#we're gonna need a german translator
ilovedig · 2 years
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Hiiii :3 and could you do Kate laswell and könig with a reader who loved cuddles?
Hey there! Sure I can! But I don't write Laswell as very cuddly! But I made König's a bit longer to try and make up for it, hope that's alright!
Laswell and König with a Cuddly!Reader
Laswell: If you love cuddles then she’s the wrong person to ask for some, sorry. Sometimes she doesn’t mind them, sometimes she absolutely hates being touched. It’s very rare for her to initiate anything more than just a kiss to your cheek or a hand on your back for a short amount of time. Laswell genuinely is not a cuddly person, at all. Sometimes, on a good day, she might oblige if you ask her to. However, even then your cuddle sessions won’t be too long. And if I were you then I wouldn’t force her to cuddle you either, she’ll get snappy if you do. Your relationship is built on mutual trust and respect. You’re violating her boundaries if you force her to cuddle. Sorry, but that’s just how I’ve been writing her.
König: He’s not too fond of cuddles either, but he makes exceptions for his S/O. If you’re his S/O, that’s great! You can ask him for some cuddles and he’ll only very rarely say no to you. It’s usually when he’s busy that he’ll say no, but any other time? He’s free game. Again, you’re the only person he’s somewhat cuddly with. However, unlike Laswell, he sometimes will ask you for some cuddles himself. Sometimes even the big guy needs to hold someone, or even be held. I’ve said it before, but if you’re roughly the same size as him, or even taller than him, then he might hint at wanting to be held from time to time as well. But other than that, he’ll humor you. You can cuddle in any position you want, but he refuses to lie down on top of you. Even when you’re the same size as him, he won’t do it. König is aware he’s a very heavy lad, so he really doesn’t want to crush you. But if you wanna lie on top of him, then you can go right ahead, he really doesn’t mind. In those cases he actually quite likes it when you’re shorter than he is, because in that case you can lie on top of him in your entirety. He’ll wrap his arms around you, sometimes he’ll kiss the top of your head as well. Spooning with him is pretty nice. He’s a strong guy, and a warm one at that as well. Don’t ask him to cuddle you in summer, though, as he gets sweaty fairly easily and doesn’t want to gross you out. Besides, he also doesn’t want to sweat bullets just because you’re clinging to him. But you’re more than welcome to just plop down in his lap during any other season and nuzzle into him. He’ll call you “meine kleine Schmusekatze” or, if you’re being especially clingy, “mein kleines Schmusebärchen”. I think that eventually, when he comes home from an especially rough mission, he actually kind of looks forward to holding you. It’s not that unlikely that you might get hurt because of him, so it’s nice to get to hold you and make sure you’re safe within his arms. Sometimes, while you’re cuddling, he’ll tease you by speaking his dialect. He’s saying no mean things, though. It’s either how cute you are, how you can’t understand him, or just some random things he thought of at the moment. Even if you know German he’ll lay his dialect on extra thick so you can’t actually understand him.
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oval3000 · 11 months
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Chapter 3
Yandere Psych Patient König x Nurse Reader
Warning: Possesive, Obsession, Death, Gore, Blood, Smut, Toxic behavior, age gap.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
(This might suck idk. I don't know German so it's all Google translate)
He hasn't left his room for a month. They kept him in their with the straitjacket on. His meals are just vitamins that he has to swallow. You would go in to check up on him, but new orders from the administrator's to not go near at all, so you pass by his room. You would peak through the little window and see him laying on his back with little no to motion on his arms or body entirely. His psychiatrist, Dr. Smith is the only that goes in there. They have sessions in his room instead of the usual spot they have it in.
She was pissed at everyone, specifically you. You are her punching bag, even though it was Ben's fault. "Why hasn't he been given his meds!" She yelled at you.
"We are not allowed to go i-" you tried to explain your her, but she could care less.
"You are his nurse right! Your job is to give him his meds! How did you graduate when you can't even do that!" She yelled at you.
You plead for her to listen to you "I'm sorry, Dr. Smith. I can't it's Mr. Millers orders. No one can go in except you because you are his psychiatrist."
So she strolled her way to the administrator's office.
Ignoring his assistant from telling her that she can't go in. Slaming the door open to see him sitting on his chair, writing whatever cral he writes on paper.
"Sarah calm down!"
"Do you have any idea how dangerous he is, and you want me to deal with him alone! On top of that the lack of guards is making my job harder!" Dr. Smith argued with a hand on her hips and her finger pointing towards Ben.
"Do you remeber when you wanted a nurse to look after him." She rolled her eyes. Yes, you, the nurse. "Do you have any idea how much money is going towards her. Triple the pay for looking after him."
Her hands swing in motion, showing her frustration. "She can't even do her fucking job Ben!"
"If she's alive, then she's doing her job well. What's making this hard, is you barging into my office and telling me what to do when you are the one demanding this." He stood up from his chair, fixing his navy tie. "We're loosing staff. People don't want to go near him. Gabriel is threatening to sue the company. Gaurds are quiting left and right so sorry that there aren't enough staff attending your needs."
She crossed her arms with an annoying sigh leaving her lips tinted with red lipstick. "Then hire more people, I don't see the problem?"
"Did you not hear what I said" he walked towards her, standing toe to toe to her. "Majority of our budget is going towards (Y/n). She's been here for two months now, lasting longer than any other nurses. We can't afford another hire with the same pay to deal with König. Besides he hasn't actually killed anyone in those two months, I'll take that than dealing with someone who has a broken jaw from a simple punch."
"Then ask for more money." She scuffed like if it was a joke she said.
He laughed at her face, "Do you think the government cares to fund more for this place, I already have the staff on my ass for new medical supplies, do you think they are gonna hand me the budget to hire someone with triple pay just because you are scared."
"Then fire (y/n) and hire a new guard, maybe someone with military experience."
"Why would I do that. You came into my office, spreaded your legs cause you were so desperate for a nurse and now you want me to fire her. She hasn't done anything in particularly wrong."
"She doesn't follow orders!"
"She does, you just make it difficult." He came in defense.
"Wasn't she trying to stop you from putting him into a straitjacket?" She smirked while her arms crossed at her chest.
"Yes, and she was right. Putting him in a straitjacket does nothing. He was fine it's just that..." he closed his eyes taking deep breath.
"Just what?" She came closer to him, placing her hand on his shoulder, gently caressing it.
He turned his head to her, he used to lovy dovey with her seduction, but now it's more annoyance. "Eli, the other guard, came to my office the other day and told me that Gabriel was provoking König."
She rolled her eyes, looking around his office. Paying attention to the paintings hanged up on the wall and the light objects he has on his desk. "Like what? Making fun of him? We all make fun the people here what else is new?"
"I don't know the full details, but that's what he told me." He sat a bit on his desk.
"Why does that matter?" She shook her head without a single thought in her brain.
"Gabriel is threatening to sue us. If we fight the legal action, we'll have to defend König. König, just like any other patient represent us, our care. If they find out that Gabriel was the one that caused this, making König the victim it doesn't look good after we placed him in the straitjacket. Like we silencing him out. It will ruin our reputation, we'll all loose our jobs and you fucked your way up here for nothing."
"But he harmed a worker, beside murdered multiple people." She let out a little chuckle, placing her hand on his chest.
He didn't give in, instead, he gave her a stare. "He's ex- military and as for you being his psychiatrist, you'll have to speak on behalf of him. Meaning that people will find out about you, how you never studied to become a doctor you fucked every professor you had to get your degree."
"What are you saying, Ben." Her smile dropped.
"I won't fire (Y/n). She stood up for König, making us look like we care about our patients. As for Gabriel, all he's asking is for some 20,000 thousand dollars, which we can easily give him worth than standing infront of the judge. Which means that we can't afford new guards for you. Besides they're taking off his straitjacket today, so stop being so scared and do your dam job."
"I still think you should fire, (Y/n) atleast." She hummed, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"I'm not doing that. Beside she's the only staff that doesn't barge in here demanding stuff. She nice and sweet...." he looked down to the side, " and...young and beautiful. "
She let go of his waist, clenching her jaw. Yes, you being so beautiful. "So what? You want to fuck her? Is that it. Never head young pussy before?"
"You should leave, I have work to do and so do you. This discussion is over." He walked to his desk, sitting down on his chair, unbutton his last few buttons from his dark, navy, blazer.
She stormed off his office, angrly stomping on the white tile floors with her heels creating a louder noise.
You heard the word going around that their taking of his straitjacket, so you quickly gathered what you need to check him up. You saw as the guards took off. He let out a big stretched, flexing more of his muscles. It caused a scare to the guards like a lion letting out a roar.
You walked up to and saw more of his face. He stared at you.
He missed you. He never thought he would miss you. During that month of not seeing you was a time he contemplated about you. Are you made for him or not. He will shut his eyes and images of you will pop up. You smiling at him. Taking good care of him. Watching you squirm under him as you take his full length cock inside your pussy. He'll treat you with respect as long as you do what he says that's all. Seeing your belly swell up with his baby. Can't wait to fuck your tits filled with milk. Can't wait to impregnate you with multiple of his children, making one big happy family. How protective he'll be for his kids, for you. To stand up to the bullies, to show them not to be scared of anything. To hold them if they cry.
He should kill you for making him react this way. He should just kill you. You are just another nurse thinking they have control over him. He use to give orders to people, being the colonel and all, he got the respect he fought for, why does he feel weak around you. You are so sweet and joyful to him. If he was back in the field and saw you, would he kill you. Or maybe fuck you. Maybe that's it. He hasn't done it in so long, so long he hasn't touch a women. He should've just fucked one of the other nurses. Yes, maybe he should do that. Fuck a nurse, just to see. I mean what's the harm in that.
"Aah...yes. right there ngh.... yes...oh fuck that feels good."
The sound of König's footsteps were low that they couldn't hear over the sound of skin slapping against eachother. Watching a men fucking his girlfriend on his bed.
"Does your boyfriend fuck you like this?" Slaming her ass back and forth on his cock.
"Ah....a-aah....he-..he could barley...make me- fuck!..mmgh....wet." She grip the bedsheets hard while he kept pounding her.
No. No. He can't. Not you. He can't. He can't betray you like they did. He can't imagine the face you'll make if you know he fucked another girl. No he should be pure to you. You should be the only one he touches.
He needs you. Okay, it's done. He'll make you his and you'll love him. You'll love him and care for him. Rather you like him or not it's done.
You wrapped the cuff around his bicep and squeeze the bulb reading the numbers on the circle, writing it down. Doing the usual things you have studied for. As you were checking his heartbeat, he reached up which caused you to flinch a bit. His index finger, gently, caressing your cheek. Your back was turned to the guards, making it hard them to see what's going. You stared at him as he touched you with such charisma. His thumb reaching to your chin, hovering over your lips. He placed the tip of his thumb on your bottom lip, gently pulling it out a bit.
You shouldn't have this feeling at the pit of your stomach. You couldn't tell of you didn't smack his hand away because you are scared or because you enjoy it. You never had this much attention, not like this.
"I don't have time to argue with you (Y/n)! Go to your room!" The little girl tuged at her moms shirt.
"Where's daddy?" She felt tears running down her face as her mother poured more wine into her glass, already finishing up the fresh new bottle.
"(Y/n)! Seriously go to room! You are such a headache! Why couldn't your father take you with him! Nauseating!" She dranked the entire glass, slamming the cup on the table.
"Where's daddy?" She said one last time not letting go of her blanket. The same blanket her father got her when she told him she was cold.
He palmed your cheek, feeling your warmth. He went in closer to you. You could feel his hot breath, quicken as he got closer to your lips.
You pulled back, "I shouldn't- we shouldn't. I mean." You whispered to him.
"Mein liebling (my darling)." He whispered to you. The first time he spoke to you. You couldn't understand him, but he spoke to you. "Du bist mein (you are mine)." He pulled you closer to him, he didn't care if the guards were staring, if anything, he enjoys it. To show everyone that he is yours to touch. "Mein schatz (my sweetheart)," his lips were hovering yours, you felt a little tingle at how close he was.
You know this shouldn't happen. You turned your away from his. You walked back, feeling his grasp letting go. He stared at you witch a smile on his face. You saw the smile he gave you.
When your shift ended and went back to your apartment, the thoughts of what happened lingered into your mind.
That night, you couldn't sleep. He was in your dreams. What if you never pulled way. Were you really going to kiss him. You glazed over the parts where he touched you.
You searched the words he said to you to translate it. Sweetheart, darling, mine.
You felt the butterflies in your stomach again. You never felt so complicated before.
Having a crush on a patient.
You have a crush on König.
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aye-jaye-2005 · 3 months
alright, as promised, for the 50 notes on my post about being starved for mlm cod smut - here is my work. it's not very good most likely, so i apologize in advance
NAMES - König x M!Reader
Summary: König being a jealous bitch cause someone flirted with you. (the guy who flirted with you was being an ass anyway)
A/N: My boyfriend has read this once, this is unedited. I was always ahead in english classes so hopefully this won't be a load of hot garbage.
Content Warnings: Aggressive Flirting (character won't take no for an answer), Injury, Strong Language, Badly Written Medical Care (i don't know how to write injuries and medical stuff, i'm sorry 😭), Badly Translated German, Praise Kink, Size Difference(?), P-in-P Sex, Jealously-Sex. (i think that's everything, please tell me if i missed anything)
You were doing combat training with König and a crop of new recruits.
"Alright, split off into pairs and practice. Small injuries are mostly excusable but please don't break anything."
There was a low grumble of "Yessir"'s and the group began to split off into pairs.
A smaller man saunters over to you. "M'name is Theo. Who're you, handsome?" Theo held out his hand for you to shake.
"Y/N." You shake hands with him briskly and pull your hand away.
"Ah, strong and silent type, are we now? I can work with that too." Theo got closer to you, chests nearly touching.
"Excuse me." You back away a step. "I just know when to hold my tongue."
Theo raised an eyebrow at you. "Are you trying to imply something, handsome?"
You shrugged. "Now, spar me. Isn't that why you came over here?"
"Not the only reason..." Theo mumbled under his breath.
Before you'd joined the army, you'd done various martial arts. You were quite good and were able to pin Theo to the ground a few times. Theo, however, was small and surprisingly quick. He wasn't all that good at fighting and hand-to-hand combat, but he could avoid you quickly. He tired out quickly and you were able to finally pin him to the ground. You let him up and let your guard down to go get a sip of water, and Theo jumped you from behind and held you down. His foot was on your shoulder and he was holding your arm down at the wrist with his hands.
"Now I've got you right where I want you." Theo hissed in your ear.
You rolled your eyes at him. "Can I go get my water now?"
"No." he growled. "Now, I have something I want to ask you, handsome." His voice became sickly sweet as he increased the pressure on your shoulder.
"Could it have waited until-"
"No. Stop giving me that fucking attitude." He pulled back on your arm, making your shoulder crack.
"Ouch- You're gonna pull my arm out-" You started tapping out to try to signal that Theo needed to let you go. "Theo, I'm tapping out, this hurts."
"No, you are gonna listen to me." Theo pulled back harder on your arm, making it crack a few more times. You stifled a cry of pain. "You, Y/N, are gonna meet me, Theo, out back by the barns after training is over. We're gonna talk, and late tonight we're gonna meet up and have some fun."
"And what if I don't want to?"
"Then I'm gonna do this." Theo gave one last pull on your arm and pulled your arm out of socket with a loud *CRACK*. You cried out in alarm and pain.
"I was- I was tapping out- You bitch-" You could hardly talk. You had never dislocated a joint, not even a pinky finger, and this was hurting like hell.
König came running over, having heard you yell. He saw you on the ground and Theo standing over you. "Anyone care to explain to me what the hell is going on here?"
Theo was quick to whip up a story. "We were just sparring and I was holding him down and practicing a technique I'd heard about. He wouldn't tell me it was hurting, sir-"
"That's Colonel to you, Theo." König growled at him.
Theo seemed to shrink under König's threatening stance. "R-right, Colonel- Anyway, Y/N wouldn't tell me I was hurting him, he wasn't tapping out or anything."
König sighed and muttered in German under his breath. "Y/N, come with me to the medbay. Theo, find someone else to spar with." He then shouted across the field. "HORANGI!"
A smaller man perked his head up and came rushing over. "Yes, Colonel?"
"I have to take Y/N to medbay, keep an eye on these utter buffoons."
"Yes, Colonel."
Underneath all the conversations, you were lying on the ground, sweating from the pain. König gingerly hoisted you up off the ground and helped you half-walk, half-stumble to the medbay. The nurse was able to quickly pop your shoulder back in place.
"It might be sore for a day or two, so don't overwork it too much."
"Yes, ma'am." You were panting from the effort it took to not scream when she put your shoulder back in place.
"You should stay here until lights out, 2300, so I can make sure nothing else is happening underneath. Gotcha?"
"Yes ma'am."
König put a hand on your uninjured shoulder. "It's about 1900 right now, so you won't be stuck here for too long."
Just an hour later, Theo walked into the medbay. His eye was swollen and his nose was bleeding.
"Colonel punched me. Did'n have my guard up." he grumbled bitterly. Upon seeing you also in the medbay, his face lit up. "Well, hey there sweetheart. Any reconsideration on my offer yet?"
"Aww, handsome can't handle a little fun? Might muss up your spotless record or something?"
"Man, just fuck off. I don't have a spotless record, but I don't want to fuck you."
"I'm just messing around, babycakes. Learn to take a joke, lighten up a little!" Theo winked at you and turned to the stone-faced nurse.
You turned your face away so you wouldn't have to look at him. Unfortunately, you could still hear his frankly pathetic attempts at asking the nurses to sleep with him. You finally drifted off into a nap, glad to get some rest after this whole ordeal.
A nurse gently shook you awake. "Y/N, it's 2230, you may head back to your quarters."
"Oh- Thank you."
"Of course. Come back if it's giving you any trouble."
"I will."
It was a short walk to your quarters that you shared with König. There was a gentle evening breeze and you stopped a moment outside the door to drink in the delicious wind. You sighed satisfactorily and went inside.
"There you are, Schatz." He pulled you in for a hug. "I was worried about you."
"I'm fine, Kö, don't worry. It was that bitchass Theo who caused this whole mess. He dislocated my shoulder after I refused to meet with him."
König bristled. "He did what?" he backed away from you and bent down to look you in the eyes. "Did he try to ask you out, Meine Liebe?"
"He just wanted a one-night, I think. He tried again when he saw me in medbay and had the audacity to wink at me and flirt with me. I mean, honestly Theo, you think I'm gonna be willing to fuck after you dislocated my damn shoulder?" You started to wander slowly into the kitchen.
"Theo? His name is Theo?"
"Yes... where are you going with-"
König pushed you up against the counter and started kissing you hard. It took a few moments before you pushed him back slightly.
"Well, what was all that about, Kö?"
Now there was a passion burning behind König's eyes. "Well, Mein Schatz-" he took his gloves off and placed them on the counter behind you. "The easy solution to this is that i fuck you until you can't remember his name. I'll show you just how much better than him I am." Now he was taking off his boots and he was already undoing his belt. "Sound fair, Schatz?"
You blushed "I-" You cleared your throat as you were already getting hard. "God-"
König smirked at you. "Does it sound fair or not, Liebling?" König walked over to you and pressed his body against your stiffening cock.
Your eyes rolled back a little before you met König's bright blue eyes. "Yep, sounds- Oh, god- sounds good to me-"
König had you cumming quickly. He was quick and aggressive, and knew just how to hit those spots that made you make all those pretty little noises for him.
"Your first reason that I'm better than him: I can make you cum much quicker."
"Oh, please do-"
"Reason number two:-" König continued talking as you shuddered and bit back a loud moan. "If you, Liebling, are a good boy for me, I'll praise you much better than he ever can."
"God, yes you do-"
"Reason number three:-" König pulled down the waistband of his boxers to reveal his large, meaty cock. "I am definitely bigger than him, and you know it. Don't you, Liebling?" He pulled down the elastic of your boxers to reveal your own hard dick.
"Yes- Yes I know-"
"Come on, Liebling, say it with your full chest for me." König cooed in your ear. He started teasing the tip of your erect cock with his thumb. "Say it, Schatz."
"I know- fuck- I know you have a bigger dick than him-" You inhaled sharply and let loose a breathy, high-pitched moan.
"Hmm? Who's 'him", Liebe?" König eyes were dark with desire.
"Theo- I know you have a bigger- ahh- a bigger dick than Theo-"
You were already weak at the knees from König's relentless teasing. You leaned back and braced your hands on the counter behind you and you shuddered as precum started leaking slowly out your hard dick. "Oh god-"
"Reason number four: I can and will kiss you so much better than he ever will." To prove his point, König pressed his lips hungrily on yours, all while teasing you with his thick, calloused fingers.
You threw your head back and whined. "Yes- oh god, yes- You're a much better kisser than Theo-"
"Good, good, you're learning." To reward your learning, he started slowly, slowly pushing his dick into yours.
"Please- Please go faster- fucking hell-"
"I will, Liebling, just you wait."
The anticipation made your dick throb. "Please-" you whined. To retaliate, König covered your mouth, which just turned you on more. You moaned loud and long into his large hand.
Finally, finally König was starting to go faster. His dick was so large and long that he was able to slam that sweet spot each time, which affectively turned you into a whining, moaning mess.
"Reason number five:-" he paused momentarily for another deep thrust. "I know all your dirty little secrets."
"You know- you know all my dirty little secrets-" Each of your quick breaths was ended with a short, sharp whine as König kept slamming that wonderful little spot deep in you.
"And who doesn't?"
You couldn't even get the words out. König smirked at you. "Go on, who doesn't, Meine Schatz?" He paused his thrusts for a moment to let you get a word or two out. You were panting hard and your cheeks were flushed bright red.
"Good, good boy." He continued his relentless beat of thrusting, and even when it seemed he couldn't he went faster and harder. The sounds of your squelching arousal were filling the small kitchen.
You could feel that knot deep inside you starting to move outward, closer to the tip as König kept thrusting in you.
"Oh god- Ohh god-! I'm gonna- Aah-" Your whole body shuddered. "I'm-" You couldn't even get all the words out.
"Go on, finish your sentence." König teased.
"I'm so close-!"
"Tell me how close, Liebling." König smiled mischievously."
"So close- Mmm-" Your back arched and you groaned. "Almost there-"
Your whole body shivered and your hips bucked forwards as the knot in you became dangerously close to your tip. Your dick pulsed and throbbed, and one final rough thrust from König forced the knot out of you.
Thick, creamy liquid leaked out of your tip and ran down your dick, some threatening to go down your pants or on the floor. König milked your dick dry before pulling out, dripping his own milky semen.
König bent down on his knees to clean up the mess he'd made of you while you caught your breath.
(i don't know how to properly write aftercare and also i have a migraine slowly building so i think i'm gonna call it here)
anyways, here my fellow gay men, be fed. idk 😭
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actual-changeling · 11 months
i will live tweet my german dub confession scene experience because i am already dying. gonna give the english original plus translation from the german dub.
i know we ought to be talking about -> i know THE TWO OF US urgently need to talk
girl why are you doing this to me. hello???
i have some incredibly good news to give you -> i have incredibly good news namely for YOU
yes fucking emphasis on the you.
ohhhh okay interesting they changed "might be considered irregular" to "might be considered as going against the rules"
your friend crowley -> your good old friend crowley
okay certainly more accurate
not at all -> actually not
oh. oh???? wait. they kept we're better than that but. changed aziraphales to "YOU'RE better, angel". why. why did you leave it the second time. i mean it hits harder but why are you doing this to me.
i feel like im getting my heart broken all over again just in german. with a surprisingly good dub actually.
oh my god. OH MY GOD. WHAT.
you're the bad guys -> THEY ARE THE BAD GUYS
translator??? what are you smoking you're changing the entire coversation???
we've known each other a long time -> FOREVER. forever. FOREVER. i dont know about you but this hits different.
the last few years not really -> in the last few years it was a little bit....
and i'd like to spend... -> and i'd like to with you...
just be an us -> let's just think about us!!
hi? hey???? im not gonna survive this am i
we can be together -> together, the two of us!!!
hey. hey translator i'd like to have a word. why are you doing this to me
y'all. y'all i need to make a whole post about the translation of i forgive you. because there are things to say. this is my spanish destiel dub moment. im losing my mind.
preliminary review: the translator and the voice actors slayed absolute cunt
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years
men like you
See my full list of works here!
This is a prequel piece to my entry for the Invade Me Chronicles: revisiting Stuttgart
Summary: You were tasked to perform crowd control in Stuttgart, Germany, disguising yourself as a gala attendee. This is how you and Loki met.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: mentions of bruises, but that's about it (i think) [let me know if i missed anything]
Things to be aware of: cussing, reader getting injuries from her altercation with Loki; translations for the German bits will be included at the Author's Notes
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"Agent Y/L/N, Captain, you're up," Fury commanded as another agent confirmed a 97% facial recognition match for the rogue Asgardian called "Loki" in Stuttgart, Germany. "Agent Romanoff, accompany them and pilot the Quinjet." 
"Yes, Sir," Natasha copied as she walked up to you. "Are you gonna be okay?" 
"Nat, I'll be fine. I'm just on crowd control. Okay, I'll be on the ground, making sure that if this guy starts giving any indicators that he's about to start hurting people, I can try and get as many out before the carnage starts." Your words were reassuring to the Russian spy, also your friend and mentor, but your tone? Your tone betrayed you. 
"Now say it like you believe it," she joked as you walked to the ship's closet, choosing a dress of gala-caliber, a wig, a face-morphing mask, and a few choice weapons. 
"I'll be fine," you repeated, trying to say it with your heart and not your doubtful mind. 
"Here," she hollered, tossing a green cocktail dress your way. "It's always been your color. Just because we're going into war doesn't mean you can't look good while fighting. And get the gold heels." 
Nat dropped you off on a helipad at a nearby building to avoid ripping into your "disguise". Once you made your way into the museum, mask and wig in place, you did your best to mingle with the partygoers until you started feeling a shift in the air. 
You weren't quite sure what you were on the lookout for, since the only thing you saw on the computer was his face. "So what is this, guys? I'll just be on the lookout for some unspeakably attractive guy with greasy hair and a glowy magic stick?" 
"He could also be disguising himself, Y/N. Just  be on the lookout for the sceptre," Nat's voice instructed in your ear. 
"Glowy stick. Gotcha." 
About half an hour into floating from group to group, you spotted movement from the second floor balcony. You hadn't spotted anyone even make their way up since you arrived. "Guys, I might have something. I think the real party's about to start." 
"Don't draw his attention, Agent Y/L/N. Start getting people out. Be subtle. And be careful." The Captain's voice rang a little too loudly into your earpiece. 
"Captain? Friendly advice, don't speak directly into the earpiece. You nearly blew out my eardrum there," you murmured while taking a sip of champagne. You got a better look at the figure on the balcony. Tall, broad shoulders, impeccable suit, greasy hair. Glowy stick. "He's here." 
You weaved yourself into a group of attendees blissfully unaware that mayhem was about to ensue. "Guten abend. I'm gonna need you to walk out of the museum as calmly as you can. Keep a leisurely pace. Don't draw any attention. Anyone you can take with you, grab their hand and keep walking. Once you reach the square? Keep going. There will be police officers present to escort you back to your vehicles." 
"Weshalb?" a middle-aged woman asked you. She looked alarmed, but nearly ready to heed your instructions.
"You see that man making his way down the stairs?" You motioned your head subtly the Asgardian's way. "We believe he's dangerous, and he's about to start hurting a lot of people. I'm just trying to get as many of you out as I can before he starts." You placed your hand on her shoulder and pleaded, "Bitte. Gehen. Jetzt. While you still have time. Remember, once you reach the square, keep moving until you find the police officers." 
Once that group started their way toward the exit, surprisingly and thankfully less conspicuously than you thought they would have done so, you risked a glance at the stairs, horrified to find out that Loki had halted his descent and was currently staring into the crowd.
No. At you. And the smug bastard was smirking. 
You brought your champagne flute to your mouth again, keeping your pace casual as you tried to make your way to another group. "Nat I think I've been made," you murmured into your glass with a smile as you repeated the same instructions. When you ducked into a significantly larger group, he started moving again, and you ditched your wig and mask. 
A few members of a third group of attendees just started their exit from the museum when you heard a loud crackfollowed by a thud and a chorus of gasps. "EVERYBODY GO! RUN! LAUF!" You shouted at the guests who were stunned into silence and non-movement. You made your way out of the museum as well, but as you did, you caught sight of the maniac staring right at you with a near sadistic smile on his face. As if he was going to enjoy breaking you.
Not today. 
You ran out to the square, yelling at everyone to keep going, that they weren't in the clear yet. Some listened, most stayed still. You stayed at the edge of the square, ushering out as many people as you could, one by one, watching in horror as you witnessed Loki's suit morph into gilded gold armor, his indicator to the rest of the world that he was most definitely not one of you.
As you turned your back to help an elderly couple out of the square, you felt a sharp tug on your arm, nearly dislocating it as you were pulled into a hard wall of metal. Dammit. Wasn't he at least 30 feet away from you? How'd he get to you so fast? 
"What do we have here?" a voice hissed into your ear. Fucking hell why'd his voice have to be hot, too? You thought to yourself. "A little girl wanting to play hero?" You fought against his grip, trying your best to use your whole body to build a semblance of momentum, before you felt another sharp tug on your opposite arm. You looked to the origin of the force, shocked to find another one of him holding you firmly in place.
"For fuck's sake, you can clone yourself??" you spat out, still fighting against their holds. 
And then you watched, your heart dropping to the ground as another four materialized, surrounding the entire square, their sceptres all glowing the same ominous blue, as they all simultaneously yelled "KNEEL!" at the people who were yet to escape, watching in despair as they all followed his command. Then the four clones surrounding the square disappeared, leaving only the two holding you in place, and a third one, who you suspected was the real one, stalking your way.
"That was your cue, little girl," the clone to your left told you as the clone to your right kneed the back of your leg. Did it hurt? Yes. But you kept your stance as strong as you could manage, refusing to buckle. "Are you truly going to fight against this? You need not make this any more of a struggle."
The third one was in front of you now, holding the bottom of your face harshly in one hand, his fingers digging into the skin of your cheeks. You knew they'd bruise after this entire ordeal was over. Whenever that was. 
"Quite the spitfire," he hissed at you, his hold on you tightening from all three of them. "But you've made a grave error in choosing your alliances, pet." 
"Error?" you spat back. "You need two of you to hold me down, I'd say I'm doing something right." Your teeth began to hurt with how hard he was gripping you, an annoying pressure building at the top of your head, right between your brows. 
"You can make this less painful," he taunted. "You need only kneel." 
"Go to hell." 
Something in his eyes shifted for a split second, before glaring at you again with derision. "I've been to hell. They won't have much mercy for pretty mortals like you." You tilted your head at him, a poor decision given his hold on you because now there was more pressure against your teeth. "You'll be wiser to align yourself with me. Just kneel." 
"I don't kneel," you sneered. "Especially not to pricks like you." 
"You've not met any man like me," he answered you back with a dark chuckle. "Let's try this again, shall we?" Both the clones at your sides kneed your legs this time, the force making you buckle which they used as momentum to force you to your knees. 
At least he finally let go of your face. But at what cost? 
"Hmm…" He took your chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted your head up to look at him, making him chuckle again. "Nothing quite as exquisite as a beautiful spitfire of a woman on her knees." He stroked your bottom lip with his thumb. "Perhaps I'll keep you. Give your precious heroes something to fight for." He forced your lip into a pout. "Oh the things I could do with you, pet." 
"You wouldn't know what to do with a woman like me," you hissed. 
He crouched down so that your faces were level with one another, tilting your head to the side roughly and bringing his lips to your ear. "We shall see about that, pet." You felt the faintest sensation of his teeth grazing the shell of your ear before he abruptly released you, leaving his clones to hold you down, and turned to face the crowd again. "Is not this simpler?" he addressed the kneeling citizens.
He went on about how freedom was an illusion, about how we fool ourselves into thinking that was what we truly craved when at our cores, we craved to be controlled. "In the end, you will always kneel," he finished. 
An elderly man stood from his knees, bravely facing Loki with a defiance you were struggling to find within yourself. What was it with this guy, and why weren't you fighting against the hold anymore? "Not to men like you," he protested. Dammit, Grandpa, get back down, this lunatic will not hesitate to use that stick to strike you down.
"There are no men like me," the Asgardian answered back with a bravado that almost felt…off. 
"There are always men like you," the elderly man said, head held high.
He let out another chuckle before pointing his sceptre at the man. "Look  to your elder, people. Let him be an example." Before the beam from his sceptre hit its target, you saw a flash of blue, red, and white fall from the sky and land in between the beam and the man. 
"Fuckin' A, Cap. Nice timing," you murmured to yourself, earning a shove from the clone to your left. You shoved back, your shoulder aching in protest as it hit his leather-clad thigh. 
"Such a shame your allies came when they did," the clone to your right crooned. "We could have had some fun before they retrieved you." 
"In your dreams, alien boy." 
"You know, the last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everyone else…We ended up disagreeing." Cap this is not the time for heroic one-liners, you thought to yourself. You watched as he went toe-to-toe against the invader, having his shield disarmed from him but also effectively disarming Loki of his own weapon a few moments after. 
"Y/N, babes, you're gonna be okay," you heard Nat's voice come through on your earpiece. "You did good, Agent." 
"It looks like our time together's come to an end, pet." You looked to the clone to your right as the words came out, noting the effort that was notably straining his face. And then both clones disappeared, releasing you from their hold, your body nearly dropping to the ground had you not put your hands in front of you to break your fall. 
You scrambled to your feet, making a run for the sceptre just as Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit blasted the Asgardian straight to his ass and landing on the ground. When he landed, he has his blasters pointed to where Loki landed. "Make your move, Reindeer Games." You pointed his own weapon at him, halfway ready to blast him yourself just because.
He put his hands up in surrender and his golden armor disappeared in a flash of green. 
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As the soldier and the man in the iron suit led Loki to their flying vessel, the god couldn't help but look back and steal glances at your staggering form trailing behind them. He could hear you wincing every few steps, muttering something under your breath that sounded like expletives in multiple languages.
Once he was situated in one of their seats, the two men who dragged him there began arguing about straps. 
"Stark, you should know how to strap people in to this, you do it." 
"And risk him biting off my hand? Do you see the crazy on him? You do it, Capsicle." 
"I'll do it," he heard you as you slowly made your way up the ramp and into the ship with the rest of them. You shoved your comrades out of your way. "Just move, you fucking babies." 
As you moved to secure him into his seat, Loki found his mind clearing just a fraction from the hold that The Other had on him. His urges becoming less bloodthirsty, his thoughts sounding more like his own. He found himself admiring you as more than just a plaything for his baser urges, or as a recipient of the torture he wished to inflict as a way to even out the pain that was subjected upon him. 
"Wunderschön," he murmured as he kept his eyes on you. He knew you would understand, you'd spoken to all those that you saved in snippets of the language. 
You glared at him, and he saw the bruise beginning to form on the bottom half of your face. He felt a pit in his stomach as he began to tell himself that those bruises would be a perfect match against his fingers. He did that to you, bruised you, marked you. 
Hurt you.
"Teufel," you spat back at him, before you turned your back to his view and spoke with the pilot. "Babes, suit please." The woman in the pilot's seat tossed you a garment and you walked into a corner and reached for the zipper on your dress. 
"Agent Y/L/N, you should probably wait until you're in a less…voyeuristic environment," your Captain instructed you. 
You didn't miss a beat as you answered him back. "Captain if you feel uncomfortable with partial nudity, then kindly turn around. I don't want to stay in this dress any longer than I have to." To punctuate your point, you pulled the zipper all the way down and peeled the arms of your dress off of you.
The pit in his stomach smarted worse as more of your skin was exposed, and he caught sight of the bruising he caused throughout the rest of you. The backs of your legs, your shoulders, your forearms, even the entirety of your left torso. 
The sounds you made as you put your legs through the new garment made him wince. He could hear the discomfort in you, the sting, the pain in the injuries he caused. 
"Hold on. Agent Y/L/N?" Stark said in your direction. "Please hold still."
"Goddamn, Stark, are you scanning me?" you grumbled, following his request. "What's wrong?"
"Your shoulder's fractured. Hold on, shit, that's nearly dislocated. You gotta get that checked when we get back to base." 
As you shrugged on the top half of your suit, Loki felt a peculiar sharp pain in his chest as you let out a strangled cry of pain, most likely from the near dislocated shoulder. He watched as you powered through and zipped up your new suit. "Thanks, Stark. I'll be sure to do that once we're back on base." Then you turned to the pilot once more. "I'm sorry, babes. I didn't see him anywhere, he must've slipped out in the middle of…everything." 
You slumped into a seat near the pilot and let out a broken sigh, your features contorting in a clear mixture of discomfort and pain. The longer he spent away from the sceptre, the longer that he stayed out of contact with The Other, the more clarity and control he had over his own thinking. His thoughts felt more like his own now, and they were filled with the instinct to apologize for inflicting that pain on you. 
To heal you. To restore you to your unmarred state when he first saw you. 
If you would allow him.
However, before he could get a word out, lightning began to strike all around the ship, telling him that at the moment, he had bigger problems to contend with. 
Perhaps when this was all over, he could find a way to earn your forgiveness. Whenever that would be. 
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A/N: Apparently I am incapable of writing a story without having Loki be some form of soft, even when he's supposed to be in his villain era. Dammit.
But at least now we all know why he wanted to give Y/N that do-over at the end of 'revisiting Stuttgart' 😏🥺
Translations: Guten abend – Good evening Weshalb – why Bitte. Gehen. Jetzt. – Please. Go. Now. LAUF – RUN Wunderschön – beautiful Teufel – Devil
Everything: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @springdandelixn @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @arch-venus25 @freefrommars @littlemortals @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @peaches1958 @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @avoliax @devilsadvocactus @purplegrrl27 @lokiprompts @sititran @imherefortomhiddleston
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icegirl2772 · 2 months
i need your songs for kaelyn and james!!!
Okay, fair warning. I'm gonna be that totally extra person and do two versions: one normal, one BTR. Because I'm me. :P
And yes, feel free to totally judge what I have on my main playlist. (I've got over 1800 songs - let's see what it spits out)
Normal Version:
Opening Credits: Make You Feel My Love by Adele (Well, we're off to a good start) Meeting for the First Time: One More Light by Linkin Park (well, that ended up depressing) Hey, I Kinda Like You: Final Masquerade by Linkin Park (seriously? 1800 songs and you spit out this, Spotify?) I'm Going to Kiss You Now: That's Where You Find Love by Westlife (Okay, now we're getting a bit hopeful) Falling in Love: Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile by Sia (...yeah, I have no words; I guess it kinda fits because you're happy in love) Your Place or Mine: Irgendwas Bleibt by Silbermond (yeah, I've got a German song on my playlist - the English translation of the lyrics) Naked in Bed: True Love by Pink and Lily Allen (Hey. Good for a love/hate relationship) First Fight: Believe It or Not by Joey Scarbury (and the award for most random song choice goes to...) Maybe We Should Take a Break: Loud by Shannon Noll (Okay, my Spotify playlist is letting me down) I Want You Back: Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) by Katy Perry (Come on, Spotify, you're killing me!) Will You Marry Me: Dancing with Strangers by Jeremy Shada (Spotify, I thought I curated you better than this) First Child: It Is What It Is by Jamie Miller (Okay, this is getting ridiculous now) We're Getting Older: She's So Mean by Matchbox 20 (Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph...) If You Die, I'll Go With You: Just Give Me a Reason by Pink and Nate Ruess (okay, you couldn't have shown up a few categories ago?) End Credits: Fly Away by Tones and I (Okay, since this is an end credits situation, IDGAF here)
BTR Version:
Okay, if the boys don't come through for me, I won't be responsible for what I do next.
Opening Credits: Na Na Na (this should've been end credits) Meeting for the First Time: Fall (...okay, not the worst) Hey, I Kinda Like You: Count on You (with Jordin Sparks) (okay, we're doing good so far) I'm Going to Kiss You Now: Music Sounds Better (with Mann) (hey, not bad) Falling in Love: Get Up (and there's the disappointing option) Your Place or Mine: Shot in the Dark (maybe this should be for I Want You Back) Naked in Bed: Superstitious (you know what? with the opening lyrics, that actually works) First Fight: Brand New (yeah, that doesn't work...) Maybe We Should Take a Break: No Idea (yeah, I have no words for this one) I Want You Back: Windows Down (see above) Will You Marry Me: 24/Seven (oh come on, Spotify, you couldn't give me Ask You Tonight?) First Child: Revolution (Spotify, you are letting me down big time) We're Getting Older: Waves (AW COME ON!) If You Die, I'll Go With You: A Hard Day's Night (Spotify, I hate you right now) End Credits: Forget You Now (eh, it's end credits, who gives a shit?)
Hope you enjoyed my list with a side of me cursing out Spotify and considering a major playlist cleanout.
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punkxcalibur · 1 year
personal mphfpc recap since i finally finished reading all the books
spoilers for the entire mphfpc series ahead. this will mostly be me talking about the book's imperfections, because when i love a piece of media, i also love criticizing it to its core
so, i first read the books 1-4 in 2020 and i was SO obsessed!!?? i wasn't really into social media and fandom culture back then, so i didn't really have anyone to talk to about mphfpc and i remember being very sad about that. i also remember trying to make fanart of the characters, but i REALLY sucked at art back then and to this day i find old mphfpc drawings and cringe at them. maybe it's time to redraw some of those...
anyways, i read the fifth book when it first came out in germany and i kind of hated it lol. i was really rushing through it, because i couldn't wait for the fugh reunion. so i kind of missed out on the whole plot because i only cared about fiona and hugh.
basically, i recently finished rereading the books, because nostalgia or whatever and i'm kind of obsessed again. so...i'm just dumping some thoughts on the whole series here because on tumblr i can actually find ppl with mutual interests.
first of all there's literally SO MANY inconsistencies and plotholes?? what the actual fuck ransom riggs. idk how much of this is prevalent in the og books, because i mainly read the german translations, but sometimes riggs just forgets who hugh is i guess?? he mixes up his and horace's peculiarities once and at some point he is referred to as howard. who the fuck is howard. these are literally the most easiest mistakes to fix. does he not have an editor?
i'm not even gonna talk about the movie. i have a whole seperate post for it
it sometimes bothers me how only certain characters seem to serve a purpose. in every novel emma, enoch, millard and bronwyn are clearly the focus (besides jacob) despite the fact that the other characters are equally interesting and likeable. hugh, horace, claire, olive and obviously fiona are just NOT THERE for like the entirety of AMOD. are you kidding me
the entire second trilogy...is kind of a cashgrab. of course i'm happy we got more books and i liked them, but it's kind of obvious that the author simply had some pictures left and saw an opportunity to make some more profit out of them. that's not bad, but these books weren't necessary for the overall storyline.
the thing with the prophecy in DODA...the entire book was dedicated to finding the other lighteaters, but they don't really do anything in the end?? i kinda get why noor has to be the *main character*, but why introduce julius and sebbie when everything could have played out the same way without them?
julius and horace...is it really that hard to age julius down? it would've made that a lot less creepy. there is literally no reason for julius to so much older than horace. not sure if this could be considered queerbaiting, since i don't know a lot about that topic. would be grateful if anyone elaborated more on that.
hugh and fiona are still my favorite thing about these books THEY ARE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY AND DESERVED SO MANY MORE SCENES UGH. i don't need another jemma kiss i need FUGH. there is just so much potential and plus, we never really get to learn about their backstories?? like we know that they're from the 1840s, so how did they get into a loop a century later?
how was fiona able to *whisper* to hugh in DODA, she literally had her tongue cut out, hello?
so many characters with lots of potential either die or just disappear. lilly, sam, althea, peter-and-joel...ring any bells??
why is horatio kinda
ok i'm sorry
the photos are so funny sometimes, because at times there will be a photo of, say, emma and in the next book there will be another picture of her and she just looks like a different person. because,obviously, that's a photo of a different person. but apparently, ransom thinks we're too dumb to notice that.
i would just love it if there'd be storylines that focused on each character individually, because again, WASTED POTENTIAL
ricky deserved to have a comeback, i feel like this is general fandom consensus
introducing v, just to kill her off? idk man
despite all of these criticisms i just made, i fucking cherish these books
since pjo gets a new awesome reboot i think we deserve one too
i also wish the fandom was bigger but maybe it's a good thing that it's kind of niche. i don't know.
uhh i guess that was my not-so-little rant and yeah...enjoy this post i guess
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entenschildkrote · 28 days
So, I will analyze and compare the english and german intro song for school for vampires / die Schule der kleinen Vampire. I will add an english translation to the german lyrics. I listened to the intros on YouTube and wrote them down to the best of my abilities. If they are partly incorrect, I'm sorry.
English lyrics:
Sleeping in coffins we party all night
And just after sunset we go for a bite.
We may have never seen the sun
But any way else we're having fun.
It's so much fun just to be a vampire!
It's so much fun just to (verb*) through the night!
It's so much fun just to be a vampire
You should run and hide
I'm gonna bite
We're gonna bite (groweld)
*I could not understand the verb. It should be one about movement, probably fly
German text:
English translation:
Wir lernen kein Mathe und auch kein Latein
We don't learn math and neither latin
Bei uns zieht man sich dafür Blutsaugen rein.
With us one eats bloody eyes instead.
Vor Sonne und Knoblauch sind wir auf der Hut.
Of the sun and garlic we are wary.
Wir schlafen in Särgen und träumen von Blut.
We sleep in coffins and dream about blood.
Oke, wir sind ein bisschen blass.
Okay, we are a little pale.
Haben dafür aber reichlich Spaß.
But instead we have a lot of fun.
Nimm dich in acht, denn wir sind Vampire
Beware (the listener is directly adressed), because we are vampires
Und unser Kuss ist kälter als Eis.
And our kiss is colder than ice.
Nimm dich in acht, denn wir sind Vampire.
Beware (the listener is directly addressed), because we are vampires.
Du wirst kreideweiß / kreidebleich
You'll turn white / pale as chalk
Wenn ich dich beiß!
If / When I bite you!
Wenn ich dich beiß!
If / When I bite you!
Wenn ich dich beiß!
If / When I bite you!
Wenn ich dich beiß! (geflüstert)
If / When I bite you! (whispered)
First things first: the german version is longer by four lines. Two of those being the first two (Wir lernen... - ...Blutsaugen rein.). Those two lines could only be heard for the first season, afterwards they were removed. The other two are repeats of "Wenn ich dich beiß".
Another thing, that immediately caught my eye (ear in this case) was the english version's emphasis on fun, where the german version emphasized caution (in humans and vampires alike).
I interpreted the song with the idea in mind, that it was sung by a vampire to a human audience. I got that impression because of the usage of the pronouns I and We when referring to vampire culture and you would not need to explain such basic facts to a member of vampire society.
Okay, the german lines without an english counterpart:
Wir lernen kein Mathe und auch kein Latein; Bei uns zieht man sich dafür Blutsaugen rein.
We don't learn math and neither latin; With us one eats bloody eyes instead.
These lines are partly incorrect. While the vampires in sfv do, in fact learn different things to humans (obviously), they do, in fact, learn math: In one episode it cuts into a lesson during which the vampires are supposed to CALCULATE how much blood has been shed during a specific battle. In another episode Stoker claims Oskar stole his blood cookies. He could not have done that, though, because he was busy doing Klott's homework. To verify this claim, the count reads out the questions for Klott to solve, wich are, you guessed it, math problems (very easy ones). I do think they don't learn latin, because in one episode a (painfully incompetent and unprofessional) psychologist comes to school and clains Oskar has the worst kind of blood phobia: Blut(us) Vermeid(us). Essentially Blood(is) avoid(us) (Blut=blood, vermeiden=to avoid). The second line is accurate: they ate bloody eye soup that night the werewolf visited. "(Sich etwas) Reinziehen" is german slang most closely translated by to consume.
Vor Sonne und Knoblauch sind wir auf der Hut. / Wir schlafen in Särgen und träumen von Blut
Of the sun and garlic we are wary. / We sleep in coffins and dream about blood.
Sleeping in coffins we party all night / and just after sunset we go for a bite
The german lines are factually correct. Vampires in sfv are harmed by garlic and sunshine and they do sleep in coffins. Whether or not they dream of blood, we do not know (it is possible).
The english lyrics contain mostly false information. The vampires do sleep in coffins but they don't party all night because they have school. The protagonists of the show are under age and therefore not allowed to bite people. They don't even wake up "just after sunset", because in the first episode Count von Horrifikus wanted to be woken "early" and Professor Oxblood woke him during sunset.
Oke, wir sind ein bisschen blass / haben dafür aber reichlich Spaß.
Okay, we are a little pale / but instead we have a lot of fun.
We may have never seen the sun / but any way else we're having fun.
The german and english versions are surprisingly similar in these two lines. That makes the differences that do exist even more interesting. In general, the german version is understated, while the english version is hyperbolic. The vampires are more than a little pale, they are very pale. The vampires also haven't literally never seen the sun (e. g. They have vampire sunscreen, all the vampires that sre now ash, turned(not born) vampires). Another thing is, the german makes it sound like being pale is the price they had to pay in order to have fun. In the english version, it sound more like seeing the sun would be fun but since they can't, they have fun with other things.
Nimm dich in acht, denn wir sind Vampire / und unser Kuss ist kälter als Eis
Beware (the listener is directly addressed), because we are vampires / And our kiss is colder than ice.
It's so much fun just to be a vampire! / It's so much fun just to (verb*) through the night!
This is what i meant, claiming the english version has a greater fokus on fun, where the german version focuses on caution. The german version advises the listener to be aware of vampires, when the english version claims it is fun to be one. Also, the german version adresses the listener directly. I'm not sure if the "colder than ice" is hyperbolic (they can't literally be colder than ice) but they might be colder than humans. They do seem to have a body temperature and a reaktion to temperature, since Gothetta gave Oskar a scarf when he was sick, they wear different clothes in winter and I think they complained about the heat in summer.
Du wirst kreideweiß / kreidebleich / Wenn ich dich beiß! / Wenn ich dich beiß! (geflüstert)
You'll turn white / pale as chalk / If / When I bite you! / If / When I bite you! (whispered)
You should run and hide / I'm gonna bite / We're gonna bite (groweld)
I find these lines to be really interesting, because the german and english versions are more and less direct in different ways. The line "you should run and hide" might imply that running and hiding is a good strategy to avoid getting bitten. It might also imply that running and hiding is futile, because if the vampire thinks you should, then they probably think it won't stop them from biting you. In the next line, it becomes clear that the vampire(s) will bite. Maybe, they bite those, who didn't run and/or hide.
The german version tells the listener what will happen if they get bitten. The interesting ting is, the german word "wenn" can mean both "if" and "when". So , in the german version the vampire clearly states they consider biting the listener. It is unclear if this is a possibility or an inevitability. In the english version, the vampire biting is an inevitability but it is unclear who they will bite.
An interesting ting overall, is the english version not using the word blood in the whole song, despite having no qualms about references to biting (the word bite appears three times overall). The german version uses the word Blut (ger. blood) twice. Once in the scrapped first two lines and once in the forth line. The word "beiß" (form of beißen = to bite) appears four times.
All in all, the german version is more lore accurate than the english version. I think it's curious, how different the two versions are content wise (despite being very similar in the musical aspects).
If anyone read the whole post, thank you. Check out the post below mine in the #schule der kleinen Vampire, it is really cool. Goodbye, have a nice day.
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myreygn · 5 months
hey rey! i have a few different characters/ships for your ask game so feel free to choose which to do!
1. shin soukoku
2. dazai & odasaku
3. geto
4. kunikida
5. giyuu
hope you have a great day/night! (btw i’ll get cracking on your most recent request for lee geto and ler gojo 😉)
oh oh oh very interesting options! i'll see if i have something for these!
shin soukoku: Fever Dream (Palaye Royale)
can you see the words i'm up here trying to preach // no need to cry, you'll never find me trying to leave // i can see that you're in pain from your pale and lifeless face // so let go and float away
it just has this vibe of hey we're both tangled up in this net of lies that other people tell and wars that other people fight and maybe together we're gonna be strong enough to end all of this
dazai & odasaku: Savior II (Black Veil Brides)
and every word that came from you has carried me // so i'm trying my hardest to be what you made // like a court jester, my smile won't fade // giving it all, rising to fall to my grave // answer the call, living in thrall, you're the one born to save
is it not giving dazai right after oda's death?? just a little bit?? their relationship is so special to me actually i don't talk about them enough (also i was so close to taking loser baby from hazbin hotel i'm sorry 💀)
geto: Joan of Arc (In This Moment)
you can crucify, you can nail me to your cross (light me up, light me up) // you can find me guilty for everything you lost (light me up, light me up) // go ahead, blame me for your sins // go ahead and sacrifice me // i'll be your martyr, i'll be your joan of arc
is this a good time to tell you that i never actually watched jjk? 😭 idk if this fits i feel like it does from the little knowledge i have but you need to tell me if it makes sense i'm so sorry (also yey thank you for writing the request!!)
kunikida: Das Herz eines Drachen (Feuerschwanz)
du hast das herz eines drachen, glühend wie gold // flieg in die schlacht, so edel und stolz // du hast das herz eines drachen in deiner brust // kämpf bis zum schluss // und irgendwann wenn wir verglüh'n // halt ich es fest, weil ich es spür // dass dein starkes herz sein feuer nie verliert // denn dein drachenherz schlägt weiter, tief in mir
i feel like it's often overlooked how much the ada members admire kunikida and this feels like it fits his leader personality so well idk. i'm recommending this song a thousand times and here's a translation for you to make you consider listening to it lol:
you've got the heart of a dragon, glowing like gold // fly into battle, so noble and proud // you've got the heart of a dragon inside of your chest // fight 'til the end // and one day when we burn out // i'll hold onto it because i sense // that your strong heart will never lose its fire // and your dragon heart will keep on beating inside of me
giyuu: 99 Luftballons (Nena)
99 jahre krieg ließen keinen platz für sieger // kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr und auch keine düsenflieger // heute zieh ich meine runden // seh die welt in trümmern liegen // hab 'n luftballon gefunden // denk an dich und lass ihn fliegen
yes it's german again my apologies and there's technically an official english version of this (99 red balloons) but honestly it's a pretty bad translation. it's a song about war being horrible and unnecessary and how we should strive for peace, the balloons being a metaphor for countries firing their weapons over every little thing, and honestly this part i put here reminds me of giyuu and sabito, or giyuu thinking about sabito post canon:
99 years of war left no room for winners // there are no more ministers of war and no more fighting jets // today i'm making my way around // i see the world lying in ruins // i have found a balloon // i think of you and let it fly
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dweetwise · 1 year
[Riconti] Clairvoyance
This one's a very self-indulgent, Ace-centric fic I've been wanting to write for a while and I hope you like it! Thank you @vampirtulpe for helping with the German parts! The translations into English are at the end of this post. Rated T | 3.9k words | ao3 link
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Ace slowly blinked awake to the morning sun illuminating the room.
He groaned and rolled onto his side, fully intending to bury his face into the pillow and snooze the day away until someone forcibly dragged him out of bed.
Or at least that was the plan before Ace saw the man next to him, and sleep suddenly became a much lower priority.
Ace curled more comfortably under the fluffy blanket and shamelessly admired Felix’s profile against the soft rays of the sun. Felix was sitting with his back against the headboard and wearing his favorite pajamas, a light blue silk that had faded from years of use. Reading glasses were perched on his nose and his attention was occupied by a book in his hands. Graying strands of hair fell in his face and only highlighted the fact that he’d aged gracefully, with small wrinkles around his eyes and a quiet confidence about him while he relaxed in the stillness of a lazy morning.
“Are you going to simply stare the entire day?” Felix asked. He was still focused on his book but a smile tugged on his lips.
Ace chuckled, his voice rough with sleep. “Just enjoying the view, gorgeous.”
Felix huffed and closed the book, putting both it and his glasses on the nightstand before facing Ace.
“And here I thought the compliments would get fewer with age,” Felix teased.
“Oh, I’m just getting started,” Ace said. “In a couple years I’m gonna be describing your pretty face with big words like ethereal and aristocratic.”
Felix rolled his eyes and crawled back under the covers. He reached over to brush some of Ace’s bed head out of his eyes, the gold band on his finger glinting in the sunlight as he did so. 
“You're impossible,” Felix said.
Ace snaked his hand out from under the blanket, clasping Felix's and bringing it to his lips. “Only for you.”
Felix thumbed at the matching ring on Ace's finger with a soft smile. Ace's heart throbbed with emotion as he relished in the familiar comfort of waking up next to the man he loved.
He leaned closer, fully intent on getting in some morning kisses before starting their day…
Before the door burst open and they both startled apart.
There was the pitter-patter of tiny feet on the hardwood floor before a blur of pink pajamas and blonde hair slung itself onto the foot of the bed.
“Papaa!” Klara whined, intruding on their moment.
“Klara,” Felix chastised, though his eyes were fond. “Hab ich dir nicht schon tausend Mal gesagt, dass du klopfen sollst?”
"Aber es ist schon neun Uhr!" Klara said, bouncing on the soft mattress. “Time to feed fish!”
Felix glanced at the clock. “So it is.” He shot Ace a quick smile in apology before lifting the covers to get up.
“Tell you what,” Ace said, quickly halting Felix with a hand on his shoulder. “Why don't I handle it this time?”
Felix paused. “Really?”
“What do you say, squirt?” Ace asked Klara. "Willste ein paar Fette Karpfen mit mir füttern?"
“Ja!” Klara laughed, her blue eyes sparkling.
“The carps aren’t fat,” Felix grumbled.
“Oh, of course not, the roundness is just water weight,” Ace teased. “Leonardo is actually so malnourished that he just had to eat all the decorative algae you put in.”
“And the flowers!” Klara excitedly added. “He eats everything.”
“And if we're not quick, he'll eat you too!” Ace grinned and reached over to tickle Klara, who squealed before jumping out of bed with a giggle.
“Na los!” she said, already running out into the hallway.
“Be right there!” Ace hollered, then turned to Felix. “I just need to finish what I started here, first.”
Felix leaned back against the headboard with a lazy smile. “Then take what you need.”
Ace placed a hand on Felix’s chest over the soft silk and leaned in for an even softer kiss.
Felix hummed into it, a low and satisfied sound that made affection surge through Ace’s body, even after all these years. Felix’s morning stubble rasped against Ace's beard as they kissed languidly, and though Felix’s lips were a little dry from sleep, they were still so warm and achingly familiar against Ace’s own.
Ace slowly pulled away with what was probably a stupidly smitten smile on his face. “Now I can focus on the fish,” Ace said.
“Hmm,” Felix said. “Maybe this time you won't fall into the koi pond.”
“Okay, smartass, that was one time at at least fifty percent your fault—”
“Ace! Hurry or Leonardo will eat us!” Klara’s high pitched shouting came from downstairs.
Ace chuckled and grabbed his morning robe as he got out of bed. “On my way!”
He shot Felix one last wink, opened the bedroom door, and—
Ace bolted upright with a gasp.
He was greeted by the familiar silence of the dark forest surrounding the campfire. Only a fire barrel crackled nearby, illuminating Ace's own nook in the Entity's realm; a trunk overflowing with looted items, patterned shirts hanging from a tree branch in a makeshift clothes rack, and an upside-down wooden crate that served as the poker table.
Ace breathed out and tried to reorient himself to reality. It was just a dream—just a very, very vivid dream.
Which was strange because none of them really dreamed anymore, save for the occasional nightmare after a trial or flashback of their past lives. Yui had once said that it felt like the Entity prodding and poking around in their heads while they slept. Predictably, most of them stayed wide awake for quite some time after that.
But a domestic morning in bed with Felix sure as hell wasn't a trial nightmare or any memory from Ace's past. If anything, it felt like a glimpse into the future—as absurd as that seemed.
Ace glanced at Felix who was still sound asleep next to him, only on a moth-eaten thin mattress instead of a cushy bed. The resemblance to the Felix in his dream was uncanny, even if that Felix had clearly been older, with his glasses and wrinkles and calm confidence.
This was still a relatively new development between them. Somewhere along the years of Ace’s friendship with the aloof architect, facades had crumbled and they'd sought comfort in each other from the horrors of the realm, eventually even falling into bed together.
They hadn't really talked about what it all meant—not that there was any need to. To Ace, it had been obvious that this was just a way to pass the time and make their existence here a little less guts and gore, a little more laughs and orgasms. With Felix's obligations in the real world and Ace's track record of bolting at the first sign of trouble, he knew full well that this wouldn’t last—not in the realm, and certainly not in the event that they managed to escape.
So why couldn’t he get the damn dream out of his head? 
It wasn’t like the idea of settling down was a novel one. Ace had actually tried to play house before, but because he was…well, himself, the attempts had always ended in disaster. It kind of took the romance out of a relationship when a surprise knock on his then-girlfriend’s door turned out to be a loan shark looking for Ace and not the flower delivery she’d been promised for their anniversary. It certainly wasn’t made better by the fact that Ace had spent the day gambling away in some dingy casino because he'd forgotten said anniversary. Again.
Ace snorted. If there was some sort of sliding scale for Relationship Material™, he was probably in the negative thousands just like his bank account. “You’re so charming,” and, “Nobody makes me laugh like you," only went so far when it came with a side of, “Why are the police here?” and, “You told me the money was for your grandmother’s funeral!” Not even Ace's silver tongue had managed to get him out of that one.
Except it would never come to that with Felix, Ace realized. Because after all these years trapped in hell together, Felix knew exactly how he operated. He knew Ace’s need for thrill-seeking and more often than not getting spectacularly killed for his stupid ideas, knew that Ace occasionally let his entire team die on hook because he found a shiny thing in a chest, and knew that Ace only joked and deflected when pushed about difficult topics.
But even knowing all that, Felix had still chosen to befriend Ace and invite him into his bed. He’d also held Ace's hand while Ace's guts spilled out of his stomach and they both knew he wasn't making it out of the trial. He'd listened without judgment to Ace's manic tales of running from the law, debts, and failed relationships alike. He'd stayed up late nights watching the campfire with Ace when neither of them could sleep, when Ace barely had the courage to whisper, “I don't know how much longer I can keep smiling for them,” while they watched over their sleeping friends.
Ace huffed a silent laugh and ran a hand through his hair. If Felix ever even considered keeping Ace around for more than a fling, Ace would seriously have to question the man's sanity.
…Unless Felix saw something there that Ace didn’t?
Like in the dream, Ace thought, then promptly huffed an irritated sigh. The stupid dream just kept coming back, like a particularly persistent boomerang Ace couldn’t get rid of no matter how hard he tried to throw it away.
Still, Ace had to admit that the dream had been nothing like the short-lived, disastrous romances that made up the majority of his life. On the contrary, dream-Ace and dream-Felix had clearly been together for years, with nothing pointing to Ace having gambled away all their shared assets or Felix spending every day regretting whatever lapse in judgment that had made him marry Ace in the first place.
In the dream, they’d been happy. Ace, and Felix, and the little girl who looked so much like Felix, smiling at Ace and acting like he was…
Like he was family.
Ace swallowed around a sudden lump in his throat. He’d only seen a glimpse of the life that wasn’t his, but—stupidly, impossibly—he missed it. He missed the simple intimacy of waking up together, the girl’s excited laughter, and the easy comfort between him and Felix that spoke of a bond deeper than anything Ace had experienced before.
There were some oddities in the dream, though, like fish-feeding as a family activity and the German language Ace didn’t speak a word of yet had somehow perfectly understood in the dream. Dream-Ace had even gone through grammar rules in his head and been very aware of his accent when he spoke, like he’d only been learning for a few years.
Perhaps ever since escaping the Entity and settling down in Germany.
Shit, what if it wasn’t just a dream? God knows stranger things had happened in the Entity’s realm than Ace’s sorry ass briefly harnessing some of Mikaela’s fortune telling mojo. After all, being chased by literal ghosts and demons and dying and being resurrected on the daily did have a tendency to make even skeptics like Ace more open to the possibility of the supernatural. Funny how that worked.
He looked at the sleeping Felix. Could it really be? Would they actually escape? Would Felix get to return home and meet his kid?
And where the hell did Ace come into that picture?
By all accounts, Felix and his girlfriend should just continue where they left off. Even if they didn't and Felix invited him to stay, Ace wasn't sure he'd accept; not if he'd just regained his freedom and the whole world was his oyster. Sure, Felix was a catch, but Ace was just some random con man he'd picked up in hell. The picket fence lifestyle was just not something he was capable of.
Deep in his thoughts, Ace barely noticed Felix stirring. He did however notice when Felix startled as soon as he opened his eyes.
“Scheiße, you scared me,” Felix said before relaxing back against the mattress.
Ace cleared his throat and looked away, realizing he’d been looming over Felix and staring creepily at him sleeping. “Sorry,” he offered.
"It's alright," Felix said. He propped himself up on his elbows, thankfully seeming content to ignore Ace's floundering.
Now that Felix was awake and they were back to the regularly scheduled programming of Ace making an idiot of himself, whatever spell of ridiculousness that had fallen over Ace was fast disappearing. Because, really, dream-visions about Ace as a future househusband? The others would probably laugh for days if he told them.
"Trouble sleeping again?” Felix asked.
“Something like that,” Ace said. 
He racked his brain for a suitable joke or conversation starter, but his thoughts still seemed to be stuck in idyllic suburban family-mode. Maybe he should prod Felix a little to put the wishful thinking to rest once and for all.
“Say… did you have any pets back home?” Ace asked.
Felix tilted his head. “Hm? Why do you ask?”
“Just trying to make conversation,” Ace lied and forced a fake smile. “Maybe it'll be easier to go back to sleep if we focus on something else.”
“Alright,” Felix relented. He rolled over onto his side to face Ace. “But to answer your question, no. I'm not really a pet person.”
“How come?”
“I've always been much too busy to care for them," Felix explained. "And I never quite got the appeal. I don't really get attached to animals that way."
Ace nodded and swallowed down the sudden feeling that was definitely not disappointment. “That makes sense," he said.
And that, he supposed, was the nail in the coffin when it came to stupid dreams about marriage and family and pet carps. In retrospect, he didn’t know which thought was more absurd: that Ace had inexplicably gained magical future-telling abilities, or that Felix was secretly a…fish dad, or whatever.
“But I did enjoy the koi pond,” Felix added casually.
Ace’s head snapped back up. “What?”
“A koi pond,” Felix repeated. “My parents built a pond in the manor's garden and I liked looking at the fish ever since I was a child. After my father’s disappearance, it only felt natural to take over caring for the koi.” He smiled. “They're truly beautiful creatures. Some of them are even older than me, by now.”
Ace’s thoughts were still reeling. “You…you have koi fish?” he questioned.
Felix smiled sheepishly. “Yes, it's…I don't usually tell people about it. It's a little unconventional, I know.”
Yeah, well, unconventional seemed to be the theme of the day, Ace thought somewhat hysterically.
“What about you?” Felix asked while Ace was busy trying not to freak out. “Did you have any pets?”
“Huh?” Ace said, before remembering that Felix thought they were just getting to know each other better. “No, I—uh, I fed some stray cats when I was a kid, but we couldn't really afford a pet and then I was always on the move after that.”
Something in Felix’s expression softened, making him resemble dream-Felix even more.
“I'm sorry,” Felix said.
“It's nothing. But, those fish of yours,” Ace eagerly continued. “Did you name them?”
“Ah.” Felix smiled bashfully. “My parents named most of them—Siegfried, Barbara and Agnes.”
Ace deflated a little from disappointment-slash-relief and barely even acknowledged the old-fashioned and… frankly, pretty awful names.
“But, I, ehm,” Felix continued. “At ten, I got my own koi and…I said it was after Da Vinci, but I really liked the—the ninja turtle cartoon at the time, and, well…”
Ace's eyes went wide. “Leonardo?”
Felix chuckled. “Yes.”
Okay. Okay, no need to panic: Ace had just somehow guessed that Felix had fish back home and one of their names. So what? There were several, rational explanations for that; explanations that didn’t involve the paranormal or any wedding rings in his future.
Felix could have told him about the fish before and they both forgot. Ace could have heard about it from Élodie. Maybe the Entity dug around in Felix's memories and somehow planted the idea in Ace's head?
“Ace?” Felix said, his smile replaced with a frown. “You look pale.”
“Yeah, I…” Ace stammered. “Maybe I should lie down a bit.”
Ace lowered himself onto the mattress with trembling arms. Felix, bless him, reached over and touched his forehead to feel Ace’s temperature.
“I'm not sick, I promise," Ace said, plastering a grin on his face. “Just a little shell-shocked from this dream I had.”
…And having visions of the future and going on a massive self-discovery journey. In the span of thirty minutes or so. He had the right to be a little shaken, damnit.
Felix hesitated, then asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”
Yes, Ace wanted to say, please tell me I'm not going crazy.
“Not really,” Ace lied.
Felix nodded, not pushing it. Something warm and awfully similar to the feeling in the dream spread through Ace’s chest and for a moment, he wanted to take it back and tell Felix everything—
But, god, Ace couldn't do that to him. Even if Felix would probably find the idea of them growing old together suitably absurd and they could share a laugh over it, Ace couldn't give him false hope that they'd escape. That Felix would get to see his kid grow up.
“Do you know if your kid is a boy or a girl?” Ace asked.
Felix flinched, clearly caught off guard by the question—a normal reaction to someone rudely asking about one of his biggest traumas, really—so Ace quickly backpedaled.
“Sorry, we don't have to talk about it,” Ace rushed to add.
"No, it's…" Felix hesitated. "I didn't think you cared," he admitted.
Ace bit his lip to stop himself from blurting out that before today, he hadn't spared the topic much thought. Felix's real life was out there, with his career and mansion and nuclear family, too pure for someone like Ace to stain with the shitshow that had been his life.
"I have my moments, you know,'' Ace said with a smirk.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to imply…'' Felix sighed and shook his head. "It was still too early to determine the child's gender when—when I was taken," Felix said, his eyes downcast. "I always thought I wanted a boy, but when I realized it was actually happening…I knew I would love the child no matter what."
Felix looked sadly at the ground and Ace felt like an absolute asshole for poking at that wound. 
Ace nudged Felix with his elbow. "You'd love the kid even if they came out looking like one of your carps, huh?" he teased.
Felix let out a surprised huff of laughter. "Especially then, I think."
Ace smiled at that and to his delight, Felix did too. It was a relief that despite the weird coincidence with the fish, Ace hadn't fortune told Felix's kid or whatever.
"We… actually had some names planned out," Felix said.
Ace hummed. "Yeah?"
"Janos, for a boy. I… insisted rather stubbornly." Felix chuckled.
Ace smiled, remembering all the times Felix had talked so fondly about his dad. "I don't blame you," he said. "And for a girl?"
"We had several options," Felix said. "Amelia, Cassandra, Matilda…"
Ace listened and amicably nodded along. None of those names were even remotely close to what his subconsciousness had come up with while he slept—which was to be expected.
“But then at the latest ultrasound, there was this nurse,” Felix said. “She was great. My girlfriend and I were bickering about names again during the procedure, and the nurse just laughed along, before saying we should name the child after her, and… well. It started as a joke but then it stuck.”
“That’s cute,” Ace said. “What was her name?”
Felix smiled, looking into the distance. “Klara.”
The air left Ace’s lungs in a rush and the world spun even though he was lying down. That one simple word was like a punch in the gut.
This went way beyond coincidence. Ace knew that the girl with the sparkling blue eyes and childish grin was out there waiting for her dad to come home. He knew that Felix would be a fantastic father and love her more than anything else in the world.
And he knew that, for some reason, Felix would allow Ace into that picture and trust him with the most important thing in his life.
“You're shivering,” Felix said. “Are you cold?”
“Yeah,” Ace reflexively lied. 
If his stomach dropping and his entire worldview turning upside down counted as cold, then, yes, he was freezing.
"Come here," Felix said, gently grabbing Ace's shoulder.
Ace allowed Felix to pull him closer and drape a threadbare blanket over them. They settled with Ace's back against Felix's chest, the German's larger frame enveloping Ace's still-trembling body as Felix wrapped an arm around him, and… 
And it was actually really, really nice.
Ace didn't know whether it was the dream awakening these feelings or if he'd just never admitted it to himself before, but he'd never felt as safe as he did right here. Felix never smothered him with expectations or asked for anything Ace wasn't willing to give. Just as Felix could drop his play-act around Ace and freely gush about his beloved carps or open up about the fucked-up cult shit that went down in the Imperiatti, Ace didn't have to censor the dark parts of his past or pretend that he'd been anything but a lying, scamming addict for most of his life.
And that kind of comfort, that level of trust? Ace was an absolute idiot for not appreciating it earlier.
It was funny how not that long ago, the idea of even being held by Felix like this—gently, just because Felix cared—would have sent Ace running for the hills. But now, it almost felt like coming home.
"Is this alright?" Felix murmured against Ace's neck.
Ace had stopped shivering ages ago and he had no illusions that Felix hadn't seen through his lie about being cold. Ace allowed himself to relax into the embrace, knowing that he didn't need to bother with excuses. 
Ace placed his hand over Felix's where it rested on his chest. "This is perfect," Ace said.
Felix let out a soft hum. Before long, his body went slack with sleep, still curled protectively around Ace's.
But Ace stayed wide awake, a new determination filling him. Felix had to go home—to his little girl, to his family home, and to his silly fish. Even if things turned out differently than in his vision and Ace wouldn't be in the picture when the time came, he'd do his damndest to fight for the future he knew they could have. 
The hope that had been slowly dwindling with every failed trial and each passing year spent trapped in this hell was now returning to Ace full force.
Because they were getting out of here. And they were doing it together.
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Translations: Hab ich dir nicht schon tausend Mal gesagt, dass du klopfen sollst? - Haven’t I told you a thousand times to knock? Aber es ist schon neun Uhr - It’s almost nine o’clock Willste ein paar Fette Karpfen mit mir füttern? - Wanna feed some fat carps with me? Na los - Let’s go
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andromedaexists · 11 months
I've had a lot of friends reach out to me the past couple days and I just don't have the spoons to respond to all of y'all so I'm gonna say what I need to here:
I love you and appreciate you all. Your condolences and well wishes were received and mean a lot to me.
Now, for those who are not in the loop, I would like to take a moment to tell you about why I haven't been around for a hot minute despite really trying my best to be (under the cut, because good lord are there a lot of heavy topics on the table such as pet loss, depression, mental and physical health and the degradation thereof, stress and anxiety and more)
So, just in a brief bullet point recap, since about july of this years I have:
been switched onto a project at work that put increasingly more important responsibilities on my shoulders despite me saying that i never want to be in that position again
been switched back to my normal project in the middle of a hierarchy shift, therefore not knowing who to contact for literally anything (we're still working this out, btw)
started my final semester of college with 4 classes (reading & translating dead language #1, reading & translating dead language #2, novels in dead language #1, and the history of my native tongue that requires reading in the dead ancient form of it)
found myself being forced into monthly outings with my mother (a test in repairing our relationship that is going... okay)
somehow became integral in a discord (not upset, just not sure how i ended up here frfr)
being told on the first day of classes that i am having surgery ASAP on a cyst (we all know my history with cysts here.. it's not pretty)
the absolute atrocity that blue ridge ended up being. that was supposed to be my relax time, my time to unwind from everything else and i still have not recovered my loss of sleep from being up for 40 hours straight because of how horrible that weekend was
had my surgery cancelled because i'm too fat and then being ghosted by the doctor
had my heart absolutely demolished by a guy I thought I could love, only to be reminded that love is a luxury not afforded to people like me
broke up with my primary care physician because my health is degrading so fucking bad that i literally woke up feeling like i broke my wrist just because. and he still won't take me seriously. i can barely walk at this point, let alone stay awake and functioning longer than 4 hours at a time
had my employee review (that actually went well, but i did get my ass chewed out for low production)
had the world fall apart around me as any hope i had for humanity is shattered
release my book 3 days later because it was too late to change the release day by then
bury myself in a depression hole that i'm learning is normal for authors after their book releases
have to move my grandma into assisted living/memory care
have to immediately move myself out of my apartment with a weeks notice because the stress of living next to violent neighbors was finally getting to me (triggered my past with domestic violence) AND they started harassing me
had to undergo a medical procedure because i can't even eat food without my body rebelling
missed a month of classes because of depression
failed 2 latin tests in a row followed by bombing the midterm which was... great of my mental health especially considering i haven't received anything lower than a B or a C on an exam since ever (i was an honor roll/4.0/gifted studies kid)
Failed a History of the English Language exam because i cannot code switch between German, Latin, and English quickly enough (those are the 3 that comprise middle english btw)
a week after moving into my grandma's house I almost burned it down
found out that someone I really respected and looked up to as a friend was a Zionist
and finally: on Saturday I had to put down the cat I have owned for 15 years. She's undoubtedly older than that, but I was her owner for 15 years. She was my first ESA. I was able to tell my prof I wouldn't be in for the SECOND LATIN MIDTERM on monday because of it so now i have to take it tomorrow, but i couldn't get out of the greek exam or work. I asked for one (1) day off work and was told that my cat dying was not sufficient enough reason for the time off without using PTO (that i don't have because I used it on the absolutely horrible weekend that was Blue Ridge)
So yeah. I haven't been around. I've been more around on twitter but that's mostly me just reposting a bunch of posts about Palestine rn and other posts that my friends make. I'm so fucking exhausted and nauseous and just done. I haven't really written anything either because my work up until now has shown both the horrors of humanity and the underlying hope but I do not have that hope anymore and it hurts
Ironically since I've started working on Desecrate I've started wondering if this is my punishment for straying from God all those years ago. I don't think so but not I gotta add re-working through my religious trauma and my Catholic Guilt to my never ending list of things to do.
If you read this whole thing, kudos to you. I appreciate you all and I'm sorry for dumping it but I have not been able to really say anything about what's going on in my life because i just.. idk I don't have the words for it most days. I'm just tired.
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mygwenchan · 1 year
Another week, another episode of unhinged silliness and kink! And judging by the preview I've seen, this episode is gonna get spicy~ ✨
And we're starting off with a barbecue, my German heart is happy (I really need to clean my grill for that Angrillen tradition!)
Yes, J'Belle, tell us all the gossip~ Oh, a new name! Poom it is? Well, he goes right onto my Love Syndrome/Unforgotten Night character chart. I'm making one rn, cause maybe maybe I'll be able to remember who is friends with whom and who is an ex-boyfriend and... let's just say, I've only started yesterday and it's already a mess lol
Jealous Itt is jealous and Day loves it! In fact, Day loves it so much, he's willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Oh my... Day ate well that night
J'Belle, not the sausage reference please OMG 🤣
Barely 10 minutes into the episode and it's already sexy time again~ Yeah, this ep is giving. Imagine if all amnesia cases could be solved with some good old humping in the sheets. The doctors would be jobless lol
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On a side note: Is that Frank's real tattoo or a sticker? Hmm... I think I need to take a closer look. For science (Update: Yep, it's a real tattoo ^^)
And suddenly we're in a serious conversation about love vs using someone to satisfy their needs. Well, it is an important question Itt is asking here
"I want to remember..." Omg Day?! Are you finally coming around? Are you finally being nice to Itt? "...why did I even date a silly person like you" Dude... why are you playing us like this 😩 The sadistic tendencies are strong in this one
New drinking game just dropped: Every time someone eats cake, you have to drink a shot!
That fortune teller is my new spirit animal "Hit him with a stick and his memory will return" WHY?! 😂 (also, I have a feeling there was a raunchy joke in there that got lost in translation. Something something long hard sticks...)
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(Itt smacking the memories back into Day, a reference image)
Oh no! There is a lurking shadow behind Day and Itt that will cause trouble? Who is it? Who keeps calling Itt from an unknown number? I need to know!
Aha! So the creepy guy is actually Pee! But did they really name the kid "Pee"? Really? Or is this another translation error. For the actors and character's sake, I really hope it's an error...
Anyway... Suddenly there's a flashback and guns and drama! So Pee is mafia as well or had a crush on Itt and wanted to get rid of Day or? I'm confused 😅
Flashback time again~ This time it's Itt bike racing. He actually used to be a little badass. Now he's a softie who only eats cake. See kids, this is what love does to a man lol
Day really needs to learn how to chill. Maybe he should pick up yoga or makramee or something
Noooo! Itt don't run onto the race track! Don't be stupid now, boy! ...And of course he is stupid, ah... 🤦‍♀️ Tbh Itt kind of deserved that punch
Awkward silence while Itt storms off and everyone else just stands around. Yeah, I've been in that situation before. It's super uncomfortable when friends of yours are a couple and they fight in front of you. Best strategy in my opinion is to quietly escape to the loo (the bathroom, an introverts best friend 🤗)
Also, another drinking game just dropped: Every time a group of guys stands awkwardly around Day or Itt, you have to drink two shots! Bonus round, if there's cake involved
Omg is Day going to cry?! He totally looks like he's going to cry. Aww, poor baby... Nope, never mind. Day decided that he'd rather break his arm again than to shed a single manly tear. Oh my
Ohhhh! Night is back, my sweet boy 🥰 He's so cute
And Night and Gear are once again the ones who have to fix Itt's and Day's relationship *le sigh*
"If you feel tired, how about running away?" Oh Night, I like you! Yes, Itt should totally go on a vacation, that boy really needs a break. Day can deal with his anger issues alone for all I care
And Itt is gone~ Can I just say that I love how both Gear and Night are so angry at Day? You go tell him, boys! Hehe (even though it looks like Gear almost get's drowned by Day in the next ep, it's still worth it 😌)
Alright, that's it for this episode! Next episode we'll get a new love interest for Itt, Day will have another temper tantrum and almost kills his brother-in-law and Night will be a lil cutie as always. So stay tuned~
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sugaroto · 2 years
Like, this was 12 whole years of my life
I just signed the paper about participating to the Panhellenic exams
We're gonna get called to the principal's office about it on Monday
12 years of my life
About that
I don't know if I wrote everything?
I kinda want to also give English exams as a special subject*, but I'm not really aiming for being an English professor or something like most people who give English, like I just think I'm good enough and if I write good and can get into like a translation thing? That wouldn't be that bad yknow
But, like, I just hope that it won't ruin the rest of my grades . It won't right? Like if I go for a kindergarten teacher nobody gives a shit about my English grade right?
Also? Will the "bases" (βάσεις?) fall? Like they do in the rest of the classes? Like if I'm helping the rest of the population by writing shit English I might as well do it yknow?
If it won't ruin the rest of the thing
Idk if that worth it?
*btw for people who don't know how the Panhellenic exams work
You chose between 4 classes, I'm in the first one (theoretical/ or aka humanities studies) that means I give exams on 1. New-Greek language and literature(or essay), 2. Ancient Greek 3. History 4. Latin
The other classes are related to math & physics, health (biology & chemistry) and computers & economics (some of their classes apparently are together* but we don't care about that right now since I'm in the theoretical one) *for example math kids and health kids share a chemistry class
The "bases" are falling depending on how good the students wrote, for example, X school university needs you to have written 18.000 ....how do I say μόρια in English... I don't think the word is molecules... stupid translation.... ANYWAYS 18.000 points but if everyone wrote shit they're dropping their expectations and might except students that wrote 16.000 ...points
Ps: I'm not sure how this thing works but yeah it's something like that from my understanding
Wait did I mention we're giving this exam to go into university? Yeah that's what I meant above university not school ⬆️
But there are some special classes
Like different languages, English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, for people who want to usually be teachers about said languages
Or sketching, for architecture
Or musical instruments for music schools
But you have to note it in there if you're giving any of that yknow
Btw there's also a special box about people who want to get onto military stuff etc
But like as I said- English. I want to give English but idk if I'll use it. And if I write shit? Will the bases fall?
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littlegoldfinchh · 2 years
genuine question why is your family 1, a bag of dicks 2, such a mess (no offense)
I WISH I FUCKING KNEW like holy shit you don't know the half of the stuff that's going on. But you know what!:) I have the time and im bored so get comfortable because im gonna tell you soooo many shit about my family
So first of all, my aunt texted me that i should stop being jealous and passive agressive about the fact that my grandma gave my cousin her car. But my brother in christ WHY would i be jealous? I can't even fucking drive.
But not only did my grandma give my cousin her car! She completely cut me out of her will (just for funsies!!!) and she's going to leave everything (her house and every other possession she has) to my cousins.
And i have NEVER said anything about this. My parents (especially my dad lol) raised me to be respectful yknow especially towards the elderly, so i have never EVER expressed how fucking bad that felt. Instead i have sacrificed my free time everytime my grandma needed me to translate stuff when her german friends came to visit. And i did!
I'm gonna be 23 in 3 months but she has never invited me over for dinner, she sends me (usually spoiled and straight up moldy) food like once a year. Because you know, I'm already fat, i don't need to eat more food right?
And look, my part of the family isn't rich. We're not poor either, but that money could have paid off some debts, including my student loan. But no, let's leave everything to my cousins who are literally millionaires.
This whole thing broke out because i told my grandma that i really like a painting she has (i have always loved it and it's genuinely beautiful, i don't want to sell it at all, it has sentimental value for me and i would hate if my cousins just straight up sold it because that's EXACTLY what they're planning to do) and i asked her to leave that one painting to me. Instead of my cousins. But apparently i overstepped some invisible boundaries with this lol
And this is literally just the tip of the iceberg but im not going to bore everyone to death with my shitty family. So yeah it just sucks because I've never been jealous or MEAN even though i had every right to do so, and this is what i get for all the help during these years lol. Getting called a passive agressive jealous bitch. Me. Lmao
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For questions about These Stones Remember:
How did you decide on names for OCs and what kind of rules are you following for changing the names of the characters (like Pix -> Paix)?
Ooh, that's a good one!
For Pix/Paix I mainly needed something to differentiate when we're with his past self as opposed to his present day self. Obviously, the past self had to be close enough to the present self, with the reason for the change simply being that 'Pix' was what his students called him because they couldn't get their tongues around the proper pronunciation of his actual name.
'Paix' came from me just adding vowels to see what looked best, realising that it also meant 'peace' in another language, thinking, "Ooh, what would be the thing that brings him peace? Well, he's a scholar, so that would be learning," and then having the delighted realisation that I could approximate his full MC name if I added that vaguely Arabic (since, y'know, desert king and all that) 'al' followed by the made-up 'Lareiff' to mean 'learning'. The 'Onorait' (meaning 'Honoured') part was me sounding out various ways of giving him a title, and that's the one that stuck. Thus, we have Onorait Paix al-Lareiff.
For the redstone Guildmasters, again, I wanted to approximate their MC names, but - since they're all desert-dwellers - I wanted to give them vaguely middle eastern-sounding names. That gives us Maah-em Behro, Impeh al-Sheveh, and Ehto al-Selahb. However, with Tango having such bright blond hair, I thought I might make him a little different - something of a 'foreigner' - so I messed around with his name a bit, in an attempt to give it an almost unpronouncable sound (as if the reader would struggle to say it properly, just like native Paixandrians might!) which led to Teng-ahtk.
For original Paixandrian characters - such as Nehle-aalh, Ehzhani al-Q’ireh, and Q'aliseh - I've just stuck with a few linguistic commonalities, as you can probably see. An apostrophe takes the place of a 'u' after Q, and the letters 'a' and 'h' repeat a great deal. I'm not really one for conlangs, but I do try to be relatively consistent.
For the other emperors I've featured:
Sausage became Ser’Zhege - mainly because there was no way I was typing 'Sausage' with a straight face! 'Ser' is sometimes used for 'Sir'/'Sirrah' in fantasy books (and it also means 'to exist' in Old English, which is perfect for a man who has existed across many lifetimes).
Xsia-Minai’Te was just a way of giving Gem some kind of backstory purely from her name, while making who I'm referring to absolutely obvious. It has an East Asian feel to it, so she truly feels like she's from another empire.
Caelamondorion for Scott is literally the Elvish for "from the hilly country of the Caels" (AKA Scotland) so it actually means 'Scot'.
And, lastly, fWhip. His name was a bit of an odyssey! His full title is N’dachVeip, Grav’n er-Rachzem, and it comes from me wanting him to have a part-Slavic/part-Germanic name (since I'd already determined that Grym is a guttural language). I hit up Google Translate to find words in both those languages for fail, whip, count, grim, and lands (they don't need to be wholly accurate words; if they look good to me, I'm gonna use them, since they only need to be a jumping-off point). Then I mooshed them all together and twisted around a couple of vowels and consonants. N'dach comes from 'neudacha' (fail), Veip comes from nothing in particular (it was my way of giving the name something that sounded a bit like 'fWhip'), and for the title - which was never used in the story - Grav'n comes from 'Graf von' (Count of), and er-Rachzem comes from a mashup of 'mrachnyy' (grim) and 'zemli' (lands).
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