#we should examine as to why that is and where it comes from
illgiveyouahint · 1 day
I'm catching up on the last 4 episodes of HOTE (I am always waiting for @isaksbestpillow's subs 'cause this story is too precious to have it be misinterpreted by bad Gaga subtitles).
I am so fascinated by both of the characters. They're so traumatized and yet there's this hint of hope that can be built upon. They're trying to find something healthy among all the cruelty of their life. Their relationship is at times incredibly toxic and yet it is the best thing that happened to either of them. They're so desperately trying to cling to the bit of good that's there. I do not know whether it will end well but I am fascinated by the characters and the story being constructed here.
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jyoongim · 6 months
Alastor who’s pretty little wife no one knows about shows up to the hotel with his lunch for something that her and Rosie took so long to prepare. She’s a bit taller than Alastor and completely mothers him it seems- idk just thought it was cute
Charlie beamed as she opened the door, but her eyes widened “ Woah! O-Oh hello! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! Are you looking to be redeemed from your sins?”
You tilted your head in confusion.
”No. I’m here to drop off Alastor’s lunch”
Now the Princess gave you a confused look.
You were here for Alastor?
”May I come in dear?” She widened the door to let you in and ushered you into the hotel lobby.
Your husband had said he had a new venture he was invested in. What a lovely hotel.
The Princess showed you around a bit and talked about the purpose of the hotel.
”And this is our enthusiastic bartender” she gestured to the bar
Husker’s eyes widened when he saw you before he tilted his hat at you “Madam”
You smiled “Husker! I didn’t know you were here. Alastor ain’t workin you to the bone is he?”
Charlie looked between you “you two know each other?”
You let out laugh, waving your hand dismissively “oooh we go way back” you took a seat on a sofa.
You chatted with Husker and waved as Niffty greeted you before she ran after a bug.
”Woah who’s the glass of water?” A flirty voice said,making you turn and see a tall spider stroll into the room.
Everyone was curious about the tall demoness.
You checked the clock “Not to be rude but is Alastor here?”
That made several faces gawk.
Why were you looking for the Overlord?
”I heard senseless chatter do we have a guest?” A radio-filtered voice floated into the room.
Alastor eyes flitted over the room and they landed on you, his usual smile stretched wide across his face
”Dearest! What do I owe the pleasure? You should have gave me a rang” You grinned as you stood and approached the demon.
Everyone watched in disbelief as the tall woman towered over the Overlord and snatched him in a hug, squeezing him in her arms.
”Alastor!” You squealed, nuzzling the demon who just had a loving look on his face.
You set him down and finally a scowl graced your face, you pointed your finger at your husband, disapprovingly.
”You left so fast I didn’t get a chance you give you these”
You pulled a container from your bag.
Alastor hummed as he opened it, ears flicking happily at the meat sandwiches. You beamed proudly “Me and Rosie spent all day on those and you didn’t even get a chance to taste them. I made sure to drizzle extra blood on yours dear”
”I will never understand how I was lucky to have you dear” he said, dipping his finger in the sauce and tasting it.
”A token of appreciation would be nice” you chirped, leaning down towards the demon, turning your cheek.
Alastor pressed a kiss to your cheek.
Yeah everyone was flabbergasted.
Charlie cleared her throat, looking between the two of you “h-how do you two know each other?” She asked nervously.
You blinked in confusion, before you smiled “I’m his wife of course”
You ignored their stares and turned back to your husband, looking him over.
Your clawed hands grasped his face, turning it, examining him. Your brows frowned “You’re looking thin baby. And pale. Dont overwork yourself and for the love of the all that’s damned please take a rest when you need it. No broadcasting all night. I know you, you’ll be cranky and tormenting souls because you’re tired. Oh! I have tea for your throat too” you happily pulled out tea packs and tucking them in his pockets.
Alastor just let you fret, loving the attention.
Once you finished being a  worrywart, you gave him one last hug.
”well i ought to get going. I promised Rosie I wouldnt be long. I just wanted to drop your lunch off.”
You pressed a kiss to his forehead, waved to everyone, and let Alastor walk you out.
Alastor sighed lovingly as you disappeared in a mist of shadow, once you were gone he went back inside the hotel, where everyone was still gawking
His eyes narrowed “what is it?”
Angel was the first, along with Charlie to literally combust with questions
”You have a wife!?”
”Why don’t you every bring her here?”
”Can’t believe you actually fuck”
”she seems so lovely”
”how the hell or really why the hell she marry you?”
”You should invite her over more!”
”How do you two fuck?”
Alastor’s eye twitch and he turned around to walk out as he carried the lunch you brought with him, ignoring the two.
Angel turned to Husker and smirked “They have kinky sex don’t they?”
Husk flicked him off with a eye roll
”Ill take that as a yes”
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sha-n-dowbannedlol · 1 year
Jing Yuan — no man escapes the wrath of his wife
cw: reader referred to as jy's wife, just jing yuan brain rot currently being active
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General Jing Yuan, the Arbiter-General of the Xianzhou Alliance's Cloud Knights, one of the Six Charioteers, someone who will undoubtedly be part of the history books, the ever-famous dozing general....
....finds himself in a pinch for the first time in centuries.
It has nothing to do with the fact that he currently finds himself kneeling with his hands in the air, surrounded by enemies with their weapons pointed at him from all angles. In fact, he even has to stifle a yawn as he looks at his captors, his golden eyes boredly examining each and every one of them.
"The Dozing General: Jing Yuan," the man who seems to be running the show speaks, and Jing Yuan mentally dubs him as Captor #1. "I would have thought it would be much harder to get my hands on you, really. Are the Cloud Knights truly this wea-"
But before Captor #1 could finish his sentence, laced with an incredibly condescending tone, the sound of a certain ringtone, familiar to the General, starts sounding out, reverberating in the small room.
Jing Yuan's eyes widen, his relaxed body suddenly tensing up, his half-closed eyes now blown wide in surprise as he feels his phone vibrating in his pocket.
That's the ringtone he has set for his beloved wife.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off..." the General starts, his tone apologetic, "But is there any chance you'd let m-"
Similar to the way Jing Yuan's phone rudely cut off Captor #1's monologue, Captor #2, who happens to be a woman, rudely cuts the general off, approaching him and roughly snatching his phone from his pocket.
The crystal-clear sound of his ringtone can now be heard, and Jing Yuan looks at his captors, observing their next move.
"Who is it?" his first captor speaks as his second captor approaches the man, showing him the phone.
"It's his wife," Captor #2 says, before smirking. "I think we should answer."
The sound of his ringtone suddenly comes to an abrupt stop, and Jing Yuan visibly gulps, showing signs of nervousness for the first time since his capture.
"Love, are you busy?"
In a different scenario, Jing Yuan's heart would have fluttered at the sound of your voice that he loved so much, but at the moment, he can only feel his heart flutter in nervousness and he prays to the aeons that Captor #1 steals the phone from Captor #2 to speak instead.
"Indeed, the General is."
However, it seems that all the aeons are too busy to look after Jing Yuan at the moment as his female captor speaks into the receiver of his phone with a teasing smirk on her face.
"What? Who is this?" your voice rings, now sounding annoyed. "Why do you have my husband's phone?"
"I'm the one currently keeping him busy," his captor responds, and Jing Yuan wants nothing more than to melt into a puddle and seep into the ground at the moment.
"It's not what she's making it out to be-"
"Shush, General~"
He doesn't know if she's doing this on purpose—the suggestive tone of her voice makes it seem like she is.
"What is that supposed to mean?!" you speak, now with anger. "Where's my husband?"
"We're currently holdi-"
And that was his cue.
The tables were suddenly turned, and in the blink of an eye, only Jing Yuan remains standing. Every captor of his, including Captors 1 and 2, now lay on the cold, hard ground, either unconscious or groaning in pain.
The General jogs over to get his phone, seeing that you were still on the line. Captor #2, at least, had the decency to—or maybe just accidentally—put the phone on mute throughout the whole fight.
"My little sparrow!" Jing Yuan calls out to the phone, and he can almost imagine your arms crossed on your chest and the pout you wear. "It wasn't what she made it out to be, I swear!"
"Hmm, really now?" you respond, obviously not amused. Jing Yuan had half a mind to tease you for being jealous, but he thought against it.
"I'm on my way home. I'll explain everything."
"You better."
"I love-"
Jing Yuan's words were cut off as his wife hangs up the phone, and he can only let out a helpless sigh. A small smile adorns his face as he shakes his head helplessly, fingers dialing Yanqing's phone to take care of the rest.
He's really in a pinch now.
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
He’s staring at him.
Steve Harrington is staring at Eddie Munson.
The thing is, people don’t just stare at Eddie. Not for any reason that means anything good for Eddie. So when, completely unprompted, the fucking King of Hawkins High walks up to Eddie and says, “I need to talk to you,” Eddie thinks he’s entirely justified in the squeak he lets out.
“You? Talk? To me?” Wow. Great job, brain.
“Please,” Harrington whispers, and Eddie thinks desperately this must be some kind of joke, except he’s good at reading people, and he knows the desperation in Harrington’s eyes.
“Okay,” he says, stammers. “Um. There- there’s, behind the school, a, uh-”
“Table,” Harrington nods. “That works. Just…” he sighs, rakes a hand through his hair. “Leave the lunchbox at home.”
Eddie’s eyebrows hit his hairline. “Then what the fuck do you want with me, dude?”
“I can’t explain. Not here, not now. Just. Please. After school, okay?”
Eddie looks at him. Really looks, studies his face, understands the lines by his eyes, the tightness of his mouth. His heart thumps as he realizes. He’s scared. “Okay,” he says, and means it.
Eddie’s a man of his word, so after school he makes his way to the table, pausing when it comes into view. Harrington’s already there, sitting with his head in his hands. Eddie calls out from a couple of paces away. “You sure you don’t want anything from the lunchbox?”
Harrington jumps, hands up, eyes round. Relaxes a little when he sees Eddie. “No. I- I’m good. I can’t, actually.”
Eddie frowns. “What, like, a sports thing? No one’s gotta know, dude, I’ve never been busted, I can keep a secret.”
Steve gives him a half-smile. “No. It’s- it’s not a sports thing. Just… sit down? And promise to listen?”
“Okay,” Eddie says, because he knows how comforting it can be to just have someone there, and he’s not a dick; clearly Harrington’s going through something. Though why he approached Eddie, of all people, he doesn’t know.
“Okay,” Harrington repeats back, taking a breath before starting. “If I were to tell you I’m from the future, a future in which we know each other, how would you ask me to prove it?”
Eddie blinks. He was ready for a lot of things, but not time travel. “Um. I dunno, man, I haven’t really thought about it.”
He takes another deep breath. “Can I try?”
“To- to prove you’re from the future?”
Eddie laughs, a little hysterically. “Man, where the fuck do I get the strain you’re on?”
He blinks. “What?”
Eddie gestures at him. “Come on, man, you have to admit you’re not really making sense here.”
Harrington sighs. Takes another breath. Says, “You live with your uncle Wayne. Your father taught you to hot wire cars when you were nine. You listen to Dio and Metallica and Ozzy Osbourne but your favorite song is I Will Always Love You, by Dolly Parton, because it was your mom’s favorite. The guitar pick you wear around your neck was hers. She taught you guitar. You love The Hobbit. Stop me when I’ve said enough.”
Eddie’s never been more scared in his life. “Listen, man, I dunno where you heard all that-”
“Eddie,” he says, implores, and digs something out of his pocket. Opens his hand to reveal a ring.
A ring Eddie already has on his finger.
“What the fuck,” Eddie whispers. Grabs for the ring before he can tell himself it’s a bad idea. Examines it, sees the dent from where his finger had gotten smashed in a door.
His hands start shaking.
“I’m from 1987,” Steve Harrington says, sure as anything. “And I’m trying to stop something terrible.”
“And what would that be?” Eddie asks, feeling strangely detached from the whole thing.
“Your death,” Steve Harrington says, still sure as anything.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect
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persicipen · 2 months
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sore throat ノ jiaoqiu
ৎ୭ ₊ ˙ ⊹ . 1.9k ノ gn reader — nothing explicit ノ oral fixation . examination . inspection (lol everything) ノ lots of spit . drooling . fingers in mouth ノ non-threatening drug usage with dubious consent — he gives you a much needed medicine the sneaky way ノ bickering . flirting . kissing ノ unspecified relationship ノ written before his official release!
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You don’t often see Jiaoqiu’s eyes. The pearlescent golden shine makes you surprised when it meets your own gaze. Oh, startling you that it’s again a moment where he wants to look at you up close. precisely.
But there’s no sweetness in these honey irises of his — a burn and mischief visible, like a chili glaze sneakily mixed with sugary syrup that should be mellow on your tongue but is needles instead.
“Come on, open your mouth. We have to see what’s causing the infection, right?” He smiles, a devilish smirk because he smiled the same way the last time, too, when he fed you with the worst tasting medicine you’d known. His fingers are already reaching to cup your cheeks and gently press on your jaw, trying to get you to relax the muscles.
It’s barely the first day, but your throat already feels weird. He said it would happen and there was no reason for him to lie, but you’re sure that he’s the one that had cursed you to get sick. You could sense the itch with every swallow, akin to dryness or maybe something else. painful and incessant. It wasn’t constant, but it certainly left you unnerved, stressing if it’s a prelude to a worse illness.
Despite the unpleasantness, you’re hesitant to ask for help. But it’s too late already, sitting on the stool before the medicine maker you loathe so much (a lie), with his steady grip already on your face. With softened brows, you look up pleadingly, hoping that this time he will not give you anything as disgusting.
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” he says in the sweetest tone, exactly like his honeyed squinted eyes, clearly tired from being open for the past minute or so, having to watch you ignoring his requests. “I won’t do anything weird, hehe, I promise!”
“Do you see anything around me that I could give to you?” A fair observation, so you slowly give in to his convincing and nonchalant voice, ignoring the stupid remark that blooms in your mind that he might as well stick his own tongue out to kiss you and shut up.
He’s somehow forceful with his hands on your cheeks, making it impossible for you to even pull away without him holding your head in place. You huff and try to relax, still anxious about what kind of remedy you will be fed with again after his inspection. He promised, yes, but what if it’s just his foxian (scheming) nature?
You’re worrying about the taste, when in fact you should be more worried about the intensity of his gaze on your face. Because every little reaction is exposed to him like this, right now, with how close you are to each other. You can feel his breath fanning over your lips, slightly open to allow his fingers to poke around the inside of your mouth.
This wasn’t something that happened before, so why now? Was it necessary for him to touch around? You wonder, uncomfortable with the foreign experience and the whole situation, jaw tensing involuntarily and a quiet yelp leaving your throat.
“Whoops, careful there.” Jiaoqiu leaves only a thumb between your teeth while moving other fingers under your chin, holding you in a certain way, pressing on spots that almost immediately cause your muscles to go slack. “All good now, just don’t bite me until I’m done. Okay? I will be slow, so you shouldn’t get more uncomfortable than this.”
Uncomfortable — he’s not wrong. You still squirm under his deliberate examination, taking note of every little detail they find. Maybe the sudden spread of a warmth on your face has something to do with it, too. You watch him trying to say something, but no words come out.
You wonder if he notices the nervousness pulsing through your body — a dull eye contact because you are too focused on other things to care about, like him putting pressure on the flat of your tongue. It tastes bitter, his sanitised hand.
He must have cleaned them before he came to get you from the celebration. That’s good, at least, since you do not want to taste any other medicine on his skin. The moment he pushes slightly deeper into your mouth, you decide to look away — it feels too invasive to watch him from point-blank range when he keeps his attention focused on your palate.
But no, not even averting your gaze makes the situation any less awkward. Because you can feel him. You can feel each movement of his digits against the muscle, exploring and noting anything that may have seemed unusual, a little slippery from the saliva gathering at the bottom.
“Wow,” he giggles, “You’re producing a lot of spit.” Jiaoqiu teases, massaging the insides of your cheeks simply for the fun of it. He presses harder and deeper, and soon you can taste him again — more so, you can taste yourself.
It’s something foreign to you, but his thumb is gentle as it goes from sliding through your teeth to slowly going further. It should be something ticklish, but for some reason, your breath hitches and you moan shortly, accidentally.
“It’s okay, I’m only taking a closer look. There’s nothing to worry about, really.” He hums, fingers curving and creating small ripples on the slick surface of your tongue, a long curl digging right into the fleshy part in the middle, tickling your sensitive spots. “Oh? What was that just now? I think you should show me more…”
A wink follows the grin on his face, and then you feel his other hand creeping behind your head exactly as he calmly pushes forward with his thumb.
No amount of training could have prepared you for this. How to stay calm when he presses on a place he shouldn’t touch, the precise tap — bitter not because it was sanitised, but because this scoundrel put something on it to toy with you once more — causing you to drool like in a fever.
Your lips close around his knuckle and before you know it, there’s a moan — it vibrates around his skin, warm breath puffing out through your nose and your body trembling from the slight tingling on your soft tissue.
“So? You don’t want me to stop?” Jiaoqiu asks with a melodic chuckle and only now do you realise that you have unconsciously grabbed onto his sleeve, instinctively pulling him closer so that he would not go away. “Ha, what do we have here? Sucking on my fingers? Come on, haha! I thought you’re not into me!”
How you would love to roll your eyes at him, this irritating voice of his laughing at you and making fun of you when it’s his — and only his — fault. However, instead of trying to let go, you grip his shirt tighter, your moans growing louder as he moves the pad of his thumb around your tongue and then pulls out to your relieved “ah…” just to push back in again, a shining bead of drool slipping down the corner of your lips.
He does it repeatedly, pressing down and dragging his digit across, drawing from you increasingly desperate sounds — he must know that it’s embarrassing, but the wide grin on his face says the opposite. He enjoys it, this control he has over you when you allow him to play with your mouth, your arousal slipping through the stubbornness you tried so hard to uphold in his company.
For how long does he plan to do this?
He knows now how good it feels to touch and rub, glide and stroke your sensitive muscle, causing you to mewl around his skin. That small drop of elixir being quite potent on you, excessively drenching his knuckles and spilling out your lips.
“My, my, we could have done this so much sooner if you said how much you wanted me to touch you there~ I mean, look at you, such a needy little pup — swallowing like you cannot get enough of it, haha! Or maybe it has nothing to do with the elixir at all, hmm?” He chuckles as you suck, hips rolling on the chair and a fog spreading across your mind that suddenly gets snapped in half.
“Elixir?!” You growl out, choking on your spit and immediately jolting away.
“Ah, oops!”
“So you did use something?! Again?! Jiaoqiu, I swear—!”
Before you can finish the sentence, he has already invaded your space again — only this time it is not his fingers brushing against your lips, but his own as they gently nibble on your bottom lip. Just for a moment. You gasp in surprise, trying to back away from the sudden intrusion and yet finding yourself wanting to pull him closer for another kiss.
Jiaoqiu stares into your eyes, golden irises vibrant in the light coming through the windows and illuminating the room enough to see him grinning smugly before diving in once more. A quick peck — yet it causes you to be momentarily aware that he’s already working nimbly on the pretty ribbons keeping the sides of your shirt neatly tied.
This is unexpected. Does he not want to keep up with his teasing? But he has always been like this, making you believe in one thing and then changing his mind in an instant. What is his intention this time?
Your lips dance together for a while, savouring the taste and texture. Maybe this is why he always wears some sort of balm, because he doesn’t want his skin to dry out — that would explain the smoothness of it all.
But even then, your tongue pushes out, curious and wondering what it feels like to explore the depths of his mouth. That is, until he immediately withdraws.
“Ah, ah!” He wiggles his index before your nose. “Don’t want me to drool over you because you orally transferred the elixir on me!”
To think that it would happen, anyway! How infuriating this man can be, despite being so smart. To lie about something so obvious, about using the same elixir that is currently on his own lips, with his saliva. Too late for that…
He knows what he is doing, and you know what you are doing too. Pulling him by the collar of his vest to drag him close again and finally shut him up, causing him to fall onto your lap with a small huff of surprise.
“Does your throat still hurt?” he asks, stopping you a mere moment before attempting to steal another kiss from him.
“Hmm, does it?”
Only then it settles that you feel alright. As if all that drool and heat dripping out dragged the soreness out of your body. Probably making an astounded face, you hear the foxian laugh proudly, relishing in his reliability in bringing the best out of his medicinal experiments. He revels in how you blink at him. This is so amusing.
He smirks and runs a finger across your lips, some of the spit still sticking to your chin as you stare into his eyes.
You lick it off of his skin before sinking back into his touch.
He coos, and hums, almost in a soft purr. His other hand reaches around you, tilting your head towards him.
“Mmm… Right, right, I won’t tease anymore,” he whispers into your mouth. “I got my fun, after all.”
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reikoknshii · 6 months
🩸 Scarlet...Milk? 🥛(pt.2)
[This was heavily requested 😭 but i love y'all and have this ❤]
(Words: 1.3k)
"I'm watching you....."
Was written in the note, you stumbled back as you look ahead of the building that leads to the metal doors. The bloody doppelganger staring at you before disappearing in the blink of an eye.
You're being stalked...
Out of fear you rushed to your apartment after closing the main gates of the building.
'would that mean that doppelganger will be aggressive?..'
You think as you paced around in front of your apartment, it was the second floor apartment near Nacha's room. You sat down on your doorstep frustrated and nervous, if you messed up he will kill Francis...not only Francis, mostly anyone in the building-
"Y/n?" A soft and gentle tone asked as you turn your head to see Nacha's peeking out of her apartment room. "Miss Nacha- did i disturb you?"
"No, not at all..i just heard you groaning and pacing around, you seem down in the slumps"
"Ah..well, is it okay?-"
"I dont mind, come in we can talk about it"
"Thats why...." You said softly explaining the whole incident that had happened as you averted your eyes to someplace , while Nacha takes in all the information. "I don't really get this doppelganger thing, but you seem like a lovely and kind person Y/n.."
"We appreciate you and your doorman duties, remember to take care of yourself whenever" Nacha said as she smiled at You, your venting didn't include your growing admiration for the milkman because well...
From what you know Nacha is Francis ex-wife and its hella awkward to tell her you had a crush on her ex-husband.
"Your muffins are good-" You said breaking away from the topic as you took a bite from the blueberry muffin she offered earlier when you entered her house.
"Why thank you, i baked them with Anastacha" Nacha said happily as she went to the fridge. "would you like some milk? I bought this, funny looking thing-" Nacha said as she pulled out a red bottle of...'Scarlet milk'
You choked on your muffin and soon recovered, you immediately rushed to Nacha and grabbed the bottle.
"D-dont?" Nacha asked confused as you took the bottle and examine it. "its a bottle of blood, where do you get this-"
"It was left by the main gates-"
"Nacha...I'm not crazy, do not..receive the scarlet milk next time" Nacha eyes were wide as she nodded to your statement. "Y/n perhaps you should get an eye shut for tonight? Y-you seem shaken-"
"I'm..." You inhaled as you let go of her shoulders. "Maybe i should" you said sorry as you made your way out of Nacha's apartment room.
"Sweet dreams, Y/n" Nacha said as you closed the door gently.
You stared at the bottle of blood on your hands as your eyebrows furrowed at it. "I'm not delusional..." you said to yourself as you threw away the Scarlet milk into the trash bin.
You went into your apartment for some sleep.
You didn't manage to sleep at all, you keep hearing voices at night telling you to let them in.
Go away..
"GO AWAY!" you screamed as you stood up from your bed, it was 5:30 am in the morning.
"Y/n?" A familiar voice asked outside of your apartment door. "Francis?" You asked softly as you stood up from your bed.
You opened your door to see the Milkman all in his glory and uniform. "You alright? You screamed and i heard it from outside" he said as he stared at you with his tired eyes.
"Y-yeah..yeah I'm alright"
"You look..frightened" He stated as he noticed it from your appearance. "I'm fine Francis"
"Just a nightmare.."
"You hear them too?" Your eyes went wide as you stared at him. "What?"
"...mm..nevermind, maybe you should get ready..Ill head to work now, the milk dont deliver themselves" he muttered as he went ahead to the elevator.
"S-see you..." You were filled with mixed emotions, what does he mean 'you hear them too?' .
Is that why he's sleep deprived? At least you're not alone...
You started another day of your shift as you opened the metal covers. "Dont let this be weirder than usual" you muttered to yourself as you turn to the gates to see the yellowish eyes.
You dropped your keys and rubbed your eyes , wondering if you're seeing it right.
The eyes were gone...
"There's nothing..nothing at all-" you said to yourself to reassure, and went to your office.
The day went weirder, doppelgangers are trying to get in more frequently than usual. It was stressing, doppelgangers get angrier each time they're caught and you feared for your life and the apartments residents life.
"I'm okay.."
'I'm okay' you said to yourself as you keep going, you feel like breaking down. One wrong decision all blame will be pointed at you, and you alone..
"Mmm...Hello" Francis said tired as usual entering the hall in front of your office.
"Francis-" you said as he showed you his papers. "You alright Y/n?"
"J-just...overwhelmed" you answered as you checked his information.
"Mm...take a rest after this"
"I-i should..." You said softly as you opened the metal door for him to get in.
Your eyes went wide as you stared at the second Francis. "You're a doppelganger-"
"Stop playing with me!" You said frustrated and angry. "Y/n you need to calm down...i just got off from my delivery shift"
Oh no..
Oh noo..
"Francis?!" You cursed under your breath and let him in your office. "Whats happening-" the milkman asked confused and exhausted from work.
"Stay in here- dont leave" you said as you grab your walkie talkie. "Press the emergency button and call D.D.D. when i page you through this" you explained as you hand him the spare device.
"Please...be safe" you said as you closed the metal covers and door on your way out of the office, you went in the apartments and hit the emergency button to immediately alert the residents to close their rooms.
"You're no fun at all..." Said the doppelganger by the end of the hallway holding the tray of Scarlet milk.
"And you're a threat" you said as you pulled out your gun that was given to you by the D.D.D. services. He rushed to you as he tackled you down on the ground, bottles of Scarlet milk shattered on the way he dropped it near you staining both of your uniform and his.
"I told you ill get back at you" he said hungrily as his tongue licked your face. You kicked his stomach and crawled to the direction where you dropped it, but he stepped on your hand and laughed at you.
"No one would remember you" he started as he presses his foot on your hand making you scream in pain. "They'll see you as a crazy security that let in a threat"
"Oh yeah?" You managed to blurt out. "That doesn't matter, i bite" you said as you bit into his ankle Making him step back and let out a frustrated groan.
"FRANCIS-" you page into your walkie talkie. "CALL D.D.D. NOW--"
You grabbed the gun but the doppelganger kicked you to the nearest wall. "You protect their lives but who will protect you?"
He walked to you with one of the Scarlet milk. "No one.." He grabbed your face as he smiled, his eyes were empty as he forced the bloody bottle into your mouth.
You pulled the trigger of your gun thats pointed on his shoulder and shot him.
He screeched in pain as his face start to distort into a monster form of creature that you fear to see. His form rapidly changing as he charged back at you only for you to shoot him twice on his head.
He fall down on the floor, his blood and yours everywhere on the hallway of the 1st floor.
Your eyes were heavy and your head hurts, soon enough you passed out...
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cherryrikis · 1 month
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ONE LESS LONELY GIRL - 006 ! first time for everything
PAIRING idols riki x fem reader
SYNOPSIS fans always point out the chemistry between you and riki, and it only continues to grow after you become mc’s together on music bank. but as your feelings rise, so does the tension. and people begin to notice, so you try not to let riki know how you feel. but unbeknownst to you, he feels entirely the same way.
authors note no update yesterday (sorryyy) bc i decided to actually take a break! ps wc is 1.7k.. i got a little carried away😭
previous <> masterlist <> next
after giving riki your number less than 24 hours ago, he wasted no time to use it. you knew that he would eventually text or call you, it just wasn’t expected to be so soon.
so you were not expecting to wake up from a text from him.
you somewhat screamed out loud, dropping your phone on the floor. but as soon as danielle came rushing in from the other bedroom, your clarity hit.
the clock next to your bed read 4:59 am. you realized, it was the middle of the night. everyone was sleeping, until you woke up the people who were now in front of you.
“what? what is it?” danielle sat on your bed with hyein following soon after.
as she moved to lay down beside you, hyein stared at the other two girls who you shared a room with. minji and haerin were still fast asleep, having been used to your habit of being loud at the slightest inconvenience. especially since you were known to wake up in the middle of the night.
“he texted me at two in the morning, and i didn’t see till now!” you squealed.
danielle groaned in annoyance. “oh come on y/n! i almost actually slept good knowing we had no schedule today. now i’ll never be able to go back to sleep!”
hyein ignored her, turning her attention to you. she lifted her head up from your pillow before taking your phone.
“if your crush texted you in the middle of the night, you’d be the exact same way.” she squinted at danielle. “too bad i don’t like anyone then.”
they both read the text from riki, examining it.
“what the fuck? you woke us up for a ‘hey’?” hyein’s mood changed as she read the message out loud.
“well i didn’t open it! i just saw the notification..” you whined.
“wait! what? look, it says he’s texting right now!” danielle pointed her finger to your phone as the bubble appeared, which indicated he was in fact typing.
‘u busy today?’
“what are you gonna say? why is he even awake right now?”
“i bet he detected that she read it. like some spiderman tingle. that’s his.. ni-ki senses.” hyein stifled a laugh.
“shut up! give me my phone.”
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you smiled at the texts, before turning the phone off and tucking it under your pillow. you pulled up your blanket from the edge of the bed, but it didn’t move, feeling unusually heavy.
at the end of the mattress, laid hyein and danielle. they had fallen fast asleep throughout the duration of your conversation.
on a typical day, you would be annoyed. but today was no average morning. you had yourself a date with nishimura riki.
you couldn’t bring yourself to care about the fact that you had to sleep with no blanket. you still slept well, looking forward to what your evening will bring.
“where are you going all dressed up?” haerin sat down next to you on the couch, as she gestured to your outfit. it was nothing too special, just a tube top and some baggy cargos.
“she has a date with nishimura riki!” hyein chimed in from the kitchen.
“what?!” hanni, haerin, and minji exclaimed in unison.
“yeah, it happened this morning. but you guys were sleeping.” you shrugged, before leaning down to tie your shoes (which danielle so kindly picked out and handed to you).
“is he picking you up?” hanni questioned, suddenly intrigued.
“yes, he should be here.. around now, actually.”
as if right on cue, riki was knocking on the door of your shared dorm.
“i got it!” minji rushed as she beat danielle to the entrance.
she opened the door, which behind it, revealed your knight in shining armor. or in his case, a hoodie layered with a bomber jacket and cargo pants. but it was good enough for you. he looked good in anything he wore.
“y/n isn’t home. better luck next time.” haerin came up to him, pushing minji out the way. she began to slowly close the door, only for riki to hold it open.
“seriously haerin?” hyein scoffed. “if you actually locked him out, y/n would be so pissed.” “i was kidding! everyone knows he’s untouchable here anyway. it’s obvious that if anyone even breathes in the direction of her boyfriend-”
she slapped a hand over haerin’s mouth, pulling her away from the doorway and switching places with her.
“sorry about that. y/n’s just grabbing her phone from upstairs. you wanna come in? i think- woah, did you guys plan this?” hyein paused as you walked towards her. she examined your outfit, and then riki’s. you realized, you were basically matching with the same color scheme. even the same cargos.
“hey. you look good.” he smiled as you stood next to him. you pulled him into a hug before pecking his cheek, just like yesterday.
almost as if it was a natural instinct, he wrapped an arm around your waist to secure you beside him.
riki spoke up once more to answer your roommates question. “not at all actually, i guess we kinda matched by pure coincidence. but uh, y/n, we really should get going? it’s almost like, an hour long drive.”
as soon as those words left his mouth, danielle came up to you both from the kitchen. she disregarded hyein, gesturing for her to leave.
“get y/n home by 10, no later then. don’t get caught, or be recognized.” she paused, as she pointed her gaze towards his hand which now held onto your hip. “and absolutely no dating scandals.” danielle poked her finger at his chest to emphasize the last sentence, not caring about the fact that riki towered over her.
“home before 10, don’t be spotted, and don’t cause a dating scandal. got it. thanks dani.” he smiled, before leaving your dorm to take you to his car.
“next in line please.” the cashier called out in a bored and monotone voice. but as you two approached the counter, her face lit up.
you were almost certain she recognized you or riki when she began to whisper to the barista. but she had no reaction as she asked for your order. you second guessed yourself, as the cashiers tired expression returned once more.
“ladies first. what will you have?” riki asked.
“could i order the strawberry matcha latte, and the chocolate croissant?” you spoke, watching as she took your order.
“and for you?” the cashier questioned, gesturing towards riki.
“i’ll have what she’s having.”
“two strawberry matcha lattes and two chocolate croissants. your total is ₩32,000. just insert your card here.”
he did indeed pay for the food. but, neither of you noticed how when the receipt printed, the cashier tucked it into her pocket instead of giving it to you.
“do you like the drink?” you asked riki, as he took a sip from his cup. “it’s really good. good thing we came here, i’ve never tried something so simple but, it’s delicious. you didn’t try it yet?.”
“i’ve been eating the croissant the whole time! okay, here. see?” you paused, placing down the chocolate croissant to sip the drink out of spite. you thought riki was exaggerating, but you didn’t expect it to be even better than he described.
he chuckled as he watched your face light up. “see? it really is good, isn’t it? nice choice.”
the two of you had been out for hours, even as the cafe closed. but there was nowhere else to go that was private, so riki just settled to take you home.
you were both sat in riki’s car, parked in the underground garage of the condos where you both lived. riki had his head resting on your shoulder as you scrolled through your phones, randomly showing each other random tiktoks you thought were funny.
it was a small yet intimate moment, you cherished it. you both were having so much fun, you almost forgot being an idol was part of your everyday lives. with you, riki felt free. he was able to forget the pressures of his job. and you felt the exact same way.
neither of you noticed it was already a little past 10.
“shit. riki, we have to go. it’s already 10:25.” you exclaimed, suddenly hyper-focusing on the time on your phone.
“i’ll walk you to your dorm.” he smiled.
and so you stood in front of your door, but you weren’t ready to go in. and he wasn’t ready to leave you yet.
“i had a good time.” you said, bringing your hands up to hold onto his shoulders. “we should go out again.”
“i wouldn’t mind.” riki mumbled, before bringing his face down to meet yours, connecting your lips in one quick movement.
your breath hitched when you felt him deepen the kiss, as he brought a hand up to softly stroke your cheek.
slowly, he pulled away. but not far, as he rested his forehead against yours.
you smiled at him, leaning forward to peck his lips once more.
“thank you for today.” he whispered, pulling away entirely so he could clearly see you. “goodnight riki.” you lightly chuckled, thinking back to your texts from earlier.
“goodnight y/n.”
but as he was about to leave, the front door of your dorm is pulled open. the two of you were met with the angry faces of minji, danielle, and haerin. “get inside here! and you too riki.” exclaimed minji, as she dragged you both into the living room.
as soon as you both are pushed to sit onto the couch, you scrambled to explain yourselves. “i know we’re late, but we just last track of time. dani, we-”
“it’s not about that! look at this.” she interrupted, pulling out her phone to hand it to you.
“riki, did you just choose to throw the three rules out the window? those are three things you can never ignore especially as an idol.” minji groaned, rubbing her forehead.
“okay, yes, we missed curfew. but we weren’t recognized or anything.” he said, confused.
“riki..?” you called out. your hands began to shake as you showed him what was displayed on danielle’s phone.
riki had never been so shocked.
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“you two should’ve been more careful.”
TAGLIST (italics = couldnt be tagged) @hannicorpse @luvvhaerin @chaevibes @en-verse @ren2jay @choppedballoondetective @heartheejake @imanalien143 @istglevi-gotmesimping @yndairy @eleanorheartschishiya @lonelylandofan @gweoriz @jaemified @onlyhyunjin @softpia @frecklesbrownies @riksaes @wensurr @rikifordmiami @brideslit @ant-onie @yumilovesloona @aeminju @hoonics @catecita @clampclover @rei4sunoo @addictedtohobi @rikidaze @baekxo07 @xotyla @melancholy-z @rikisgeef @jung1w0n @tocupid @onlyseung @i03jae @iheartshopping @istphanie @queenriki7 @academiq @1117promises @nctislifue @haechansbbg @rairaiblog @nabia-bia @pkjay @lixiebokie @hiekoo @r1kizerr @d-dilemma @kingofthekards @iilwji @hoonatic @woorcve @enhaz1
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vanesycho · 14 days
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I really had a hard time finding an idea ;( I actually just wanted to write jay smut lol
f!reader x tutor!jay
Warning:Smut, fingering, dirty talk
"I'm Jay, nice to meet you." You took the man's hand and shook it, offering a slight smile. "Nice to meet you. Y/n." Jay stepped into your house and took a look around, he followed you as you headed towards your room.
Your university exam was coming up and you clearly needed help. That's why you were so glad you found Jay, a private tutor on the social media. Wearing a white shirt and rolling up his sleeves to his elbows, he gently pushed his fallen glasses and sat on a chair. "Shall we start without wasting any time?"
Half an hour had passed, you had almost grasped most of the topic, but you couldn't get past the part where you were stuck. Jay stopped helping you. 'We're not continuing until you do, you have to pass here.' you sighed in annoyance, you had called him for help and this was how you were being treated.He watched as you brought the tip of the pen to your mouth and bit it nervously, shifting his hips on chair and moving into a more comfortable position, crossing his arms and continuing to examine you.
You were sitting with your upper body bent over the table, his eyes drifting towards your prominent hips, bit his lower lip involuntarily. When he heard your groan in exasperation, he grinned and approached you. "How about I make it easy for you?" You turned to him. “How?” He pulled back and leaned back, nodding towards his lap. "Come and let me show you." You looked at him for a while, was he serious or was he making fun of you? Your eyes fell on his lap, his cock that was obvious even through the pants he was wearing made you swallow hard, you stood up and sat on his lap with your back to him. He grabbed you by the waist and made you sit up properly, you held your breath for a moment, one of his hands caressed your leg while the other hand took the pen. "Don't worry, this will help you learn faster."
Oh you had no doubt about it, you looked at the question but it seemed impossible to focus with his breath on your neck. His hand started to move in your thigh, you took a deep breath. “Jay- I think that’s enough for today." You squeezed your legs together as he hummed into your ear with his deep voice, grinning as his hand squeezed between your legs. "Oh, how sweet, do you want to end the lesson so quickly? We still have half an hour left." His fingers went to your pussy, he started caressing you over your clothes, he continued talking as if he never did this and it was normal "What should we do with the remaining half hour?"
Jay grabbed your knees and spread your legs while you were still on his lap, giving him easier access to your pussy. This time his hand reached your clit through your shorts. "W-wait." He raised his eyebrows slightly in question. “Wait?” You pressed your lips together to keep from making any noise as his finger slowly circled your clit. "A slut who tries to hold herself back, but you're all wet under my fingers. Are you sure you want me to stop?" When he inserted a finger into your pussy you couldn't hold yourself back anymore and let out a moan. "Jay- fuck." He smiled slightly at your reaction, talking to himself as he slowly pushed it in and out. "I thought so too."
You looked at him as he took his finger out. "Take off your pants, princess." You stood up without hesitation, he watched you as you took off your pants, felt embarrassed when he examined your body from head to toe, you settled back into his lap. This time your legs were more comfortably spread apart, one of Jay's hands went to your breast and started caressing it, while he continued to take care of your pussy. He pointed two fingers towards your mouth, "Open your mouth darling." Slightly opened, he put two fingers in your mouth without waiting, your tongue moved between his fingers and wet them thoroughly, he groaned deeply while watching this "Fuck, I bet you'd take my dick perfectly in your mouth." You whined as his fingers went deeper into your mouth, he chuckled at how cute you looked even in pain, he pulled his fingers out of your mouth and guided them to your pussy.
Jay inserted two fingers without waiting, you moaned in pain at first, he swallowed hard when he felt the tightness of your pussy on his fingers. "So fucking tight and warm, you can barely take my fingers. If I put my dick in you and fucked you until I destroyed you, I bet you wouldn't even be able to stand it, am i right darling?" His fingers were moving quickly inside your pussy without getting used to you at all, the wetness was so intense that it was flowing from Jay's fingers.
"Please...I can't take it.." You couldn't even form a proper sentence, your eyes were filled with pain and pleasure, his large and veiny hands were wrapped around your body, his fingers were moving non-stop.
"You can't take? Of course you can take it, princess. Look how nicely you wrap my fingers with your pretty little pussy." Your breathing was irregular, he didn’t stop as your moans turned into screams, his fingers continued to destroy you. “Please..I- I’m so close, please..." he hummed and started to kiss your neck "Cum on my fingers baby, show me how much mess you can make." It didn't take long for you to cum after that, you came on his fingers as you let out one last tearful moan, Jay watched how the liquid went through his fingers. "Ah, good job baby."
You both looked at your phone when your alarm went off, indicating that your 'class' time was over. You stood up, put on your pants and tried to pull yourself together, Jay watched you with his eyes fixed on you, you glanced at the test books on the table "So...Will there be another lesson?" He approached you and leaned in. "Of course, I can't miss the opportunity to fuck this beautiful tight pussy." He placed a kiss on the corner of your lips and spoke one last time before leaving your room. "And you'd better get ready for the next lesson, if I see that you still can't do the same subject, good things won't happen to you."
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sweetbans29 · 4 months
Protector - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: 3 times Caitlin is overprotective
Warnings: jealous(ish) Caitlin
Word Count: 2.8k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Here's another one for you!
one. fall.
You have no idea why you thought it would be a good idea to go rollerblading. It has been years since you put them on but you begged Caitlin all day saying it would be a fun little outing.
You were completely wrong. It wasn't even 5 minutes in when you fell and got a pretty nasty scrap on your knee.
It takes a few seconds before you feel like you can stand and when you do you wince then sit back down.
Caitlin is looking at our scrap with furrowed eyebrows as she examines what the best course of action would be.
"We should get you home to clean that up, I don't want it to get infected," Caitlin says as her eyes are still glued to your knee.
"No, we just started. I want to keep going," you combat and try to stand again.
Once you are on your feet, you realize you can barely move your leg. You try to hide the pain you are in from your girlfriend but have a hard time hiding anything when you begin to put any sort of pressure on your left leg.
"Okay that is it," Caitlin says as she turns around and hoists you up on her back. She leave both of your rollerblades where you fell and is now carrying you back to your apartment in her socks.
"Cait! I am fine!" You say frustrated that your cute date has been cut short.
"You are not fine." She mumbles as she marches back. "I am going to inspect it after I disinfect it and we will see if I need to take you to urgent care to get it stitched."
"Babe, chill - I am okay." You say, then realize it is a mistake.
Her head whips around as she comes to a complete stop. You can only see her profile but you know she is giving you her death stare.
You learned early on in your relationship how protective Caitlin can be. At first, you thought it was normal but then one of her teammates pointed out how whenever you are in any sort of compromising situation - both physical or mental, Caitlin is right there watching over you. It is always endearing, but could also be too much at times.
You kiss her shoulder and you feel her relax.
The two of you make your way into your apartment. She places you on the kitchen counter as she makes her way to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit.
While she is gone, you attempt to stand up, putting most of your weight on your hands as you slowly lower yourself to the ground. Once you are down on your right foot, you slowly shift your weight to your left and feel pain shoot to your knee. You hiss and begin to lose your balance, trying to grab onto the counter.
Before you know it you feel yourself going down. You mentally brace for your second impact on the ground today but it never comes.
Cait has made her way back to you and has caught you mid-fall, effortlessly lifting you back up and sitting you back down on the counter.
"Do not do that again," is all she says as she opens the first aid kit.
You listen and feel bad for trying to get down on your own. You know Caitlin is doing everything in her power to care for you and you are doing everything you can to do it yourself.
Caitlin takes her time as she disinfects the wound, her hands are the most gentle they have ever been. She is locked in on ensuring she does a thorough job and you do everything in your power to not flinch away from her touch.
You can begin to see steam come out to Caitlin's ears as she is working so intricately on your wound. You bring your hand to brush down the left side of her head.
"I'm sorry I forced you to go rollerblading." You say looking at her. "And I am sorry I fell and that you have to take care of me." This is the best you can do to say Caitlin was right about the whole rollerblading idea.
She looks up at you for the first time since last scolding you for moving.
"You don't need to apologize, babe. I know you didn't do this on purpose." She says as she kisses your right knee. You give her a half smile as she places a bandage on your knee. She stands and you pull her in between your legs and wrap your arms around her for a hug.
She wraps her arms around you and lets out a sigh. The second she does, you know it has been one she has been holding in for a while now.
You rub her back knowing the stress you have caused her this afternoon. Her body relaxes into yours and you can't imagine having anyone else take care of you the way Cait does.
two. handsy.
It’s the Hawkeyes first game in March Madness and you could not be more excited.
Typically you attend games with your friends or sit with Caitlin's family but in this game, Caitlin was able to score you a courtside seat which you gladly accepted.
You get to the game and get escorted to your seat. You chose a simple outfit that consisted of black jeans, some black pumps, and of course your girl’s jersey.
As you sit down you notice the seats around you are empty, you know they will fill up right before tipoff.
You watch the girls come out and begin their warm-ups. You see Caitlin looks around the court until her eyes land on you. Giving her a little wave, she smiles and gives a wave back. Typically you don't drag Cait's attention away from the game but being so close and seeing her look for you, you couldn't help it.
As they are announcing the teams, the people next to you show up. You don't pay them much attention as they begin to announce the Hawkeyes, cheering on Caitlin as she makes her way onto the floor.
The game begins and you are locked into watching Caitlin dominate the court.
You are pulled away from the game when you feel a tap on your thigh. Looking away from the game for a second, you turn to the girl sitting next to you.
She points down to the ground where her lipgloss has rolled by your foot. You pick it up and hand it to her with a smile then turn your attention back to the court.
The first time out is called and you are able to sit back in your chair and breathe for a minute. Watching Caitlin always has your elbows on your knees, holding your breath, with your eyes on her. So any time they call a time-out or the quarter ends you are able to sit back and release the tension your body holds.
"Hey, I'm sorry I interrupted you from the game," the girl next to you says.
You giver her a smile, "Oh you are good!"
"I'm Sarah," she extends her hand. You shake it and introduce yourself.
The game begins again and you assume your position. You cheer on the team as they put in work to stay ahead of the other team. You are on the edge of your seat and don't realize these are folding seats as you push it back slightly, losing your balance.
Just as you are about to fall you feel arms come around you as Sarah has effortlessly caught you and saved you from making a fool of yourself. You are in an awkward squat for .5 seconds as she scoots your chair back to support you. As you sit, your hand comes to her lower thigh as you mumble a thank you, still embarrassed.
"Hey you're good babe, I won't let you fall," she says with a beaming smile. You give her a small smile and nod, thanking her.
Your attention goes back to your girl who you notice has eyes on you. She is staring directly at you, eyes going between you and the girl sitting next to you. Sending you girl a nod, you lock back into the game.
It isn't long after that the half is announced and the girl next to you starts making conversation with you. You don't want to be rude and enter into the light conversation. She stops what she is saying then takes her finger and removes a hair that got caught on your lip. Her finger comes and brushes your cheek and you feel like this is going a little too far.
"Sarah, you seem like a really nice girl but I'm in a relationship." You say.
"Oh my gosh, I promise I am not hitting on you!" She says and introduces you to the girl next to her who's her wife.
A blush instantly makes its way to your face as you feel the fullness of the embarrassment that has overtaken your body. Sarah then puts her arm around you and gives you a side hug as you hide your face in your hands.
Little did you know that Caitlin had seen the whole interaction and had quite frankly had enough of whatever was happening on the sidelines.
Taking only a few giant strides, she is now in front of you.
"Cait!" You yell surprised she has abandoned her post before the fourth quarter.
She is looking right at Sarah, eyes burning into the girl next to you.
"I'm going to need you to remove your arm from my girl and keep your hands to yourself." She says as she removes her arm from you, setting Sarah's hand on her lap and patting it.
"Caitlin," you try getting her attention to let her know the newfound fact that Sarah is indeed not hitting on you.
Caitlin just goes on to tell Sarah that you are happily in a relationship and that she doesn't need the distraction of someone hitting on her girlfriend every 5 minutes.
You get fed up, standing and grabbing Caitlin's face.
"Sarah is married and you are the only one for me!" You yell at her so she can hear you over the crowd. She freezes and now it is her turn to feel the heat of embarrassment creep into her cheeks.
You place a little kiss on her nose and release her, turning her shoulders back to the court and pushing her towards Gabby who checks in with Cait. Caitlin brushes her off as she can't shake the smile on her face.
Your nose kisses are her favorite.
three. work.
Caitlin is currently sitting in the rolling chair right next to yours, tossing up a lacrosse ball as she waits for you to finish up some admin work.
Your staff decided to do its first ever 'bring your spouse into work day'. You thought it was silly considering your company is literally a team of rugby players but caved in when you told Caitlin about it and she was completely on board.
Caitlin and you weren't married yet but had been dating since high school. The two of you talked about marriage quite frequently but wanted to wait until after college to figure it all out. You both knew it was coming but just a matter of when.
"I am almost done here and then we will head out to the field," you say finishing up one of your reports. Caitlin nods, which is unseen to you but you know she is content. Between her practices, games, your work, and school - any time the two of you got together was gold.
You finish up and the two of you head out to the field. You work as a part of the sports medicine team for a local rugby team. It was perfect because it's what you are studying in school and will look good when on your resume. Your goal is to go into the WNBA with Caitlin's team wherever she is drafted.
During the practice, it is a lot of retaping and making sure all the players have what they need. Caitlin watches in awe as these giant guys come up to her girl needing her help with something. You aren't the tallest person to begin with but seeing these full-grown men come up to you makes Caitlin so proud.
Once practice is done - you and Cait go back to your office knowing the fun has just begun. Caitlin takes a seat back in the rolling chair as you grab a pile of towels and make sure your massage table is out and prepped.
Aside from taping, one of your main jobs was massaging out the guys at the end of practice and/or games if needed.
Caitlin knows what you do - you talk about frequently when your job is ever brought up in conversation. She knows what you do firsthand as you have spent countless hours rubbing out knots that she has built up from her own sport. But she was not ready for what she was about to witness.
The first player comes in and you and he joke around as he gets set on the table. By the sounds of it, he is in here after every practice.
He sets himself on his side and hikes up his shorts on his right leg as he twists to the all too familiar position. You place a towel on his upper thigh and glut. As you begin to work out his glut he starts groaning in pain.
You laugh as you continue to work him out. His hand comes up to grab your shoulder, trying to get any sort of pressure released as your elbow assaults his knot. Caitlin's eyes are on the player's hand that is clutching your shoulder now.
You ease up and nudge his hand off, making a joke that he is making you uncomfortable. Caitlin released the breath she didn't realize she was holding.
The thing is - Caitlin is beyond secure in your relationship. She has no doubts that you are hers and only hers but seeing this guy wither under your touch has a fire burning within her. At this moment, it provided no comfort to Caitlin knowing how good your massages are.
Caitlin sits there with her arms crossed as you finish working with the guy. The guy thanks you and heads out as you have a little break.
"I don't know if I like this," Caitlin says, arms still crossed as she is leaning back in her chair.
You shoot her a smile and make your way to her.
"You know best what these hands can do," you say with a shrug and a little smirk. Her eyes widen, not expecting that response from you as the next guy walks in. You lean over and kiss her on the head as you greet the next player.
The next player is similar except you are working out the back of his calves and thighs. He keeps moaning and groaning which you laugh at. Caitlin knows the sounds the guy is making are due to the pain he is in but she can’t help but feel jealousy rise within her.
Again, she knows this is your job and she knows that she is the one you come home to every night but it is wild to her that these guys are squirming at your touch.
This player is feeling so much pain that he reaches back and grabs the back of your thigh just to hold onto something and Caitlin can see him squeeze it.
She leans over and grabs the guy's hand, removing it from your leg.
“Okay that’s enough,” Caitlin says putting her hand on your thigh where she just removed his.
The player apologizes and you give Cait a questioning look.
She doesn’t say anything to you but lets you finish the massage. The player grips the table until you are finished and thanks you upon leaving.
“What was that about babe?” You ask putting everything away.
“There is no reason for them to touch you - especially the way the second guy was. It’s inappropriate,” she says.
“It’s a reflex, it means nothing. And trust me, I always have them remove it.” You say walking up to her.
You stand in between her legs as her hands come up to find the back of your thighs. She looks up at you for a second then her head falls to your stomach. Your hands come to her head and soothe her hair over.
“Your hands are the only ones I want on my body babe.” You say in a sweet tone.
“They better be,” she says giving your legs a squeeze as she pulls you in and hugs your middle.
AN: I hope you enjoyed this lil cute one. And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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bunnycobie · 2 years
best friend's brother - choi san
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pairing: choi san x f!reader summary: when your night with your crush doesn't go to plan, you find comfort in the person you'd least expect genre: smut, some fluff, some angst word count: 3k content/tw: nonidol characters, college au, san has a sister named mina (not meant to be mina from twice), other random idol names are used, fingering, unprotected sex, drunk sex (don’t do this in real life) a/n: this may be a cringefest bc it was my first fic
18+ minors dni (masterlist)
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you tap on jimin’s instagram story for an update on where he might be. he’s in a car with his friends, most likely on his way here. replaying the post over and over, you don’t realize how long you’ve been staring at his smile until you’re hit on the leg with a pillow, snapping you back into reality.
“are you even listening to me?” mina snaps. you grin and sit up against the pillows on her bed.
today is mina’s birthday, and she decided to throw a party at her house tonight. but even though she invited tons of people, she only cares about one guest. so much so, that she’s cycled through five different outfits just to look as good as possible.
“you look hot.” you say jokingly, grabbing and hugging the pillow she just threw at you. “jin is going to notice you, quit overthinking it.”
mina groans. “why aren’t they here yet?”
“they’re on their way right now, they’ll probably be here soon. can we please go now?” you whine. the party started almost an hour ago, but you’ve been waiting for your friend to finish getting ready.
“i just need a few more minutes. go ahead, i’ll find you later.” she says, looking in the mirror as she puts on a pair of earrings.
as you leave the room, your ears are instantly flooded with music despite the party only being downstairs. you head towards the bathroom and step inside to check your hair and makeup in the mirror.
you and mina invited jimin and jin to the party, and it’s the only thing you two have thought about all week. mina and jin are practically a thing at this point, but you can’t say the same for you and jimin. you’re always too nervous to hold a conversation with him. it’s nothing a little liquid courage can’t fix, though. you hope.
there’s a knock on the bathroom door. you open it expecting it to be mina. instead, you’re greeted by a large frame with silky black hair.
of course, it’s mina’s brother san.
despite being a player on campus, he’s really sweet and protective over you. presumably because you’re his sister’s friend. still, he’s always been respectful and never tried to make a move on you.
but you’ve definitely caught him staring once or twice, and youd be lying if you said you didn’t do the same.
“oh, hi y/n.” he examines your outfit, making you feel self-conscious. “i started to think i’d never see you guys come out of that room.”
“sorry,” you smile awkwardly, walking around him into the hallway. “she’s nervous about jin.”
“jin’s coming?”
“yeah, and jimin”. you reply.
san’s posture straightens. “so you actually like him?”
“i never said that.” you protest.
“i hear you guys all the time. you aren’t really discreet about it.” he smiles.
you can’t help but notice his dimples every time he does that. your relationship with him has only ever been platonic, but you’re almost always dumbfounded by his appearance.
“i mean, maybe. i can’t really tell if he feels the same way though.” you say, fidgeting with your hands.
san leans against the wall. “i wouldn’t waste my time on him,”.
“what? what do you mean?”
“i don’t like him. it doesn’t matter though; you can do better than him.”
who the hell does he think he is?
“you don’t even know him. why should i care what you think?” you say, furrowing your brows.
in reality, san knows jimin more than you’d thin. they’ve never been friends, but he’s spent enough time around him to know that he’s not worth dating.
san is well aware of his position in your life, but he still cares and doesn’t want to see you hurt. your words stung a little, but he wouldn’t let you know that.
san grins and lets out a soft chuckle that pisses you off a little.
mina’s bedroom door opens and she steps out in yet another outfit choice.
“it took you an hour to come up with that?” san says teasingly, gesturing to mina’s outfit.
mina’s eyes widen. “is it actually that bad?” she gaps.
“he’s joking.” you smile, despite the anger you felt a few seconds ago. “you look cute, can we go now?” you asked, grabbing mina’s hand and pulling her towards the stairs.
not only would she have actually changed her outfit again, but you would’ve done anything to get out of that situation. you’re an adult and can date whoever you want. why is san treating you like you’re his sister... or his girlfriend?
as you walk away with mina, you glance over your shoulder to see san still looking at you, except this time he’s more serious.
the party was open invitation, but you’re still surprised by the number of people that actually showed. you and mina grab two beers from the kitchen.
you feel a tug on your arm. “they’re over there!”. she points to jin and jimin sitting on a sofa with drinks and talking.
your stomach knots at the sight of jimin and you start to feel flustered. he looks so good you start to second guess your outfit just as much as mina did hers. you chug your drink, hoping the alcohol will set in soon.
mina laughs at your nervousness. “are you ready?”
“i think so –”
“hey guys!” mina yells over the music, interrupting you.
your heart drops even further than it already did.
jmin and jin look over as you and mina make your way to them. mina sits next to Jin, leaving you with no choice but to sit next to jimin on the opposite end. you were hoping Mina would be with you to ease the awkwardness, but that plan is instantly thrown out the window.
jimin turns his body towards you, and you start to wish you’d planned things to talk about.
“hey, you look nice.” he smiles.
“thank you.” you respond shyly. somehow you feel even more self-conscious despite the compliment.
“i haven’t seen you in class lately.” you mention, hoping your awkwardness doesn’t show.
“oh. i’ve been kind of focused on my music lately. i’m actually considering switching majors.” he says.
he continues speaking but as you glance around your attention is caught by san across the room.
he’s looking directly at you, while a girl is holding his arm and laughing. he’s pretending to listen, but he’s watching you and jimin. you can’t seem to break the eye contact, as if your eyes are glued to him.
you realize you’re mid conversation and shift your focus back on jimin, who’s still talking about himself.
“i think that’s great.” you smile at him, unknowing of what he spent the last 30 seconds talking about.
“y/n, can I borrow you for a sec?” mina leans forward into your gaze.
you nod. “sorry, one second.” you excuse yourself from the conversation and follow mina as she pulls you aside.
“jin and i are going to my room; are you gonna be fine on your own?” she asks lowly.
“what? you’re sleeping with jin already?” you exclaim.
mina shushes you and looks around the room as if anyone could’ve heard you over the music.
“i don’t know, probably.” she says, grinning like an idiot.
“i’ll be fine. be safe.” you smile.
she nods and waves over jin, and he follows her upstairs
you make your way over to where you previously were but realize jimin is gone. you scan the room for him but can’t find him. you start to regret letting mina go and feel awkward all over again. you look around for a familiar face and see san, still talking to the same girl and clearly uninterested. you find chaewon and yunjin and join them for a while.
almost two hours pass while you’re busy getting drunk and dancing.
mina comes back with jin, but you’ve been so caught up that you forgot about them and jimin.
“hey.” you almost cringe realizing what they might have just finished doing.
mina grins and rolls her eyes. “where’s jimin?”
you shrug. “he left after you guys did”
“that’s weird,” jin says.
“i’ll go look for him.”
you scan downstairs one more time, but he’s still nowhere to be seen. you realize the party extended to the patio and open the door to check outside.
you find him, but you’re practically frozen in place when you do. he’s sitting next to a pretty blonde girl, kissing and feeling her up. you start to feel sick. you know that the two of you weren’t exclusive, but you still had hope there would be something between you. you’ve been obsessed with him for months and the one night you decided to make a move, the universe betrays you. the embarrassment starts to set in when you realize practically everyone knew about your crush as well.
you can’t watch any longer, and head back inside. you don’t feel like looking for mina. you don’t want to ruin her birthday by forcing her to comfort you. you’re too ashamed to admit what happened, anyways. you’re too drunk to walk or drive home, so you go to mina’s bedroom to wait for the rest of the night.
you open the door to her bedroom but the unmade bed reminds you of what just happened in it. and as disgusting as you feel, you’d rather not fall asleep on a bed full of sweat and god knows what else.
standing in the hallway, you start to feel the frustration set in and tears begin to well in your eyes.
you hear heavy footsteps on the stairs and immediately wipe your tears.
you don’t know whether to be grateful or upset over the fact that it’s san. as soon as you see his face, you’re reminded of the situation from earlier. and the last thing you want is to hear an “i-told-you-so”.
“what’s wrong?” he says, noticing your expression.
“nothing.” you reply, trying to contain yourself.
“why were you crying then?” he approaches you, practically trapping you in between him and the wall.
“i’m just tired.” you lie, looking down hoping to avoid eye contact.
“don’t lie to me,” san says, lifting your chin.
“did he do something to you?” he’s more intimate this time, and you realize you won’t get anywhere by hiding the truth.
“you were right.” you admit, removing his hand from your face. you start to feel the shame overwhelm you again
san sighs and looks around the hallway to make sure you were alone.
“are you happy?” you continued.
“of course i’m not happy,” san says, offended by the accusation. “you’ve had too much to drink. let’s just get you to bed, okay?”
you know he didn’t do anything wrong. none of this was his fault. to be fair, he did warn you. you weren’t mad at san, but you were overwhelmed and didn’t know what else to do. so, you took it out on him.
“you’ve been watching me like a creep all night waiting for something to go wrong. now you want to pretend you feel bad and take care of me?” you snap.
san sucks his teeth and grabs your wrist. pulling you to his bedroom, he shuts the door behind him and leans against it.
“can you calm down?” he asks in annoyance, folding his arms.
you start pacing out of frustration, trying to keep yourself from breaking down.
“he’s not worth crying over, y/n. I told you that you could do better than him.” he says, pulling you back to him. he snakes one hand around your waist and starts wiping your tears with the other.
something about his presence makes you feel safe. he makes you feel like you could cry if you needed to, but how could you when you’re around him? the realization that your body is pressed against his starts to set in.
you always knew san was good-looking, but something about the way he’s letting you be vulnerable with him makes him so much more attractive. he looked unreal, yet somehow, he was standing right in front of you.
you must have been staring for a while because his expression darkens. his thumb that was just wiping your tears starts to brush softly over your lips. you feel like you’re going to pass out from the way he’s staring at your face, studying you.
san’s lips press against yours and his arms wrap around your waist. you reach over his wide shoulders and around his neck as he pulls your body closer to his. each kiss begins deepen, with small moans escaping your throat. and as passionate as they are, his lips are still so soft and careful with yours.
san’s lips move from yours to your neck, and he’s holding you as if you’d slip away once he lets go.
you can feel warmth pooling in between your legs, making your legs go numb. he sweeps you up and moves his focus back to your lips as he carries you to his bed. laying you on your back, he hovers over you between your legs, slipping his tongue into your mouth.
you let out a moan as reassurance for him to continue, so he slides his hand under your top. he squeezes and massages your breast, causing you to let out whines involuntarily.
“does that feel good?” he groans against your neck. you can feel him smiling against you, giving you chills in the best way possible.
you manage to let out a soft whiny “yes.”.
“i’m gonna make you feel so much better.” he promises. he plants a soft kiss against your collarbone before shifting his hand between your legs.
he circles his thumb against the outside of your panties, feeling the damp spots he caused. each feeling of him hitting your clit makes your breath hitch.
“fuck.” he groans. “my baby is so good and wet for me.” he moans, teasing you with his fingers.
you prop yourself up on your elbows, your forehead against his.
“could you please?” you plead softly.
“could I what? use your words, baby.” he teases, pushing more pressure onto your clit.
“fingers, please.” you babble, your head falling back from the sensitivity.
“you want me to fuck you with my fingers?” san smirks.
“mm-hmm.” you whine.
san pulls your panties to the side and pushes his thick finger in slowly, earning a whimper from you.
he can feel his cock growing feeling the warmth of you, wishing it was inside of you instead. the sound of his fingers slipping inside of you are audible from the wetness.
san can feel himself swelling up and leaking from the anticipation, but he wants to take his time with you. he loves the sight of you moaning and whining under his control with your head held back.
he pulls your head in by the back of your neck and snakes his tongue in your mouth while curling his fingers to reach your gspot. his tongue is warm and wet, and you feel yourself getting dizzy and falling apart.
“i’m gonna cum.” you manage to breathe out.
“wait a little longer for me,” san says, pulling his fingers out of your heat and kissing you before standing up.
he pulls his shirt off revealing his bare chest and smooth, toned skin. he’s practically sweating from the anticipation, making his abs and biceps look even more glossy. he looks like a greek god.
unzipping his pants and removing the rest of his clothes, his swollen cock reveals itself, already wet and leaking from the tip.
he pushes you back down and lets you wrap your legs around his waist.
rubbing his tip against your sensitive clit, he inserts himself, making you gasp. the feeling you felt from his finger was almost nothing compared to the size of him inside of you.
he groans at the feeling of you wrapped around and squeezing him and wastes no time before speeding up his pace. your moans can’t help but get louder, and he has to cover your mouth with his just in case someone may hear you whine.
he moves fast yet softly as if he doesn’t want to hurt you. still, the feeling of him inside of you is enough to make your eyes water. you feel your sensitivity from being edged earlier come back, and you’re close to your high all over again.
“i wish i could do this with you forever” he moans.
his pace starts to get sloppy, letting you know he’s close to finishing. you feel a wave of ecstasy take over your body as san releases inside of you, leaving you dripping. the two of you moan over the feeling of finishing on each other.
san collapses next to you as you both catch your breath. he gets up and slips on clothes to leave the room. you lay in confusion for a minute until he comes back with a warm towel.
he cleans you up and gives you one of his clean t-shirts to wear to sleep. you try to hide your smile from the thought of him being so sweet to you. when you put the shirt on, he falls in love at the sight of it being so big on you. he’s not super tall, but his muscles are enough to warrant his shirts being huge. san wraps his arms around you and gives you another kiss, but this time it feels more loving than the rest.
“do you feel better now?” he asks, embracing you.
you’d forgotten about what led to this in the first place. but you didn’t care enough to remember because you were in love with someone else now.
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sylvestris123 · 1 year
What does the pre-Fall scene actually mean?
I’ve been thinking about that first scene, with pre-Fall Crowley. We are all swooning over how sweet and innocent Angel!Crowley is, and how smitten Aziraphale is, but on reflection there is something odd about this scene.
The action takes place before the rebellion, before the Fall, when bad things hadn’t even been invented yet. So why is Aziraphale already worried about Angel!Crowley getting into trouble for asking questions? Shouldn’t he also be a cute innocent bundle of fluff without a care in the world?
There is a meta that examines this (sorry, I can’t find it, I’m useless at this), which comes to the conclusion that Aziraphale later on is suffering from guilt (that he might have unwittingly prompted Crowley to seek answers and hence fall), but this still doesn’t explain why Aziraphale knows that asking questions might be a Bad Idea, and Angel!Crowley doesn’t. After all, Angel!Crowley has apparently been working “very closely with Upstairs”.  Shouldn’t he be a bit more clued up?
This leads me to think that there are 2 possible explanations for this.
1. Angel!Crowley has been so far out of things playing with stars that he really is clueless about everything (possible but doesn’t really match up to the Crowley that we know today).
2. This is not a true record of events.
Either: it is one of Aziraphale’s memories, but coloured by what he knows today, so the conversation that actually occurred might have been quite different. Maybe it is because of Aziraphale’s less than perfect recall, or maybe the memory was tweaked (e.g. by the Metatron) to emphasize the innocence of Angel!Crowley and the injustice of his later fall.
Or: IT NEVER EVEN HAPPENED AT ALL. Their true first meeting was as S1, on the walls of Eden, and it is all a false memory planted by the Metatron. (This could also explain why we don’t get to hear Angel!Crowley’s name. It’s not actually known, so can’t be added to the ‘memory’). Why would he do this? It could be to make Aziraphale think that Angel!Crowley was so full of joy that he should be reinstated to recapture that innocence.
There are plenty of theories about the other flashback episodes in the series, all of which could be interpreted as showing off Crowley’s 'good' side, to make the thought of his reinstatement as an angel more plausible or even necessary to right an ancient wrong.
If any or all of this is the Metatron’s doing, what is the motive? He clearly loathes Crowley. Maybe reinstatement as an angel would automatically wipe out his memories of being Crowley and all of his Earthly experience, so you would end up with a cute innocent (and ultimately useless) angel with no memories of his friendship with Aziraphale. Or perhaps it was a way to get him to come up to Heaven where he could be ambushed and imprisoned.
Or maybe the Metatron always knew that the very concept would go down like a lead balloon and that its aim was to make Aziraphale and Crowley part in such a way that they would be less likely to try to contact each other later.
There are so many pieces to this puzzle. Just when I think that a couple might go together I find others that don’t fit with the patterns already made, and which sometimes seem to belong to a different puzzle altogether. I’m sure that I already have 5 corner pieces.
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In Another Life
Pairing: Dean Winchester x f!reader, Dean POV
Summary: When Dean wakes up in another life with you, he begins to question your friendship and realizes that he has loved you all along. But how can he change that? (I’m so bad at summaries please forgive me!)
Tropes: Angst, Fluff, Pregnancy Fluff, Mutual Pining
Word Count: 5.5K (I have an addiction don't judge me)
Warnings: I don’t think there’s any. I’ll say mention of gore, but for one second. Maybe one allusion to sex, but not really.  Some swearing (once or twice). Dean might be a little bit OOC.
Note: This is told from Dean’s perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. This is my first time writing for Supernatural, so please be gentle. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics
Main Masterlist
Dean couldn’t remember what happened last night only that the bed beneath him felt like an old friend welcoming him home. The night before ghosted across his mind, hovering just out of reach, memories of a dream barely forming from a fog of uncertainty. He fades in and out of sleep in a mist that soothes his aching body.
“Dean?” A soft voice whispers.
Dean groans and squeezes his pillow tighter against his chest to avoid waking up. He didn’t care what time it was, all he knew was that he didn’t want to get out of bed.
“Leave me alone Sammy.” He grumbles into the pillow.
“Dean.” The voice says again, this time with a happy laugh that sounds nothing like Sam.
His eyes open,  blinded by the sunlight that streams through the large windows on the other side of the bedroom.
Wait. Where am I?
“Dean we have to get up or we’ll be late for the party.”
Dean looks towards the voice and  realizes that he’s not squeezing a pillow, it’s you. You’re facing him, hair fanning out over the pillow beneath your head, eyes wide and crinkled around the edges, smiling at him.
“Y/n?” Dean says it hesitantly, arms tightening around your waist.
“No no no. Don’t look at me like that. I will not be roped into staying in bed. We can’t be late for your mom’s birthday party and you promised you would come with me to pick up the cake.”
“But-“ Dean couldn’t remember how he got here, only that something feels wrong.
“No buts.” You giggle, before leaning forward and kissing him.
Dean freezes, confused, but the soft movement of your mouth against his erases any uncertainty. He eases his face forward nudging his nose into yours to deepen the kiss. Dean doesn’t know how he got here, but all he knows is how natural it feels to be here with you. Before he can stop himself he rolls you over your back, bringing a moan from you that vibrates though his skull. His fingertips blaze a trail along your hips.
“Easy there tiger.” You smile up at him. “You don’t want to crush Zeppelin.”
Dean’s confusion makes you laugh, before he finally looks down between you. “You’re pregnant.” He whispers, noting the protrusion of your abdomen.
“I mean I think so.” You laugh in a way that makes his heart jump and buckle.
Dean lays his hand down on the smooth skin where your shirt pushes up. Why can’t I remember this? He thinks to himself confused, searching for memories he can’t recall.
“I believe we’ve talked about it several times. And it was you who decided to stay up until 4 am painting the nursery.” Your hands gently brush his hair back out of his face. “You did such a good job baby.”
Dean reaches for the memory, but he can’t seem to
 grasp it. “I did?”
“Mhmm. Look at you, you’re still covered in paint.” You smile wider picking up the hand that rests on your belly to show him the splashes of cream colored paint flecked along the back of his hand. And as you do he notices the ring on your left hand.
“Are we married?” Dean tries again to grasp for his memory but comes up empty handed. He strokes his thumb along the back of yours examining the ring.
I should remember that. How could I forget that we’re married?
“Feigning amnesia will not make me stay in bed with you. No matter how cute you are.”  You gently lay your hand against his chest pushing him back so you can sit up in bed.
Dean can’t help but notice how beautiful and carefree you look. Hair catching fire in the light from the window, t-shirt brushing against the top of your thighs, and how you smile at him with so much love it makes something catch in his chest.
“Dean?” You suddenly look worried. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” He clears his throat. “I’m just tired I guess.”
His cell phone rings where it sits on the nightstand, drawing his gaze to the alarm clock and car magazine that sit on top of the dark wood.
“You better answer that. It’s probably Sam asking us where we are.” You kiss him on the cheek, before standing up and walking into the closet on the edge of the bedroom.
Dean watches you go, his eyes tracing your familiar figure as you leave the room, before reaching for his phone.
“Hey where are you guys? Jessica’s freaking out because you haven’t brought the cake.” Sam’s  voice triggers another memory for Dean, but this one remains allusive.
“Dean are you hungover or something?”
“No. Sorry, just running a little late-“ Dean apologizes looking around the bedroom. It’s small, filled with light from the open window that shows a quaint backyard. The dresser on the wall opposite the bed has photos of him and you, photos of Sam and Jessica, and a photo of Mary and John Winchester. Dean’s eyes stop on the photo as a memory triggers at the back of his mind, but Sam interrupts the thought.
“Well come on. Dad’s not going to like it if you guys miss mom’s birthday-“
“Dad?” Deans memory spikes again and he sees his father sitting in the drivers seat humming along to a song on the radio. Another memory flashes, Dean and his father standing behind the impala with Sam looking into the trunk.
“Yes dad. Your boss. Our father. Dean are you okay? Y/n said that you were painting the nursery last night all by yourself. You could have told me. I would have come over to help-“
“I’m alright Sammy.”
But he doesn’t feel alright, something is definitely wrong.
“Okay well hurry up. I’ll see you when you get here.”
Dean hangs up the phone and sits on the end of the bed with it in his hand.
You walk back into the room wearing a green sundress. Your hair is soft again, falling over your shoulders in a way that makes Dean’s breath catch, effortlessly beautiful.
A memory of you wearing jeans and a leather jacket washes across his mind of you standing with him at the back of the Impala reaching in for a shotgun while he knocks your hand away.
“Dean?” You walk towards him, this time standing between his legs. You place your hands on his shoulders and he can’t help but turn to look at the wedding ring. “Are you sure you’re okay? Because if you’re not feeling well we don’t have to go today. I can call your dad. But I just thought your really wanted to go. You hate missing your mother’s birthday. It’s usually you that drags me out of bed.” You trail your hand against the side of his face with a worried expression, to turn his gaze back on you.
Someone deep in the back of his mind the expression triggers something and he sees a memory of you. Except you’re holding a machete in your right hand that drips blood on the floor but, the look of worry in your eyes the same.
Where could that be from?
“I don’t know.”
“Hey.” You whisper, sitting down in his lap and his arms can’t help but secure you there, burying his head in your shoulder like it’s the most natural thing in the world. “I’m scared too.”
“What?” Dean raises his head from your shoulder
“We’ve talked about this. You’re going to be a great dad. And honestly we probably won’t know what we’re doing, but that’s how everyone starts.” Your fingertips drag through his hair in a soothing motion.
Dean tries again to grasp at earlier memories of this life, early memories of you, but all he sees are motel rooms. Motel rooms where you sleep on a pullout couch in a corner and where Sam sits  at a small table shuffling through endless books and papers.
Dean can’t understand, because that life seems so different than this one. This one where you look softer and happier, where you share a bed and are married. He thinks about the other memories, where your smile is not as bright, where there’s a hardness to your face, but still just as beautiful. Another memory of him and you sitting in a bar drinking beer, another of you laughing at something he said and hitting him, and finally one of you reading in bed while Dean sits at a motel table and watches you softly turn the pages.
Deep down Dean knows in his bones that in those memories  you and him are just friends, but he allows himself to indulge in your touch, enjoying the comfort that comes with being with you.
“It’s not about the baby.” Dean sighs. “I just can’t remember how we got here.”
“Married.” His arms tighten around your waist not wanting to let go. You’re the only thing he recognizes in all of this.
“Um well, my car broke down and I brought it to a mechanic shop where I met a devilishly handsome man with green eyes.” You smile at him. “Who refused to let me leave until he bought me dinner.”
Dean stares at you.
“Practically kidnapped me. But you were so charming I couldn’t resist.” You lean closer to whisper in his ear. “Not to mention sexy covered in grease and wearing a meatloaf t-shirt.” You kiss him before he can respond, and he loses himself in you. The way you hold him close, the way your fingers work up into his hair to secure him right where he wants to be, and the way you feel in his arms wipes away any uncertainty. “As much as I’d like to go back to bed with you, we’re going to be late.” You whisper against his lips.
And Dean allows himself to be dragged away.
“Did you remember to order the parts for that ‘76 Camaro right?” John Winchester asks Dean, but Dean’s not focused, he can’t focus on anything.
The drive over to his parents house was different. Instead of sitting on the opposite side of the front seat of the impala, you had sat in the middle, holding his hand and leaning against his shoulder, humming softly.
It made driving for Dean especially difficult. The memories of you in his car that came across his mind while he drove distracted him.
You  in the backseat shouting something at Dean while he completely ignored you rolling his eyes, you sitting in the front seat with a map trying to direct him while Sam slept in the back, you singing to “The Eye of the Tiger” with him while Sam tried to close his ears, and finally you asleep in the front seat with Dean’s jacket draped over you.  That last one stayed in his mind. He liked how you looked wrapped up in his jacket, breath fogging the glass window, while Dean tried his best to drive smooth and slow so you wouldn't wake.
But you in the front seat holding his hand and leaning against his shoulder while humming along to the music blew all of those memories out of the water. All Dean wanted to do was exist there and then.
When you both arrived at his parents home Dean tried not to be disappointed. Now he was too distracted watching you talk and laugh with Jessica and his mother across the room to listen to anything his father said.
“Dean are you listening?” His dad tries again.
“Huh?” The cold beer in Dean’s hand drips condensation against his skin. He turns to look back at his father.
Another memory of him momentarily distracts Dean, this one of John leaving Dean and Sam in a motel room so he can go hunting.
Did we ever go hunting? Dean tries to think of a time where they went out into the woods to shoot some deer, but comes up empty handed. A few memories of him and Sam toting guns rise to the surface, but he can't remember why they had them.
"You'll have to excuse Dean, he's still mentally painting the nursery." Sam snorts into his beer.
"Shut up."
"Don't tease him Sam. I'm sure that Jessica will have you turn your office into a nursery before you know it." You appear on Dean's left, raising his arm around you so you can lean into his side. Dean automatically tightens his arm around your shoulders.
"Don't joke about that y/n."
"Uh-huh. You can't hide in that big fancy law firm forever. She'll find you." You smile up at Dean in a way that makes his heart feel like its stopped beating.
Why can't I remember any of this life?
"She's right." Jessica comes over to kiss Sam on the cheek.
"I do not hide at the firm-" Sam rolls his eyes.
"You do."
Mary Winchester comes over. "Are you fighting at my birthday party?"
Dean's father puts his arm around his mother, pulling her into his chest with a smile he hides by taking a swig of beer.
"No mom, we're not-"
"Sounded like a fight to me." You whisper to Dean, and he can't help but smile at you.
"It's not a fight y/n!"
"Don't yell at my wife Sammy." Dean says before he can stop himself. He thinks about how natural it sounded coming out of his mouth.
His wife. You're his wife. He thinks and presses a kiss to the top of your head that makes you sigh into his chest.
"I'm not yelling at y/n." 
"Sam we're just teasing you." Jessica laughs, placing her hand against his chest. Dean notices the ring on her own finger, and a memory of Jessica rises in the back of his head. Jessica standing in the darkness of an apartment, while Dean holds on to the front of Sam's shirt, her eyes wide and confused.
But it vanishes when you wince in his arms. Dean's eyes are drawn back down to you, worry spiking in his chest.
"I'm okay." You whisper. "Just think Zeppelin is hitting his limit."
"You guys go on home. I think that John has grilled Dean about the garage enough." Mary smiles, before taking a step forward to hug you. Dean is disappointed when you leave his arms, but smiles despite, watching you with his mother.
"Let the little linebacker get some rest." John hugs you.
"Of course. Thank you so much for letting us come. I'm sorry we were late." Dean watches the subtle blush of your cheeks as you apologize.
"I'm sure it's my son's fault." Mary moves to hug Dean.
As soon as she does Dean is overwhelmed by a surge of sadness as another memory of his mother rises in the back of his mind that he can't quite bring into focus.
"Mom?" Dean whispers.
"Hmm?" She looks up at him confused. "We'll see you on Tuesday for dinner. Okay?"
"We love you."
"I love you too mom." But something sticks in his chest when he says it.
“Don’t forget to order the parts.” John says shaking Dean’s hand.
“Bye Jessica. Let me know if you need us to bring anything for Tuesday.” Dean watches you hug her and just for a moment Dean sees Sam holding a bouquet of flowers at a gravesite.
What is happening?
When Dean pulls the Impala into the driveway of your home something still feels wrong. After saying goodbye to everyone he still can’t shake the feeling that he forgot something. The radio plays "Black Dog" filling the silence as the car idles in front of the house.
“What?” He turns to look at where you sit beside him in the front seat.
“Feel.” You grab one of his hands from the wheel and place it against your abdomen an excited smile gracing your cheeks. “Little future drummer."
The kicking against the palm of his hand makes Dean smile, leaning forward into where you sit beside him. Happiness breaks in his chest like the crest of a wave. He can't remember a moment in his life where he felt this happy, this much love for someone.
"I love you." Dean refuses to believe that he has said it to anyone else ever in his life, can't remember wanting to say it to anyone else, can't believe that he will ever want to say it to anyone else.
"I love you too."
He leans down to kiss you, hand still against your stomach, drawing you further into him to breathe you in. Everything else vanishes, just the feel of your soft lips against his, the tickle of your hair against his cheeks, and the pulse of his son's kicks against the palm of his hand.
But then it's all gone.
"Dean!" Sam's voice jars him into reality, his eyes opening to see his brother standing over him, one hand on his shoulder. "Dean are you okay?"
"What happened?" Dean sits up with a groan, ignoring the headache that throbs behind his eyes.
His eyes adjust to the dim light. He's in a long room where wooden tables sit every few feet covered in dust and machinery blanketed with old sheets. The musty smell fills his nose, replacing the smell of your shampoo that lingers under his nose from when you were in the front seat with him.
"Djinn ambushed you. Y/n and I got here as soon as we could."
"Y/n?" The memories of the dream strike him in the chest all over again, merging with memories of reality. "Where is Y/n?"
You enter the room out of breath, blood flecked across your cheeks and holding a baseball bat that drips a dark liquid onto the concrete floor. “It’s dead.”
"You sure?" Sam asks raising an eyebrow.
"There's enough brain matter on the floor in there for a zombie buffet." You shoulder the baseball bat. "So yeah, it's dead."
Dean’s eyes trace your body taking in the leather jacket and dark t-shirt his memory flashing to the green sundress and beautiful smile. You’re half-smiling, but Dean can see the hardness in your face again and understands where it comes from.
She wasn’t a hunter. He thinks of the dream version of you, where your hair fell in soft curls, but now it’s tied back in a ponytail. His eyes drop to your abdomen expecting more, but disappointment flicks in his heart. It wasn’t real.
“Dean are you okay?” You step closer to him. The smile has dropped now, replaced with a worried expression.
He flashes back to when you asked him that in the dream, when you sat on his lap and tangled your hands in his hair, sighing into his mouth as he kissed you.
“You sure?”
He traces your face again but every time he does he only sees the other version of you, the version that’s in love with him, married to him. And he knows that here you are just his friend.
“Yeah.” He says again standing up. “Let’s get out of here.”
The ride back to the motel is silent. Dean doesn’t put on any music, too afraid that it’ll remind him of the memory of you and him in the front seat while his son kicked against his hand. Instead, all he can think of was how happy he was in the other life, how in love with you he was-
Dean knew that it wasn’t just a fantasy, that he really is in love with you, but now after seeing how everything could be, it weighed on his chest. Each time you looked at him he wanted to pull you close to him, hug you, kiss you, but he knew you would pull away. Because this version of you was not his.
“I’m going to go to that diner on the corner. You guys want something?” Sam looks around the room expectantly, but Dean doesn’t look up from the carpet.
“Sure.” Dean hears you respond. “Maybe just a burger and a piece of pie. Preferably apple but I'll take cherry if they have it."
“Okay. Dean?” Sam asks again.
Dean shakes his head. He can’t eat. Not now.
Sam hesitates at the door worried. “Are you sure?”
“I don’t want anything.” Dean snaps.
“Yeesh don’t bite my head off.” Sam throws you a shrug before leaving.
Dean is aware that it’s just the two of you now, the memory of the two of you in bed surfaces making him tighten his grip on the edge of the blanket beneath him.
“Dean?” You whisper.
“What?” His voice comes out harsher than he means it to.
“What’s wrong? You can tell me.”
“Nothing is wrong.” But he can’t look at you, not when he knows he'll look up and you won't be pregnant and not when the other version of you still has a hold of his heart.
“Dean you’re my best friend I know when something’s wrong. Plus you haven’t been able to look at me since you woke up and you never say no to food.”
“I’m fine.”
“Just leave me alone damnit!” He snaps at you, able to raise his gaze from the floor for one second. Dean immediately feels bad, watching the pain in your eyes as he pushes you away. But he lowers his eyes to the carpet once more to avoid your gaze.
You sigh, but don’t get angry with him. “If you don’t want to tell me that’s fine. I'll just leave you alone then.”
And as soon as you leave to take a shower he feels the loss of you beside him.
He listens to the sound of the shower, feels the passing of time, but he does not move. The memories of the dream rise and fall, replacing the darkness of the hotel room with brilliant light. The memory of the sun catching your hair on fire as you laid next to him in bed tracing your fingertips along his jaw, the memory of you in the front seat of the Impala leaning against him and humming while you hold his hand, the memory of the party where he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you tightly into his chest, and finally the memory of the last kiss you shared in the front seat of the Impala each dance across his mind. He acutely feels the loss of your body against his, the loss of your lips, and finally the sound of your voice telling him you love him while his son kicked against his hand.
He looks up at you. You look softer than you did. The blood is gone from your cheeks, your hair falls over your shoulders still wet from the shower, effortlessly beautiful, he decides. You’re wearing one of his old t-shirts that he gave you and a pair of sweatpants. It does something to him, watching you stand there in his shirt. It hangs past your waist like a dress, making you look smaller than you are. The smell of your shampoo wafts out of the bathroom, something familiar that makes his throat tight.
“You know when that Djinn got me a few months ago it threw me for a loop too.” You say softly leaning against the doorway of the bathroom. “Everything felt so real. It was hard to tell what was real and what wasn’t.”
Dean remembers when that happened. When you vanished out of the blue while checking out a case alone and he and Sam tore apart the small town looking for you. Dean remembers how worried he was, how desperate he was to find you.
I loved her then too. Dean realizes looking at you. How did I not know?
Dean remembers the aftermath, when you woke up and wouldn’t look at him. How your gaze was almost haunted and how he had to carry you out of there because you couldn’t move. He remembers you laying in bed and turning away from him and Sam when they had asked you what was wrong and the following day when you acted like nothing happened.
“What did it make you see?” Dean whispers, noting the way you shift back and forth on your feet. He hadn't seen you nervous before, seen you face down demons and vampires without batting an eye, but now you looked vulnerable.
You look down at your feet.  “If I say it you can’t laugh.”
“I won’t.”
“Dean, I’m serious.”
“I promise I won’t laugh.” He watches the tension in your shoulders.
Why would she be afraid to tell me? We talk about everything.
“It was us.”
“What?” Shock tugs at his heart and for a second he thinks that he heard you wrong.
“It was us. We were married. We had 2 kids. My brother was still alive and my parents were talking to me again. I was happy there. It was hard to come back. Not that I’m not happy, but just that it’s hard to think you’ve lived a life that doesn’t exist. Especially one so different than all of this.” Dean watches you take in a deep breath, tapping your finger against your bicep, avoiding his eyes. “That was when I realized I was in love with you.” 
Dean’s heart stops beating. “What did you just say-“
You look up and smile tightly. “It’s when I realized I was in love with you. That’s why I was so messed up. I didn't know how to-“
Sam chooses that exact moment to walk in loaded with bags of food. “What did I miss?”
“Nothing much.” Dean watches you easily shift your expression to hide what just happened, smiling at Sam as if you hadn’t said the one thing that Dean had been trying to say to you since he woke up. “Just trying to convince Dean to let me work on Baby. I think I’m wearing him down.”
Dean had never realized how much of a good liar you were until this moment, sure he had seen you pretend to be a government agent, but this was different.
“Like that’ll happen.” Sam hands you a bag of food before turning to look at Dean. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Dean watches you pull out the burger, stunned by your confession.
You place the burger next to him on the bed. “Eat this. It’ll help.”
“But-“ He looks up at you, wanting to finish the conversation.
“I promise I’m not that hungry Dean. I’d rather have the pie. Unless you’re going to fight me for it?” You smile raising an eyebrow.
Dean doesn’t understand why you’re acting like you didn’t just say you were in love with him. He gazes at you, searching your face. For a second he sees the mask slip, but before he can comment it’s gone.
“No I won’t.” He whispers.
“Good.” You turn to the made-up pull out couch and fold your legs underneath you with the slice of pie balanced on your knee, before reaching into your bag for a worn paper back.
Dean sits there watching you turn the pages. She loves me. The memory of you in his dream in the front seat of the Impala whispering it to him doesn’t hold the same weight because now all he can hear is you saying it here, now.
Dean can’t move. He wished Sam would leave again. He wished Sam would leave so he could bring you into his chest and kiss you, so he could tell you the one thing he wished he said ages ago.
But he doesn't. All he does is sit there and watch you read.
A few hours after Sam and you have fallen asleep Dean lays in his bed and stares up at the ceiling. He can hear your soft breaths against the pillow, the crinkle of the sheets as you move in your sleep. Usually he allowed himself to fall asleep listening to you, but tonight all it did was keep him awake. Each time he shut his eyes he saw the memory of you in bed with him burning against his eyelids and each time he shut his eyes he heard the real you telling him that you loved him.
Finally, he can't take it anymore.
Dean gets up and makes his way over to the pull-out couch, pausing once to move the paperback book out from under your head. It wasn't the first time that you'd fallen asleep reading, and Dean thought it was cute.
He slides into the bed behind you, gently touching your shoulder to wake you as quietly as possible.
"Hmm." You inhale softly.
"Y/n." Dean whispers.
He watches you turn towards him, eyes blinking in the darkness to rouse yourself from sleep. You hair is flared out over the pillows, eyes hazy. “Dean what are you-“
Dean moves his arm to your waist before pulling you flush into his chest, lips finding yours. The memories of the kiss in his dream are everywhere, but none of them compare to this. You sigh into his mouth, bringing your hands into his hair. Dean breathes you in. You still taste like apple pie, body soft against his, lips smooth and welcoming.
“I love you too.” He whispers against your mouth, eyes finding yours in the darkness of the hotel room.
Your smile breaks him. “It made you see us didn’t it?”
“How did you know?”
“The way you looked when you came out. The way you looked at me. I think it’s the same way I looked at you when I woke up." You brush back his hair and Dean can't help but lean forward into your touch. "What did it make you see?"
“We were married. You were pregnant and I was working at a garage. My parents were alive. Jessica was alive-“
“Oh Dean.” You cup his cheeks with a sorrowful expression, before brushing your lips against his. “I’m sorry.”
“It doesn’t matter now.” Dean brings you into his chest, laying on his back so you can rest your head on his heart. His hand slowly traces up and down your spine. You both lie there for a few moments. The subtle beat of your heart soothing the sadness that rises with the memory of his mother and father. Your hand gently rests against his shirt, fingers curling into the soft fabric.
“I missed you.” He hears you whisper into his chest.
“What?” Dean doesn't understand. "Where did I go?"
“Not like that. I know that it sounds stupid, but we were so happy in the dream. It made me miss you, miss this.” He feels you rub your face into the front of his shirt.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Dean you’re my best friend. I didn’t want to lose any of this.” You prop yourself up look him in the eye. “I’m happy here with you and Sam. Y’all are my family and I didn’t want to jeopardize that just because I’m in love with you.”
“Did you think I would have made you leave if you told me that?” Dean can’t help but feel hurt. Sure it would have been awkward for a little bit, but I’d never do that to y/n.
“Not made me leave, more phase me out. It would have made all of this awkward and-“ He watches the weight settle on your shoulders as you press your forehead into the space between his collar bone and neck. “I’ve lost so many things. I didn’t want to lose you.”
Dean squeezes you to him. “You’re not going to lose me sweetheart.” He traces a fingertip under your chin to raise your face to his. “I love you. And even if I didn’t, you’re my family too. I wouldn’t make you leave just because it was a little awkward. We’ve all been through too much together for that.” Dean’s thumb rubs soft circles against your cheek.
“I love you too.” You whisper, the soft smile gracing your lips  mirrors the memory from the dream, but this time it fills him with warmth and comfort, because this time he knows it’s real.  It's not some Djinn messing with his head, it's you. You lean upwards to kiss him gently, while Dean weaves his hand through you hair to secure you to him.
But then you pull away, your smile slipping into a smirk. “So when you say family, are you saying you see me as a sister or a cousin? Because, I don’t know how things are in Kansas, but where I'm from, that's kind of a red flag.“
Dean sighs loudly. Before he rolls you over and pins you to the bed, pressing his lips against yours in a searing kiss.
“Oh. So as a sister-“ You joke.
“You are one of the most annoying people on the planet.”
“I know. It’s why you love me.” You trace his lips with your index finger, gazing up at him the same way the dream version of you did.
Dean feels warmth trail behind your touch. “One of the reasons at least.”
But just as he leans to kiss you again-
“If you guys don’t shut up I’m not going to get any sleep.” Sam grumbles from his bed. “I could have told you two idiots, that you loved one another and it would have taken five seconds.”
“You don’t have to eavesdrop-“ You say glaring over in the direction of Sam’s bed.
“Kinda hard not to when you guys are making out. LOUDLY. I might add.”
“Gonna have to get used to it Sammy.” Dean snorts, before pushing your hair back behind your ear and drawing your gaze back to his face.
“Next time you guys are getting your own room.” Sam continues. “That way I can get some sleep.”
“Doesn’t seem very economical.” You say, but you’re gazing up at Dean again with the smile that makes him feel like he’d swallowed the sun. “I love you.” Your voice is barely a whisper.
“I love you too.” Dean leans down once more to capture your lips against his, erasing all semblance of everything else, except the feel of your body beneath him and the warmth that surges with each breath as the dream of you becomes a reality.
Thank you so much for reading!
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kimberly-spirits13 · 7 months
At the Stitches
Pairing: Jason Todd x black widow reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, and getting stitches
Summary: Jason comes home acting strange and while stitching him up, you figure out why. (angstish/ fluff)
Word Count: 1633
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Your bathroom echoed as you hummed a Russian lullaby while twisting small pieces your hair into tiny braids. You had pulled it back to keep it out of your face during patrol but following a traditional instilled in you at a young age in the Red Room, you had the impulse to add little braids throughout it. Jason was due to be back home soon, and you would take over patrol. Every few months, Bruce made sure to have someone patrolling the entire night due to possible crime spikes. Keeping everyone fresh and awake on these nights was vital to avoiding injuries. The melody continued to echo through the bathroom as you remembered the lullaby of the older Widow that took care of you while you were being studied for your powers in the Red Room, “Bayu-bay, all people should sleep at night. Bayu-bay, tomorrow is a new day. We got very tired today, let’s say to everyone “good night”, go to sleep Bayu-bay.” You took the last clear elastic band and tied off the last braid in your hair. When you were satisfied with the stablility of the elastics, you picked up your mask that was sitting next to the sink after being cleaned. In case Jason needed some help after patrol, you waited for him to climb through the window. When you heard the swing of the window and the thud that was his boots landing on the floor, you knew he was back. 
                  Jason was putting his helmet on the counter when you came inside the living room ready for patrol. He seemed heavy, like he was exhausted tonight from galivanting through the city. There was a large red gash on his side, pushing little streams of blood over his shirt. He looked at you with tired eyes and you knew he needed rest.
                  “How’d you get that, Jaybird?” You quipped, examining the wound before helping him pull his shirt over his head. He groaned as you did, wincing when his arms came back down. There were a few bruises painted over his body, and a swollen spot over his eye, despite him supposedly having his helmet on all night. 
                  “Wasn’t paying enough attention.” He huffed, “Patch me up?”
                  “Yea, I just need to make sure I’m not late.” You answered.
                  You walked towards the master bathroom again, where you made sure to keep the more extensive first aid kit. Jason was following slowly, dragging his feet, and making the time tick by. It took him longer than usual to get to the sink and sit himself up on the counter, next to where you had prepared to stitch up his wounds. He signed heavily and rested his chin on your head, burying you in his chest. Instead of pulling away immediately, you waited a bit, giving into his neediness for the moment before trying to pull back and grab the rubbing alcohol. Jason seemed to have a vice grip on you once you tried to pull back, forcing you to stay where you were.
                  “Jay, I have to clean your cuts, babe.” You lifted your hands onto his arms and started pulling them from you until he sat back up, “You should go to sleep instead of waiting up tonight, you seem exhausted.” 
                  “I’m fine, I’ll wait up.” He said.            
                  “Honey, I don’t want to seem argumentative, but you look like you’re seeing stars.” “Are you sure you’re okay?”
                  “I told you I’m fine Y/N.” There was a combative tone in his voice, causing you to drop the point of contention. Obviously, there was something he wasn’t telling you.       
                  “Dick says that Grundy is out again.” You said, plopping a cotton pad on the open top of the alcohol bottle, “Apparently there’s some new magic aspect that Bruce wants me to look at considering my magic. I’d say if it’s Grundy it’s dark.” “Hey, stay still for me.”                   Jason was moving around enough that you couldn’t properly clean and bandage his wounds without him reinfecting the area before it was sealed. You began the process again, realizing that you were probably going to be a few minutes late. Cleaning where the cut was, he flinched a bit. When you tried to make eye contact to see if he was okay, he saw that he was already staring intensely at you. You both looked away as you grabbed the needle to stitch him back up.
                  “I’ll probably ask Zatanna what she thinks about it. Maybe it’s not that big of a deal and I can take care of it tonight since there’s so many of us out patrolling. I might go check it out later to see-” 
                  “Shit Y/N!” Jason’s fist hit the counter causing a loud bang, your hand to flinch back thinking you hurt him, and you look at him with confusion. You hadn’t done anything wrong, and it wasn’t like he hadn’t gotten stitches before.
                  “Sorry, sorry.” You held up your hands, showing up that you weren’t doing anything that would hurt him, “Sorry Jay I didn’t think I was hurting you.” “Are you okay? I mean you need to be stitched but maybe I can-” Your voice wavered off as you started grabbing one of the white bandages that you could wrap around his entire torso before Jason grabbed your hands gently, making you drop the roll of bandages. 
                  “Fuck, sorry, Y/N/N. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” He said, speaking like a puppy with a broken tail, “Please don’t leave.” 
                  “Babe, the others will be out there alone, I have to be there, especially if there’s some sort of dark magic involved.” You said, a worried look settling over your face.
                  “No, you don’t. They’ll be fine, Bruce is out there now.” “You can’t go out there.”
                  “Jason what’s wrong?” You asked, your hands still trapped in his, “What’s out there?” 
                  “I just- you can’t go.” Jason was trying to plead an argument with you, but it seemed he couldn’t find the words. 
                  “Jason, what happened?” You asked, worry and concern lacing your voice and your hands, still in Jason’s dropped into his lap.
                  “It’s a warzone tonight.” “I mean, it’s been worse, it’s been so much worse, but you can’t be out there without me. Please don’t leave Y/N/N, you can’t, please just stay here. I can’t make sure that you’re okay, I can’t follow you around tonight, can’t keep up with you. You can’t leave.” Tears started welling up in his eyes and you tugged your hands out of his to wipe them away.
                  “Hey, it’s okay, Jason, I’m right here.” Your movements caused him to look deeply into your eyes.
                  “I know you can take care of yourself. You could put Bruce in an early grave, but I can’t let you go out there without me.” He said, his voice breaking a few times.
                  “It’s okay Jay, I’ll stay with you.” “Are the others, okay?” 
                  “They’re fine.” He said honestly, “Bruce is calling in Diana for extra help.” “I told him you had the flu.” A sheepish look came over him as you realized what he had just admitted to.
                  “I would laugh at that, but I’m still worried about you.” You said, smiling just a bit in humor, “Okay, I’ll stay with you, but I’ve still got to take care of these cuts.” 
                  “You’re still in your suit.” He quipped suspiciously. 
                  “Well yea, I mean I thought you were about to implode on yourself a second ago.” You laughed, a small light admitting from your body and making your uniform disintegrate into a pair of sweatpants and one of Jason’s old shirts. The uniform would be put back away in its case for tomorrow night, but you’d be sure not to touch it tonight unless it was necessary. 
                  “Are you okay if I start again?” you asked.
                  “Yeah, you’re good.” He replied in almost a whisper.          
                  You began cleaning back up the larger wound now that blood had ran down his torso. Intentionally being extra gentle, you were being sure that there was no way you were hurting Jason. It was quiet in the bathroom now, only the sound of you two breathing could be heard. A few moments of silence had passed before he spoke up again.
                  “Hey Y/N/N?”                   “What’s up?” 
                  “Will you take your hair down? I need your hair.” He had been trying to run his fingers through the strands of hair but was being impaired by the little braids you had strung throughout the loose pieces.
                  You chuckled a bit before another little glow emitted from your hair and a small plopping noise sounded from the countertop as little clear bands dropped down to where they had been stacked together. Jason’s fingers immediately started running through the strands again, relaxing his breathing and slowing his heart rate. You started humming a new lullaby again, “The night has come, and she has brought darkness with her. Mommy went out, closed the shutters, sleep, sleep. Fall asleep.”
                  “All of your Russian lullabies are terrifying.” Jason said.
                  “Knocked me out like a light when I was little.” You replied laughing, “At least it’s not the one about Baba Yaga.” 
                  “Yea, at least.” He chuckled.
                  After a few moments, Jason’s wounds were patched up and he was showered. You had already gotten into bed and was waiting for him when Jason came and plopped on top of you, holding you tightly to him and not letting you go.
                  “Thanks for staying.” He said softly. 
                  “I’ll always stay with you Jay. Just tell me when there’s something wrong the next time.” You replied, running your fingers through his hair, “I was worried about you, love.”
                  “I’m sorry.” He assured, “I’ll tell you next time.” 
                  “I love you Jaybird.” 
                  “I love you” 
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superhaught · 6 months
Incurable Cravings (Chapter Two)
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(GIF by goodtitsbigheart)
Pairing: Regina x Reader
Warnings: makes reference to previous explicit content, mention of eating disorder, mild angst/arguing
Word Count: 2500, Part 2/?
Part 1 / Part 3
Regina and Reader reflect on their past as they try to be close again.
This is now an AU where Regina George and Leighton Murray are twin sisters split up in a custody battle.
Regina turned the light in the closet on and pulled her phone out. She examined herself in the camera app and adjusted the way her hair fell around her shoulders, “meet me at my car after school.”
You watched her apply a fresh layer of lip gloss and touch up the edges of her lips then she met your eyes, “this is the part when you respond.”
“Oh, yeah… okay. I’ll meet you.”
Regina put her phone away and stood up straighter as she reached out and began fixing your hair and swiped her thumb over your lips, removing the traces of her lip gloss from your skin, “I’ve always liked your hair… it’s not fair that you have these curls naturally,” she mused. 
“Thanks…” you whispered softly.
“Why are you being all weird now?”
“What? I’m not being weird.”
The blonde rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest, “yes, you are. Just a minute ago, you were being all bold, like I’ve never seen from you before. Now, you’re all terrified and squirrely.”
“I’m just… processing.”
“Well, do that shit later. It’s ruining your glow.”
“What does that even mean?”
“Nevermind.” Regina put her tube of lip gloss back in her bag and then slipped past you to exit the janitor’s closet, “My car. After school. Don’t disappoint me.”
She didn’t give you time to issue a response. She left you and strutted off to show up fashionably late to her 5th period class. 
You took a deep breath. Your mind was reeling but Regina was probably right, you should put it all out of your mind for now. At least until school was over. At least until the two of you could talk more in depth about what happened, which, you prayed you would have the chance to talk later when you met her for whatever she was planning. 
You slipped out of the closet and began to head in the opposite direction of Regina, toward your locker, until you were grabbed by your shirtsleeve and pulled aside. 
You sighed when you saw who it was: Janis. 
She stared at you, as if expecting you to immediately offer an explanation. 
“Janis, what?” You asked, annoyed.
“What do you mean ‘what?’ What the fuck just happened between you and Regina?”
“How is that any of your business? You haven't talked to me for three years and now you just expect me to spill?”
Janis relaxed at that, “well… I guess I just thought, when it comes to Regina…”
“Well you thought wrong, Janis. I’m late for class.” You pulled yourself out of the girl’s grip and walked away.
You felt bad for being cold to Janis, but Regina was the reason your friendship didn’t survive in the first place. There was no way that you’d be able to get along now that it was even more complicated. Janis would have to figure out how to be okay on her own. 
The rest of your day seemed to move at a snail's pace. You watched the clock as you sat through your calc and stats classes, waiting for the dismissal bell to finally ring and let you go. 
You’d never packed up and got out of the building faster. A quick text to your mom of “going to study at a friends’” was enough to explain why you weren’t coming straight home, and like an obedient little puppy, you walked over to Regina’s Jeep in the student parking lot. 
She was there waiting for you, leaning against her door and swinging her keys around her index finger, “good, you still know how to listen.”
You raised an eyebrow at her, “where are we going?”
“My house, duh.”
“Kay. I bet your mom will be surprised to see me.”
Regina sighed, “I’d rather her not see you at all… but that’s unlikely… just get in, will you?”
You started to make your way around to the passenger side, “No Gretchen or Karen?”
She gave you a judgemental expression, “did you somehow lose all of your sense when you fucked me? Jesus Christ… no. It’s just us.”
“Jeez, sorry Gina.”
“I thought I told you not to call me that,” Regina sat in the driver’s seat and turned the engine on, “whatever.”
You got in and Regina turned the radio on before leaning over and buckling you in herself. The simple act gave you butterflies. You cleared your throat and turned away from her while she checked herself out in the rearview mirror and put on her sunglasses. 
You nodded and then she peeled out of the parking lot. Once she was on a long stretch of road, she took one hand off the wheel and put it on your thigh. Your breath caught in your throat and you stayed quiet and still for a minute but then couldn’t help but break the silence when she came up to a red light. 
“When was the last time I was at your house, do you think?” You were being deceptive by asking. You knew exactly when the last time you were there was. 
“I don’t remember,” she shrugged. It was barely perceptible but you caught it, her eyebrow twitched. She was lying. She remembered, too.
The last time you were at your house was also the last time you were all together. It was the party. 
Spin the bottle was Regina’s suggestion because of course it was. You and Janis had no idea that Regina had a plan to manipulate the entire night. Regina knew that Janis was in love with her, but Regina didn’t want her to be and she was pissed off at Janis for something. 
Like always, Regina got exactly what she wanted. She spun the bottle and it landed on Janis. Regina kissed her and then immediately stabbed Janis in the gut, revealing the brunette’s crush in a very painful way. Regina pretended to make it about some guy, but it wasn’t about the guy at all. 
Janis ran off crying. You glared at Regina and said, “that was awful, Gina,” and began to run after Janis but Regina stood up and grabbed you, dragging you to her bedroom before you could comfort Janis. 
Regina squeezed your arm and shut her bedroom door. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory, apparently this was a pattern for the two of you. 
“Why are you mad at me? I did this for us, now it can just be you and me.”
“What are you talking about, Regina?” You asked. 
“Aren’t you sick of Janis’ stupid crush ruining our time together?”
“I never said anything like that! Janis is our friend! You shouldn’t have done that, Gina.”
“Well, I don’t care. It’s done. I’m done with her.”
After that, everything went to shit. Janis was a wreck. Regina was a nightmare. You couldn’t be in the middle of it anymore. Any hope you might have had of the three of you recovering was dashed in the chemistry lab fire incident. 
You went your separate ways, then. You never really forgave Regina but she wouldn’t leave you alone. Janis avoided you both like the plague most of the time. You knew that something crazy happened last school year when that new girl, Cady Heron, came to school, leading up to Regina’s accident. But you honestly took it as a reprieve. Your academic stress last year was killing you, so having Regina off of your back was wonderful. But that didn’t stop you from leaving a basket of her favorite treats on her front porch while she was recovering. You didn’t know what else to do.
Regina pulled into her driveway and you looked up at her house in awe. Had it gotten bigger?
Regina got out and came over to open your door for you, “come on.”
You followed her inside and Ms. George was right there waiting for her daughter’s arrival. The woman nearly dropped her glass of wine in shock, “oh my fucking god is that who I think it is?!” She screeched and ran forward, setting her wine glass down before trapping you in a hug.
“Hi, it’s nice to see you again,” you said, awkwardly patting her back.
She squeezed you and shook your body side to side then pulled away, “let me get a good look at you, oh my goodness, you’re even prettier! Don’t you think so, Regina?”
“Mom, can you like, chill, please? Jesus…”
“Sorry baby,” Ms. George let you go at that point, “well, welcome home, sweetheart. I’m so glad you’re back. You two have fun, I’ll be up with snacks in a minute.”
Regina grabbed your hand and dragged you up the stairs to her room. It was frighteningly easy to fall back into old habits. You set your bag down in the same spot as you always did and crashed onto her luxe bed like you always used to, while Regina examined herself in her floor length mirror. 
Regina poked and prodded at her face and neck for a moment and then Ms. George came into the room with a tray of food. 
“Here you go, my lovelies,” she set the tray down on the bed, “and I brought your meds, honey.”
Regina flashed her mom a glare and then returned her attention to herself in the mirror. Ms. George sat criss cross on the bed across from you. 
“Thank you so much, I’m starving,” you said, helping yourself to the chips and juice. 
“What have you been up to lately?? Regina never talks about you anymore, tell me everything! Are you dating anyone?”
You laughed, “I haven’t been up to much besides school, if I’m being honest. I’m making college plans and trying to do some more volunteering on my breaks. I’m not dating anyone right now,” you glanced at Regina quickly and you caught her raising her eyebrow curiously, “don’t have time.”
Ms. George asked you some questions about college stuff and then Regina shooed her away. The blonde came and sat down on her bed and took the small medicine cup off of the tray and dry swallowed the small handful of pills all at once. 
You gave her a look.
“What?” she asked.
“Come on, what’s going on?” you gestured to the cup as she set it back down.
Regina rolled her eyes, “it’s just stuff I have to take now, since the accident. Painkillers and stuff for my heart, don’t worry about it.”
You frowned, “you can’t tell me not to worry.”
“Can you drop it, please? I’m not in the mood.”
“Fine.” You helped yourself to more food, “aren’t you hungry?”
“No,” she said, shrugging. She started scrolling through her phone absentmindedly. 
“Regina…” you began.
“What is your problem?”
“Are you… you know…”
“Am I what? Do you think I can read your mind?”
“Are you restricting again?”
“I’m sorry, does fucking me make you think that you suddenly have the right to be on my case now? Back off, will you?”
“Then what the fuck is this? We can have sex but I can’t care, now? Is that it?”
“I don’t know!” She snapped, smacking the mattress out of anger. “I don’t know, okay?”
You didn’t say anything. You didn’t know either. You had no idea what the fuck this was. You leaned back against her pillows and sighed, “I’m sorry, Gina.”
“I’m sorry, too.”
“I just… if I’m going to be in your life again, I hope you’ll talk to me. Like we used to… that’s all.”
“I understand… I’m just not used to it anymore.”
You nod.
“Can we work up to it?” She looked at you with wide eyes. There she was. That vulnerable, sweet Regina that you used to know.
You smiled softly, “yeah.”
Regina slid closer to you on the bed and cuddled into your side, letting you wrap your arm around her back. She opened tiktok and started scrolling through her fyp with you. 
You rested together for another half hour and then you convinced her to let you work on homework and she even let you help her with her math assignment. 
“It makes so much more sense when you explain it,” she said. Successfully solving a problem. 
“I charge fifteen dollars an hour for tutoring,” you tease.
“Oh shut the fuck up,” she shoved your shoulder and chuckled, “I’ll pay in kisses.”
“Oh, really?”
“Mhmm… is that acceptable?”
“Hmm…” you grin, “I think some kind of kisses payment plan can be arranged…” 
Regina leaned in and gave you a light peck on the mouth. You smiled and turned your attention back to your book. 
“You know, don’t think that this makes up for the past three years of relentless bullying you’ve subjected me to…”
She smirked, “you would be a lot more convincing if I actually believed that a part of you didn’t enjoy it the whole time.”
You stuck out your tongue at her and she mirrored the gesture. You both laughed and you felt grateful that it felt light and easy at this moment. 
The sun began to set and you finished up with your homework. 
So, Janis tried to confront me in the hallway earlier… after we left the closet…”
Regina groaned, “of fucking course she did… she just won’t give up.”
“You hurt her… really bad… I mean, can we blame her?”
“It’s not like she’s fucking innocent!”
“What even happened that pissed you off so much? You never told me…”
The blonde rolled her eyes, “it’s a long story… and not mine to tell. It had to do with Leighton.”
“Leighton? Your sister, Leighton?”
“Yeah, who else?”
“Sorry, I just didn’t know Leighton and Janis had anything to do with each other.”
“Like I said, it’s a long story. All you need to know is that Janis dug her own grave and she should have known that I was gonna burn her for hurting my baby sister.”
“Your twin sister,” you corrected.
“I’m older,” she responded indignantly, “I’ll tell you more if Leighton says it’s okay.”
“Alright. How often do you two get to talk nowadays?”
“Not as often as we’d like. And we never get to see each other because mom and dad can’t even communicate. We have plans for being more in touch after graduation.”
You nod. She continues, “I’m worried it will be weird, though. I mean, we’ve had our own lives for almost five years now. She already knows where she’s going to school… early decision to Essex… I just feel like we’re the ultimate nature versus nurture experiment and now it’s like we’re not even related.”
“She’ll always be your sister. I’m sure you have more in common than you think.”
Regina nods slowly, not meeting your eyes. You hear Ms. George shout from downstairs that dinner is ready. 
“Gina, promise me you’ll eat something. For me, okay?” You give her your best puppy-dog eyes in hopes of convincing her. 
“I hate when you do that…”
“Pretty please?”
“Fiiiiine… ugh, I hate you.”
“I lo-” you catch yourself and pause, “I care about you… that’s all.”
She leads the way downstairs and you don’t know if she noticed your slip up.
Next Chapter
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good-chimes · 3 months
Based on @tibbycaps’s very funny convexian hitman au, where vexes Cub and Scar have been ‘voluntarily’ employed as hitmen by the governing NHO.
Receptionist: Hello and welcome to the NHO! We are proud to protect the citizens of Hermit City. How can I help you?
Cub: We want to get past those security barriers.
Receptionist: Uh…so you’re…visitors?
Scar: We’re employees!
Cub: Since this morning.
Scar: We have a contract and everything. We’re totally official and definitely allowed in the building.
Receptionist: Um. Do you have your passes?
Cub: Oh, yeah, yeah, of course. Just a moment.
Scar: Do we have passes! Of course we have passes. Cub, give her the passes.
Receptionist: Sir, that’s an aluminum bottle cap.
[The visitors examine the item.]
Scar: Looks like an employee pass to me.
Cub: My bad. What about this?
Receptionist: That’s a penknife. That’s a sandwich wrapper—that’s a library card—I mean, it’s the right shape, but—that’s a driver’s license which is obviously not yours—that’s a fifty-dollar bill—that’s a second driver’s license for a completely different person. Sir, literally none of these things are employee passes.
Cub: Yeahhhhh, but do you get paid enough to notice?
Receptionist: Do you have a line manager? Or, um, a hiring manager? Who’s in charge of you?
[The visitors consult.]
Scar: Someone is, probably.
Cub: Might be Beef.
Receptionist: Uh, Director Beef is, uh, one of the heads of the whole organization. Are you sure?
Cub: Eh.
Scar: He did have a nice suit. Good shoes, too! Shame about the soot stains afterwards.
Receptionist: Okay, I’ll…just ping my boss… and I guess we’ll just start the process to get you passes. Let me take your first and last names, please?
Scar: Mister Scar GoodTimes, and this is Cub.
Receptionist: Cub?
Cub: Yup.
Receptionist: That’s a nickname…?
Cub: No, it’s a full name. Cub. Uhhhhh. Fan.
Receptionist: Sir, did you just look at that baseball pennant?
Cub: Yeah. Huge coincidence.
Receptionist: Okay, I’ll send them to print…orientation booklet…fire exits…do you need any accommodations for your, er, your wings?
Cub: Naw, they’re not real in this dimension. Go straight through physical matter. Walls, people—
Scar: —bars, safe doors—
Receptionist: Um.
Cub: Vex joke. Cultural.
Receptionist: Oh, right, you’re Vex! Like—what were those guys called who ate that policeman on the news…? ConVex!
Cub: Noooooo, no, no, we’re nothing like them. We’re real upstanding citizens.
Scar: I heard those two went to prison.
Cub: To super jail.
Scar: For a thousand years!
Manager: Excuse me, I’m the head of front desk and security, what’s going on here?
Receptionist: Oh, hi, boss, these gentlemen were just—
Manager: I can see what they are! This should have been escalated as soon as they turned up. You should have known to call me the minute you saw a Vex!
Receptionist: They haven’t done anything wrong.
Manager: Not done anything wrong—you mean they haven’t eaten anyone yet.
Cub: I haven’t had my coffee.
Scar: I have! Who do you want us to start with?
Manager: Come with me, please. The Directors want to see you.
Scar: [voice retreating as the visitors are escorted away] This is a fancy office. I like the art.
Cub: Did you know you can turn that photocopier into a laser canon?
Manager: This is why they put you in prison! Stick close to me! Please stop touching things!
The copier tray is to be loaded from the correct angle only. It is not a ‘useless piece of shit’, you are handling it incompetently.
HR will not be dealing with complaints of ‘substandard management’. HR are here to deal with your pay slips. Complaints of substandard management should be addressed to your manager, who will take appropriate action.
Colleagues are to act with caution around new NHO agents ‘Cub’ and ‘Scar’. Minimal contact is advised. Security can be contacted via the panic buttons.
Cub: Hey. Picking up a delivery.
Receptionist: Of course, sir. Have you got a parcel ticket?
Cub: Sure, give me an example and I’ll forge you one right now.
Receptionist: I just needed the number—never mind. Let me take a wild guess based on your deliveries so far: is it the crate that’s green and glowing?
Cub: Huh, thought it would be blue. Maybe a kind of teal.
Receptionist: Well, we only have one that glows. It makes a buzzing sound when you get near it.
Cub: Ohh yeah, that’s the one.
Receptionist: Last time you got a delivery it was snakes.
Cub: Important experimental material.
Receptionist: Can you let us know if it’s snakes again? Only I need to find a heat lamp if you’re out on a mission.
Cub: Oh, yeah, right. I can build a heat lamp for you to keep here. You want something for it?
Receptionist: Okay, sir, for the last time, I don’t know where all your unmarked fifty-dollar bills come from, but it’s not normal to bribe building staff to do our jobs. 
Cub: Yeah? No deal, huh?
Receptionist: …Can you really turn the photocopier into a laser?
Receptionist: Good afternoon, welcome to the headquarters of NH—Scar?
Scar: Hello there! How’s it going?
Receptionist: Hey, Scar?
Scar: Uh-huh?
Receptionist: Your whole arm is covered in blood.
Scar: Blood? Oh, this blood? Don’t worry, don’t worry, everything’s fine. It’s not my blood. How was your weekend?
Receptionist: Are you sure it’s not your blood? That looks like someone sliced through your whole sleeve!
Scar: [tastes his own arm gingerly] Wait, yeah, some of it is mine. Just this bit, though.
Receptionist: Don’t eat it, oh my God.
Scar: It’s fine, Cub says we’re immune to all pathogens.
Receptionist: Seriously?
Scar: Nah, I think he just said that because I took his research away from him when he had the flu.
Receptionist: You should go wash that wound. That can’t be healthy. What have they got you doing out there?
Scar: Oh, y’know, this and that, we solve problems. We’re problem solvers. In fact we signed a contract to do that, so I guess we keep solving problems forever. Can I have one of these mints?
Cub: Gooood afternoon. What a beautiful day. Y’know, this kind of day makes me think, the thing about human perception—
Receptionist: The what.
Cub: The thing about human perception is it’s subjective. I did a PhD on this. So sometimes you could think you saw someone bring something into the office that you need to write down in the biohazards register, but actually, you could report to your boss there wasn’t anything there.
Receptionist: Sir, you are trying to hide an eight-foot-tall Venus fly trap behind your back. It’s taller than you are.
Cub: Seven foot at most.
Receptionist: [sighs] I guess I didn’t see anything. You want a mint?
Cascaded from Legal: Employees are required to familiarize themselves with the new and expanded Dispute Resolution Policy.
Pursuant to this, threatening to eat your senior manager is NOT an approved method of settling conflicts and WILL result in disciplinary action.
Receptionist: Cub, you don’t have to bribe me to get into the building after hours. You literally work here. I know you have a 24-hour pass. Just use it on the main door.
Cub: Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?
Receptionist: Try bribing an IT tech for codes to the secure areas instead.
Cub: Got those already. Phishing email. But y’know, all the techs make triple what they pay you.
Scar: And! I wanted a mint.
Receptionist: The mints are FREE.
Scar: It tastes better if it’s not!
Receptionist: That doesn’t make ANY sense! You two get back here and explain!
Please find attached the Employee Satisfaction Survey. As always, we look forward to listening to your views to make NHO a Great Place To Work. Participation is mandatory.
Our recent payment settlement unfortunately means no raises this financial year.
Operational note: does any Front Desk team member know how to disconnect the ex-photocopier from the power supply without it immediately blowing up? You are all being very unhelpful about it???
Receptionist: Oh, hey, Scar.
Scar: …
Receptionist: Wait—Scar? Buddy? Are you okay?
Scar: Have you seen Cub?
Receptionist: Not since last week, I think.
Scar: Oh.
Receptionist: It’s the night shift. Was he supposed to meet you?
Scar: Yeah. They gave him a solo mission, and I dunno what time he was supposed to get back, either, but it wasn’t two o’clock in the morning. I’m just gonna…hey, can I wait down here? Until he gets in?
Receptionist: Sure. If you pull the chairs together, I guess you could make a kind of bed. I’ll keep an eye on the cameras.
Scar: I mean, nothing can take down Cub, right? That man’s a tank, I tell you. A genuine tank.
Receptionist: Yeah. Definitely.
Scar: He would have called me if something went wrong.
Receptionist: He would’ve.
Scar: What time is it?
Receptionist: Just gone 3am.
Receptionist: Look, if you’re not going to sleep, I’m ordering you pizza.
Scar: Ooooh. Let’s get wings and make a night of it while we wait. Catch!
Receptionist: This is two hundred dollars.
Scar: Yeah, can we get sides?
Receptionist: Just gone 4am, before you ask.
Scar: I didn’t ask!
Receptionist: I saw you open your mouth. You’re really worried, aren’t you.
Scar: Noooo, I’m not worried. I never worry about Cub.
Receptionist: Cub’s always seemed way too capable to have a problem with a mission.
Scar: Yeah.
Receptionist: You two go back a long way, huh?
Scar: There’s just the two of us. It’s always been just the two of us. And, I’ll be honest, I like this work, we have fun doing it, but why’d they send him out solo? And you know what’s worse, I can’t even ask! If we put a foot out of line, we— [breaks off into a coughing fit]
Receptionist: Are you okay?
Scar: I’m fine, I’m fine! I’m fresh as a daisy.
Receptionist: It sure sounded like your own throat just tried to cut you off.
Scar: Well, maybe I just care a lot about the office Data Combustion Policy.
Receptionist: I think you mean the Data Protection Policy? On second thoughts, I remember last year’s Christmas party, so maybe not—oh, hey.
Scar: What?
Receptionist: I saw something on the cameras, is that—
Cub: Yo.
Scar: Oh my God Cub I was so worried.
Cub: ‘m fine. [blurrily] Are those buffalo wings?
Scar: You are so not fine. You can have wings when you’re lying down!
Cub: ‘m taking these wings.
Receptionist: Here’s the first aid kit. You need to close the bag or the rest of the wings will fall out, guys. Guys. Look where you’re going. You have to open the doors before you go through them. Take the first aid kit with you!
Receptionist: Good morning, and welcome to—oh, it’s you two. You brought a guest?
Cub: Howdy. This is Grian.
Grian: Apparently I work here now. Apparently I have “limited employment options”. Someone told me I’m lucky I’m not dead.
Scar: Haha, Mondays, am I right! So he’ll need a pass, and maybe a helping hand if she spaces out in the atrium.
Receptionist: Sure…oh, Grian, you’re on the system already. Here, take a temporary pass, and we’ll have your real one ready by lunchtime. Uh, if you need any help—
Grian: Wait, my date of birth is wrong on your screen. It’s the year before.
Receptionist: Did you just…read that backwards from the others side of my computer?
Scar: Wow, Grian, another nosebleed?
Grian: Shut up.
Cub: Your brain must be shrivelled up like a raisin by now.
Grian: Still works better than Scar’s!
Scar: [leans on the reception desk as the other two leave, bickering] Sooo…Grian’s not allowed outside without a Director’s approval.
Receptionist: Is that right?
Scar: Scary stuff, huh? If you happened to see him leave with us, and we just forgot to show you a permit…can I convince you into some sort of deal? As a friend?
Receptionist: You know, you can just ask a friend to do you a favor, you don’t have to pay me. I’ve known you for five years. I’m not gonna turn you in.
Cub: [calls] You coming, Scar?
Scar: I gotta go! Grian’s just a Watcher, she’s not dangerous. Grab some cash from Cub’s bottom desk drawer. They don’t even search our office anymore, so it’s just labelled ‘proceeds of crime (not)’. Cub’s traps will let you past.
Receptionist: Wait, are you—was that person—a Watcher—holy shit—
Scar: See ya later! Get the money!
Receptionist: [rolls eyes] Of course, sir. Have a nice day.
*chau Grian uses he/she pronouns
*Check out tibby’s chau tag!
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Someone New 2
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include angst, pining, romcom tropes, and some darker elements later in the series. Some triggers may not be specifically tagged. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This fic will contain explicit content. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You’ve had a crush on your best friend for years, but you’re slapped in the face with reality when he takes things to the next level with his girlfriend.
Characters: Steve Rogers, Thor
Note: Idk why but I'm so over dealing with people!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You swipe away another phone call. You have at least a dozen missed. Let them buzz in your pocket for another few hours. You try not to think about it as you turn your attention back to the plot before you, the tight foot by foot square, and continue to gently sift through the dirt. You stop only to make notes on the map and examine the odd bit of animal bones you find. 
Bzzzzzz. The constant vibration in your pants makes you anxious. You should put it to silent but keep forgetting. Whatever. You’re busy. Whoever it is will have to wait. You know who it is. He’s been calling for days. You’ve been ignoring him just as long. 
You should pick up. You should be there for him. You should be happy for him but your heart feels rotten. Years of pining and you can’t pretend any longer. Not after the party. Not after seeing him on his knee for another woman. That’s it. That’s the seal on the envelope. The dream is crumpled up and in the bin. 
He didn’t even notice that you left early. You don’t think anyone did. You spent all those weeks planning and fretting and laying awake at night and for what? To pretend that it could ever be all for you?  
You sigh and sit back on your heel, one leg bent under you as you rest your arm on your other knee. You blow an insect away from your face and push your hat back. The sun beats down, offering great light for the excavation but less than ideal temperature. 
“Eh, there you are,” Arturo waltzes up in his round tinted spectacles, “find anything good?” 
“Nah,” you shake your head and shrug. 
“You know where you’d find something amazing? Norway,” he smirks, hands on his hips. “So... you thought about it?” 
“Mm, yeah, been thinking,” you utter dully as you look up at him from under the brim of your hat. “When do you need a decision?” 
“The sooner the better. The grant proposal is all but approved, we just need a name on that blank line,” he says, “this could be really good for you. No, I know it will be good.” 
“Right,” you nod and stand up, dusting off your tan pants, “I know you said you weren’t sure but any idea how long? I’d have to worry about my apartment and telling my family...” 
“A year. That’s about right,” he proclaims, “could be longer but I’d plan for that.” 
“A year?” You wisp as your chest deflates. You put your hand on your pocket as your phone buzzes again. “Wow.” 
“You really want to spend another year in the city sweating for crow bones?” He asks. “Not trying to push you but these opportunities don’t come along often.” 
“Norway,” you suck your teeth and angle your chin as you think, “viking stuff?” 
“Possibly, could be an early Christian settlement too. How about I send you the proposal and you give it a look?” 
“Sure, I... I guess I should.” 
“It’ll all be taken care of; accommodation, travel, stipend,” he lists off with his fingers. “I know it’s not Ireland like you wanted.” 
“No, no, it’s okay,” you assure him, “I’ll keep thinking.” 
He winks and grins triumphantly, “tomorrow. I need to know tomorrow.” 
“Tomorrow?” You echo back in a hollow murmur. 
He’s already walking away. Your phone starts to shake again and you growl. You shove your hand in your pocket and rip it out. Your gloves smear dirt on the screen as you press the red button. You pause before you can drag your thumb over. You inhale and push your finger the other direction. 
“Bucky,” you answer in confusion. He wouldn’t be calling if it wasn’t an emergency. 
“Ah, there you are kid,” Steve’s voice comes in place of the expected timbre. You hiss. “You avoiding me or something?” 
“Uh, no,” you reply thinly, “I’m working,” you rub the back of your neck with your other hand, “it’s been busy and I’m sure you’ve been running all around with... everything.” 
You can’t bring yourself to say it. Wedding. Ugh. He’s getting married... to her. 
“Well, Peggy’s doing most of the planning, really. I don’t know,” he chuckles crisply, “you know, more a lady’s thing. She’s already knee-deep in the engagement party. Maybe you could give her a few pointers.” 
“Yeah, maybe,” you grumble as you bring your hand forward to rub your thumb with your index, scratching away more of the dust. 
“I didn’t get to say thank you. Again. That party was amazing. It was perfect, kid.” 
“Steve, we’re the same age,” you gripe at his pet name. 
“Yeah, but you hate it so much,” he teases. 
You can’t smile. Even as your cheeks pinch, you can only grimace. You drop your arm and close your eyes as you push your head back. 
“She loved it. I did too. We’re so happy and you made that happen--” 
“Steve, why are you calling? I’m buried right now,” you huff. 
“You are? I thought you’re supposed to dig stuff up--” 
“You know what I mean.” 
“Well, you missed Opening Day so I thought maybe you’d wanna come watch the game. Sam’s doing his famous nachos and Bucky is... coming.” 
You hear the very man mutter in the background. Great, you even have an audience. You wouldn’t be surprised if he had you on speaker. Why would anything between you ever be intimate? 
“Tonight?” You wonder, “you sure you’re available?” 
“Me, I should be asking you,” he scoffs, “come on, how long’s it been since we’ve been apart a whole week?” 
“Can you dig in the dark?” He challenges. 
“Steve,” you sniff, “I’m tired...” you feel your heart sinking. You feel bad. You never say no to Steve. It’s not easy. You tried but he’s right. You can’t remember the last time you didn’t see him at least every other day. “Fine, twist my arm.” 
“Good,” he chirps victoriously. “I wasn’t looking forward to driving up there and digging you out. So, seven?” 
“Seven, right,” you agree. “See ya then.” 
“Don’t make me come find ya, kid.” 
You hang up and cringe. You don’t even like baseball. It was just another personality trait you took on hoping to be close to Steve, hoping he might realise you’re destined to be together. Well, that’s not true. You’re just stupid. It took you too long to grow out of being that stupid college girl fawning over the blond hunk in his coed sweater. 
Still stupid, still alone. 
You never show up empty-handed. Even when you were a poor sophomore. So it is that you delay the inevitable by stopping at your favourite local bakery. They’re closing and you get the eclairs for a discount as they’ll be on the day-old shelf in the morning.  
The owner, Marigold, knows you and puts in an extra one. You leave a tip as you listen eagerly to her rambling story about her granddaughter’s first soccer practice. Usually, you would be checking the time but today, you got more than enough. Finally, she sends you off as she turns off the sign. 
Fine, you’ll go. 
You find a visitor’s spot behind Steve’s building and linger in the car. You eat the extra eclair to keep from crying. Sugar is good for clogging up your tear ducts. You wipe your mouth and make yourself get out of the car. 
As you wait in the lobby for the buzzer to pick up, your insides squirm. You’re not ready for this. You’re not ready to face the truth you’ve been running from. The one you know you can’t deny any longer. 
“Hey kid,” Steve unlocks the door without awaiting a response. It’s typical; you have your patterns. Those little rituals are all going to end. 
You go through to the elevators and contemplate taking the stairs as you wait. The doors open and you step on, facing your reflection in the mirror doors. Your pants are still filthy from working in the dirt, your shirt is stained with your sweat, but at least you remembered to change your shoes. The elevator dings and you nearly let the doors close again before you can find your strength. 
You walk down the hallway and knock. You can hear their voices through the door. Steve opens it from within and gives you a strange look. 
“What’re you knocking for? You know you can come right in.” 
“Yeah, sorry, tired, long day,” you babble out the lazy excuses. “Here.” 
“Oh, nice,” he takes the box of eclairs, “you weren’t lying. You look exhausted.” 
“Ah, you really know how to talk up a woman,” Sam interjects as he appears in the doorway further down the entryway, “it’s a wonder Peggy said yes.” 
“Shut up,” Steve throws back as he turns to head back to the kitchen. 
You take your time in pulling off your shoes and sense Sam lingering, watching as you meander. You clear your throat as you stand and head down the hall. He nudges you as you step into the doorway next to him. 
“Where ya been?” He asks, “these jackasses have been driving me nuts.” 
“Work,” you repeat again, “lots going on.” 
“Right, yeah, now that you’re not spending all your time planning someone else’s girlfriend’s birthday.” 
You give him a sharp look and he shows his palms. You shake your head. He’s right. You wasted all that time. You’ve wasted years. All for nothing. 
“Fiancee, now, I guess,” he adds. 
“Yeah, the happy couple,” you snip and step into the room, “so we watching the game or are we giving him another pat on the back.” 
“What? You’re not excited? You’ll get to be a bridesmaid or whatever. Since I’m best man, I’ll be sure to save you a dance,” Sam chuckles. 
“You? Best man?” Bucky sneers from the couch where he slouches and flicks through a motorcycle magazine, “don’t think so, bud.” 
“Oh, you don’t think I’m better than you?” Sam challenges. “Let’s race for it.” 
“You cheat,” Bucky growls. 
“No, I have strategy,” Sam counters. 
You roll your eyes. Wedding talk, already. The exact thing you can’t handle right now.  Bucky sits up to glare at Sam as he closes the glossy pages. You let them argue and posture at each other. 
You leave the room and let yourself onto the balcony. The fresh air is chilling. You shiver as you step up to the railing and look across the city. You take in the skyline, each window, each peak, each speck of a car on the streets below. It feels so grey. Like it’s the last time you’ll be standing here looking over it all. 
Maybe it is. 
You sip from the bottle of beer as Sam nearly drops his nachos off his lap in excitement. He hollers at the screen as Bucky gives him a look. Steve shakes a fist at the second base run. You’re happy enough to tamp down the heat of the peppers with the wheaty ale.  
Sam rights himself beside you as Steve reaches forward to set down his plate. He grabs the square of paper towel folded on the coffee table and wipes his lips. He sits back and slings his elbow over the armrest as the next batter takes his place. 
“So, how do you guys feel about a destination wedding?” Steve asks. 
You clamp your lips tight and scoop up more fixings with a chip. Sam swallows loudly as Bucky shrugs. No one says a word. 
“Peggy asked earlier. I wanted to do it at a cathedral here. Just how I always pictured it,” Steve says. 
Yeah, that sounds like him. He likes old-fashioned and elegant. Everything Peggy is and you’re not. Makes you wonder why she wouldn’t want the same venue. 
“Back home?” Sam wonders. 
“England? No. I suggested that and she was not into it.” 
“Somewhere tropical?” Sam prompts again. He’s at least trying. You’re too sick to open your mouth. 
“Sure, that’s what I was hoping,” he smiles, “especially if it’s a winter wedding. The date... yeah, that’s a big deal too. You know, I thought the ring was a pain.” 
You keep your head down, hoping the pain doesn’t show. Not only did he propose to her, he kept it from you. You’re best friends and you had no idea. How much had you been through with him? He had you plan that whole party but he couldn’t tell you that?  
No, no, you’re being dramatic. You’re friends. He doesn’t owe you that. It’s between him and Peggy. His future... wife. Ugh. You can’t even imagine that happening. You try and try but you just can’t stomach the image. Peggy in white, Steve in his tux, and you just standing, watching. 
“I can’t come,” you blurt out abruptly. 
“Huh?” Steve blinks and flinches as if he’s been slapped. 
Sam angles beside you to squint at you and Bucky’s brows pop up. Another silence, this one deadly. You’re suffocating as you search for words. 
“I won’t be here.” 
“Well, yeah, like I said, it’s gonna be somewhere else. You don’t even know when it is,” Steve blusters as his face creases in disappointment. 
“I’m going to Norway,” you blather and nearly choke at the realisation of what you said. 
“Norway?” Sam repeats hollowly. 
“Yeah, uh, work... offered me a grant contract and I’ll be going to Norway. For at least a year. So... yeah.” 
“Wait, you’re leaving?” Steve blinks rapidly, “how-- when were you going to tell me?” 
“I’m telling you now,” you push your shoulders up, “I just found out.” 
“You can’t...” Steve begins. 
“That’s awesome,” Sam speaks over him, “hey,” he nudges you, “that is so fucking cool. Norway. Vikings and shit.” 
Bucky nods and gives a thoughtful look, “rains a lot.” 
“So I’ve heard,” you utter dumbly, not sure how to respond. “I got a lot to do before then so I might be a bit absent.” 
“Don’t even worry about us,” Sam insists, “you need any help at all...” 
Steve stands up suddenly and slams his bottle down. Before you can speak, he twists on his heels and storms across the apartment. You stare after him as he disappears into the next room and you hear the balcony door slide back then snap shut just as quickly.  
You grip the beer bottle tight and look down. You didn’t think he’d be mad. You’ll be out of the way. He can get married and be happy. 
“What a baby,” Bucky grumbles, “can’t be happy for anyone but himself.” 
“Well, you are his best pal,” Sam snipes, “birds of a feather.” 
“So that means I’m best man,” Bucky intones mischievously. 
“No, it’s not best buddy, it’s best man--” 
They continue their banter and you get up. You put down your chips and beer and leave without notice from the bickering couple. You near the balcony and look through to Steve as he leans on the rail, his head down. Gently, you slide the door open and step out. 
Only the wind blows as you come closer to the railing. He roils in the cool evening air. You take a breath as you come up next to him. 
“Sorry, it’s... a good opportunity.” 
“No...” he drones, “I’m happy for you. I just... I can’t imagine my wedding without you. Or my life.” He lifts his head to look at you. “What am I going to do? You’re supposed to tell me what bowtie to wear and how to do my hair.” 
“Peggy can do all that,” you cross your arms, “Steve, I can’t pass this up. If I stay in the city...” you let your voice trail off into the wind. If you stay, you’ll have to watch his happily ever after while yours never comes. “I’ll never do anything.” 
“I know,” he dips his head again, “I’m proud of you. Really. But I’m going to miss you.” 
Your cheeks tauten and your throat clenches. Your voice is creaky as you speak, “I’ll miss you too.”  
He’ll miss you but he’ll never love you like you do him. 
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