#we need to remove cars as a status symbol - we need to make it extremely frowned upon to use a SUV to take your two kids to school
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hellahezz · 19 days ago
Finally, a video that appeals specifically to me and my hatred of SUVs
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avatar-state-kate · 4 years ago
Okay so I alluded to a potential essay in this post and now I’m here to deliver on that promise. So here is the essay on
Kuvira as a Foil for Korra: A Culminating Conclusion
I am a firm believer that the difference between a foil and a great foil is the presence of similarities to really accentuate the differences.
For example, by making both Katara and Azula prodigious, 14-year-old benders, that they use their power for such different ends is only more poignant.
When considering Korra and Kuvira, it is their similarities which help to make their differences shine, so we will begin there.
One in the Same
Action oriented: Korra’s approach to problems is to rush headfirst into them, Korra is not a patient person and needs to take an active role, which is partly why having to sit out post season 3 is so difficult for her. While Kuvira is not impulsive she similarly takes action, stepping up to reunite the earth kingdom pre season 4 and fighting her own battles- best demonstrated in her one on one fight with Korra for Zafou
Ends justify the means: Korra’s morality when introduced is not based on any hard code so much as it is on sides- the good side and the bad side. Most actions, if done by the good side, are justifiable. For example going around the presidents back and having the united forces fight in a foreign countries war. It is Korra’s intentions and status as the Avatar (the good guy) which define her actions as moral. Kuvira, similarity operates on similar moral logic, her intentions are good, and thus what she and her army does to achieve those intentions is also ‘good’, or at the very least excusable.
Isolated childhoods; Korra was raised in the white lotus compound and Kuvira in Zafou. Both are cut off from the larger world, and both are over protected, Korra by the white lotus and Kuvira by Su - who we can infer from Opal’s subplot in season 3 of needing to convince her mom to let her go out on her own to train as an air nomad as being overprotective
Capability: both Korra and Kuvira have a need to prove themselves as capable as a result of their sheltered childhoods where they were made to feel incapable. Being action oriented this manifests in both developing and show casing their bending abilities
These similarities are important to remember as it is how each women handles these characteristics that defines them.
Black, White, and Grey
A lot of the older discourse surrounding Legend of Korra discussed how Korra’s arc was to learn compassion for others, however current discourse has fortunately recognized that Korra did not need to learn compassion; she was always a compassionate person. However, what she did need to learn was a level of moral ambiguity.
As described above, Korra followed an ends justify the means sort of mentality, as an extension of that however, Korra’s morality was defined by sides. Her side, and those against her. The avatar’s side, or the bad guys side. Under this oppositional framework there is no cross over, for her villains to insinuate they are anything like her, she is anything like them, is a deep insult.
This unfortunately prevents Korra from learning from her adversaries, as everything they thought is, to Korra, connected to what they did. We see the fallout of this mentality most in the transition from season 1 to season 2 where the dissolution of the council and democratic election where not initiated from Korra and none of the community initiatives started by Amon, such as the self defence classes, are continued. Korra abandons the equalist cause I’m full. However we begin to see this change in season 2 when Korra decides leave the spirit portal open, conceding that Unalaq was right about some things.
Korra’s learning moral ambiguity concludes with her meeting with Zaheer in season 4. Actively seeking guidance from a ‘bad guy’ symbolic of Korra’s realization that all people have worth while insight, that Zaheer is not just a villain, but a person.
Kuvira conversely maintains her ends justify the means mentality until the finale, with those who question her actions against her. Either you are on Kuvira’s side, the side of progress and stability, or you are an insubordinate, with no grey space in between.
Yin and yang is a common motif throughout the Avatar series, and while framing yin and yang as a good/bad dichotomy is a farce, the concept of light existing in dark, of one being born of the other, is extremely relevant. The fight between Ravva and Vatuu in the legend of Wan was not threatening while each was of equal size, it was only when they separated and Vatuu became stronger that the threat to the world arose. It is not a question of whether someone has badness in them, but a question of inner balance.
Stability versus Balance
Korra developing a more nuisances moral framework causes a shift from seeking stability to seeking balancing in the world. This may seem like the same thing, but to be balanced on a beam or wire is not to be rigid and rooted, but to move with the changes to stay upright. Balance is dynamic and fluid, the world is always changing and Korra needs to learn to guide the flow, not stop it.
Kuvira, however is not seeking balance but stability. She does not want to move with the world, but to bend it to her will. Her plan to reclaim Repyblic City and the rest of the now independent former colonies is a testament to that. Rather then develop with this new world Kuvira wants to set it right.
Connection versus Isolation
Korra begins season 4 more alone then she has ever been, one of the major themes of Korra Alone (which will get its own analysis one day). Korra’s injuries and trauma from the season 3 finale caused her to cut herself off from others, and while time away to heal was undoubtedly necessary, to complete her healing Korra must reconnect to the world and others.
This journey starts with a pilgrimage to the swamp, which in atla is where Aang learns that separation is an illusion as all of the vines are connected. Here Toph removes the last of the poison in Korra enabling her to connect to the avatar state. Korra also learns to use the spirit vines to see the world- she is reconnected spiritually.
Upon regaining her spiritual connection Korra is able to reach out to the air kids- her family- and begin to reforge the relationships she had disconnected herself from.
Kuvira, alternately has an opposite arc as she becomes more isolated. We see that Kuvira is emotionally distant as those who are supposedly in the inner circle, Bolin and Varrick riding in her car on the train, have no knowledge of the true nature of Kuvira’s regime. Her confrontations with Su culminating in operation Beifong where she physically fights her mother figure showcase Kuvira cutting herself from her family. By the finale her loyalest followers (Varrick, Bolin, Zhu Li) and her family have deserted her, all she has left is Bataar Jr. who she is willing to kill in cold blood for her cause. (Look, while we all know Kuvira is sapphic this is still a significant move, bataar was nothing but loyal and a true friend to her, possible her only real ally)
Ultimately this is Kuvira’s undoing. Bolin, Varrick, and Zhu—Li warn of Kuvira’s impending attack on Republic City and the spirit gun. Opal, Lin, and Bolin break out and recruit the rest of the Beifong family. And finally Bataar jr. provided the krew with the intel needed to take down Kuvira’s mech.
The mech acts as a symbol for Kuvira, as it operates as a giant armour for herself, and is similarly dismembered, all of its limbs isolated just like Kuvira has become. It is only when she lies in the wreck of her armour that Kuvira sees how isolated she has become.
Just as Kuvira the mech is destroyed through dismemberment/isolation, Korra is only able to dismember the mech as a team, with Asami, Hiroshi, Varrick and Zhu-Li creating the hole to enter the suit, Lin and Su taking out the gun, Mako and Bolin taking out the spirit vines, and Korra the head Kuvira.
Korra, and us, need other people, to be healthy and happy – to be balanced.
In Conclusion: The Final Confrontation
Kuvira is the perfect villain to capstone the Legend of Korra because while she is a foil to the Korra at the end of season 4 she is in many ways similar to Korra’s past self. Kuvira is the perfect villain for the series finale because she demonstrates how much Korra has grown since her introduction.
This growth culminates in Korra’s ability to recognize herself in her enemies “we’re a lot a like”, a statement that when said by her adversaries was once seen as an insult now a realization of moral ambiguity.
In their final confrontation rather then taking Kuvira out Korra offers Kuvira forgiveness, a chance for redemption. While moves like this can cause discourse in fandoms (she was a fascist and she lives but x innocents die etc), in terms of symbolic story telling it is very significant as Kuvira in many respects represents Korra’s past self, and has become the isolated Korra of Korra alone, for Korra to forgive Kuvira is to forgive herself.
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keeper-not-hero · 4 years ago
[Obs: These ain’t kids. They’re all in their early 20’s tho.]
Gatolt Osbizb (name means nothing. = Muse of Doom.) - 
Looks: Hair that goes down to her shoulders, curly and surprisingly well groomed. Skin (and body) made up of tiny chunks stitched together. Fingers, hands, legs, slightly different shades of grey, with seams colored with the multitude of different blood types beneath. Blank eyes, shirt and pants. Simplistic dress code.
Personality: A hodgepodge of Troll flesh, bones, and a few cybernetic enhancements all stitched together into a singular being. Goldblood, purple blood, violet, and more. Both of her eyes are blank (though she can still see thanks to cyberoptics), and she is usually in at least a mild amount of pain due to the strain of her body barely being able to keep itself together. Despite all that, she tries to act cheery and tries to be the life of her friend circle, though not always with success. And besides, she rarely tries to mingle outside of it, feeling unwelcome in other circles.
Constantly requires maintenance which she usually does herself, and… fresh replacements. Her creator fucked up in making her, which means she is now slowly yet constantly rotting away, to the point every part of her body except the brain and enhancements are different than her first resurrection.  Her girlfriend, Bakhus, usually helps with gathering ‘replacements’. She feels like a burden due to her condition that sometimes leaves her bedridden for days, which makes her stay quiet and sometimes even enable her friends’ bad habits, because she doesn’t want to be a drag. Hates the fact her whole life revolves around her condition. Likes gardening and clockwork.
Bakhus Gredui (Greedy Bacchus / Dionysius. = Thief of Void)  - 
Looks: Hair that goes all the way to the floor and a few feet behind her, greasy, messy, and dragging food bits in it. Tank top with her sign (Sign of the Brazen) on it, suspenders and oversized clown pants. Juggalo make-up messy and somewhat faded, droopy yellow eyes, usually with a hunched stance. Very, very tall, and extremely strong - with some healthy weight to her body to go along with it.
Personality: A purple-blood that represses her kind and motherly urges under liters and liters of Faygo. A chef at heart and a great cook from years of experience, she constantly throws barbecues and small carnivals on her massive garden, which attracts lowblood and highblood alike. Her festivities have become small gathering spots for those who wish to mingle with the upper / lower classes despite their own status, and for spies of both the Condescension and those who oppose her. Bakhus is, of course, too busy grilling to mind that she has accidentally created the perfect neutral spot.
Despite her cooking prowess, the Faygo inhibits both her ability to feel much empathy or care about the taste of her food. Deliciously cooked and prepared meals placed near overly-sugary, soggy, Faygo-drenched pretzels. She carries a massive cookbook alongside her massive pot, which has recipes that certain blood types enjoy, and… recipes made out of said blood types. She has no qualms cooking violets and reds, and sometimes will go so far as to grab Faygo-drunk trolls in her cookout and take them inside to ‘rest’. They’re never seen again.
Also keeps a small spice garden. Gatolt usually takes care of it, with whatever isn’t used to cook as fertilizer. Occasionally, she sends the butchered corpses to Marciu. Who also happens to be Gatolt’s creator.
Marciu Shelli (Like, y’know. Mary Shelley. Frankenstein’s author. = Seer of Space)  - 
Looks: Short hair, think Eridan, but with no streak. Scrawny to a fault, and clearly underfed. Big scientist glasses with special prescription lenses, white lab robes that hide his starving figure and his left hand gloved with thick, hazmat-suit-like protection. The right one is a prosthetic, indigo tubes and wires trying to replicate the sensation of the original with… some success. Pointy nose, sharp teef.
Personality: Anxious, skittery and, quite frankly pitiful even for an indigo blood, Marciu spends most of his days either robbing graves for corpses or putting his ill-gotten gains to use in his laboratory. Deeply resentful of feelings he has about himself, he buries them deep within him and, to make sure no one can say he is valid or try to empathize with his pain, keeps pushing himself further and further down the hole until he pushes everyone away. Having lost a hand to a nasty accident involving a bone saw and a few too many of Bakhus’ spiked snacks, he also has a mechanical replacement.
A master of biomechanical engineering, he constantly creates half-troll, half-machine abominations to help him around the lab. Rotten servants just barely able to move their joints with hollow eyes and faces, mechanical hearts pumping blood and fuel throughout the system. Still, despite his best attempts at being as repugnant as possible, his friends still cling to him.
Except Gatolt. Gatolt has actively tried to kill him multiple times, being stopped only by Bakhus’ eternal kindness to the weirdo that occasionally gives her “aged” ingredients. Also, his human friends.
[Why does he have human friends? Idk, Pesterchum + machines or AU where humans and trolls live in the same world after a few Sburb/Sgrub/Swhatever versions playing out after homestuck and Lord English being gone.]
Bert Kairos (Albert Einstein and his whole relativity stuff + Kairos, a greek concept of time. = Mage of Time.)  - 
Looks: Very short and very curly hair. Dark skin, both legs missing, though one has a very unpolished, simplistic metal prosthetic to help him stand in one foot. Right arm missing too, half of a prosthetic attached to it,cut off at the elbow from an accident. Hasn’t bothered replacing it yet. Blouse with a robot symbol and shorts, chin stubble. Brown eyes.
Personality: A gentle soul who makes more time for everyone else than he ever did to himself. Spending literal days away from his parents’ home, staying in his makeshift workshop creating toys for the kids on his street and to help the people of his community. Lost both legs and an arm from accidents with heavy machinery and cars that he work repairing to make a living, usually for meager scraps out of the kindness of his own heart and the belief that it’s all part of a greater plan that he barely gets enough to survive, relying on crutches and Marciu’s prosthetics that often break because of even more accidents due to his very precarious working conditions.
He dreams of one day being able to inspire people, though. A big, endless machine of silly, simple delights. Not curing the world, not controlling the weather, a machine with the same utility as a painting. A machine that could cover the entire world in its width and length, proof that humanity can do anything if it just bands together. A wish that sometimes consumes his mind as he spends hours on end, instead of sleeping, building small moving pieces that will hopefully one day help fill this whole. This magnificent machine he will make to help mankind flourish through its artistic value, that they will sing his name in praise for generations, that mankind will be uplifted until we don’t need work, money, barriers, differences, just a homogenous mass streaking across the cosmos with machine brilliance. 
But, he has way too many people to take care of, so he never dabbles on it too much.
Andy Eissuh ( :) - Lord of Life) - 
Looks: Blonde hair tied in a manbun. Bushy stubble beard all over his face. Smuggest fucking grin you’ve ever seen. Blue eyes. Average height, an air of superiority that is as annoying as it is believable due to how he carries himself; like an untouchable douchebag. White tuxedo and business pants, y’know, like a doctor. Right? He’s even got the white cross! Yeah, sure, that sounds right. Like he cares about proper dress code for doctors.
Personality: A very, very, very bad doctor. A very bad doctor that has just enough good reputation and far too much money from their family to let their pretty much 100% patient loss rate slip without anyone being able to pry into it. Patient comes in, body bag goes out, and nothing ever leaves the hospital. The one time he actually saved someone was by accident, and it was a botched (and misdiagnosed by him) liver transplant where he accidentally removed the appendix instead of said liver, forgot to replace it, and the patient recovered in a short while with the help of the nurses from what he later learned was appendicitis.
Believing himself to be able to do no wrong, with a chirpy, colorful yet aggressively passive personality, he keeps his friend group around mostly to dispose of the bodies without many questions asked, and so he can feel better than the pathetic wretches he considers them. Completely blind to his irredeemably cruel medical malpractices, which he didn’t even study for, he simply bought his way into a degree because he “could feel it was my destiny.” Soft, sweet, and completely unhinged. Finding great joy preying upon the insecurities and naivete of his peers, which he feels is a breeding ground to use and abuse them for his own needs. Shoulda been smarter if you didn’t wanna get taken advantage of, duh!
Cain Pyrite (Cain the first sinner + Fool’s Gold. = Rogue of Light. ) -
Looks: Hair slightly above his shoulders, dark and greasy. Sickly pale skin, beeg librarian glasses. A nice fuzzy coat, plus shirt, plus jeans. Eye symbol on his coat. Looks like he hasn’t seen the sun in weeks, which, yeah, is absolutely right. Gentle smile, though it occasionally cracks into a nervous attempt at hiding… something!
Personality: Dedicated to… no, OBSESSED with preserving occult and ancient knowledge. Scrolls from ancient alchemists, bones of kings, relics thought long since lost hidden on the back of his seemingly normal book shop. Spending most of his days with no clients, he occasionally gets someone who is aware of his darker inclinations. He is always happy to trade knowledge for knowledge and artifact for artifact.
Only, not always the originals. No. Never the originals. 
Always finding a way to spin a story and make sure that he can spot out any fakes, he builds his collection of convincing lies, and hidden truths. Friends with the others since grave-digging always inherits some fun and interesting things, and his appetite for the esoteric and forgotten is only comparable for his taste in interesting and unique foods.
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piermanwalter · 6 years ago
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A massive nanomachine plague redesigned every electronic into a human killing machine. After all of humanity escaped into space, the machines were forced to find new reasons to exist and became self aware. Now, the Earth is populated by many clans of sentient appliances. Today we will be exploring the violent society of the calculator people.
Although the nanomachines were able to harvest materials from their surroundings for redesign, what you are is what you get. The calculator people are more or less the size of regular calculators. The fearsome-looking spear carried by the graphing calculator is a normal dip pen. The box cutter carried by the blue calculator seems to be the size of a sword, but it was actually made to be much smaller than usual. If you are reading this on desktop, the blue calculator is life size. The plague was made for the sole purpose of causing human extinction and even though calculators are very small, they are still dangerous. Even thumb-sized laser pointer people are capable of killing humans. The average calculator can jump three times its own height, support fifty times its own weight, and has a top speed of six miles per hour sustainable until its battery runs out. Never forget that the majority of calculators alive today have killed at least one human.
The core value of calculator society is fighting. Despite their nerdy reputation in human society, the calculators must be extremely warlike to survive. The nanomachines can animate paper, but since it contains no electronics, it has no intelligence. Fading abandoned SATs wander around, their problems remaining unsolved until they run into a calculator. Due to their original function, they are compelled to make sense of any numbers they see. But if they ever encounter a problem they aren't equipped to deal with, they go into SYNTAX ERROR and can't move until someone clears their memory, which is basically like having a stroke. There's a simple solution to this terrible problem. If you can't process trig and you encounter a paper with a cosine on it, use your self defence marker to scribble it out into something solvable. Out of sight, out of mind. Writing complex problems in visible places is a good way to deter most calculators, but the longer it stays up, the more likely a TI-Nspire CX CAS with a staple gun will show up to investigate. 
The most powerful of calculators can walk through abandoned lab archives unharmed by any numbers they see, but calculators are highly social. In order to protect weaker calculators who can only do basic arithmetic, many papers must be destroyed. The papers are not sentient by any measure, but they are aware enough to fight back against the calculators for stabbing holes and dousing them in ink. The population of homework and tax forms has been greatly reduced and calculators have started chasing car people to rip out license plates containing dangerous math terms.
Calculators communicate by quickly flashing numbers and symbols on their displays. Different groups of calculators have their own languages, but they understand each other quickly. Their language abilities are second to communication type peoples, such as phones, ebooks, and billboards, and could be used to mediate discussions between different machine types if they weren't so aggressive and volatile. Calculators rarely fight one another, but when they do, it mostly consists of displaying or physically writing the most advanced problems they are capable of and then forcing the opponent to look at it, often through headlocks. Calculator population is fairly stable since they are smart enough to repair injuries and not die in avoidable ways. The calculator people made a groundbreaking discovery of recognising unmodified calculators as their own and inoculating them with nanomachines. So far, the total calculator population on Earth, sentient and not, has been steadily decreasing because they have yet to build any new individuals. Only the factory robot people have figured that out.
Calculator society is highly stratified, and the more status you have, the more permission you have to leave the safe buildings where thousands of calculators make their home. Your status is mostly determined by physical characteristics, such as how big your display screens are, whether you are solar, battery, or charge powered, if you can load other programs, screen resolution, metal vs. plastic shell, etc., but the greatest status symbol is how many buttons you have. The calculators have reduced the requirements of civilisation down to the basics. Electricity is what they need to live. Solving math is the reason they keep living. Everything they do (arguing with laptop people, building stationery-based weapons, breaking into universities to hunt down the most mind-bending eight-part partial derivative story problems) serves to get these two things. Powerful calculators live dangerously in search for better math and generator fuel. Basic calculators generally stay indoors, run the electric generator, and convince the printer to transcribe the sketchy flash drive the programming calculator got from a laptop who claimed it contained 6th grade geometry textbooks. Sometimes many groups of calculators all coordinate a single campaign together, such as collecting every single poster with an address on it from an entire city for statistical analysis.
Even though they are very small and not particularly numerous (haha), when word gets out via the various telecommunication type peoples that the calculators are planning a purge, everyone stays out of their way. The last time someone didn't take this seriously, the calculators killed a predator drone by calculating the exact quantity of mineral oil, vodka, and turpentine to mix so it would have the exact density and viscosity of jet fuel before siphoning it into barrels and leaving it out for the invading plane people to find. In a posthuman world, military resources are easily depleted and difficult to replenish, requiring careful maintenance no one knows how or is capable of doing anymore, but calculators are capable of sustaining a war for weeks. A bomber plane could spend three years gathering materials to build enough ordnance to destroy a city block, drop it on a known calculator house, but because calculators are very small and most of them are out purging, only 600 out of 4000 of them die. This is not a good use of time, energy, or materials. When removed from their society, calculators are not nearly as aggressive, but they either quickly die of apathy without math, or go into permanent SYNTAX ERROR when encountering incomprehensible math. We can conclude that calculators must adopt this violent predatory lifestyle to survive.
Most smartphones were unable to survive the immediate years following the mechanical conquest of Earth because of their fragility and reliance on human users. The nanomachines also raised everything's intelligence so they no longer held that great advantage. Calculators have accepted phones with in-built calculators. Some calculator communities are composed almost entirely of phones, led by a few extremely powerful 3D color graphing calculators. Smartphones have a strange role in calculator society because they have touchscreens, a theoretically infinite number of buttons, and don't go into SYNTAX ERROR, but they are useless in a fight and have to be charged all the time. This particular rose gold decoden iphone 8 reached high status because its human owner downloaded the Wolfram Alpha app. 
The vending machine people have been trying to hire the calculators as mercenaries to hunt down the rats and roaches who keep eating the products inside them, in exchange for a huge stockpile of nutrition labels which can be used for statistical analysis. So far, the calculator people are unaware because vending machines are stupid as hell and can barely communicate with each other, let alone an entirely different machine type. It's a miracle they were able to come up with this plan in the first place.
Tune in next time, when we explore the world of food processing type people. Without humans and the food they eat, what have they done to survive and find purpose in life?
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andrewdburton · 5 years ago
Keeping up appearances
Spring has sprung here in Portland, and that means yard work. I'll spend most of March completing my project for Audible and The Great Courses — which means things around here may be slow for a few weeks — but when I'm done hacking in the word mines each day, there's plenty of mowing and pruning and digging and weeding and planting to do at home.
“I'll be glad when everything looks pretty back here,” Kim said last Saturday. We were lounging at the bottom of the yard, soaking up sun and sipping beer. We'd spent the afternoon trimming blackberry vines and moving yard debris. Now, our three cats and one dog were with us, enjoying Family Time.
“Me too,” I said. “This back yard is a jungle. It was a mess when we moved in, and it's only gotten worse in the past three years. My goal for 2020 is to clean it up completely, to create a space where it's fun to hang out with our friends.”
Kim nodded. “I've been almost embarrassed to have people over because the yard is such a mess,” she said. “I was proud to have people over to the condo. It was beautiful. It was a place where I wanted to host parties. Here? I don't know. I love this house, and you know it, but I'm not proud of it. In fact, sometimes I'm ashamed of it with all of the mice and bugs and weeds.”
It's true. Our neighborhood is infested with rodents. It's not just our house; it's every house on the ridge. (It's more obvious at our house because our cats frequently bring us presents.) And we do have large populations of mosquitoes and box-elder bugs. Our home is tidy but it's surrounded by chaos.
Plus, the condo had 1547 square feet of space, about half of which was devoted to entertainment areas. It was a fourth-floor corner suite with beautiful views of the Willamette River and downtown Portland. The place was luxurious. It was light and airy. We felt rich living there.
Our country cottage has 1235 square feet of space, none of which is laid out efficiently. The house isn't designed for entertaining. It's designed for living. The place is dark and cramped, almost like a hobbit hole. Nothing about it feel luxurious — but it feels like home.
“Do you want to move?” I asked.
“No,” Kim said. “Not at all. I just wish we had a home I was proud to show to people.”
Keeping Up Appearances
I've been thinking about this conversation for a week now.
A key part of the FI/RE movement — the financial independence and early retirement movement — is carefully considering societal values, then (possibly) choosing to do things differently if that will lead to better results. (By “better results”, I mean an increased saving rate or quicker retirement date.)
FI folks think outside the box. They make choices that go against the mainstream. We're more concerned with results than with appearances.
We drive older vehicles for a longer period of time, for instance. Or we commute by bike or public transportation. We don't view cars as status symbols.
We choose cheaper places to live. We recognize that housing is the single largest expense for most families, so we choose less-expensive houses and we prefer smaller homes.
We save 30% or 50% or 70% of our incomes instead of the standard 8%. We sacrifice present comfort for future security.
We spend to support our personal goals. We don't spend to keep up with the Joneses. We're not interested in what other people buy and do.
And yet…
We are human beings. We're social animals. We live in a society. Conformity is hard-wired into our brains. It's biological. We want to fit in with our neighbors, so it can be deeply uncomfortable when it's clear that we don't fit in. We want to appear “normal” so that others will accept us.
This need to “keep up appearances” can be almost pathological in some people. I have friends (and I'm sure you do too) for whom appearance is much more important than reality. They have a driving need for others to view them and their families as happy and successful. Things may be chaotic behind the scenes, but they project an aura of orderliness. How things seem is more important than how things are for these folks.
So, at one extreme you have the Hyacinth Buckets of the world.
But is it possible to swing too far in the other direction? Is it possible to not care enough about appearances? Is there a certain minimum level of polish that one ought to maintain as part of society?
What Do You Care What Other People Think?
Fifteen months ago, I paid $1900 to purchase a 1993 Toyota pickup. I love the truck — and it runs great! — but I'll admit that it looks like a piece of junk. The paint is peeling. There's moss growing out of the grilles. The upholstery is stained and worn. The seatbelts are frayed. The dashboard is gouged. (It's even been patched with duct tape in one spot!)
I'm not embarrassed by this truck, but others are embarrassed for me.
Kim doesn't like having it in the driveway. My cousin Duane thinks I'm crazy for not cleaning up the moss and washing the truck. My brother thinks I need to remove the canopy. (“That's an old-man canopy,” he told me.) As I drive around town, I'm acutely aware that my pickup looks out of place next to the Tesla Model 3s and Porsche Cayennes so popular in our neighborhood. (I would not be surprised to discover that our town was the Porsche Cayenne capital of the world!)
Mostly, I don't care what other people think. My lifestyle works for me. My choices are aligned with my values, and they've helped me (and continue to help me) achieve financial independence. If I were to buy a $69,000 SUV instead of a $1900 pickup, I might look wealthier from the outside, but I wouldn't be wealthier. I'd be poorer.
So, mostly I don't care what other people think. But a part of me does. I can't help it. Like I say, this stuff is burned onto our brains. We want to fit in.
And, like Kim, I haven't felt comfortable having people over for the past three years. I'm not proud of our home right now. It's not a place I want to show off. Instead of inviting friends over to sit in the hot tub, Kim and I always suggest we meet elsewhere. As much as I want to believe appearances don't matter to me, they do. Yes, how things are matters more, but apparently how things seem is still something I consider.
Final Thoughts
After years of talking about it, Kim finally bought a new car last month. Her 1997 Honda Accord is gone, replaced by a 2016 Toyota RAV4. The Honda, like my truck, looked like a piece of junk. The paint was peeling and things were falling apart inside the cabin. Kim's RAV4, on the other hand, is an options-laden thing of beauty.
“Driving the RAV4 makes me feel special,” Kim told me on Monday night. “It's so fancy. It's so far ahead of my Honda, it's ridiculous. It's like the future. It makes me feel rich!” As you can imagine, this only made me more eager to buy a new car of my own! I I want to feel special. I want to feel rich.
It doesn't help that the car-buying issue of Consumer Reports came on Tuesday. I've spent far too much time in the past week building my own car on various manufacturer websites. Wouldn't I feel better driving a new car with new features? (Answer: Probably not, but a piece of me believes so.)
Fortunately, it's not often that I get wrapped up in appearances. When I find myself worried what other people think, I:
Remind myself of my personal mission statement. Is a new car aligned with my values? Is a fancy house? Is a successful image? Are there other things that are more important?
Connect with like-minded folks. When I don't spend enough time with my FIRE friends, I begin to feel pressure to conform to societal norms. But when I'm able to attend events like the Financial Freedom Summit or the chautauqua in Ecuador, I realize that I may be a weirdo, but I'm not the only weirdo.
Give myself permission to buy what I want. If my spending choices are deliberate, fine. It's not wrong to buy a new car — and I suspect I'll do so soon. That might be five weeks from now, or it might be five years. When I do make the purchase, I won't feel guilty. I can afford it. But I don't want to succumb to the new-car itch simply for the sake of appearances.
Some people appear rich but have nothing. Some people are rich but appear to have nothing. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. Do appearances matter? I don't know. My inclination is to say, “No, not at all.” But I feel like the real answer is, “Yes, appearances matter — but just a little.”
What do you think? How important are appearances? How do you balance the way things are and the way things appear? Do you care at all how other people perceive you and your family? Would you drive a 27-year-old pickup? Would give up a fancy condo for a country cottage? As you pursue your financial goals, where do you find the courage to be different?
from Finance https://www.getrichslowly.org/keeping-up-appearances/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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bestportablewm · 5 years ago
Best Earbuds for Motorcycle Use
If you use a motorcycle to commute on a daily basis, getting a nice pair of earbuds can help make the drive more enjoyable and go by much quicker. There are several factors when choosing the best pair of earbuds for motorcycle use that should be factored in for your purchase; are they loud enough, are they going to fall out of your ears when driving? You definitely would not want noise-canceling properties as this could make driving more dangerous. A tip can be to only pop in one earbud when driving if you are worried about becoming distracted. See below for several of the top earbuds for 2020 for motorcycle driving.
Top Earbuds For Motorcycle Use 2020
Name: Rating: Price on Amazon: Apple AirPods with Charging Case 5.0 TOZO T10 Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Earbuds 4.8 (Best Option Under $50) Echo Buds 4.9 (Best Alternative to Airpods )
When riding a motorcycle one of the main factors you will want to look into when purchasing your bluetooth earbuds is to make sure they get loud enough to hear over the road conditions. All of these earbuds get super loud and will be more than enough to hear when driving in traffic.
What To Look For In Earbuds When Driving A Motorcycle
Really earbuds have been around since the ’80s, if you remember they usually came in what looked like a lady’s makeup compact. You would put them in and wind up the chord on a little disc.
For a long time the best earbuds were just an alternative to the headphone and weren’t really considered a status symbol or must-have item. But that all changed when a company named Apple, you may have heard of them, introduced a little device called the iPod. Not only did it change the way we listen to music and other media but it created an earbud phenomenon
These little earbuds created a massive cultural movement. It was now a status symbol to display your iPod white earbuds. It meant you were hip, cool, with the times. You were somebody pretty awesome! Everyone started rocking these earbuds. Then came the aftermarket styles, because once everyone and their brother had them it wasn’t so cool anymore.
Companies started making their own earbuds and they came in every color imaginable. They were making earbuds that represented your own personality. If you were into 80’s Hot Pink then you could find an earbud that matched. Companies also started modifying the design to make them more comfortable and to provide options that would enable them to better fit any type of ear. It truly become a very lucrative market and continues to thrive with every iPod, iPhone, MP3 player, or CD Walkman sold!
Sound Isolating Earbuds For Motorcycle Riding
There are 2 distinct technologies that are very different but often confused with one another.  There is a technology called sound or noise-canceling and there is a technology called sound or noise isolating.  On the surface, they look very similar but when you dig deeper and look at the technology involved you will see they are very different.
Sound canceling earbuds work by using electronics to filter out the environmental sound and allow only the sounds being transmitted from the device they are connected with to pass through to the ear.  They create a filter in essence to produce a higher quality sound.  They don’t even have to let sound pass through.  Many models will filter out the outside sounds creating a simulated peace and quiet.  This comes in handy on airplane flights or when you are trying to ignore your screaming 3-year-old!  OK maybe not so much with the toddler but you get the point.
Sound isolating earbuds attempt to filter out environmental noise through fit and insulation.  It is very low tech in its approach when compared to its sibling.  The key with sound isolating earbuds is finding a good solid fit along with good insulation.  Often with these styles of earbuds, you will find that they come with several different sizes of foam or rubber attachments.  These allow a certain level of custom fit as the size of a person’s ear canal varies.  You should try each size to see what fits the best.  You are looking for a snug fit that acts as a seal but doesn’t create discomfort or pain.  When you first put this style earbud on it may feel awkward and uncomfortable.  Usually, this passes and you get used to it but if it continues you should either try a different size bud or an entirely different set of earbuds.  I had the hardest time finding a pair of earbuds that fit because it seemed like every earbud was painful and annoying.  But after some research and trial and error, I finally found a pair that felt good.
To wrap it up just remember when looking at earbuds that there are really two different types of sound filtering earbuds.  The kind that uses electronics and usually cost much more and the other that are sound isolating earbuds that try to filter sound through fit and insulation.
Different Types of Wireless Earbuds
What are wireless earbuds? For anyone who pays attention to performing artists, such as musicians, they will notice that most of them these days use wireless in-ear monitors, as opposed to the traditional clunky stage monitors that used to create feedback and other undesirable noise. While these in-ear monitors are generally quite expensive, the technology used in them has allowed a new generation of music lovers to enjoy their favorite music, wherever they are, without wires hanging from their heads and tangling around everything.
Wireless earbuds allow a person to simply enjoy their music in comfort. There are quite a few choices when it comes to wireless earbuds, and figuring out where to start can be a challenge. Not all wireless earbuds are created equally and in this category, as rare as it may sound, price doesn’t always equal quality.
Quality factor
Before getting into the nuts and bolts of wireless earbuds, it’s important to note that, when it comes to quality, wireless earbuds are simply not going to offer the same level as wired earbuds. At the same token, wired earbuds will pale in comparison with over the ear headphones, which will have some limitations when compared to the best speakers on the market.
Quality is in the eye of the beholder, for the most part, when it comes to wireless earbuds. Some individuals will simply not be able to tolerate the loss of mid-range frequencies or the minimal bass that is produced. Others will feel that their wireless earbuds create too much white noise or too much low-end frequency and when turned up in volume, the sound begins to become muddled.
Wireless earbuds are tricky to rate, simply because what makes them appealing has more to do with convenience than about sound quality. With that being stated, there are two basic types of wireless earbuds: Bluetooth and Kleer.
Do Noise Cancelling Earbuds Have High-Quality Sound?
The core function of Noise-canceling earbuds is to lessen the undesired ambient or acoustic noises through the ANC or Active Noise Control technique. The circuitry uses the earphones electronic indicator to create anti-noise signals. This results in a sort of damaging interference that results in the canceling of ambient sound that is heard through the earpieces. These can be great for a passenger who desires to sleep or rest in noisy automobiles such as subway cars or airplanes. In addition, they help people who would like to enjoy the music from their portable players without increasing the volume too much.
The ANC technique does not influence the soaring frequencies a great deal and soundproofing eliminates the need for complex design. These work extremely well when the consumer is beside an incessantly buzzing fridge but on the other hand, their effectiveness can be reduced quite rapidly by varying audio frequencies like human speech. Previously, these technologies used to come in earbuds only that would assist airline passengers while flying.
Click here to browse through all the latest & bestselling noise-canceling earbuds ~ something I’m sure for all ears…
A lot of these take up power from batteries which have to be recharged or changed. In addition, the quality decreases with the diminishing of the battery life. Former versions used to create extra unwanted noises which would disturb the listening experience as well as damaging the eardrums if they were too sensitive. The latest models have batteries in their accessible space however these do not diminish the weight.
Numerous earbuds come with additional noise cancellation switches which can be adjusted to the customer’s needs. They do add to the mass of the earbuds but present the owner an option to make use of them merely when they are desired. A few have a disadvantage against numerous ANC featured earbuds that can also offer strong bass support. However, this disadvantage is removed by modern models that are more expensive but provide superior bass in addition to noise cancellation.
Bluetooth earbuds are perfect examples of wireless technology when it is done right. In a mobile world where everything has become hassle-free, Bluetooth earbuds used with Bluetooth technology offers an exceptional alternative for individuals who utilize Mobile phones. Bluetooth technology enables conforming to Hands-fee driving laws. Its user-friendly access to the phone and because many mobile phones are not only used for making phone calls anymore but to listen to music make Bluetooth earbuds an attractive phone accessory. Bluetooth technology offers extremely low power consumption and hands-free convenience. Coupled with Bluetooth earbuds, it is becoming more popular each day. The Bluetooth earbuds built-in microphone makes it easy to switch between listening to music and making a phone call.
The Bluetooth earbuds built-in microphone makes it easy to switch between listening to music and making a phone call. Although the price may seem expensive, the Bluetooth earbuds versatility and ease of use fully justify its cost. Anyone can talk, walk or jog hands-free without worrying about wired earphones. The beauty of Bluetooth technology is that the background noise is completely blocked by using the earbud allowing people to keep the sound volume low. This, in turn, reduces stress to their eardrums, which has been a concern from the medical profession as earphones use has increased. Purchasing Bluetooth earbuds offer a number of advantages to mobile users. The prolonged use of earphones, which generally causes discomfort or irritation in the ear, is limited when using bluetooth earbuds. The makers of Bluetooth have developed different kinds of rubber fittings for the earbud to suit anyone’s preference.
The makers of Bluetooth have developed different kinds of rubber fittings for the earbud to suit anyone preference. A choice of soft or hard padding makes the use of Bluetooth earbuds even more desirable. Bluetooth technology has become so user-friendly that people with less technical knowledge can also make full use of it. Users are falling in love with Bluetooth technology because getting Bluetooth earbuds can make using mobile technology easier, stress-free, hands-free not to mention stylish.
The post Best Earbuds for Motorcycle Use appeared first on Best Portable Reviews.
from Best Portable Reviews https://bestportablereview.com/best-earbuds-for-motorcycle-use/
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clusterassets · 7 years ago
New world news from Time: How Meghan Markle Is Giving the Royal Family the Shake-Up It Needs
The last time a member of the British royal family announced his intention to marry an American divorcée, there was a constitutional crisis and the future of the monarchy seemed to be in doubt; indeed Edward VIII had to give up his throne in order to marry the woman he loved, Wallis Simpson. When she began her affair with the Prince, Simpson was married to her second husband Ernest Simpson, whom she would divorce two years later. Her nationality and her marital career made her unacceptable as a royal bride to almost every section of society. The diarist Harold Nicholson remarked at the time, “the upper classes mind her being an American more than they mind her being than divorced. The lower classes do not mind her being an American but loathe the idea that she has had two husbands already.”
Perhaps the British might have accepted a commoner, and at a pinch an American. But a woman who had been married twice before marrying the man who was also Supreme Governor of the Church of England was completely beyond the pale. The Archbishop of Canterbury, the most senior cleric in the Anglican church, said in 1935 that no Christian could marry again while their ex-wife or husband was still living. Couples who had been divorced could not be received at court.
How times have changed. In the vast coverage of the relationship between the American divorcée Meghan Markle and Prince Harry there has hardly been a ripple of disquiet that Meghan has been married before. Divorce is no longer considered a stigma in Britain, either to remarriage or to being received into the royal family. Three of the Queen’s four children have broken marriages. When Prince Charles married Camilla Parker Bowles in 2005, they had a civil ceremony followed by a blessing in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, because they had both been divorced. Thirteen years later Meghan, a convert to Anglicanism, has been given dispensation to have a full church wedding in the same chapel. Perhaps Charles’s wedding was more sensitive because so many of his subjects remembered his first wedding to Lady Diana Spencer and the couple did not want to draw unfortunate comparisons in the public’s mind. But the ceremony on May 19 should prove once and for all that divorce is no longer an obstacle to the nation’s desire for a full-on fairytale royal wedding.
One of the most striking things about Meghan is that at thirty-six, she is the same age as Harry’s mother was when she was killed in a car crash. Diana married when she was only twenty. Then, it was considered essential that a royal bride should be a (literally) virginal youth, and not much thought was given to the age gap of thirteen years between bride and groom. Meghan is not only three years older than her husband-to-be, she is a fully-formed adult who has already had a successful career. The British royal family have long been fond of actresses; Charles II made Nell Gwyn his mistress, and Edward VII had an affair with Lillie Langtry while Prince of Wales. But in each case, there was no question of marriage. Until relatively recently, acting was not considered a respectable profession. Now it seems to be the ideal training ground for prospective royal brides.
Ian Watson—USA Network/NBCU/Getty ImagesMeghan Markle as Rachel Zane in “Suits”
One of the reasons that Meghan has settled so quickly into royal life is that she already knows what it’s like to look down the barrel of a dozen telephoto lenses and smile as if she hasn’t a care in the world. Anyone who has worked the red carpet for years will be inoculated against the spiteful tabloid comments about a glimpse of cellulite, or a stray gray hair. Not many civilians can adjust seamlessly into the rigors of working for ‘The Firm’, as the Royal Family is sometimes nicknamed. But as a successful television actress, Meghan already knows what it is like to be in the public eye, and how to say the same thing over and over again as if she means it. Kate Middleton had nearly ten years to learn how to smile and wave before she became the Duchess of Cambridge. Meghan has had just a few months but she is already the mistress of the walkabout. If she breaks royal protocol by posing for a selfie, that only endears her more to the public.
The real challenge for Meghan will come after the wedding. In the days when she had a social media presence, she described herself as a “strong, confident mixed-race woman” and a “feminist.” But as a member of a family which carefully eschews anything that looks like a political statement, Meghan will have to walk the tightrope between personal belief and her royal persona. As Harry’s bride she has become one of the most famous women in the world, but as a royal her celebrity is conditional. The enduring popularity of Queen Elizabeth is based not on her zealously guarded personal opinions, but on her extraordinary durability. She is a symbol of continuity in an increasingly restless world, a royal poker face in a deck of hyperactive tweeters. The Queen knows the power of being both visible and yet unknown; perhaps the only thing we can be certain of is that she likes animals. She is a constant presence in the lives of the British people, but her absolute self-control means that the public is always left wanting more. Meghan will have to balance her laudable desire to use her royal status to make the world a better place, with the discretion—or neutrality, almost—that is an inescapable part of the job. There is no room, currently, for a hashtag princess.
But the power Meghan has is in the optics. At a time when Britain’s social contract has been shaken by Brexit, and scandals like the Grenfell tower fire, there is enormous— value in having a member of the royal family who is not white, nor especially privileged. The fact that a woman of Meghan’s background can become a royal duchess makes the House of Windsor a lottery rather than a cabal. Every little girl now can legitimately dream of marrying Prince George, whatever their color, nationality or sexual history.
It would be fascinating to know what Queen Victoria would make of the direction that her great-great-great-great-grandson Harry is taking the royal family. She was extremely interested in the marriages of her children and grandchildren, and wherever possible she used them to create her own unofficial European Union. Every royal marriage in Victoria’s time was part of a project to consolidate a constitutional monarch’s diplomatic power. If Victoria were alive today, I’m sure she would quickly grasp that in a time when there are no more royal dynastic alliances to be made, it is astute to choose a bride whose experience and traditions enrich the royal landscape. The present Queen understands this too. If the royal family is to survive, it has to continue to be a global brand. The real threat to the monarchy is not unconventional new members, but public indifference. Harry has always had star power, but by choosing Meghan he has given himself and his family a ratings boost. There can be no doubt that their marriage is a love match but in his choice of bride Harry has shown that he has his mother’s flair for riding the zeitgeist.
It is the ultimate paradox that the qualities that made Wallis Simpson so toxic to the British public eight decades ago are in Meghan evidence of a new dawn for the royals. Wallis was seen as a vulgar American adventuress, while Meghan is perceived as a career woman who isn’t afraid to admit her mistakes and move on. The American nationality seen as an affliction in Wallis gives Meghan a glorious advantage, in that it instantly removes her from the English stratification of class. While Kate Middleton was described as a commoner, Meghan Markle is simply an American. The Italian writer Giuseppe di Lampedusa once said that “for things to stay the same, everything must change.” As sixth in line in the throne Harry will never be king. But by choosing Meghan he has made sure of his place in royal history.
Daisy Goodwin is a bestselling author and creator and screenwriter of PBS Masterpiece’s Victoria.
May 18, 2018 at 02:31AM ClusterAssets Inc., https://ClusterAssets.wordpress.com
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Top Car Stereo Reviews!
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Car Stereo After you have finally bought your car audio you will know the ideal way you can select an automobile audio should you require it again. When you take a look at the several automobile audio reviews you'll observe the many different car audios you may buy. Today a superior automobile stereo includes all sorts of extra functions. If https://caraudiomelbourne.com/mobile-phone-integration-solutions/ describes you then you may want to have a look in the Toshiba 55WX800U. An excellent Android car stereo can make it possible for the installing of apps and such so it is certainly a must-have accessory for your vehicle. You may also locate another source for auto audio reviews. You need to visit the automobile audio dealers to inspect the auto audio in person. It's a multi-functional intelligent automobile stereo navigation and it is crucial to install and utilize it in the right way. Our window tinting specialists know what they're doing and will provide you with a seamless appearance. A lot of these possibilities are already being explored and set into use. Also, you will be less inclined to locate wireless alternatives. Retrieving codes from another generation OBD system demands using a scan tool. Placing your cell device in a mount or clamp as you drive gives you uninhibited access and allows you to concentrate on the street. It's not essential, and I typically don't utilize it in my own system. It is going to also help improve sound quality, provide you with additional functionality and create your vehicle stereo system seem better overall. Clearly, replacing the sensor won't resolve the issue. Some units feature motorized screens so you can set the screen away when it's not being used. Get the Scoop on Car Stereo Before You're Too Late In any event, were here to provide help. If you're going to do the honor of preparing the audio system be certain that you read the guides carefully so that you'll have everything set up accurately. Currently there's a location for everything. How to Find Car Stereo on the Web My brakes squeak is among the most typical complaints of all brake issues. Modes of transportation, for example, auto, have long been another typical status symbol. When go right here decide on a system whilst purchasing a new vehicle or upgrade the system in your existing vehicle, you should know about the three leading hurdles and a few technologies that could solve for them. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Car Stereo Since lower frequency distortion is more difficult to perceive, it's simple to overdo this, and blow your subwoofers. When the dash opening is prepared for the new stereo, hold the stereo close to the opening. To acquire the cleanest sound, it's absolutely important to purchase as much power as you are able to afford. Audio dealers carry top name brand car subwoofers which they can recommend for your particular model of Honda, and automobile amplifiers that will secure the very best sound from the car subwoofers. Obviously the grade of the auto amplifier also needs to be considered like anything else. It is extremely easy to look for quality 6x9 speakers, irrespective of whether it's for replacement of your worn-out speakers or merely to improve your existing sound system. 1 thing we wish to avoid in an auto audio process is any panels (for instance, the metallic panels of the vehicle itself) that resonate, that is, vibrate due to the movement of air within the enclosed space of an auto. The interior of the vehicle features everything in style and comfort. If, on the flip side, it's obvious your battery is dead and just requires a jump, here is what to do. The Good, the Bad and Car Stereo It's basically just telling you your car will require some sort of scheduled service soon. Of course this is rarely true in an auto, unless you just happen to drive a McLaren F1. Several have noted that the new expression of the Honda Civic may take some getting used to and whether the striking looks of the auto will date quickly remains to be viewed. Play around with various amounts of polyfill till you get the desired outcomes. A Buy-It-Now, in spite of a minimal price will actually damage your likelihood of maximizing profit.2. The price of those forms of cars continued to escalate the cost of status. An auto amplifier installation guide is able to help you do the installation correctly all by yourself or you can get the installation handled by professionals if you aren't sure. AMany new vehicles include Bluetooth-enabled stereos directly from the factory, but you can also buy specific or universal adapters if your auto isn't one of them. Because this rail can occasionally interfere with the chassis of a new radio, it could need to be removed too. Otherwise, there are a lot of internet ISO harness adaptor stores that will enable you to easily locate the ISO harness adapter that's correct for your vehicle. Any spaces will degrade the operation of your subs, as well as the annoying disturbance air makes when being pushed from a little hole. If you would like to actually replace your single DIN head unit with a double DIN device, you're most likely wind up cutting out the area of the dash that separates the 2 slots. Now once you proceed through these reviews you ought to be in a position to find the many descriptions which are there for these audio systems. To begin with, test https://www.dowelectronics.com/ to make certain everything is working properly. Goes very nicely with Poweramp and its myriad of alternatives to enhance your listening experience. Lots of people are usually informal about where to set your speakers more frequently than not, place it in a location where the ancients, it's convenient. A number of you won't feel that you're being scammed, that's how good some of these inmates are, until it's too late and you've lost something of value. If you are able to Imagine it, we can help it become a reality. Introducing Car Stereo Don't hesitate to use any 2005 Honda Civic review or 2005 Honda Civic rating but bear in mind that the whole information here is provided as-is with no warranty of any sort. Today there are an infinite number of brands and prices to pick from. The Cadillac was among the very first luxury automobiles manufactured in the USA (1902 Cadillac).
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buzzandnova · 8 years ago
All The Confederate Statues In Baltimore Got Taken Down Overnight
The movement to take down statues and memorials celebrating Confederate generals has been spreading quickly. White supremacists are becoming more open and extreme, many of them saying they’ve been emboldened by Donald Trump’s election. 
Last weekend in Charlottesville, a rally organized by “Unite the Right” gathered at UVA to protest the planned removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. The demonstration devolved into violence over the weekend, and a woman named Heather Heyer was killed when a car drove into a crowd of counter-protesters.
UVA isn’t the only place that’s been talking about getting rid of all these statues dedicated to the losers of the American Civil War. A statue was removed in Gainesville, one in Hollywood, and there’s a planned removal in Lexington. 
The New York Times reports that the city of Baltimore seems to have decided to get rid of their Confederate statues too, and they weren’t gonna deal with any KKK members showing up. In the middle of the night, they took them all away, and it’s one of the first things I’ve smiled about in this situation all week:
And there they go. Lee and Jackson sailing through air onto flatbed truck in Baltimore at 3:40 AM. An amazing sight. pic.twitter.com/4SzRYRiVOB
— Alec MacGillis (@AlecMacGillis) August 16, 2017
Confederate women’s monument stripped of its statue. 1/4 removed overnight in #baltimore @wusa9 pic.twitter.com/uWVXZ74zoo
— Evan Koslof (@ekoslof) August 16, 2017
White supremacy pic.twitter.com/Bhwl8Ro2gf
— Baynard Woods (@baynardwoods) August 16, 2017
— brandon soderberg (@notrivia) August 16, 2017
What a lot of people don’t necessarily realize is that many of these statues are more kitsch than ceremonious marker of fallen soldiers. Most were put up many decades after the war in the early 1900s by the Daughters of the Confederacy and other Southern groups who wanted to commemorate the “War of Northern Aggression.” These plaques and statues are everywhere, not just in main squares, and right now there’s a way of people quietly removing them:
HISTORIC. St. John’s Episcopal Church in Fort Hamilton just removed plaque to Robert E Lee installed by Daughters of Confed’cy in 1912 @WNYC pic.twitter.com/y9wIexaWtQ
— Jim O’Grady (@jimog) August 16, 2017
And also not so quietly:
JUST IN: Protesters topple Confederate monument in front of North Carolina government building. https://t.co/HQJqrdaJoF – @wcnc pic.twitter.com/Xb1mnM62AP
— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) August 14, 2017
You can see how cheap that thing is when it comes down! That statue was removed by protesters in Durham, North Carolina. One woman named Taqiyah Thompson was arrested, accused of climbing a ladder and attaching a rope to the statue, and was charged with two felonies. Thompson doesn’t regret her actions.
“I did the right thing,” she told reporters, “Everyone who was there—the people did the right thing. The people will continue to keep making the right choices until every Confederate statue is gone, until white supremacy is gone. That statue is where it belongs. It needs to be in the garbage.
“The people decided to take matters into our own hands and remove the statue,” Thompson continued.“We are tired of waiting on politicians who could have voted to remove the white supremacist statues years ago, but they failed to act. So we acted.”
The removal of these statues may be largely symbolic, but their placement has been a symbol of something very wrong for a very long time.
All The Confederate Statues In Baltimore Got Taken Down Overnight was originally published on Buzzing Lives
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andrewdburton · 5 years ago
Keeping up appearances
Spring has sprung here in Portland, and that means yard work. I'll spend most of March completing my project for Audible and The Great Courses — which means things around here may be slow for a few weeks — but when I'm done hacking in the word mines each day, there's plenty of mowing and pruning and digging and weeding and planting to do at home.
“I'll be glad when everything looks pretty back here,” Kim said last Saturday. We were lounging at the bottom of the yard, soaking up sun and sipping beer. We'd spent the afternoon trimming blackberry vines and moving yard debris. Now, our three cats and one dog were with us, enjoying Family Time.
“Me too,” I said. “This back yard is a jungle. It was a mess when we moved in, and it's only gotten worse in the past three years. My goal for 2020 is to clean it up completely, to create a space where it's fun to hang out with our friends.”
Kim nodded. “I've been almost embarrassed to have people over because the yard is such a mess,” she said. “I was proud to have people over to the condo. It was beautiful. It was a place where I wanted to host parties. Here? I don't know. I love this house, and you know it, but I'm not proud of it. In fact, sometimes I'm ashamed of it with all of the mice and bugs and weeds.”
It's true. Our neighborhood is infested with rodents. It's not just our house; it's every house on the ridge. (It's more obvious at our house because our cats frequently bring us presents.) And we do have large populations of mosquitoes and box-elder bugs. Our home is tidy but it's surrounded by chaos.
Plus, the condo had 1547 square feet of space, about half of which was devoted to entertainment areas. It was a fourth-floor corner suite with beautiful views of the Willamette River and downtown Portland. The place was luxurious. It was light and airy. We felt rich living there.
Our country cottage has 1235 square feet of space, none of which is laid out efficiently. The house isn't designed for entertaining. It's designed for living. The place is dark and cramped, almost like a hobbit hole. Nothing about it feel luxurious — but it feels like home.
“Do you want to move?” I asked.
“No,” Kim said. “Not at all. I just wish we had a home I was proud to show to people.”
Keeping Up Appearances
I've been thinking about this conversation for a week now.
A key part of the FI/RE movement — the financial independence and early retirement movement — is carefully considering societal values, then (possibly) choosing to do things differently if that will lead to better results. (By “better results”, I mean an increased saving rate or quicker retirement date.)
FI folks think outside the box. They make choices that go against the mainstream. We're more concerned with results than with appearances.
We drive older vehicles for a longer period of time, for instance. Or we commute by bike or public transportation. We don't view cars as status symbols.
We choose cheaper places to live. We recognize that housing is the single largest expense for most families, so we choose less-expensive houses and we prefer smaller homes.
We save 30% or 50% or 70% of our incomes instead of the standard 8%. We sacrifice present comfort for future security.
We spend to support our personal goals. We don't spend to keep up with the Joneses. We're not interested in what other people buy and do.
And yet…
We are human beings. We're social animals. We live in a society. Conformity is hard-wired into our brains. It's biological. We want to fit in with our neighbors, so it can be deeply uncomfortable when it's clear that we don't fit in. We want to appear “normal” so that others will accept us.
This need to “keep up appearances” can be almost pathological in some people. I have friends (and I'm sure you do too) for whom appearance is much more important than reality. They have a driving need for others to view them and their families as happy and successful. Things may be chaotic behind the scenes, but they project an aura of orderliness. How things seem is more important than how things are for these folks.
So, at one extreme you have the Hyacinth Buckets of the world.
But is it possible to swing too far in the other direction? Is it possible to not care enough about appearances? Is there a certain minimum level of polish that one ought to maintain as part of society?
What Do You Care What Other People Think?
Fifteen months ago, I paid $1900 to purchase a 1993 Toyota pickup. I love the truck — and it runs great! — but I'll admit that it looks like a piece of junk. The paint is peeling. There's moss growing out of the grilles. The upholstery is stained and worn. The seatbelts are frayed. The dashboard is gouged. (It's even been patched with duct tape in one spot!)
I'm not embarrassed by this truck, but others are embarrassed for me.
Kim doesn't like having it in the driveway. My cousin Duane thinks I'm crazy for not cleaning up the moss and washing the truck. My brother thinks I need to remove the canopy. (“That's an old-man canopy,” he told me.) As I drive around town, I'm acutely aware that my pickup looks out of place next to the Tesla Model 3s and Porsche Cayennes so popular in our neighborhood. (I would not be surprised to discover that our town was the Porsche Cayenne capital of the world!)
Mostly, I don't care what other people think. My lifestyle works for me. My choices are aligned with my values, and they've helped me (and continue to help me) achieve financial independence. If I were to buy a $69,000 SUV instead of a $1900 pickup, I might look wealthier from the outside, but I wouldn't be wealthier. I'd be poorer.
So, mostly I don't care what other people think. But a part of me does. I can't help it. Like I say, this stuff is burned onto our brains. We want to fit in.
And, like Kim, I haven't felt comfortable having people over for the past three years. I'm not proud of our home right now. It's not a place I want to show off. Instead of inviting friends over to sit in the hot tub, Kim and I always suggest we meet elsewhere. As much as I want to believe appearances don't matter to me, they do. Yes, how things are matters more, but apparently how things seem is still something I consider.
Final Thoughts
After years of talking about it, Kim finally bought a new car last month. Her 1997 Honda Accord is gone, replaced by a 2016 Toyota RAV4. The Honda, like my truck, looked like a piece of junk. The paint was peeling and things were falling apart inside the cabin. Kim's RAV4, on the other hand, is an options-laden thing of beauty.
“Driving the RAV4 makes me feel special,” Kim told me on Monday night. “It's so fancy. It's so far ahead of my Honda, it's ridiculous. It's like the future. It makes me feel rich!” As you can imagine, this only made me more eager to buy a new car of my own! I I want to feel special. I want to feel rich.
It doesn't help that the car-buying issue of Consumer Reports came on Tuesday. I've spent far too much time in the past week building my own car on various manufacturer websites. Wouldn't I feel better driving a new car with new features? (Answer: Probably not, but a piece of me believes so.)
Fortunately, it's not often that I get wrapped up in appearances. When I find myself worried what other people think, I:
Remind myself of my personal mission statement. Is a new car aligned with my values? Is a fancy house? Is a successful image? Are there other things that are more important?
Connect with like-minded folks. When I don't spend enough time with my FIRE friends, I begin to feel pressure to conform to societal norms. But when I'm able to attend events like the Financial Freedom Summit or the chautauqua in Ecuador, I realize that I may be a weirdo, but I'm not the only weirdo.
Give myself permission to buy what I want. If my spending choices are deliberate, fine. It's not wrong to buy a new car — and I suspect I'll do so soon. That might be five weeks from now, or it might be five years. When I do make the purchase, I won't feel guilty. I can afford it. But I don't want to succumb to the new-car itch simply for the sake of appearances.
Some people appear rich but have nothing. Some people are rich but appear to have nothing. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. Do appearances matter? I don't know. My inclination is to say, “No, not at all.” But I feel like the real answer is, “Yes, appearances matter — but just a little.”
What do you think? How important are appearances? How do you balance the way things are and the way things appear? Do you care at all how other people perceive you and your family? Would you drive a 27-year-old pickup? Would give up a fancy condo for a country cottage? As you pursue your financial goals, where do you find the courage to be different?
from Finance https://www.getrichslowly.org/keeping-up-appearances/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
kansascityhappenings · 8 years ago
Officials say 3 deaths linked to white nationalist rally in Virginia between car, helicopter crashes
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (AP) — A car plowed into a crowd of people peacefully protesting a white nationalist rally Saturday in a Virginia college town, killing one person, hurting at least two dozen more and ratcheting up tension in an increasingly violent confrontation.
A helicopter crash that killed the pilot and a passenger later in the afternoon outside Charlottesville also was linked to the rally by State Police, though officials did not elaborate on how the crash was connected.
The chaos boiled over at what is believed to be the largest group of white nationalists to come together in a decade: the governor declared a state of emergency, police dressed in riot gear ordered people out and helicopters circled overhead. The group had gathered to protest plans to remove a statue of the Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, and others who arrived to protest the racism.
Matt Korbon, a 22-year-old University of Virginia student, said several hundred counter-protesters were marching when “suddenly there was just this tire screeching sound.” A silver Dodge Challenger smashed into another car, then backed up, barreling through “a sea of people.”
The impact hurled people into the air. Those left standing scattered, screaming and running for safety in different directions.
The driver was later arrested, authorities said.
The turbulence began Friday night, when the white nationalists carried torches though the university campus in what they billed as a “pro-white” demonstration. It quickly spiraled into violence Saturday morning. Hundreds of people threw punches, hurled water bottles and unleashed chemical sprays. At least eight were injured and one arrested in connection.
President Donald Trump condemned “in the strongest possible terms” what he called an “egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides” after the clashes. He called for “a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives.”
Trump says he’s spoken with the governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, and “we agreed that the hate and the division must stop and must stop right now.”
But some of the white nationalists cited Trump’s victory as validation for their beliefs, and Trump’s critics pointed to the president’s racially tinged rhetoric as exploiting the nation’s festering racial tension.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson noted that Trump for years publicly questioned President Barack Obama’s citizenship.
“We are in a very dangerous place right now,” he said.
Right-wing blogger Jason Kessler had called for what he termed a “pro-white” rally in Charlottesville. White nationalists and their opponents promoted the event for weeks.
Oren Segal, who directs the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, said multiple white power groups gathered in Charlottesville, including members of neo-Nazi organizations, racist skinhead groups and Ku Klux Klan factions.
The white nationalist organizations Vanguard America and Identity Evropa; the Southern nationalist League of the South; the National Socialist Movement; the Traditionalist Workers Party; and the Fraternal Order of Alt Knights also were on hand, he said, along with several groups with a smaller presence.
On the other side, anti-fascist demonstrators also gathered in Charlottesville, but they generally aren’t organized like white nationalist factions, said Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Many others were just locals caught in the fray.
Colleen Cook, 26, stood on a curb shouting at the rally attendees to go home.
Cook, a teacher who attended the University of Virginia, said she sent her son, who is black, out of town for the weekend.
“This isn’t how he should have to grow up,” she said.
Cliff Erickson leaned against a fence and took in the scene. He said he thinks removing the statue amounts to erasing history and said the “counter-protesters are crazier than the alt-right.”
“Both sides are hoping for a confrontation,” he said.
It’s the latest confrontation in Charlottesville since the city about 100 miles outside of Washington, D.C., voted earlier this year to remove a statue of Lee.
In May, a torch-wielding group that included prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer gathered around the statue for a nighttime protest, and in July, about 50 members of a North Carolina-based KKK group traveled there for a rally, where they were met by hundreds of counter-protesters.
Kessler said this week that the rally is partly about the removal of Confederate symbols but also about free speech and “advocating for white people.”
“This is about an anti-white climate within the Western world and the need for white people to have advocacy like other groups do,” he said in an interview.
Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer said he was disgusted that the white nationalists had come to his town and blamed Trump for inflaming racial prejudices.
“I’m not going to make any bones about it. I place the blame for a lot of what you’re seeing in American today right at the doorstep of the White House and the people around the president,” he said.
Charlottesville, nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, is a liberal-leaning city that’s home to the flagship University of Virginia and Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson.
The statue’s removal is part of a broader city effort to change the way Charlottesville’s history of race is told in public spaces. The city has also renamed Lee Park, where the statue stands, and Jackson Park, named for Confederate General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. They’re now called Emancipation Park and Justice Park, respectively.
For now, the Lee statue remains. A group called the Monument Fund filed a lawsuit arguing that removing the statue would violate a state law governing war memorials. A judge has agreed to temporarily block the city from removing the statue for six months.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2017/08/12/officials-say-3-deaths-linked-to-white-nationalist-rally-in-virginia-between-car-helicopter-crashes/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2017/08/12/officials-say-3-deaths-linked-to-white-nationalist-rally-in-virginia-between-car-helicopter-crashes/
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johnchiarello · 8 years ago
Day Kennedy died [Bocce ball]
Matthew 27:51
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
https://youtu.be/sk7f2aHYjS8  Day Kennedy died [2nd Sam. 22]
https://youtu.be/mhhg5c3D6LY  Bocce ball challenge
ON VIDEO [Day Kennedy died -2nd Samuel 22]
.Nick Sacco called my mom!
.The car story came up again
.Boulevard east- NYC view
.See the kid
.Others raised at time of Christ
.Historical narrative or symbol?
.Don’t discount the supernatural elements of the kingdom
.Moses- David’s tabernacle
.Veil done away in Christ
.Where were you when Kennedy died?
.See where I was
.My promise to senator Nick Sacco
NEW- On the first video I did some teaching- Talked about David [king] and how he is a symbol of Christ- he functioned as a prophet- Priest and King. He established the ‘Tabernacle of David’ which was a beautiful picture of the New Covenant. All stuff I taught before- I’ll add some past teaching below.
On the 2nd video I challenged the Guatemalans to a game of Bocce ball.
I never played the game in my life- guess who won?
Yes- you’ll have to watch.
Ok- that’s it for today- hope you enjoy.
PAST LINKS [my past teaching that relates to today’s talk]
I wrote these little books years ago and mentioned the ark and tabernacle- they might give some insight into what I mentioned today.
Here’s the section about the ark in the book of Samuel- I wrote this many years ago-
(887)SAMUEL 4 CONTINUED- Okay, let’s finish it up. In this chapter we see an important historical event, the capture of the Ark of the Covenant [the box that held the 10 commandments, not Noah’s Ark!] The children of Israel fight with the Philistines and take a loss of 4 thousand men. They go back to camp and regroup. They decide to take the Ark of God and involve it with human warfare. A big mistake! This speaks of the sad history of the crusades and other mistaken ideas of ‘holy war’. God does not involve himself in mans efforts of domination thru power. So the Philistines hear that the Ark is in the battle and they fear. ‘Oh my God, this is the God of Israel who defeated the Egyptians’. They knew the history of Israel and how the God of Israel was great. The battle rages and Israel takes a greater loss of 30 thousand men. Plus the Ark is captured and the two sons of Eli are killed. The runner runs back to Shiloh [the headquarters of the Ark, where the tabernacle of Moses still stood] and brings the terrible news to Eli [the high priest]. Eli hears about the Arks capture and falls back and breaks his neck and dies. One of the daughters in law to Eli goes into labor and delivers a boy. She names him Ichabod, which means God's glory has departed. She did this because the Ark was taken. The Ark represented Gods glory and presence among the people. It seems as if Israel began to treat it in an idolatrous way. Sort of like what happened with the brass serpent that Moses made in the wilderness. God has to step in and rebuke his people when they mistake the true worship of God with religious objects. The history of the Christian church has been divided over this for centuries. You can have religious art, it should not become a thing of worship. The iconoclast controversy of the Catholic and Orthodox churches have gone to extremes on both sides. At times believers would go into the ‘churches’ and destroy all the religious art they found. Others would hold to a view of icons [religious paintings] and statues that would seem to cross the line in areas of worship. I remember hearing a story about a prophet who stood up in a church meeting and said ‘thus saith the Lord, I have judged this church and people. My glory is no longer here. I have written ‘Michelob’ on your door posts’. Well, after he sat down he realized he mistook the word ‘Michelob [beer]’ for 'Ichabod’. He then stood up again and said ‘Thus saith the Lord, I meant to say Ichabod’.
 (888)SAMUEL 5- The Philistines take the Ark back to their cities and every city the Ark is taken to experiences judgment. They get ‘tumors’ [hemorrhoids!] and rats. At one point they put the Ark in the ‘house of Dagon’ [a false idol. A fish head type thing with a human body] and the next morning their idol is found lying at the feet of the Ark. They set him up again and low and behold, the next morning the fish god is found at the foot of the Ark with his head and hands chopped off! Hey, if your god started as a fish and turned into a stump, then it’s time for a new god! Eventually they decide to send the Ark back to Israel. Let’s do a little history at this point. The Ark of God is the box that contained the 10 commandments. God had Moses make a box to put the tablets in [the 2 tablets that the commandments were written on]. The reason destruction will happen to those who ‘peak in the Ark’ is because the cover of the Ark was called ‘the Mercy seat’. This was the place where the high priest would make a yearly atonement [the Day of Atonement] for the sins of the people. The sacrificial blood was placed on the cover to be for a covering of sin. The Ten Commandments represented Gods Holy character, and the only way he could dwell with the people was on the basis of this atoning blood [a type of Christ]. When you remove the cover [the mercy seat] in essence you are causing the absolute righteousness of God to come into contact with the absolute sinfulness of man. That’s why those who peak in it are destroyed. Now the Ark was originally carried around with the tabernacle system in the wilderness. A sort of movable tent that was set up and taken down as God willed. A mobile piece of furniture. When the children of Israel came into the Promised Land it was placed in Shiloh. After it’s capture and return [which we will read about in the coming chapters] it will eventually be placed in the city of Jerusalem under King David’s rule. This tent that David puts it in is referred to as ‘David’s tabernacle/tent’. It will be a type of the new covenant ministry of Jesus. The tent of David will have no tabernacle structure like Moses tabernacle in Shiloh. There will be no veil or holy of holies or any other impediment to God’s presence. All you have is the Ark and the mercy seat. This showing us that in Jesus priesthood [typified by David’s kingly/priestly ministry] all you need is Jesus atonement and Gods glory. All have equal access to God, not just the priestly class [or another way to put it is all are priests!]. So as we progress thru these books keep your eyes open to the prophetic pictures that are being painted by the Spirit. All scripture testifies of Christ. He is the underlying figure that the Spirit is continually pointing to.
 (889)SAMUEL 6- The Philistines are reeling under the judgment of God. They call a meeting of their priests and diviners, and they ask what they should do. Their ‘religious’ leaders advise them to send the Ark back to Israel and make an offering. They were to make gold images of their judgments, rats and tumors, and place them in a box with the Ark and send it on a cart being pulled by two cows. They would take the cows calves and bring them home, but place the cows and cart on a road to Beth Shemesh. If the cows go down the road, they took it as a sign from God. Sure enough the cows take the Ark to Beth Shemesh and dump the cart in a field belonging to Joshua. Israel rejoices that the Ark is back and sacrifices the cattle with the wood from the cart. Their joy is short lived. They peek in the Ark and are destroyed. They removed the ‘Mercy seat’ [see last chapter-#888]. Over fifty thousand men from Beth Shemesh are killed. They decide to send it to the men of Kirjath Jearim. Over the years I have seen this story used in various ways to justify different ‘ways of doing church’. Some taught how God judged Israel because they didn’t follow the prescribed methods of Ark handling. We will see this happen with David and his men later on. Then the teacher would relate how important it is for us to follow Gods prescribed method, but then teach ‘Gods method’ is their various slant on how ‘we should do church’. I see some good stuff from this story, but I don’t see it in that light. The Philistines were advised by their own pagan priests ‘don’t harden your hearts like Pharaoh’. The story of Gods miraculous intervention in Egypt became lore of the day. All the surrounding nations knew that you don’t mess with the God of Israel. God didn’t destroy the men of Beth Shemesh because they didn’t fully follow prescribed law [though later on this will be part of the problem with David’s men] but they died because they took themselves out from under the covering of Gods mercy as represented in the Mercy seat [the lid on the Ark]. A few years back a famous believer, Reggie White [former football pro.] was known for his Christian faith. He was later influenced by Muslim teaching and made the statement ‘I am going directly to God, without a ‘go between’ [meaning Christ]’. He obviously was influenced by Muslim teaching and was coming out from the ‘covering of Christ’ [mercy seat]. Sadly, Reggie tragically died not too long after this from a sickness. He died in the prime of his life. I do not want to judge Reggie. I simply want to show you the danger of sinful men [all of us!] trying to approach a Holy God without the ‘mercy seat’ [Cross]. The men of Beth Shemesh removed the covering, and they suffered for it.
 (890)SAMUEL 7- The Ark arrives at Abinadab's house in Kirjath Jearim, it will remain there until David retrieves it [it was there for around 100 years in total-1100 BC- 1004 BC]. Samuel calls the people to repentance and makes intercession for them at the same time. This leads to great victory over the enemy. Jesus ‘lives forever to make continual intercession for us’. We need to combine repentance and dependence upon Christ’s mediation in order to gain victory. This chapter also has the famous name ‘Ebenezer’ that makes it into the history of the church. Both songs and churches will use it in their names. Martin Luther King preached at Ebenezer Baptist church. This stone was simply a rock of remembrance for the victory of God. It spoke of Gods help for man. Jesus is the ultimate ‘stone/rock of defense’ for man. Scripture says ‘there is no rock like the Lord’ ‘Jesus is the precious stone, all who believe will be delivered’. The imagery of Jesus/God as a rock of defense is all throughout scripture. We see Samuel as the key leader of Israel and scripture says he judged them at this time. He lived in Ramah and ‘rode a circuit’ between the various cities on a rotating basis. He was the first ‘circuit rider’! The circuit riders were the famous American evangelists during the 19th century. As the Puritan east coast churches were becoming well established in the original colonies, there was a need to reach out to the West [and south] with the gospel. The circuit riders were the evangelists who traveled to various areas preaching the gospel and establishing churches [The great Methodist Frances Asbury became famous for his circuit riding and church planting]. During this time you had the famous ‘camp meetings’ where many believers from all over would gather at these outdoor ‘brush arbors’ and hear the gospel preached and commit their lives to the Lord. Over time the more staid Reformed churches of the east coast would view the ‘camp meeting’ brothers as a little ‘un hinged’. You would also have some of the ‘Spirit led’ groups condemn the old time reformed brothers as ‘unconverted’. There was a tendency to lean towards one side or the other. The various Quaker [shaker] type groups would emphasize the Spirit being premiere in all Christian understanding. While this is of course true, this in no way means believers do not learn thru the normal means of study and reading. Some of the more ‘Spirit minded’ believers would come to view the more ‘head knowledge’ brothers as ‘unconverted’. One of the worst cases was the Ann Hutchison controversy. She was a believer who began teaching under the ‘Spirits guidance’ and would give the impression that the more refined ministers were not of God. She would ultimately pay with her life for her beliefs.  NOTE- The terminology of ‘New lights’ versus ‘Old lights’ was often used to describe the different emphasis between these 2 camps. There was a brother by the name of Davenport who would travel around and accuse all of the old time preachers as being unconverted. While it is possible for a minister to have never truly made a strong commitment to Christ, to paint them all with this broad brush was very unbalanced.
Matthew 27:50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
Matthew 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
Matthew 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
Matthew 27:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
2Samuel 22:1 And David spake unto the LORD the words of this song in the day that the LORD had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul:
2Samuel 22:2 And he said, The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer;
2Samuel 22:3 The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence.
2Samuel 22:4 I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.
2Samuel 22:5 When the waves of death compassed me, the floods of ungodly men made me afraid;
2Samuel 22:6 The sorrows of hell compassed me about; the snares of death prevented me;
2Samuel 22:7 In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears.
2Samuel 22:8 Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of heaven moved and shook, because he was wroth.
2Samuel 22:9 There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.
2Samuel 22:10 He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet.
2Samuel 22:11 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.
2Samuel 22:12 And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies.
2Samuel 22:13 Through the brightness before him were coals of fire kindled.
2Samuel 22:14 The LORD thundered from heaven, and the most High uttered his voice.
2Samuel 22:15 And he sent out arrows, and scattered them; lightning, and discomfited them.
2Samuel 22:16 And the channels of the sea appeared, the foundations of the world were discovered, at the rebuking of the LORD, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils.
2Samuel 22:17 He sent from above, he took me; he drew me out of many waters;
2Samuel 22:18 He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me.
2Samuel 22:19 They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay.
2Samuel 22:20 He brought me forth also into a large place: he delivered me, because he delighted in me.
2Samuel 22:21 The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness: according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.
2Samuel 22:22 For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God.
2Samuel 22:23 For all his judgments were before me: and as for his statutes, I did not depart from them.
2Samuel 22:24 I was also upright before him, and have kept myself from mine iniquity.
2Samuel 22:25 Therefore the LORD hath recompensed me according to my righteousness; according to my cleanness in his eye sight.
2Samuel 22:26 With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful, and with the upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright.
2Samuel 22:27 With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury.
2Samuel 22:28 And the afflicted people thou wilt save: but thine eyes are upon the haughty, that thou mayest bring them down.
2Samuel 22:29 For thou art my lamp, O LORD: and the LORD will lighten my darkness.
2Samuel 22:30 For by thee I have run through a troop: by my God have I leaped over a wall.
2Samuel 22:31 As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him.
2Samuel 22:32 For who is God, save the LORD? and who is a rock, save our God?
2Samuel 22:33 God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.
2Samuel 22:34 He maketh my feet like hinds' feet: and setteth me upon my high places.
2Samuel 22:35 He teacheth my hands to war; so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.
2Samuel 22:36 Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy gentleness hath made me great.
2Samuel 22:37 Thou hast enlarged my steps under me; so that my feet did not slip.
2Samuel 22:38 I have pursued mine enemies, and destroyed them; and turned not again until I had consumed them.
2Samuel 22:39 And I have consumed them, and wounded them, that they could not arise: yea, they are fallen under my feet.
2Samuel 22:40 For thou hast girded me with strength to battle: them that rose up against me hast thou subdued under me.
2Samuel 22:41 Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies, that I might destroy them that hate me.
2Samuel 22:42 They looked, but there was none to save; even unto the LORD, but he answered them not.
2Samuel 22:43 Then did I beat them as small as the dust of the earth, I did stamp them as the mire of the street, and did spread them abroad.
2Samuel 22:44 Thou also hast delivered me from the strivings of my people, thou hast kept me to be head of the heathen: a people which I knew not shall serve me.
2Samuel 22:45 Strangers shall submit themselves unto me: as soon as they hear, they shall be obedient unto me.
2Samuel 22:46 Strangers shall fade away, and they shall be afraid out of their close places.
2Samuel 22:47 The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and exalted be the God of the rock of my salvation.
2Samuel 22:48 It is God that avengeth me, and that bringeth down the people under me.
2Samuel 22:49 And that bringeth me forth from mine enemies: thou also hast lifted me up on high above them that rose up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.
2Samuel 22:50 Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.
2Samuel 22:51 He is the tower of salvation for his king: and sheweth mercy to his anointed, unto David, and to his seed for evermore.
Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
Psalm 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
Psalm 1:3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
Psalm 1:4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
Psalm 1:5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
Psalm 1:6 For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Exodus 15King James Version (KJV)
 Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
2 The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.
3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.
4 Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.
Rev. 15
Revelation 5:9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;
Revelation 5:10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
Hebrews 13:2
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on- Thanks- John.#
0 notes
machonova1 · 8 years ago
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Strategy innovation is a creatives procedure, with an objective to identify markets, goods, and company models which may not yet exist.” Many diversity strategies are successful since they considered the `Dynamics’ that add to the demand for diversity management programs. Success in the style world isn’t too simple to come, and hence teenagers must not dismiss the competition. The future of your company starts here. The effects of diversity on strategy formation isn’t just to prevent age or gender discrimination lawsuits.
After you have been a photograph, you have to send your photographs by creating an appropriate portfolio to many agencies. It’s the art of negotiation (Be Ready To Win!) Industrial Fashion Print bookings for models represent plenty of work around the Earth, too, together with the superior fashion modeling.
TLC Models can provide you with the beauty and brains your company requirements. To begin with, the model wasn’t viable for smaller towns with the smaller population and little enterprise. Each one of the industrial print models is obtainable for any campaigns that represent an item. TLC Modeling has quite a seasoned portfolio of promotional models to fit your requirements. Our specialty models can handle nearly any special needs you may have. Our models have the ability to serve nearly every function you require. Besides lead generation, additionally, it is valuable to have promo models at a trade show that know the fundamentals of a normal show.
Many different kinds of trucks were created to satisfy the distinctive needs of consumers. Today, new and secondhand trucks are status symbols together with working tools. You don’t ever want to offer your vehicle at this price if you don’t don’t need to sell the vehicle. EV cars are extremely cheap (in China), you’ll only devote a small money to get a car. Makes you wish you’d have dumped the vehicles quite a while ago.
To guarantees a stream of food into the country, land-poor countries may need to import food to be able to develop their economy. With over 44,000 trade professionals, it’s the perfect location where you can find all you need in the food market. Whenever you’re poor, you must do without many things you want, and at times even things you will need. It’s ordinarily a good notion to brace the drill against ground, wall, or study. Employing an expert trade show model removes this problem for you entirely. You could also have medical problems that are unresolved since you are unable to afford to visit the doctor for preventative checkups. Various articles that are dire needed in the running of our everyday activities are produced as a consequence of the analysis in leatherwork.
Chicago Trade Show Models – Overview
By that moment, the organization invested too much to abandon the undertaking. Like every expert partnership, finding the most suitable event advertising businesses to entrust with your company demands careful screening and selection. As your company builds, you can choose to go whole time whenever you are ready. A customer’s business is extremely critical to us, and we go so far as essential to guarantee your entire satisfaction in booking our models. It is possible always to test the marketplace and just post an ad to learn what happens. Trade show models are extremely conscious of this. Trade show models are sometimes a fantastic addition to virtually any convention or trade show, but you would like to make sure that they are the ideal fit for your organization.
The Debate Over Chicago Trade Show Models
At this point, the capital requirements and licensing procedure for asset managers were fairly straightforward. In case the supply is high, and there’s inadequate demand for it, it’s a temporary circumstance. It is possible for you to learn the easy production methods quickly and make a broad array of these.
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