#we were trying not to tinhat bc this is so not our business and also. there is a reason why i generally try to just focus on the characters
coldflasher · 1 year
also. there was drama afoot at this con lmaooo 
i had heard the rumour that candice and danielle do not get on irl but uhhhh. it would appear that they don’t get on to the extent that they can’t even stand to be in the same room as each other... 😬 
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larriefails · 6 years
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First of all, nobody said you believed your theories were facts, it’s just that none of us make a distinction on that because you shouldn’t have theories on the personal lives of people you don’t know! It’s wrong and intrusive and NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS
“Antis have such firm beliefs” yeah, we believe what they say. That’s why those beliefs are “firm” because it’s R E A L I T Y. You put us in the same bag as conspiracy theorists as if it were in any way, in any world, the same. It’s just not. And until you snap out of it and realize that what you’re doing is fucked up, and it goes beyond who’s right and wrong (because this ISN’T! ABOUT! THAT!) you’ll continue to be called out in anti blogs. Because what we’re doing isn’t theorizing on what we believe is real. We’re not battling out Larries to prove that our “vision” of reality. We’re not warped by ships or personal desires
I’m bisexual, I would LOVE for Louis to be LGBT, I would LOVE for the stories about him and his treatment of trans kids to be real. I would LOVE for him to have gone to a gay bar in Amsterdam or have supported the community openly. I love Louis and I want to be even more identified and kindred with him But he hasn’t done any of that, he’s not any of that, and who he is and what he does is enough for me. I don’t need to create a new persona. I don’t have an agenda
I also never really cared that much for Eleanor. I don’t ship real people, but if I had to choose a 1D couple to ship, that’d probably be Louis and Danielle (and Harry and Taylor). But I accept that’s not reality. I accept that Eleanor came back to Louis’ life, probably just as a form of support while Jay was dying, and that their feelings for one another resurfaced and Danielle and Louis broke up. This isn’t a theory, it’s what Louis says, that they found their way to each other, that she was his rock while his mother was passing... So I’m not out there being bitter about Eleanor. I’ll defend her. I’ll be fair with her. Because Louis has shown me that he loves her
I could be a Haylor tinhat and believe that they’ve been in a relationship on and off since 2012 like they do. That they had fake PR relationships to cover up they were dating. That Harry has a “private” IG and TW where he basically lives off of Haylor angst. Do you see me doing that? No... I accept that despite the fact that they’re two of my favorite artists and I think they’d be BOMB together, they were only together for a couple of months and the fandom blows their relationship out of proportion
That’s what you don’t get. Antis aren’t here to push their personal agenda and bias, to battle out Larries on who’s right and who’s wrong. We’re here to grab reality, that thing you (Larries) smeared and twisted and distorted until it fit the box you wanted it to fit, we’re here to clean it, lay it out as it is, and show it to the people that believe you because they’re too young to know the difference or have mental health issues that make them easily to manipulate, LGBT people that feel you’re their only outlet and community (bc you lie to them about it)
We DO understand that you’ve pulled “every alternate theory between anti and Larry” but what YOU don’t seem to understand is that we don’t deal with THEORIES, we deal with REALITY. What comes out of Harry and Louis’ own mouths. If we go on debunking sprees and show you Larrie theories are wrong, it’s just to show “hey, reality actually DOES match up to what Harry and Louis are saying”. We’re coming from completely different places, and you’re conflating them as if they were the same
It doesn’t matter if what switched dramatically were firm beliefs or theories, don’t you understand that? WHY DO YOU HAVE THEORIES? It’s the lives of two complete strangers???? You’re creepy???? They have told you what reality is. You don’t need to theorize
Could they be lying? Absolutely. Everyone can lie. But then that’s what they want you to believe, so why are you trying to poke holes in it? Who do you think you are?
PS I don’t give a fuck if you fantasize about sucking Harry’s dick or not, Ria. You’d know that if you read this blog and if you had any sort of comprehension skills, which you’ve shown time and again that you don’t (that’s why your theories make no fucking sense, on top of being disrespectful). An anon said that you believed Harry was bisexual and blah blah, I didn’t really pay attention to that because I 1. don’t care if people want to sleep with Harry. I would sleep with Harry in a heartbeat. There. And? He’s attractive, he’s my age, he’s lovely, and he acts like he’s dirty in the sack. I don’t actively fantasize about him because I prefer to actually get dick instead of dreaming about it. But if you ask me if I’d potentially sleep with him? Yeah, sure! There’s nothing wrong with that. I’ll forever be baffled by people who act like this is in any way a problem. 2. I knew that you currently didn’t call Harry bisexual. So with those two things in mind, and not knowing if you wanted him to sleep with you or not because I’m not gonna read EVERY POST YOU’VE EVER MADE, I focused on clarifying what I did know the anon got wrong. You still have Larrie mentality, here. You wrote an intense and long winded aside about how you don’t want to sleep with Harry, as if there was anything wrong with finding an attractive person attractive. Chew on that for a while
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