#wearable collar trophy
valyrfia · 5 months
Oh boy, the collar trophy?
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It’s like they WANT us to engage in RPF.
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sionisjaune · 5 months
i’m just going to say it. the wearable chinese gp trophy is giving sex collar à la bdsm scene in a winners room scenario (i love it)
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Luci. Luci I’m not well. Help. Did you see? Did you see that the trophies for the Chinese GP are wearable?? Around the neck?!?? I.. what are we supposed to do with this information?? How am I expected to live?? I need to see Charles in one of these like I need air???
- Mal (Zoomimal)
They are literally going to collar omegas on national television
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lestappenforever · 5 months
What do you make of the collar trophy jokes and Lando putting it on like people said max should do?
Haven’t seen any of the jokes you're referring to, anon, nor have I seen Lando wearing the wearable trophy. So I don't really have much of an opinion on the matter?
I never thought Max would end up putting it on, though. Lando, however? Far more likely.
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Day 2: Relationships / Matching
*Introducing the Perfect Pair Collection, featuring asymmetrical designs that match.* The oxymoron was not lost on her.
Time to switch to a completely different art style on day 2– 😣 Today’s prompt features the Pomefiore trio!
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A harsh tug on his sleeve drew Jade to a halt. He glanced at Miss Raven, who clung to his side, pointing to a nearby shop window with her free hand. Jade followed her finger to what was on display—small boxes and racks, each displaying a glittering piece of jewelry.
“Oya, I do not believe we have baubles on the grocery list,” he tutted, teasingly wagging a finger. “To think that your interest would be so easily captured by mere shiny objects, Miss Raven... Corvids truly are simple-minded creatures. Perhaps you have more in common with the headmaster than I had initially thought.”
“I’m allowed to appreciate beauty, aren’t I?” Raven retorted, casting Jade a sideways glare. “Besides, you wear jewelry.”
“Ah, this?” He gently tapped at the earring dangling from his left earlobe. Three diamond-shaped scales cast a silvery-blue glow upon his skin. “I wouldn’t call it a piece of jewelry so much as a battle trophy.”
At this, Raven wrenched her face away from the glass display to stare at him. “Please don’t tell me you did something unsavory to get your hands on it.”
“You have such strange ideas, Miss Raven.” Jade chuckled as he slicked back his black stripe of hair behind his accessory-clad ear. “Fufu. There is nothing unsavory about victors claiming a prize for their triumph, correct? That is only the natural order of things.”
… I feel sorry for whoever the twins beat up.
She shook her head and returned her gaze to the display window--to the selection of earrings that were laid out upon velvet cloth. Introducing the Perfect Pair Collection, read a sign, featuring asymmetrical designs that match. (The oxymoron was not lost on her.)
Surrounding the sign were various pairs, as promised: a sun and a moon, a jar of jelly and another of peanut butter, a hand and a heart… but Raven felt herself drawn to earrings in the shape of a lock and a key. How peculiar that the head of the key curved into a heart and that its teeth were ribbed with pearls, and how slim yet stylish the lock was.
“My, are you interested in that pair? What an interesting choice.”
“N-No! I’m just admiring them,” Raven insisted. “You don’t normally see designs like this… I wonder how the jeweler was able to make objects so clunky and heavy into something wearable.”
“That is a fair point. The craftsmanship is indeed exquisite.” Jade’s sharp eyes carefully traced the shape of Raven’s ears--pointed, like the headmaster’s. “How unfortunate it is that you lack the piercings to wear them.”
Raven’s hands instinctively flew to her earlobes, as though trying to shield them from him. “I told you, I’m not interested in buying--” 
“Why, whoever said anything about you purchasing the earrings? I was keen to pick up a new pair for myself.” Jade provided a smile and a bow. “Now then, if you would excuse me for one moment…”
Before Raven could protest, he had already vanished inside the jewelry store, leaving her stranded on the street with a list of groceries to procure.
“... Fantastic.”
The bird sighed into her palms. From past experience, she knew that it would not be a wise idea to pursue Jade and attempt to drag him away. For as skilled as Raven was at weaving words, she often found that Jade’s natural charisma, paired with his silver tongue, often gave him the advantage in disagreements.
Best to just leave it for now.
Still, she warily eyed him through the store window as he conversed with a clerk. A few vague hand gestures, a practiced smile, a polite and controlled laugh. All motions Raven had familiarized herself with.
Entranced with her eel watching, Raven didn’t register the trio approaching her until one of the group called out to her.
“Mon petit oiseau! What a coincidence it is to be running into you today.”
“Oh!” She startled at the huntsman’s voice. “Rook…!! And… Vil-senpai and Epel-san. Hello…!”
Acutely aware of Vil’s sternness, Raven quickly lowered her head in deference. This earned a slight curl of the lips from him.
He was dressed as fashionably as ever--a white, frilly top with a V-neck, paired with sunglasses propped in his hair, sleek leggings, and glove boots. Several necklaces adorned Vil’s long, milky neck, and his face was expertly painted with a sheer wash of shimmering, nude makeup.
“Good day to you, Shetland potato,” Vil replied coolly. He passed a glance to Epel, who stood behind him, struggling to carry several rolls of fabric.
“G-Good day,” Epel managed, tugging at his collar. It appeared as though Vil had dressed him, too--for he was dressed in a lacey lilac blouse, and tied off with a black bow. Instead of leggings, Epel wore puffy shorts and striped socks.
“Such a treat it is to see you out of the attic and venturing out into the world!” Rook laughed, brushing back a wisp of his golden hair. He was without his trademark feathered hat, and had traded his dormitory robes for a button-down shirt--the sleeves rolled up and a few buttons undone, army green khakis, and boating shoes.
Compared to the Pomefiore trio, Raven looked like a spaghetti stain on a square of white fabric. She nervously dusted off her skirt, hoping that Vil wouldn’t harp on how she was wearing the same outfit yet again.
“What brings you to town?” Rook inquired, dropping the bags he had been carrying and excitedly grasping Raven’s hands instead.
“Just… groceries. Uncle is away for a conference, so I am to fend for myself in his absence,” she mumbled, gingerly prying her hands away. “Well… sort of. Jade has been mother henning me for the past few days.”
“Monsieur Mastermind? Ohoh. What a dynamic duo! Two halves of the same coin, trading bitter blows with their words… forever locked in verbal combat!”
“I… I guess?”
“I trust that he is looking after you well?” Rook’s smile widened. “If not... perhaps we should kidnap you away and stow you in Pomefiore until the headmaster’s return!”
“Absolutely not,” Vil snapped. “We have our hands far too full with play preparations to be hosting the Shetland potato--or anyone else, for that matter.”
… H-He didn’t object to Rook kidnapping people. Is that a normal thing for Rook to do? Should I be concerned? She shoved her question down to change the subject to something more comfortable. “Erm… Is that what the supplies are for?”
“Oui! Roi du Poison’s club is staging a performance in the winter. These materials are to make costumes.” The huntsman’s eyes suddenly lit up with a mischievous sparkle. “Fufu. Mon roi has thrown his heart and soul into direction. It is a treat to behold!”
“Congratulations, senpai.”
“Don’t congratulate me yet,” Vil commanded, holding up a hand. “We are still in the throes of auditions. Wait until you have witnessed the show for yourself before you cheer for it.”
“Oh, well… I hope you find suitable actors, then.”
Vil’s eyes suddenly narrowed. “Hm. Now that you mention it… Shetland potato!”
Raven jumped when he barked at her. “Y-Yes?! Look, I know I’ve been wearing the same outfit every time you see me, it’s just that Uncle fills my closet with nothing but duplicate clothes…!!”
“I think you would be fitting for one of the roles in my play,” Vil declared. “Report to Pomefiore at 8 am sharp tomorrow if you are interested in auditioning.”
“Huh?! Me, in one of your… I don’t think I’m…”
“Are you doubting my eyes?” His glare sharpened, turning into a pointed dagger.
“N-No, sir…”
“Good. Then I hope to see you then.” Vil spun around on his heel and waved a hand. “Rook! Epel! We’re going. Don’t dawdle, now.”
“Yes, Vil-senpai. I-I’m coming!”
Epel dashed after his Dorm Leader, Rook following suit--but not before he gave Raven one last glance over his shoulder, accompanied by a wave. Au revoir, he mouthed, the twinkle never parting from his emerald eyes.
She waved back absentmindedly, brought back from her daze only by the ringing of the jewelry store door swinging open again.
Jade emerged from within, bearing a small baby blue box with a white silk bow. “I have returned, Miss Raven. Fufu. I trust that you were not too lonely without me?”
She hastily hid her hands behind her back. “Of course not. You were only gone for a few minutes…!”
“So I was.” Jade’s eyes darted to the Pomefiore trio, whose figures were vanishing over the horizon. “Had I been absent a few moments longer, perhaps I would have had to wrangle you from the hands of an nosy huntsman.”
“As though forcing your way in and kidnapping me back would be any better!”
Jade stifled a laugh.
“In any case, I have procured the earrings I had my heart set on.” With deft fingers, he slid off the top, revealing a glittering lock and key tucked away inside. Jade plucked up the key by the head. “Miss Raven, do lend me your ear.”
“Those are yours…!”
“Correct--and therefore, I may do with these as I please.” He smiled pleasantly. “And I choose to lend you one to wear.”
“It’s not that simple! Have you forgotten already? I can’t wear it--don’t have piercings,” she protested. “You’re not going to jab it through my earlobes, are you?!”
“I will do no such thing.” Jade’s voice remained tranquil as he seized the raven by her chin and jerked her head to one side, yielding a clear opening for him to plant the earring. She squawked in surprise, flailing against him--but his grip was too strong, and she, too weak.
He sighed, continuing to speak as though he were describing the nice weather. “I assure you, this will not hurt one bit, fufufu. Now be a dear and hold still.”
It happened in an instant, despite the bird’s struggles. A slight pinch upon her earlobe, the kiss of the cool metal key on her skin, and it was over.
Jade straightened with a satisfied smirk, and patted Raven on the cheek. “There we are.”
“Eh? What? How did…” She cautiously poked at the earring. “There wasn’t a needle…?”
“I requested that the jeweler convert the key earring into a clip-on.”
“Wha…?! You… You tricked me again?!” Her face flared with a mixture of embarrassment and rage. “But why even bother with such a thing?”
“I wished to see how it would look on you. As I suspected, it is lovely on you.”
Raven gritted her teeth, praying that it would somehow help hide her flusteredness. “... And what do you plan to do with the lock earring? You didn’t also have that one converted, did you?”
“Certainly not.” Jade toyed with the lock in question, rolling it between his index finger and thumb. “I was thinking to wear it myself in lieu of my usual sturgeon scale earring, so that we may match.”
“Match?” Raven scoffed through her blush. “I didn’t know you cared so much about your accessories while grocery shopping.”
“I do not,” he confessed with a coy grin. “However, I would be remiss to pass up an opportunity to show to the world what a perfect pair we make.”
“You what--” Raven was interrupted by Jade grasping one of her hands and placing the lock earring into it.
“If you would do the honors,” he murmured, tilting his head to one side--and once more, slicking his black hair back. His tone was low and inviting, yet somehow she could hear him well and clear over the townspeople that bustled around them.
The scales suspended on his earring swung back and forth in a slow motion. Click, clack, against one another, in an almost hypnotic fashion.
His single, golden eye stared right at her. Waiting, pleading.
Raven swallowed hard. With trembling hands, she unfastened the sturgeon scale earring from his earlobe and secured the lock earring in its place. As soon as the deed was done, she rushed to wipe her hands off on her skirt.
Eel cooties, eel cooties, eel cooties…!!
“Thank you for your assistance, Miss Raven.”
“You’re… you’re welcome.” She pursed her lips, avoiding his eyes--but her traitorous gaze soon found itself lingering on the lock. “That suits you, in a way--like a lock, you guard many secrets, and it’s impossible to get you to open up.”
“Fufu. I am flattered to hear such kind words. If I may return the compliment, that key earring fits you like a glove.”
“Right. Because Uncle is adorned in keys, it would make sense for the motif to carry over to his relatives.”
“No, no, you misunderstand.” Jade held a finger to his lips, a twinkle of conspiracy in his golden eyes. “Come closer… and I shall impart one of my closely guarded secrets to you.”
“This isn’t another one of your tricks, is it?” she asked, her eyes forming suspicious slivers--but despite her curt words, the bird’s body instinctively leaned into his. She cursed her curiosity.
Jade chuckled and bent down, allowing his lips to hover by her ear. Time seemed to slow, but her heartbeat quickened. Face, hot--extremities, cold. Opposites, yet matching. One, unable to exist without the other.
And, at last, his answer came.
“It suits you well--for you hold the key to my heart, Miss Raven.”
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glenmenlow · 4 years
Reebok and Illumination presents “Minions: The Rise Of Gru” Collection
the Minions x Reebok collection injects inspiration directly from the forthcoming film that chronicles the untold story of one 12-year-old’s dream to become the world’s greatest supervillain
In partnership with Illumination and global cultural phenomenon, Minions, as well as Universal Brand Development, Reebok officially unveils their Minions: The Rise of Gru collection celebrating the blockbuster franchise’s upcoming theatrical release slated for 2 July 2021.
Available globally from the brands website and select retailers beginning 1 October, the exclusive full-family footwear collection unfolds a real-life creative alliance of epic proportions revealing a master plan years in the making.
Recognised globally as the world’s most successful animated film franchise of all time, Illumination’s iconic Despicable Me continues to capture the imagination of audiences worldwide. Evolving the Minions legacy and Reebok’s historically bold brand narrative, the Minions x Reebok collection injects inspiration directly from the forthcoming film that chronicles the untold story of one 12-year-old’s dream to become the world’s greatest supervillain.
The Minions x Reebok Question Mid “Gru’s Lab” is an imaginative modification of the historic Question Mid inspired by a young Gru for the ‘baddest’ baller of all-time, Allen Iverson, this silver/black execution injects glow-in-the-dark sticky “slime” into the outsole through two intake and outtake tubes to achieve impossible grip on court, whilst adapted rocket booster graphics underfoot propel any undersized villain to the rim.
Using different “metals” from around Gru’s lab to form a mostly unpolished silver upper, whilst a more-finished glossy chrome leather panel at the heel pops above his signature “G” logo stamped in place of the traditional Iverson “3”. Looking inside, wearers will find asymmetric double-sided ‘trap door’ sock liners – a first-of-its-kind sneaker innovation – that each hides top-secret elements from Gru’s lab on the underside.
In regards to the Minions x Reebok Instapump Fury “Vicious 6” shoe, for Gru to become the world’s greatest supervillain, he must first defeat the Vicious 6, the world’s most notorious collective of villains. Taking inspiration from the infamous group, this asymmetric fashion-forward take on Reebok’s historic ‘laceless’ Instapump Fury is one of the model’s boldest executions to date.
Mixing a plethora of contrasting prints, colours, materials and textures, the silhouette goes big like the villains themselves. The left shoe houses gold and yellow colour blocking, materials and graphics from Belle Bottom’s (voiced by Taraji P. Henson) go-to wardrobe, rugged nods to Stronghold’s (Danny Trejo) tank, and a custom-moulded heel TPU with faux stingray material inspired by Jean Claw’s (Jean-Claude Van Damme) robotic crab arm, whilst the right shoe features a padded collar lining with racing stripes and spikes inspired by Svengeance’s (Dolph Lundgren) over-the-top roller derby uniform, a teal and gold filigree with a stained glass pump ball replicating Nun Chuck’s (Lucy Lawless) holy chariot, and a zebra-striped pony hair and gator embossed toe nodding White Nuckle’s (Alan Arkin) throne, trophies and weapons.
The Minions x Reebok Club C “Vicious 6” shoe is a nod to the film’s 70’s vibes and the specific textures and retro colours dressing of the Vicious 6 villains’ lounge, this understated Club C features corduroy, premium leather and nubuck panels on the upper, a velvet interior lining, shag rug sock liner, and soft cotton laces all brought together by the Vicious 6 logo on the tongue.
The Minions x Reebok Instapump Fury “Minions” shoe is a homage to the Minions’ iconic yellow and blue colour palette, this vibrant yet wearable take on the Instapump Fury is imagined through the eye(s) of the Minions themselves, creating an asymmetric pair with bold nods to the film including a Minions party insole, Minion eyes on either Pump button, a banana peel graphic on the left outsole and reflective hits throughout.
The Minions x Reebok Club C “Otto” is this subtle yet bright kids-only take on the classic Club C celebrates the franchise’s newest Minion, “Otto.” The silhouette, a second creation inspired by the Minions horde, is filled with yellow paint, Minions party insoles, pops of lime green and a splash of mud on either outsole – the meaning behind which will be revealed in the forthcoming film.
Finally, Gru’s lab is replicated in real life by elevated sneaker packaging that houses each of these Reebok creations. Displayed on the box are hand-illustrated orthographic views of Gru’s childhood bedroom and top-secret lair riddled with Easter eggs from the forthcoming film and additional details that Minions, Iverson and Reebok fans will all enjoy.
The article Reebok and Illumination presents “Minions: The Rise Of Gru” Collection appeared first on World Branding Forum.
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2020/09/23/reebok-and-illumination-presents-minions-the-rise-of-gru-collection/ via IFTTT
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valyrfia · 5 months
The wearable collar trophy.
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Mona. What the fuck. Who the fuck designed this. Did they see nothing wrong with it at all.
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