#weaver: awww thank you :D
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Transfem & Transmasc Solidarity: Weaver Knit and Azure Gig Transfem & Transmasc Hostility: Byrna and Raif Twinwood
#azure: you're like a big sister i've never had#weaver: awww thank you :D#raif: bullets your REAL sister is gonna choke me- HELP!!#byrna: so you're dating my brother..#basically that lesbian and gay solidarity/hostility meme but its trans behehe#YES RAIF AND AZURE ARE BOTH TRANS AND DATING WHAT'RE YOU GONNA DO ABT IT#botbots#tf botbots#transformers botbots#botbots oc#weaver knit#azure gig#raif twinwood#byrna
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Zuuuuu!!!!! How are you!!!
Gayfish!! (*゚∀゚*) Amazing, thanks! <3 Hoo boi it's been a while— what about you?? How's it going? ☆
P. S. I saw your update and I'm so hyped about the upcoming comic— take your time╰(*´︶`*)╯♡

Rainbow witches and myths?? *0* These sound intriguing! ☆ Will be there a chance to see them?? (*'▽'*)

YOOO the rainbow witch looks so interesting! *0* Was it a task to come up with the design??
Omg— "now what" got me XD Is a hell hound our best boi Henry?? (*゚∀゚*)

OH that's even better *^* Pff— how is he going now?? ówò

AWWW here's the boyo on a walk! <33

Awww it's them bois!! <3 And Killer finally— screaming?? >:D Oh such a tease! ☆
Omg,,, this tiny dinosaur looks really intimidating heheh,,, (〃ω〃) (Sooo cute! <3)

Oh god— are you alright now?? (ó3ò) Please take care... and have more chill time ♡
Ah this game is really tricky! *w* I watched a walkthrough instead >:D
A new crossover?? \(//∇//)\ Boi am I excited! ☆ Your Dream weaver is something indeed, so potential... ♪
Thank you so much for your support and such a great analysis! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) It was a pleasure to read *^*
I finally decorated my home (and a Christmas tree with my family too <3) and started preparing presents (๑>◡<๑)☆
We're also gonna have a costume party at work but I have no idea what movie character to dress up as! :'D

Ouch— get better soon! (ówò) And stay safe ♡
No idea at all but most likely I'll pick up something from my wardrobe to see what character it reminds me of xd
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Taking Control
Adora give her time to rest 🤣
Omg I love this 😂
Wrong Hordak on the title card!!
Catra having nightmares 🥺
Also Horde Prime's voice remind me of Shadow Weaver but I don't know if that's just the tone
Adora she feels guilty. She doesn't wanna have to face them
"I never hated you!!" 😭😭
Omg I love Spinnerella and Netossa so much 😭
She's venting to Glimmer about her gf
Awwww wrong Hordak
Poor Micah
Um this feels wrong
This is very wrong
What happened Spinnerella??
Entrapta has to help you
Wow just say it all like that Entrapta 🤣
Oh wow
"Adora wait. Please. Stay" 😭😭😭😭😭
Oh wow Catra
"Just stay with me while I do it, okay?" Oh 😭
Oh the hugging
"I want to go home" 😭😭
Wow the transformation 😳😳
Wow Adora 🤩🤩🤩
Holy sHIT!!!
"Thank you. And I'm sorry." 😭😭😭
*pat pat* "I forgive you" AWWWWWW
Turns out Glimmer can cook!!
Catra :D
Awww the lil smiles!!!
Oh yeah Entrapta needs it to be Tiny
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Awww, @theonceandfutureotp thank you so much for tagging me! :D
1. Undertale [Flowerfell] Secret Garden - Epic Emotional Orchestral Arrangement Cover【Roze & Iggy】
2. Fall Out Boy - Where Did The Party Go
3. Yas - Empty Crown
4. Slenderbodies - Opal Ocean
5. Ryn Weaver - Pierre
6. King - Lauren Aquilina
7. Like Real People Do - Hozier
8. Tony22 - Earth Boy
9. The Same Persons - Versace
10. Broken Crown - Mumford and Sons
@criminaly-supernatural @sherlockisactuallyagaysname @when-she-writes-stuff @i-need-a-brain @kate-river @salty-space-shenanigans @rattrashaesthetic @bloodydxlly @notenoughghosts @helplessly-johnlocked @molly-wood @theduckislord @mysterioustrickster @queenofchaos7 @unmoistened @antobcq @salty-space-shenanigans
tagged by @doctorcziken (thank so much for considering me!! 💙)
rules - we’re snooping on your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs and then choose 10 victims
1. thank u, next (vitamin string quartet)
2. it takes more (jordin sparks)
3. show yourself (idina menzel & evan rachel wood)
4. fade into the sun - radio edit (lulleaux & duncan de moor)
5. un’altra volta da rischiare (ermal meta & J-AX)
6. no te quiero ver llorar (bely basarte)
7. complicated (olivia o’brien)
8. echoes of love (jesse & joy)
9. good guys (MIKA)
10. samson (regina spektor)
tagging: @thebookluvrr1816 @merlinsprat @deckstar @southfarthing @arthursalbion @quacquiapulia @panisperna @breaddo @camelotsheart @arthurpendragonns (do only if you want to. no pressure)
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I am so pumped that you said you're writing a bunch this summer!! could you write fs slowly falling for each other, in whatever universe you like? thanks so much!!
Awww yay! I’m really excited about it too!! Thanks for the prompt! :D
Okay, I’m super late posting tonight because apparently, the words ‘slowly falling in love’ were a signal to my brain to write 5k words of Academy AU so um...oops??
“Was there a particular station you wanted, or…?” Fitztrailed off, rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably as he gestured towardthe pair of desks in the lab Agent Weaver had given them permission to use.
“Oh, um…” Jemma glanced at the two desks, but found nothingparticularly special about either of them. “No, you choose first.”
Fitz hesitated, then asked once more, “Are you sure? Becauseif you wanted a certain one –”
“It’s a desk,Fitz,” Jemma reminded him, a touch of fond exasperation in her tone, but shetried to tone down on the frustration she’d normally be feeling in thissituation – after all, it was only a week ago that Fitz had decided to stopcompeting with her and instead work withher. She still worried sometimes that if she said the wrong thing, it wouldcause his dislike of her to return with a vengeance, and Jemma wasn’t sure shecould handle that; Fitz was the only other student at SHIELD Academy that washer age, not to mention on her intellectual level, and none of the otherstudents had seemed too keen on befriending the seventeen-year-old prodigies.“Just go ahead and sit down at one, and I promise you that I won’t care whichit is.”
He studied her a moment longer, clearly gauging the honestyof her statement, then he nodded and plopped his backpack and stack of booksdown at the nearest desk, allowing Jemma to set her things down on the one oppositehis. They spent a few minutes getting things settled, but then as she wasshrugging into her lab coat, she turned to face Fitz.
“What do you want to do first?” she asked curiously,absently tying her hair up in a ponytail and tugging her safety goggles down ontoher face.
Fitz paused in the process of pulling on his own lab coat,then smiled a bit shyly and admitted, “Well, I’ve actually jotted down a coupleof ideas for projects.”
Jemma’s eyebrows rose in interest, and she walked around theside of their desks to stand beside Fitz at his. As he slowly pushed an opennotebook toward her, she noticed his cheeks turning a bit pink, and it had herlips quirking up at the corners. When he began to turn to her, however, shehastily dropped her eyes, scanning the list in his cramped, messy handwriting.
“Fitz,” shegasped, glancing up at him with wide eyes that were surely shining withdelight. “These are brilliant!”
“They are?” Fitz asked in pleasant surprise.
Jemma nodded, tapping the first item on the list. “Especiallythese drones – calibrated specially for forensics; it’s genius, really! I can’twait to get started.”
A grin spread across Fitz’s face, making his eyes light upin a way that Jemma hadn’t yet been witness to. He had a very nice smile, she decided; she was goingto do whatever she could to see it as often as possible. “Yeah, me too,” heagreed quickly, hurriedly pulling his safety goggles down over his eyes.
Over the next few hours, they worked tirelessly on figuringout a starting point and mapping out their plans for the drones, of which therewould be seven, and by the time they left the lab that night, Jemma wasabsolutely stunned. She’d known, ofcourse, that they’d get on if they’d just stop competing with one another, andthat he was likely the only one on the entire campus that would be able to keepup with her.
However, she hadn’t had a clue that they’d work so well together. In fact, the way theyautomatically seemed to be having the same thoughts in the same exact moments,allowing them to finish each other’s sentences, the harmonious way that theyworked together and around each other was something she’d never experiencedbefore.
It was then that Jemma knew, whatever it was she and Fitzhad, it was special.
“Alright, we’ve got blankets, popcorn, and plenty of othersnacks to tide you over; I think we’re all set,” Jemma listed as she set thebag she was carrying down. Darting a quick glance at her watch to check thetime, she began to spread the blankets out across the little section of theroof of her dorm they’d chosen as Fitz knelt down and began digging through herbag for said snacks.
“What did you bring?” he asked curiously, but Jemma slappedhis hand away, throwing him a reprimanding look as she sat down beside him.
“They’ve got to last you all night, and we just had dinner!You can have a snack in a little bit, alright?” Fitz frowned petulantly, butwordlessly complied (though not without a little huff as he crossed his armsover his chest). After the past month and a half of their friendship, she’dcome to realize rather quickly that, if allowed, Fitz would spend an entire dayjust absently snacking on whatever was available if left unchecked.
Fortunately, Jemma was alwayschecking.
“D’you think it’llstart soon?” Fitz asked, tilting his head back to squint up at the sky, wherethere would soon be meteors streaking past the stars.
Jemma checked the time again, then admitted, “Not foranother hour or so.”
He turned to her, gaping in disbelief. “Well then why did you insist on rushing up hereright after dinner? You barely allowed me the time to grab an extra jumper!”
“I wanted to make sure we were ready on time!” she defendedherself. “You can never be too early, only too late.”
Fitz grumbled under his breath, hunching in on himself a bitas he rolled his eyes. “Okay, so we’ve got an hour to the meteor shower, youwon’t let me have a snack; what are we supposed to do to pass the time?”
Jemma mulled over his admittedly very good question, butafter a moment she let out an excited gasp. “Oh! Do you see that there?” sheasked, pointing up above them.
He tilted his head back once more, peering up at the sky inconcentration. “What? You mean the Big Dipper?”
“Or Ursa Major, yes.” She folded her legs up against herbody, wrapping her arms around them. “Do you know the story of Ursa Major?”
Fitz thought a moment, pursing his lips, but then he shookhis head and admitted, “No, actually, I don’t think I do.”
A slow smile curved Jemma’s lips as she began reciting thestory her father had told her many years ago to Fitz, followed by the storiesof Perseus and Andromeda, Cassiopeia, and Orion. After awhile though, sheabruptly cut herself off, feeling her cool cheeks sting a bit as heat filledthem. “I’m boring you, aren’t I?” Wincing as she uncomfortably hooked her handsaround her neck, she told him, “You could’ve told me to stop at any time, Ididn’t mean to ramble on…”
“No!” Startled by Fitz’s sudden shout, Jemma whirled aroundto look at him, and found him staring at her with wide, worried eyes. “I’mlistening. I want to hear more, please?”
Somehow, Jemma’s blush only grew in intensity at his words,and she could feel the warmth spreading all the way down to her toes, even inthe chilly autumn night air. “Okay,” she said slowly, hesitating another momentbefore she went on, pointing out constellations to him and reciting theirstories.
It continued on long into the night, even as meteors burnedtrails across the sky above them, and Jemma had never felt more overwhelminglyas though she was safe being truly herself around another person before – itwas like she could be completely open and honest, and connect with Fitz in away she couldn’t even with her parents, no matter how much they’d always tried.
She didn’t quite know what it was about Fitz, but somehow,she was beginning to find that she couldn’t remember what her life had beenlike before he was it in, nor did she really want to remember.
“Oh quit beingsuch a child about this, Fitz!” Jemma groaned in exasperation, dropping herhead back against the headboard of his bed, where she sat beside him with herbiology text in her lap.
“I’m not being childish;I just don’t see why it’s necessary to take a class about something as gross asbiology when I’m engineering major!”Fitz cried defensively, making a face and pointedly looking away from thefull-color, detailed illustrations on the pages of the text.
“Look, I don’t make the rules, Fitz! All I’m trying to do ishelp you to pass the class, squeamishness or no.” Jemma heaved a tired sigh,tilting the book back to face Fitz. “Just…suck it up for a few hours every now andthen, take the tests, and then you’ll never have to deal with ‘gross biology’again.”
Fitz heaved a put-upon sigh, taking the book back from her,though his disgusted expression only grew in intensity as he laid eyes on thepictures once more. “Alright, fine, but I betternot have to, or I’m holding you personally responsible, Simmons.”
“Oh, I’m sure you will.” Rolling her eyes, she beganattempting to break down the chapters they were being tested on the followingday to him once more, hopefully without interruption this time.
They spent the next couple of hours going back overeverything, and Jemma even went as far as to make flash cards, quizzing him onevery possible bit of information that may show up on the exam. By the time thesun was dipping low in the sky, causing shadows to creep along the floor of hisdorm room, they’d ended up stretched out side-by-side on his bed.
“Alright, what’s…” Jemma lifted her gaze as she raised thenext flashcard between them, but the remaining sunlight was hitting him justright and she couldn’t remember if he’d been that close this whole time and wow how had she never noticed how bluehis eyes were?
All of a sudden, the room felt at least ten degrees warmer,and Jemma’s stomach gave an odd little roll, making her feel as though she wasabout to throw up. Strange, shethought to herself, quickly dropping her gaze once more and taking deep, evenbreaths to try and calm her tumultuous stomach. Was she sick? Had she caught abug somewhere?
“Jemma?” Fitz prompted worriedly. “Are you alright?”
Her palms were clammy and her heart was racing and Jemma really didn’t want to vomit on her onlyfriend, so without meeting his searching gaze, she scrambled up from the bedand hastily collected her things. “I’m sorry Fitz, I have to go now. Lots ofum…things to do, and…all that, so…” With an awkward little wave, she left poor,confused Fitz alone in his room and rushed down the hall to the nearestbathroom.
However, almost as soon as she was alone, Jemma’s symptomsdisappeared almost as quickly as she had from Fitz’s room, as though they’dnever been there in the first place.
What was going onwith her?
“I’m not so sure about this, Simmons,” Fitz admitted,grimacing down at his feet, looking quite concerned.
“Nonsense, it’ll be fun once you get the hang of it,” Jemmapromised as she finished securing the rollerblades she’d rented from theskating rink not far from the Academy campus. She’d been meaning to take Fitzall year, but now that it was the final day before they both returned home forthe summer, she’d insisted on spending it teaching Fitz how to rollerblade.
Fitz inhaled, then released a deep breath before he noddedonce firmly. “Alright, I’m trusting you, then.” Using the table they weresitting at for help, he shakily got to his feet. Almost immediately, however,he began slipping on the wheels of his skates, and Jemma hurried to lend himsome support.
Together, they managed to get him actually out onto the floor, but for the firsthalf-hour he would only cling desperately to the bar along the wall. “See?You’re doing great,” Jemma encouraged as he made another pass around the rink.“Now, why don’t you try to next step and come away from the wall?”
Fitz shot a glance out at the others skating past them, theflashing lights and the pounding music, and shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
Jemma released a frustrated groan, gesturing widely to thegroup of elementary school children currently breezing past them. “Fitz! There are children who are bigger risk-takers than you! In order to develop askill, you actually have to put in some effort.”
“I am putting ineffort; it’s the effort not to fall flat on my ass like an idiot,” he repliedtightly, focusing on slowly inching his way forward with the help of the bar.
“C’mon Fitz, please?I promise you it’ll be fun, even if you’re falling flat on your ass – that’sjust something that comes hand-in-hand with learning to rollerblade.” When Fitzglanced up, she put on her best pout, clasping her hands together beneath herchin.
It was another moment before his expression collapsed and helet out a low groan. “Oh fine, youget your way, as always. But, if atany point I fall, you’re buying dinner.”
“Deal!” With that, Jemma grasped Fitz’s hand, helping him toslowly come away from the wall so that she could take his other as well,skating slowly backwards as she helped him forward. They only made it a shortdistance away before his feet began to stumble beneath him and he couldn’tregain his balance – and when he went down, he took Jemma with him.
For a beat, neither of them moved or said a word, simplylaid there in a tangle of aching limbs. Then, suddenly, Jemma couldn’t help thegiggles building up in her chest and tickling at her throat. It wasn’t longbefore Fitz had joined in, and it took a bit of time before they could gettheir laughter under control enough to struggle back to their feet.
The rest of the day ended up going much the same, with Fitzconsistently tripping and falling, almost always managing to take Jemmastraight down with him. She still held up her end of the bargain, though, andbought their dinner before they headed back to the campus.
Even though they were both sore beyond belief and werelikely to be absolutely covered in bruises within the next few days, Jemmacouldn’t remember a day where she’d laughed more since she was very young. And,as they were parting ways to return to their dorms for one more night, and Fitzwas playfully griping about his aching muscles, an overpowering warmth washedover Jemma, making her feel almost lightheaded. All of a sudden, she didn’t want to say goodbye to him; she wantedto stay with him and spend more time just laughing and having fun and being theteenager she’d never had the chance to be.
But, with a bit of effort, she managed to shake off thestrange feeling, said her goodnights to him, and returned to her dorm.
Unfortunately, saying goodbye to Fitz the next day for a wholesummer was, in fact, much harder than saying goodnight after the lovely daythey’d had together. As she got settled on her plane back home, Jemma had theoddest feeling that she’d forgotten something at the Academy, something important, like a limb or one of herorgans – but that couldn’t possibly be right.
The feeling only seemed to stronger the more the summermonths dragged on, until Jemma could barely concentrate on anything, and shecould see the worried looks herparents were constantly exchanging, but she had no idea what was wrong with her.
It was only once she’d returned to the Academy in the fall,and laid eyes on Fitz for the first time in months, all curly hair and pastyskin and blue eyes, that she felt she was complete again, that she couldfinally breathe without difficulty once more.
Jemma simply chalked it up to being back at the Academy, thefirst place she’d ever felt she truly belonged.
“Can you believe it? Perfect scores! Well, I mean, as ifthere was any doubt in my mind,” Jemma added, turning to throw a brilliant grinover her shoulder at Fitz. “And they say mid-terms are supposed to be challenging.”
“Well Simmons, they are for the normal folk, remember. Don’twanna get too high and mighty,” Fitz reminded her teasingly, and she pointedlyrolled her eyes at him.
“Oh hush, Fitz; as if the gathering of the most brilliantminds could possibly be called ‘normal folk’.” As she pushed open the door ofthe building and stepped out into the daylight, Jemma let out a surprised gasp.“Oh Fitz! It must’ve snowed while we were taking our exams!”
The whole campus was covered in a layer of fluffy whitesnow, sparkling in the mid-day sun. It was so fresh, it was even still clingingto the bare trees, painting a rather beautiful picture. “Oh, would you look atthat,” Fitz commented a bit disinterestedly. “Hey, you wanna go get lunch?”
“In a minute; first, I want to make snow angels,” Jemma saidabruptly, eyeing a patch of undisturbed snow not far away. When Fitz made adisbelieving noise, she turned to him and insisted, “It hasn’t snowed at allyet this year and we’ve had such goodday; please Fitz?”
He stayed firm for only another moment, then he heaved asigh of surrender, allowing Jemma to tug him down beside her into the freezingcold snow. It wasn’t long before they’d finished their respective snow angels,and as her limbs slowed to a stop, she turned her head to face him and teasedthrough her grin, “See Fitz, wasn’t that fun?”
Fitz didn’t respond at first, simply staring at her withwide eyes, blinking owlishly as though he was taken aback by something, thoughshe hadn’t the faintest clue what that could be. When she opened her mouth toprompt him once more, he cleared his throat and said simply, “Uh, yeah.”
Frowning, Jemma sat up and cautiously stood up and away fromher snow angel, holding out her hands to help a shivering Fitz up as well. Shesqueezed his hands with her own numb fingers, and concerned that he was actingstrange because she’d made him do something he hadn’t wanted to do, sheoffered, “For being such a good sport, I’ll buy you a hot chocolate.”
“You better,” he replied, but his voice sounded slightly offto her, and she frowned, glancing worriedly at him. But, then he gave her asmall smile and added, “And there had better be extra marshmellows,” and Jemmaquickly forgot about it completely.
Jemma waited a moment, but there was no response to herprompt.
“Fitz?” she triedagain, but once more, there was no response.
Letting out a quiet sigh, Jemma craned her head to glance atwhere Fitz’s weight was resting heavily against her side. Sure enough, he wasfast asleep, his head lolled to the side and lying right on her shoulder.
Of course.
Before they’d started their customary Friday night DoctorWho marathon, she’d made him promisethat he wasn’t going to fall asleep this time. She believed, actually, that hisexact words had been ‘I won’t fall asleep on you Simmons, I swear!’.
Unable to help herself, Jemma had to let out a soft snort atthe irony. Of course, she couldn’t really be too upset with him this time; he’dbeen keeping odd hours lately, up late into the night trying to complete hisfinal project for his engineering course, which was due in just a few weeks.
Jemma figured that she’d let it pass just this once, sincehe undoubtedly needed the sleep.
However, that didn’t solve the problem of how exactly shewas going to free herself without waking him up, so that she could return toher own room to get some much-needed sleep as well.
Carefully, she shifted until she could glance down at him,sleeping so soundly against her shoulder, even though it no doubt wasuncomfortable – he made it lookpretty darn comfortable, though.
Well, Jemma supposed, she could wait a little while longerand watch a couple more episodes, see if he ended up shifting away to find anew position on his own.
But, even though she was trying her level best to payattention to what was happening on the screen in front of her, Jemma keptfinding herself glancing down at Fitz (who hadn’t moved an inch, of course). Hejust looked so peaceful and innocent, and his adorable little snores keptbringing fond smiles to her lips. As she dropped her gaze once more, studyingthe way his eyelashes fanned out beneath his closed eyelids and the slight partof his lips as he released a quiet breath, Jemma felt her fingers shift againsther leg.
They twitched closer and closer to Fitz, and she had tofight the sudden, desperate urge to stroke them over his cheek and brush themthrough his hair. It was then, with a sudden burst of clarity, that Jemma knew that whatever it was she felt forFitz, it was far more than friendship.
The weeks following Jemma’s late night revelation weresimultaneously the best and worst of her life. It was absolutely freeing toknow, quite abruptly, that she had feelings for her best friend, to haveeverything that had never made much sense suddenly crystal clear to her. Sheunderstood now the strange, warm, almost tingly feeling that washed over herwhenever Fitz smiled at her, or she found herself getting lost in his beautifulblue eyes or he said something so utterly thoughtful and Fitz that she was caught off-guard by it.
But, it was also tortuousto be able to put a name to the depth of pure, unadulterated feeling inside ofher, to have it begin to grow and grow once she’d acknowledged its existence.Each day, she only seemed to fall deeper and deeper for Fitz, and she knew itwas nothing but trouble for her; after all, there was only one of two ways lifewould go after they graduated.
Either they would continue on as partners, as Agent Weaverhad told them was highly likely, due to their effortless ability to worktogether and create revolutionary projects, and she’d have to struggle with herfeelings in silence for many years to come; or, they’d be separated and sent todifferent SHIELD locations, and she’d never see Fitz again.
But, of course, no matter how much it hurt, Jemma wouldspend every single day for the rest of her life struggling to keep her feelingshidden and under control – as long as she had Fitz in her life. Even if itwasn’t exactly ideal for her, sheknew that any situation that kept them together was one she wanted to be in.
It wasn’t until the day of graduation, actually, that AgentWeaver pulled them aside, and finally informed them that they were beingassigned to a Sci-Ops facility – together,as partners.
Consumed by relief as she was, Jemma barely noticed as AgentWeaver left them to prepare for the ceremony. She turned to Fitz, giving him awide, breathless smile. “Oh Fitz, this is wonderful.I was so worried!” She wasn’t going to have to live without Fitz, and dealing withhiding her feelings for him truly was a small price to pay for such a gift.
“Yeah, me too,” Fitz admitted, giving her a smile in return,though it was rather dim in comparison to hers. “Look, Jemma, I…I told myselfthat I’d be honest with you if we ended up being assigned together.”
Jemma frowned at the rare use of her first name; somethingwas very wrong with Fitz. “What isit?” she asked in concern, reaching out to place a comforting hand on hisshoulder. “Fitz, you can tell me anything, you know that.”
He released a harsh breath, nodding. “I know, I know. I’mjust…I’m scared that it’s going to ruin our friendship or change things, andyou know I don’t do well with change.”
For a brief moment, Jemma had the sudden, horrifying thoughtthat he’d somehow figured out how she felt about him, that he was about to tellher that he didn’t feel the same and he was worried that the rejection wouldruin their friendship. “Fitz, nothingyou could say would ever hurt our friendship, alright? I promise you that.”
The promise seemed to calm him just enough, and he took asteadying breath, then stumbled out the confession, “Lately I’ve been… I don’tknow where… I didn’t mean for…it’sjust that you…and I… What I mean is…” Obviously seeing Jemma’s bewilderedexpression, he rolled his eyes at himself and finally just blurted out, “I’m inlove with you, Jemma. And you don’t have to say anything, I just –”
That was as far as he got before Jemma surged forward towrap her arms around his neck, finding his lips with hers as they met in themiddle. She felt more than heard the startled noise he let out against hermouth, but within moments his fumbling hands had found her waist to pull hercloser, and she couldn’t even begin to stop the ridiculous smile currentlytugging at her lips.
Eventually, they were both smiling so much that they had topull away from the kiss, and Jemma found Fitz watching her in the same awe thatshe knew must’ve been written in her own eyes. “I had no idea you felt this waytoo,” she admitted, absently sliding her fingers through his hair and strokingthe back of his neck; now that she was allowed to touch him freely, she wasn’tsure she’d ever be able to stop. “How long have you…?”
“I’m not really sure how long,” Fitz admitted, giving alittle shrug and blushing lightly. “But I realized it the day of our mid-terms,when you made me lay down in a snow pileand make a bloody snow angel.”
“Really?” Jemmaasked in utter disbelief. Nothing about that moment stood out to her as overly romantic– though, now that she thought about it, she could remember his strangebehavior immediately following said event.
“Yeah.” He gave her a shy little smile, idly tracing theshape of her waist and the curve of her spine with his fingertips as he explained,“You had turned to smile at me, with snowflakes clinging to your hair and yourcheeks all rosy and it just took my breath away and I well…I dunno, I just knewthat I’d do anything to make you smile like that.”
Jemma bit her lip to hold back on the giddy little grin thatwas currently trying to break across her face. “Oh,” she said simply.
“And…um…what about you?” he asked, seeming a bituncomfortable as he dropped his gaze from hers. “Was it just now, or…are younot really sure…?”
“Oh no, I’m sure,” she promised, leaning in to rest herforehead against his so that she could find his gaze with hers once more; she refusedto let him think for even a moment that she didn’t truly feel the same. “It wasa couple of weeks ago, during that Doctor Who marathon; you know, when youpromised not to fall asleep.” He smiled a bit sheepishly at the reminder. “You,of course, did end up falling asleep,only it was right on my shoulder and I just…couldn’t seem to look away – youwere adorable, of course – and I wanted to sit there all night long watchingyou sleep and it just…became clear, I suppose.”
“Because I fell asleepon you?” Fitz asked incredulously. “That’s it?”
“Well you realized it because I smiled at you!” Jemma reminded him indignantly.
He made a face, then gave her waist a little squeeze. “Ohalright, I suppose they’re both rather simple. But the important thing is, theyhappened, yeah?”
“Yeah,” she agreed, “and now I get to do this.” She tiltedher head, closing her eyes as her lips found his once more and her armstightened around his neck. As he gave a surprised moan, she deepened the kiss,burying her fingers in his hair to keep him right where she wanted him.
It was a long, wonderfully dizzying moment before theyparted this time, and Fitz had to blink a couple of times to focus as hemurmured, “A very important benefit, yes.”
Just then, Jemma heard a call of, “Fitzsimmons!” and sheleaned back from Fitz to find one of their classmates a ways away, waving atthem. “Ceremony’s about to start!”
“We’ll be right there!” Jemma called, but as she turned backto Fitz, something of great importance suddenly occurred to her. Urgently, shetold him, “Fitz, we have to promise that no matter what happens, we won’t letSHIELD split us up – Section Seventeen be damned.”
“Of course,” he promised immediately, his grip on her hipstightening just slightly. “We’re better together, and SHIELD knows that. Ifthey’re as smart as they claim to be, they won’t split us up over something assimple as…y’know…being in love.”
Jemma released a shaky breath, nodding in agreement.“Right.” Still, she tugged Fitz back into her embrace, burying her face in hisshoulder and soaking up his warm, breathing in his familiar scent. “Becausethat’s where we belong; together.”
“Always,” Fitz agreed softly, the words whispered againsther temple as he placed a kiss there.
Jemma knew then that, no matter where life took them fromthere, whether it was with SHIELD or otherwise, she and Fitz would be togetherthrough it all. Together truly was where they belonged –even when they hadn’tbe able to see it for what it was, together was where they’d always belonged.
#shayna writes#fsfic#fitzsimmons#prompts#academy au#friends to lovers#this one's a beast omg#it never wanted to end i swear#poursuislesetolies
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