back at Nari. “But his vitals still aren’t stable,” he says suddenly, at a regular volume.
Nari’s jaw drops before she realises what he’s doing. “His blood pressure is what we need to observe carefully or he’s going to need another surgery tomorrow.”
“Is there any chance the aneurysm could’ve burst anyway? Even after you clipped it?”
Nari stares, a little thrown by how convincing his acting is. 
“Answer me!”
“A little over the top, don’t you think?” she mutters.
“The man is two feet behind you,” he replies, equally quietly, before tugging her closer and placing his hands dramatically on her shoulders. “What if it’s a brain bleed? What if -”
“How dare you?” She interrupts him, jabbing him in the chest. “My aneurysm was clipped perfectly, you son of a bitch!”
Jason’s eyes flicker with this unexpected turn of conversation but he plays along. “We still need to get an MRI to rule out any other complications, like a hematoma, or an air embolism or -” He pauses, craning his neck slightly, “... and he’s gone.” His shoulders relax and his hands slide off her arms.
“No way did that work,” she marvels in a low voice, turning around to check and see that he’s right.
“Of course it did. Nobody interrupts two doctors discussing a patient,” he says absently, rubbing a spot on his chest. “You may need some practice, though. I think you bruised my chest.”
“Don’t be a baby,” she tells him teasingly, asking for another drink and feeling a lot more relaxed than before. “But that was a pretty neat trick.”
“I can teach you many, young ‘un,” he says seriously, casually taking a sip of his third scotch. “But I don’t think we have the time tonight. Won’t Seokjin be here soon?”
Her drink arrives then and Nari takes it with a quiet thanks. Taking a larger sip than intended, she shakes her head. “He’s not going to make it,” she says, swallowing and wincing.
“Oh.” Jason frowns. “Did he call?”
“Nope.” Nari shakes her head, finding it a bit sad how unsurprised she is. “But he’s not going to make it.”
His frown deepens slightly and she’s sure he’s picked up on her change in tone, but she’s thankful he doesn’t mention it.
“Do you want to learn another trick then?” he offers.
Nari smiles, trying to look at the bright side: Seokjin would not have enjoyed this. He wouldn’t know anyone and he wouldn’t understand any of their conversation. A call would have been nice, but things aren’t the same anymore. 
She’s here, she has a night off, and she’s not alone. It could be a lot worse.
“Sure,” she answers. “But I’m going to need to be a lot more drunk for the next one.”
The ETA on the map says forty minutes. Seokjin has no idea how long hospital fundraisers last, but he needs to try. He exits the building, already tired from the negotiating he had to do to leave early. It’s starting to drizzle, so he ducks into the nearest establishment - a small cafe - as he waits for his car. The traffic outside is ridiculous, though; he hasn’t the faintest idea how long it’ll actually take him to get to the fundraiser.
Nari hasn’t called or messaged, though. Neither has he, he knows, but her last message had implied such a lack of faith in his intention to show up that it had rankled him just a bit. Over the course of the week, it had festered until it’s now more of a challenge than anything else, for he can’t think of a single other reason as to why he’s going to this thing. 
For Nari, says the voice weakly, sounding unconvinced. Nari, it seems, neither knows nor cares if he shows up, for all the interest she’s shown in his whereabouts. I’ll try me best, he’d said, meaning it completely, but she clearly didn’t believe it.
Seokjin sighs, mentally so exhausted that he can’t even muster the energy to be annoyed or hurt or confused right now. He’s just about to step back outside when he hears a voice he doesn’t expect.
“Can I get a bottle of water, please?”
He turns to see straight hair and a blazer, mint green this time, with the sleeves pushed up. “Seulgi?” he calls unsurely.
She turns and her eyes light up in recognition. “Hey, Seokjin. How are you?”
“Tired,” he admits. “You?”
“The same. Just trying to find the guiltiest pleasure on the menu to break my diet with tonight,” she says, pointing at the few items on the board. “It’s just been one of those days.”
“Tell me about it,” he murmurs, taking a few steps to stand beside her. “Anything catch your eye?”
“Not really. It’s just sandwiches,” she grumbles. “But I don’t really have a lot of options right now.”
Seokjin is quiet for a few seconds while she gets a bottle of water and takes a long swig from it. “I actually know of a ramen place close by. If you want. I break my diets there all the time,” he tells her.
“Really?” This time he isn’t imagining it; her eyes do light up. “How much?”
“Well… enough to feel like I’ve rebelled against the company for the night, but not so much that I can’t resume it the next day.”
“That’s the perfect amount.”
“Is that a yes?”
Seulgi grins tiredly, reminding him for a moment of Namjoon earlier tonight. “It is.” Her eyes flicker lower and her smile fades. “Oh, wait. You’re in a suit - are you going somewhere?”
Seokjin bites his lip. “I was at the press conference, and the dinner after that.”
“Oh.” She doesn’t look fully convinced. “And you were going… where?”
“Well, now I’m going to get ramen because it’s in my head.”
She cracks a smile. “I’m serious, though. You’re in a suit,” she repeats, adjusting the strap of her handbag on her shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t need to be somewhere?”
Question of the hour. But Seokjin knows that even if he does make it through the traffic, this will still be the easiest conversation he’s going to have all day.
“No. I don’t need to be anywhere.”
Thank you for reading. Don't forget to drop a review :)
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horror-princess-2002 · 9 months
Can I get a matchup? Also I apologize I knew I was chatty but damn..
I'm 5'1 (💀) and I have like shoulder length auburn hair and dark brown eyes. I have a skinny hourglass body type and extremely pale skin and i wear boy clothes, girly clothes, lol I wear just about anything but I like just like dolphin shorts and a tank top. Yeah i don’t know if that’s like if you know whst I mean but yeah.
Im pretty introverted at new places and still quieter around people who aren’t my friends but once we have been friends for like 3 days im really loud and kinda obnoxious tbh. I kindaa have anger issues (yeah no it’s bad like this bitch Talan called me friend a bitch the other day so I went and cussed him out but he mocked me so ima beat his ass once my winter break is over, it started on Wednesday but this occurred Tuesday, no one and I mean fuxking no one messes with my friends because I am weak and not good at fighting but I have a hard punch and kick and will use it in the most deadly places.) but yeah anyway I love horror and like dark af shit but then I also like Sanrio, and I also have severe social anxiety and all my friends think I have bipolar depression so there’s that ig. 
I love art, and music like Melanie Martinez becuz uh it’s MELANIE MARTINEZ and I love to play games, for example I use to loveee dumb ways to die bc the deaths have a fair amount of blood lol and I love horror movies like love love love but for some reason they’re all predictable and none ever scare me. I’m still looking for traumatizing ones tho so feel free to give suggestions. Also yeah not me typing a whole essay anyway I think this is good oh yeah one more thing
I LOVEEEEE SPORTS‼️😍 like I love football, soccer, baseball, basketball, badminton, tennis, rugby, swimming, you name it I play it mk? ❤️⚽️❤️🏀❤️🏈❤️⚾️❤️🏸❤️🏐❤️🏊❤️
okay byebyebyebye 🤡
I hope you enjoy hun ❤️
I match you with Jason Voorhees
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shujiology · 2 years
ㆍ ☾ ㆍ One Fateful Full Moon ㆍ ☽ ㆍ
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☾ Nevermore Academy AU
Psychic!Isagi Yoichi x Reader
Synopsis: Nevermore AU! Usually, Isagi’s visions would revolve around soccer or his teammates, this time however… it was different. This time it involved you going to the woods and being attacked by a werewolf.
Warnings: Nudity (nothing NSFW though), violence (?), general Wednesday Netflix series shenanigans, but not everything is based on Wednesday so some things might be different, perhaps swearing.
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The weather is cold… too cold for him to be sitting outside with nothing but his uniform on. Then again, when is it not cold at Nevermore Academy?
He admits he should’ve worn his jacket, but did he? No. Absolutely not. He feared that he might’ve regretted the circumstances far too late now.
So here he sat, among his teammates, who last he remembered, were playing charades in the middle of the courtyard like no one was watching.
“Smelly breath?” Bachira guessed, earning a head shake of disapproval from Kunigami.
“A person with smelly breath?” said Igarashi. “That’s what he said you dumbass!” chided another.
“Well, then I don’t know what the hell that’s supposed to be” again, Igarashi rebuked. Kunigami on the other hand, persisted even though no one knew what he was trying to act out; flailing his fingers around his face as if it was supposed to imitate flaring. Was he trying to act out a face on fire? Isagi couldn’t tell.
“It’s not a face on fire is it?” he tried to guess, but Kunigami shook his head once again. Well, it was worth a shot.
“It’s a Demogorgon…” Chigiri chimed in unenthusiastically. Somehow his answer was correct…
He usually doesn’t mind the cold all that much, but this is too cold even for him. He wondered how the rest of his friends seem to be holding up, despite not wearing any additional cold-weather attire.
“Seriously? How’re we supposed to guess Demogorgon from that”
"I've never even seen one before"
With that, the group broke out into small rebuttals and snide remarks, but Isagi was far too occupied with holding in a shiver to actually join in on the group’s chaos.
His demeanor finally broke when a strong gust of wind blew past them, and his hands flew to his sides in a pathetic attempt of protecting himself from the cold breeze.
The bell rang, much to his delight. So he quickly picked up his bag and said his goodbyes to his teammates before walking into the school building, where the temperature is arguably warmer than it is outside.
As he pushes through the ocean of students, he notices that his eyesight starts to get blurry– usually a telltale sign that he was about to get a vision. You see, Isagi is a psychic… He had the ability to foresee the future; and around the time when he first joined Nevermore’s soccer team, his visions only became more intense and vivid.
He found a way to sharpen this ability, of course. He’s even learned to use foresight to predict his opponent’s next move. Some might argue that this is an unfair way to play sports, but when you’re in Nevermore, outcasts are encouraged to hone and embrace their uniqueness. 
So using his visions as a means to an end isn’t an outrageous thing to do… not when others can use telekinesis to move the ball in their favor, or when Gorgons use their power to petrify their opposing team– not to mention werewolves tend to be super strong and fast, so they’ve got that as an advantage already.
Usually, Isagi’s visions would revolve around soccer or his teammates, since his visions only tend to occur when he’s feeling a particularly strong emotion, like being hyped on adrenaline. This time… it was different.
He’d bumped into you in the hallways, and you quickly apologized before walking away, thinking nothing of the encounter. 
But from his point of view, he saw flashes of a dark sky… trees… forest… a full blood moon, and… a creature…
No… not just any creature. A werewolf… a really mean-looking one.
He saw the beast lunge at him before attacking, then the vision flashes to an image of you, laying on the ground under a tree. You were injured; mostly your body was tattered with scratches, probably inflicted by the beast he saw earlier.
He finally came to when another student bumped into him. He opened his mouth to call out to you, but the repercussion of his vision prevented him from forming coherent thoughts in his head. In the end, he could only watch you as you disappear into the swarm of students, forcing him to walk away, afraid that if he dwells on you for too long, he might be late for class.
He spent the rest of the day thinking about the vision he’d just had. Worrying over the fact that you might be in danger. True he doesn’t know you all that well; he does know your name and you’ve spoken from time to time, but that is as far as his knowledge about you goes. He doesn’t even know what kind of outcast you are, but even so… his opinion of you stands in a positive light.
Needless to say, you’re not a stranger. If there was a chance that he could stop you from being gravely hurt, he should take it. The reason why the vision came to him in the first place was probably so he could prevent it from happening, right?
Without putting too much thought into it. He set off to find you after equipping himself with appropriate things he might need later on to face the feral werewolf.
Thankfully Isagi’s used to going to soccer training after class, so Bachira didn’t really question him when he left their shared dorm after classes and told him that “I’d be out late”.
His blue eyes fell upon the bright white orb in the deep navy sky. His boots prowled through the heaps of leaves that scattered across the earth's floor. To his dismay, the sky started pouring at a rapid pace. The ground beneath him became a lot softer, and inevitably it makes it hard for him to navigate through the forest. He should’ve brought a raincoat.
The pitter-patter of the rain and the booming of thunder didn’t help make it easier for him to find his way either– but by some miracle, he stumbled upon a familiar sight of a wooden sign standing a few feet from where he stood. He recognized that sign from his vision. This is the path you took before you got attacked by the werewolf. Now the question begs… where were you?
In the distance, through the sound of falling rain, he hears a screech. Although your voice sounded strangled, he could still recognize it. So he ran in your direction, lightning speed as fast as his feet could take him. He can hear your pained screams and gurgles, mixed with occasional howls and growls; in the back of his mind, he’d hoped he was not too late.
He eventually reached a clearing, and as he halted, so did your voice.
There was no one there… he was all alone… and whatever footprint was left to help him trace your steps would have been washed up by the rain. Aimlessly, he started scanning the area. He wanted to call out to you… to someone, but he’s afraid that by doing so, he might alert the werewolf of his presence instead.
He backed up a couple of steps before hearing a loud thump behind him.
He freezes. Then… from behind him, he heard a monstrous growl. Isagi didn’t need a vision to know what was standing behind him
His body turned around faster than he could even blink, and there stood behind him was the werewolf he saw in his vision. It stood on top of a rock and its stance tells him that the monster was ready to pounce. Suddenly the memories of the vision came rushing back to him.
The vision of the werewolf lunging forward and attacking…
That vision was going to happen. The vision he saw wasn’t of the werewolf attacking you, it was of the werewolf attacking him. You were probably long unconscious somewhere, that’s why he had a vision of finding you injured.
The beast roared before charging at him, just as his prediction foretold. Luckily he dodged the attack in time. He's probably got a few scratches on his palm now, but he'll worry about that later.
He was swift enough to get back up, grab a wooden log nearby, and smacked the werewolf across the face when it jumped at him again. Though, remembering that this is probably a fellow student, Isagi made a mental note to not be so rough.
He was about to give the beast another blow to the head when he stumbled on the wet slippery concrete beneath him. Curse the rain… why did it have to rain now of all times.
When the monster came running at him at full speed, he quickly shoved his hand in his pocket to grab the one thing he brought that could possibly save him from this quandary. Sleeping Stardust.
A small amount should be able to put even a mountain troll to sleep, but sleeping stardust isn’t known to be very effective when used in the rain. Isagi could only hope for the best as he throws the dust at the monster’s direction. With his eyes closed, he waited for his demise… luckily, the Grim Reaper has yet to make a visit.
The monster jumped back upon making contact with the sleeping stardust. It squealed and whimpered, shaking its head around; presumably trying to shake away the dust that had gotten into its eyes. Eventually, the werewolf fell to its knees.
The sleeping dust is working…
Then the beast dropped to the ground and fell unconscious.
Isagi let out a sigh of relief, but he wasn’t done here yet. He quickly got up to find you, however before he could take a step, the sleeping werewolf transformed back into its human form. The figure becomes more and more familiar the more human it becomes.
Finally, once the werewolf fully transforms, realization dawned on him like an anvil tied to a piano falling from the sky.
You were the werewolf…
Once the shock subsided, Isagi rushed to your side and wrapped his hand around your shoulder to pick you up. How stupid could he have been to not realize that the vision wasn’t of you being attacked… it was of you attacking him.
He pushed those intrusive thoughts aside. Right now making sure you’re okay is his priority. “Hey! Hey you okay?” he called out, pushing a strand of wet hair behind your ear. He then presses two fingers on your neck to check your pulse.
He knows sleeping stardust isn’t lethal, but he just had to make sure.
Your body slightly squirmed in his grasp as your eyes slowly crack open. “Oh thank God…” he breathed out, then he slowly helped you sit down. You asked what happened, and he told you,
“You wolved out… I’ll explain later once we find shelter… here, can you stand?” he said extending his hand to you, and you took his offer gladly before attempting to stand up, but ultimately stumbling as you tried to steady yourself.
Isagi was quick to react and catch you before you end up falling to the ground; you thank him.
He hadn’t noticed this before with everything else practically overwhelming his better judgment, although now that your body is literally pressed against his, he can no longer ignore the fact that you are stark naked before him.
“I-I’m sorry I–” you started, “I’ve never um… this is the first time…” you tell him. 
By now he’s pieced it all together– this is your first time turning, hence why you were so aggressive towards him. Werewolves tend to have that effect when they first turn. They lose control of their humanity and the beast within completely takes over. Some are lucky enough to be able to be in control from the start; clearly, that’s not the case for you…
He had it all figured out, he really did... just... right now his brain is too bewildered to even comprehend intelligible thoughts. He could practically feel his face heating up, and his mind drawing a blank.
“I…I–well uh…” whatever brain cells he had left in his head had now flown out the window.
Have you not realized that you’re completely naked? Sleeping stardust does tend to make the consumer unaware of their surroundings for a little while. But regardless of how numb and unaware you are right now, you must be freezing cold.
“Ah!” he gasped, finally realizing the most important thing at the moment. “You’re probably freezing! H-here! Take my jacket!” he stuttered profusely, as he covers your body with his blazer.
“O-Oh… thank you,” you say, finally realizing your indecent apparel. You hug the blazer tighter, hoping it’ll help you cover up, but his blazer could only cover so much. He then guides you to a cave nearby where the two of you will take cover until the rain stops.
“Are you comfy? Cold? Are you hurt anywhere?” he asks. He helps you to sit down, even though you insist that you’re capable of walking and sitting by yourself. It’s kind of endearing how doting he is of you.
Once the two of you settled, you waited for the rain to stop
“So… what were you doing out here?” he asks, likely to defuse the tension between you. “Mh… I wanted to clear my head… my family uh…” you paused. “They can be overbearing during the full blood moon… y’know since I… haven’t turned and all'' Isagi felt like he was prying now, he felt bad for asking.
“Heh… I guess they don’t have to worry about that anymore though” you say, trying to keep the conversation as light as possible. “What about you? Why are you all the way out here?” you return the question.
“I dunno’ intuition I suppose” he replied, perhaps a little way too honestly than he would’ve liked; before he could take back what he said, he heard you giggle. God, you sound cute when you laugh.
“I’m glad you followed your intuition… who knows what would’ve happened to me if you weren’t here to help” you feel him stiffen when you lay your head on his shoulder. If you were fully aware you’d probably pull back and apologize, but right now you were way too tired to even notice. Before you knew it, you closed your eyes and fell asleep again.
The sleeping stardust must’ve not worn out yet, Isagi thought. So he let you sleep beside him as he waited for the rain to stop.
He prays that the rain will stop before everyone wakes up. Otherwise, he might end up getting called to the principal’s office for coming out from the forest in the early mornings carrying a naked student in his arms. That would be a difficult situation to explain.
For now though… he’ll let you sleep. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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usalatestwebstories · 2 months
Canada vs. Uruguay prediction, odds, time: 2024 Copa America third-place match picks from proven soccer expert
Canada will look for their highest international finish since winning the 2000 Concacaf Gold Cup championship when they take on Uruguay in the third-place match of 2024 Copa America. The Canadians are coming off a 2-0 loss to Argentina in Tuesday’s semifinals, while Uruguay lost a 1-0 nail-biter to Colombia on Wednesday. Canada, which lost twice to Argentina in the tournament, won or played to a…
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recentlyheardcom · 2 months
Canada vs. Uruguay prediction, odds, time: 2024 Copa America third-place match picks from proven soccer expert
Canada will search for their highest worldwide end since profitable the 2000 Concacaf Gold Cup championship once they tackle Uruguay within the third-place match of 2024 Copa America. The Canadians are coming off a 2-0 loss to Argentina in Tuesday’s semifinals, whereas Uruguay misplaced a 1-0 nail-biter to Colombia on Wednesday. Canada, which misplaced twice to Argentina within the event, gained…
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cavenewstimes · 2 months
Gregg Berhalter reacts to firing by U.S. Soccer, takes responsibility for Copa failure and makes prediction
Getty Images On Wednesday, Gregg Berhalter was let go as manager of the U.S. men’s national team after crashing out of the Copa America during the group stage and took full responsibility for the dismal display. The USMNT became the first Copa America hosts ever to not make it out of the group stage, causing worry about whether Berhater was the right man to lead the USMNT into the 2026 World Cup…
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tipsyprediction · 4 months
The Best Predictions For Wednesday May 29 2024 How To Bet On Today's Soc...
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6mfFB0zMHO_RjjGfBsfEg/join This video will show you how to bet on today's soccer matches, and how to make the most of your money with the best predictions and tips. You will learn how to choose the right markets, how to use different types of bets, and how to manage your bankroll and risk. You will also see the predictions and tips for the most popular and profitable matches of the day Subscribe To Bet Lab Channel For Epic Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa9yIJMz3PfFOmeNy4Y0A8Q/ How To Bet Like a Pro: Soccer Prediction Sites That Professionals Use Extra Tips And Tricks You Need https://youtu.be/pGgelsgZSrU Soccer Predictions Strategy To Boost Your Profit And Make Money https://youtu.be/qGtW3cd3XZ4 Win Big with Betting: Proven Strategy and Real Case Studies! You Need To Know https://youtu.be/i8xKhnsUVAo How To Win 99% Of Your Soccer Bets With These 7 Apps (Best Predictions Apps Revealed!) https://youtu.be/J41ht02DIPA Watch How To Predict Corner Kicks And Win Big Money (2 Simple Steps!) https://youtu.be/Pd_MY4fjRCA Watch This Bet Tutorial (Bet Winning Strategy You Need To Know) https://youtu.be/lnC7AZ3qAUo How To Predict And Win Long Bet With This Secret Strategy You Need To Know https://youtu.be/OAuMJUduDYI https://youtu.be/J41ht02DIPA Checkout Our Sure 2+ Monday-Thursday Matches Predictions 👉 https://1blogxyz.com/daily-football-predictions-tips/ Watch More Betting Strategy From This List Of Videos 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuvowSsnPv4hkCwBmZfxkhvePOiUR3F9n Join Our New Created Telegram Channel For Betting Tips & Updates 👉 https://t.me/+UCDrV3m0kw85ZWQ8 Subscribe To This Channel To Get New Post Notifications And Updates 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6mfFB0zMHO_RjjGfBsfEg Disclaimer: The content of this video is for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide any legal or financial advice.You are solely responsible for your own actions and decisions when betting online.Please gamble responsibly and only bet what you can afford to lose. Thank you for watching and good luck!
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utopiaskids · 2 years
Manchester City vs. RB Leipzig: UEFA Champions League Round of 16 Match Preview
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On Wednesday, February 22, 2023, Manchester City will face RB Leipzig in the first leg of their UEFA Champions League Round of 16 matchup at Red Bull Arena. Manchester City, who made their first-ever Champions League final appearance in 2021, finished atop their group with a record of 4-2-0. Meanwhile, RB Leipzig lost their first two group stage matches but bounced back with four consecutive victories to secure a spot in the knockout phase. According to the latest Manchester City vs. RB Leipzig odds from Caesars Sportsbook, Manchester City are the favorites with odds of -122 (risk $122 to win $100), while RB Leipzig are the underdogs with odds of +325. A 90-minute draw is priced at +260, and the over/under for total goals scored is set at 2.5. SportsLine soccer expert Martin Green has analyzed the match and shared his picks and predictions. Green, who has been a professional sports writer and handicapper for years, has generated almost $33,000 for $100 bettors since the 2017-18 season. He recently crushed his World Cup predictions on the Early Edge, correctly backing the USMNT to advance, Kylian Mbappe to win the Golden Boot, and Netherlands, England, and Argentina to win their groups. The Citizens' defense has been impressive in the competition, as they finished group play tied with Bayern Munich for the fewest goals allowed with only two. Manchester City have kept four clean sheets in the Champions League, including three straight before defeating Sevilla 3-1 in their final group match. The team has allowed more than one goal in just one of their last eight matches across all competitions. Striker Erling Haaland has been Manchester City's top offensive player in the Champions League, scoring five goals in four games. The 22-year-old Norwegian is tied for third in goals in the competition and leads the English Premier League with 26 goals in 23 matches. Winger Riyad Mahrez and forward Julian Alvarez have each scored two goals in the competition as well. RB Leipzig have outscored their opponents 12-3 during their four-game winning streak in the competition. Christopher Nkunku and Andre Silva have scored three goals apiece, with the latter also recording three assists. Silva played a significant role in Leipzig's 2-1 victory against Manchester City in the group stage last year, scoring the decisive goal in the 71st minute. Nkunku, who returned to action in the Red Bulls' victory against Wolfsburg on Saturday after missing three months with a knee injury, is second in the Bundesliga with 12 goals. Timo Werner is the only other player on the team with multiple goals in the Champions League, having scored twice while adding a pair of assists. The 26-year-old striker is Leipzig's second-leading scorer in league play with five goals after recording only four with Chelsea of the Premier League last season. The match promises to be an exciting and closely contested affair between two top European teams. Fans around the world will be tuning in to see which team can gain an advantage in the first leg and move one step closer to the quarterfinals. Read the full article
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wafact · 2 years
'Ted Lasso' Season 3 Teaser Reveals March Release Date
Hold on to your soccer balls (or footballs). If you’ve been waiting for the third season of Ted Lasso, we have a release date to look forward to at long last. Ted Lasso season 3 kicks off on Apple TV Plus on Wednesday, March 15, according to a trailer released on Tuesday. Season 3, according to Apple, starts with AFC Richmond soccer club members facing negative team performance predictions from…
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geniusgp13-blog · 2 years
MKD vs LEI Dream11 Fantasy Football Prediction [Free Tips]
MKD vs LEI Dream11 Fantasy Football Prediction [Free Tips]
Milton Keynes Dons vs Leicester Metropolis, English Championship 2022. Immediately’s Match Prediction of MKD vs LEI Dream11 Fantasy Soccer, English Championship 2022. Milton Keynes Dons will tackle Leicester Metropolis on Wednesday, December 21, at Stadium mk (Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire). In case you are searching for MKD vs LEI dream11 Fantasy Soccer Prediction then you might be on the…
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worlcupnow · 2 years
FIFA World Cup 2022
FIFA World Cup 2022
2022 FIFA World Cup futures picks, odds, groups: Proven expert unveils best bets, USMNT predictions for Qatar Martin Green has analyzed the World Cup draw and locked in his best bets, group winners and top sleepers for Qatar 2022
The 2022 FIFA World Cup will begin on Nov. 20 and the 26-man rosters have been finalized for all 32 teams competing in Qatar. The USMNT left off some notable names, including goalie Zack Steffen and forwards Ricardo Pepi and Jordan Pefok. The Americans will be playing in Group B with England, Wales and Iran. The U.S. are listed as 100-1 longshots in the 2022 World Cup odds from Caesars Sportsbook after missing the 2018 World Cup in its entirety.
Five-time world champions Brazil are listed as the 4-1 favorites in the World Cup odds and the No. 1-ranked team in the FIFA World Rankings made some waves by leaving Liverpool forward Roberto Firmino off its 2022 World Cup roster. But even with Firmino looking like one of the biggest 2022 World Cup snubs, the Brazilians hope they still have plenty of attacking power to be a threat to win the World Cup 2022 in Qatar. Before locking in any 2022 World Cup picks, you need to see what SportsLine’s soccer insider Martin Green has to say. 
After working in the sports betting industry for several years, Green became a professional sports writer and handicapper and has covered the game worldwide. Since then, his European soccer picks have been stunningly accurate. Green has generated almost $35,000 for $100 bettors since the 2017-18 season, and he has his finger on the pulse of the game all over the globe.
Now, Green has analyzed the 2022 World Cup draw from every angle and revealed his picks and predictions. You can head to SportsLine now to see Green’s 2022 World Cup picks. 
Top 2022 FIFA World Cup predictions 
Green is backing the USMNT to qualify from Group B at +100 odds at Caesars. The Americans finalized their 26-man squad for World Cup 2022 last Wednesday and it was a sigh of relief for USMNT fans to see that Juventus midfielder Weston McKennie was included. A box-to-box midfielder with a knack for making well-timed runs in critical moments, McKennie has been battling a quadriceps injury that many feared would hold him out of the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
The good news on McKennie’s status gives head coach Gregg Berhalter his desired midfield trio of McKennie, Tyler Adams and Yunus Musah. That group played a major role in helping the USMNT win the CONCACAF Nations League and the CONCACAF Gold Cup. Both of those finals were victories over Mexico, another quality team with clear designs of making it out of the group stage at the 2022 World Cup.
Only England is ranked higher in the current FIFA World Rankings than the Americans and Green is expecting youth and exuberance to be a deciding factor against Wales and Iran. Wales seemingly poses the biggest threat to the USMNT advancing with a collection of notable names including Ben Davies, Gareth Bale and Aaron Ramsay, but it’s an aging squad and Bale and Ramsay have both been dealing with injuries that could limit their effectiveness. See Green’s other 2022 World Cup picks at SportsLine.
How to make 2022 World Cup picks
Green has locked in his best bets to win the 2022 World Cup, along with the top picks to win each group. He’s revealed how far Mexico, England and Portugal will advance in Qatar. He’s also identified a dark horse team that is listed higher than 75-1 who have a chance to shock the world and win it all. You can only see them here.
2022 World Cup groups 
Group A Qatar Ecuador  Senegal  Netherlands
Group B England Iran  USA  Wales
Group C Argentina  Saudi Arabia  Mexico  Poland 
Group D France  Australia Denmark  Tunisia 
Group E Spain  Costa Rica Germany  Japan
Group F Belgium  Canada Morocco  Croatia 
Group G Brazil  Serbia  Switzerland  Cameroon 
Group H Portugal  Ghana Uruguay  Korea Republic 
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usalatestwebstories · 3 months
Croatia vs Albania Predictions and Betting Tips: Sylvinho’s Side Can Spring a Surprise
Our soccer betting expert offers his three best Croatia vs Albania betting tips and predictions for Wednesday’s Euro 2024 Group B clash in Hamburg. After losing their opening matches of the tournament, neither Croatia nor Albania have any real room for error going into their meeting at Volksparkstadion on Wednesday. Croatia vs Albania Betting Tips Double Chance – Albania or Tie @ +162 with…
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recentlyheardcom · 2 months
England vs. Netherlands prediction, odds, start time: UEFA Euro 2024 semifinal picks from proven soccer expert
The Netherlands hope to succeed in the ultimate for simply the second time of their historical past once they tackle England on Wednesday at BVB Stadion Dortmund within the UEFA Euro 2024 semifinals. The Netherlands are within the semis for the sixth time within the 11 appearances within the competitors however have moved on simply as soon as – undertaking the feat in 1988, once they went on to…
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Theyll lose Sutton makes shock Spurs Newcastle prediction
Former Chelsea striker Chris Sutton has backed Newcastle to beat Antonio Conte’s Tottenham within the Premier League this weekend. Spurs might be seeking to rebound from Wednesday’s 2-0 loss at Manchester United with a win in opposition to Newcastle. Nonetheless, Eddie Howe’s group has been extraordinarily spectacular this season, having solely misplaced as soon as to Liverpool. They’re enjoying a number of the finest soccer within the nation with Howe organising his group to assault. They sit sixth within the league, simply 2 factors behind Chelsea who’re sitting at 4th. Tottenham, based on the BBC Sport pundit, will want their goalkeeper Hugo Lloris to be on high of his recreation if they’re to win in opposition to Newcastle, predicting them to lose 2-1. He wrote: “I actually like what Eddie Howe is doing at Newcastle. They’re defensively sound, however they all the time create possibilities too and they’re a group filled with confidence. “Tottenham have been getting some good outcomes with out enjoying notably nicely, or at the least they have been till they went to Previous Trafford on Wednesday. “That defeat would have been worse if not for some good saves by Spurs keeper Hugo Lloris, they usually may want him to maintain him on this recreation too. “Sutton’s prediction: 1-2.” Newcastle won’t be missing in confidence and can come out firing. However, Conte’s group has confirmed a number of occasions this season that they’ll grind out wins. Originally published at Sunshine Coast QLD News
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tipsyprediction · 4 months
The Best Predictions For Wednesday 22 May 2024 How To Bet On Today's Soc...
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6mfFB0zMHO_RjjGfBsfEg/join This video will show you how to bet on today's soccer matches, and how to make the most of your money with the best predictions and tips. You will learn how to choose the right markets, how to use different types of bets, and how to manage your bankroll and risk. You will also see the predictions and tips for the most popular and profitable matches of the day Subscribe To Bet Lab Channel For Epic Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa9yIJMz3PfFOmeNy4Y0A8Q/ How To Bet Like a Pro: Soccer Prediction Sites That Professionals Use Extra Tips And Tricks You Need https://youtu.be/pGgelsgZSrU Soccer Predictions Strategy To Boost Your Profit And Make Money https://youtu.be/qGtW3cd3XZ4 Win Big with Betting: Proven Strategy and Real Case Studies! You Need To Know https://youtu.be/i8xKhnsUVAo How To Win 99% Of Your Soccer Bets With These 7 Apps (Best Predictions Apps Revealed!) https://youtu.be/J41ht02DIPA Watch How To Predict Corner Kicks And Win Big Money (2 Simple Steps!) https://youtu.be/Pd_MY4fjRCA Watch This Bet Tutorial (Bet Winning Strategy You Need To Know) https://youtu.be/lnC7AZ3qAUo How To Predict And Win Long Bet With This Secret Strategy You Need To Know https://youtu.be/OAuMJUduDYI https://youtu.be/J41ht02DIPA Checkout Our Sure 2+ Monday-Thursday Matches Predictions 👉 https://1blogxyz.com/daily-football-predictions-tips/ Watch More Betting Strategy From This List Of Videos 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuvowSsnPv4hkCwBmZfxkhvePOiUR3F9n Join Our New Created Telegram Channel For Betting Tips & Updates 👉 https://t.me/+UCDrV3m0kw85ZWQ8 Subscribe To This Channel To Get New Post Notifications And Updates 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6mfFB0zMHO_RjjGfBsfEg Disclaimer: The content of this video is for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide any legal or financial advice.You are solely responsible for your own actions and decisions when betting online.Please gamble responsibly and only bet what you can afford to lose. Thank you for watching and good luck!
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