#we’re just heading into busy season and all of us are gonna lose a ton of money if we get evicted
sshirakumo · 2 years
nothing better than finding out that you might get kicked out of the building you work in in 2 days because the owner of the salon failed to tell anyone he went bankrupt and the property management company is gonna seize the building and evict all 24 of us if he doesn’t pay the $115000 he owes them 🫠🫠🫠
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ichika27 · 3 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep21
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Last episode for this season!
It’s strange we’re only getting 21. It feels like an awkward number to end on since many other anime that goes on for 20+ episodes have at least 24-26. Oh well, s3 has been announced so it’s all good I guess.
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It's still the Apocalypse (the last day of it) and Iruma is trying to finish all of his homework which seem to be going well. He had a lot to do due to homework being doubled.
Why was homework doubled? It's the consequence of a past action...
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It was due to the bet from back at the Walter Park arc! They remembered about it (I kinda forgot about it, honestly, since so many things happened since then).
Grandpa Sullivan is the one to choose the winners and decided it was all of them making them all both the winners and losers of the bet. With this, both the prize and punishments applied - they were treated to an expensive meal but they also have to deal with a ton of homework. Kalego-sensei is pissed he had to pay for everyone’s food but was very happy to tell them that they will be suffering for the rest of the apocalypse.
Iruma worked hard and got through all the homework though.
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This Apocalypse Iruma had: gone on vacation with his friends, went on a sleepover at a friend's house, and went on a date... so naturally, this time around he's spending time with family!
He and Grandpa are gonna go buy school supplies. I kinda missed when me and my family did that back in the day. I always found shopping for school supplies fun.
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Due to the season's earlier events, Iruma has gotten pretty popular it seems so Grandpa gives him anti-recognition glasses for a disguise. Ain’t the boy cute? I dunno why but with anime characters, glasses actually either add or subtract from how good or bad their appearance is.
Haha this reminds me, there’s this anime called “Castle Town Dandelion” and the MC is a girl who hates standing out and in one episode, her sister gave her glasses that could allegedly do the same thing Iruma’s glasses here could. It doesn’t work like that and everyone just acted as if it does to make her feel better. Akane needed this version lol.
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They're headed to Magical Street to go shopping! A new area has been introduced to both us and Iruma.
This is apparently where shops, parks and also teacher's dorms are located. I’m wondering why the teacher’s dorms are here when back in the episodes where Iruma joined the student council, it seems he and the student council members were staying over at school. Why isn’t the dorm for faculty members at school, too then? Weird.
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Iruma's Grandpa is pretty popular, too. People crowded around him as soon as they saw him but doesn't recognize Iruma due to the glasses. Makes me wonder why Grandpa didn't wear ones himself lol.
Grandpa Sullivan isn’t just popular as he’s well-liked, too.
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First, clothes shopping! Iruma tried on a coat as they need some for the upcoming winter. Grandpa decides these were good and takes an entire rack. Damn they're rich lol. He tells Iruma to just wear a different one everyday.
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They're buying accessories next and Opera suggest that Iruma buy a collar for his familiar which is Kalego-sensei lol. Iruma knew it would not end well if he actually did that and declines. Opera is disappointed by this... they really want to mess with Kalego, huh?
I think it’s funny but I also pity Kalego-sensei. Having to deal with his senpai’s antics long after graduating. The nightmare of many former students.
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Next they're buying books! God this makes me miss going to book fairs.
Grandpa tells the staff at the desk what books he wanted and each one he lists off automatically flies down next to him (pretty cool). Grandpa explains that Iruma would need a lot of books to learn more spells. They talked about the spell Fractal (which Iruma used to princess carry Ameri last episode) and Grandpa tells him that with enough practice, Iruma could also use it to be able to fly. Grandpa takes this chance to show-off to Iruma by using it to take down a shoplifter. Everyone in the store is amazed but Iruma's praise is the one Grandpa cares about the most.
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They continue shopping for stuff. This was funny cause the way Grandpa said the lollipop's name reminded me of how Doraemon introduces the items from his pocket. Also, does this mean that lollipop has no expiration date?
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The day ends with the two having a talk (Opera went and got the carriage). Iruma says he had a lot of fun at school which made his Grandpa happy knowing Iruma has gotten used to living here. Grandpa tells him that the new semester would be even more eventful than this one and showed him a poster of what I assume would be the festivals the other fans have been mentioning.
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In the middle of their talk, Iruma suddenly asks Grandpa about how to become a Demon King (likely cause he overheard some people wondering aloud why Sullivan, a powerful demon, didn't want to take the job despite being qualified for it).
Grandpa is surprised and speechless for a moment but then becomes happy and says if Iruma is asking cause he wanted to be Demon King then Grandpa will support him. Iruma explains he’s just curious.
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Flashback! It seems Grandpa used to work for the former Demon King, Delkiller.
Too bad his face is covered. I’m curious to know what he looked like when he was younger.
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Oooh... we finally see him - the infamous Delkiller that's been talked about for a long time. His face isn't completely properly shown for now, I guess but he’s shown to be pretty huge. He seems lazy but he also takes pride in the Demon World he's created. The flashback ends here though.
His hair color reminds me somewhat of Evil Cycle! Iruma’s hair color...
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We get a bit of lore info from Grandpa about Demon Kings.
Grandpa explains about the 13 Crowns - representatives of the Demon World who help govern it - and that to become a Demon King, one must possess the trust of every single one since they'd be the one to rule the Demon World.
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He also explains the role and power of the Demon King - their word is law and they are the Demon World itself. Demons will do as they commanded. The Demon World is a reflection of whoever ruled it and right now, the Demon World is a fun place because Delkiller-sama was a fun person.
Grandpa explains that with all these in mind, he doesn't know if he'd even get the role someday if he wanted it or if he ever did, if he'd be worthy of it. It’s such a big thing after all.
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If he did become the Demon King though, he says he'd do this: make the Demon World "Iruma"-themed lol. Seriously though, he says he'd support Iruma if he'd become the Demon King and would like to see what kind of world Iruma would create.
These statements are very ironic considering who would end up being future Demon King haha.
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While Iruma said he didn’t want to become Demon King, he did end up thinking about it. What if he did become the Demon King?
Hmm... for someone who isn’t interested, he looked like he was thinking deeply about it.
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They get back home and later that night, Iruma checked the stuff Granpa bought him.
Iruma finally gets a hold of the Demon King Prophecy! We've heard about the prophecy before but Iruma probably hasn't yet until now. After listing the stuff about the future king, there’s a shot of Iruma’s hand with his ring haha. Upon reading this, Iruma thought more about it: What kind of world would it become if he were to become the Demon King?
You’re not the only one wondering Iruma. I’m sure the rest of the fandom is wondering that, too.
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The new semester begins! The entire Abnormal class is told that they now have to attain Dalet (4) rank before their second year begins as it's the minimum they'd need to graduate - failure results in them losing the Royal One classroom!
Not gonna lie, the shopping part of the episode reminded me of the scenes at the beginning of the firsts Harry Potter movies with them shopping at Diagon Alley. It’s fun and I got to see more of the Demon World. I wonder if they’d show us other places in the Demon World in the next season.
Grandpa happily doting on Iruma made me think that maybe it’d have been better for him if he had gotten to adopt Iruma as a child. Iruma is already a teenager and so their time they could spend together wouldn’t be as long or as often since Iruma had friends and busy with school. On the other hand, Iruma gained a lot of experiences in his crappy life before getting here and it did help him become the person he is. I guess the problem here is that he’s human and he probably ages faster than everyone else. :P
Like I mentioned before, it feels weird we only got 21 episodes this time. I was hoping there’d be another arc before the end of the season. There’s already a season 3 announcement and for next year, I think, so its all good. It might feel like a long time but I thought the same back when season 1 ended and now the finale for season 2 had just aired. Time flies fast.
I just wanna point out that in the last scene at the classroom when they were being told about the rank raising they gotta do, Agares is shown with his eyes visible. I’m glad they never put that mask back to cover his face cause he looks good haha. Glad they kept this detail.
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Well, thank you for reading this and the other posts, too if you did. I guess we’d have to wait for season 3 now. I’m glad this show is popular enough to gain another season so fast. :)
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Batfam OC Headcanons
These headcanons are all about my superfamily, who I've dubbed the Shadefam. I have post dedicated to their basic info, here. I'm posting this for fun and to invite others to make their own super family or OC family with far too many headcanon and random chapters for a book that'll never be written.
BTW when I say S1, S2, or S3 I'm referring to the certain seasons in Young Justice
Buck- trans ftm taken in by Faith at age 12 because his father isn’t able to properly take care of him. (His dad loves and accepts him, but is very broke and wants what’s best for his son)
Hope is taken in by her sister at age 8 in 2013 when their mother died
Buck dates Bart for a period of time before they mutually agree to break up, both lowkey being attached to other teammates at the time (Jaime and Tim)
Faith is bi and doing fine
Grace is lesbian and freaking disaster
Hope is ace and valid
Buck is trans/gay and perfect
Cody is ace/aro and chillin with his homies
Faith and Grace had a fling for a few months but broke up mutually
Grace has a butch lesbian girlfriend named Joana
They always go to pride and their hero atls hang different pride flags the night before July 1st around the city
Hope lowkey grew up without really registering gender and doesn’t say hello to new people, but asks for their preferred pronouns
Bart’s the closest person to Buck in the Outsiders, being the only person that knows about his true powers as well as the few that knows his birth name
Goes to Bart or Garfield when he has a nightmare at the headquarters
Bruce payed for Buck’s top surgery after S2
Keith is the only straight person in the Shadows
Lily is pan and loves her frogs
Lily really likes frogs and has a small tank for them in her apartment
Hope has one frog gifted to her from her favorite aunt
Cody is the only person allowed to cook in the Manor
Cuddle piles when the enter family is together at their secret hideout
Cody is the only one that owns an actual house and they use the basement as their “hideout”
Lots of “Are the Straights Okay?” moments when the group is people watching during stakeouts
Grace being a flirt to everyone
Hope knowing every curse word at age 9 because her sister can’t shut up
Lots of scolding because of profanity
Faith smacking people upside the head
Cody is Buck’s go to when he’s feeling dysphoria when he’s with the fam
Family nights every friday cause none of them got the most normal lives (Faith lost her parents young as did Cody, Grace wasn’t accepted by her family and lost her parents before even turning 20, Hope only had her parents for 8 years, Lily never had a father and her mother is a thief, Buck lost his mother young and left his father before age 13, and Keith lived mostly alone with a constantly working father. Plus they’re all heroes so I mean none of them are remotely normal)
Cody entered the Shadefam after S3 and doesn’t know that he was previously working with Jason for a period of time
Very confused brother reunion when Cody and Jason meet again
The pair of them both worked for Ra’s a Ghul at the same time in the S3
Lily gives Buck a frog plush that he holds after nightmares at the headquarters
Faith does daily calls to her children
Faith was raised by Bruce, how could she not take in a small child that looks like a mini her
Faith being a mom to everyone, even her brother at times
Faith: “Cody… why are you not wearing any socks?”
Cody: “Why would I be wearing socks?”
Faith: “Because the floor is freezing! Now go put on some damn socks so you don’t get a cold!”
Cody: “But-”
Faith: “Do not try me Cody North Miers.”
Cody: “Damn… the middle name.”
Cody trying to keep Lily and Grace from getting killed on the field
Faith trying to keep Lily and Grace from getting killed off the field
Faith moves in with Keith after her amputation because he has a first floor apartment and she can’t do stairs yet
Keith finds out about MJ and Faith finds out about Hunter after he sneaks back in from a patrol before the accident
Grace and Lily are chaotic a hell, pushing themselves as far as they can during training and mission
They are the two that get hurt the most often
Though Faith always has the worst injuries cause she’s a mama bear that will leap in front of her children
Cody will get pretty severe ones as well when he jumps in front of Faith
Cody: “Why the fuck do you keep jumping in front of them?!”
Faith: “I am mama bear bitch!”
Cody: “Well stop being mama bear cause you’re going to get yourself killed one day.”
Faith: “I can’t die bitch!”
Cody and Faith being responsible adults and the most mature of the group, to being bickering siblings at each other's throats
It always ends up shocking the rest of the fam as well as the Team and the Batfam
Cody: “Can you grab me a pop?”
Faith: “The hell is a pop?”
Cody: “You know a Coke or Sprite.”
Faith: “You mean a soda?”
Cody: “Yeah a pop.”
Faith: “It’s soda!”
Cody: “Pop!”
Faith: “SODA!”
Cody: “POP!”
Halo: “Are they fighting over what to call a drink?”
Buck: “Yeah…”
The Shadefam is sort of a faction of the Batfam
Buck ships Bartuardo and got Hope to agree with him after she jumped ship from Bluepulse
Bruce is lowkey protective of Buck (he loves his grandson)
Buck is Alfred’s favorite of the Shadefam children
Cody and Faith are his favorites of the adults
Faith insists they eat dinner at the table together before leaving early to go invent
Grace and Faith have coffee addictions
Hope is not allowed near caffeine, neither is Buck
Lily shows up at Grace’s and Faith’s separate apartments randomly
Faith was the shoulder Lily cried in after Jason death
Bruce accidentally introduced Buck as his grandson to a board of people when he stopped by Wayne Enterprise
Bruce: “This is Buck, my grandson. He’ll be sitting in today because his mother is busy.”
The news outlets had a field day trying to figure out which Wayne kid was his parents and the person that they knocked up or got knocked up by. Many settled on Faith getting knocked up by some random guy before realizing the math didn’t work.
One outlet found out that Buck was born female and called him a “she” in their coverage of it.
Bruce lost it.
Bruce: “I read your coverage of my grandson. I would like to kindly ask you to pull that story.”
Reporter: “But Wayne sir.”
Bruce: “You misgendered my grandson. So either print an apology or I will be suing.”
Bruce does not stand for misgendering
Keith and Faith child’s godmothers are Grace and Joana
Hope and Buck are practically their child’s older siblings
Lily is the child’s favorite auntie
Keith leaves after their child’s birth
Keith: “Someone needs to be here in case something happens to you.”
Faith: “Nothing’s going to happen to me, Love.”
Keith: “Can you guarantee that?”
Faith: “...”
Keith: “That’s what I thought.”
Faith: “I’m not leaving.”
Keith: “I know. And I don’t blame you. You were built for the hero’s life. I wasn’t.”
Faith: “I swear I’ll be careful. For you and for them.”
Both Hope and Buck move to the Outsiders and later Buck leads the Team, leaving the Shadows.
Faith: “The Team? Buck that’s great!”
Buck: “I thought you’d be a bit more… I don’t know feeling the mode about this.”
Faith: “Why? Cause my little hodgepodge of a team is losing a member?”
Buck: “Well yeah.”
Faith: “Buck. The Shadows were just a covert team for the East. Plus it’s not like I’m really losing you. You are my son after all.”
Buck: “I know. And I’ll never forget that… Mom.”
Lily moved in with Jason and the two of them focused more on Gotham, Lily becoming a true Bat.
Lily: “So I guess I’m a Bat now.”
Faith: “Yup.”
Lily: “No longer a Shade.”
Faith: “The Shades were created by a Bat and consisted of like four current Bat members. The Shades are like a stepping stone.”
Lily: “I guess. I’m still gonna miss family nights.”
Faith: “The Shadows might be decreasing in numbers, but that doesn’t mean we’re ending Shade family nights. Bring along Jason, I’m sure he’ll have a ton of fun.”
Lily: “Yeah surrounded by youngins! He’ll be ecstatic!”
Faith: “Well he does need to prepare.”
Lily: “How the fuck did you know!”
Faith: “Wait, what!”
And that’s how Faith learned Lily was pregnant
Grace leaves the hero world once she and Joana get married and she becomes a criminal prosecutor, sealing the fate of the Shadows
Faith: “So you’re giving it up then?”
Grace: “The hero's life is great and every Faith, but.”
Faith: “I know. It’s a lot.”
Grace: “I mean I never wanted to be a hero, I just wanted to put the bad guys away. That’s what I’m doing now. Plus Joana always frets over me after a mission, even if nothing bad happened.”
Faith: “That’s pretty reasonable. Keith tends to exaggerate the smallest cuts.”
Grace: “So you’re not upset that you’re losing another member?”
Faith: “The Shadows were just a covert team for smaller crimes. I always have my back up with the League.”
Grace: “So the Shadows are done now?”
Faith: “For the time being.”
Cody never left the team, but with only two members it became more of a partnership. They continued to work together, with them assisting the League, Team, and Bats whenever they were needed
Even after the team breaks up, they all gather up once a month and hang out for board games, movies, or a patrol around the city for old times sake.
The older members (Faith, Grace, and Keith) do a lot of reminiscing while the “kids” (Buck, Lily, and Hope) just goan and roll their eyes as Cody listens to the tales of his sister and her friends
Lily and Jason never planned on having any biological children, but they did plan on taking in a street kid. They ended up with one biological child and one street kid
Cody becomes the next Bruce Wayne, training and taking in kids that need a good home
Grace and Joana have three kids, two of which have Grace’s abilities
The entire Shade family is always invited to Bat family reunions. Damian was very confused by the massive amount of people that showed up after Bruce told him he only had a “few” siblings.
Damian: “Eight is not a few Father.”
Bruce: “You have seven siblings Damian. Buck is your nephew.”
Damian: “He’s nearly 16 years older than me.”
Bruce: “Yes but he’s Faith’s son.”
Damian: “Reigns is only seven years younger than Miers.”
Bruce: “He still calls her mom correct?”
Damian: “Yes.”
Bruce: “And he calls me Grandpa?”
Damian: “Yes.”
Bruce: “Then he is your nephew.”
Damian: “But Kyle also calls her mom.”
Bruce: “Your sister does it as a joke to annoy your oldest sister.”
Damian: “Kyle is the only blood sibling I have here. Why must I consider the rest of these people siblings?”
Bruce: “Because they are.”
Damian: “Well… seven is still not a small amount of people.”
Bruce: “With the amount of people here, seven is a few.”
Cody is a light sleeper, waking at the slightest sounds
Grace sleeps like the dead, freezing water and banging pots are the only thing that wake her
Keith can sleep through stuff if he’s in a deep sleep, but also wakes to small shifts in the bed when Faith has a nightmare
Faith is another light sleeper, though not as light as her brother
Lily can and will sleep through anything that doesn’t sound threatening, aka wakes only to gunshots and the scrapping of a blade in its sheath
Buck is a deep sleeper, though often wakes to nightmares
Hope sleeps a lot like her sister, though she’s easier to wake up
When Cody wakes up, he’s up. If he’s woken up, a perimeter check is needed before he goes to sleep. If he wakes up on his own, he still does a perimeter check before going about his day
Grace doesn’t fully wake up until she’s had her eggs and instant caramel coffee
Keith rises with the sun full of energy after seeing Faith sleeping beside him
Faith wakes up tired and a little sluggish, needing black coffee to really wake up in the morning
Lily lives in a permanent state of sluggishness during daylight hours, she draws her power through the moon
Buck is always a bit tired, with usual bursts of random energy
Hope wakes with the sun cause she herself is a ray of sun
Faith & Keith child
Valarie (biological)
Cody’s children
Westly (adopted)
Conner (adopted)
Grace & Joana’ children
Derek (Grace’s biological)
Sophie (Grace’s biological)
Adrian (adopted)
Jason & Lily’s children
Charlie (street kid)
Jaden (biological)
Faith, Hope, and Grace are called the holy trinity as a joke
How Lily and Jason act
PDA constantly, it’s not huge things but it’s very clear that they are together
Nightmare comfort
Got together after Jason came back from the dead, working together as Red Hood and Scarlet Falcon
Were rivals of sorts before his death when Lily was still Misfortune. They fought a lot as Robin and Misfortune, though Faith refuses to let Jason take her in
Lily runs cold so she often wears Jason’s jacket
Faith gave both Lily and Jason the “if you hurt my sibling” lecture. Jason was terrified by it, while Lily shrugged it off
Faith: “You hurt my baby brother, I will hurt you tenfold. I will get a crowbar.”
Lily: “Reasonable.”
Faith: “If you hurt my baby sister, I will hurt you tenfold. I will get a crowbar.”
Jason: “Okay ma’am.”
Buck isn’t a meta but cursed
Hope gets killed in 2023 during the first mission that the team gets together after 2020
Shadefam split by 2020, with Keith, Hope, & Buck leaving in 2018, Grace leaving in 2019, and Lily leaving in 2020 with Faith moving from High Hills in 2019
Keith and Faith move after S3 in 2019 to Star City to man the Wayne Enterprise in the West and raise Valerie in a less crime-ridden area
Cody takes over protecting High Hills, taking on two wards
Grace and Joana move to a smaller town outside of New York so Grace couldn’t be dragged back into the Life
Lily lives with Jason in Gotham
Cody was almost taken by the Court of Owls to become a Talon (their mother’s death was a result of the Court) saved by the League of Shadows instead
Metahuman with the True Sight ability
Born 2018
Year younger than Damian
Joins the Team as Seer
Eldest of the Shade children
Born 2014
Joins the family when he's seven
Loves musical theatre
Doesn’t do fieldwork and works as the man behind the screen for his brother and father
Second eldest of the Shade children
Born 2016
Joins the family when he's six
Works on the field with his father (Bullseye)
Derek & Sophie
Born 2019
Sophie is a shadow bender (Yin)
Derek is a light bender (Yang)
Both join the Life (much to Joana dismay)
Same age as the “twins”
Born 2019
Doesn’t join the Life
Works with their mom (Joana) in the family jeweler shop
Equal eldest Shade child (though entered the family far later than Conner)
Born 2014
Joins the family when he's nine
Doesn’t join the Life and studies pre-med to fix up his family
Joins the Life
When People Call Faith “Mom”
Cody, Grace, Dick, and Jason call her Mom as a joke or when she’s being to much of a mama bear
Grace: “Alright. Alright Mom. We’ll stop.”
Faith: “Don’t call me Mom Grace.”
Dick: “Alright… Mama Bear.”
Faith: “I will kill you Dick.”
Jason: “Oh don’t kill him Mum, he’s a good big brother.”
Faith: “-Jay.”
Cody: “Relax Mother. They’re just playing with you.”
Faith: “CODY!”
Lily does it as a joke most of the time, though often accidentally does it
Lily: “Jeez let up Faith I’m fine.”
Faith: “Fine? Lily, you nearly bled out an hour ago.”
Lily: “Yeah an hour a ago.”
Faith: “Sit the fuck back down you asshole.”
Lily: “Okay.”
Faith: “What were you thinking Lily? You could have been killed. You could have gotten Buck killed.”
Lily: “You quoting Lion King now?”
Faith: “Lily.”
Lily: “Sorry.”
Faith: “What were you planning, Lily? What if we couldn’t have gotten to you in time? What if Buck was in your place? What if we lost you?”
Lily: “I’m- I’m sorry Mom.”
Faith: “I know you- Did you just call me Mom?”
Lily: “Aaaa- no?”
Hope never means to call Faith Mom, but it does just kind of happen
Faith: “Time to get up, Hope. You got school in thirty minutes.”
Hope: “Mmmm.”
Faith: “Come on Hope.”
Hope: “I don’t wanna go Mom.”
Faith: “It’s only for seven hours, Hope.”
Hope: “Mmm. Fine.”
Faith: “Good. Be ready in ten please.”
Hope: “Alright M- Faith. I meant Faith… not Mom.”
Buck calls her Mom the most (besides her own daughter)
Faith: “Have fun sweety.”
Buck: “I will Mom.”
Faith: “You know I’m not old enough to be your mother.”
Buck: “I know Mom. And you know I don’t care.”
faith: “And neither do I in all honesty.”
Tim accidentally called her mom once, which her reflect response was “I’m too young to be your mother”
Faith: “Tim? What are you still doing up?”
Tim: “Working.”
Faith: “For how long?”
Tim: “... I’m on hour… 56?”
Faith: “Go to bed Tim.”
Tim: “But I just need 10 more hours to finish.”
Faith: “Nope. You’re going to bed.”
Tim: “Hey! Put me down!”
Faith: “No. Tim you are a growing boy who needs to sleep.”
Tim: “But I have to-”
Faith: “Sleep! You have to sleep.”
Tim: “Put me down Faith.”
Faith: “Alright.”
Tim: “No I’m not going to bed.”
Faith: “Yes. Yes, you are.”
Tim: “I don’t need you to tuck me in Faith. I’m a grown man.”
Faith: “You’re a seventeen-year-old boy, not a grown man. Now go to bed.”
Tim: “Mmm. Fine. Good night Mom.”
Faith: “I’m too young to be your mother.”
Tim: “...”
Faith: “Good night Timmy.”
Damian also did it by accident once (Jason never let him live it down)
Faith: “I’m fine guys. Just a bit banged up.”
Jason: “Just a bit?”
Dick: “Faith you were held captive for nearly three weeks.”
Tim: “We stayed up endless nights to get you back.”
Lily: “We got to you to find you with a punctured lung and a broken arm.”
Faith: “Yes. But I’m fine now.”
Bruce: “You’re off patrol for the next three weeks and I’ll make sure you get a week off from work.”
Faith: “I don’t need that Bruce. I’ll be fine going back to work and I doubt three weeks probation is needed.”
Damian: “You nearly died Mother!”
Everyone: “Mother?”
Faith: “...”
Tim: “Did you just call Faith Mother?”
Dick: “Well it certainly wasn’t a joke.”
Jason: “I think the demon needs a mommy figure.”
Damian: “Shut up Todd!”
Jason: “Demon misses his mommy!”
Damian: “I said SHUT UP!”
Faith: “Enough! Both of you! Damian get off your brother! Jason stop teasing your brother.”
Damian: “...”
Faith: “Thank you. Now. Damian I’m fine. I’ve been through far worse.”
Lily: “No you haven’t.”
Faith: “You do remember that I got into a car accident where I lost my leg, right?”
Lily: “... Right.”
Faith: “Now I’m going to go watch a movie cause I’ve been stuck in a wooden chair for a few weeks and I have a strange urge to watch Ratatouille.”
And that's it for now. I might make another post about these guys, maybe I won't, depends if people like this.
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow  - Part Twenty-Seven
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Smut.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
Rachel left around 10 the next morning so you could get ready for the day. You were so happy to have alone time with her. You both didn’t get as much one on one time together as you’d like. You decide on wearing your hair up in your classic high pony, especially since your nephew was starting to get grabby. You put on a pair of skinny jeans and a black sweater. You put a pair of booties on, and wait for Harry.
He keys into your apartment around 12:15. He was getting better about being early for things.
“Love?” You hear him and come out of your room. “Hey cutie.”
“Someone’s in a better mood.” You practically jump into his arms, kissing him on the lips.
“Yeah, sorry again for being a meanie.”
“S’okay, we all have our moments. Ready to go?”
Harry lets you pick the music for the ride.
“Alright, so please, tell me all your good news.”
“Okay, so yesterday afternoon my supervisor called me into her office, and at first I was scared. But she called me in to tell me that because of the work I did on that project last week, our contract has been extended, thus gaining more business. Apparently a lot of good word has gotten back to the CEO about me. Get this. Not only do they want to pay for grad school, like the whole thing, not just half, BUT they want to give me a raise. Like a significant one with a new title and everything! They want to make me an associate director!”
“Are you kidding me?! That’s incredible baby!” His hand squeezes your thigh. He felt terrible for blowing up at you last night. You could’ve celebrated. “We have to celebrate tonight!”
“I’m so excited! And they said I could pretty much pick whatever program I want as long as it’s online. Don’t say anything to Niall though. They’re planning on bumping him up to, but they plan to talk about it Monday. There’s all this restructuring happening. I’ve only been there two years, I can’t believe it.”
“I’m so happy for you, it’s great they’re recognizing your work! And I know how much you already love it there, this is like icing on the cake.”
“I know! She said they didn’t want to risk losing me.”
“That’s amazing, this is so great.” Harry was beaming. He was so proud of you. “What school do you think you’ll apply to?”
“I’m not sure yet. I need to look over the information my supervisor sent me, and then do some research. I need to figure out what I want to become a master.” He chuckles.
“I’m so proud of you, really.”
“Thanks babe.” You put your hand on top of the one he has on your thigh, and you stay like that for the rest of your drive.
Harry brought a ton of equipment with him. It was too cold to take photos outside, so he brought this giant white sheet to hang up in your brother’s living room. It went all over the floor as well, creating a nice background. You were holding your nephew while he was setting some of the lights up.
“Thanks again for coming out to do this.” Your sister in law smiles while clearing some toys out of the way.
“Oh, it’s my pleasure. These are my favorite kinds of photoshoots.” Harry smiles back. He looks over at you lovingly while you rock the baby and talk with your brother. “I brought some props with me, was there anything in particular you were hoping to do?”
“Well, as you can see, we’re all wearing the same sweater. I think we’re trying to go with a season’s greetings vibe? Almost like a winter wonderland? I’m not Jewish, so we didn’t want it to be too overbearing with the religious stuff.”
“Right, yeah we can definitely do that. I can show you some samples too of some after effects. I can edit in some snowflakes, or even a snowman behind ya.”
“Did you hear that honey?” She says to your brother who is laughing with you about something.
“Hm? Yeah, that sounds good.”
“So, we’d like some of the three of us, obviously, some of just him and I, some of just him and daddy, and then some of daddy and I.”
Harry sets up two different cameras, one on a tripod, and the other around his neck. He connects his laptop to it so the pictures will go right in. You didn’t realize his freelance operation was quite so high-tech. Harry unfolds a collapsible bench, and sticks it on the sheet.
“Okay, so if dad wants to sit on the bench, and them mum can sit right in front.” He comes over to you, gesturing to hand the baby over. “Thank you, hey little guy.” He coos to the baby. “And mum if you wanna have him in your lap…that’s perfect.”
Harry uses his handheld camera for a few test shots, and then goes over to the camera on the tripod. You go behind him to watch them pop up on the screen. He had gotten the lighting perfectly. No shadows, no one looked shiny, you were impressed. You made a funny face to your nephew to keep him happy and smiling.
“How ‘bout one where you’re all sittin’ on the floor?” Harry goes behind your brother to move the bench out of the way. “That’s great.” He snaps a few shots. He tries to get a few candid ones in.
“Do you have a chair or basket you wanted to put him in for his solo shots?”
“Yeah! Let me go grab it.” Your sister in law pulls over a little chair to rest the baby in.
Harry gets in close to get some different angles. Your nephew is mesmerized by the camera, so the pictures come out really good. You loved seeing Harry do his job.
“Mum and the baby next?”
Your sister in law picks the baby up, and gently rocks him. Harry gets a few shots from the still camera, and then goes over to the two of them.
“Let’s get his face on your shoulder, and then have you looking down at him. Mind if I touch ya hair, love?” You and your brother give Harry a funny look.
“Um, not at all.” He moves a few strands of hair from her face.
“Perfect.” Harry moves behind her to get the shot. “Just tilt your head up a wee bit, there ya go.” Another shot. “Dad, can we get ya on the other side of them?” Your brother move where he tells him. “That’s amazing, thank you.”
Harry takes a few more shots of just your sister in law and the baby. Then moves on to your brother and the baby. He got a really good one of him lifting him over his head.
“He’s bein’ so good, haven’t heard a peep yet.” Harry says.
“We fed him right before you guys got here. He snaps the minute he’s hungry.” Your brother explains. “You wanna hold him while we take our pictures?” He asks you.
“Of course!” You take your nephew. “Where’s his bubby in case he gets hungry?”
“In the kitchen, right side of the fridge.” You walk into the kitchen to grab the small bottle, and a rag to throw over your shoulder, just in case.
On cue, your nephew starts crying, but stops the second the nipple of the bottle hits his mouth. You soothe and feed him, sitting down in the rocking chair near the set up. Harry looks over at you, distracted by how gentle and sweet you are. Your brother coughs, grabbing his attention.
“Right.” He walks over to the two of them. “You’re a little stiff, just relax a little. Let’s put this arm here.” He takes your brother’s arm and puts it on the small of his wife’s back. “And you can you put your hand on his chest?” He furrows his brows looking over how they’re standing. “Can you put your other hand in your pocket? Ah! There we go.”
Harry goes over to the tripod, he flashes you a quick smile as you continue to feed the baby. He takes a few photos. You finish feeding your nephew, and sit him up to burp him. Once he does burp everyone starts laughing, and Harry is able to get a great candid shot of the two.
You hand the baby off to his mom so you can help Harry pack up his gear, and get everything into the car. When you both come back in, you see your sister in law has put out some snacks for everyone.
“Mind if I hold him?” Harry politely asks. She passes the baby off to him.
“Mm, this hummus is so good.” You say.
“It’s that fire roasted pepper one.” Your brother says sticking a carrot in. He takes his checkbook out of his pocket. “Harry, wanna talk shop in the kitchen?”
“Sure.” He follows your brother into the kitchen. Your sister in law leans close to you as you both sit on the couch.
“He’s such a doll.”
“I know. And so talented.”
“Incredibly professional. I see why you like him so much, if I heard a man call me love like that in that accent, I wouldn’t have let him go either.” You both giggle. “I’m so glad he was able to squeeze us in, he must be so busy this time of year.”
“You have no idea.” The boys comes back and sit in the area with you. Harry sits right next you, baby still in his arms.
You tell your brother all about your big work news, and how excited you are.
“But don’t tell mom or dad, I wanna tell them myself.”
“Sure thing, so Harry, are you gonna come to our uncle’s Hanukkah party next Saturday?”
“Plannin’ on it yeah.” You and your brother share a look, trying not to giggle.
“It’s a really fun party.” Your sister in law says. “I remember the first time I went.” She giggles. “It’s a great way to be initiated into the family.”
“What are you doing on Christmas this year? Another vacation with your girlfriends?” Your brother asks. You feel shy all of a sudden, and put your hand on Harry’s leg.
“Um…no. I’m actually going to England for a week or so with Harry, to meet his family.” Your brother and his wife look at each other then back to you.
“Does mom know?”
“Does dad know?”
“No.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Don’t tell him either.”
“He has to know.”
“I’m not saying I won’t tell him, I just don’t need you spilling the beans, and then him calling me freaking out.”
“Why would your dad freak out?” Harry asks, adjusting the baby’s head to rest on his shoulder.
“He just…overthinks every little thing.” You explain. “You think he takes news well, then two days later he has a million different questions.”
“How long are you gone for?” You sister in law asks, trying to break some of the tension.
“The 23rd through the 29th, so literally a week. I’m really excited, I’ve never been to England before. Harry said we’re going to spend a couple days in London too. I’ll get to do all of the touristy stuff.”
“I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun.” Your brother says. “What will you do for New Year’s?”
“Niall’s having a party.” You look up at Harry. The baby has fully passed out on him. “Oh look at him!” You rub the baby’s back. “You two just had to have the cutest baby in the world, didn’t you?”
“Mind if I take him back? I don’t want him freaking out when he wakes up.” Your sister in law giggles.
“Sure, thanks for the snuggle little guy.” Harry coos to the baby before passing him back over. “Well, I suppose we should get goin’, (y/n) and I are gonna celebrate her big news.” He stands up.
They walk you both to the door. Harry and your brother shake hands.
“Thanks again for everything.”
“No problem, and like I said I should have these for you in the next couple of days, you’ll be able to download all of the images and have them printed wherever.”
“So, where do you feel like going tonight? Anywhere you want.” Harry smiles at you in the car.
“Gosh, I don’t know! It would be fun to go somewhere that has dancing. I’m just so jazzed up.”
“That baby is the cutest baby I think I’ve ever seen.”
“Right? Can I ask how much you charged my brother? I hope he didn’t try to stiff you.”
“No, no, he didn’t. In fact, he wanted to overpay me. It all worked out, don’t worry. How come he got so weird about us going to England?”
“I think it’s just cause I’m leaving the country with you. My dad also has a way of putting him in the middle of things.”
“Do you want me there when you tell your dad?”
“God no, I’m gonna tell him over the phone so I can hang up if I need to. I’ll call him next week or something, I’m not really worried about it right now.”
Harry brings you both back to your apartment. You rummage through your clothes to find something to wear.
“We could go to that club a few blocks from here. You know the one that has food til a certain hour, and then the dance floor opens up?”
“Oh yeah! That would be perfect. I haven’t been there in a long time, probably since the summer.” You furrow your brows at the pile of laundry on your bed. “I cannot decide on an outfit! It’s gonna be cold tonight, so I know I should wear pants.” You scratch your head and dig for a pair of dark blue jeans that have a few intentional holes in them. “Hmm, what to wear with these though…oh!” You snatch your black crop top from the top of the pile. It was cute, tank top style, a little low cut, but it had a nice fringe on the bottom for some texture.
“A crop top?”
“Yeah, these pants are pretty high waisted, it looks good together.” You take your clothes off to change. “You know what, I need to find the right bra for this.” You walk over to your dresser and search for one that goes with the shirt. “I bought one to specifically wear with this top.”
Harry goes into your closet to put on a fresh t-shirt and sits on your bed to wait.
“Aha! Found it.” You put the bra and put the top on, and stand in front of him. “See? You can just barely see my piercing.” You point to your belly button. You go into the bathroom to throw a few curls in your hair and run your fingers through so it looks wavy. You put some night time makeup on and feel ready. “All set?”
“Yup.” He wraps his arms around you and gives you a kiss on the top of your head. “Uber’s here, let’s go.”
The bar area of the club was a little crowded when you got there, but because there only two of you (and maybe because you pushed your boobs up when you spoke with the host), you were able to get a small table after only five minutes. Since you were celebrating, you both ordered a big plate of nachos to split, and some tequila shots.
“I’m so glad you like doing tequila too. A lot of people don’t.” Harry says as you two clink the small glasses before tossing them back.
“I know! I don’t get it. I’ve never had a problem with tequila, ever.” You both decide it’s a good idea to stick with the same liquor, so you both order margaritas. “Margaritas and nachos, what could be a better combination of food?” You giggle, diving into the cheesy chips. “So, you’ll actually dance with me tonight?”
“Yes, I will.” He rolls his eyes playfully. “Maybe after a couple more drinks though.”
Harry loved watching you dance. You always had so much fun, and it made him have fun too. He loved hearing you say, “I love this song!”, to just about every song that would come on, and the way you’d yank him closer to you to dance. And you. You loved the way Harry would let loose in times like these, not caring if anyone was looking. The way he would move his hips along with yours, or when he’d stop to twirl you around, the quick kisses you’d share.
You both had a great night. Harry ordered an uber when you both agreed your feet were too tired and you both were just too drunk to keep dancing.
“That was so much fun!” You exclaim twirling around into your apartment. “Thanks again.” You wrap your arms around his neck, deadweighting him.
“Jesus.” He laughs, almost falling to the floor with you. “Alright, time for some water, yeah?” He lifts you up, and sits you down on the kitchen counter. He fills two glasses of water and hands you one. You both take small, slow sips. “I’m glad you had a good time.”
“I always do when I’m with ya.” You slur. He stands between your legs.
“Ready for bed?” You pout. “What?”
“Dontcha wanna love on me?” You run your hands through his hair. He rests his hands on your thighs.
“I do…but maybe in the mornin’, love.”
“Why?” You pout again, really jutting your bottom lip out.
“We’re both a little too drunk.”
“Not you, just I am.” He gives you a half smile.
“You’ll be mad at me if we do anythin’.”
“No I won’t.”
You lean down and kiss him, pulling him closer to you. His fingers press into your thighs. Your stomach starts to feel weird, so you let go of him.
“Oh no.” You say and hop off the counter.
“What? What oh no?” He looks at you very concerned.
“I think…I had too much dairy tonight, I don’t feel very well.” You put a hand over your mouth and run down to the bathroom attached to your room.
Harry quickly follows after you, and hears you throw up. He sighs, and goes to get a rag to run under some water, and a hair elastic. After he hears you flush the toilet, he comes in.
“No! Don’t come in, I don’t want you to see me like this!” You turn your face away. You feel him take your hair and put it into the elastic.
“Not the first time I’ve seen someone spew.” He crouches down next to you and presses the rag to your forehead. “Are you lactose intolerant? I didn’t think people threw up from that?”
“I’m sensitive to dairy, so I think because those nachos had so much cheese, plus the combi, the combi, oh no.” Harry stands up and uses his hand to brush back any hair he may have missed in your ponytail. He rubs your back while you vomit again. He pats the damp rag across your forehead again. “I’m so sorry.” You say, flushing the toilet and wiping your mouth.
“It’s alright, love. Happens to the best of us.”
“I think I’m through.” He helps you stand up, and you look at yourself in the mirror. “Yikes.” Your makeup had run down your face from tears. You run the water in the sink and brush your teeth. You turn the hot water on and grab your makeup remover rag. Harry watches you as he stands in the doorway.
“Don’t think I’ve seen someone only yak twice from drinkin’.”
“I told you.” You dry off your face with a hand towel. “It was from the dairy, the cheese.” You make a disgusted face. “Not eating that for a long time.” You look at him and sigh. “That was disgusting, I’m sorry you had to see me like that.” You take your hair out of Harry’s makeshift ponytail, and shake it out.
“S’alright, vomit doesn’t really bother me.” He shrugs, and follows you to your bed. He takes his shirt off, then his pants, and you do the same. He kisses you on your temple before going into the bathroom to do his thing.
You got cozied up in his t-shirt, and got into your side of the bed. He comes out and joins you.
“Sure you’ll be alright?”
“Yeah, I don’t think I’m gonna dry heave or anything.”
“Guess that was one way to sober up. C’mere.” You rest your head on his chest, and he puts an arm around you.
The next morning you both wake up around ten. For once, you wake up almost completely on top of Harry. You must have fallen asleep on his chest and never rolled over. You rub your eyes as you start to wake up, and see that he’s sitting up, reading from his book.
“Mornin’.” He says looking down at you with a smile.
“Shower?” He nods yes, and you both get up.
You both brush your teeth before going in. You felt gross from last night still. You peel his t-shirt off and put your hair up. You both step in to the warm water, and stand in it together, arms wrapped around each other. You felt groggier than usual, and could feel slight cramps forming in your lower back. You groan into him.
“Whatsa matter, love?” He says, chin resting on your head.
“Getting my period this week.” You knew that already due to your birth control tabs, but it was still annoying nonetheless. “I’ve got the precramps.”
“Better to get it now than while we’re away though right? Less things you’ll have to pack.”
“That’s true. I hate getting it when I’m traveling.” You nestle into his chest more.
Harry takes your chin between his fingers and tilts your head up to look at him. He leans in and gives you a soft kiss on the lips. You nuzzle your noses together, making you smile. You wrap your arms around his neck, and go up on your tiptoes so you can kiss him properly. His hands moving down to squeeze your butt. You feel him harden against you, and you press yourself more on him. You tongue enters his mouth to find his, and you’re happy when you’re greeted with his.
You push him back against the cold tile, taking him by surprise a bit. Harry’s mind can’t help but race. If you would let him, he’d pick you up and put you against the wall. He would drive into you with his hard cock and have you screaming his name. But no…he couldn’t have that yet, and it was driving him nuts. He was genuinely curious, though, about exactly what you planned to do with him right now.
You lace your fingers through his hair, and gently tug. Your mouth moves to his neck and you bite down on him. He groans, tilting his head back. You push your body as close as you possibly can to him, as you suck on his skin harder. What is she trying to do to me? He asks himself. You reach down between the two of you, and wrap your hand around his throbbing cock. He sucks in a breath as you work your thumb over his leaking tip. You lean your forehead against his chest as you look down. You take a deep breath as you rub him against you.
“Woah!” He flinches. “What’s, um, what’s happening right now?”
“I just…” You look up at him. “I just wanna rub the tip against my clit. Can I do that? Please?” He blinks at you. “And then I’ll suck you off, okay? I’m not trying to tease, I just wanna feel you against me.”
“O, okay.”
You look back down, and move his tip to rub against your clit. The contact felt amazing to you both. His slick tip rubbing against your clit had your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Fuck.” He groans, eyes closed and teeth clenched. His hands move to your breasts, and knead them, needing something to hold onto.
You move one of your legs up around one his legs so you can get a better angle. Harry pries his eyes open to watch your hand around him.
“I’m, I’m not gonna last much longer.” He says, panting.
You drop to your knees and take him into your mouth. His hands rest gently on your shoulders, not wanting to pull your hair in fear of triggering you again. His hips thrust forward, hitting the back of your throat. You need to use one hand to pump him, not able to take all of him into your mouth. Your other hand was on his hip, fingers pressing harshly into him.
“God, you take it so well.” He says through a moan. You groan against him, and the vibration makes his hips roll further. His nails are digging into your shoulders as you bob faster on him. “Fuck, (y/n), I’m gonna come!” His hot come splurts into your mouth, and you swallow every last drop.
You stand up, and rinse your mouth out in the shower water. Harry quickly pulls you over to him, pushing you against the tiles this time. He kneels in front of you, and connects his mouth to your clit. Your hands go right to his hair. He holds on your thighs up so he can get his tongue inside you easier. You almost lose your balance.
“Ah! Harry!” You moan. “Please, please just take me to the bed!”
He stands up, both of your pupils are blown out. He quickly turns the water off, kneels back down, and lifts you up over his shoulder. Neither of you care that you’re soaking wet, you’ll just throw the blankets in the dryer later.
Harry puts you down on the bed, and gets on top of you. He kisses you firmly, you stick your tongue in his mouth and he sucks on it. You moan loudly as his thumb presses down on your clit.
“You really want it, don’t you?” He asks, biting down on your collar bone.
“Fuck! Yes, I do. So bad. Please, let me feel your fingers.” Harry’s jaw clenches, he should have known that’s what you meant. But his small glimmer of hope told him you wanted more than that.
He bites down on you harder, sucking on your skin, leaving a nice purple bruise in its place. He had to do this. He had to get his frustration out somehow. And you were letting him. His fingers plunge inside you, making your hips buck up towards him.
“I love how wet and tight you are, it feels amazing.” He says into your ear, taking the skin just underneath between his teeth. Your nails sink into his shoulders. They rake down his back as he pumps in and out faster.
Your hands grip onto his butt, and your nails sink into his cheeks as you move your hips to grind against his hand. He bit down on your neck harder, he was hard again, there was no doubt about that. He grinds himself against one of your hips.
“Harry, fuck!” He hit that spot that you love so much. He didn’t even need to rub your clit to make you come, this felt good enough. “Harry!” You’re screaming his name. You weren’t sure what made you feel so hot today, maybe it was the hormones, but you didn’t care. You didn’t care if your neighbors heard you screaming either.
You release all over his fingers, he removes himself from your quickly, and grips himself. He jacks off onto your stomach. Your mouth falls even further open at the sight. He collapses next to you as you both catch your breaths.
“Holy shit.” You say, closing your eyes.
“Sorry, I, it was just…I had to come again.” He says looking down at your stomach.
“It’s okay.” You smile at him. “I can’t always be the one to come more than once.”
“Let me go get a rag to wipe you up with.”
“No, it’s okay.” He raises an eyebrow at you and you giggle. “I’m gonna go hop back in the shower quick. Could you throw these blankets in the dryer while I’m in there.”
“Mhm.” You kiss him quick.
You get up and go into the bathroom. You gasp when you see yourself in the mirror. You put your hand over your mouth so he doesn’t hear, and you close the door. You inspect the many large, purple bruises on your neck and collar bone. These were going to be hard to cover, and they were going to take a long time to heal. You rinse off quick, and wrap yourself in a towel. Harry is in the kitchen making smoothies.
“Love, I made breakfast.” He smiles handing you a glass.
“Thank you.” You take a sip. “Mm, yum!” You take another big sip and put your glass down. “Um, babe?”
“Yeah?” He looked so good, just standing there in his tight black boxers. You rub your hand over your neck. “Jesus.” He pulls your hand away. “Shit, I did a number on you huh?”
“Yeah, in a couple different spots.” You had two prominent love bites on your neck, and two more on your collar bone. He rubs his thumb softly over them.
“Did it hurt?”
“Um…yes, but…not in a bad way.” You blush. You look up at his neck. “I gave you a pretty good one too.”
“Mhm.” He smiles.
“You don’t mind?”
“Nah, they heal pretty quickly. They’re not that noticeable on my skin. But you’re a little fairer than I am.”
“They’re just hard to cover with makeup. I’ll need to wear a scarf or something. Um…I like getting them, I like the way they feel. Just…when you feel the need to bite me that hard, could you find a more discrete spot?” Harry cocks his head and looks at you. He takes a sip of his smoothie.
“But if I did that, how would everyone around you know you had a boyfriend?” He walks by you, leaving you stunned, and sits down on your couch. You sit down next to him, sipping on your breakfast. “I mean, that’s how everyone knows I’m seein’ someone.”
“It’s just not very…professional. People will notice, and talk. Otherwise I wouldn’t care where you did it.”
“But I like it best on your neck. It’s my favorite place to bite into. You’d deprive me of that?” You were sweating. If he kept talking to you like that, you weren’t sure how much longer you’d last before your lips were wrapped around him again.
“N, no. You can do it without leaving such a large mark can’t you? I mean, what if my family saw?”
“Alright, ya got me there.” He fake pouts. “Guess I can try to be more careful.” He sighs. “Anythin’ ya need to do today?” You mean other than you? You thought to yourself.
“Hmm, I wouldn’t mind going to Walmart, I’m low on some stuff. But you don’t need to come with if that doesn’t sound like fun.” You laugh.
“Nah, I need some stuff too, now that I think about it.”
“Great, I’ll drive us.” He frowns. “Am I a bad driver or something?”
“What? No! I just prefer driving.”
“Why?” He just shrugs at you. “Well, I would like to drive if that’s okay.”
“Alright.” You get up, and he watches you walk into your room. Something about your ass shaking in a towel made him smile. He gets up to follow you.
The second you dropped your towel, Harry’s arms were wrapped around you, pressing your back to his chest. You giggle as he presses kisses to your neck and shoulder.
“What?” He whispers in your ear.
“We’ll have all day to do this, but we need to go to the store now, okay?” He rolls his eyes and lets go of you.
“All day, huh?” That shit eating grin covers his face, and this time you roll your eyes.
“You’re ridiculous.”
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favefandomimagines · 5 years
Secrets Out (t.h.)
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Summary: you and Tom have been dating since Civil War and people have been shipping him and zendaya nonstop (even worse than before) it’s put you in a bad place with Tom, so much so, you didn’t tell him you were going to be in a huge movie until Jimmy Kimmel announces it.
It was no secret that you were not a fan of the constant shipping between your boyfriend, Tom Holland, and Zendaya. You knew it was all in good fun but when you see a news video on YouTube about them secretly dating, it gets on your nerves.
Tom has been preoccupied lately with press for Far From Home and you were so proud of him, but that included him being with Zendaya more than you. Hell, you were in the movie too and you don’t spend nearly as much time together as those two do.
Which is why you forgot to tell Tom about landing a role in the movie revival of Bonnie and Clyde. And you were very excited and grateful because you were cast as the lead role and that doesn’t happen everyday. You were going to tell him but he was only home for about five minutes and you were in the shower.
Jimmy Kimmel would be the first time you’ve been together longer than five minutes, in the past week. Were you going to be petty? Yes. You were jealous and felt under appreciated and unloved so of course you were going to be petty.
“So, Y/N, it’s obvious you are an incredible actress,” Jimmy started, switching the conversation to you. “Thank you, Jimmy.” You said with a gracious smile. “And that leads me to the announcement that you’re going to be in the newest interpretation of Bonnie Clyde.” He said.
The audience cheered and Jake, Jacob, Cobie and Zendaya gave you words of praise and were very happy for you. Tom on the other hand was completely blindsided by the news. ‘Why didn’t she tell me?’ He thought.
“Yes I am! I’m playing Bonnie and my friend Cody Christian is going to be Clyde and Martin Scorsese is directing and I am so so excited. Especially to be somewhat new in this industry, to work with a director as amazing as Martin Scorsese is a huge dream. I’ve been asking Zendaya to pinch me for the past week because it doesn’t seem real.” You explained.
Zendaya smiled at you as she gave you a small hug.
“And you and Cody are going to have to play a couple with tons of chemistry so it helps that you’re friends.” Jimmy added. “It does help, yeah. Especially since we’ve worked together on All American.” You said. “With the director and the writers, it’s quite possible this could do well during awards season.” Jimmy pointed out. “That’s what we’re hoping. And we just want to put a new, modern spin on such an infamous true story.” You replied.
“If anyone is going to win an Oscar, it’s Y/N.” Zendaya interjected. She was genuinely happy for you and you two were always close friends. She knew you were hurting over all of this Tomdaya stuff so she was trying to make you feel better.
You smiled back at her, happy someone you loved was acknowledging what you did.
“Well, congratulations and I can’t wait to see it when it comes out.” Jimmy told you.
The show was over and you were on your way back to your house. Though Tom wasn’t with you because he decided to go out with Zendaya and Jacob.
Your blood was boiling that you just landed a huge role in a movie that could potentially be nominated for an Oscar and he couldn’t care less.
Arriving home, Tessa greeted you and followed you to your shared room with Tom. You quickly changed your clothes but you were still livid with your boyfriend for giving you the impression that he didn’t care about you or your accomplishments.
You had this huge problem of rage crying when you got too worked up. And that’s exactly what happened once you sat down on the edge of your bed.
As you were violently sobbing in your bedroom, you heard the doorbell ring. You wiped your eyes and made your way back downstairs, Tessa still in tow.
You opened the door and Zendaya stood on your front porch with pillows, blankets, movies and ice cream in hand.
“I thought you were going out?” You asked. “You could use some girl time. Plus, Tom is pissing me off with how he’s been treating you.” She answered. You smiled sadly at her as you let her inside.
After a couple hours, inevitably watching every Nicholas Sparks movie, you spoke up.
“You know I love you, Z, but this whole Tomdaya thing really sucks.” You said. “I know. And I’m so sorry that he’s been unintentionally neglecting you. I’ve tried to shut down the rumors but his fans can be very persistent.” Zendaya explained. “Yeah, trust me I know. Ever since Civil War they’ve either loved me or hated me.” You said.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, Tom had gotten home five minutes prior. You looked up at the TV and examined the scene from A Walk to Remember.
“At this rate, I’d have to win the Oscar in order for him to want to spend time with me.” You commented. “I think we need to go on a girls trip. Maybe New York, see a broadway show or we go to Miami and just enjoy the beach.” Zendaya suggested.
You laughed at her suggestion and were honestly happy that she wanted to get your mind off of it.
But Tom felt guilty. He didn’t mean to neglect you and make it seem like he didn’t care. He loved you more than anyone and he didn’t know you felt this way. Probably because he was always so busy you didn’t get the chance to tell him.
“God, this feeling sucks.” You said with a sad laugh. Zendaya gave you a reassuring smile before you heard someone clear their throat.
Your head snapped in that direction and saw you Tom standing in the entryway. “Uh, I’m gonna go. But call me if you need anything.” Zendaya told you.
“Thank you.” You told her quietly before walked towards the door. “Fix this, Tom. That girl loves you and if you lose her, you’ll regret it.” She whispered to him before leaving.
Tom looked back at you and saw that you weren’t facing him anymore but scrolling on your phone.
“Y/N,” He started. “‘Zendaya secretly dating co-star, Tom Holland?’ ‘Tomdaya taking the world by storm.’ Oh and here’s my favorite headline, ‘why Tom Holland should be with Zendaya instead of Y/F/N Y/L/N.’” You said.
Tom closed his eyes tightly before walking over to where you sat. “They’re just stupid headlines.” He told you. “To you, they’re stupid headlines. To you, it’s just hanging out with your costar all the time. To me, Tom, it’s not having my boyfriend around when I get a role in a huge movie. Or it’s when he forgets my birthday.” You snapped.
“Your birthday is-“ He started before he realized he had missed it. “Two days ago. When you were at Disneyland.” You said.
“I am so sorry, love. I’ve been so busy with all the movies and I know it’s not an excuse but,” Tom pauses as he looks at your expression.
You were hurting when you should be celebrating your accomplishment.
“I love you, Y/N. I love you so much and I’m so terribly sorry that I’ve been neglecting you so much. I’ve been a terrible boyfriend but I hope you can forgive me.” He added, teaching to grab your hand.
“Of course I forgive you, Tom. I’m not going to throw a four year relationship down the drain because you’re bad at multitasking.” You joked.
Tom laughed at you before leaning forward to kiss you softly.
“So tell me about this movie.” He said. You smiled as you moved the carton of ice cream from your lap. “Well, it starts filming in Texas in a couple months. And then we’ll move to Western Nebraska and then Louisiana to finish it up.” You explained. “And are you excited?” He asked.
“I’m so excited. This is my first big movie that could win an Oscar.” You answered. “I am so proud of you, love. I really am.” Tom told you. “And I’ll have to come visit you on set.” He added. “Oh but of course.” You teased.
Tom was about to lean in again when your phone buzzed. You picked it up and saw that you were tagged in yet another post about Tomdaya.
“What is it?” Tom asked. “An instagram post about you and Z. ‘Tom and Z were so cute on Jimmy Kimmel! I didn’t even notice that Y/N was there too.’ Wow that hurts.” You read aloud. “Okay, this needs to stop.” Tom announced as he grabbed his phone.
“What are you doing?” You questioned. “Making sure that everyone knows that you are my girlfriend and it will stay that way.” He answered.
You waited in silence for a bit until you were tagged in another post, posted by Tom.
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@tomholland2013: I want to give a well deserved shout out to my lovely girlfriend Y/N. If you haven’t already heard, she’s going to be in a new Martin Scorsese film and I am beyond proud of her. She deserves this more than anyone and I love her 3000 😉😉 @y/f/n_
You read the caption and smiled up at him. “I love you too.” You said. “Well, I’d hope so.” He joked. You leaned in and pressed a loving kiss to his lips before Tessa jumped up in between you two.
You both laughed but let her do it anyways. “Now I got both my girls.” Tom commented. You smiled lovingly at him before you cuddled into his side.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 15: Yami Joins the Bay Area Tribe By Throwing a Riot About Sports on Caltrain
So as you’ve probably guessed because of my lack of posts--I got kinda busy with life stuff and just got hit with this really nasty flu at the same time. Yes, I am in a Coronavirus-affected area but no, I don’t have it and I am not dying (although I did do the right thing and quarantined myself anyway, much like a whole lot of the Bay who are just...working from home. Traffic’s been great.) It’s just that every January/February I tend to fall apart and get the flu so bad I lose my voice for 5 days. This year was 6 days. I just catch the flu a lot, but at least I get my shots so it’s not as bad as it would have been.
So, I took a hell ton of Nyquil and Dayquil and while I’m...functional...I don’t know if any of this make sense. So forgive my rambling. I usually ramble, today I’ll be like...hella rambling. About TRAINS.
So anyway, Lets talk about Yugioh.
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Lets board a Californian train!
Yugioh has decided that out of every vehicle they’ve devoted episodes to--they haven’t done trains yet, so it’s train time. Train time...in America...which is not a great place for trains. Like I never really think about it but...people take the freakin Greyhound over trains. Which is wild, guys, the Greyhound is...it’s a state of mind. We ignore trains so much.
It’s just really funny that they left Japan to go to America to ride a train when it’s like...the show takes place...in Japan. The land of wonderful trains. But wtv, they wanted ye Old Western experience.
Anyway, Rebecca really wanted to go on the train with them, but everyone pretty much decided that children were no longer safe on this trip with Yugi and co. The fact that Yugi and co are also children is something I guess we decided to push under the rug. I mean Duke Devlin has a freakin job and a work Visa at 17 so...that’s adult enough, right?
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(*in a very Roaring Camp Railroad Commercial voice, and over the dulcet sounds of a banjo* More TRAINS under the cut!)
And then Arthur decided to just really grill it into Yami for some reason.
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I think it was mostly to act as a recap but damn, Arthur Hawkins just really seems to hate Yami for killing Yugi. Anyway, lets get a good look at our train.
Surprisingly for this show, they decided not to put us on the Roaring Camp Railroad through the Santa Cruz Mountains, instead, they put us on an actual legit commuter train, and it blew my mind because...it’s the CALTRAIN.
That’s my train! What’s my Caltrain doing in Yugioh!?!?
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They even got the paint job right! This is absolutely the Caltrain!
We never update this train. So yes, it still looks like this over 10 years later. It’s very underfunded.
So the Caltrain was originally privately owned tracks--which is how they are really nicely laid out--a private company bought everything/pushed out the old owners before the place got developed. When trains went under, the tracks were purchased by the State and then given to Amtrack to manage. So, Caltrain is strictly property of the State Government but still run by the Federal Government at the same time. Don’t ask me how it works, I don’t know, I just pay my taxes and it goes vroom.
We’ve wanted to extend the Caltrain down to Southern California for a very long time, but because of corruption and a lot of people in politics refusing to expand the Bay out of the fear of maybe dropping our housing prices to reasonable limits, and the fear of making it way too feasible to get more children to Disneyland, the track has stayed roughly the same length for over 40 years.
Overall, It’s less drive time than this duel that takes up this next arc, I’m pretty sure. I’m gonna guess that the duel will be 3 episodes long because c’mon. This is Yugioh. It’s always 3 episodes long, like a Nintendo boss.
Anyway, all these train facts are things that are probably so weird and foreign to places that have ample trains--but in America, we just don’t have a strong train lobby compared to our auto lobby. So, I’m sure that people in Japan making this series thought “Oh they’re on a train--it can just go forever because why wouldn’t it be long? Aren’t all American trains connected?” but uh...it’s a short train. Like we’re talking like a few hours max, and that’s only if they’re starting from Gilroy.
I will say that BART is longer and has multiple tracks, so you would think they’d just take BART instead. But, it goes under the ocean for part of it, and we’ll get to why that would have been a very big problem in this episode later. Also, BART is very gross and no one wants to animate that outside of a horror movie.
But at least they didn’t go way out of left field and take the SF trolley. The Caltrain does actually go pretty fast. It...kind of makes sense. They did actual research into a real thing that we do have.
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And youknow...there’s something just so adorable about seeing desert mesas reflected in the window of the Caltrain. It’s just delightful. Because, in reality the entire stretch of the Caltrain is very densely suburban/urban, and the only place where it isn’t surrounded by city is when it’s flanked by the sea.
But yeah, just put mesas on it!
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*freakin curtains*
Joey and Tristan hit the “dining car,” which I don’t think is a thing in any form of commuter train. These trains are for trips the length of about 1 extensive Puzzles and Dragons session on your phone, give or take.
(And man, speaking of, the Yugioh PAD collab was so good, guys. Ah man. Been wrecking like every dungeon in multiplayer ever since Bro and I both got a Yugi to put as our leader. He’s basically one of the best leaders in the game right now and I feel like people at PAD were huge Yugioh fans because they were like “what if we made...basically every Yugioh pull into a freakin beast that broke every dungeon in the game?”)
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I can’t believe Joey Wheeler went thousands of miles from his homeland and was like “I better drink an American soda” and chose Orange. I mean he might be drinking an Arizona Tea, but I’m pretty sure he thought “ah, Kenan and Kel, right?” and just nabbed the nastiest soda that exists outside of grape.
I feel like I can still taste the orange soda I drank over 20 years ago. It is terrible. It is SO orange. Gross. But at the same time...good? I really don't know with Orange Soda. It’s probably gross.
Meanwhile, Tea decides it’s an appropriate time for Yami to work on his social skills. Now. When he’s visibly grieving after being berated by his Basically-Step-Grandfather and Rebecca.
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And then we find out something I’ve never realized before, and it’s that Tea is really bad at social cues. Like maybe even worse than Yami. Like, I dunno how Pharaoh could look more like an angry cat/hedgehog but Tea was not picking up on it.
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And y’all I’m not making that up, these are the topics Tea actually came up with for the guy who just saw his best friend die/was very implicit in said murder. Beaches and Bathing Suits.
She got over Yugi being dead like immediately.
Of course, this episode is kind of weird because, much like this show has done so many times already, these guys are still struggling to truly understand that Yugi is two people in one body. Tea sort of comes to this realization as if she...forgot that she has stepped inside his actual head and seen this for herself.
Or maybe it’s denial, but I’m thinking maybe the show did this for the new people coming to the show, to explain a rather complicated thing that took 3 seasons to cement in our minds. But still, it makes Tea seem very forgetful over a guy she should sort of be dating I guess.
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Anyway it’s their first real fight. Kind of. I mean it’s hard to tell if anyone on this show is dating, and it’s equally hard to tell if they are fighting, too.
Well, first real fight if you don’t count Zero when Yugi tried to make out with Miho over a card duel, but I think we’re all doing our best to forget that ever happened. Yugi especially.
Or I guess that time she strangled him nearly to death in the nurse’s office when Shadi took over his body. That counts as a fight, right?
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Ah. Now we’re on Caltrain.
Don’t take it the wrong way, Caltrain is actually our higher end safe train, compared to our other transit, BART, which will always sit you next to a weirdo, guaranteed. Caltrain--you can take a good nap on Caltrain. BART...you will never feel comfortable enough to take a nap on BART (also because there’s not enough seating room anymore)
But a lot of people who take the train are just freakin WEIRD. I used to take the Caltrain with my older brother (different bro than the bro of this blog, this is my chaotic neutral bro) because we both worked near the same place in downtown SF, and he would always take with him--I kid you not--a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Lightning for a snack.
For those not in the States, Mountain Lightning is the offbrand Walmart version of Mountain Dew. Yes. I know what I said. It seems dumbfounding as Mountain Dew is already an off brand of Sprite--the true lemon/lemon lime--but indeed, like Inception, you can always go deeper, and if there is a soda so bewildering and random, my older brother will be ON IT.
Anyways, my older bro is a train weirdo, so not only does he prefer Mountain Lightning to Mountain Dew, he would take out a 2 liter from his backpack, tilt back his head, and just chug the whole thing straight from the huge ass bottle in front of God and everyone on that train.
He’d polish it off completely on the ride there and the ride back, because my older brother has this weird medical problem where he can’t really feel pain and he has an insane metabolism and never gained weight until he was like 32, so he can just...chug as much soda as he freakin wants. So, at some point of the trip he would have to use the very tiny bathroom, and it would be very urgent, and he’d just scramble over me to get to the aisle and then kind of skip and hop all the way there on the rush hour train that was completely full of people.
Like, most people don’t even know that Caltrain has a bathroom--well now you know, and for several years there, it was just always taken by my brother violently pissing. That was us (well...him). My apologies.
In case your curious, now my bro has hardcore acid reflux, and all he needs to do is stop drinking so much damn soda, but it’s been very hard for him, so he has cut back to “diet soda”. This is still a lot of soda and it still causes acid reflux. His doctor is working on him.
And yes, Diet Mountain Lightning exists. That’s just so many steps removed from Sprite at this point.
Anyways, enough waxing long about train memories, lets get back to the show, because it’s not this season of Yugioh until there’s a problem with the commute.
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Unrelated to Pharaoh punching the walls, everyone has “disappeared.”
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My bro looked up the Wiki that says there's “no explanation for the missing train passengers” but we all know what that really means on this show, right?
So, how many people fit on Caltrain?
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There’s just NO WAY they’re alive anymore, right? Like Yugioh went and killed 756 Bay Area passengers because...it’s a filler season!
I really feel like there’s just no way Seto or Bakura will ever catch up to Darts’ death count at this rate.
After this, we have ourselves this fun train-jumping trope.
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Pretty sure it was the superhuman opposing force of Tea jumping from the back train to the front of the train that forced the back to lose all of it’s 100+ mph momentum and immediately come to a full and complete stop.
Not sure how Darts did this thing with the train separating. But he did. Or maybe it was Rex and Weevil? Either way, he somehow managed to do this well enough to strand Joey and Tristan on the other side of the line that now has no engine.
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(course I say this like in 1400 AD the Bay wasn’t full of the Ohlone. this place was basically always developed because...the weather’s hella good when it’s not on fire.)
Now if you go East--southern Utah looks like this, and parts of me wonder if maybe the artists thought they were taking the train all the way to Florida. Did the English dub add “we’re taking the train to the airport” because they knew there was no one in their right mind in America who would take a California-Florida train?
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I have no other explanation for why the Bay Area looks like this, than to assume that this is an alternate California where there never was a Loma Prieta Earthquake and also one where Seto and Pegasus bought out and destroyed both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Which makes Seto and Pegasus sound like just real true heroes, never paving any sort of way for Mark Zuckerberg to happen and unintentionally (or intentionally who knows) screw up our elections.
Or maybe that was entirely Darts? Maybe it was Darts who’s been eating up the Bay, harvesting nerd souls for the leviathan and knowing that no one will miss these Twitter developers if Twitter never happens in the first place. Especially if he’s just ghosting entire Caltrains willy nilly.
But anyway, fun fact about the Caltrain that the creators of this show didn’t know--the train is a push-pull train, so...It has an engine on both sides of the train. Joey and Tristan...still have an engine. It would have never stopped, even with Tea’s incredible backward momentum.
This is normal train stuff and is something you should always assume about a commuter train that cannot afford the time to reattach the locomotive in order to turn around, but we forget about this in TV shows basically all the time.
However, there are fantasy rules that we give to TV that we sort of don’t extend to other places. We suspend our disbelief for things like this train stopping in a track that would, realistically, have another train passing by in 10 minutes anyway. Things like rogue waves that topple over ocean liners. Or CEOs in Silicon Valley who have ass-length blue hair that is tied with one single hair precarious band.
The point at which we no longer can suspend our disbelief when it comes to TV is SO interesting to me. Because I’m fully willing to let go of the fact that Caltrain is A Push-Pull train because it’s still a fun trope although this can never really happen to you on...almost any train at all anymore. But if this were a movie? People would be losing their freakin MINDS. Look what they did after Star Wars. They lost their entire minds over force-field science that doesn’t even exist.
Like, maybe the people who made this episode really do know that San Jose is the 3rd largest city in California, and that this is a push-pull train, and that there are no mesas anywhere near the ocean of San Fransisco. Maybe they did know that--but they decided to suspend our disbelief by pushing this Wild Wild West fantasy aesthetic SO HARD so it makes it believable although this is just...so wrong. Mostly because...it’s fun TV. Not because it makes any sense, but because I would like to have fun instead of thinking.
Which is also how most romance novels work ps. But Yugioh, although *almost* understanding the key ingredient to how romance actually works, I will assume never figures that out.
I hope.
Also, Rex is here.
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Bro would like to bring up that Red Eyes is not a rare card in the real world. So Rex is going out of his way to venge a card that costs...$4.50 at Target. That’s less than a meal at McDonalds. This card may have been in a Happy Meal at McDonalds.
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*pictured here, the actual canyons of San Jose*
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So something that’s interesting between Yami and Joey is that Yami gives in basically immediately and decides to duel Weevil, who would be very easy to just gently push off of this train. Joey on the other hand, looks down at both of his punching fists and is like “why would I bother?”
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Not that it mattered, it’s just interesting that even Joey has more restraint than Yami, who has 0 restraint, apparently, when it comes to dueling cards.
Joey has more restraint that Yami, and Joey is the kid who has tried to punch out Seto Kaiba in nearly every conversation he has ever had with Seto Kaiba over the last 4 seasons.
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Also, Tea is just standing on top of this train like it’s a completely normal day outside. Girl has no fear.
Wouldn’t these people be covered in bug guts? Like how are they not getting assaulted by so many flies and birds?
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But because she has no decent cards the Oricalchos just kicks her out? I dunno. There’s a lot of weird physics in the next scene.
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And she just grabs onto a moving train with her bare hands. I feel like Tea is just so woefully overpowered in this group but for the wrong game. I say this a lot. She’s like their One Punch Man but will never, ever know.
So anyway, that was a long time between updates and now I’m out of sync and behind on everything so...hell knows when the next update will be. Depends on the length of episode I guess? Bro really wants to get to what comes next soon though. He’ll pester me until I do it.
Now I can’t mention Mountain Lightning without sharing with you what you do with 2-4 liters of Mountain Lightning after your brother leaves and then just...doesn’t have enough room for all of his Mountain Lightning AND his baby in his car, so he just leaves it in your house.
It’s called Mountain Dew Cake <-(that is a link) and it’s actually pretty damn good.
I made this once and fed it to a British person and they were like “this is so decadent--what’s in this?” and I uh didn’t know how to respond to that other than “it’s really just Mountain Dew, I’m so sorry” and that was a lie, because it was full of Mountain Lightning.
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read these recaps in order.
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caroline18mars · 5 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 64
Harper had just sat down when the roomservice trolley was rolled into the room, Jared closed the door and put the tray on the coffee table, handing her a steaming cup of coffee “Latte just the way you like it, lots of caramel”. He had taken off his dinner jacket and pulled open the bow tie, undoing the top buttons of his shirt in one go, even though she knew he was tired he still looked amazing, Jared couldn't keep his eyes off the stunning beauty in the middle of a blood red, puffed up million layers tulle skirt that slowly sipped her piping hot coffee. “A white Christmas, it's been a while since I've seen one” a light topic was the perfect starter for a long conversation that hopefully lasted all night long, “really? I can't imagine a christmas in the sun, it's just not the same..I don't think I could live in LA, I like the change of the seasons, not every day has to be filled with sunshine and heat for me, and LA is just a bit too artificial..that being said, thanks for the lift and the temporary roof over my head” she quickly added, maybe she was being a little too harsh. “You're welcome, you would have frozen to death if I let you walk home by yourself, and I'll admit that I thought about walking you home but then I was pretty sure you would've not invited me up to your apartment and you would gladly let me die on the street” the sarcasm in his voice was real, so was her discomfort. “I miss you, Harper” he immediately changed the subject, he was done with the small talk and the verbal venomous stings, “I'm right here” she tried to laugh it off, why though? It wasn't funny, not funny at all. “You're never gonna forgive me, are you?” he put his cup down and leaned back staring at her, right now he didn't care how uncomfortable he made her feel “Jared..don't..” she stammered and nervously started shuffling in her seat, it was all so sudden, she couldn't prepare for this and it was doing her head in. He grabbed her wrist to get her attention, he was done with her trying to avoid eyecontact “don't what? Don't apologize? Don't tell you I'm actually kicking myself every hour of every day for what I did? Don't tell you I'm struggling without you? Don't..you miss me?”. Harper stared at his hand that was tightly clasped around her wrist and yanked it free, “I miss the Jared that didn't betray me, if there ever was such a Jared..I miss..” he watched her choke up, “what? What else do you miss?” did he care if he was maybe pushing things? No, because everything between them was fucked up anyway, if anything this was their ultimate chance to get all the frustrations out of their system. “I miss us” now there was something he hadn't expected, let her talk, “I miss trusting you, I miss being the other part of your brain, the other part of your heart” she blurted it out, it was true and she needed to get it off her chest. “You still are, Coco..the reason I'm so..fucked up is because that's exactly what you are, you are my other half” he breathed.
”I miss..” she hesitated for a second, was she blushing? “I miss sex” his heart skipped a beat hearing how open she was, “so do I..I miss 'our' sex” he locked eyes with her, “that's what I mean..we were good at it, weren't we?” she did hide the rest of her blush behind her cup “I never thought anything or anyone could ever come between that..I was so bloody naïve thinking that no matter what happened, we could argue, we could have the biggest fight ever, but I kept believing that our bodies would always find their way to each other”. Her words hit him like a ton of bricks “I had the impression you thought the same way but then booze and dope blew all my hopes to smithereens”. Jared swallowed hard “it was a stupid mistake, I don't want to minimize what happened but I'm here and we can prove to each other that we still have and will always have that sexual magic, there's a bed there right there, there's us right here..” it was merely a suggestion but she just shook her head. “It's that easy for you, isn't it?” she kept sipping her coffee “and please I don't need anymore apologies, if you tell me one more time how sorry you are, I think I will puke” she put down her cup again with a sigh, if it only were that simple..how many times a day did she dream that this right here would happen? they would talk, it would all come down to misunderstandings, he would just sweep her off her feet again and she would no longer suffer or be alone? Roughly around a 100 times or so and now that the moment was here she completely backed down because there were no misunderstandings, everything he had done was completely real and horrific enough. “I don't want to minimize what I've done..apologies are all I can offer, I have no extended explanation for it, I made the biggest mistake of my life and I'll do whatever it takes to get you back so a guy can merely try” there was so much dissapointment in his voice. “Do you think you can ever forgive me?” his question made her shuffle in her seat again, “that's an impossible question, Jared..I'm a faithful puppy, if I'm in a relationship I don't even look at anyone else, sober or drunk I don't fuck around” she frowned at him “I just have a line that I'll never cross, call it morals or whatever you like..so I just don't know if I can ever trust you again, and what's the point of a relationship if there's no trust, I'm not gonna spend my time constantly looking over my shoulder, getting paranoid..nope, not gonna happen, Charles was kind enough to give me a chance so I'm gonna put everything I have on my career, something I should have been doing months ago instead of losing myself in this bubble of lies and deceit while galavanting around Europe”. That was the minute he knew that it was over between them, there was nothing more he could do, she just dealt the final blow to their relationship “so you'll put everything on your career and on that guy you danced with all night, what's his name again, Nathan or something?”. Don't do this Jared, it's not fair, your feelings are hurt, be a man about it come on, “I might..I might not..either way, I don't think it's any of your business, and can you stop selling me short here, I really don't need a man in my life to be happy or succesful” stay calm Harper, don't give him the satisfaction.
Fuck! Just the thought of her and that smooth hipster together made his stomach churn, of course she was gonna go out with him, he had played the game for long enough to know that this was retaliation pure and simple. “So..plans for today and tomorrow? Guess you'll be flying back to LA tomorr..or better today, it's christmas already” Harper saw that he was dwelling on her words, he sat there staring at her without actually seeing her. “Have you seen the weather? I don't think there's a plane that will leave from JFK the coming days” he got up, he just couldn't take it anymore seeing that beauty sit here in front of him and there was no way he could touch her anymore. “Want some more coffee?” he poured himself another cup and walked towards the window to give himself a little more space to breathe, “no, I won't be able to sleep, too much alcohol and coffee tonight already, so what about your birthday?” Harper stared at his back, god you look so damn fine in those tux pants and that white shirt, I think I've never dated a more fine and exquisite male. Just reconsider and work it out together, you've never been more in love than with him, watching him turn with that genuine sad look on his face broke her heart “we'll just have to postpone it I guess”. He wasn't the man to sulk so it obviously cut deep for him “you can always celebrate with your friends here in NY, I remember you saying you have so many of them here” she tried, “I just don't feel like celebrating this year” he sipped his coffee, oh Harper don't you ever feel lonely in a crowd? Like when you go out with your friends and you only want to be with just that one person?. “If you want, we can go do something for your birthday? I mean you don't have to and I know it won't be as much fun as you planned on having in LA with all your friends..just think about it alright?” she softly said. “I don't have to think about it Harper, I gladly accept..why are you so kind to me?” his heart jumped in joy, the situation wasn't completely lost just yet, “because I still..care about you Jared, you've been the biggest part of my life so far despite all that you've done, so please don't see this is anything more than friendship, ok? This is just because we're snowed in, you could do with some company and so could I, nothing more, nothing less”
A few short bleeps had both their heads turning in the direction of her phone, it was 5AM, who was texting her at this time of night? “Booty call?” he got up, he couldn't deal with this, the light of her screen illuminated her little smile “says the man who's speaking from experience”. Stop rubbing it in Harper, “not funny, Harper! Anyone who gets a text in the middle of the night knows that the topic is not gonna be the weather, or the stock exchange” he huffed as he started unbuttoning his shirt and let if fall on the floor. For the second time tonight, his body was getting her all hot and bothered, had he gained some muscle? Definitely! She quickly put the phone down again, somehow it didn't interest her right now, “was I right?” he came walking up to her, why was her mouth so dry? “uhm, no you weren't, it's just Nathan checking if I got home alright and if I have plans for Christmas”. Jared kept smiling at her “and do you?..have plans for later on today?” little did she know that he was secretly holding his breath, “I don't know..I was hoping to get some work done, but with all this snow I'll see where the day takes me”. Diplomatic answer, being raised in a diplomate's family sure paid off, “but first let's see where the night or what's left of it takes me, is that another bedroom?” she pointed at one of the doors. “Uhm no..there's only 1 bed I'm afraid” he was done with the chivalrous act, he wasn't gonna sleep on the couch and neither was she, “Oh” there was that cute little nosescrunch again “I'll take the couch then” she sighed. “No you're not, and neither am I, you said it yourself, we're friends and friends can sleep in the same bed, so I'm not taking any drama about that” he rummaged through his suitcase and threw her one of his band T-shirts and pajama pants “here, put these on, bathroom's right there..there should be a toothbrush and everything you need” thank god she didn't protest. “Uhm Jay..” her calling him that again sent a shiver down his spine “could you..?” she turned her back to him, “oh..yeah sure” he walked up to her and ever so slowly he pulled down the zipper, revealing her beautiful skin inch by inch made his breath hitch in his throat. Feeling his fingers brush against her skin had her blood pumping, don't turn around so he doesn't see you blushing “thanks” she stepped away from him and beelined it to the bathroom. Calm down, relax..it's only natural that you're still physically attracted to him even if you don't want to..she put her hands on the marble counter and hung her head to stop her head from spinning. Text Nathan back, he'll take your mind off things, distraction was really crucial right now to stop her from falling again for the man who had ripped her heart out and chopped it in a million little pieces. Slowly she stepped out of her dress and let it pool around her feet, the pajama pants were way oversized so she stropped the cords together as much as she could, his signature scent wafted in her nose as soon as she pulled the t-shirt over her head. He turned on his side to hide the evidence of arousal seeing her walk back in the room brushing her long, long hair “when I first met you, I remember thinking you had the most beautiful long brown hair I had ever seen”. Harper stopped brushing “says the man with the most envied hair by all women and men this side of the hemisphere” and sat down on the bed with her back turned to him, if she kept looking at how he laid there, casually turned to her on his side with every muscle in his arm and chest outlined, she would get herself into a lot of trouble with these raging hormones.
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a-simple-imagine · 6 years
I don’t want to think - Gossip Girl
Requested by me: Summer is over and Y/N is heading home but the journey turns out quite differently then Y/N expected. A retelling of the infamous bus scene from season 2 episode 2 but without Dan. 
Pairing: Serena Van Der Woodsen x fem!reader 
A/N - I’m only up to season 2 of gossip girl so NO SPOILERS but thanks to my obsession with blake lively I’m really getting into it. I know the fandom is probably dead and all but I wanted to write something!! 
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The end of summer was fast approaching and I could honestly say I was looking forward to it. The hustle and bustle of the big city was calling my name. I was even starting to miss classes. I had thought spending time away in the Hamptons would be good for me. Get away from the drama my life always seemed to attract. I've spent most of my summer with my family and the occasional dinner date with Nate Archibald. Apparently, he was dating Serena now but that's just according to Gossip Girl. I haven't actually seen them together. Then again I haven't exactly been spending much time stalking the two of them. If anything you could say I was trying to avoid a particular blonde beauty as much as possible. Serena is one of my best friends but everything has been so weird after everything that happened. You make out a few times and suddenly it's the end of the world. Every time it happened, Serena insisted it couldn't happen again. It was silly, harmless fun that happened mostly when one of us was wasted. The last time it happened was just before Summer began. We had put the past behind us due to her Humphrey drama. In my defense, though they were broken up so I'm not the bad guy. This time, however, it made everything between us awkward and I don't know why? And so I ran away to the Hamptons for summer vacation. To get away from it all but I guess luck wasn't on my side because Serena was also here. And Nate. Then Chuck arrived. And just in time for the white party so did Blair. It was like I never even left New York.
With the end of summer fast approaching, I decided to go home a few days earlier. Taking the bus back meant a lot of time to myself to think about everything. My plans for this semester. My situation with Serena. I shifted my weight a little awkwardly as I waited in the queue to get on the bus. Repeatedly checking my phone despite having no new messages. I guess I was just impatient and looking for a distraction.
"Hey... Y/N."
Looking up, I never expected to see Serena Van Der Woodsen standing next to me. More bad luck I guess. What was she doing here? Had she had the same idea as me? After the events of the white party, I wouldn't be surprised. My lips curled into a small reserved smile.
"Hey... Serena. I didn't realise you were planning on getting a coach back too."
"Yeah, thought I'd get away. Give myself some time to think about the whole Dan situation and... other things."
I nodded a little, wondering if those other things she was referring to meant me or something else entirely. Just because she was playing on my mind doesn't mean I was on hers. I doubt the great Serena Van Der Woodsen was evaluating every kiss we ever shared. If her history with Blair was anything to go off, she was more of a let go and move on kind of person. And I just want our friendship back if nothing else.
"I'm gonna go sit over there," Serena announced, disrupting the awkward silence that came between us. I took a step back and she slid between me and the person before me. Her hand brushed against me and I swallowed hard. If I was being honest with myself, there was a part of me that was drawn to the blonde girl. I watched her as she went and sat down on a bench before turning my attention back to my phone.
I walked onto the coach, deciding it was best to take up an aisle seat next to a stranger. Serena wondered on after and I don't know whether there were just no other seats free or she was just being cruel but she sat in an aisle seat, on the other side of the bus just a row ahead. I could practically see what she was reading from my seat. I could hear her every time she spoke. A long sigh slipped past my lips as I came to terms with the idea of being stuck in an enclosed space with Serena for the next couple of hours. It's hard to ignore her when she's all I can see out the corner of my eye. To try to distract myself a little, I decided to just put in some earphones and lose myself in the music. I let my head fall back against the seat and my eyes flutter closed. My peace was soon interrupted by an earphone being yanked out of my ear. My brows furrowed in confusion as a magazine was being shoved onto my lap. I glanced at the blonde and back to the magazine.
"I just thought you might want to give it a read."
"Oh yeah," I nodded a little, taking the magazine from her with a soft smile. "Thanks."
Serena went back to her business and I put the earphone she yanked out back in. I flipped through page after page of skinny models and beauty products. Skimming through articles and pictures to get a sense of what was worth reading or not. A short while later I was growing restless just sitting around. Meanwhile, the woman next to me had decided to make the most of my inability to get away by striking up a conversation. She was around her late forties, maybe early fifties with mid-length red hair. Her name was Sue. And I have heard her sigh loudly multiple times throughout this journey. I eventually gave in to her eagerness to chat. Sue was droning on about how she was on her way to New York to see her mother, who may or may not be in the hospital. I couldn't quite be sure because she speaks way to fast for me to keep up. Part of me was hoping that Serena would somehow sense my discomfort and come to my rescue. I was bound by social laws so I couldn't just put my music back on and ignore her. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Sue is a very nice lady with a ton of stories to tell. I'm just not in the mood to talk to her right now. An awkward smile sat on my face as I glanced quickly towards the blonde. A double take as I noticed she seemed to have acquired a snack. Chocolate strawberries no less. Who the fuck things chocolate covered strawberries are the perfect bus ride snack. Where did she even get them from? I tried to look away and at least pretend I was listening to sue but I kept looking back to Serena. Mesmerised by the way she would pick up a piece of fruit and slowly sink her teeth into it. She turned to me and I caught her gaze as one finger after the other slipped into her mouth to clean them off. My thoughts were broken by Sue tapping on my shoulder repeated.
"Do you know her?"
I slowly dragged my eyes away and glanced towards my seatmate. "Uh... yeah, she's kind of one of my best friends."
"So what happened between you two?"
My brows furrowed. "What makes you think something happened between us?"
"You just said she's one of your best friends but you're not sat together. You've hardly spoken to her. Plus you're staring at her like a crazy person so either something happened  between you two or you're stalking her."
I  glanced between Sue and Serena then back. God, Sue sure was nosey. I casually shrugged. "Things are just complicated between us right now so we're taking some time apart to think."
Wasn't a lie, not by any means. I just didn't feel like explaining everything to a complete stranger when I hardly knew myself.  My gaze averted to Serena as she rose to her feet for the first time this entire journey and we must have hit a bump or something because next thing I know Serena fell onto my lap. Instinctively, I reached out to help her. Her soft hands slipped over my cheeks as I stared up into her blue eyes. Completely lost in the moment. Neither of us said anything but Serena wore a small smile. I returned her smile.
"Can you get off me?" I eventually asked, chuckling weakly.
"Oh- yeah, sorry." Serena pushed herself off my lap but not without grabbing my hand along the way. Pulling my arm, I rose from my seat
"What are you doing, Serena?" I wondered. Stumbling down the narrow walkway towards the bathroom that was situated at the back of the bus. I was yanked into the small cubicle and Serena reached over my shoulder to lock the door.
"What are you doing?" I repeated.  Her hands rested on my hips, pulling me closer to her. Her breath on my skin, a shiver spilling down my spine.
"I'm just tired of thinking, Y/N." she expressed. "why are we fighting this?"
Fighting what? Her blue eyes locked onto mine as she leaned in slowly. Hesitantly. As if giving me time to back out but I didn't want her to. The kiss was over before it really began and I didn't know what to do with myself. Did that just happen?
"Are you drunk?" I asked and she just chuckled playfully. Shaking her head as her teeth sunk into her bottom lip.
"We can stop if you want." And this time I was the one shaking my head. Her lips collided with mine as she backed me up against the door. The kiss was fast paced but firm and rather sloppy but I didn't want it to stop. Thankfully, we still have a long way to go on this bus.
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queenslasharchive · 6 years
When You Wish Upon A Star
For @nobutseriouslywhat​. Happy Holidays! Hope you enjoy. 
If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As dreamers do Fate is kind
They closed the stall for the night over an hour ago. Roger had been the one to bring out the vodka from the back room. They clinked their glasses in celebration of a successful holiday season. Conversation flitted back and forth between the band and school, and with each minute that passed, the two men became more and more inebriated.
Eventually, Roger had the right amount of alcohol in his system to become loose-lipped enough to ask his friend the question that had been bugging him for months.
“How do you know?” Roger asked vaguely, his speech slurred and cheeks rosy from his drink.
“Know what, darling?” Freddie poured himself more vodka from the mostly-empty bottle.
“You know! How do you-” he gestured aimlessly, huffing in frustration. “How did you know you liked blokes?” he asked in a mumbling whisper.
Freddie stared at him for a moment, his blank expression giving nothing away. Through his booze-addled brain, Roger realized he may have crossed a line.
The blonde awkwardly tried to take back his question, “I’m sorry- I mean, I didn’t mean to assume, or anything-”
“No, no- it’s alright,” Freddie cut him off before he could begin to ramble. “I just- I didn’t know it was so obvious.”
“Oh,” said Roger. His face flushed red in embarrassment. “So- so you do like blokes? You’re gay?”
His friend nodded slowly, his eyes glancing to the floor. “Yes, I suppose I am, darling,” he answered before meeting Roger’s eyes. “Of course, it’s not something I want my parents to hear about- or my professors, for that matter.”
A small, tipsy chuckle burst from his lips. Roger found himself laughing along, trying to lighten the mood. He hadn’t intended to insight any awkwardness. All he wanted was an answer to his question.
Freddie looked into his drink with a contemplative expression on his handsome face.
The blonde cleared his throat, and repeated, “So … how did you know?”
The singer stalled by taking another sip of vodka and thought over his answer. “I went to an all-boys boarding school, my dear,” he said at last with a knowing smirk. “We were all desperately horny and with no one around to fuck but each other.”
For as promiscuous as he liked to present himself, the blunt wording caught Roger off-guard.
“Ah,” was all he could say in response.
The drummer took another swig of his drink to hide the blush creeping along his features. God forbid if Freddie knew he was growing flustered by the conversation- Roger would never hear the end of it.
“When my family moved here, I tried going out with a couple girls because it’s what I thought I should do, but-” Freddie shrugged- “It never felt right to me. I just wasn’t- I’m not into girls.”
He sent Roger an inquisitive look. “Why do you ask?”
The blonde stared at Freddie, momentarily dumbfounded by the question. Why did he ask? How was he supposed to respond to that? Oh, I was just curious- I’m not gay or anything. But that wasn’t the whole truth, was it?
Roger was a bad liar even when sober, and with three bottles of beer in his bloodstream, he was hopeless.
Instead of giving a straight answer, he took a swig from his bottle, refusing to make eye contact with Freddie. His silence was enough for the other man to know what it was that Roger refused to say.
“Ohhh,” he said once he realized. A smile grew across his lips. “Oh, Roger darling, who’s caught your eye?”
“No one,” Roger spat defensively, his face turning beat red.
“Uh-uh, don’t lie to me now, dear,” Freddie tutted, wagging his finger for emphasis. “There’s a reason you asked. What is it? Rather, who is it?
“I’m not telling you!” Roger exclaimed.
The blonde stood suddenly, swaying and stumbling over to the door. He had to get out of here. There was no way he could tell Freddie about his secret. The singer would keep bugging him until he made Roger confess to- to him. Roger couldn’t do that. He couldn’t risk losing what they already had.
“Oh come on, get back here!” Freddie yelled after him.
“No, you’re just gonna make fun of me!” Roger slurred, almost losing his balance when he spun around to face his friend.
“I would never, dear,” said Freddie.
“Yes you would! You would, you totally would.”
“Really, I wouldn’t,” he pressed, his tone turning serious. “Love is important, darling. I won’t tease you for loving.”
Roger paused at Freddie’s words. He sounded sincere. In that moment, his intoxicated brain forgot that this- being gay- was something he was supposed to be ignoring, denying about himself.
All he wanted to let out everything he’d been holding in for so long, and Freddie was his best friend. He wouldn’t betray him if he told. After all, Freddie was gay too, right? Friends didn’t out friends.
“I’m not telling you his name,” Roger decided. He ignored Freddie’s disappointed huff. “I just- I wanted to ask you about it- him. I’ve never felt like this for a guy- for anyone, actually- and I don’t know what to do. I don’t think he’s gay. Hell, I didn’t even think I was gay until he came along!”
“He must be quite the looker to make you question your sexuality,” his friend giggled and took a sip of his drink.
“Oh, come off it,” he said, punching Freddie’s shoulder in a familiar gesture, eliciting more giggles from the drunk man. “And yes, he is rather handsome.”
Freddie laid across the pillows of their ratty old couch, laughing softly to himself. He batted his eyes up at Roger teasingly.
“Tell me about him, lover-boy,” he murmured sleepily.
Roger smiled at his friend’s antics and returned to his seat on the couch. He allowed his mind to wander to his special someone.
Days spent arguing and bickering about this and that, pointless little things that didn’t really matter yet seemed so important in that moment. Going out together, whether it be to the movies or lunch or a bar. Just last week, he woke Roger up at one in the morning and dragged him outside to watch a meteor shower.
Watching Brian marvel at the shooting stars criss-crossing the night sky was one of the best moments of Roger’s life. He remembered how his hazel eyes sparkled in the pale moonlight, the excited smile plastered across his lips. Their breath came in puffs of steam in the cold winter air, yet Roger never felt the bitter chill past the warmth bubbling up in his heart.
The drummer let out a dreamy sigh. “He’s the best,” he began. “He’s got this way about him- everything he says is just amazing. He’s so smart and nice and I just- I love- I like everything about him,” he corrected himself quickly.
Roger wasn’t sure what he’d do if he admitted he was in love with Brian.
He glanced over to Freddie, nervous to see his friend’s reaction to his confession. Relief flooded through him when he saw the other man was smiling from ear to ear, gushing over Roger describing his crush.
“Sounds like you’re head over heels, darling,” said Freddie. When he saw the apprehensive look that overcame Roger’s expression at his comment, he added, “That’s not a bad thing, you know. Being in love is rather beautiful in my opinion.”
“I’m not-” Roger stopped himself before he could utter any nonsense about not having a giant crush.
“You are,” Freddie insisted. “You asked me how I knew I liked men? Well, this is how you know. You know who you like when you like them, darling.”
The blonde nodded, a little too drunk to understand completely, but getting the gist of Freddie’s advice.
“So I’m gay?” he asked for confirmation.
Freddie shook his head and said, “That’s up for you to decide. Do you think you’re gay?”
Roger thought for a moment, remembering everything he loved- liked about Brian.
“I-I don’t know. Maybe,” he decided, his tone conveying his uncertainty.
“And that’s alright, Roggie,” Freddie reassured him, and then sat up to meet his friend’s eyes properly. “Now, listen to me. I’m going to tell you something you’ve probably heard before, alright?”
Roger waited with bated breath, expecting Freddie’s next advice to be especially significant.
“You can be anything you want to be.“
The blonde let out a barking laugh. “Anything I want to be?” he repeated. “Who are you, my mum?”
“I’m serious! You can be anything you want!” Freddie pressed, clapping a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Hell, look at you right now! Look at us! We’re small business owners, my dear. Entrepreneurs!”
“Our stall is rubbish and you know it, Fred,” Roger said.
“Nonsense, people buy stuff from us, don’t they?” said the singer. “Look, here’s my point: if think you’re into men, you can be. If you like this mystery man, go get him! What’ve you got to lose?”
“Everything,” he deadpanned.
“Oh, stop being so dramatic,” Freddie brushed off Roger’s comment with a wave of his hand. “I’m sure the two of you will fall in love and get married and fuck and have a ton of little blue-eyed, blonde-haired children running around one day!”
“Fuck you,” Roger laughed and pushed Freddie away from him, a wide smile gracing his features as his subconscious took the picture his friend painted and ran with it.
“Fuck me?” Freddie gasped in fake shock, clutching at his chest dramatically. “Right here? On this couch, in our very own stall?”
“You bloody wanker!” the drummer howled. He jumped to his feet, aiming to charge at his friend playfully, but lost his balance and began to fall to the floor.
Roger yelped when his forehead collided with the corner of the coffee table on his way down. His body hit the ground with a heavy thud, and he groaned in pain. He reached up to feel the damage the table did to his head and felt something warm running down his face.
“Holy shit!” Freddie exclaimed when Roger hit the floor. “Are you alright dear?”
Roger shook his head and brought his hand before his eyes. Red, hot blood covered his fingertips.
“I’m bleeding,” Roger hissed, unable to look away from his bloody hand.
God, he was a real fuck-up, wasn’t he? Clueless in both love and balance- though the alcohol may have had something to do with the latter.
Freddie peered over the couch and saw the cut across Roger’s hairline. His eyes widened comically. In a different situation, Roger might have laughed at the sight.
“Oh my God,” said Freddie. “That doesn’t look so good.”
“It hurts like a sonuvabitch,” he bit out.
The other man stumbled to his feet, thankfully keeping his balance despite his intoxication.
“I’ll call a cab- you need to get to the hospital,” he said, running to the landline and dialing for a someone to drive them.
Roger laid on the floor as Freddie made his call, trying to ignore the feeling of his own blood seeping into his hair. He didn’t trust himself to stand on his own after the fall he’d had. Once Freddie hung up the phone, he returned to Roger’s side with a towel from the back room.
He pressed the dry towel against Roger’s forehead, eliciting a hiss from the injured man.
“Sorry, sorry- I need to apply pressure, I think?” Freddie asked Roger for confirmation. He was a med student after all, he should know about first aid.
The blonde nodded slowly, trying to avoid dragging his cut against the rough towel.
“Yeah, pressure, apply pressure,” Roger drawled, his eyes shut to block out the pain.
Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. “Call Brian,” he bit out through the pain.
“Wha-? It’s midnight, dear- he said he has finals tomorrow,” said Freddie.
“I don’t care. Call him,” Roger insisted.
Puzzled but compliant to his friend’s request, Freddie left Roger to keeping the pressure against the cut to make a second call.
The phone rang for a while before their guitarist finally answered.
“Hello?” came a very tired reply on the end of the line.
“Bri darling, it’s Freddie,” he said, twirling the phone cord anxiously. “Could you stop by the stall? Actually no, wait- can you come by the-?”
“It is 12:00 in the goddamn morning Fred, what the hell do you want?”
“Roger had a bit of an accident- we’re taking him to the hospital,” he cut to the chase. “I think he wants you to come along? I-”
Freddie stopped short when an idea came to him. His mind raced as he thought over the conversation and Roger’s request to call their band-mate. A light bulb flickered to life in his head when he realized the identity of Roger’s secret crush.
“Ohhhh!” he exclaimed. “Oh! Oh, I get it now!”
“Get what?”
“Nothing, nothing,” Freddie brushed off Brian’s concern. “We’ll be on our way to the ER soon. Can you be there?”
“Of course- I’ll be there as soon as I can.“
“Thank you dear, thank you,” said the singer. “I’m sure Roger will really appreciate it.”
“What happened to him?” the genuine concern in Brian’s voice made Freddie’s heart soar for Roger.
The other man clearly cared for their drummer. Perhaps Roger could persuade him into a relationship after all. Or at least, he could with some help from Freddie.
“Split his head open on the table, poor thing,” Freddie said.
“Is he okay?”
“He’s- ah, no, not quite,” he hesitated to tell Brain the extent of Roger’s injury. “It’s bleeding pretty badly.”
“Shit,” muttered Brian. Freddie heard rustling on the other end of the line. “I’ll meet you at the hospital.”
“Alright. See you soon, dear.”
With that, Freddie put the phone back on the receiver and returned to Roger. The blonde man was still laying on the floor, clutching the towel to his head.
“He’s going on ahead of us darling, don’t worry,” he reassured, kneeling at Roger’s side and petting his hair comfortingly.
Roger leaned into the touch. “I’m an idiot,” he mumbled. “I’m a bloody terrible drunk.”
“Yeah, maybe you should have held back a little,” Freddie conceded. “Are you able to get up? We need to get you out to the curb.”
The blonde nodded slowly and reach out his hand for Freddie to take. With the other man’s help, he managed to sit up and stumble onto his feet. He groaned loudly.
“My head is pounding,” he hissed.
“I bet it is, darling,” said the singer.
He took Roger’s arm and helped him over through their stall and to the door. Suddenly, the blonde stopped short.
“Wait, wait,” he muttered, glancing to the back room. He sent Freddie a pleading look. “Can you go get my drink?”
“You bloody wanker.”
— -
Fortunately, their driver was sympathetic to their situation and drove them to the ER as fast as he could without having his license revoked. The nurse at the receptionist desk was less frantic. She calmly took their information and led them to an open room and fetched a doctor for Roger. 
The doctor took a look at his wound and decided the cut wasn’t deep enough to require stitches. Freddie held Roger’s hand as the doctor cleaned the area, taped it shut, and wrapped gauze around his head. He just left after writing him a prescription for antibiotics to lower the risk of an infection when Brian burst through the door and ran to Roger’s bedside.
“Oh God,” he despaired when he saw the state the drummer was in. “What happened?”
“Tripped,” said Roger, not meeting Brian’s eyes.
“Tripped? That’s all?” asked Brian incredulously.
“Mhmm,” said the blonde. “Tipsy in more ways than one, eh?”
The taller man stared down at him for a moment, completely dumbfounded by his best friend’s antics.
“Unbelievable,” Brian groaned and ran a hand of his face. “I come down here thinking you’ve gone and bled out on me, and what do I find? A drunk who got what was coming to them.”
“Oh, don’t say that,” Roger drawled.
“Why did you even want me here?” he asked, agitation growing. “You know I finals tomorrow, you bloody twat.”
Roger shrugged half-heartedly. “I just- I wanted you here, just in case.”
“Just in case of what?”
The blonde was silent. “ … I dunno, in case something bad happened,” he answered finally.
Brian’s anger washed away as soon as it came. “Oh, Roger,” he said softly. “Nothing’s going to happen to you. You’re alright- it’s just a cut.”
“I didn’t- you can’t know that,” he pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I do know that, actually,” Brian chuckled.
“No, you don’t.”
“I do,” Brian repeated with a tired smile. “I made a lot of wishes during that meteor shower. That’s how I know you’ll be okay.”
Roger turned his face away at a sorry attempt to hide his reddening cheeks. “You’re just saying that because you know I’m okay now.”
“Ah, so you admit it!” he exclaimed. “You said it yourself- you’re okay.”
Instead of replying, the blonde buried his face in his hands and let out a groan of exasperation, accepting his defeat. Brian chuckled again at the drummer’s antics.
Meanwhile, Freddie watched the exchange between his two band-mates, a knowing grin spread across his lips. He couldn’t stop his next words from coming.
“You two are adorable, aren’t you?” he commented.
Roger sent Freddie a surprised look before realizing he must have figured out his secret. He sent the singer a cutting glare, prompting Freddie to burst into laughter. Brian stared at the two is confusion.
“Adorable?” the guitarist asked.
“Yes, adorable,” Freddie gestured between his two friends. “Bickering like an old married couple- hell, you even suggested that you made a wish on a star for him!”
Brian sputtered, trying to deny the obvious for a moment before a light blush crept along his cheeks. “I- platonically, Fred! I wished on a star for Rog platonically,” he emphasized. “Can’t I wish for my friend’s health and happiness?”
“Of course you can, dear, of course,” he waved off his excuses and stood. “I’m going to the vending machine. I’ll be back.”
“Hold on- no you don’t-” Roger tried to call Freddie back, but the other man was already out the door, fulfilling his scheme to leave his band-mates alone together for a while.
The blonde growled in frustration and fell back onto the bed, reaching to run his hand through his hair. He stopped when he felt the bandage. The area felt better now that it had been treated, but it still throbbed uncomfortably.
Roger glanced up at Brian, who was staring down at him with a concerned expression, mostly unfazed by Freddie’s teasing remarks. If only Roger felt the same.
He cleared his throat awkwardly. “I guess your wish really worked, didn’t it?” the drummer asked.
“Well it’s not like wishing on a star actually-”
“No, Bri- I mean it,” Roger interrupted before could begin to ramble. “I’m fine, aren’t I? Your wish worked.”
His gaze held Brian’s for a long moment, trying to express his gratitude. Sure, wishes weren’t real and Roger never believed in fate, but there was real sentiment behind his best friend’s wish. Brian cared about him, even if it was just the care that friends had for one another. Roger clung to the feeling of being wanted, being appreciated by the other man.
It might not have been love, not yet, anyway, but Roger could only hope what hey had could evolve into more. After all, if Brian’s wish worked, maybe his would too.
Brian smiled nervously and said, “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“Right- sleep,” Roger murmured and rubbed at his eyes. “God, I could pass out right now.”
“I’m pretty sure you can’t,” said Brian. “You don’t need to stay overnight in the hospital for a cut like your’s. They’re going to send you home once they set you up with some meds.”
Roger sent him a look of disbelief. “You’re joking,” he said. “I come in here, drunk, bleeding all over the place, and they don’t have the decency to lend me a cot for the night?”
“They have other patients, you know,” said the guitarist.
“Fuck the other patients- what about me?” he whined.
“Oh, come off it, Rog-” Brian shoved his shoulder gently to avoid justling his head- “You can sleep once you come back to the flat.”
The drummer quirked a brow, “The flat? As in your flat?”
Brian nodded. “My place is closer. I’m not wasting time and petrol driving you and Freddie all the way across town,” he explained with a shrug of his shoulders.
“But- your flat’s only got two beds- what about John?” he asked.
“John’s already gone home for the holidays,” said Brian. “You two can take the beds and I’ll take the couch.
Roger wrinkled his nose in distaste. “You’re way too tall for that- and you have finals tomorrow. You need sleep,” he pointed out. “I’ll take the couch.”
“I’m not making either of you sleep on the couch- you’re injured,” said Brian sharply.
“Fine, I’ll just sleep with you,” said Roger without thinking.
The sudden stop in their conversation made him realize what exactly he suggested. Roger’s eyes widened as he watched Brian’s expression shift.
“With me?” his best friend repeated.
He hoped Brian would mistake the redness of his cheeks as a side-effect of the alcohol.
Roger swallowed, “I mean- if it’s alright with-”
“It is. Alright with me, that is- sharing the bed. My bed,” Brian stammered quickly. “I just- I didn’t think you’d be comfortable with that.”
The blonde was completely blown away by his luck. Comfortable with it? It’s all Roger ever wanted. This was the best early Christmas present Brian could have given him.
“Better than sleeping on your bloody couch, isn’t it?” Roger laughed, trying to ease Brian’s apprehension.
The guitarist nodded to himself, surprised by Roger’s willingness to share a bed. However, they were best friends. They’d already been through so much together. Was it really so strange for them to sleep together?
Brian felt his cheeks begin to warm at the thought. He knew it was ridiculous to be embarrassed about the situation, but he couldn’t help but blush when he imagined him and Roger, curled around one another as they slept. Maybe one thing could even lead to another, and they would-
The guitarist blinked back to reality. God, what was he thinking? He wasn’t some lovesick schoolgirl. He refused to feed the flames of his silly crush. Sharing a bed with Roger didn’t have to be some big thing between them. It was just to keep warm and sleep comfortably- and it was just for tonight.
It was then that Freddie returned, an open bag of crisps in hand. “What did I miss?” he asked, returning to Roger’s side.
“Brian’s offered to let us spend the night at his place,” Roger caught their other band-mate up to date.
“Really? Thank you, dear,” said Freddie to Brian. “I wouldn’t have been able to call us another cab again anyways-” he raised his bag of crisps- “I just spent the last of my cash.”
Brian’s eyes lowered. “So you were counting on me driving you home,” he stated.
“Of course. You’re too nice for your own good sometimes,” the singer chuckled and popped a crisp into his mouth.
Brian let out a resigned sigh and glanced to Roger. They shared an amused look as their regarded their frontman. Fantastical, frustrating, fascinating Freddie.
Soon enough, the doctor returned, gave Roger his prescription, and discharged him from the hospital. Brian helped Roger and Freddie to his car. Both men were still annoying drunk, stumbling over their own feet. The drive home was terrible. Roger and Freddie sang Christmas carols the entire ride at the top of their lungs. Brian had a raging headache by the time he parked the car near his flat.
“Why do I even put up with you two?” he muttered as he led them to his door.
Despite their height difference, Freddie managed to sling his arm over Brian’s shoulder. “Because you love us, darling,” he drawled and patted the guitarist’s cheek.
Brian sighed. “I know, I know,” he said under his breath as he unlocked the door.
“Mhmm. You know who you should really love though?” Freddie said and stumbled into his flat with Roger on his heels.
Brian shut the door behind them and asked, “Who’s that?”
Freddie sent him an impish smile. He leaned in close to Brian’s ear.
“Roger,” he whispered and promptly broke into drunken giggles.
The taller man took a step away from Freddie, regarding his friend with suspicion. Where had Freddie gotten that idea? Brian was always careful. He never spoke of his feelings for Roger before- hell, he never even wrote them down. He was too afraid that someone- that Roger- would find out and hate him for it. Ruining their friendship wasn’t worth the slim chance of being more than friends.
Perhaps his secret was somehow obvious? Brian paled at the thought.
“What gives you that idea?” he spoke lowly, not wanting Roger to overhear.
A quick glance up at his flat told Brian that the blonde must have already wandered into his bedroom. His heartbeat quickened when he imagined going to his room tonight and finding Roger in his bed. Maybe he’d already be asleep, curled up in his sheets, his pretty face completely relaxed.
A pleasant shiver raced down his spine.
Freddie leaned in closer, his lips nearly flush against Brian’s ear. “Oh, nothing,” he answered childishly.
With that, he padded off in the direction of John’s room. “Have a good night, darling,” Freddie called back to Brian. The other man could almost hear the mischievous wink in his voice. “And good luck with your finals.”
Freddie shut the door behind him, leaving Brian alone in the common area of his flat to wonder if he was just drunk and rambling or hinting at something more. The guitarist didn’t know what to think. Fortunately, he was too tired to waste energy analyzing the meaning of Freddie’s comment.
Brian walked lightly to his bedroom, trying to be quiet for his neighbor’s sake- or for Roger’s sake, if he was already asleep. The blonde had a rough night after all.
When he crossed the threshold of his room, he found his best friend not quite as he’d expected. Roger was was standing next to the bed, staring at it longingly, but hesitating to lay down.
“Rog?” Brian called softly.
Roger turned to him. It was then Brian noticed the conflicted look on his angelic features, his brow creased and eyes downcast.
“I should just sleep on the couch,” the blonde murmured, shifting from foot to foot with nervous energy.
Brian blinked. “No- we talked about this,” he reassured.
Roger bit his lip. “But you don’t actually want to share a bed,” he said sullenly.
The taller man shook his head, his long corkscrew curls bouncing across his shoulders. “I really don’t mind it.”
‘I don’t mind’ was an understatement. Brian was more than willing to share his bed with Roger- eager, even. Not that he would admit it, of course.
It was then that the blonde met his eyes, searching for any hesitation in the older man’s expression. Relief washed over him when he found none. 
Roger nodded slowly. “Alright,” he said, hoping his nerves weren’t seeping into his tone.
Brian watched as his best friend climbed into his bed, arranging to covers on top of him.
“You can have the pillow,” he offered immediately. “You’re injured. You need it.”
The drummer’s gaze darted to him, his expression clearly grateful. He nodded to himself and pulled the pillow closer to the wall.
Once Roger was settled, Brian slowly joined him on the bed, careful not to jostle the mattress too much. He positioned his body as close to the edge of the bed as he could without being in danger of falling off the side in the middle of the night.
For a moment, he tried to ignore the fact that Roger was lying next to him, his breathing moving the covers just enough to be a constant reminder of his presence. Brian laid still and quiet with closed eyes, willing himself to fall asleep faster so he could wake up in the morning and pretend this never happened. Already he wanted to forget how satisfying it was to know that it was Roger sleeping next to him, and not one of the girls he from the university he dated to forget just how much he wanted the gorgeous blonde, his best friend.
God, what would his parents think if they sent him off to get a good education, only for him to leave school to join a rock band and come home with another man on his arm? The image of his mum’s crestfallen face and his dad’s disappointed glare rattled him to his very core.
“Brian?” came a small whisper from beside him.
He turned to face Roger, who was illuminated only by the warm yellow light of the streetlamp outside his window. The troubled expression his best friend wore only served to make him feel worse. Every reservation Brian held was washed away by the sudden concern he felt for Roger.
“Yes?” Brian whispered back.
The younger man’s baby blue, wistful eyes darted across Brian’s face. His cheeks were still red from the booze, his voice still somewhat slurred. While Roger’s drinking habits usually bothered Brian, he found that he didn’t mind effect it had on the blonde tonight. He looked absolutely beautiful.
Their eyes met, their combined gazes searching for the same hidden emotion.
Roger let out a shuddering sigh, and whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Brian frowned. “For what?” he asked.
Roger didn’t answer him. Instead, he moved closer and closer to Brian’s face until their noses were almost touching, and then-
He kissed him. Roger’s lips were on his own, moving and sucking and searching for reciprocation from the other man. It was sinful. It was heavenly. Without thinking, Brian found himself kissing Roger back.
The blonde nearly sobbed in relief when his affection was returned. He kissed Brian harder, moving to their bodies closer together. Brian allowed the change, pulling himself up so he was nearly straddling the younger man. Their hands roamed through each other’s hair, Brian being careful not to tug at Roger’s bandage.
They went on that way for a few blissful minutes before Roger who pulled. The blonde gasped for breath, staring deeply into Brian’s eyes. The older man panted, overwhelmed by the onslaught of suppressed emotions rushing to the forefront of his mind, his love and his lust for Roger overpowering him like never before.
He’d wanted this for so long. He’d tried to deny it, tried to forget it, but in the end everything always came back to Roger. Arguing with Roger about the pace of their music, the jealousy that came with watching Roger pick up girls after their gigs, the joy he felt when he and Roger were alone together, talking or laughing or just enjoying each other’s company. Brian hadn’t realized it until now, but his life revolved around his best friend.
Roger was what Brian had always wanted, and Roger was what Brian had always had.
“Roger,” he breathed out his love’s name and caressed his cheek.
The blonde smiled up at him sleepily, closing his eyes in bliss and happy satisfaction. Brian wanted him back. His fears had all been for nothing.
When the blonde didn’t respond to him, Brian repeated, “Roger?”
Taking a closer look at the younger man below him, Brian realized Roger’s breathing had even out considerably.
Brian chuckled to himself, and murmured, “Of course.”
Roger fell asleep the moment they pulled away from each other. Brian couldn’t blame him- he’d had a long day after all. They both had. The stall was busy with the Christmas rush, and Brian with studying for his finals. Not to mention the huge gash on Roger’s forehead, and them confessing their feelings for one another.
Brian laid down beside Roger, this time having no problem with cuddling as close to the other man as he could. He smiled unconsciously and pressed his head into Brian’s chest.
“Goodnight, Rog,” Brian placed a small kiss into the blonde’s hair.
Brian soon found himself nodding off, slipping into a peaceful sleep. There were no dreams he could have that night that could best the one he’d already fulfilled.
She brings to those who love The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in and sees you through When you wish upon a star Your dreams come true
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unplacedpodcast · 7 years
Chapter Eight: Vindication (Transcript)
Sorry for the delayed transcript again! I had houseguests visiting and boy howdy having friends over for six days straight while also constantly doing things is exhausting and will fry your brain! 
Here’s the transcript! We will be returning for season two but I’m not sure when - I would like to think March or April but it’s very likely that that is my characteristic overambitiousness showing through. In the meantime, I’ll keep you posted on progress, and if you have any questions (whether about the story/world or any of our processes behind the scenes), feel free to send them in - Cole, Brendan, and I are gonna do a Q&A episode during the hiatus! 
Anyways okay without further ado here we go, spoilers ahead: 
(CW for self-harm [not suicidal/depressed self-harm, but intentionally cutting a hand] and homophobic slurs)
(audio dings on, narrator sounds tired but wired - think sleep deprived meets way too much espresso)
I think it’s showtime, y’all.
I’ve been up for almost a day straight…I hope I’m not forgetting anything. I just - I couldn’t sleep. I was afraid if I went to sleep…I don’t know what I was afraid of. That I would lose my nerve, or that I’d have more nightmares about that woman, about not being able to help her.
At any rate, as soon as I finished doing my research, I went out and got supplies. I had to go all over town…I tell you, it’s harder finding iron nails than you’d think. (wry chuckle) Apparently there’s some kind of a market for artisanal blacksmithery, though, so I did find some eventually.
After all the research, my supply list wasn’t that long. Two or three things, really. I think it’s more of a matter of…well, just hoping it’ll work, than anything else. If it doesn’t…I don’t know what I’ll do. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get away. But I also don’t think that I’ll wind up a suicidal husk like that other woman. I could be wrong - but I think if they wanted to do that to me, or could do that to me, that probably would have been their game plan from day one. When I sucker-punched that thing with my hematite-knuckles, I feel like that would have been it for me, if sucking me dry was an option. Granted, given the burns still covering my hand, I’m not sure what the alternative is - but at least it’ll probably be quicker than that.
If this is gonna be it for me, then it’s gonna be it, and I…I’m not really fine with that, but it’s better than continuing to exist like this, not knowing what’s going on, not knowing how long it will last, just…having to watch these things eat people from the inside out and being the only one that knows it’s happening. I can’t do that.
(sound of things rustling in background, metal clinking on glass)
Enough of that talk, though. Like I said, I’ve got my supplies, and I’m setting them up as we speak. I’m on the edge of a park, close to downtown…it’s not a huge park, by any means, but I needed a tree, and this was the best way to have one near a populated area. I need to be able to make it back here quickly once I find someone with a leech, after all.
The trap itself…not that hard to set. I did have to do a whole lot of googling on macrame art, which was not where I expected this journey to take me. Also, the blood was a little difficult. Getting more than a drop or two of blood without seriously injuring yourself is a lot harder than they make it look in the movies. Oh, if only I’d listened to my mom and gone to nursing school.
Anyways…I think that’s it. The trap is set. Obviously, I’m the bait. Now, it’s time to find the prey.
(sounds of movement and walking in background, her breathing pattern changes as she’s walking until otherwise noted)
It’s funny, the stuff that comes to you when you’re sleep deprived and possibly on a suicide mission. I remembered this story - I had completely forgotten it, until something reminded me of it earlier - from when I was young…probably like, eleven or twelve. In that awkward early-middle-school just-hitting puberty stage of life, that spot where you feel like you don’t really know what’s going on with you or with anyone else, but you have this sneaking suspicion that everyone else knows, and they’re never going to let you in on the secret…
There was this girl that was my friend. We weren’t close, but we hung out sometimes. She wasn’t super popular, but she wasn’t unpopular, either. Our lockers were right by each other, though, so we said hi on a pretty regular basis.
I had to make a pit stop at my locker between classes, and she was standing there, but something was off - there were three or four girls standing around her, blocking her in. I didn’t like the way they were looking at her — I knew that at least one of the girls wasn’t very nice. As I walked up, I heard the conversation - they were making fun of her for the holes in her jeans.
This girl - Leanne - her family didn’t have a ton of money, and these other girls had decided to remind her of that. I tried to ignore the conversation for a minute - I didn’t want to get into a whole thing, and I wasn’t super close with her, like I said. Also, I had books to get and a class to go to. But after a minute or two of “seriously, how old are those jeans?” and tittering, I couldn’t hold back any more.
“Weren’t you wearing jeans with huge holes in them the other day, Emily?,” I said, poking my face around my locker door.
She turned to look at me. “Yeah, but they were Hollister jeans, okay? That’s different from miss head to toe Goodwill over here.”
“So…it’s cool to spend tons of money on jeans that are already missing half their fabric, but not okay to spend $10 on the same pair of jeans?”
Emily scrunched her nose up, clearly not having thought this through. “Well, when was the last time you saw her wear anything other than store brand, then?,” she said, jerking her thumb at Leanne, who was standing with her back against the lockers, silent and staring at the floor.
“You know that when you buy something with a huge logo on the front, you’re paying the brand to advertise for them, right? That doesn’t make any sense to me. But as my mom always says, money can buy you everything except for common sense.”
I shrugged and turned back around to my locker to finish getting my books. Behind me, Emily, the mean ringleader, kind of stuttured. It was pretty obvious that she hadn’t been expecting a response at all. Trying to save face, she muttered “whatever” and turned around to stomp off, with her friends following her.
I was so proud - I got rid of a bully with logic! I didn’t have to fight, or even raise my voice. But when I looked at Leanne, the pride evaporated. Her face was bright red and she looked ragingly pissed off. She took a step towards me, getting uncomfortably close, and said, loud enough for everyone around me to hear, “Stay out of my business. I don’t need your help, you fucking dyke.”
I didn’t know what that word meant then, but I knew it was something bad and dirty from the way she said it. My face went hot and I got that pricking sensation in my eyes, the one you get when you can feel the tears coming, but you’re trying hard to fight them off. I barely made it to the bathroom before I burst into tears, and when I got to my next class, it was obvious I’d been crying. I got to hear about that later, of course, from the mean girl and her friends, along with some other choice insults - a little birdie must have told them what it was that made me run to the bathroom crying.
(narrator stops moving for a moment, breathing starts to return to normal)
I’m here, I think. No convenient stairs around this time, but I have a decent vantage spot from this bench…I’m not that far from the park, either. Now, I just have to wait however long it takes to find a person with a hitchhiker, and then…goad it into chasing me, I guess.
(brief pause)
I told the story to my mom later that day, after I got home from school. I just wanted to know why, you know? I was so upset, because all I wanted was to do and say the right thing. I wanted to help…and I thought that was what I had been doing. But maybe I didn’t know what doing the right thing meant, or maybe I did it wrong.
I told her all of this, and she hugged me, and she said, “Rashida, you didn’t do anything wrong. Sometimes, the world is just a cruel place. And when it’s like that - when people are like that - the best thing we can do is try to help, and try to do what’s right, the best we know how. And that’s what you did. I’m proud of you.”
And then she kissed me on the head, and told me to go work on my homework, and I did.
I haven’t thought of that story in years. It’s funny - the stuff we do when we’re kids, before the world makes us forget who we can be.
I hope she’d be proud of me now.
(pause, deep breath in and slow exhale)
It’s probably…five in the morning now. Five thirty?
(sound of movement - she’s checking her phone)
Five thirty, exactly. The sun isn’t up yet…sunrise should be at 6:02. Can you imagine what people 200 years ago would say, if you told them that we’d be able to carry around tiny devices in our pockets that could tell us exactly what time the sun will rise and set?
The early morning commute crowd is starting to come out. My thinking was that someone here will have to be…yep. I see one. He’s across the road and half a block down.
(sound of movement)
Definitely showtime now. The only thing I need is… (sound of knife clicking) …more blood, because of course that’s what it takes. After all, why would we want to make it easy on me?
(sharp intake of breath, sound of movement)
I’m a few feet behind him now, with a bloody hand. I’ll tell you what’s going on as it happens - I set it up on my phone so that if I don’t edit and upload these files within a few days, they’ll be automatically uploaded and published anyways. Someone will know what happened, assuming people can even find and listen to this, and they’ll be better able to fight these guys in the future. So I gotta keep talking, keep telling you what’s going on, for the good of science and humanity, or something.
I’m right behind him. I’m going to see if I can flick some blood at the - yeah, that got its attention. It’s rearing up…I have to make it follow me.
(talking like you’d talk to a cat or wild animal) C’mere c’mere c’mere, you awful…
(starts running, you can hear the sound of movement/her breathing) Okay, that worked. It’s in pursuit - it’s following the blood I’m dripping on the sidewalk - I just have to make it back to the park - damn these suckers can move!
(sound of panting and running for a second or two, running sound changes from pavement to dirt, she trips and hits the ground)
Fuck, come on, get up, you can do this
(noises of her getting up and running/fast footsteps again)
Whew. I beat it to the tree, just barely. Now, for more blood, have to trick it… (sound of her fumbling with something, glass and metal clinking together again, then moving and brushing up against the tree)
(whispering) Okay, it followed me - it’s fifteen or twenty feet away. I was worried it would lose interest and go back to the host, but I guess fresh blood…these things must track by smell. I don’t think it can hear me, at any rate. I’m hiding behind the tree, and I set the trap.
I did all that reading on spirit bindings, right? You fill a blue bottle with something to throw it off your scent - hair and blood - and iron nails, I think to damage it.
I don’t know if it will work, it’s still following the blood trail - it’s moving a little slower, maybe because the blood isn’t as fresh. (whispering drops even lower) It’s checking out the bottle. It’s - yes, it’s going inside!
(muffled sound of movement, metal clanging on the ground, hissing in background)
(still whispering, but not as quietly) I think - it’s hard to tell, I think that did it? It went into the bottle - it started to come back out but I think it’s really trapped now.
After doing all that reading, I remembered I’d seen some really cheesy home decor made with iron horseshoes, which apparently has magical origins…when I was looking for the other supplies I hit up every tchotchke shop in town until I found one. I just dropped a circle of iron horseshoes on it - it was starting to climb out of the bottle but I think that extra iron did it in. It drove it back inside the bottle and…
(sound of movement again, sound of glass hitting metal and rattling noises)
THAT BITCH IS CORKED! Take that, you slimy asshole!
Okay, it’s still fighting, but I think it’s in there for good. Now for the bad macrame - a bottle holder made with twine, without any knots in it. That might not have been necessary, but seemed like a good extra step. Better safe than sorry, right?
And now, we hang it on the tree and wait for sunrise. It shouldn’t be long.
That wasn’t…I don’t want to say that wasn’t so bad…but once I knew how to do it, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Except that I didn’t know for sure whether it would work and thought I might wind up being evil-leech food.
I’m definitely a little worse for the wear. My hand that was finally healing from the burns has cuts all over it for this stupid blood sacrifice decoy, I bang up my other hand pretty good in that fall, and I’ve got some bruises…but…I’m alive. I didn’t - I honestly didn’t know if I’d get to see this sunrise.
Speaking of, here it comes. The sun is coming up, I can see it peeking over the horizon. It’s hitting the bottle…
(sound in background of rattling/glass on metal, animal shrieking/hissing noise that gets incredibly loud and then dies off after a few seconds)
Well, that definitely worked. The bottle… (sound of movement as she moves closer to the bottle and takes it off the tree) it’s empty now. Completely empty. No blood, no iron, no hair, no monster…in fact, it looks good as new.
I’ll be taking this with me…my lucky spirit trap. And now…now, aside from killing as many of these things as I can, I’m going to get some answers. I’m going to find her - the one who could see me. I’ll let you know how that goes.
(sound of audio clicking off) 
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bigbrothermonopoly · 5 years
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My first Diary Room, I'm really loving the cast right now. Haven't talked to Dem, Chris, Andrew, Rheder, Silence, Madison or Kristine yet since they have yet to be on. Hoping this was more of a some people were kindof busy or just couldn't stay up for Cast Reveal and NOT a Oh we're all gonna be a bunch of inactive bitches. Emma talked about being UTR with our relationship and actually work together this ORG for the first time after 2 times failing to do so. Dunno if that's gonna work out, but hey third time's the charm maybe. Eve and Jess are icons as per usual I'm excited to finally be playing a game with them. Eve is suggesting a possible Jackbox Alliance, we'll see if that's like an actual thing I feel like that's the easy thing though and I don't know if that's what I actually want. I definitely plan to ride with that for a little while though. Gwen is sweetheart, she seems like a Discord noob, hoping that's not like a face personality to make her seem more endearing. I'm hoping to get good with Tawni and Mackenzie, meanwhile Brien, Austin, and Nicky I'm pretty medium with so far. I'm HOPING I can like develop good relationships with all of them. But like the female side of this cast is stacked, and the men kindof leave a lot to be desired so far. Hopefully when the other half wakes up I'll get a feel for them some more.
So, it's been not even 5 hours, I'm now in 2 alliances, one which is like not even remotely serious because Nicky just put everyone in the VC in an alliance... which is wild. Chris and Kristine came on, Chris is... interesting, for some reason I don't get good vibes from him. Something about his tone or the way he talks. He isn't really saying anything wrong, but at least on VC I don't get good vibes at all. Kristine seems like a sweetie, she's from MI too so I feel like we COULD have tons to talk about. Who knows though. Maybe she's a fake betch, only time will tell. (But hopefully she's a real one.) Still waiting on those others to get online at some point though, I need to feel EVERYONE out and so far there's still too many people that I have like no fucking clue on.
i honestly don’t know anyone and i’m paranoid to not be on call cuz they probably talking shit about me
Question of the day: Why are there so many straight white males here?!
I’m super excited to be in this season of board game big brother! I’m trying to have conversations with every houseguest and make a good first impression but it’s hard to keep 17 conversations going at the same time. Also the first head of household competition has begun! I don’t want to win the first HOH because I don’t want a target on my back this early.
**DIARY ROOM THINGAMAJIG**: I feel that I could definitely make my move. My experience with survivor definitely suits good here. Kori, Eve, and Andrew were quick to contact me and negotiate. I feel like I could definitely use my age as an advantage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Only one I’m not liking rn is eve she just comes on too hard but nothing really too bad yet.
So... hmmm.. this game is.. interesting? so far? I've already been attacked by the hosts and the majority of this cast. Don't @ me but... pineapple does NOT belong on pizza! In all seriousness... this is a WEIRD group of people. Some new faces, old faces, and a bunch of unknowns. My game plan in all honesty as of right now is to let Eve think she can control me. She is one of the few people I know in this game so I kind of have no choice but to work with her while I put in the ground work with others. I want her to think I'm one of her "minions" so she thinks I'm useful and I'll do whatever she wants for now... Big personalities are sinking ships in Big Brother so gotta come up with that plan B for when Eve (probably) falls. BUT i'm kind of just trying to take this a bit slow and trying to talk to everyone right now so no brain power required. PS: I refuse to touch that HOH with a 10 foot poll. Let's do a mini little trust list? 1. Jess 100. Everyone else I don't trust any of these hoes.
So happy that Chris got HOH we came into this game together hoping one of us would win HOH and that’s exactly what happened. I’m 100% confident that I’m not going to be nominated!!! We worked together and I gave him as much information as I could. We both did. It worked perfectly. And he made himself the bigger target anyways.
I’m a LIIIIITLE mad i came close to winning and didn’t but it’s okay bc i Kinda didn’t want too idk hxjsjzjz does chris exist though? i swear i haven’t seen him online HHHH
How did I win the HOH. Not only do I have power but I also have no idea what I am doing. I am a dog trying to mix chemicals or trying to use a computer while being blindfolded and having one arm tied to my leg. I am more than happy and excited to be the first HOH but I know that brings a gigantic target on my back when I have to nominate two people. I want to make a huge move and take out any big bodies there are earlyBut I have learned that that isn’t a good scenario to start with. Hopefully I’ll have a better idea of who I want to vote for tomorrow when I talk to my closest allies which is just me and myself so looks like I’m talking to myself everyone. Well I want to go figure this out now hope y’all have a good time
Chris is apparently VERY lucky somehow snagging the first HoH despite seeming to not really talk with anyone. So I'm honestly kindof annoyed would've preferred a Mackenzie or Eve win but not much I can really do but shut my trap and suck up in a way that doesn't seem blatantly fake. He's currently talking to me about wanting to target big and talkative people. "Fuck the VL as it were." So RIP Eve probably. I won $20 in that little task which is fun. I'm HOPING telling the Jackbox Crew wasn't a mistake, I hope the $20 isn't going to be a major reason for anyone to want me to go, especially since it's like, such a minor amount of money I feel like especially when you look towards the long term. I want to trust that group for right now though. Overall this HoH situation kinda sucks since we're probably going to lose a personality, and even more likely it'll turn out to be someone I like. Guuuhhh.
omg it’s joshua bassett birthday!!! periodt!! me remaining unbothered in jail because my mentions are off heheheheh
So.... nominations are tonight. I’m feeling pretty good because I’ve been chatting with Chris and we seem to be getting along. We are going to try to get a group of seven people together so we have numbers for the following weeks, but anything can happen, after all this is big brother!
So obviously I'm pissed that I am nominated.... Like wtf did I ever do you, but in a way it is my fault... I have been sick the last few days and have just been laying in bed. Also I love how out of everyone in the game Chris was the one person I did not talk to before the HoH. 
literally these people are so fucking annoying- i’ll just hop online for like 5 seconds and say nothing and all of sudden half of the cast is my dms like hey hi good morning
Fuck Cheatham This is my first official DR. I am at my mom’s house and I left my computer at home, so this will probably be shorter than usual. Yay for phones. Looks like Rehder will be the evictee tonight. Unfortunately, he did not reach out to me until like a day after the veto comp. Can I put emojis here? If I could it would be rolling eyes emoji. The uuuuuuhhliance is...it exists. Will stay loyal until I can’t I guess. The Mandela Monocles is where it is at. I feel bad that Silence got roped in my Rehder and Will for another alliance...he didn’t ask for it. I hope it doesn’t come back and bite him. Me and Kori are Left Phalanges. We will win. K thanks byyyeee
I’m sick. I have no energy. I probably should have done this earlier but I wasn’t planning on being sick. I honestly don’t even know who is nominated. Neither one has messaged me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 
I’m doing not too good. William and Silence are confirmed and they are branching out, everyone else I’ve talked too is going with the house and I’m currently trying to convince them that the house is with me but idk. Probably exiting after tonight. It was a good run but I guess I’m only good at survivors. Anyways, I hope I get to stay in
i’m concerned about a couple things 1. everyone telling me i’m safe 2. everyone acting like they are in an alliance with everyone and everyone knows the plan so even if i’m safe- it feels like everyone in some big alliance and that doesn’t work well with me
I've got 2 things to say!!! IM SO PUMPED THAT I HAVE WON VETO!!! WOOOOOO. I do trust alot of people in the house but I feel much better being able to save myself and be here another week.... Also I dont know what Rehder's strategy is but it ain't working 😂😂 Hes texting me all these people who's votes he has and doesnt and another list of those who I have to text for him! What!!!!! Also I dont know if he knows but half of his list he gave plan on voting him out tonight ☠
Well as it currently stands Rehder SHOULD be going home. Which is a shame in some ways he seemed like a nice kid... messy, but still nice. I've tried pulling back a bit since Kristine mentioned that someone views me as a social threat. Not sure that's totally accurate, but if someone is viewing me that way I need to carefully and meticulously figure out who that person is, and kick their ass to the curb. As it currently stands I think the 2 3 people I'm struggling with the most as far as conversation is Dem, Tawni, and Chris. Eve seems to think Chris is under their mist, which I mean go off, like its gonna be funny when Chris wins HoH 6 weeks from now and is ready for that #Chaos he wanted for this week. My #2 right now is probably Gwen. While I do love Eve and value their partnership, I can't help but feel like I'm replaceable for the whole Jackbox Crew. I'm still not looking to make a move any of the next couple of weeks, we'll have to see how the game progresses to know where exactly I'll go. It's also still just the first week, so my opinion on everything may very well change, the game is just starting and I'm raring to pop anyone who crosses me.
watching the cast videos now im going to give you my thoughts 1. i wanted to barf watching nickys 2. gwen is a bad bitch i hope she wins 3. omg i feel so dumb cuz i was talking to austin like we was 13 cuz i thought he was honestly .... and hes not.. hopefully i can recover. but idc. hes a little boring but sweet. 4. i hope mackenzie is nice to me. 5. fuck yeah jess lets chug a beer together 6. WILLIAM....Bowling With Buddies....Im going to nominate him if I win. 7. Kristine is the second prettiest here, next to me. Hope she wins too :heart: Shes adorbs :heart: 8. silence is cool i want to work with him 9. SHUT THE FUCK UP BRIEN actually nvm i kinda like him i wanna work with him I've talked to Chris a decent amount prior to him winning hoh so im feeling kind of good that i wont be nominated but i dont want to get comfortable because bitches are wild around here. My HoH performance.....FUcking embarrasing. Especially since people were asking me if i wanted to win and i was like yeah why not Austin proposed an alliance with me yesterday and i was just kinda like yeah i mean i’m open to anything that has safety involved and then today he told me he also talked to chris prior to hoh about creating an alliance with me and him called the gents, which is a fuckin hideous name i had no idea that he was going to ask ppl to join in on shit i thought it was kinda just gonna be a low-key u got my back i got urs but i mean chris is in a position of power so it’s definitely not the worst thing for my game, i just hope austin isn’t making himself look like a fool in the process of trying to make these connections because he is also saying my name to chris and i just don’t want to be openly associated with anybody yet if chris isn’t on the same page yknow But right now i’m just going to ride the waves i don’t really want to challenge anyone or anything just yet
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images
Auburn beat a 3-5 Ole Miss 20-14 last night, and that included the Rebels’ last-gasp attempt at the win. They forayed into Auburn territory, and only by the grace of a 4th-and-2 stop did the Tigers secure the win.
Oh, and none of the students were there to see it.
Offense ain’t fixed. Maybe this was Gus trying to let Bo get some confidence and timing throwing the ball. Put a ton of yards up but we have to score points. Bo threw 44 passes without a touchdown and, like, that’s hard to do. We have to figure out scoring points. Anders Carlson is too much of a vet to miss three makable kicks. We have to be better. However, we won. As bad as this was, it could have been so much worse had we lost this stupid game. We won it, which is way better than losing.
-Son of Crow
A win is a win. I refuse to give this game any further brain power. Now we have 2 weeks to properly hate Georgia. War Damn Eagle.
-AU Nerd
We won the game. We’re 7-2 going into the Georgia game and right back where we were in 2017. It’s a must win for Auburn. And we’re no longer allowed to make fun of Bama kickers, that was pitiful.
Now, I want to take this opportunity to discuss the very empty student section at the end of that game. You noticed at halftime a LOT of empty space and that only escalated as the game went on. I get the game didn’t go well but stay and support the team. Don’t quit on the team!
And yes, it was cold in Auburn tonight. But you had to have known that before you went to the game so that’s not an excuse. Auburn hadn’t had a home game in FIVE weeks! It was a SEC game at NIGHT and it was a close game. If Auburn was up 40-0 that’s another thing. The team feeds off the crowd’s energy and it wasn’t there tonight. If the students don’t want to support the team then I guarantee there are Auburn fans that aren’t able to get into the game that would gladly trade places with those students. End rant.
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This was early in the fourth quarter.
-Will McLaughlin
Auburn’s going to come out of this one with an expected win probability over 90%, but I swear when that ball was snapped on 4th down, I was convinced we weren’t winning. The offense was pretty good tonight, despite being totally incapable of scoring and a case of the dropsies. Bo looked as good as he has all season, although the run blocking was pretty terrible to the point where only DJ Williams could make something happen with it. Being down two key players, I’d say the defense was really good. Special teams were hot garbage.
Something’s off, and I’m not sure if the program can recover right now. It’s no one persons fault, but it’s pretty much everyone’s fault (sans Kevin Steele and the actual players on the team). Auburn is a REALLY talented football team, and Gus Malzahn is a good football coach. But it feels like this is the point in the marriage where both sides realize they just don’t love each other anymore. *cue sad montage*
-Ryan Sterritt
1) our students suck. That was embarrassing
2) we have to manage game state better than that. It should never have come down to what it did
3) hell yeah Damn right Hotty toddy porta potty who the hell are you Piss pass biss bass ole miss sucks ass
-James Jones
There is no excuse for winning a game by 6 points when you almost double up the opposition in total offense and surrender 1 turnover that didn’t result in any points. You can’t put this frustration on the quarterback, who had arguably his best day, which would’ve been even better had it not been for drops. Can’t blame it on the running game, with the emergence of DJ Williams as the most complete running back on this football team. Can’t blame it on the defense, who only surrendered points because of what I’m about to get to and a penalty-filled drive (that’s gonna happen every once in a while).
We just couldn’t finish drives. It’s insulting that we’re kicking field goals inside the 5 yard line, but that’s who we are right now as an offensive unit that there is absolutely no confidence in being able to push it over the goal line. Even so, I’ll break my frustration down into 3 sequences:
3) Why in the world are we kicking a low percentage field go and potentially giving a team momentum with time left on the clock to go down and score to win the game? We’ve run a pooch punt with Bo once this year. Run it again here. If it goes 20 yards then Ole Miss has to go 90 with no timeouts! If it goes through the end zone then they have to go 80! Instead, they have to go 69 (nice) _with_ momentum thanks to a kick that was at best a 50/50 chance with the day Anders was having. It was the wrong call and the worst time in the game to have that wrong call. If not for a valid holding call on TD Moultry going our way (which we’re all too aware isn’t something we’re going to be getting a lot of this year), we have a very good chance at blowing this game we had no business losing.
None of this is ok. All of this warrants why Auburn people are frustrated. As someone who supports Gus Malzahn as Auburn’s head coach, tonight is an extremely tough one, because it means we’re once again enduring a win while still reeling from excruciating losses. Does this mean it’s time for a coaching change? No. But what it does is continue to lose equity in a season that he, and Auburn, both knew they needed to get some back. Because nobody in this relationship wants to go through a firing at _any_ point, albeit for very different reasons.
The two biggest games of the season are coming up, and this team is absolutely capable of winning 9-10 games in the regular season. It’s going to take some mixture of outplaying our ability along the offensive line, getting lucky on 50/50 balls in the passing game, and seeing the opposition make uncharacteristic mistakes. And for our defense to play like…our defense. Plus they’re at home, which normally gives us a huge advantage. But if the students feel that going to see the Velcro Pigmies at the Sigma Nu house or whatever in the hell was going on tonight instead of being there for this football team, then you might as well go back to playing games like what we have coming up in Birmingham. Because at least then the folks that show up wearing orange and blue will be there to watch a damn football game and support their team for 4 quarters, because Auburn Football is where our memories are made, not the damn boom boom room at Skybar. And if you’re part of the reason the bleachers were empty ALL of the 2nd half in this game, after 5 weeks without a home football game, then you owe it to this team and to the rich history and tradition of Jordan-Hare Stadium to make damn sure it never happens again.
-Josh Black
Auburn played some really good football against Ole Miss. Everyone around me was complaining about how the offense was terrible. Auburn dominated that team! If you cover up the final score on the box score, you’d take that performance every week. And if it wasn’t for a blatant missed facemask that I could see from 17 rows up in the upper deck, Ole Miss is never in this game to begin with. The final is probably 27-7.
Here’s where I sound like an old man yelling at the youths. The crowd plays a part in the game. The crowd at LSU and Florida forced penalties on Auburn. They played a tangible part in the result. Additionally, the team feeds off the crowd. Especially the defense. Derrick Brown is out there pumping up the crowd. Derrick Brown postponed his NFL career for 7 more chances to step onto Pat Due Field and pump up the crowd. They live on that energy. And it wasn’t there! The crowd has to be there the entire game.
Tigers Unlimited is going to submit pictures of the empty student section to the athletic department with a summary of how much more money they’ll make selling season tickets in those sections. And there’s nothing you students can do about it. Not every game is going to be against a ranked team. But It was a damn SEC night game. These are so rare. Embrace them. Fuel the defense. Fuel the team. We need our players spending their post game interviews talking about how the crowd was there with them the whole time - not specifically calling the crowd out.
And for those of you who believe “they played like crap, we don’t owe them a thing, I’m not obligated to stay the entire cold game” - you’re the reason the student section is going to get smaller one day.
-Josh Dub
The stats bear out a game that was called well by Gus Malzahn, and good effort by our maligned quarterback Bo Nix. He had maybe his best game, going 30-44 in what was clearly an attempt to get him back on track. The only problem is that when he played well, hardly anyone else on offense did. Receivers dropped passes, the line still couldn’t really block, and we still rolled up more than 500 yards on offense. The plan looked like we introduced some easier throws for Bo, and he was hitting them. That’s great. Still, it looked like we had a team full of guys ready to get to the bye week and completely overlooking Ole Miss.
The Rebels clearly treated this game like it was their Super Bowl, and you could see how locked in Matt Luke was on the sideline. They had an annoyingly slippery quarterback, and we weren’t focused. A couple of uncharacteristic mistakes (the long punt return allowed was a throwback to September) and some of the defensive penalties (Derrick Brown’s late hit/hands to the face/the horse collar late) allowed the Rebels to pull within striking distance.
Yeah, the students were disappointing, and when you have players tweeting about how crappy that was after the game you know it’s a real issue. We don’t get to make fun of Alabama for their students leaving in blowouts when ours didn’t stay for a close game. If you’re disappointed in Gus Malzahn and won’t stay to support the team, then don’t buy tickets, or give yours to someone who will stay in their seats. Last night felt weird, like we were witnessing the after effects of a marital fight. Both sides are being passive aggressive in their actions. One side just leaves to go to the bar without saying anything, and the other side refuses to do any of the necessary stuff around the house to keep things above water.
Hopefully we get some counseling over the next two weeks and crush the big event on November 16th.
-Jack Condon
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/11/3/20946196/snap-judgments-11-auburn-20-ole-miss-14
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dragonslaved · 7 years
Yet Another RTX Advice Post
Salt talked about a lot of great stuff for RTX in her post but let me bring up some other things here that aren’t as talked about!
1. Bring a backpack. I say this because even if your hotel is right across the street from the convention center, you’ll still not want to have to constantly go over to it to get things. I'd highly suggest bringing your water bottle (yes I'm another of those people reminding you), whatever medicine you need, portable battery, your chargers for whatever, something to do! With your hands! Because even though there's a lot of walking at conventions, there's also a lot of waiting! My bag last year had: water bottle, various painkillers (motrin, midol, ibuprofen, advil - all those in case people around me needed something and didn't want to lose their place in line), pads/tampons in case anyone needed one, snacks that you could easily eat with one hand, headphones, whatever I wanted signed, a couple permanent markers (you never know who you'll run into in the hallways! I ran into Shannon multiple times and he always stopped to say hi), as well as a notebook, my sketchbook and pencils, and my chromebook. 1.5. A note! I do always bring extra of everything, from painkillers to personal hygiene products, because while I may not need them, inevitably someone on the convention floor will! If you happen to be in a bind and you need something but don't want to lose your place in line or can't get back to your hotel and you see me walking around, please don't hesitate to ask! I keep all those things on me because it used to be that convention season would be the absolute guaranteed menstruation peak period for me. 2. A general head's up that yes, there IS free wifi in the convention center! It's not very strong, but it is there! 3. Salt talked about the RTX app and I cannot agree more. I only had issues setting up the notification for my panels and while I haven't looked into the new app, I'm hoping that's worked out. The important thing about the app though is if you're going to Austin for the first time, it is a must have. Here's why: it has a map of the downtown Austin area with locations of restaurants and stores you might need while you're there. It made a huge difference for me in spending $20+ on delivery to my hotel, or a 10 minute walk and spending $10 for food I really enjoyed more than chain restaurants. 4. I bring this up because the convention food last year was! Not great. I remember there being very mediocre pizza in the dealer's hall for $8-$10 a slice. Your local restaurants around downtown austin are your best bet. 5. I know RT made a big deal of it over the last year, but!! Lyft and Uber are officially back in Austin, so utilize them if you need to! 6. If you're out and about the convention area at night, please be aware that 6th street is VERY busy at night. They actually block off streets and it becomes a pedestrian only street at night. Think Bourbon Street in New Orleans (if... you're familiar with that). That's kind of what you're looking at with 6th street at night, just a bit more toned down from NOLA. 7. Back to the actual convention: listen. There are a lot of panels you'll be excited about and you'll want to line up early and get the best seat. But here's the deal. The staff will NOT allow you to mill and wander the area of the panel before line up starts. Line ups generally start 2 hours before the panel, and they WILL kick everyone out of the area about an hour before line up begins. So wander around earlier and get an idea of the layout then skedaddle. They try to make the panels run as smoothly and fairly to attendees as possible and this includes not letting people sit around and wait for lineups. 8. Which brings me to: please please listen to and respect the Guardians. They're volunteers that go through a pretty rigorous process of being selected to help staff RTX. Hear that? They are volunteers. They are not paid for this. They go to RTX and volunteer to work the majority of the time they're there. The rules they lay out and ask you to follow are for a reason, and it makes everyone's (not just theirs) lives so much better if you listen when they tell you something. I don't actually know what color shirts they have this year, but you'll recognize them when you see them!
General FAQ:
1. "Hey we're at a panel and there are a ton of empty seats in front of us! Why c an't we move up there?"
Those are actually for the VIP attendees, those overly expensive tickets that sold out very quickly. If the staff see that there aren't enough VIP attendees to justify keeping them empty, you may get lucky and they'll have everyone else move up a row or two (happened at a few of my panels!) Unfortunately, them's the breaks on those areas. They're usually taped off with bright colored electrical tape so you literally can't miss it.
2. "Should I bring a print out of my info for badge pickup/autograph signing?"
I'll be honest, I don't remember much about my badge pick up except waiting in line and talking about OVW with my Australian buddies (HI ENN I SEE YOU). HOWEVER, I'm fairly certain you don't have to have your info printed out because I don't remember having mine printed out. And I know for a fact you don't for autograph signings. For autograph signings! If you have a smartphone,
keep your autograph receipt, do not delete it.
 In that email is a pdf file. When you go to your autograph line up, the Guardians are going to ask to see it and they'll scan the code on it. It's a one time use code and it's how they keep a lot of shenanigans from happening, as well as give them an idea of where the most people are (e.g. if there are 200 people scanned for [celeb] but only 60 for [other celeb], they'll know for the future how to manage scheduling for them). Also since they've started getting more popular, they have started doing security checks before you even go into the room for your autograph signings (this includes a metal detector and having your bags checked). So a head's up on that.
3. "I get anxious and stressed a lot, what do I need to be aware of?"
Well, with any convention, there are a lot of people moving nonstop and it does get a bit loud. But! This was instated last year and I'm hoping they'll continue it: in multiple places in the convention center they set up a Quiet Room. It's a room with some blackout paper over the window, no sound allowed. If you feel overwhelmed, you can ask a convention staff about it and (if they do have it) should be able to direct you where to go. That said! There are still some less traffic areas around the hotels and convention center you can sit in. I have pretty gnarly social anxiety and I get overstimulated a lot so I'd end up sitting on the second floor hallways of the convention center a lot of times.
4. "I see [so and so] over there doing an impromptu signing! I'm gonna go get in line!"
Cool! This does happen fairly frequently with the RT staff and they try to be accommodating to their fans but please please be aware: each of the staff (particularly the big face personalities) have a guardian that's. Basically their handler. They make sure they get where the person needs to be on time and hopefully in one piece. And sometimes, even if they're doing an impromptu signing,  their guardian may stop you and say no there's no time. Just how it is sometimes. Please listen and respect that because they DO have a schedule to keep. The more popular the person, the less likely you are to run into them (but it /is/ possible).
5. "I brought a gift for [so and so]!"
That's so awesome and sweet and they'll love it. But because of time  constraints, last year they started requesting attendees bringing any gifts to the RT staff to bring them to a specific location in the convention center. They get sorted by who they're for and given to them privately. This is for time constraints as well as I assume safety. Please, please do not bring gifts to them to panels (taking up precious q&a time) or to signings (making other people wait and putting them off schedule potentially). It sucks but it is something they started doing last year.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 7 years
Watching Extremis for the first time
(Spoilers below)
-Who’s narrating?
-If you serve as executioners to everything... then you execute flies and mosquitoes and stuff like that?
-Holy shit the Daleks are actually an impressive race, they killed a ton of those Time Lords that are supposedly so hard to kill
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-”I didn’t expect you.”  Well then who’d you expect, some other Time Lord who miraculously survived the Time War?
-Ah, gotta love them Daleks with their gossipy mouths, spreading rumors everywhere.
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Why is his suit so worn. I’m concerned.
-”They can’t know I’m blind, Missy. no one can know.”
-”Please, I’ll do anything. Just let me live.”  I...
-*phone notification jingle*  wut
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Do all these people have fevers or is the weather just really hot??
-So I’m guessing he uses the shades to aid his vision now?
-Well, as long as he’s not completely in the black I’m fine
-”ve arrrre to com heerre dirrectly frrom the vaticaan”
-The pope???
-what is going on????!?!?!?
-”Pope Benedict. Lovely girl. What a night. I knew she was trouble, but she wove a spell with her castanets.“  wut
-”The Pope doesn't zoom round the world in the Popemobile, surprising people.“
-I am so confused and worried right now
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I was kinda losing focus while reading the transcript of this episode and then BOOM, SUICIDE PICTURE FLASHES, WTF
-”Assume nothing. Assumption makes an ass out of you.”
-”I thought you'd moved out from here?  “Yeah, slightly didn't work out. Second attempt on the way.”
-”I don't like knowing their names. I only get attached.”
-”Of course not. I have very strict rules about men.“  “Probably not as strict as mine.”
-”Oh, I'm sorry. Here's me thinking that she dragged some poor, terrified man home.“  Poor lady doesn’t know what’s going on, but talk about getting out of a tight spot.
-My favorite scene in the episode so far omg
-Ah yes, Bill’s house pipes that always go VWOOOORP VWOOOOORP.
-”Well, whatever this is, and actually it's not anything yet, it is absolutely nothing to feel guilty about.”
Gotta love how them popes come with a pre-installed church organ sound effect
-I only understood one word that sounded like “Doctor”.
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“You’re all going to hell.”
-I love Bill omfg
-”Pope Benedict said that you were more in need of confession than any man breathing. But when the offer was made, you replied it would take too much time. On behalf of the Catholic Church, the offer stands. You seem like a man with regret on his mind.“
-Well, that went down in a bad way...
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The very fancy scifi watch hidden under the very fancy fantasy-ish robes
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The Doctor suspects Darth Sidious is up to something.
-Nope, nevermind, that was Nardole.
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-”Warning: I have full permission to kick your arse.”
-”Because I don't like being worried about. Around me, people should be worried about themselves.“ "Yeah, shall I tell you the real reason?“ "No.“ "Because the moment you tell Bill, it becomes real. And then you might actually have to deal with it.”
-This episode is about as religious as Doctor Who gets, in my opinion.
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-We all know who this looks like
-The library of Blasphemy, huh? That’s quite some Hogwarts stuff there.
-”Harry Potter!” THANK YOU BILL!
-"The layout is designed to confuse the uninitiated.” "Sort of like religion, really.” I can confirm this true, for reasons. "You happy in those shades? Not dark enough for you?” “In darkness, we are revealed. Bill: When did he get so emo?
-”Well, take a few more minutes if you like. Knock yourself out. Actually do. Do that. Knock yourself right out.” Pffft
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That’s one great big hood you got there. But pray tell, how do you see what’s in front of you?
-well shit
-”Without hope. Without witness. Without reward.“ What?
-”You'd be wizard at writing Christmas crackers, you two.”
-I thought Christmas crackers were paper sausages with confetti inside them?
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Alright, where’s the orange portal?
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oHh my GOD
-”I think there's someone in there.” "Yeah, we are very slightly getting that.”
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-”Hey, there’s wifi down here!”  “Of course there's wifi. It's a library.“
-”Reading chair with a safety belt?”
-Apologies if I seem to be taking too many quotes directly from the episode(s), but I just love the Series 10 dialogue okay
-”Because you're sending us into the dark, after a man with a gun.“  Not as dangerous if said man is dead...
-WEll Nardole got a little weird there
-Bill: *voice cracks* “nARdOLE”
-Nardole: *sees hand* *voice goes up by two octaves* “HIEWIEW”
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That’s a pretty gun, but it wouldn’t do much damage in battle.
-”It would be stupid to go and look.” *goes to look*
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the flipping kind of videogame portal hub is this
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Meanwhile, in another part of the world, aliens freak out as a bald head pops outta nowhere from the wall of their living room.
-”Cardinal, it worked. I can see.”  Yes!
-”Not well enough, not yet.”  Okay...
-”The thing about the universe is, whatever you need, you can always borrow, as long as you pay it back. I just borrowed from my future. I get a few minutes of proper eyesight, but I lose something. Maybe all my future regenerations will be blind. Maybe I won't regenerate ever again. Maybe I'll drop dead in twenty minutes."  NO!
-”You know, I've read a lot of books that this chair would be quite useful for. Moby Dick. Honestly, shut up, and get to the whale.“  omfg
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-”This is not a game.”  “This is a game.”
-Why is that CERN scientist so excited, and more importantly, why does he seem drunk and why is everyone in the cafeteria so gloomy?
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Reading a legendary script on Microsoft Word.
-(On an unrelated note, I was saving these screenshots and naming them as each alphabet. The one right above happens to be Z.)
-(Could be some other text program but that’s what I think)
-So the screen was getting blurry not because the BBC didn’t want us to commit suicide but because the Doctor was going blind again
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Don’t you dare tell me the whole first half of Series 6 was set in a fake world or virtual reality or something like that
-Were those white things all portals to a virtual world
-At least Bill and Nardole got out safely.
-”Are you okay?”  “nOOO - Yes. NooO”
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“Could be the Doctor.”
-Let’s hope not
-Let’s really, really hope not.
-”They’re projecting everything.”  CALLED IT
-But what if??
-What if our lives are really just holograms
-(I went on Omegle to get a stranger to think of a random number, but ended up answering questions about English)
-(This one person was asking “what does ‘single out’ mean”)
-”You know, like the holodeck on Star Trek, or a really posh VR without a headset. Through there, those places, that's basically Grand Theft Auto.”
-More and more references each episode, huh, BBC?
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I uh... happened to pause here so...
-”Please don’t let me be right.”
-Oh shizzles
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-WHAT THE EFF??????!??!?!
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Why did the blood change color?
-’Total communication blackout at the White House’? hat happened?
-Did all the people in the White House commit suicide and how did the Doctor come here?
-Ah, the portal yes...
-cold fraggling shizzles.....
-”The Veritas tells of an evil demon who wants to conquer the world. But to do it, he needs to learn about it first. So he creates a shadow world, a world for him to practise conquering, full of shadow people who think they're real.”
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The screen ‘popped’ a bit here - it shook a little as if it zoomed slighly in then back out very quickly, accompanied by a tapping sound as if someone had knocked (into) it. Not sure if others saw this too or if it’s something with the site that I’m watching this on.
-Okay, I’m watching the Doctor explain this shit to Bill, and I’m having about as much of a crisis as Bill here
-And then the Super Mario mention though
-Please don’t tell me the past six episodes were holograms
-”A puppet Doctor for you to practice killing.”
-The Doctor Puppet account was worried about that line, yes
-Was that the email he got at the beginning of the episode??
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wHOA chill please
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At least the last six episodes weren’t all fake.
-Then when did the hologram-reality start?
-”It means I'm a scary, handsome genius from space and I'm telling you no, she's not out of your league.”
-”I have the feeling that we're going to be very busy. Call her tonight.“  Aww
-I hope Bill actually gets a girlfriend sometime this season
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o i   g e t   o f f
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*insert relatable quote about Monday mornings*
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Some fast fingerwork there... NO I DID NOT INTEND TO SOUND LIKE THAT
-The guy is becoming uneasier by the second
-I don’t like the whirring sound??
-How are they gonna move her to the box in the middle of the water
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It ends here?!
-Oh yeah right... They’re supposed to be a three-parter. Followed by another three-parter to finish off the season.
-Welp, looking forward to the next episode and possibly a lot more things to freak out over!
50 notes · View notes
scottmapess · 4 years
Bitcoin Dumps to $8k But Is the Worst Over?
It’s strange, no matter how many times the price of Bitcoin dumps. People are always shocked. But I’ve been telling you guys all week to hold your horses. Today, we’re going to look at why the price of Bitcoin dropped and whether or not you need to keep your moon boots on the shelf. Let’s get it. What can a big boy crypto news edition once per day? I’m going to break down the biggest news stories in the space for you so you don’t have to. If you want to know where the price of Bitcoin and all coins are going to, then please make sure to hit the subscribe button and join both my telegram groups, the bid squad for a regular crypto chat and Bitcoin traders to discuss trading strategies. All right, guys. Today has been a tough day for a lot of people. The FAMO has been quite strong lately. Several people have asked me if they should go all-in on Bitcoin or this coin or that coin. This is the time when people start doing stupid things like taking out loans to buy crypto. So I’m going to show you my strategy and how I was able to jump out of the market so I didn’t get hurt at all by this dump. We’re also going to be taking a look at Coinbase going down and what the Bitcoin having means for people who want to sell Bitcoin. All right. Let’s jump in the markets. So soon? You guys may have gotten absolutely wrecked the last day, but I assure you guys why I did not get wrecked. That’s not to gloat that to tell you that you can do this, too. So I use the FAMO trend indicator. I swear by this thing. It over long time frames. It works like a charm. So I was in along last night, I actually closed out before I went to bed because I just didn’t feel very great about it. So I woke up, I was not in any positions and I looked and we were down a little bit. Now if I didn’t have my FAMO tender indicator here to show me that we have now entered into a cell zone, then what I would have done is I would have looked at this and said, man, we’ve been going up, up, up, we’ve dip down. It makes sense that it’s going to pop right back up. And I would have jumped in along, but because of FAMO Turner is showed me that we were in a cell. So the question is, did I want to short the market or did I just want to sit out. It would no position. Now as you guys see, this candle over here would have been awesome if I would’ve shorted and it would make me look really smart. If I would’ve come in here now, I would’ve told you, hey, guys, I shorted the market today. Look at this. We’re doing so great. But we crash. And I made all this money, but no, I did not. Why did I not jump in to short? Yes, I could have made some money, obviously, but I didn’t. When you look at the date chart here and you look, we are still in a buy trend. We have been in a buy trend since April 1st. We have been in a buy trend. Now, when you look over here at this action right here, we have dipped down. We’ve wig down lower than the buy zone support line here if you will. This is an aggregate line to get lost, having a consideration. It’s not just one. You know, it’s not like Mack D or RSI or anything like that. It is it’s an aggregate of many different things. So I’m just gonna call it the buy indicator line here. OK, so we’ve dipped down below that this week. So in my opinion, this is when you look back at the buying trend since April. This is the weakest that we’ve been. And this is the first time, if you look up here real close, you can see in the background. No, I didn’t want to do that. You can look in the background of this candle and you can see a little red shade right there showing that we could be heading into Heselton. But we’re not there yet. You don’t want to trade against the market. So when I’m in the daily chart, when I am seeing this buy indicator line right here, OK. When we’re in this buy zone, I’m longing the market. OK, I’m not shorting it. Look, there’s been plenty of opportunities, especially this candle is the biggest red candle we’ve had in a while to make a lot of money. But it’s going against the market and I don’t want to do that. And when I’m looking at the hourly chart and I’m looking for the price of Bitcoin and where it’s going to go, I’m trying to make my hourly moves in sync with my daily moves or the daily chart. Still in an uptrend. So I’m only going to be picking up on these buy orders. I’m not going to be picking up on the sell orders. So right now, what I’m waiting for is either confirm that the daily chart is going to move to sell. And in that case, I may want to short the market or I’m waiting for this to bottom out and bounce back up, which is what I think is going to happen. And we’re can talk in just a little bit about why I think that that is going to happen today was manipulation. But I do want to show you guys this one other thing now. If you do want to trade on my business, join them on right now. You guys, can I have you want a long or short the market, you can get from tender or you can also trade on by bit with by bit. But Boy Live may do some more trading videos in the future because we’re interested in that Drummy comment down below. Let’s look here at Quoin 360. I just want to talk about briefly. We got to get to the news. We’re running out of time here. But I want to talk briefly about all coins. And they got murdered today. And this is the problem with all coins season. Does why there’s so much potential. We have these dips to get in on all coins because eventually, they are going to pop off. It might not be for a while, but they are going to absolutely pop off. Now, what we’re seeing is Bitcoin. There’s not a huge amount of confidence. There are retail investors, but there’s. Not a huge amount of confidence in any number above 10K. So what happens is Bitcoin hits 10K, people exit the market. They bought it maybe at three, maybe they bought it at six. They exit. The markets are not looking to diversify. When Bitcoin starts pushing up through the ten thousand dollar level, which it will in the next two to three months, definitely without question. OK. In my opinion, anyways, what is going to happen is it’s going to tear through that 10000 levels once it gets to eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen thousand. At that point, people are going to start pulling profits out of Bitcoin not to take off the table, but to put into other all coins. A million dollars invested in Bitcoin is not going to move the market. A million dollars invested into, let’s say, iota or let’s say auger or owns a go. A million dollars of profit from Bitcoin invested into those coins is what makes those the potential for all coins to pump so much higher than Bitcoin. But we got a tear through these levels and people have Antonie for days. All of I mean, seen it all over Twitter, all over YouTube. You’ve been telling me for days that Bitcoin is about to go to, you know, this number, that number in the next few days. I’ve been telling you guys. Hold your horses. Be careful, though. What is happening is, is there is going to be a huge push, a huge upswing. It’s going to be after the having all this hype right now that you guys are hearing, you’re seeing this is not about the next few days. We’re probably not going to 14 K, but we’re the having now with this drop, it pretty much assures that what you want to wait for is after a dip or we will probably get a dip and lets as part of it after the happening. And that is when you really want to get excited about the price. This is the pre-game. This is the preshow. This is the opening act. This is not the whole enchilada. We just had Cinco de Mayo. But this is not the whole enchilada. We are playing this game, not for 10 years down the road. That’s great. Bitcoin is going to be really, really high. But what we’re doing is we are wanting to catch Bitcoin near the bottom, the local bottom, which you could be here right now for the push up over the next 18 months. This is the golden time that we’re heading to. And you do not want to miss out on that. I told you guys in the video, I think it was yesterday, last night. Be careful of the volatility. The volatility is what separates the men from the boys when it comes to cryptocurrency. Can you handle this kind of downswing in this kind of red candle? If you can, then you can become a millionaire with Bitcoin. If you can’t, then you should exit the market right now because you cannot handle what is about to come. Okay, so the drop today was very dramatic. Now, this volatility, if you’re not used to this, it causes a lot of issues across the whole space. In one of those issues is that websites like Coinbase, they go down during these times. And this is where people get into conspiracy theories of manipulation. What happens is people panic and they run to the side. Coinbase finance big tricks. All of these websites are huge problems in 2017 with the huge surge of traffic that came, whether it was buying or selling. So where did all this traffic come from or why were people freaking out? Well, a flash crash. Whales sink the price of Bitcoin. There was a ton of Bitcoin sold off, but this was very interesting. And two million dollar chunks just as a clock struck 5:00 p.m. in California. Bitcoin dropped from nine thousand five hundred sixty-one to eighty-five seventy. Now, why does this happen? Why do whales do this? Well, you have to understand the way that leverage trading works. OK. So what happens is me as a retail investor, you as a retail investor, we can’t move the market lever trading is good for us. If you know how to use it properly, you can make money that way. A lot of people do. However, whales use it in a very negative way. So what they will do is they will take their huge chunk of Bitcoin. They will have a leveraged trade. Okay. They will have a leveraged trade for the market to go down and then they will sell their bitcoin. And what that does, that pushes the market down. So their bitcoin is losing value, but they’re making money. On the other side is a shorted the market. So that is why they’re doing that. That is what caused what you might you know, what is known as the Bart Simpson pattern if you don’t know what that is. That is when the price drops and then comes right back up. I don’t see an example of it right here. But if right here we are to go over a little bit and then shoot right back up, then that would be called a BART pattern. It also works the other way where the price will pump move to the right and then go down. Kind of like Bart said this would be an inverse, Bart. If we go back up, just so you guys know, have you haven’t heard of that lingo, what the whales are doing during this time when they’re able to push the market down? This is not only are they making money from the leverage trading, but they’re actually able to accumulate more when they go down the bottom. So it’s kind of like they’re getting this never-ending supply of bitcoin, but eventually. Hopefully, this will change. Now, it could be changing right now to some extent, Bitcoin having means miners will no longer be the biggest sellers of BTC. Now, you may not know this, but most of the whales. It’s like one-third of all large Bitcoin holdings are minors. So once we get the having in the number of blocks per, you know, rewards per block dropdown. Miners will no longer be the biggest sellers of BTC. Guess who it’s going to be? It’s going to be crypto exchanges selling bitcoin. It’s going to be Coinbase. It’s going to be buying. It’s gonna be all of those sites. Probably not. Cash happens, non-exchange crypto, dot com. And guess what? It’s in their best interest for the price to go up. So what is happening is these whales right here are posing a big threat to ongoing Bitcoin rallies. I hope you got that by now. We’ve talked about extensively, but when now exchanges become the number one sellers of Bitcoin, they do not have the same motivation because, you know, they’re not an individual perp, you know, a person trying to accumulate more exchanges, make money when people trade. So what they want they want the price going up. They want new people coming into space. That means more people trading. That means more money for them to put in their pockets. And that and this right here could be finally the way we see the end of that manipulation, volatility in crypto to the downside. Now, the exchanges might have much more incentive to push the price up, which, hey, that’s great for me. That’s great for you. That’s not great for people that are not invested in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency at all. But I would love that. And you might as well if you have cryptocurrency at this point. But now is your turn. Were you prepared for this drop or did it come out of nowhere? Let me know down below in the comments. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, then please make sure to smash like button and subscribe to become a member of the big squad, the fastest growing community and crypto. Thank you so much for watching. Have a blessed day. The boy.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-dumps-to-8k-but-is-worst-over/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/bitcoin-dumps-to-8k-but-is-worst-over.html
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bitcoin Dumps to $8k But Is the Worst Over?
It’s strange, no matter how many times the price of Bitcoin dumps. People are always shocked. But I’ve been telling you guys all week to hold your horses. Today, we’re going to look at why the price of Bitcoin dropped and whether or not you need to keep your moon boots on the shelf. Let’s get it. What can a big boy crypto news edition once per day? I’m going to break down the biggest news stories in the space for you so you don’t have to. If you want to know where the price of Bitcoin and all coins are going to, then please make sure to hit the subscribe button and join both my telegram groups, the bid squad for a regular crypto chat and Bitcoin traders to discuss trading strategies. All right, guys. Today has been a tough day for a lot of people. The FAMO has been quite strong lately. Several people have asked me if they should go all-in on Bitcoin or this coin or that coin. This is the time when people start doing stupid things like taking out loans to buy crypto. So I’m going to show you my strategy and how I was able to jump out of the market so I didn’t get hurt at all by this dump. We’re also going to be taking a look at Coinbase going down and what the Bitcoin having means for people who want to sell Bitcoin. All right. Let’s jump in the markets. So soon? You guys may have gotten absolutely wrecked the last day, but I assure you guys why I did not get wrecked. That’s not to gloat that to tell you that you can do this, too. So I use the FAMO trend indicator. I swear by this thing. It over long time frames. It works like a charm. So I was in along last night, I actually closed out before I went to bed because I just didn’t feel very great about it. So I woke up, I was not in any positions and I looked and we were down a little bit. Now if I didn’t have my FAMO tender indicator here to show me that we have now entered into a cell zone, then what I would have done is I would have looked at this and said, man, we’ve been going up, up, up, we’ve dip down. It makes sense that it’s going to pop right back up. And I would have jumped in along, but because of FAMO Turner is showed me that we were in a cell. So the question is, did I want to short the market or did I just want to sit out. It would no position. Now as you guys see, this candle over here would have been awesome if I would’ve shorted and it would make me look really smart. If I would’ve come in here now, I would’ve told you, hey, guys, I shorted the market today. Look at this. We’re doing so great. But we crash. And I made all this money, but no, I did not. Why did I not jump in to short? Yes, I could have made some money, obviously, but I didn’t. When you look at the date chart here and you look, we are still in a buy trend. We have been in a buy trend since April 1st. We have been in a buy trend. Now, when you look over here at this action right here, we have dipped down. We’ve wig down lower than the buy zone support line here if you will. This is an aggregate line to get lost, having a consideration. It’s not just one. You know, it’s not like Mack D or RSI or anything like that. It is it’s an aggregate of many different things. So I’m just gonna call it the buy indicator line here. OK, so we’ve dipped down below that this week. So in my opinion, this is when you look back at the buying trend since April. This is the weakest that we’ve been. And this is the first time, if you look up here real close, you can see in the background. No, I didn’t want to do that. You can look in the background of this candle and you can see a little red shade right there showing that we could be heading into Heselton. But we’re not there yet. You don’t want to trade against the market. So when I’m in the daily chart, when I am seeing this buy indicator line right here, OK. When we’re in this buy zone, I’m longing the market. OK, I’m not shorting it. Look, there’s been plenty of opportunities, especially this candle is the biggest red candle we’ve had in a while to make a lot of money. But it’s going against the market and I don’t want to do that. And when I’m looking at the hourly chart and I’m looking for the price of Bitcoin and where it’s going to go, I’m trying to make my hourly moves in sync with my daily moves or the daily chart. Still in an uptrend. So I’m only going to be picking up on these buy orders. I’m not going to be picking up on the sell orders. So right now, what I’m waiting for is either confirm that the daily chart is going to move to sell. And in that case, I may want to short the market or I’m waiting for this to bottom out and bounce back up, which is what I think is going to happen. And we’re can talk in just a little bit about why I think that that is going to happen today was manipulation. But I do want to show you guys this one other thing now. If you do want to trade on my business, join them on right now. You guys, can I have you want a long or short the market, you can get from tender or you can also trade on by bit with by bit. But Boy Live may do some more trading videos in the future because we’re interested in that Drummy comment down below. Let’s look here at Quoin 360. I just want to talk about briefly. We got to get to the news. We’re running out of time here. But I want to talk briefly about all coins. And they got murdered today. And this is the problem with all coins season. Does why there’s so much potential. We have these dips to get in on all coins because eventually, they are going to pop off. It might not be for a while, but they are going to absolutely pop off. Now, what we’re seeing is Bitcoin. There’s not a huge amount of confidence. There are retail investors, but there’s. Not a huge amount of confidence in any number above 10K. So what happens is Bitcoin hits 10K, people exit the market. They bought it maybe at three, maybe they bought it at six. They exit. The markets are not looking to diversify. When Bitcoin starts pushing up through the ten thousand dollar level, which it will in the next two to three months, definitely without question. OK. In my opinion, anyways, what is going to happen is it’s going to tear through that 10000 levels once it gets to eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen thousand. At that point, people are going to start pulling profits out of Bitcoin not to take off the table, but to put into other all coins. A million dollars invested in Bitcoin is not going to move the market. A million dollars invested into, let’s say, iota or let’s say auger or owns a go. A million dollars of profit from Bitcoin invested into those coins is what makes those the potential for all coins to pump so much higher than Bitcoin. But we got a tear through these levels and people have Antonie for days. All of I mean, seen it all over Twitter, all over YouTube. You’ve been telling me for days that Bitcoin is about to go to, you know, this number, that number in the next few days. I’ve been telling you guys. Hold your horses. Be careful, though. What is happening is, is there is going to be a huge push, a huge upswing. It’s going to be after the having all this hype right now that you guys are hearing, you’re seeing this is not about the next few days. We’re probably not going to 14 K, but we’re the having now with this drop, it pretty much assures that what you want to wait for is after a dip or we will probably get a dip and lets as part of it after the happening. And that is when you really want to get excited about the price. This is the pre-game. This is the preshow. This is the opening act. This is not the whole enchilada. We just had Cinco de Mayo. But this is not the whole enchilada. We are playing this game, not for 10 years down the road. That’s great. Bitcoin is going to be really, really high. But what we’re doing is we are wanting to catch Bitcoin near the bottom, the local bottom, which you could be here right now for the push up over the next 18 months. This is the golden time that we’re heading to. And you do not want to miss out on that. I told you guys in the video, I think it was yesterday, last night. Be careful of the volatility. The volatility is what separates the men from the boys when it comes to cryptocurrency. Can you handle this kind of downswing in this kind of red candle? If you can, then you can become a millionaire with Bitcoin. If you can’t, then you should exit the market right now because you cannot handle what is about to come. Okay, so the drop today was very dramatic. Now, this volatility, if you’re not used to this, it causes a lot of issues across the whole space. In one of those issues is that websites like Coinbase, they go down during these times. And this is where people get into conspiracy theories of manipulation. What happens is people panic and they run to the side. Coinbase finance big tricks. All of these websites are huge problems in 2017 with the huge surge of traffic that came, whether it was buying or selling. So where did all this traffic come from or why were people freaking out? Well, a flash crash. Whales sink the price of Bitcoin. There was a ton of Bitcoin sold off, but this was very interesting. And two million dollar chunks just as a clock struck 5:00 p.m. in California. Bitcoin dropped from nine thousand five hundred sixty-one to eighty-five seventy. Now, why does this happen? Why do whales do this? Well, you have to understand the way that leverage trading works. OK. So what happens is me as a retail investor, you as a retail investor, we can’t move the market lever trading is good for us. If you know how to use it properly, you can make money that way. A lot of people do. However, whales use it in a very negative way. So what they will do is they will take their huge chunk of Bitcoin. They will have a leveraged trade. Okay. They will have a leveraged trade for the market to go down and then they will sell their bitcoin. And what that does, that pushes the market down. So their bitcoin is losing value, but they’re making money. On the other side is a shorted the market. So that is why they’re doing that. That is what caused what you might you know, what is known as the Bart Simpson pattern if you don’t know what that is. That is when the price drops and then comes right back up. I don’t see an example of it right here. But if right here we are to go over a little bit and then shoot right back up, then that would be called a BART pattern. It also works the other way where the price will pump move to the right and then go down. Kind of like Bart said this would be an inverse, Bart. If we go back up, just so you guys know, have you haven’t heard of that lingo, what the whales are doing during this time when they’re able to push the market down? This is not only are they making money from the leverage trading, but they’re actually able to accumulate more when they go down the bottom. So it’s kind of like they’re getting this never-ending supply of bitcoin, but eventually. Hopefully, this will change. Now, it could be changing right now to some extent, Bitcoin having means miners will no longer be the biggest sellers of BTC. Now, you may not know this, but most of the whales. It’s like one-third of all large Bitcoin holdings are minors. So once we get the having in the number of blocks per, you know, rewards per block dropdown. Miners will no longer be the biggest sellers of BTC. Guess who it’s going to be? It’s going to be crypto exchanges selling bitcoin. It’s going to be Coinbase. It’s going to be buying. It’s gonna be all of those sites. Probably not. Cash happens, non-exchange crypto, dot com. And guess what? It’s in their best interest for the price to go up. So what is happening is these whales right here are posing a big threat to ongoing Bitcoin rallies. I hope you got that by now. We’ve talked about extensively, but when now exchanges become the number one sellers of Bitcoin, they do not have the same motivation because, you know, they’re not an individual perp, you know, a person trying to accumulate more exchanges, make money when people trade. So what they want they want the price going up. They want new people coming into space. That means more people trading. That means more money for them to put in their pockets. And that and this right here could be finally the way we see the end of that manipulation, volatility in crypto to the downside. Now, the exchanges might have much more incentive to push the price up, which, hey, that’s great for me. That’s great for you. That’s not great for people that are not invested in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency at all. But I would love that. And you might as well if you have cryptocurrency at this point. But now is your turn. Were you prepared for this drop or did it come out of nowhere? Let me know down below in the comments. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, then please make sure to smash like button and subscribe to become a member of the big squad, the fastest growing community and crypto. Thank you so much for watching. Have a blessed day. The boy.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-dumps-to-8k-but-is-worst-over/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/617885852358557696
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