#we shall see how all that shit plays out I guess he could have been away from home Sauron hunting when the Beren and Luthien stuff
d1s1ntegrated · 1 day
hiiii i actually am obsessed with your shiggy hcs and i just have to ask… can we have some hcs of gamer shiggy 😓 more specifically would he play dress to impress on roblox (or just roblox in general) if we asked… thank u sm!!!
ask and you shall receive 🩷
shiggy gamer hcs (pt1) <3
he's reached diamond in league. he has over 600 hours in the game. it's very obviously his favorite, and he gets especially into "the grind" as he calls it. sometimes you have to remind him to get up from his chair if he's been there for too long.
he has a pair of blue-light glasses you bought for him because he constantly got migraines from gaming all night. he grumbles when you tell him to wear them, but does it anyways.
if you have a gaming laptop or pc, he's constantly checking it out and offering to upgrade it. he yelled at you one time for not deleting your downloads after trying to mod a game.
he actually built his own PC. he's extremely proud of the work- which, he should be. it's a beautiful build.
the first time you asked him if you guys could play roblox together, he looked disgusted. but you begged and pleaded, and he agreed. (he already had it downloaded. he just didn't want you to know he played it.)
now, at least once a week, he asks if you wanna play your silly dress up games with him (he's such a simp)
he SAYS he'd rather spectate the whole ordeal, but he's actually really good at it HAHA. he gets mad if you lose or if he loses, he automatically goes on rants about how you had the best outfit and those "npcs" are stupid and have no fashion sense (this is coming from the man who only wears black sweats and old band tees)
he actually only plays minecraft in creative mode, he likes to build shit for you for when you guys play together
he has a ridiculous amount of bells in animal crossing. like, his debts are paid off, and his house is huge. his island is actually...really aesthetically pleasing.
he still plays on his 3ds. he likes playing the older pokémon games
his favorite pokemon is zoroark.
he tried to get you to play overwatch with him but you guys kept dying and he shut his entire pc off.
he also tried to get you to play apex with him. guess how that ended.
he actually doesn't like COD, he says it's boring.
HE SUCKS AT MARIO KART! he pretends like he doesn't but every time you guys play, a controller gets thrown (and it's never yours).
very rarely turns his mic on when he's online, but when he does, it's to say the most creatively fucked up, debilitating, horrid insults known to mankind.
however he IS NAWT racist. or phobic of any kind. he just hates everyone equally
okay, this is all i got for now <3 i hope i did okay with the roblox part, i dont play a lot of roblox i just see a lot of DTI videos and have minimal knowledge ;-; maybe i should play it LOL.
thank you for the ask! i will return with more at some point 🫶
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grimm-writings · 2 months
HIIII i LOVE your blog!! could i request a bard reader performing a song in front of the party, and it slowly dawns upon chilchuck that the song is about loving him? 🥺
a way with words
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…ft! chilchuck x gn! reader
…tags! fluff, reader is a bit of a poetic shit <3, reader plays a string instrument (envisioned a lute or mandolin but i don’t specify!)
…wc! 1092
…notes! OH MY GODDDD this is so cute. what the hell. we need more bard representation in this got damn dungeon. (i know thistle could technically be one but one in a party i beg)
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To me, some parties employ a bard if they plan on going on ‘legendary’ outings into dungeons.
Somebody needs to be there to document their exploits through the written word – how else are legends made?!
You probably stumbled on the party with the intent to write a song of legend.  Eating the dragon that ate one of you sounds pretty legendary after all, right?
Safe to say if you’re not exactly humble about your profession you get on the nerves of a certain union man.
Even if your reason for joining the party was… less than virtuous, you did bring a certain joy to the party that they all appreciate.
If journeying is getting tiring, all you need to do is pluck a few strings of your instrument and hum a travelling song.
Sometimes you’d make a little ‘game’ out of it.  You know using the drunken sailor melody to make your own songs?  Well…
“What shall we do with a big red dragon, earl-ye in the morning!”  Your voice rings out, bouncing off the walls of the dungeon around you.  You eye the party around you before your gaze lands on the half-foot seeming disinterested in your performance. Well, that simply won’t do! You lunge, dragging him back by the shoulders, eyeing him expectantly.  He only gives you a wide-eyed look of surprise for a second before realising everyone is watching.  He’d hate to interrupt the song, so… “Tie it down and eat it for dinner?” he suggests, only guessing the rhythm vaguely.  To his surprise, you seem to really like it.  You laugh and pick up the music once more to sing his lyric once again. He has to admit, at least you’re having fun.  He doesn’t realise until you reach a stop that he’s been singing along at the end.
I imagine half-foots have a cultural appreciation for music.  It’s a big scene!  They have drinking songs, travelling songs, work songs…  I wouldn’t be surprised if most bards are half-foots!
And Chilchuck is no exception.  Have you seen his little jig?  Of course he likes music!
He has great hearing so he’ll also pick up on little accents in your music and singing others wouldn’t really get.
If you’re performing a campfire song, Chilchuck will likely join in (especially if he had a bit of drink).
It’s nice.  He seemed to be relaxing around you, and you seem to be becoming more of a friend to the party rather than a glorified biographer.
You have to admit that the half-foot has been growing you a considerable amount.  What a complex individual.  So much to read into and inspire… 
It would be one night when you’re on night watch that Chilchuck’s sensitive ears end up waking him up. ..
The half-foot was going to hiss and complain about you being too loud at this time in the night, when he realises you’re playing a melody and mumbling words to yourself. …Huh.  Are you writing a song?  Chilchuck tries to remain still with his eyes closed and listens closely.  It’s handy having such keen senses sometimes. He could only pick up a few words; brown, warmth… something about a kind soul? Chilchuck figures you might be setting up for the party’s “legendary” song.  Maybe you’re focusing on Falin.  Her hair is a very pale brown, and she’s a kind soul if a bit of a people pleaser. He rests easy, listening to your gentle plucking of your strings.  It’s a different melody from usual… he likes your softer side he can identify through your music.
He never tells you he listened to your little jam sesh.  If you knew he’s using your music as a way to fall asleep easier…  He can see your smug smile now, and it makes him endlessly frustrated (or flustered rather).
Chilchuck’s feelings are something he never really… knew.  They just sort of existed, and he let them.  It’s not like anything will happen.
Sure, he gets more red in the face around you… and MAYBE he gets a softer look in his eyes as he looks at you… and perhaps he thinks your singing voice is one of the prettiest sounds he has ever heard…
So what?
It’s a colder night when you take out your instrument and announce you finished writing a song.  It took you a long time to complete it, you admit, but you put a lot of heart into it.
A unique starter, the party might think.  Usually you write for fun.  Specifying putting heart into your music is something that rings an alarm in their heads.
You start playing a melody.  It’s a type of sombre, deep sound.  It resonates a less folksy mood and something more… personal. With eyes closed, you don’t notice Chilchuck perking up in familiarity.  That’s the tune he heard you playing weeks ago.  You only just refined it?  At least he can actually hear what the words are. Your eyebrows are furrowed as you sing about a character that has a kind soul, with deep brown eyes.  His warmth is something that you find yourself wanting to bathe in once a journey ends.  Chilchuck listens with a small smile. It’s only when you start mentioning things like silver strands of hair you wish to weave through your fingers, things start to fall into place.  Wringing his hands too often for a well-prepared man is a lyric that is too specific to merely be about some fictional character. He doesn’t say anything even as he joins in the applause at your finished peace, pretending the heat in his cheeks is from the frosty temperature.
That night, he catches you alone refilling your waterskin.  The atmosphere is thick with a kind of calmness.
Where Chilchuck is usually so stubborn, he finds the words escaping his lips in a soft voice.
“Are you in love with me?”  You don’t respond instantly.  He expected as such.  He follows your form with his eyes as you widen your eyes and glance away with a small laugh. “Wow.  Wasn’t as subtle as I thought,” you dryly tack onto your chuckle. He laughs along, approaching you.  He doesn’t do anything drastic, instead offering his own to you. “It’s okay,” he tells you, surprised at his own lack of embarrassment despite the situation.  “The fact you notice all that about me is… flattering.  You really have a way with words.” You return the grin he gives you and take his hand, squeezing it. “How could I not notice, when you are my intimate muse?”
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billskeis · 4 months
haii >.<
i wanna start off by saying i love your account smsms !!!
oki so if you could do like bill and the femreader being together for like 3-2 months and she never met the rest of his band, but like today she finally did and she got very close with tom and bill got jealous of it and when they went home it was angrryyyy roughh sexxx!!!😝😝
ᡣ𐭩 bill's gf meets the band (GONE WRONG!)
“do you think they’ll like me??” you ask your boyfriend, nervous, twiddling your thumbs together like an idiot as the two of you wait at the front door of one of his bandmate’s apartment complex.
“of course baby, why wouldn’t they?”
he places a kiss on your cheek, reassuring you.
“i dunno.. intrusive thoughts i guess.”
“nothing to worry about schatzi,”
as the door swings open, you’re met with a man who has long brown hair that reaches shoulder length, he greets the two of you with a welcoming smile.
“hey bill, and hello..”
“well hello y/n! i’m georg, nice to meet you—now come inside please it’s fucking cold.”
you giggle at georg’s demeanour, what a funny guy you thought. stepping into the small space, you are greeted with two other figures in the living room.
“hey bill! took you long enough.. oh! hi y/n! bill’s told me so much about you, tom.”
“hi—oof! h-hi tom!”
you were met with an immediate pair of arms wrapped around your body as bill’s older brother hugged you. you knew what he looked like in pictures yet it was great to finally see your boyfriend’s family in the flesh.
bill felt himself seethe as he burned gazes into tom’s eyes but all tom did was smirk behind your back as you innocently reciprocate tom’s hug.
as he lets go, a shorter blonde headed boy holds his hand out for you to shake, greeting you with a soft smile.
“hey y/n, it’s nice to finally put a face to the name, i’m gustav.”
“nice to meet you!”
you sit beside tom after shaking hands with gustav and bill shortly follows after you. sandwiched in between the kaulitz twins, georg comes back from the kitchen prior to letting you guys in with shot glasses and a bottle of liquor.
“now, shall we?”
“well y/n, looks like you have to take another shot!” georg exclaimed as he begins to pour the alcoholic drink into your designated shot glass.
“schatzi you don’t have to drink it if you don’t want to,”
bill puts a hand on your thigh and squeezes it gently. a concerned look in his eyes as he looks at you and how tipsy you’ve already gotten.
for the past hour you’ve been playing board games and doing mini challenges in-between involving drinking to spice it up a bit.
georg is shirtless, gustav is about to black out from a food coma after eating two whole pizzas to himself, tom is laughing so hard his dreads are about to fall out of his bandana,
bill is completely sober, in case, of course.
“nono! don’t worry billy i can handle it—”
“lemme take a shot with you y/n,” tom cuts in as he slinks his arm around yours that held the full glass ready to take another one down the hatch.
“see! even tom is willing to do it with me! how sweet of you, tom.”
“of course y/n! anything for you ;)”
“3, 2, 1..!”
the two of you count down as your bodies link together to take the vodka shot simultaneously. a burn travelling down your throat as you cough the sharpness of the alcohol away, high-fiving tom as you both put the glasses down.
“we should go out drinking sometime, you really know how to handle your alcohol,” tom winks at you and you can’t help but smile at how easy it is for you to get along with bill’s bandmates after worrying about it for so long.
“i’d love that!!”
you noticed for the rest of the time, bill was quiet. is he upset? was it something you did? he was looking away into the distance of the hallway until you tapped his shoulder, the rest of the bunch already engaged in whatever challenge came next.
“babe? are you okay?”
“i’m fine. just go back to playing the game. ‘kay?”
“oh, okay!”
as you slouch back into the couch being comforted by bill’s smile, you turn to look back at the current shenanigans that has been going on.
bill’s face completely dropped itself as soon as you turned around. he couldn’t show his girlfriend that he was jealous! not even a glimpse or she wouldn’t let him live it down.
that is until, tom stretched to wrap his arm around your shoulder. obviously you thought nothing of it, you were completely innocent, only thinking of it as part of tom’s nice and welcoming personality. it was simply just him being nice!
bill however, saw red.
how could his girlfriend act like nothing tom is doing isn’t flirting and isn’t also to get under bill’s skin?? where does your loyalty with bill lie?? did you secretly get with bill in hopes to get inside his twin brother’s pants.
you needed to learn a lesson.
“bill, it’s your tu—ah!”
“let’s go.” a yank on your wrist as a stern voice commanded the two of you to leave. without even saying a goodbye, you left the room in silence, shuffling to put your shoes on a hurriedly pace as you look at the three with confusion, them looking the same.
the door slam shut as bill made you exit the apartment first, bill glaring at tom before the two of you left the hangout.
“i told you i’d get under his skin, he’s too easy”
“god damnit tom, bill’s such a priss now i owe gustav $5..”
“give me my money, bitch.”
the car ride home was silent, occasionally it was filled with the heaved sigh coming from your boyfriend next to you.
you were ushered into the space of your home, not even making it past the front door bill forces his lips onto yours with no given explanation.
in between gasps, you try your best in asking your boyfriend yet again what’s wrong.
“bill—bill..! pl—hah—please bill, stop!”
he disconnects his lips from yours as a trail of saliva keeps the two of you, somewhat together. pressing his body closer to yours, he leans his head into yours to nibble on the fold of your ear.
“did i do something wrong..? did i upset you? is that why we left so early?”
he grips onto each of your shoulders very tightly, squeezing the muscle to where it might leave a slight mark on you for a night or two.
“y/n, you’ve been very bad. been disloyal, and i don’t appreciate how close you’ve gotten with my brother tonight.”
“but we just—”
“i didn’t say you could talk back, baby. bedroom. now.”
you bite your lip as you anticipate what’s to come for you in the next following minutes.
your heart races and your breath becomes more ragged with each step you take into the hallway now entering your shared bedroom with your boyfriend.
standing at the foot of your bed, bill closes the door and stands in front of you, putting a hand on your shoulder to push you down onto the bed sitting on it, the plush comforter softening the impact of your fall.
you slip the straps of your dress down each shoulder as you begin to drag the fabric from down your torso off your legs. you toss it to god knows where in the room and sit on the bed looking expectingly up at bill.
“completely, y/n, or do i have to do everything for you? hm?”
as you remove the clasps of your bra, you take off the under garment of that with a slight bounce of your breasts.
bill’s breath hitches as he feels his pants becoming extremely more uncomfortable by the passing second.
“shut up and finish.”
you flinch at the increase of impact in his voice, hands shaking to pick at the lip of your panties, you slide it down your legs.
having to slightly open them for leverage, bill takes a peak in how your cunt glistens from in between. were you turned on by how aggressive he was acting?
you seemed scared, frightened, but your body betrayed you. truly revealing how you felt.
before you even got to discard of your underwear, bill pounces on you, now laying flush to the bed as he groped your chest harshly, pinching each bud within his fingers as he sucked and nipped at your neck.
“h-hey..! ah!”
“nuh uh, no talking. i’ve let you have too much fun tonight. now’s my turn.”
unlatching from your neck, he fiddles with the zipper of his pants to which he seems to struggle with. shortly following he managed to get it undone and relieved himself of the pressure brought onto his extremely tight choice of clothing.
with a spring, his dick hit his abdomen, almost reaching his belly button. you swallow a lump down your throat almost forgetting how big bill was.
as bill lowered himself, he uses his hand to slap his dick onto your cunt, rubbing his tip in circles on your clit causing you to whine.
“so needy..”
a swift motion leads bill to thrust himself into you, unable to comprehend when he even aligned himself to your entrance and without warning.
he pistons his hips inside and out of your pussy without fail. where did he get all this energy from?
propping yourself onto your elbows for leverage, bill loves watching you struggle to take him as he fucks himself into you, cunt soon becoming sloppy as tears well up in your eyes.
“nngh.. fuck..”
“whores don’t get to speak.”
stomach concave as bill presses his hand onto your lower abdomen, as he uses his opposite hand to cover your mouth, bodies now totally connected as he uses your own body to hold himself up as he never stills his thrusts.
you cannot help but moan under his hands, a possible formation of condensation or drool coming from your mouth. either way, the palm of bill’s hand wet from the occasional heated gasps and winces escaping your mouth.
“that’s right, just take it, take it like a good girl ja? the least you can do f’me right y/n..?”
with every graze and bump bill’s tip hitting your sweet spot so good, walls clenching around him bill cannot help but let out a wanton moan.
“ugh, you tighten around me so well.. takin’ it like a real champ, too bad you’ve done wrong by me y/n,”
“go—ahhh—gonna cum, bill..”
“hold it. fucking hold it in y/n.”
the pressure becomes unbearable as bill doesn’t stop his hips. a hold on you so tight, he uses both his arms to engulf your head to make it easier as he fucks you ruthless and dirty.
eliciting noise out of him, bill cannot help moan like a bitch in heat seeming to feel better than you are. clearly, with having to hold your orgasm in.
you are being used, and it’s all your fault.
“f-fuck! coming, i’m gonna—”
bill doesn’t even get to finish his sentence as cum paints the insides of your walls. fucking his seed into you, bill’s tip hits the entrance of your cervix leaving you to squeal and come all around his cock, a ring of cream left on his length as your bodies bind together.
riding out the high, the two of you breath deeply onto one another as you attempt to catch a breath. bill slides his length out of you, leaving you to whimper at the feeling of emptiness as he plops his body next to you.
looking at your boyfriend, his cheeks are flushed and his mouth agape to take in more air he lost during fucking you.
furrowing your eyebrows, all bill can do is smile sheeply at you as if he didn’t just fuck the shit out of you because he was jealous of his twin brother.
leaning in to place a kiss on your cheek, he still lay beside you as you scoff at how he can change his emotions so easily.
“now, d’ya mind telling me what that was all about bill?”
“i have no idea what you’re talking about.”
a/n : i can’t lie i might stop writing fics, for like, ever LOL.. we will see i have some reqs in my inbox 🤓
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skellymom · 1 month
Hey Skelly
You're taking requests? Oh I'd love to ask for one.
Could you please do a one-shot involving a reader and Hunter after Omega gets seriously injured on a mission (Bad enough to wind up in a Bacta Pod) and the reader has to comfort and reassure Hunter that Omega will be OK?
tysm, GenericFicer Hugs
@genericficerblog NICE! Another ASK!!! Thank you!
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The Bad Batch Hunter x Reader One Shot
Per more information (not included on this particular message):
So the reader is a male battle medic. It's all platonic The reader was a medic on Kamino. He had taken care of Omega after particularly bad tests (She has the scars to prove it) and he's protective of Omega because of her past with the Kaminoans
Word Count: 2.1K
Warning: Star Wars canon violence, angst, swearing, explosion, physical injuries, coma, mention of human experimentation by the Kaminoans.
I was tasked to hang back with Omega and Tech on board the Marauder. Hunter EXPRESSLY ordered us to stay put. His thinking was to only bring the members necessary for the job: Hunter at the head of the group, Echo next to him and to share logistics on comm with Tech, Wrecker as the “heavy”, and Crosshair as lookout/cover fire. 
The job was technically low risk...but Hunter started having those “feelings” of his just before landing at our target.  
Omega protested when he told her to stay on the ship. She had been looking forward to going on a mission for awhile. Many a time she stayed behind on Pabu with Shep and Lyana. Since her rescue from Tantiss, Hunter was dead set against her going on any dangerous missions. 
Hunter’s words were “You’ll have plenty of time to fight with the Rebellion in the future. Won’t stay young forever.” 
She bristled at those words. Then forgave him immediately after. 
They LOVE each other so much! 
But ever the doting dad, Hunter relented this time. She had eventually wore him down. 
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Oh...getting ahead of myself...who am I? 
Hello. I’m Y/N. The Squad Formerly Known as Clone Force 99’s Medic/Backup Heavy/Or Whatever They Need Me For. I can patch up just about ANYTHING with the bare minimum of supplies. Sometimes my methods are unorthodox, per Tech’s opinion, but effective.  It’s saved our butts a few times. So, they let me come along on every mission. 
Plus, having known and taken care of Omega while on Kamino helped. 
And the fact that Crosshair took a liking to me immediately sealed the deal. We both speak fluent sarcasm. 
But...back to the mission... 
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“What’s taking SO LONG?” Omega fidgeted in her seat. 
“My guess it is due to Hunter detecting an anomaly, they are taking their time.”  
Tech and I were attempting to play a few rounds of Sebacc. I’m HORRIBLE at it. He thinks he can help me improve my game. I’m struggling currently. 
“Safety first. No need to rush into trouble...especially since we seem to find it easily enough.” I threw down my cards. 
Tech glanced at them and frowned.  
“I totally messed up that hand too, huh?” 
“Well, it’s not a strategy I would have used...” Tech trailed off. 
“You’re being too nice.” 
“Shall I explain in detail the best plan of action for this hand?” 
“Can’t stop you. Just infodump me anyways. Maybe I’ll retain SOMETHING this time.” I LOVE to tease Tech. It was difficult in the beginning. Most of it just went over his head. 
This time, he just grinned at my cheekiness and launched into it. 
Omega continued to fidget in her seat behind us. 
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“...and THAT is why you should have held onto those cards until the end.” Tech finally finished his tutorial. 
“I... THINK I got all that? My brain hurts now. How ‘bout I switch with Omega.” 
“That will be sufficient.” Tech looks up and glances behind me. 
Then his face froze. 
I quickly swung around to see Omega missing from her seat. 
“OMEGA???” I called through the ship.  
“Oh SHIT!” 
“INDEED!” Tech immediately radioed Hunter that Omega slipped out of the Marauder and is probably enroute to them. 
I grabbed my med pack and ran out of the Marauder before he could stop me. 
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Omega used to sneak away A LOT on our previous missions. Probably one of many reasons why he wanted to keep her back on Pabu until she matured a bit more. Of course, he feels guilty...the Kaminoan’s keeping her locked up in their home world. He didn’t want to clip her wings.  
“TOLD YOU to stay on the ship!” Hunter’s voice fills my ear comm. 
“I can’t just assume that Omega finds you somehow and is safe.” 
“Don’t need ANOTHER person in danger. Go back to the ship.” 
“Well...is Omega with you?” 
“She SHOULD have been by now...AND I’m NOT going back.” 
Hunter’s tired sigh. “Well, then... 
He never finished his sentence. 
A flash of intense light... 
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I awoke thirty feet away from where I was standing. On my back. 
My head hurts...all I can hear is high pitched whine in both ears. 
Sit up dazed and look around at EVERYTHING obliterated and on fire. 
Torn remains of whatever was left of the trees and outbuilding I was near... 
...two small legs sticking out from under smoldering wreckage. 
I lurch up to my feet and limp over. Grab the unidentifiable thing crushing Omega and try to pull it off her. 
It’s not budging. I frantically keep trying. There's NOTHING else in this world except me and this huge THING on top of her that I cannot seem to move. 
Sweating, my hands are raw, my eyes are wet, there is blood dripping down my face... 
Is it lacerated? Could it be my eardrums are ruptured? I don’t know.  
Push, pull, kick... 
Then the wreckage flew off her like it weighed nothing at all. 
Wrecker is next to me. He freed Omega and put a hand on my shoulder. Hunter grabs her up. Echo is trying to speak to me. 
But I can’t hear anything at all. Just that damned whining in my ears.  
I can lip read though... 
He’s telling me to get back to the ship. 
Echo runs ahead with Hunter.  
Crosshair grabs my arm, dragging me along. He looks extremely worried. 
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Whatever happened or if we even achieved our objective, I don’t know. 
Hunter sets Omega down on a bunk. He’s beside himself emotionally.  
I can feel the Marauder take off world.  
My hearing is still impaired, but the whining is less pronounced. 
I gently nudge Hunter aside and open my med kit. Pull out the bacta...but it won’t be enough... 
...she needs a tank. Her burns and lacerations are too numerous and severe. Still breathing and regular heartbeat, but unconscious.  
I am doing the best I can with what supplies are on hand. Putting her prognosis out of my head for the time being. 
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We make a pit stop at a Rebel Base on a hidden moon. One with an extensive medical facility.  
Echo radioed ahead. As soon as Tech lands, the staff enters the ship and whisks Omega away. Hunter and Wrecker run after them. Echo runs in another direction...I’m assuming to report his intel to the Rebels. 
I stand at the bottom of the gangplank and watch them leave.  
Tech stares at me strangely.  
I shrug...and a horrible twinge of pain erupts from my upper back. My face feels sore too. 
Crosshair mumbles something. 
“WHAT???” I must be screaming but can’t hear anything. 
He mouths “your back” and points.  
I try to reach behind me to feel it.  
Tech grabs my hand and nods “no”. 
They both immediately took me to medbay. 
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I’m treated for multiple facial lacerations, on top of first-degree burns. Missing some of my eyebrows. And, like I guessed bilaterial ruptured eardrums. 
Oh...and the kicker: A 12-inch piece of metal sticking out of my back. Had NO idea it was there.  
Adrenaline is a HELL of a hormone. 
Tech left to confer with Echo over intel and our next move. 
Crosshair stayed with me during the surgical removal of the metal. I demanded to be awake and requested a mirror to watch the whole procedure. 
The doctors were horrified but complied with my request. 
Crosshair held the mirror. He also asked to keep the metal once removed...to frame and hang up back on Pabu. 
“You're NOT like the other kids.” I quip. 
“Neither are you.” he winks. 
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They won’t let me walk out of medbay. It’s the sedatives and painkillers, of course. I wouldn’t let me walk, either.  
Crosshair pushes me in a hover chair. We head over to the bacta tanks to check on Omega. 
She’s stripped down to a medical binder and med panties. Tubes to feed, breath, and eliminate. Floating in the tank, the extent of her injuries is very apparent: Second degree burns, multiple lacerations, a broken arm, a few broken ribs, and a head injury. Her hair had been clippered off entirely for cleanliness and most of it was charred.  
Omega was also put in a medically induced coma to aide her recovery. 
Hunter, sitting in a chair, has his arms around the bacta tank. He’s basically hugging it with his forehead resting snugly against the glass. 
“I shouldn’t have let her go. Blame myself.” He mumbles. 
Wrecker puts a hand on his back for comfort. “She’ll be ok Hunter. They said we got her here in time.”   
Then he looks shocked when he sees my face. 
“OH MY MAKER! Where are your EYEBROWS?” 
Still can’t hear very well, but I can DEFINITELY lip-read Wrecker. 
“Look what medical pulled out of him!” Crosshair proudly dangles a clear plastic bag containing the metal shard. 
Wrecker is transfixed. 
Hunter is devastated. “I MISSED that??? Didn’t even register you were injured...looked right at you...” 
Like a man lost and questioning EVERYTHING. His focus had been solely on Omega. 
“Aw...they couldn’t kill me. Don’t think I’ll be attracting any ladies with my perpetually surprised look though.” Trying to lighten the mood. 
“You can’t hear ANYTHING, can you?” Crosshair looks me in the eye. 
“You’re so LOUD.”  
“You should talk, Wrecker.” Crosshair sneered. 
“That’s how I know!” Wrecker rolled his eyes at his brother. 
Hunter looked even more guilty, hanging his head. 
“Hey guys...” 
Wrecker and Crosshair stopped whinging at each other. 
“Can I have some time alone with Hunter?” 
They both nodded and wandered off to find Echo and Tech. 
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I nudge the chair over closer to Hunter and look at Omega through the glass. 
She’s so tiny in that big tank. So beat up and bruised. The lighting in the tank leaves NOTHING hidden. Even the old scars from her time on Kamino. The “experiments” according to the Kaminoans. Things they did to her before her brothers took her away.  
Things she never really spoke about with even Hunter. 
Things I only know about since working so closely at the facility on Kamino. A little girl who needed someone to comfort her. This was before her brothers were ever aware of her presence. 
“Her prognosis is very good, yes?” I broke the ice. 
“The docs say she’ll have to spend close to the next month in this tank.” Hunter’s voice cracked. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” 
“I knew better! Why is it SO HARD for me to say no to her???” 
“Because you love her. You know she’s strong. You also know she’s still a child. If it makes you feel better, she snuck out ALL the time on Kamino. The Kaminoan’s would ask me to go look for her constantly.” 
“More of an argument to have left her on Pabu.” 
“You REALLY want to be at fault, huh?” 
“I’m responsible for...” 
I cut him off. 
“YOU CAN’T CONTROL EVERYTHING, HUNTER!” I winced. Moving too much with my exasperation. The sutures on my back were straining...and wet. 
Hunter stood up, glancing at my back. He could smell it. 
“Strike through?” I asked. 
“Yeah...just a little blood. You need to lie down and rest.” 
“That’s gonna be hard. Not supposed to lay on my back...and my face isn’t going to feel great against the pillow. How about I just stay sitting in this chair with you?” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah. I know you don’t want to leave her alone while she’s in this tube.” 
"Thank you. Honestly...I should say that more often. Y/N...you've really saved our butts a lot of times...I'm grateful to have you in our squad...family." Hunter cracked a small smile.
"Of course! Man...you are MY PEOPLE!" I beamed back. They really are. I'd go to the ends of the universe for every one of them!!!
Hunter's smile was so warm and genuine. But it lasted very briefly. His face became pensive again.
He was silent for a while...thinking. 
“Technically she’s asleep? Is that what a coma is like?” Hunter asked. 
“Kind of. The doctors are monitoring ALL her vitals constantly. And if anything is off, they can immediately see to her needs. Besides, the coma is just for the next 24-48 hours due to her head injury.”  
“I see.” 
“She’ll come through this. You clones were made to withstand a LOT of physical trauma. Stuff that would kill a regular human.” I added. 
“It’s not necessarily the physical stuff I’m worried about.” Hunter motions to the faint old scars on Omega’s body. “When she does wake up...she told me she has fears about being in a tube like an experiment.” 
“Tell her she has nothing to fear.” 
Hunter looks at me strangely. 
“People in a coma can still hear. Talk to her, Hunter.” 
He nods. Then directs his voice to the speaker on the bacta tube. 
I sit back and relax in the chair, watching this man...a brother, a parental figure speak to his child. 
He’s doing the best he can with what he has. 
We are all doing the best we can... 
...hanging on with HOPE. 
It’s the only thing holding the galaxy together right now... 
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britcision · 1 year
Listen I can’t finish it tonight but I’m real real close but next week is gonna be buuuuuuusy so chapter 15 is right on the line of done and we’ll see if I get it up before next Wednesday 👀
If I do, we may not have a WIP Wednesday next week so again, we shall see
This week, have second place from the poll, Waylon and Danny!
I’ll Take The Highway part vi
Waylon sat back in his seat, back scraping against the wall of the booth as he surveyed the kid in front of him.
Little squirt was tougher ‘n he looked, that much was definitely true. Harley had given him the short run down on their way to the milkshake bar, all the powers she knew he had.
And that he’d been hunted by his folks for a while. Waylon knew how that kinda shit could mess ya up.
He appreciated the heads up too, cuz this kinda shit coming up outta nowhere? Also pretty damn rough. He’d wondered if the kid just wanted to come along for another fight.
If he just wanted another chance to say he’d looked Killer Croc in the eye.
But there was no real bravado there, not even when he challenged Waylon to a rematch. Shit, the kid treated him more normal than most of his henchmen had ever managed to.
Made sense, knowing he was part a ghost an’ fought ghost rogues, but it left Waylon wondering. Apparently he was getting his answer.
Same damn question he’d asked himself a thousand times, ‘specially around the kind of young vigilantes who’d taken a turn to the bad.
Didn’t mean he had a good answer.
He regarded the kid for a long minute, watching the fidgeting, the sudden shyness from a boy who’d literally tackled him from behind on a whim.
This wasn’t just an idle question. Something made him sure of that, and he’d never been involved in all that much of the really weird shit. You heard stories, especially in Arkham.
So he decided to give the kid the best answer he had.
“Cuz I was the worst version of myself. I let myself be the monster they thought I was, got pretty good at it. But it never made me happy.” He paused, mulling it over.
Chuckled softly and looked down into his half drunk milkshake. It was kinda funny how obvious it seemed, in hindsight.
“Shit, there was never even anythin’ I wanted. Not like Penguin, Freeze, or the others. People treated me like a monster so I tried to be one, cuz why the hell not? Couldn’t be worse, could it?”
His gaze shifted back to Danny’s face, watching the kid’s expression. No judgement, which was nice. But he did look confused.
“So you just… got sick of it?” Danny asked, his brows furrowed as he played with his fingers.
Waylon chuckled and shook his head.
“Kinda. Spent a while thinkin’ if people couldn’t treat me with respect, fear’d do. But it ain’t the same. An’ I never had the drive or creative cruelty to stand out in Gotham.”
Danny looked a little incredulous at that, eyebrows rising, but he caught himself before commenting. Snickered and shook his head.
“Yeah, I guess being in a city that’s used to people like Scarecrow and the Joker puts “big and green” into perspective,” he agreed dryly, and Waylon laughed.
It felt good to laugh.
“Oh yeah. City’s got more than its share of low level thugs anyway. I spent a while as extra muscle for the big boys, but I ain’t the takin’ orders sort,” he explained with a modest shrug.
Danny grinned, folding his arms on the table and leaning forward.
“What, a shy and retiring guy like you?” He asked, clearly teasing, and Waylon waved a hand dismissively.
“I’m lucky it was Gotham,” he added after a moment, reflection sobering his mood. “Got sent t’ Arkham. Met Harley. An’ the Bat’s not all that bad. He tried gettin’ me outta the life a couple times.”
Danny cocked his head, a slight frown returning to his face. Following Waylon’s lead.
“How did Batman try and get you out?” There was a little too much intensity for it to be a casual question, and Waylon noted it. Not that he’d figure it out on his own.
Just tryin’ to make sure he didn’t damage the kid.
“Oh, there were a couple ways. Got me moved down to Florida once. Out in the green, away from people. I figured bein’ a wild animal might be more my speed, but it wasn’t. An’ it got messy when I left. Like that whatever he tried, really. There’s lines you can’t uncross.”
Lines like being a cannibal.
Not that he was sobbin’ on a preacher’s shoulder about it. Most of the people he’d eaten were assholes who’d deserved it, and it’d been a preference not a need.
For all people loved to go on about him eatin’ kids and babies, he’d never actually done it. A guy had to have standards.
Made it easy to stop, once he was in a better head space. He and Harley had talked a lotta old shit out.
Kid didn’t need to know those grisly details though, at least not from his own mouth. Watching Danny a moment longer, Waylon came to a decision.
“Look, kid. There’s a lotta reasons people go bad. Some of ‘em can’t be helped. But if they’re not gettin’ anything out of it, if there’s no goal? The appeal runs out. And sometimes all it takes is someone willin’ to reach down an’ haul yer back up to the light.”
He wouldn’t ask if that was the case with whoever the kid wanted to help. Everyone heard stories, ‘specially about heroes meeting their evil selves.
The fear looked personal, but the asking coulda been for anyone. Waylon was in no rush to judge.
Danny mulled over his words for a while, lips moving soundlessly as he frowned down at the table. This time when he looked up, there was a peace in his eyes.
He’d come to a decision. Good for him.
“Thanks, Waylon. You seem like a pretty great guy to me,” he said simply, and Waylon definitely did not feel a lump in his throat.
“This is after years o’ Harley workin’ on me,” he grumbled gruffly. Shaking his head, he slurped down the last of his milkshake quickly.
Nothing like brain freeze to explain being a little misty eyed.
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor r @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai @greenpyrowolf @frivolous-pastel @honeysuckletook
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your-divine-ribs · 4 months
The Christmas Wish Part 3
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Words: 3.3k
Sorry I’m slow to write new stuff at the moment but hope you enjoy the next part of this story 🤍
The Christmas Wish Masterlist Main Masterlist
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🤍 Sacha's POV 🤍
I have to bite back a giggle as I see Van settling his lanky frame into one of the tiny plastic chairs the kids use to sit in, his long legs bent and folded up awkwardly.
"Oh you don't have to sit there, I've bought a bigger chair in especially."
I drag over a larger version and he thanks me as he takes a seat, his eyes darting all around the classroom, taking everything in.
"God, this takes me back, except we had blackboards in my day."
"In your day," I echo, smirking. "Watch out, you're showing your age!"
He chuckles good-naturedly. "Yeah, feels like a long time ago, a very, very long time ago. Good times though, some of the best... carefree. You really don't realise it at the time do you? How easy you've got it when you're a kid, how simple things are..."
He trails off with a wistful smile and I detect an undercurrent of sadness that runs much deeper than a brief reflection of an untroubled youth.
"Adulthood is definitely over-rated," I venture, and then it's gone, his charming grin back in an instant, chasing away the cloud.
"I'll say. I guess we didn't read the small print eh? What the hell did we sign up for?"
He's gorgeous up close, even more so than in that damn video that had me captivated earlier in the staff room. His striking eyes that I'd been sure were blue at first seem more green now in the crisp wintry light filtering in through the classroom windows, specks of amber glinting in his irises. A faint dusting of freckles adorn his pale skin and I find myself wondering how they'd look darkened in the summer months, how his mousy brown hair might take on a golden hue.
Christ Sacha... pull yourself together and be professional for fuck's sake... and stop gawping. He's just a man.
"So... let's talk about Grace shall we? That's what you're here for."
I shift awkwardly in my seat, hands clasped in my lap, suddenly wishing I had something to play with. It's habit of mine when I'm feeling nervy, and I settle on smoothing out non-existent creases in my skirt.
"I think I know what all this is about," Van starts, brows pinched into a small frown. "It's that little shi... errr... that Ryan Carter isn't it? Gracie's class-mate? I've heard all about how he's been winding her up."
I bite the inside of my cheek to stem the grin that tries to surface in reaction to his almost curse word, the fact that I share his sentiment exactly when it comes the class nuisance. Not that I can let that show.
"It's not just Ryan though, it's Grace too I'm afraid. If you've spoken to her about him I take it that she's told you about why you've been called in to see me today?"
His frown deepens. "She's not a trouble maker, she's a good kid. She knows right from wrong and she's not scared to stand up for herself. I know sometimes she might be a little..." he pauses like he's searching for the right word "... feisty, but her heart's in the right place. Always has been, it's how we brought her up."
"She's physically lashed out at Ryan, not just once but twice now," I tell him, watching the frown dissipate as his brows raise up sharply in surprise. "I'm guessing she didn't tell you that bit though."
"When you say lashed out, what are we talking about here exactly?"
"Last week she trapped his fingers in the desk drawer, purposefully I might add. Yesterday she kicked him in the shin, hard. It nearly made him cry."
I fold my hands over my chest, trying again not to react to the ghost of a smile that twitches at the corners of his lips. I know exactly what he's thinking.
The little shit probably deserves it.
I'm thinking the same thing too. I wish we could just cut through all the bullshit and speak honestly and frankly but of course we can't. We're not two parents gossiping on the school playground, I'm the children's teacher and I have to act accordingly. I have a responsibility to all the kids.
"Ryan can be a disruptive member of class, but we can't just stand by and let the other kids take out their anger on him. Violence doesn't solve anything and they need to be taught that there's other, more acceptable ways to work out a disagreement. If we don't nip this in the bud it could escalate."
"I didn't realise," he says in dismay. "That's not like my Gracie at all, she's usually such a caring little girl, she wouldn't hurt a fly... well I mean she fights with her little brother all the time but I guess that's just siblings for you. She's not a bully. It's not in her nature, well not usually anyway."
It's never easy hearing tough news about your kids and I'm pleasantly surprised he's not on the defensive like some parents get. I was fully expecting him to be outraged and argumentative, the typical hot-headed type, spouting on about how perfect his kids are and how they'd never step out of line, all the while not having a clue what's really going on in his children's lives. There's none of that though. He looks crestfallen and a pang of sympathy runs through me. Maybe I shouldn't have been so biased and given him a chance before I made assumptions about him. He's actually right. Grace is a good kid and this behaviour is totally uncharacteristic of her.
"I'm not saying she's a bully," I say, carefully choosing my words. "I really don't think she's getting any kind of enjoyment out of it, it's not that. Your daughter's a kind, sweet caring girl, I've seen that right from the start of the school year. This is most unlike her and this is what I'm trying to work out. I feel like there must be something causing it, some outside factor making her act out of character."
His expression immediately darkens, his fists clenching where they're resting on his thighs, quite obviously perturbed. "Is she being bullied? Is one of the other kids picking on her, is that it? Is someone hurting her?"
"No!" I hurried reply. "That's not it, I'm positive it's not. We keep a very close eye on our children here and I'd know right away if anything like that was happening."
"Are you sure?" He asks, sitting forward in his seat.
"I'm certain," I say with conviction, then I pause, wondering how I'm going to put what I want to say into words without causing offence. Even if I tread carefully it might still not be careful enough. "I was... errr... I was wondering whether there's something going on at home at the moment? If she's worrying about something it could be manifesting itself in all sorts of ways. Kids act out sometimes when they're confused or angry or upset about something, and she did... errr... she did mention something the other day..."
"What did she say?"
I wince inside. Why did I have to bring up such a personal matter? It's not really my place unless the information's volunteered, that's what we had drilled into us during teacher training.
Don't get too involved unless there's genuine concerns about a child's welfare.
But I am concerned. And I want to help.
I keep my voice soft as I begin to talk, watching Van closely. "She was talking about Christmas... about making a wish for Santa... something about making you and her mum love each other again..."
I see a flash of grief in his eyes before he screws them shut tight like he's trying to block out painful memories. I almost reach out a pacifying hand to him but I stop myself just in time. I'm already over-stepping the mark in being too familiar.
"I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be bringing it up," I backtrack. "I'm really not trying to pry, I just thought you should know."
He curses low under his breath, eyes still closed as both hands reach up to push through his hair before falling limply to his sides. He looks defeated when he finally looks at me again.
"Me and Helen... the kids' mum... we've recently got divorced." He speaks the last word with obvious distaste and I pull a sympathetic face, lost for anything meaningful to say so uttering a quiet "sorry to hear that."
He huffs wearily. "It was never supposed to turn out that way, we had it made. The band were flying, the kids were happy, we were happy. Life was pretty fucking perfect... uhhh sorry," he mumbles an acknowledgement of the profanity which I quickly dismiss with a wave of my hand. "I was just so caught up in everything that I didn't see what was happening right in front of my face. Helen always felt I put the music first. It was my own stupid fault, if I'd noticed she was feeling that way instead of focussing on the damn band..."
"It must have been tough trying to juggle everything," I sympathise, feeling surprised and a little uncomfortable with how honest he's being. I was expecting him to shut down, not open up. "I'm not even a mum but working with kids I can see how demanding they are... it's a lot of work. And being in a touring band's not your average career, is it?"
"You're telling me," he nods in agreement. "The last year and a half were mental with the new album and all the gigging and promo we did... and that's aside from all the problems we were trying to fix. I tried to spend as much time at home as I could but it wasn't enough. I convinced myself I'd got the balance right, but looking back I know I was delusional. I guess there's only so many unanswered calls and missed anniversaries before something's got to give. And then by the time I realised things were that bad it was too late..."
Being proven right has never felt so bad. As Van speaks candidly about his shortcomings as a husband I don't feel the slightest bit of smug satisfaction that I'd shown Ellie earlier when I was being judgemental, I just feel sorry for him and the family that he's let down. And he's not finished yet, downcast gaze fixed on the floor as he continues.
"I'd had this dream of the band for so long, and then it was all falling into place… then falling apart. When I set my mind on something I go all out. I'm kinda like... I dunno... blinkered to what's going on around me..." He stops, eyes flicking up to meet mine again, his voice growing in strength like he needs to convey the truth of what he's saying. "I didn't neglect those kids though, I never did that! I love those kids. They mean the world to me."
I do reach out this time, a placating hand resting gently on his forearm. It's an instinctive reaction to his heartfelt admission, the way I note a glossiness in his eyes and a crack in his voice which I wasn't expecting from a simple classroom chat. It's quite obvious this man wears his heart on his sleeve with how open he's being about a difficult subject and my desire to help blooms warm and insistent in my chest.
"Look Mr McCann... uhhh... Van," I start, feeling a little out of my depth and picking out my words with care. "I hope you don't think I'm speaking out of turn when I say this, but speaking from experience I think the best thing you can do is just be there for your children as much you can. Let them know they can come and speak to you if they're ever worried about anything... and even though your life might be turned upside down it's really important that they don't feel that. They need consistency and stability and just to know how much they're loved. They're probably feeling a little lost and confused right now, kids' worlds are so small and they need to feel cared for and secure above all else."
I come to a stop and immediately feel self-conscious. It's the way he's looking at me, jaw a little slack and eyes a little wide like he's hanging on my every word. Jeez... something about him is so... intense. I crack a shy smile, snatching my hand away and resting it in my own lap, hoping to break the quiet kind of intensity of our interaction. "They're great kids... both of them. You really should be very proud."
Thankfully that seems to work. Talk of his children sets off a wide smile that flushes the sadness from his eyes, his whole face beaming like it's lit from within.
"They are and I am... sometimes I wonder how we created something so perfect. I've always dreamed about being a dad ya know, and I really don't want to fu... uhhh mess it up. I'll talk to them... and especially to Grace... find out what's really going on."
"You got this," I smile back, full of encouragement.
"I sure hope so," he says, finally sitting back, more relaxed. "And you said both kids... d'ya know Leo as well then?"
"Yeah, my friend Dan teaches reception year and Leo's in his class. He says he's as a bright as a button and so keen to learn, apparently he was the first kid in the class to master his phonics. He's always got his hand up to answer questions too, he's so eager... a real little bookworm too. Dan's really impressed!"
I can practically feel the pride emanating from Van. He's grinning ear to ear, overjoyed to hear praise for his son. He really has got a gorgeous smile, it's infectious, genuine with a hint of something playful that makes my belly flip like it's not done for a long time.
"Leo's dead smart, just like his mum," he enthuses. "He definitely got her brains and not mine, that's for sure. Gracie takes more after me... star quality that one. Could see her performing with her own band one day."
I'd have to agree with that, a lot of seven year olds shy away from being in the limelight but not Grace. She comes to life when she's got an audience. Now I know where she gets it from.
"That I can definitely see," I laugh. "She took her audition for Mary in the class nativity play very seriously, she even stuck a cushion up her jumper to look pregnant, said she was 'getting into character!’”
"Did she? That's class!" Van chuckles, and I immediately launch into telling him the humorous story of how his daughter was filling in for Joseph and one of the shepherds too as they'd forgotten their lines.
We're so caught up in our laughter and chatter that a loud rap on the classroom door startles us both. We both turn to see the door cracking open and Ellie's head appear around the frame.
"I thought you'd gone home!" I say in puzzlement, watch her face scrunch a little in awkwardness.
"I was on the way but I stopped by the office and started talking to Grace and Leo..." she pauses, her eyes darting between me and Van. "And I'm sorry to interrupt but I just wondered if you'd nearly finished because Grace has been complaining she's got tummy ache..."
"Daddy!" The door suddenly flies fully open and Grace and Leo both crash through it simultaneously, practically sending Ellie spinning.
"Alright kids?" Van greets them, arms outstretched as Leo hurls himself into his dad's lap and Grace flings her arms around his neck, cuddling into him from behind.
"I told them to stay in the office," I hear Ellie murmur but I shake my head to tell her that it's okay.
"It's fine, I think we're about done." I rise up out of my seat, practically melting at the heart-warming scene before me, watching Van basking in the affection his kids are heaping on him that's quite obviously wholly reciprocated. There's obviously a lot of love in that family despite the problems.
"Am I in big trouble?" Grace frowns at her dad as he turns to her. "Because Leo says Christmas might be cancelled if we're too naughty."
"You're not in trouble angel but we do need to have a chat," Van tells her, a hand moving up to brush an unruly blonde curl out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. "But let's not worry about that now... and Christmas is mostly definitely not cancelled. What d'ya say to going to buy a Christmas tree right now, eh?"
The kids immediately erupt into cheers of excitement. Leo jumps up off Van's lap to bounce up and down whilst fist-bumping the air and Grace squeezes her little arms even tighter around her dad's neck so I think he might choke if she doesn't let go soon. Ellie and I exchange smiles and I don't miss the knowing glint in her eye as she watches me grinning away like an idiot. I quickly look away, back to Van who's getting to his feet.
"I don't suppose you know where's the best place to get a tree from round here do ya?" He looks between me and Ellie hopefully. "We've not been in our new place for long and to be honest I'm not usually the one to go out and buy all that stuff. I'm a bit clueless really."
I go to reply but Ellie gets in before me, moving further into the classroom towards us. "There's a brilliant place just on the outskirts of town called Harvey's. It's like a garden centre but they're fully kitted out for Christmas, it's like some kind of winter wonderland." She pauses, turns to me with a grin. "Sacha... you love it in there don't you? Weren't you just saying you were going there this afternoon to pick up some decorations yourself?"
It's an innocent enough comment but I know damn well what she's doing. I try to keep a neutral expression so my eyes don't narrow at her in suspicion. "I was but I'm not sure now, it's getting late and I don't have the car today... think it might rain too."
We all turn to look out the window at the grey skies, plump clouds threatening to spill with icy rain or maybe even snow the way the temperatures are plummeting.
"Why don't you come with us then Miss?" Grace's voice comes booming out, loud and enquiring. I whip my head around to see her tugging on her dad's jacket sleeve, looking up at him. "She can come with us can't she? She can help us to pick out a tree!"
"Oh I don't think so," I blurt, feeling my cheeks heating up at this unexpected turn of events. "I wouldn't want to intrude."
"You're very welcome... I'm sure we've got room for one more," Van replies, rather enthusiastically I note. "Can drop you off home afterwards too, save you from getting drenched. What d'ya say?"
The warm smile Van's wearing sets off little sparks of excitement fizzing around my belly and I have to will myself not to giggle like a teenage girl with a crush.
"Uhhh... yeah... sure," I mumble, feeling stunned that an after school meeting has somehow morphed into a festive shopping trip with one of my pupil's parents... and an extremely attractive one at that... my mind teases me.
"Ahh that's perfect!" Ellie announces, and I realise that she's already holding my coat which she thrusts into my hands. "Could you pick up some holly and ribbon for the Christmas wreaths we're making tomorrow in class? Oh... and some mistletoe too," she adds, nudging me purposefully but surreptitiously in the ribs as we all start towards the door.
That's it. I'm going to fucking kill her.
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amortentiaopenheart · 7 months
Snow Storm Love
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey X Catherine Valentine
Genre: Fluff
Category: Open Heart, post series
Premise: A new friend joins Ethan and Catherine for their first Christmas holiday as a newly married couple.
Word count: 1K+ approx
A/N: Leave a like/reblog if you feel like it, it always makes a writer happy! ❤️
Prompt used: Rescuing a puppy/kitten and bringing it home for it's first holiday with them.
Quote Prompt used: You look even more beautiful in candlelight.
Catherine sat by the window, sipping her oatmilk latte as she read 'The Christmas Miracle'.
Keeping her book down, she stretched, looking out of the window, into the pretty white scenery. It was Christmas eve, and she was in the festive mood.
It sucked that Ethan had been called in for work for an emergency, but he'd promised he'd be back as soon as possible.
A sudden gust of wind slammed the window open. "Shit!" She exclaimed. Locking the window, she looked through the glass, rather disappointed and a bit scared to see a blizzard.
She curled up in her reading chair, her eyes darting back and forth between the window and her fireplace.
Boston winters were truly bleak.
She tried to call Ethan, but his phone was out of network service. Panicking slightly, she shot him several text messages, each of which failed to deliver. Keeping the phone down, frustrated, she walked downstairs to see how her daughter was doing.
She walked in on Claire playing a role-play with her Barbie dolls. "Hi, Claire." She said softly, taking a seat beside her four year old daughter.
"Mummy!" Claire greeted her brightly. "When is Daddy coming?" Catherine smiled slightly. "Dad will be home soon, love. Where's Pebbles and Jenner?"
"Oh, Jenner is sleeping in the kitchen. You wanna play doll? Pebbles just meowed at me twice when I showed her the dolls and ran off to the sitting room."
Catherine laughed. "I'll play."
She might have been engaged with her daughter's antics, but some part of her mind kept nagging her. Ethan had promised he would be back by two in the afternoon. It was seven in the evening. Where was he?Just then, the doorbell rang.
In anticipation, she rushed to the hall and quickly opened the door, the light in her eyes dying down as she saw it was only the mailman. "Thank you." She said, smiling blankly, as she took the parcel.
She took the parcel inside her daughter's bedroom, and examined it. It was enormous, carefully wrapped with red and green glitter paper. "Claire, baby, any guesses as to what's inside?"
Claire stared at the package. "That's huge, Mummy. Could it be a doll house?"
Catherine smiled. "It could be. It's from Grandma."
"Grandma? Is she and Grandpa not coming for Christmas? What about Uncle David and Auntie Enid? What about Grandpa Naveen and Grandpa Alan?"
Seeing her daughter get all riled up, Catherine laughed. "Everyone is coming tomorrow, baby. Relax. Now, shall we wait for Daddy to come home so we all can open the gift?"
Claire nodded impatiently. "But where is Daddy?!"
"He'll be home soon, love." Catherine assured her.
Just then, the doorbell rang. "That's probably Daddy." Catherine said, grinning as she got up to go open the door.
Sure enough, standing on the other side was Ethan, snow on his blazer covered shoulders and bag.
"Hi, love, how w-" Catherine stopper short when she saw it. "We have company?" She said lightly.
Ethan nodded. "Found this poor one shivering under a tree. I couldn't leave it like that."
Catherine gently took the puppy in her hands, allowing Claire to go outside and hug Ethan. "I'll warm up some milk for this little one."
Ethan nodded, kissing Catherine as he picked Claire up in his arms, entering the warm house. Locking the door, he carried Claire to her room, and gave a low whistle. "Hello, what's this?"
Claire smiled excitedly. "That's Grandma's gift!"
Ethan nodded. "I'll be back in a moment, baby."
He went into the kitchen, lit with a thousand candles, the kitchen table laid out with Christmas themed desserts.
Slowly approaching Catherine from behind, he hugged her, eliciting a delighted squeal.
"You look even more beautiful in candlelight."
Catherine giggled, spinning around in his arms to hug him back. "I missed you, handsome. I was worried sick when you weren't coming home."
"I missed you too. The goddamn network was inactive, so I couldn't even contact you to let you know I'd be late." He murmured, his lips brushing against her ear.
"Let me look at you." He said softly, taking a step back to admire her, effectively making her blush.
"Is that the shirt I gave you?" He asked quietly, smiling.
Catherine nodded, opening her white sweater to reveal the green shirt.
"You're so beautiful." He mumbled, picking her up.
Catherine laughed. "That's huge, coming from you, handsome."
Kissing him, she took the little puppy in her arms. "Can we keep him?"
Ethan smiled. "I was thinking of asking you that. Can we?"
Catherine nodded slowly. Ethan stroked the puppy's fur. "Name it."
Catherine smiled. "How about Jonah?"
Ethan simply looked at her.
"Well?" She asked, her smile faltering.
"Do you realise how sweet you are?" He asked quietly.
Smiling, she slipped an arm around him. "Jonah...." He murmured. The puppy cocked it's head, as if it was happy with the name as well.
Just then, Claire came running into the kitchen. "Open it." She whined.
Laughing, Catherine and Ethan accompanied Claire into her room.
"Who that?" Claire asked curiously, noticing the little puppy in Ethan's arms.
"Meet Jonah, baby. Your new friend."
Claire smiled. "Hello, Jonah! Oh, he is like Jenner!"
Catherine nodded, smiling. "Yes, baby."
Cuddling Jonah was enough for Claire to forget about the present.
Taking the parcel, Catherine opened the wrapper in one smooth, fluid movement.
The wrapping fell apart to reveal five separate boxes, with little name tags.
"Oh, Claire, look, Grandma even sent a box of chocolates!" Ethan said, smiling brightly.
Claire smiled. "Awww, they are Ferrero Rochers!! My favourite! Wait, Daddy. They stay here to see the gift! Pebbles! Jenner!" She yelled.
The two pets came bounding in, Jenner jumping onto Ethan as Pebbles curled up At Catherine's feet.
They unwrapped the parcel, to find a huge framed portrait, drawn by Catherine's mother herself,of Ethan, Catherine and Claire, Pebbles and Jenner on each side. "This is wonderful. Mum outdid herself." Ethan whispered.
Catherine looked at him, stunned.
"What?" Ethan asked in surprise.
"You called her...Mum." Catherine said quietly.
Ethan gently put the portrait down, and turned to hug Catherine. "C, you are the reason I believe in love. You are the reason I'm such a sap." He paused to chuckle softly into the crook of her neck. "You're my family, C. You, and your parents have been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Daphne has been the mother I needed, I still need." He whispered.
Catherine smiled softly and stroked his hair, realising the magnitude of his feelings, the depth of his emotions. "Awww, Ethan, that's so sweet." She whispered.
A sudden squeak interrupted them. "Not fair, Mummy and Daddy! I want in on the love!"
Laughing, Catherine picked her four year old up. "Merry Christmas, Claire." She whispered.
"Merry Christmas..."
Married Ethan X Catherine is 🥹✨️
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Noble in ES anon: so my idea is that Transmutate and Noble are among a number of mutated Transformers created by the Quintessons after gaining the AllSpark. They were a part of a mass experiment to make new Transformers or at least replicate the same process that creates new Transformers, although this hasn't been at all successful. At least in the eyes of the Quintessons. To Transmutate and Noble, they could care less, they escape and become a part of a group of Transformers living out in the Quintesson wilderness like Wheelie did in that one storybook. If the Quintessons get a hold of Optimus, I could see them trying to make Nemesis Prime.
And yes, Mandroid actually calls the Terrans a mix of both organic and Cybertronian materials, which I guess does make them techno-organic, which if Earthspark goes the TFA route, then it might make for some interesting encounters if there are some Autobot or Decepticon colonies that have survived Cybertron's fall, especially if Sentinel Prime is a character in the series. Maybe be a whole case of "would the Terrans be accepted by other Autobots/Decepticons that have never been to Earth?"
It actually makes me curious if there would be more techno-organic Transformers in the series, especially if the Emberstone's properties are to use whatever materials avaliable to it means that the majority of any Transformer species created by the Emberstone would be techno-organic by nature.
Speaking of Transmutate, there might be reason that Rampage might be another experiment by the Quintessons, but is kept under lock and key and used to terrorize unruly colonies because leaving him in the same space as their other experiments would not be smart in their eyes. I could see them using Rampage against the Terrans and the Earth Transformers like he was Doomsday from Superman: Doomsday.
That'd lead to interesting consequences, and they (shall I call them Maximals?) will definitely play an interesting part considering the other players in this game
OWO on the Quints trying to make Nemesis prime
So I'm right they're technoorganic (does this mean Tara, like his other appearances, is technoorganic too?)
I feel like Sentinel Prime, if he was in Earthspark, will have been a prime previous to Optimus and there'll be a whole ~thing~ because I feel like he'll be based on IDW Sentinel Prime, raising the stakes. You suggesting he'll be a current antagonist towards the terrans makes sense with that information, and I can see him being a MAJOR MAJOR antagonist unlike tfa Sentinel.
Again I'm gonna mention my HC that earthspark Shockwave changed his opinions on the terrans thanks to some of the shit that went down while he was under GHOST custody, as well as them rescuing him. Even if there isn't a reason like that then yes there is on this blog. If it's a plot hole then I'm getting the asphalt and shovel to fill it in myself.
Considering how we see the dweller too, yes I feel like we're gonna see more technoorganic mecha and creatures!
Oo on Rampage being an unwilling antagonist possibly turned ally!
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mayumiiyuu · 2 years
ix. get down.
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the kaleidoscope project masterlist
March, 1986, Hawkins, Indiana
A few days must have passed since the incident regarding Chrissy, since we had learned of the curse that must have been afflicted on her. My nights are mostly sleepless, constantly waking up in a cold sweat from a reoccurring nightmare.
The ground being split open, a red dimension, a creature so vile that seemed to hunt me in my dreams. Everything replayed in my mind each day, and each night, the same exact nightmare.
Eddie and I were currently in Reefer Rick's house, looking for something to eat as it had been a few days since we had been given food. Dustin wasn't a very good promise keeper, I reckoned, as he and the others didn't come back after they had left that day to follow the police. I shrugged it off, thinking that they were at least coming up with a sound plan to solve all of this.
Eddie places a bowl of what I assumed to Spaghetti-O's in front of me.
"Eat up." He smiled, taking a bite of his own portion before he stood up to contact the others with the radio he had been given.
After a few minutes, someone had answered back, hearing the voice of Nancy Wheeler ring throughout the radio's speakers.
"Just—stay where you are and we'll be there as soon as we can."
Their conversation ends abruptly before Eddie can get another word in, attempting to call out to her again, garnering no response.
"I'd go out and get more food but uh," I say as I poke at the Spaghetti O's. "Don't really have a ride."
He shakes his head, settling down on the seat in front of me. "No, it's fine. 'Sides, can't risk you getting out, being questioned by the police, chased down for being friends with the freak." He looked down, in spite of his eyes being out of view, I could feel the dejection in his voice, his downcast demeanor.
"You mean the awesome Dungeon Master who plans out the sickest campaigns? Yeah, guess people would be chasing after me all jealous because they knew I was friends with you." I say with a chuckle, trying to lighten up the mood.
He snickers softly. "Keep talking about me like that, doll, and you'll inflate my ego even more."
I scoff, rolling my eyes at him playfully.  "And have you swagger around like one of those meathead jocks? Never."
"Yeah, well, they'll probably be leading the witch hunt as we speak." 
"Please, I doubt Jason or any one of his goons lack the brain power to actually find where you are." I snort, and Eddie clashes his fork with mine, playing around as if we were Jedi with light sabers.
I should have known better than to say his name.
Speak of the devil and the devil shall come.
We were holed up in the shed again, Eddie tossing something into a can to pass the time while I tried to soak up as much sun as possible—which was hard, given the dimness of the shed, stocking up on heat energy to fuel my abilities.
Then we heard it, the sound of a car screeching to a halt, doors shutting and footsteps. We looked to each other in a panic as Eddie crept his way towards the window to check, cautiously glancing around to see if it would be Dustin or any of the others, only to crouch back down, muttering a slur of shit's under his breath.
"Why, what is it? Who's there?" I whisper rapidly as I crouched down with him, ensuring I wouldn't be spotted.
"It's Jason." He breathed out, eyes frenzied as he took the radio.
"Hey, Dustin," his voice is agitated as he speaks. "You there? It's Eddie. You remember me, right?"
I glance at him worriedly, my eyebrows scrunched as I knelt beside him, I felt my fingers twitch anxiously as we both waited for a response. Nothing.
"Hey, if anyone's there, I really think (Y/N) and I might be in a bit of trouble over here. Okay? Wheeler?" He smacks the radio with frustration. "Anybody?"
The room darkens as night falls, it had to be deep into evening with how dark it had become. We peeked through the window every chance we got, only to find Jason and his goons still in the house, even now, their stakeout was thorough as they searched for Eddie. I crossed my fingers in hopes that they wouldn't find us, made sure not to make even the tiniest sound as to not alert them. It had worked so far, but I felt my stomach tighten into a knot, I knew something wasn't right.
Eddie calls out to Dustin for what seemed to be the nth time, scratching his face in exasperation as there was still no response.
Whatever Dustin and the others were doing, I prayed for them to be quick. I glanced out the window, only for Eddie to pull me by arm, leading me towards the boat.
We managed to carefully set it into the water, making sure it didn't make any noise as we did so. We hopped into the boat, grabbing an oar each as we started to paddle out way out into the lake under the cover of darkness.
We had just made it out when I turned to see if they had spotted us, only to be met with the sight of Jason and one of his friends on the shore. Panic courses through my veins as I realized we had been spotted.
"Hey, freak!" Jason yells angrily, Eddie turns his head around before he darts towards the boat engine. "Where do you think you're going?"
I watch, a deer frozen in the headlights, as Jason quickly pulls off his blazer and shoes before he dives into the water, hellbent on reaching us.
"You piece of shit!" Eddie groans as he tries to start the engine, to no avail. He turns his head towards me. "A little help, (Y/N)?"
I blink rapidly, snapping myself out of my daze before I pick up an oar. "Right, sorry."
I glance back at Jason and his friend, already torpedoing towards us like sharks coming in for the kill.
I feel my eyes glow red as I felt my fingers spark, an idea struck me like lightning. I dropped the oar, swiftly reaching out into the water.
"(Y/N), now is not the time to go for a dip!" Eddie yells.
"Shut up and let me concentrate!" I shut my eyes, swirling my hand around in the water, it's molecular structure clear as day in my mind as I felt its atoms. I willed for their structure to change, rigid and compact and solid, ice stretching out from where my hand touched the water towards Jason to form a barrier.
"What the fuck?" I hear him shout as the water turns freezing.
Suddenly, I let out an ear piercing groan as I felt my head throb, clock chimes echoing into my ears, slowing down the formation of ice, melting away just as quickly as it had formed. 
"(Y/N)! (Y/N), are you okay? What—what's happening? Come on, we need to go!" Eddie yells out frantically as he continued to paddle.
I clutch my forehead, my head spinning as it throbbed. Images flashed through my mind again, and all I saw was red.
I hear the muffled voice of Eddie as he walks towards me, the swatting of an oar as he yelled at Jason.
I snapped my eyes open as I felt the boat tilt, then a loud splash in the water. I looked around for Eddie, still dazed, before I heard a sickening crack.
I turn my head towards the sound, seeing the friend Jason was with rise into the air, his limbs limp as a rag doll's as I saw his legs contort, then his jaw. My eyes widen in horror as I see his eyes vanish into the back of his skull before he falls back into the water.
I hear my heartbeat in my ears as I sit up, only to find a very drenched Eddie slip back into the boat.
"Let's go, let's go!" He yells as I see Jason dive into the water after his friend.
Somehow, we make it to the other side of the lake, Eddie anchors the boat down as we step out, holding my hand as he guided me back on land. He notices the way I shiver despite him being the one completely soaked, placing his arm around my shoulders to soothe me.
"Hey hey, it's okay, we're okay, what's wrong sweetheart? Come on, talk to me." 
I feel my legs turn to jelly as I stumble, only for Eddie to catch me in his arms. I don't care how my clothes dampen as I wrap my arms around him, clinging onto him for dear life as my body is racked with sobs.
"It's okay, it's okay, I've got you, I've got you." Eddie chants into my ear as he cradled me in his arms. "I'm sorry you had to see that."
I shake my head into his chest. "I-I felt something, Eddie. Right when he died I saw things, heard things, the same things I see in my dreams—my nightmares."
"What—" he cups my cheek, tilting my head so I looked at him properly. "—what do you mean?"
I pace around, nervously gnawing at my bottom lip as I waited for Eddie, who vaguely explained to me how he was going to retrieve something.
I flinch as I hear a twig snap, eyes and hands lit up red, before I sighed as I saw Eddie walk through a bush.
"Don't scare me like that."
"Wasn't trying to, sorry." He rubs my shoulder. I notice the radio in his hand as he walked past me.
"Where'd you get that?"
"I borrowed it," he says with a shrug. "Usually I don't condone borrowing without permission—but uh, desperate times call for desperate measures."
I wrap my arms around myself as I crouch down beneath the big boulder that made up Skull Rock.
"Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler?"
I bite my already sore lip, begging for one of them to answer. Seems like the gods heard, as my ears perked up when Dustin's voice came through from the radio.
"Eddie, holy shit, are you okay?" 
I furrow my eyebrows as I see Eddie shake his head, running his hand over his face as he answered back. The despondent, dull look in his eyes made me place my hand on his back to provide him at least an ounce of comfort. No doubt that the person's death from last night would be falsely pinned on him again.
As Dustin asks our whereabouts, Eddie takes my hand in his, his grip firm, only further displaying to me his stressed out mental state.
"I'm at Skull Rock, d'you know it?"
"Uh, yeah, that's near Cornwallis and—"
Their conversation fades as my thoughts continue to spiral. I had the same piercing migraine the night Chrissy had died, then the same one when Jason's friend was attacked. I ran over my thoughts again, the images I had seen in my dreams, trying to piece them together somehow if they were truly connected to their deaths.
"Hey, you okay?" Eddie tangles his fingers with mine, giving me a reassuring squeeze.
"I should be asking you that." I mutter, rubbing my forehead with my other hand.
"You sure about that? I mean, I was pretty shaken up by what happened but you.." his voice trails off, I pull my hand away from his as I felt my hand tingle, afraid that I would stun him by accident.
"Yeah, it's..I just, I don't know." I mumble, averting my gaze from him as I turned my head to look down.
"How long have you been having these nightmares?"
I lick my lips as the memories of my dreams come back to me, flooding my mind all at once. "Since.. the night before—before what happened to Chrissy."
"And you think that's connected to it somehow?" He cocks his head at me. 
"I don't know, that's what's so weird. Why me? If somehow, everything is connected, why am I somehow part of it? What if.. what if I'm cursed?" I whisper the last words carefully, as if I had spoke it loud enough Vecna would hear me.
"What? No, no, not you. You'll be fine," he wraps an arm around me. "'Sides, you've got superpowers, remember?"
I forced a smile onto my face. It was no use if I tried to tell him no, that even with my abilities I was too petrified with fear to even do anything. So I smile, Eddie had been through enough. If he wanted me to play superhero, I would.
A sudden sound of leaves shuffling catches our attention, Eddie scuffles to hide himself while I immediately have my guard up, eyes glowing threateningly before I hear voices.  I lay my arms to the sides, grumbling under my breath as I saw Steve make his way through the bush.
"Bada bing, bada boom. There she is, Henderson, Skull Rock." Steve announces, before he continues to taunt the boy who was now muttering to himself.
I quirk my eyebrow at them, confused as Steve calls Dustin a 'little butthead."
"(Y/N)," Steve breathes out as his eyes scan the area. "Wait, where's—?"
"I concur," Eddie jumps down from a rock. Leave it to him to make a dramatic entrance. "You, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead."
"Jesus, we thought you were a goner." Dustin embraces Eddie in a tight hug, to which the older male returns, patting his back.
Eddie sits down as they hand him food and other supplies, offering some sort of granola bar to me, which I gladly accept, noticing the soft grumbles of my stomach. As they talk, they mention what had happened to Max, how they had somehow prevented her from being taken by Vecna’s curse. The hair at the back of my neck to stands on end as more images of my nightmares flash through my head.
"Wait, when was this?" I interject.
"The day before yesterday, sometime before dark." Max replies, fidgeting with the headphones around her neck.
"I—that's when I woke up from my nap. My head, it hurt like crazy. I-I saw things, and I felt the same thing when Patrick.." I shake my head, trying to wipe away the awful memory from my mind. I was sure now that the snapping I heard in my dreams were the same ones I heard that night.
"Wait, what?" Nancy shuffles towards me, kneeling down in front of me. "Did you have any other visions? Anything to do with your past?"
Max follows Nancy, standing in front of me, concern lining her features as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Memories maybe? Painful ones, dark ones. Ones you don't want to remember."
I shake my head. "No, nothing like that, just.. this red dimension, a—a messed up looking figure. I heard clock chimes, too."
Everyone's eyes widen at my words. Max places a hand on my knee, willing for me to look at her.
"Was this dimension—did it have weird twisting trees? Vines? What did the figure look like? Did your nose bleed?"
"I don't remember exactly, but yeah, I guess. Something like that. But I was fine, no nosebleeds or anything." I rub my thumb over my fingers nervously, clamping my eyes shut.
"Tell us everything you saw, (Y/N)." Nancy urges.
"Hey, whoa, calm down, give her some space," Eddie says, standing up to wrap an arm around my shoulders, the other holding my hand. "She just needs a little bit of time, okay? It's hard enough to process as it is."
"We may not have time." Nancy mutters as she stands, a finger to her mouth as she paces around. "She might be cursed—we just don't know it yet, not for sure, anyway. (Y/N), do you have a tape of your favorite song?"
"Clearly it's not on my person right now, but yeah, it’s with my mom though.”
“Driving back’s going to take too long.” Steve muttered as he scratched the back of his neck. “Like Nance said, we don’t have much time.”
Robin twiddles with her fingers. “We don’t even know for sure if (Y/N)’s cursed. It-it could be some sort of weird coincidence, right?”
“Or maybe Vecna’s using her somehow.” Nancy mumbles, loud enough for me to hear.
I tune out their words, bringing the memories of my dreams to the forefront of my skull, examining each one carefully, finding nothing in particular that undeniably linked them all together. I feel my head grow dizzy at my incessant thinking.
I bring myself out of my thoughts as I listened to their conversation, how their flashlights went (as Robin put it) kablooey, how that surge of energy must have been Vecna attacking Jason's friend who I now knew as Patrick, that they needed some way to get to the Upside Down. I curiously look at Dustin as I noticed him pacing around in my peripheral vision.
"Maybe (Y/N) can open up a portal," I turned my head to Nancy as she uttered my name. "Can—can you do that?"
I shake my head. "No, my powers, they're not like that. I didn't even know the Upside Down existed until recently."
"We need El to get her powers back." Max shrugs, exasperated.
Steve scratches his cheek. "Yeah, we had this girl, she had—"
"Superpowers. Yeah, you told me, but we have (Y/N) here and even though we can't open the portal, she's probably the sharpest arrow in our quiver." Eddie says as he claps me on the back, causing me to lurch forward a bit.
I glance at the others, their stares practically burning holes through me.
"Hey, uh, Henderson's not cursed, is he?" Eddie points to the boy who was still pacing around, mumbling to himself with a compass in hand.
"Boom!" Dustin yells out, practically shaking the entire forest due to the sheer volume of his voice, I look up to see a flock of disturbed birds fly off into the distance. "Bada, bada, boom. I was right! Skull Rock is north!"
Despite Steve's insistence on him being right, Dustin continues to monologue about electromagnetic fields and the compass. Just as Dustin is about to take off, Steve calls his attention.
“Eddie’s still a wanted man, we can’t just go for a hike in the woods.” Steve furrows his eyebrows as he placed his hands on his hips. Spoken like a true mama bear protecting her cubs.
Dustin holds up the compass for all to see. “This little steel capsule might just be the key to saving both Max and Eddie—and potentially (Y/N) if she’s really cursed,” Dustin turns to Eddie, gesturing towards him. “What say you, Eddie the Banished?”
Eddie ponders for a moment, scratching his neck, and all eyes are on him. 
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor—which, if I’m being totally straight with you, I think is a bad idea,” Eddie’s face contorts into one of wince as he thinks it over, then his gaze turns towards the sky. “But uh, the shire is burning so—“ he stands. “Mordor it is.”
He stretched his hand out towards me to help me up to my feet, always caring despite the uncertainties we faced.
“What is Mordor?” I hear Steve mumble to himself, and I have to squeeze my lips together so I don’t let out a snicker.
I heave a sigh as I try to keep up with the group, Dustin racing towards some unknown direction as he glanced at his compass that started to twitch wildly.
“Dustin? Can you slow down?” Eddie calls out as the boy continues to speed through the vegetation.
“I think we’re getting close!” My eyes widen as I see him right on the water’s edge, but before I can say anything, Eddie holds him back to keep him from falling, murmuring that he should watch where he was going.
“Oh man,” Steve moans. “You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
We all look out to the direction Dustin’s compass had led as to. Lover’s Lake.
“There’s a gate in Lover’s Lake?” Max scrunches her brows in disbelief.
“Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening—maybe Vecna’s the same way.” Nancy looks towards us before staring back at the water.
Steve clenches and unclenches his jaw, his posture uneasy. “Only one way to find out.”
We manage to get the boat in the water, thanks to the help of Eddie and Steve—real manly men if you ask me. Robin boards the boat first, using the guys’ heads to steady herself. Nancy goes next, I can’t help but bite my lip as Eddie held his hand for her to take as she stepped into the boat. I shake my head at the thought; no need to feel this way, not right now.
Steve and Eddie eye me expectantly, but I blink my eyes, puzzled.
“Won’t we sink with six of us in the boat?”
Steve furrows his eyebrows. “Six?”
“Yeah I mean, isn’t Dustin coming along?” I gesture towards the boy who’s facial expression twists to one of surprise.
“Wait—you’re not telling me that I’m staying here, right?” He looks to Steve.
“I’m sorry—do you have superpowers?” Steve retorts with an raised brow.
Dustin nods, raising his hands up in surrender. “Okay, fair point.”
Eddie’s hand is warm against mine as he helps me up the boat, taking a seat right next to Robin and I, muttering how cramped it was. Steve boards the boat last, pushing it out into the water with his foot.
Robin and Eddie grip the oars, rowing us towards the direction in which the compass’ needle continued to go crazier at. 
“Bedtime’s at nine, kiddos!” Robin calls out teasingly to the three younger ones left behind, earning her the bird from Dustin himself. “Miss you already!”
After a good fifteen minutes of rowing, Nancy holds her hand out to signal them to stop. “Whoa whoa whoa, guys, slow down.”
I watch peculiarly with furrowed brows as the compass goes berserk, spinning around in all directions.
My eyes snap towards the sound of Dustin’s voice on the radio, Robin picked it up, telling Dustin about our current situation.
I glance up at Steve as he starts to remove his socks.
“Steve, what’re you doing?” Nancy asks the question we were all thinking.
“Somebody’s gotta go down there to check it out.”
“Why not send the only one of us here with literal superpowers?” Robin states, incredulous at Steve’s savior complex.
“Yeah, I mean, I could.” I say with a shrug.
“Unless Wonder Woman here can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and and a certified lifeguard for three years then..”
I open my mouth to speak, only for me to close it. Sure, I could be in water and not drown, but I was no swimmer, not as good as Steve claimed himself to be anyway.
“It’s gotta be me. No complaints, alright?”
As Steve continues to strip down to nothing but his pants, Robin and I share a look as we both noticed Nancy’s stare at Steve’s chest—which was, really hairy. I had never really seen a man shirtless before, were they all like this?
Eddie pulls a plastic bag from his pocket, using it to wrap around the flashlight to ensure it wouldn’t get busted while Steve was in the water.
“Good luck.” Eddie says as he hands it to Steve, Steve tossing his shirt towards Eddie’s lap. Eddie took a cigarette from its case, placing it in between his lips. Before he can even light it, Robin snatches it, dropping it into the water. I try not to laugh at the look of utter confusion written all over Eddie’s face, reminding myself that this wasn’t the time for joking around.
Robin side eyes me before she rolls her eyes, a look as if to say ‘are you really going to let him ruin his lungs?’ to which I simply shrug at. Not like I could control him or what he did.
Steve dives into the water, so effortlessly it probably would’ve garnered him a 10/10 if any one of us were judging.
We all sat on edge at the surface, watching the water in case things took a turn for the worse. As my nerves take over, I mindlessly toy with the silver bracelet on Eddie’s wrist, finding comfort in his touch, only for him to intertwine out fingers together, causing my cheeks to involuntarily warm. Robin nudges me with her elbow, and I glare at her as she smirked. 
“What?” I whispered sharply.
“Nothing.” She responded, a shit eating grin plastered on her face. Nancy is quick to notice.
“What’s going on?” Her voice is low, catching the atmosphere of the room quickly—or, boat, rather.
All Robin does is shoot me a look, nodding her head discreetly where my fingers were securely intertwined with Eddie’s. Nancy’s mouth contorts into an ‘o’ shape as she nodded.
Eddie glances at us. “What’s happening?”
“Nothing.” We all say in chorus, to which he furrows his eyebrows at before he lets out a breath from his mouth. Boys will be oblivious.
But was he really that dense? I thought to myself as his thumb stroked the back of my hand. I tuck my lips into my mouth as I licked them, trying to keep myself from exploding.
“Where are we at, Wheeler?” Robin’s voice pulls me out of my lovesick daze. Lovesick? I don’t even have control of my own thoughts now.
Suddenly, Steve breaks out of the water, causing us all to jump in surprise, I let go of Eddie’s hand for a moment as I felt my palms buzz.
“Jesus.” I mutter, the glow from my eyes fading.
“I found it.” Steve announces. He continues to inform us of what he had seen, referring to the gate as a ‘snack sized gate’—when we see him abruptly splash the water, still gripping onto the boat. My eyes grow wide as I try to peer below the surface, my stomach churning as my intuition perked up.
Steve glances down, opening his mouth to say something, only for him to be pulled under.
We all yell out to him, alarm bells ringing in my ears as the water bubbles from his struggle. Something had gotten hold of him.
“Nancy what happened?” Robin calls out. Before we all knew it, Nancy jumped into the water without hesitation.
I feel panic crawl up my spine as I saw Robin sit at the edge.
“Robin, wait, what’re you—!” 
“No no no, what are you doing? She said wait.” Eddie says, referring to Nancy’s command before she leapt. I feel my heartbeat in my ears, pulsating hard and pumping adrenaline into my veins, muffling out whatever conversation Eddie and Robin had, then Robin leans backward and falls into the water.
I don’t even have time to think, to grab Eddie by the hand as I swiftly stood and dove after her—the only thought swimming through my mind was that I was the one who had the best chances of getting back Steve from whatever had pulled him under.
I kicked and pulled at the water, lurching myself deeper and deeper until I was face to face with the gate; it glowed a bright red, and suddenly I realize that this is what I had seen in my dreams. I throw all caution to the wind as I pull myself towards it, getting sucked in by an altered version of gravity as I fell into another dimension.
I quickly scrambled up to my feet, seeing Eddie fall in, Robin and Nancy with their own weapons in hand as they charged towards Steve who was struggling with bat-like creatures. Their appearance was uncanny—I immediately identified them from my nightmares. 
I ran after them, armed with nothing. They had their oars and flashlights as weapons—I was a weapon.
I feel a familiar tingle as my eyes glow red, my palms buzzing with energy as my fingers danced to collect it into a sphere. I briskly hurl them towards the direction of the bats, commanding them to hit the right targets.
I hear Eddie yell out profanities as he swats another bat, more approaching us, circling us like vultures to rotting carcasses. But we were alive and kicking and ready to fight our way through this twisted dimension.
I blasted at another bat that tried to attack Nancy, making so that the energy contained in it hurt the bat and not send a shockwave that might stun her.
I flicked my wrists this way and that, flinging more balls of energy towards any of the newly incoming bats. 
“Get down!” I yell out at the others as I hold my hands atop each other, fingers twitching and flexing as I felt the energy seep out from within me, I make sure they’re all out of reach before I released it as I stretched out my arms, sending an electrifying shockwave up and throughout the air, effectively petrifying any of the bats that dared come close.
My eyes and hands flicker as I feel the rush of adrenaline slowly start to fade away, my chest heaving for air as I felt my head grow light.
While Nancy sees to it that Steve was okay, I feel my knees buckle under me. Eddie is quick to be at my side, preventing me from stumbling.
“S’okay, I’m here (Y/N), you good?” 
I nod my head, bringing my hand up to rub my forehead. Robin’s voice brings me back as she asks about bats and rabies.
“Do things in this dimension even carry disease?” I mutter.
Robin’s face wrinkles with worry. “I don’t think I want to find out.” 
A loud screech echoes in the distance. Red lightning flashes throughout the sky, outlining the black, shadowy figures of more bats. We’re quick to gather close to each other, strength in numbers, as they say.
A group of bats lands towards the entrance, screeching at us defensively as if to ward us off.
“Alright, there’s not that many,” Steve says, determination in his voice. “We can take ‘em. Right?” I feel their gazes fall upon me.
I flinch as I hear the sound of more screeching as more bats flocked into the air. He had spoken too soon. 
Noticing my labored breathing, Eddie wraps and arm securely around my waist, eyes still trained towards the sky.
“The woods,” Nancy calls out. “Come on!”
Despite my dizzy head, I blink my eyes rapidly to clear up my blurry vision, I would be no use to them, unable to protect them in this state, but I urged myself to run, along with the others.
The five of us crouch low to the ground, underneath this world’s version of Skull Rock, watching with bated breath as more bats soared through the air.
Robin pokes her head out, sighing in relief as the bats seemed to ignore us.
“Okay, that was close.”
“Too close.” Eddie mutters, shaking his head. While the others stand, I find myself unable to, eyes shut as I wrapped my arms around me, trying to get warm. My abilities relied on heat and energy that I’d often absorb from the sun or sources of electricity, but since there was no source of energy for me here, I had to draw out my own body heat to utilize my power. I feel my hands tremble as a shiver racks my spine.
Eddie steps towards me, immediately placing an arm over my shoulders. “Hey, (Y/N), what’s going on?” 
I shake my head. “Nothing, just a little cold.”
He takes my trembling hands, only to furrow his eyebrows. “You’re freezing, you’re not okay,” he takes my hands into his, palms far warmer than mine as he blows hot air into them. “Come on, let’s warm you up.”
Eddie and I watch as Robin and Nancy tend to Steve’s wounds, Robin ensuring that he didn’t have rabies while Nancy ripped a part of her clothes to act as a makeshift bandage around Steve’s wounds.
Eddie pulls me close to him, encapsulating me in his arms as he rubs my shoulders to further warm me up. It works, apparently, as I felt my cheeks heat up from our sudden closeness.
Robin takes Eddie’s place as she wraps me in her arms, giving me a soft pat as if to ask if I were okay, to which I responded with a small nod. Eddie climbs up one of the boulders, standing atop it to take in more of our surroundings.
“So uh, this place is like Hawkins but with monsters and nasty shit?” He calls out.
“Pretty much,” Nancy answers, an arm slung around Steve for support. Just as Eddie is about to climb down, Nancy gives him a warning. “Watch out for the vines. It’s all a hive mind.”
Eddie shoots her a puzzled look, Steve speaking out to respond.
“All the creepy crawlies around here, dude. They’re like, one or something. Step on a vine, you’re stepping on a bat, you’re stepping on Vecna.”
We gather around each other once more as I hold my hand out to help Eddie down, plotting our next move. Apparently, everything from our world was still in tact, like a creepy replica of Hawkins.
“(Y/N), you can’t go in there and blast them away again?” Nancy asks, a sudden look of desperation on her features.
“I-I can’t, not now, need some source of energy for that, batteries or some heat source or something.” I mutter.
Despondency etched on their features, and I can’t help the way my stomach drops with guilt, seeing as I wasn’t of much use to them now. I looked at Robin intently as she talked about the police station and how we could gather weapons from there to use against the bats that guarded the gate.
“We don’t have to go all the way downtown for guns,” Nancy says, a knowing glint in her eyes. “I have guns—in my bedroom.”
Eddie furrows his brows as he looks at her incredulously.
“You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns—plural, in your bedroom?”
“Full of surprises, isn’t she?” Robin’s voice shakes.
Eddie snakes an arm around my waist, I stood there, mind racing with too many thoughts that I couldn’t even react to his action. He slips off his denim vest, clutching it in his hand as Steve said something about Nancy almost shooting him with one of her guns before Eddie throws him his vest.
“For your modesty, dude.”
Just as he says that, the ground beneath us quaked intensely, throwing us all to the ground with its force. I land on the dirt with a thump as Robin stumbles towards me, I wrap a secured arm around her while the ground continued to tremble.
As soon as the quake comes to a halt, we all turn our heads towards the sound of a beastly howl, not too far off in the distance. I remove my hands from Robin as I feel them spark reflexively from the fear that turned my stomach.
“Yeah, so, guns seem like a pretty good idea to me.” Eddie rubs his sore knee from the fall, as much as I want to check him for injuries, my hands continued to fizz, I shove them into my jacket pockets, shutting my eyes tightly to even out my breathing.
Steve flicks on his flashlight as he walks past us.“So what are we waiting for?”
As we traverse through the darkened world of the Upside Down, I feel a strange sense of familiarity as I look around; realizing that they had been glimpses of my own dreams.
A shudder racks my spine as I remember the grotesque figure, the gnarled vines that seemed to be the same ones that covered the dead trees we walked by.
I wrap my arms around myself, unnerved by my thoughts. I try to brush it off as much as I can, the only thing important to us now would be getting the hell out of here.
taglist: @preciousbabypeter @iiheartbowie @beebeerockknot @nightless @lovelydivs @lovelydivs @lunar-flwr @naughty-koala07 @slutforsteve @chaoticvigilantes @loudbluepancake @frozenhuntress67 @greekktragedyy @neenieweenie
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kalcifers-blog · 1 year
MAG 114209: The IRIS of The Eye
A JSE Ego x TMA Crossover fanfic
Content Warning!! Discussions of violence, self inflicted injury and insinuation of suicidal behaviour. Nothing is in graphic detail, but please stay safe while reading!!
[Tape Recorder clicks]
The Archivist: (sighs) Alright, let's try this again shall we-
Chase Brody: oh for fu- is that really necessary? Why do you people all insist on recording people??
The Archivist: oh- sorry this is just- procedure. It's kind of my job to make sure statements are recorded properly- unless you don't- want- to make a statement?
Chase: (interrupted the last sentence) No- no. I'm sorry- I just- I need to do this I think. I'm not exactly sure what this place is but... I think- somethin' tells me that this is the place to get this out there somehow
The Archivist: I see.. well. Whenever you're ready, we can begin
Chase: (deep breath) okay. Yeah I'm ready.
The Archivist: Alright. Statement of Chase Brody regarding the entity referred to as ALTR 114209. Statement taken directly from sub- from Mr. Brody himself. Statement overseen and recorded by Jonathan Sims. The Archivist. Statement begins:
Chase: [statement]
I feel like I can't really talk about this without some context first? I grew up in Ireland- you- you probably already guessed that because of the accent- but yeah. I'm from Ireland. My life there was miserable. I grew up in a small town. One of those classic "everyone knows everyone" schticks. Mostly because my Ma insisted on going to the local church to do all her socialising- I went there too consistently 'til she passed. I was 15 at the time.
Before she did I was convinced I wanted her out of my life, we never got along- I'm not saying that I completely change my mind now it's just- when someone like that leaves your life forever you start thinking about "what could have been" far more often. When she did pass I knew I wanted out- I needed to get away so I saved up my scraps of money to go to college in Britain. Maybe I wanted to get away or run from my feelings- I just. The way everyone would look at me, knowing what I was going through, giving me these- disgusting looks of pity- I needed out. I needed a get away.
So I moved. My Father didn't care too much, the man was out half the time for work and when he wasn't his hand was glued to his ale. I told myself I wouldn't end up like that- miserable sack of shit but- (chuckles sadly) I- I guess things don't always go to plan, huh?
Anyway- My life did start turnin' around when I got to the UK. The college I went too was pretty mediocre but the people I met were some of the most incredible- the person who changed my life forever in ways I couldn't have ever imagined was Jack.
Jack was my first friend- after realising we where both Irish and kinda had a really uncanny similarity to us, everyone always joked that we had to be twins because of how similar we looked. Despite the fact I'm nearly four years older than him- anyway uh- he got me into gaming.
I'd played games before of course but, this was the first time I played proper video games, especially the horror games, my Ma tried convincin me anything to do with horror was born out of evil and well- actually playing them for the first time was really eye opening as to how stupid that idea was.
I know this all sounds like useless information but I promise it's important- what you need to know is that Jack was my best friend. He introduced me to things that would be some of my favourite things ever, he was there when I got with and broke up with my first boyfriend and through everything, all of those disgusting sides of how bad my mental health got, Jack was one of the only ones who stuck by my side. So when he asked me to be his editor when his YouTube career took off I didn't think twice about saying yes.
I don't think I need to tell you about the successful YouTuber Jacksepticeye- and how he's the largest ever YouTuber from Ireland- how he managed to accumulate millions of subscribers before his disappearance on Halloween of 2016.
Of course, now I know that video that was put up on his channel that wasn't uploaded by me or him and definitely wasn't edited by myself wasn't actually a fake.
No one knew what to make of "Say Goodbye" when it first released. For me I was confused- Jack obviously can edit videos on his own, in fact its pretty common for him to do so- but he always lets me know if he does. There's never been an occasion in which he didn't in the entire time I was working for him. So when that video dropped with no warning I immediately felt off about it.
I won't tell you what happened in that video. You don't need to hear the details of Jack seemingly hurting himself to the point that he was placed in a medically induced coma- I was watching the video itself when I got the call- his doctor- German if I had to guess from his accent, calling me to let me know and to ask me some questions, due to the nature of his injury.
I don't care who comes in to tell you. Jack did not try to kill himself. I refuse to believe he ever would. Jack like I mentioned, was more than my boss, he was my closest friend and we told each other everything. There was just. Nothing. Not a single thing to indicate in his life that he would ever want to hurt himself like that.
I ended up staying in contact with the German doctor, his name's Henrik Schneeplestien- really nice actually. And it was talking to him that I got an email from Jack's account. Not his business "Jacksepticeye" account- his personal one, the one I knew he used exclusively for things that where for his personal life.
When I got that email my blood froze over. It was a video. It was that video. But it was longer. There was more to it. Instead of Jack's body lying there- lifeless and bleeding out. It jerked. It jerked upwards- like his muscles and joints where all connected to strings and being hoisted up against his will, like a fucking puppet.
The thing wearing Jacks dying body laughed. It laughed tormenting us- Henrik started believeing me after watching it with me the first time.
I'll spare you the details of how my life derailed after that. The months of waiting for Jack to wake up. Of Henrik losing his mind trying to understand what's going on. The disappearance of both Jack's body and Henrik himself. Me finding the most beautiful woman on the planet and finally feeling like a person again with her. Only for her and our child to be ripped away from me by that fucking thing that insisted on destroying everything in my life that gave living meaning.
Every time something bad happened it was there, still wearing Jack's face. Puppeting him around with this wicked smirk it had some crude inside joke I wasn't apart of.
I lost everything. My friend was gone, my wife and child where dead, the only person who ever cared to hear me out was missing and to top it all off I had some demon wannabe kicking my skull into rock bottom. Just so I knew that my misery wasn't over.
I had enough. I drove myself to a forest, it was our favourite place to go to as a family in the short 3 years we got to be a family. I wasn't planning on leaving that day. I decided then and there that I wasn't having it anymore. I was done. That thing won. I gave in and I just wanted it to be over.
I still can't tell you what happened to me. But I was in the forest one second and the next I was on top of a parking garage miles away. Whatever happened to me, I knew it was the only weird thing that wasn't brought to me because of that fucking monster. I still don't know what- but I just. I just KNOW alright. I just. Know.
Anyway, not long after that I'm detained by IRIS. Your institute already have all the information you need on that fucking place. I was there for questioning about what happened to me that day. And my experiences with the thing thats been destroying my life. There wasn't anything more to say other than what I've already told you.
They where about to put me under "special containment" dragging me against my will further in the building. The whole building felt like it was screaming at me to leave- that something bad was going to happen- I wished I was wrong.
That thing came back. It was still wearing my friends face and it killed any and all workers that came close to it. All it said to me was "hello, Chase" before I blacked out. I don't remember how I somehow managed to wake up in London- or how this nagging voice in my brain told me to come here. I don't know what "ALTR 114209" is, why it decided I was going to be it's plaything or what it even is. I just....
I just need someone to know that this thing is out there and more people will die if IRIS continues the way it has done for years now.
[Statement Ends]
Chase: (deep sigh) Jesus- I- How'd you- how did you get me to do that-
The Archivist: trust me, that's a long story- I just. I'm sorry are you insinuating that IRIS is somehow- responsible? For the actions of this entity?
Chase: yeah I thought I made that pretty fucking obvious man. IRIS has done nothing but hide the truth from me, borderline torture me and do absolute jack shit when something bad happens to anyone- including their own workers mind you.
The Archivist: Okay well... Fair enough. But please be cautious, if IRIS is behind all of this. You don't want to talk about it here, not in a place like this
Chase: oh just because your boss is watching doesn't mean I have to worry about him snitching to the SCP ripoff
The Archivist: wait- what did you jus- how did you- do you. (Whispering) Do you know that Elias Bouchard is listening and can see everyone in the building- there's no way for you to of....
The Archivist: Oh..... I see.. Chase I- I think I know why you might be a target-
Chase: (quietly) wh.. what- what do you mean by that..?
The Archivist: let me get you a drink. This will take a long time to explain.
[Tape Recorder clicks off]
That's all!! Thank you SM if you read through this, I'm very new to writing fanfic so I hope that this is alright!! A lot of people really liked the idea of a crossover between JSE lore and TMA so of course I had to write up how I imagine Chase Brody's Statement.
Again thank you SM for all the support and I hope to get some more drawing/writing done soon!! <333
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snapehasppfingers · 1 year
Chapter 1 of Hate!
The Serpent
The train's scream fills the crisp autumn air, brushing through my silver locks as I let the suffocating breath through my lips. Here it goes I guess. With a humf I swing my childhood trunk over my shoulder and levitate my other belongings and make my way to my car. It's certainly  been awhile since I've set foot in this train, shame that there's still all the same divots and dents in the walls. Navigating the aisle was always a challenge, kids of all ages screaming, giggling, reuniting and some even crying. It's weird going back after thirteen years and no longer being so giddy to fully experience going to Hogwarts, and don't get me wrong I am excited but I feel old. As students make it to their cabins the train seems to still and pierce the air once again with its whistle, now I can stress out in silence. I grabbed my most recent pickup from Marlas Marvelous Books and Trinkets “The darkest arts” which has kept me in an unhealthy sleep cycle for weeks. 
Soon enough the train rolls to a stop, hissing for everyone to get off and let it rest. I decide to wait to avoid the rush and pure chaos that scurrys out of the train.  I grabbed my trunk and made my way to my first real home. 
The carriage ride was exactly what I remembered, uncomfortably bumpy and another head ache. I walked through the gates I walked through millions of times, still intimidating and grand. I immediately made my way to Dumbledoors office to ask what and where I am supposed to place my shit. I wandered through the halls like I was a 16 year old seeing it all again for the first time, the ceilings descending into grand structures, the delicate details of the halls. As I rounded the corner to his office I noticed the wall was already separated and faint voices could be heard the closer I got. He must be expecting me? No, I should wait. No it will be quick, just play dumb. Against my better judgment I decided to get it over with and climbed the stoned steps, that hopefully won't lead me to my death. 
Upon arrival the door was closed so I lightly knocked, which caused all sounds to silence and all that could be heard were footsteps. The old oak door swung open to the man himself, with his mystical white beard and moon rimmed glasses and upon inspection a genuine smile. 
“Ms. Middleton! How lovely to see you after such a long time, I have been waiting for you to get here!” He said with his gentle smile, he paused and looked at the other voice I heard who I didn't even register was there. I wish I hadn't, I didn't think I would have to see him again especially here. Severus Snape, where do I even begin? When I was attending Hogwarts I was one year older than him and I had taken notice of the only other person stealing all the good potion books and Defense Against the Dark Arts books. I was curious, sure but I never spoke with him when we would both be in the library past curfew. One night I asked if I could have the book he was reading because it hasn't been in the library for months. He was quiet and to be honest seemed uncomfortable with me interacting with him but once I broke that wall with him we slowly became “acquaintances' '. My thoughts were interrupted by Dumbdoors again. 
“I apologize I wasn't sure about your exact arrival, Severus and I were discussing lesson plans but we have covered what is needed. Right Severus?” His tone changed just slightly I couldn't quite tell what but I was more focusing on looking at him. I snuck a peak just to see his reaction, just to see if he's still the same Sev I remember. My hazel pools were only met with his endless onyx eyes boring into me, I felt my body shiver and I once again rested my gaze on Dumbledore. I don't think Snape heard him because he was still looking at me when I spoke,
“Please my intention wasn't to intrude, my apologies. I am only here asking where I shall be housed and my classroom arrangements. You may continue. I will step out until you're done.” I said with a small smile on my lips, attempting to disguise my anxiety. I kept my eyes on Dumbledoor awaiting a response but it wasn't him that spoke, it was a deep, silky and rough voice that could only come from him. 
“We have concluded our discussion, I will take my leave, excuse me Miss. Middleton.” He spoke my name with some type of emotion but I could only tell because we used to laugh when we called each other by our last names. His gaze lingering on me until he had to make it through the door, and with a woosh that infamous black cape he disappeared. 
Time skip (because I'm lazy :)
The next morning after I had gotten my rooms comfortable and the classroom at least moved into, I slept like a baby. My body ached from yesterday's events as I dragged my body out of my bed, I staggered to the bathroom and showered, making sure to take a moment to prepare for today. Today is my first day back. I need to make lesson plans and talk to all my old professors and maybe even some of my favorite old secret places. I got dressed in my simple robes with my hair in a ponytail and doc martens. I make my way to the Great Hall and feel myself get light headed at the anxiety coursing through my veins the closer and closer I get to those big ass doors. Sure enough the second I do, the only people here are the professors all eating in their “spots' ' in the front. 
“Oh my! Look who it is!” A shrill voice screeched out  as I shot my head to see who it was; they engulfed me with a hug. It didn't take much to know it was a “Mini” (a.k.a.) Mcgonagall, just by feeling her old woman arms wrap around me so tight my eyes started getting black around the rims, by her signature smell of- parchment, ink and herbal teas. Mini was like a mother to me all through my years, she helped the first day when I spilled my only ink pot on my paper, most others had the money to get more but I didn't so I remember just staring blankly at the sheet while my throat got hot and tight. She asked me for help in her storage closet and handed me a fresh bottle of ink as well as the most amazing hug a 10 year old had ever gotten.  Ever since then I liked her, which was rare, so this was refreshing. 
“Mini! I missed you so much! I'm excited to be working with you and learning from you all over again. How have you been?” I asked with the most genuine smile across my face, we walked and talked as she gilded me up to a seat. A seat by none other than Severus Snape, I mentally face palmed as I acted unaffected by it. 
“So please tell us all about where you disappeared off to after 7th year. I was so sad to hear, I'm sorry for your loss.” She smiled sympathetically, and I would find it endearing if she hadn't just brought up my fathers sudden passing in front of everyone, especially Snape. I composed myself and tried to tweak the original story which included me getting the mark and trying to find family in anything I could because I was so lost with myself. Yeah probably not the most welcoming start. 
“Mini I will happily catch up with you over some tea, now please tell me how things have been?” I smiled in a way that hopefully told her I don't want to talk about this right now, and she seemed to have gotten it. We chatted and eventually she started talking to Paloma, I turned my attention to my plate and not to the brooding man next to me. 
“ Ms, Middleton?” I stopped chewing as I felt his breath fan against my face with that question. I tilted my head so I could make eye contact but his eyes were set forward. 
“Yes Professor, Snape?” I cringed at the formality and the memory of us that would be laughing at this, but we weren't. 
“I wasn't expecting to ever see you again.” He practically yawned while saying it, making it feel like the biggest pain in the ass to talk to me. He was always a dick. I don't know why he's talking to me. I certainly don't want to talk to him. I rolled my eyes and replied with the same tone. 
“Sorry to disappoint you. Now if you’ll excuse me.” I bit out the last bit causing his focus to fail and his eyes to try and find mine but I was already out of the hall. 
Honestly I could be nicer but I don't owe that man anything but silence, he was never nice. Reasonably so I guess, when we were “friends' ' we talked about things, most of the time it was innocent and did not involve the more realistic concepts of our lives but we got into it on the late nights at the top of the astronomy tower. That was our spot, other than the library we would meet up there past curfew when we just couldn't rest and chat, sometimes we wouldn't talk at all until I lit a cigarette then he would ask for a drag. Thinking about it as an adult I liked him more than a friend but I could tell even then that he was just in need of company, and he treated me as such and I was always a second option. 
I rounded the halls and ended up in my classroom, which was all too boring and gloomy for my taste. I added my “touch” to the room and opened all the shutters and lit an incense. I knew I needed to plan my first month of lessons, so with an exasperated breath I sat at my desk and began my brian storm. My
experience from DADA while in school was average, and I always wanted to do more interactive things so I will add a defense spell course for students. As I was scribbling away a knock clouded the room with baritone echos, I wasn't exactly pleased to be bothered while i'm working but I got up and made my way to the large door. To my surprise it was Severus, he looked tired and worn out which wasn't a good look on him. I almost felt sympathy for him but then he opened his stupid mouth. 
“Sorry to disturb your time, I was sent down here to request a healing potion for Madam Pomfrey.” His gaze pierces mine as I look at him with a bored expression. I looked at him with confusion as I realized the potions professor was asking me to brew a potion for someone, not him. I inwardly rolled my eyes. 
“Forgive me if i'm wrong but I do believe that's your field of expertise not mine. I can do it, I just don't understand why I am the one doing it?” My face was plain but my voice rose with an interrogating tone. He then scoffed and sighed the biggest breath I felt on my face, which was not pleasant and I was already angry at his half assed reaction. 
“I am aware of my job, thank you. I have more urgent important matters to deal with and she asked me to ask you next. I simply don't have the time.” He said with a smirk threatening his lips, a smirk I wanted to jynx off. The audacity of this old bat. 
“That's funny actually because I also have more important matters to attend to like planning my class. So I know you're perfectly capable and I know Madam Pomfrey didn't ask you to ask me, you're just lazy. So if you'll excuse me I need to get back to my job.” I bit out at a dangerously low voice with death pooling in my gaze. He looked taken aback for a moment before the stupid smirk returned. 
“What important things do you have to do? Playing magic with fake spells because you aren't qualified to actually teach?” He bit out trying to hurt me in some sense which I had to contain my laughter. 
“You know Snape I don't really want to talk to you, I don't really know what I'm doing still. So I'm gonna return to what I was doing before you cursed me with your presence. Goodday.” I smiled and slammed the door in his face, and I smirked the whole way back to my desk. Sure what he said did hurt but I never want him to see me weak again, never again will I like or enjoy his presence.
Ok thats the first chapter please let me know what you think!
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livv-baby · 1 year
interrogations continued
"Todo está bien, papá, lo prometo." Olivia was on the phone with her father. He had called her when he found out that Olivia was still getting asked back to the station for further questions about Greer's disappearance. "Nunca te he dado razones para dudar. ¿Qué cambió?" She couldn't understand the severity of what was going on; seeing the text message her family lawyer sent her was giving her an idea. Obviously her parents alarms were going off -- they couldn't afford any problems with the law or even dip their toes in bad publicity. Page Six and the New York Times would have a field day with them, like they've been waiting for all this time... "Está bien. Me reúno con él-- Y no cerca de la universidad, si, entiendo," she took a beat and right as she said goodbye, her father had already hung up on her. "Fuck."
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featuring: olivia walton joseph brown, walton family lawyer officer contreras agent choi
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Arriving where the interrogations were taking place never got easier but at least this time she wasn't alone. Not her company of choice, but her father had made it clear: no more interrogations alone, family lawyer present always. And so it was. Olivia stood waiting in high heels and a modest dress. She had been briefed a long time ago in PR moves that helped with perception -- especially around cops. Hair was down, make up simple; thank goodness her nails were done or she wouldn't have been able to fight the new and unknown urge to pick at her cuticles.
The first round of questioning was different -- no one had been expelled, nothing had been leaked. The pressure was rising and now everyone could feel it. Olivia was perfect at playing it cool but shit was going down now...
"Stop fidgeting," Mr. Brown, the family lawyer, ordered in a whisper.
Seconds later a door opened and a deep voice spoke, "You can come now Miss Walton."
Walking first into the room she was able to take everything in while the others adjusted to what was going to be unfolding. Should be procedure, right? Standard. She noticed the men in the room fixing their postures when Brown walked in after Olivia. Pissing contest much? But Brown wasn't there to answer or speak. He was a figure of intimidation but also to save Olivia from falling into any traps.
"Glad you could join us Miss Walton and...?" the first officer started, his appearance tall, serious, brown hair and a mustache-- officer Contreras. Olivia recognized him because he was certainly attractive.
"Joseph Brown, Walton family lawyer. Proceed as you normally would."
"Right," Contreras said, not very keen on the comment Brown made. "Let's begin shall we?"
"So we have no record of your own video, we're guessing you didn't make one... Were you aware that Greer Morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year though?” 
"We lived together but we weren't exactly super close. Never saw her recording anything in our dorm." “Had you ever heard of anything regarding THE NAIVE NEWCOMER using steroids?” 
It was almost impossible for Olivia to hide the wave of relief that washed over her. Maybe she should have been paying closer attention to all the people that spent time with Greer in their dorm. "No, I hadn't heard anything about that for them. So sad though, I'm sure they had a bright future ahead of them."
The cops didn't look convinced but continued, “Had Greer brought up breaking up with him ever? Or anything of the sort, like she did in her video?” 
She wasn't about to mention all the time he spent in the dorm and how then it suddenly.... stopped. Olivia bit her lip but answered without a lot of hesitation, "She didn't bring it up at all. I was surprised to hear that from her. It looked like they were solid. There might be someone who knows though... Mari Zuko."
The other agent scribbled something down in their pad but Contreras was not buying it. "You both spent all this time together, lived together, hung out together and she never once mentioned to you breaking up with her boyfriend?" he doubled down, his mouth stern.
"No," she said simply.
Contreras scoffed, seemingly exasperated and now the other officer took over. His name she believed was Choi. “Do you have any reason to believe THE GOLDEN GIRL would want to leave Ogden College?” 
Perhaps this was the question she could finally use to get these interrogations to stop.
"Greer could have whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Leaving, coming back, starting over, picking up exactly where she left off -- its a privilege she had -- has. Why wouldn't she do it?"
Agent Choi asked another question and Olivia was a bit relieved. Contreras was steamy in a way she did not like anymore. "Some other students have brought up your relationship with Greer. Why do you think they thought it was relevant?"
That question did bother Olivia. What the hell did other people even know about Greer and her? She had purposely kept a low profile on everything about them. "Perhaps because we were literal roommates?"
"Why don't you elaborate on what that relationship was?" Choi pressed.
"We are 100% sure this is something Miss Walton has answered before," Brown interjected. "Check your records, do your work."
The officers did not like that and while Contreras was beginning to speak up, Choi put a hand up to ease the tension. "It is our job to make sure all the information aligns correctly to everything we've gathered. Miss Walton, please answer."
"We did some things together, had some friends in common, slept in the same room, went out to a couple of parties. We've known each other since back home -- New York isn't that big."
"Were you aware of Greer planning to travel to Portugal this summer?"
"If I didn't know about her break up, why would I know about her travel plans?"
Now the room fell silent. The atmosphere didn't feel right and for the first time since that time Olivia felt like she might throw up.
"Is there anything you know that you’re not sharing?"
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Let's (re)Read the Hobbit! Chapters 10 & 11
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The day grew lighter and warmer as they floated along.
That'll cure the hypothermia!
Okay, I'll try to ease off on this, but only because they're almost out of the barrels.
And far away, its dark head in a torn cloud, there loomed the Mountain!
It's been looming over us this whole time, so it's nice to finally see it. Plus, as a conoisseur of mountains, I can confirm that the ones that rise up without a whole range around them tend to look the coolest.
The elf-road through the wood which the dwarves had followed on the advice of Beorn now came to a doubtful and little used end at the eastern edge of the forest; only the river offered any longer a safe way from the skirts of Mirkwood in the North to the mountain-shadowed plains beyond, and the river was guarded by the Wood-elves’ king.
Thanks for the useless help, Beorn. Dude's probably chilling by the eastern end of the road with his bear buddies, wondering why his dinner is late. Like, I legit can't even give Gandalf too much shit for being behind the times even though I'm increasingly uncertain where he's been the past few years (Gondor?), but I feel like Beorn shoulda had a clue the road was no longer usable.
At the southern end the doubled waters poured out again over high waterfalls and ran away hurriedly to unknown lands.
I assume the narration here means "unknown to Bilbo", since we know from this very text that downriver is Dorwinion; this particular river flows into the Sea of Rhun.
But men remembered little of all that, though some still sang old songs of the dwarf-kings of the Mountain, Thror and Thrain of the race of Durin, and of the coming of the Dragon, and the fall of the lords of Dale.
It's been over a hundred years, so it makes sense that no one directly remembers things, but it is a bit surprising it's falling out of memory so quickly when the ruins are right fucking there.
“Well, are you alive or are you dead?” asked Bilbo quite crossly. Perhaps he had forgotten that he had had at least one good meal more than the dwarves, and also the use of his arms and legs, not to speak of a greater allowance of air.
Bilbo, you are being a complete dick about this.
Knocking outside and calling only discovered about six dwarves that could answer.
I lied, here's my last joke: the other six can't answer because they're dead!
Dwalin and Balin were two of the most unhappy, and it was no good asking them to help.
Balin loses some points here, but he's still in the lead.
“Thorin son of Thrain son of Thror King under the Mountain!” said the dwarf in a loud voice, and he looked it, in spite of his torn clothes and draggled hood. The gold gleamed on his neck and waist; his eyes were dark and deep.
Frankly you'd think the ruined clothes would completely shatter the effect. I guess they don't get too many fakers.
“We have none,” said Thorin, and it was true enough: their knives had been taken from them by the wood-elves, and the great sword Orcrist too. Bilbo had his short sword, hidden as usual, but he said nothing about that.
Tolkien, this is what we call, "Not true." Sucks about Orcrist though. It woulda been real handy in the later chapters.
“Is this true?” asked the Master. As a matter of fact he thought it far more likely than the return of the King under the Mountain, if any such person had ever existed.
Ah, here's where the clothing problem comes into play. Still though, the Master is hardly being unrealistic even if he is wrong.
The King beneath the mountains, The King of carven stone, The lord of silver fountains Shall come into his own!
See, the Rivendell elves should have been singing a variant of this if they wanted to be nice.
The Wood-elves themselves began to wonder greatly and even to be afraid. They did not know of course how Thorin had escaped, and they began to think their king might have made a serious mistake. As for the Master he saw there was nothing else for it but to obey the general clamour, for the moment at any rate, and to pretend to believe that Thorin was what he said.
I always love it when the mob is in the right and the upper class has to bow to their whims or pay the price.
Thorin looked and walked as if his kingdom was already regained and Smaug chopped up into little pieces.
While Thorin's recalcitrance towards the Elf-King was perhaps a little over the top, this is a clear indicator of the problems that Thorin will be having shortly.
He had not forgotten the look of the Mountain, nor the thought of the dragon, and he had besides a shocking cold. For three days he sneezed and coughed, and he could not go out, and even after that his speeches at banquets were limited to “Thag you very buch.”
Funny that only the guy in the barrel is particularly suffering.
“Very well! We’ll see! No treasure will come back through Mirkwood without my having something to say in the matter. But I expect they will all come to a bad end, and serve them right!”
Only three of them, though I guess one comes to a Bag End. Still, not a very good guess your haughtiness.
“Let them go and bother Smaug, and see how he welcomes them!” he thought.
Not the smartest move by the Master, considering what the risk to the town is. Hell, it even comes to pass! This guy is the worst leader we've seen so far.
The Master and his councillors bade them farewell from the great steps of the town-hall that went down to the lake. People sang on the quays and out of windows. The white oars dipped and splashed, and off they went north up the lake on the last stage of their long journey. The only person thoroughly unhappy was Bilbo.
Honestly you'd think the little dude would expect everything would be totally hunky-dory at this point because nothing has gone wrong for him in any significant way at all. I guess worriers are gonna worry.
Here they were joined by the horses with other provisions and necessaries and the ponies for their own use that had been sent to meet them.
I wonder if they'll last any longer than the last set. Their making it to the third day is clearly mostly related to the dwarves not riding them.
Balin and Bilbo rode behind, each leading another pony heavily laden beside him; the others were some way ahead picking out a slow road, for there were no paths.
I'm not sure how I can possibly twist this into an example of Balin being the best dwarf when all the others are being useful, but that's not going to stop me. Balin for best dwarf!
Nothing moved in the waste, save the vapour and the water, and every now and again a black and ominous crow.
Corvids get a really bad rap. They deserve better. If there's crows here, then there's gotta be something worth eating, they can't just be feeding on dwarf corpses that are a hundred years old.
“That does not prove it,” said Balin, “though I don’t doubt you are right. But he might be gone away some time, or he might be lying out on the mountain-side keeping watch, and still I expect smokes and steams would come out of the gates: all the halls within must be filled with his foul reek.”
Dragon poop: literally steaming apparently.
Now strange to say Mr. Baggins had more than the others. He would often borrow Thorin’s map and gaze at it, pondering over the runes and the message of the moon-letters Elrond had read. It was he that made the dwarves begin the dangerous search on the western slopes for the secret door.
Gandalf externally: "You all can't go as a set of 13, it's very unlucky!"
Gandalf internally: "You morons need a babysitter and daddy's busy."
But at last unexpectedly they found what they were seeking. Fili and Kili and the hobbit went back one day down the valley and scrambled among the tumbled rocks at its southern corner.
Some small points to these two dudes for being around while Bilbo finds things.
They beat on it, they thrust and pushed at it, they implored it to move, they spoke fragments of broken spells of opening, and nothing stirred.
Hey wow, more dwarf magic. Been awhile! Of course, Bilbo can use it too presumably so it may not be dwarf magic specifically, but still. You just don't get dwarf oral spells in much other fantasy.
Down the same way they were able occasionally to lower one of the more active dwarves, such as Kili, to exchange such news as there was, or to take a share in the guard below, while Bofur was hauled up to the higher camp.
Hey I guess Fili does exist beyond being an extension of Kili!
“I am too fat for such fly-walks,” he said.
Fuck off Tolkien. I don't care that at the end of the paragraph you clarify that it's not true. You've gone to this well too many times!
Bilbo found sitting on the doorstep lonesome and wearisome—there was not a doorstep, of course, really, but they used to call the little grassy space between the wall and the opening the “doorstep” in fun, remembering Bilbo’s words long ago at the unexpected party in his hobbit-hole, when he said they could sit on the doorstep till they thought of something.
Will THIS be the last time?
"I might have known that something dreadful would happen to me in the end. I don’t think I could bear to see the unhappy valley of Dale again, and as for that steaming gate! ! !”
Poor Bilbo, 3 exclamation points is a sign of someone bordering on madness. Also yeah them sending him through the Front Gate is pretty rich on their part, invisibility or no.
There on the grey stone in the grass was an enormous thrush, nearly coal black, its pale yellow breast freckled with dark spots. Crack! It had caught a snail and was knocking it on the stone. Crack! Crack!
Shame they couldn't be arsed to reread the runes and had to find it solely by coincidence. These asshole dwarves don't deserve their treasure; Bilbo should get it all.
Now they all pushed together, and slowly a part of the rock-wall gave way. Long straight cracks appeared and widened. A door five feet high and three broad was outlined, and slowly without a sound swung inwards. It seemed as if darkness flowed out like a vapour from the hole in the mountain-side, and deep darkness in which nothing could be seen lay before their eyes, a yawning mouth leading in and down.
11 chapters and they've only just now reached the dungeon. It's just like every D&D campaign I've ever played!
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Songs for Hazbin Hotel Characters (Playlists Series) PART 4
What to do when you’re feeling not so great, maybe melancholic or sad, yet still crave some comedy? Well, do I have a show to offer? Course I do! It features amazing music as well! This part is all about the wonderful musical world of “BoJack Horseman” animated series!
I really love this show! It made my last year more bearable. It’s the perfect kind of show for adults that really talks about the problems that many of us face later in life, heck, maybe now, and who are not only about dirty jokes, drugs and violence. I mean, the show does feature those 3 but it doesn’t take all the focus. If you know, you know. I would really recommend giving it a chance!
As for today, I shall be sharing my opinions on Hazbin characters’ opinions on the “BoJack Horseman”, give them one song to add in their own playlists and give a character that they might relate to a certain aspect.  
She is the one who will most likely enjoy this show. The darkness featured in it, whether it be the dark humour, worst possible characters’ decisions, the tone itself. She would indulge in it, I’m sure! A perfect show for her to spend some time relaxing after doing loads of work or from just hearing Angel talk non – stop all day. Soft moments that the show gives also help the case.  
“I guess that’s just me, honey, I guess that’s how I’m built; I try to tell you I love you and it comes out all sick”.
Kin character: Kelsey Jannings. Powerful woman in day – to – day life.
This man loves dark stuff, you cannot prove me otherwise. Husk had lived a hard life and the afterlife did not make it easier. He had seen his fair share of humanity’s darkness, so much so, that he became kind of numb to it. Seeing it play out in the animated style, tugs on Husk’s heart strings. He will never admit, but some of the characters’ arcs makes him feel things that he thought he had long forgotten.
“We were meant to let ourselves into, let it go; Never wanted to be here”.
Kin character: Bits of BoJack Horseman and Eddie (The Dragonfly). Drunk and depressed aspects are at play there.
Yes, we know that he dislikes television but that does not mean that he cannot have a guilty pleasure. I believe that he would find some interest in this show. It is about entertainment industry after all. Plus, Alastor could learn a thing or two about nowadays movie industry, plus some things about mental illness. Enlightenment on his part, if you will.
“But they'll never know the pain; Of living with a name you never owned. Or the many years forgetting, what you know too well, that you who gave the crown, have been let down”.
Kin character: Princess Carolyn. Love the character who gets shit done and is exceptionally good at her job.
Angel would be 50/50 about this show. He would love its darkness and Hollywood, but a lot of characters would be too irritating for him to watch. He definitely would point fingers to his friends after some situation had happened on screen and say “That’s you!”
“You'll find me; In a sea of dreams; Where no one cares about my words”.
Kin character: Sarah Lynn. He would relate to her story so much.  
Charlie would not enjoy this show too much. Aside from great mental illness and struggles that come with it representation, she wouldn’t care too much of it. It’s too real for her and Charlie wishes to escape from reality more often than to watch something that closely resembles it.
“I want you close, I want you; I won't treat you like you're typical; I want you close, I want you; I won't treat you like you're typical”.
Kin character: Todd Chavez, more so in the later seasons. Sunshine who has a bit of sadness hidden.
Not her type of show. Too little real love, too much of heart ships. Too much depression, too little actual joy. Niffty does not want to sit around and watch those kinds of shows.  
“Open my love (I'm giving up); Try to run (I'm giving up); Take my heart, it's hanging out against the wind”.
Kin character: Wanda Pierce. That “red flags” line would hit her close to home.
That’s my takes and the end of part 4. I tell you, friends, this was a sensational part of my Playlist series. I may not be The Horse from Horsin’ Around, but I’m glad that you have spent some time with me!
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Don! Don! Donbura ko! Our raging festival of peaches, manga, haikus, misunderstandings, and ships shall be coming to an end within a matter of weeks. I can scarcely believe it myself, however all worldly things are as fleeting as they are beautiful.
Come March, our adventures with all these assholes will be at an end. And as wonderful and envelope pushing as they are, we really could do with a moment of pause after it's all said and done.
Enough depressing thoughts though, have another hour of me talking about this dumbass series~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-You Noto do a funny little wish, huh?
-You love your besties.
-Hello, Sonogo-sama.
-Shallow indeed.
-Sonoroku's having himself a muscle moment.
-And of course, Sonoshi. The evil icon themself.
-The peace summit begins.
-Tsuyoshi and Tsubasa are off to the side there, nothing can go wrong.
-Kaito's never been this serious about anything this whole season.
-Polite applause.
-Zettai ni! Ore koso only one!
-"So like... are you their dad or something? You just kinda exist."
-"Brilliant, Sonoza. Getting to know my father in law is a tremendous first step to our successful alliance."
-"I am a special man. ...so like, can I get your food now?"
-Instant service, goddamn.
-"Thank you for saving my extremely troublesome pet bird."
-Not true Haruka, Minoru Ohno is still tied.
-I see Tsuyoshi's own death apparently means nothing to him without Miho.
-...though then again, he did save Tarou the first time he died and that was post Hitotsu-ki transformation, so...
-Maybe they're even?
-"Keep turning into a Hitotsu-ki then, you cuckoo. There is no tooth fairy, there is no Easter Bunny, and there is no Miho Kijino."
-Wake up and smell the mustard Kaito went out of his way to prepare for you.
-"I married a monster!"
-To be honest, I still fully would.
-I see Sonoza and I are in agreement about it being hilarious.
-There he is. Papa Jin.
-"Hello, son."
-Sonoshi's having a moment to themselves.
-Now play Bolero of Fire.
Sonoroku: Oooooookay, looks like they're not very alright upstairs. Sonogo: I hate them more than you do, just so you know.
-He's out on community service.
-"Get him pu'er tea."
-Oooooooh, this is big crime.
-"My legacy means nothing. Not when compared to their lives. And Tarou..."
-I'd love to have one of those switches just to play with.
-I know that sounds kinda weird, but
-"You have a job!"
-"It's a good job :)"
-"Here you go, Dad. Drink up."
-Haruka's sheer terror.
-"He's having time to himself."
-Shinichi's got a point. You're less "allying" and more straight up "joining". Green unit to Blue unit.
-"Whoa, that dude went flying... Oh shit, she's here!"
-Ohhhh, drama.
-A... little late, but...
-"You haiku-spewing monkey FUCK, we're helping you!"
-"Ooooh, and that may be true, but this gives me a little bit of doubt about employee integrity. Isn't that right, Tarou-sama?"
-"That's hot, Sonoi!"
-"Right okay, asking you was a mistake. What about you, Haruka?"
-"I mean like... I guess?"
-"Wrong! Meandering plotlines like this will never win the minds of a reader! Say what you mean, Haruka!"
-I guess Tsuyoshi's really against the
-"I mean, I don't really wanna say anything. I'm like... not here."
-Hello, Haruka. You're our final boss!
-Thanks Shinichi, that was nice of you.
-Goodbye, Papa Jin.
-Notice how Tarou never technically spoke to Jin once.
-Ohhhhh, that's right. Tsubasa already technically voted for Sononi.
-"You died, sweetheart. And he paid for you to come back."
-I have to wonder what would've happened if Sononi got a state funeral the way Sonoi did back when he died.
-Dog Condor...
-...guess she's REAL happy about that.
-Oooooooh, rejected!
-"No pets from the dog."
-Strawbebby parfait!
-Goddamn, yo! You got it!
-Vote time!
-Tie time.
-"I retain my right to vote."
-Cold blooded.
-Shinnosuke... Tamaki...
-You two are from a previous episode.
-"GET THAT YOUNG LOVE SHIT OUTTA HEEEEEERE! Oh, it's just like my life! ...in a way!"
-"That's it. We're done here."
-"You're being a bad boy, Tarou-san..."
-Sonoroku, you didn't really do anything, I guess that means you're fine.
-"Okay, we'll vote too~!"
-The vote has been totally rocked.
-Look at that, we're in the majority~!
-Hitosu-ki Time!
-Two Hitotsu-ki!
-"Uh oh, besties~! Looks like you're alone now~!"
-Don Kaito, once again lost.
-And there he goes!
-"Ohhhhh man~! Mixin' it up after the fourth~! Brilliant idea to get around rule of three~!"
-"Get off me, woman!"
-Ohhhhhhh, there he goes!
-Succed into two different worlds.
-Nine Donbrothers!
-I could barely handle five, six was pushing it. Now nine!
-Okay, it seems that Tamaki's the Dengeki-ki, while Shinnosuke's the Battle Fever one. ...I'm not entirely sure what I'd call him, but... I guess BF-ki? I mean it'd be fitting.
-Anyways, episode 48~!
-Don Momotaro has been vored!
-And Tsuyoshi I guess, but
-Those jerks.
-"You guys suck!"
-Monkey in charge.
-Guess we're fighting together.
-Leashed in.
-"Y'know what, I'm gonna go off somewhere and have a drink, I do not wanna deal with this today."
-Time for some big shit.
-Awwwwww, Tsubasa.
-Tell all the girls.
-"Wait, hold on dude, I'm not wanted anymore!"
-Five Million~!
-Oh thanks, Sononi~!
-Ice cold, man.
-"I suspected Kijino, but... Tarou, really?"
-"You just focus on your manga."
-Waiter time!
-"Sit your asses down, I need to work this off!"
-There's the pinwheel.
-"Oh c'mon man, that's a little beyond."
-Oh okay, Sonoroku's just!
-Keep the bad guys busy and the Hitotsu-ki in range.
-Be honest with her, man.
-"Do you know who Miho is?"
-I see... so she was a path that Natsumi could've taken.
-Ohhhhhh they could've reconciled easily!
-Sonogo and Sonoshi are being regular sadistic but Sonoroku's like "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, WOOOOOOO!"
-I mean they are villains, but goddamn Inoue
-"Smash 'em into bloody paste, Oni!"
-Ohhhh, they gone!
-Know when to fold.
-Hello, Tiger Man.
-"Through thick and thin... together..."
-They truly become one.
-Momotani Jirou. Toradora.
-I'm sorry Sonoi, but your little panic there was adorable.
-"Odeeeeen~!? God, Sonoi, you've really fallen so far~!"
-"All those weak Donbrothers really fit that scrub though, don't they~? Like that dog Sononi's in love with! Or that manga-loving ogre Sonoza wasted so much time training!"
-"The only thing faker than Don Momotaro's strength is Sonoi's Jordans!"
-He got SO mad.
-"I have a plan."
-Shinichi's completely focused now.
-We're totally outnumbered.
-If only Murasame were here, huh?
-"Check this shit out~!"
-Completely without honor and humanity. The Noto Overseers!
-Oh, we dead.
-"Go for it, Shinichi!"
-Our chance has come!
-The Zanglass Sword!
-"I'm no swordsman, Sonoi-san! This is your battle!"
-"Well~? Pick it up."
-Goddamn, they're that monstrously arrogant.
-Zanglass Chop!
-The squad!
-We're all friends now!
-"So, that's our new Donbrothers. Fascinating."
-Go, Jirou!
-Don Don! Donbrothers!
-Hot damn!
-Supreme Great Combination!
-This is everything I've ever dreamed.
-Besties at long last!
-Medetashi medetashi!
-Later, nerds.
-You'd better keep your eyes on your lady now, okay?
-We did it.
-"Nice job, man."
-Everybody gets to join the festival :)
-Tsubasa knows what you did:)
-That's our... Ousama-ki, is it? I thought it was unusual when the next Sentai's mech came in hot to help us before we even met anyone there, but it's even weirder to me that we get a legacy monster to boot.
-Not that I mind, nobody needs a conventional finale with a show like Donbrothers.
-Is that? Nooo, it couldn't be...
-Well, there's Minoru-san! Frankly I'd expect to see nobody else here at the end.
-That dude in the hood though...
-Oh my GOD IT IS
-This episode went from 100 to 913 real quick.
-I don't think it's quite the finale, but...
-Man, we're so close to a fittingly confusing and insane end either way.
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kingdomoftyto · 2 years
Continuing my liveblog of the early, 1992 draft of the IwtV movie script~
Okay where did we leave off?
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Ah. Right. And OH boy, that "papa's waiting for us" line has some potentially horrifying implications. (Final version, she says "Papa left us and didn't come back.") Maybe her mother was just lying to her about it, but if she really does have a living father out there somewhere then UH OH everything that's about to happen is even worse than it already was!!
Louis feeding on Claudia and Lestat taunting him about it plays out pretty much the same
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More of Louis being ready to throw hands with Lestat. Wish we could have seen them running on rooftops like this!
... The final cut has Louis holing up in a sewer drain and Lestat mocking him a little bit before trying to reason with him about his vampire nature: "Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately, and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are. None so like Him as ourselves." Lestat brings Louis back to the inn and Claudia's already there waiting to be turned.
MEANWHILE, in the early draft:
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The WHOOOOOLE backstory
I can't decide whether this is hilarious or a bummer, honestly. On the one hand, having Lestat as a more sympathetic character from the outset would have been interesting to see. You could make a whole AU out of that and it be really fascinating and fun. The movie(s) could have been a sort of retcon reboot for the series, which may or may not have panned out well, but could've been an interesting experiment.
On the other hand, the pacing of this movie would have been terrible and the framing story with Daniel would have been kind of pointless and confusing, on top of the obvious problems with Louis' and Claudia's reasons for hating Lestat later. It's kind of massively important to the plot that Louis couldn't pry any useful teachings out of Lestat no matter how much he tried, and that he was sure Lestat only wanted him for his money. Doing away with both of those things PLUS making Lestat gentler and more willing to talk about his personal history just makes Louis' intense dislike of him seem unreasonable lmfao
Anyway, let's see how The Vampire Lestat might have been adapted as a film!
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So ANYWAY, we get a quick version of him killing the wolf pack.
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Now she's just fucking with me. Antoine???? Nicolas gets cut completely but Antoine shows up in Auvergne????
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Why are you like this, Anne Rice
Gabrielle gives Lestat some money so he can make it to Paris. He becomes an actor, and one night he notices Magnus watching him from the crowd.
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Abrupt, but appropriate enough. And I know Lestat already said earlier that his maker had gone mad, but I think it still would have been weird to see Magnus "leaping about like a spider monkey" without hearing any of his dialogue first lmao
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aaAHYIGHIDH I mean I GUESS. Definitely one part of the book I can live without seeing on the big screen, thanks!
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Really subtle dig at Louis, there, Lestat.
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God, can you imagine how differently things would have played out if Louis knew all this stuff back at the start of their relationship?? Holy shit lmao
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WHY is Louis going to agree to look for these vampires later? Lestat's telling him everything up front now. I guess Louis could assume he's being lied to.
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Ooh, even cutting back to show Louis' reaction shots! I'd read this fanfic for sure.
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How does this not change the entire rest of the plot lmfao. Also wait, what about making Gabrielle would have been breaking the cult's rules?? Because she was dying? I don't remember them having a problem with her
... So he goes to see Gabrielle on her deathbed, and she is shocked to realize that he's not human anymore.
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Hard to translate all this to the language of film. This whole sequence feels a little awkwardly done.
... Gabrielle asks him to turn her, so he does. They run along the rooftops laughing and embracing.
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Wh... why? I get not wanting to spoil the hair growing back thing so the scene with Claudia later has more impact, but in that case why bring it up at all here? Very sloppy. Glad she wanted to keep Gabrielle's predilection for dressing as a man, though.
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????? Was this a thing?? I don't think this was a thing
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F in the chat for Armand's dignity
This rapid-fire barrage of scenes and exposition dumping is really not fit to cram into a single movie lol. Thank goodness the editors took things seriously
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djsakhjsfdkg ah yes, the ridiculously kindhearted Lestat that Louis definitely knew about early on in their time together.
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Lestat described as an angel, philosophical debates, Lestat aggressively defending the beauty of the world despite his later impatience with Louis over doing the same thing sometimes... This scene really has it all
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Oh here we go...!
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Sure why not just change the entire tone of the story, make Lestat's "death" an outright tragedy before it even happens! Lmao amazing
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Oh, Anne, honey, no. You might want to think twice before using this comparison
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Pfft, and then we're reminded that Gabrielle isn't actually dead, she's just off cavorting. Lestat, your problems may be tragic, but they're not quite as bad as you make them out to be. What must this sound like to poor Louis? Is he replaceable too?
... Gabrielle tells Lestat that she's figured out they can survive the day by digging into the ground, and he's just like "oh that's neat"
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I was going to make a joke about "mumbo jumbo" being anachronistic, but dictionary.com says the phrase is from the mid-1700s so... nevermind
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All right then, keep your secrets
Lol at least there's ONE part of the backstory that he doesn't share with Louis. Kind of hard to bring in Marius without having to get into the whole Those Who Must Be Kept nonsense
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"families", Louis smiling at him... what is this. This is supposed to be Louis' lowest point in the story lmfao
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jgdHSGJSF so Lestat goes on for a bit about how he crossed the Atlantic, and I guess this is his idea of flirting?? oh my god
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He's so GENTLE and REASSURING. What a TOTALLY different dynamic they have in this version
... Ugh, already over the image limit for this post. Let's pick it back up in the next one-!
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