#we're not a fucking accessory
animanightmate · 2 years
TIL that English colonial attitudes to Wales and Welsh haven’t died so much as been rebranded. Literally. Speechless. Absolutely speechless.
Instead of suppressing the language they’re stealing it bit by bit? Wow. New low.
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huffle-dork · 28 days
Swap Beyond the Crystalverse Chapter 19: Resurgence
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs
Other Multiverse Stories: SITCV | SATCV | GITHV
SBTCV Masterpost
As they fall, Alt crouches over Bro and grabs onto Crystal as he closes his eyes. Bro, having been knocked out briefly before,  momentarily comes back to his senses and cries out in confusion as he feels himself falling. 
“Chase, close your eyes!” Alt warns. 
Bro doesn’t question it and does so. 
For a split second as they fall, Bro gets a glimpse of colors and shapes, of green eyes and blue feathers and black tendrils and red smoke. For this second, he feels like something is catching a glimpse of him, too. But he closes his eyes quickly and the feeling fades. 
And then they land on the ground. They're... back in Jackie's motel room. 
Bro shakes himself off, disoriented as he tries to get back to his feet. That was so weird… 
"Whoa!" Chase gasps, instinctively opening his eyes at the jolt. "Oh, wait, we're back here?" 
"First place I thought of," Anti says. "Is everyone okay?" 
Jackie groans and opens his eyes. "What... happened?" 
Marvin gasps. "I-I don't feel--I'm fine now!" 
"We're too far away," Anti explains. "He needs to know where we are, but his range for sensing people isn't infinite, even with that boost he got from me and Magnificent."
Alt slumps a bit to the floor, still a bit shaky from glitching so much so soon. He pants and looks back at Anti. “W-What do we do?! I… he wants…. Crystal? Why?? And… how are you here?!” Alt asks Crystal again, looking down at them. 
“Crystal… isn’t that the name of one of the buds you told me about?” Bro asks, blinking down at Alt.
Crystal shakes themself off, blinking. 
"You know her?" Schneep asks. 
"Them," Crystal automatically corrects. 
"Ah, I see. Apologies." 
"It's fine." Crystal starts to stand up. "Uh... hi. Y-yeah, I'm uh... one of Huffle's friends. You... know her, then? That's... huh." They seem pretty disoriented by all this. 
"How have things been?" Anti asks. 
Crystal looks at him and their eyes seem to light up a bit. "Oh! S-since the hotel, yeah. Uh... good? I mean, could be better, but... good. And, uh... you? Probably... not so good." 
"Nope." Anti shakes his head. "But don't worry about it." 
Alt looks confused then his eyes widen, “Oh the hotel! Shit… Huffle did tell me about that…”
Are you from another universe? JJ asks. 
Crystal's brows furrow. "Uh... I've been studying BSL a bit... I think you asked me if I was from another universe. Uh... yeah. I'm from a third, separate universe from Bro and Alt and Anti here. I've uh... met Anti once. When I accidentally got pulled into his world. Oh no, twice, he got pulled into mine as well. Uh... as for how I'm here... uh... frick, how do I explain this?"
Bro looks very confused. “well uh- Another universe! That’s… cool- one that Alt has been to at least!” 
“Yeah I uh- I visit sometimes. Huffle can… uhh she can kinda glitch too? Not like me though- but we have a way for me to come visit as long as she knows I’m coming.” Alt says. “We’ve had to set up ways for Mag to stay away from there cuz apparently he has caused a lot of trouble for all of them too. Especially Huffle but… yeah. I know her… pretty well. We’re good friends.” He smiles.
"Ooookay, great," Marvin says slowly. "That doesn't explain how they're here now." 
"You don't have another one of those TRVLR things, do you?" Jackie asks. 
"Traveler...? Oh! Yeah, I had a--IRIS would--oh." Crystal nods slowly. "Uh, no, I don't have one. But I, um... back home, I-I have this old laptop that... must have somehow gotten affected by some magic and uh... it can take people to other worlds.I-I thought I'd try it out by coming... here."
“Huffle has that too!!” Alt says, pointing at Crystal. “That’s how I visit her!! And her and some of her other friends have visited us too!” 
“Oh yeah!! Maybe that’s how we can get home?” Bro says hopefully. 
Alt hums and crosses his arms, “Maybe… but I don’t think you or Huffle know how to fix the TRVLR-“
"No, sorry." Crystal shakes their head. "I can kinda uh... think of the concepts of it, but I don't know how it works, you know?" 
"You guys can't expect to go through Crystal and Huffle's world every time you want to go somewhere," Anti says. "We still need the TRVLR for casual travel." 
Alt nods, “Yeah I agree… the buds go through enough already… I don’t wanna add to that.” 
"Perhaps they could help with that other version of him, then?" Schneep asks. "Crystal?" 
"Don't pressure them," Chase says. 
"Heh." Crystal smiles. "Uh, it's fine. Th-this is important. I know how important it is. I uh... I know a lot about the multiverse. Or at least this... um... branch? So I-I know about that other Anti. He... looks different than he's supposed to, though..."
Bro looks over to Crystal and hums, “Well- he got a biggg power boost when he first destroyed the TRVLR! He stole like most of Magnificent’s magic and then suddenly he could open up rifts.”
"...huh." Crystal goes quiet for a moment. "I didn't think... of course, magic is energy, and this TRVLR thing probably runs on energy. That's what he does. Control energy. I-it's all he's made of." 
"Well great, how are we supposed to fight something that's all energy?" Marvin asks. "Even our version of him is physical sometimes." 
"Well... you fight him with energy, I guess," Crystal says. 
Alt looks contemplative, “…my magic does work on him. I.. I think it’s an energy he can’t touch. But I… I’m still kinda drained… I-I’d need a really big power source to try to stop him…” 
Crystal adds, "Or, uh... he still thinks like a person, you know? You could try to trick him, o-or, uh... goad him on, maybe? To... make mistakes? I-I don't know." They pause. "Shit! We left all my stuff behind!" 
"Fuck!" Marvin curses. "We did too!" 
Is this really the moment? JJ asks, raising an eyebrow. 
Alt pales, “My spellbooks!” He curses and pats down his pocket to make sure he still has the TRVLR pieces. Yep, the TRVLR pieces are still secure in their bag in his pocket. There's that, at least. 
Anti sighs. "For fuck's sake, guys. I can go get them. All your stuff. And I'll keep hacking IRIS. You guys just chill here, okay?" And without another word, he disappears. 
Crystal nods. "Yeah... that's him, alright. H-he's really bad with people." They look around at everyone else. "So... um... hi." 
Alt relaxes and goes to lean against the bed, trying to control his shaking hands. 
Bro barks out a laugh, “Yeah he is… but he’s sweet sometimes!” Bro smiles down at Crystal and offers his hand. “We haven’t properly met- even if you know my brother, I guess?” 
“…I feel like we…maybe have briefly met?” Alt mumbles, “it’s… fuzzy…” 
“Well in any case, I’m Chase, or you can just call me Bro~! For Bro Fantastic!” He grins wide.
Crystal blinks. "Uh--yeah! H-hey, nice to meet you." They take his hand and smile back. "Uh... I've learned a lot about you guys from... Huffle." 
"Soooo..." Chase also goes over to the bed, sitting down on the side. "You, uh... like the multiverse then?" 
"Y-yeah, I guess--yeah." Crystal nods. "I uh... I think it's pretty interesting. A-and I like to... sssstudy it. So I-I know a lot about a lot of worlds." 
"Including this one?" Jackie asks. 
"Well I mean... my information might be a bit outdated here, but yeah."
Alt looks intrigued, “Wow really? Huh… I wonder if Huffle knows about multiverses too…” he furrows his eyebrows, “…I mean… I think… your world is another parallel… isn’t it? I think I met some of the others briefly there…? But… that’s fuzzy too…” he looks a bit concerned about that. 
“Do you travel around to other worlds too, Crystal?” Bro asks. “Or just… study them? I didn’t even know you could do that! We go in pretty blind!” He laughs.
"H-ha..." Crystal smiles nervously. "I usually just, uh, study them. I-it's fun to me. This is the first time I've gone to another world. Well, uh, on purpose. I got sucked into Anti's world once--uh, the Anti that was just here, Inv--that one. And uh... I guess it has to be possible." 
“We’ll have to compare notes then!” Bro says excitedly, “Maybe you know more about universes than even me and Alt do now!” 
Alt chuckles, “what notes? We both know we go into these universes flying by the seat of our pants-“ 
“You know what I mean!” 
Speak of the devil, Anti reappears back in the spot where he left, dropping a bunch of stuff on the ground. "This is yours Crystal," he says, holding up a teal backpack. "All your stuff is in there." 
"Oh, uh... thanks." 
Anti nods and disappears again, going to pick up more stuff. Evidently this will take two trips.
Crystal hurries over and takes it, unzipping it to look inside. A fish plushy falls out of it, yellow with black stripes like a bumblebee. They quickly pick it up again, looking a bit embarrassed. "Uh... I'm gonna... go change in the bathroom. Don't want to be wearing pajamas the whole time." 
Alt blinks and smiles as he sees his backpack, glitching down to grab it then hop back on the bed. Alt blinks at Crystal’s plushie then smiles softly, “Aw- cute plush.”
"I, um, thanks!" Crystal still looks a bit embarrassed, but less so now. "H-his name is Bumble. Um--I'll be back!" And they hurry to the bathroom in the back of the motel, closing the door. 
They seem nice, JJ says. 
"A bit awkward, perhaps, but I think we all are sometimes," Schneep says. "I wonder what their world is like." 
Bro chuckles, “I mean- I’d be pretty awkward after having to deal with all of that! …if I wasn’t used to it, that is.” 
Anti reappears, dropping off more stuff. "Here. I got to get back to hacking IRIS soon." 
"Wait, uh, question." Jackie says. "I checked out of this room, didn't I? Are people gonna, like, stop by if they hear noise in here?" 
"Hang on, I can fix that." Marvin holds out his wand, making a swirling motion with it. Sparkling green light trails from the tip, and all the walls briefly glow green before fading. "Soundproofed."
Alt grins, “Nice- now we just gotta hope no one checks into this room before we leave!”
"Yep." Marvin leans back against the wall. "Well uh... guess we just gotta... plan for what to do next." 
"After he finishes hacking IRIS, you mean?" Chase asks, and shudders. "That uh... that might take a while. Are we sure we want to find an IRIS place?" 
"We need to, if these guys want to fix their thing," Jackie says. "But you don't have to come, Chase." 
Chase shakes his head. "N-no, I uh... I should at least drive you guys there."
Alt sighs, “I don’t want to go to IRIS either… I don’t wanna… run into anything bad there…” He takes out bag of parts and frowns, “I wish I just… could will them back together… is it even able to be fixed like this…?” He mumbles.
"It has to be," Schneep says firmly. "Otherwise those people who have been helping you wouldn't have sent you after the pieces. There has to be a chance." 
"We'll be careful going there," Jackie says. "I'm sure we can find our way around the place. Stealth mission." He wiggles his fingers.
Bro grins, “Hell yeah! We can be stealthy!” 
Alt gives him a look and raises an eyebrow. “Yeah… how well has that worked out for us lately?”
"Maybe you guys just aren't good at being stealthy," Chase suggested. Marvin and Jackie snicker a little at that.
Bro flushes, “wha-! Hey! Alt’s just as bad as I am!” 
“Only cuz it’s easy to notice my glitches-“ Alt grumbles.
Anti suddenly appears again. "Ah yes, because breaking into a laboratory and snatching up a piece in front of a bunch of scientists is so subtle. It's clearly just your glitches." And then he disappears before Alt can retaliate. 
Alt turns bright red, “Hey!!” He shouts after Anti. He then crosses his arms and pouts slightly, hiding his face in his mask and curling up. 
Marvin raises an eyebrow. "Fucking rude." 
"Look, whatever happens, I'm sure we can figure something out," Jackie says. "Schneep has the ability to access a bunch of IRIS stuff. Not all of it, but all of their common areas, y'know? So we can like... get disguises and stuff." He looks at Schneep. "Right?" 
"Well... I'm sure I can figure something else," Schneep says slowly.
Bro’s eyes light up, “Oh!! Disguises!! That could work!”
"Disguises, or some other excuse for you to be in there," Schneep clarifies. "Perhaps you could be... hm... someone I am showing around the facility? A group of someones?" He hesitates. "If what Chase told us last night is true, you could be explained away as... 'subjects'... but I do not want to do that to you all. Anything else before that." 
"You'd need those security guys there anyway to pass them off as subjects," Chase mutters. 
"C&C," Schneep says. "That is what they are called. Hmm, some of their uniforms have helmets that cover the faces... hmm..."
Alt visibly flinches and curls up at the mention of ‘subjects’ and Bro seems a bit pale. “I mean… t-that could… work…” Bro says slowly but he looks at Alt with concern.
The others all take note of their reactions. 
We don't have to do that, JJ says. In fact, we probably shouldn't. That might get us questioned more. 
"I can figure something out," Schneep says. "There must be some sort of spare clothing closet. For uniforms." 
Alt slowly nods.
"Hey guys, I noticed another problem," Chase says. "How the fuck are we gonna get there? We left your car back at the hotel and mine is stuck on some country road somewhere."
Bro smacks his forehead, “Ah right! We forgot to get you towed! Fuck!”
Chase laughs. "Hey, things got fucking crazy yesterday, I'm not surprised. To be honest? That's not even my car. It's a rental that I got with some card I found in an IRIS guy's coat. So I'm not too attached to it." 
Bro laughs a bit, “Well… that’s a bit better I guess-“
"Maybe we can get it towed now," Jackie says. 
The bathroom door opens and Crystal pokes their head out. They're now wearing a pair of purple-rimmed glasses, a matching purple shirt with an eye-looking logo on it, and black pants.
Alt blinks at Crystal coming back out and smiles a bit, “C-Cool shirt-“ he says quietly.
"Oh! Thanks." Crystal pulls the edge of their shirt down. "It's merch for this show called Welcome to Night Vale. It's, uh, a podcast. I need to catch up on it, but it's really good. Surreal and stuff." 
"Oh I've heard of that," Marvin says. "I think I saw fanart of it online. That guy with green eyes, right?" 
"Um... no, actually." 
Green eyes? Are you sure you weren't looking at fanart for Jack's channel? JJ asks. 
"I'm sure, the guy usually looks way different." 
"Maybe you're thinking of the Magnus Archives?" Crystal suggests. 
Marvin shrugs. "I dunno. All I know is it's a podcast."
Alt’s eyes light up, “Oh! I listen to the Magnus Archives!” 
“That’s the spooky podcast thing you listen to??” Bro asks. 
Alt flushes a bit, “It has a really good story…” 
Crystal's eyes light up. "It really does! And I love the different Fears and the concepts of that. My favorite season is season three." 
Alt grins, “It’s not very often I met other Magnus lovers! I’m trying to get my boyfriend to listen to it but he’s a big scaredy cat too.”
"Huh. You didn't strike me as a horror lover, Crystal," Jackie says. 
"It's uh... a smaller interest of mine," Crystal says, a bit embarrassed. "Hard to really enjoy it when you get scared easily, though. I-I can write it, though." 
“Oh you’re a writer, Crystal?” Bro says, “That’s so cool! What do you write about? Well- I guess besides horror-“ he laughs.
Crystal freezes for a moment. "Uh... I like... fantasy," they say slowly. "Uh... i-in recent years I've been writing a lot of... magical realism. You know, stuff where it's the modern world but there's magic inserted into it, usually as a sort of... secret thing. I... have been writing... a classic sort of high fantasy story, too, though." They stammer for a moment. "Um, it's kind of... y-yeah." 
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Jackie assures him. "I get it. I used to draw a lot of stuff, I always felt so self-conscious sharing it."
Alt nods too and gives Bro a look. “yeah I’m not willing to share my art too often so we get it.” 
“Oh I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable! I was just curious!” Bro says, waving his hands. “so we can uh- get to know you! Since you’re wrapped up in this now too…” “
Yeah that reminds me,” Alt says, leaning forward. “…Anti seems to believe you can give him the power he needs… to delete other worlds… do you know anything about that?”
Crystal stands there for a moment, thinking. "W-well... in my world creativity is... powerful. A-and I'm, um... a writer. So I'm very creative. He probably... thinks that could help him. And, um... judging by how he was... attacking me earlier... He probably thinks the way to do that is to..." They trail off. 
Marvin's expression hardens. "To get rid of you." 
They nod silently, looking very unnerved.
“Oh yeah I… I think Huffle talked about that a bit? Creativity… huh… I’ve heard that kind of magic is really powerful.” Alt says quietly.
Bro’s eyes burn with anger. “…don’t worry Crystal- we won’t let that happen. We’ll keep you safe.” 
Crystal nods again, giving a slight smile. "Thanks. I-I know you will. You're all very strong and cool--or, uh, that's what I've heard from Huffle. About you two." 
Bro blinks then laughs, “Well thanks! I haven’t gotten to know Huffle too well but I’m glad my reputation precedes me!” 
"Well. This is depressing." Jackie claps his hands together. "Let's do something to pass the time while we wait for the hacker to hack. Guys, I noticed you have a card set last night?" 
Marvin crouches by the suitcases Anti dropped off. "Which set?" He pulls out three different decks. "I have normal cards, Uno, this weird crystaleye tarot thing I bought earlier--" 
"Crystaleye?" Crystal repeats, eyes widening slightly.
Alt also perks up. “Oh! Crystaleye! I’ve seen those kind of tarot cards before!”
"Really? Huh, they must exist in a couple different universes, then." Marvin opens up the plastic case they come in and unwraps the plastic around the cards. "Said that there were about fifty of them." He fans them out face-up, showing all the illustrations. 
"Are tarot cards... real?" Schneep asks doubtfully. 
"I dunno, that's magick, not magic," Marvin says casually. 
"JJ?" Schneep asks, turning to him. 
Depends on the cards, JJ says. These don't seem to have any runes or anything, so they're probably just for fun.
“Oh I didn’t know you could use tarot for more than just… divination.” Alt says thoughtfully. “I think these guys are legit though- they once predicted our whole journey before we were even done!” 
"Really?" Marvin looks interested. "Well... that could be the card decks, not necessarily the cards themselves." He flips the deck over. The design on the back is blue, with crystalline lines and a central design of concentric circles that looks a bit like an eye. "Heh. Pick a card, any card!" 
"Ah yes, let Marvin show off his terrible card tricks to you guys," Jackie says jokingly. 
"Hey I've gotten better!"
Alt laughs, Then he sits closer, “Alright, I’ll bite!” 
Bro laughs, “We should start to get you into card tricks Alt.” 
“I am an illusionist who performs at raves- not really a skill set I need.” Alt replies a bit haughtily.
"Raves?" Chase perks up slightly. "Oh hell yeah. I went to a couple of those in college. But it's been so long." 
Marvin folds up the cards and tries shuffling them... but the deck just collapses in his hands as he tries. "Fuck. Hang on, lemme use the desk." He walks over to the desk and tries shuffling again, but now has the opposite problem, as the cards just get in each other's ways. 
Ah yes. So much better, JJ comments, grinning. 
"Oh shut up. Here, just pick a card. Someone, anyone!"
Alt glitches over with a laugh and goes to grab one.
He's drawn a card of a man wearing a cat-like mask, one hand pointing up towards the sky and one pointing down to the ground. At his feet is a white cat with gray patches. It's titled "The Magician." 
"Okay, and I'll guess what you drew!" Marvin says. "It is the... uh..." His face goes blank. 
The four guys exchange glances and grins. 
"Yes, Marvin?" Chase asks innocently. 
"I uh... forgot to look at the cards to figure out what's in there," Marvin admits. "H-hang on, let me guess. It's, uh--it's Treasure. Wait no, fuck, I'm looking at that right now. It's--it's the, uh... Jester? The Fool? This is a tarot set, they have to have one of those." 
The guys are giggling now.
Alt giggles too and Bro hides his laughter, hiding against Alt’s back. He flips it to make sure Crystal can see then back at Marvin. “Well Marv- I’ll say it’s something you’re real familiar with!”
Crystal's eyes widen slightly, then they laugh. 
"What?!" Marvin blinks. "Uh--okay, is it a, uh... Fuck, what am I familiar with?" 
Jackie wiggles his fingers. 
"Jazz hands?" 
"Oh my fucking god," Jackie laughs. 
Chase has his lips pressed together to stop from laughing as well 
"C-come on, Marvin," Schneep says, hiding his smile behind his hand. "What do you do?" 
"Magic? Oh fuck! It's the Magician, isn't it?"
Alt bursts into giggles and it’s almost hard for him to straighten back up to show Marvin the card. “Y-Yeah man you got it!” 
Bro slow claps for him.
Marvin frowns. "I can do better if I know what's in the deck," he says, fanning out the cards and reading their titles. 
Don't memorize the order, that would be cheating, JJ says. 
"Well actually that's probably how stage magicians do that. Or they can read the designs on the back of the cards or something." 
Alt laughs, “I think it could also be how the card feels. Like maybe there’s a certain texture.” 
Marvin takes the Magician card, poorly shuffles the deck again, and fans it out. "Okay, other Chase, you try this time!"
Bro blinks then grins and goes to take a card, “Alright, bro! Let’s see!”
Bro pulls a card with an illustration of a man dressed in red and black holding up a huge rock, protecting two smaller figures at his feet from its fall. It's labelled "The Hero." 
Jackie leans over to the side and looks at it. "Huh." He raises an eyebrow. "Cool." 
"Okay, so Jackie thinks it's cool," Marvin says. "Uh... it is... the... uh..." 
Bro blinks at it in surprise then grins. He raises eyebrow at Marvin. Alt glitches over to look then bites down a laugh and hides his smile under his hand.
"C'mon guys," Marvin says, rolling his eyes. "Okay. Jackie's a comic book nerd soooo... it has to be... the Hero! Unless it's the Hood, I guess? I remember that one." 
Bro laughs, “First one, you got it!“ 
"That's not really magic," Chase says, folding his arms and grinning. "That's like... deductive stuff." 
"Hey, I'm not using my magic, I'm trying to use my fucking uh... subconscious. And maybe some deduction. Maybe a lot of deduction."
“Well- we weren’t exactly being subtle so deduction helped,” Alt snickers. Then he hums, looking at the deck. “Hm… I’ve been wanting to work on my divination stuff… maybe I could give it a try?”
"Hmm... alright." Marvin nods. He hands Alt the deck. "You'll probably shuffle it better than me. Look at the cards beforehand so you can check the possibilities." 
"Oh, can I draw?" Schneep asks, interested. "I am a bit doubtful about normal tarot, but if Alt will be using magic, I want to see how it works." 
Sam peeks out of Jackie's pocket, also interested. How long were they sitting there? 
Alt nods to Marvin and tries his best to shuffle the deck- a bit stiff be he manages to make it work. He glitches to sit cross-legged on the bed. He raises an eyebrow at Schneep and chuckles a bit, “Really? I figured you’d be less likely with magic. You seem more like a logic science guy.” 
"Oh, I am," Schneep agrees. "But it is not often that you see magic from a different universe! I am so very curious about it." 
Can I go next? JJ asks, fascinated. 
"Oh, of course, I am sure." Schneep nods. 
Alt smiles and nods, “Sure! I’d love to see how this works for different people!” 
Crystal pulls out the chair for the desk and sits down to watch. 
Alt holds the deck in his hands after shuffling it and closes his eyes, rubbing his hand against the cards. “My mentor says you gotta like… establish a connection. Each deck has its own way to tell you things…” 
Once he’s done that he fans out the deck to Schneep. “Usually you can ask questions and do like… multiple card readings. But we can just see if you pull one that speaks to you.” As he talks, his necklace and eyes glow a bit and magic faintly covers the cards. “Or maybe.. whatever you pull will speak to me? I’m… still kinda learning.”
Schneep nods thoughtfully. "So I just pull a single card, then? Alright." He reaches out and grabs a card from the deck, looking at it. "Huh. Interesting."
Alt watches Schneep pull from the deck then fans the cards back into the deck. “Alright let’s see…” he focuses his magic to see if he can guess the card.
The different illustrations of the cards waver through his mind, like they're made out of mist, colors blurring together. He is getting... a figure. A person. A single one. Some sort of... authority? But not too powerful, not an Emperor. A... Doctor? A Hierophant? An Apostle? One of those three. The images of the illustrations seem to blur together, forming the blurry shape of some other scene. A white coat, walking down a white hall, opening a door. Looking for something? Or maybe... helping someone?
Alt furrows his brows as the images flood through his mind. He hums in thought, “It’s… the Doctor… right?” He says, looking back up at Schneep. He seems confused at the other image but.. it makes him a bit more sure it’s the right card.
Schneep blinks, then smiles. "Yes, indeed." He turns it over so the others can see. The illustration was that of a man in a white coat, face in profile, arms extended to either side, each holding some sort of beaker. "That is funny, isn't it? Well, if it was magic, I suppose it was not a coincidence." 
"The doctor draws the Doctor," Chase laughs. 
My turn! JJ says, looking excited. 
"Yes, yes. Here, Alt." Schneep hands the card back to him.
Alt chuckles and smiles, “I guess what else did we expect?” He says as he takes it back. He shuffles them again and then hands the deck out to JJ. “Alrighty J let’s see!”
JJ smiles and takes a card. He looks down at it, raising his eyebrows in surprise. Evidently, not something he was expecting. Schneep leans over to the side, keeping his face carefully blank so Alt can't deduce the card like Marvin did.
Alt makes a face but chuckles good-naturedly at Schneep’s poker face. He concentrates his magic, closing his eyes slightly as he tries to reach out again to see what the card is.
Again, as Alt works his magic, the images of the cards flicker through his eyes, seeming a bit more clear. He's getting a lot of blue and purple. Some sort of spiral? And stars? Huh, this one seems familiar. What was it? Was it... Aeon? No, it was Time, wasn't it? 
Alt’s eyebrows furrow as the images form. Time, huh? Yeah he recognizes that one… He suddenly shuts his eyes tighter as the image becomes more- what… was he seeing?
And now the image seems to swirl, the spiral turning. He sees a man with a camera--not a modern one, an old one with reels of film. The reels are spinning, giving off smoke. There is blood on the table. There is blood on the man's hand. There is a shadow behind him, and he can hear laughing, and see the man's hands moving, help, help-- But it's only an image. Like watching a screen. At least it's not real. At least it's not real. As it starts to register he tries to open his eyes with a gasp- but when he does he still just sees the images. 
To the others- as Alt opens his eyes all they can see is glowing green-blue light completely overtaking his irises and sclera. His breathing picks up a bit as he’s subjected to more of the vision. Blood- the shadow- help help help- 
“A-Alt?!” Bro asks in worry, trying to shake Alt’s shoulder. 
Marvin straightens, half-reaching out with sparks of green magic around his fingers, as if he thinks he can shock Alt out of it. The others all snap to attention, unsure how to react but ready to do whatever could help.
Luckily, Alt seems to snap out of it on his own. 
Alt gasps a bit more like he was struggling to take in a breath as the magic clears from his eyes. He’s shaking a bit. “T-Time- it was… t…time…” he breathes, not looking at anyone for a second.
JJ nods slowly, flipping the card around. Unlike Schneep's, this one is upside down, the label on the top instead of the bottom. Reversed, JJ says. 
"Reversed?" Marvin says. "That means it has the opposite meaning, doesn't it?" He looks at Alt. "Did that... affect your magic, somehow?" 
"E-everything good?" Jackie asks. 
"Are you okay?" Crystal whispers. 
"Do you need a moment?" Chase adds.
“I… I saw… something-“ Alt says hollowly. 
“Saw something?” Bro asks. 
“B-Besides the card… my magic showed me… s-something else.” Alt shudders a bit. “There was a man with an o-old camera with reels- it started to spin and gave off smoke then there was… blood- on the table on his hands and a s-shadow appeared, there was laughing! The man was signing for help…!” 
JJ stiffens. He slowly puts the card down on the table. Marvin glances at him. "JJ...? Was that...?" 
A bit of my past, Jameson says slowly. Marvin... do you know what the Time card is supposed to mean? 
"Uh..." Marvin searches through the bags for a moment until he finds something, a small booklet. "H-here. This came with the cards. Uh..." He flips to the end. "The Time card is supposed to mean consistency, forward momentum, or someone who's vastly capable. Reversed, it means apathy, or reversal, or a feeling of being trapped." 
Jameson nods slowly.
“Trapped… w-with… with Anti-“ Alt says quietly, almost like he’s in a trance again before looking back at JJ with wide eyes. “…I-I… I saw your past-“ 
“I didn’t know you could do that!” Bro exclaims in disbelief. 
“I-I didn’t either!” Alt argues, “I was just- trying to see the cards!”
"W-well... maybe there really is some sort of power in the cards, then," Marvin says. "Some sort of divination that, uh... enhanced your own magic." 
Jameson's eyes start to go distant, but he shakes himself out of it. I'm sorry that you saw that particular moment, he says, and tries for a smile. I promise there are more enjoyable things to see in my past. This must have just been bad luck. 
"Well statistically--" Schneep starts to say, but Jackie nudges him to stop.
Alt looks down at the cards shakily then shoves out the deck towards the others. “I-I want to try again!” 
“Really, Alt?” Bro asks with a bit of concern. 
“I gotta make sure it wasn’t a fluke!” Alt insists, “Or maybe… I could do a proper reading…? I-If this is something I can actually do I… I gotta see if I can do it again….!” 
"Um... alright," Jackie says. "If you're sure. JJ, do you want to try again, or...?" 
Jameson shakes his head. I'd hate to keep the rest of you from trying if you want. 
"Well, uh, in that case." Chase stands up. "I'd like to try. I mean... my past is still a bit fuzzy, so maybe some magic will help with that."
Alt seems a bit relieved at this and nods, “Yeah… maybe this can help you!” He shuffles and fans out the deck and offers it to Chase.
"And maybe it can help you, too," Chase says, giving him a crooked smile. He draws a card, looking down at it. "Saying nothing. Zip." He makes a zipping motion across his lips.
Alt laughs and then closes his eyes again, trying to find that same feeling he had with Jameson. Bro watches him with a bit of worry.
The images float through his mind, fuzzier than they were before. Lots of bright colors... no sign of a figure so it's not a person of some kind. Giving nature vibes. Is it the Sun, the Moon, or the Star? Or is it maybe the World or the Forest Path? There's a slight, fuzzy picture, as well. It's hard to make out. There are a bunch of people sitting together, in some sort of... it's hard to tell what. A small, round place, surrounded by sky. Alt can't see much, but he can see smiles on their faces. And he knows they look familiar.
Alt lets his eyes open a bit, a bit of that magic light clear in his eyes. This time- he narrates what he sees. “I see… it’s… blurrier… it’s hard to tell… there’s.. familiar faces- sitting together in a small round place- surrounded by the sky. They’re smiling… it’s… calm.” The magic fades and he blinks back up at Chase. “I wanna say… either the sun… or the forest path? It was hard to tell exactly…”
Chase blinks, and grins, turning the card around to reveal the Sun, its illustration a bright yellow-and orange picture of the solar star itself. "Yep!" 
"Huh. Perhaps that was the time we went to the amusement park?" Schneep asks. 
"Oh yeah! Small place in the sky--like the Ferris wheel!" Marvin agrees. 
Chase laughs. "That's a bit funny. I do remember that, and I remember being freaked out for a bit when we went high. But you guys helped with that. We had a nice little moment."
“Aww yay! A nice memory!” Bro says with a grin. 
Alt beams and takes the card back from Chase. “Huh… this is fascinating…” He holds the deck out again, “anyone else wanna try?”
“Oh! Definitely me!” Marvin raises his hand. “I probably don’t have too many bad memories for you to accidentally pick up on anyway.” 
Jackie raises an eyebrow doubtfully. “Really?” 
Alt chuckles a bit. “If you say so, dude.” He shuffles the deck again then holds out the cards for Marvin to pick.
Marvin grins. He picks out a card. Before he looks at it he grabs his mask from their pile of stuff and puts it on. 
You’re so unconfident in your poker face, Marvin, JJ says jokingly. 
“When I want to show emotion my face can’t do it. When I want to show emotion my face suddenly does. It’s a curse.” Marvin looks at the card. “Okay. Ready.”
Alt laughs, “That’s fair-“ He then closes his eyes and concentrates on his magic- what can he see?
The image of the cards overlap, blurring together. He can't see their illustrations. Maybe he just needs to focus-- But then that focus is diverted to something else. He sees a man on a stage, a stage that is burning around him in purple and green flames. The audience is running, screaming. And the man is laughing and crying and shouting in anger all at once. Until someone in a security uniform suddenly rushes at him from the side and tackles him to the ground. For a moment, he almost feels like he is there. He can vividly imagine the heat of the flames.
Alt squeezes his eyes shut- trying to get the image to focus. Then he gasps and opens up his magic filled eyes wide- “A stage-“ He starts, mumbling in a trance, “The stage is burning… purple and green flames. There’s… there’s screaming- p-people are running. The man on stage… he’s laughing- no… crying…? No he’s angry…! Flipping through emotions- Someone is coming- rushing at him and-!” Alt suddenly shouts as the vision is so vivid he feels himself thrown back, jolting to fall back against the bed as if he was tackled. He gasps even more, mumbling, “hot..! Hot hot hot…!” 
“Alt…!” Bro shouts and bends down to try to shake him out of this, “S-Snap out of it dude!”
Marvin goes a bit pale beneath his mask, taking a couple steps back. The card falls from his hands. An illustration of a burning forest and a flaming bird in the sky. "Wildfire," it says. 
"Marvin?" Schneep asks quietly. "Are you okay?" 
"Y-yeah I just... I... didn't think you'd see that," Marvin says slowly. 
"Not a lot of bad memories, my ass," Jackie mutters. Marvin glares at him. 
"This isn't the time!" Chase shouts at the two of them. "Alt? Alt, a-are you okay?! Look, it's not--not real! There's no fire, look around!"
Alt sticks in the trance for a second, breathing heavily and shaking. 
Bro shakes his shoulder some more, “Alt!” 
Alt jolts again as the magic snaps out of his eyes. He takes a shaky breath and blinks a bit in confusion, looking around slowly. “… I… d-don’t remember laying down…” he breathes. 
“You fell over like you got punched or something!” Bro says with worry. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah… y-yeah I’m fine…” Alt says dazedly.
"I'm... sorry... about that," Marvin says slowly. 
It's not your fault, Marvin, JJ signs gently. We had no idea that would happen. It's partly luck of the draw, you know? 
"Um... maybe... take a break?" Crystal suggests quietly. "I mean... I'm not telling you to, but it might... I mean if you want to keep going..."
Alt is slow to respond, blinking slowly, still catching his breath on the bed. 
“I-I think we should stop…” Bro says quietly, “I… I don’t like this-“ 
Alt finally pushes himself up and shakes himself off. He looks down at the cards and sees the one Marvin dropped. He laughs a bit, though it’s a little hollow. “Huh… f-fitting…” 
Marvin glances down at it. "Yeah... fitting."
Alt contemplates then breathes shakily, “…it’s inconsistent but… I-It can’t be a fluke now… I-I can see snippets of people’s lives through these cards…!” 
"R-really?" Marvin asks. "That's uh--that's cool!" He tries to push through his shaken appearance and smile for him.
“Okay good then you can uh- stop now right?” Bro asks. 
Alt doesn’t answer- his eyes flicker up to look at Jackie and Crystal.
"Are you sure, man?" Jackie asks, picking up on Alt's look. "What if it's something bad again?"
“…what if it’s not?” Alt replies. He tries to laugh, “…seems unfair to leave some of you guys out.” 
Bro frowns, “…Alt-“ 
“I-It’s not taking up too much magic, Chase. I’ll be okay- besides… how often do we get to do something like this?”
"Well... not gonna lie about being curious," Jackie says, shrugging. "If you're sure--really sure--then I'll take a card."
Alt shuffles again and fans out the cards to Jackie. Bro makes a face behind him. Alt was so curious to a fault sometimes… he just hopes this new ability doesn’t hurt him somehow.
Jackie hesitates, scanning the cards. 
"Bro, it's a magic trick," Chase says. "You don't need to think about it so hard." 
"I want to get a good one." 
"You'll get what you get." 
Jackie sticks his tongue out at him, then carefully pulls out a card.
Alt giggles a bit, “It’s okay, Jackie. Whatever you get I’m sure I can handle.” Once Jackie pulls his card Alt closes his eyes again and concentrates his magic.
The illustrations of the cards blur in his mind again. It's something... It's a person again. Not an authority figure this time. Someone... out in nature. The Wanderer? The Adventurer? The Hermit? Beneath the images of the illustration there is a vague, fuzzy scene in Alt's mind. Someone in red, sitting up on a secluded... rooftop? Is that what it is? It's hard to tell, since it's dark. Maybe night time.
“It’s… night- god this one is really fuzzy,” Alt mumbles… “someone in red is sitting on a rooftop… must be you, huh?” Alt laughs. He opens his eyes, them clearing of magic very quick and hums, “Um… the adventurer? That seems fitting for a hero.”
"Ding ding ding!" Jackie grins and flips the card around. The illustration is that of a woman in a classic Indiana Jones-style outfit surrounded by tall green plants. "You probably saw one of my many, many patrols around the city. Rooftops were good, cause like... people rarely see you up there."
“That’s true! Even if you can fly~” Bro grins. 
Alt beams, “See? Not so bad~” he laughs. “Still a bit hard to control though…” he glances over at Crystal then at Bro. He shakes the deck in his hand. “You guys could try too?” 
Bro makes a face, “…I dunno bro…” 
“C’mon dude- what am I gonna see that I don’t already know?” Alt laughs.
"Oh come on, man, we all did it!" Jackie says encouragingly. 
"And Alt is right, you guys probably already know a lot about each other," Marvin says. "That's how siblings work, right? I dunno, I never had any." 
"I do not think most of us do," Schneep says slowly.
I had a sister, JJ says. But we didn't get along.
Bro makes a bit of an exasperated face then sighs. “Alright- might as well…” 
Alt beams and glitches so he’s sitting crossed legged in front of Bro and shuffles the deck before offering the cards to Bro. Bro looks at the cards then carefully picks one, turning it over to look at it.
The illustration of the card has a man dressed in colorful clothing, with a stick with a bag slung over his shoulder like the stereotypical "I'm running away" bag. It's labeled "The Fool". Bro makes a face at the card. 
Luckily, Alt had closed his eyes before seeing his face. He concentrates… The card comes pretty easily- it makes Alt laughs as the image of the fool comes to mind. He knows the meaning of this one… it’s in regular tarot decks. A beginning of a journey, infinite potential and a carefree spirit. 
An image starts to form. It’s fuzzy… but… he feels like he’s in a car. An older boy sits curled around a younger child, who’s leaning on his lap. A countryside full of bright green trees rolls by- and the older boy is pointing excitedly at the landscape. He keeps looking down at the younger child, making faces and seeming telling stories to make the kid laugh. The memory is warm like the sunlight filtering through the window. 
Alt relaxes and smiles, “I see… two brothers, in a car… a rolling green landscape passing by. The older boy is making the younger one laugh as he tells stories and points things out on their journey.” He opens his eyes and smiles warmly at Bro, “The Fool, right?” 
Bro blinks then grins, “Yeah! Damn… that sounds familiar… oh!! That… might be the first time Emmy and Aunt Isla picked us up! When we first moved to Ireland!” Bro chuckles, “You were really little then…” 
Alt chuckles, “Perfect then- the Fool usually symbolizes new beginnings.” 
“Really??? It wasn’t just calling me dumb then?!” 
Alt bursts into giggles.
The other guys laugh, too. 
"Nah, tarot arcana aren't always so obvious like that," Marvin says. "Like the Death card. People who don't know tarot would be shocked to get that, but it just means the end of cycles and shit." 
Alt nods, “The one to really watch out for is the Tower. That’s the one that means bad news.”
JJ picks up the booklet for the crystaleye cards, flipping through it. Schneep and Jackie lean over his shoulders to look. "Ah, if the cards wanted to call you an idiot the Fool would have been reversed," Schneep chuckles, reading out the meanings. 
“Huh… interesting.” Bro hums.
"This really has been fun," Chase says. "I mean uh... when a bad memory doesn't come up. 
Alt laughs at Chase and nods, “Even with the bad memories… this is so fascinating!” 
“Crystal, do you want to go?" Chase asks.
"Huh? Oh, uh... my life is pretty boring, there probably wouldn't be much to see," Crystal says slowly.
Alt blinks at Crystal then smiles. “well- then there might not be much to worry about then! Give it a try!” He shuffles and glitches to go offer the cards to Crystal.
Crystal still seems reluctant, but they nod. "Alright... I hope you don't, uh... see something you... shouldn't. I mean, not in a--you know, bad memories and stuff." They pull out a card and look at it, seeming surprised.
Alt smiles reassuringly, “I’m sure it’ll be fine! And hey- maybe it’ll be a good chance to get to know you~” He glitches back to sit on the bed and closes his eyes to concentrate.
The images of the card illustrations dance, overlapping, until one comes into clear view. Someone sitting at a blank canvas, with short red hair. The Artist. Beneath it is a fuzzy image of people in a room together. They're all strange to Alt, but he feels familiarity with them. Huh, there's one with blue hair among them. This must be some sort of lounge. People are gathered around the television. Maybe they're playing games? In the midst of them, one with red hair and glasses. They're all laughing and chatting. The atmosphere is warm, even though the image is fuzzy.
Alt hums as the image comes into mind. The artist… huh? …didn’t he see that card with blue hair before…? He tries to concentrate more as the vision remains fuzzy but.. like his memory with Bro- this one is nice. It’s warm… “I see… a lounge… filled with friends. They’re laughing- there’s a red haired person amongst them… and a blue haired person. They’re gathered around a tv- playing games.” He opens his eyes and smiles wide at Crystal, “The artist, huh? Guess writers are artists too!” He laughs lightly.
Crystal smiles. "Y-yeah! You got it right!" They turn the card around so he can see the illustration. It does indeed have red hair, not the blue that Alt saw back in the pirate world. "I-I think you saw me and my friends streaming games. We're all artists of some kind. Huffle is one of them! Actually she's usually the one who plays the games while the rest of us joke around." 
Alt seems a bit surprised to see the card so different. Then he smiles, “Ah so it was the buds! You looked like you were all having a good time.” 
Bring bring bring. Bring bring bring. The ringing sound is coming from Crystal's backpack, which they left over by the bathroom. They turn around, blinking in surprise. "Huh? I-I already have my phone." They pat their pocket. "That... must be..." Curious, they walk over and start looking through the pockets.
Bro and Alt tilt their head towards the bathroom. “…it’s not your phone?” Bro asks, “what is it then?” Alt shrugs, shuffling the cards again then staking them up.
"Oh, well, it is technically my phone," Crystal says. They take a phone out of the front pocket of the backpack. It's in a green case with yellow polka dots. "Just not the one I uh... Just not my normal one. I've never gotten calls on this." 
They answer the phone-- Its screen emits a ray of light, shifting through greens and blues. Crystal yelps and drops the phone. It lands screen up, and the light coming from it gets brighter and brighter, reaching to the ceiling--until it suddenly stops. And someone is standing nearby. 
"Huffle?!" Crystal gasps.
Alt glitches to his feet, skidding into view of the bathroom. “W-what?! Huffle?!” 
Huffle stumbles a bit and looks at Crystal then Alt with wide eyes. “…t-The fuck is happening right now?! H-hello???” She points accusingly at Alt. “w-What are you doing here?!” 
Alt points right back at her, “What are you doing here?!” he repeats in a bit of panic. 
“I-I dunno!! I was looking for Cry cuz I haven’t seen them all day so I wandered into their room and t-their laptop was open! I took a peek and now?? I’m here??” Huffle looks to Crystal with wide eyes. “Cry what… what is this??” She looks a bit panicked, “W-We’re not back in that hotel are we?!” 
Bro now peeks his head in to look at them, “The fuck is happening….?” 
“BRO IS HERE TOO?!” Huffle screeches.
"No no no, we're not in the hotel!" Crystal says hurriedly. "We're--uh--Okay so--you went into my room to look at my laptop? Uh--I-I guess we need locks on the doors there, uh--" 
“I went looking for you! You were gone and I-I dunno I got worried! Last time you just disappeared…” Huffle trails off, gripping a hand over her heart. 
"Uh, heyyyy." Jackie leans to the side, waving. "I'm guessing this is that friend you mentioned?" Chase asks. 
"Uh, yeah, yeah." Crystal nods. "Huffle, this is... the guys. Guys, this is Huffle. She's from... my universe?" 
Huffle looks at the guys and blinks a lot in confusion. “…not our guys- and not the inverted guys…? I mean thank god but-“ 
"So what is that phone, then?" Schneep points at it, still on the ground. "Is that how you travel to different worlds?" 
"Uh, yeah, that's how I get back." Crystal looks at Huffle. "Well uh... hi”
Huffle trails off as Schneep asks and then looks back to Crystal. “Hi-“ She says, trying to smile. 
“So... that was my old laptop. The one that brought us to the hotel in the first place. I've been, uh, trying to see if I can use it to go to other worlds. So I thought I'd check on this world. It's uh... you know..." Crystal is scrambling. "The one I call 'the resurgence world,' you know? Though, uh, it looks like a lot of time has passed since I last checked in." 
Huffle blinks in surprise. “oh…! Yeah that one…” she then looks back at Alt and Bro. “…why are these two here then?!” 
“Uh- that’s a… really long story-“ Alt says. 
“I bet! I haven’t seen you guys in forever!” Huffle huffs, crossing her arms.
"They have been traveling through universes!" Schneep says excitedly. "And they accidentally came here, but now that they are here, we hope to be able to help them to fix their traveling device!" 
"Y-yeah... really crazy," Crystal laughs. 
"Wait, can you go back to your world now?" Marvin asks. "It'll be safer there than here!" 
Crystal shakes their head. "Th-that's not--I have a timer on the phone for the way back to open up, j-just in case someone... bad finds it before I'm ready to head back. I mean, I also have a password for it, but someone could guess that so I thought to be extra safe--maybe it doesn't really make sense, actually--"
Huffle blinks rapidly in confusion, “You two are what?! since when did you guys start doing that?!” 
“Oh we’ve been doing it for months now!” Bro says proudly. 
Alt winces a bit. 
“Months?!” Huffle gasps. 
“I wanna say close to a year? We had a couple gaps between adventures.” Bro adds. 
Huffle looks flabbergasted. “How- I… how is that even possible???” 
“I mean- Mag started it. Which makes sense considering he’s been to your world,” Alt says. 
“Yeah and you’ve been to ours! So not so crazy, right?” Bro tries to laugh. 
“T-That’s different! You guys… going to other worlds I don’t even know about…!” Huffle mumbles, pushing her hair back. 
Alt knits his eyebrows together, “…what’s the big deal with that? I mean… I’m sorry I haven’t kept in touch but… I… we do a lot of stuff without you knowing-“ 
“My head hurts-“ Huffle mutters and goes to rest her head against Cry’s shoulder, “Cry I think my brain is burning up-“
Crystal reaches up and pats Huffle's shoulder. "I mean... I guess it makes sense, doesn't it? The worlds are gonna continue on even when we don't, uh... check on them. A whole bunch has happened here since I last left this world." 
Huffle nods, “Yeah… guess that makes sense… just didn’t realize that included multiverses…!” 
Alt laughs sheepishly, “to be fair… we never really expected to be here either… It just sorta happened…? But now like… it’s really fun. And we help people.” 
“Yeah! And we’ve made lots of awesome new friends!” Bro says excitedly. “And seen sooo many cool places!” 
Huffle smiles warmly at the boys, “That’s great, you guys.” 
Crystal glances around. "Uh... we can talk more about how crazy this all is later. Oh! Also Anti is here. The Anti from the inverted world." 
Huffle blinks at Crystal then grins, “Oh! Inverted Anti! …wait he can travel multiverses too??”
"Uh... I don't think he can?" Crystal says slowly. "But there must be some way that they're getting around." They shrug. "I dunno."
“He’s been helping us actually- otherwise we’d be whisked away by rifts! Sam is helping us- but the Sam from uhhh the world where everyone got corrupted.” Bro adds. Alt shudders a bit. 
"So fucking weird to see that guy," Chase mutters. "He's so much like... the version of him that I know. We know." 
JJ shrugs. In any case, nice to meet you! I'll assume you already know all our names, since you're from a world where we exist. 
"Oh fuck, wait, can she understand you?" Marvin asks. "Uh, JJ says it's nice to meet you!" 
"And that you probably know who we are," Jackie adds.
Huffle looks to Jameson and then giggles, “Oh don’t worry my boyfriend Mar-“ She cuts herself off and blushes bright red, realizing there’s another Marvin right there, “I-I’ve been learning to talk with h-his brother. It’s nice to meet you too! And y-yeah I… I know all of you… vaguely.” She smiles shyly. 
"Also, you should probably know about the other Anti, too." Jackie says.
Crystal winces. "Yeah uh... there's another version of Anti here. I-I don't think you know about him... Have I talked about the rift world before? Probably... not that much."
Huffle looks at Crystal with confusion, “another Anti?! Jesus… and uh… I don’t think so?” 
Alt frowns, “Inverted… the Rift world… you have some really specific names for these worlds… I’ve only ever been able to tell them apart cuz… well we’ve been there and the TRVLR gives us codes for them…” he looks back to Huffle. “You seem familiar with these places too-“ 
Huffle stiffens, “oh uh- m-me and Cry talk a lot about… different universes, you know?” She laughs nervously.
"Y-yeah." Crystal nods awkwardly. "I-I like to give them good names. To... remember them. Inverted is called that because everyone's morality is the opposite of what it usually is: inverted. A-and the Rift is called that because... it has a lot of rifts that open up and let people come in and out of the universe. They really like the multiverse in that world. Probably one of the few worlds that know it for sure." 
Alt nods to Cry’s explanation, “Guess that makes sense…” 
“Huh- sounds like our Dnd game, Cry,” Huffle laughs. 
"Oh my god, it kinda does," Crystal says, grinning. 
"And that's why the Anti from there wants to destroy other worlds?" Jackie frowns. "Or, uh... at least knows about other worlds so he can want to destroy them." 
"That makes it sound so much worse than it is!" Crystal gasps. "I-I mean--he can't destroy worlds. Even if he wants to, i-it's like--It would take so much power to do that, a-and nothing in my--in this sort of, uh, branch of worlds has enough power to do that. Though, uh... Clearly he thinks that... by... H-he attacked me while I was in here, he must think that will... help him do that."
Huffle looks concerned as Crystal explains, “…I haven’t heard of anything strong enough to do that either… but uh- I have heard… creativity is… really powerful.” She looks at Crystal with wide eyes, seeming a bit scared.
"Yeah, Crystal said that it's like, a force in your world, right?" Marvin says. "Which is... so interesting, but worrying for you two." 
“Yeah.. a bit- I can’t tell you how often we’re targeted cuz of that,” Huffle sighs heavily. 
"Don't worry, we'll protect you!" Jackie grins. "We have all sorts of powers! We can fight him off, I'm sure!" He makes a fist and punches his palm, a ring of silvery green energy appearing around it. 
Huffle blinks then smiles warmly at the others. “Thanks guys… that helps me feel better…” 
Chase laughs. "Yeah, bros! And he has to know where you are, right? We just gotta keep you hidden until you can get back to your world." 
"Um... maybe you can fight him back with... energy?" Crystal wonders. "He's all energy so you can't fight him physically, but... maybe... something like that? And you can, like, trick him and stuff. His brain still works like a person's."
Alt nods, “I’m sure we can find some way to fight him… just gotta make sure he doesn’t get to us first.” 
Huffle fidgets a bit with a gold heart locket around her neck. “Uh… I’ve kinda been learning magic but… I-I’m still not very good but- I… at least know how to fight!” She tries to say confidently.
"And I have this." Crystal reaches into their pocket and pulls out a pocket knife with a red handle. "But, uh, that's not gonna do much against that Anti, I guess." 
Huffle giggles, “Always good to have a knife on you- just in case.” 
"Hey, that's more than I have right now!" Chase says. "For both of you! I know I used to have a gun but uh... that's very illegal here so IRIS confiscated it." 
Well they might have also not wanted you to have that against them, JJ says. 
"That, too." 
The sound of static fills the room. The five guys from this world all instinctively tense, but then Anti appears--the inverted Anti. He looks around. "...huh. Now there's two of you." 
Alt blinks then grins, “Hey Anti.” 
"Hiiiii Anti." Crystal waves. "You remember Huffle?"
Huffle jumps slightly with a squeak, then blinks rapidly at Anti. “oh- hi! S’been a while! …sorry to just drop in?” She grins sheepishly.
"Not a problem. How did you get here, though?" Anti asks. 
"She just sorta... accidentally went through my thing back home," Crystal explains. "A-and now we're gonna be stuck here for a while cause I have a timer on my return thing." 
"Ah." Anti nods. "So you'll be here for the IRIS thing, then." 
Chase sits up straight. "Did you find one?"
“IRIS…? That’s a thing here??” Huffle says with wide eyes. 
“You know about IRIS too?” Bro asks with a tilted head. 
“Uh… I-I’ve heard about it… never really… been-“ Huffle says slowly. “why are you guys going there?” 
“We’re hoping they have the plans to fix our multiverse jumping device-“ Alt explains. He looks to Anti, “What did you find out?”
"There's one out that way." Anti points. "About thirty minutes out of town. It's hidden under a hill." 
Marvin raises his eyebrows. "How very Fair Folk of them." 
"It's ironic, isn't it?" Anti agrees. "The place is mostly empty. The machines work automatically. I think it's our best bet to find something. I also found a rental car place on the way that has big vans for rent."
Alt brightens up, “It’s mostly empty?? That’s perfect!” 
Bro grins, “Sick dude! Sounds like we’re good to go!” 
Huffle chuckles a bit and shrugs, looking at Crystal, “I guess it’s time for another adventure, huh?”
"Heh. I guess so." Crystal grins a little. "Let's head out, then." 
"Where is this rental car place?" Marvin asks. "Better be close by. I'm not walking too far this early in the morning." 
"It's just down the street, don't worry," Anti says. "Grab all your stuff. We're moving out."
7 notes · View notes
moe-broey · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Alfonse/Lif sword enthusiast moments
I feel like there are more instances specifically of Alfonse complimenting another person's weapon?? I can't remember if I'm just making that up or like. Where or when or who it happened with. Also cannot remember if his alts talk about their weapons, I feel like they don't? Which honestly lends itself to him just being really enthusiastic about swords specifically
24 notes · View notes
mahgyu · 3 months
Shiu smut + N$FW audio
• minors do not interact!
──── In Shiu's eyes, you were a goddess. And if your neglectful boyfriend, Toji, didn't treat you as such, Shiu would gladly fulfill that role.
Your moans echoed throughout the room as Shiu's tongue roamed your vulva. One of the man's hands firmly gripping your exposed breasts while your eyes rolled back feeling Shiu simulate a thrust with their tongue at your tight entrance.
Your fingers gripped the black strands of his nape as the male hands descended now to grasp your quivering thighs. Fingers sinking into your sensitive skin, Shiu's agile tongue snapped loudly as it explored every inch of your needy intimacy.
"Ugh... Shiu~" You called out in a plea, lifting your partially naked torso to look at him. The dark deeply hypnotic eyes granted you attention, that sensual gaze making you wet within seconds. "Toji will be back soon, y-you have to go..." You cautioned, practically struggling to resist Shiu's intoxicating touch.
In response, Shiu held you even tighter between his hands, inching his face away from your needy area. "Don't talk about your little boyfriend while I eat your pussy, doll." Kong's pink moist lips formed a smirk before he returned his attention to your intimacy.
Your relationship with Toji was not on the best way, often feeling like he used you as a toy only for his moments of boredom. Today, for instance, Toji had agreed to spend the whole day with you, but the disappointing reality came to light when you found out through Shiu that he had gone out to gamble again. But despite feeling neglected in your own relationship, you still felt terrible for cheating on Toji with his own friend, even though Shiu gave you the attention that Toji never even bothered to give you.
"We both know he doesn't deserve you, sweetie" Shiu said, dragging his wet lips along the inside of your thighs. "He shows you off like you're an accessory, but doesn't even care to truly take care of you" Shiu's face quickly turned dark and serious, his slightly wet hair covering his forehead. "Toji doesn't know how to appreciate the queen he has by his side, my love." As painful as it was to hear those words, it still felt so good to be appreciated like that by someone.
"But, we're acting wrong... Hmm, shit! " You said, trying to control yourself from fucking your needy pussy against Shiu's face who just laughed mockingly at your protest and moved closer to your pussy again.
"I wonder what his reaction would be if he saw us like this. Would he learn how to treat you properly?" Shiu said, dismissing other thoughts, leaving a chaste kiss on your sensitive and swollen clit. "I'd love to see the look on that jerk's face watching another man devour his girlfriend's needy pussy" He needled, staring at you.
Shiu sucked your clit hard, hungrier, more ravenous, delighting in your tearful moans that escaped straight from your throat. "Let me enjoy your sweet little pussy just a bit longer, doll, I promise it'll be worth it in the end." You felt Shiu's hot tongue slickening you up more as he promptly inserted two fingers into your needy and slippery hole. Your eyes rolled with the intrusion, Shiu's name repeatedly falling from your lips in the form of a moan, causing him to grunt. "Let me take care of you, my goddess."
Shiu's version! I'm curious to know what you guys think. 🤭
Any other character suggestions? Tell me.
Your interaction is very important to me, reblogs and comments are always welcome. 🫶🏻💕
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uravichii · 2 years
pov: you're drop-dead gorgeous (and they don't know how to deal with it)
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character/s: bakugo katsuki, shinsou hitoshi, kaminari denki, todoroki shouto
genre: fluff, crack (?), them hyping u up like there's no tomorrow, uhh reader wears makeup 🤕
notes: this is for all u pretty mfs aka all of u whether u believe it or not YOU ARE PRETTY AMD HOT AND AMAZING 😡‼️ also disclaimer: the boys love u not just for your face. they think you're so cool for being beautiful inside n out and this is just them appreciating the out 🧎‍♀️
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bakugo katsuki thinks you're so pretty that his only response to it is to be angry. he'd watch intently the way you'd smooth your clothes down and cutely fiddle with your hair in the mirror as if there's even anything to fix. he'll cup your pretty face in his hands and squeeze your cheeks together (cuteness aggression probably), "tell me why you're so fucking pretty all the time? what are you so pretty for, huh?!"
bakugo katsuki would always watch you do your makeup and hair and then slip into the prettiest clothes only you can pull off and he's just mesmerized by the whole thing.
"katsuki, please stop drooling and get dressed. we're gonna be late."
his only response is: "fuck off."
because he can never deny nor hide the fact that he constantly admires you every chance he gets. he storms his way to you and snatches a shimmery eyeshadow from your makeup bag. "tch, you don't even need any of this shit."
"you don't like it, katsuki?" you stare up at him doe-eyed, easily making his heart skip a beat.
"h-hah?! i didn't say that!" he shoves it to your hand, "now do this glittery shit next!"
and you just ditch whatever plans you'd made and spend the rest of the night trying on different makeup looks. he'll insist that you sit on his lap while you doll yourself up just because, and you gladly do so but then you both end up wearing a full face of glam makeup 🧍‍♀️ he doesn't know how he just let it happen but he's like, "whatever makes you fucking happy, y/n."
he then proceeds to tell you that, "every one of those ugly extras should grovel at your feet, worship the ground you walk on, and then beg for your forgiveness."
"forgive them for what?"
he stares blankly at you. "for breathing the same air as you."
bakugo katsuki's not active on social media at all but on his instagram, his first and only post is a photo dump of just youー the selfies you took on his phone, your date outfits, candid photos (by courtesy of bakugo katsuki) of you smiling at a stray cat, the power nap you took on his shoulder, and his favorite one by far: a photo of you wearing his black tank top that completely swallows you up, holding up two little peace signs on your cheeks.
and of course, he captions it, "u and ur ugly ass wish u were y/n."
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shinsou hitoshi is convinced he's dating a model. he doesn't know how it happened, but he is a little proud of whatever the hell was in him that managed to rizz you up.
he thinks you look amazing in absolutely anything. so when you go clothes shopping together, he casually picks up all types of clothes from the racks until there's a whole pile of them in his arms.
when you shoot him a questioning look about it, he only says, "think you'll look amazing in these, babe."
he also picks up some accessories and just wears them on youー hats, sunglasses, hair pins, and you just let him because each time you let him accessorize you, he gives those little comments like, "amazing." "cute" "this one's tacky; i put it on you as a joke but you pull it off for some reason." "yes. slayed." he made you wear cat ears one time and he just melts right there, immediately taking a photo of you for his new lockscreen.
it bothers shinsou hitoshi a lot when people stare at you even when they can clearly see his hand on the small of your back. he'll slide closer to you and kiss the top of your head all the while he gives them a death stare he wishes he could do more.
he squeezes your waist a little to call your attention.
"hm? what's up, hitoshi?"
he looks at you blankly, taking in your features in awe as if for the first time again. then he stuffs your face into his chest, your legs staggering as you grab a hold of his forearms.
"hey, what are you doing?" you giggle in his chest. he's relieved you can't see his flushed cheeks. "hitoshiii"
"you're too good for this world, y/n. i need to start gatekeeping you."
what blows shinsou hitoshi's mind the most is how you're probably unaware of your effect on him, no matter how many times he's called you all synonyms of the word, 'beautiful'
he's sat on the couch, a tiny smile of adoration tugging on his lips when he sees you running up to him. your eyes brim with excitement as you call his name, truly the prettiest ones he's ever seen.
"something happened?ー" he pauses when you lean your face so close to his. he sinks back into the couch as the tips of ears start to turn red.
it takes a moment until he realizes that you're showing off the purple eyeshadow you had done on yourself, batting your eyelashes at him as you wait for his response bc right now he's just staring at you like 😦💘‼️‼️‼️
"it's the one you picked out from the mall yesterday. is it pretty?"
"y/n." his hands slowly find their way to your waist, "i don't believe you're real sometimes. you are possibly the most beautiful person i've ever seen."
"god," he pulls you by the waist until you're sat on his lap, your legs straddling him. "you have no idea."
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remember how bakugo said all those extras should be groveling at your feet and worshipping you? yeah, it's kaminari denki. he worships you.
he thinks you're beautiful and he's LOUD about it.
he's constantly bragging about you to his friends and showing off your photos (if you're comfy w/ that), "oh this? oh yeah, this is is y/n, the coolest, funniest, drop dead gorgeous, most ethereal person on earth and they're dating ME."
and bakugo would just grab his phone and knock it against his head with a thud 🤕, "WE FUCKING GET IT. NOW, SHUT UP, DUMBASS."
he'll rub his head while cackling, "whatever, i'm dating Y/N. who cares about anything if you're dating y/n?"
kaminari denki doesn't love you just for your beauty though. you're not just some eye candy to him. if someone ever called you one though, you bet he's zapping their ass and with the whole bakusquad by his side because somehow they feel obligated to protect you now too. 🧍‍♀️ (denki's effect)
and just as much as he compliments your beauty everyday, he never forgets to let you know how beautiful your heart is too. in fact, he calls you 'angel' because how could someone be this beautiful and be so kind and caring to him at the same time?
"sometimes.." he looks up pensively from his lap where you lay your head, "i feel like i've been blessed by the heavens when i got to date you.
"don't even think i'm exaggerating, y/n!" he pokes your cheek when you turn your head to look at him, "you're amazing. i don't know what i did for you to give me a chance."
there are times though when a part of kaminari denki feels a little insecure because he thinks he looks quite stupid next to you, and it doesn't help either that the bakusquad never lets him hear the end of it 😔
"denki, you don't look stupid because you're next to me. you do that on your own."
"aww, thank yー hol' up." 🤨
he's pouting but you immediately wipe that off by apologizing and peppering his face with kisses, ending it with a loud smooch on his lips with a "mmmwah!"
kaminari denki now can't remember what you're even apologizing for in the first place.
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you and todoroki shouto are so beautiful, the visuals are blinding 😩 you'd walk to your classroom together, him opening the door for you and you smiling at him, lovingly squeezing his arm as a silent 'thank you,' and people just stare with their mouths agape, not knowing who exactly to be jealous of.
shouto definitely stares the most though until it concerns midoriya, "t-todoroki-kun, you haven't moved in three minutes. are you okay?" because he might as well have drawn hearts on his eyes and stab an arrow to his heart with the way he looks at you.
todoroki shouto always kisses your eyes, nose, cheeks, hair, and your lips, of course, just to let you know how beautiful he thinks they are.
he thinks whatever you do or wear is so pretty, hence, the many, many photos of you on his phone. his lockscreen changes every 2 days because everyday he just gets a prettier shot of you, and he always shows them to you and to his friends and siblings ☹️ because everyone, including you, should appreciate what a beauty you are!
"this looks great! you'd make a great photographer, shouto" you lean in to kiss his cheek, immediately sending a flush across his face.
"well..." he looks to the ground, the feeling of your lips still lingering on his right cheek. "that's all you... you're beautiful. i don't know how it has anything to do with me, but thank you."
and then he leans closer, tilting his head to the side to silently ask for another kiss. you laugh softly at this, and when you cup his cheeks in your hands and start planting kisses all over his face the way he does to you, shouto confirms it in his mindー y/n is an angel.
todoroki shouto would get a little overboard with the photos though because he'll spam that button and keep every single one. when you ask why keep the blurry ones, he explains, "that's still a photo of you. why would i delete it?"
he also has a photo of his point of view from when he had his head on your lap. he said he wanted to capture "the happiest moment of his life." you convince yourself it's sweet but it's literally just a photo of your chin in a weird angle.
"shouto, that's just my chin."
he looks at you dead in the eye. "y/n, you have a lovely chin."
you call him a weirdo, which surprises him a little, but then you drape your arms around his neck and pepper kisses all over his face again because who else in the world would say that to you?
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year
[Angrily draws the aromantic flag on the pride product box display thingy at the store tht has flags on the side bc yet again we're 4gotten abt]
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sturniqlo · 2 months
Love You From The Start- C.S
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summary: more bff!chris and bff!y/n and a bit of bf!chris and gf!y/n headcannons
cw: fluff, slight cursing, a pinch of angst ntm, very minimal smut
an: tysm to @probablyoutyappingorsomething and this anon for all of these ideas💋 | lowercase intended
bff!chris who loves tickling you to make you laugh
"chris! stop it!" y/n cant stop laughing as chris' fingers dig into her sides and tickle her. chris also giggling and smiling so hard that he gets to hear her laugh and he's the one who's making her laugh and smile. "okay, okay!" chris' fingers eventually stop tickling her and he rolls on top of her and smothers her face in kisses, missing her lips.
bff!chris who always buys her online shopping carts without her knowledge
"oh my god no!" y/n whines, rubbing her hands over her face in disappointment, her laptop placed on top of her blanket. "what is it? what happened, hm?" chris asks worriedly. "my sephora cart! it's gone, i was going to buy it right now!" she goes to the sephora search bar and starts searching up the products she remembered she had in her cart. "wait, don't do it." chris stops her and grabs the laptop from her. "what? why not." she tries to look at the screen but he moves it from her view. "because," chris flips the screen back to her and shows her an online receipt. "i bought it for you when you were showering." he continues. y/n gasps. "chris, you didn't! it was almost three hundred dollars." she looks at his in disbelief.
"your package got here!" chris enters y/n's room. "my package? i didn't order anything." she's confused. "you didn't, i did. but, it's for you. i bought your amazon cart." y/n swats his arm. "chris! what'd i tell you about buying my cart without telling me." she grabs the huge box from him and opens it up. "thank you though."
bff!chris who takes y/n on many shopping sprees
"come on, it'll be fun!" chris drags her through the mall. "you know i don't like spending your money." chris groans. "i've told many times, i don't care! i'll buy you a fucking house and i wont complain! i love spoiling you." he wraps his arm around her shoulders. "fine, let's go to bath and body works first!" she soon gives in.
"i'd say this was a successful shopping trip!" chris lightly kicks y/n's room door open and places her many shopping bags down. "thank you for my new stuff chris, how can i pay you back?" y/n says. "i can think of a few ways." chris smirks and wraps his hands around her waist. "you dirty animal! not like that!" she throws her head back and laughs.
bff!chris who takes the opportunity to pretend to give y/n backshots whenever she's bent down
"i felt that!" y/n scolds chris when she feels a small gust of wind coming from behind her as she tries to grab a new sponge from under the sink. "not sure what you're talking about." chris acts clueless.
"boom! boom! boom!" chris grabs y/n's hips as she's bent over and pretends to give her backshots. "chris! you're so stupid!" she laughs as she's used to his behavior. "stupid for you." he lets her go and places a kiss on her neck.
bff!chris who teases you when you two are filming for his channel with his brothers
"behave." y/n mutters to chris once they're out of the frame from the camera. "but you look so good in this." he whispers and runs his hands over her ass in her shorts. chris, throughout the video, has been rubbing his hands over her ass and y/n is concerned that nick will miss it while editing and fans will take notice of them.
"and today we're here with y/n and we're going to be-" nick says and chris hugs y/n from behind and grabs her boobs for a second before letting go. "chris! i'm going to have to cut that out! let's redo the intro."
bff!chris who give you his honest opinions on your outfits and accessories
"okay, what about with this necklace?" y/n turns back around and shows chris the new necklace on her neck. chris, laying against her headboard, looks her up and down seeing if the necklace matches. "mm, i think the second one is better. this one is so thin and you can't really see it. i almost ignored it like you ignore my love for you."
"absolutely not." chris shakes his head at the shirt y/n is currently trying on. "yeah, i thought so." y/n looks down at the shirt as if it's going to magically change and look any better. "looks like something my eighty year old neighbor would wear." y/n gasps and they both look a girl who is walking into the changing room going to try on some clothes wearing the same exact shirt. "chris!" she covers her mouth and locks herself in the changing room leaving chris on his own.
"yes, this one looks so good on you!" chris immediately gets up as he sees her in a tight fitting dress. "look at you, holy fuck." he rubs his hands up and down her figure. "thank you, i'm guess you love it?" she looks up at him. "oh yeah." he pushes her into the tiny room.
bff!chris who will sit and yap with you for hours on end
"and i told him, no you're fucking crazy if you think i'm touching that snake!" chris tells y/n a story of what happened on his hike with his friends and they encounter a small snake. "remember when we accidentally kissed?" he forgets all about the snake talk and moves onto another topic.
"really? tell me more about it." chris looks into her eyes as she takes chris about a time where she was into pottery. "i have a few pieces in my family storage unit. maybe we can go one day and i'll show you. i think there's this one piece you'll like and you can have it." she fixed his earring as it moved out of place. "i'll keep all of 'em if i have the chance to."
bff!chris getting jealous when he sees you talking or laughing with another guy who isn't him
"who was that you were just talking to?" chris says in an angry tone. "not sure, he just came up to me and started talking to me." she says casually. "well i don't like him." y/n sighs. "chris you don't even know him." she says.
"woah, calm down. looks like you're about to explode." matt says next to him as chris looks at y/n talking to one of her guy friends. she's told chris about max, one of her old friends, and how close they used to be. "am not." he lies, feeling jealousy all over him. he then sees y/n wave him over and he goes up to him. "chris, this is max. max, this is chris." max sticks his hand out for chris to shake it. "it's nice to finally put a face to name, she's told me so much about you." max says and y/n blushes. "hush!"
bff!chris introducing y/n as 'his girl' to new people
"y/n! come, let me introduce you to some people i just met." chris says in her ear as he finally found her. "okay!" she grabs his hand and follows behind him. "guys! look, this is my girl, y/n." he puts a hand on her waist and y/n blushes at what he just called her.
bff!chris doing anything and everything to make her smile when she's upset
"come on, give me smile. please?" chris hovers over her, trying to pull her hands away from her face. "noo!" she whines. "please? just a small one." he finally manages to remove her hands. "look how pretty you are." that makes her break out in a smile. "there she is." chris smiles. "i promise you, that grade doesn't define you, okay? that professor doesn't know what he's talking about."
bff!chris overhearing y/n tell his brothers she doesn't like him, but he misses something.
chris could help but eavesdrop on y/n's conversation with his brothers. he was currently standing on the stairs behind the wall. "so, do you like him?" he hears matt's voice. "i- uhm, i don't know? no?" chris' heart breaks and he freezes for a couple of seconds before turning back and slowly walks down the stairs back into his room. however, y/n continues. "fine! yes, i do, i fucking love him. i'm just scared to tell him." back in his room, chris sniffles into his pillow. the girl who he has major feeling for doesn't like him back. was she just leading him on the entire time?
bff!chris ignoring y/n after overhearing what she said
"hi, i'm back." y/n comes back down happier than usual. chris stays silent on his phone. "wanna watch a movie or something?" she says, plopping down in her usual spot on his bed. he ignores her. "chris? do you want to watch a movie?" she tries once more, maybe he didn't hear her. "hello? earth to chris?"
bff!chris and bff!y/n expressing their love for each other
it's been an hour of chris ignoring y/n and he finally break the silence. "i heard you up there. heard what you said." he mumbles. "you heard me? like everything?" she questions. he nods. "oh i heard everything, alright." he says. "then why are you ignoring me, i thought you'd be happy." chris finally snaps. "happy? why the fuck would i be happy? you clearly told my brother you don't like me after all these years of me flirting with you? we fucking kissed for crying out loud! were you just leading me on?" he gets up from off the bed and runs his hand through his hair. "what?! no, chris you missed the part where i clearly said i was scared of telling you that i love you!" she says back. "what?" chris says, pausing his movements. "i said no at first because i was scared of admitting it. but then i said i do, i love you, chris." she gets up off the bed and walks to him. "i feel so stupid, oh my god." he groans into his hands. "i love you too, y/n."
bf!chris who can finally show y/n how much he loves her
"can i?" chris kisses down her neck. "can i show you how much i fucking love you?" he nips at her sweet spot making her let out a soft moan. "yes, please. please show me."
"mm, you feel so good around me, baby." chris groans into her neck. her nails scratching down his back. "fuck- keep- keep going." y/n gasps as she feels the familiar knot in her lower belly. "gonna come for me, hm?" she can only nod.
gf!y/n who overhears bf!chris telling her mom he wants to marry her
"you really love her don't you?" y/n hears her moms voice in the kitchen. she had came down because chris was taking a bit to long from getting water. "i do, i really do." she stands behind the wall that goes into the kitchen feeling bad for overhearing this conversation. "i want to marry her one day." y/n gasps quietly and smiles. she goes back upstairs once he mentions that he's going to head on up. once he enters the room he sees y/n slightly out of breath and smiley. "you head me down there didn't you?" he throws himself on top of her. "maybe." she giggles. "i really mean it, okay?" he kisses her lips. "okay, i agree with you too. i want to marry you."
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punkshort · 2 months
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Swept Away | Chapter 3: Go with the Flow
Pairing: sugardaddy!Joel Miller x f!reader
Chapter Summary: You get to know the other hotel moguls and their partners a bit more at a lavish cocktail party, and things begin to heat up between you and Joel.
Chapter Warnings: language, angst, sexual tension, flirting, sugar daddy/sugar baby dynamics, smutty thoughts, alcohol and food consumption
WC: 8.4K
Series Masterlist
He tipped me.
Yay! How much?
I don't know, I didn't open it.
You stared down at your phone, Celine's words jumping out at you from the screen. It was a good question. Why didn't you open it? You could tell yourself it didn't matter how much it was. It wasn't like you were spending your own money for the next month, anyway. But when you looked over at the nightstand where the envelope still sat untouched, you knew deep down why you didn't open it.
I don't know, guess it took me by surprise or something
You heard a light tap on your bedroom door and you looked up from your phone. "Yeah?"
"You're up. Good," Joel's muffled voice said from the other side. "Wanted to see if you were hungry."
I gotta go get ready for breakfast, I'll call you later
Be safe!
"Ten minutes!" you called back to him before flicking your comforter off and hurrying to your closet to pick out something to wear. You settled on a pair of wide leg linen pants and a light pink sleeveless top that showed just a sliver of your midsection. There were too many accessories to choose from so you did your best to keep it simple with a dainty chain necklace and pink pearl earrings, then tossed your phone and other belongings into a white purse before swinging your door open and heading down the hall. At the last second, you turned around and grabbed the envelope of cash, tucking it into the bottom of your bag for safekeeping.
You stopped in the bathroom to put on a tiny bit of makeup and a quick brush of your teeth before running your fingers through your hair with a shrug. After meeting Glenn, you felt a lot less pressure to conform and give the appearance of some wealthy socialite and instead, leaned into the relaxed beach vibe he exuded.
"Morning," you said breathlessly when you finally entered the living room. Joel was sitting in the middle of the couch, one ankle casually resting on his knee, legs spread wide and looking completely at ease as he stared down at his phone. He pocketed the device when he heard your voice and stood up, eyes drifting down once to look at your clothes and giving you an appraising nod. If it were any other man standing before you essentially giving you his unsolicited opinion on your choice of outfit, you would have had a few unladylike things to say. But when Joel did it, something inside you preened at his approval.
"Mornin'," he answered, and when he brushed past you to walk towards the door, you caught a whiff of mint and fresh soap mixed with the scent of his hair product.
Fuck, he smelled good.
"What are we doing today?" you asked as you trailed after him.
"Thought we'd settle in, get somethin' to eat, then we got pretty much all afternoon free before headin' over to Glenn's house."
"Oh, we're going to his home?" you asked, stepping on the elevator once the doors opened. He nodded and tapped the button for the second floor, where you remembered seeing some shops and restaurants advertised.
"Yeah, invited all of us over for cocktails by his pool. Supposed to have a beautiful place," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets and staring up at the numbers above the door tick lower.
There were only two restaurants open that served breakfast, so Joel picked the one that had open seating on the patio. The hostess led you both to a table attached to a bright red umbrella fluttering in the wind that had an absolutely breathtaking view of the ocean.
"I don't think I'll ever get sick of this," you said dreamily while Joel flipped through the menu, his sunglasses perched on the tip of his nose. He just grunted in response and kept his eyes lowered. In fact, you were beginning to think he was avoiding looking at you most of the morning. You tilted your head to the side and reached an arm across the table, tapping a finger on the wood to get his attention.
"Hm?" he said, still looking down.
"Everything okay? Did you sleep alright?"
"Slept fine."
You pressed your lips into a thin line before giving up and opening the menu with a sigh. When the server came to get your order, all you asked for was coffee and some eggs with fruit. Handing the menu over to her before she left with a smile, you looked back across the table at Joel. Once again, his phone was hidden from view. A habit you were beginning to notice happened with meals, but you almost wished he had it out because it would have been better than the thick silence that hung between you.
"So, you said we had the afternoon. Did you want to go to the beach? Or maybe-"
"I gotta work," he said abruptly, and you felt your heart sink a little.
"Oh, right, of course. Sorry."
You thought you saw guilt flicker across his face for a brief moment before he cleared his throat and looked out towards the crashing waves on the shoreline.
"You could go to the beach. Don't lemme stop you."
"What? No, no, I'll hang back. Maybe just take a dip in the pool, unpack a little bit. I'm still a little jet lagged, anyway," you found yourself saying. It wasn't even true, but the thought of going to the beach alone sounded boring.
"There's a spa in the hotel. Massages, facials, that kinda stuff. Whatever you want just bill it to the room."
"Oh... okay. Maybe, yeah," you stammered. He was utterly confusing you. He wasn't acting like the Joel who was pinching your chin in the clothing store or gazing at you with admiration over dinner last night. It felt like you were back at square one and you had no idea what happened.
Once your food arrived, you ate in relative silence. You spent most of the meal taking in the scenery and people watching the other guests staying at the hotel. It wasn't until your plates were cleared when you noticed a familiar face.
You straightened up in your chair and, without thinking, reached a hand out to rest gently on Joel's forearm. His muscles tensed under your touch but you didn't pull away. Instead, you leaned forward, eyes still focused somewhere over his shoulder.
"Isn't that Zachary?"
Joel twisted around to look and groaned before turning back to you.
"Must be stayin' here, too."
You watched as Zoe arrived moments later wearing a long, flowing patterned dress with a deep neckline, showing a generous amount of cleavage, and sporting a large sun hat and oversized sunglasses. She slid them down and glanced around, almost immediately catching your eye and tossing you a flirty wave. You smiled and let go of Joel's arm, not noticing how he retracted it under the table after, and waved back.
"They're coming this way."
He pushed his sunglasses on and ran his fingers through his hair just as they approached your table.
"Miller," Zachary said gruffly by way of greeting, clapping Joel on the shoulder. He glanced up and forced a friendly smile for them both.
"Heard you were staying here. Got the two bedroom villa, huh? Expecting company?"
Joel frowned and shook his head. "How'd you know that?"
"Owner's a buddy of mine," he said, tapping the side of his nose with a mischievous grin.
"I tend to travel heavy. Joel wanted to get me the extra space for all my things," you told Zachary, your voice dripping with sweetness as you shot Joel what you hoped was a look of adoration.
"How thoughtful of you, Joel," Zachary said, but you could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn't very sincere. "Looking forward to drinks later. You're both coming, right? Or do you gotta hang back and work?"
Your eyes darted back and forth between the two men, trying to get a read on the sudden tension and where it stemmed from, but you were lost.
"Nope. We'll both be there."
Joel's voice was curt, fingertips tapping on the table, quite clearly wishing he would leave. Zachary got the hint and looked Zoe's way.
"C'mon, darling. Let's get you something to eat. Kept you up way too late last night," he murmured with a wink. She smiled sweetly at him and when they both turned to head back to their table, she waved to you again.
"See you tonight!" she said brightly over her shoulder, seemingly unbothered by the awkwardness you both just witnessed.
Once they were both out of earshot, you gave Joel a look.
"That last comment was kind of gross."
Joel sighed and stood up. "Yeah, that's Zachary for you."
You scrambled to stand and joined him as you walked through the restaurant, back to the elevators, giving the pair one more friendly wave before disappearing from view.
"Do you guys not get along or something?" you asked once you were safely inside the elevator alone. Joel shrugged and kept his eyes on the numbers ticking away above the door.
"End of the day, they're all competition. It's all a game."
It felt like more than that, but you let it go.
Silently, you followed him back to the villa. Once inside, you busied yourself in the kitchen, weighing your options for the day while he set up a laptop on the dining room table. You didn't want to be in his way, but you didn't feel much like exploring on your own just yet. The exterior wall of the living room was completely made of glass, giving you both a spectacular view of your pool and the ocean beyond. He had logged into work and was getting settled at the table when you finally decided to spend the day at the gorgeous, private pool just outside. As you headed in the direction of your room, you glanced over your shoulder, about to tell him of your intentions, but he had already slipped in a pair of earbuds.
That was fine. He would be able to see you from his seat at the table if he wondered where you went.
When reviewing your options for bathing suits, you were shocked to find six different choices. Who on earth would need more than two? But you shrugged and decided on a simple black bikini, changing quickly and applying some sunscreen before finding a sheer green coverup amongst your things and slipping it over your shoulders. Rifling through your duffel bag, you found a book, your headphones, and your own sunglasses, all of which you brought with you before opening the glass door leading from your bedroom to the patio outside.
There was a white linen pergola next to the pool with two lounge chairs and a cabinet underneath. You picked a chair and put your things down before opening the cabinet to find a towel and some bottles of water. The amenities in the hotel were outstanding and you found yourself still struggling to get used to it. Everywhere you turned, you had everything you could possibly need. Is this really how the other half lived?
You slipped your coverup off, tossing it on top of your phone, and ran the tips of your fingers underneath the band of your bikini bottoms, straightening out the fabric and making sure you had coverage before timidly stepping towards the pool. Even from this distance you could hear laughter and music filtering from the beach, the sounds of summer and joy bringing a smile to your face as you dipped a toe into the pool. It shouldn't have come as a surprise when you realized the pool was heated to the perfect temperature, so you glided right in, submerging yourself underwater and popping back up with a refreshing gasp.
If Joel wanted to work the whole time you were there, then that was his choice. You knew in all likelihood you wouldn't ever get an opportunity like this again, and you were determined to enjoy it.
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He was supposed to be working. In fact, he was supposed to be paying attention while the head of finance went over the last quarter's numbers on his laptop screen via video call, but instead he found his eyes drifting to the massive window overlooking the pool. Every time you emerged from the water, your body slick and that skimpy bikini stuck rather obscenely to your skin, he couldn't stop himself from staring. Thank Christ the windows were tinted.
His eyes dragged back to the laptop and he cleared his throat. "Sorry, WiFi's a little spotty."
"No problem. I said we made record profits last quarter and we should be in a strong financial position to expand without requiring any loans."
"Fantastic," Joel replied, his eyes darting briefly to the window, swallowing hard when you took a break to drink some water. You tipped your head back and closed your eyes, your soft lips wrapping around the plastic of the bottle. He felt his cock twitch and he forced his eyes back to the screen. This whole arrangement with you was proving to be a lot more challenging than he expected. He was doing his best to pull away from you and create some distance, but it wasn't working.
"What's the word out there? Think you got a shot at this piece of land?"
Joel shrugged and leaned back in his chair. "Too early to say, but if I had to guess, it'll come down to me or Scott."
"Well, good luck, sir."
"Thanks. We'll talk next week."
Joel exited the meeting and the room was filled with silence once again. Emails popped up in the corner of his screen and he managed to focus for a couple hours, one call from HR in particular distracting him from looking at you, but around lunchtime he found his gaze wandering again. You were laid out on your lounge chair reading, legs stretched out, looking sunkissed and relaxed.
With a sigh, he looked down at his watch then stood up. Strolling to the kitchen, he picked up the phone attached to the wall while thumbing through the room service menu. He ordered a couple items for you to share before heading to his bedroom to find his swim trunks.
He never takes a break that doesn't involve clients, so what the hell? Just this once.
By the time he emerged from his bedroom and stepped out onto the patio, you had slipped back into the pool. You were gazing out towards the ocean with your chin resting on the backs of your hands as you leaned up against the edge of the infinity pool. When you heard his door close, you turned to look at him in surprise.
"Hey," you said happily, gaze flickering down his bare chest quickly before locking eyes with him again.
"Mind if I join you?"
You grinned and shook your head. "Not at all."
He tossed his sunglasses and the shirt he had clutched in his hand onto the other lounge chair, realizing for the first time he forgot his phone back inside, but he shrugged it off. He didn't need it anyway. Work could wait an hour.
"Feels nice," he said once he walked all the way into the pool, the water stopping just underneath his collarbone.
"Sure beats the above ground pool I had growing up," you joked.
"Hell, at least you had one."
"True," you sighed, wading over to a built in seat in the deep end so you could rest. "Got me in trouble a few times, though."
Joel quirked an eyebrow and slowly walked over, joining you on the other end of the seat. It gave you both the perfect view of the ocean. "What kinda trouble?"
You giggled and shook your head. "You know. Inviting my friends over to swim when I wasn't supposed to." You paused before quietly adding, "swimming with boys in the middle of the night."
"Boys?" Joel chuckled in surprise.
"Well, not boys. One boy. A boy."
He hummed and glanced at you. "Someone special?"
You shrugged, gaze still pinned on the ocean. "I guess at the time he was. He was my next door neighbor growing up."
"What happened?"
"He went away to college, I eventually moved out to LA, we just lost touch. I think he was my first real love."
For some inexplicable reason, Joel felt his chest grow tight. He rubbed it absentmindedly, refusing to give it too much thought.
"What about you?" you asked, tilting your head towards him. "Who was your first love?"
"Who says I had one?" he countered without even thinking. Now it was your turn to be surprised.
"You've never been in love?"
His eyes dragged down your face before taking a deep breath and looking away, already regretting sharing too much. "Been busy."
You laughed softly to yourself and shook your head.
"What?" he frowned.
"Nothing. I just don't think love checks with your schedule. When it happens, there's no stopping it, whether you like it or not, whether it's convenient or not."
The corner of his mouth twitched. "Pretty profound."
You locked eyes and gave him an endearing smile. "I can be surprising."
"Oh, I'm very aware," he replied, his gaze dropping down briefly to look at the distorted image of your body through the water, then quickly met your eye again. "Nice suit, by the way."
Your cheeks instantly felt hot as you bit your lip and shyly looked away. "Thank you. You bought it."
"I have good taste."
"I think that's been established."
Shit. You were cute. And quick. But he already knew that.
"Wanna tell me what it's like?" he asked lowly, and you felt your breath hitch. "Bein' in love?"
"Oh, I don't want to spoil the surprise for you."
"I made it this far, ain't sure it's in the cards for me," he said, a smile pulling at his lips.
"I wouldn't count you out just yet," you replied softly.
He stared at you, your words hanging heavy in the air, as he struggled to formulate a response. Something about the way you were looking at him made him open his mouth before his brain had a chance to catch up. He was seconds away from telling you too much, from breaking one of his rules, from letting you in, but fortunately the door to the living room slid open, dissolving the tension in an instant.
"Mr. Miller? Room service."
You both turned your heads towards the two attendants holding silver trays with matching polished domed lids on top.
"Put them over there," he directed, pointing to the pergola. They nodded in unison and carefully placed the trays down, lifting the lids off with white gloves, and disappeared back inside.
"Thank you!" you called after them before the door closed. Your eyes drifted back to him but you could see the moment was over. When the living room door opened, Joel's door shut.
"Got us somethin' to eat," he explained, nodding in the direction of the pergola.
"That was thoughtful, thank you."
He spent another ten minutes outside with you, nibbling on assorted meats, cheeses and fruits until he stood with a groan, announcing he had work to get back to, and reminded you to be ready to leave by six that evening.
You nodded and bit the inside of your cheek as you watched him slip back inside his room to change, convinced more than ever that there was a good man hidden underneath all that armor, you just had to keep chipping away.
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"I'll need to thank your assistant one day. Whoever they are, I gotta admit, they did a good job," you told Joel in the back of the private car that was taking you to Glenn's estate. You smoothed down the fabric of your bright yellow sundress, loving the way it hugged your curves and made your skin glow.
"Did you ever have any doubt?" he asked, sliding his sunglasses down his nose so he could look at you over the top. You grinned and shrugged.
You found yourself growing excited for the evening ahead. Even though you knew it was all an act, that Joel was paying you to pretend to be someone you're not, you found yourself enjoying it more than you thought. But shamefully you especially enjoyed the way Joel acted around you when others were present. You liked his touch and his smile as opposed to the closed off version you had been stuck with the remainder of the afternoon. He was utterly confusing and his mood shifts were giving you whiplash, but at least you knew what to expect at Glenn's house that evening.
"You think you'll be alright on your own for a bit tonight?" he asked as if he somehow read your mind, dashing all your hopes at seeing that softer side of him again.
"Sure," you answered timidly.
"Good. Wanna try to get some one on one time with Glenn, make some progress with 'em."
"Of course."
You looked out the window, heart suddenly deflated. If it was apparent you were disappointed, he wouldn't have even noticed. Per usual, he was staring down intently at his phone, hardly sparing you a glance the rest of the ride.
The car dropped you off in front of a huge, sprawling manor built right on the coast. In the distance, you could see the twinkling lights from other resorts, but Glenn managed to carve out his own little private paradise smack dab in the middle of tourist country.
"This is beautiful," you said breathlessly as you gazed up at the Mediterranean-style architecture surrounded by palm trees and exotic florals. It was dusk and the outside of the house and gardens were lit up with gorgeous ambient lighting, set on the backdrop of a deep purple and pink sky.
"C'mon," was all Joel said, nodding towards the stone walkway, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his khakis. You hurried to catch up with him while your head tilted back to admire the outdoor chandeliers hanging high above the front entrance.
It appeared you arrived just after everybody else. As you walked through the foyer towards the kitchen, you could hear pleasantries and welcomes being exchanged, along with drink orders and details on what hors d'oeuvres were being served.
At the last moment you wrapped a hand around the inside of Joel's elbow, but his hand stubbornly remained in his pocket.
"Ah, welcome!" Glenn bellowed when you stepped into the massive and meticulously kept kitchen. You tried not to gawk and did your best to act like you were around homes like that every single day and not, in fact, only familiar with them through reality TV and magazines.
You waved shyly and glanced quickly around the room while Joel led you to the bar. Already, the significant others had split off from their respective hotel moguls, laughing and sipping on drinks on the other side of the room.
Joel handed you a glass of wine with a warm smile that you couldn't help but return, then subtly cleared his throat, his eyes darting to the others across the room. You got the hint but before parting ways, you planted a kiss on his cheek. His stubble felt rough against your lips yet you felt a jolt in your stomach at the sensation, anyway. Wiping your lipstick from his tanned skin with your thumb, you turned to leave, pleased to feel his eyes on your back as you walked.
Zoe noticed you first. She waved excitedly and you waved back. Even if Joel couldn't stand Zachary, it was undeniable that Zoe's energy was infectious.
"Long time, no see," you joked, and she laughed. Your eyes trailed down her outfit and you shot her an envious look. "Love that dress," you added.
"Thanks! It's Valentino," then she cupped her hand around her mouth and whispered conspiratorially, "it's not even out yet."
"Wow!" you said enthusiastically, playing along as if you had some idea how important that was.
Tammy and Lynne were huddled around Ian as he showed them photos from his phone and it was at that point you realized the three of them had been icing Zoe out completely. Your brow furrowed slightly and you looked at her, trying to figure out if you were reading the room correctly, but she didn't give anything away. She was still babbling to you about her dress and the lengths Zachary went to in order to get it for her, seemingly unbothered. Tammy glanced over her shoulder at Zoe when she heard her gushing about her boyfriend and you picked up on the unmistakable disdain written all over her face before she quickly blinked it away with a tight smile after she noticed you looking in her direction.
Tammy turned around then and greeted you by name, interrupting Zoe, and stuck her hand out. "Please let me see that ring, I was dying to get a better look at it last night."
You shot Zoe an apologetic glance but she just smiled back as she sipped her martini, watching Tammy closely over her glass. You stuck out your hand and all four of them gasped and fawned all over your ring.
"How did he propose?" Ian asked.
You repeated the fake story, hoping you remembered everything and looked sincere enough as you spoke, and when you finished up you gazed down at the ring on your finger. It really was a beautiful ring.
"The beach, huh?" Tammy repeated, and you nodded. "Doesn't sound like Joel."
A jolt of panic shot through you like lightning. "What do you mean?"
She just shrugged. "I never took Joel for a beach guy."
"Well, he knows I love the beach. He did it for me," you told her defensively. It was ridiculous to feel so protective over a fake relationship but for some reason, you didn't like her tone. Besides, what did she know about Joel? Was she implying she knew him better somehow?
"Hm. How romantic," Tammy replied sweetly, but you still picked up on the undercurrent of distaste in her words.
"Yes, I agree. He's very romantic," you couldn't help but say. You wanted to wipe that snobby look off her face. She stared at you, that fake smile still stretched across her thin lips, and you stared right back, refusing to be the first to look away.
A sharp clap of laughter came from the men across the room, breaking the tension between the two of you. You shuffled your feet and glanced back at Zoe who was giving you an amused look from behind her glass. Maybe you read her all wrong. Maybe Zoe wasn't clueless after all.
Mary, Glenn's wife, emerged from the butler's pantry with a wide smile. Her eyes drifted around the room to make sure her guests were taken care of as she headed in the direction of your group.
"So sorry! Just a little situation with the caterers," she explained, clapping her hands together gleefully. "How about we all head outside?"
You agreed and followed her dutifully towards the courtyard where a magnificent in-ground pool with built in lights that made the water look almost purple was in the center of an extraordinary backyard. There were plenty of seating and lounging areas, as well as an outdoor bar complete with bartender standing at attention. Gorgeous string lights were draped above your heads and all around the courtyard, connecting at the various palm trees and casting the area with the perfect amount of mood lighting.
"Mary, this place is absolutely stunning," Lynne gushed with a hand pressed lightly against her flushed chest. Mary smiled her thanks.
"We've been working on making this place our dream home for so many years," she replied, "it's everything we've ever wanted."
It didn't take very long for you to become a little bored with hearing the details of how their architect imported tile from Rome or how she had some prestigious artist, a name you'd never heard before, paint a mural in their master suite, but you did your best to remain polite and engaged. However, when it became clear Ian, Lynne and Tammy were legitimately interested in her interior designer's "risky" idea for her dining room, you didn't feel so bad when you let your attention wander for a bit.
Your eyes drifted around the pool in search of someone with food as you tipped your glass back, finishing your wine. Then you locked eyes with Zoe, who appeared to also be losing interest. She gave you a small smile before tilting her head toward the bar and you both politely excused yourselves in search of more drinks.
"Can you imagine living somewhere like this?" she asked when you got out of earshot.
You chuckled and shook your head. "Never. I mean, LA is nice but it's just not the same. It's so... peaceful here."
"It really is," she sighed. You both leaned up against the bar and ordered refills when you heard the door open. You twisted around excitedly, assuming it would be Joel and the others, but it turned out to be three caterers, each holding a tray at chest level. Zoe waved them down and you inwardly sighed with relief when you each took a small smattering of what they had to offer.
"Thank god," you mumbled when you popped something in your mouth that you didn't recognize but at that point, you didn't care. "I was starting to think no one eats."
She giggled and covered her mouth. "They probably don't, but I sure as hell do."
You laughed and out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the others, aside from Mary, chose to decline the appetizers. "I mean, it's only polite, right?"
"Yeah, duh," Zoe answered before taking a bite of tuna tartare. "Mary'd be disappointed if no one ate. Kind of rude of the others when you think about it."
Your eyes widened and you glanced around, making sure the bartender was busy talking to another caterer and not paying attention before you spoke again. "I think that Tammy's kind of rude, regardless," you said softly, watching carefully for Zoe's reaction. She gasped dramatically as if you had committed blasphemy, then instantly dropped the act, giggling into her palm in agreement.
"Yeah, she's something alright," Zoe replied, looking once over her shoulder at the group. "You did good, though. Standing your ground, marking your territory. Still, you'd think she would be a little more subtle, considering."
You frowned and titled your head to the side. "Considering what?"
She eyed you coyly and winked. "Zach told me. Don't worry though, I won't say a word."
Your blood ran cold. Could she somehow know your relationship was all a lie? No, that wouldn't make sense. Still...
"What do you mean?"
She looked around and picked up her drink and food. "Let's go sit down."
You followed her over to a table with a semblance of privacy without looking like you were excluding yourselves. She brushed her hair off her shoulders and readjusted the straps on her dress before she continued. "He told me about Joel and Tammy. That they had an affair. You'd think after that song and dance last night about them being college sweethearts she would be a little more reserved or, god forbid, have some goddamn shame, but I guess not."
She looked down to scrape something questionable off a cracker while you tried to control your reaction to her news. How could Joel not tell you something this important? Was he crazy?
You swallowed the lump in your throat and steeled yourself, pretending you knew all along. "Does everyone know?"
She scoffed and shook her head. "Hell no. You think they'd be talking to her right now if they did?"
You breathed a sigh of relief but you still couldn't shake the tight feeling in your chest and the inexplicable anger you felt towards Tammy. Clenching your teeth, you took a deep breath in through your nose.
"That's good. Joel would freak if they knew."
She raised her eyebrows and nodded as she chewed and looked around. "Speak of the devil."
Your stunned gaze slid over to where she was looking, spotting the group of men exiting the house to join their partners, each of them carrying identical glasses of dark liquor. Joel's eyes found yours and he immediately could sense something was off. Then he looked at Zoe, his face unreadable before glancing back at you.
"C'mon, we should join them," she said.
Zoe stood up and you followed as if on autopilot.
"Maybe we can go to the spa one of these days? Get some lunch?"
"That sounds wonderful," you told her as you approached the rest of the group. She smiled and broke off to find Zachary, leaving you to face Joel alone.
"Everythin' alright?" he asked. He was smiling in case anyone looked your way but his tone was laced with concern. Worry.
"Yep," you said. You felt his hand brush against your lower back and your body stiffened. He frowned.
"You sure?"
"Mhm," you hummed, pressing your wine glass against your lips, looking anywhere but at him.
"Dad! Sorry we're late," a deep voice called from behind you. The guests turned around to find Trevor and Brooks, Glenn's oldest sons, step out into the courtyard.
"Boys! There you are!" Mary called happily. They took turns planting kisses on her cheek before shaking their father's hand and explaining some work emergency that held them up, but you couldn't stop noticing the way Brooks's fingers wiggled against his side. The longer you watched, the more you noticed. He was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, the energy rolling off him as his eyes darted around in search of alcohol or food or both.
Then they landed on you.
His gaze was dark and chilling, sending a shiver down your spine. You swallowed tightly and stepped a little closer to Joel, who was talking to Harry about some basketball team, completely oblivious to the way Brooks's eyes dragged appreciatively down your frame.
And just as quickly as it happened, he looked away.
Part of you wanted to tell Joel you weren't feeling well, that you wanted to leave, but you bit your tongue. You were there for a reason. You had to uphold your end of the deal. But everything about that evening made you feel uneasy and sick.
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"Glenn invited us all to his yacht this weekend," Joel told you the following morning. He seemed happier than the day before. More upbeat. It should have made you happy, but you couldn't shake the dread that cloaked your shoulders since Zoe told you about Joel's affair, and then the look Brooks gave you right after. You had hardly slept, tossing and turning all night, unable to fully relax.
"Hey, you all good?"
"Huh?" you asked, sitting up straight in your chair and blinking the clouds from your eyes. "Oh, yeah, I'm good. You said a yacht?"
"Yeah. Two nights- you sure?" Joel asked, cutting himself off and leaning forward. "You were real quiet last night, too."
"Yeah, I'm just tired. Sorry," you said, waving him off and focusing on the fruit bowl in front of you.
"Don't need to be sorry," he mumbled. He wasn't really buying your excuse but he chose not to push you. "Why don't we stay in today if you're tired? Relax in the room or... whatever you wanna do."
You perked up at his suggestion. "Don't you have to work?"
He nodded and shrugged before leaning back in his chair. "I'm allowed to take a break."
You grinned and he could see the bad mood instantly leave your body. "Are you sure? I heard the CEO is a handful."
He tossed his head back and laughed, startling you with its rarity. "Oh, you got no idea," he replied. You felt your cheeks heat up so you dropped your gaze back to your breakfast, hiding your smile behind your fork. "You said you wanted to go to the beach, right?" he offered, and you quickly nodded.
"But if that's not your thing..." you trailed off, remembering Tammy's words from the night before.
"Who doesn't love the beach?" he replied before finishing his eggs and standing up. "I'm gonna go get ready, meet you out here in thirty," he said over his shoulder. You watched him leave with a little smile.
So maybe Tammy doesn't know Joel as well as she thought she did.
Once back in your room, you surveyed your bathing suit options. You already wore the black one, so you decided on a white bikini with a halter tie behind the neck and matching white bottoms that had a chunky, gold-toned chain which sat on either side of your hips. You slid it on and gawked in the mirror when you realized Joel's assistant accidentally left the tag on.
"Who the hell pays almost $200 for a fucking swimsuit?" you muttered under your breath before carefully removing it and tossing it in the trash. You liked the sheer green coverup from the day before, so you put that back on and began to pack a beach tote you found amongst the endless accessories purchased for you.
Once you made sure you had all your essentials, you tucked your sunglasses on top of your head and walked towards your door. When your left hand stretched out for the handle, you frowned as you looked down at your ring. You couldn't take that to the beach. You would never be able to relax, too afraid of losing it.
Knowing Joel had a safe in his room, you lightly rapped on his door.
"Can I put my- the ring in your safe?" you said, hoping he didn't notice your slip up.
For some reason, you assumed that meant it was clear to enter, so you opened the door and stepped through. Your eyes bugged out of your head when you realized he was still changing, your heart practically leaping out of your chest with embarrassment.
"Oh, god, I'm sorry!" you said, shielding your eyes and backing out of the room quickly. You heard him say something but you couldn't hear him over the curses you were spitting to yourself, so you hurried into the living room and began to pace around nervously, desperately trying to wipe the image from your memory.
Oh, god, he was going to be so pissed. Just when you had him back in a sweet mood, you went and did something so fucking stupid and in all likelihood, ruined the entire day.
When Joel entered the living room, you were chewing on your nail nervously, still pacing around until you noticed him and skid to a stop.
"Joel, I'm so sorry-"
"Nothin' to be sorry 'bout," he said with a smirk. "Ready to go?"
He could have knocked you over with a feather as you stood there, blinking rapidly and trying to keep up.
"Y-yeah, I'm ready," you stammered, swiveling around to grab your tote, then jogged to catch up with him. "Wait! The ring, I never-"
"Oh, right," he said, turning around and holding his hand out. You twisted it off and gave it to him. While he took the ring back to his room, it afforded you a few more seconds to come to terms with what just transpired in the last ten minutes.
Before he joined you again, you had given yourself a mental pep talk: everything was fine, you didn't even see anything, and he wasn't mad.
Well, you saw something, but you weren't going to dwell on that.
The awkwardness only lingered in your system for thirty minutes or so. When you arrived at the beach and felt the warm sand underneath your feet, you immediately felt at ease.
"Lemme ask you somethin'," Joel said after setting down his frozen drink next to yours. Of course, he had bought a private cabana for the afternoon so you were each lounging on your chairs in the shade with silent fans aimed at each of you, spritzing you with a cool mist, keeping you perfectly comfortable in the tropical heat.
"That story you told Glenn - 'bout me askin' you to marry me," he said, sitting up a bit to stretch. "That what you always wanted? You want someone to propose on the beach?"
You thought about it for a moment. "I don't know," you told him honestly. "I tried to think of the most romantic thing possible and it just popped into my head. I mean, I wouldn't mind it," you chuckled, brushing your hair from your neck.
"Well, when you were growin' up, how did you imagine it?"
You cut yourself off, his question taking you off guard.
"I don't know if I ever thought about it."
He cocked his head to the side curiously. "Really? Hopeless romantic like yourself never fantasized 'bout it?"
You threw your head back and laughed, the sound instantly bringing a smile to his own face.
"I wouldn't call myself a hopeless romantic."
He tsked and picked his drink back up. "Yeah, you are."
You scoffed and shot him an agitated look. "What?"
"Whether you realize it or not, you are," he replied matter-of-factly. "No one comes up with those stories off the cuff without havin' a little soft spot for romance."
Your scowl melted into a grin. How was he so good at reading you? And why couldn't you do the same to him?
"How about you? When you-"
"Wanna go for a dip?" he asked, cutting you off as he stood to tug his shirt over his head. Your mouth went dry when you saw his bare chest and back, and then your gaze instinctively dropped. You instantly recalled walking in on him that morning and you had to tear your eyes away before he could see how flustered you were, but it was too late. Joel noticed everything.
"Yeah, sure," you mumbled, standing to shed your cover up. When you turned back to him you had to suppress your smirk at the way his eyes greedily drank you in.
It felt like the playing field leveled once again.
The moment you stepped out from under the protection of the cabana, the heat engulfed you both. Just the short walk to the shore made the back of your neck sweat and you couldn't wait to slip into the crystal blue water to cool down.
"This place doesn't seem real," you confessed to Joel as you waded slowly into the ocean with a ridiculous smile stretched across your face.
"Just imagine the kind of money one of these resorts rakes in," he replied before leaping forward into the water so the only skin that was exposed were his shoulders on up.
Joel didn't like to share much about his private life, that much you knew for certain, but one thing he always seemed open to talking about was work.
"If you win the lot, would this be your most successful hotel?"
He nodded and tilted his head back, eyes sliding closed as he basked in the sun's hot rays. "It would put The Parador on the map, open up countless possibilities."
"Oh, so no pressure or anything," you joked. Your foot grazed against something hard in the sand and you looked down, squinting through the water, then gasped.
"Look!" you said excitedly, pointing down. His eyes followed your finger and he frowned.
"I don't see nothin'."
"The seashells! They're pink!"
He chuckled and shook his head. "Pink seashells, huh?"
"Yes!" you squeaked as you tried and failed to pluck one out of the sand with your toes. Joel sighed dramatically and gently pushed you back.
"What are you-"
He took a deep breath and plunged under the water, making you giggle as you watched him dig a few seashells out before popping back up. He shook his head like a wet dog, flinging water droplets at you and making you shriek before he triumphantly brought his hand up from underneath the water and gave you your prize.
"Oh, my hero," you gushed before carefully picking up each one to examine them closer. "Thank you, Joel."
"You're welcome, sweetheart."
Sweetheart. Your smile grew wider but you hoped he just attributed it to the seashells you were so fixated on. Realizing you had nowhere to put them without going back to the beach, you turned away so you could shove them into the cups of your bikini. You heard a deep chuckle behind you and you looked at him over your shoulder.
"I don't wanna get out!"
He laughed a little louder, the sound beginning to grow on you. He looked so young and relaxed, bobbing up and down in the ocean with his hair slicked back while the sun warmed his already tanned skin.
Turned out Tammy was wrong: Joel was a beach guy.
"I just think it's funny you're bein' so modest after you got an eyeful of me earlier," he told you, his eyes sparkling. You felt your chest and neck grow hot and you shook your head with shame.
"I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't see anything."
He cocked an eyebrow at you. "Don't lie."
You swallowed the lump in your throat, heart skipping a beat as you struggled with a response.
"Okay, I might have seen just a little bit," you confessed softly, looking anywhere but at him as you floated around, allowing the waves to push and pull your body ever so slightly.
"Ouch," he winced, and you forced yourself to meet his gaze. "Little, huh?"
"Oh, god," you groaned, burying your face in your wet hands. "That's not what I meant."
He laughed heartily, enjoying your embarrassment far too much. "I'm just messin' with you."
You splashed him angrily but couldn't stop yourself from grinning. Why couldn't he be like this all the time? This version of him was so sweet, so intoxicating that you found yourself craving it and trying to find ways to bring it out of him more. So you decided to be brave and match his energy, just a little bit. Just to see what he would do.
"You're right. Little wasn't the right word."
He raised his eyebrows in shock and the smile slipped from his face. You thought you made a mistake and already you were scrambling to apologize, but then his gaze darkened and you felt his hand brush against your hip under the water.
"That so?" he said huskily, his tone sending a shiver down your spine and your heart to beat wildly in your chest. You bit your lip and nodded, not putting much confidence in your voice as he inched even closer. You could smell his sunscreen mixing with the salt from the water and the heat of the sun, the entire combination making you feel a little lightheaded. His eyes flickered over your shoulder briefly before you felt his other hand on your waist. "Shit, Zachary 'n Zoe are watchin' us."
Using it as an excuse, you draped your arms around his neck and hummed, pulling yourself so close that your noses were practically touching.
"Suppose we should act like we're madly in love, then."
His fingers pressed harder into your skin as he stared at your mouth, his breathing becoming shallow when your lips parted.
"S'pose we should."
When he pressed his mouth against yours, it was so delicate and soft it made you wonder if he was nervous. The thought excited you and you let your body melt against his. You already felt weightless in the water but the way his lips massaged yours made you feel like you might just float away.
His tongue swiped against your lower lip and you immediately granted him access, opening your mouth a little wider to allow him to deepen the kiss. You both knew you were playing with fire but neither of you stopped to consider it. He tasted too good: like sea salt and the coconut from his drink and it was making you ache for more. Your fingers dragged through the wet curls on the back of his head as his tongue danced with yours, both of you completely forgetting where you were and getting lost in the moment.
A small wave crashed into you, splashing you both with warm sea water and causing you to pull away with a gasp. You dragged in a few deep breaths but his lips drifted to your chin, nibbling and biting along the length of your jaw. You forced your eyes to open, surprised to find you had floated around so you could now see the beach from over his shoulder.
"I don't see Zachary or Zoe."
He froze, his lips still pressed wetly against the sensitive spot below your ear and you felt him smirk. He leaned back and gave you a guilty look. "Huh."
"Huh?" you repeated, and he twisted around to scan the shore.
"Coulda sworn I saw 'em..." he said, scratching his chin and trying to hide his smile. You gasped and shoved his shoulder, pushing him away with a laugh.
"Liar," you teased.
He shrugged and kicked his legs up so he could float on his back. "Guess we'll never know."
"You're unbelievable," you told him, attempting to sound annoyed but you knew your voice held no conviction. He just grinned and closed his eyes with a sigh. You followed his lead and leaned back so you could float, your body rising and falling with each soft wave while you ignored the arousal that flared between your legs. Looking out towards the sea, you spotted various boats speckling the skyline.
"So a yacht, you said?"
"Mhmm. Two days. If you get seasick, I got pills that'll help."
"What are we going to do for two days?" you asked.
"Eat. Drink. Jet-ski. Maybe check out some small islands or somethin'," he replied, eyes still peacefully shut.
"So we're sleeping on this yacht?"
He cracked one eye opened and looked at you. "Yep," he answered. You swallowed and looked back towards the beach.
"That means we'll have to share a bed," you said, feeling ridiculous for being so nervous at the prospect when his tongue was practically down your throat moments ago.
"That a problem?"
You shook your head. "Of course not."
He smiled and closed his eyes again. "Good."
Shit. You were in trouble.
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 1 month
I miss brewer harry🤭
Perhaps we're due for a little check-in 👀
Read the full fic "Trying"** if you haven't already
Warnings: fertility concerns (very brief mention), daddy kink, oral sex/throat fuck (m receiving), unprotected sex (p in v), use of sex toys/accessories, edging, anal play, forced orgasms and overstimulation, ruined orgasm, squirting, breeding kink, dirty talk
WC: 3.7k
As much as you two wanted a baby together, Harry was a bit happy that it hadn't happened just yet. The mere act of actively trying for it was bringing you two close in a new way that had him falling for you all over again. He'd thought about you as a mother before but now it was noticeable and tangible. He could picture it so clearly.
"What?" you inquired as a nervous giggle bubbled from you and he chuckled and shrugged.
"Nothing. Just...looking." he said simply and you smiled and continued with securing the ties on your sleeping shorts into a little, messy bow. Your top half was still bare, but he wasn't just looking at your breasts. You noticed how his eyes trailed down to your tummy.
You were a little nervous that you hadn't gotten pregnant yet. You'd been trying for like three months! Harry had gone to the doctor the year prior, before you even talked about trying and he was fine. But you hadn't checked on that yet. You wondered if you should. Maybe you had fertility issues that you didn't know of.
"You're fine, baby." Harry reassured you as he hugged around your midsection. You swore he could read your mind. He then smooched a kiss to your temple. "There's like a very specific window for this and if we miss it, it's not happening." he reminded you and you nodded.
"Right..." you responded as you interlocked your fingers with his.
"It'll happen. Besides, if it happens now we're having Taurus baby. Famously incompatible with Aquarians." he reasoned and you chortled.
"That shouldn't be a problem unless you're planning to be romantically linked to our child." you said and he scoffed.
"Jesus..." he scowled, "S'not just in that context." he said as he squeezed your fingers with his and you giggled.
"I know. Just being an asshole." you confessed.
"You know, the other day, when you were chopping up a papya for me?" he inquired and you nodded. "It just hit me how much love is inside of you. And how that would make you such a great mother. Like I know you hate chopping fruits, particularly that one." he said and you hummed in agreement.
"Smells like puke." you mumbled, "You're nasty for eating it as much as you do." you grimaced and he laughed.
"Alright, we can agree to disagree." he said, "But you know, you still did. I didn't even have to ask you to. You just knew." he said and you smiled, "You have an instinct to nurture and dote on and it's so fucking beautiful." he said before kissing your cheek. "When it happens, you're gonna be so good at it." he reassured you.
You pried his hands off of you and twirled around. You got on your tiptoes and kissed him deeply. He was slightly taken aback but quickly wrapped his arms around you and gave you a nice bear hug as your mouths moved together in perfect harmony. Your hands slithered up his nice, firm biceps. Then, those broad shoulders of his. Then up his neck and finally you were holding his face. He started to accelerate the speed of the kiss and your lips twitched up in a grin.
"Easy, daddy." you whispered and he smiled.
"Sorry, baby." he murmured with the most pussy-clenching rasp. "You get me really excited."
With your bare chest pressed against his, he could feel your nipples hardening as you got aroused from your steamy kiss. Your tongue darted out over his bottom lip before he opened up and let you slip it into his. He moaned as your slow and searing kiss grew more and more lewd by the second. Harry's arms released you and instead his hands gripped your hips before letting them slide back towards your ass.
"Yeah, daddy....you're getting so big and hard for me." you praised quietly. Your right hand slid down his brawny chest and chiseled abs and finally reached over that growing bulge in his boxer briefs. You palmed over his bulge a few times before reaching between his legs to fondle his balls too. You could feel it twitch as it came alive. He moaned as you slid your hand inside and guided his half-hard cock upward. "I like it when your tip comes out the top of your briefs. You're so fucking big." you mumbled happily and he smiled before kissing you deeply again.
Just moments later Harry's cock was at full mast. He was dying from your index finger just barely grazing over his tip every now and again. It was starting to make his pre-come bead at his tip.
"Fuck, get on your knees f'me." he ordered and you grinned before pulling away. Harry slipped out of his boxer-briefs before sitting on the edge of the bed with spread legs, his thick erection standing straight up. You loved it when he was so hard that it twitched and stood higher. Your mouth watered at the sight of him so you just went after him without another moment to lose. "Oh shit, baby...." he groaned as he watched your cheeks hollowing out as you sucked his tip, drawing the pre-come up and out of him so that you could get a taste of him. "Shit..." he moaned lowly as he brought his right hand up to your head and wove his fingers into your hair.
"Take more." he said as he gently pushed you down and you relaxed your jaw to get him in deeper. When he was in the back of your mouth you started to stroke what didn't fit as you bobbed your head up and down his cock. His cock was so slippery with your drool and his own arousal. You gagged when he pushed you down a little more, "Shhh...just a little more." he appeased you, it almost felt patronizing. "Relax, baby." he reminded you and you breathed in through your nose and relaxed your throat so that he could get deeper. And boy did he...you were stuffed.
"Fuck yeah. Good girl." he praised you as he started to gently thrust up into your mouth and down your throat. He took a slow pace so that you could properly breathe between each one. You could feel yourself getting all sticky between your legs as your slick started to pool into the crotch of your shorts.
You loved it when he fucked your mouth. You loved the flavor of him on your tongue and the scent of his skin. The weight of his big, fat cock in your mouth...it did ungodly things to you. The vibrations from your muffled moans tickled down his cock causing him to sink in a little deeper. Your eyes were brimming with the tears collected in them from him triggered your gag reflex with each thrust. After a few more they inevitably spilled down your cheeks as you choked around him and tapped his thigh and he pulled you up by the hair.
"You're alright, baby. Breathe." he cooed as you started coughing a bit. He smiled down at you as you took a nice deep inhale. "Alright?"
"Yeah." you assured him with a pleased smile. "Need you." you said softly as you glanced up at him with those pretty, glassy eyes.
"Alright, baby." he smiled and helped you up and out of your shorts before you climbed onto the bed, "How do you want it?"
"From behind." you said and he smiled.
"Mmmm...s'gonna get so deep." he said with a delighted smirk and you nodded.
"Yeah. That's what I want. I wanna feel it tomorrow and the next day too." you said as his lips hovered over yours. Your foot ran up his calf quickly before you tangled your leg with his.
"Yeah, baby? Do you need daddy to pound the horny out of you?" he asked and you nodded.
"Please, daddy." you implored, your desperate gaze met his. He smirked and quickly flipped you over onto your tummy.
His big, warm hands ran up your thighs and gripped your butt before he landed a sharp smack against you. You gasped at the unexpected sting and then you felt his lips smooch down where he spanked you. And then he did it to the other side and your fingers dug into the bed covers to get through the stinging sensation. Your grip loosened when it started to subside.
"You're dripping for me." he hummed and you bit your lip as his fingers tickled over your labia for a moment. "M'gonna get the wedge pillow. " he said and you smiled.
"Yes, please." you hummed and felt him get off the bed. After a few moments you heard him return.
"Hips up for me, baby." he instructed softly and you wiggled around until you were able to arch up high enough for him to slide the wedge right beneath your hips. He already reached part of your g-spot in general, but when he was fucking you from the back and you were angled this way with the cushion, he reached it perfectly. He didn't even warn you before he pushed into you forcefully making you choke on a moan as he squeezed your hips.
"So fucking tight..." he mumbled as he held still to let you adjust for a moment. You felt so fucking full. You swore that he was in your tummy.
"Move! Please, move." you begged and groaned as he slightly drew his hips back and then thrust back in before grinding into you. "Fuck daddy, right there!" you gasped as his tip collided right against your spot. With each grind of his hips you felt a tingle zap through your entire body. Harry then pulled out and sunk in again to deliver a toe-curling thrust. The sounds that left you were obscene. Suddenly you heard a soft buzz and moaned. "Baby..."
"Grabbed your Pebble too." he said and you shook your head.
"You're gonna fuck me up." you mumbled and he smirked.
"Good. Lift a little and get it on your clit." he instructed. You did as he requested, the ergonomic shape of the pillow and toy you were using allowed for the toy to fit perfectly over your clit. The thing about this toy was that it was a sucking toy, the incessant slurping against your clit always pulled orgasms from you with an unbelievable ease. It drove you crazy every single time, you'd always end up squirting and were left a trembling mess. "I know s'hard with this toy but I want you to put off your orgasm as much as possible, okay? I can feel it if you come without permission." he reminded and you bit your lip but nodded.
"Yes, daddy." you responded as you got the toy into the best position and you tensed up as your clit got sucked into the opening.
Harry smirked as he saw your body tense from behind and your hot little muscle squeezed around his cock with the added stimulation. He retreated almost to the tip before mercilessly plunging back into you over and over again as you whined and whimpered for him to keep fucking you. He loved how your fists would clench the bed sheets hard as your walls started to throb in perfect time with his heart beat. It helped him keep his pace until you started to just squeeze, your legs started to stiffen up a bit and he smirked.
"What did I say?" he asked as he stilled inside of you and your body relaxed for a moment before your hips jolted a bit when more of your weight rested on the toy again, causing your clit to feel the sucking even more intensely.
"Sorry, y'just feel so good." you mumbled and he smiled.
"You feel good too, baby. So warm and wet f'me. You've got the most welcoming little pussy." he hummed as he kneaded your ass and then sightly pulled your cheeks apart to get a better look at your other little hole. He had tried to open you up there before but your nerves always got the best of you and you could never get past the second plug. He let a little wad of spit trickle down over it and he lived for the way you whined when he rubbed his thumb against it.
"Gonna let me get in there?" he asked and you chuckled, "Obviously not today, another time. For now s'just gonna be my thumb." he warned as he pressed against the tight muscle just a bit, "Relax, love. Just relax." he encouraged you and continue grinding his cock into you while he pushed his thumb into your bum until he had it in all the way and you whimpered at the full feeling. You were absolutely stuffed. Your toes were curled and your fists clenched as he played with both of your holes. "As much as you say you don't like it...your body says otherwise. You're absolutely drenching my cock." he chuckled, "You're such a little slut for me." he hummed as he thrust in hard and you whimpered, "Let me use you how I see fit." he spoke so deeply that it made you even wetter, "Want me to put a baby in you..." he mused and you moaned as he started to grind against you, getting that spot with every gyration of his hips. That, added with his thumb inside of you and then the fucking sucking toy on your clit, it was getting to be way too much.
"I-I'm gonna come!" you warned him and he chuckled and pulled out of you quickly leaving you completely empty. He saw your body relax and he just squeezed your hip reassuringly.
"That's good, just relax a bit. Let it pass." he encouraged you and you were truly trying your best but your stomach was still tensed tight despite your limbs having relaxed a bit as the peak of your pleasure started to fizzle out.
"Please...it's too much." you pleaded.
"You can take it." he assured you. You knew very well that you could take it but you liked to get whiny because he always babied you just a bit but still had his way with you. You just loved the extra attention he gave you to get you to comply with whatever things he wanted to do with you. He lined himself back up to your drippy opening and eased back in and you sighed in relief. He felt your warm, velvety walls start to flutter when he bottomed out against your g-spot again before he started to hump against you. His tip was prodding and rubbing into that deliciously sensitive spot inside of you as he rolled his hips into you from behind. You were trying not to drool from how good it felt. Your skin was covered in goosebumps as you tried your hardest to stave your orgasm off. "Good girl, you can do it, my love." he assured you with a light chuckle as he felt you trying to not let his movements push you over the edge.
"I can't...I can't..." you cried pathetically. The stimulation to your clit was just about to have you coming undone at any moment. You were trying your hardest not to think about it, "Please, daddy! Please let me come!" you implored. Even if he didn't give you permission you were going to come regardless. He chuckled as your walls fluttered around his girth erratically. "I need to come, please!"
"Go one then." he hummed patronizingly and just like that, the feelings peaked and you started to shiver. All of the wonderful tingling sensations and butterflies started swarming out from your tummy and through your limbs. But suddenly, Harry pulled out of you and while your orgasm continued due to the toy, the best parts of it that came from his cock fucking into you started to fizzle.
"Harry..." you whined as your hips twitched a bit. You felt him kiss the small of your back before he smiled against you.
"A little punishment for being impatient." he said and you felt so annoyed at him.
"You're being mean." you huffed.
"Am I, baby?" he asked and you nodded. "M'sorry. I'm gonna make you come really hard, I promise. Wanted to make you squirt, but you're just a little needier than usual today." he said.
"I'm ovulating." you mumbled and he paused for a few seconds.
"Oh..." he finally exclaimed and you hummed, "I didn't know that." he said.
"Took a test before you got home." you informed him. "S'why I was feeling a little nervous. Because if we...do it tonight and I don't get pregnant then...something might be wrong. With me." you explained quietly. A solemn feeling settled between the two of you and Harry swallowed thickly as he grabbed your hip gently and pulled the pillow from beneath you.
"Baby." He said softly and you reached beneath your body to pull the toy away from you and he grabbed it and turned it off. "Hey, hey, hey...look at me, my love." he hummed and you sighed as you rolled over and he hovered above you and kissed your cheeks. "I love you." he said with a smile, "No matter what, we're gonna be fine." he assured you.
"Promise." he smiled and you smiled slightly. "Now, can I make you come?"
"For real this time?"
"Yeah, baby. For real." he chuckled.
You opened your legs for him and he slid back inside of you. You hummed in delight as he bottomed out inside of you. Your nails dug into his back and scratched down hard in response to the force of his thrust. He was effectively rearranging your guts, completely stealing your breath away.
"Get your clit for me, love." he said and instead of reaching between your bodies, you grabbed the toy and he smiled as you got it back on and slid it back between your bodies. You gasped as your clit got sucked into the opening and then Harry started to speed up his thrusts. His eyes met yours and he smiled. "This is the one, baby. Gonna knock you up." he hummed, "Fuck, you're gonna be so gorgeous with our baby making your tummy grow." he said and your eyes squeezed shut, "Nuh-uh, look at me. Look at me while I breed your needy little pussy, baby. You want it so bad, don't you?"
"Yes, daddy! Please, give me a baby!" you whispered as your tummy started to feel warm with the pleasure swirling deep inside of you. It was starting to spread throughout your entire body.
"I will, my love. I'm gonna come so deep in your pussy, there'll be no choice but for it to catch." he said and you looked at him with an impatient expression in your eyes. "Oh fuck, your little cunt is so good!" he panted.
You felt like you were on fire, your body was growing tense, the feelings of your desire, lust, love, and pleasure were blossoming to unmanageable amounts. They were going to burst from you. You could feel it literally swelling inside of you, a pressure that was familiar and made for the best orgasms.
"I'm gonna come!" you gasped and he groaned.
"Yeah baby, come for me. Make a mess all over my big, fat cock." he grunted as he pounded into you until the most lewd moan broke from your throat and then moments later he felt the first gush of you squirting against him. His lips turned up in a smile and your eyes fluttered closed as you also smiled wide in relief.
"Fuck! Thank you, daddy!" you panted, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! But please, come inside me. Please fill me up!" you mewled.
He lowered himself further as his thrusts grew harder, he was fucking more cum out of you. You couldn't help the shrieks that escaped you as his hips pummeled into yours until you were squirting again from the endless stimulation. Your legs were shaking and your nails digging into his ass as you held him as close as possible.
"Fuck...here it comes, baby. Gonna give you so much cum." he groaned as he started to grind into you before he froze and started to cum. His hot, creamy load erupted from his twitching tip that was buried deep inside of you. He moaned so fucking pretty, it made you dizzy.
"Fuck daddy, I can feel it filling me up...." you smiled happily as he completely stopped and smiled down at you before dipping down and kissing you deeply.
Your lips met his eagerly and tenderly as your bodies started to come down from those incredible highs. He wasn't growing soft all that fast, so he carefully turned you onto your sides so that he could stay inside of you as you kissed each other languidly. Honestly, it had been a while since you had actually made out with your husband and it was nice. He was holding your thigh to keep your leg draped over his hip and he was rubbing up and down it. Your hand was perched over his firm pectoral. You loved his brawny chest so much. Slowly, your kiss started to simmer down and soon he was pecking all over your face as you giggled quietly.
"I love you so much, baby." he hummed quietly.
"Love you too." you whispered happily. "I'm sure this one was it."
"Think so?" he asked quietly and you nodded.
"I do." you confirmed happily, "We'll see in a few weeks." you shrugged and he smiled and kissed your lips quickly.
"Oh you'll be seeing something in a few weeks... a positive test." he assured you.
He was so optimistic, you could see it in his eyes and in turn that made you feel optimistic about your chances to get pregnant this time. You both wanted it so badly that there was no way it wouldn't happen. You giggled and kissed him again.
"Then we'll need to do as much as we can to ensure that happens. You're in for a long night, Mr. Styles." you smirked.
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Another thing I adore about OFMD is how the discussion of masculinity is so nuanced. It's like - the best way I can think to describe the depiction of gender in OFMD is it's like the opposite of the recent Barbie movie, if that makes sense? I thought Barbie was fine but its understanding of gender was very basic to the point of being almost reductive, and the whole movie just screamed "this was written by cis people!" OFMD has the exact opposite vibes, you can TELL there were trans writers in the writing room.
So often, when we see gay relationships in media, there's an attempt to force the characters to be "the feminine one" and "the masculine one" in a very transparent showing of how they're too scared of queerness so there have to be some gender roles shoved in there. Ed and Stede turn that trope right on its fucking head.
Because Ed and Stede both have different and complex relationships with their own masculinity, and they're both feminine and masculine in different ways. Stede worries about being seen as soft and struggles with what a "man's work" should look like, but even in more practical clothes he loves his little accessories and he just adores showy, campy clothing. Ed feels forced into an ideal of hyper-masculinity, but he also loves wearing soft robes, painting his nails, and writing poetry. He painted a bride cake topper to look like himself as an expression of his deepest, most tender dreams and it's never made into a joke. OFMD's thesis statement is that "the things we're taught about being a man are wrong," and it shines through in every angle of the show. The men on the show are allowed to be tender as hell and it's a fucking strength.
It's such a lovely, queer thing, to see both of these characters get to express feminine traits in their own masculine way, without the narrative telling us they're any less of a man for it or asking us to laugh at them.
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neptuneiris · 10 days
Cruel Summer (02/10)
Paradise Beach
pairing: modern!aemond × fem!reader
summary: after a bad day at work, you head to the beach of your dreams, where an unexpected encounter occurs with a person who is too well known in the city and very rich.
words: 7.7k
previous part • next chapter • series masterlist
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omg i can't believe how much you guys liked the first part! i really thought the story wouldn't get so much support (especially since i haven't finished CYPTBIL👀) but you guys again surprised me🤗 i'm very inspired with this story so i'm very happy for all the support, so enjoy this new chapter and look forward to the others!🙌🏻
thank you for reading!
warnings: none in this chapter.
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You hate to see the beach dirty.
You've always had a problem with people who leave all their trash on the beach without any remorse and in full view of everyone. Many people will be embarrassed to confront them and create a fuss, but you... you defend the beach.
The first community program you see that brings people together to clean up the beach to better help the ecosystem, you're the first to sign up.
And that's the bad thing about living in Black Waves.
The beaches are not the best kept. There is dirt everywhere, the smell is horrible and really very few people make an effort to keep the beaches on this side clean.
The complete opposite on the beaches of Crown's.
This is mainly why you want to make a difference, to have clean and beautiful beaches despite the 'status' that the rich label you in the worst way.
You've seen their beaches and they are very well kept, that's true. It was clear to you when you went to that party last night and saw the white sand.
Obviously the rich people pay people for maintenance, whether they are poor people or whatever, but your people can't afford that, so they either clean it themselves or they just don't do it.
Pretty much the same goes for restaurants and venues of any kind.
Certainly the restaurant you work for is on a beachfront terrace in a luxurious and exclusive part of Crown's, the same goes for most of the restaurants in this area.
But in Black Waves the restaurants are less sophisticated, the food is fast, some are wood-framed, and there are no more than four people working there.
The places to buy clothes or basic necessities are the same, even a grocery store is inside the same house of the owners, while the rich have a huge shopping mall with brand name clothing stores, accessories, libraries, coffee shops and more refined restaurants.
They also have on their side of town large supermarkets where every fruit, vegetable or meat is triple the price of what they sell it on your side of town.
The prices are also different, clearly.
In Black Waves the dishes sold in the restaurants are affordable, while here a seafood dish costs fifty dollars.
And today especially your boss is in a bad mood, like every day, but today more so.
Alysanne whispers to you from the other side of the bar as you finish cleaning one of the tables and watch her almost instantly, where she takes care that your boss doesn't see you both talking.
"Daniel has texted me, he says Cregan is taking us to another one of his parties tonight," she lets you know with the clear excitement all over her contained face, "They say it's going to be great and maybe Cregan can take us up on his parents' yacht."
You let out a sigh and like her, you check to make sure Mr. Frey doesn't catch you talking in mid-shift.
"Yes," she says without removing her excitement.
"We're working double shifts today, Anne," you tell her without encouragement.
"Oh come on. We can't miss the opportunity to spend the party on a fucking yacht," she whispers excitedly to you.
"My feet are already hurting and it's not even four in the afternoon," you point out to her.
She gives you a bad look.
"Y/N," she tells you reproachfully.
"Depends on how the day goes."
"Are you serious? We must—
"You two!"
Mr. Frey's voice immediately catches your attention and Alysanne's, where you notice him already watching you both with a scowl on his face and clearly furious.
"Did I pay you to chat or to work!?"
The two of you exchange a glance and immediately turn away from each other, each returning to their respective tasks. But of course, it not only draws the attention of the two of you, but also that of some customers, and the two of you endure the humiliation of being scolded in public.
"You'd better move and I'd better not see you two chatting again or I'll pay you exactly what you deserve or send you back to your side of town."
You almost want to laugh in his face, but like any educated woman and again out of necessity, you keep quiet, as does Alysanne, but the looks you both exchange say it all.
You would like to tell him that because of the mistreatment and this kind of humiliation in public, the two of you and the other workers should be paid more, especially because you have to deal with a boss like him, but neither you nor anyone else says anything and continue working.
And precisely because you were talking to Alysanne for only a brief moment, Mr. Frey takes advantage and overloads you both with too much work for the remainder of the shift.
And that's why you definitely decide not to go to any party.
Your feet hurt, you are urged to take a bath, eat and lie in your bed, however, you are surprised to see how Alysanne has way too much energy for the hell you both had to go through and as she talk to the guys by text, the more excited she gets about going to Cregan's party.
"Are you sure you don't want to come?"
Alysanne asks you as she finishes getting ready, looking at you through the full-length mirror.
"Honestly I'd rather go to the beach to relax instead of being surrounded with music, the smell of beer, weed and teenagers getting drunk."
She gives you an amused look.
"And why don't you do that?"
"I don't have a ride and it's too late to walk."
"Cregan is coming to pick me up in his car along with the others, I'm sure he can give you a ride if you ask him."
You give her a curious and unsure look.
"Do you think he'll accept?"
"We're going to the same side of town, he'll be passing through," she nods with a nonchalant gesture.
At least you don't have to get too dressed up and you won't get tired, so you trust Alysanne and start getting ready too. Not too much like her but to look presentable.
As time goes by Cregan finally arrives with the boys making a huge fuss, excited about the party tonight. Alysanne tells them to shut up and they are lucky that your uncle and aunt haven't complained about them yet.
You give Cregan directions after asking him to please give you a ride and pretty soon everyone is inside of Crown's.
"Wait, you're not coming with us?" Sam asks you confused.
You shake your head.
"Why not?"
"I'm too tired for a party."
Chase gives you a knowing look.
"I can't believe in all this time you haven't been caught."
"It's not like I'm doing anything wrong either," you shrug.
"But the rich hate us and I bet you they'll make a huge fuss if they catch you."
"Yeah, who knows, maybe a trespass sue," Daniel agrees.
"Even knowing you don't have the money to pay for it," Chase tells you.
"Trespassing?" you repeat between amused and incredulous, "Going to sit on the edge of the beach is trespassing? Do you even know what trespassing is?"
"In any case, the rich won't like it if you get caught," Sam says making a nonchalant gesture.
You decide not to take it any further and finally arrive at your destination point, where you get out and walk over to the side of the pilot's window to see Cregan.
"Thanks for the ride."
"No problem," he smiles at you, "But the guys are right. If the owners find out about you, you can get in big trouble."
"I've been doing this for almost a year," you let him know, "I'm very sneaky."
He shakes his head with an amused smile.
"Just be careful. We'll come get you when you tell us."
"Okay," you nod, "Thanks, Cregan."
"Take care," Alysanne says to you from the passenger seat.
"And if the rich see you, get in the ocean and swim to the party, we'll help you there," Daniel tells you too.
You give him a look and and a not entirely convinced smile.
"Yeah, sure, very helpful."
You finally start to walk away from them as they continue to yell at you to take care of yourself, to call them in case of anything and so on, until Cregan starts up and his car begins to disappear into the distance.
And then you take action.
You look around, quickly assessing the area, making sure there are no people nearby to see you, but surprisingly this whole luxurious area of Crown's is quiet.
The only movement you notice is several cars passing by, but other than that, there are no monkeys on the shore.
There is a wall in front of you that marks the line between this private neighborhood and the houses in the same neighborhood that are even more private, since they have a huge front yard and a huge part of the beach exclusively for them.
The wall is not high, fortunately, you think it should be, but this is compensated by security guards who patrol this area and the beach from time to time.
So stealthily and in a calculated manner, once you make sure that there are no people nearby, you hide among the bushes and trees that are planted in the corner of the sidewalk to put your foot on a specific crack that you know of the wall and push yourself upward taking the edge of the wall with both hands to be able to observe the other side.
You quickly scan the entire area, making sure there are no guards patrolling nearby nor any of the people who live in the houses before jumping.
The meters of distance are considerable between the huge houses or rather mansions. There is pavement between the divisions and those divisions are exactly the way to the beach.
You put on the cap of the sweatshirt you are wearing to cover your hair and your face, since you know that all the houses must have security cameras outside, so this way you protect yourself in case of anything.
And once you make sure that there is no one outside or nearby, you gain impulse again with more strength and as fast as your feet allow you but still being careful, you place your hands on the rough edge of the wall and start to climb.
You adjust your grip more firmly on the edge and in one agile motion, you propel yourself upwards, where you feel the effort as you pull your own weight and more as you try to be fast.
Luckily you've done this many times before and when you reach the top, wasting no time and making sure no one is watching you, you quickly slide down the other side and you fall on your feet with a dry sound.
You don't take the time to rest and looking around, with adrenaline running through your veins and your heart beating too fast, you quickly advance towards the beach.
And once you are far enough away from where you managed to cross and indeed you confirm that no one saw you and everything is fine, again, you can relax.
You remove the cap from your head and let your hair free again, slowly feeling how the breeze and the wind with the salty air envelop you completely as you approach the seashore.
Easily anyone who lives here if they see you could tell that you live here too, besides the night also helps you because without so much light they can't recognize you right away.
And it is as if you are also a rich person, daughter of rich parents, being inside a private section of the beach in Crown's most exclusive area.
And as you go along, this is precisely why you take the risk of coming to this place when it is forbidden to you; the place and the view.
The sand here is perfect, clean as if no one had ever walked on it, the air is salty with no smell of anything unpleasant in specific, there are no people that could be dangerous around you and the surroundings are absolutely beautiful and clean.
Also this section has a cliff a bit secluded from all the houses, where its huge rocky wall looks absolutely beautiful and ethereal when illuminated by the night light.
You have come here many, many times and you always head to the same place, that specific pier.
The pier stretches out in front of you like a polished wooden path, leading into the deep waters of the night ocean.
Discreetly placed lights along the pier illuminate it with a soft golden glow, creating a contrast to the darkness surrounding the horizon.
The reflection of the small lamps trembles on the surface of the water, giving the place a magical and mysterious air.
The structure is impeccable, made of dark, sturdy wood, maintained with a care that only the rich can afford. There is not a single splinter out of place, not even an ill-fitting clove.
Every detail is taken care of, right down to the polished wooden benches at the end of the pier, ideal for sitting and admiring the sea in silence.
As you approach, the wooden planks creak softly under your feet, but the sound mixes with the gentle murmur of the waves, making it almost imperceptible.
And when you reach the end, you can see a large yacht moored at the side of the dock, with it's deluxe cover and it's name painted in gold and silver lettering.
You have no idea which rich family it might belong to, but you know this is just one of many they must have. It wasn't here the last time you came here and fortunately it doesn't obstruct the view.
You take a seat on the wooden bench and letting out a big breath, you watch as the full moon reflects off the ocean, it's silvery sparkles dancing on the water in hypnotic movements.
This is why you love coming here, even in this way, because the fresh, salty night air fills your lungs with every inhalation.
And just for an instant, you feel freer than ever in this space that is not supposed to belong to you.
Besides you not only enjoy seeing the moon, but also the stars, shining brightly and adorning the entire night sky. And you can rest easy, because there is no danger on this side of town.
You've been enduring a lot at work lately, taking a lot of strain on your shoulders from double shifts and stressing over the slightest thing, but coming here and being here gives you that much needed quiet time.
And only this place can offer you that; peace and tranquility.
You don't know exactly how much time passes but you find yourself in the same position, not getting bored and enjoying the view, wishing time would freeze so you could continue to enjoy this without worries.
You think that Alysanne and the guys must be having fun too, but for tonight this is all the fun you need.
Suddenly your phone vibrates next to you and the screen lights up as a new notification comes in. You casually pick it up and see a new message, and it's from Alysanne.
It's a selfie of her with the guys, all happy, laughing, smiling, beer bottles in hand and with the sea and yachts in the background completing the scene.
You let out a small laugh as you see Sam's euphoric face, Daniel and Chase's funny faces, and Cregan and Alysanne's smiling faces.
"Excuse me?"
Your whole body reacts and jumps instantly from shock and you look quickly and sharply behind you with all the panic on your face, definitely not expecting what you see.
Aemond Targaryen.
It's the first thing that comes to your mind as you quickly jump to your feet, your heart beating too fast and your hands starting to shake.
That's when you know that the moment has finally come where you're caught and you're in big trouble.
Aemond watches you with a serious and attentive face, analyzing you completely. And you feel completely small when his eyes look at you with confusion and distrust, but challenging.
He clearly has no idea what are you doing here and maintains a defensive posture.
And you definitely feel like a thief who's just been caught in the act.
"What are you doing here?"
Oh God.
You think in terror.
How come you didn't hear him coming? The boards creak with the weight when someone walks and you couldn't hear anything?
You think that you should have been more attentive, that you shouldn't have let your guard down, because it's not possible that you really were so distracted and in your own world that you didn't hear him coming. 
But with him already here, watching you in a bad way, looking cold and suspicious, that you don't have time to scold yourself or think about it.
"I-I..." you stammer, in a shaky voice, not having the slightest idea what to say, very nervous and scared.
All you can feel is a lump in your throat, an irregular throbbing in your chest and the overwhelming weight of his gaze on you.
He doesn't look away and his serious face doesn't change, clearly waiting for an answer.
As you watch him examine you, you watch as he runs his gaze up and down you, trying to decipher who you are. And it doesn't take him long to come to an obvious conclusion, because he instantly knows that you are not like him.  
By your clothes and your old sandals, everything about you gives away that you don't belong here. Besides, he doesn't recognize you from among the other Crown's families to be able to say that you belong to one of them.
He knows you're not from around here.
"I asked you a question," he demands you in a bad way and with a harsher tone, walking towards you, "What are you doing here?"
You feel a shiver run down your back as you swallow hard, but the words just won't come out.
You're paralyzed, terrified, stuck, because you have no idea what to say and you're still processing that this is really happening. 
You know you don't have any good excuses and he's impatient, waiting for an answer that really won't be convincing to be the truth.
"I will call security for invasion of private property," he warns you firmly, clearly beginning to lose patience.
The danger in his words makes the fear hit you even harder and you finally react in panic.       
"No, no, please," you finally manage to say, worried and raising one of your hands to him in supplication, "I-I… I'm not doing anything wrong, I swear," you raise both hands in surrender, trembling.
He inspects you more closely with a piercing gaze, trying to find something, anything, to tell him what you are really doing here or what you are trying to do, watching between you and his family's yacht anchored to the dock.
His posture remains tense, ready to act if he finds anything out of place. 
He thinks that maybe you are doing something with the yacht, but he sees it in perfect condition, with nothing strange and nothing out of the ordinary, as the rope that ties it to the dock is without problems.
But he still continues to watch you seriously, defensively and suspiciously.
"Shit," you mutter under your breath, lowering your gaze, embarrassed and terrified, "This has never happened before," you say, reproaching yourself for the mess you've gotten yourself into.
But he hears you perfectly, and his frown deepens.
"Before?" he queries you.      
You close your eyes tightly, cursing yourself internally for having said that, to again look at him pleadingly and in desperation wanting to prove to him that you really aren't doing anything wrong.
"I swear I—
The unexpected voice makes you jump again from surprise and you watch with your eyes wide open behind Aemond as one of the security guards enters the dock, his flashlight illuminating the way.
Your heart beats with such force that it seems to thunder in your ears, as panic engulfs you completely. 
And without thinking too much, you move quickly, hiding behind a huge wooden box, taking advantage of the pole supporting the roof at the end of the pier and some scattered chairs. 
You crouch down, trying to make yourself as small as possible, but desperation gives you away with every move.
This definitely ends up completely confusing Aemond, not expecting that reaction and movement from you at all.      
And you watch him from your hiding place with all the pleading and forgiveness in your eyes, silently begging him not to say anything, not to give you away.
But he turns his gaze to the guard who ends up coming closer.
"Are you all right son?"
Your heart stops momentarily and you watch him in terrified silence, simply waiting for the worst. 
But even to have his whole look serious and not showing much reaction, you watch as hesitation appears for a moment and he falters in his words, as if he doesn't know exactly what to say, until he does.
"Yes," he finally says, "I'm all right."
The guard, seemingly satisfied with the answer, nods, but doesn't leave.     
"The Baratheon's reported a break-in in their backyard a few days ago," he says and you listen carefully, still waiting for the moment with fear and concern, "Nothing serious, apparently just clothes and some decorations. I'm just patrolling to make sure everything is in order."
Your breathing quickens as you listen to every word and Aemond continues to watch the guard, when suddenly he shoots you a quick glance, his eyes reflecting a mixture of seriousness and indecision. 
"Yes, so I hear," he says.
"Are you alone, son? I thought I saw someone else here."
Your stomach sinks and you close your eyes tightly, then watch in terror for the moment when Aemond will finally speak and give you away.
But you see the hesitation in his gaze again, you also watch intently as he opens and closes his mouth a few times, failing to say anything.    
When suddenly you see him let out a long breath and slyly give you a look with his serious face, then lick his lips and press them together in resignation.
"Yes, I'm alone."
As soon as Aemond utters those words, a wave of relief sweeps through your body. But almost instantly you stare at him in complete shock, unable to believe it. 
He really just covered you in front of the guard. He didn't really give you away even when he had every reason to do so.
Your hands are still shaking, but you slowly feel the adrenaline and anguish start to subside. 
"Well, we'll be around if you need anything. Good night, son." 
Aemond nods in his direction.
"Yes, thank you. Good night."  
You stand still for a few more moments, listening to his footsteps fade into the distance until finally there is no more noise. Just the sound of the water against the dock and the night wind on the waves.
You take a deep breath and slowly, you sit up, emerging from your hiding place with your hands still shaking. 
Your eyes meet those of Aemond, who is still standing, watching you with that penetrating gaze that seems to be able to read all your deepest thoughts. 
You don't know exactly what to say to him, you're still surprised and don't understand why he saved you, but the words come out on their own, grateful and fearful.
"Thank you," you murmur apologetically but with all the sincerity in your gaze, "Thank you for not saying anything."
He doesn't say anything to you, which confuses you even more, he just keeps standing there watching you, with his usual hard-to-read expression.     
“I-I..." you stammer, biting your lips and lowering your gaze for a moment, still feeling nervous, "I really wasn't doing anything wrong. I wasn't stealing or harming or anything like that, truly," you tell him honestly.
Again, he says nothing. He doesn't move either. He just stands there, with both hands tucked inside his front pockets of his shorts and still watching you with utmost attention that makes you feel incredibly nervous, even more so due to the circumstances.
You are also surprised that he is not kicking you out and threatening not to come back here. 
You honestly don't understand his behavior and the fact that he saved you from the guard, but for whatever reason, you thank him or you would have been in big trouble.
So cautiously, you take a step towards the entrance and exit of the pier.        
"And I'm sorry. You won't see me around here again. I really don't want to cause trouble," you add, watching him warily and wanting to make clear the promise in your words, "I'll leave now," you say quietly.
And having nothing more to say, you turn around, ready to run away if necessary, but you barely take two steps when surprisingly his voice stops you.
"What were you doing here?" he asks for the fifth time all night, his tone just as accusing but now with a curious tone. 
You stand still, not knowing exactly how to respond. 
But you know you have two choices: lie or tell the truth. And for some reason, you feel you can't lie to him; Aemond Targaryen.
Aside from belonging to the wealthiest, most prestigious and powerful family in Sunset's and the entire country, with his father being Viserys Targaryen himself and being one of the heirs to his entire fortune, he seems to be someone who seems to have the innate ability to detect falsehood.
That's why you don't understand why he saved you, a poor girl who doesn't belong to his world and probably never will, but still, you decide to be honest.       
Anyway, you're already stuck here and as crazy as it sounds, you owe Aemond Targaryen one.
"I was just... looking for some peace and quiet," you confess, turning your body to once again look at him, "I had a bad day and coming here..." you look around with a wistful look, "It helps me."
Aemond tilts his head, frowning slightly and biting the inside of his cheek, inspecting you. 
"And you can't do that on the beach on your side of town?" he asks you with a tone of disbelief.
You sigh, feeling a twinge of frustration as you think about the answer. It's a reasonable question, but the answer is not so simple. 
"Not really," you reply, lowering your gaze for a moment and biting your lips in nervousness, "Surely you know it's not the same at Black Waves."
He shakes his head slightly.
"I've never been there."
You almost look at him with an obvious look, almost, but you end up nodding, since of course he's never been to your side of town when he lives here.   
"The smell of the beach there is not so nice. They are not as clean as these, there is dirt and being there alone in the middle of the night is dangerous," you explain.
And everything you say is true, which is why you decide to come here.
And he looks at you, clearly digesting your words, saying nothing for a few moments, as is becoming usual between the two of you.
You think that maybe for him, someone who has lived surrounded by luxury all his life, it is somewhat difficult to imagine such a different reality. But it is also no secret how the people of Black Waves live.
So you don't understand his silence or even his behavior, but what you do see in him, surprisingly... is that he doesn't judge you.
You would have expected the face of disgust instantly like any spoiled child of rich parents and also that he would tell you to leave now with that posture and superficial look.
But nothing.       
Aemond Targaryen doesn't really reflect anything with his eyes. Unless he's judging you and giving you those looks of disgust in his mind.
But, strangely, he doesn't make you feel any less.
"And coming here... it's like my paradise, for the peace and quiet," you conclude in a low murmur.
Again... he doesn't say anything.
And that begins to frustrate you.
He just watches you, as if he's evaluating every word, every gesture and every detail in you. 
And you silently think to yourself that he probably doesn't say anything because he really wants you to leave, to leave him alone and never come back here.
So you try to leave again, because you've caused enough trouble and you can't risk staying.   
However, just as you prepare to say goodbye and apologize, again, he interrupts you.
"Since when do you come here?" he asks with a tone that reveals a mild interest you weren't expecting.
Inevitably your nerves run through you again and you swallow hard, having no idea whether this interrogation is good or bad, but you still decide to be honest to avoid as much trouble as you can.
"Last year," you confess apologetically.
He raises his eyebrows slightly.
"And no one had caught you until now?"
"It's just that I don't come here much, I promise," you say instantly, sincere, "Like I told you I only come when I really need to... when I want peace and quiet. And I don't do anything but sit around and watch the ocean, that's all."
He nods slowly, again processing your words. 
And you don't know it but to Aemond... there seems to be something about you, something about the way you talk or maybe that you're a Black Waves girl, that keeps him interested.
His blue eyes, cold but curious, fix on yours, as if he wants to see beyond the words, as if he's looking for some kind of hidden truth.    
The silence that follows feels interminable and finally, he with his relaxed but dominant posture, takes his hands out of his pockets and turns around, resting his arms on one of the railings of the pier. 
He stares off into the horizon with that serious look that tells you nothing and you just stand there, wondering if you should still leave or what you should do, since you don't understand anything.
"You can stay," he says suddenly, his voice low but firm.
You frown and stare at him completely confused, having no idea if you heard right or not.
"You can stay," he repeats, not watching you.
You blink, watching him in shock, now being the one processing his words, not really understanding anything but feeling completely surprised by his offer.      
You didn't expect this. Not at all.
And at that moment comes the distrust in you, as it can't be too good to be real.
"Are you sure? I mean..." you watch him uncertainly, "Maybe you want to be alone," you shrug.
You watch as he sits up and starts pulling something out of his pockets, which ends up being a lighter and a pack of cigarettes.
And without looking at you, he shakes his head.
"I'm fine," he tells you carelessly, taking a cigarette and starting to light it.
You watch him curiously, not understanding why he's being this way with you... so strangely kind. And that without knowing where it comes from, you begin to like him.
"And you're really not going to give me away? This isn't... I don't know," you shrug, "Like some kind of trap?"    
You watch as he takes a drag and blows out the smoke, putting the lighter and the pack back in his pocket.
"No," he says serious and almost annoyed, so you decide not to question him anymore, as strange as this is, "If you want to stay that's fine, if not you can leave too. Just do what you want, if I wanted to give you away, I would have done it already."
You remain silent, processing his words. You frown and watch him as he takes another drag and then the smoke rising to dissipate in the cool night air.
There is something about his posture, the casual way he holds his cigarette, that disconcerts you and catches your attention.
He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would let someone like you just hang around, much less in a place that is clearly his, or at least his family's.
So you feel unsure how to interpret all of this.
So you continue to stand, still waiting for some sign that you should leave, but he gives you none. Instead, he just looks off into the horizon, where the water meets the dark sky, lit only by the moon and stars.
And the truth is, you don't know what to do.
The prospect of staying there, with him, someone you barely really know and who could give you away at any moment, still makes you nervous.
However, you are also intrigued by this strange friendliness he is showing.
So you decide to stay, so you again take a seat on the edge of the wood with carefree movements, your feet dipping into the shimmering water beyond.
You give him a brief glance, unsure if he'll sit down too or if he'll just leave. But to your surprise, he stands beside you, silently smoking and not watching you.
It's not warm or comforting company, but somehow, the stillness you both share is more soothing than uncomfortable.
And so the minutes pass and the sound of the water, soft and rhythmic, begins to soothe you again. The cool night air makes the anxiety in your chest slowly dissipate, as does the tension in your shoulders.
And with each passing of time, you realize that nothing bad will really happen by being here with him. And you also realize that Aemond Targaryen is maybe not arrogant and shallow like the others.
He hasn't even been mean to you and hasn't judged you, so that's why you decide to start a conversation.
"Why are you here?" you decide to ask, without looking him and simply moving the waters gently with your feet, focusing on that.
The question floats in the air between you, and for a moment, you think he won't answer you, since maybe he told you that you can stay but it doesn't mean you should talk to him.
But then you hear him move, his weight making a slight creak in the wood.
"Same as you," he finally replies, though his tone is less curt this time, "Looking for peace and quiet."
You're instantly taken aback by his honesty and also by his response, definitely not expecting that, so you frown and look at him confused.
He watches you and his gaze instantly paralyzes you, watching as he watches you just as confused but this time defensively at your reaction.
"Why is that so incredible to believe?"
You bite your lips and avert your gaze, thinking very hard about your next words, as you shrug and watch him again.
"Well... I'm just thinking why a person who has everything and certainly lacks nothing would come here... looking for peace and quiet," you explain with genuine curiosity.
He lets out a snort, with a bitter look on his face as he brings the cigarette back to his lips.
"Neither you nor anyone else knows everything about me and my family," he says with an unexpected harshness in his tone.
You remain silent, surprised by the frankness of his response and avert your gaze to the horizon.
You feel a slight discomfort that you didn't expect and it's not because of what he said, but how he said it, so serious and distant.
But maybe he's right.
All families at Crown's are characterized by more than just money, power and status, and that's appearance.
The rich probably think they know everything among themselves, but your people see a little more reality and you know that behind that perfect facade there are secrets, tensions and burdens.
And the Targaryen's are no exception. Even Cregan has hinted at it many times, with his wry, half-joking comments about the lives of wealthy families.
The moment between the two and the conversation seems on the verge of becoming awkward again.
And just when you think the talk is over, Aemond takes another drag and, surprising you, looks sideways at you with a cool but questioning expression.
"And what happened to you?" he asks you suddenly, changing the subject.
"Hm?" you observe him attentively and confused.
"Why did you have a bad day?" he repeats just as calmly, but this time, with a casual, carefree tone.
"Oh," you murmur, turning your eyes back to the horizon.
You didn't expect him to be interested in something so personal. But since he asked, you decide to be honest.
"Well, apparently my boss hates me and made me work double shifts today," you explain, letting out a sigh. "It's stressful enough to put up with his bad treatment and workload, but I also had to deal with a lot of rude customers."
His gaze remains fixed on you, as if processing what you just said. Then he goes back to staring at the horizon with a disinterested look and takes another drag on his cigarette.
"Sounds like shit," he finally says, his tone dry but without a hint of empathy.
"Yeah, it is," you reply, letting out a bitter little laugh, "But it is what it is."
He nods slightly and suddenly, the distance you felt between the two of you seems to diminish a bit.
Aemond isn't as unapproachable as you thought, and though you still don't quite understand why he's acting this way, you begin to see that maybe, just maybe, there's more to him than meets the eye.
You stare out at the water in silence, the sound of the waves lapping gently against the pier pilings filling the air.
And you are surprised by how normal this situation is.
You mean, who would have thought? You, a poor girl from Black Waves and him, the heir to one of the most powerful families in the region, sharing a night on the dock as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
You don't understand anything but... you like him.
"I've never seen you before," he murmurs after a while, his eyes focused on the horizon, "Nor do I know your name."
You stare at him incredulously and let out a small chuckle under your breath.
"I think we both know why," you say knowingly, "It's not like our paths cross very often. And my name is Y/N, Y/N Blackwood," you introduce yourself in a soft tone.
He falls silent, seemingly memorizing your name and within a few seconds, however, he doesn't seem convinced of the other.
"I don't know. I know everyone in town, even if not directly."
You frown slightly.
"That sounds... exhausting."
"It's part of the family, knowing everyone. Knowing who's around you, even if you don't deal with them," he explains, "But I had never seen you."
"Well... I've lived at Sunset's for a year now with my aunt, uncle and my cousin," you explain, relaxing a little more as you see the conversation flowing smoothly, "And before the summer started, I started working at Mr. Frey's restaurant to save up for college in a few more months."
He turns his whole body toward you, still standing and leaning against the pole holding up the roof at the end of the pier, glancing at you from time to time but keeping more of his focus on the horizon.
"Your aunt and uncle?" he asks, "Why don't you live with your parents?"
That question takes you by surprise, and for a moment you don't know what to say. It's obviously a personal question and you weren't expecting it at all.
Then you look at him, where his eyes are serious and inquisitive towards you, although you don't perceive any bad intentions, just a curiosity.
"I guess I don't know if I should tell you that," you say with a small smile and amused tone, trying to downplay it and not make the moment awkward, "You know... trusting one of your own kind."
He lets out a slight chuckle, making you smile a little wider.
"My kind?"
You shrug.
"Yeah, you know... a rich one."
"And what makes you think you can't trust me? I didn't give you away a while ago, did I?"
"And why did you?" you ask, unable to contain your curiosity seizing on the comment, "Why didn't you give me away?"
He lets out a long breath and takes another drag before answering, his voice low but steady.
"I don't know, maybe because you were honest."
"But you're not like that, no one in your class is empathetic and forgiving."
"Do you really think you know everything about me and my family?" he questions you again.
You look at him obviously and incredulously.
"Please, everyone in this place knows everything about you and your family. Even the poor people. You're like the royalty of the city, after all."
You see the slight annoyance on his face, making it clear that he's in total disagreement with you, and you make up your mind to prove your point.
"I mean..." you sigh, "You are known as your father's son who has a perfect life just like your siblings, heirs to a wealthy and powerful family. The Targaryen's are known for that, work, money, power and status... or am I wrong?"
He doesn't respond right away, just watches you with an intensity that makes you feel a little vulnerable.
And just when you think he'll finally let his true self out and he's exactly like the other rich kids, he surprisingly lets out a sigh and looks down at the water, with an almost resigned look on his face.
"Yeah, but it's not all as simple and wonderful as it seems. It's not the whole truth either."
Those words leave you thinking. And they also leave you watching... him.
At the previous party, you couldn't see much of him from afar, let alone being on the second floor of a huge yacht. But he is... captivating.
You trace the shape of his nose and the structures of his cheeks with your gaze, watching as if it were a slow-motion movie as he lifts his cigarette to his lips and raises his gaze to the sky to expel the smoke, marking the bone in his neck.
His silver hair shimmers slightly in the moonlight and makes him look like some sort of ancient Greek God, where you silently admire the handsome features of his face.
You can't see his eyes in detail because of the light, but you know they are blue, characteristic of the Targaryen along with the platinum hair.
And then you wonder, what else is behind that facade his family has so meticulously constructed for him?
Who is Aemond Targaryen truly?
The night continues as the two of you stand there, sharing the space, the air, the silence. There is no need for more words for now, it's just enjoying the little shelter in this corner with him.
And after a while, you decide that maybe it's time to leave.
"Well... I guess I should be going," you mutter, starting to get up, then looking around the perimeter one last time, etching the image in your memory, "I'm going to miss this place."
He turns with slow, nonchalant movements toward you, dropping what little is left of the cigarette to crush it with the sole of his tennis shoe.
"What do you mean?" he asks, with that calmness that always seems to surround him.
You look at him in confusion, then shrug, letting out a small, resigned laugh.
"Obviously I can't come back here now that you've caught me," you tell him with a sad little smile, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear from the wind, turning around, "Oh and..." you look back at him, "Thanks for not give me away, seriously."
You give him a look and a small grateful smile, as he keeps his expression hard to read, as usual, but totally focused on you.
Neither of you say anything else and assuming this is the final goodbye, you start walking towards the dock exit. But then you hear his voice behind you.
And that's what you do.
Confused, you turn to watch him again, watching as he takes a step forward.
"You can come back if you want," he says to you suddenly, in a tone of voice that is soft, but also mixes indifference and something else that you don't quite manage to identify, "Just... make sure no one else catches you."
That definitely takes you by surprise, since you weren't expecting it. And you watch him silently for a moment, trying to read his expression, but he remains as enigmatic as ever.
However, there is an unexpected sincerity in his words that makes you smile, this time with more warmth.
"Really?" you ask, unable to hide the disbelief and excitement in your voice.
He nods, folding his arms, saying nothing.
"Thank you," you reply, and this time you say it more firmly and with happiness in your eyes.
You lower your gaze and resist the urge to smile big, feeling a strange sensation in your stomach, to again watch him.
"Bye, Aemond."
You take a step back and turn around, when again he stops you as he speaks.
"You're going home alone?" he asks, this time with a little more interest in his voice.
You laugh softly, surprised that he cares, not really understanding anything but liking it.
"You know? We poor people have a good thing after all... survival style."
He doesn't say anything to you, just watches you with his piercing colored eyes as he licks his lips and then simply gives you a small nod.
You don't say anything else either and finally turn to leave, beginning to leave the tranquility of the dock and him behind, under the dim lights of the night.
And as you walk away, you feel the sea breeze on your face and wonder how a night that began with tension and fear ended with something as unexpected as a truce with Aemond Targaryen.
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series taglist:
@zenka69 @strangersunghoon @deliaseastar @thefireblaze @kythefangirl25 @p45510n4f4shi0n @saturnssrings @bellaisasleep @primroseluna @tinykryptonitewerewolf @barnes70stark @tssf-imagines
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silassinclair · 6 months
Yandere Wild West Outlaw x Reader
CW// Possession, Obsession, Yandere Behavior, Jealousy, Suggestive Content, Gaslighting, Maddox has a housewife fetish (16+)
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When Maddox first saw you hiding in your wardrobe after having killed your Father he was shocked to see such a pretty woman inside. He knew your Father had a daughter but he didn't know she'd be a fierce and beautiful young woman.
Maddox knew he had to have you. No way was he going to leave you in this bumfuck town in the middle of no where. You're too valuable.
He ties you up and takes you away from your hometown. You're his now so he's taking you with him wherever he goes. Having a pretty little accessory like you will give him bragging rights after all.
He takes you to saloons while he plays cards with his buddies. Has you sit still and look pretty on his lap while he drinks and plays. His friends say dirty things about you. Commenting on how submissive you are for Maddox. Maddox eats their comments up like a full course meal.
"You boys wish you had this fine piece of ass. But she's mine."
When you're at his temporary house he has you play housewife. You cook his food, clean his laundry, and most importantly you take him like a good girl and let him use you to pleasure himself.
"You like that yeah? You don't? Then shut your pretty little mouth n' take it anyway. Don't make me mad now."
But over the course of a few months and after spending more time with you he sees you less as an object to brag about and more as a companion. He sees you everyday so of course he develops feelings. Feelings he denies of course.
"You think cus' I'm being nice lately you can just skip doin' laundry? Well you've been a good girl this week so I'll let it slide... But you're doin' it tomorrow! No excuses!"
Maddox takes you to the saloon with him again as usual. This time the sexual comments his friends say make him see red. He draws his gun and shoots them all dead where they sit.
"I should have never let em' say that vulgar shit bout' you. Shoulda never let you in that shithole in the first fuckin' place. C'mon, we're goin' home."
Fucks you gently this time and prioritizes your pleasure over his. You're so cute mewling beneath him. Praises you instead of degrades you.
"You can take it princess, c'mon! Don't tell me to slowdown when I can feel how good you feel on me. Yeah that’s it, good girl. Doin’ so good for me… Ya’ feel divine~"
He slowly starts bringing you into town less often. When you ask why you can't come with him he simply says that you're safer at home.
A month goes by and you're tired of being holed up in his house. So you take the risk and leave while he's taking his afternoon nap.
Bad Choice….
"You thought you could leave me?! Baby I love ya', I really do but sometimes you're real fuckin' stupid."
Locks the doors, windows, and always has his eye on you. When he has to go out he keeps you tied to the bed by the ankle.
Every night he holds you close to him. He's a light sleeper, he'll feel if you move and try to escape him. If that happens he'll embrace you in a nearly bone crushing hug.
He’ll wrestle with you if you try and fight him, but he’ll never strike you. He’d never do that after seeing the abuse his Mother endured from her customers at the brothel.
Comes home one day with two golden rings. He wears one and forces the other onto your ring finger. It's a perfect fit.
"You're my wife now and I'm your husband. You'll address me as such, got it?"
No wedding, no priest, no judge, no documentation. He says you're his wife now and that's that.
"There's names engraved inside the rings.? That's just the name of the jeweler I got it from... Don't worry your pretty little head about it."
You two never get to settle down. You hop from one abandoned home to the other. After all he needs to always be on the run from the law. It's a stressful but exhilarating lifestyle. Danger lurks at every corner.
Loves calling you by his last name. Though your last name is still legally L/n; Maddox says that since you’re his wife you have his last name. After all you two are wearing the rings to prove it!
"Thank you for the meal Mrs. Graves, God you're perfect. Where have you been all my life?"
He adores your body. Doesn't matter what body type you have. Chub? He's kneading it with his hands while he praises you like the goddess you are. Insecure about how the outline of your ribcage is visible? He traces his fingers down to your tummy and then goes even lower... He can't keep his hands off.
Favorite thing to do is hug you from behind and just press your backside against him while you do chores. It feels so domestic and it makes him feel like he isn’t a wanted criminal for a moment.
Kisses? He loves to kiss you! His favorite spots are your ankles, tummy, and forehead. And your lips ofc!
Whenever you have to slip your stockings on he swats your hands away and does it. He’ll pull them up sensually and slowly, trailing kisses from your ankle up to your thigh as he does so.
“Your skin’s so soft princess, just wanna take a bite. You’ll let me right?”
He loves animals. His horse Jasper is his best friend. Jasper won't let anyone ride him except for you and Maddox. Anyone else gets thrown off and stomped on.
Since this is the 1800’s people don’t really bathe as often. But Maddox is different. He can’t stand having grime on him for too long after you called him stinky once. So now he bathes more often than most. And you bathe with him too. You have no choice in the matter.
“Mmm love it when you wash my hair sweetheart… Ya’ fingers feel like heaven..”
Maddox is a tough guy. He's taken bullets, stabs, you name it. He even survived a hanging once. If anything happens to you he'll fight God himself just to keep you safe. Even if it costs him his life.
Tells you he loves you everyday. And if you don't say it back? Well he'll just bug you until you say it. After your "marriage" he doesn't really punish you anymore. You’re his partner for life, you deserve the world.
Respects women. His Mother worked in a brothel so he witnessed how men mistreated women. He could never do that to you... Even though he did early in your relationship. But he'll never admit that! Bring it up and he'll call you crazy.
"Sweetheart I never harmed a hair on your head, quit talkin' nonsense."
Teaches you how to fire a gun just in case. Hopefully you'll never have to use the skill though.
Spoils you whenever he can. Maddox has a decent amount of money but it's still pretty tight. Buying you things isn't an option because being on the run means you need to have minimal baggage. So he treats you to dinners and cute little dates.
Overtime you get used to this life. You forget he ever even killed your old man.
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Anyone is free to request anything! Don't be shy! I'm hyperfixiating on this oc so I'll happily write anything for him. As long as it isn't blatant NSFW :-)
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 months
Crossroad Blues | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Warnings: canon gore, canon violence, imposter syndrome, discussing grief and parental death
Word Count: 4935
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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You sighed heavily as you pulled up a photo of Dean’s mugshot from the St. Louis Police Department. “Well, you’ve got a warrant out in St. Louis, and now, you're officially in the feds’ database.”
Dean grinned at you across the diner table. “Dude, I'm like Dillinger or something.”
“Dean, it’s not funny,” you scolded. “We’re fucked if we’re not careful.”
“Well, what do they got on you two?” Dean looked between you and Sam.
Sam muttered, “I'm sure they just haven't posted it yet.”
“No accessory? Nothing?” Dean chuckled.
“Shut up,” Sam grumbled.
The older brother laughed. “You're jealous.”
“Why the fuck would he be jealous, Dean?” you hissed.
Dean seemed caught off-guard. “Whoa, sweetheart, relax—”
“No, this is serious, man,” you replied, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. “Dee, I was completely off the grid before I met you. Now, we all got arrested— thankfully, Diana’s getting our mugshots and prints wiped from Baltimore— but I’m undocumented! My mom told me she gave birth to me in a motel room. This was after my parents had already been ‘missing’ for years. My brother and I have no birth certificates, I don’t have social security, I don’t have insurance, I don’t have a real driver’s license— they can book me for that reason alone. I’m fucked. You didn’t kill anyone. They actually have legitimate reason to book me.”
Dean’s plucky attitude dropped, and he turned around, slightly angry. “Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t ask for any of this. I didn’t exactly plan on getting arrested. And I’m sorry it screwed you over, okay? Chill out.”
You glared at him. “ ‘Chill out’?” You chuckled coldly. “ ‘Chill out,’ he says. I wouldn’t be as angry if you weren’t making stupid jokes.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop, okay? Jeez.”
Sam huffed. “Okay!” He slid papers between you and Dean who were scowling at each other. “Architect Sean Boyden plummeted to his death from the roof of his home, a condominium he designed.”
Dean looked away from you and down at the paper, but you kept your eyes trained on him. “Hmm. Build a high-rise and jump off the top of it. That's classy. When did he call animal control?” Dean questioned.
“Two days earlier,” answered Sam.
“Did he actually say Black Dog?”
“Yeah. A vicious, wild, black dog. The authorities couldn't find it, no one else saw it; in fact, the authorities are a little confused as to how a wild dog could get past the doorman, take the elevator up and start roaming the halls of the cushiest joint in town. After that, no more calls, he doesn't show up for work, two days later he takes a swan dive.”
“Do you think we're dealing with an actual Black Dog?” the older brother asked.
“Well, maybe,” Sam shrugged.
“What's the lore on it?”
The brunet slid another page over to Dean. “It's all pretty vague. I mean, there are spectral black dogs all over the world, but some say they're animal spirits, others say death omens. But anyways, whatever they are, they're big; nasty.”
“Yeah, I bet they could hump the crap outta your leg,; ook at that one, huh?” He held up a picture and smirked at his brother. 
Sam glared at him.
Dean’s smirk slipped. “What? They could.”
Sam got up from the table and began heading out of the door. You followed Sam quickly. Dean grabbed your arm and spun you back around.
“What, Dean?” you snapped.
He shrank under your glare. “Look, I— I’m sorry, okay?”
You dropped the tension in your shoulders. “Yeah, me, too. I just— I worry about you. And you guys completely turned my life upside-down when you walked into it. And everything’s changing so fast; it’s kinda scary.”
Dean nodded as he started walking. “I get it. If it makes you feel any better, you’re changing my life, too.”
You looked over at him and smiled softly. He couldn’t quite meet your eyes after that admission.
You and the brothers interviewed the deceased’s former business partner, and the man seemed a little bitter. Apparently, Sean Boyden was a terrible architect around ten years ago. Then, suddenly, he was in Architectural Digest. A piece of information he gave you, though, aside from his bitterness, was that Boyden used to bartend at Lloyd’s before his overnight success.
Then, you went to the animal protection agency to gather information on complaints or phone calls about a Black Dog. You were the one who went in to gather intel because you weren’t willing to take the chance of Dean being recognized from the St. Louis APB. You got back in the car and explained to the brothers what you’d found out. You held up the complaints list you’d gotten from the secretary. “Every complaint called in this week about anything big, black, and dog-like. There's nineteen calls; all from Dr. Sylvia Pearlman.”
You headed to the woman’s home to interrogate her, only to find that the woman had disappeared two days ago.
“Hi, we’re Animal Control,” you told the woman who opened the door. “We’re looking for Dr. Sylvia Pearlman?”
“The Doctor— well, she— I don't know exactly when she'll be back, she left two days ago,” she said.
“Okay, and you are…?” Sam asked.
“I'm Ms. Pearlman's maid,” she introduced. “I’m not sure where she went. She just packed and left; she didn't say where. That stray dog: did you find it finally?” 
“Oh, not yet. You know, you didn't ever happen to see the dog yourself, did you?” Sam questioned.
She shook her head. “Well, no. I never even heard it.”
There were pictures on the wall of a brunette woman appearing in all of the photographs who you deduced was Dr. Pearlman. A picture that caught your attention was the woman at a bar with two friends. You turned back to the maid. “Hey, you know I read she was chief surgeon at the hospital. She's gotta be what, forty-two, forty-three? That's pretty young for that job.”
“Youngest in the history of the place. She got the position... ten years ago?” the maid thought aloud.
“Huh, an overnight success. Ten years ago,” Sam nodded.
“Yeah, we know a guy like that.” Dean clicked his tongue.
“Oh, look at this,” you said. You flipped the photo from the wall over to show the writing on the back. “Lloyd’s bar.”
*** The bar was your next stop. It was pretty much in the middle of nowhere, and you and the boys parked close to the gravel intersection.
Dean noticed something on the side of the road, and called to you and Sam, “Hey,” to get your attention.
“Yeah?” Sam questioned.
He nodded in the direction of yellow flowers growing around the edges of the crossroads. “That's weird. Think someone planted these?”
“Middle of all these weeds?” Sam questioned.
“These are, uh, what do you call 'em—” Dean snapped his fingers, trying to think.
“Yarrow flowers,” you noted.
“Yeah,” the older brother nodded. “Used for certain rituals, aren't they?”
“Yeah, actually,” Sam commented. “Summoning rituals.”
You tsked. “So, two people become sudden successes about ten years ago. Right around the time they were hanging out here at Lloyd's. Where there just so happens to be a crossroads.”
“You think?” Sam turned to you.
“Let's find out,” Dean said and started toward the center of the road. He bent over and looked up at you. “This seem about the dead center to you?”
You looked around a few moments before looking back at him and nodding. 
Dean dug a few inches into the hard soil with his hands and hit something solid. 
“Yahtzee.” He found an old Altoid tin and opened it to reveal several occult objects and a picture of an older man you hadn’t seen thus far on this hunt. 
“Holy shit, that’s graveyard dirt and a black cat bone. That’s… crazy Hoodoo spellwork,” you breathed out. “Used to summon a demon.”
“Not just summon one. Crossroads are where pacts are made. These people are actually making deals with the damn thing. You know, 'cause that always ends good,” Dean deadpanned.
“They're seeing dogs, alright,” Sam added. “But not Black Dogs, they're seeing Hellhounds. Demonic pit bulls.”
“You guys ever come across this stuff before? I’ve only read about it,” you said, looking between the boys.
“No, never,” Dean replied. “Whoever this demon is, it's back, and it's collecting. And that doctor lady? Wherever she's running? She ain't running fast enough.”
“So, it's just like the Robert Johnson legend, right? I mean, selling your soul at the crossroads, kind of deal?” questioned Sam.
“Yeah, except that wasn't a legend. I mean, you know his music,” you nodded.
Sam shrugged.
Dean looked at his brother, stunned. “You don't know Robert Johnson's songs? Sam, there's- there's occult references all over his lyrics, I mean, 'Crossroad Blues'? 'Me and the Devil Blues'?”
“ 'Hellhound on My Trail'?” you added.
Sam frowned, and Dean rolled his eyes. “The story goes, he died choking on his own blood. He was hallucinating and muttering about big, evil dogs.”
“And now it's happening all over again,” Sam said. “We've gotta figure out if anyone else struck any bargains around here.”
Dean groaned. “Great. So we've gotta clean up these peoples' mess for 'em? I mean, they're not exactly squeaky clean. Nobody put a gun to their head and forced 'em to play ‘Let's Make A Deal’.”
“So, what, we should just leave them to die?” scoffed the younger brother.
“Somebody goes over Niagara in a barrel, you gonna jump in and try to save 'em?” the older one deadpanned.
“Dean,” you scolded gently.
“Fine,” he murmured. “Rituals like this, you've got to put your own photo into the mix, right? So this guy probably summoned this thing; let's go and see if anyone inside knows him. If he's still alive.”
The man’s name turned out to be George Darrow. He was the first person to summon the demon to Lloyd’s. Unfortunately for him, all he asked for was artistic talent; he had forgotten to ask for the recognition for it. His small studio apartment was littered with paintings; some half-finished and some completed. They were incredible. 
“Was it worth it?” you asked him.
“Hell no. I'm still broke and lonely. Just now I got this pile of paintings don't nobody want. But that wasn't the worst.”
Your heart broke a little for him. 
“Go on,” encouraged Sam.
“Demon didn't leave. I never counted on that,” he muttered. “After our deal was done, the damn thing stayed at Lloyd's for a week. Just chattin'. Makin' more deals. I tried to warn folks, but I mean, who's goin' to listen to an old drunk?”
“How many others are there?” questioned Sam.
“Uh, the architect, that doctor lady— I kept up with them, they've been in the papers. Least they got famous,” George scoffed. “One more. Uh, nice guy, too. Hudson. Evan, I think. I don't know what he asked for. Don't matter now. We done for.”
Sam shook his head. “No. No, there's gotta be a way.”
“You don't get it! I don't want a way!” George suddenly yelled. “I called that thing! I brought it on myself. I brought it on them. I'm going to hell, one way or another. All I want is to finish my last painting. Day or two, I'm done. I'm just trying to hold them off 'till then. Buy a little time." He sighed. "Okay, kids. Time you went, go help somebody that wants help.”
You and the brothers hesitated.
“Get out! I got work to do.”
“Mr. Darrow, could I—?” you started.
“What?! What do you want,” he spat.
“I just wanted to know if I could buy one of your paintings,” you said. “That little one over there.” You pointed to a small canvas, no bigger than a piece of printer paper. It was of a skull on a nun’s body with what looked like ectoplasm dripping from her eyes. The linework and blending of the oil paint was incredible. You were truly in love with it and had been eyeing it since you walked into the room.
“I don’t want your pity money, kid. But thanks,” he told you.
“I’m serious, I really do want it. I don’t wanna buy it off you out of pity,” you protested.
He considered, before nodding. “Just take it, kid.”
“Mr. Darrow—”
He couldn’t look at you as he spoke. “Take it. It’s payment enough that someone wants one of my paintings.”
Your heart broke for him even more, and you hugged the painting to your chest when he handed it to you. 
Sam paused before speaking again. “You don't really want to die.”
George turned back to you one last time. “I don't? I'm... I'm tired.”
You bit the inside of your lip to keep yourself from crying as you left the man painting in his room.
You stored the painting in your bag when you returned to the Impala, and you couldn’t bring yourself to talk as you drove to the Hudsons’ house to find the last crossroads victim.
You and the Winchesters rolled to a stop in front of a very nice house. You knocked on the door to reveal Evan Hudson moments later. “Yes?” he said, seeming shaken.
“You ever been to a bar called Lloyd's? Would have been about ten years ago.” Dean cut straight to the chase.
Evan startled and slammed the door in your faces. You heard the latch click in place.
“Come on, we're not demons!” Dean called.
“Any other bright ideas?” Sam deadpanned. 
Dean stepped back, set himself, then kicked the door in in one go. Your breath hitched in your throat at the sight, and you mentally scolded yourself. ‘You sick fuck, we’re on a case.’
You followed the brothers into the home and began searching through the rooms for Evan. You found a door closed at the end of the hallway, and Dean went to kick it in again. You stopped him by catching his leg. You turned the handle and pushed the door open gently. The room was completely silent as you entered. “Evan?” you called.
Evan jumped out from behind a bookcase, holding his hands up. “Please! Don't hurt me.”
Sam attempted to pacify him. “We're not going to hurt you, alright? We're here to help you.”
“We know all about the genius deal you made,” Dean gruffly said. 
Evan looked frantically between the three of you. “What? How?”
“Doesn't matter. All that matters is, we're trying to stop it,” Sam replied.
The man flicked his eyes between you and the brothers nervously. “How do I know you're not lying?”
Dean clicked his tongue. “Well, you don't, but you're kinda running low on options there, buddy-boy.”
Evan swallowed harshly and started pacing. “Can you stop it?”
“Don't know,” you said earnestly. “We'll try.”
“I don’t wanna die,” he muttered, beginning to well up with tears.
Dean’s tone was almost mocking. “Of course, you don't, not now.”
You gently grabbed Dean’s wrist. “Dean, stop.”
He continued, ignoring you. “What'd you ask for anyway, Evan? Huh? Never need Viagra? Bowl a perfect game? What?”
“My wife.”
The older brother laughed coldly. “Right. Gettin' the girl. Well, that's worth a trip to hell for.”
“Dean!” you and Sam chided, more firmly this time.
“No. He's right, I made the deal,” Evan sniffed. “Nobody twisted my arm, that… woman, or whatever she was, at the bar? She said I could have anything I wanted. I thought she was nuts at first, but— I don't know how to— I was desperate.”
“Desperate?” Sam questioned.
“Julie was dying,” he lamented.
Dean suddenly softened. “You did it to save her?”
Evan nodded. “She had cancer, they'd stopped treatment, they were moving her into hospice, they kept saying… a matter of days. So yeah, I made the deal. And I'd do it again. I'd have died for her on the spot.”
“Did you ever think about her in all this?” Dean questioned.
“I did this for her,” Evan protested.
Dean advanced on him, ripping his arm out of your hand. “You sure about that? I think you did it for yourself. So you wouldn't have to live without her. But guess what? She's going to have to live without you now. But what if she knew how much it cost? What if she knew it cost your soul? How do you think she'd feel?”
You put a hand on Dean’s chest and pushed him backward. “Knock it off,” you told him, giving him a sharp look.
Sam turned to Evan. “You just sit tight, alright? We're going to figure this out.”
You followed Dean out into the hallway. “What is your deal, man? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Hey, I got an idea.” He pulled out the goofer dust you’d gotten from George Darrow. “You and Sam throw George's hoodoo at that Hellhound, keep it away from Evan as long as you can. I'm gonna go to the crossroads and summon the demon.”
“Wait, summon?! Are you nuts?!” you protested. “I’m coming with you.”
“No,” he said firmly. “You can’t. I won’t let you, okay? I can’t handle this properly if I’m worried about you.”
You looked up at him with sad eyes.
He put his hands on either side of your shoulders. “(Y/N), I can trap it. I can exorcise it, and I can buy us time to figure out something more permanent.”
Sam walked up behind you. “Yeah, but how much time?”
“I don't know, a while. I mean, it's not easy for those suckers to claw their way back from hell and into the sunshine,” Dean chuckled.
“Dean, you can forget it, alright?” Sam argued. “I'm not letting you summon that demon.”
“Why not?” Dean grumbled.
“Because I don't like where your head is at right now, that's why not.”
“What are you talking about?” Dean scoffed.
“You know, you've been on edge ever since we found that crossroads, Dean, and I think I know why,” Sam noted.
Dean turned around. “We don't have time for this.” 
Sam was able to stop him with a single word. “Dad. You think maybe Dad made one of these deals, huh? Hell. I've been thinking it. I'm sure you've been thinking it, too.”
Dean didn’t turn back to face you and his brother, but quietly said, “It fits, doesn't it? I'm alive, Dad's dead. The yellow-eyed demon was involved. What if he did? What if he struck a deal? My life for his soul?”
Evan called back from inside the room behind you. “It’s outside!”
“Just keep him alive, okay?” Dean instructed. 
“Dean!” you called.
You steeled yourself and turned back to the office Evan was in. You took a bag of Goofer dust from Sam and began covering the window sills and doors. Sam made a circle around Evan while you worked.
“What is that stuff?” Evan asked.
“Goofer dust,” Sam replied.
“You serious?” he scoffed.
“Yeah. 'Fraid so. Look. Believe me, don't believe me, whatever you want. Just whatever you do, stay inside the circle, alright?”
You looked back to see Evan nodding. He began to hug himself, standing in the middle of the circle just as you and Sam finished coating the room.
Sam shook his bag out. “That’s the last of it.”
You paced around the room, Bowie knife in hand, as Sam tried to comfort Evan. All you could think about was Dean with the crossroads demon, and you prayed to a god you didn’t believe in that he wouldn’t make any stupid deals.
You knew how much his dad’s death was tearing him apart. You knew that even in that moment with him after he’d just woken up next to you in the apartment back in Philadelphia, his heart wasn’t fully there. You wished you could take away that pain for him. 
“(Y/N), are you trying to increase your step-count or something?” Sam asked you.
You barely registered his snarky question. “What?”
“You’re pacing. Like, a lot.”
“Thank you, Captain Obvious,” you said.
“God, you and Dean were made for each other.” Sam shook his head, chuckling slightly.
You deadpanned at him. “Shut up.”
Evan whirled around at something you couldn’t hear or see.
“What?” Sam asked him.
“You hear that?” Evan asked. 
“Hear what?” you questioned. “Where is it?”
“Right outside the door,” Evan said quietly.
Suddenly, the doors began to rattle violently. Sam stepped inside the circle of goofer dust, but you stayed outside of it, gripping your bowie knife tightly.
“Just don't move, alright?” Sam told Evan. “Stay where you are.”
The rattling droned on for several minutes before it stopped suddenly.
“Do you still hear it?” Sam asked.
“No. Is it over?” Evan breathed out.
You whipped around to the sound of rumbling from a grate nailed to the wall. You stared it down until it burst off the wall, kicking dust from the vent into the room.
“It's here!” Evan exclaimed.
Deep claw marks gouged into the floor up to the circle, and they stopped just before the edge. The hellhounds had apparently completely ignored you, but you tempted fate by pissing them off. You dug your bowie knife into where you thought the back of one of the creatures was.
“(Y/N), what the fuck are you doing?!” Sam yelled. 
You cried out in pain as an invisible force slashed at your leg. Deep claw marks appeared on your thigh, ripping through your jeans. 
“(Y/N), no!” Sam screamed.
You slashed at your leg with your knife and hit something solid. 
“(Y/N), get inside the circle, you maniac!” Sam chided.
“Trying!” you replied, pulling the knife out of the solid thing you’d hit. Nothing seemed to work on the hellhounds, though, and your knife only stalled them momentarily. You crawled, scrambling over to the circle, careful not to disrupt it as the hounds got one last lash in at your leg. You sat back against Sam’s legs, holding your leg and breathing through your teeth.
“Jesus, (Y/N/N), are you okay?” Sam asked.
“Sammy, do I look okay?” you groaned, trying to keep still on the floor despite the pain in your right thigh and left calf.
He paused for a moment. “Fair point.”
The windows flew open, disrupting the Goofer dust that had been laid on the window sill and slowly beginning to blow the dust away from around you, Sam, and Evan.
“Circle's broken. Come on!” Sam pulled you and Evan.
“Sam, take him! Go!” You threw your knife at him and stayed in the slowly breaking circle, and Sam obliged. You stayed on the ground, praying that the hellhounds would leave you alone. Thankfully, they did, and you tried to recollect the dust and build the particles up around yourself. Sam had long since sprinted out of the room with Evan in tow, and the scratches on the floor led out of the room and down the hall. 
You sat like that for a while, crying and in pain. You knew you needed to stop the bleeding on your thigh as it was bleeding way more profusely than your calf. You took your button-down off and wrapped it around your leg tightly. You threw your head back, chest heaving, at the pressure around the wound. You pulled your sock up around your calf to try and collect the bleeding there.
You could hear rattling from down the hall, and wished you could do something more to help. Suddenly, the pounding stopped.
“Sam?!” you called.
“(Y/N)! You okay?”
“Yeah, are you?”
“Is it over?” 
You considered for a moment before calling back, “I don’t know! I fucking hope so!”
You could hear Sam laughing getting louder and the sound of a door creaking. You assumed he was hesitantly checking the hallway out to see if he could make it back to you. “I think we’re good,” he called.
“Thank god,” you breathed out. You tried to stand, only to fall back on the ground almost immediately. “Fuck.”
Sam entered the office. “Shit, you’re bleeding a lot… uh—” He pulled out his phone. “Dean, Dean, is it over?... Yeah, yeah, he’s fine. It’s (Y/N) I’m worried about… No, no, she’s okay— for now, at least.”
“Hey!” you called. “I’m fine, Sam, really.”
“Oh, yeah? Try standing up, then,” he deadpanned at you.
You went to move but reconsidered at the throbbing in your leg. 
“That’s what I thought.” He turned back to his phone. “She tried to take on a hellhound… Yeah, yeah, okay. Just… get here. As fast as you can. And bring her bag. I know she’s got the first aid stuff in there.”
Evan reentered the room as Sam hung up the phone. “Holy shit!” Evan cried worriedly. “Is she—? Does she need a doctor? Hold on, I’ll call 911—”
“Don’t you dare, Evan,” you protested firmly, glare pinning him to the spot. “I’ll be fine. I just need to stitch myself up, ‘s all.”
When Dean arrived about fifteen minutes later, he was furious. “(Y/N), what the hell were you thinking?” He stormed into the room with your duffel bag in his hand. 
“Dean, I’m fine. Gimme the damn bag—”
He slammed it roughly on the ground, sitting next to you. “Let me see.”
You hesitated but unwrapped your leg upon Dean giving you a harsh look. 
He cursed under his breath when he saw your leg. “Fuck, (Y/N)...”
“Just let me stitch it up, I’ll be fine—”
“No,” he gruffly stated. “I’ve got it.”
Sam looked between you and Dean before taking Evan out of the room to calm him down. 
Dean began threading the needle. You sucked in air through your teeth. “Tell me what happened. How’d you stop it?” You were asking him to distract you.
He looked up at you, still angry, but complied anyway. “I cornered the bitch and made her let him out of his deal.” 
You paused, waiting for more. “And?”
He said, “And nothing.” And began to work on your leg.
“Dean,” you pleaded, grabbing his wrist. “Talk to me, please. Talk me through this.”
He seemed to soften when he saw how much pain you were in. He took a deep breath as he tried his best to stitch you up gently. “She, um, she said my dad’s in hell. And… And he did make a deal. And she told me—” he paused, eyes welling with tears, “She told me she knows how torn up I am about it all. She told me she could bring him back, (Y/N/N).”
Your breath caught in your throat, no longer focused on the needle piercing your skin. “What?”
“Dean, don’t tell me—” Tears welled in your eyes. 
“No. But…” he paused, tying off one stitch before moving to start the other one. 
“But?” you pressed.
“I sure as hell thought about it.”
Your stomach dropped. “Don’t you fucking do that to me, Dean. Dee, look at me.” You grabbed his face and forced him to look at you. “You cannot fucking give up. I won’t let you.” 
He turned his attention back to your wounds, moving to the last claw mark on your thigh. 
“I know you’re hurting,” you sniffed. “I know his death is killing you. It kills me to see you like this. But I’m not— ah!” You cried out when one of his stitches accidentally went too deep into your thigh. He looked at you apologetically as you continued to talk. “I’m not gonna let you trade places with your dad. You’re here for a reason. Your dad loved you enough to keep you here. And what you told Evan earlier? Have you even considered how much it would kill me if you were gone?! And Sam? Both of us would be crushed. You matter, Dean. Sam needs you.”
“(Y/N)—” he tried to stop your admissions as he finished wrapping your leg.
“No, dude. You need to hear this. I need to tell you this. I need you here, Dean. You’re my best friend. How do you think I’d feel if you were gone?”
He faced you. “I can’t— I can’t keep living like this.”
“And you won’t,” you said. “I know it’s cheesy, but it gets better. You won’t always dread waking up every day. You won’t always blame yourself. That’s just today.”
He shook his head. “How do you know that?”
You sighed. “Listen, both of us blame ourselves as the reason our dads are dead. And no matter how much I tell you that’s wrong, you’ll never believe me. Same way I’ll never believe you. And it hurts. I won’t lie to you. It fucking hurts for a while. But then… it gets better. Time and… the people in your life… make it better.”
He stared at you with sad eyes, unsure of what to say.
“And I know you don’t believe me right now, but… please, please, just trust me,” you begged.
Dean continued to stare at you, not saying anything, before standing up from the floor next to you. “C’mon, we gotta get back on the road.”
You sighed, trying to stand from the floor.
“Oh, fuck, I forgot,” he chuckled awkwardly, making you giggle. He swept you up in his arms and looked down at you with a gaze you couldn’t quite read. Dean then stared out ahead as he effortlessly carried you the rest of the way to the car. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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banquetwriter · 5 months
can u write a smut of an insecure plus sized goth reader x johnnie please? she's a virgin and after being together for a few months she asks him could they do it, and he eats her out n fucks her n stuff 🙏🙏 make it really soft pls and thank u i love ur work btw 🖤🖤
୨୧ Batty love ୨୧
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert ♡︎ goth!fem!Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 smut, losing virginity, getting eaten out, general shenanigans
summary: ʚ johnnie isn’t gonna let you being inexperienced stop him from devouring you ɞ
Words: 2234
An: i know this isn't the best but I'm legitimately do sick rn 😞
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You haven't stopped looking at your phone for at least two days. Johnnie, your boyfriend, had just hard-launched your relationship for the first time on Instagram. And to your shock, 95% of the comments were so positive. Everyone complimented your goth appearance.
This much praise was addicting. Being plus size meant a lot of insecurities made by the pathetic losers of society. There were of course a few nice comments… those weren't the ones you kept staring at. Criticizing your looks or body.
Johnnie had warned you about this happening, and you promised him the world knowing about you two was worth it, and it was, but god did it hurt. Johnnie Was out streaming with Jake today so that left you alone for a good few hours.
It was useless trying to wait around crying over some loser online who couldn't handle the fact their celebrity crush didn't pick them. You sat up rubbing your face carefully not trying to hit your piercings at all. You scrolled around on your phone’s playlist before connecting to a speaker.
You started to shift through your closet to come up with an outfit. Maybe you and Johnnie could go out tonight? It was hard to get dressed in full goth normally, especially when you weren't feeling good about yourself.
You settled on a long black skirt with silver shiny bats that were sporadically speckled on it and paired it with an ‘i ❤️ emo boys’ t-shirt with a corset. You put your outfit on by pairing your black stockings and fishnet top for your arms.
You sat down at your desk singing along to your beloved playlist. You turned your light on your mirror searching for your hair clips. You managed to locate them by clipping your hair out of your face. Your music was briefly interrupted by a text notification.
You pick up your phone and it is from Johnnie, ‘should be done soon. Just filmed for Jake's, we're gonna do mine now. Probably just dick around Walmart or something. See you soon love 🖤’ you smiled at his text.
You responded back within seconds ‘Have fun filming (but not too much fun without me lol) 🖤🖤’
You sat your phone down, adjusting your shirt, and you started on your makeup. You put on primer, then foundation, the concealer, and to finish your base off you pack on some powder letting it sit on your face. You pulled out your phone and snapped a selfie of your half-done make-up.
You stuck your tongue off a little for the picture. You posted it on your main Instagram story with a goth song of course. Your Instagram gained quite a few followers from Johnnie’s post. It was exciting and also very scary.
You decided the powder baking on your face was about done so you brushed it off. You grabbed your contour brush and packed some onto it. You started to carve your face onto the white base using the black powder.
Now it was time for your eye makeup. It was the hardest part. You spent a good while meticulously adding your eyeliner and eyeshadow. Once you were done, sufficiently looking like a bat, you finished it off with black lipstick and some setting spray.
You put on accessories and teased your hair to high heaven. And you were all ready. You sprayed some perfume on and looked in the mirror. Fuck did you look good. You posed a little admiring yourself, you took your phone out again and decided to take a few pictures.
This time you posted them as posts and not a story so anyone could say anything. It scared you but you couldn't hide forever. You were dating Johnnie and no one could change that.
It took only a few minutes before the comments came rolling in. All of which were positive, it made your heart soar with all the compliments. You were smiling until you read one: ‘Johnnie eating good tonight’ . It was a nice comment and funny naturally.
There was just one issue. You and Johnnie haven't had sex yet, and furthermore, you have never had sex. Ever. Sure you used a few toys here and there but never has another person shared such an intimate moment with you. You had already worried yourself sick about this. Johnnie Was sexually active and therefore, inevitably he would want to have sex with you.
You were ready… you think at least. You wanted to, of course you did, have you seen your boyfriend? He was such a fucking hottie. You had plenty of dreams of ripping his clothes off and going under the covers. You were just nervous.
You did actually weigh a lot more than your boyfriend and no offense to him he wasn't exactly built to handle all you could offer. The nerves rattled through your body. But you were a full-grown woman and there wasn't anything wrong with taking your time to have sex.
If Johnnie didn't understand that (which you're sure he would) then this wasn't the relationship for you. You shook your thoughts of breaking up with Johnnie away. This wasn't a time to worry.
It was only a few more minutes before Johnnie came home. He stepped into your apartment, and he stopped when looking at you. His jaw faltered open. “Wow, how are you mine?” he asked, closing the door, his hands wrapping around your waist.
“From your strapping good looks and charm of course.” you purred, moving a strand of his hair from his face. You planted a small kiss on his now-exposed skin. “Yeah sure,” he murmured against your hair, planting a small kiss on the top of your head.
You smiled at him, your eyes holding each other. His eyes seem to almost darken looking at you. You pull him into a kiss, one he gladly returns. His hands are holding onto your corseted waist. Even through the thick fabric, you can feel him clutching your body.
Your kisses got more heated as he started to move his hands down your body. You had done this with him before. It didn't scare you much anymore. Of course it was nerve-racking, but not scary. His touch felt so nice even if it was through your clothes.
He slowly moaned into your mouth as you gently tugged his hair. “Fuck,” he muttered slowly pulling away from you. He wrapped his hands into your pulling you towards your couch. Your nerves jumped into your throat knowing what was coming.
And yes you wanted to so fucking bad, you needed your hot boyfriend inside you. He gently pushed you onto the couch, you fell back ruining your cute decorative pillows. He positions himself between your legs, his mouth hungry to devour all of you.
You wanted to enjoy him you really did but your heart was pounding out of your chest with nerves. “Johnnie-” you asked quietly against his lips. He pulled back sensing your worry. “We haven't done anything yet-” you started, unsure how to keep going you stayed silent.
“It's fine if you don't wanna, you know, tonight.” he spoke softly, “No trust me I want to. It's just that I've never done that before. I've never had sex before.” you confessed. You could see his eyes widen. You felt like you were holding his breath.
“Woah, really?” he asked, leaning towards you, a small cheeky smile plastered on his lips. “Yeah, not that I’m waiting for marriage or something but I don't know I just haven't yet,” you said shrugging. “That's ok, are you still down to or?” he asks, staring at you sheepishly.
“Of course I am, I just need you to be slow I guess,” you whispered to him. He glances at your lips for a minute, “I can do that.” he says before your lips crash onto one another.
His hand crept down to your ankle and slowly started to run his hand up your legs, he reached the end of your stocking. He hooked his fingers over the clothing and pulled them off your body repeating it for your other leg.
He looked into your eyes as he slipped his hands back under your skirt, hooking delicate fingers over your panties and slowly pulling them off your body. The feeling of his hands on your thighs was sending waves of pleasure to your core.
You've been horny before but nothing compared to the feelings you felt as your boyfriend slowly lowered to his knees. Kissing up and down your legs. “Are you doing ok?” he asks between kisses up your thighs.
“Y-yeah I'm good,” you said quietly, eyes watching Johnnie like a hawk. He smirks against your skin. He slowly pushes your skirt up your body revealing your bare legs. He placed a tender kiss on the top of your cunt.
You swore you could see stars with the amount of pleasure That coursed through you. The end of your fingers and toes felt tingly and cold. Johnnie moved up to face again, he slowly started to kiss you again. “M’gonna move my hand now. Like my fingers ok?” he said against your lips.
“Ok,” you whispered back, and you spread your legs widely for him. He slowly dipped his finger into your sopping cunt. You let out a gasp at the sensation. He slowly pumped his finger in and out of you. It felt good but it wasn't enough for you.
As if Johnnie could read your mind, he pumped out of you once again. When he entered back in he had two fingers this time. It stung for a second or two then pleasure returned to your body as he started to curve his finger into you.
“Oh fuck.” you moaned out, you can guess how people get addicted to this feeling. You felt like a little pervy teenager with raging hormones. The feeling of Johnnie hitting your G-spot repeatedly was sending you over the edge.
“Johnnie.” you mewled out, to nothing in particular. “I need more please,” you begged, having a sense of missing something. “If you insist on it my love.” he pulled out of you, his fingers dripping wet. You watched as he crouched down further.
He kissed slowly on your thighs before reaching your clit. He pressed a soft kiss right on your spot. You felt yourself clench over nothing and it drove you wild. He continued kissing down until he reached your hole. He slowly prodded his tongue into you.
Very gently at first to help you get used to the feeling. You felt the pleasure tenfold as soon as he began to rub your clit, fully pumping his tongue in and out of you. “Oh fuck hold on,” you murmured to him.
He stopped cocking his head slightly. You quickly snap off your corset, immediately releasing tension in your gut. You quickly pulled your shirt off, your bra going with it.
You were now naked minus the skirt bunched up around your waist. “M’fuck.” he whispered looking at your tits. He had what looked like a painful erection at this point. His skinny jeans looked like they were gonna burst open.
“You ready?” you asked him, gesturing to his painfully hard erection. “Fuck yeah,” he whined undoing his studded belt, he started to further undress himself. You followed suit pushing your skirt down.
Once he was completely naked, he leaned down and started to kiss you again. He wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped a few times attempting to get ready for your body. After about a minute he lined up his leaking cock to your entrance.
He slowly pushed into you. You let out a wanton gasp as he bottomed out. “Fuck.” he growled into your ear. He fumbled around trying to find your hand and brought it down to your clit. You started to rub to your pleasure.
At the same time, he started to push into you slowly at first then after a minute he began to push into you at a quicker pace. “Fuck your so tight. So glad I get this pussy all to myself,” he whined into your ear. You couldn't hold yourself anymore. The coil in your stomach was going to snap.
You felt The familiar feeling bubbling in your stomach and your limbs. “Im gonna fucking cum.” you whined out, grabbing at his torso and leaving a long scratch. Johnnie held your eye contact nodding at you.
The coil finally snapped, your walls clenching around him. “Johnnie-” you whined, your back arching. Your body shaking from your orgasm, sent him completely over the edge.
Hit ropes of cum splattered inside you as he fucked you through his own orgasm. Your breath slowly returned back to your body as you saw Johnnie cleaning your body up with a damp towel.
“Are you ok?” he asked quietly, tossing the rag into the laundry basket. He misses but he just took his girlfriend's virginity so he isn't particularly worried about where it landed. “Yeah I'm fucking great right now actually,” you murmured.
He giggles pulling his clothes back on. You did the same, pulling out your phone to see your makeup completely fucked. Your eyeliner and mascara dripped down, the sweat sucking your makeup into your skin, your lipstick beyond fucked.
You pulled out your phone and snapped one last photo for your Instagram
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bokutosbabe · 2 months
( bllk boys as dads )
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a / n — please i love these men a little too much. PREPARE TO BE SICK OF ME
content — aged up! characters, bllk characters x reader, fluff, children mentioned(obviously), character and reader are married, had randomized names given to me for the kids, went crazy with bachira- he's just so girl dad coded, let's act like the WC didnt FUCK kunigami up, idk what happened with the format on kunigamis sorry, isagi yoichi x reader, bachira meguru x reader , rensuke kunigami x reader
synopsis — just a few of the blue lock boys as dads :,)
✿.。. “ and i can still see it all in my mind , ” .。.✿
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°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ ISAGI YOICHI
— have yall seen this mans dad? literally so supportive
— is at every single sporting event no matter what!
— has embarrassed both you and your son on many occasions
— doesn't understand this is a LITTLE LEAGUE soccer game
you didn't understand why children's soccer games had to be played in the middle of summer at the hottest time imaginable. while you were silently suffering from the heat, your husband was far too into the game going on. "Come on, Kazuki! Get in there!" Isagi's voice boomed across the field, startling some of the other parents. Your cheeks flushed with a mix of pride and embarrassment as you gave him a gentle nudge. "Yoichi, they're just kids," you whispered, trying to temper his competitive spirit. "Let them have fun." every game day was like this. isagi would get so intense over kazuki, who was spectacular for his age, that he would forget where he was for a bit. there were literally other kids sitting down and picking flowers, it was never as serious as your pro soccer player husband believed. Kazuki, his eyes shining with determination, managed to dribble past an opponent and take a shot at the goal. The ball soared through the air and... missed. Isagi groaned loudly, drawing curious and amused glances from the other parents. "Come on, Kazuki! You can do better than that!" Isagi yelled, his fists clenched. You placed a hand on his arm, giving him a warning look. "Yoichi, relax. He's trying his best." with that, the game was over. kazuki's team had still won 3-2, but you could tell that your son was disappointed in himself over the last shot. Kazuki ran over to you both, his face flushed with something that looked like embarrassment and shame. "You did great, Kazuki!" you said, kneeling down to hug him. "We're so proud of you." Isagi crouched beside you, ruffling Kazuki's hair. "You were awesome out there, buddy. I just got a little carried away. Sorry if I embarrassed you." maybe isagi got a little too into the games, but he always apologized after, it had become somewhat of a ritual at this point. " it's fine! did you see my super cool dribbling? uncle bachira taught me!!" yeah, your husband's enthusiasm got the better of him sometimes, but if there was one thing you knew for certain: kazuki couldn't be prouder of his dad and isagi couldn't be prouder of kazuki.
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— girl dad, girl dad, GIRL FREAKING DAD
— constantly doing your daughters hair
— you come home from work to find the both of them with butterfly clips in their hair at least 3 days out of the week
You pushed open the front door, feeling the weight of the day’s stress clinging to your shoulders. It had been one of those days at work where everything seemed to go wrong, and all you wanted was to collapse on the couch and forget about it all. As you stepped into the living room, you were greeted by a heartwarming sight that instantly began to melt away the tension that you'd felt in your shoulders. There, sprawled out on the floor, were Bachira and your daughter, Sora, both fast asleep. The room was a delightful mess of colored markers, sketchbooks, and an array of hair accessories scattered around them. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of Bachira with his hair adorned in a myriad of butterfly clips and sparkly barrettes, clearly the result of a spirited father-daughter play session. Sora’s hair was similarly decorated, her small hand still clutching a purple clip. Carefully, you tiptoed closer, trying not to disturb their peaceful slumber. As you knelt beside them, you noticed the soft rise and fall of their chests, their expressions serene and content. You reached out to gently remove a clip from Bachira’s hair. making precautions so it wouldn't get tangled in, but as you did, his eyes fluttered open. He blinked up at you, a sleepy but mischievous smile spreading across his face. “Hey there,” he whispered, his face adorning his usual childish grin. “Rough day?” You nodded, feeling a lump form in your throat. “Yeah, but seeing you two like this makes it so much better.” Bachira sat up slowly, careful not to wake Sora. He pulled you into a gentle hug, his warmth and the familiar scent of him providing a comforting balm to your frazzled nerves. “We had a lot of fun,” he murmured into your hair. “Sora wanted to have a ‘beauty salon’ day. I think I’m her favorite customer.” Sora stirred beside you, her eyes slowly opening. She blinked sleepily at you both, then broke into a wide smile. “Mommy, you’re home! Look at Daddy’s hair! I made him so pretty!” You leaned down to kiss her forehead. “You did an amazing job, sweetheart. I love it.” Sora giggled, sitting up and wrapping her small arms around your neck. “Can we do your hair next, Mommy?” You laughed, feeling the last of the day’s stress melt away completely. “Absolutely. But first, how about we clean up a little and get some dinner?” In that moment, surrounded by the people you loved most, you knew that no matter how stressful the days could be, you would always have this beautiful, chaotic sanctuary to come home to.
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— has always wanted to be a hero
— having his son made that dream become a reality
— will be playing in his pro games and points to the family section you and your son are sitting in
— plays his heart out for you two
The stadium was buzzing with excitement as fans filled the stands, the atmosphere electric with anticipation. You held your son's hand tightly as you made your way to the family section, both of you decked out in Kunigami's team colors. Your son, Haru, was practically bouncing with excitement, his eyes wide as he took in the sight of the massive stadium.
"Mom, look! There’s Dad!" Haru pointed eagerly towards the field, where Kunigami was warming up with his teammates. His hero, his dad, looked every bit the powerful and determined athlete he admired so much.
You smiled, giving Haru's hand a gentle squeeze. "Yes, there he is. Are you excited to watch him play?" Haru nodded vigorously, his face lit up with joy. "He's gonna score a goal today, I just know it!"
As the game began, you settled into your seats, Haru practically on the edge of his. The first half was intense, with both teams displaying incredible skill and determination. Kunigami was in top form, his presence on the field commanding and inspiring.
Then, in the second half, the moment you and Haru had been waiting for arrived. Kunigami received the ball, skillfully maneuvering past the defenders with a combination of strength and finesse. The crowd’s roar grew louder with each step he took towards the goal.
"Go, Dad! You can do it!" Haru shouted, his voice full of unbridled enthusiasm. Kunigami glanced towards the family section for just a moment, his eyes locking onto yours and Haru’s. You could see the fire and determination in his gaze, the unspoken promise he made to his son to always be his hero.
With a powerful kick, Kunigami sent the ball soaring past the goalkeeper and into the net. The stadium erupted in cheers, the sound nearly deafening. Kunigami's teammates rushed to him, celebrating the goal, but his eyes were fixed on you and Haru.
He pointed directly at you both, his expression a mixture of pride and love. You could almost hear the words in your mind: “This is for you. Your hero is here.”
Haru was beside himself with excitement, jumping up and down, waving his arms wildly. "Mom, did you see that? Dad scored! He did it!" You pulled Haru into a tight hug, tears of joy welling up in your eyes. "Yes, sweetheart, he did. Your dad is amazing."
As the game continued, Kunigami played with renewed vigor, his goal having given his team the boost they needed. When the final whistle blew, signaling their victory, the crowd’s cheers echoed around the stadium.
After the game, you and Haru were escorted down to the field to meet Kunigami. Haru ran ahead, throwing himself into his father’s arms.
"Dad, you were awesome! Just like a superhero!" Kunigami laughed, lifting Haru high into the air before bringing him back down for a tight hug. "Thanks, buddy. I told you I'd score a goal for you."
✿.。. “ all of you, all of me, intertwined ” .。.✿
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i may write more parts for this, i really liked it!
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
Let me just preface this by saying everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, TOTK is a really fun game, and I'm glad that other people have been able to enjoy the story as well.
...But I'm being dead serious with my complaints about the narrative being 100% imperialist propaganda. And I'm getting really tired of people replying to those posts by saying it can't be imperialist propaganda, because imperialism is bad and the game says that Hyrule is the good guys.
Like, guys. That's not the argument you think it is. Yes, I am aware that the game tells us Ganondorf is a flat, one dimensional character with no ambitions, interests or motivations beyond destroying the entire world for the hell of it, and also it's totally not racist because he's green, not brown like literally every other member of his race. Unfortunately literally all of these things are kind of the entire goddamn problem.
See, the thing is, everyone trying to make these arguments is accepting the game at face value. Hyrule is the perfect and almighty nation chosen by the demigod Zonai, and whose royal family has the right to rule due to their divine heritage. The other races exist to serve the glory of Hyrule, and they're happy to do it. Ganondorf is pure evil and must be stopped at any costs.
But that's not how anything works. The story informing me that Hyrule is the ultimate good that has done nothing wrong is the whole goddamn reason why I don't trust Hyrule at all. There's always more of a reason than that. And the game fucking suggests there was more going on! Ganondorf mentions Rauru has repeatedly 'invited' the Gerudo to become Rauru's subjects, and let's be clear here, it doesn't matter how peaceful those 'invitations' were, when the guy who owns every single magical nuclear missile in the world repeatedly demands you surrender to him, there's always going to be an implied threat of 'do it or get magically nuked'. Just that power difference alone shows us exactly why Ganon would feel threatened enough to invade. It's because Rauru was holding a gun to his head, and Ganon was expected to just trust that he'd never pull the trigger.
And yes, even if it wasn't intentional Hyrule was always threatening to wipe out the other nations, considering the entire royal family walked around openly wearing their magical nukes as cute accessories. If they couldn't be safely hidden away, there wouldn't be four other secret stones sitting untouched in a vault until the last second.
But that's never acknowledged. Of course Hyrule is the only nation with the right to the secret stones; even if other races get to touch them, they can only have them if they swear eternal blind loyalty and servitude to the glory of King Rauru and Princess Zelda. Ganon wanting to have one magical nuclear bomb out of a stockpile of eight of them is proof that he's dangerous and evil. I mean my god, what if he just walked around all day wearing a magical nuke and using its power for his own benefit, that would be terrifying. It's only okay when Hylian royalty does it.
And you can't argue that Ganon betrayed his own people, considering we don't get to know fucking anything about his relationship with his people. He's shows as the leader of the Gerudo, we're told he's a hero to his people, he has soldiers that loyally follow him into battle... and then oh nevermind, they all hate him and will spend eternity trying to atone for sharing a race with him. How did the entire race do a complete 180 in the span of at most a few months? Who cares, what's important is that now they accept they exist to serve Hyrule so they get to be the good guys now and we don't need to know why they were following Ganondorf, or why they stopped following him.
Basically my point is that yeah, I fucking know how the game insists everything went down. That's the entire reason I think it's imperialist propaganda, because the entire story feels like Hylian propaganda to conceal and justify some horrific atrocities that caused all of this. I literally do not believe that I'm getting the story through reliable narrators, especially considering that the only people allowed to actually tell me the story are all the characters that have the most reasons to be heavily biased in favour of Hyrule.
When the game shows me protagonists that have a massive amount of power and control over the entire world, then says the bad guy doesn't like that system just because he's evil, and literally nothing and nobody in the game says anything to oppose that take, I have some questions about what the fuck the story isn't telling me. And I'd really appreciate it if people would stop trying to argue with me just by telling me to stop asking those questions.
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