#we’re cats - we ALWAYS deserve the best 😌
How do you find the will to smile everyday?
Depends on the day and sometimes even the moment.
Currently, it’s because I’m simultaneously being an absolute menace to my good friend Foxy and also making Rook Hunt die a little inside! 😸
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year
OH MY GOSH I READ MINE AND I LOVED IT ITWAS SO CUTE 😊✨ but how would the 501st (+our boy Rex) react to having a ticklish s/o? Final request from me I swear 😅 smut is good and all, BUT I AM WEAK FOR FLUFF ITS JUST SOMETHING ABOUT THE DOMESTIC STUFF THATS ADORABLE TO ME✨✨✨
I’m so glad you loved it!!! 🥹🥰
oh we’re not rationing requests around here, my friend, so invade the ask box whenever you like 😌 especially with soft domestic things because that’s what our boys deserve! I’m so sorry this took so long. I got so caught up working on my new series, and wading through all the smut in my drafts 🥵 and had to wait for a fluffy moment to strike 🥰 luckily my cats did some extremely cute shit, and here we are!!!
as before, I’m working on the assumption that their s/o enjoys the tickles because consent kings 😌
warnings: sweet sweet fluff that’ll make you need to call your dentist
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The 501st reacts to a ✨ticklish S/O✨:
Rex & Kix
They’re workaholics, always putting others first, but they expect you to take time to rest and relax
They’re not above tickling you, if you’re refusing to take a much needed mental break
They will laugh at your futile attempts to get away from them, but promise to stop if you’ll take a 15 minute break
There will be no point where you’re safe from this tactic, and they will employ it as many times as they need to
Sweetest boy Tup just loves hearing your giggles
So maybe you’re just lounging around, your legs thrown over his lap
His fingers start trailing gently up and down your legs, dipping closer to your inner thighs
As soon as he gets that first little twitch and huff of laughter, he’s going for it, fingers dancing all over while he holds your legs with his other arm
When he finally gives you a break, he’s going to look at you with that honey sweet smile and tell you how beautiful you look when you’re laughing 🥰
Fives & Jesse
These two are playful, and they’re teases, so finding out you’re ticklish is lowkey one of the best days ever
Much like Echo, they think it is peak comedy to ask you questions while you’re struggling through your laughter.
Fives is the bargaining sort “what will you give me if I stop?”
while Jesse is somewhat ruthless “quit liking it so much, cyar’ika~ you want me to stop? then stop giggling 😏”
they will do this for fun, when things are too quiet, or just a quick one to hear you laugh
You’ve been sitting still too long
It’s too quiet in the room
You’re not giving him enough attention (yeah Hardcase is an attention whore with his SO and I stand by that)
He loves it when you grab his biceps while he’s tickling you, and hearing you try to get his name out through your laughter
You’re absolutely getting snuggles and kisses afterwards
He’s a respectful king, and wouldn’t do that unless you literally asked him to, and assured him you enjoyed it
He’d ask if you were sure you wanted him to do that to you, and he’d reluctantly test it out, finding your giggles adorable
If he does it by accident though, he’s going to apologize
In a moment of weakness during some playful wrestling, he may deploy the secret weapon against you and play the innocent card 😇
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caribbean-ace · 3 years
Alright, we’re still feeling the emotions of Supergirl ending yesterday and my twitter was flooded with images and people reacting so it was pretty hard to avoid certain spoilers lol. Anywho, we’ve reached the end with Supergirl 6x19 and Supergirl 6x20 as usual spoiler alert:
1. We’ll see how this goes, honestly i’m done with this lol + oh we’re starting right were we left off + yikes Alex is about to throw hands + look at Lena embracing her magic powers🥺 + Danvers sisters😍 + poor Esme + for being a villain i certainly love how Nyxly likes her independence + BRO WHAT + come on Andrea… what’s with the self pity + “someone you love” i’m sorry what? I know he was your friend but love him? Seems too much + mama Luthor is looking good
2. Lmao she’s like: you’re what? We don’t do this + why do i feel this is paralleling Lena and Kara + Lillian loves Lena in such a twisted way + i guess they hurt Lillian and that’s why Lena is with her + Esme is the cutest kid ever + oh i remember watching that sneak peak with Alex and Kelly😭 + poor moms :( they deserve the world + imagine having two badass moms like them + lmao i just love Brainy he’s the best + major LoT throwback lol + i don’t like them fighting :(
3. Oh my god this is gonna backfire so hard😂 + come on Lillian you already have a good looking daughter in law + oh Luthors always having the upper hand + Lena is the worried wife™️ + so making supergirl even more super? + Lena doesn’t like this at all + oh boy Kara stepped on the wrong side of Lena😂 + i love me some badass Supergirl + will they ever finally kill Lex i’m just done with him + what a disaster + Nyxly is a villain but at least she knows what she’s doing + oh man not this again + the Luthor women do know how to rock suits + shit is about to go down for sure
4. Oh boy this is bad + lmao Esme is such a badass + go off Lena Luthor + oh my god this is a mess + i don’t think anyone would have predicted this + come on Kara you got this + Orlando is the leader we all need + so this is like a super long episode, okay + Lena’s hair > + poor Lena :( she doesn’t deserve any sadness + wow go off mama Luthor, give the love your other child deserves + too many people dying back to back + this is what Lena needs, love and support from her friends + wives teaming up yay😍 + one final battle + geez that gaze from Kara some BDE right there + ‘no touching without consent’ Alex understood the asignment😌 + i don’t understand Mon-El’s presence but okay whatever i guess + my god mama Danvers is here + lmao nice reference + lmaoooo this is so fun😂 + it should have been Alex next to Kara i’m just saying
6. All hell was about to break loose + so their plan back fired that’s something + Lenaaaaa😍 + oh Andrea you shouldn’t have pushed so hard + whaaaaat the DEO is back? + imagine Lena being such a genius on the DEO wearing that suit she wore in season 3 + why is this a thing? WHY? We don’t need to see this + BRAINY NO :( + my brainia rises forever + i don’t know how romantic is to kiss in the middle of a cemetery but since it’s their goodbye i’ll take it + OH MY GOD CAT GRANT + THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER + I love how Kara becomes that girl we knew in season 1 when she’s around Cat + lmao the spanish😂 this is all over the place + SHE BOUGHT CATCO BACK YES + OH GOD + I can’t wait for Kara to tell her wife this lol + i’m sorry Andrea couldn’t run Catco + how can you say no to Cat Grant? I mean Cat already knows you’re supergirl + this is fitting the same way it started is going to end😍
7. Give me some happy moments yes + Esme is the cutest + oh my god Alex looks so good😍 + oh my god Kelly looks like a princess😍 they are so cuteeee + aw such a cute moment between the olsen siblings + OH BRAINY IS HERE wow such a romantic + i wish Kara would have sang alone, no hate to Winn but you know + if Lena wasn’t in love back then, she truly is now after listening to Kara + the wardrobe department KNEW what they were doing when they dressed Lena + aw papa space 😭 + “you have been my person” 😭😭😭😭 why are they so cuteeeee + another wife and wife that elevates my soul! Yesssss + aw this is so cutee + WHAAAAAAT you cannot drop this info and leave like this Winn + lmao Lena😂 WHATTTT THIS IS SO CUTE and unexpected tho but i’m glad they are including Lena so much + the og superfriends lol + Lena looks so good it’s unfair + Lmao Cat Grant is the best i’ve missed her wisdom + she needs to get back and smack Kara some sense into her + this ending i’m enjoying it + Kara being a reporter is essential to her character so good for her to be back + Lena looking smitten when Nia picked up + OH NO THIS IS IT I’M PANICKING HARD THIS IS IT + I’M TAKING THIS AS SUPERCORP ENDGAME NO QUESTIONS ASKED THIS IS HOW YOU PASS THE TEST, TELL LENA HOW YOU FEEL GEEZ + okay okay okay it’s happening + i know they don’t kiss but geez i’m so nervous + ARE YOU KIDDING? CONNECT YOUR LIPS WITH LENA’S + TOGETHER ARE YOU SERIOUS + Kara she’s your wife come on + ohhh she ditched the glasses😍 + WHAT? No way😍
Honestly? I didn’t hate the end as much as i thought i’d do + this lowkey message of embracing who Kara truly is and having the moment with Lena, of pretty much opening herself and being vulnerable it’s bigger than a physical touch, it’s emotional intimacy and even tho they didn’t kiss i’ll take it as they are endgame and they always will + the Dansen wedding was amazing and just perfect + i’m sorry if i kinda dismiss episode 19 but episode 20 took the spotlight lmao + anyways it feels so good that we got closure, the fact that Cat Grant returned felt fitting since they both started on this journey so it’s only fair it ends the same way. Thank you Supergirl, thanks to all the actors that care so much about this and represented our favorite characters, this isn’t goodbye, this is we’ll see each other soon
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m88n · 4 years
ult group game 💘
tagged by @d-nghy-ck​ thank you so much bronwyn !! 🥰🥰🥰
rule: answer the following questions for your ult group! (nct)
who was your first bias?
if we’re talking when i legitimately started stanning nct as a group & not sm rookies, it was johnny HAHA. 😄👍🏻 dude has the best sense of humor i really vibe with, and when i watched the cup of coffee pt. 2 video, it really was game over lmaooo. during sm rookies mark’s always caught my eye since i used to bias xiumin hard and i saw them hang out quite a bit.
who is your bias now?
haechan + mark heh :D 💘 they occupy quite a large part of my brain interchangeably lmao.
what was the first mv you watched by them?
7th sense when it came out! i was a big exo fan and i was like oooo exo’s junior + that kid mark lee’s in it. gotta check it out. didn’t end up stanning them till years later tho rip
what’s your favorite mv?
superhuman 👁👄👁 that song (+ visuals !!!) was what locked me down as a stan for good tbh that song deserved much better fight me on this
if you could listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be?
easy, it’d be make your day. 💗💞💘
who would you want to see them collab with?
to be honest i’m super biased but i’d die if i see them collab with the dpr gang. dpr live especially 😍🥰😚😚😚
what mv concept do you want to see them do?
a hot sorta rnb, hiphop/rap track with sexy hoe lyrics (LMAO) 😗😀👍🏻✨ wearing loose shirts n pants that might be a little too tight, situated in a high end clubby kinda setting, yk, total hoe vibes only make it kinda upscale and untouchable 😌👍🏻 (HAHAHHAA im being so honest here whatever a girl can dream alright) kinda like love talk but with a much bigger budget and darker tones w some neon fluorescent lighting here n there hah
have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?
duuuuude HAHHAHAA @luvdsc knows forreal how my dreams are always so specific + vivid when it comes to some of the members 😂😂😂 i’ve had dreams with mark, haechan, jaehyun, johnny, jisung, and a glimpse of jeno.
if you could spend the day with one member, who would it be and what would you do?
this is honestly so hard. i’m debating between john, jaehyun, and mark for different reasons. john, because i just know we’d have the best chemistry and we’d have real good conversations both on light and heavier topics. jaehyun because i think dude’s been through a lot & keep things in and i want him to know for real that a fan like me really does care about his well being as a person, and not just as some idol i see from a distance. mark because i feel like i’d really, really genuinely enjoy my time with him, just talking about anything and everything💗💞💘 i think in the end i’d prolly choose mark just cos im biased like that hahaha 😅
which member do you think you’d get along with the best?
i feel like in terms of similarity in personality, i’d be more like jungwoo or jaemin in the way we have that on and off duality kinda thing HAHA💀💀💀 [19/02/22 edit: methinks i’m so similar to mark sometimes it kinda scares me lmaoo or sometimes jaemin too. cat’s the one who brought this to my attention quite recently] but tbh if we’re talking general compatibility it’d probably be johnny or mark, more so johnny i think🤔
which member do you think you would argue with?
to be honest, the first person i’d probably argue with would be haechan despite him being my bias, i know forreal he would drive me absolutely bonkers if i have to see him pretty often HAHA. like he’d be a sweetheart sometimes and we’d know how to emotionally bond, but at times he seems like he’d have a little bit of a needy/snarky/loud personality and at those times i could totally see myself feeling overwhelmed and getting annoyed by him hahahaa😬😬😬
if you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be?
awwwwwwww damn ..... okay........ errrrrrmmmmmmm . prolly like ..... . i rly have no idea dude . 😐 i’d rather bring my blog to my grave than to show them my stuff HAHAHAHA ✋🏻💀💀💀 prolly johnny tbh cos he’d prolly be all like “hey whatever floats your boat you know ti? love how u wrote me btw, i sound real sexy” LMFAOOOO😔💀💀💀👍🏻
tagging @luvdsc @aqiaquas @starsuh do it babes i’d love to read your answers 🥺💐👍🏻✨ no pressure tho as always!
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