#we return to your regularly scheduled me chewing the walls about grace's 1 million issues
capn-twitchery · 1 month
this post made me think too hard about grace again,,he really Does think he's some kind of ghost bc he drew the short straw in the arctic!! grace was supposed to be the one who got killed & eaten,, he 100% thinks he should be dead & he's only alive bc he stole the chance to live from someone else who should have rightfully survived
so it only makes sense to finish their goals & avenge their brother's death, like they would have if grace hadn't stolen that chance from them. but then he finishes that. and then,,,,now what?? he didn't know the guy well enough to do Anything else on their behalf. he doesn't know what they would've wanted, but grace doesn't know what he wants himself either. he doesn't think he deserves to want Anything bc he doesn't even think he deserves to have lived at all
but he can't Not be alive, because giving it up now after taking the chance from someone else would be insulting. so he's just stuck, not knowing what to do with himself,,,,,man no wonder he felt so lost after nemesis
(but also maybe he should just stop assigning so much moral value to the rules & nonexistent decision making of a pile of wooden straws. grace i promise the sticks didn't choose you to be dead. it's ok.)
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