#we three are in LOVVVEEE
bluebellhairpin · 2 years
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could a mentally ill person make this? never.
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ayahachitwister · 1 year
5 and 13 for the ask game?
5. what inspires you to write?
To be honest? Just a pure, deep seated passion and a desire to make people happy through my writing.
When I was a kid, my sister and I would play with beanie babies. We made a whole world and story out of it… and we talked about writing it. Before I knew it, it was my dream to be the youngest published writer.
…Needless to say, that didn’t happen. And probably a good thing, ‘cause… my first few stories were rough. DX’
I started really writing with fanfiction when I was in high school. Started with Sonic, then switched mostly to the Tales series. And I knew back then that my writing needed work. My scenes were tiny little blips with just a bunch of dialogue. But I wanted to be better.
So with every story I published, I practiced. I challenged myself to get better and improve on the things I lacked. Nothing really motivated me to do so except that fire inside of me that wanted to share my stories with the world.
I still want that, more than anything. I want to write stories people will fall in love with, that’ll stick with them long after reading it… I want to make a positive impact with my stories.
I guess in a way, TWEWY also inspires me, ‘cause I dream of writing a story as wonderful and impactful as those games are.
But either way, as long as my stories make people happy, then that’s all that matters to me in the end~ 💕
13. who are your favorite writers?
…and darn, this is the question I was kinda dreading. 😅😅
As someone who also writes original stories, there’s a significant number of writers who think you have to read to be a good writer. And I don’t doubt that it helps… but I struggle to sit down and make time for reading a lot of the time. I’d just rather be writing.
Growing up, my favorite author was Tamora Pierce. But I haven’t really read a book like that in forever… and last one I read of hers, I just couldn’t get into the same way.
All that said, I do very much value the stories you can find in other mediums, from games to anime to movies. I’ve spent countless hours analyzing them with my friends, and that’s been my way to study what plot points work or don’t work and why.
Though, that also makes it hard to define my favorite writers… But if we were to look at manga, then I have three, along with reasons why~
Hiromu Arakawa: I absolutely love the world building of Fullmetal Alchemist. And I love how she built the plot into the whole country. It’s truly a wonderful, mysterious plot the characters have to figure out together, and Hiromu Arakawa does a beautiful job of building up to it while following a few different groups of characters.
Jun Mochizuki: While I haven’t been able to keep up with The Case Study of Vanitas due to the… uncomfortable bloodsucking scenes (sorry I’m ace, so those scenes just don’t work for me), Jun Mochizuki still has a place on this list due to the amazing writing of Pandora Hearts alone. The twists and turns the plot goes through are so captivating, and I strive to have a reveal as eye-opening as the whole Jack thing. If you haven’t read Pandora Hearts, read it. And if that manga’s anything to go by, then prepare for some huge revelations to come in The Case Study of Vanitas.
AidaIro: I only recently found Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, but it’s also an amazing work with lots of mystery. On top of that, I lovvveee the way they write the characters and comedic beats—they’re all so quirky and perfect, yet they’re allowed to get serious when the story calls for it. They somehow manage to bring together every little thing I love in writing in a way I can only hope to accomplish one day 💕
And… if you look at those examples, they all encompass one of the major things I said on the themes stuff before—mysterious, complex plots that change the status quo time and again. Combine that with amazing characters and a little lighthearted humor alongside the serious adventure, and you’ve just spelled out the perfect writing style for me 💕
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aclosetfan · 3 years
(ask game) thank you so much for playing the game!! you’re the best (per usual)!!
Helllll yeahhhhh 21 is the DUMBEST STUPIDEST fic I’ve ever made and I lovvveee it 💚💙❤️ it’s the “Vampire Zombie” one i mentioned in the original ask game post 😂😂
So glad someone picked the number!! Background to keep in mind: do yall remember when there was just a shit ton of Vampire fics on FFN?? Idk about ao3, but for newer fandom members this was TOTALLY a trend in the early 2000s on ffn, and I was like why the fuck are all of these here??? And like, why is it constantly a predator-prey relationship between the rrb and ppg??? So I was like wait…okay, but this could be funny and decided to write a story making fun of these super cringey stereotypes.
The story would be a multi fic and I have zero idea how to explain it concisely, so basically below the cut is just me laying it all out for you srsly I’m just bearing my soul to you:
For the girls’ birthday, the Professor tricks out the simulation room they train in to be a VR game room b/c the girls had talked about VR once (and only once), but the Professor thought it was cool and ran with it. The Girls can create a world of their choosing and explore. They admit the idea is pretty cool and eventually start arguing where they should “go” first. Blossom suggests a historical era like the Victorian era/Bubbles suggests something romantic, where she hints at vampires/Buttercup doesn't like any of those ideas, but the vampires reminded her of all of her zombie videogames she plays and she ends up suggesting something like that instead/ To prevent arguing the Professors says he’ll combine all three ideas into one!
[[how does this machine work??? IDK in the spirit of early 2000 fanfics, anything complicated and confusing is only vaguely explained—which has in story effects that drive Blossom INSANE! Idk how it would work technically, but my choices as the writer on what is/is not describe and purposeful grammar mistakes has story implications] [ill explain this more later]]
The Professor loads up the “game,” but something malfunctions. He tells the girls (Buttercup) not to touch anything. She doesn't listen and ends up plugging something into an entirely different device against Blossom & Bubbles protest. The device is that old “time machine” thing the Professor made in one of the OG cartoon (the one where the girls meet the Young Professor). It turns out that whatever she does (again still don't ask me how) fuses the basic concept of the two machines together and creates a device that transports them to a parallel universe that matches the specifications of the “game” they wanted to create.
[[Throughout the story, i want to include little video game gags, like bottomless bags for storage, or random bullets laying around, little things like that. (they've lost their powers/ but BC keeps finding all these random guns/knifes so they're good) I also give the girls the “ability” to read the dialogue I write. So, when I mess up a comma (i.e. Let’s eat Grandma! vs Let’s eat, Grandma!), Blossom will look at the “character” they’re talking to and be like, “WELL, which is IT!?”] [I know it’s stupid, but I think its so fun!]]
So, because of the video game “glitch,” the girls think for the longest time they’re actually IN a video game, but when they “go to sleep” thinking that’ll save the game and they can quit, per Professor’s instruction, they find out they can’t. Cue freak out. After the calm down, Buttercup’s like okay, listen we probably just have to beat the game! Too bad they don’t know what the game’s objective is exactly. They just know they’re dressed in Victorian Era clothes and their “Professor” is the town’s doctor? Their mother died (tragically). It’s all a bit dramatic. They start searching for clues. Eventually, they find out that the Town has a zombie problem (THANKS BUTTERCUP!), and Blossom figures if they can cure that, they beat the game. Unbeknownst to them, they are actually stuck in a stupid vampire love plot there just happens to be zombies. [Like, you can’t have one supernatural creature without another and I wasn’t going to write about werewolves.] No one in town seems to care about the undead problem. Buttercup keeps “leveling up,” Blossom’s on the verge of a breakdown, and then, finally, Bubbles meets Boomer.
Boomer swears up and down Bubbles is his fated mate. Bubbles—who is definitely interested—is like ooo so you’re a vampire, cutie? He’s broody about it. She’s like so do you sparkle in the sun?? (I absolutely love sparkles, she says). He’s like, wut?? She’s like, do you sparkle???? He’s like, uh no, the sun kind of burns my energy tho. She’s like, oh. Okay. I see. You don’t sparkle. Sooo, well, haha, okay you seem like a really really sweet guy with the whole eternal devotion thing, but I don’t think this is really going to work out between us. He’s again like WUT. Boomer gets broken up with because he doesn’t sparkle.
Vampire Butch is flat out scared of Buttercup. Like he fully admits he’s sucked infants dry of their blood; he’s why people should fear the night; he’s not a “good guy”; but BC is a force to be reckoned with. In the Victorian era, I’m guessing they had little to no experience with the modern day “bro” and BC is full on bro. This doesn’t mesh well with Butch’s broody, dark, vampire thing he’s got going on. She’s too vulgar for a Victorian lady, she wears things called “Chacos,” and she has a gun??? Multiple guns. And He. Has. No. Fucking. Idea. What. She. Is. Saying!! No! He will not “dab her up!” No, he “doesn’t lift.” This wasn’t his mysterious, tough (but still a damsel, mind you) mate he met one fateful evening, this was some heathen creature (and this is coming from a vampire), so please, please, please, can he kill her?????  
Blossom’s like I don’t like to be touched and I’m a lesbian, and Brick’s like one) I think I respect you more than the old Blossom; two) the zombies just appeared, stop asking; three) you need to now help us find our mates before their eighteenth birthday or we’re all screwed.
Ready to kick ass and fight sexist stereotypes with their new “bros,” the girls set out with their new objective, hoping beyond hope that once they find the missing girls they’ll be able to go home. The girls find out that their parallel alternatives went disappearing a few days ago, so their “return” had been a relief to the whole town. [[Blossom’s like why did no one question our clothing?!?! Why are there zombies?!?!]] ugh and then, I don’t know what happens :( really. I never really ended it. They girls just constantly shit on the boys being broody vampires and kick zombie ass, like idk what else a gal could want out of a story. I feel like they end up finding the other girls. And I think that I was going to bring HIM into the mix, but it’s still just regular HIM. It turns out that HIM likes jumping dimensions to make the Girls life hell in every lifetime and has cursed the three girls living in the vampire dimension. (“I’ve got a life outside of just you, ya know.” HIM huffed, “What are you three doing here?”) It also turns out that out of all the dimensions, our Girls as Superheroes are the best at beating HIM and saving the day, so he’s extra pissy that they’re ruining his carefully crafted “historical romance vampire soap opera.” Blossom loses her shit because the historical inaccuracies are too high to now ignore, Bubbles is pissed because HIM didn’t make good enough vampires, and Buttercup’s like honestly, not a bad game, ngl. Everyone ignores her.
[[They beat HIM, free the other girls, return home, and BC obsesses over their stats sheets. Back in Vampire land, the boys are like wait a second the relationships we are now stuck in suck.] [The zombies are still not explained]]
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takoyakitenchou · 4 years
I have always considered that I am a half masochist for reading angst I no longer like sad things in my favorite characters but... 74 for IbuRyo pls xD
you’re the last person i want to talk to right now. we can’t just put things aside because I’myou’re having a bad night.
in which ryoko is sick of shun hitting rewind on the past.
Alcohol did shit to people. Even to someone like Sakaki Ryoko, who had grown up tasting sake for the sake i’ve been dying to make that pun since before the dinosaurs of establishing her empire upon graduating from Totsuki, five shots of vodka was enough to fuck her up really fucking bad.
Which is why Ibusaki Shun drunk dialed his ex girlfriend at 2AM. “Yyoooo,” he slurred over the din of the bar. “I fucking... lovvveee you.”
Ryoko remained silent on her end of the line and massaged the bridge of her nose. “It is 2 in the morning.”
“Babeee,” Shun warbled. “You look so pretty.”
“Where are you,” she said. It was not a question.
“Me? I’m... in my feels. You’re so... perfect. I... love you.”
Ryoko swore under her breath as she picked up her car keys. “Stay the fuck where you are.”
“Oh, no, babe. Not going anywhere.”
Within ten minutes, Ryoko barged through the doors of the nightclub she knew he’d be at and strode to the bar where Shun was tossing back his sixth shot of Spirytus. She stared in horrification at the label on the bottle. “This thing is 96 fucking percent alcohol. How are you not dead?”
“Because you’re still alive,” Shun said, and Ryoko was taken aback at how sober he sounded.
But then she remembered they’d been broken up for three months and realized that he was drunk after all.
“I’m taking you home,” Ryoko said tersely. “Come on.” She paid the tab before Shun could fumble for his wallet and make a fool of himself any more than he already had. He lurched out of the nightclub behind her.
She drove in silence and half guided, half dragged the inebriated smoked foods royalty into his Huntington Beach apartment. Shun collapsed onto the sofa.
Ryoko threw open his refrigerator door and made sure there was enough coconut water in there. Quickly running through his ingredients, she whipped up some comfort food for him to eat in the morning when he was hungover. Why she was doing this for her ex was up to debate, but if nothing else she knew it was probably because she felt a professional obligation due to her occupation as an alcohol producer.
“I’m leaving,” Ryoko said once the brunch meal was wrapped in saran and at eye level in the fridge. “Don’t kill yourself.”
She was halfway out of the apartment when Shun called, “Wait, babe. Don’t go.”
Ryoko said over her shoulder, “Don’t call me that.” 
He caught up to her when she had one foot in the car. “Ryoko. Why are you leaving?”
“Because I shouldn’t be here.” She shrugged his hand off her shoulder, ignoring how warm and soft it was. Always had been. “You’ll realize in the morning.”
“I know we’re not together. But I don’t see why.”
Ryoko rubbed her eyes and moved to block him as he tried to close the car door. “Listen, Ibusaki.”
“Please don’t call me that.”
“I’m seriously not in the mood, okay? You’re the last person I want to talk to right now. We can’t just put things aside because you’re having a bad night. We broke up for a reason.”
The hurt that flashed in Shun’s slate grey eyes would remain branded in Ryoko’s mind for the decades to follow, but at the time she was too tired to care.
“I’m leaving, Ibusaki, and don’t follow me. You are not capable of driving in your current state, both physically and emotionally, and I refuse to be associated with a DUI accident.”
Without saying anything else, Ryoko slid into her car and started the engine. Shun stood back wordlessly.
And as she pulled out of the parking space and left him standing alone in the lot, she thanked him for letting her go.
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tiffanyallison7 · 5 years
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All black. Always a good idea 🖤 Friends, I hope your Saturday is amazing. It’s absolutely gorgeous here in FL & we are enjoying the weather riding around running errands & listening, well he’s listening I’m singing, country music 🎶⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ So many questions about this little moto jacket. I have acquired it in three colors over the years & could not recommend it more. It’s peplum style with sleeve zippers. It runs true to size, I am wearing a small. Y’all will lovvveee this jacket. The blush for Spring is gorgeous & black is always appropriate. ⁣The camel is the third color I have & I love that color because it can be dressed up or dressed down. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Shop all the details over on treasuresandtrails.com under SHOP MY INSTAGRAM tab or from the @liketoknow.it app ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ #liketkit #ltkunder50
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thisgirlsays22 · 6 years
Ereri Creator Interview: Constant-Cacoethes
Hello friends! Thank you all for your support with this project. If you’d like to complete the interview, you can do so here: https://goo.gl/forms/lUpTjm0NFeYYzXGy1. The form will remain open indefinitely.
The response to this was more than I could have hoped for, so please be patient as I get to your interview! I aim to post 2-3 per week.
You can enjoy past creator interviews here. (Since I post these over time,  sometimes projects are complete by the time I post the interview.)
A special thank you to @fluffymusketeer for making the wonderful section banners!
Zamira ( @constant-cacoethes​ ) is a writer and artist who has been in the fandom for about a year. On writing, she says, “Writing gives me a purpose. Something to work for. Something that I'll never lose. When I write, it's usually because I need to get something down, not because I was suddenly struck with an idea.”
Read on for more!
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What kind of content do you create? 
Fanfic, Fanart
Please link us to your content so we can send you some love!
How long have you been in the fandom for?
uhh, actually, only since july-ish. 
Why did you start shipping Ereri? 
I have no clue. I'm pretty sure reading Opulence had something to do with it.
Thematically speaking, what kind of content do you most enjoy making?
ohohoh, man... i love angst. so much. like p;lease give me pain. Though really, I guess writing something really depressing just... Helps me explore the shitty sides of things. Like, I want to understand everything, I guess, but I also don't want to fuck up my life or anything. But... I also think that emotional pain in general is very complex. I think, through writing, I've learned a lot more about why people do certain things, and I feel a lot more understanding because of it. Angst-y stuff is also a nice place to let my emotions out. Or, sometimes, a place to forget about my own.
What is the work you're proudest of and why?
umm.... well, honestly, it'd be Two Lives Too Many. That's the only multi-chapter one I have right now, and I'm pretty proud of the characterization.
What inspires you to create?
For me, creating feels a lot more like something I need. That's why I started writing. It was in seventh grade and I had so many things to say, but no where to put them, and after months of being a lazy bitch, I sat down and wrote three chapters of a story (that I scrapped a few weeks later cause it was in-the-moment and very melodramatic :P). It's like... Writing gives me a purpose. Something to work for. Something that I'll never lose. When I write, it's usually because I need to get something down, not because I was suddenly struck with an idea. I'm usually thinking about multiple plots at once, and it usually takes months for me to give them a try.
Is there any work you'd like to share that inspires you?
Well, Attack on Titan, obviously, but anything by Sylvia Plath has affected how I write. I think my writing comes a lot more from personal experiences, though; I like putting emphasis on how muddy the world really is.
What projects are you currently working on?
Two Lives Too Many (obviously xD), a comic I've been planning out for two years, and a ton of other random SnK fanarts.
What is an area in your work which you're trying to improve on?
I'm trying to flesh out the plot of the comic I mentioned more. I'm finding it difficult to figure out where I want it to go.
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How do you relax?
Relaxing is not a thing I do. I'm always thinking a lot or fidgeting, I guess, but it's not really annoying, either. I don't like not being up and moving. I need to be doing something. When I want to, like... Have fun, though, I usually skype my friends and play some video games with them.
Tell us about your dream day
I really don't think about dreams that much.
What music are you into?
I fucking lovvveee classic rockk, like yes, give me the beats
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chromsai · 7 years
Takumi for the ask meme???
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
oh my god my bOOOYYY
he is without a doubt the best written character from Fates. like him or hate him, the amount of character development he gets throughout all three paths of Fates is notable and very touching to me. this boy had character development written in even when he was dead. imo the most relatable character in this game (at least for me) and most endearing if you get to know him better (most endearing aside from his son kiragi). plus we get to see him at his extremes: in birthright we see him learn to trust and become stronger and get past his own personal issues for his own sake, while in conquest we see the complete opposite- what happens when he gives in to his own personal issues and fights for himself for all the wrong reasons. fuck me up boy his story is tragic as hell (in conquest at least) and he aint deserve his life. just give him lovvveee
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prohealths · 7 years
My Baby is in a Big Boy Bed
Hi, friends! Happy Hump Day!
So, first things first: My BABY is in a BIG BOY bed now.
Oh, my heart. All the tears. Time, please slow down.
I know it’s all so cliche, but, man, time flies with these little ones. They grow up so fast, and I can’t believe my sweet baby is no longer in a crib.
He did a great job the first night and stayed put until morning. He even returned the blanket and pillow that he borrowed from the couch in his room before he came out of his bedroom. So cute. Fingers crossed he continues to stay in bed!
Update: I’m finishing this blog post on Tuesday morning and night #2 in the big boy bed went well too. I woke up to a tiny human crawling on me in my bed at 5:25 AM, but he stayed in his bed all night long!
Back to Monday… 
Once Qman was awake, we headed downstairs to cuddle on the couch and watch a little TV. I drank some iced coffee (with goat’s milk + collagen) and he ate a cereal bar. <— These ones from Kashi are the best I’ve found in the sugar and ingredients department!
After some quality cuddle time, I get Quinn ready for school and drop him off. Back at home, I take Murphy for a walk around the neighborhood. I usually walk him before Mal leaves for school, but Quinn and I were lazy and slept in until 6:15 AM and then cuddled on the couch, so I didn’t have time. Thankfully, Murphy didn’t seem to mind, especially since we avoided the rain (and pugs don’t do rain).
After our walk, I whip up some egg whites with kale and dig into my overnight oats, which are a mix of oats, goat’s milk, collagen, chocolate protein powder, banana slices, and cinnamon. Delish!
Breakfast is delicious, but not even two hours later, I’m starving! It’s not even close to lunchtime, but I don’t care. FEED ME! I heat up some roasted red cabbage with onion and bacon that I made on Sunday. It’s delicious, and I hope that it’ll hold me over to lunch. About 45 minutes pass before I go for a second serving – this time I add some shredded chicken for some added staying power.
After lunch, I pack up my things to go to the Capital One Cafe. I also grab an afternoon snack – two protein balls + a banana. (Protein ball recipe coming to CNC soon – it’s a good one!!)
On the drive, I stop by the grocery store to grab a few ingredients for a photo shoot that I’m doing with Muuna cottage cheese the next day.
When I arrive at Derby Street, I swing by White’s Bakery to buy an almond croissant for Mal’s birthday. He lovvveees their croissants, so I thought it would be a fun surprise for the morning.
Kerrie and I meet with one of the guys from the marketing company that we just hired for Designed to Fit. We set up a few online accounts to get them started, and then Kerrie and I have a call with one of our coaches to chat about some upcoming projects. After that, I sit down to catch up with some emails/work and snack on the protein balls and banana that I brought from home.
I spend awhile longer at the cafe before picking up Qman from school. Back at home, I snack on some roasted carrots with Everything but the Bagel Seasoning. I eat them straight from the container with my fingers, and they’re gone before I know it. So friggin’ good! Then, I make a mental note to make another couple of batches for future healthy snacking!
Quinn and I have some “cuddle time” with the “soft blanket” on the couch while we wait for Dada to come home. Once Mal is home, I whip up dinner for the three of us. I’m totally that mom that makes three different dinners (and lunches and breakfasts) nearly every night, but, hey, it works for us. I eat shredded chicken with barbecue sauce, roasted fennel, and sauteed kale. Mal has shredded chicken with roasted broccoli and brown rice. (He eats this same meal at least a couple of times every week.) Qman has an Everything bagel with cream cheese, grapes, and milk. I had put shredded chicken and roasted broccoli on his plate, but he told me they were “disgusting” and asked me to “please, take it off” his plate. At least he said “please,” right? Oooh, dinnertime.
After dinner, I clean up the kitchen while Mal and Qman watch TV. Mal is exhausted, so I put Quinn to bed (in his big boy bed). He’s sound asleep by 7:45 PM, and Mal and I are asleep by 8:15 PM – and it’s still light outside!
Question of the Day
Anyone else cook multiple meals for their family? 
The post My Baby is in a Big Boy Bed appeared first on Carrots ‘N’ Cake.
My Baby is in a Big Boy Bed syndicated from http://ift.tt/2krk6T3
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