#we really cannot get rid of ferns they will probably outlast humanity
margaritadaemonelix · 4 months
Oh heck yeah, another paleontology nerd!!! Do you have any favorite facts or things you want to infodump about? :)
The weirdest thing I’ve heard recently is that there’s a creationist pseudoscientist guy who dubbed himself “Dr. Dino” and suggested that “some people think parasaurolophus could breathe fire.” My dude, nobody thinks that except you. 😵‍💫
hsdkfjlhlkjhsf that's a hell of a conjecture to make alright! admittedly i am Very Behind on my palaeontology bc i used to be dead terrified of dinosaurs, but my fun fact is that i'm old buddies with the Parasaurolophus walkeri holotype! it's at the Royal Ontario Museum, which i frequent to the point where it's basically a second home to me ^-^
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