#we will remember you and love you for all of enternity
twobruhsinahottub · 3 months
Remember kids,
One day we will be the queers of the past. Most of us will become the elders of our communities. And even if we don't, we have still paved the way for the generations to come. Your existence is resistance. Your activism will change the world. You being alive now and in the future will change the world.
Our elders were young once, and we will be elders one day.
Those of us who wish to have children will (God willing ofc) someday become those queer parents. Those queer grandparents. We will raise our children to love themselves and others. We will make this world a better place through love, resistance, activism, and simple existence.
Those of us who wish not to have children will become the aunts, uncles, and [insert the word for gnc/nby aunt/uncles bc i call myself ancle but i dont think anyone else uses that]. You will become the amazing community who are there for others, even if they are not your kin, because we are all family at the end of the day. We will make this world a better place through love, resistance, activism, and simple existence. You too, will make this world a better place through love, resistance, activism, and simple existence.
Elders are a beautiful part of our community. Queer people who came before us, who perhaps did not make it to today to be elders, but still existed as queer people in the past, are a beautiful part of our community. We all will someday be them to the future generations. Remember that.
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sadeimii · 2 years
Parallel By Dayseeker
Rory tweeted : "Well, one of our songs for the new dayseeker album that I wrote about my dad being alive in a parallel universe made me ball my eyes out That’s a first" -Rory Rodriguez
"I guess heaven really needed you To leave us in that vacant room A different you that's doing well A universe laid parallel"
"Parallel is about singer Rory Rodriguez (Dayseeker singer) dad being alive in a parallel universe" -Genius
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so what do I think about this song? This song brings me a lot of emotions, every time I listen Rory sing I could feel how heartbroken he is and how much he misses his father, Dennis Fredrick Rodriguez passed away July 3, 2021. Rory tweeted on July 5 "Rest in Peace Dad" showing pictures of him with his father. Rory was always open with his fans on what his father went thru with his mother, and his fathers battle with cancer, but most importantly he told his fans how much he loved his father and because of him he got into music and became what he is now. This song takes a really deep sad turn when Rory mentions in the song that somewhere out there his father is alive and well in a different parallel universe. As someone who cant fully relate to the song, I could still feel the raw emotions from Rory. Back in 2021 I used to work in a mortuary, I used to see people cry and hold their loved one who just pass away. I would keep it professional, but once we drove off with their loved one, I would cry and think to myself that someday, that will be one my mother, brother, grandparent, etc. The thought of them not being in this world is something that I don't think ill ever be ready for, even though I know that death is part of life, I don't think I'm ready to see someone I love in a coffin and not moving, unable to hug them and tell them how much I love them, knowing that I would never hear their voices, see them smile and just talk to them, hear them laughing, and their heartbeat (i'm actually crying while writing this :,) ) this isn't the first song Rory wrote about his father; My Father Said by Hurtwave, Drunk, Neon Grave, Dreamstate, Dark Sun, Midnight Enternal, and many more. Its obvious that Rorys father plays a huge factor not only in his music, but his life. I remember asking Rory on the Sleeptalk tour in 2022 if there was any other songs dedicated to his father, Rory said and I quote "this whole album is about me coming into terms about my father passing." If you recently lost a loved one, know that they'll always be by your side, they may not be here physically but they are here in spirit. Take their wisdom and kind words and show it to the world either thru actions, or even thru music. I give this song a 10/10 tears.
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Dennis Fredrick Rodriguez (left) Rory Rodriguez (right)
Thank you Mr. Rodriguez for showing music to Rory, because of you his voice and music has inspired millions and made us all cry with music. Your teachings to Rory will live on. Rest in Peace.
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falcqns · 2 years
hi i just found your account and you seem like an experienced shifter (i’m jealous haha :,) pls could you maybe give me some advice? i’m quite literally trying for enternity and i’d love to hear something that might’ve helped you to not give up when you started out. if you don’t feel comfortable answering then it’s totally okay tho!
hope you have a wonderful day <3
hey love!! i'm always up for giving advice! i do have a tag that has a bunch of shifting information, it's #ava's a shifter !
as for advice, i would say to not feel stressed about it. if you're struggling to stay motivated, remember that it's okay to take a shifting break! you don't have to try every night, if you're too tired to shift, just sleep!!!
try not to put too much pressure on yourself, and don't compare your shifting journey to other people's shifting journeys. we are all on our own shifting journeys, and it is okay if your journey takes longer than others.
don't stress yourself out too much love, your dr will be waiting when you get there <3
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justanoasisimagines · 2 months
Dear Beautiful
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Hey Lovelies back with another love letter! Requests are open and my guidelines are pinned at the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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I never realized how long the nights were until recently I looked up at the stars and wondered if you were looking at Aramis tells me that being apart from your love is one of the hardest aspects of being in love. Don't tell him but I'd have to agree.
Perhaps once you've read this letter could you look up at the sky, so I know we're looking at the stars together. Perhaps it brings us both some comfort.
I hope this letter finds you well. Please look after yourself. I cannot bare anything happening to you while I'm away. In return, I promise I will do everything in my power to return to you in one piece. Remember if you need anything whether that be supplies of someone to talk to you can always go see Treville or Constance You're one of us now.
Before I forget you might wish to see Constance so you can hae a new dress made. When I return home, the first thing I intend to do is make you my wife, so we can be together until our last breathes and our love will be for all enternity
All my love
Forever Your Porthos x
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hee-day · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Heeseung hyung.
First of all, let me give you an appreciation on this special day of yours, okay? As we all know, you are one the friend I know the longest ever since the day I portrayed Sunoo. We developed friendship over the year, and there’s not a day I regret having you here as my friend.
Getting to know you, I realize that you always give positive energy in the group. Despite (sometimes) your persistence, I also start viewing things the way you do. After all, I am not perfect. I am far from it. And here you are, accepting me for who I am, despite the things you heard about my past. Or for whatever you think about this current state of me, since I know my behaviors could be questioning sometimes. Thank you, hyung. I respect you a lot. For being a good friend not only to me, but to the rest of ENTERNITY as well. You always offer your help for everyone, so much, that I think I owe you for a lot of things.
And here comes the second thing—an apology. I am sorry I haven’t been a friend you can lean on when you need me, or a friend who hasn’t yet to repay all the things you did for me. Trust me when I said I never did once forget about your kindness, the times I showed you my vulnerable side. Something I would hesitate to do, if it was someone else. But it’s you, my hyung and also my kiddo, who always thinks of nothing but the good in people. And I believe that’s how wholesome you are. You see the good in people, no matter how much others have deemed them as bad, or even evil.
I would like to remind you that, when you need someone to talk to about anything, I can be one of the “trusted people” in your list. Even if you don’t come to me for help, I hope you will remember that I always root for you. I will support you for your choices (the good ones, of course) and I believe in you for your decision, in everything you do. As I know you are doing great as you’ve always done, I could only hope you would be able to maintain the energy.
Also, knowing you, I feel like I should say this:
Hyung, it’s okay to embrace your fragile side. It’s okay to be selfish. It’s okay to think only about yourself. In the midst of this buzzing world, you are one of the soul that is always determined and compassionate. For once, you are allowed to feel yourself. Get what you want. Not to yield, but to give yourself some space to understand what you truly yearn for.
For all the months we’ve known each other, I wish there wouldn’t be a thing that could tear us apart. Even though we don’t talk often or intensely, I know that I wouldn’t ever want to stop being your friend. And once again, thank you, for being one of the safe people I can trust. I mean it.
Last but not least, happy birthday Heeseung hyung. On this cherished day, may you be having a blast. May you always thrive and be always surrounded with pure joy.
Written with love,
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boowhumps · 1 year
|Day 27 ~ Forced To Kneel|
- Swearing
- Religious Rituals
- Mention of Sacrifices
"It isn't all as great as it seems." Selyna says quietly.
I raise my eyebrows. "How so?"
"I wasn't supposed to be.. who I am today."
"Yes.. In fact.. I should be dead."
"I still remember it like if it happened yesterday.."
I was kneeled over, blindfolded, and tied up.
"To you, Miriva, we give a sacrifice. May you use this body to all its purposes, and in return you bestow upon us enternal life."
"eternity.. eternity.. eternity.."
The chanting grew louder.
"Eternity.. Eternity.. Eternity.."
Blood seeped into the carvings on the ground.
"Eternity.. Eternity.. Eternity.."
Screaming was heard under the chanting.
"Eternity.. Eternity.. Eternity.."
Intricate symbols were carved into flesh.
"Eternity.. Eternity.. Eternity.."
The screaming suddenly stopped.
"Eternity.. Eternity.. Eternity.."
The smell of death was prominent.
"She has heard us, our dear Miriva. Leave the body here, it's hers to take now."
A door slams shut.
"..is that why-"
"Yes. that's why I ask for you to wear the blindfold. I.. don't think anyone should see me like this."
"You were killed by them, and Miriva.. took you?"
"She saved me. Revived me. Gave me a new purpose."
"At what cost Selyna.?"
"At the cost of my mortality. My normal life."
"Was it worth it.?"
"..I think it was.."
"Doesn't sound like it."
Selyna laughs a bit at my words.
"You say that because you don't like the concept of immortality."
Silence fills the room once again.
"Wait.. But if you gave up your life.. Then how the hell did Lua.. come to be?"
"Well you see Amnesia, when two people love each other-"
"I know how reproduction works Selyna, I just thought immortal people couldn't do that.."
"Well, Lua isn't immortal."
"She's not?"
"No, she can die. She has already. That's why she's here now."
"..I guess that makes sense."
"Lua's father.. was still human when she was born. She was like him. A mortal, anyways."
I laugh at the thought of Lua without her signature split hair.
"So.. are you really going to.. revive me?"
"I.. used to think revival was a blessing that everyone would want. But.. after meeting you I think I was wrong.."
".. So is that a yes or..?"
Selyna laughs, a wholehearted laugh.
"It's your choice, Amnesia."
"I.. like the sound of that."
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tumbirus · 2 years
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Good morning,Happy Deepawali for Indians , Ultimately it is Krishna's love for us,and our love for him that ends the war between our postive and negative qualities.As Krishna says in Gita,"Forsaking all other duties, remember me alone .I will free of all sons even that of not fulfilling other ,lesser duties .Do not grieve". The message of Deepavali is very simple -to bid farewell to all the hurt,anger , frustration,and bitterness from the past ,and with the arrival of the festival of light ,we celebrate life with newness and freshnesse. Deepavali is essentially celibrated to Kindle the light of wisdom in every heart,the light of life in every home ,and bring smail on Evey face .Light are lit on this day not just to decorate the homes,but also to communicate a profound truth about life.Light dispels darkness and when the darkness of ignorance within you is dispelled through the light of wisdom,good wins over evil. On Deepavali we celebrate , perform Pooja ceremonies and exchange gifts .But the best gift you can others is your smile .There is a story related to this day that finds mention in our ancient scriptures that holds a profound spritual message that is still relevant . Deepavali is celebrated as Narak Chaturdashi,commemorating the slaying of wicked demon -Narakasur -by Satyabhama. There was a wicked demon by the name of Narakasure .His actions created problems,chose and disharmony for everybody and bred conflict.He created hell for everyone,much like his name -Narak means hell.He was too powerful, nobody could win over him .But he was defeated by one of Krishna's concert, , Satyabhama in a warv.There is a lot of symbolism present in this history. The one defeated Narakasure was Satyabhama which connotes the enternal Truth ....counti (at Mumbai - मुंबई) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkFd27YKOcg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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baebeyza · 3 years
Rating the homoerotic tension between all opposing leaders
@quetzalpapalotl asked for this, so I shall deliver
SAY GO! (note: I will use the japanese names for the animes)
G1: Optimus Prime and Megatron
They got that homoeroticism alright, seen clearly in their hilarious banter and one-liners.
Also, Megatron kept clones of the guy. That is the most villain homoroticism you can think of. 10/10
G1: Rodimus Prime and Galvatron
They got some carnal stuff going on, I mean this?
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That's some chef kiss stuff right there!
Sadly, their homoeroticism isn't continued that much in season 3, and Galvatron cries out for Ultra Magnus' blood a few times. 6/10 Headmasters: Fortress Maximus and Megazarak
Oh dear this is such a one-sided dynamic!
Megazarak is all about wanting to take revenge on Fortress for casting him out of their home planet Master, but Fortress never acknowledges that!
Not even a "Ah, Megazarak hates me for this", like he legit couldn't give a shit about that dude's reason if he tried! 0/10
Masterforce: Ginrai and Overlord
I'm writing this only to gush about these two because I LOVE THEM!
They have my favourite opposing leader dynamic in all TF media I watched.
I mean it starts with Ginrai losing to Overlord on their first fight! He almost dies, and I love it! Because after that, Ginrai starts to be fearful about fighting again, something he pushes through because his need to protect Earth is greater than his fear! QuQ
And when that stupid orb Devil Z is vocal about hating humanity, Overlord seeks to defeat Ginrai, his enternal rival, with just pure strength instead of any robot gadgets. He needs Ginrai to prove the strength of his own humanity.
And MATES, when that stupid orb Devil Z wants to kill Overlord, who saves him? GINRAI DOES! Why? Because of his humanity!
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They have a rivalry going on as two leaders of opposing sides, but they connect over their shared humanity! Humanity that is defined by mercy and love!
Is it homoerotic??? MAYBE NOT, BUT I LOVE IT ANYWAY! QnQ
At the very least, I find this little fight scene to be homoerotic, the way Ginrai traps Overlord in that hold and how Overlord says Ginrai's name, das nice- ~
10/10, I don't care that Overlord is two people and half woman
Victory: Star Saber and Deszaras
I have to give credit to their homoeroticism for their last fight at least, that was nice!
I also liked that Des' super weapon is connected to his crotch, that adds a little naughty touch.
But come on Des, you can't be all erotic with your enemy-boo if you never get out of your stupid throne! And Star Saber? Why do you never care to engage your rival with something personal once? Huh? Get petty, get nasty! Don't just stand there not caring and just spouting heroic bullshit!
They hardly even try :/ 2/10
Beast Wars: Optimus Primal and Megatron
Primal and Megatron just don't do that stuff, really. Megatron tried once when he wanted Primal to join him, but thats about it. Megatron has plenty of homoeroticism, but not much for Primal u.u 1/10
Beast Wars II: Lio Convoy and Galvatron
Lio Convoy and Galvatron had one moment of gay, and it was when Galvatron helped to save Gaia from destruction. Lio Convoy offered him peace, which Galvs refused.
This would be about it, really. 1/10
Beast Wars Neo: Big Convoy and Magmatron
Magmatron got a bit more heat for Big Convoy, like he really wants to defeat him after having lost once before. Sadly, we just don't see much of that.
One episode has them fight, but then never again.
The only other good scene I could remember is when Unicron "kills" Magmatron, and Big Convoy wants to save him. Big Convoy also gave Magnmatron credit for trying to defeat Unicron - He did that before anyone else did!
We could have seen more, but I liked their dynamic overall! 3/10
Beast Machines: Optimus Primal and Megatron
Primal and Megatron do hate each other so much in this show, but its not gay.
It doesn't have the fun part of teasing and getting under your rivals skin, its just hatred. They just want to beat the shit out of each other. (and Megatron even does!)
It's engaging enough, but just not gay 0/10
Car Robots: Fire Convoy and Gigatron (RiD01)
These two have a similar problem as Star Saber and Des - Gigatron just hardly leaves his room, so they hardly ever fight!
They get this bitter exes talk in the first episode, but then we just never see that again, really.
The only saving grace is Black Convoy, who counts as love baby between them. He's worth 1 point! 1/10
Micron Densetsu: Convoy and Megatron (Armada)
Their final fight. Just that last fight. It says it all. 10/10 for that last fight. Overall though? They weren't built up properly, so I can't give them a high score 5/10
Superlink: Grand Convoy and Galvatron (Energon)
Galvatron in this show is so unhinged and feral for Convoy, I just love it! That dude gets a mental breakdown about the idea of someone else killing Convoy!
Sadly, Convoy doesn't return the feralness and wish to fight as much u.u 6/10, and its all from Galvs
Galaxy Force: Galaxy Convoy and Master Megatron (Cybertron)
There is one gay scene between them and it's this
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The rest is just eh. I appreciate Master Megatron's determination to be a constant pain in the ass for Galaxy Convoy, so he gets points for that. 3/10
TFA: Optimus Prime and Megatron
I would share a video that shows how homoerotic their final dynamic is, but I can only share one video per post and I refuse to take down the one with Ginrai and Overlord, so just enjoy me quoting:
Megatron: The question should be, don't you recognize your own enemy? Optimus: Megatron? Megatron: Ah, then you do remember my name! Pity I can't remember yours.
Megatron: You're a persistent little Autobot! Optimus: My name is Optimus Prime!
Megatron: If I cannot save my clones, I'll at least have the satisfaction of destroying you, Optimus Prime! Optimus: So you can remember my name.
Three different scenes, all building up for some really nice gay :D 10/10
TFP: Optimus Prime and Megatron
They got something sweet - A nice angsty backstory of friends being torn apart!
Optimus fights because he has to without being happy about it, while Megatron lost sight of what was once important and only cares about rubbing his victory under Optimus' mask!
It's tragic, its intense, its gay as fuck, and it deserves a 10/10 for that scene in which Optimus lets his tires run over Megan's face
RiD15: Bumblebee and Steeljaw
I will say one thing about these two - Steeljaw really learnt to hate Bee on a personal level!
At first, Bee was just obstacle for him, but the longer their fight went on, the more anger Steeljaw showed him! It got feral man, it got feral!
Steeljaw got to a point where he was like "and fuck you in specific!"
And then they even worked together at the end, but not before Bee kept Steeljaw in a cage for a while - das gay UvU 8/10
Transformers GO!: Optimus Prime and Dragotron
Hahaha, gosh, the gayest thing in that toy ad with an intro are the bois! I guess 0/10
Prime Wars: Optimus and Megatron
I wouldn't have added them because they are neither leaders nor enemies, but Barbie said to do it-
They got some nice old man gay energy, simply because they get along. They got some chats, Optimus trying to be nice and peaceful and Megatron is all condescending in a jokey way uvu
"You're precious!" best line.
They work together perfectly without words and that creates some nice homoerotic moments! 8/10
Cyberverse Optimus Prime and Megatron
Gay enough to actually manage a mild peace and for Megatron to die pathetically in another mech's arms, being called old friend. Which is just old men talk for lover.
Fine, I'll give'em some points. But don't complain 7/10
War for Cybertron Optimus Prime and Megatron
I wouldn't say it was gay as such - They both had their own inner turmoil to deal with and their dynamic was festered with all that.
Megatron hated Optimus and blamed him for everything going wrong, refusing to work with him and was determined to view him as the bad guy while he is the hero!
And that is hardly gay drama 2/10
Extra: War for Cybertron Optimus Primal and Beast! Megatron
They didn't interact much but they had one fight in which they had some nice conversation OuO Imma give that some points! 5/10
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Twilight oneshot: hello I decided to get my creative juice flowing and made this twilight one shot.
(before reading a/n: please note I do take time in my writing and work any critism or negativity will be deleted. I'm not an expert writer please don't expect top notch quality.
I write for the simple fact I enjoy making people happy. I'm still learning and developing everyday and if there is a mistake then please don't critic it I will write it to my own standards. I want this to be positive to not only me but everyone around I only accept positivity.)
Scanario: you were in the battle between the Cullen's and the volturi. Your mate jasper was by your side.
Things go wrong when he sacraficed himself to save you.
Without further ado:
Jasper X reader🦇
Til death do we part💖
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It was the dawn of white, snow filled the area within the forest. You were ready to protect the Cullen's side.
You knew they were innocent and by all means you were prepared to fight. It would be a bloody battle and a furious one at that. The volturi didn't stand a chance against your power.
With Edward by your side and jasper to the left, it was on. The moment you saw the leader and carlise step out, fear ran up your spine.
"wait carlise don't-!" You say with a shriek. It was too late the vampire ran off to a head start. You couldn't remember what happened, it was all in a flash.
The moment you looked into the sky you could see the evil man grinning. He jumped yet carlise did not land, in his hand was the head of....
Esme shrieked her beloved husband was in the hands of the evil vampire himself. "NO!" You called out, everyone was in peral. There beloved adopted father was gone.
Suddenly without warning you charged in head first. Blinded with rage you had no intention of knowing what you were doing. You were mad they killed the only father figure in your life.
You turn to the side to see jasper, he was following you til the end of the line.
That man was the only thing you cared about, you were mates with one intention to live on in enternity.
Never before had you felt a love this deep since your previous life. Bella and Edward were nothing compared to what you felt with jasper.
All of a sudden it went dark "Jasper!" You yelled. He was no where in sight, a vampire laughed behind you "say goodnight doll".
You yelped as the strong thing hoisted you in the air in one fluid movement. "Stop, please!" You cried out.
The big, bulky man hoisted you down and tried to rip your head off.
Slowly you were fading,
"In every moment of my life, I've never loved anyone like you",
"your beautiful y/n",
"Darlin look a shootin' star, I used to watch them back in Texas",
"I love you y/n and I won't let anyone touch you".
Memories of jasper filled your mind, he was the only thing keeping you alive.
The man stopped...your vision was coming back. You tried to look up but the big vampires hands were around your throat.
"RUN Y/N" someone yelled, the vampire turns to see Jasper. He was holding the big vampires hand.
"Y/N RUN NOW!" He yelled at you, "NOT WITHOUT YOU!" You yelled back.
He shoved the bigger vampire off him, everyone around you became clear now. The volturi were becoming demolished, there bodies turning to ash.
You turn to see jasper punch the man, he knocked him out. "jasper!" You run to his side.
"Darlin I'm so sorry, I should've protected you-" he whispers. "No you were fine my love" you smiled, your lips pressed against Jasper's.
The two of you shared your first kiss within the snowy battle.
Suddenly the vampire got up, jasper saw his hand reach towards you. "Y/N-" he was grabbed by the throat and his head became torn off.
"NO!" You screamed, the love of your life was no more. The bigger vampire turned to you, in a fury you run up and jump on top of him.
You screamed and screamed as the bigger vampire tries to tear you off.
You closed your eyes remembering his face. With all your might you rip the vampires head right off.
To an avail it would've been a victory. In your heart you lost the one thing you could ever love.
You run up to your mates decapitated head. Tears ran down your cheeks as you touched his cheek.
You pick him up and cuddled him as if he were alive. You sobbed, ignoring the battle behind you.
It happened so fast that your life is now a figment of memory.
If only you saved him.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta 💫
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hotsummerdreaming · 2 years
the best of times, the worst of crimes (steve rogers x reader)
summary: reader decides to confess to their partner steve that they have been in a romantic relationship with his best friend. the reader then remembers the past with steve before meeting their secret lover again.
warnings: none
words: 3610
notes: inspired by taylor swift’s getaway car. i have planned this to be a 3 part story, but i have so far written only this first part and after re reading it i realized how much i liked it so i decided to post it. so if you’d like more parts please let me know and i’ll write them as fast as possible. thank you so much for any love you show to this story, i am forever grateful <3
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(gif not mine)
"get lost" steve laughed out loud.
in that moment he thought i was joking. for months i have been secretely running around with bucky and at the same time coming home to steve every night. i could no longer live in this endless circle of lies and hiding. i felt guilty for what i've been doing and thought that telling him would be the best choice. bucky has been telling me to confront steve about it ever since we started our little rendezvous. i never had the guts until that evening.
steve was sitting in the living room of his aparment, which i occupied more than my own, hell i don't even remember the last time i slept at my place, reading a book. he had piles and piles of books that everyone around him had said he has to read since they all came out right after he went to ice. i could have never imagined an adult man be intrigued by such a book as lolita, but steve's pure intetion was to catch up as much on pop culture as possible and it seemed funny to natasha to give a man stuck in the past this kind of book. i was thinking of seeing him read every single book he had on a pile on his left when i enterned and scanned the room. when i was about to ruin his life by telling him i've been seeing his best friend behind his back he was holding my version of catcher in the rye. i flinched when i saw the book in his hands and thought of all the past events that this book was linked to. hopefully i won't be known as the second john lennon. i sighed and sat down next to him, observing his very focused face, his finger that was stuck in between pages and his eyes moving along the words. by this point he was used to me watching him read so he didn't even look up. what a great opportunity i told myself, maybe he won't even hear me. i cleared my throat and scooted little bit further back just in case he was going to throw hands. my hands were shaking so i clenched them together and put them in between my thighs, but the bouncing left leg wasn't really helping calming them down. i felt sweat coming from every pore on my body as if i was about to tell him i had cancer and have less than 24 hours to live. i sighed once more and opened my mouth but no sound came out. this has caught steve's attention and he for the first time since i sat down looked up at me. his eyebrows were still furrowed from reading but now they formed more concerned angle. he was using one of his hands as a bookmark and the other one started slowly closing the book.
"i'm in love with bucky!" i yelled out, his eyes widened and the corners of his lips turned upright.
he was happy because i loved his best friend. i didn't want him to be happy. i wanted him to be crushed, crying on the floor. but he didn't get the context of my words. i was in love love with bucky. god how angry of how happy he was.
"i'm glad. i've seen you two getting pretty nice along. i was scared it was going to be hard for you to be friends with someone like him but it seems like you two are really on the same wave" he smiled even more now, my fists clenched, i wanted to punch the life out of him.
"no steve you don't get it! i am in LOVE with him! like i want to leave you for him! like i want to spend the rest of my life with that man!" i was yelling, trying to get my point out.
that's when his laughter filled the room and his words get lost echoed in my brain. they were bouncing around in there like it was some sort of game of pinball. i was frustrated with steve. he moved on as if what i just said didn't have any actual weight to him. my mouth still opened i stood up and for a long time i stood over him watching him as he continued to read, the corners of his mouth still forming a smile. with a lot of effort i started moving towards the door but some invisible power stopped me. i stood there. i don't even remember breathing. i was hoping my body movement and the way i acted would shoot up some sense to steve. and as i hoped it happened. he slowly closed the book and gently placed it next to him. i could hear his leg falling to the ground. i knew that now both his legs were on ground his face was buried in his hands and he was processing everything i said. i knew that there's no longer any evidence of smile on his face. this is what i wanted right? crushed. now let the tears flow.
"what do you mean? what do you mean you are in love with him?" his words got louder by each syllable.
i didn't turn around. i couldn't. damage was done and i no longer could look at him. i was so in love with him. still am. i never planned beyond telling him. there was no plan on where me and bucky would go, what we would do or if even our relationship is capable of existing once we won't have to lurk in shadows anymore.
"what do you mean, y/n?" his strong voice echoed in the walls of his apartment and even if he was standing far away from me it felt like he yelled it right into my ear.
i slowly turned around. my eyes were filled with tears and locked on one spot on the ground. i knew that if i looked up and saw his blue eyes filled with same salty tears as mine i would crumble down and breakdown.
"i love him." i whispered.
"love him, huh" he realized...and accepted. "and what about me? do you love me?" his voice cracked when he asked.
that voice crack sent a message to my brain to just leave. and so i did. i turned around from steve and just started walking. i walked out of the apartment, then the whole building and then i just walked down the street. my mind was blank. i tried so hard to think about anything at this point. of how much i screwed up the single best thing in my life, how the reason that the friendship that lasted decades will end is my simple existence. when i walked over a bridge i used to walk across every single morning i was leaving steve's place to go work, i had to stop. with a deep breath i turned around and walked into middle of the bridge. i touched the stone wall and closed my eyes. that's when memories started appearing back in my thoughts. all the good and bad times, all the laughter and tears me and steve shared. they were back, and for a brief second i allowed myself to relax because i didn't lose them forever like i thought i did until then.
"come ooon, it's going to be like the old times. just you and me. except this time we will trade beer for a good 3 course dinner in the best italian restaurant on the whole east coast!" i yelled out at steve after he was trying to get out of a evening spent just with me.
"i don't know. i just, i don't feel that well and i want to go home and do nothing" his excuses were weak, he can't feel sick he's a supersoldier with superserum in his veins that makes him very tolerable against sicknesses and any amount of alcohol.
"no, you're not sick. you just want to cancel everything because everyone bailed out. don't be a baby steven. just you and me and some fine pasta or pizza or whatever you want! i'll pay for god's sake" i threw my hands up in the air as a visual sign of frustration.
"okay, fine but only this once" he waved his finger in front of my face.
"now you change your mind, you dirty little snake. it was no until i said i'll pay. that's not very gentleman like, i wonder what your mother would say" i crossed my arms on my chest and shook my head in disapproval.
"nothing. she would say nothing because she's dead" he laughed out like i was supposed to do the same but all it left was a very feel bad feeling.
"ooohkay, anyways, i'll come by at 7 and we'll leave together so i make sure you'll come. and please for the love of god leave the dead mom jokes at home, i want to have fun tonight and not that funeral kind of one" i informed him and he let out a soft chuckle.
time was dragging that day but the moment the clock turned 7, i rang steve's door bell. through a little microphone he informed me he should be out any minute. and he was.
"ready?" i asked and he just nodded.
"so we'll be taking your car or...?" he stopped once we hit the pavement.
"we'll walk, i think it's a beautiful night for a walk. and anyways we'll be there in less than 20 minutes." i suggested we should move.
to no suprise steve was a very fast walker. i have never noticed it. in big group of people he tends to alter his speed to the group he's with, but apparently with me alone he can go faster than a rocket. i was out of breath the second we reached the end of his block.
"hey steve, can we please slow down? i am not training for marathon here" he laughed and stopped his walk to wait for me to reach him.
after that he tried to walk as slow as me. sometimes he broke the pattern of the walking, which he was very focused on and his facial expressions suggested he had hard time catching up to my speed. if i too had that serum in my blood like he did, we'd reach the restaurant in no less then 5 minutes.
we got sat down and steve immediately opened the menu. he was turning the pages back and forth, kept scanning them.
"what should i get?" he said, frustrated, from behind the opened menu.
"whatever your heart desires" i said while closing my menu already decided what i'll have.
"tell me, what are you getting?" his eyes started shaping into this puppy eyes shape.
"no. get whatever you want and if you don't like it we'll trade" i winked at him and at last he put his finger on something, he too closed the menu and sat back.
for the longest time there was a silence between us. i didn't need to converse with him, i only went for food and i took him along because i was embarrassed to come alone. he was looking around the restaurant and i have been listening to sounds around us.
"so, um... i'm not really good at starting these kind of conversations" his cheeks were flushed with pinkish tone.
"me neither. just ask anything. i can start if you'd like.." i suggested and he nodded. "ok so, hm, who is your favorite artist? and please say someone modern, i know you have a little list with all these modern things so i'm sure you can find some artist in between all of the movie suggestions" i leaned my chin against the palm of my hand.
"well, sam introduced me to this artist his name is marvin gaye, he's really great. but there are few, some of them mostly suggested by natasha seem to me like some kind of joke. a lot of the lyrics do not make sense and they give me headache, but i have been enjoying billy joel, he's cool. and maybe from like even newer artists, wow there's a lot i should have brought a list of my favorite things, there's adele she has very sad songs, i must admit they sometimes tear me up" he rambled on for a little while and all i could resort to were just soft chuckles. "what about you?" he smiled after he finished his tiring answer.
"well, you named some great people so it's going to be hard for me to top that, but i would probably say billy joel just like you, and paramore, paramore's great, reminds me of my youth. jeez i sound like a grandma. i mean sorry if i offended you, cause you know...grandmas tend to be your age" only i could turn a very innocent conversation into something so embarrassing.
"well good i don't look my actual age" he laughed out.
and then the silence came back, but that was thank god saved by waitress who brought our first course which brought steve more pleasure than anything else in the world. we exchanged the food couple of times. this is how it went for the rest of the evening. sometimes between full spoons of delicious food that was on our table we broke the silence and talked whatever came to our minds.
"i told you i was going to pay!" i yelled out at him the second we left the restaurant and right after he covered the whole bill by himself.
"i just had a good time tonight and i can't let you pay after being such a good host! also i felt bad because i'm a gentleman after all" he shrugged.
"that's what i wanted to hear. so lemme at least walk you home" i offered but he stopped me.
"i can get home very fine on my own. i'll walk you home" i wasn't going to bicker with him, we already gave the whole restaurant a show when we almost used fists to decide who is paying for dinner.
he gave me a head start on walking and soon after caught up to me. steve was once again struggling with the slow walk.
"so are you planning on staying here forever?" he blurted out all of the sudden.
"what do you mean?" i turned my head to him.
"like here in the city. i know it can be very stressful and hectic around here, but it's a nice place. i want to stay here forever but what about you? any future plans?" it was very obvious he was starting to get comfortable around me, his questions were starting to get personal.
"steve, i don't have plans even for tomorrow, i can't plan out my whole future when i don't know what the next day will look like. i mean i like it that way. everyday is full of surprises. like if you told me this morning only the two of us were going to spend the evening together i'd laugh in your face. but when everyone got out of it, i took the opportunity and asked you out." he nodded as i was talking. "hey, steve. you don't have to answer now, if you don't want to, but i am just curious. have you ever been with anybody? i mean like after you got out of ice, it's kind of common knowledge in my circles that you were in love with the peggy girl but what about recent years?" this thing has been sitting on my mind since the day i was first introduced to him.
"i tried dating. if you could call it dating of course. of all the "dates" i ever been to, this one has been my most successful. the other party usually rushed out of wherever we went to, never calling back. natasha tried to set me up so many times, but she just doesn't know how to. she sees someone and immediately thinks they're the right person for me. i guess i just scare people with my old fashioned manners" he shrugged again and laughed.
i had to stop for a second and think about what he just said. steve rogers, the steve rogers, captain america thinks this is a date. never in million years have i thought of him as someone i might date. there was so many things going through my head at that moment. was that the reason he tried to get out of this? does he like me and he doesn't want to admit it to himself or me?
"wait, steve, is this a date for you?" i just had to ask.
"oh god, i scared you, didn't i? oh, i'm so sorry y/n i didn't mean to i just thought that... you know... just the two of us, alone in a restaurant. i'm so stupid for thinking this was in any sort of way a date. i am so sorry." he buried his face into his hands and started walking back and forth.
"don't apologize, just answer" i tried to pull his hands away from his face.
"yes. yes i thought this was a date. because, look y/n. i like you, i really really do. and i've been kicking myself to ask you out for months, literal months. i was hoping that maybe nat will come to her senses one day and sets us up so i won't have to do it. and today you asked me, i was hesitant at first of course i was because i'm a coward who can't even ask a person they like out, and then you suggested you'll pay and that's when it popped into my head that i can turn this into a romantic date. and maybe i should have told you what my intentions were tonight , but once again i got scared. i had your phone number dialed like billions time to call you that i am cancelling. so please don't be mad if this isn't something you want to do so i can go dig myself a hole in the ground and hide in there and die from embarrassment." his eyes met mine and you could feel that every word that has left his mouth had a meaning.
"we can still make it romantic" just like him i shrugged and broke the eye contact.
"whatever you consider romantic we can do. right now!" corners of his mouth turned upwards and he opened it a little in excitement and anticipation.
"oh god, i don't know" i stood there, thinking.
"i have an idea. just stand still" i followed as he told me and stopped moving around.
he came closer. his masculine body was just inches away from mine and i could feel all the body warmth he had. his hands slowly slid down my arms and his left hand stayed in my right. we both looked down and our tangled fingers holding each other firmly. he looked up into my eyes, moments later i met his gaze. for god knows how long we stared into each other's eyes, breathing the same air. our lips were just little tiny inches away from each other and i could smell a weakening sense of wine he had been drinking all night. his right hand traced back up my left arm. up my shoulder and to the nape of my neck. when his hand reached the nape all the hair on my body was alarmed and i got goosebumps from every single micro touch of his skin on mine. i could feel his hand grasping more on my neck as he pulled me onto his lips. i didn't fight back. all of the things he did were like a little choreography we had practiced for years not just these past few minutes in the middle of a unusually empty street. his lips felt warm against my cold ones. our hands untangled and his other hand went right on my neck as well. he was holding me, pulling me in and never letting me go. he was the one controlling the pace. i let him do whatever he wanted to. all i wanted to do was stay in that moment forever.
xxx my hands were getting sore and cramped up from the strength i have been holding on to that wall. i wanted to stay there and freeze to death, that seemed like the only way out of this situation. but i also knew that i had betrayed steve and i had to make sure he knew how sorry i was. i finally let go of the stone wall and turned my steps the way i originally came from. my pace was know much faster. i had to make sure that i explain my actions to steve and how he has nothing to do with it. as i was approaching the well known block i could hear that my fast steps weren't the only rushing one's on the street. i looked behind me, but there was nothing just the darkness i came from. but the second i turned around i saw the familiar face. the face of my second lover, the reason why i am on the streets tonight and not with steve up in that apartment. both bucky and me stopped walking and we just stared at each other. in that moment i hoped that someone would rush down the street in my getaway car.
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madfantasy · 3 years
Dear blogging
It's very draining to expect, nd met with silence, by any angle of life.
I want to always bring pleasure
But idk, I continue to be too tired that I don't feel anything..
Last month I wanted to take a full month break and just chill. "They" did payed for the expensive Internet service for once but still I had to open commissions to hopefully and eventually did to pay for groceries, and/or to treat my equally depressed siblings with burgers we first time got. They were awful c':
This month too, refused to pay it, nd me running their bank accounts for them I know that they didn't have much so I payed it yesterday. . their excuse this time? they payed the rent for the empty house next door.. yeah. The house that they rented so no one with 11 kids can live by us. Now I have to gather up for the next one soon. Nd idk.. i feel I can't put out anymore creatively while I'm just on a stressed race to do commissions and still make time to do my own work nd catch up. Like, one colored character with background alone takes me a week to finish. And I try to do my best to be fast by skip living, basically. And by the time I finish, the month was gone nd I didn't get to use the Internet for anything. So I can't see the point of paying it beside making my sibs happy.. (Also I couldn't fix my phone and the lack of notifications enforced that I'm more disconnected tbh)
I wish to be able to save the fruit of my labour for myself without feeling guilty, nd not dish it all out on one thing for an entire family of 8 ppl. Like, yeah what i gather in a month is basically nothing. So they be pressuring me to do something about it and suggest to make my art more lovable nd get more followers nd views and whatever???? While me been trying for years before hand all in secret without mentioning them keep stopping me from talking to ppl online.. nd now I see the numbers on my accounts keeps reflecting that I am indeed failing, nd nothing is working nd I'm just horrible... I don't want to tell people to do what they won't, thats why I took off that 'support me' banner, to like and reblog or follow and whatever.. I feel its only natural to do these things if u like something, or it's just my expectations again that I shouldn't be having
Remember me getting new perfume? To me, it was heaven by smell each time I spray tbh. Yeah they hate it, too. They kept rasing hek on me for using it. On the plus side, every time I came they shoo me off cuz it was suffocating them, so the arguments lessened drastically with this innocent reasoning; they can't talk to me while I'm wearing perfume, and not cuz I don't want to hear it. So naturally i wore it all the time.. sacrificing the only "love" gesture i can give and sometimes receive from them; that morning "awkward hug".. I'm more emptier than ever, tbh..
I'm drawing my bois now, feeling splinded peace.. the euphoria of drawing them again never hit more true.. I mean my characters (a.k.a art) are the embodiment of my aliveness. Just seeing their faces take final form fills me with happiness.. happiness that can make me forget and feel. They r not just drawings, they accompanied my life, ya know. And it's funny to me that when I made them, they were older than me, now I'm older than them. I smile remembering how I used to seeing them surround me at school, how they made diverse remarks on subjects, people and things. Or when I'm upset, act upon or say the things I can't and/or never would. Never directly to me, just.. projected from me but not necessary for me. How they only exist in the limits of my imagination, nd how I am –too– only ever been at the limits of 4 walls, we can't exist without each other. A form of expression that isn't related to me that im so grateful to have.. even if art frustrated me for 80% of the time of making, but when it works, it is an enternal regenerative source of everything one can wish of inspiration, motivation and more.. it is why i do it and wish to do more of.. god just give me those intensive feels
without it I'm probably just an expressionless statue.. I'm trying to practice nd change my zombie voice these days, actually hehe
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Axel need lots more work but now let's wonder what they r up to
It's been forever that I used words and my basic human intelligence to make them, heh. I'm grateful I can spew my vent-like updates here.
I wish you ease and joy everyday my dears. Thabk you for your kindness towards Mani, all my love and prayers 🍀💛
5.4.2021 2 a.m.
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kiegosbby · 4 years
u better make a part 2 for bakugou🥶🥶🥶
listen before I go II.
of course my g 🥶💯💯 LMAO anyways thanks for asking you guys are giving me distractions so I don’t have to finish my hawks series 😝 anyways enjoy lol
ohhh idk how I feel about this 😐
warnings: just a lot of angst tbh, death.
✁- - - - - - r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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colors flashed and the blackness faded, it felt like you were there for a enternity. Just waiting for something to happen. you regretted jumping you could have got back at him, done anything to make him hurt like he hurt you.
everything went white and your eyes opened on there own. you looked around you, and saw four different people, a tall man with purple patches, a man with a hand over his face and someone in a schoolgirl outfit, and a faceless person, who wore all black baggy clothes. they had conversation while there backs were turned towards you.
“when is she going to wake up? we need to start training her” the tall patchy guy said
“she wakes up when she wakes up, I can resurrect people I didn’t say it would be quick.” the faceless guy said, his voice filled with venom.
the girl in the uniform turned around, and she gasped and ran towards you, everyone else turning around.
“w-what happened?” you voice was hoarse and scratchy from not using it.
“listen to me y/n” The hand guy said “I resurrected you to be apart of my team. I saw how much potential you had and how much you suffered. Now I’m offering to give you a way out. A way to hurt the people who hurt you. my name is shigaraki tomura and I want you to join us, the league of villains.” he said and looked at you waiting for a response.
“how long has it been?” you had so many thoughts running through your head. you’d do anything to get back at bakugo after what he did. of course you would join.. you just needed more detail.
“It’s been 4 months. We needed to wait a while to get you. A lot of people used to visit your grave, but it eventually died down.” the tall patchy man said.
“O-ok i have a couple more questions if that’s ok” Everything was becoming clear, and you knew what you would do. “what happened to ground zero.”
they all looked at each other before the patchy man looked at you. “after your death he was at the scene, and he was crying uncontrollably and then he went on a rampage. it was all over the news, and he calmed down eventually. he’s now with hero ochaco.
you felt your stomach drop and heart break even more then it had before. nothing to hold back on now.
“I want to join. what do you need me to do?”
~time skip to 3 months later~
you had been training everyday since you came back. You were now more strong then you had ever been before. your wings now a dark black from your death made you scary, people feared you. people now knew you as a villain, your name was shi, which meant death. anything and everything in your sight would die.
you had gotten cozy with your villain friends, especially dabi, you had developed a relationship with him and it was honestly amazing. you both had been hurt, been through shit and you helped each other. he seems tough on the outside but when it’s just you and him, he’s a softie.
Today was like any other normal day, you went down to the bar and got a drink from kurogiri. today you had a hiest, you were stealing supplies from a hero outpost. nothing new.
you, dabi, shigaraki and toga got ready, and you took a few new recruits with you.
as you arrived at the scene, there were a few pro hero’s there, what you had expected. you took feathers from your wings and hardened them in the air as they flew towards them, stabbing there throats and watching them fall to the ground.
you walked in thinking there was no one else, and when you saw people unloading a truck, you froze. you weren’t wearing your mask. you were fucked unless you killed them.
“dabi! Get your burnt ass over here and help me!” you shouted and got into a fighting stance. The people unloading the truck turned towards you, and your eyes widened.
it was bakugo and ochaco. of fucking course.
bakugos eyes widened and her smile dropped.
bakugo dropped what he was holding and slowly walked towards you.
“Y-y/n?” he looked confused, hurt, tears started to swell in his eyes and his vision was blurry. Was it really you?
“I go by shi now bakugo.” you had lifted a couple feathers ready to kill, waiting for dabi.
“No y/n is dead I buried her. I watched her die. I held her lifeless fucking body in my arms.” his hands were in tight fists besides him now, and his face covered in tears.
“oh honey. y/n died a long time ago. when you cheated. see when I was brought back I wanted to find you, but when I heard you and her were together I knew what I had to do. look at me now huh? a fallen angel. now bakugo, you shall feel my pain.” your voice was filled with hatred and venom, dabi appeared besides you, lightning one of your feathers on fire, and you sent it shooting towards ochaco. you aimed it perfectly and it stabbed right in the middle of her throat.
bakugo looked over at her and dropped to his knees next to her, he was crying, it made you pity him only a little.
you walked over while the others dealt with anyone left.
“how does it feel bakugo? to have the person you love killed? Do you understand my pain now?” you reached down and grabbed his chin making him look at you, his face full of regret, hatred, and pain.
“I’m sorry y/n.. just get it over with p-please” he sounded pathetic and it made you laugh.
“no no darling. I want you to live with this. I’m leaving you here and I want you to think about where you fucked everything up.” you pulled one of your feathers off and opened his hand, putting it there.
“remember me katsuki.”
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alittleprincehwa · 4 years
an enternity ₊˚.ੈ♡˳ park seonghwa
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pairing ₊˚.ੈ♡˳ park seonghwa and reader
genre ₊˚.ੈ♡˳ songfic | pure fluff
associated song ₊˚.ੈ♡˳ i love you 3000 by stephanie poetri
synopsis ₊˚.ੈ♡˳ the idea of spending the rest of your life with seonghwa was more than lovely
tags ₊˚.ੈ♡˳ non idol! seonghwa | established relationship | white suit seonghwa so pls survive
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baby take my hand, I want you to be my husband
you slowly breathed in the morning breeze that was mixed with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and take in the sunlight peeling through the fabric curtains. You grip the white entangled sheets. You turn and see that Seonghwa was already up, and something was blocking the sunlight.
cus' your my iron man, and I love you 3000
your eyes darted seonghwa. Blissfully bathing in sunlight as pulls his shirt over his head to dispose of it. The hazy morning basks the both of you. He heard the sheets tussle and turns to the sound. A small smile appears on his face. He walks closer to the bed and sits beside you.
baby take a chance, cause' I want this to be something, straight out of a hollywood movie
he takes the cup of coffee that was on his bedside table and offers it to you. “ Morning, love. “ he greets you. You reply with a smile and push his hand that was holding the coffee away.
“ We've been dating for a while now shouldn't you know I don't like coffee? “ you ask with a small laugh. He looks down at the steaming hot coffee and ushers out a giggle. “ Any person can change, you know. “
you playfully scoff. He sets down the mug and helps you up. He takes the hair tie that was on your wrist and turns you around, so now he's facing your back. You soon felt your hair being touched and figured he was tying it up for you.
Nothing can stop that wide smile from appearing on your face. He fumbled and played with it until it seemed correct. He turned you around again and places a small peck on your nose.
“ Since we have a flight to catch in a few hours, let's get changed, hm? “
see you standing there, in your hulk outer wear
After you finish wearing your comfortable ensemble, you go back to the bed. In seonghwa's eyes, wearing a sweater wasn't enough. So he nudged your shoulder and gently threw one of his hoodies to you. You gladly take it and wear it. The scent you could recognize within a second and the feeling of him hugging you was what made his jackets so perfect.
and all I can think is where is the ring
You put on a pair of your sneakers, the one he gifted on your six month anniversary. And seonghwa being the gentleman he is, he saw you and knelt down. He holds your hands first before picking up the loose shoelaces and tying them.
It was the little things he did. That made you happy.
You didn't question it and went along with it. He drove you both to the airport, it was still early morning so no cars would disturb both of you. He gave you the signal to take a nap and you did as so, passing out almost immediately. All while so, he never lifted his hand from your thigh.
cause' I know you wanna ask, scared the moment will pass
He woke you up from your deep slumber and led you out of the car. He held both his and your suitcases into the airport. And even if you were willing to start an argument, you were too sleepy to do so. You waited for a couple of hours before your flight was taking place.
He held your small figure when you two were boarding the plane. He had this inner fear that he'd lose you. He grips your shoulders tight as the flight attendant guides you to your seats.
I can see it in your eyes, just take me by surprise
seonghwa held your hand tight. The take-off was smooth, but his fear of heights took over him. It jolts you awake how he held your hand. You saw his terrified expression and you knew what you had to do.
Your other free hand gripped his cheek, you tilted his head a bit so now he was looking at you. “ Look at me. Just look at me seonghwa. It's alright, I'm here. “ you caressed his smooth cheek with your thumb.
He closed his eyes and melted in your touch, enduring the consuming fear he had.
and all my friends they tell me they see, your planing to get on one knee
a few times did seonghwa's friends hint about him and the ring he bought beforehand, but you shrugged it off and took it as teasing.
but I want it to be out of the blue, make sure I have no clue, when you ask
You were lying if you said you hadn't thought about marrying seonghwa. He was the perfect man. Treated you with love. Made sure to make time for you. Constantly gives you gifts and such. How could you not?
baby take my hand, I want you to be my husband
time skip to later night. You two already settled down in your hotel room. The suite was more than luxurious, it was more than you imagined. A bed as soft as the clouds looked, a bathtub overlooking hundreds of buildings.
cause' your my iron man
he took both of you to a very expensive place. All prim and proper, exquisite and excellent, and made for the rich. Seonghwa advised you to wear the dress he bought you. A beautiful beige dress with silk as it's fabric. Spaghetti straps and skirt hugged your body in the right way.
He led you to the rooftop that was decorated with fairy lights, your favorite flowers, a calm and peaceful artificial waterfall filled the dry silence. He walked you over to the main part of the entire rooftop, you could tell at the number of fairy lights lit up the spot, a vintage radio played your favorite music. And although it changed often, he took note of what you always hum to when you would clean or cook.
Your heart started beating faster, you bit your inner cheek. You were awed by the city, it lights lighting up everything. You gasped when you heard the song that was playing. An old one but nonetheless you loved it. Diamonds are a girl's best friend was what was playing. You hum along to the catchy lyrics as seonghwa clears his throat and specks of dust away from his fancy all-white suit.
You were busy exploring the place with your eyes to notice seonghwa getting on one knee. By the time you looked back and looked down, a gasp immediately escapes your mouth.
Your hands covered your mouth and your eyesight became blurry in an instant. “ It's been two years since we met, from when I met you when you newly moved into when I remember asking you on our first date. I was so shy and nervous back then. But after spending time with you, learning to love someone, and learning that someone loves me, happy anniversary my love. I'm now sure “ he paused and took a deep breath. He opened the small box to reveal a shiny diamond ring. Your eyes shone brighter than the diamond itself. A tear dropped from the corner of your eye. He smiles at you before saying;
“ Now I want to spend eternity with you. “
and I love you 3000
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a / n : I want to thank you guys for 500 followers !!! And it's the 100th day for my blog and today is so special !! Thank you to everyone who supported me ! I wish I could give you all a hug but covid said no 😔💗😳💟💘💌💖💓
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smylealong · 4 years
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I have long debated whether or not I should write this, but @rain-hat​ convinced me that I should. So here I am, penning this diss meta about The King: The Enternal Monarch. Starting off with the disclaimer that I love this show. This is the show that introduced me to the wonderful Woo Do Hwan and for that I can never be thankful enough. But I have issues with the show, and I will enumerate them here. Brace yourselves for a tirade.It’s long, so putting a “keep reading”.
 1)    Manpasikjeok: Let’s start with the basis of the series. The Manpasikjeok. The series never delves into what the Manpasikjeok is. It’s a flute, yes. But it doesn’t delve into the background of this all-powerful plot device. I understand that the Manpasikjeok is a part of the Korean folklore and thus, probably the makers did not feel the need to delve deeper. But for non-Korean viewers like me, it was very confusing. So, before I speak about the details of what exactly bothered me about the flute, I will present the story itself.
After the death of his father King Munnu, King Sinmun of the Silla Dynasty heard the rumors of an island floating toward the temple that he had built in the honor of his father. A fortuneteller told Sinmun that the late King had become a sea dragon and his loyal General, Kim Yu-shin, had become a heavenly god. The fortuneteller also said that if he were to visit the island, he would get an incredible gift. When Sinmun went in search of this floating island, it looked like it had a turtle’s head and a bamboo tree on its back. In the mornings, the bamboo looked to be split into two while at night, it would join. After braving through seven days of storm, the King reached the island. There the sea dragon told him to make a flute out of the bamboo tree. This flute was said to provide magical properties. When the flute was played, enemy forces would retreat, and diseases were cured. Also, the magic flute would bring rainfall if there was a drought and stop the rains in floods. Ever since then, the bamboo flute was called ‘Manpasikjeok,’ meaning a flute that calms down ten thousand waves and it became a national treasure. This is the folktale.
 If I am to nitpick, time travel and parallel universes are not mentioned in the folktale. But that is something I am willing to let slide, because you need something to make the story work and the makers chose a mythical object from the folklore. People do it all the time, so I am not going to penalize the makers for it. What I am going to diss them for is the way they spoke about the spirit of the flute. Was it a demon? A spirit? A god? What? Why did it not allow Lee Lim to age? If time passes differently for the owner of the flute as Lee Lim claims, why did Gon’s time seem normal for the most part? The only difference in time seemed to be when the portal was opened and time stopped. So, before Gon opened the portal, time did not stop for Lee Lim. Why then did he not age?
2)      Post series events (part I): Which brings me to the second problem I have with the series. Post-series events. I understand Ta Eul retaining her memories of the alternate timeline because, she was in the portal and thus, remained untouched by the effects of the changed timeline. Fair. I get Gon retaining memories, because he was the owner of the flute. Granted. Why did Jo Yeong retain the memories when everyone else forgot about it? The only explanation I have is that it was because he was in the past timeline when the timeline changed? But the show never bothers to give an explanation for it. Also, if the events in altered timeline happened almost exactly as they did in the original timeline, then Yeong came to Republic of Korea. If Yeong came to Republic of Korea, then he met Jo Eun Sup. As did Gon. Why then did Eun Sup not recognize Gon at the end? Why does Yeong say that Eun Sup will not remember him? Is it because Yeong retained memories from the altered timeline and hence believed Gon when he said that he was going to the other world? Then, it stands to reason that Yeong did not go to Republic of Korea. Then things changed! They did not go exactly the way it happened in the series. Ah! My head hurts.
 3)      Corea and Korea: They are parallel worlds. I get it. But at times, they were nigh indistinguishable. This is @rain-hat​’s input and I agree with it completely. Why are the people in Corea dressed like Westerners and why are we not seeing more Hanboks? Why are court ladies the only ones dressed in traditional garb? Also, what is the official religion of Corea?
 4)      The characters: This is going to be a long one, so brace yourselves. I have issues with the characters. I’m going for bullet points, because I have LOT TO SAY.
 ·       Kang Shin-jae: Other than messing with him in all possible ways, what was the purpose of this character. As my editor once said, you must ask yourself what purpose does a character serve to the overall story? The litmus test of it being, if the said character is removed from the equation, does it impact the overarching plot of the story in any significant way? And much as I love this character, I’m sorry to say, his removal would not have impacted the story in any way. Yes, I’m aware that even Meyong Seung-ah does not pass this litmus test, but she does not occupy nearly as much screen time as Shin-jae. I wish they had utilized the character more than just use him as a material to evoke emotions.
·       Koo Seo Ryeong: She is portrayed as a villain/b*tch. Why? Because she has political ambitions and is a woman who is not above playing the ruthless game that the men around her seem to be playing? She is a woman who has clawed her way to the top in a man’s world. Can we please stop demonizing women like this?
·       Jo Yeong: Yes. Surprise, I know. He is the reason I (and many others) kept watching the show. The man who stole the show, the one who carried the show. A startlingly pretty face backed by a phenomenal performance, Jo Yeong is a treat. BUT, for a character as spectacular as Yeong, he was not utilized enough. I wish the show had actually given him something to do when he was in Korea. They wasted a talent like Woo Do Hwan.
·       Jeong Ta-eul: I loved Ta-eul when she first came on screen. Badass, no nonsense, tough as nails cop in her thirties as out leading lady? HELL YEAH! But then she meets Lee Gon and all the things that I loved about her seemed to evaporate. She became a cry baby and I just could not handle that. K-dramas, can you please stop turning the badass female leads into a prop for the leading man’s “bravery and heroism”. (Fervently hoping Nine Tails doesn’t do that, because I love Jo Bo ah’s character there).
·       Lee Gon: Oh, I hate this character with a passion. TKEM gave me SLS like no other drama before or since. I sincerely want to ask Lee Min Ho; just how many versions of Gu Jun Pyo are we going to see from him? Rich, powerful, privileged man who does whatever he wants? I’m getting really tired of it. I like Lee Min Ho, but really, you need to branch out, dude.
5)      Post series events (part II): Speaking of Lee Gon, my man, you posses the all powerful tool to travel through parallel universes and time, and you use it to go on dates? WHAT THE F***? AAAHHGHHKSJJGFHVJHMDSYFHJVHKJNSKLJHG. Lee Lim was right. You’re WASTING it. Ugh. Personally, I felt as though the entire romance plot could have been done away with.
6)      JoGon: The series teased heavily about this relationship and the fandom lapped it up. Beautiful fanart and fanfics emerged. But, I have issues and no, it’s not because they’re a same sex couple. My issue comes from the power dynamics of the couple. It is skewed beyond belief. The dynamic works perfectly when it is a king-bodyguard relationship. But the second it becomes a romance, there’s problem. All the power in the relationship is with Gon and Yeong has almost no agency in the relationship. And I love Jo Yeong too much to subject him to a relationship like that.
7)      Product Placement: Yes, it was tough, but there was a series somewhere between all those product placements.
In closing, this series had the potential to be so much more. Yet, it failed. Spectacularly. I liked and enjoyed this series, but I have so many issues. SO MANY. Do you have any issues you would like to add? Please feel free.
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tumbirus · 2 years
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Good morning,Happy Deepawali for Indians , Ultimately it is Krishna's love for us,and our love for him that ends the war between our postive and negative qualities.As Krishna says in Gita,"Forsaking all other duties, remember me alone .I will free of all sons even that of not fulfilling other ,lesser duties .Do not grieve". The message of Deepavali is very simple -to bid farewell to all the hurt,anger , frustration,and bitterness from the past ,and with the arrival of the festival of light ,we celebrate life with newness and freshnesse. Deepavali is essentially celibrated to Kindle the light of wisdom in every heart,the light of life in every home ,and bring smail on Evey face .Light are lit on this day not just to decorate the homes,but also to communicate a profound truth about life.Light dispels darkness and when the darkness of ignorance within you is dispelled through the light of wisdom,good wins over evil. On Deepavali we celebrate , perform Pooja ceremonies and exchange gifts .But the best gift you can others is your smile .There is a story related to this day that finds mention in our ancient scriptures that holds a profound spritual message that is still relevant . Deepavali is celebrated as Narak Chaturdashi,commemorating the slaying of wicked demon -Narakasur -by Satyabhama. There was a wicked demon by the name of Narakasure .His actions created problems,chose and disharmony for everybody and bred conflict.He created hell for everyone,much like his name -Narak means hell.He was too powerful, nobody could win over him .But he was defeated by one of Krishna's concert, , Satyabhama in a warv.There is a lot of symbolism present in this history. The one defeated Narakasure was Satyabhama which connotes the enternal Truth ....counti (at Mumbai - मुंबई) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkFd14EK3r9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marshieee · 4 years
Y’all i almost forgot about this story of mine I’m also working on my another forgotten story of you being yamaguchi’s twin sister and having a cat and dog relationship with tsukishima. I also planning on making the “i wanna marry someone” as a text, but i guess it’ll take a while.
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Oikawa puffed his cheeks as he placed down his phone, doesn’t mean he has a lot of fans he can’t treat a girl right.
“I can treat a girl right, heck I’m gonna make her my queen, serve her and stuff”
He mumbles to himself. Maki and mattsun already saw oikawa’s distress face and litterally had a plan on teasing him as they look at eachother gosh talk about soulmate .
Oikawa did’nt brother to reply anymore he’s pretty sure that aj would just tease him. He looked outside the window and suddenly the thing that aj just mentioned to them suddenly pops up in his head.
“Flowers huh”
If that’s true, what flower do me and my soulmate share?
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“Do you literally need me?, just like you said you were born here so I’m pretty sure u basically KNOW the place”
It’s been a good half an hour since your cousin been ranting on picking you up from the station. You just rolled your eyes and pinched his sides.
“shut up we’re on the bus dumbass, and besides just so you know i was gone for years duh”
“You’re talking like you’ve been gone for enternity, literally nothing changed here since you left except some fee small shops closed and new ones started to open that’s it”
“So there’s still some changes kenji”
“Oh shut up you know what I’m talking about”
You just looked out the window, didn’t have any energy to argue with more like you don’t wanna argue with him since you’re both in the bus you can’t just freely shout at him like you two always do.
“Sejoh is still big as ever huh”
“Yeah so?”
“I’m not talking to you dimwit i was talking to myself”
The bus was now in the busy streets of miyagi, alot of students are now going home,some went to a family restaurant,some just sitting on the benches having good talks. You remember when you did that with your friends here in miyagi too, you can also see some exhausted adults going home from work.
“This place hasn’t changed at all”
“I told you so”
“Yeah yeah i know genius you don’t—“
Suddenly out of nowhere, for a split second you swore your vision was filled with glowing...
Out of nowhere you suddenly felt a wave of nostalgic feelings for a second.
“Hey, you ok?”
“Huh? A-ah yeah yeah I’m fine, i think i just got exhausted from traveling too far”
You closed your eyes and just placed your head on your cousin’s shoulder, futakuchi was confused at first but then just let you be.
Yeah maybe I’m just exhausted from traveling that i see hallucinations.
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After class
“Now that was boring”
“You’re just making excuses you literally didn’t even listened”
“Like i said cuz it was boring”
Aj stretched out her arms and got her bag, iwaizumi just scratched his head feeling frustrated.
“Awww don’t give me that kind of reaction iwa-chan I’ll eventually get it if you teach me”
“I’m not your teacher”
Aj looked at him from behind and smiled “but your much better than our teacher i learn a lot from you fyi”
Aj started to walk towards the back door again, iwaizumi following her from behind can’t help to have a small blush from what aj said to him. Oikawa was just waiting outside their classroom immediately saw them and smiled.
“Hey boo! Why didn’t you wait us outside?”
“I can’t wait here?”
“Your room is literally on the other side of the building oikawa, and it’s just beside the stairs”
“But i miss you iwa-chan~”
“Wanna die?”
“Now now as much i love to see some bloodshed around here i need this man to take me to the new ice cream shop so please don’t iwaizumi”
Oikawa stuck out his tounge and iwaizumi immediately choked him. Oikawa was tapping his shoulder furiously signaling him that he can’t breathe.
As if iwaizumi cares.
“What are you two doing? Come on i want ice cream”
Iwaizumi eventually let go of oikawa who almost faced death, they both started to follow aj.
“Sometimes i thought how could you be so violent at me”
Oikawa still gasping some air while massaging his neck. Iwaizumi looked at him and smirked.
“Because you deserve it, you look like someone who needs a good hard discipline”
“Ooooooh iwa-chan so kinky~”
“Oh no no i did not sir”
Aj stopped and turned around waiting for them to catch up, with a smirk on her face iwaizumi already know what she’s up to. Aj went in the middle of the two and looked at oikawa.
“How kinky iwa-chan, choking tooru and giving him a ‘good hard discipline’ “
“Please stop making it weird”
“Hahahahahaha shit iwaizumi your future meant to be will be so sore”
“Aj please, oi oikawa stop giving me that look!”
Aj looked at her side and saw oikawa giving iwaizumi the look of horror mixed with disgust, aj eventually laughed hard.
“Iwa-chan is that why?”
They were in the busy streets of miyagi, like per usual they always encounter few of oikawa’s fan that they have to literally stop and wait from the sidelines. Few girls were suspicious of aj thinking that she was oikawa’s girlfriend even tho oikawa and her explained to them that they’re just friends.
“That girl is the second bitchiest person i ever encountered last week the blonde girl is is still number one”
“Oikawa you really need to do something about that”
“Like what?”
“Like post something on your social media or something? You do have one right?”
“Yeah i—“
Out of nowhere his vision was filled with glowing sunflowers, but disappeared immediately. Too confused he didn’t noticed a pole and hits his head. Aj and iwaizumi who didn’t noticed that oikawa was lagging eventually turned around when the heard a loud pang.
Iwaizumi held his tummy while pointing at the pained oikawa, aj on the other hand is holding herself from laughing.
“Honey pffft are you o-ok? Pfft”
Aj went to oikawa holding her mouth to prevent her from laughing. She saw the red mark on his forehead and immediately turned around and giggled.
“Ah what show shittykawa, are you ok tho?”
Aj who eventually calmed down turned back at him while wiping her tears, still giggling at what happened.
“Yeah what happened boo?”
Oikawa was about to explain to them about what had happened but thought maybe they wouldn’t believe him instead he just gave a shrug and laughs it off
“I think i was too pre-occupied by volleyball I didn’t see where I’m going haha”
“Well honey be careful next time, we love seeing you this dumb but please be careful who knows what will happen next”
“Yeah she’s right”
Aj went to a vending machine and bout a small orange juice box, she grabbed oikawa’s hand and gave him the juice box
“Place that on your forehead, my treat”
“Thanks aj”
She just smiled, “now let’s go get my ice cream”
Oikawa bit his lips, he didn’t know what was that, hallucinations? Maybe and then again aj’s story came into his mind again.
“No that’s impossible” he scoffed.
“What’s that boo?”
“Ah nothing nothing let’s go”
There’s no way that’s true.....right?
Fun Fact:
*Aj usually don’t call Oikawa as oikawa, she calls him either tooru or boo or other pet names. She calls iwaizumi as iwaizumi,hajime or iwa-chan thank to oikaw.
*Oikawa has been in the same class with the two except now.
*Aj literally wanna fight any stubborn girl who keeps saying she’s oikawa’s gf.
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