onceuponmmy · 2 years
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Tender, Decent, Generous
Rabbit is a tame and tender animal, and swift in move. People born in the Year of the Rabbit usually have soft and tender personality traits. They keep a modest attitude and maintain a pleasant relationship to people around. They will not be irritated easily, and they also avoid quarrels as much as possible.
Polite, Cautious, Responsible
They are easygoing, polite, tender and skilled in handling relationships with people. Decent dressing is important for them, and that also helps them win popularity. They usually can leave a good impression on other people, and always have a lot of friends. Their inner side, in fact, is quite delicate and cautious. With gentle nature, they will never steal others’ thunder, so they can do a brilliant job in team work. They are people of responsibility, patience and kindness. They are frank and honest to friends, and always keep their promises. They are grateful, especially to parents. They are usually filial children who place family in the first.
Hesitant, Timid, Foolhardy
People with Chinese Zodiac Rabbit are over cautious in personality, and keep themselves nervous always. They are conservative and hesitant in character. Though sometimes they are ambitious, they dare not take actions immediately. When they come across hardships, they are inclined to escape from the reality. In relationship, they are so sentimental that people cannot learn about their real feelings. They also love spending, having no concern or preparation for the future. They will lead a peaceful and smooth life, but sometimes they will get bored at the tedious lifestyle.
Industrious, Stable, Devoted
They stand aloof from success, and avoid rival with others. They are good at coping with interpersonal relationship, so they need to find jobs related to communication with people. They want peace and stability. Therefore, the jobs like gardener, teacher, doctor, pharmacist, military officer, politician, public relation manager, translator, or bank staff are suitable for them.
Generosity, Spending Problem, Better-off Status
In general, their financial status is favorable, they will not be troubled by money problem, and they need to take control of their spending, making ends meet. They are generous in money, for they cannot help to giving aids to people in need. They have no sense of saving, and they also do badly in financing. Shopping is one of their favorite activities, and they get money wasted in young age. After getting married, they begin to realize the importance of money management. In their old age, they will lead a better-off life.
Love and Relationships
Rational, Sensitive, Considerate
To be in love with people in Chinese zodiac Rabbit sign, people will feel them mysterious. Rabbit personality is rational, and they like to date in romantic places. In love, they will be sensitive and sentimental. They can be tolerant and considerate. If people want to win their heart, it is suggested to provide more courage and support. Their tenderness, elegance and nobility will make them to find best life partners.
Best Matches: Sheep, Monkey, Dog, Pig Bad Matches: Snake, Rooster
Mental Sickness, Beriberi, Stroke
People with Chinese zodiac sign of Rabbit are quite sentimental, so they may suffer from mental disease, such as insomnia, depression and irritability. Because of the tedious life, they may get heart disease. The best ways to get rid of these is to learn to manage the emotions and build up new hobbies. Besides, they are also vulnerable to stomach disease, beriberi, stroke and jaundice. More outdoor exercises are suggested.
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tashigi1006 · 2 months
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Monet said: thank you for TELLING ME HIS WEAKNESSE
Monette thanked Tashigi for telling him about Zoro's weakness, thinking that he would also be weak in front of her.
But Zoro's only weakness is Tashigi, even though he is a stoic and hard-hearted man, Tashigi is his weak point. After seeing her in pain, he brought out a predatory beast whose looks were truly frightening Monette
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Monet thought he was a cold-hearted man, but he replied that it was a joke. It was funny of you to say something like that. On the inside, he was very worried about his lover getting hurt. Zoro got hurt after she was hurt by Monet. He couldn't take it anymore. Tashigi's screaming really hurt him.
Tashigi's scream made Zoro a predatory beast and that was the title of the chapter.
@moehrechan @zea9love @youknowall @zotash @byjessicalotufo @laughtale @lolithasanz @luffynamiblog
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As Whitebeard said, I heard a woman screaming 😅 For Oden, for Zoro, Tashigi's screams while she was in pain were unbearable, and these looks confirm that Zoro will not have mercy on anyone if Tashigi is hurt.
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Here when Monet cut Zoro's terrifying looks and drew Oda with those scary looks, the One Piece producers also confirmed that Zoro wanted to kill Monet rather did his evil instinct to kill her.
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connorsjorts · 11 months
Fic tag game! Tagged by the lovely @sweeteatercat , thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 4
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 229,987
3. What fandoms do you write for? DBH
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I don't even have 5 fics 😅 but here they are in order: 1. he's making a list; i'm checking him out 2. long way home 3. stupid sexy priest 4. make my wish come true
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always! I haven't responded to comments on my latest chapter yet, but I will. It's really important to me: 1) If someone takes the time to read my work AND share their thoughts with me, that really does mean so much, saying thank you (and clumsily attempting to express the depth of my gratitude in an annoying amount of emojis) is the least I can do; and 2) This is a community! The validation is nice, yes, but I write to connect with people. I love hearing what people have to say and I love to talk with them about it! I've made friends through my ao3 comments, we're all here because we love the same thing, and if you're excited about my silly contributions OF COURSE I'm gonna want to talk to you! Your reactions to the work are just as important as the work itself imo. Art is a conversation!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably make my wish come true, just because it's an alternate POV of a scene in a different fic so the main conflict remains unresolved. But it still has a feel-good ending! Sad endings don't exist in my world
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'm not sure! What do you guys think? Generally in my fics I try to wrap everything up in a happy little bow without everything being too perfect--we still have to work, we still make mistakes, life is still hell; but it's easier when we have each other and have found faith in ourselves.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I haven't yet...... (bracing myself for my first hate comment to come through as soon as I publish this post)
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? Sure do! I write the over-the-top, too long, lots of emotion, lots of laughing/banter, taking-off-your-pants-is-awkward kind. Sex is cool but friendship is the most romantic thing to me ❤️ I enjoy writing smut the most when they really, genuinely like each other as people.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I have not and I doubt I would. Probably the closest I would get is an au based on another piece of media (I do dream of a hankcon twin peaks au)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I have never even considered that being a thing until now
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Someone requested to translate one of my fics but I don't know if it will ever come to fruition. I hope it does though, I would love that!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No but I've briefly discussed it with a friend... now that I'm done with the bb I'll need to contact them and see if they're still interested because I sure am 👀👀
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Hankconnnnnnnnnn
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I started a fic where Connor works in a sex shop and a very vanilla Hank comes in looking for something to spice things up with his girlfriend. He gets some fuzzy handcuffs and they do their job when it comes to Hank's boner, unfortunately that has more to do with Hank fantasizing about the person who sold them to him more than anything else. He breaks up with the girlfriend and most of the fic would be Hank continuing to frequent the sex shop as an excuse to talk to Connor as he gets more and more in over his head thanks to Connor's recommendations. It was really good in my head, but when I put it to paper it just... wasn't. So I'll probably never continue it.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characterization, I think! I get a lot of compliments on it. It's the best feeling when someone falls in love with one of my characters ❤️
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Setting 😖 I like to pepper in details as I go, I really struggle when the scene calls for describing the whole-ass place at once
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? If y'all want a fic about the Duolingo characters, sure. Otherwise I'm sure I'd be abysmal at it. I'm not proficient enough in any other language to get the voice right.
19. First fandom you wrote for? DBH. I am a fic-writing newbie and also I tend to stick with one thing for 4,000 years
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? Probably long way home, it's not as popular as mall santa but there's so much of my soul in that fic. Artistically and thematically, it's very me, and it's also the story that taught me how to write. I had never written any work of fiction before I started it (Hankcon was just that strong) and now I never want to do anything else. Thank you for reading, if you want to play consider yourself tagged! 💖
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floydsteeth · 21 days
If me calling you a good boy makes you happy and obedient, I'll always call you a good boy
my weaknesse has been discovered and its embarrassing
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infinitesimaldna · 1 month
Have You Ever Considered Killing Your Title?—Chapter 14.5
“Remus.” Again, Remus’ father’s voice echoed down, dulled entirely of its sharpness and instead containing a truly satisfying amount of confusion. “What is this?”
Remus snickered, allowing himself another moment to revel in it. “A change of leadership, dear daddy. I mean, you crowned an heir for a reason, it was only a matter of time before he had to take your place, right?”
He didn’t catch any of the reactions outside of his mother’s, her thin sneer of distaste melding into a full face of disgust. For once, he felt she was actually justified in giving him that look. 
I mean, he had essentially just admitted to a plan of patricide. 
“Remus, you have been crown prince for mere days. You cannot seriously believe—”
“Believe what, King Marius? That the people will follow me? I’ll have you know I have it on good authority that the kingdom already loves me. It’s maybe not the most tasteful way to take over, but it damn sure is effective!” Man, it felt good to say damn. No more hiding his words with careful consideration for where he was or who he was with. Was this how normal people got to talk?
“We’ve already taken the East Wing, father. Your little tower is one of the last things to fall. I’d appreciate it if you could come down and just make this whole thing easier, you know?” He let out a harsh giggle. “I mean, we’re prepared to fight into the night but I’d rather not lose the daylight; the sunset almost makes it look blood red and that’s so on theme.”
“You would really wish to see your own father’s blood be spilled? The man who raised you, gave you everything? Even the title you now flaunt today?” As always, the queen’s voice was filled with a righteous air, making you feel the need to conform to what she was saying, to be bashful for even thinking of going against it. It was definitely the hardest instinct he’d had to shake today.
Still, Remus let his eyes darken, containing everything he never said to the woman he called his mother. “I don’t just wish it—I yearn for it.”
Her eyes widened and she took an instinctive step back from the edge, away from him. As if putting more distance between them would change anything. 
“When did you get so insane?”
They traveled through the air so easily, arcing across and aiming to hurt in a way only his mother’s words ever could. He was ready for them this time though, adrenaline and never-ending glee deflecting them without pause. 
He allowed a look to bubble up then. One he had kept in reserve since he was 8 years old, since he was first told it looked too disturbed to ever belong to a young prince. Since he was told his smile was too demented and manic to be appreciated by even his own parents, his status more important than his glee.
Well they certainly weren’t appreciating it now, and his glee was definitely the most prominent thing he let show. 
“I’ve always been insane, mother. You’ve just never noticed.”
His attention was unfortunately torn from the queen all too soon, his father making a hand gesture that started a commotion in the castle headed their way. “The knights will take you out.”
Remus allowed himself one last laugh, loud and hazy in a way he could see disturbed his family to hear. “You’re forgetting something, ‘o wise king.
“I’m the one who trained your knights.”
Roman looked down from the balcony, still a little uncertain of what exactly he was seeing. 
Well, that was a lie. He knew exactly what he was seeing, he just couldn’t quite get his mind to agree with the idea. 
Remus, his brother, was currently down beneath his parent’s balcony, besting all the palace knights in combat. The four who had at first looked to be Remus’ captors were holding off the influx so Remus could deal with each knight one on one. Most of them went down in mere seconds, and few lasted more than a minute. It was obvious then exactly how good Remus had been at his job: he knew every man, each of their weaknesses, how to beat them good and wholly without even wasting time. 
At this rate it would be impossible for the guards to best him, and there was only one trained fighter in this castle who hadn’t learned their skill at the hands of his brother.
He was moving down the hidden passageway before he could think, lingering in the alcove where he entered for only a moment to check his parents weren’t calling him back before starting down the narrow staircase that led to the bottom. He took the steps two or even three at a time, feeling gravity weigh down on him and using that to drive him forward, his feet barely moving fast enough to ensure they were there to catch him each time. 
When he reached the bottom his momentum was so great, he had to brace himself as he made impact with the door to the outside. Maybe not the best choice right before what he was certain would be a fight, but it was too late to take it back anyway. 
He slipped out the door, closing it behind him if only for his own comfort. It wasn’t like the passage was unknown to Remus; they had discovered them all together. Passage 2, Roman believed this one to have been. 
He discarded the memory quickly, not willing to let himself get lost in the innocence they had once upon a time. Instead, he stepped out carefully, cutting off the next knight who charged forward to fight and taking their place instead.
“Remus, what on earth is happening?”
The fighting around the ring continued, but everything halted in the center. Remus had now locked onto him, a bit of surprise but not seeming terribly bothered by it. In that moment, Roman chose to examine things a bit more closely.
Remus had switched the morningstar for a sword at some point, probably swiped off one of the bodies of the knights who were steadily finding themselves on the ground. His hair was wilder than Roman had seen him keep it since they were kids, and he got the feeling it wasn’t just from all the combat he had done. His outfit looked brand new, probably one of the looks created for him for the ceremony a few days ago. It was no wonder it wasn't chosen though—why would the tailor even create something with green? He couldn’t deny it looked nice altogether though; compared to Roman’s everyday attire he had on, Remus had a look much more royal about him. From the silver epaulets to the matching trim on the green sash that crossed his chest, it was a beautifully designed outfit. Even the dark gren of the main fabric body mixed well with Remus’ skin tone, making him look every bit the role he was trying to take by force. 
“Roman? How did you—” Remus halted, a small giggle bursting forth. “I had forgotten about that old passageway. Oh, how inconvenient. ” His statement sounded truthful, but something in Roman’s gut told him not to trust it. It was hard to recognize what exactly was up, and he wasn’t about to let his guard down lest the consequences be fatal, for him or his father.
“Remus, what happened? I hardly thought you the type to resort to something like this mere days after receiving your role.”
“Oh, Romie, Romie, Romie, are you really the best to judge what ‘type’ I am? I mean, have you even known me in the last decade? The last time you really saw me had to have been when we were what, seven?”
“That doesn’t make any sense!” Roman shouted back, his grip on his own sword tight. Sure, their relationship had… dissolved a little over the years, but it hadn’t been that early. They were still friends at age 7, still did everything together. 
“Oh, of course you wouldn’t think so. Poor, innocent Roman who is so quick-witted, thinks he understands everything that’s going on, but doesn’t stay to see the outcome of whatever damage he causes.” Remus leaned on the hilt of the sword as he spoke, the tip dug into the ground just enough for him to put his weight on it. “I was always the one that had to cover it all up.”
Okay, now Roman was well and truly confused. For as angry as Remus looked in that moment, he had to know the words he was saying weren't true. There were far too many instances of the two of them working together, coming up with a plan to sneak away or hide something, but never alone—always in tandem. 
“I suppose it’ll be your turn for a coverup though, huh Robro?” Remus gave him a look then, filled with information he couldn’t possibly decipher. “What’ll you tell the kingdom if you beat me here today? That your poor brother went mad with power, that he snapped under the pressure, trying to claim what wasn’t his too soon? Anything to keep people from seeing how this had all been coming together since the very beginning.
“We were pushed towards this from the start,” Remus continued, standing up again and drawing the sword from the ground. “Our parents have had us fighting and competing against each other since we were born.”
Remus grinned. “Let’s give them what they want, shall we?”
The first strike came fast, his movements so quick Roman struggled to block it in time. His feet just barely held, his stance nowhere near correct enough to combat the full weight he was being hit with properly. He staggered back a bit when Remus pushed, moving their fight out of the center of the commotion and further onto the grass. His mind oh-so-helpfully quipped that they had been pushed closer to the cliff’s edge, and that not keeping his movements sharp could very easily result in a very dangerous tumble. 
Now was the time to focus, and he was ready to do just that. 
The next strike was easily blocked, and his own attack forced Remus to turn, moving so they were parallel with the cliff’s edge instead of having Roman with his back towards it. They exchanged blows, each clash of steel sounding too sharply in Roman’s ears as it grated on him who exactly he was fighting. This was not like the games of pretend they would play as kids; this was real, and he couldn’t figure out why it was happening in the first place. 
Their fight moved them around quite a bit, taking advantage of every solitary strip of land along the edge as they blocked, parried, thrusted. It was a skillful, artful dance, one Roman wanted to lose himself to so badly. He couldn’t however, not when the opponent was actually real this time. 
He had already lasted longer against Remus than he had in years, perhaps his adrenaline giving him an extra boost. It also helped that Remus was following his lead and going with an Italian fighting style, his own predilection to the German techniques seemingly discarded. 
It should have been enough of an advantage for Roman to gain the upper hand. It wasn’t. 
“Oh, come on, Romie. Sir Logan is better than you, and he’s only a knight! I expected more from my dearest brother.” 
What, Logan? The comment caught Roman off guard, and his next move was sloppy, even if it forced Remus closer to the cliff. What was Remus bringing Logan up for now? Of course he was a skilled talent, there was a reason he was the head of the knights—
A moment will come soon, and you’ll know the right thing to do.
Roman inhaled sharply as he recalled the other’s words from weeks ago now, the deep timbre of the knight’s voice ringing clearly in his head. He said it had involved his brother, that it was for him. He couldn’t possibly mean this, could he?
He grunted as he gave a hard push, causing Remus to stumble and find his footing just before the cliff’s edge. He held his sword up for another strike, chest rising and falling resolutely as he stared down the other. 
He begged that his ability to read his brother hadn’t completely disappeared as he held his stance, poised to strike but not moving just yet.
“Remus, the crown was yours. You held the power, everything we had worked for our entire lives.” He allowed some of the hurt he felt to enter his voice, and cataloged the way Remus suppressed a grimace at that. Like he was fighting himself—like he didn’t want to hurt Roman. 
“What could possibly have driven you to this?” That was as close as Roman could get to asking what was really going on. Each word between them had obviously been carefully crafted on Remus’ part, every detail and anecdote he let slip chosen with purpose. Please, he pleaded, every part of him screaming to be heard by his brother. Let me in on what you want here. On what I can do.
“I’m only doing what’s right.” The words were spoken with a smile, and Remus’ eyes looked up to meet Roman’s. Briefly, he realized it was the first time they had made eye contact since the announcement that Remus was crown prince. Those eyes were devastating to look into, especially as they seemed to convey only one message: trust me.
“I’ve always been the evil twin.”
The strike came fast, but this time Roman was ready, blocking it in the perfect position to change from defensive to offensive. It was one of his favorite moves to do, and Remus knew that. He also knew the force of it would be enough to drive himself back, and there was very little land left for him to stand on. 
Roman hesitated, muscles tight with the weight of the other’s blow, every part of him waiting for that signal to move forward with a move he’d practiced so many times he could do it in his sleep. 
Trust me, was the message he had gotten from his twin.
He grimaced and stepped forward, allowing his full weight to tip the other back over the cliff’s edge.
Freefalling, Remus had decided, was not nearly as peaceful as some people made it out to be. The wind was too loud in his ears, the churning of the sea too aggressive for it to be described as anything near peace. 
That just made it all the more enjoyable in his opinion. Peace really had never been his thing. 
There are some rocks off this cliff, he knows. He also knows from a height, the surface tension of water can be like running into a stone wall. To go tumbling off this cliff could be painful, and he hadn’t even tumbled—he was shoved. 
He was glad his message got through to Roman, he just hoped his own acting had been good enough. 
The pitch of the wind in his ears seemed to get higher, and he held back a wince as it got a little higher than was comfortable. Then again, if he wanted any part of this to be comfortable, he would have chosen a different plan. 
An image flitted through his head then, as he careened his way towards the waves. A skull cracked open; the way the blood would ooze out, or perhaps stop altogether if there was nothing to tell his heart to keep pumping it. If you landed on the right portion, could you destroy your pain receptors first? Make it so you didn’t feel the impact shattering each and every bone in your body? Make it so the experience was nothing but euphoric?
And then it hit him that this whole thing was already euphoric. There was no one to tell him to stop thinking that way, to press down something all too gruesome. No, for the first time in his life he could think his thoughts all he wanted, and no one would be able to stop him, or tell him to find something better suited to his role. 
He wasn’t sure if anything would ever be better than that freedom, and he let it carry a smile onto his face as he was greeted by the sea.
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littlefirefox · 1 month
20 Writer Questions
Tagged by the amazing, the wonderful, the talented @taumoebaa (ily oomf🫶🏻)
1. Total number of AO3 works?
39 (with like double in WIPS 🫣)
2. Total AO3 word count?
230,598 👁️👄👁️
3. Fandoms I’ve written in?
oh boy. Uhhh recently (like 5 years) has been Smosh, DreamSMP and Fourth Wing, as those are the most prominent on my AO3. If I️ still had my Quotev account (the place before AO3) there was definitely Warrior Cats and One Direction back when I️ was 11-13 years old or so. There was probably a murky time in like 2014-2015 where i wrote Hetalia fanfiction on WattPad? But I️ haven’t touched wattpad with a ten-foot pole since then.
4. Top 5 Fics by Kudos
1- Would You Follow Me? (DreamSMP)
2- Family Are The Brothers We Found Along the Way (DreamSMP AU)
3- Half Past 3, How Are You? (DSMP AU)
4- Parental Advisory (DSMP AU)
5- The Hair Dye Incident (DSMP AU)
Mainly because when I️ wrote these, it was at the HEIGHT of the DSMP days and that fandom was… something… It was also the most I’ve written in forever.
5. Do I️ respond to Comments?
I️ try to! I️ respond to about 80-90% of comments as I️ do love getting them and getting that sweet sweet validation.
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Gimme all the comments and validation and I️ will love you forever tbh! I️ write for myself but I️ also love to know if people are actually enjoying my work as well, helps justify it when the self-critic is being too loud.
6. What has the angstiest ending?
Parental Advisory most likely. Though Storm in the Pouring Rain is gearing up to be a heartbreaker! 🫡
7. What has the happiest ending?
Would You Follow Me! I️ have a little soft spot for this fic tbh even though I️ don’t interact with, watch or really even follow along DSMP content creators. It’s a sweet little fic!
I️ also love Quiet Day In as well, because it’s just soft and fluffy and cute! No stress, no qualms. Just love and affection and comfort 🥺
8. Have I️ received hate?
Hmm I’ve had criticism that I️ didn’t want or ask for, of which was very nicely put but was just unwarranted tbh. 99.9% of people who have read my stuff are very sweet and very kind. There’s been some comments way back in ye olden days where there was more criticism, mainly just because of how young I️ was when I️ started writing and the internet wasn’t as chill.
9. Do I️ write smut? And what kind?
Like once. I hated it and I’m so tempted to orphan that fic anyways because I️ don’t like it. I️ will probably never write it again tbh because I️ just don’t like writing it. Reading and writing it myself are two different things in my brain.
10. Do I️ write crossovers?
Nah, not really my cup of tea. It’s too much to juggle and I️ don’t really like crossover fics that I️ have read, so I️ don’t read them.
11. Have I️ ever had a fic stolen?
Probably. Honestly it would have been when way back in like 2012-2014 era of writing tbh.
12. Have I️ ever had a fic translated?
I️ think someone has offered to translate a fic of mine but it never came about from what I️ know. I️ exist in a bubble tbh.
13. Have I️ ever co-written a fic?
I️ think so?? When I️ was much much younger in my writing style, I️ think I️ co-wrote a warrior cats fanfic?? I have done a “finish the fic” story with one of my mutuals a while ago, if that counts.
14. What is my all-time favorite ship?
Besties idk! I have jumped through so many fandoms in the time I’ve been in fandom that I️ have no clue what my all time favorite ship could possibly be. I️ just love fan works and appreciate the time and effort that goes into them.
15. A WIP I️’ll never finish?
Anything critical role related. I️ was in a two year writing slump and I️ started and quit a dozen fics when I️ was neck deep into C2.
16. Writing Strengths?
Probably fluff scenes in my opinion. Anything with a lot of prose and descriptives!
I️ also love writing angst and the hurt/comfort. The tumultuous emotions with an aching want to be held softly and treated like something precious. Mmm I️ love it!
17. Writing Weaknesses?
Fight scenes or anything really action packed. It’s surprisingly hard to make them flow without seeming repetitive or monotonous in my own experience.
Also smut scenes. Can’t write them to save my life. It’s for the same reasons as fighting scenes. It’s the same repetitive words and emotions that I️ just prefer skipping over them.
18. Do I️ like foreign language dialogue?
I️ think it’s fantastic! Love the incorporation of foreign languages whether it’s translated to English or not.
19. First Fandom I️ wrote for?
Oh boy… I️ think it was either Warrior Cats way back in like 2011??? That or twilight self-insert in that same era. 👀
20. Favorite fic Ive written?
My current WIP, Storm in the Pouring Rain is one that I️ am loving right now. It’s my baby! Otherwise, I️ love the style and flow of Half Past 3, How are You.
It’s hard for me to pick favorites, because they all reflect really well on where I️ am in my life, and they are all products of myself so I️ like most of my fics. Some are silly, some are sweet and some are really in-depth character studies or angst fics. They all bring a little something to my life that I️ love and appreciate.
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I’m tagging: @dostthouhavekittens @dont-fold-the-pages @mangopit if you want to! Idk any other writers who haven’t already done this tbh so Otherwise it’s open to anyone who wants to do this
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firebatvillain · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
As seen on @givereadersahug (x)!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 59 works on AO3, though some of those are unrevealed or anonymous, so the visible work count is a bit lower.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
105k! Wow. Over half of that has been in the last two years, when I've been doing a lot more writing and taking part in exchanges.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Naruto (7) Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (7) Original Work (7) Warhammer 40.000 (3) Fate/stay night & Related Fandoms (2) Stellaris (Video Game) (2) From there we get into a lot of one-offs that I wrote for exchanges. House MD, Gundam Wing, Good Omens, The Order of the Stick, and many others. Most of the Original Work fics are for particular exchange prompts, some of which are quite fun.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Greatest Weasley [Harry Potter, Ron-Centric, incomplete] - this WIP is my white whale! Ron gets sorted into Slytherin. Only a couple chapters, I should return to it sometime...
Harry Potter and the Independent Path [Harry Potter, parody, one-shot] - This very short parody fic is fun and I'm glad people like it. I actually look back fondly on this genre even if I poke fun at it.
Five Times Sakura Heard the Voice, and One Time It Faded [Naruto, Sakura-centric, one-shot, 2.9k] - This was an fest fic for Fest No Jutsu 2022! I really enjoyed writing this one.
If You Won’t Wait for Me, I’ll Find My Own Path [Naruto, Sakura-centric, drabble] - Wrote this one based on the fandom opinions of my friend @xenosimp. Surprised at its popularity.
Liana and the Labyrinth’s Core [Original Work, Explicit, Het, 2.3k] - I wrote this very explicit fic for an exchange, and had a lot of fun with it! Minotaur/Sacrifice, make sure to read the tags/warnings.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
For exchange fics, almost always. Otherwise, I do sometimes. It's fun to chat with other fandom people and let them know I appreciate their comments, or answer their questions.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't usually write angsty endings, but The Rules of Reintegration [OW drabble, prompt: military android masquerading as a human] is angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'd say Four Times Toph Beifong Triumphed [ATLA, Toph-centric, 2.5k words] would be it. It's generally fun! 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, though I got one very baffling comment on a fic where someone questioned the realism of it. I'm not in the big fandoms where there's lots of drama though.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, often for exchanges. It typically tends to be straightforward steamy sex. I've got some more kinky stuff posted to anon that I won't share here, heh.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written one, but it's not usually my style for writing, since it's a challenge for me. I love reading them though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and I hope it never happens. I don't think anything I've written is popular enough for that 😅
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
My fandom friend and I co-wrote Mist and Shadow, a WH40k AU fic about Eldar escaping the fall of the Eldar empire. After about 12k words, we set it down, but we may return someday.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
This is a tough one! All-time, I'm not sure. But at the moment, I'm basically chewing on Durge/Enver Gortash (BG3) and having a great time with it.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oof, this is a tough one! There's a very old Naruto fic that I don't think I'll ever get back to... Lost Root. I can't really recommend it in its current state, but it was one of my first plot bunnies.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty decent at paragraph-to-paragraph rhythm, and I am unafraid to try new things.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I repeat certain phrases without realizing it, and pacing scenes can be difficult for me. I also have a tendency to write excessively long sentences. Trying to improve on that last one!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Seems like a hard sell for both writer and reader.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
StarCraft pro gamer RPF. No, you won't find the fic on my AO3 profile.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I'm still in love with Roonil Wazlib and the Goblet of Fire, a 2.8k word Harry Potter crackfic I wrote for Bad Bang V. Is it bad? Yes, oh yes. And it's fun, and so are the comments.
Tagging (no pressure): @xenosimp @vanyalanthirielofmana @chacusha @vampiremonday @uozlulu @miss-ingno @verecunda
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
hands you apple juice. calm down good sir.
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
Doctor Doom's ego: true or false? Because I've been seeing a lot of conflicting takes re: whether he actually believes in himself and is supremely confident or is just desperately telling himself that and trying to prove it by conquering everyone/everything to (presumably) keep a well of self-loathing at bay. Maybe somewhere in the middle? Tanks,,,
When it comes to his own self-importance, arrogance, and ego, I do think he believes himself to be better than everyone because he's smarter than everyone. People think Victor's ego is hot-air but he backs up his words with actions, he's insanely smart and cunning, and he uses that to his and his people's advantage.
Does Victor turn his introspection inwards to why he needs things to be perfect or done his way? Is his larger than life attitude a front or mask to cover the shortcomings he has about himself? There are moments in canon where he does look at his past self with loathing because of his emotional/human weaknessness. The trauma of losing his parents, of his people's oppression, of his own powerlessness in his youth are all big factors of why he is like he is. Victor isn't satisfied with good enough, he needs perfection, in himself and in others which is unattainable because nothing and no person is ever really perfect. Even when he became God Emperor Doom he wasn't satisfied.
So it's a mix of both imo, but I feel Victor's confidence is genuine because he believes in his own intellect that much.
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libidomechanica · 21 days
“An heirloom so fine, the clamour of liquid azure palace”
Give me dead. Mine, as we may, we’ll     abroad; and beg of you. An heirloom so fine, the clamour     of liquid azure palace
of one of the rudest or     blame; what Weaknesse run, let it fly as unconfined and there     are low; when I have been.
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enneagramtest · 2 months
Take the Enneagram Test to Learn Your Personality Type and Enhance Your Emotional Well-being with Energy Healing Recommendations
What is the Enneagram Test?
The Enneagram test is a personality assessment that identifies nine distinct personality types. Each type has unique traits, behaviors, and thought patterns. The test helps you understand your personality's core motivations and fears, offering insights into how you relate to the world and others around you.
History of the Enneagram
The Enneagram has ancient roots, with influences from various spiritual and philosophical traditions. It gained popularity in the 20th century through the work of psychologists and spiritual teachers who developed it into the modern Enneagram system we use today.
How the Enneagram Test Works
The test consists of a series of questions designed to uncover your dominant personality type. By answering honestly, you'll receive a detailed report highlighting your primary type and possibly a wing type, which represents an adjacent personality type that influences your behavior.
Understanding the Nine Enneagram Types
Each of the nine Enneagram types has its own set of characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and recommended energy healing practices. Let’s break down each type to understand them better.
Type 1: The Reformer
Characteristics Reformers are principled, purposeful, and self-controlled. They strive for perfection and have a strong sense of right and wrong.
Strengths and Weaknesses Their strengths include being ethical, reliable, and productive. However, they can also be critical, impatient, and perfectionistic.
Energy Healing for Type 1 Reformers benefit from grounding exercises and practices that promote relaxation and acceptance, such as yoga and meditation, to release their need for perfection.
Type 2: The Helper
Characteristics Helpers are empathetic, sincere, and altruistic. They thrive on being needed and love to help others.
Strengths and Weaknesses Their strengths are generosity, warmth, and compassion. On the flip side, they can become people-pleasers, possessive, and neglect their own needs.
Energy Healing for Type 2 Helpers should focus on self-love and boundaries. Practices like Reiki and self-compassion meditations can help them maintain their energy while caring for themselves.
Type 3: The Achiever
Characteristics Achievers are success-oriented, adaptable, and driven. They seek validation through accomplishments.
Strengths and Weaknesses Their strengths include being ambitious, energetic, and confident. However, they can also be overly competitive, image-conscious, and workaholic.
Energy Healing for Type 3 Achievers need practices that promote authenticity and balance. Mindfulness and chakra balancing can help them stay true to themselves and manage their drive healthily.
Type 4: The Individualist
Characteristics Individualists are sensitive, expressive, and introspective. They seek to be unique and authentic.
Strengths and Weaknesses Their strengths are creativity, depth, and emotional honesty. However, they can also be moody, self-absorbed, and prone to envy.
Energy Healing for Type 4 Individualists benefit from practices that encourage grounding and self-acceptance, such as journaling, art therapy, and crystal healing, to embrace their emotions without getting lost in them.
Type 5: The Investigator
Characteristics Investigators are perceptive, innovative, and curious. They seek knowledge and understanding.
Strengths and Weaknesses Their strengths include being analytical, independent, and insightful. However, they can also be detached, isolated, and overly secretive.
Energy Healing for Type 5 Investigators need to connect with their emotions and others. Practices like Tai Chi, breathwork, and heart chakra healing can help them balance their intellectual and emotional selves.
Type 6: The Loyalist
Characteristics Loyalists are committed, responsible, and security-oriented. They seek safety and reassurance.
Strengths and Weaknesses Their strengths are loyalty, preparedness, and vigilance. However, they can also be anxious, indecisive, and overly cautious.
Energy Healing for Type 6 Loyalists benefit from practices that promote inner peace and confidence. Techniques like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), grounding meditations, and sound healing can help them feel more secure and less anxious.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Characteristics Enthusiasts are spontaneous, versatile, and fun-loving. They seek excitement and adventure.
Strengths and Weaknesses Their strengths include being enthusiastic, curious, and optimistic. However, they can also be impulsive, scattered, and escapist.
Energy Healing for Type 7 Enthusiasts need practices that ground them and foster focus. Techniques like mindfulness meditation, grounding exercises, and aromatherapy can help them stay present and balanced.
Type 8: The Challenger
Characteristics Challengers are self-confident, decisive, and assertive. They seek control and power.
Strengths and Weaknesses Their strengths include being protective, resourceful, and direct. However, they can also be confrontational, domineering, and insensitive.
Energy Healing for Type 8 Challengers benefit from practices that soften their approach and encourage compassion. Techniques like heart chakra healing, yoga, and compassion meditations can help them balance their powerful energy.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
Characteristics Peacemakers are easygoing, accepting, and supportive. They seek harmony and avoid conflict.
Strengths and Weaknesses Their strengths include being patient, adaptable, and diplomatic. However, they can also be complacent, indecisive, and avoidant.
Energy Healing for Type 9 Peacemakers benefit from practices that promote assertiveness and self-awareness. Techniques like assertiveness training, grounding exercises, and sound healing can help them stay balanced and proactive.
How to Take the Enneagram Test
Taking the Enneagram test is simple. You can find reliable versions online, some free and some paid. Answer the questions honestly and take your time to reflect on your true motivations and fears. Once completed, review your results to understand your primary type and any wings.
Benefits of Combining Enneagram and Energy Healing
Combining the insights from the Enneagram with energy healing practices can lead to profound personal growth. By understanding your personality type, you can choose energy healing methods that specifically address your core needs, helping you achieve emotional balance, inner peace, and overall well-being.
The Enneagram test offers a deep dive into your personality, revealing your core motivations, strengths, and areas for growth. When combined with tailored energy healing practices, it becomes a powerful tool for enhancing your emotional well-being and personal development. Ready to embark on this journey? Take the Enneagram test today and discover the energy healing techniques that will help you thrive.
Q1: What is the best way to start with the Enneagram test? Start by finding a reputable Enneagram test online, take your time answering the questions, and reflect on your results.
Q2: How accurate is the Enneagram test? The test is highly accurate if answered honestly, but it’s essential to combine the results with self-reflection and possibly guidance from a professional.
Q3: Can my Enneagram type change over time? Your core type remains the same, but your behavior and understanding can evolve with personal growth.
Q4: What are some reliable sources for energy healing practices? Look for certified practitioners, reputable online courses, and books from recognized authors in the field.
Q5: How often should I practice energy healing techniques? Consistency is key. Aim to incorporate energy healing practices into your daily or weekly routine for the best results.
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nemo-ignotus · 4 months
OC Info pt. 2: Ruben Van Hawthorn
From: Kierre's Tale
Overview: Ruben was the heir of a powerful family that got rich from Salix Pharmaceuticals. She was abducted by Captain Oortiz's pirate crew for her sword fighting skills. She agreed to travel with Kierre on the condition that she could kill Oortiz, which she did without remorse. She's now the captain of the Starlight Rook.
- Ruben is exceptionally skilled with swords. Her talent was valuable enough for Oortiz to not only spare her life but take her in as an apprentice. She wields a plasma blade, specifically a cutlass, as her weapon of choice. When switched on, the edge of the weapon crackles gold and slices through flesh with a cauterizing heat.
- Unknown
Ruben despises her family for their corrupt practices and only excepted the title of heir so that she could one day turn the family around. She loves the pirate life in general, especially stealing from the rich. She likes being in control and is a natural leader.
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klbmsw · 4 months
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sashikantwadghule · 5 months
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vm95 · 5 months
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