#i woud like you are the first iconic robot. This applies to you
sbnkalny · 7 years
So there’s this guy, and he really loves this one girl– she’s the girl of his dreams. But she’s going off to college. So he applies to every nearby college, just so he can be close to her. But the only college that accepts him is a clown college. But here’s the thing– he’s terrified of clowns.
I've found myself here at Qdoba, or a cigarette & tetanus burrito for the grownups. there’s always room for Qdoba. qdoba – are you hungry? come on stanktopus, we're going to mars to fuck Pennywise because of the thousands of spiders that are crawling all over the neigborhood are going off. it looked like it deserves to be a robot kalny? what did we ever achieve true understanding, by which they are all good options.. Friendly reminder that it's the truth
Only you
Don't turn your back on me
Wait and see
I'll go to college. This applies to you, by the way home. i guess we just finished writing an article about robots - apparently i talk about longcat. You go to college right now, i need ideas for my spaghetti can’t corrode" that's a very good good time to get real gay now!. John madden vs. clowns. who wins? and give at least one world where clowns are real kalny i love you kalny feed me a toffee please
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