#we're still getting some frank and emily one on one time
jolteonmchale · 6 months
I was just thinking about how Frank is assuming that Victoria doesn't want to be in a relationship because the only person she's told that she might be "looking for something special" is Emily. And then I was thinking maybe Frank and Emily will have another besties chat about their relationships because that hasn't happened in a while and then I remembered the stills from next episode and THIS IS HAPPENING NEXT WEEK
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Jeremy Von Neuschwanstein and Shuli Von Neuschwanstein || On the quiet, all-consuming loves that toe between companionship and romance, grief and simple happiness, looming tragedy and guilty pleasures, and thus shouldn't be acted upon.
Illustrations from A Stepmother's Marchen / Hedgehog's Dilemma, Wikipedia / Waiting Room by Phoebie Bridgers / A Poem From The Adult Daughter To The Narcissistic Mother by Katherine Fabrizio / People Will Say We're In Love, Oklahoma! / Twilight by Stephanie Meyer / tumblr post by starpeace / The Cart by Mary Reufle / Haiku [for you] by Sonia Sanchez / Close to You by niki / Spend Some Time by Eminem / Every Day by David Levithan / Unknown / In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive by Clementine Von Radics / Anchorite (Love You Very Much) by Car Seat Headrest / Unknown / Biotherm (for Bill Berkson) by Frank O' Hara / New and Selected Poems Volume 1 by Mary Oliver / tumblr post by chateauofmymind / Unknown / Kate McGahan / Waiting by Caitlyn Siehl / P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han / Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs / tumblr post by poetrylovesongs, / The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks / song for a lover (of long ago) by Bon Iver / please don't forget me and all the things that we did by Isaac Love / The Sea, the Sea by Iris Murdoch / The Winner's Kiss, Marie Rutkoski / In another universe by Dana Lee / The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts by Arthur Miller / Two Slow Dancers by Mitski / Maybe In Another Universe, I Deserve You by Gaby Dunn / Next Time by Team StarKid / Jonathan Carroll / The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives / Pyrrhic Victory, Wikipedia / Raushan Ranjan / All My Pretty Ones by Anne Sexton / Your Best American Girl by Mitski / twitter post by fran (galacticidiots) / War of the Foxes by Richard Siken / Crush by Richard Siken / The Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway / twitter post by mountain. (sainticide) / The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath by Sylvia Plath / Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick / SANDARAFREEDOMPARK / Unknown / Unsent Project / twitter post by aiman (dumbsoftheart) / there is no absolution for the fallen, only the dying by p.d / Unknown / Someone New by Hozier / Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays by Christa Wolf / A Self-Portrait in Letters by Anne Sexton / Unknown / “I get so jealous of euthanized dogs” by June Gehringer / Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
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lanechester · 2 years
Walker Finale, 12ish hours removed
(I've had a lot of time to think so...)
Cordi being a goofy dad, you love to see it
Do NOT like the Serano mention, nope nope, hard nope.
Cordi and Geri fake fight was genuinely one of the funniest things I've ever watched for no reason. Geniuses
But Cordi's emotion even as Geri drove off with Gale, oof
Geri calling Gale (and Marv) mom (and dad) *ick*
Cassie moving into Trey's building and immediately messing with him with the music, she's my best friend actually
Immediately didn't trust that date of Cassie's
Cordi telling Geri to go to the scene of the crime like he did with Stan, I love this duo so much
Though I might have been preemptive in giving them otp status. I absolutely would not be mad if they end up together but they're such a great brotp too. And I'm very in my Emily feelings lately
Geri is frighteningly good at this act though
At least she knows Frank wasn't the killer now....? That's something right?
Cordell Walker, everybody
Denise confessing after she realized it was never the fault of any Walker. Still hate her but hey they're getting their home back!!!
Abby and Bonham literally the cutest grandparents to ever exist
Cordi and Stella heart to heart full circle with that board game, love to see it
Stella isn't going anywhere, though
Liam wanting to work the ranch, love to see it
Jared Padalecki once again stealing my heart
Ok ok, real talk, thoughts for what that means
Stella isn't going anywhere, not with her father in the wind
We're increasing the likelihood of Trey becoming a ranger, they're gonna need all hands on deck to find Cordi, and he'll want to help, it's in his blood
Probably some new bitch DA cause I hope Denise will not keep her job
Dan and Colton can stay though. And Jared's already said they've got some story left. So that's neat
I'm still very confused about how Cassie is going to be connected to the Cordi situation but hey
Also off topic but how the hell did they subdue Cordell? The man was already sprinting along, he's a trained fighter, I hate this
Guess they coulda tased him.... or something
Also really curious what they're gonna do with Geri next season, Odie's gonna need time off so....
Anything that happens I'm gonna be around and screaming
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Several people know about it and she's easy to revive she was healthy at the time and qe did not know and she tried to check and couldn't they wouldn't let her in there. And you'll never believe who's running it it's not really a surprise but it is and it's close it's probably Tommy f and that's how it is cuz the power of the balls and stupidity so you can get it all up she's a good kid and she's doing the job kiwi says and she wants to the job couldn't get me out of the hospital thing so wound up in it mom was wound up in it and threats on her he's just terrible.
What's up kiwi could not get in and I know it's possible and then I went and checked and see why it was New Management and I saw who and yeah it's not Tommy f no probably is and yeah he's the guy who's dating me in West Palm that guy information on what he does the people in his personal habits you're in danger the whole time and that window opens and you knew it too Justin was walking around Joe was walking around mac across the street. A few more safeties so I figured it out they know what he's doing and who it is and the fight got real big like it needed to with a stifled for a long time now I can't get her out of there he's wondering what those stupid expression of her faces it's probably stressed and looks like Mom even though she's not really Mom so I figured out something it's not really Mom it's not really that's funny what are we going to do bring the van around front hey come on you get a fan those two Big fellas have to be they have to know something can I get a black van cuz I know a black man... Yeah this is Emily and it talks to me that way so I tried to get it and I couldn't and it wouldn't come out no we know who it is it's this obstinate New Jersey homo let's just say it could be Trump or it could be Tommy f or it could be both it's usually both and Trump is on his way out love you while we're hearing about it well stupid a****** like guys he's a moron doesn't have any problem to do anything now he's talking got rid of all those guys practically it's by the end of the night you know. Max and Forg will soon attack. I heard PGA looked and tried and they were sending him up there against mental health people and an army there they stood outside and said where is she and now it's going to be one there's still pretty big here and I can get a lot of people and they're moving in here and seeing something he's like getting her out right away look at that it's kind of like stuck there and locked up in the sky tummy f he says this to me please God any means why don't they know I can't I can't,. There's nothing he's like Frank Perdue of the chicken companies and you're like this fake Colonel Sanders you more like. There's a little after cuz they got to get it Tommy f looks funny sometimes it's getting a lot of chickens causing that too okay I'll get a form of a team that guys look trust with these kind of big so I wouldn't look for him I said what the hell we're going to try doing some work Emily says
There's a few as a few of us left let me know it's Tommy f is going after everybody and yeah Tommy Allen was being stocked up as a museum by Tommy f that's just doing it thanks skill doesn't have and we listen to you you're trying to figure out who it is it was a mystery and he drove you nuts and found out that may have exposed him and we found out Max stuff too tell everybody's at them for a while to go down I'd like to get out of there so we can go to Miami to some work to suck so bad everybody's being a huge dumb a****** I don't get anything and yeah tindal's probably taking over by Guy Houdini or tell me if and they said he's going to... They say the tunnel is Max under tindel
No I think not qe says
This is it I'm pressing charges against this Tommy f guy attempted homicide or homicide if Ellie is not revived and people say to hold off and we're going to try and do that well let me go to Olympus and get permission part of the team to reviver I didn't go do that
Bitol and Goddess Wife
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mksc77 · 6 years
Davis?!" Sharon exclaimed again. She couldn't get past this. As entertaining as the thought of Provenza's reaction was, she didn't want to leave her team in the hands of the likes of Winnie Davis. "She's overbearing, condescending, and, to be frank, a royal pain in the ass."
Andy tilted his head, and a boyish grin played at his lips. "Well, to be fair, we all thought the same about you just a few years ago."
"Yeah, well, that—it was—it's not the same!" Sharon sputtered.
"Well, I kind of hope it is, if we get stuck with her." Andy pecked her on the lips. "The whole 'falling in love with you' thing aside, anyway."
"Keep comparing me to her, and I'll be tempted to let you take your chances with her," Sharon muttered. "But, really, all of the options have been a thorn in our side at some point." For the most part, the animosity had to do with other divisions thinking that Major Crimes received favoritism when it came to resources and overtime hours, which Sharon had admittedly thought herself when she was in FID, but she mostly thought it was because of Brenda's and Pope's past relationship. Once she got more involved with Major Crimes and saw the kinds of things they had to deal with, and especially when she took over, she saw the need for such treatment. Lieutenant Daniels's animosity stemmed more from the terms of her departure from Major Crimes, despite the fact that Gabriel nor Brenda had been around in several years. Any time her division had any interaction with Major Crimes, she made things as difficult as possible for them.
A couple of hours later, Sharon and Andy got dinner in the oven and joined Emily, Rusty, and Eleanor outside. The toddler was on a blanket on the porch with her toys, and Emily and Rusty were sprawled out in chairs, talking and watching her play. Sharon knelt beside Eleanor and checked her diaper. "Come on, baby girl, let's get you changed really quick." Sharon gathered Eleanor in her arms and indicated for Rusty to follow her.
"What?" He asked, looking nervous.
"She's wet, and it's past time for you to pitch in with diaper changes every now and then. Andy and I don't like diaper changes any more than you do."
"Mo-om!" Rusty complained, begrudgingly following her inside.
"What if we had her on a weekend that Andy and I got rolled out?" Sharon pointed out.
Rusty rolled his eyes. "Then I could do it. It's not that I can't, I'd just rather not."
"Join the club." Sharon got what they needed and laid Eleanor on a changing pad. "Pull her pants down and unsnap her," she prompted when Rusty didn't move.
"I know that part," Rusty grumbled.
Sharon shrugged. "Well, you weren't moving." She handed him a wet wipe. "Wipe her down, make sure her diaper is even on the front and back, and tight enough, but not too tight, between her legs." Eleanor was kicking her legs and squirming around, but Rusty did a pretty good job of getting the diaper on her. "See? Was that so hard? Roll up the wet diaper and tape it closed with the tabs before you put it in the garbage." Sharon picked up the baby, poured a glass of wine for herself, and walked back outside.
Rusty gave Eleanor a bath soon after dinner, which he did pretty often, but Sharon usually put her diaper and pajamas on her afterward. This time, she stayed in the living room and let Rusty get her dressed for bed. By the time he got back to the living room with her, Eleanor was whimpering and rubbing her eyes. "Here, Mom, I think she's ready for bed." Sharon didn't usually rock her at night and just read to her and laid her in the pack and play when she got drowsy, but she wanted to let her get used to the new house before she did that now.
"Why don't you try rocking her tonight?" Sharon suggested. "We can skip the books, she looks like she's about to fall asleep. I don't think she'll give you much of a fight." She rubbed Eleanor's back and kissed her forehead. "You had a big day, huh? Night-night, sweetheart. Sleep tight."
Andy kissed Eleanor's cheek and ruffled her hair. "Goodnight, baby girl. Sweet dreams."
Rusty sat down in the recliner with Eleanor, and Sharon brought him a bottle of milk. "She'll probably be mostly asleep by the time her bottle's gone, anyway."
Rusty gave her the bottle and held her against his shoulder when she was finished, trying to mimic what he'd seen Sharon do with her, but Eleanor whimpered and struggled against him. "Get her, Mom, she's crying," Rusty said nervously.
"Hold her more tightly and pat her back," Sharon instructed. "She can tell you're nervous. Let me get ready for bed and turn her sound machine on, and I'll get her if she's still crying after that." She went back to her and Andy's room to wash her face, moisturize, and slip into her most comfortable nightgown. Having a toddler around for most of the day had been exhausting.
Eleanor was sleeping comfortably in Rusty's arms when she got back to the living room. "She's so sweet like this," Rusty said. "She's cute, but she'll wear you out."
"You have to stay on top of them all the time at this age," Sharon agreed. "Otherwise, you'll have to call a plumber because a toddler flushed a toy down the toilet or have to take said toddler to the doctor because she's stuffed something up her nose too far for me to get out." Sharon gave Emily a pointed look.
"You should've been watching me better," Emily said simply.
Later that night, Sharon and Andy left Emily and Rusty watching TV in the living room and went to bed. As Sharon slipped between the sheets, she was grateful, not for the first time, for the new king-sized bed. That had been a fight, but the extra space was worth the mournful and sad-puppy eyes she'd had to endure from Andy since the day she'd worn him down and won the argument. She felt like she'd just fallen asleep when Eleanor's cries woke her up, but the clock on her nightstand told her that it was 4:00 in the morning. Eleanor didn't normally wake up during the night unless something was wrong, so Sharon went ahead and got her up before she could wake Andy. "Honey, what's the matter?" She crooned as she lifted the baby into her arms. Not feeling well or the need for a diaper change was usually responsible for middle-of-the-night crying, so Sharon pressed her cheek to Eleanor's forehead and checked her diaper. "Hmm, no fever, and you're a little wet, but that shouldn't have woken you up," she murmured. "Let's get you into a dry diaper while we're up, and then you can get in bed with Andy and me." Eleanor was big enough for Sharon not to be afraid of putting her in their bed anymore, and she would probably wake up again in just a few hours, anyway. After a quick diaper change, Sharon got back in bed with Andy on one side and Eleanor on the other. Eleanor was one of the precious few exceptions to her 'don't touch me while I'm sleeping unless you have a death wish' rule, and she fell asleep with the baby cuddled into her side and grasping her hair.
When Sharon woke up again Sunday morning, it was after 8:00, and Eleanor was tapping her face and cooing. They'd both slept later than usual. "Well, hey, baby girl! Did you sleep good?" Sharon picked her up and followed the smell of coffee to the kitchen. She didn't normally drink much coffee on weekends, but she'd set the timer the night before, knowing she'd probably want it this morning. Andy wisely waited for Sharon to pour a mug and take a few sips before kissing the top her head and doing the same for Eleanor. "Morning. Is she okay? I checked on her when I woke up, and I was scared to death when she wasn't there until I realized she was beside you."
"Morning. She's fine. She woke up crying early this morning, but I think she was just a little out of sorts from being in a new place."
Emily barreled in as they were talking, faster than Sharon had ever seen her move first thing in the morning in her life. "Please tell me you have some pickles." Sharon had been prepared for this and got a jar from the refrigerator. She remembered seeing some in Emily's refrigerator when they'd visited her in New York, and she had craved them when she was pregnant with Emily, so she'd stocked up before she came to visit. Emily grabbed the jar from her, twisted the top off, and drank right out of the jar like she was going to die if she didn't have it right this second. "Oh, my god, that's so much better. I've been eating them, but I haven't really had a 'have-to-have-it-right-now craving for them yet."
"I craved them when I was pregnant with you, and they had to be Mount Olive Kosher Dill for me, too. That, and strawberry ice cream. But never at the same time." Sharon waited for Emily to come up for air before reaching into the jar and fishing out a pickle for herself. "I craved beef jerky with Ricky. I've never even liked it otherwise, but I ate my weight in it when I was pregnant with your brother."
Emily rolled her eyes. "Leave it to Ricky to make you crave something you don't even like."
"I know, right?" Sharon made some oatmeal for Eleanor and placed her in Emily's and Ricky's old high chair she'd gotten out of storage. By the time she outgrew it, there would be another baby around to use it. "I want to cook breakfast, but I don't know if Rusty will be up in time for me to need to make enough for him." Sharon had decided to skip mass in favor of a relaxing morning at home.
"I'll take care of that. Let me see your phone."
"Don't call him," Sharon said.
"I'm not, I promise. Just let me see your phone." Emily took Sharon's phone from her and opened the Google Home app. She, Ricky, and Rusty had gone in together and gotten one for Sharon and Andy as a housewarming gift. After looking through the names of the various speakers that were connected with it, she found the name associated with the one in Rusty's room, closed the app, gave Sharon's phone back to her, and turned toward the small device on the counter. "Hey, Google, play 'Barbie Girl' in Rusty's room."
"Emily!" Sharon chided, slipping a spoonful of oatmeal into Eleanor's waiting mouth.
"What? I didn't call him!"
Angry footsteps could then be heard coming down the hall, and a bleary-eyed and angry Rusty came in. "Emily! What the hell?! I wouldn't have gone in with you guys on that thing if I'd known you were going to do that with it!"
"Chill, little brother, I didn't have that idea until after we bought it. This is just a hilarious bonus."
"For you," Rusty muttered. "That's the worst song I've ever heard...That was not a challenge to prove me wrong, by the way." He took over feeding Eleanor, and Sharon and Andy started making breakfast.
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macgregorhoughton · 3 years
First off, thanks for sharing your headcanons, I love them! I'm really hoping theres gonna be ride references too, from the clips we're getting the puns at least. I'm gonna be watching the backgrounds for any sneaky references to the Society but I bet you're right, its going to be in there somewhere. I’m the same with the Native issue, I’m a bit worried how they’ll deal with it but hope they might have a bit of awareness and address how messed up some of the stereotypes the ride had were- cont
Response under the cut! (following asks copied there too for reference)
First of all before I respond to anything, you do not have to apologise. This is quite literally my dream way to spend my time- talking to someone about a thing I like at length. The fact that you checked all the posts I made and took time to respond to them with your thoughts means the world to me.
2- I’m also really hoping we get a lot for McGregor (wtf is with that alternate spelling Disney?? But I do want the other two to call him Mac, I’d love that), learning to relax and find his place. I LOVE that Lily gets to do physical comedy, you’re right female characters often only get to be funny so long as that means they can still be sexy while doing it. Lily looks like she just goes “nope” to that and dives headfirst into a bit of slapstick and I love her already- cont
3- I really like Dwayne, hes got a warmth to him that comes across in Frank, even if hes trying not to show it to the siblings at first. I really want proper sibling moments too and I love that little one we got in the clip. Like, “you don’t get to laugh at my sister, now excuse me while I go give her a hand while laughing at her”. Like thats a great example of having siblings, I’ll help you out, but I’m totally going to mock you while doing it, but no one else can. BTS have me hopeful too- cont
4- I love your idea for the coming out scene. I think they’d be walking a very fine line in order to get it right, but if they did it could be wonderful. I really really hope we get that scene, no skirting around it or making vague illusions, I want McGregor to say “I’m gay” outright. Like, we’ll all know he is even if they don’t let him say it but for once I want Disney to live up to what they promised and let an actual main character be actually gay.- cont
5- I love the connection with the lights for our trio in the posters, I didn't put that together. I really want them to be a proper Trio, I’m really hoping this is a success so we can get sequels. Even if they’re terrible I still want them to see these three together. FRANK IS HUGGING MCGREGOR, I’VE GOT A GOOD FEELING ABOUT THIS ALREADY. I don’t really have many thoughts on our three villains, other than I'm getting evil musketeer, smug plantation owner & WWII in that order- cont
6- I LOVE THAT GIF SET OF THE PUNS SO MUCH!! McGregor’s little smile and his laugh, hes loving it, Frank is loving getting a reaction, Lily is going to eventually find it funny how unfunny they are. I can’t get over how much I love McGregor’s little face in this, I can’t want for this scene, I’m gonna join you in imploding. Also, in your protective brother gifset, is he wearing a little tartan/ plaid suit? Love it. And on that note, I adore Lily’s costumes- practical and realistic but flattering
7- ok so thats me taken up far too much of your ask box, I haven't even property looked at the press tour things yet, but I do have one more thing, I have a theory about how Jack ends up in the middle of Emily and Dwayne's kiss if you'd like to hear it. Thanks for kickstarting this fandom and the wonderful gif sets, we're so close now! - Skip
So on to my very long response!
I've watched SO much about the ride just so I'm prepared to catch any reference. They just released Behind the Attraction on Disney+ and ep 1 is about the Jungle Cruise ride (Dwayne Johnson is in it too!). He talks about how much he loved the ride as a kid and used to imagine himself as a skipper which is SO cute and I'm so happy his dreams came true (and I find it very relatable as someone who dreams about being a raptor handler at Universal).
I'm genuinely a lil mad that the spelling changed. Because if you google it really everyone thought it was McGregor, they must've at some point released something on the movie for the press with that spelling and then changed their mind. Now everyone has it wrong because I suspect these featurettes are also gonna be the DVD/Bluray extras so I'm confident this is the final spelling. However I will continue to live in denial until I see the other spelling ON SCREEN.
"I really like Dwayne, hes got a warmth to him that comes across in Frank, even if hes trying not to show it to the siblings at first." Yes! I love that every character is a trope that I ADORE. Frank is the cynic who thinks everyone just wants to cheat you anyway and miracles don't exist who eventually cracks and warms up to people and shows that there is a soft, warm person in there after all. Lily is wildly optimistic and aggressively individualistic, not trying to fit in or caring about what anyone thinks and will probably have a moment of losing that optimism and doubting herself after all. And McGregor is the person who appears to think he's better than everyone, who's pampered and refuses to sacrifice any of the luxuries he's used to until he reveals he's gay and you realise most of it was just a show to cover up how hurt he really is. Three PEAK character tropes we're working with here and COMBINED with a reluctant-allies to lovers and a siblings trope.
"Like, “you don’t get to laugh at my sister, now excuse me while I go give her a hand while laughing at her”. Like thats a great example of having siblings, I’ll help you out, but I’m totally going to mock you while doing it, but no one else can" I have a gifset for that queued already, I love that you also focused on that rightaway bc I really went "Siblings! peak sibling energy!!" and gifed it immediately.
Based on the reports (that I cannot stress enough I have no idea how accurate they are) he doesn't say "gay" but it's unambiguous what he's talking about. Let's hope that's true! I'm imaginging some sort of "relationships with men" or "no interest in women but rather men" or sth like that. I hadn't really considered that it might be ambiguous to someone who doesn't know he's supposed to be gay so that's a new fear unlocked lmao
I'm going to be so sad if we don't get sequels cause so many franchises with several movies don't have a core group of actors that are just friends and get along as well naturally as these three. Or if we get more movies and Jack isn't in them or sth like that. Like any future where these three aren't the leading trio in more movies is a nightmare.
"I'm getting evil musketeer, smug plantation owner & WWII in that order" this sent me I swear. I'm most interested in Edgar Ramirez bc I'm curious abt the whole "conquistador alive "today"" thing. also what's up with the snakes lmao.
McGregor laughing at Frank's puns alone could sustain me another year if I had to wait that long for the movie. Luckily I don't have to. It is so wholesome tho, like the fact that they're gonna get along and also get closer and McGregor won't end up sidelined for being a bitch until the last minute or sth is so wonderful.
And yes! It's tartan! We've seen p little of the beginning of the movie in London and since that's gonna be focused on just Lily and McGregor I'm so excited bc we got so little content so there's gonna be SO much in the movie to look forward to that I can barely even piece together!!! (All we know is lily will steal the arrowhead before falling out of the window which mcgregor sees and he immediately follows her so I assume he knew to come there and that there's a scene where she asks him in one of their bedrooms about wanting to go on an adventure. So I'm assuming the bedroom scene comes first and she'll tell him about the arrowhead, he'll refuse to help her but decide to come last minute because he's worried about her (and the worry is immediately proven right as she falls out of a window lol). But we know so little that it's a really loose theory.
And yes!! Lily's costumes are so good. Frank calls her Pants so they will absolutely address that she's dressed very unusual for a woman of her status in 1916/17 and I hope they explore that a little and address where she even gets her clothes and everything. I mean Emily Blunt looks good in everything but the costume department really made something gorgeous with this. She is, for the time the movie is set in, very gender nonconforming which I love in a female lead. And Emily described Lily's fighting style as very Indiana Jones and brutal without much tactic or thinking and just brute force and I really would die for this characterisation. Like when I compare this to similar female leads like in The Mummy for example they're usually highly feminine, aggressive only in their attittude and witty banter but always emphasised to be beautiful and wearing dresses and lots of (usually historically inaccurate) makeup and they get like one scene where they smack the bad guy with sth heavy or sth so noone can say they're a damsel in distress even though they are. But Lily feels very much like a coherent person to me. She's very unusual for a woman at her time, her desire for adventure is in line with how she fights and dresses but she doesn't seem to have the "uwu I'm not like other girls" thing going on, she's just exactly who she is and wants to be.
and of COURSE I wanna hear your theory are you kidding! Cause I still haven't figured it out at all lmao. I just settled on "she probably meant he was off screen but right next to them while they filmed it" or sth bc I couldn't make sense of it otherwise.
also I haven't posted everything new directly here I think, but you probably know where to look for the new stuff. like there's some clips on their instagrams and most stuff is on youtube.
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