#we were robbed of her going batshit crazy on a monster with it at 7 years old
valewritessss · 2 months
“Percy and Riptide”
“Piper and Katoptris”
“Jason and Ivlivs”
Annabeth and her hammer against the world
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mdwatchestv · 6 years
The Magicians 3x12 + 3x13: Hail to the King, Baby
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Better late than never, here is the finale wrap up of season 3 of the Magicians. Maybe this is so late because I was decimated by the Magicians thoroughly recapping itself in a manner so comprehensive and aggressive that I was briefly unable to continue on. Josh's recap of the 40th timeline to Penny 23 was so snappy and entertaining, it sent me into a wild fit of existential despair - how does one recap a show that recaps itself? Josh even had sex charts, and comprehensive notes showing the kind of recap mastery  you will not see on this blog.  Thus is the charm and the fury of the Magicians, a show that refuses to be tamed, categorized, or even written about coherently. Long may it reign.
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It was especially interesting, here at the end of season 3, to look back via Josh's recap to season 1. Q and Alice wearing the Brakebills sweater vest set was especially strange to remember, and illustrated how far this show has ventured tonally since its earlier days. While season 1 was not without its batshit crazy moments, its Taylor Swift sing-a-longs, its 39 timelines, the show still felt like it was trying to color inside the lines. This was a story about young witches and wizards on a quest to defeat a great evil after all. This good vs evil storyline crept into season 2, where we finally saw the Beast's demise, but by then he was almost an afterthought as the Magicians ached to move on to bigger, wilder subjects than just one evil wizard. So now that we are in season 3, what is the Magicians about? Sure there is a quest to restore magic, but the show has broken free of it's "defeat the bad guy, save the world" mold. Antagonism and heroism can be found within individual characters, within moral battles about who is worthy of magic, life, and freedom, and within questions about how to govern a body of people (and talking animals) selflessly.
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Nowhere has this intricacy and complex development been better illustrated than in the unending power struggle in Fillory. After seizing control from the Children of Earth, Tick Pickwick wants to put a country impoverished by the lack of magic and radical mismanagement back on the economic track. A Fillory run by actual Fillorians rather than magicless Earth children who were really just puppets for the Fairy Queen (another ruler trying to do the best for her people no matter the cost). Honestly the worst that can be said for Tick is that he betrayed our two most fiercely beloved characters, which although a grave offense from an audience point of view, actually had pretty noble intent. The Fillory storyline ended in a standoff of three different rulers, all of whom were trying to do right by their citizenry. It's a complex situation with many shades of gray and no real "right answer" in the context of the Fillorian world (no matter where our audience sympathies may lie). What a brilliant and odd place for a show initially advertised merely as "Harry Potter with sex, drugs, and partying" to end up.
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Coming into episode 3x12, our magic troop has recovered all seven keys but one (key #6), which we know to be held by the Fairy Queen and is currently being used to prop up the Fairy Realm. Margo and Eliot are willing to give the Fairies full Fillorian citizenship and protection in exchange for the key, but they are no longer the rulers of Fillory, and don't have the magic to reclaim the throne from Tick. No magic, no power, no key, no magic. So they do what any self-respecting ousted monarchs do: force an election they intend to win through trickery and witchcraft. What begins as a genuine play for the Fillorians love (and votes), quickly devolves into a pissing contest between Eliot and Tick. The two attempt to one-up on another, Tick with policy, Eliot with outlandish empty promises. Feels...so familiar.
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This storyline hit such a nerve with me that when Margo was announced as the surprise winner and new High King of Fillory, I burst into sudden, surprised tears. These tears only intensified as Eliot put aside his flaring ego to kneel before her and pledge his allegiance. "WHY AM I CRYING," I screamed at my boyfriend and cat who only stared back at me with wide terrified eyes. Why indeed. Maybe it was because Margo's genuine interest and acceptance of her populace (she was elected as a write-in candidate by talking animals) was able to cut through a cock fight. Margo who has perhaps suffered the most for Fillory: she has been showered in the blood of her suitors, married off to Joffrey's, and even lost an eye. Margo who started this series as a hard-partying mean girl who has risen to the top without compromising her own sense of self. Margo who once called her rival a chalky twat, Margo who brought a gun to a magic fight, Margo who has a creepy fairy eye. Margo who is now King, because a King can be called whatever the fuck they want.
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Margo's storyline is also but one of the storylines this season that featured powerful women rising into their power. The Fairy Queen, who began this year as a villain, had one of the most season’s powerful turns. After proving herself to be a staunch advocate for her people rather than a malicious baddie she sacrifices herself in order to guarantee eternal safety for her people. Although I couldn't help wondering why no one had brokered such a deal before, but whatever it's done now, and I now cannot wait until Jamie Ray Newman gets her ass handed to her (a sentence I never thought I’d type). Julia also spent the season reconciling the power she was given by Our Lady Underground, eventually accepting it and nurturing it until it gave her (literal) god-like strength. But my personal favorite journey this year was that of Fen - the knife makers daughter who was married off to a king. Fen has really been through it, she lost her unborn daughter, her fake daughter, and even some toes. No matter the complexities of the fairy's sitch, there is no doubt they have done our girl Fen dirty. And so seeing Fen sitting on the Fillorian throne as Acting High King, and standing by the Fairy Queen's side attempting to aide her until the bitter end, was especially meaningful.
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So with High King Margo on the throne, the magicians finally have all 7 keys and the final chapter of the quest book. They need to take the keys to a magic castle where the Knight in the story went to rescue her father, and is now apparently the eternal jailer of some terrifying monster. After hunting down Calypso, the nymph who imprisoned Odysseus (obviously), she explains that the the castle Blackspire (the literal opposite of Whitespire) is the castle built by the gods in order to hide all their fuck ups and also holds the magic fountain. Calypso’s lover and popular fire-gifter Prometheus crafted both the keys and the key quest in order to identify magicians worthy enough to take on the jailer mantle. However creating the keys robbed Prometheus of his strength and he was killed by his enemies. Calypso is pissed about this, but if I know anything about Prometheus (and the show The Magicians) it's that he is kind of a hard guy to kill. A foreshadow perhaps?
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Our questers head out to the prison with a variety of different motives. Quentin has agreed to take the place of the Knight as eternity prison guard in exchange for entrance to the castle. Alice, originally wanting to help the Library siphon the magic for themselves, now wants no one to have magic because to her magic leads to bad times (she's not wrong). Eliot and Margo are not about to have Q go off and be a guard forever and are going with the shoot first ask questions later approach (gotta love em). Julia is absent as she has ascended to full god status and is off drinking tea and wearing a lot of highlighter (relatable). Upon arriving at the castle they discover what the Knight has been guarding is not so much a traditional monster, but rather a strange young man who acts like a child. Unfazed, Eliot shoots him. This seems to have been effective, and no one questions the sudden mysterious disappearance of the Knight.  But before our group can finally unlock the magic fountain and restore power, Alice, hopped up on fairy powder, destroys the keys! After all we have been through this season to collect these goddamn keys, this was a real dick move. While Alice is attempting to escape Margo's righteous shanking, she sees the Knight now seemingly possessed with the golden light that lived in the "monster" Eliot shot. Not good!
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Back at the fountain the day is temporarily saved when God!Julia, motivated by her sidekick Quentin's courage, descends and uses her power to create seven NEW keys. If only she had done this from the beginning. But this act apparently robs her of her golden god magic, at least for the time being. The magic fountain spurts back to life, but the victory is short-lived as JAIME RAY NEWMAN and Dean Fogg appear with the Library's siphon. These characters have really been testing me. The Library seizes the means of production, I mean all the magic, thereby granting them total control of magical ability and knowledge. Presumably Dean Fogg aided in their scheme in order to guarantee a magic allowance for Brakebills, but this shows a surprising lack of faith in his own students who not only defeated The Beast, but have performed a number of miraculous feats. He of little faith.
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Time cut to the future, while magic is still spotty  the more shocking twist is that our gang has been stripped of their memories and sent off to live among us mere muggles in the real world. Ironically Alice, the one who planned on starting a new life, is the only one who remembers what happened in the castle and is being held captive in the Library. She understands that the monster in the castle was NOT the young man, but rather whatever was inside of him. An unending want or need that appears as pretty gold lights and is now unstoppable.
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Normally twists like this where characters lose memory, or their bodies are EXTREMELY stressful for me (the Faith/Buffy swap still causes tension). The idea that things are not as they should be (Dreamland I and II also traumatizing) and the regular flow of events has been thrown out of order is distressing to my order-craving brain. However with The Magicians every weird device is usually enjoyable, and often the weirder the better. Watching a  clearly possessed Eliot psychotically stalking an amnesia-stricken Quentin down the streets of Vancouver gave me a surprising sense of excited glee rather than nervous dread. Whatever happens on The Magicians, no matter how incoherent or strange, at least you know it won’t be boring. What’s more this is a show that will seemingly never settle into complacency, it is a creeping vine 
Penny 23 seems to have fully taken over Penny 40's storyline, with even the Unity Key acknowledging the swap. Whatever is going on with Penny 40 in the Library has been kept under wraps, but surely he will have a part to play in helping to free Alice.
Kacey Rohl is also running around wild and free in this timeline with her memories in tact! Possibly a valuable ally for those hoping to save the main crew.
Speaking of returning from the dead, Harriet and Victoria supposedly died when their portal between worlds collapsed, but we didn't see any bodies so I can't help feel like this isn't exactly permanent. 
Now that Margo has had her memory wiped I guess Fen is just continuing to rule Fillory. Is anyone going to tell the Fillorians what's going down? Are they going to receive magic from the Library? Likely no, but they do have a new population of fairies who have their own ungovernable magic- handy!
Also Poppy (aka Felicia Day) is wandering around in our world after skipping out on Quentin and co. Technically she is still a Brakebills student I think!
Now that we know there is a whole world of gods, will we be getting more visits from them? Did Julia totally blow her chances at divinity by making the replacement set of keys?
Thank you for reading along this season! Stay tuned to this blog for new coverage, likely of Westworld. Theories galore.
Love ya, MD
One more Margo gif for the road:
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To Prioritize Needy News
1.  Purple Hibiscus 2.  Counterfeit 3.  Trust everyone 4.  Delusional ( Like you haven't) 5.  Product 6.  Jordan 7.  None of your business 8.  Double standards 9.  Commercialized, failed experiments 10.  Ten steps 11.  Paranoia, is love stronger than death? 12.  Swim with the fishes ( God said) 13.  Savage patch kids
Purple Hibiscus
What do you like about me? I like your eyes, your smile, they warm my heart late at night when we make unrequited love in the pillow sheets What do you like about me? I like your humor, charm, and the way you talk to people every time you communicate it's like I'm watching a superhero Psychedelic mushrooms have taken over us, it's overtime and it's nice out so it's best you leave Ever since I dipped in purple I've been feeling a little ill, ever since you've left my life I've been leaving a little trail of my tears and I hope no one notices Before the sunset I'll take what's left of me and drag myself to the nearest bar, I got no care but I've walked a million miles before What's a girl like, I wouldn't know I've just met a bunch of bitches. My bad, too bad, all the good ones have flown away from me, I've color coordinated my thoughts with chocolate dip I'm sorry Madre I've inspired a bitch to fuck sideways I'm sorry Padre that's not what you would've taught me, I know The rumors aren't real, you look cute but you keep leaving me in the blue, that's why I have to cut you out I hate to go zero but it's a lockdown. Itself on top of ourselves that's one to many light to go out Purple ruined me that's why it's demotivated me in my own shop, Finance Fuck hatred I'm high for beauty that's why I'm making art for people who can't stand the sight of me, a member of some weird society where they can't keep there goddamn mouths shut The flowers are blooming in the sky, trust me I would know I've been there, I've done that, it's a pretty sight when you're trying to take a vacation away from the monsters that creep up to fuck with you These walls cramp me up that's why I'm scared, I tried to call for help but I don't expect anyone to answer it's best they get moving cause they don't want me, clearly I can see that At my worst I called for a friend, and I got more than a friend, I got everything I've ever needed and he was here all along that was God Formed a relationship with the man that's our business, he gave me everything I needed that's why I killed myself off in Finance until the album came out, it's genius I drank Lemonade and ate some chicken that's all I've ever wanted, someone with pure skin to pass me an opportunity I love you for that, I love you for giving me the chance to hold your hand to guide me through some teen process that only Brittney Cherry could handle Brittney Cherry good luck in college, and Gianna too. I've always thought you were the last two with class in class Goodbye ladies I know you'll have a holy future, my friend told me that you would and I trust his guidance Even when the paint dries I hope my friends will still be there for me. Love is love and loving can be difficult when one's sand sinks to the bottom of the seashore I swear to god I can't change, but love me just the same and I'll love you right back More Pina Coolata's for the girl she might need some, shielding others for my conscience that's what I'll teach my daughter If Finance is the devil, then I have to be the angel cause everyone is the opposite My only opponent is the homophobes who want to be mean to the heart of America, go fuck yourselves I am what I need to be to strive of excellence, and everything I do is excellent that's why I have to try to eliminate the forefront of the wall that's making me suffer lightly with a spatula of butter Dipping in purple may look nice, but it has its cliches even the Bible I was handed said so. Something doesn't seem right but I tried it anyways, and I had to murder Ryan Lapierre because of it. Goddamn these condos and conversations that I can't be a part of cause all these worshippers of the bad things shun me Shut the fuck up I can hear you I'm right here standing behind your back. I never thought you would spurt those words but you did it anyways. That's why I'm angered, frustrated, and a little bit confused Confusing how the friends you used to have, go behind you and say some shit when you did nothing wrong. Backlash for no reason baby that's a holiday. Sober gone wrong, now I gotta go back I'm a Christian now, better not crash If I had to rewrite the pages I'd erase most of the characters, America calls them the villains, I just call them garbage that belong in a disposal Laura won't you marry me, in this black Bugatti Too early I thought so homie This hibiscus is making me laugh in circles, on repeat, and even cry sometimes in my sheets that I used to make love in with my ex girlfriend prison convict soon to be Soonest flight to hell would help, holy shit these people can't spell, I can't stand these bitches. Take a hike and never come back that's the motto for the better hit it If I'm so good in purple then kiss me minutes into sun If there's real out there show me something before it has to rain If I'm the right fit, why are you trying to leave me and Vin Can there be light, I think I've found some, it's with God and his soul Fuck Eddy and his team Don't be scared I just kill you Knowing upon knowing updates of everything going on, I'm feeling like an online textbook full of knowledge. Thank my friend God that he made me a democrat cause fuck these conservatives thinking that black people are the problem of America. Every time a remark pops up my face turns blue and I punch a wall Megyn Kelly let's fuck Isabella don't duck Dip in purple I must Dip in purple I did Turn the lid upside down Soon to be spouse on the way Spent a dollar on some jewelry That's why my sister doing that And I'm about to kill the enemies Here we go don't blink cause you'll miss something 3 2 1 Die
Holy balls all you motherfuckers get a look at this, I just robbed a store and the police are out to get me. Do you have the audacity to fuck with a God like me, I don't think so, after all I'm a grinder with the characteristics of a figure skater, skating a figure eight without two eyeballs, but one eye looking at his momma analyzing her facial expressions, to the judge the situation of her divorce with the alcoholic father Catch me if you can I'm a bandit on the loose, if you blink once all you bitches gonna miss me make the biggest move of my life. Wait until May 8th that's when I'll really go crazy. Counterfeit banquet hanging on a mouse. Mousetraps across the border, they're coming after me but I'm dodging bullets like the Matrix Keegan Shea can't come close to what I got, and that's a fact all the morally right people know that. I'll take a cherry blossom before the game and fuck my life by making these fucking operations that's a crime in its own self. Sophia Avril I'm sorry for Operation cherry blossom, that's when I was on the vodka Made a pretzel video I'd rather be playing the pretzel game with Alyvia Say your last goodbye before I'm cuffed up winking at my girlfriend Flavor your menu before I have to do this for my momma, my sister, and my fans I got an army that's ready to demolish the lobby, and the swamp full of dirty fucking douche bags who thrive off ignorance, ignoring the fact that there's women around. How can one be a Russell Sanborn when all he does is get rejected on a daily basis, basically what I'm trying to say is he doesn't give up, but based off of the new haircut it looks like he has A lovely day outside to bump into someone on purpose and pinpoint a pressure joint on a girl yelling my name in a moaning motion, that's what the fuck I live for at this point. Research your details before you make a dry remark about what I do, what I do is what I need to do that's why all the bitches call me baby All the Avril's like my style, businesses like the pills I give them even if they get drowsy during the meetings. Shut the fuck up this mediation ain't a joke, I was at a rough spot stop making up stories. I'm not the bad guy, but you a bad girl, Crystal Bowersox fuck something up so we can hit the water spout Counterfeiting a counterfeit that's my charge, don't bartend it cause I'll be back bare nude calling my baby baby, and my lady my girlfriend Jake Ford, can't you go to Singapore, get some better ear piercings they really make me wanna hurl. The reconciliation of a process that's meant for one not all, makes me wanna go to get a car to catch some snakes and kill them off Don't you understand that the cops are after me, it's a common thing cause I'm scamming those bitches off. Shit I'm an official bad boy, is that what God made me, or did he make me to hate people like you. I'll counterfeit what I see especially if I see some uncalled for touching going on between the two of you. Operation Bigfoot I'm so sorry for nothing I don't regret it, note to self don't date a blonde. I'll date a brunette so she can give me that cool sex. Sexual tension between me and the girl and it's getting to firm so that's why the white cops are after me Counterfeit it Counterfeit it Counterfeit it Comeback to life, that's what my future wife is telling me her name is Mercedes I'm just kidding don't shoot me, stop taking everything so seriously you're being so naive go swim a lap and drown to death. Batshit crazy in the bathroom they can't find me here, hereby stating that my eyes are locked in on you and I'm about to snap into a billion pieces cause all the things you say make me wanna grab you by the eyes, and use them for dinner and the jungle Jungle feathered heads making friends with dicks, suck my dick I won't be humble about it, it makes me sick. Makeup all over the couch, the mascara rubbed off, after the offensive drinking that took part at Worcester Technical High School. Skin the bottle, spin the bottle, tell a tall tale about you have no talent, that Alyvia Hagearty won't you be my friend, there shouldn't be in end because I love you so much, I'll pay millions to buy you another tye dye shirt just to see you sneeze on it Counterfeiting a caper the real caper is all these relationships that just form into dead fish at a butcher shop Who's Grayson, Grayson I love you man let me buy you a drink and I'll take a shot after every dirty look you give me in the cafeteria. After then I would die from alcohol poisoning. Power to Pasquale cause she's counterfeiting Erick's heart, like Gigi did to mine. I got God on my side, but even if I didn't I would get a fucking massage and think about all the numbers that Vinny and I lost just to step forward in an operation. If this was the Office and I was Michael Scott, Pam Beesley is right next to me flip flopping like a Budapest making pancake plays on a magazine wall slurping Kool Aid on Wall Street that's why she's a motherfucking wolf, don't vote for Trump. Bitch they're after me, no one can save me on this one this is one where you might just shove a onesie up an ass, and a blue pill in my mouth. Zoom zoom zoom I'm a zombie biting the necks off my enemies. I offered to help but Paul you're making it worse. Paul, Keegan, Roose, Eddy, even the repetitive chubby Edison. These are the men that are in the dungeon. I came to feed but I can't feed all these people humor when they find humor in Hitler Swastikas and racist remarks. Fuck we're counterfeited Counterfeit my feet for money It's a myth don't play with my heart Little silly goose you fucked with the wrong guy I may not be important to you But I can ruin a life in two seconds
Trust everyone
Why does hell have to doubt me, don't they know it Man oh man do they have to know it Damnation can't be real I know, I know, I know May I have a minute with you, I'll make it quick cause I gotta give all my sins to the bank cause it's donation season All the times I've made mistakes I've met my doom it tastes like fucking ivory Socially I'm a butterfly ready to bloom and roll big for the homies, the ones that spend dollars on pop rings If emotional barriers hold people back can emotions be economically stable to be sensitive on a bank account, does it matter? Momma said to your lifestyle the way you want, just don't smoke weed in your future apartment, or anywhere for that matter Anything for the woman that raised me. She, sissy, and Vinny are the only ones I can trust, but somehow I end up making the mistake of trusting everyone Each time someone takes a shot at my heart I'm depressed and imagine me drinking again, I hate it but my biggest problem is getting sucked by the magnet that people hold up onto my body Trust everyone that's a flaw even if it sounds like paradise it's the worst possible encounter to experience. Exiling a match full of women at the party in my twenties in my class there's a real beauty. I'll stroke her like a jellyfish and snuggle her like the twelfth commandment that I switched up as a law that you can tell a secret without getting shot, and wear a hoodie without the bad man fucking you up You are complicated but some how your complexity rouses me. Even when everyone has left you dazzle me, don't take too many shots at the party you're my blonde mermaid. Meet a man who gonna give you something like your father did. I put to much faith in my economics and my freedom of ownership Don't you dare give a talk to a bitch when I didn't give permission Don't go out to tell you friends just so you can Smoke in Fresno later with a freshman Trusting everyone that even talks to me, better write a note that later on we'll become the best of enemies. Fuck all this shit in the parking lot, I'll just past the resort and jam some Advil in my system and call it a night. Putting everything into someone just to get intolerance, you know why I killed myself in Finance it's cause I got my heart broken again it's no mystery History repeats itself when people get released from their disc to determinate dangerous demonstrations like a dictionary with different colors that's different from the ones they came in with I hope once I grow up to become a botanist, they write my name down in pen and rubber stamp it cause I'll roll out knowing I fucked up to trust these four fucks who ain't funny no more Edison I'll cancel your storyline, it's giving me problems, it's getting repetitive the repetition isn't even humorous it's cancerous. Brain damage on the way your shtick is the definition of a short circuit Jazz is my favorite line of art, but they finesse me and I can't get out. Emilee Algieri I promise I'm the one to trust. When the gig is over, maybe we'll connect in a way that others can't. Idiocy is a running theme, so within myself I must start the conversation I guess that isn't too much for someone with iron balls of steel. Excuse me Emilee but I see you walking by, and you look awfully nice, maybe we can walk around just to watch the stars and eat some rice. Beauty is upon you I can see it from a mile away, it's like I'm looking at Cleopatra but you are so alive. Pick up lines are for pussies that's just me being modest. Trusting people who trusted demons who can't be trusted throughout time isn't the best thing, but the bad thing is I do it more than I start an engine sobbing. My queen is queer she's a beauty god, a disco devil almost like D'anglo. Baby when I grow older and my walls have been fixed by whoever wants to fix them, we'll go golden that'll be on my younger tongue 24/7 It's hard sitting next to the same old people, getting no credit for trying to spice the whole thing up, they're sour Sour skittles try to make a move with me and maybe we'll be in the same bed sleeping together. McCluskey remember me, if you don't that's cool too, you'll be getting to know me in the summer. Whichever pill you take that's fine by me but you're alliance could be in shambles Better off dead the fat man said, with scissors I can trim your face off and watch you die in the Sahara Gianna Sasso taking names I'm liking what I see. Alana Trotto that can't be my motto I'm learning not to trust her or her feelings Trust everyone no more I promise, I'm a better man, I'm the best man at the wedding, I'm little God I got a metal that says so. Hope is alive I see it clearly, I can feel the finish line even if I put to much of my stock in people that wanna use me. I'm pissed off my heart still can't pick up the damn pieces All I want is a buddy who doesn't want to fucking kill me Vinny Sasso, Lucas, Eh Koh Loh let's gamble some shit on the poker table Phonies across the area, people can't be so dumb it's called life Don't get so dramatic Jessica that's melodrama at its finest The melody I play is love someone in the first three seconds When it takes them three months to open up I'm not about that shit anymore Trust everyone that's for pussies I'll give you all a lesson about life God unchained me to my father I miss him so much I used to go to therapy Even when someone says they're with you that's bad rhetoric remember they're lying Juvenile twats in court that's what it comes to, or a break up text saying I'm a tool I've heard all the things I've needed to hear Abner Cruz you're a crusader But my ass need to a day breaker to break Jordan and Ryan up Can't you see you can't trust me and we've established that especially Emma Thuot But hey I can't trust all these so called allies either cause they'll snipe me using Nothing but there stone cold eyes that never liked the sight of me Who can I trust, I used to trust everyone until now I trust no one and nothing not even my own mind. She called me sugar daddy, and sent me nudes dude what the fuck that's disgusting, but give me them digits you know because of my depression
Delusional ( Like you haven't)
I think it's about that time to come back alive and make a comeback for the homies I love you God, I love my friends and to myself I'm the king pin of this bitch Take your passports out. 30 day Europe trip awaits us pack your bags we're going now Bitch I'm gonna be the King of London fuck it Ireland all the ladies are gonna love me Cause I chug like there's no tomorrow and side effects are false advertising Board the plane, the day is waiting, first class for me and Vinny coach for the ladies I'll be drinking champagne with a cherry on the top, on the rocks, flirting with the flight attendant cause I'm a pimp about to proudly produce some chemistry I may be delusional and a little bit crazy but I sure do now how do dance so take the blindfold off and fuck a foxtrot and share a tango with the king It's like you haven't seen someone who has a personality before, I promise you mama the personality is down under he's a fucking animal, and a fan of the nudity he breaks walls to be with all these pretty ladies it's delusion Now we're here in Europe I'm about to take my fine ass into the party that's delusion, but if kind of sounds delicious. Death do us part until one passes out wasted underwater in a hot tub, like you haven't done that on a daily basis. I take my three friends Livy, Julie, Vinny into this party seeing freckled friends from all across the country smoking illegal shit with no one to stop them. I see one pretty lady with long red hair and I take her hand to go upstairs in the lobby where it's empty and the light switch doesn't work that's how you know this will work Julia's with three fat Yonkers that our light years way ahead of themselves they are teaching her how to handle stress cause they've been through it all. Giving her advice about what's wrong and right, remember combining spam captions isn't something just to block him Alyvia is dancing with three delusional women they are French I can tell by the birthmarks on their necks. One of them is Lea, one of them is Adele, and the other is Amy. Amy and Adele are making out this is fire oh my God. Like you haven't seen love before that's a lasting impression on an impact tattoo that Vinny's getting on his forearm, pull the fire alarm we got a bad motherfucker at this party I'll tell you what's delusional all this delivery that has to deliberate into a fallen deal because of tax emotions and evasion. Bad motherfuckers find it easy to kick the can when she's making out with Brittney Cherry. I call up the homie Christian invite him to this party too, if this party gets a little foolish then he'll ask for nudes that's some bad taboo, he gets nervous really quickly, so let's invite Gianni so she can flirt with him for free Delusion in Europe that's what's going on, fucking pretty women in my long form 2. Seconds of fun, but hours of silence besides the occasional surprise that my lady wants to share. I take my friends to this nice party in Europe, but once the shit hits the fan that's when we shift back to normal Morality is key when you kill someone on a high streak, I'm a steamer I've steamed many times banging tables like I'm on this tank. I think she's delusional that's why she's singing in my shower, I think she's delusional cause these jockey douche bags are taking control of her mind. I knew she didn't have a brain but she got issues, I want to help her but at the same time I wanna see her crash and burn. I can see the rain when you cry, when I cry it thunders that's just a Tuesday that's why my God knows Tossing and turning the next move that's delusion, that's paranoia paralyzingly paralyzing the pop sound that beat boxes in my head like twenty thousand lions roaring. If we're at this party and we're heavy drinking like we're in heaven, then how about we wear our tuxedos we look fresh in them regardless of our color. Sometimes I fantasize about us shaking hands at a Shibuya festival, that's how much I'm delusional, like I haven't popped a pill since the year my gramma died. All the bitches that give nerds like Sachin anxiety ask me where does your delusion come from, and I say it comes from Thing one and thing two and throw Patricia in there too. My days are twenty four hours and I consume my insecurities onto ounce trays but don't forget Trayvon I'll never forget I love you man Superb squab on the table which fucking pansy gonna grab a knife and cut into the blood. Humus, humor, hummers, I'll give you my life if you can fix my delusion. Abortion cuffing into clinic law that's why I hate Clint Brooks I'll block that bitch faster than I scream at my television saying Hillary won, wishing one last farewell to my friends before my favorite comes and I forget about them go fuck them. Funding with feuds that I like to take part of, it makes my noggin go into a frenzy and my light switch colors on the second. I am delusional, I will stay up to very hours to make myself happy getting high on marijuana pretending my stuffed teddy bear is a woman that I can get down with sandy hook jokes aren't funny you anti feminist orangutan, just because I said something you said doesn't mean you have to say what I said was invalid cause the things I say you treat my adjectives like an adjacent back rub abusing my proprieties and priories cause what you say isn't what I say cause I say shit that you say differently than what she says cause he says what I say contracting to the fucking crap she says to appeal to what he says to see what she says saying what he said to say what she said ending what he said and I'm the he, fuck you bitches I hate your hips, go suck my dick
Contributing money to the foundation of my financial career, with all the money spent I'll take Karate lessons with leftovers, every time Ebony opens her mouth I go through internal therapeutic sessions The reputation I've built for this empire is unquestionable so don't undermine me cause I'm riding on top of the planet with the girlfriend that I'm hiding and no one knows about If I'm some kind of product how come I don't have a price on me, they can't take my pride away, this fake shit on the car that you sold before the par that you stroked that's partnership, I'm anonymous another fake day with fake friends doing random shit that children shouldn't watch This concept a product has semi tan complexion with bipolar colors that's personally disturbing, don't have fun without me I know you can't anyways cause whatever I am labeled as is good enough for someone with a stroke of beauty I don't create the blood, but the pills are being crated now, nowhere can you find them cause they're hidden in a sacred place that you're not allowed in I've been through a whole lot in these sixteen years of breathing air, both mentally and physically with the press of a button I could just explode into millions of pieces, a millimeter of what I do is to impress, I just dress to win over the trend that's why I gotta diamond watch that's too big for my scrawny arm Scratch the cassette that may be the right thing to do, mistakes are a virtue but when you get called names that's when you want to fuck a bitch up Washington when can you surrender, at what point to you get attention for being criminals I am minimally sure that's they're miming me, and watching me, they treat me like a product when I'm just a human being Temptation is a nightmare on an anniversary celebrating a couple who fights all night and day, and wants counseling. Think about what's best for you, even when I'm on the street I help a homeless man out cause I believe in him Powder blue skies that's what I have to compromise pretentious people for, product that isn't me cause I'm pretty clean Rave to the fear, that's light they think I'm something that I'm not, forgot what they said I don't give a fuck just don't identify me as such You and me tonight let's make it happen, don't worry I'm not a wound up doll, if anything I'm a Jack in the box cause I'm so imaginative. Imagine a world where guessing games was the main goal for Gucci sandals and sunshine for a silver friendship. The glory days is when we didn't fight and I wasn't labeled as a product, looking at future houses and a fucking bicycle that we can ride all the way to Shibuya If we just got along alone in a house with not a soul there, then maybe we can laugh like when I used to post YouTube videos for you My knees are numb from all of the pain that didn't feel real until now, if I see you on my feed I'll break down into tears cause I miss your pretty smile There was a sparkle and now the only sparkle I see is in the sky, beating me up for a pair of sunglasses and socks A hooker and a eight ball in my lucid dream, but maybe the dream was with you I forgot how to imagine a motherfucker man without frolicking in the sand, Oh my god I am a product aren't I Underserving acclimate for the worst of the day that's why we give out accolades. I tried my thing with Alyssa Accord but she blocked me the next day. Friendzoned like a fuck that's five fingers chopped up, and ten lines crossed out in my hand An elegant garnish could've saved the time I spent grieving I'm a nocturnal animal Nocturne like a love bicycle that's a bypassing byproduct for bystanders forming claymation cause they can't get a piece of picture pussy themselves Now I'm forced to practice like a product that's foreign to some producers of self communication and dehumanization it dehydrates me to death to think about those people in decades to come Just to rewind to the remembrance of Eleni that Greek chick that I used to have a crush on, oh my Ryan Lapierre your lady picking is similar to a homophone with disaster tendencies to disable a teleporting line with telekinetic tendencies to financially fuck someone with money in their pockets, that may not be my morals but that's the way that I draw feel free to vomit in my coloring book, after all if I'm just some company than you can't compact a product that hasn't even hit puberty yet, that's just puppetry In Tunis lied cause I'm institutionalized for my bare knowledge that I display on a day to day basis. Going larger is a vibe that's why my vibration is a lie, just look at my relationships which tend to rather die Being labeled with a sticker like I'm the United Kingdom, I'm supposed to be the king of you how dare you switch sides and ride with douche bags with dildos Illegally this is taking me to a place of mind to start a stab show with a butter knife, and ketchup for dramatics. Honey don't forget your perfume that Chanel works for me and others even though I'm more of a rendezvous guy, God hodgepodges my 2017 by giving me another set of testicles, at my own testimony I hope Asiah shows up she's the only one that doesn't tissue the shovel when the struggle is on high alert in the prison that we call a job Loved as fuck but damaged as such don't do what you need to know that's my job. My confidence oiled onto a stretcher crippled like a wounded soldier luckily I saved it, cause what I gotta do to get revenge for the homies that sadly had to die is sabotage to enemy and use power to my advantage Bitch they say I'm such a product, but I'm a productive prodigy. It's proficient to profile a motherfucker with the chemical balance to backtrack a bassoon like O.J Simpson. If I'm being compared to the Matrix than how can all of this be real, instead of myself being the problem, maybe it's the skinny dipping skull bitches that caress the drama first and I'm okay with the that, because if I go out looking good, that's good enough for me, cause I got what I needed and the need has salvaged me into optimized strategy
Jordan Warner
I'm getting tempted by these jockey fucks, smelly fucks with body odor they don't use old spice, my old grandpa who I hate because he's old smells better than these buffalos. I don't care though I'm in love, I'm in love with these assholes cause that's my drift, my end game is to break a heart cause I got nothing better to do, and I'm straight up clueless Motherfucker what you doing asking me out on 9/11, bitch who do you think I am, I'm Jordan Warner not your whore from pre school, I use boys to get attention cause I'm petty and pretentious. I won't love you, I'll only pretend cause I like Chris Sweeney that's my babe. I'm not just some wannabe Wannasee trash chick from the valley, I'm a freshman with some spice that I got from the garden alley. In my garage I have my cleats I'll spike a motherfucker who wants to call me Cherry Blossom They say I belong in a mental asylum no I don't I'm just American. Shabalaga we're best friends but best friends don't fuck that's why I gotta fuck with Sweeney. All we do is just argue like we're smoking shit, what am I supposed to do just sit and kiss you. Every time we lock lips I projectile vomit all over my grandma cause she's old Fuck old people they look so gross, fuck everyone besides the ten boyfriends I have they all cool besides Ryan Shliapa. You look like a llama you act like a lady cause you're so fucking sensitive I have everything a lady wants I'm hot, I got the body, and I don't rot like a lamb getting catabolized for food experimentation. Don't you dare to try to fuck with me Shliapa you are never going to see what's down under, even though you've tried I've declined that's a no go bitch Bitch I stare at Ryan Lapierre because he looks at me like I'm some kind of psycho witch. Who's this Ryan Lapierre he's a real fucking douche he can go and suck my dick. Sweeney won't you beat his meet Okay that's enough agent red I've caught on don't think I haven't seen you. My mental capacity is strong and if I have to break out my habit of strategy I will. Instagram eight at night I'll text my motherfucking brother Ryan saying watch the fuck out, you're getting cheated on like a snake on the human scar. Bitch what the fuck is going on, every time I see you you're on another guy's lap. Being caressed by football players without a brain cell, when he's not looking you go tongue to tongue with Dylyn. Am I just seeing things, or do I see a motherfucking phony. I will wipe up the blood on the floor, shit is on the wall, and these walls create a monster. If you wanna end this shit show how bout you break up with him, his breath is being wasted by a red goldfish loving nightmare. Jordan Warner I admit you got the looks, but the only thing that's on the inside is black and we all know that. Three alter egos in this fucking song. Jordan Warner, Ryan Lappy, and here comes Dennis Jordan Warner won't you love me, I just want to feel you all the time. I miss the times that we used to cry over The notebook that was the shit in 2004. Once you and Ryan end your thing maybe we can fully comprehend and complete a figure fuck in a final mental showdown with a moth I got a thing for red heads, Alexis was before, and you are the present. You might be the president of passive aggressive nobodies but let's agree to love one another without going to the next person to fuck their slimy ass. Don't assault a bond that we painted on the first day of dating, Jordan Warner I know you're daring, but you're dating me and it should be for good, don't be a fool and send nudes to people that you're not supposed to. I want the password, to see your history with certain people, I got my knowledge from a blonde who got her knowledge from a thot. You might not be aware but I know much about you, just wait until the summer once we're talking you're probably going to fall in love with me too. After all you have thing for Ryan's. If you want to date Mr. Anxiety than how come you're not dating Erick. He's the clingy time that can give you free sex all the time. All my friends say that red head is something else, that something else is you fucking nobodies for lunch money Warner I warned you to backtrack those broken thoughts because I see so much potential, but when push comes to shove we'll all be throwing a pity party towards your name. Ready for the summer I know you are Mrs. Warner. I'll help you sort your shit out so you can be a loner. You can have me I'm single and I like Pringles, oh wait I'm sorry I'm taken to Alyvia I'm kidding that didn't work out. I got my eyes on you at your lunch table. Vinny and I are pulling some true detective shit we catch things that even your fuckboy can't catch. They call me the king because I can find the cracks in a relationship. And I've found the crack it's you Jordan Warner. Plumbing isn't your job, I want you to be in finance so you can tickle my inner mechanics to have the motivation to punch someone out that's playing cards with the devil. I love you Jordan Warner but stop cheating and stay loyal cause to wrong to play origami with five people at once. The points I'm trying to make are valid so just follow along with me someone who thinks you're a model in a construction class with a couple smelly fucks who can't spell for their goddamn lives. The language I speak is fluent fact that's why you gotta stop squatting on your two things at once yoga mat and take a lap to realize the rat that you've become. Jordan Warner you should be an organ donor so you can donate something for once in your life just stop sitting there and watching. Unless you make a change, you must be stopped by me and my members. How are you gonna tell your kids that Chris Sweeney is their daddy because mommy made bad life decisions. I've only had one special honey and her name was Isabella and once I realized she was the fuckin devil I had to let her go. But if you want what you please I ask you Jordan Warner to go ahead, but remember to feed dinner you must be remembered as God's creation, and I can count my fingers to ten but if the clock turns to twelve clockwise and you haven't changed, tech will turn to hell, and hell will be upon you Goodbye Shaps, hello Lappy Goodbye Sweeney, hello Ryan Goodbye dye, hello natural I'm the gucci bitch don't mess with me or my handbag, I'm a little tipsy but I'll tiptoe to get some more whiskey. And fuck him before my daddy come home to see me ripped
None of your business
Damn personal space means nothing to people no more, I'm not one to call someone out like a picky person but pick up your garbage when maiden mothers try to motorboat your lips without lipstick and a flick of shine Cannonball in the crystal clear water, clearly the wagers aren't so private when Captain Obvious crushes on some angel from Amsterdam that's you Sophia None of your business what my work is, what matters is that my mental health is cleansed before the big game with these sick motherfucking children who act like I'm some mass murderer murdering the force God why did you leave me with some anomalies I can't unbox, it's unbreakable because unblocking me is clearly something that they don't tend to think about Even whenever I'm minding my business, there always seems to be someone bitching about how I'm something that they don't want to be, I say fuck them and continue to make alliances with people that care about my feelings, and love me Attention ladies I'm not scared of your threats, they make me laugh cause it's pathetic how one can stoop so low to never talk to me again. How about you get your emotions checked out so you don't make a mistake and make out with waysides riding the dicks off other junkies Our whole friendship is a subliminal message, this is supposed to be a community I suppose we don't all have to support each other but when one is sipping the juice of the devil than I have to duck None of your business what I'm doing on my Periscope. People punctuate without any preconditions on their plate and quite frankly I'm sick of it. Disappointed in glitter that Amanda Gocklin isn't mine, but minerals can't adapt without a leader and these dry rocks pathetically ham in terrible insults to make me start something so they can victimize my decisions. Oh God they're demons, kill them with a stroke of your arrow, and sacrifice the heroes in sight for the villains that don't shed light None of your goddamn business who the fuck I talk to, let me do my thing. Stop acting like my mother when you can't even raise your attitude to be mature enough for a group chat. Changes I need changes to be a man that has rational cumquat potencies. Drink a magic potion, so that you faint when your ass deflates in defense to the bullshit. The cabinet is full of cabinetry that's not what I sign up for I sign up for the memories, the good times with people that experiment with exotic flavors. Instead I'm only seeing the cast of an extra excoriated exorcist go fuck them all with my themes and my animals Watch your mouth, I consider myself to be a charade of Christ because of my fatherly hula hooping to the people that need a brother. Circling around the dining room just to touch a beauty and her crown, drowning my sorrow with the duchess to clutch my used to be crush with a white Ferrari and a diamond ring with flawless diameter. The streets are filled of contemporary women who push me aside even when I'm productions fresh strawberries, goddamn watch your goddaughter her and the car are about to collide, fuck that it's none of your business what kind of color I dip in cause I'm out chasing the seventh severance package that owed me a dollar for lollipops Tried to fuck Lindsey now I'm biking to try and find myself love again, it's none of your business that I'm nonexistent dying my hair for the extended warranty of a bad boy Julia Pasquale watch it don't make threats when you can't dish the heat, I'll dance in the night to ice pick the homie to my right who's up my ass about God knows what, I just tell her to dig in thinking I'm driving insane on the far line of immaculate bulldozing. I won't pick apart your shit, if you dip into the good side and stop fucking around with my heart, none of your business to tell me the to do list when mist is in the skyline, and soloist is the next step in my nest Hotel up there, excellent excerpt you taught me to butterfly, to swim good from theories looming I NASCAR has a special piece of my heart, none of your business how these colors interact in my interstate At the strip club with all these people on my lap, but all I think is how I get back at the assholes, do I slash their neck with red, or kill them with the blue If your business was my own, then I would take ownership of heatstroke me and Heather would die The feather flew down from the sky, I'm about to say some shit that will go over your head, and the only business that this pertains is mine and a select few Tell me the fewest crescents to go over the moon without coming back as a wolf, clawing cans backstage I wish I had my camera to document this Stapleton. Love is like a box of chocolates, but I swear to god the shallow people purr like Luther studying damnation, I am shaking but fuck you if you think you're so proud of yourself, you are wrong because your eyes are red from all the crying that the fathers brought Hey I've been looking for a good one for my whole life, when I reside and resign from Earth I hope I've already found the second piece of the Lapierre show None of your damn business can you please leave bitch, Karma sutra that's aura. Angling the way sliding out there water bottles, I will fucking kill you, and fuck your before the moon comes back, and the background gets reversed by my backhand strutting in the bathroom. Newscasters America is a duck, and my classmates suck, but my business can be defined by the way I come about. If one hundred fifty wasn't enough then I'll go to a bridge concert to concede my cool to sell you out
Double standards
My homie got beat to death cause he dated another man. He came out of his shell to date him, he felt so brave, I was a proud brother the little homie identified himself as what he was I love that kid. We go to Shannon's party for a few cocktails and I witness my homie mingling with another man so I go over, cause I gotta see the rundown of what's going on. A couple hours later my homie is making out with the man, I'm stunned in glory proud that my shy friend can adapt into a tank that's some real talk. Perfume hits the air as the scent of pine scenes trees in springs, there's no tornado outdoors cause this is a party full of outsiders, this is their time, it's timeless love, way to go homie you got yourself a boyfriend. Don't let nobody tell you nothing. A few days later I call my boy up he's still with the man that he fucked at the party, he finally felt like he was loved, his parents gave him no attention, getting spanked by dad 24/7 he didn't live that good life. So he rolled some blunts with the man as they locked eyes and started kissing nightly. I walk on by to the house I smell marijuana it's a little bit crazy, but they're madly in love and I'm happy for my friend as he was knocking on heaven's door days ago. I invite the two of them to my place for a couples banquet for some shrimp and pasta, they say fuck it yes let's go tonight. So they put their matching tuxedos on and their colored bow ties with Chanel, and pack a couple wine bottles cause they know me well. The wind is harrowing, above looks sad, but that's just the casual rain. I invite the homie Donald I've known him since pre education, and he's a people person he can bond with the best of them, he's so great. So I get the crackers ready and the champagne popping, this is what you call a fucking party. Donald arrives with his golden necklace, his goddamn grills, and his girlfriend Selena. She speaks fluent French and that's how I like my hookers sister he knows what my heart craves. Selena's knee snapped on her way to the bathroom, before the party started and she started crying like a wounded gazelle, Donald goes to help her when I hear the doorbell ring. It's Jarome and Jared my two friends, my great amigos. Matching tuxedos, with a man bun eighties style looking like studs. So all the guests have arrived and I'm about to introduce one to the other cause I'm such an important host. Donald gets up off the ground with his French princess and gives a dirty look when he sees Jarome and Jared holding hands. Jarome is all in he reaches out his hand and Donald slaps it looking angry, we were scared I never saw him this upset before. Donald starts yelling saying what the fuck are these faggots doing they should go to hell. I punch Donald in the face saying get the fuck out of my house you inconsiderate illiterate don't use that word that's offensive, where are your fucking morals. Donald doesn't care he takes me to the ground, grabs Jarome by the neck and takes his belt out while I'm unconscious. Frenchie and Jared are trying to hold him back but Donald is so buff that they're no match. Punches are being flown, and tears are being shed. Jarome's face is purple as a grape, as he falls to the floor, and he's pronounced dead. It's 2017 what the fuck are you all doing, let people be happy and live their life the way they want to. I don't care if you're gay that's fine by me, it's not a choice if someone tells you that say shut the fuck up you don't know nothing about LGBTQ. All you conservatives, and bible pushers wake the hell up we're in a new generation. Where relationships can be formed by people with the same sex. If God could change the Bible he'd let gay people be, I know God is up there shaking his head at the Texans. If me and you have to fight the system then we should do it. The system don't give a fuck about orientation, minorities, or transgenders they just talk about deporting, and discriminating against all of them every day. I'm a straight man in High School and I got more common sense than you baboons. The only gross thing I see is a republican going on about gun control like an insane dumbass. This world was made by immigrants, be thankful for your local Muslim who you're probably not paying a dime. It's 2017 we should all get along, and accept one other's lifestyle. Donald Trump ain't doing shit so how about we control the country in our way, where everyone gets paid the same, and equal rights are the name of the game. Trayvon Martin got shot for wearing a hoodie, Oscar Grant got shot by the police for simply being black. You know how much suicide is going on cause you bullies encourage hatred across the nation. If I have to be the preacher that has to unite the country than I will in 2040. I will be there for you, even if everyone has left, and you don't have a home let me be in your heart as I will care about you. To all the gay people out there that feel like they can't fit in I'm here for you, I'll help you out I promise you. We may not have a leader who gives one damn about you, but we can raise the rainbow flag and wave it high cause you shouldn't feel shame in who you are. You are loved by many, and these communities inspire me every day, the light will come to you, and you should never feel shut out
Commercialized, failed experiments
Did you experimentation work the way you wanted, do you commercialize your options just to fit in, inside do you have the heart to fertilize the scent of a rose? These walls can talk they come to life at night, I took a shot in the dark to try to fix the broken machinery but a man can't stand uncompressed memories, that will put me in memorial service. How about we get some Vodka just to ease the insanity of the inside of our insurance. You help the homeless out, while I slap my homies in the stomach. It's a golden shower filled with desperation and droplets of teardrops that would make a grown man cry. Operation Bigfoot was an experiment, and it expired rather quickly. I may be no Bradley but I got better abs just ask Isabella. Sunshine in heaven that creates diffusion between my different quotations that's subliminal for some reason, easy there you were being used, you were born to be a user. Useless to think of some clever username just to make you reek of depression. If there was white behind me and if I had to speech a couple lines I would put on this act that's not part of the contract that I signed as little baby. Controversy is my middle name put that on my Mimosa and my peppermints. The sound of one's engine energizes me to experiment on people with thyroid problems, and kidney failure. The daily routine is to act funny to save a life, I do that for a lifetime don't you think there's something behind the lottery, if you do you won the million dollars. Baking heartbreak like that Crystal shit cause she knows what I have been through, commercialized attention whore, just to gore a fitness package full of illegal pills. Red or blue I'll let you choose, just so when you pick wrong I'll be the one to leave the casket open. Molly aren't you jolly laughing with me at the attractive blondie, that's going on a vegan diet, failed experiment she gave up to eat that Chicken liver in two minutes time I saw that. Five hours a day for nothing, treating it like I'm working a job to fight the fury of our future nation enemies. The day before the election that's when I called up my army to fuck the fun to ruin shit that would never be. With Pasquale we then killed something that didn't need a stab. Might as well unlock the injection code to inject, cause I was fired from what I loved, we sat there silent thinking is it over for us. Now the bitch that freed my self doubt about getting out there wants a job at Burger King flipping fake patties just to get some money for the restraining order against her boy toy Dan. The story was her breath smelled like Mocha Latte Chocolata at Coachella, cause she was drunk on caffeine that wasn't me, she chose the red. If life is an experiment than all these failed experiments are created by exodus experts who flush the blood down the toilet on a monthly basis. I don't smoke that weed no more, it's better if I try to be independent cause I was identified as a motherfucker before. To take my anger out I might have to sell out my closest allies even though they did nothing wrong, commercializing my life story as a soon to be teen mom cause my gateway is straight into my own territory, shoving intelligence out the window to interest my mental issues so I can see the things that I'm not supposed to see. Eyes glimmering maybe it's just the fertilizer that I sprayed onto my new red Bugatti, on the carpet I rolled with my homies like a dog, but I'm prepared to brawl about some random shit to get people to hate me, even if I'm not getting paid, it's better to stand up for what you believe in cause I'm in a temple of love. I'll say I'm more friendly, but it's okay my judgement is clearly flawed. It's my turn to talk, I promised that I would try to help, but how can I help a broken branch when she's clearly impossible to work with, the impression you set within my ecosystem is a high intolerant crybaby you need a fucking binky cause quite frankly I'm sick of your official shit. Fuck we experimented way too hard and now together we must witness what we created, when is summertime so I can drink and dance just to text a stranger to phone fuck at twelve AM. If America was watching anyone with some common knowledge that doesn't work in congress, would sort out the heroes and the villains quite simply. Accusation every day, all I wanna do is flush someone out with a flashlight and duck tape, Loving cringe it's turning into a permanent disease for me, maybe I'll just paint my whole body with tattoos saying lick me cause that's what I get off at. If someone could see the real something they'd turn into a raven and fly south forever, this thing is going downhill that's why I'm bringing out the pills, cause every time I talk what I get is attitude, fuck attractive people. Guidance Councilors and countless guilty people in our circle, peer pressuring pear heads to headshot the many mistakes they make on their headset equipment, the IQ of Finance is equivalent to a Chipmunk, but at least Chipmunks can keep their mouth shut. Even when I'm trying to help a fellow upset man out, I get pathetic friends from the girl before her sweet 16th birthday, let me do my work or else I'll go on your account and disable it. Don't think I'm soft the only thing that's soft is the way Jahmiah talks to us, God bless her. Commercializing this television program with unsettling behavior, but fuck with me and I'll turn you into a commercial that no one watches. A part of me wishes I was in Convo cause I've come to the conclusion that making this collusion constructed destruction in my mental health. A failed experiment is an effort you make to try something that is unlimitedly armed with the love from the up above, but when your experiment inherits the injection of rage in your blood, maybe you should excuse yourself and stop trying to make it work, when the makeup has run dry.
Ten steps
Ten steps to glory, that's a thousand trophies to the house of Tori's Bow down to the bobber with some money for some common ladies Me I'm pulling a Lazarus, saving up gasoline for the trip to China Use to be a quad but I'm feeling a strong trio, with homie and the queen Don't hate me, hate how the game is played it's checkered seven Several thousand people have havens about amnesia but I'm ten steps to living I'll down a million mountainside mints at your show, and sugar high myself to entertain I'll take a rain check on the shower, I must continue to fuck with Jamie Raising expectations, them motherfuckers creeping on to attack me But I've stacked some spaces between the wall to talk about our song It's wrong to miscommunicate that's why we can't go on that date Rate you out of one hundred girl you're a sold eleven, cavities from caviar And desperate for attention so I go on Skout to find a skinny later with some paper I ran out of tears when I was ten years old, nowadays you can find me hungover I'm the best of my generation, making bets on what colored underwear you're wearing in the bedroom, coming up from the soil in the renaissance to fool a face off for no more than two cents a fucker. All these fun fucks fucking my formation, that's my favorite heartstrings to play when you're heartsick from these heartbreaking unbound academic caterpillar sketches. Ten steps before I dunk myself onto the winning throne, where I'll throw a bone to the babies cause they seem to be getting incurable rabies, accumulate a calculation where the bitch never wins, and wishes come to function to find my buried treasure in a punching match that I won. Seven inch inactive, how the ladies gonna see that I must report it to the firefighters so they can fact check it with the bloody casket. Used to go twenty steps backwards when I saw boomerang bullets in my class that I created. Now I take ten steps forward cause I found God, and he's here to help me to try to kill a messenger who's acting like a puppy dog just to fit in, cause we stole his people away, so to stay cool he spreads some fake shit cause he a mother fucking snitch. Now I got the yams, I got Richard Simmons handspring and I'll fit it in my ten stripped polyester suit, that all the ladies say is a sweet ride for a goddamn pimp for a lifetime One step is I the God in the sky being the best in our skyline life and I got the skills for all that paperwork, rolling paper right cause I'm a people person fitting in to extra terrestrial extract sessions for a fellow privileged butler getting closer to the butter Two step is she, the issue, the extinct example of a diva elephant, she might be out of her element but she needs tissues to breathe, cause after all the time she complained she'll be dead in the sewer Three step is he the son, the misogynistic father that bothers the living hell out of everyone he meets, fuck him to a tee cause all he does is play God with his significant other who's republican as the others in the suburbs Four step is Bella won't you rub your Nutella into my you know what, cause you know us, it's out control intercourse that feels outdated but the doors are locked, so give me more before we snore until twelve P.M and the cops are knocking on our door Five step is Gianna the Rihanna of the seniors, God bless you you're the only one that I don't hate, a privilege to make some enterprising entertainment for you, my biggest fan no doubt about that I wish you the best of luck at Worcester State, may my friend bless you with a good life, so tight. Six step is Rocky, membership to asking girls out on Shrek dates, the only ogre giving oral any time soon is you and Kendra Rose when I hook you doves up in the summer morning of July Seven step is the betrayal, it's best to not suffer my institution with a forty eight caret caregiver who masters the art of deception. It's best by default to move on with my life, but the definition of myself is someone who sticks around even when I smell the scent of disgusting nastiness, ditching but I'll pitch my case or evermore I'll shut YOUR whole shit down Eight step is either which way, is it best to rest in paradise with parasites all over you while you're looking at Tom Ford Tuxedos, or is the better option to bet on a super operation to bowl all over competition in a call to rial dimensions? Sleep talking without a gate I'll video tape the whole thing to send to my therapist, she'll like the popping noise Nine step is encountering hipsters with trigonometry, trading poker chips, and power moves if you're so popular than make a loving gesture to a girl with some fantastic log in code, decorate a door for more makers of minutes so your Matrix idea can levitate into a diaristic ball and chain potential client teen that gives no damn about anything besides his Justin Beiber water bed Ten step is the animal. If we have to fetch with synonyms, and homophones to make a home satisfied than toss around the idea as God as the Zookeeper, and me is the lion. I am trained to be a beast, don't expect a day without some chaos. Simmer was the middle name of the hotline of the shaken anti christ chickens that will fuck their pants with a mittened teddy bear Rare bikinis at the magazine shop which sells magic offside vinyls for middle class entrepreneurs like Ryan Lapierre. Ditch an entourage, to go into a Montoya restaurateur monologging with seven people who externally and eternally encourage you to set a dream to fuck Kate Upton. Uptown girl don't go and cry, I'm straight fire but I'm more of the guy that takes the flames out. For fun I'll make another one die and urinate on the sidewalk jaywalking Beatles style with some real heroes. May not like my personality but that was my intern job, May 8th come and the job has just begun. Ten steps watch me loosen screws, the screen is mine, in screaming time
Paranoia, is love stronger than death?
She liked my Sherlock, I went to far and locked the page with paranoia Karnataka paranoid shit going on, she called me schizophrenic cause I was losing my marbles faster than when that entree came at the end of my last supper An average bitch learns how to do this crazy shit throughout pre teen, but the presumption was to love with ease. I loved her more than anything that's why we did a tango to Viva La Vida vividly and had some physically satisfying sex in the shower Stupidest question I was asked was where I got my paranoia from, bitch it's cause you fucked with my emotional gate, now the gateway is jittery and it won't cool down The lens on paper says to strike a starting point with a racetrack and a racer that is this so called legend, I learned to be Mr. Make believe just to forever forget a past that hurricanes my heart with a passion Mariah Carey Karaoke at the Irish bar, no incidents involved cause inside your shell is that coffee scented marker from the Valley. You looking at me with these dirty eyes and the edges that make me get all nervous, won't you stop it. I wonder numerically were you just here to design me, and at the end tear me apart with all your mighty. If I gotta go make an alliance, then call up people who have at least two brain cells. All these games are making me paranoid, a one night stand turning into a three month love fest in the matter of a minute. Bitch what do you want me to do, I won't be your Jake Ford stereotype I can open a fucking door. It ain't easy creating one thousand deaths to spare a thousand pyramids. Teaching me to myself not some mistake that can't feed a deed without being syntactically puppy dogged. Dark thoughts across my brain, it's complicated but nothing can stop the feeling of being lost, lady bought me a Ferrari, gotta stop before lose Jordan Warner is a prototype, stereotypical relationships that's not my thing I'd rather wait until my mail comes in. Dirty dancing alone is fine for now, just wait until a woman gonna love you. I miss the touch, and the feeling of someone that cares about you. Oh why, oh why do you gotta fuck it up, go through hell and back because of your dilemma, did you think that this was gonna happen I've gone too crazy, now I'm heading towards nowhere at this show that we call staged poultry. If I gotta be solo I'll rock that style on the download, if there's a no show before my father's anniversary then I'll talk to God and drink Martinis to I drown with some homies that will stick with me. Fuck you, I'm not an operationist, I'm just an impressionist wearing Nikes. Rather be impressive than be dating some kind of misguided culture bat. All these things go right to the heart, that's why every fasting is so sensitive. Every sentence is some unethical white shit, shut the fuck up my fist is fully charged. I am capable of choosing what deal I want to take part in, it doesn't feel paranoia but the creek cracks when life gives you love lemons and your face feels unfelt for the first time since you were a firstborn. Three dimensional model I was in love with you, you were in line with the wet dreams that happened on the weekly, weekends are a little rough but the only credit that's being giving is the art of bicycling across an acoustic version. There's two versions, but the side that is going to be revealing itself on a permanent permit is the side that lets others capitalize the catalog color that they are choosing to friend because of their ancestry. Paranoid about what people are gonna think, but if I take her to my kingdom then maybe we can make some small talk. There's no sense of acting sensitive when every session is about some medical marijuana and therapy on Every Thursday. Death is coming later on, but is love stronger I think it is cause it ain't any better. Twenty different procedures just to find a mistress to divorce in thirteen years. I don't wanna be in court, I wanna have a daughter. I don't want to fight with four different women I want one that understands that I'm not perfect. Perfection is reality but if we can bedroom talk for two hours making the best sex I guess I'm okay with that. Rhythm in the beginning is quite easy, but when the sparkle drowns itself in the Atlantic that's when a rough patch settles and it's not pretty. Fantasizing about Las Vegas, and months of wedding planning, I could write an essay about a perfect woman. Anytime we wanna be Cleopatra, then let's keystone the ignition and find a pretty picture so we can solve it piece by piece, if this is love than this is strong, I need to love I'll let it ride. High priced tattoos all over her freckled neck, I like that a put a golden necklace with your name on it, that makes you so attractive. Just don't use me because my butterflies are punching my stomach because I'm scared of what might happen, if our love runs out and the money goes to salvage. Holy shit what's your name, I better flirt like Ryan Lapierre cause this lady mighty fine. She's an archeologist that's into film, this is the girl I want to make my wife. So now we're going at it in the bedroom saying good morning when it's still dark outside, outsiders who don't got no Oscar, if we have a fancy dinner I'll show you what's down under. No Vodka needed, no needles in use because we love each other, if this is what it feels like I'll put a ring on her middle at the age of 22, to spend my life with her even if I'm near broke after college At some point we have to sacrifice our soul to the light, doesn't matter what age when your time is up, you can't fight it cause it's no option. It's okay for your eyes to well up, and upload sadness into something so vial, but don't be scared it's okay to believe, because when you reach out never look back, and believe in yourself.
Swim with the fishes ( God said)
Renegade I hate the tribesmen I wanna real estate that gives us pension, can I have your permission to get a license and drive late at night cause I got nothing to do? Broken hearted by my Holy Grail, hold the liquor we have to see what is in store. If I die tonight then temple come my allowance is sunk, it will suck when it's raining heavily across the crescent, even the ones against me could leave some memories God said for me to Swim with the fishes cause I got fucked by someone's murder weapon, I didn't think I'd die with someone out to get me, something's in the water it's commonly found as granite I'd defy gravity if I defended my moral rights. God is right he did that, he's done it, I think if I do the things that he'd accomplished, then I'd make my future happen. If I didn't somehow make it work, my will is pointless when no one's praying for the homie giving out free lottery tickets. Living the good life with the magnitude within an appropriate manhunt, what's the matter with these people no thesis longer than eighteen kilos, I'm a rider good riddance my good friend. The blood is on the cross, and crossroads are cracking that's the communion I created. The colony is clockwork by the time we leave the circus, my circumference will be empty. Talk to God every day, confession every Friday we do our own thing, partnership that's defying odd-work. If hell was on Earth then wouldn't everyone breathe the same, if Heaven was here would our love stay the same as our plan. Please pass the grape wine, and a blue pill to bottle in and drink it when I'm lonely. The planet's full of Uranium and sky, let's give pills just so storylines can end. Steroid junked by a jury full of starships, weed metamorphosing in the air that's just the army of blondes, deadliest death done to silencers and broken headlights that's threatening to someone who hasn't throughly thought it through. Swim with the Fishes God said, I expect a pretty painting to be painted by an artist of I and the colors in one hundred years from now. It's professional to offer up some assistance when the advice your being given is armature level arbitrage. The obituary is in the paper now I gotta get down on my knees and start praying. God said there is different silver linings, so I took a source material to step my game up and instead of shooting the idea down I brought my own way into the inside. Chosen Chocking on by with a villainous violinist who strums her own swan song, when she gets rejected by a fellow abuser. Some choose the route of the right, and I gotta fight to go to the left, where all my lobbies are. Deathly sentence by overturn law enforcement, and beautiful mermaids. Lifeline love that's what we loved talking about in a radically tab inoffensive jungle. Not high on scenting, high on passion, when I start swimming in the pond that's when I'll allow you to create different wavelengths. Eavesdropping in a shack, that's where I'll be laid to rest, scene one and action that'd another paycheck for the girlfriend. It ain't party time when your relationship ain't perfect, the chick goes to tennis tournaments but if I have to strategize I can cancel my complaint card and complete in my motherland. Land mother don't day the wind when all you want is the sun, I promise to order balanced weather, from land and sea I will feel the need to raise the sand. Down in lovers lane I'll be the lion. I'd take my love by the hand, she might be invisible but it's what I got above. Going natural instead of the campy suit, I'm going out with my hands held high, my heart pounding even after the murder, next is the search party for my father. Nothing would make me more thrilled than to hug him one more time, never got the chance to tell him I love you. I can feel the lust it's like a magnet, building a better future for my conscience making connections. I'm willing to put the lonely days behind us, to lay you down from keeping you from feeling sad and breathless. Don't pray for the worst, freezing from kinetic killings that's happening to our renegades. Renew before I, cause I'm worrying the haunt has come. Comeback coming I am Lazarus, can't even tell the difference Idris and Matthew please come and find me, I'll play you by the fiddle and invertebrate an investment sticking stocks seeming inefficient from all the money that you're collecting, when all she wants to do is kick the bucket and run from troubling Ricardo the bartender from the ground under, cause all my barriers are cracked and the walls are alcoholic. Some scholar told me to push, and I'm pushing even though eventually I'd rather pull. A handout to some certain university called Harvard, I'll buy you a necklace before you head out the door. Swim with the fishes God said, when you do swim with the fishes remember to do the butterfly they'd satisfy there beliefs to see another butterfly. That sounds orange, but I'll keel snorting red to keep on moving on, embracing loses but when the win comes I will create. Paris and fashion in foursomes can fuck forgiveness but I will never forget. Hiding under the turtleneck if it's my turn to go, I'm going to die swinging from the fences. Within seconds of a time the round of applause gets smaller and smaller. Welcome to the splash zone don't you think this immaculate. Racketing you to go dial your friends in your rocket. Overdose commercials coming to a Dodge car near you, chargers fuck the swimming, same shirt but feeling shirtless to cover my eyes in the shower, don't hurt yourself it's not your turn to die, fierce fish fight eyes open wide, when will you cut your shit, and choose to come back. Don't fade my baton I wasn't finished with my screenplay. Key to my heart feeling the form that's some polished excellence. Experience delusion within five names I care for. I don't wanna die, I don't wanna swim with the fishes, God I love you do this favor. During the storm I never lost who I was
Savage patch kids
Everyone in June to September lived in my internal reality. The realization that I'm fucking up what the fuck is this? No future for the two of us, living separate lives without each other at this point I've gotten over it. Ice skating rinks are totally overrated, drama and a bunch of bullshit I'll pay God a couple hundred bucks to get me out of here. Lying about who knows what on a daily basis, attention span directed towards inaccuracies and misinformation. She was innocent, she had the right to say good riddance and goodbye to me. Never got the chance to express myself, I was rocking in mid June, and I fucked it up I should've took it slower, savage patch kids for life was the deal, didn't even last a year isn't that shame. I regret in sorrow every day thinking about what I did wrong to cause the dysfunction. No Ice Cream meet, or blueberry drinks can save the drunken days chatting about our personal secrets, safety was a key, but I realized I was in love and I took it too far by doing phony shit, texting clingy messages making mistakes on an hourly basis. Not only one I loss but I lost the sister too, months of healing I'm all healed I just need a minute to clear some shit up. Put the thing to sleep on the fifteenth, I beg and pleaded but there was nothing I could do, adapted too lately, realizing all the bloody shit I created at the end of the friendship. All I wanted to do was to help, and all I did was create more of a train wreck. We were tangoing with love in the beginning, but towards the end it was theoretically destroyed. I lied my way to the end, and the ending wasn't so pretty. Apology to her, I'm aware of these flaws. Issues in the summertime I got them all dealt with. The boat was too big, but my heart was to fixated on something that would never happen. Can't even look at sour patch kids the same way again, or listen to renegades without skipping the radio station. Real talk I used to be your number one homie, and now I'm the number one loner with no one but a bitch baby, and a crack audit who uses slang to fit in. Don't forget the good times we shared, I know I won't, even the thirty viewers on the channel won't, I hope I took care of you when you were in peril that's all I care about, because your perfection was the only thing I wanted. One wish it would be to take it all back, and pretend we didn't know each other just to start all over, because this shit went all unorthodox, I may not be a soccer player but I can rock it with my personality, I know I sucked at Town of Salem but all I cared about was you. Paranoid about losing the savage patch kid, that I couldn't focus on the finer things in life. That's what happens when you fall in love and can't get out of a delusion trap. You demolished two bitches I was a proud brother, they were accusing you of shit and I tried to stand right by you. I threw away everything to be the other half of the patch, but all I came across as was a pathological liar ruining everything one day at time. Everything was going so well, you are the best person that I've ever met, I am the nightmare that concluded communism to cross a nation that we didn't sign up for. Stop, I loved you with the passion and laces. No other lady had the ability to make me cry with sincerity like you. Song after song, text after text, but fuck it's over Ryan, you are a great person and you deserve the best in the world. You'll be okay I promise and I'll be here every step of the way no matter what happens you and me will be bro and sis until the end. You're my best friend and you're always gonna be. You're a great person therefore you will get something great in return someday soon. Sleep well Ryan, I love you.
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