#we're going to mars to fuck aliens do you want to look like if you had a body? or have you ascended beyond the reflexive
byfulcrums · 5 months
Fuck it. Invincible Tumblr
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Wake up to see the aliens attacking again. God fucking damn it.
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
Imagine how the aliens feel after seeing you
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Get better insults. You won't be insulting anyone that way
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
Nahhh. Don't need to. You already humiliate yourself every time you open your mouth
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Your entire existence is an insult
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☪️ superherofan Follow
i forget that superheroes have social media and regularly use it.... invincible has Tumblr holy shit
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
☪️ superherofan Follow
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🌙 artemislover Follow
Can't believe I have to say this, but can you guys please stop making Omni-Man x Immortal theories?!?!
Ik you think the idea of them having been romantically involved is funny, but c'mon, people
It is true that there should be more openly queer superheroes, but the fact that there are people who genuinely believe they fucked is wild...
Besides, we have to stop following the lives of superheroes that closely. They deserve to get some privacy too! They're still people
Also, didn't Omni-Man once mention his wife?? And son?? Shipping him w a man when he's clearly straight and in an established relationship is stupid
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
These are all great points but they've definitely fucked
🌙 artemislover Follow
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Godddddd. My parents just do not know what privacy is, PLEASE STOP HAVING SEX WHEN I MIGHT BE HOME... please you're killing me
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Wait, shit, wrong blog...
🌭 hotdog Follow
shocking revelation: invincible has parents
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
??? Of course I have parents. Where'd you think I came from?
🌭 hotdog Follow
Honestly i thought you were from mars
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
from MARS????
#i'm not martian??? i don't even look martian #do i look martian?
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💃 thedancingquinn Follow
🚫 ohgodpleaseno Follow
really? How do you know?
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
Okay quick storytime
My friends and I wanted to go to see this band live for a LONG time, so we saved up money for years until we could finally afford it, right?
Well, the day we finally get to see them live, I look up and I see Atom Eve, just. Flying there. Above the crowd
She was singing, apparently very loudly and she looked like she was having sm fun. She saw me and waved!!! Atom Eve!!!! Waved at me!!!!!!!
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑��� Follow
Yeah. Check my Insta, there's a link to this blog!
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
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🤖 officialrobot Follow
Today, Monster Girl told me to download this app and create a blog — I did not think it was necessary, but she insisted.
I decided to listen to her. She was very persuasive.
I will be sharing things about my day, as she has told me to do. Expect to hear from me after this.
👀 eyaseyaseays Follow
you really think we're gonna believe you're the real Robot?? C'mon.
‼️ notafurryyet Follow
Dude, RP exists. Let people live their lives in peace
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
This is so funny
‼️ notafurryyet Follow
That's... The real monster girl. Replying to a fake Robot post...
Dude I think he's real
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🎉 partyshitter Follow
The new Guardians are a fucking shit show. Are we seriously meant to believe they're going to protect us? Really??
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Oh Id like to see YOU almost get killed every single fucking day without one fucking break only for asholes like you to shit on us like that. We almost die every single day!!! Were the ones geting our hands dirty not you
🤖 officialrobot Follow
I'd* assholes* We're*
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Your supposed to be with me in this one
🤖 officialrobot Follow
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☪️ somanykates Follow
The Immortal kinda... 👀
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
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💥 explosionsbaby Follow
I cant believe she cheated on me... what a bitch
🧬 atomevesss Follow
☪️ somanykates Follow
We're going to have a fucking talk, Rex.
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
🍐 shrinkshrek Follow
You had this one coming buddy
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
The fact that Miles Morales canonically reads JJK, though...
🔫 shootmeplease Follow
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Why is everyone always surprised when I like something? I don't get it
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
I cannot have just found out you're still alive through Tumblr...
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
Seriously though. Are you okay now? I know you're not mentally, after the whole Chicago thing w your dad, but at least physically?
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
I'll survive, I guess
💔 thisishowtobeah Follow
INVINCIBLE?? It is such a relief to see you're still here after the whole Chicago ordeal Mr Invincible
📸 definitelyinsanebaby Follow
Yeah maybe don't remind him of that rn??
💔 thisishowtobeah Follow
#I AM SO SO SO SORRY #omg i hope you're doing good mr invincible :(((
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"How about breakfast?" he suggests instead. They wander in and out of cafés before picking something cheerful, yellow, and crammed with equal amounts people and sunlight. When Juno stands in line to order them what passes for eggs here, he catches Nureyev making faces at an alien baby a few tables over, wide eyes, squinting, tongue out, eyebrows wiggling. The baby makes a happy noise and its little gills flap against its smooth skin. When its parent turns around, Nureyev is seriously immersed in a newspaper. Juno turns away again before Nureyev can catch him, and huffs a quiet laugh. Right. Onto the current situation.
He didn't actually have any money, but he figured he'd picked up a trick or two by now, and could score them some… complimentary breakfast. Settling his forearms on the counter, he leans in. Cocky and calm, Steel. "Hey."
The cashier, a blue-scaled creature with fins that drape long over their shoulders - gotta be a health violation in this kitchen, he thinks - closes their second set of eyelids at him and waits for him to order with veiled (hey, get it, because the eyelids are -) disinterest. What the hell, he's in for a challenge.
"On a scale of one to ten, how's the food here?"
"Ten." they say, flatly.
"They pay you to say that?" Good one, Steel, bank on the mutual hatred of authority.
"Yes. Minimum wage, actually. What can I get for you?" He thinks they're smiling, but he's not sure. Juno can hear their irritation, either way, and the wet slap of their tailfin against the floor.
Ah, nevermind. They can just run for it afterwards. He'd wanted to pay, you know, because he's a lady, but petty crime could be romantic. "Eggs."
Their second eyelid slides back over their eye and Juno tries not to shudder with the full force of their wide, fishlike eyes on him. They look disgusted and half-angry, half ready to laugh. Like he'd told them he wanted to eat that baby. "What."
"You know, like -" He's struck with a thought. Fish guy. Ocean smell. "Oh, is that insensitive?"
The gills of his fun new mistake go rigid, and their tail comes up to poke him in the chest, forcing him backward. 
"Hey, watch it - yikes, how'd you sleep with that thing -"
Their nostrils (he assumes) flare, and he's pretty sure he's about to get tossed by their tail into the big steaming pot he can see through the hanging beads between them and the kitchen, when he's saved. Like magic, Nureyev appears at his elbow.
"Excuse my partner, Mxter, he's old fashioned - we're slowly getting introduced to new cultures, aren't we, Arnie?" His smile, patronising and patient, tells Juno to shut the fuck up before you make things worse.
And then, of course, they get worse anyway.
Though it's only a few seconds, Juno remembers the uptick in warning signs like a slow but surely shifting needle on a shit-fuck-o-meter. Low pressure builds behind his eyes; he instinctively looks for Mick to make sure he isn't doing something stupid during the alert before he realises, no, he's not in Old Town, and there's no way this planet even needs a dome that would bend and groan under change in atmospheric pressure; not like the one Juno knows back on Mars. No, this is different. A high-pitched whine joins the choir, and Nureyev keeps on smiling, but there's a crease in his manicured brow, and Juno finds himself gripping the other man's wrist in the split-second that he has to react, his body knowing intuitively what his mind is scrambling to catch up with.
"DOWN!" he bellows, just before the explosion rocks through the building, throwing him against a chair.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
Would you be interested in writing companions react to the random event where a ufo crashes nearby and the subsequent alien discovery? Thank you for all the fun headcanons
Companions and the Literal Alien Thats Just Chilling Down The Road From Oberland Station Like Its Waiting For Its DoorDasher
Cait; This, like...takes a nuke to her very soul. It wipes everything she is, knows, thinks, away, and Cait becomes clay in that moment, a wealth of possibilities. She might turn to religion, she might become a cannibal. This is a lot to process...Cait's usual method of processing Significant Shit is chems. Can't do that anymore...cult it is.
Codsworth; So long as the alien doesn't die...will politely ignore its existence, feign ignorance. If it dies/is killed, Earth is doomed and the Martians are coming for us all to avenge their kin.
Curie; GET THAT GREEN BITCH IN A LAB IMMEDIATELY. Curie, sweet little Curie, throws all compassion to the ground and grinds it beneath her heel, before lunging at any opportunity to study this thing. She'd put it in a potato sack and drag it if she had to. "But she's a soft uwu baby!" Curie likes Covenant, motherfucker, E.T over here is done for.
Danse; It's big, it's green. He thinks it's a Super Mutant and shoots on sight. Just as he sees what he's shooting at, sees that no, this is nothing from Earth, nothing from the Wasteland, and realizes this thing needs to be communicated with, studied, understood...his laser rifle turns the alien to ash, effectively destroying any evidence of its existence. Crumples to the ground and screams.
DEACON; GET THAT GREEN BITCH AWAY FROM TINKER TOM IMMEDIATELY. Tom would never function right, again. Deacon isn't even freaking out about the alien, he's thinking of Tom, poor Tom, who they all spent years teasing for being a tinfoil wearing nutcase. But he was right, he's always been right, what else is he right about? What would he do, knowing that, yeah, there just might be a ghost haunting his one good sock? Tom can't know.
Gage; Turns around, never reacts, never speaks of it, will try to gaslight any other witnesses and he'll fucking succeed. You could have had that thing suck your dick, Gage will gaslight you until you think you just got real intimate with Oberland Station's melon patch. Doesn't want to fuck with that in any capacity. Didn't happen, doesn't exist. Gets a fear of shooting stars.
Hancock; Freezes. If he's alone, will likely unmoving until the alien has moved on or died of its injuries. If with someone else, looks back and forth between them and the honest to God fucking...that thing. What...what does he do here? Walk away? Walk away sounds great. He'd like to, but unfortunately, his knees have locked up like a Whole Foods when there's a gluten containment breach. Later, it hits and...kinda slides off. Oh. Aliens. I'm going to...not think about that.
MacCready; Kid on Christmas. He remembers what he saw and heard of in the Capital Wasteland, and now there's a smoking gun right in front of him. Will gauge if it looks friendly, tries to approach, gets shot at, has to kill it. If MacCready finds this thing, he's parading the corpse around the wasteland like a circus freak show. Fuck secrecy, what are the wastelanders gonna do, build a rocket and colonize Mars? The rich people probably already did that just before the bombs, anyway.
Nick; Ping-pongs between "get the fuck out of here" and "...seems hurt, don't he?" Like MacCready, would want to try and make peace, if only to give it a stimpak, but...it has some kind of gun. It's probably not friendly. Okay. We're gonna leave, and not talk about this, but we'll check back to see what happens. The alien isn't there. Nick now has to hunt this thing down before it starts freaking people out, because people can't be trusted to behave around something out of the ordinary. As for the realization that aliens are real? Eh...space is so big, they had to be, right?
Piper; Torn between her reporter instincts and her desire to not be the one to deal with this. Aliens are real. Do I have a duty to tell people? They wouldn't believe me, it'd be a waste of time. Do I have a duty to bring this thing back, at any cost, just to prove that it exists? That's not fair to the alien. Does that matter? By the time she's made her decision, the alien has already ran off.
Preston; Chalks it up to sleep deprivation. If there isn't another person with him who sees it, straight up thinks he's seeing things and goes back to doing whatever he was doing. The power of denial cannot be underestimated. If he is with another witness...goes the route of trying to offer it a stimpak, gets shot at, and...much like Danse...his laser musket makes it all go poof. Turns around, claps the other witness on the shoulder. Declares that they're both seeing things. It's clearly not a suggestion.
X6-88; Tackles it and hauls it back to the Institute, no matter the cost. Doesn't even blink. If there's no Institute...curses whatever else might be Up There that the one organization that could have gotten answers got pancaked. No, the Brotherhood isn't a viable solution, they'd just kill it for being an abomination and throw it in a ditch somewhere. As for aliens being real...okay? There are immortals (ghouls) and immortals who can bring other immortals back from the dead (glowing ghouls). That's weirder to him.
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kamenwriter · 4 months
"Space Babies" and "The Devil's Chord" reactions.
Spoilers I'm sure behind the cut.
Space Babies
"It was a genocide" wait I thought the time war got trapped in a painting and then...oh wait the Master killed them all during the Chinbal run, didn't he? God we could just ignore that whole mess but noooooo
The butterfly gag...sigh.
"we made it...we went to the stars" like, I get the whole "hopes and aspirations thing" but when we've got billionaires trying to sell us colonizing mars when it would be a hundred times cheaper and easier to save the planet we're living on, I'd rather a solar punk future not a colonization future. Am I being exceptionally cynical? Maybe. These are just "reactions" not a proper critique.
I can only imagine how difficult filming with all the babies was.
Making the Doctor adopted and all about "embracing what makes you unique" is good Timeless Child damage control but I dunno the idea of him being a renegade of a detached society appeals to me more than him being THE ULTRA SPECIAL TIME BABY.
The AI might actually be an AI?
AND there's something mysterious about Ruby because of course there is.
Star Trek ass looking uniforms on the crew.
"The planet down below refused to stop the babies from being born, but refused to take care of them afterwards" hey now this is getting close to some proper Doctor Who.
"It's like a children's story" this is is a good set up for the mystery here's hoping they stick the landing. Now watch it being some alien that feeds of psychic energy and manifested as the babies fears or something.
The incredibly literal baby raising machine made a bogeyman out of boogers to give the babies a monster to fear. Okay. Acceptable.
I totally understand the Doctor empathizing with the bogeyman but why the babies?
The constant babiesSPACEbabies bit got old so fast.
And a fart joke.
And don't forget, Ruby Sunday is super special and not just some random person we can't have random people do incredible things in Doctor Who nope nope nope
The Devil's Chord
The visual representation of The Maestro sucking out music and eating it is some fucking comic book shit and I am here for it.
The Maestro starts playing the intro oh god don't let this character be meta don't let this character know they're in a story don't fucking lay on that crutch.
"What about my clothes?" Both of those retro ass fits would work fine in the 60s. I'll concede to the hairstyle change though.
...trying to visually communicate the Maestro's influence on reality is definitely a trick. Again this feels exceptionally comic booky (That's a compliment).
Oh that's right Susan was potentially killed during whatever bullshit killed the Time Lords during the Chinbal run.
I do enjoy a camp villain.
The Doctor using the Sonic to actually do something sonic. What a refreshing change of pace
Ugh don't wink at the camera.
"I was born in 2004" well I'll just turn to dust, then.
Power scaling doesn't just affect shonen series the Doctor has to go up against literal gods now...
Callback to the Sound of the Drums yeah okay.
"There's a hidden song deep inside her soul" SPARE ME FROM THIS TROPE OF COMPANIONS BEING SUPER SPECIAL.
"What is this song?" "Christmas" actually it's the Carol of the Bells which was originally a Ukrainian song called Shchedryk do your research.
MuSIC BaTTle hahahaha
I want to make this clear I have no problem with a big musical number at the end but making it a meta joke I wanna bash my head in with a hammer. I'M SO FUCKING SICK OF META WRITING.
So in summation Space Babies was kind of what I expect from nuWho nothing amazing I would have loved The Devil's Chord if it weren't for the "oh Ruby is some secret incredible thing" and all the metaphorical and literal winks at the camera.
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Greenie and Mar GREENIE AND MAR
I got the alert for the new fic and I can't read it right now but I'm going feral. Like. Absolutely fucking buck wild. The tags?? The SUMMARY?? THE TITLE?? I'm vibrating out of my goddamn skin!! I just know once I get the chance to read it, it's going to make my fucking week, probably my whole damn year. I'm so. freaking. excited! Anywho, just wanted to yell about it for a second. Also, there's a chance I'll be back to yell some more. Hope you're having a good day!
@greenvlvetcouch we got mail 💌
We're having a good day so far, so thank you! Green woke up this morning, "pssst" me and hit post, and then we panicked for a bit and now I'm gonna go to bed and they're gonna go do Saturday things.
We had a LOT of fun writing this one. We have bigger and different things we're also working on, but life put a wrench in the plan and wanted to drain us of energy, so this was our way of giving y'all something to munch on while we rearrange life.
But much projects, much ideas, lots of writing, the Playground is alive and well (and of course, we each have our little things going on. Green is busy with the rosekiller (which btw is so fucking good that last chapter??? Barty is such a pathetic, endearing loser and I love him, Evan's a lucky guy) and I'm apparently doing aliens now. So you know, just fanfic things).
I'm glad you're excited, we are ALSO EXCITED.
We'll drop the final chapter in time for Christmas, to give y'all something to look forward to.
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sbnkalny · 7 years
So there’s this guy, and he really loves this one girl– she’s the girl of his dreams. But she’s going off to college. So he applies to every nearby college, just so he can be close to her. But the only college that accepts him is a clown college. But here’s the thing– he’s terrified of clowns.
I've found myself here at Qdoba, or a cigarette & tetanus burrito for the grownups. there’s always room for Qdoba. qdoba – are you hungry? come on stanktopus, we're going to mars to fuck Pennywise because of the thousands of spiders that are crawling all over the neigborhood are going off. it looked like it deserves to be a robot kalny? what did we ever achieve true understanding, by which they are all good options.. Friendly reminder that it's the truth
Only you
Don't turn your back on me
Wait and see
I'll go to college. This applies to you, by the way home. i guess we just finished writing an article about robots - apparently i talk about longcat. You go to college right now, i need ideas for my spaghetti can’t corrode" that's a very good good time to get real gay now!. John madden vs. clowns. who wins? and give at least one world where clowns are real kalny i love you kalny feed me a toffee please
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therabbitsmuse · 2 years
my new first post. i decided to private most of my content instead of creating a new Tumblr from scratch. not sure why i felt such a strong urge to do so. it's not like anyone reads my posts & almost no one from real life knows about it. i was driven by this overwhelming urge to reset, to start over. as silly (& time-consuming) as it was, i did feel a lot better after coming back to an almost blank slate.
I've slowly been shifting into who I'm meant to be. that's probably one of the best things about moving somewhere new, where I know maybe 2 people. I've been really happy with my routines and not having to take anyone else into consideration. but letting go can be lonely, esp when I held onto certain identities and ideas for so long. I'm not quite sure what to fill that space with. But I know it's time to let go. It's served its purpose and now i no longer feel the same.
For the first time in probably ten years, this is the most inconsistent I have been with electronic music. I'm not excited by any of it. I'm even less excited by the prospect of festivals. i went to a few shows in brooklyn but i felt like i was only trying to chase a feeling. it's a strange thing to face. i thought maybe i was in a slump. i didn't want to believe that maybe I'm becoming one of those ppl who outgrow this phase of life. but all the signs are there. I unfollowed all the rave ig accounts i used to watch religiously. I no longer listen to or update my playlists. I can't name any songs that have really pulled me into the depths of layered complexity. It's fucking weird honestly. i don't think electronic music and shows will go away completely from my life, but i think, for the time being, it's one of my last priorities
you know when you have those thoughts that haunt you a little? where you wonder if maybe it's you that's the problem? I've been in that state as I've navigated through this new life.
i'm so glad i didn't choose to live in the city (tho tbh it was out of my budget anyways lol). i love my space. it's old but it's charming. i am surrounded by good food and small local businesses. i loved it the moment i moved in, minus the few dead cockroaches that appeared out of the abyss. however, when i met some people and told them where i lived, they looked at me as if i said i chose to live on mars. i went over to a few apts and wondered if I made the wrong choice. i have no city view. the kitchen was small af and probably older than i am. there's no doorman. no in-unit laundry or dishwasher. and then i felt dumb trying to chase some sort of illusion of what type of place i 'should' be living in. my studio doesn't feel like home just yet but I've always been happy to return back to it and i think that's all that matters
i feel like my old life is dead. i mean, it is in the past. but it's crazy how only four months on the other side will make me feel like there's a bigger disconnect between the before and after. it feels more like four years have passed by.
making friends is hard af. it's like online dating. you gotta meet a shit ton of people just to find a few that you like. and the ones you do like also have a lot of other choices waiting for them. you gotta schedule something again within the next week at least before the opportunity drops off into the abyss. and then on top of it, you gotta deal with ghosting and people who just want to use you for something. it's fucking exhausting. I've met a few cool ppl and a few potentials i think? like there's no shortage of people to hang with but i still feel a bit like an alien when i go to these group things.
life is so short. and everything can be taken from you at any moment.
i can't believe i had a celery juice phase earlier this year. like what the fuck kind of dark spot was i in LOL
something tells me i need to run after these rays of happiness because we're closing in on the end of everything [again].
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eunoiaflow3r · 4 years
when worlds collide - h.p. x gn!avenger!reader
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a/n: bahahahahaha no one reads harry x reader lmaoo you don’t have to tell me - i know. but still, i thought this was a cute idea and i went with it. hope you enjoy :)
not edited.
also: timelines don’t match up bc i don’t want to do the math so harry is like 20 - 21 and your like 19 - 20 in 2020. Civil War and everything on didn’t happen. Fred didn’t die.
gn = gender neutral
warning(s): “language!” - captain america.
word count: 3.1k
request(ed): no.
summary: stephen sends y/n to a strange new place with...wizards?
Never doubt Stephen Strange. That's something that pretty much everyone has accepted. Never second guess the wizard man. Usually you'd agree. Usually you'd just let the man babble about whatever he needed to and then go about your day.
Not now.
The fuckery.
Now you were here (wherever here was) after some flashes of orange and a "be careful." Did he even do the spell right? Is this really where you were supposed to be?
It was dark, and dirty and you just wanted to go home and not talk to anyone so you turned yourself invisible.
You were born with your powers - you think. You were adopted so you wouldn't know where your powers came from. All you know is that one day your parents couldn't find you, even though you were right there. Instead of thinking you were some kind of alien and throwing you out to labs, they helped you control it the best you could.
It was difficult at first, all things considered, but you got through. You discovered you had another power as well. Force fields. Those came in handy during the battles. (You helped where you could), and Tony Stark took you in afterwards as his own. He helped you create your suit, and your name, and discover more about your powers, he was basically a dad to you.
Your parents were a little hesitant letting you join the Avengers, but once they realized this is what you were meant to do, and you had people just like you protecting you, they couldn't keep you from that. They just couldn't.
So here you were, invisible, in some dark and creepy alley. There were doors either side of you, so you got out of the way considering they could open and smack you in the face at any given moment. You heard loud voices and laughing and cheering from both ends of the alley so you walked towards the one in front of you.
The voices were so loud and echoey that you really couldn't focus on anything else. Maybe that's why you didn't hear a boy behind you trip and fall into you from behind.
"I'm so sorry." he said helping you up.
You turned around to help him, he got awfully dirty, and searched for his glasses that fell off his face.
Once standing, he took out a stick, waved it over him, and all of a sudden the dirt and gravel was gone.
"How did you do that?" You were no stranger to magic, but this was something you've never seen before. And why would he do it in front of you? For all he knew, you were an unknowing human.
"What?" He asked eyebrows furrowed together, accent strong.
"With the stick."
He chuckled shoving the stick back in his cloak.
"The stick." He smiled and looked you up and down. "It's a wand. You must not be from around here."
"Yeah, what tipped you off?" You noticed the lightning bolt scar on his head. You wondered how he got it.
"The accent, the clothes, the inability to recognize a simple wand, the ability to be here, not recognizing me, and wait - where is your cloak?"
"You were just invisible a moment earlier but I don't see your cloak anywhere."
"I don't have one. I can make myself invisible without a piece of fabric or your fancy stick." You say sarcastically. Were you flirting?
"Handy." He grins. "The name's Harry Potter."
He holds his hand out for you to shake. "Y/N L/N."
He asks you if you want to talk somewhere besides a dark dirty alley. You agreed. It took some convincing though to let him use his stick to clean the clothes you had on, but to change your outfit to something less, standout-ish.
When you felt the witch hat on your head you immediately snatched it off your head and glared at him.
He just laughed.
Once out of the alley, you breathed in the now clean air, and was mesmerized. People were bustling in and out of small shops, animals were flying and chirping around their owners, children were running around with their friends and siblings, and people were waving sticks, or wands, just like Harry used.
"C'mon, this way." He smiled at your awestruck face. It reminded him of when he first arrived with Hagrid all those years ago.
He brought you inside a coffee shop, and sat you at a booth near the window knowing you'd probably want to still look outside at the new scenes.
After ordering, and a few moments of silence as you looked around, you decided to ask some questions.
"Where am I?"
"We're in Diagon Alley. It's like an outside mall."
"I mean like, planet? I guess?"
"Well, more specifically London. Diagon Alley."
"London?! I'm in London?!"
"You've never been? To Earth? Or London?"
You rolled your eyes silently cursing Strange. "I'm from Earth. The United States, actually. I just wish he'd put me on a fucking plane or something instead of making it seem like I was going to Mars."
"He?" Harry was very curious.
You looked into his green eyes, your mind wandering. The guy in front of you was very attractive. His dark hair complimented his eyes, and his glasses made him even more attractive.
"You guys are wizards right?"
"Really? What gave you that impression?" He asks sarcastically. "The sticks, the pointy hats, or the big bowl with green liquid sitting outside?”
You rolled your eyes. "Very funny. It's not my fault you live into the stereotype of brewing potions in your cauldrons -"
"Oh well I can only assume you're one of those Avengers from the States, yeah?" He grins. "You guys are all over the news."
"Yes, sure -"
"And don't one of you wear capes and another shoot lasers or lightning or whatnot? Sounds very stereotypical to me."
You laugh as the waitress brings over your drinks and muffins. You thank her. "No, well yes, that's Strange and Thor, but that's besides the point -"
"Well of course it's strange." He grins and winks and you over his mug. He was purposely annoying you and found great joy in it.
"Anyway," you sigh getting back to the point. "Do you guys have a Wizard here, like a powerful, trusting, all-knowing kind of guy?"
His eyes dropped slowly and his smile dimmed for a moment before slowly widening once again.
"Had. His name was Dumbledore."
"Our guy is Stephen Strange. Or Dr. Strange. He sent me here, and I'm not sure why."
"Hmmm." He hums setting down his mug. "Are the states in danger? Were you sent here on a secret quest that would put you through tough trials that would risk your life but would ultimately save everyone you've ever loved so you just have to do it?"
You were in a silent shock. "Uhm. No, not that I'm aware of, no."
"Well then perhaps your Wizard Strange is playing matchmaker."
"Well you were sent here weren't you?" You nod. "Arrived outside the exact place where I was and I just happened to bump into you? Sounds like a set-up to me."
"Or a coincidence."
"I'd like to think it was fate that I bump into the most attractive person I've ever seen and they don't know who I am and won't judge me 'cause of my past." He took a bite of his muffin.
"Should I be worried?"
"I guess you'll have to figure that out yourself." He winks.
You decide to eat your muffin as well. It was a comfortable silence until you looked out of the window and noticed a guy crouching down behind a cauldron...with a camera.
"Why is there a man outside taking pictures of you?"
His eyes widened. "Oh shit." He whispered. "Here." He took out a baseball cap and put it over your head, hiding your face from the camera.
He gets out of his seat quickly pulling you along with him to the back of the shop but before you could say anything he had his wand pulled out.
Next thing you saw was a couch and living room.
"Wow." You panted. "What a way to bring a girl home."
"I apologise Y/N, I block them out so much I forget they're even there and now they've seen you, and have a story and -"
"Wait, wait, wait, are you wanted for murder or something?"
Harry walks over to his bookshelf and pulls out a rather large book. After opening up on the table, he waved his wand over it and beckons you over to read it.
'Boy who lived.'
'Golden boy defeats Voldemort'
'winner of Triwizard tournament'
And there was so much more… 'Harry Potter' in bold just strewn across the pages. His whole life story.
Your eyes widen at everything. "So both and neither. War hero. How come I've never heard of you? Or any of this?"
He smiles at the pages fondly, running his fingers across the letters and reminiscing on his times at Hogwarts.
"Unlike you Avengers, we like to keep our business private and quiet. We don't like prying eyes."
You scoff. "Not our fault we have alien invasions every year."
Harry agreed and for the rest of the night you sat on his couch talking and sometimes arguing, over every little thing. It felt like you two had known each other forever.
You're not sure when, but you fell asleep there and woke with your head on his chest and his arm wrapped around your waist. You're not sure how the two of you ended up this way, and you realized you were practically strangers, but you didn't want to move. You just wanted to tangle your fingers through his dark hair.
But you didn't. Instead you stared at his closed eyes, and focused on his long, dark, eyelashes that fluttered a little from time to time. You thought about how you could get used to this. Waking up with his arm wrapped around you.
You told him last night that if he was actually a serial killer, and wanted to kill you that you had a whole team of people who would rip him limb from limb. He had no doubts and looked actually scared of your threat.
You thought about what it'd be like to live here among people like you.
Stomach grumbling, you decided to get up and see if he had anything you could make for him. It's the least you could do. His face turned when you left his arms, but you quickly pulled the blanket over him so he would be able to sleep a little longer.
You found his bathroom, and washed your face. In your backpack was a toothbrush and some toothpaste so you brushed your teeth, fixed your hair, and got dressed.
By the time you got out of the bathroom, you noticed Harry was still sleeping so you went into the kitchen and tried to find anything remotely close to breakfast foods. By the look of his inventory, you could tell he was very good at cooking but hadn’t been to the store in a while. He did have some eggs and toast though so you decided to make that.
In the middle of it, you got a phone call from Strange.
“Harry Potter.” he says.
“What?” you were so confused as to how Stephen knew ANYTHING.
“You’re in his place, we've been tracking you.”
“So I guess we should probably have a talk about privacy? I don’t know, it just seems like something we should discuss you know? Cause usually people can respect that - especially people who just DUMP you here in the first place -“
“Calm down that’s what the mission was. While you were sleeping, we searched the place with a camera we put on you and he’s not who we thought he was. You completed the mission L/N. Great job.”
“Is he a danger?”
“Not necessarily. Just making sure your fine is all.”
“What -?”
He hung up.
Why wouldn’t Strange tell you his intentions? Why would he let you stay here if he thought Harry might have been a bad guy? Why would he risk that?
Right as you hung up Harry Potter walked into the kitchen with his lenses in between his shirt - he was cleaning his glasses.
His dark hair hung over his eyes but his eyebrows were raised.
“You made breakfast?”
“It was the least I could do. I didn’t mean to fall asleep but thank you for letting me stay.”
He smiled and put his glasses back on. In doing so his gray shirt lifted and you could see his abs. You turned away a blushed.
“It was no big deal. Thank you for making breakfast, love. You didn’t have to.”
You didn’t say anything and instead placed both of your finished plates on the dining room table. He followed you and sat down immediately digging in.
“These are the best eggs i’ve ever eaten Y/N thank you.”
You smiled in response but then frowned remembering your conversation with Strange. You should probably tell Harry.
“So,” you cleared your throat. “You were wrong.”
He gave you a look that meant “about?”
“Dr. Strange - the wizard I work with - he likes to check out potential threats and make sure that ya’know - the earth stays safe and everything. Je can kind of see the future and its propabilities. He did the same thing with Thor and his brother Loki.”
“Okay, go on.”
You cringed. “And so he called me and told me that he sent me here so he could see you? I don’t know I guess he saw you as a threat and wanted to make sure you weren’t.”
You looked at Harry but his face was clear of any and every emotion. He just continued to eat his eggs. It was silent.
You ate a bit at your eggs too until he spoke up which made you look up.
“I can’t say I’m very surprised honestly. With everything you guys manage to fuck up there I’d wanna know if someone else was about to create shit problems too.”
You sighed with relief. He wasn’t mad.
“I’m sorry really Harry, I didn’t even know.”
“No yeah it’s fine. I get it. I still think he sent you specifically for a reason though. There’s just no way we aren’t soul mates or something.”
“Oh shut up Potter.”
He smiled. “I’ve been thinking.”
“Gee your head must hurt.”
He squints at you jokingly. “You should let me take you out. I can show you around today. Y’know, so you can see what wizards are like.”
“Is this a date?”
His face flushes red and he looks down at his plate. “Yeah, yeah it’s a date.”
And a date it was.
“What the fuck is wrong with you Harry! Again?!” You practically screamed. Harry called it aparation but you call it hell. You let it go the first time but damn. He barely even warned you, just took your hand, held it tight, pulled you close, and waved his wand.
It was teleportation. Something you’ve never ever done before.
“Fucking hell Potter I’m going to murder you.”
“And Strange was worried about your safety? This is like your 4th time threatening to end my life and besides, it wasn’t even that bad.”
You rolled your eyes.
Throughout the day Harry showed you all sorts of things you’d never ever seen before. This consisted of every flavor jelly beans (and by every flavor they really meant every flavor), a chocolate frog, and never ending bubble gum. And that was just on the candy side.
He took you inside this joke shop ran by two of his friends from his old school he called hogwarts. They were twins that went by the names of Fred and George. The only twins you had ever met was Wanda and Pietro but telling the story of Pietro’s death seemed to sour Harry’s mood but excite the twins. The fact that he sacrificed himself for a little boy made him a hero in their eyes. They begged you to tell them more stories.
By the end of the day you went back to Harry’s place and you were exhausted. You can’t believe all that you’ve seen and eaten. How was this stuff even possible? How was it all hidden? You were amazed.
Harry was glad to see you had a good day and glad that he had met you. When you got back, he told you that you could stay another night...and perhaps in the bed instead of the couch. He hadn’t meant it in a dirty way but that didn’t stop you from laughing until tears came out of your eyes. He was so awkward at times. Once he had to ask if it was okay to take your hand while you were in the street and it was so cute how he couldn’t really find the words even for something as simple as hand holding.
You both were laying in his bed facing the other.
“I had a lot of fun today. I feel like i’ve known you forever.”
He grinned from ear to ear and was glad that you couldn’t see him. He would have been beyond embarrassed if you’d seen how unmistakably happy that made him.
“I had fun with you Y/N. You’re great company.”
You were silent for a moment.
And another.
“Can I kiss you?”
You were scared of his response and your heart was practically beating out of your chest. What if he was just being friendly? What if he just wanted to be friends? You would have made a huge fool of yourself. You were going to turn away embarrassed until his hand came up to your face and slipped onto your cheek. He was so warm. His lips pressed against yours for a moment and then he pulled away.
After a moment he reconnected and moved his lips against yours slowly. Your hand went to the back of his neck and toyed with his hair. He groaned into your mouth. You smiled and scooted even closer to him. All you could hear was the sound of your breathing and kissing. You didn’t want to pull away but you had to.
“Harry.” you said practically breathless.
“Yeah.” he was breathless too.
“I want to show you my world. You should come see New York.”
“Yeah? You wanna show me those alien invasions and robot attacks?”
You laughed and snuggled into Harry. He wrapped his arm around you and kissed your neck.
“I’d love to see it.”
@romance-geek @gooseyhouse
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yourwitchmama · 5 years
hello! i don't know if we're allowed to re-send asks that haven't been responded to, if you don't want re-sends you can just delete this. (MM, leo sun) I've always wanted to know where my soul originates from, and if you don't do those kinds of readings can i get an aura reading instead? thank you!
Hello dearest! I do those types of readings, yes. I think many people are coming to Earth at this time the Holocene extinction, otherwise referred to as the sixth mass extinction... And earth is 4.5 billion years old. So this is a pretty awful time in Earths history. The most recent and best known mass extinction was the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, which occurred approximately 66 million years ago. What is this mass extinction? The DINOSAURS! SO, there are lots of intelligent creatures trying their best to save of what is left of the planet. Because contrary to what the media says, it is actually too late for the planet. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. Some species of plants might be able to stand the UV rays of the sun, but most will die. What would be left would probably be roaches and tropical plants. We are already running out of resources for food, and the population is growing. We cannot go to mars because mars does not have an atmosphere. We are currently looking for earth like planets outside of our solar system. We could not do that 100 years ago. I truly believe that we are being messed with, given technology, and some people have souls of extraterrestrials, because it is almost too late, and too late for many ecosystems we had 100 years ago. Some, excuse me, a LOT of people came here as volunteers or as a punishment to help Earth. There are so many people who just say “What the fuck” to older people and their ideals, because it just does not make sense to us. Nothing this dramatic and quick has happened in recorded human history. We never see a fast advancement in animals like we do humans. The Earth is a failed experiment that some aliens are trying to save. I do believe that if you feel extraterrestrial, you are extraterrestrial. To me you feel Pleiadian. I hope this was interesting or insightful in any way<3 
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