#we're going to pretend that this isn't about anything bc i like posting stuff i put effort into
'if you have to ask who this is about, then the answer is probably yes.'
bent knees and edges -
cocky fingers shoot up
popped punk royalty at its most obtuse
lined my bedroom walls like notebooks, noses
dropping wide lines for my side lines, side kick.
ring up my ears, my fingers, my rowan.
i'm kissing the ring
and the prints of prince charming man posing
well-hung above me,
a liner away
from making dreams come.
- ellie revenge
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evilkitten3 · 8 months
ok so like i know the reason is just. sexism but one thing that really irks me about how the post-timeskip naruto manga handled which characters became medic nin bc it makes absolutely no sense to me
sakura's decision to train under tsunade makes sense, and i love that she got a super strength power up, so no notes there, but the other teams.... yeesh
so first off, team ten. we're told that ino decided to follow sakura into mednin land to keep being rivals with her... despite that at no point factoring into their rivalry at all beforehand. ino never showed any interest in that, nor was the yamanaka clan ever mentioned to have anything to do with healing as far as i can remember. it's like going to art school to stay with your bestie when your goal is to become a dentist. why are you there. find other ways to spend time together. it also kinda goes against her family's whole thing as. the guys who do the torture stuff. and it's barely ever relevant anyway
for team ten, i think the team medic should've been shikamaru, and i think this not just bc i think it makes more sense skill-wise (something about the way the nara clan's various shadow jutsu work just screams "you need good chakra control for this" to me), but also bc i think it would make asuma's death a thousand times more painful. bc shikamaru is a slacker. he's not learning medical ninjutsu bc he wants to, he's learning it bc someone on the team has to in order to stick together. they're all chuunin now; one of them has to be a medic. them's the rules. but he doesn't really care that much, even when he is trying to learn, and he's so used to being smart enough to not have to pay attention in lessons anyway that he's not prepared for classes that require his full focus. and then asuma dies and shikamaru is doomed to spend the rest of his fucking life wondering if he could've saved him by paying just a little more attention to those medical ninjutsu lessons (he could not have (but he'll never know for sure))
team eight makes some sense, since giving the girl who struggles with fighting the healing job isn't exactly out of nowhere, but i do feel it was the lazy choice. kiba already had a sister involved in the medical business, even if she deals more with animals, so he could've started learning from her and found that he liked it. plus kiba's goal is to be hokage, and the current hokage is a mednin, so it's not like it wouldn't support his goal. or shino could do it; would add another layer to his character. hinata works fine but. it's just not a very interesting development imo
but what really gets me is team gai. good freaking grief. out of every single team, team gai was the one with the most obvious choice. bc there was only one choice. lee can't do any kind of ninjutsu, and tenten's only real backstory is that her chakra control isn't good enough for her to be a medic nin. so it had to be neji. canon establishes that every team has to have a medic; this is a policy tsunade got passed even before she became hokage, so no way in hell is she going back on it now.
moreover, neji becoming a medical ninja - especially if hiashi encouraged it - would show some development for the hyuuga clan maybe starting to suck a bit less. bc as a medic, neji would be bound by oath to stay alive for as long as possible. imagine a world in which hizashi came back and hiashi was able to tell his brother that not only was their family starting to change, but his son had chosen a path that would prevent him from ever following in his father's footsteps. it would be the first step (of many) to show that the hyuuga clan was freeing itself from its own bullshit.
also it would've made sakura catching the zetsu pretending to be neji a thousand times funnier. like that's her coworker. they've shared shifts at the hospital together. she's seen neji drink vodka straight from a bottle and then crash on her couch after they got out of a twelve-hour surgery on the fucking dumbass chuunin who managed to step on his own boobytrap. she knows him.
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popcornoncemore · 6 days
TLDR: Basically, I have no idea why but my brain decided that in order to cope, I would need Grantaire from Les Mis in my head bc I probably have an undiagnosed dissociative disorder or something
So idk what's up with me, but I deal with stress and trauma by dissociating and just kinda becoming different versions of myself? I'm hesitant to call it OSDD or anything, but I've been doing this for quite a while now and there are a couple consistent characters that help me live life. We're all simultaneously me but also kind of not and we feel different ways about things, have different skills, and we have different priorities. There's not really an inner world for me like many people I know with OSDD, but I do have a lot of conflicting thoughts and internal conversations. Hopefully that makes sense.
There's Dallas, who is adult me and who isn't afraid of confrontation or doctors offices. There's Cheesecake, who is kind of child me who helps me deal with trauma and interact with people. There may be a guy called Maximillian who helps with my OCD stuff but idk if he's really defined enough.
But for whatever reason, a couple months ago my brain decided that the way to deal with suicidal thoughts and stress for my future was by copy-pasting the fandom version of Grantaire from Les Mis into my head? Technically, he came with the name Blake, but internally is just called R for no reason and he's a dramatic af alcoholic. I have never had alcohol or any addictive substance (besides my caffeine addiction, which is much stronger when I'm R), but when I'm in that "mode" I just get tempted to go drink it off. It's funny because it actually helps because when we're him, it's easier to pretend not to give a damn about problems and also we don't care what anyone thinks about us. It's funny because I'll feel weird in a social situation and my brain copes by turning on chilled out alcoholic man with no filter.
Idk why I decided to post about this now lol, it's just a funny thing in my head. I don't understand what this is, but it's something I've lived with for a while and I know there are some other people with dissociative disorders in this fandom who might get a laugh out of my internal fanfiction insert
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Idk why I'm suddenly wanting to post a bunch of random unrelated shit but eh. Here we go I guess, under a cut because idk how long this'll get 😭 also tw, heavy discussion of religion (christianity) and religion-based homophobia/transphobia
So like. Love our grandma to death right. Never will stop loving her. Just GOD sometimes she frustrates us so much 😭 (for context we live with her, she's our parent)
I can't tell if she's trying to be accepting or if she's not sometimes? It's so confusing. She let us have a pride flag, let us get a binder, she sometimes tries to use our pronouns and stuff. But then on the other side of things she just. Also tries to slip stuff about Christianity and whatnot into a lot of conversation about it
Like. Okay, she has a right to her own religious beliefs, just like we have a right to our own religious beliefs. None of our business. But it's so difficult when she claims to accept us and then spouts blatant transphobia and homophobia, votes for the guy literally trying to take away our rights, tells us that "God only made man and woman," etc—
Also the fact that, during our stay at the children's home, we briefly had a period where we genuinely tried to believe in christianity (as opposed to pretending bc you basically had to there) and so we read some verses on those topics + others. And unless there's proof of it being some translation error, homosexuality is mentioned both in the new and old testament!! I can't recall if the word itself is used for Soddam and Gomorrah, but in the NT there's a few that are just. Way too direct to ignore
"(9) Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men (10) nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
"(9) We also know that the law is made ... for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, (10) for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality..." (1 Timothy 1:9-10, omitted some parts for length but I kept the meaning)
With that being said, you can't exactly cherrypick here. It's very explicitly stated, and while it very well could be a 'translation error', I haven't seen anything that supports/points that conclusion. (Not to say it doesn't exist, just we personally haven't)
So like. It's difficult to not feel frustrated, especially since she wants us to go to church— Like, you can't claim to support us as we are and then believe the thing that says we're condemned to hell for it?
And, maybe I'm making shit up here, but in our years of being in a conservative Christian town and listening to sermons, the way that sin is talked about is very much framed as a choice? Like, obviously in Christianity it's believed that humans are inherently sinful/unworthy (which is a whole nother can of worms), but you *commit* sins. You *commit* murder, you *commit* idolatry, you *commit* sexual immorality, etc— Gramatically I can't frame everything in that language, but you get the idea. While humans are apparently predisposed to sin, it's never implied (to us, at least, and from what we've read) that some people just ARE murderers, ARE idolaters, ARE cheaters, etc— people choose to commit these acts while having the option not to.
Therefore, using that logic, in Christianity, being anything besides straight would be a choice. Which we know from experience isn't true— Like, sure, we love our identity, but stars, dude, wouldn't it be a hell of a lot easier if we could just be cishet?? Why would we continually CHOOSE to be something that puts us at risk of being the target of a hate crime, of being murdered, of being harassed?
We've brought up these points, but it's like she just. Doesn't acknowledge it? Or she'll just go "I don't know why" when we bring up the last point, as if she thinks we ARE faking it somehow ???? It's like.,.,,,., ma'am. I love you. Please realize that while I'm fine letting you have your religious beliefs, as any decent person should be, if I were to be insistent about my own the way you are about yours you'd say I'm persecuting you. Your stance is inconsistent and we are rhe ones who have to live with the knowledge that under your beliefs we are a sinner condemned to hell for something we cannot control. That sucks. Like, I love you, but it sucks.
Idk man I'm just. Agh. I love her and she's a great parent, she takes care of us and loves us and provides honesyly a LOT for what we have available, don't get me wrong!! it's just this specific topic that bugs me aghhh
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ace-the-fox · 1 year
Hey, could you do cis Yoshikage Kira Mpreg headcanons??? If you want to that is. Pre or post Kosaku body swap, idc, can be any point in the part 4 storyline, if not multiple points in the story. Can include dark or angsty stuff like how he’d react to pregnancy loss. Thank you so much and I love your Kira fics btw!
Hi!! Sorry I took longer than even I expected lol
I ended up just going over most of the points you gave me, bc it just gave me more to talk about. And, given that I've written a LOT of Kira mpreg, I don't wanna sound like a broken record lol. That kind of made this more of a series of ideas rather than strict storylined hcs. I hope that's okay lol. It's still not too different from my usual headcanons, dw.
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Cis Yoshikage Kira Mpreg Headcanons
So, how did it happen?? Cis mpreg is interesting because you gotta think a lil bit more about how babby is made (unless we're going abo/"it just works" here lol). Most understandable but also most interesting way it could work here is just a stand attack. I remember seeing a (vv likely now deleted :( ) fic where Kira killed a girl who was actually a stand user and got preggers which I think is 👀
HOWEVER it happens Kira... isn't happy that it did. Sure, he's a little less suspicious now – no-one would ever accuse a pregnant father of anything. But he's likely either a single father-to-be or, at least, got pregnant out of wedlock, which makes him stick out and not even for good reasons. And he can't STAND children. This is not a good time for him.
His obsession with his fitness and health means he is obsessed with "glowing" and staying fit during his pregnancy... It doesn't work. He is cranky, tired and large. Don't bother him, he does bite (and cries sometimes).
He says he's making an early start on the nursery and folding up baby clothes and all because he likes to be organised, which is true... but there is an odd tinge of ecstacy to it too, that he prefers not to think about.
He also started keeping an ultrasound picture in his wallet, simply because it was an easy go-to for small talk he didn't want to go through but had to. But, sometimes he will catch himself staring at it.
He does that thing that most pregnant people do where he talks to the baby in utero, and it sounds really sweet because he says it in the typical lovey-dovey tone... until you actually listen to him.
"You have made me pee three times today and I'm only four hours into the work day. You better not be even more of a bother when you come out, because you have ruined my life and body ENOUGH... Aren't I so lucky to have you? ^_^"
To kind of continue this plotline, and since I've already made a post about Kira getting pregnant after the faceswap, what if he got pregnant before the faceswap and had to pretend he wasn't to avoid suspicion. Obviously, Shinobu is oblivious at ever and thinks he's a bit under the weather at most. Hayato might pick up on it, though I'm not sure if he'd fully piece it together or not. Especially if we're going the "Kira gets pregnant from a stand attack" route and cis pregnancies aren't normal, because how could his DAD be pregnant??
Obvious pregnancy loss/miscarriage/stillbirth warning
As for the pregnancy loss... his actual reaction and feelings towards it depends on how early the loss is in the pregnancy. As discussed before, he's not thrilled at being pregnant, especially not at first. So, if it's an early miscarriage, it's pretty much just a relief for him. Luck being on his side yet again. A later miscarriage, or worse, a loss that results in an actual stillbirth... He's a little torn. He still somewhat believes it's for the best, that it makes his life easier and he'd probably not be the best parent anyways. But, perhaps, he didn't mind being pregnant as much as he thought he did. And he does miss having his little one more than he'd like to admit. He finds himself muttering to his stomach for months afterwards still, for a start...
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strictlybecca · 1 year
fic stats!
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
please excuse me bc i was not tagged in this, but i saw this pop up on my dash from some of my non-mutuals and i was OBSESSED - so i did not wait my turn, i've just gone for it :)
most hits: yes, there is a chain and no, you're not on it (schitt's creek) a patrick/david fic i started when there were literally 15 fics for them on ao3 - it's patrick and stevie's text chain for all of the episodes of season four and i still feel smug about some of the things i managed to predict. i think it has the most hits of anything because it was there at the Beginning on ao3, it's got the most chapters, and i did accidentally leave it unfinished for like two years. (oops.) [but it has an incredible podfic!]
second most kudos: the best made plans are your open hands (911) for a fic that kind of walloped me upside the head and made me write it in like... a single evening, the reception on this has been SO sweet!!! an au where maddie takes buck with her when she leaves home at 18. i call it my 'happy healthy buckley verse' and i even have some more headcanons for it in the tag i have for it. in my mind, nothing ever really goes wrong for these two in this verse; it's my emotional support au.
third most comments: i only wanna be alone with you (schitt's creek) another patrick/david fic, this one written for a challenge. (a deadline always increases the likelihood of me finishing a fic.) this is probably (?) the ~sexiest thing i've ever written and it is... like not that explicit lmao. it also had a prompt that made me want to jump out of window bc my secondhand embarrassment threshold is practically zero - but i managed to write something that even my poor little soul could read and enjoy. [technically, 3rd most comments is the previous fic, but this one isn't far off in 4th place.]
fourth most bookmarks: deliver us unto each other (the old guard) this fic is my favorite child. i just think the stuff i love writing and the stuff i'm good at writing collided in this fic in a really lovely way and i'm so stinkin' proud of it. i felt feral while writing it lmao. it's about nicky's complex but deeply earnest and loving relationship with god and how his love for joe actually reaffirms his faith!! plus some great nicky + nile bonding.
fifth most words: i fell heavy into your arms (as the world turns) this is not my favorite of my luke/noah fics but i am very glad one of them made it on the list because all of my longest stuff is for this fandom and i miss nuke an unreasonable amount. those big bang prompts could pull 30k from me, no problem!!! this one's an au where noah is a detective and he has to solve damian's murder - and holden is a suspect :(
and least amount of words: Commandeered (h50) god this one was written so long ago it's still got an uppercase letter in the title 😬 also back in the day when i was still posting individual drabbles as their own fics - i've learned better! this fic represents my intense mcdanno phase, which still lingers in my heart like poison. (or a bomb.) genuinely a delightful prompt tho - an au where danny is the navy SEAL and steve is the jersey transplant. i honestly think i pulled this one off pretty well! they still sound very much like themselves.
i'm sad none of my sparty fics happened to make it in, since that was an Era unto itself but all of these delight me, so!!! here you go!!!
i tag: @cluelessheroes @functionalnihilism @angryfightingjew @woebegone-kenobi and literallly anyone else who wants to do this. you, yes you. i mean it!!! i promise you, if you do this and just pretend like i've tagged you to do it i will EDIT this post and tag you in it like you've always been there. i don't care if we're not mutuals DO IT!!! (sorry this was fun i really liked it and i'd like everyone else to have fun too!)
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caatws · 1 year
Thank you so much for your post about Gamora and the way grief has been portrayed for her compared to other characters like vision. I have felt all alone for years in being upset that Gamora's death just didn't get treated like it was supposed to. From the beginning it was mostly framed around what it meant to Thanos and then slowly confined to Nebula before landing on Peter to do all the emotional work while eveyone else who was part of Gamora's life acted like they had no clue what was going on. Vol 3 felt like watching some sort of long con cover up job with people trying to pretend a murder never occurred. I don't know what Gunn was thinking because we all saw Gamora die. It was one of the stand out moments in one of the mcu's biggest movies. We have video evidence of the murder so why are they acting foolish.
Then fandom has been another mess. People thinking there just wasn't any time to have anyone else say any words about her death even though it would take less than 1 minutes for a sentence about how hard it's been for everyone. Some people are acting like Gamora never did anything before dying and the whole team was run by all the guys. On top of that writing fic has been pushed as a solution to this whole situation and it's not that simple. The canon has turned the abuse and murder of a woman into something we're all supposed to be okay with because Thanos was sad and most of her family thinks she has memory problems. Fic isn't going to fix this.
It hurts because you can see how in real life reactions to tragedies and loss can be different when people who aren't white are involved. It feels like the mcu mostly had time and space to care about some characters who died in IW and EG and not others based on the same criteria. I thought as time went on it would get better but instead it kept getting worse. First the idea to have 2014 Gamora instead of bringing 2018 Gamora back to life. Who really sat there and thought doing that was the way to go as if all Gamora's growth and healing was meaningless. Then the holiday special taking no time to address how Gamora's death had been for the team. Now we have vol 3 with its entire debacle of a storyline for Gamora where she's popped back in to deal with a mess she didn't help create with people she doesn't know and with no explanation of what she's been going through in the years since EG. Nobody knew what they were doing or where they were going with any of this and it shows. Gamora never should have been murdered in the first place. But since they went there the least they could do is not treat it with idiocy.
you're definitely not alone anon! the lack of mainstream popularity for gamora's character definitely made the experience of grieving her feel very isolating. like all my irls who aren't In This Deep with mcu who just casually follow were def more focused on the avengers characters and their stuff in iw or just weren't in deep enough to care much beyond it being a summer blockbuster (which is also valid!) so it rly felt like no one else grasped like just how much that movie imploded the gotg franchise
i must admit i second guess myself and my feelings toward the gamora situation a lot bc it just feels so weird that it seems like not many other ppl rly talk abt it the way they probably would if this kind of thing happened to one of the lead avengers characters or something. like it feels like most mcu viewers don't even realize the depth of what's happened which is so ?!?!??? so it's nice to see there are others in fandom like you who get it <3
and yeah, i agree with everything you said here. i think it's fair to say fandom often reflects like society in the ways they regard characters of different backgrounds, and i'd argue that's definitely happening here with gamora at least to some extent
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nowoyas · 5 days
FAQ and Rules
General rules:
I will likely never write kidfic, pregnancy fic, breeding kink, or anything related. Please do not suggest or tag me in posts surrounding these topics.
I will probably never write a dom!reader. Switch!readers will be considered under duress. I'm a full sub and, fundamentally, writing things that I personally want to read, so dominant readers do absolutely nothing for me.
I do not accept requests, but I DO accept suggestions. The key difference being, suggestions are just that: throw an idea at me and I'll see whether I can work with it or not. I may not be able to make anything out of it, but I'll definitely give it a shot and see if it's something I have any ideas for. This is bc forcing myself to do requests I'm not inspired for just turns out like... less-good stuff, lmao.
Generally, I am not opposed to darkfic if the right mood strikes and the premise seems interesting. I'm not as confident in treating darker topics, but I welcome the practice!
I will probably never write an explicitly unhappy ending or pure angst without any sort of following comfort. I'm just not really into them.
I block liberally. If you approach in bad faith, I will block you. There is no reason we cannot have a civil conversation on whatever you're mad about. You can cry "tone policing" all you want, but I don't have the time to deal with people who are approaching a disagreement to argue and get mad. Approach with the intent to come to a more complete understanding, or don't bother. (This includes assumptions of malice when it comes to ignorance. I have zero tolerance for assuming anyone's lack of knowledge is a moral failing and not simply an opportunity to learn.)
Why are you opposed to DNIs/why don't you have a DNI?
Put simply, they don't do anything. The only people I particularly am against interacting with entirely are people who are going to be rude, aggressive, violate my clearly stated boundaries, or who interact in bad faith, and these people... aren't going to give a shit if I have a paragraph somewhere on my blog telling them I don't wanna talk to them. The other category of DNIs would be having something somewhere about minors not interacting, which, like, if they're mature enough to abide by the 18+ warnings they're probably fine anyway. I do not have the energy to set these types of boundaries and enforce them--I am disabled, I am mentally ill, and I am fucking tired. I use tumblr for fun. What's left of these two groups after the DNI are people who don't care about my boundaries and people who are lying, and in many cases, if both parties approach a thing in good faith, we CAN have a conversation about whatever it is we're disagreeing on and one (or both) of us can reach a more informed opinion. If we can't, if they're approaching in bad faith or it turns out they were pretending to be of legal age in order to talk to me about age-inappropriate topics, that's what blocking is for.
So you're okay with minors reading your smutfics?
Minors are going to read them anyways. Lying about your age on the internet is a rite of passage, and I am not under the illusion that sixteen year olds haven't heard of sex before coming across a fic I wrote. What I am not okay with is minors interacting directly with me in conversation about 18+ topics, because I am an adult. This will be enforced first by a "hey your bio says you're like 15 I'm not comfortable talking about smut with you" and then by a block. Choosing not to use a DNI isn't because I think kids should do whatever, it's a recognition that a DNI is the equivalent to a "no girls allowed" sign on the bedroom door and won't prevent anything except the people who are probably mature enough to be an exception anyway.
Did you know you follow someone who ships x/writes RPF/likes this fandom?
You and I have fundamentally incompatible approaches to the concept of free time. One day, we are all going to die. We're going to die messy and broken and marked with all the things we've done, good and bad. Do you realize how little time there is in a day? I sleep seven and a half hours, on average, a night, and work shifts that are usually about seven hours without any breaks. I spend half an hour on the road. Every day, I have three meals to prepare, eat, and clean up after, and I have a million hygiene tasks to take care of to keep my body clean and functioning. If I slack on cleaning my apartment for even a second, the roaches invade. I host or take part in 3-4 writing events a week and am working on writing an original novel in between prolific fic writing and all my other hobbies. I'm not going to waste the few minutes I have left in the day worrying about the guy writing incest shipfic about the Zoboomafoo brothers, or debating you about why I should. I have to use the time I have left to fulfill my soul before my body completely falls apart.
Okay but what if you follow someone that's racist/pedophilic/transphobic/etc.?
Sure, let me know, but I do need proof instead of an anon ask that just claims a random tumblr user hates minorities or is into kids. And no, liking a character from some piece of media, shipping characters who are 17, or aging up characters for smut (or even NOT aging them up) is not pedophilia. Show me proof that they are actually attracted to real children and not sets of lines that do not have ages and cannot experience harm, and I will take you seriously. If the subject you are telling me about is a minority in some way, you need twice the proof, and if they're queer, you need quadruple the proof and also to go read up on the history of the queer community, including the parts where queers are repeatedly accused of pedophilia or marked as dangerous to children as an excuse to legislate against and oppress us.
So are you proship?
I'm actually just tired. If you're asking whether or not I think certain topics should be disallowed from being the subject of art and whether or not those topics should be censored, the answer is that I'm not fucking Plato, so no, I don't think art needs to only portray that which is morally good and advances the goals of the state, nor do I trust any entity on the internet, especially on websites with a profit motive such as tumblr, to decide what constitutes morally good art.
[insert hot button queer discourse here]
Look, man, discourse has historically been used to divide the community. Save it for when we're not at risk of our sexualities being illegalized, and maybe then we can entertain the granularities of the situation. Everyone is queer, unless they aren't. No, I will not censor the word queer. I also won't censor "faggot" or "tranny". I didn't get my life threatened in a Zaxby's for you to tell me what words I can call myself or that I'm not really oppressed or whatever new discourse the feds have successfully implemented this year.
You're a bi lesbian and also a man? How does that work?
Back in the day, any woman who liked women was a lesbian, including bi women. I call myself a bi lesbian because my primary sexual attraction is focused on women. I am multiple genders in a way that is too complicated to explain. You're just going to have to meditate under a waterfall for a thousand years and achieve true mental transcendence, but if you're going under for dental surgery anytime soon, it can have the same effect.
I saw you talking about being Buddhist/Jewish/Shinto...
Yeah, cus I am! Maternal line Jewish, but raised Evangelical Christian (which I have since thoroughly disavowed because, like, come on man). I'm considering conversion someday, but don't currently live in an area with much of a Jewish community at all, so this isn't feasible for me and so I haven't yet put much thought into it. Most sects of Judaism do consider me Jewish as I have an unbroken maternal line, so conversion is for my own sake. I arrived, independently, at an explanation of my own beliefs that ended up being very similar to Shinto, so it's simpler for me to just say I'm Shinto than to list off a bunch of things that just so happen to be true of Shinto, and I practice Zen Buddhism as it's often intertwined with Shinto practices.
Ok but did you know about [whatever atrocity/zionism/state Shinto]
This is not an appropriate response to learning someone's religious beliefs, and in the vast majority of cases, I do, in fact, know more than you on the subject. For some reason, historically non-white religions tend to invite a lot of people who don't practice or have any firsthand knowledge of the religion to demand that every practitioner they meet come prepared with a Master's thesis denouncing atrocities committed under their religion's name. In the future, don't approach strangers to demand their stance on these things.
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filling out dating apps is hard when you constantly cycle through different niche interests once every six months.
like i could pretend im going to be obsessed with dnd for the rest of my life but this wasn't my personality back in january when i was obsessed with neurodivergence, or my personality a year ago when i was obsessed with the green brothers
i guess i could just advertise being a chaotic mess if i was interested in being accurate
"PERSONAL AD: literally i'm insane and unpredictable but im always delusional about it, date at your own risk"
oh this is probably related to my adhd and depression huh
(for context: a mild crush im sure doesn't think about me much just messaged me separately about finding me on hinge and now im sad it's never going to be a reality bc i'm simply too chaotic to be a viable option. this isn't self-loathing, it's just a fact that most folks seek predictability in their relationships to gain a sense of stability in their lives. as much as i'd like to be stable for someone i'm pretty sure i'm the opposite of that. and now im sad i'm not a completely different person again, like im back in high school. and im also sad that idk how to flirt well enough to try to make this happen despite the odds, like they do in the movies. i was hoping he'd make a move on me but he probably sees me as a little sister or something, like everyone else does. and im too chickenshit to try anything on my own. i wish i was as confident with him the same way im confident with the men whose hearts i've already broken. but it never works out that way. i also wish i weren't acting like a fucking teenager when i'm thirty something years old and should know better but here i am, being an absolute unlearned goblin person who is still obsessed with seeking acceptance from men despite all the work that i've done. i really really really really need to go back to therapy and be much more up front with who i am there so we can start unpacking this shit and maybe even undoing it. i'm not the person i wanna be and idk if that's because i'm not ambitious enough or if it's bc i'm not accepting myself enough. this shit is so hard to parse out. maybe i need a career counselor or something in addition to a therapist.)
wait hank green LITERALLY JUST TWEETED THIS BEFORE I WAS ABOUT TO POST: "You can be a disorganized mess and still achieve stuff! There's just less content out there for disorganized messes because we're disorganized messes."
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snapedefender · 2 years
Yeah the difference is Lovecraft can't use the relevance his work gives him to be racist and platform racism anymore bc he's dead. And Plath is no longer relevant/alive enough to do fucked up shit. As long as Jowling Kowling Rowling is relevant, she is powerful enough to hurt people, and talking about/publicly engaging with the work she still profits from and builds a platform off of keeps her relevant enough to have influence. It's not just money she's giving to bad endeavors, it's credibility and attention and all the stuff that comes with being a celebrity.
Like the damn TERF book all you want. Just do it privately, so that we bury that gay-bashing transphobic antisemitic cunt in the massive turd she made.
This doesn't seem like a big ask. Ffs.
i mean, i could reference actual authors who have giant followings and are problematic... orson scott card and george rr martin spring to mind immediately, but there are more. no one is saying we can't talk about those books just because the authors aren't great people like they do with rowling. if you're going to apply that to one current author, you should do it to any current author who has a following and is using it to peddle their hate speech or problematic biases.
what frustrates me is not the people who argue we shouldn't support rowling, it's the people who say we're not allowed to talk about the series whatsoever anymore. her influence does not come from talking about the series - it comes from her money. the only reason she has any influence at all is because she built up enough of a fortune to do so. cutting her purse strings IS the most effective way to lower her influence, as well as speaking out against her on public platforms... not telling people they can't meta about hp on tumblr, which barely anyone is paying attention to at all. her celebrity is tied into her money. fantastic beasts failing and the vocal campaign against her on twitter is doing 100x more to discredit her than anything else could and my posts for one niche corner of the internet on tumblr dot com will not somehow boost her popularity.
also. like. rowling is a terf, yes. doesn't mean all of her work is. like there's interesting analysis to be done on where her biased views on femininity show in the books, but the sheer black-and-whiteness of your attitude irks me. we analyze books by racist, homophobic, transphobic authors all the time in classes and our every day lives - pretending that this ONE series has to be the exception where we must pretend it doesn't exist in order to conform to YOUR idea of what makes "good activism" isn't helpful and isn't doing any actual good for the trans community. shitty authors do make good books. it happens a lot, unfortunately. i'm capable of deciding to keep the parts of the books i want and ignoring the author for being shitty. once again, if i'm not giving her money or buying her shit, then why the hell should it matter?
it shouldn't be that hard to just... let people do meta tumblr without accusing them of being transphobic for the crime of *checks hand* talking about a popular book series. if it makes you uncomfortable or if you don't want to see it, damn, the block button is literally right there for any of you to use. learn how to curate your own online experience, learn how to leave people alone, and learn how to do actual activism for the trans community, because i promise you, this kind of bullshit isn't it.
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
ok zuko is definitely a gym bro but azula is still buffer/stronger than him just because she was pulling the most insane shit at 14 and i refuse to believe the animators wouldn’t have given her abs but since this was 2007 they didn’t.
ty lee is the buffest fire nation kid tho because being an acrobat requires some INSANE core strength and azula probably does more cardio than her since that gremlin is always on the move.
thank u anon for unintentionally & indirectly giving me an opportunity to talk abt something that has been mildly annoying me for a while now. it is so weird to me when people say that zuko is “canonically a gym bro” or something like that. like... no he isn't?. like, to me at least, ‘gym bro’ means ‘straight man with an undiagnosed eating disorder.’ i do get the sense that people are just using it to mean ‘a guy who is intense about working out,’ though. but even if that's the definition we're going by... i mean, yeah he's intense about training in canon but... that's because he feels the need to live up to his father's/nation's expectations & ideals of masculinity... why would u assume he'd be like that post-canon/in modern au.... (i do think that he'd continue to be buff & intense about working out post-canon/in modern au, but like. for different reasons lol (like, mainly just that he's an intense person and that he and katara would be good gym buddies), so it feels weird to me to say it's “canon” rather than that it's just a thing that makes sense for his character. if that makes sense).
i do think that there really is such a phenomenon of: bad take existing and being somewhat popular (in this case, that zuko's “a twink”) -> people noticing that the take is bad and being annoyed by it -> people making reductive posts complaining about said take (reductive either for the sake of humor or because they genuinely can't comprehend nuance) -> people taking those new posts as gospel -> the new common fanon is now the opposite of the old one and maybe a bit better but still bad. i do think it's funny to call him a gym bro but like. not super completely accurate. anyway time to actually respond to what u said lmao.
i don't think azula is physically stronger than zuko, or at least not more muscular. like, she's a stronger firebender than him (for most of the series. it's complicated.) but firebending comes from the breath, not the muscles. she does do a lot of acrobatic feats that are really impressive, and i don't think she's at all physically weak (though i do like the theory that acrobatic feats are easier on the atla planet bc it's smaller and has less gravity), but i think this is would be yet another example of a way in which she has to toe the line between being physically strong enough to do everything expected of her, while still not showing too much muscle on her body (because it's not becoming of a lady).
but also what u said abt ty lee is totally correct like she has got to be so muscular (though. i do like the idea that she's able to do all that stuff bc she's secretly airbending) but she's able to pull off being muscular & a girl by just pretending to be stupid lmao. like she's like “oh hahaha idk where these abs came from!! i don't work out or anything lmao 😝 im a girl hahaha.”
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I know you like her but just give me this, if they WERE “flirty like that” wouldn’t we be seeing the same thing coming from Colby? Looks like hes not like that with her at all UNLESS hes face shit drunk. In which case hes like that with everyone. He acts nowhere near the same with her as he does with Amber you can not say he does, he’s goofy with Stas and i have never heard him make an innuendo around her sober but with Amber and even Shea he had no problem doing so.
Yes it is their problem to figure out my thing is that i notice no matter how many asks about it you get you are hard set on “no its not happening because I dont see it”, thats why you keep getting so many asks about the same thing, because you dismiss it. Notice how the Shea asks stopped once you and other blogs noticed what she was up to? And this isnt about having to agree with everything but if you are going to continue making comments like “i never saw it” “this never happened” then of course you’re going to get people who come back with “HOW did you not see it??? Its right there”. Not bashing you just saying thats why people keep pointing out more stuff on her and you keep denying and going around it its not like theyre pointing out so you in particular do something about it, they are venting and adding to what they see because you keep saying you dont see it. And yes posting the same thing after someone does it all the time is weird.
Its all her twitter and tagged on ig btw
full honesty, i kinda regret telling yall that i like her. bc while i tolerate her, i'm not a huge fan of her. the only reason it seems like i "like" her more on here than i actually do is bc if i don't defend her, then this would end up being a free for all to shit on her. at least sometimes. not saying that's what you're doing, just saying some of the asks i've gotten in the past aren't the nicest towards her lol
look, i can agree that her relationship with colby isn't the same as him with any other girl, apart from maybe shea. i don't pretend to not see what yall are pointing out. i can see that sometimes she does things that seem to be egging on the fans, or the shippers. i don't deny that. i think her and shea are similar in that way, somewhat. shea just went way over the line, imo.
but a lot of the stuff yall see, i honest to god don't. and i don't mean that as me pretending not to see it, i mean you guys will say "look at the comments she's made, look at the comments she's liked, look at what she's liked on twitter/insta". i've gone thru her twitter likes multiple times, and every time, i don't see anything outright related to her and colby. i saw one thing today, that was technically from a month or two ago. but if she's liked all this stuff, then she must unlike it by the time i go to look, bc legitimately i don't physically see it.
my main issue is that some of you guys make it seem as if there is some deep motive behind every. single. thing. she. posts. whether it's her posting a tweet, liking one, liking a comment, posting a tiktok, posting a insta pic, a story, a snapchat, whatever, yall immediately make it seem like there is something deeper going on when in reality she's probably just posting bc she wanted to, and that's it. it's probably as simple as that. there isn't some master plan behind every move she makes so that eventually everyone in the fandom will be shipping her and colby. at least i don't believe there is. and if you do, cool. that's great. we're just not in the same boat and that's fine.
the only reason i argue back with some of these asks is bc, again, the motive aspect. some of you guys have a picture in your heads of what she's doing and you're expecting me to be on the same page, when i'm not. which is why i disagree. has she done some questionable things? sure. i can agree to that. has she done some things that egg on shippers? again, i can agree to that.
but if it was a problem with colby, it's up to him to solve it. bc in the end all we're doing is speculating anyway. we don't know the whole picture. neither one of us are 100% right. that's all i'm getting at.
(none of this is directed at you specifically, just the general anons that come thru, so you know)
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