lestatdelioncourte · 10 years
finished updating my fandom family! please join (and let me know if your url is different or something if you've already joined)
a reminder that all characters with url at the top are free, and also any others within my fandoms (most of them are here i'm in a couple more too). check out the characters already taken here though first (sorry a lot of them are taken oops)
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bluesargaent-blog · 10 years
llghtwood >>> sydneysaege
bc silver shadows comes out in one week!! please reblog to spread the word yo
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deathilyhallows-blog · 10 years
faultinginourstars >> deathilyhallows :)
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hephaetsus · 10 years
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photo cred: (x)
hi welcome to our tumblr awards!
r u l e s
mbf haley and her queen
reblog this post. no likes bc likes are lame
must reach 65 notes or this didnt happen and we will wallow in self pity
reblogging ends july 26th
there will be one winner & one runner up for each category, (but adding runner up for every additional 50 notes)
c a t e g o r i e s
best overall
best theme
best url
best posts
best creator (of edits, graphics, themes, etc)
best multifandom
best marvel
best harry potter
best doctor who
best mortal instruments
best teen wolf
best percy jackson
best hunger games
nicest blogger
Haley’s favorite
Rosa’s favorite
edit: added in best marvel bc haley sucks
r e w a r d s
+follow from both of us if not already
promos for the month of august upon request for the winners
promos for the first week of august for the runners up
our love and unconditionally friendship<3333
the glory of winning and full bragging rights
ok good luck friends
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gineoh · 10 years
augustuswaterhs --> joy-divisions
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solterrano-archive · 11 years
i would like to join this network for a few minor reasons
harry potter is hella rad
i love the weasleys
no really
like all of them
even percy
the only network i'm part of is one that me and a friend made
idk man
i'm not good at these things
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bluesargaent-blog · 10 years
semi-hiatus until july 4
heyoooo so i’m going to be at a creative writing camp from sunday-thursday and idk if there will be free wifi sooo, the lovely melissa will be blogsitting for me and my queue will be running also c:
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deathilyhallows-blog · 10 years
Can i have 7 more beautiful followers pretty please :))))
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gineoh · 11 years
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Fear not kids, sunglasses are back 😎
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myclockworkpain · 11 years
Weasley Network
HII so I really want to join the Weasley Network because •Harry potter was my first fandom and it’s been a huge part of my life since I was young(ER) • The Weasleys are hella rad •I want to be hella rad •No but in all seriousness I have been in love with the weasley family since I first read about them. They just welcome harry into the family with open arms and Arthur and Molly treat him as if he was their own •Ginny accepts him with real open arms ;) •Friends! I mean seriously J. K. Rowling made an amazing series and together we can discuss all the things! •I've never been apart of a network •I've been on tumblr for about a year now and I don't have a lot of friends on here and I'm anxious to meet some new people :) So yea that's about it sorry I'm lame I hope I can join!
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teddielupin · 11 years
Weasley Network
Hey guys my name is Anna too (!!) and I live in Holland. When I say I love Harry Potter I dont just mean I love it I mean it's my life and childhood and everything I do in my life is 100% inspired by Hermione, Luna and book-Ginny. I play cello (yes of course I can play Hedwig's Theme) and I love to read. I'm 16 years old (which sucks bc the alcohol age just went to 18 here) and none of my rl friends understand how much my OTPs mean to me. Thank you for your consideration (yes I also love hunger games). X Anna (Sorry if this was bad english or whatever, english isnt really taught well at my school and I'm on my phone (Dutch autocorrect))
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lestatdelioncourte · 10 years
Going to London for the weekend, have a queue running but I'll see you on Monday :)
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hephaetsus · 10 years
5 from my next hundred (((:
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icentaurian · 11 years
Reasons why I, Ashland of the resident fangirls, want to join the Weasley Network:
First and foremost, the Weasleys are my favorite wizarding family by far. I love how quirky Arthur is with his love of all things muggle (he seriously reminds me of a kid at a candy shop, and I laugh every time I watch scenes of his excitement regarding certain muggle contraptions.) I love how fierce and protective Molly is of her children, and yes, I include Harry -- because let's face it, she's a mamma bear in the prime of motherhood life. I love how mischievous Fred and George are. They take after the Marauders in that aspect. Heck, they even filched the map from Filch's office when no one was looking. And they were always trying to find ways around rules. Yet they never hurt anyone with their fun-loving, rule-breaking natures. And I love Charlie for his dragon-taming ways and Bill too, because he was so loving and protective and his relationship with Fleur made my heart sing. And let's not forget Percy. Sure, he kind of abandoned his family for a bit there, but he managed to find his way back to the light -- how can I possibly dislike him for that? Then there's Ginny, whom I love for her intelligence and mad skills at Quidditch (what? The girl can fly with the best of them.) I also love the way she treats Harry. Sure, in the beginning there, she was shy and fangirl-ish (lol!), but once she matured a bit ... Well, you know. lmao. And last but certainly not least, I love how loyal a friend Ron was to Harry from the very beginning. There were times that he was jealous of his fame and whatnot, but he could admit when he was wrong, and that's one of the traits I admire most about him. To cut a terribly long story short, I looooooove the Weasley family and want so badly to be part of this super amazing network. Not only that, but you guys have such lovely blogs. And I love making new friends or hell, even establishing friendships with old friends. Regardless, I would absolutely love to be part of the Weasley Network. Yep. No other words will do. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. xD.
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