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#image#how do i tag all of thaese guys. im not doing that#just these ones#oc-j#oc-a#oc-e#idk how to pronounce weiss#i'm doing it as peace but with a w. weace#i think it's a cute nickname for her#i guess i could also just put [ise]#but what if they pronounce it like with syllables like ee-say#well anyways#unspecified verse
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Does anyone else switch the beginnings of words in their head, either the first letters or the first syllables, and sometimes say it out loud, especially when alone? Sometimes with inaccuracies though?
Fair play → Pair flay
Calvin and Hobbes → Halvin and Cobbes
Climbing gear → Griming clear
Bedtime → Tedbime
Lost in Taiwan → Tost in Laiwan
Houdini → Douhini
Big time → Tig Bime
Rock climbing → Clock rimbing / Clock rhyming
Time to go → Gime to Toe
War and Peace → Par and Weace Pronounced: Poor and Wease
Alright, time to do laundry → Alright, time to Loo Daundry
One Punch Man → Pun Ounch Man | Mun Wunch Ann
Best day → Dest Bay
Lackadaisy → Dackalaisy
Dresser → Sedder
Lord of the Rings → Rord of the Lings
T-shirt → She-Turt
Final Fantasy → Fanal Fintasy
If one of the words starts with a vowel sometimes you just move a letter to the other word.
Ardent youth → Yardent Outh
Only you → Yonly ou Pronounced: 'yōn-lē 'ü
I seem to be doing this more often lately and I'm starting to irritate myself.
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swake…. swan lake……the cousin of weace, war and peace… i love to make portmanteaus they are fun to ME
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Abea Abeapeweed Abeosmoi Abewoqe Abiin Aceihdeet Aceor Aceuxuahbein Ade Adeocmo Adoneavei Adoorjeu Afeil Afice Afiuhhe Aha Ahae Ajealpiasa Aju Ajuehe Akea Akeaxu Akexuih Aleud Aloa Ameiwfeetre Amewe Amo Amoi Ana Anajees Anei Apei Apeo Apewean Api Apizewou Aqeatdoor Aqeheid Aqexu Arai Are Area Areotaoh Asa Aseodzenaud Ata Ate Ave Aveexu Avie Aviesede Awo Awoihsepe Awonaicbe Axuu Azeol Be Beetei Beloaw Beut Bias Bibede Bibene Biem Biihaahraar Biraju Ce Cee Ceeraju Ceerwoirgiu Coasaotgiu Coo Cooloheud Coon Coum De Deolviuwoah Deuwceku Deuxue Do Doiquaira Doumo Ebeedxe Ebioc Ece Edeu Edevi Efei Efiircounve Ege Egeustepe Ehe Eheowtekuo Ejuatbe Ejui Ejulooswe Ejuu Ekekuwous Eku Ekute Ekuut Elea Eleer Elo Ena Enafi Enaipei Enair Enejepe Epi Epial Eqeviohe Equizu Ereec Ereigei Esaingeah Esajea Eta Etaviem Ete Eve Eweedxeuste Exufi Fe Feil Feo Feowneviot Fexuiloaw Fi Figiwe Fiheweo Fioha Fixexu
Gea Geercooh Gegee Geo Geoc Gepe Getageom Gezeid Gi Giafexeim Giatmemea Gigia Giufiinzu Giutnae Ha Haageam Hafeinpe Hai Haic Havizua Haweeloir He Hee Heew Heneu Heo Heurcoiwgii Heutcoogeen Ibiteedeaw Ice Icoanqeehpi Ideit Ido Ifeac Ifeerbii Ifege Ifiofia Igeeneac Igeolbi Igeundeehae Ijea Ike Ikeepi Ikeeraew Ikuraloam Ikuveaw Ime Imoju Imoo Imou Ina Inaamou Inaota Inaur Ine Ipefipear Ipelee Ipi Ipies Iqenei Ira Irasaollo Ire Ite Iteucbe Ive Ivioc Iwo Iwogeichaad Iwozuqe Ixuedo Ixuu Je Jeadgeamoam Jeele Jegi Jeku Jelore Jemearcoim Jeo Jepezu Jesa Ju Jue Juis Juve Ke Kean Keatae Kedees Keefeuheo Keimeohse Keos Kuac Kugi Le Lea Leewo Leibi Lejuraur Loar Loe Loloku Loo Lood Mea Meajuve Medoizeu Meejena Meeshe Meis Meu Mewoa Mobe Moiqueaw Moura Na Nait Nao Naot Ne Nea Necee Neol Obe Obiudezu Ocei Oceo Ocoahnaa Ocoehetaat Ocomepe Ocomousta Odeidmoir Odo Odoqei Ofeheekuec Ofezei Oge Ogenaampiic Ogi Ohaanbiwe Ohamo Ohe Ojejuucse Ojemeimteat Ojeuveweo Ojewee Ojuuceopia Oku Okujeeh Okunao Olo Olooxua Omeot Ona One Opiu Oqefexeoc Oqege Oqeudna Oquiah Oreexeweod Osa Otaemoespi Oteulleo Ove Oveha Ovigi Ovione Ovixuuleas Oweede Owoasautwee Owou Owozeen Ozeer Ozeod Ozeu Pedoad Peebiuw Pegi Pei Peidei Peimeohju Peipi Peujeus Pi Pio Piquoe Qe Qeahwoazee Qei Qeitqewoed Qeqebea Qui Quo Quoumlomeol Quu Quuhaewqe Ra Raedraewte Raet Raogiome Rau Re Reamhera Rejuonku Rexuawloo Sa Saage Sae Saimgeaw Saisa Saiwmobeul Sau Se Seor Seot Seow Taah Tacejeo Taiw Tamoe Taujetaut Taus Taxuedeo Te Teepecou Temee Teopeiw Ubiudoisa Udeaw Udeu Udou Uhaheoqueo Uhanei Ujeadku Ujeah Ukei Ukekei Uku Ulo Umesa Umevevi Umexuu Umoco Umoihfeze Unage Unaxuic Uneo Upe Upiefedei Upipia Uqe Ura Uraoh Ure Uree Usaec Usamoxeo Use Utakuacveol Uveamoa Uwoa Uxe Uxu Uze Uzeerco Uzeo Uzu Uzuottaload Uzuxuehze Ve Vea Veemcoud Veid Veteimceo Vi Vinagio We Wea Weac Weewe Weos Weunceoxeu Wo Wole Woo Wope Wozu Xe Xeesha Xeonhe Xeseo Xetai Xeuwjuju Xu Xuarbeedhe Xuimzeoc Xuoh Xuteusfio Ze Zei Zetajuo Zu Zudodei Zui Zuo Zuoc Zuwei Zuwoosbi
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Quotes from benco: part 2;
"fuck you mean jerking someone off with your knees?? That's just a bonejob"
"gentlemen, we are at war with peace. Peace makes us weace. ... Can I start over" "NO! :D" (Said by everyone)
"I can't wait to go home and fuck my lesbian sheep. Because I'm a lesbian" -cishet white man who has never seen a sheep before
"I want turkey dicks."
"they're children, just shoot them, they aren't exactly dangerous lol"
"CLEARLY the world is better off without you in it"
"I have a medium dick, it talks to ghosts"
"Ellie, you don't have any STD's?? That's... Really unexpected?"
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The Rising Star of Nollywood : Iroegbu Godwill Benjamin Chukwuemeka Profile !

Iroegbu Godwill Benjamin Chukwuemeka Popularly known as Dr Coach is from Agbaja Nkporo in Ohafia LGA Abia State Nigeria. He is a multi talented Man and He has the fear of God in every Angle. He is the only surviving Child of His Parents that are also both late. He is divorced with His Wife JULIET UKAMAKA UGWU because of His properties. A close friend of His disclosed that . Iroegbu Godwill Benjamin Chukwuemeka is the Chairman of YOUNG MIND RECORDS AND ENTERTAINMENT, KOOL BRAIN FILMS, YOUNGMIND AND KOOLBRAIN ESTATE MANAGEMENT. He is the Manager of DON SYLVSETER RECORDS, DREAM MELVINA ENTERTAINMENT AND MAKAVILLA MOVIE ACADEMY. He is a Judoka, Actor, Producer, Promoter etc. His has been into music Industry for over 25 years and in Movie is more than 10 years. He had His primary school with Housing Estate Primary school Abakpa Nike Enugu, His Secondary schools with St. Patrick's secondary school Emene Enugu and Community secondary school Ugwogo Nike were He took His WEAC. Later on He gained admission with Institute of Management and technology (IMT) Enugu were He studied marketing(OND), then He furthered by gaining admission into PEACE LAND COLLEGE OF EDUCATION were He had His Degree in Marketing. Joining New Diamension Seminary Lagos were He studied development of Ministries at the Masters level and He also acquired an His Honorary Doctorate Degree from KANAZ ENTERTAINMENT ACADEMY WEST AFRICA (KEAWA) on 15 December 2020 with another Doctorate Degree from CITY OF LIBERATION BIBLE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE (COLBIC) and NEW DIMENSION SEMINARY LAGOS the Year 2016. He has done more than 100 movies to His credit. He is also a Member of Actors Guild of Nigeria, Association of Movie Producers of Nigeria, Association of Movie Practitioners of Nigeria, Igbo movie Producers Association of Nigeria etc. He is still working with Africa Independent Television and Ray Power Fm. He is a Member of Nigerian Legion and A Member of PCRC South East Nigeria. Iroegbu Godwill Benjamin Chukwuemeka Popularly known as Dr Coach is engaged with a Lady from Okigwe Whom We don't know much about but will be unveiled soon. Watch out for more soon.

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[ID copied from alt: Digital fanart for Omniscient reader's viewpoint. Yoo Sangah is standing on a scene with her back to the viewer. Out of her spine a golden tree is growing, it's crown full of squares. She is weaving a thread made out of those square shaped leaves. Next to her, behind a dark red curtain is Kim Dokja's hand, the rest of him cut off by the art's border. He is holding onto a rope made out of the same golden thread Yoo Sangah is weacing. In front of them, all the audience seats are filled with Kim Dokjas as well, but every instance of him is hiding his face behind an open book, as if immersed in reading. End ID]
Thread around my arms
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Names generated from the English Wikipedia list of colors by shade
Ababy Abardon Absew Accadele Adeis Aeret Alame Amistaton Angth Appeake Appecardy Appomper Apposiants Appre Aprojo Aquen Aquoi Arbia Ardiate Arleis Arnan Aspbect Aspber Auveight Avairit Avajoralk Avoredia Avous Azzle...
Babse Ballo Barge Barry Barsif Baterion Batioundi Beaticafé Bellower Bernite Blabsel Blamarms Bleigor Blemestean Blencel Blequel Blerithaou Bletwerica Blics Blimice Blopprigin Bloussom Blumbony Blutif Boode Brana Briales Briawn Bridermin Briewo Brines Brion Brony Brosimid Bufframed Bureatims Burple Burry Butin Butio Byzafé Byzan Cally Caltis Camely Canigences Canyx Capped Cardomp Cargb Carnsean Carryb Casan Cateant Catisiant Chemen Chercit Chicald Chick Chilved Chmengine Chrod Chroy Cinentio Cinine Citer Citeran Cloped Cmykely Cmyracred Coaltion Cobar Cobinon Cofford Coffrivoy Colic Colis Coliveiste Compalnum Compki Comply Conaprud Conly Cooke Coray Cords Corencter Coric Cornac Cornam Cosmilics Counditany Crasts Crazz Creelent Creoli Crest Criallonly Crice Crumped Curry Cushee Cyclesend Dartione Definight Destrue Ditimic Dogamelo Doistle Domary Dommorge Dovan Duchinn Eamelers Eancs Ecarmin Eccoall Eccom Ecrediseli Ecrer Ecter Eendykerid Eggple Eggsher Egisteres Egyptine Elloximmed Eloperce Elords Enctooloy Enthipery Ereavel Evant Eveld Faindee Falindy Fants Fawnyal Fedigo Felorang Ficarninc Flardo Flatisch Folick Forti Frede Frellin Frojonze Frold Gandyne Gatione Gleange Gliki Grabonsit Graid Grallon Grateme Grayne Grazz Grersagne Gungis Gunsweache Gustyras Haditerry Hamarry Hamele Howikele Humater Hunser Icest Ichiring Iffron Ileds Inalairy Inally Inchot Ineld Ineton Ingia Iniversce Itrambian Ivelly Jortle Kelywooke Kepigoly Kharopia Kobil Laced Lader Lated Laterd Lattelood Lishar Lopero Maddested Magrawn Magunya Mahoraw Maine Mants Maredit Marel Marle Matededdew Materodge Matil Matine Mation Maurnalnum Medine Mengeralo Meraze Meriwike Metity Mickingth Midgess Milly Minbon Mined Minnan Minute Month Moode Moung Multives Mulve Musect Mykery Myrid Natimed Nationse Naveisal Niandianza Oldes Olfts Olion Olock Oranger Ornflorch Ornivelado Orpur Orsanglis Ortle Ousew Oxime Pachole Pacto Paddi Pagerabyza Pantiant Papacran Parapper Paric Pativive Peake Pedistoned Pelassise Perce Perrom Phloy Phougamis Pianta Picelly Pighth Pigmel Pinmen Plestints Pomind Popick Popine Poream Possity Preous Pria® Pricafé Pricer Pridnee Prillese Pringthis Prock Prose Prowavarry Proxfous Purgy Purrest Purry Raplaters Rashakered Rayous Rebers Refedi Relivid Reolorayol Reyde Rgbution Rocale Romplen Rooky Rospact Rownsial Rufory Ruletwee Ryliout Safreach Sagnons Samila Sanditione Sangist Sappy Savole Schash Schazz Scombrid Scommoon Searey Seavy Seelli Sgburne Sgbut Shamelet Sharle Shave Shazzman Shoran Siblant Sidwass Sienton Silan Simmourro Sistertz Smidia Smorne Socan Sorcia Spant Spbealac Stely Stioths Stred Sugam Sught Sulis Superscel Syrtis Syrtrackle Tacus Tacusia Taldeinen Tallinapre Tarted Tedar Tedight Tengliverd Terin Thaoutess Thinn Thulverron Tigornal Timbrusia Tinge Tioushary Tiverchiot Tompe Tompluoist Tonge Topel Toppeatine Torner Trachmet Traistnu Tringo Tromplatee Turasal Turry Twoolione Ucolice Uldgese Ultiondy Uludexing Umbiteresh Unmenctop Usina Vajon Valdry Vandye Vantle Varmilly Varomple Veiger Venigran Vidiange Viesceton Vinendeer Vionst Vters Waves Waynabong Weace Weashass Wents Whell Whidon Whinows Wikip Wited Witter Yaddit Yinalax Yoladou Yolson Zafro Zazza Zomince Zomis Zompeross
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サクラコート。 まずはウォルナットのスタイリング画像を撮影できました。 10年近く定番としてリリースされているコートだけに、トレンドのオーバーシルエットではなくどちらかというとジャストサイジングのシルエット。 実際Mサイズで身幅52㎝ほどですので、普段Sサイズ体型の方にもMサイズをゆったりめに着て欲しいという提案で今回はMとLサイズでご用意しました。 袖を少しまくって裏地の白をチラッと見せる、サクラコートのおすすめの着こなしはやっぱりこれ。襟元の珍ストラップを留めると、雰囲気がぐっと変わるんですよね。 あくまでこれは始まりの姿。これから洗いを繰り返すことで、裾にふんわりとした膨らみが生まれ、その魅力を増していきます。 桜がまだつぼみの肌寒い時期から、冬のアウターを惰性で着ている人々の隣をサクラコートの裾を春風でなびかせながら横切る。今年はそんな春の迎え方はいかがでしょうか。 #サクラコート #スプリングコート #春コート EEL products 35000円+税 SELECT BRAND #eelproducts #stillbyhand #nisica #workersjapan#lamond #manualalphabet #ordinaryfits #remadeintokyojapan #fobfactory #yoused #audience #decho #rototo #weac #deadstock #military and more! #メンズファッション #メンズスタイル #メンズコーデ #コーディネイト#mensfashion #mensstyle #ootd #outfit#coordinate #instafashion https://www.instagram.com/p/BtA89vAnQON/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fubqm2sny91b
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WAEC Mathematics Questions and Answers 2022 (Theory and Objective)
WAEC Mathematics Questions and Answers 2022 (Theory and Objective)
WAEC Mathematics 2022 Answers – WAEC mathematics Questions 2022, free verified objective and theory answers (Expo) for West Africa examination council (May/June) 2022. WAEC mathematics objective and theory answers For you to have good WAEC result in Mathematics examination as well as repeated questions for free in this post. You will also understand how WAEC mathematics questions are set and…
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JUST IN!!! WAEC Blacklists 165 Schools In Kwara State (See Why)
JUST IN!!! WAEC Blacklists 165 Schools In Kwara State (See Why)
The West African Examinations Council, WAEC, has blacklisted 165 secondary schools in Kwara State for examination malpractices. The affected schools are unfold throughout the three Senatorial Districts of the State. WAEC carried out the examinations between April 8th and May 31st, 2019, throughout the nation. Reacting to the unhappy improvement in a press release in Ilorin, by his spokesman…

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. 2021SS007 セレクトショップGINCHOオリジナルコーディネート 春先の気持ちいいコーディネート。 こんな格好して、外に出かけると気持ちいいだろうなー。と思うスタイル。 どこに行こうが大丈夫。 誰と会おうが大丈夫。 ひとりで過ごすのも良し。 友達と過ごすのも良し。 恋人と過ごすのも良し。 娘と過ごすのも良し。 自信の持てる服を着るという事は、そういう事。 どこに居ようと、だれと居ようと、自分で居られる。という事。 アウター36000円+税 43-2801-32-360 シャツ15000円+税 BASICSHIRT-BLU-150 綿タートル6900円+税 SMIT-004-WHT-69 ズボン20000円+税 F147-200 ベルト9000円+税 121540303-58-90 靴19000円+税 3860-BLK-190 合計金額105900円+税 .. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ 〒760-0029 香川県高松市丸亀町1-1 087-851-6435 セレクトショップGINCHO https://www.van-gincho.jp/ ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ .. #ivystyle #ivyfashion #newyorkermens #iito #weac #fobfactory #piccante #vesvio (メンズショップGincho) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLBv5WQjDBU/?igshid=r4i41umf7ge5
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they made a weace opera… war and peace…
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