#wedding photographer Dallas
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theshanphotography · 4 months ago
When it comes to your wedding day, the moments fly by in a whirlwind of joy, love, and celebration. Here are 20 iconic wedding photos you definitely won’t want to miss, ensuring that your wedding album tells a beautiful, complete story!
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crew7photography · 2 years ago
How Does Dallas Wedding Photography Sessions Work for Couples?
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Capturing the special and forever moments of your life isn’t a to-do task you’d risk with, right? A Dallas Wedding Photography studio would apply those basic tenets of professionalism to get you the desirable results in a beautiful way. Let’s understand on what goes into those sessions and how couples can help bring out the best in them.
Wedding events are beautifully hosted by couples to engage the audience and accept their blessings in the hallmark of celebrations. Right here, the task of a photographer is to capture those candid & posed-for shots in a perfect frame.
A team of photographers assisted by co-workers of multiple specializations make arrangement of lighting, equipment and essential setup to make it super-special. Even photographers take a great amount of stress to culminate wonderful photo sessions throughout the event. Therefore, both sides shall respectfully discuss beforehand on how to organize.
Generally, a Dallas Wedding Photography studio has a bunch of expert photographers to shape your wedding event’s captivating images on a theme. However, we recommend you discuss all important aspects on the first meeting with the expert(s). In the way to your ideas of capturing the entire event, don’t go amiss on the realistic part. Most photographers understand the critical nature of the event and how couples are earnestly eager about it.
Recently, a demand for Dallas Boudoir Photographer has surged to have the perfect intimate photography sessions of a sexy and beautiful photo shoot. You could showcase your classy side in those photos without caring about anything else. Indeed, photographers ensure the ideal atmosphere to make those sessions successful.
Whether browsing for a wedding or boudoir photographer, get a personal meeting to let your expectations drive ahead.
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daysofyellowroses · 1 year ago
yellow rose
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david von erich x afab!reader | 6.2k | 18+ minors dni | tw: language, smoking, mild smut | a reflection on your journey to the altar
so this is a complete and utter work of fiction, based on the very brilliant movie the iron claw. i knew as soon as i watched it i would have stories but i was a little surprised david came to me first. obviously harris dickinson is beautiful but i am down so bad for jaw. i got some kerry ideas too, and i always have a hundred different bear ideas on the go too so more to come | also just to note that because this is totally fictitious, i am choosing to ignore real life events for the most part and live in fanfic delusion. enjoy 🌼
It all seemed to happen in a flash.
In theory, you should have been used to it. Ready for it.
One minute you were heading to a local sports center on a work assignment, then in what felt like the blink of an eye, you were walking up the aisle to marry the subject of one of those photos.
But, to get to how exactly you ended up walking down that aisle, you need to go back to how it all started.
Which, like with most things when it came to you,started with a picture.
From an early age, you loved photography. Capturing a moment in time, being able to look at it any time and relive the moment was always a thrill. Your childhood home was full of framed photos and photo albums, a collection of memories surrounding you.
When you turned 13, your parents gave you your own camera. It wasn't anything too technical or fancy, but it was immediately your most treasured possession. You took photos of everything, family occasions, your friends hanging out, nature, snapshots of Dallas.
As you grew older you threw yourself into studying everything about photography, worked an extremely tedious part time job to save up for a real camera, dedicated yourself to honing your skills. It wasn't difficult, your friends and family kept you busy with birthday parties, weddings, christenings, anything worth celebrating and you were there to capture the moments.
When you were in your senior year of high school, you discovered a fondness for a particular subject of your photos. You had been sitting in the bleachers after school one day with your friends, all you of chatting and laughing about something when you'd looked onto the football field and spotted two of the players talking about something animatedly, one of them slapping the other on the back as they laughed. 
You had grabbed your camera, snapping a photo and rolled your eyes playfully as your friends teased you. Sure, the players were cute, but that wasn't why you took their photo. When the shots had developed, you were thrilled that your instinct had been correct. The red of the players jerseys popped, the gold star on their helmets gleaming in the sun. They looked graceful, despite their large frames, natural and charming. 
From that photo, you began to base more of your photos on sport. It wasn't an area you had expected to become interested in, but it inspired your photography. Cheerleaders in perfectly formed pyramids, track stars crossing the line, football players clutching the ball to their chest as they threw themselves across the post.
After graduation, you applied for a journalism course, figuring it didn't hurt to have a backup plan and maybe it would get you a gig as a photographer for a newspaper or magazine. 
Leaving home was tough, especially when a big going away party was thrown for you, your friends and family coming together to celebrate your accomplishments. When the time came to leave you were sure you'd never cried so much, trying to hype yourself up for the adventure ahead.
It was a lot of fun, being at college, as it turned out. Making new friends, learning new things, having new experiences. By the time it was over it felt like you could back and do it all again in a heartbeat.
You decided to move back to Dallas after you graduated. A job opportunity at a big paper came up, and your friend Pam had found an apartment that came with a spare room so it seemed like the right move.
It was about two weeks later you were tasked with going down to the Sportatorium on a Saturday night to document the latest wrestling match. Every time you went to a sporting event for work, you were accompanied by the senior sports writer, Duke. He was older than your father, far too old for his cheap toupee to be even the slightest bit believable. He wore cheap polyester suits, too much cologne and had a fondness for calling you ‘missy’ and placing his hand a little too low on your back.
You had psyched yourself up to ask Pam to come along, preparing a whole speech in your head. If she was with you then you could avoid Duke like the plague, couldn't possibly leave your guest alone. 
Turned out Pam didn't take much convincing at all, in fact she practically jumped at the chance to come along. You tucked her excitement away in your mind, curious to see if the source would reveal itself at the match.
When the day came, you were excited to get some shots of a new sport. From what you'd seen on TV, the Sportatorium was bright and colorful, the wrestlers just as much so. You packed up your camera before getting changed into some jeans and a t-shirt. 
Pam had taken one look at you and marched you back into your room, your protests of “But I'm working!” falling on deaf ears.
A compromise was reached. Your t-shirt stayed but a denim mini skirt replaced your jeans and brown cowboy boots replaced your beat up sneakers. You felt a little ridiculous, your job had you in all kinds of angles and positions to get the best shots, the last thing you wanted was to be unable to get a good picture because you'd end up flashing tomorrow's laundry to thousands of strangers.
When you arrived at the Sportatorium, the sun was dipping below the horizon and what seemed like hundreds of cars and trucks were pulling up. People were grabbing beers out of coolers, blasting music from boomboxes, grilling up hotdogs on portable barbecues. You got a couple of shots before Pam was hustling you inside to get your seats. Well, her seat. You told her you'd meet her outside after the match, not that she seemed to be paying attention, her eyes focused on the empty ring. 
You made your way down to the ring, keeping an eye out for Duke and ready to sprint back to Pam if needed. To your relief, Duke wasn't in attendance. The junior sports reporter, Brian, had been sent in his place. The two of you weren't exactly close friends but he was much more professional. You got some shots of the crowd, feeling excited to see a match live. The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, like something incredible was about to happen. 
When the announcement came for the first tag team, you got some shots of them walking through the tunnel and into the ring, holding their arms in the air and greeting the crowd. Brian walked around the ring slowly, scribbling into a notepad, cigarette perched behind his ear.
Then they announced the next tag team, and you moved to the opposite tunnel to get shots of them. You took a breath as you snapped a shot of the taller one, his wavy blonde hair peeking out from under his back cowboy hat. He was wearing a leather jacket that he promptly tore off before he got into the ring, his back muscles rippling. 
You cleared your throat, taking more photos and trying to concentrate on what you were there for. 
The bell rang, and once the match started you had no shortage of great photo opportunities. The men in the ring moved with perfect proficiency and style, playing up to the crowd and putting on a spectacular show. You found yourself more and more drawn to the tall blonde, David Von Erich, you discovered. 
He was so graceful yet could have these huge men slammed onto their backs, his arms bulging and a cocky grin on his face. Once or twice you could have sworn he caught your eye and winked at you but you were sure it was your imagination. 
The Von Erichs won the match, you snapped a photo of the referee holding up the brother's hands as the crowd roared. Brian checked back in with you, telling you he was going to grab some quotes before heading off. You bid him farewell before going to find Pam, heading outside with the rest of the crowd.
“Hey, over here!”
You quickly spotted Pam, smiling as you waved back at her, weaving your way through the crowd to join her.
“Hey,” You smiled, laughing softly as Pam grabbed your arm, a wide grin on her face. “Are you al-”
“Come on,” Pam immediately started tugging you in the opposite direction. “let me show you something,”
You just about managed to maintain your balance and hold onto your camera as you dodged through the dispersing crowd, wondering what exactly Pam was doing.
Before long you had an answer, as you and Pam joined a large group of women hanging around the back door of the Sportatorium. Her keenness to come to the match made much more sense when Kevin Von Erich walked out the door, towel around his shoulders and bag slung over his shoulder. You had never known Pam to look at any man the way she was looking at Kevin.
“What are you waiting for?” You asked, giving Pam a gentle nudge. “Get on over there, girl.”
“I can't, there's too many girls round him,” Pam sighed. “I am not desperate. I'll wait for my time.”
“Saving the best for last huh?” You grinned, watching Pam roll her eyes playfully. “I don't think he's gonna be able to take his eyes off you.”
“You think?” Pam asked, glancing over to you. She looked genuinely concerned and you gave her a reassuring smile. 
“I know.”
A little while later, when the crowd had dispersed and Kevin was signing the last couple of autographs, you gave Pam a gentle nudge, smiling as she quickly fixed her hair.
“Good luck,” You grinned, gently squeezing her arm. “Not that you need it.”
You gave her some space, walking over to a trash can before fishing a pack of cigarettes from your purse. You lit one up, glancing over to Pam and smiling as you spotted Kevin heading in her direction. Closing your eyes as you looked away, you took a long drag on your cigarette and felt yourself relax.
“You know it's a bad habit to smoke those things.”
You opened your eyes, finding a familiar face standing close to you. He looked better in person than he did in the ring, if that was possible. 
“Well I'm sure you know that it is very rude to keep your hat on in the presence of a lady,” You raised a brow, flicking your ash into the trash can. “I could be deeply insulted.”
“I apologize,” David grinned, taking off his hat and giving you a slight bow as he did. He introduced himself properly, as did you, his hand moving over his heart as he tilted his head. “You know I was just joking, there's worse habits to have than smoking.”
You nodded, smiling a little. “Like creeping up on strangers?”
He laughed and you felt a flutter in your stomach. You willed it away, not wanting to be another simpering fan.
“You want one?” You asked, holding out the box of cigarettes. David looked like he was considering saying yes before he shook his head. 
“No, thank you. I shouldn't.”
“Fair enough,” You nodded, putting the box back in your purse. “It really is a bad habit. I'm trying to quit but I got some time to kill so..”
“Oh yeah?” David raised a brow, glancing around the quiet car park before looking back at you. “What you waiting for?”
“My friend,” You gestured in the direction of Pam, who was deep in conversation with Kevin. “she's a big fan.”
“So I see,” David grinned, looking over to his brother and Pam before focusing his attention back on you. “and uh..what about you? Are you a big fan?”
You thought about it/made him wait for a moment as you took a drag on your cigarette and raised a brow.
“I'm just here for work.”
“Really?” David looked a little surprised, lightly rubbing his jaw. “What kinda work do you do?”
You held up your camera with a smile before flicking your cigarette in the trash can. “I’m a photographer,” You explained. “for a newspaper.”
“Oh right,” David smiled, folding his arms. “I'll have to buy that, see if you got any good ones of me. Which paper is it?”
“It's the uh..huh,” You grinned as you glanced over to Pam, watching her laugh as Kevin said something to her. “Excuse me for one second.” 
You turned slightly, holding your camera up and focusing it on Pam and Kevin. You felt very aware of David's presence behind you, trying to hold your hands steady as you snapped a picture. 
“I have a feeling I may need that one day,” You smiled, settling your camera strap back over your shoulder and turning to David. “They're cute together, don't you think?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” David nodded, his gaze staying on you. “She ain't the cutest one here though.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn't fight the smile on your face and multiple flutters in your stomach. 
“Oh shut up, that's such a line.”
“I'm deadly serious,” David grinned, holding his hat over his heart. “I promise.”
You were about to say something when Pam appeared, linking her arm with yours and giggling as she went to drag you away. 
“Hang on one second,” David called, making you look over your shoulder with a smile.
“You never told me the name of your paper!”
“It's in Dallas,” You called back, walking forward with Pam, the two of you giggling. “If you find it, call me!”
A couple of days later you were in the newspaper office, going over some photos for an upcoming article when one of the secretaries knocked on the door and asked for you.
“Call for you,” She explained, gesturing to the phone as you went to her desk. “They didn't give a name, just asked for you.”
“Okay, thanks Margaret,” You smiled, feeling a slight knot in your stomach. It was extremely rare someone called you at work, and you tried not to think the worst. 
Going to the phone, you picked it up and took a deep breath before holding it to your ear. 
“Hello yourself.”
You let out a soft sigh of relief as you realized who was on the other end of the line, a small smile on your face.
“How many papers did you have to call before you found me?”
“That's not important.”
You rolled your eyes with a grin.
“More than two?”
“Oh wow,” You grinned, turning more towards the wall. “That's perseverance right there. I'm flattered.”
“Well so am I,” David replied. “I saw those pictures you took. They were great, I wanted to thank you for catching me at such a flattering angle.”
“You're welcome,” You smiled, glancing over your shoulder before looking back and lowering your voice slightly. “That the only reason you called six newspapers? Angles?”
“Not quite,” You could hear a cheeky tone in his voice, your fingers holding the phone cord. “I was hoping you'd come see me again. You don't have to take pictures this time, if you don't want.”
“As it happens I am coming,” You raised a brow with a smile. “Your brother beat you to the invite. He invited Pam, who invited me. So I'll be there.”
“Well damn,” David laughed softly. “I guess I'll just have to come right out with it then..ask you on a real date.”
“Oh?” You grinned, feeling like a teenager as your cheeks grew warm. “How about we make it interesting?”
“I'm all ears.”
You took a breath, trying to calm your heartbeat. You were aware of Margaret behind you, knowing she'd be listening to every word. 
“Alright, if you win..I accept. If you don't, no deal.”
“Hm, sounds fair,” David replied. “I guess I'll have to try a little harder this week. I'll let you get back to work, alright?”
“Alright,” You nodded, trying not too smile too widely. “I'll see you Saturday. Bye.”
You hung up the phone, turning around to Margaret with a polite smile.
“Thank you, I'll be in the office.”
Once you closed the door and found yourself alone, you let out a laugh, shaking your head and wondering what you'd let yourself in for.
Saturday came around quickly, and most of the day was given over to preparing. At first you were just helping Pam, heading into store after store to find the perfect outfit. Then you started looking for yourself, realizing that you wanted to put in just a little more effort since you were going to watch, not work. 
As the evening drew closer, the radio was on full blast in the apartment as you and Pam cracked open a bottle of wine and started the beauty process. You couldn't shake the slight nerves that were settled in your stomach, but they were joined by an excitement. 
“Oh,” Pam turned from the bathroom mirror to look at you. You were sitting on the edge of the bathtub, carefully painting your toenails. “Did he ever get in touch? David? I completely forgot to ask.”
“Yeah, he found me,” You grinned, laughing as Pam gasped. “Asked me to come along tonight. I told him I was already coming.”
“And?” Pam asked, waving her hand at you. “What else? Did he ask you out?”
“I told him he can take me out if he wins,” You smiled, holding the bottle of nail polish up in the air with a laugh as Pam rushed over to hug you.
“This is so exciting! We're gonna be like sisters!”
When you arrived at the Sportatorium, it seemed to be even busier than it had been the previous week. You stepped out of your truck, smoothing out your outfit. It was only a black off the shoulder top and some denim jeans but you hoped it still looked good. 
You linked your arm with Pam's as the two of you headed inside the bustling arena, your heart beating faster as you took your seats. As it turned out, watching the match was totally different to photographing it. You couldn't move about, couldn't pick one thing to focus on. It was all happening, bright and loud and thrilling. You found yourself cheering and whistling with the crowd, you and Pam both jumping up and screaming when the Von Erichs emerged victorious.
When it was all over and you were enjoying the fresh air, you couldn't help but find it adorable when Kevin couldn't keep his eyes off Pam while he signed autographs. Once he was free you gave him and Pam some space, almost immediately bumping into David.
“Hey winner,” You smiled, resting your hands in your back pockets. “Nice angles in there.”
“I hope someone was there to capture them,” David grinned, taking his hat off. “Did you have a good time?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, watching David for a moment, smiling as you realized he almost seemed a little nervous. “I really enjoyed it..though I'm a little curious about something.”
“What might that be?” David asked, moving his hat from one hand to the other. 
“Well,” You smiled, stepping closer and looking up at him. “Are you going to honor our agreement?”
It was only when you were putting on your coat to leave the apartment when it dawned on that you hadn't actually been on a first date for..a while. There were some relationships in high school, a couple in college along with some dates and flings but the last had been before you graduated. 
You tried not to think about it too much, you were just going for dinner and seeing a movie. Worst case scenario, you and David didn't end up hitting it off and the world would go on as it always did. But part of you was hopeful that something would come from the date, that it would develop into something really great.
Grabbing your purse, you left the apartment and went downstairs to hail a cab, excitement starting to outweigh the nerves.
“No way,” You laughed, your eyes going wide as you placed your hand over your chest. “You did not do that.”
“Yes I did,” David nodded, a serious look on his face before he laughed. “I was so sick afterwards. Never got found out though. Mom just went and got Kerry and Mike a new egg each. I couldn't eat chocolate for like three months.”
“I'm not surprised,” You laughed, picking up your drink. “You can't say you didn't deserve it.”
David laughed, nodding as he picked up his own drink. 
“I certainly did deserve it. Moment of weakness I guess.” 
You took a sip of your drink before setting the glass down and glancing around the restaurant. It was a steakhouse, but it felt like a nice one. Elegant lighting, candles on the tables, classy music playing. No sawdust or butcher paper to be found. 
“So do you think your brothers ever found out?” You asked, sitting up a little and resting your hands in your lap. “Or did you tell them?”
“No to both I'm afraid,” David sighed softly, lightly tapping his glass as he set it down. “Though I think Kev knew it was me..” He smiled to himself as he looked down. “Never said anything if he did know, though.”
“Seems like you two are close,” You smiled, your heart picking up a beat as David looked back at you with a warm smile. 
“We are,” He nodded. “We all are. I can't imagine life without them, they're amazing.” 
You felt your heart swell, trying not to get too swept up in your emotions. 
“That's so wonderful,” You smiled. “It's amazing that you're all so close.”
“Yeah,” David grinned, sitting up a little. “I just feel so lucky every day, like..” He stopped himself, lightly rubbing his neck.
“You know what, I feel like all I've done is talk about myself, my brothers, I don't want you to think I'm self absorbed or nothing, I promise I ain't like that.”
You shook your head, reaching your hand across the table and grinning when David held it with his own.
“I know you're not,” You insisted. “You're wonderful. Now tell me more about your family, I want the good stories.”
You ended up missing the movie, but neither of you cared. You talked until the restaurant was closing, David's jacket around your shoulders as you walked out into the night air. He gave you a ride home and kissed your cheek by your door  like a gentleman. 
“I had a great time,” You smiled, carefully taking off David's jacket and giving it back to him. You could tell he wanted to tell you to keep it, and you knew why he couldn't. 
“Maybe you should win another match, take me out again.”
“It's a deal.”
Going to matches became a weekly event. You and Pam would cheer and cling to each other, laughing at how silly you were being. You took pictures for yourself, wanting to remember every moment. Afterwards you would meet David and Kevin, go for burgers and debrief on the match. 
It wasn't always easy for David to visit you, so you called each other when you could, spending an hour or two talking about anything and everything. You drove down to Denton a couple of times, meeting him for something to eat or just for a drive. 
He was always a perfect gentleman, opening doors for you and holding your hand, never pressing for anything more even though you suspected he was just as keen as you were to take things further.
You decided to nudge things in the right direction one night when you had gone down to visit him. Pam had come with you, and David and Kevin had taken you to the lake with their brother Mike, who you instantly adored. 
The afternoon was perfect, gorgeous hot weather and ice cold beers, floating along in the water and feeling like nothing else could possibly matter but being in that moment. 
You were sitting on the edge of the dock while the others drifted along on the huge rubber float, snapping a couple of shots of them before setting the camera aside. David appeared next to you, sitting down and resting his hand on your back. You leaned into the touch, his arm moving around your shoulders. 
“I love this,” You smiled softly, closing your eyes and letting out a breath. “If every day was like this..what a world.”
“It's perfect,” David murmured softly. “I can't think of anything better.”
“Hm, I reckon I can,” You smiled, opening your eyes and looking up at him. His eyes were already on you and you grinned as he took a breath and leaned in, his lips feeling like heaven against yours. 
You could hear the cheers and whistles, smiling into the kiss and feeling satisfied beyond belief. 
“You ready for this?”
“Absolutely not. You?”
“Absolutely not.”
You flicked on the indicator and headed up the long drive to the Von Erich home, glancing over to Pam in the passenger seat.
“At least we're in this together.”
It was incredibly daunting, the thought of meeting David's parents and his brother Kerry, who had recently come home. He had told you countless times that they would love you, but it didn't ease your nerves. 
You were relieved to have Pam with you, that she was in the same boat. Mike met you both at the door, giving you both a hug and chatting away as he led you outside. 
It was a flurry of introductions, handshakes and hugs and the most perfect kiss from David that had you instantly relaxing.
By the time everyone sat down for dinner, it felt as though you had known the Von Erichs forever. The food was delicious, the weather was beautiful, the company was amazing. You felt David reach for your hand under the table when his parents talked about how they met, your heart swelling. 
When Doris forbade Mike from going to a gig that night, you glanced across the table to Pam smiling as she gave you a slight nod.
“Alright, drive, drive!”.
You put your foot down, laughing as you glanced in the mirror and watched your boyfriend and his brothers gradually haul themselves into your truck. You turned the radio up when you left the driveway, rolling down the windows and cheering as you hit the road.
It didn't matter whose house the party was in, it was big and roomy and most importantly, fun. You had a beer in your hand before you knew it, hitting the makeshift dance floor. The brothers spun you and Pam around, laughter filling the air as you moved to the music, not a care in the world.
When Mike took to the stage with his band, you stood with David behind you, his arms wrapped around you. You all cheered as the song started up, swaying along as you held your hands over David's. 
Later in the evening you gently took David's hand and pulled him into a quiet corner, whispering in his ear and enjoying the slightly tipsy smile that crossed his face, a flash of worry passing his eyes.
You led him upstairs, finding an empty bedroom and closing the door.
“We..we don't have to,” David insisted as you slipped off your shoes. “I don't want you to feel pressured.”
“I don't,” You smiled, walking to the end of the bed and unzipping your dress before turning back to David. “But I will think you don't want to if you don't get over here in the next thirty seconds.”
He didn't need to be asked twice.
You laughed as you were picked up bridal style and carried to the top of the bed, letting out a soft moan as David laid you down and gave you a tender kiss.
Despite your suspicions that David was possibly a virgin, you didn't ask when he didn't bring it up. He was a little apprehensive, but once you took the lead he seemed to tap into his ring persona and the confidence in his movements had you struggling not to scream as your nails dug into his back, the sheets, your body crying out for more. 
“Oh god,” You moaned, touching David's cheek and looking up to meet his eyes as your legs hooked around his waist. “Baby..’m so close, please..”
You closed your eyes as he pushed deeper into you, his forehead resting against yours.
“Me too,” He murmured, his hand reaching for yours. “Fuck..fuck..I love you.”
Your eyes went wide at the confession, a deep moan spilling from your lips as you felt a wave crash over you, feeling David fill you moments later. You moved your hands to his neck, meeting his eyes and taking a deep breath. 
“I'm sorry,” He sighed, looking down. “I shouldn't have-this isn't the time..”
“No,” You insisted, a smile spreading on your face. “It's the perfect time. I love you, too.”
“Mind if I get one of those?”
You turned around, letting out a sigh of relief as you spotted Kerry walking towards you. 
“Of course,” You smiled, taking the box of cigarettes from your purse and handing it over. “Thought you were David for a second.”
Kerry laughed as he accepted the box, shaking his head.
“Nah, your secret is safe with me. Just needed one huh?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, flicking away the ash. “I'm so nervous. I don't know why, it's not like I have to walk down the aisle in front of hundreds of people wearing this,” You raised a brow, gesturing to your dress.
As much as you adored Pam, and as thrilled as you were that she was getting married and had asked you to be her maid of honor, you did not exactly love the dress she had chosen. For a start, it was a mix of dusky pink and peach, the skirt was so big you wondered if you fit down the aisle, and the sleeves were almost the size of your head.
“I feel you,” Kerry nodded, looking down at himself as he lit his cigarette. “I think we all feel a little ridiculous. But you know the worst part?”
“Go on,” You smiled, lifting up the puffball that had slipped down your shoulder. “shock me.”
“I gotta do this three more times,” Kerry sighed, lightly prodding the flower attached to his suit. “At least you get to choose your wedding dress. I'm stuck in velvet hell.”
You laughed, shaking your head and taking a drag on your cigarette. 
“Oh come on, it ain't so bad. I think I heard Mike say he would never have velvet.”
“Really?” Kerry raised a brow, looking over to you. 
“Promise,” You grinned, holding your hand over your heart. “He said he'd have velour.”
“Oh fuck off,” Kerry laughed, shaking his head and holding his hand out. “Gimme a mint and get out of here, I'll velour you.”
“I'd like to see you try,” You laughed, getting a mint from your purse and flicking your cigarette away before walking over to Kerry. “See you inside. Don't destroy that flower.”
“Isn't she beautiful?” You smiled, watching Pam and Kevin sway on the dancefloor, smiles etched on their faces as they moved to the music. 
You felt the urge to take a photo, but a professional had been hired for the day. Pam had insisted she wanted you to be in the pictures, not the one behind the camera. You had been a little disappointed, but you gave her the photo you'd taken from when she and Kevin had first met, and her reaction made it all worth it.
“She really is,” Doris nodded, looking over to you and taking your hand with a smile. “And you will be too.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Let me go get us another drink.”
You stood up, making your way over to the bar with a smile. While you and David weren't officially engaged, it was kind of an unspoken truth that when Pam and Kevin had gotten married, David would propose to you next. Kerry wasn’t seeing anyone, and while Mike was dating a girl, they had only been together a few weeks.
So, you knew you were next up.
As you waited for your drinks, you smiled as you felt a familiar presence by your side.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look today?”
“Yes,” You grin, turning to face David and giving him a kiss. “But I don't mind hearing it again.”
As the song ended and a new one started up, more guests took to the floor.
“Should we go for a twirl?” David asked, gently stroking your cheek. “or maybe not quite a twirl, that dress will take out anyone who comes close,” He teased.
“Oh shut up,” You laughed, lightly swatting him. “I'm getting your mom a drink, if I don't take you out first.”
“I'll take it to her,” David smiled, leaning down to give you a soft kiss. “Then you owe me a dance.”
So, here it is. 
The big day. 
You thought at times it would never come, but it's here. 
A lot has happened, of course. Weddings need buildup, after all. The guests can only talk about how beautiful you look and wonder who did the food for so long. You gotta give them something. 
So what's new? It's been a minute, a luxuriously long engagement. 
The Von Erichs have gone from strength to strength, reaching the top of the wrestling game. You still go see matches, when you can. They're global now, you always feel a rush of pride when you watch them on TV at some crazy hour.
Pam is a world class veterinarian, an incredible mother to the most gorgeous baby, and still the best friend in the world. 
Kevin won the WHC belt, is the most devoted husband, father, brother, brother-in-law and son. He and Pam keep saying they're going to buy a ranch in Hawaii for everyone to live in, and you like to think maybe it could be true.
Kerry insists he's your favorite brother-in-law, and you insist that you couldn't possibly choose a favorite but deep down you think he's most likely right. He makes you laugh the most, teases you and makes stupid jokes to cheer you up when you need it. The two of you have sneaky cigarettes and know what the other is thinking when you look at each other. 
Mike has just signed a recording contract with his band, and you tell him all the time he better come to you first with concert tickets. He's going to be the next one engaged, he's so loved up and it's adorable. 
Then there's David. 
The yellow rose who called up six different newspapers just to ask you out, who let you into his life, who loves you unconditionally and makes you so unbelievably happy that you wonder what you ever did without him. You would never have pursued your dreams without him and his family, that's something you know. And let's not forget his proposal, which was the most beautiful moment of your life.
David had taken you on a surprise trip one night, insisting that you were just going for a drive after you'd been out for dinner, but you knew it wasn't true. You found yourself at the lake, David's hand in yours as you walked down to the dock, which..was decorated with candles in jars, rose petals, a bottle of champagne sitting in ice. 
Knowing that you were marrying your soulmate, joining a family you loved deeply, it made you feel so safe, so secure. You quit your job, deciding to pursue your real passion. You bought a gallery in Dallas, and displayed your own work along with other local artists, including your soon to be mother in law. It took time, but it's become a success, and you don't care what any of them say, you couldn't have done it without your family.
Plenty for the guests to talk about, right?
You take a deep breath as you step out of the car, Pam fixes your dress and you take a deep breath. Her dress is beautiful, and most importantly, simple. 
Before you know it you're walking down the aisle, your heart beating faster as hundreds of faces smile at you, but there's only one you need to see, and when you do it makes everything okay. 
You reach the top of the aisle, feeling overwhelmed with love, beaming as you turn to look at your soon to be husband.
“You know it's a bad habit to leave the bride with a veil over her face,” You grinned, watching David gently touch the hem of the silky veil and carefully move it back, a wide smile on his face.
“I do apologize,” He grinned. “Still gonna marry me?”
“Of course,” You smiled. “You look perfect from this angle.”
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frxstbyt · 4 months ago
୨୧ not so bittersweet
— a/n : prompt six for day six of @outsidersweek. had a hard time coming up with a title for this one lmao.
— characters : dallas "dally" winston, ponyboy "pony" curtis
— timeline : one year post-canon (my au)
— warnings !! : angst, swearing (just one), panic attacks? (dal kinda freaks out...)
— chapters : 6/7
— word count : 635
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i looked up from my spot on the couch. ponyboy had his head poked around the doorframe, peering at me cautiously.
i blinked at him. "i thought you were out with johnny," i said, confused.
pony shrugged. "i couldn't find him," he said. "i went to your room at buck's ta see if he was there with you, but neither of y'all were there."
i rolled my eyes. "obviously."
ponyboy shrugged again. walked into the room and sat beside me.
i frowned. "what's that?" i asked, pointing to his hand. it looked like a framed photograph.
"oh," he said, looking down at it. "i found it in your room." he reared back when i glared at him. "i know, i know," he said, "you don't like people touchin' your shit, but i had to take it with me."
i sat up and crossed my arms over my chest, scowling. ponyboy grimaced and shuffled back a little on the couch. "sorry," he whispered.
i held out a hand. "give it to me," i said in a low voice.
ponyboy nodded quickly, handing it over. "dally..." he began, but i cut him off. "don't," i said sternly. i looked down at the picture in my hand. froze. i felt the blood drain from my face. i felt my heart rise into my throat and my chest tighten and i felt sick and suddenly i couldn't breathe.
ponyboy leaned toward me. he said something, but i couldn't hear him over the ringing in my ears. suddenly my hands were too unsteady and i let the photo frame drop onto the couch. i was really having a hard time breathing. inhaler, i need my inhaler.
"dallas?" ponyboy's voice cuts through my thoughts, and i snapped my head up at him, staring at him wide-eyed. he backed away again, eyeing me fearfully. "dally..."
"why did you take this?" i asked calmly, way too calmly. my heart was throwing itself painfully into my ribcage. i could feel the bile in the back of my throat. i swallowed it down.
ponyboy furrowed his brows. "what?"
"why did you take this?" i repeated, voice suddenly stern and strong.
pony was trembling. "i...i just wanted to ask if...if those people"—he pointed to the photo—"were your parents."
my temper finally reached its boiling point. i exploded. "of course they're my parents!" i shouted, jumping to my feet. "look at them! why do you think that man has white hair? why do you think he and i are built the same? why do you think that woman looks just like me? because they're my parents!" i've never yelled so loud in my life. my throat was already getting sore. my breathing was heavy and too fast and my vision was blurry and i couldn't stop shaking. 
ponyboy gaped at me, his face whiter than a sheet. he was trembling like a leaf and tears were in his eyes. i stared at him for a long while before plucking up the photo frame and holding it to my chest as i spun around and ran out of the house.
i collapsed in an alley away from prying eyes and ran a hand over my face. i pressed my hand over my mouth and peeked down at the photograph. my parents smiled up at me softly, dressed in the best clothes they had, nineteen years away. (they're wedding anniversery was a few weeks ago; they'd gotten married three months before i was born.) da had a gentle arm around mama, who leaned into him, her dark hair framing her face. i stared at them a long time before cradling the photo frame close to my chest, above my heart, and curled up and started crying.
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୨୧ end of prompt six
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bitter69uk · 2 months ago
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“On January 4, Jayne (wearing a leopard-skin cape, hat and muff) told Louella Parsons, “We are going to have a very quiet wedding and then we’ll fly to Dallas where my mother plans to give a reception for our friends there.” Then everyone had a good laugh and went to work on the real plans. The happy couple held another press event, showing off her ring and trousseau. They sent out one hundred invitations (on pink paper, of course). “This is one time I don’t want a lot of publicity,” Jayne unconvincingly told the assembled reporters and cameramen. (“It just happens that most of her friends are newspapermen,” said Jim Byron). Jayne and Mickey chose January 13 for the wedding date, “because Mickey and I met on the 13th. He won the Mr. Universe contest on the 13th and got his American citizenship on the 13th. I just love that number.” Jayne added, “I’m so happy. We’re both on a pink cloud.” Jayne picked the Wayfarer’s Chapel in Palos Verdes for the wedding – designed by Lloyd Wright (son of Frank Lloyd Wright) in the 1940s, it was a modernistic glass and wood building that looked like the skeleton of a church. Glass was the key factor here: people who couldn’t get into the wedding could still see it ��� and photograph it. The only concern being would they crash through the walls in a disaster of blood and shards? “I want the ceremony to be serious and serene,” Jayne reiterated. “It’s going to be entirely free of photographers. Except maybe just one, from the studio. Well, I don’t suppose I can keep the photographers away if they want to come.” Andrew Carthew of the Daily Herald wrote that Jayne described the wedding, “with some slight irreverence, as the Greatest Publicity Stunt in History.””
/ From the 2021 biography Jayne Mansfield: The Girl Couldn’t Help It by Eve Golden /
On this day (13 January 1958), quintessential show business couple Jayne Mansfield and Miklós "Mickey" Hargitay married. Their tumultuous on-and-off relationship would play out within the flashbulbs of international paparazzi. They would have three children together, perform together on film and onstage in Las Vegas, ultimately divorcing in 1964. (Mansfield would die in 1967, Hargitay in 2006).
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yvetteheiser · 8 months ago
Yvette Heiser’s-Flavors Through the Lens: Texas Food Photography Workshop
In the heart of Texas, where culinary culture meets picturesque landscapes, Yvette Heiser Learn about Food Photography with Yvette Heiser, Texas is at the forefront of revolutionizing food photography. Her lens doesn’t discriminate—it captures the essence of Texas terroir, from sun-kissed peaches at local farmer’s markets to sizzling brisket on roadside grills1. Let’s delve into the expertise needed to craft breathtaking imagery that encapsulates the spirit of Texas weddings and gastronomy.
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Natural Light is Key
When it comes to food photography, natural light is your best friend. Texas, blessed with abundant sunshine, provides an ideal backdrop for capturing the perfect food shot. Whether dining al fresco at a quaint café in Austin or enjoying a Tex-Mex feast in San Antonio, position your dish near a window or outdoors to make the most of the natural light.
Showcasing Local Flavors
Texas boasts a rich tapestry of culinary traditions, from Savory barbecue to mouthwatering Tex-Mex. When photographing food in Texas, focus on capturing the unique flavours and ingredients that define the state’s gastronomic identity. Whether it’s a sizzling plate of brisket from a renowned barbecue joint or a colourful spread of tacos from a local food truck, highlighting local flavours adds authenticity to your photos.
Composition and Angles
Experimenting with composition and angles takes your food photography to the next level. Instead of simply shooting your dish from eye level, try capturing it from different perspectives. In Texas, you’ll encounter visually appealing dishes, from towering burgers to artfully plated desserts, providing ample opportunities to get creative with your compositions.
Embracing Food Culture
Food is deeply woven into the fabric of Texan culture. Incorporate glimpses of local food culture into your photos—whether showcasing the vibrant hustle and bustle of a farmers’ market in Dallas or capturing the laid-back charm of a traditional Texas barbecue. Infuse your photos with authenticity and charm by celebrating the food culture.
Wildlife photography has evolved beyond mere aesthetics—it has become a powerful tool for raising awareness and fostering a deeper connection between humans and the natural environment and Yvette Heiser Wonders Captured the Power of Wildlife Photography in Conservation with her keen eye and unwavering passion, exemplifies this transformative impact.
Awe and Wonder
Yvette’s lens reveals the intricate details of wildlife—the delicate feathers of a bird in flight, the intensity in a predator’s eyes, or the grace of a herd of elephants. These images inspire awe and wonder, reminding us of the sheer diversity and resilience of life on our planet.
Conservation Advocacy
Through her work, Yvette advocates for conservation. Each photograph tells a story—a narrative of survival, adaptation, and vulnerability. By capturing these moments, she invites viewers to join the cause, urging us to protect habitats, combat poaching, and preserve biodiversity.
Elusive Creatures
Wildlife photography presents challenges—accessing remote and inhospitable environments, waiting patiently for elusive creatures, and respecting their natural behaviour. Yvette’s dedication pays off as she captures fleeting glimpses of endangered species, emphasizing their importance in the delicate balance of ecosystems.
Ethical Practices
Yvette Heiser adheres to ethical guidelines. She prioritizes the well-being of animals over the perfect shot. Her images are a testament to patience, respect, and responsible photography—never disturbing habitats or endangering wildlife.
A Call to Action
As we immerse ourselves in Yvette’s portfolio, we’re reminded that every click of the shutter holds immense power. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about igniting a passion for conservation. Yvette Heiser’s wonders captured through her lens propel us to protect the wild spaces that sustain life.
Yvette Heiser’s work transcends pixels and paper—it’s a call to action, a plea for harmony between humanity and the natural world.
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heavenboy09 · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Funny Blonde 👱‍♂️ Haired Comedic Actor Of Movies 🎥 Of The 90's
Born On November 18th, 1968
Wilson was born in Dallas, the middle child of three sons of photographer Laura Cunningham Wilson (born 1939) and Robert Andrew Wilson (1941–2017), an advertising executive and operator of a public television station. His brothers Andrew and Luke are also actors. Wilson's parents are of Irish descent. After getting expelled for cheating in geometry, he attended New Mexico Military Institute. He later attended the University of Texas at Austin, where he pursued a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, but did not graduate. While in college, he met and was roommates with director and frequent collaborator Wes Anderson.
He is an American actor. He has had a long association with filmmaker Wes Anderson with whom he shared writing and acting credits for Bottle Rocket (1996), Rushmore (1998), and The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), the last of which earned him a nomination for the Academy Award and BAFTA Award for Best Screenplay. He has also appeared in Anderson's The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004), The Darjeeling Limited (2007), Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009), The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), and The French Dispatch (2021). Wilson also starred in the Woody Allen romantic comedy Midnight in Paris (2011) as unsatisfied screenwriter Gil Pender, a role which earned him a Golden Globe Award nomination. In 2014 he appeared in Paul Thomas Anderson's Inherent Vice, and Peter Bogdanovich's She's Funny That Way.
Wilson is also known for his career as a comedic actor and member of the Frat Pack, which included starring roles in such comedies as Shanghai Noon (2000), Zoolander (2001), Starsky & Hutch (2004), Wedding Crashers (2005), You, Me and Dupree (2006), How Do You Know (2010), The Big Year (2011), and The Internship (2013). He is also known for the family films Marley and Me (2008), and the Night at the Museum film series (2006–2014). He voices Lightning McQueen in the Cars film series (2006–present), the title character in Marmaduke (2010) and Reggie in Free Birds (2013). He stars as Mobius M. Mobius in the Marvel Cinematic Universe series Loki (2021–present) streaming on Disney+.
Please Wish This Iconic Funny Blond 👱‍♂️ Haired Actor Of The 90's Cinema 🎥, 
A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
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jimhair · 2 years ago
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19 years ago on the Ides of March I took @vickiknits to my favorite beach in Northern California and proposed marriage. We had met the month before at a trade show in Dallas, and a week later enjoyed our first picnic date on Mount Diablo following the tracks of a mountain lion to the top. She said yes, and three months later we were married in Indiana on her parents wedding anniversary, the day after the celebration of their 50th, and the day that would have been my grandmother’s 102nd birthday. Two months later I took her to Burning Man and we have been together ever since. Yesterday we enjoyed the first day of clear skies, sun and warmth this year, and another picnic on a favorite beach. Vicki at Smuggler’s Cove, Oregon, July 2018 🇺🇦💔🌎💔🌏💔🌍💔🇺🇦 #earth #america #human #family #photographer @japancamerahunter #jch #beach #infrared #35mm #widelux #panorama #camera #schwarzweiss #blancoynegro #blancinegre #bnw #film #blancetnoir #黑白 #Hēiyǔbái #siyahbeyaz #shirokuro #blackandwhite #istillshootfilm #pdx #portland #nw #northwest #leftcoast #oregon 18076403 JCH + R72 Widelux https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5NPbOL16l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theshanphotography · 1 day ago
Dallas is a city full of breathtaking locations, making it the perfect backdrop for wedding photography. Whether you're planning a grand celebration or an intimate ceremony, choosing the right setting can make all the difference in capturing unforgettable moments. As an Indian wedding photographer in Dallas, finding the ideal locations that complement traditional and modern aesthetics is essential. Here are the top 10 wedding photography locations in Dallas for stunning photos.
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awesomecateringdfw · 29 days ago
How to Plan a Stress-Free Catered Event in Dallas
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Planning a catered event can be an overwhelming task, but with the right approach, you can create a seamless and enjoyable experience for both you and your guests. Whether you are organizing a wedding, corporate gathering, birthday party, or any other special occasion, careful planning ensures everything runs smoothly. If you're looking for Catering in Dallas, follow these steps to make your event stress-free and successful.
1. Set Clear Goals and Budget
Before you start searching for Catering in Dallas, define your event's purpose and budget. Consider these questions:
What type of event are you hosting?
How many guests are attending?
What is your budget for food, beverages, and catering services?
Are there any dietary restrictions or special requests?
Having clear goals helps you choose the right catering company and avoid last-minute surprises.
2. Choose the Right Catering Service
Selecting the right caterer is one of the most important decisions you'll make. Look for reputable Catering in Dallas providers with experience in handling events similar to yours. When evaluating caterers, consider:
Menu options and customization
Quality of food and ingredients
Customer reviews and testimonials
Service offerings (full-service, buffet, drop-off catering, etc.)
Availability of tastings before the event
Request quotes from multiple caterers and compare their offerings to find the best fit for your event.
3. Plan a Thoughtful Menu
The menu plays a crucial role in the success of your event. Work with your chosen Catering in Dallas service to create a menu that caters to your guests' preferences and dietary needs. Some tips for a successful menu include:
Offering a mix of proteins, vegetables, and side dishes
Including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options
Incorporating seasonal and fresh ingredients
Planning a balanced mix of appetizers, entrees, desserts, and beverages
If alcohol is being served, consider hiring a bartender or selecting a beverage package.
4. Select the Ideal Catering Style
The catering style you choose affects the overall experience of your event. Common styles include:
Buffet – Guests serve themselves from a variety of dishes.
Plated Meal – Food is served individually at each guest’s seat.
Family-Style – Large platters are placed on tables for guests to share.
Food Stations – Guests can visit multiple stations for customized dishes.
Discuss the best option with your caterer based on the number of guests and the event’s formality.
5. Secure the Right Venue
Your venue choice can impact catering logistics. Ensure the venue you choose supports Catering in Dallas services by checking for:
A kitchen or food preparation area
Space for serving and dining
Proper seating arrangements
Accessibility for catering staff and equipment
If you're hosting an outdoor event, have a backup plan in case of weather changes.
6. Organize Logistics and Timelines
A well-structured timeline ensures a smooth event. Coordinate with your caterer on:
Delivery and setup schedules
Food preparation and serving times
Cleanup and disposal arrangements
Coordination with other vendors (venue staff, decorators, photographers, etc.)
Clear communication with all involved parties reduces stress and ensures everything stays on track.
7. Consider Special Accommodations
A successful event takes into account the unique needs of guests. Make sure your Catering in Dallas provider is prepared for:
Special dietary restrictions
Kid-friendly meal options
Extra seating for last-minute attendees
VIP or head table meal preferences
Planning for these details in advance prevents last-minute complications.
8. Do a Final Walkthrough
A few days before your event, conduct a final walkthrough with your caterer and other vendors. Confirm:
Final headcount
Menu selections
Event timeline
Setup and serving arrangements
Contact details for key staff members
This last check ensures everything is ready and minimizes last-minute surprises.
9. Enjoy Your Event!
With careful planning and a trusted Catering in Dallas service, you can relax and enjoy your event. Let the professionals handle the food, setup, and cleanup while you focus on celebrating with your guests.
Planning a stress-free catered event in Dallas is all about preparation, organization, and working with the right catering team. By setting clear goals, choosing a reliable caterer, selecting the perfect menu, and organizing logistics, you can ensure a smooth and successful event. Whether it's a wedding, corporate event, or private party, partnering with a reputable Catering in Dallas provider will help you create a memorable experience for all your guests.
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fotolillyphotography · 1 month ago
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Quince Behind The Scenes
DFW's Best Quince Photographers
#fotolillyphotography #dallasfortworthbestquincephotographers #dallasquincephotographer #fortworthquincephotographer #quinceaneraphotographer
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bitter69uk · 1 year ago
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“On January 4, Jayne (wearing a leopard-skin cape, hat and muff) told Louella Parsons, “We are going to have a very quiet wedding and then we’ll fly to Dallas where my mother plans to give a reception for our friends there.” Then everyone had a good laugh and went to work on the real plans. The happy couple held another press event, showing off her ring and trousseau. They sent out one hundred invitations (on pink paper, of course). “This is one time I don’t want a lot of publicity,” Jayne unconvincingly told the assembled reporters and cameramen. (“It just happens that most of her friends are newspapermen,” said Jim Byron). Jayne and Mickey chose January 13 for the wedding date, “because Mickey and I met on the 13th. He won the Mr. Universe contest on the 13th and got his American citizenship on the 13th. I just love that number.” Jayne added, “I’m so happy. We’re both on a pink cloud.” Jayne picked the Wayfarer’s Chapel in Palos Verdes for the wedding – designed by Lloyd Wright (son of Frank Lloyd Wright) in the 1940s, it was a modernistic glass and wood building that looked like the skeleton of a church. Glass was the key factor here: people who couldn’t get into the wedding could still see it – and photograph it. The only concern being would they crash through the walls in a disaster of blood and shards? “I want the ceremony to be serious and serene,” Jayne reiterated. “It’s going to be entirely free of photographers. Except maybe just one, from the studio. Well, I don’t suppose I can keep the photographers away if they want to come.” Andrew Carthew of the Daily Herald wrote that Jayne described the wedding, “with some slight irreverence, as the Greatest Publicity Stunt in History.”
/ From the 2021 biography Jayne Mansfield: The Girl Couldn’t Help It by Eve Golden /
On this day 66 years ago (13 January 1958), quintessential show business couple Jayne Mansfield and Miklós "Mickey" Hargitay married. Their tumultuous on-and-off relationship would play out within the flashbulbs of international paparazzi. They would have three children together, perform together on film and onstage in Las Vegas, ultimately divorcing in 1964. (Mansfield would die in 1967, Hargitay in 2006).
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winniecouturebg · 3 months ago
Virtual vs. In-Person: Modern Wedding Dress Shopping Experiences in Dallas
The landscape of wedding dress shopping has evolved significantly in recent years, offering brides diverse ways to find their perfect gown in Dallas. With both virtual and in-person options available for discovering Wedding Gown Dallas collections, modern brides can now enjoy a more flexible and comprehensive shopping experience.
Virtual wedding dress shopping has emerged as a convenient first step for many brides seeking wedding dresses in Dallas TX. This modern approach allows brides to browse extensive collections from the comfort of their homes, making initial style selections and narrowing down preferences before scheduling in-person appointments. Virtual consultations often include detailed video sessions where consultants can showcase gowns, discuss fabric options, and answer questions about customization possibilities.
Despite the convenience of virtual shopping, the traditional in-person experience remains irreplaceable when searching for Wedding Gown Dallas styles. The physical try-on experience allows brides to feel fabrics, see how dresses move, and truly understand how different silhouettes complement their figure. In-person appointments also provide the opportunity to examine intricate details, from beadwork to lace patterns, that might not be fully appreciable through virtual platforms.
Many local bridal retailers now offer hybrid shopping experiences, combining the best of both virtual and in-person worlds. This approach typically begins with virtual consultations where brides seeking wedding dresses in Dallas TX can discuss their vision, budget, and timeline. These preliminary discussions help consultants prepare a curated selection of gowns for the eventual in-person appointment, making the process more efficient and focused.
The virtual component has particularly revolutionized the inclusion of loved ones in the dress selection process. Family members and friends who cannot travel to Dallas can now participate in the experience through video calls during appointments. This technological integration has made the tradition of dress shopping more accessible and inclusive, while maintaining the emotional connection of sharing this special moment.
When considering Wedding Gown Dallas shopping experiences, many brides appreciate the efficiency of virtual pre-shopping. This method allows them to review price points, available sizes, and delivery timelines before committing to in-person visits. Virtual platforms often provide detailed photographs of gowns from multiple angles, close-up shots of fabric and embellishments, and even videos of dresses in motion.
For brides searching for wedding dresses in Dallas TX, the in-person experience has also evolved to meet modern expectations. Private appointment spaces often feature enhanced lighting for both natural daylight and evening settings, allowing brides to see how their gown will look at different times of day. Many locations also offer digital imaging technology to show how alterations might look, helping brides envision the final result.
The combination of virtual and in-person shopping has also streamlined the alterations process. Virtual fitting consultations can help track progress and address concerns between in-person fittings, ensuring the perfect fit while minimizing the number of required visits. This hybrid approach is particularly beneficial for brides with busy schedules or those planning from out of town.
The modern Wedding Gown Dallas shopping experience also encompasses virtual styling sessions, where consultants can help brides coordinate their entire wedding day look. These sessions might include accessories selection, veil styling, and suggestions for different ceremony and reception combinations, all achievable through a mix of virtual and in-person appointments.
As technology continues to advance, the integration of virtual and in-person shopping experiences in Dallas's bridal scene becomes more seamless. Whether brides prefer the convenience of virtual browsing or the traditional charm of in-person shopping, they can now create a customized experience that suits their preferences and needs. This evolution in wedding dress shopping ensures that every bride can enjoy a memorable and efficient journey to finding their perfect gown, whether through screens or in showrooms.
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jerry2o24 · 4 months ago
Modern wedding photographer Dallas
Modern wedding photographer Dallas
Best Dallas Fort-Worth Wedding photographer Based in Irving, Texas with an outstanding quality of Service and Image, specialize in Modern Documentary Wedding Photography. travelling worldwide to document lifetime memories in a modern, romantic, and elegant way with a passion for creating delicately beautiful images that tell stories. and immortalize the heart of these once in a lifetime occasions
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datascraping001 · 7 months ago
WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping
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WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping by DataScrapingServices.com. In today's competitive wedding industry, staying ahead of the curve means having access to the most current and comprehensive data. WeddingWire, a leading platform for wedding venues and services, is a goldmine of information. However, manually collecting and organizing this data can be a daunting and time-consuming task. That's where DataScrapingServices.com steps in. Our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service is designed to help wedding planners, event coordinators, and marketing professionals efficiently gather detailed venue information, ensuring they have the insights needed to make informed decisions and enhance their business strategies.
List of Data Fields
Our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service extracts a wide range of data fields to provide you with a complete and actionable dataset.
- Venue Name: The official name of the wedding venue.
- Location: Detailed address information, including city, state, and ZIP code.
- Contact Information: Phone numbers, email addresses, and website URLs.
- Venue Type: Categorization of the venue (e.g., barn, hotel, garden).
- Capacity: Maximum guest capacity for the venue.
- Pricing: Detailed pricing information and packages.
- Amenities: List of amenities and services offered by the venue.
- Photos: Images of the venue.
- Reviews: Customer reviews and ratings.
- Availability: Information on the availability and booking calendar.
Benefits of WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping
Utilizing our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service offers numerous benefits:
1. Time Efficiency: Manual data collection is labor-intensive and prone to errors. Our automated scraping service saves you valuable time, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks.
2. Comprehensive Data: Gain access to a wealth of detailed and up-to-date information, ensuring you have all the necessary insights to make informed decisions.
3. Improved Targeting: With detailed data on venue types, capacities, and amenities, you can better match clients with their ideal venues, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
4. Enhanced Marketing: Utilize the data to create targeted marketing campaigns, highlighting specific venue features and advantages to attract potential clients.
5. Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of competitors by leveraging the latest venue information to offer the best options to your clients.
6. Informed Decision-Making: Access to reviews and ratings helps you gauge customer satisfaction and make better recommendations.
Best Wedding Data Scraping Services
Wedding Planners Data Scraping
Wedding Venues Data Scraping
WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping
USA Wedding Directories Data Scraping
Weddingchicks.com Vendor Information Scraping
Wedding Photographer Data Scraping
Wedding Directory Vendor Data Extraction
Best WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping Services in USA:
Austin, Sacramento, Portland, Colorado, Albuquerque, San Jose, Arlington, New Orleans, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Dallas, Washington, Las Vegas, Orlando, Seattle, Nashville, Bakersfield, Raleigh, Los Angeles, Denver, San Francisco, Virginia Beach, Mesa, Oklahoma City, Fresno, Fort Worth, Boston, Jacksonville, Louisville, Houston, San Diego, Memphis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Omaha, Charlotte, Long Beach, Wichita, Columbus, Kansas City, Springs, San Antonio, Honolulu, Miami, Tulsa, Atlanta, El Paso, Tucson and New York.
In the dynamic and competitive wedding industry, having access to detailed and up-to-date venue information is crucial. DataScrapingServices.com's WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service provides an efficient and reliable solution to gather comprehensive data, helping you streamline your operations, improve client satisfaction, and stay ahead of the competition. Whether you are a wedding planner, event coordinator, or marketing professional, our service is designed to meet your data needs and enhance your business strategies. Contact DataScrapingServices.com today to learn more about how our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service can benefit your business and help you achieve greater success.
Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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onyxblackcar · 8 months ago
Ultimate Guide to Weddings Transportation in Dallas
Planning weddings transportation in Dallas involves meticulous attention to detail to ensure a seamless and memorable experience for couples and their guests. Dallas, with its blend of southern charm and metropolitan flair, offers a variety of transportation options tailored to fit different wedding styles, themes, and logistical needs. Understanding the significance of wedding transportation, exploring available choices, and considering key factors when selecting these services can help couples navigate this essential aspect of their wedding planning effectively.
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Understanding Weddings Transportation Services
Weddings transportation services in Dallas encompass a wide range of options designed to accommodate the unique needs and preferences of couples on their special day. These services typically include:
Vehicle Selection: Dallas boasts a diverse selection of vehicles suitable for weddings, ranging from classic cars and luxury sedans to limousines, vintage vehicles, party buses, and even unconventional choices like horse-drawn carriages or trolleys. The choice of vehicle often reflects the wedding theme and the couple's personal style preferences.
Chauffeur Services: Professional chauffeurs play a crucial role in weddings transportation, ensuring punctuality, safety, and personalized service throughout the day. They are well-versed in navigating Dallas' streets, managing wedding day logistics, assisting with entry and exit from vehicles, and ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience for the couple and their guests.
Customizable Packages: Many weddings transportation providers offer customizable packages that cater to specific needs and preferences. These packages may include transportation for the bridal party, shuttles for guests between venues, airport transfers for out-of-town guests, and special getaway cars for the couple after the celebrations.
Décor and Personalization: Wedding vehicles can be adorned with decorations such as floral arrangements, ribbons, or custom signage that complement the wedding theme and color scheme. This customization enhances the visual appeal of the transportation experience and adds to the overall ambiance of the wedding day.
Logistical Coordination: Providers work closely with wedding planners, venues, and other vendors to ensure seamless timing and logistical efficiency. This includes planning routes, considering potential traffic delays, and accommodating any special requests or last-minute changes from the couple to ensure a smooth experience on the wedding day.
Benefits of Weddings Transportation Services
Engaging professional weddings transportation services in Dallas offers several benefits that contribute to a memorable and stress-free wedding day:
Grand Entrance: Arriving in a stylish and well-appointed vehicle adds to the grandeur of the wedding day, providing a memorable entrance for the couple and setting the tone for the celebrations.
Convenience for Guests: Guest shuttles ensure that attendees arrive punctually at each venue, minimizing the risk of delays and allowing everyone to enjoy the festivities without the stress of parking or navigating unfamiliar routes.
Comfort and Safety: Well-maintained vehicles and experienced chauffeurs ensure a comfortable and safe journey for the couple and their guests, allowing them to relax and fully immerse themselves in the day's events.
Photography Opportunities: Wedding transportation serves as a picturesque backdrop for photographs, capturing timeless moments and enhancing the visual storytelling of the wedding day memories.
Considerations When Choosing Weddings Transportation Services
When selecting weddings transportation services in Dallas, couples should consider several factors to ensure a seamless and satisfactory experience:
Service Reputation: Researching reviews and testimonials from previous clients provides insights into the provider's reliability, professionalism, and customer satisfaction levels.
Budgetary Considerations: Establishing a budget for transportation expenses and understanding pricing structures, including hourly rates, package deals, and additional fees for extra services, helps couples plan effectively and avoid unexpected costs.
Availability and Reservations: Booking transportation well in advance, especially during peak wedding seasons, ensures availability and allows for customization of services to meet specific needs and preferences.
Personalization Options: Inquiring about customization options such as vehicle decorations, amenities, and special requests allows couples to personalize their transportation experience and align it with their wedding theme.
In conclusion, planning weddings transportation in Dallas involves careful consideration of vehicle options, service providers, budgetary constraints, and personal preferences to create a memorable and stress-free experience for couples and their guests. By engaging professional services that offer a diverse selection of vehicles, personalized packages, and attentive chauffeur service, couples can ensure a stylish, comfortable, and seamless journey throughout their wedding day celebrations. Whether opting for classic elegance, modern luxury, or unique themed transportation, choosing the right weddings transportation service allows couples to make a memorable entrance, facilitate guest convenience, and create lasting memories of their special day in Dallas. In a city renowned for its hospitality and cultural richness, the perfect weddings transportation service adds to the magic and joy of celebrating love and commitment with family and friends
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