#we need our big boy filled with love and whimsy
drysaladandketchup · 3 months
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EDM vs. FLA || June 10, 2024
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bunchofknowledge123 · 2 months
Magical Hot Air Balloon Stuff to Make Your Place Look Awesome:
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Looking to sprinkle some fairy dust in your little one's room? Check out our Magical Hot Air Balloon Decorations! They're totally perfect for baby showers, birthdays, or just to make your nursery super cute. These decorations are like a box of rainbows and unicorns, adding a bit of whimsy to any room.
Handmade with Love:
Our hot air balloons are like little works of art. We take our time making sure they're just right, with snazzy details and high-quality stuff like polyester fabric, strong cotton ropes, and wooden baskets painted to look like the real deal. They're hand-folded, so you know they're unique and not just churned out by some machine.
Three Sizes and a Rainbow of Colors:
We've got three sizes to play with:
- **Tiny**: 28cm x 16cm (about 11" x 6.3")
- **Just Right**: 33cm x 20cm (about 13" x 7.9")
- **Big 'n' Beautiful**: 50cm x 30cm (about 19" x 11.8")
And they come in over 15 different colors, so you can pick the ones that match your vibe the best. The big ones even have those fancy ballast bags that make them look extra legit.
Blow 'Em Up and Watch 'Em Soar:
Don't worry, they come squished down so they don't get damaged in the mail. Just grab a hand pump (like the one you use for your kid's soccer ball) and inflate 'em. Super easy-peasy. The big ones are the coolest because you can fill 'em with helium for a floating party, but you'll need to get the gas and the pump separately.
Versatile for All Your Party Needs:
These hot air balloons are like chameleons for decorations. They fit in anywhere! Use 'em in the nursery, kid's room, baby shower, gender reveal bash, or even at a store or hotel to make it look like a page out of a storybook.
Hang 'Em High:
They come with some fancy fishing line and a clear hooky thing with sticky tape. So, you can hang 'em up wherever you want without ruining your walls. Just follow the little guide we throw in, and you're good to go.
But Remember, Safety First:
These aren't toys, folks. They're for looking at and making your place look magical. So, keep 'em out of reach of the little ones and handle with care.
How to Make Magic with 'Em:
**Nursery and Kids' Rooms:**
Imagine your baby's room with a bunch of these floating around. So dreamy, right? Just tie 'em to the ceiling, and boom! Instant fairy tale.
**Baby Showers and Gender Reveals:**
They're like the perfect party accessory. Use 'em as centerpieces or hover them over the snack table to set the mood. And the best part? They're not just for boy or girl parties—these balloons are cool for any baby bash.
**B-day Shindigs and Random Parties**
Looking to throw a party that's off the charts? These bad boys are your wingmen. Whether it's a birthday bonanza, a themed hoedown, or just a chill hangout, hot air balloons are the secret sauce. Mix 'em up with some snazzy colors and watch your party pop!
**Home Styling and Beyond**
And guess what? These balloons aren't just for the tiny humans. They're like the ultimate home accessory for grown-ups too. Stick 'em in your living room, hallway, or anywhere that's screaming for some fun. They're like the life of the party, but for your house. They can even jazz up cafes, boutiques, and hotel lobbies like nobody's business.
So, what's the deal? Basically, these hot air balloons are the bomb.com for any occasion. They're handmade, super easy to use, and they're like that friend who makes everything look better just by being there. So go ahead, sprinkle some magic and charm with these floating beauties. Your place will be the talk of the town, trust me.
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Celebration, Year Three, Day Five: Fading
Sonally Celebration Week, Year 3, Day Five: Fade
Well Day Five is already upon us. Dang time flies XD. This day’s prompt had me mulling for a time, as it’s potential thematic resonance could align with the ideas I have for the final days; prompt theme. Outside of episode continuity (if I’m not deciding on a completely unrelated one shot like one episode from last year), I usually avoid theme overlaps unless they can make for a good two-parter, so I wanted Fade to be different from Rest. What am I talking about? Well, you’ll all see on day eight. ^_^
Day Five: Fade.
Foreword: This takes place one-to-three-ish years after Crossroads, and a return to the more domestic slice of life.
Two sets of feet march toward the couch in the spacious ‘living room’ area, where the two bodies belonging to said feet flop down onto the sofa with matching tired sighs. Each slide an arm around the other and lean in, cheek-to-cheek. Tired, bloodshot eyes meet, as a tired voice mutters. “Kathy and J.C. tucked in bed?”
“Monitor set-up if they wake up from a nightmare and need consoling?”
“Check, we have one of Nicole’s new A.I. ‘kids’ watching their room. If either J.C. or Kathy wake up, or both, they’ll help them unless they ask for us.”
“Us tired as all hell?”
After a beat, both sigh and utter. “Mega check!!” Groaning as she rolled to curl against Sonic, Sally sighed again. Her body and mind woefully tired from the day. “I love our angels, but they can be so exhausting.”
Grunting in agreement, Sonic gave her a squeeze from the arm around her waist. “Doesn’t help they’re both already getting the hang of their speedy-abilities. Is it wrong I’m wishing they didn’t inherit my speed now?” He really didn’t, (his pride soared when it was clear they had his speed). However moments like these, he was considering how nice it would be for them to not have his super speed would be? Or the speed simply kicked in at puberty… or would that be worse?
“We wish it weren’t so today, but we’ll change tunes when that speed is sorely needed for them.” Muttered Sally, sharing his thoughts, but her ever-present pragmatism won out over in-the-moment whimsy. A thin smile emerged from her tired expression. “That said, I'm rather proud that they’re starting to understand that running around the palace is a no-no. Starting to, being the key word.”
That elicited a chuckle from Sonic as he smiled back and made a pleased sound as she moved her hand up his back to rub the back of his neck. He leaned against the fingers rubbing the sore area that had bothered him most of the day. “Maybe we’ll be lucky and that early maturity you had will kick in.”
“Mmm, I’m sensing a ‘but’ somewhere in there my love.” She murmured, making her own soft ‘murring’ as Sonic began to return the neck rub after moving his hand from around her waist to her neck. “Out with it Sonic.”
“Heh, got me pegged huh? Weeeell, you were mature for your age, but I don’t want our kids to be fun-kill-joys either.”
“I was a fun-kill-joy?” She raised an eyebrow, applying a bit more pressure to the spot where neck and shoulder met, causing Sonic to yelp and twinge from the application of pressure. “I call it knowing some of the stuff you wanted to do would wind us in trouble.”
“H-hey, heeeeeeeey, you had your moments of sly ideas that did just that!” He wiggled to avoid her grip, now shifting his hand back to her side, but with tickling intent as his fingers shifted and wiggled about.
Snerking, and then breaking into several laughs, Sally let go, and squirmed. “Pffft- n-no fair! T-two can play!” It was one and Sally sat up and pounced her husband, pinning him to the couch and letting her fingers fly over his body. Grinning widely, as tiredness gave way to playful-energy, Sally enjoyed herself thoroughly as she watched Sonic, her beloved, start to wiggle and laugh from her efforts.
“Hahaha, ahaha! C-crap Sal, you wanna throw d-d-down don’t you?” His emerald eyes gleam as the same burst of energy giving Sally a second wind coursed through him. Wiggling his fingers, his hands moved to strike; and with his super-speed applied: naturally he was able to cover more ground, much faster. As laughter erupted from Sally and she writhed and squirmed, his glee intensified. “You were saying Sal-MMPFFH?” Sonic’s boast was cut off as Sally mashed her mouth to his. The surprise kiss threw him off, but only briefly. Letting out a low, needy moan, Sonic ceased tickling Sally and proceeded to wrap his arms around her, pulling her closer as their kiss intensified.
A low, purr-like sound uttered from Sally’s throat, muffled as her lips were still thoroughly mashed against her husband’s. The squirrel-chipmunk hybrid rubbed herself against him. Ruling a kingdom, being a loving-attentive spouse, and a parent was a tall order. They made it work; but quality, private time became more of a premium. Even tired as Sally felt, the burning need to feel Sonic’s loving embrace and ‘skilled hands’ hit her like a freight train. How long had it been since they last had a moment like this? Actually feeling the urge, the need to make love? Maybe that was why, but truly who cared what the exact reason was? The moment was here, seizing it was key.
As the kiss broke, Sally’s breath hitched as Sonic’s mouth trailed down to her neck, and his hands rested on her posterior, before one hand grasped at her tail, which had been wiggling quite giddily as if to entice him. “S-Sonic, bedroom-ngh..”
“Why not here?” He murred against her neck, giving her a squeeze with both hands.
She licked his ear and nipped at the tip, whispering in a throaty voice. “I don’t want a repeat of last time; bedroom, door locked, you, me, on the bed, no clothes, ‘now’!”
Instead of his usual snappy retorts, Sonic processed her request, recalling ‘last time’ and only a big blanket prevented a truly awkward moment when one of the children woke up in the middle of the night. Hands move to scoop Sally up like the old days as he got off the sofa with her. It was a break of the rules, but he used a very-very small burst of his super-speed to zip to their room. His foot pushed the door closed, while Sally quickly hit the lock mechanism on the doorknob. A quick toss sent Sally onto the bed, and Sonic quickly joining her, both eagerly helping the other disrobe.
(Sorry folks keeping this PG-13 XD so fade to black!)
Once their bodily and spirit-rejuvenating needs were met, Sonic and Sally lay on the bed, tangled together. As they tried to catch their breath, each would out of parental-paranoia, check the monitor to the kid’s bedroom. No notifications, which meant the kids hadn’t woken up even once to go to the bathroom. A good sign they were sleeping through the night without ‘nightly accidents’ occurring. Even after a quick (for them) bout of love-making, being a parent never strayed from their minds.
Satisfied they didn’t need to redress soon, and attend to any nightly needs, the two sigh in content bliss. “It goes without saying Sal, we ‘needed’ that.”
“Mmm-hmmm.” She practically purred as she nuzzled against his upper chest as she draped over him partially. “Still got it.” She smirked, trailing a finger in a circle around the circular belly-fur of her husband.
“Ha, boy howdy!” Cackled Sonic as he lifted a hand tiredly for a high-five, which Sally gladly reciprocated. “Whoever said after 30 your love-life with kids dries up is an F’ing idiot.”
“Clearly someone who didn’t have a successful romance with their marriage.” Mused Sally, before a yawn tore from her throat. Curling into Sonic’s side, and pulling the covers over them. Sally felt the siren song of sleep, and was ready to greet it. “We should sleep while we can.”
Yawning himself, Sonic slipped an arm around Sonic, planting a kiss to her forehead, he twisted his body to better meet her own as they got comfortable. “Yeah, g’night Sal, love ya.”
“Love you too Sonic, *yawn* sleep well.” As another yawn left her, Sally closed her listening to Sonic’s heart-beat, and breathing. She could tell he was already out from the sounds he made, he didn’t snore, not really or fully. His breathing just became more ‘free’ if such a word could describe it. His heartbeat also steadied, still paced but clearly at ease. Such a rhythm helped her slowly fade from consciousness and soon, the warm embrace of sleep took Sally. Leaving only the sounds of both Sonic and her own breathing filling the darkness of their bedroom.
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blankdblank · 4 years
Brother Dearest Pt 31
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Back to the first set of classes you were heading and once skirted with a matching blouse James’ lingering gaze over you paused the move for lipstick to claim some loving kisses. Once the final ease of his nose against yours was stolen before his tug on the arm round your middle making you smirk at his insistence of holding you a few moments more, one more kiss on your lips in handing over the tube of lipstick and he rumbled, “I’ll fetch your heels.” Back he came stirring giggles from you at his kneeling to add them and pecks stolen on each knee in his imagined way for luck.
Rising again to plant a kiss on each cheek after you had blotted the colorful coating across your lips sure to become less brilliant after breakfast was through. Arm draped around your back he cuddled close as he could in your shared stroll down chuckling in a tug to keep Pepper and Olive from toppling you over on their bounding path to get outside bringing you even more against his chest.
To the kitchen everyone gathered with your eyes shifting to Dawn at her slip out of the room to Eddie’s smiling statement of, “Sausage coming up.” His head turned watching her go with brows inched up clearly showing that they had a rough night last night and he was concerned for her leaving. Victor from his pouring out the coffee and juice looked to you at your double tap of a finger of your chest dropping his jaw in an audible gasp. Setting the skillet down on the cool burner with the other shut off he hurried to Teddy in his high chair kissing his cheek, “You are a big brother Teddy!”
Out he hurried and James tapped his chest asking, “Tap tap?”
“Oh, she has two heartbeats.” Victor blinked at you and you clarified, “I can tell when women are pregnant, at least when the heart starts to beat.”
Victor let out a quick breath and said, “Usually we catch that early.”
James chuckled saying, “That would explain the sleeplessness and Teddy no doubt threw us off.” Tenderly stroking the top of the boy’s head as he gummed one of his hands.
“Hard to tell except from a blood test this early. Threw Gina off first time I congratulated her, two weeks before the Midwife could get a positive now every time their stomach turns they ask if I can feel another baby coming on.”
James chuckled jumping into finishing breakfast while you found Teddy’s jar of food and sat down beside the boy finally awake from the quick departure of his parents wondering wordlessly about his food. “Breakfast coming up Teddy.”
His mouth opened making you giggle and bring the jar closer to open, Victor hummed moving to add the sausage to its own plate, “Squishy jr number two.”
In one of the guest bedrooms however Eddie stood on the other side of the door to the bathroom Dawn had gone to sit on the end of the tub with face in her hands deeply breathing in and out, “Dawny, sugar lump we don’t have to have sausage for breakfast.”
“It’s not the sausage. I like sausage.” She sighed out in a slightly confused tone unable to place what was going on with her.
“Can I come in?”
“I didn’t lock it.”
“Not what I asked.”
“You can come in.” His hand found the knob and she said, “Though my mascara no doubt is running.”
Easing inside he grinned seeing his expecting wife hunched over still cradling her face with slippered feet crossed and knocked knees hidden under the wrinkling layered skirt of her favorite dress she no doubt put on to try and feel better today. Down beside her he crouched settling his hands on her knees smiling at her dumbly sweetly murmuring, “Dawny, we have some honey for your belly.”
“I don’t even know what is wrong, couldn’t sleep and then I’m warm, my mouth keeps watering, and just,” she huffed lowering her hands to her lap saying, “And you need your sleep, I kept you up and Teddy didn’t make a peep.”
“Sugar lump,” he hummed out and she huffed at his smile at her.
“Don’t smile like that I look,”
“You look breath taking,” he said taking her hands she flipped up at her sides he cradled on her lap, “You always look breath taking. And I have a guess what’s going on,”
She shook her head, “How would you-,”
“You have two heart beats,” Venom hissed from beside his ear parting her lips in confusion.
“Two-?” She murmured.
Eddie wet his lips and cut her off, “You’re pregnant, Jaqi is the best test and in a few weeks the Midwife could confirm it a bit further on.”
“I’m, she’s certain?! It took my mom two years-,”
Eddie shrugged saying, “Brocks are fertile. You don’t have to be worried, even Ambrose was a bit frazzled her first couple months. But she can bring over some honey toffees that help with her and Gina’s sicknesses. I love you, more than I could ever say, and we can do this, Teddy and the little one.”
She exhaled again, “I won’t be able to fit into the dress,”
Eddie’s brows inched up, “What dress? We can buy you a new dress.”
“My bridesmaid dress, Jaqi asked me even before we were engaged and Teddy was here. She wanted me up there with your sisters.”
Eddie shook his head, “You’d be due roughly in April, wedding won’t be till May at the latest, June even if Jaqi wants to put it back a bit.”
“What if I miss it?”
Smiling wider he said, “We will not miss it. Besides, if she gets any more straw on her back from Truman or the King she’s bound to just courthouse it anyways.”
“I would feel so bad ruining or missing her day after she worked so hard on ours.”
“The invitations aren’t out, haven’t even picked the stationary yet, the date is flexible. Are you feeling better?”
“I’m feeling fine except-,”
Shaking his head he said, “No thoughts on the wedding, that is months off, only thoughts on breakfast and feeding my amazing wife and our, hopefully baby girl.”
“You don’t want another boy?”
“My sisters and cousins have boys after boys, their husbands love boys couldn’t know what to do with a hoard of baby girls. You are perfect why wouldn’t I want a herd of little Dawns tottering around our Teddy?” She started to tear up and he rose up to kiss her and helped her to her feet, “Come, let’s feed you, Sugar lump.” Sweetly he kissed her on the nose and then added, “Besides, your parents made it abundantly clear they have their fingers crossed for girls.” That lured a giggle from her and with hands locked they came to join the others in the kitchen again after he confirming glance at the mirror.
Victor brought over a cup of tea he settled in front of her seat, “Ample honey, Dawny dear. Meat or no meat?”
“I looked at the egg bowl,” making the pair chuckle and James serve her some sausage with the cooked eggs in a portion she could add or take away from with hot cakes and hash brown scramble.
In her glance at you Eddie said, “We cannot talk about the wedding or any dresses involved.”
“Dress?” you asked then it clicked, “A heartbeat starts roughly seven weeks in, so that’s, April, roundabouts.”
James nodded, “Plus we’ve got everything centered around the end of May anyways. We’ll have another munchkin for the pictures, by my guess we should have an army of them tussling down the aisle in the petals.” Making you giggle remembering the wrestling match when you had gotten here to win the right between the Brock kids to be in charge of the task.
In giggles you said filling your fork with the hash scramble, “We may just have a petal parade. Who knows, royals may get a kick out of it.” After a pause you said, “At least they’ll be here next weekend so I can ask about the seating. Especially for the reception.”
Victor, “If they don’t want to eat with us commoners then they can hoof it.”
“Oh that’s not it. They sent me a detailed list in which of the nobles who are invited cannot sit beside the others and which to keep away from the pyrotechnics,” your shoulders shrugged, “Who said we were having any?”
James, “I mentioned sparklers last time they called to offer a band.”
“Oh,” you groaned out.
Victor, “We turned them down, Tommy’s band is booked and always does our town festivities. Did wonders for Dawn and Eddie’s, knows how to read a room for the flow on tunes. What did they call for this time?”
“Apparently Princess Elizabeth is courting a fine young lad named Phillip, who they humbly asked to add to the invitations list no doubt to spark some flames of engagement whimsy.”
James, “I’m certain we can find a spare seat somewhere.”
“I was tempted to say no honestly,” making the pair chuckle.
Eddie said, “Certainly would throw them a bit. But they did drop thirty guests on us.”
Victor, “I think other than their tries to change things we do have everything planned past the invitations and seating name cards.”
“Convenient too, seeing as we will most likely be adding Miss Norma Jeane,” he rolled his eyes and aimed his fork at you.
Dawn giggled out, “She does like you,”
“Ooh, did Eddie tell you about this Saturday?” She glanced at him and you said, “Truman’s daughter is coming to take us dress shopping, you, me and Victor’s date.”
Dawn grinned and said, “I can call her later if you like.”
“Sounds good. Just wonder how far up town she’ll be taking us.”
James, “We can afford new dresses.”
“I spent three grand on wedding gowns,”
Eddie, “No wedding gown talk.”
James’ hand settled on your back between your shoulders with his eyes locked on yours, “Darling, we can afford it.”
“It’s one dinner, if she picks anything like what I wore in England, I looked it up that dress was 900 pounds, I got fifteen grand from the service and in one night that gown could have dropped it drastically, not even mentioning the shoes, beauty regimen-,”
Cupping your cheek he said calmly trying to stop what he knew to be tears looming from you, “Breathe. It took us decades to get here. To where we can tell you that we can afford it. You have fifteen grand, plus all of your earnings so far from the comics. You have more than enough to afford it. I know that’s scary when you couldn’t afford eggs before the war. You go and you pick a stunning dress with Dawn who will have a stunner of her own alongside Miss Norma who no doubt will be hoping to have Vic on the ground.”
“Subtle,” Vic muttered making James’ lips tick a moment into a smirk then down again into that same sincere smile.
“And then when the pictures and the dancing and press is all over weeks or years even after the party you’ll have that same dress in your closet waiting to be used again one day, because you are not going away. People love you, they love to see you doing spectacular things in amazing gowns. We believe in you and want the best for you. So you pick a stunner, because from what I can guess of the evening there will be a sea of dull people and we all want them to be jealous of our dates.”
Victor reached over to plant a hand on your arm turning your head after James had stolen a peck on your cheek and lowered his hand, “Trust me, you get those degrees and you can make 900 pounds in a snap of your fingers. You’ll see. Even we have a hard time dropping cash, think of it as an investment. All they can do for your company is move parties into your path, they knew school is your priority right now, even the King had to remind you that he would be open to an invitation to your big day practically begging. They know they’re at arms length, all they’ll ever get is parties and fancy dinners with you.”
Eddie leaned in to kiss Dawn’s cheek, “You too, pick a dress you love, I doubt the event will be much fun if it was planned for Washington. No doubt long speeches and lectures and small talk since the letter said Bunny was asked for her expertise in magnets.”
Dawn said, “I know you love science, but that sounds perfectly dreadful to spend nights talking about nothing but magnets.”
You giggled rolling your eyes, “I highly doubt we will be at a table with just scientists. No doubt we’ll be near the Queen, Princesses or Truman’s Daughter.” Finishing your last bite of food to Teddy’s reach for you puffy cheeked, you smiled lifting him to your lap to cuddle for your last bits of breakfast before having to leave. His giggles and babbles spread smiles around the table of puffy cheeked adults failing to give him words to repeat yet between the pecks you left on his nose and cheeks with his fists closing around the palms you kissed at each offer widening his smile and earning loud pleased squeals from the boy happy and wiggling in his time with his aunt.
Almost you had forgotten what had happened, almost. Crossing through that front arch the reluctance in the release of your hand and second peck each on your forehead had your stomach clenching for what had happened the day prior with Brent. As if it had been a lifetime ago and you had been jolted back in time you shook your mind free of its frosty coating and drew in a deep breath determined to not be hindered by Brent or any other idiot in your path from here to your distant future the brothers watching could so brightly see down the road for you. Just passing the classrooms you could tell something was up with the Professors on the Barnard Campus.
History came first with your first quiz and ample slides to cover more of the former lesson from the day before. Italian came next with a complex copying of the conjugation chart she had written on the board coming before the outline of sentence structure to begin her weekly ordered sentences to pass in weekly to test you on what you had learned as part of a mini quiz routine. Latin followed suit and with a grin you spotted Portia who asked lowly, “Did you catch onto something? The Professors are acting strange.”
“They are, maybe lunch will clear it up.”
She nodded and said, “See you after.”
“See you.” Turned for the separate Latin courses the point was driven home as the friendly Professor now shifted in a stammering sort of way uncertain it seemed of how his actions would be perceived.
“What do you think it is?” Again you shrugged to Portia’s question meeting you in the hall to head for the Art History auditorium.
“Not a clue. Maybe it had something to do with that meeting they had yesterday after classes let out. I’m sure if there were big changes there would be an announcement of some sort.” Other classmates joined in on the speculating and all the way to the class kept you distracted until reaching the doors you passed through, adding the paper you had written to the pile on the Professor’s desk. A brief lesson came with another quiz to follow granting the Professor a chance to read a few of the top papers between more inspecting glances over the class as the other Professors had done like they were all looking for something or someone.
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The bustle and rush of the reporters in the Daily Bugle main floor had Eddie looking around the room wondering what he had missed while dealing with the Brent debacle the day prior. “What’s going on?” He muttered to himself on his way to his desk in the bull pen to set his bag in his chair and his coat on his chair. Notepad and pen were pulled from the outer bag pocket to join the quieting crowd turning for the morning brief from the Chief Editor who rang the bell on the wall to sound for silence.
“Alright, now everyone is rushing to fire out the news that Congressman Farley’s kid is in the hospital and had surgery last night now I’ve been going over this in my head and there has to be a new angle on this. Congressman is tight lipped and no one in the Hospital is talking to the press. Nobody can seem to weasel how he got hurt out yet by my feelers. I’ve caught whispers the Times is doing a piece on some angle that this was a jab to get at the Congressman, while the Sun is going to head after the angle that his athletic career is shot if he ends up losing his arm.”
Eddie scoffed, “Finger at least.”
The turn of heads from the pair around him had the Editor asking, “Something to say Pear?”
Eddie exhaled and said, “Brent Farley is in the hospital with at least four broken ribs and a shattered finger. He’s losing his finger or movement of it at the very least.”
The others in the room shifted and the Editor said, “You’re certain on those injuries?”
“Ya, went to the hospital myself yesterday.”
That had jaws drop and he was asked, “You hear how it happened?”
“Ya, Brent had been spewing lewd comments to ladies in his classes on the male campus and in the Advanced Mathematics class in front of everyone when the Professor’s back was turned he groped a female student and got dropped for it. Collapsed into a desk and was drug out to the nurse who called an ambulance.”
Near to vibrating from the scoop another man asked, “Credible source?”
“My sister’s in two of his classes and was right next to him when he got dropped.”
He nodded and said, “You get down to Columbia and I want you to see if you can weasel some more out of this take Tommy with you I want pictures we might not make today’s paper but front page tomorrow this is all over it. Henry today get the basic clarified injuries and that he’s still in recovery.” Eddie turned and the Editor said, “In the least we might be able to get some reactions from the female students and possibly a quote from the Dean of he’ll be expelled. Could be a big boost to play up the damsel line on this. And be sure to keep Bunny’s name out of this no telling how hard Congressman is gonna blow back on this when his baby boy’s behavior is out of his little wallet’s reach.” Sighing to himself Eddie turned to grab his bag and coat with Tommy right at his side back at the stairs with camera bag in hand to try and be stealthy and sneak some pictures of the scoop and not tip anyone off on the way. Eddie pleased at least in that he could be there if you needed a friendly face if the day was growing hard for you with a class on that campus again.
Right off the bat he could see there was something off, none of the male students were in any of the buildings and the few female students outside were being marked off of lists from the pockets of the males with paper made top hats. Milling through Eddie listened and paused upon hearing him call out to an approaching young lady a bit wary of the crowd. “Samantha, Crumb right?” She nodded and came closer holding her books to her chest as he explained in her step closer to the other group of females in the sea of men from her class. “Now we’ve got all the girls here now there’s a notice from the Dean barring women from the courses on Columbia’s campus,” dropping the jaw of Samantha, the newest to the mix to be calmed and coaxed to continue onto courses. “But none of the fellas from mixed classes are attending unless all the ladies are up to going. All the Professors are locking their doors unless we’re all cleared on the list. Ready for class?”
Samantha asked, “What’s this about? Why would the Dean do this?”
The teen answered, “No clue, but I’d put my money on Brent’s dad making a call to him. But it’s all of us or none of us, we pay their rent to keep these doors open and it’s our right to protest peacefully against any wrongdoing.” Tilted forward a bit his head hung with a kind grin to ask again, “Ready for class, it’s alright if you don’t want to go, we’ll understand.”
She nodded and said, “I need this class for my degree.”
“Alright then, in we go!” Turning to guide the rows of his clapping and smiling classmates who followed past him through the doors two hatted students manned with check marks for each class noted on a board taped up on the wall.
Just buzzing Eddie got to questioning other students with them easing into it more once more than a few of the female students waiting had recognized him and shared his relation. Luring the guys to pack up Eddie’s note pad and bring out a second to keep up with all he was told while Tommy took advantage of the momentum to ask around for photos of signs, hats and of course the notice that had Eddie’s blood boiling for how the Dean had responded. Hours he even joined in on calming the ladies until he took notice from Venom’s warning hiss in his ear that you were coming.
Sniffles drew eyes from the quizzes in Art History to your Professor subtly trying not to cry making you double down focus on the quiz you had completed and were waiting out the class doodling across the back of it to keep busy. Five whole minutes later once she had excused herself to her office and came back touched up again the Professor announced to bring the pages to the front on your way out.
Down to the front you walked with her eyes shifting to the sketch of a rather odd looking tiger from her angle only to see it was a group of baby zebras on tricycles circling their exhausted mother with tongue splayed out across the ground she was laying on with mane still in curlers and what seemed to be a face mask on with rhino slippers in her hooves. The full image she wouldn’t see until you reached the door but in another student’s try to ask what was going on she simply shook her head and you left your quiz on the stack and followed Portia to her waiting car.
In the wait for your order you grinned passing the girls your sketches they stared with mouths agape over how detailed they were. “I can do more cartoony style too, just slipped my mind. I made some in my notebook earlier through Latin when it popped in my head.” You said bringing out the pages now torn from the book the girls grinned and giggled over the wild little animals acting foolish. “I’m better with ideas for animals over people, I always end up making portraits instead when I try for people can’t help it.”
With a shake of her head one of the girls who aimed you at the paper said, “Animals would be lovely. Last one only did flowers, they turned out terribly after the printing, these would transfer nicely, portraits too.”
“You guys hear?” The question came from two guys entering on their own lunch who spread it around then took notice of you and called out, “Hey Bunny, your brother’s here.”
“Eddie?” He nodded, “Why?”
“Interviewing over the ban.”
“What ban?” You and the ladies asked in their walk over and move to sit and explain nearly making you see red.
Among the guys were two from your class knowing just why this was bothering you more than the other ladies. And through the meal you listened to all the things the other guys had done to show that Brent was the bad seed in the bunch and none of the guys were let him cast their time here in Columbia into that class of filth forcing women back out of the school they worked so hard to get into.
Heart pounding the full ride over eyes watched the car pull up as if in a parade and out you climbed with a whistle and a wave to announce to your top hat wearing classmate waiting to mark your name off the list. All at once it became clear just who was here and subtly Eddie caught on that the supposed mystery female student was very well known and none of the arriving female students had drawn this much hopeful stares wishing they would join them. Before the driver could get out the door opened and you smiled calming him and Portia down saying, “Enjoy your practice, I’ll be fine, go on ahead see you tomorrow.”
Before she could protest the door was closed behind your non breathing self and her driver was off to get his charge away from whatever this was. Through the crowd parting you found Eddie in your path and you asked, “Eddie-,”
He shook his head murmuring, “News on Brent was all over the bullpen and I said what he’d done, none of the other papers have caught onto why he got hurt. They insisted no names, apparently Daddy Farley is trying to hush it all up. But we got here and the guys had organized this. No guys go in without all the female students in their class.”
“The Dean really posted a ban?” Eddie nodded, “Of course, why expect grown men to govern themselves when you can just shoo the women out of the building. Problem solved.” Eddie smirked and you walked with him over to your waiting class.
With a nod he greeted you noting the other females from your class coming up. “Miss Bunny, are you up to heading to class?”
Halfway between a scoff and a chuckle you glanced away a moment then replied, “I paid for my seat and I’m going every day, if the Dean wants my chair he can tear me out of it.”
Right in front through the doors opened for you the group of females led the stroll up the steps and behind your backs Tommy lifted his camera snapping a picture of your backs and in his second snap captured your hand rise to grab the posted notice at the corner you tore from the glass rippling proud grins behind you. Out of everyone you had the only right in the men’s minds to tear that sign down and a third picture had an image that exploded across papers of the notice crumbled in your fist. Straight up to the door you went and right outside the Professor smiled brightly welcoming you all back again.
By the time you had left the class next to the doors you eyed the Dean overseeing his secretary taping up another copy of the notice with his eyes fixed on your class. “Would any of you happen to know what became of the original notice posted on this door?”
“I took it down.” You stated plainly narrowing his eyes on you.
“And just what right do you have to take down an official notice from the Head of Faculty on this premises, Miss Pear?”
“Well I would hate to have misrepresented your position on things. After all I was invited by President Truman to a meeting of world leaders and brilliant minds weekend after next,” his face began to drop, “And his daughter Margaret is taking me dress shopping on Saturday for it. Even the King of England will be there, been meaning to catch up face to face for a while, mainly just been letters. The question of how things at Columbia are going will come up and when I tell them that after the man, who decided he had the right to grope a female student in class was dealt with appropriately in a display of what happens to men behaving so crudely and beneath the caliber of true Columbia students, that notice was the response of the Dean of the Men’s campus. So much easier to just have a copy to have her read it herself and pass on to her parents, nothing lost in translation at all in print. It is always a comforting thought to have such important men around to shape our lives, isn’t it?” Smiling widely at the now gulping Dean you turned with a peppy pop of your shoulders heading for the doors the teens failing to reign in their chuckles and wide smiles while your class followed you out of the building.
Outside however you giggled to yourself as one of the guys behind you commented after the doors had shut again, “I think he might black out.” Eddie was off no doubt writing the story in your mind, while actually off on the female campus speaking to willing female students to Tommy’s later captured picture that the Dean was now speaking with his Secretary no doubt questioning the wording of his notice.
Pathways familiar even in the milling crowds led you back to Professor Randolph’s classroom where he seemed calmer seeing that you were in a semi pleased mood. Right off the bat delving into Egyptian Mythology once again. Notes through the full class were taken with ample interest in the greater depth he added by bringing up a few relics around his desk to add some ‘proof’ of the tale’s impact on the culture.
Eagerly again to be freed to gossip at will the other students fled the room as you double checked you had the manila envelope of the sketches in your bag still you placed on top of your books that were lifted to your chest. Readied himself to head to his waiting post class meal Elliot grinned as you neared him. “How did things go on the Men’s Campus? I hear they had young men ready to organize escorts for in class protests?”
“Yes, waited for all us ladies to be willing to take the class and walked us in. Went well enough, bit crowded outside. Dean was there after. Didn’t seem too pleased to know I got invited to dine with President Truman and other world leaders. They do like hearing about how school is going, been really supportive of the whole process, interested how it will all go.”
Elliot chuckled, “Oh I imagine he took that well.”
“Looked a bit like he’d eaten paste,” you giggled out then added, “I don’t enjoy making threats, but it was the cards I was dealt, I know some people and the reputation of Columbia is at stake.”
Elliot nodded walking with you to the door, “True, very true. There are a great number of degrees for women at stake, I only wish I had better contacts to assist matters on my own. I heard reporters were here?” he pointed, “News room is this way.”
“Eddie was down here. Brooklyn Daily Bugle, but it’s a start. Apparently Brent’s operation and unexplained injuries are big news.”
“No doubt. Are you enjoying class? I thought to touch on hieroglyphs tomorrow.”
“Sounds like fun. I do like it so far. Making me want to visit one day. I read through my Art History book and they have all these churches and places statues came from, and I saw them, but through the war, they were different. Might be nice to travel again later, when things are fixed up again.”
“That is a marvelous plan.”
Pt 32
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feigenbaumsworld · 7 years
October 27, 1971 - October 12, 2017
Little Kris, Kristopher-Who-Is-Not-Kristopher, Scooter, Kris
 I don’t know how to do this. I keep wanting to call you and ask you for advice on how to write this and it hits me for the billionth time today that I can’t.
We might have never met if I wasn’t such a goofball and you weren’t the friendly chat-up-anybody type of guy. It was purely accidental, a case of mistaken identity. The previous night at the club some stranger had asked me to dance. I prefer to dance on my own, but I decided to make my own fun that night. I’d pretend to be a vampire and he would be my unsuspecting prey. So we danced as I peppered our conversation with phrases like “Are you from around here?” “Are you here with friends tonight?” “No one knows you’re here…so no one would know where to find you if you went missing?” It didn’t take long for us to part ways. The next night, I saw Kris. I mistook him for the stranger and feeling a little guilty for creeping the guy out, I began apologizing to him. He listened to me, giggled, and told me that he wasn’t that guy, but if he were he would have stuck around because that was hilarious. We both laughed. There was so much laughter between us. And that was it. 28 years of friendship born out of chance. Be random and take chances.
There are too many memories to recount. The time that he showed me, out of the blue, that he could walk like Kermit the Frog. The way he would sing Senor Don Gato to me whenever I asked. I remember going to a party one night. It was getting late and we were having so much fun that we didn’t want it to end. We holed up in a closet and decided that if we hid out in there, tomorrow would never come and the party would last forever. We talked all night.
We did that a lot. Talking until our voices cracked. Whenever Christmas rolled around one of our favorite things to do was drink some hot cocoa and then drive around looking at Christmas lights. Sometimes we parked and sat on his car freezing our butts off watching the lights change color and twinkle. Electric star-gazing. We’d sit and talk about everything from the important – What we wanted to do when we grew up, the boys we had crushes on who would turn out to be our future husbands. Toby you were his true North.
To the whimsical -  Visiting open houses with elaborate cover stories as we tried to pass ourselves off as prospective buyers. Or the time we decided we needed to think about our retirement, so we decided we should join the Elk’s lodge because we had researched their retirement village and it sounded awesome. We nixed that idea when we discovered they didn’t allow women to join. I believe that’s been remedied, so go for it.
So instead we made up our minds that we would build a dirigible and fly it around the world. We would take all our friends along and after our travels we would park the dirigible in Bora Bora and retire there. We kept adding decks to our dirigible filled with impossible things like a roller coaster. And totally practical things like a Willy Wonka deck complete with a chocolate river and gummi bear trees. There was one deck composed completely of blanket forts. And as if that weren’t enough, there was a tree growing up through the decks so that there could be a treehouse on every level. Through the years we would occasionally call to tell each other of new additions. It didn’t matter that it was only a fantasy. What mattered was that it was ours. We were the music makers and the dreamers of dreams.
Many years ago I had a conversation with him that still echoes in my mind. We were having the big one – What’s the meaning of life? Why are we here? What’s the point? He suggested that maybe there isn’t any meaning to life except what we create. Maybe we’re the ones that are supposed to make life meaningful. I said that I thought the reason we’re here, the point was to touch as many lives as possible leaving them changed for the better. He really liked that idea and now I’m seeing that theory in practice. Kris’ life was full of purpose and meaning. I know this in my heart and I see it in all of your faces. We are his legacy. And his legacy will endure and grow every time we share one of our memories. Save your memories, write them down, share them often. Pass on his joy, his friendship, his love, his light and his whimsy.
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cinephiled-com · 5 years
New Post has been published on Cinephiled
New Post has been published on http://www.cinephiled.com/interview-creative-team-behind-taika-waititis-brilliant-jojo-rabbit/
Interview: The Creative Team Behind Taika Waititi’s Brilliant ‘Jojo Rabbit’
Writer/director Taika Waititi (Thor: Ragnarok, Hunt for the Wilderpeople) brings his signature style of humor and pathos to his latest film, Jojo Rabbit, a World War II satire that follows a lonely German boy (Roman Griffin Davis as Jojo) whose world view is turned upside down when he discovers his single mother, Rosie (Scarlett Johansson), is hiding a young Jewish girl named Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie) in their attic. Aided only by his idiotic imaginary friend, Adolf Hitler (Taika Waititi), Jojo is forced to confront his blind nationalism. The film offers a funny yet profoundly moving child’s-eye view of a society gone mad with intolerance. Drawing on his own Jewish heritage and his experiences growing up surrounded by prejudice, New Zealand filmmaker Waititi (whose mother is Jewish and father is Māori) makes a powerful statement against hate with this pitch-black satire of the Nazi culture that gripped the German psyche at the height of World War II.
I admit I am not a big fan of films like Life Is Beautiful that have attempted to bring fantasy or whimsy to stories of World War II, so I was nervous going into this film, and yet I loved every second of it. I thought that Waititi and his team achieved the perfect balance between the fantasy elements of the film and the stark reality of the situation. As one critic said, “It shouldn’t work…but it does!” Based on the book Caging Skies by Christine Leunens, Jojo Rabbit, winner of the People’s Choice Award at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival, also stars Sam Rockwell, Stephen Merchant, Alfie Allen, and Rebel Wilson. I sat down with several of the incredibly talented people who helped create the unique look of the film: production designer Ra Vincent, Visual Effects Supervisor Jason Chen, Makeup and Hair Designer Dannelle Satherley, and film editor Tom Eagles.
Danny Miller: The details in the sets were just stunning. Did you recreate this German village from scratch or did you find real settings that you could adapt for the story?
Ra Vincent: We had done so much research about this time period and did our breakdowns of what we needed, but it wasn’t until we found our locations in the Czech Republic that this world we were creating really expanded. The borders during the Nazi occupation were constantly shifting and the Baroque village we found in the Czech Republic had become a German territory during the war. We even found out that there had been Nazi rallies in some of our locations. It was exactly the aesthetic we needed.
Given the history in that part of the world, was it a bit dicey to bring in all of the swastika flags and banners that you needed for the story?
Ra Vincent: Yes, it was. We had some early discussion about swastikas with the studio, they were very nervous about it, but in the end we decided to do what we wanted. We felt we needed the swastikas or the story and the satire would not work at all. The idea was to confront hate and how that regime was formed. We could not remove the importance of that insignia.
Jason Chen: The swastikas had so much weight in that town. I remember when we were shooting in the building that we were using as Gestapo headquarters and had to put up swastika banners. We actually had several local crew members who told us they couldn’t go in there because their family members had been tortured or killed by the Nazis. The weight our locations carried was a good reminder to us about the message we were trying to convey.
Dannelle, speaking of historical sensitivity, you will now always be able to say that you did Hitler’s hair and makeup. What was that like?
Dannelle Satherley: (Laughs.) Well, with Taika’s character, he was an imaginary version of Hitler as seen through Jojo’s eyes, so we were going for something more roughly hewn than you might see elsewhere. Sure, we had to have the touchstones that everyone knows like the moustache and the combover, but he was never intended to be a carbon copy.
Were there times when Taika was directing in full Hitler drag?
Dannelle Satherley: Oh yes, many times! It was definitely something to see.
I’m sure the on-set jokes were writing themselves: “Help! Our director is Hitler!” Tom, I imagine for a film with such serious themes with comedic elements, finding the exact rhythm in the editing was everything. How difficult it was to maintain that balance?
Tom Eagles: It helped that Taika’s script was amazing. There were differences in the details but we were faithful to the feeling of the script, trying to walk that tightrope between black humor and real emotion throughout.
Were there a lot of clues in the script about how everything should look?
Ra Vincent: Absolutely. Taika’s writing is so good and there were many clues about the characters in the script that you could pull from about what type of environment they would be inhabiting. For production design, it pays not to overstate things, you don’t want to detract from the performance. But, for example, knowing how artistic Rosie (Johansson) was, we added all sorts of nuances in the decoration of the house which also played into Jojo’s view of the world through somewhat rose-colored glasses.
I want to see the film again just to more closely examine all of the delicious details of that house!
I was working with a wonderful set decorator, Nora Sopková, who has been working in Prague for a very long time and she knew where to find all the best things. I like to provide as much realism for the actors as possible. If you’re going to put food on the table in front of them you make it really nice to eat, you fill the drawers with clothes of the period in case they open one during a scene, you add all these authentic touches so there’s an opportunity for bits of spontaneous characterization.
I know in many of Taika’s projects there’s a lot of improv. Was that a worry when trying to maintain the right tone in this story?
Tom Eagles: There were very different types of scenes in this film. For a dramatic scene between Scarlett and Thomasin, for example, they would run through it normally, get some direction, and then perhaps try a few new things when they did it again, but it was a very traditional process. They were amazing actors working with an amazing script. But with our comedians it was something else entirely. They’d constantly be stopping and throwing something new in. It did make it a challenge to keep the rhythm right.
I’m guessing that someone like Rebel Wilson went to town on her takes.
Tom Eagles: Oh, trust me we could definitely do a short film of just alternate takes from Rebel, Stephen Merchant, and Taika as Hitler. And you’d be screaming with laughter! Taika always encouraged them. Whether it was even his intention to use those takes or not, he really wanted these comedians to feel free to explore their characters. A lot of great stuff ended up on the cutting room floor because it just didn’t work with the overall film but we did get some gems that we used.
Dannelle, it looked like you were also able to go a bit above and beyond with Rebel’s look, too. Kind of an “Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS” aesthetic?
Dannelle Satherley: Oh, we had so much fun with Rebel and some other people in the supporting cast because we were able to go a little extra with them. I loved working on Rebel’s hair because we were really able to go to extremes with the look. She carried it so well! But some of the other characters were much more tame. I’ve worked so closely with Taiki over the years that I’m very familiar with his aesthetic. I know, with the possible exception of Thor which was kind of its own world, that Taika errs on the side of naturalism, he doesn’t like anything to look too overcooked.
The extensive research you all did for this project must have been so fascinating.
Jason Chen: I think that’s the best part of what we do. We really did a deep dive on the Hitler Youth. And a lot of the ridiculous things you do see the characters doing in the Hilter Youth camps were actually things that happened, like four- and five-year-old boys roughhousing with teenagers, punching and tackling each other, it was insane. They were completely brainwashed about what they were told would make them good soldiers.
I also really liked the color palette of the film which seemed different from so many films we see set during World War II.
Jason Chen: It’s true. Movies set in this time period are usually very dark and dreary, but the reality of the situation was that towards the end of the war a lot of people dressed to the nines as best they could, they didn’t know how much longer they’d be around. So Taika really wanted a bright and vibrant color scheme throughout.
Ra Vincent: And because this was a story from a child’s perspective, that included us injecting some whimsy and childishness into it. We used a few tricks, even things like having more cars in the background than would necessarily have been around during that point in the war.
To be honest, I was kind of surprised when I first saw the poster for the film because it seems so focused on the comedy whereas I see it as more as a very serious movie with some comedy in it.
Jason Chen: I agree with you, actually, and yet I think Taika’s instinct to lead with the comedy makes a lot of sense so I can see why that’s a big part of the ad campaign. Taika believes that humor kind of loosens people up and makes them open to things that they might not have been otherwise. You’ll notice that the film is quite heavy with comedy in the first act and then that eventually transitions in a big way.
0 notes
"You're drunk! I can't believe what a disappointment you are!"
 His sharp tongue cut through the numbing stupor of the alcohol and lacerated fresh wounds on a bleeding heart that I wished would just give up and die already. It wasn't exactly like there was any tender feelings lost between us. He hated my guts. I had established that fact early on in what constituted my nightmare called life. I wanted to lash back, to find some way that hurt him with just as much apathy as he showed me, to be so cruel, so filled with rage.
 Besides, he really wasn't angry that I was drunk. That was a convenient excuse. Something about my character that he could hold onto, a moral high ground as it were, a selfless reason to lash out at me. But I wasn't the naive child anymore to believe what was said anymore. Love was a temperamental thing, held like a treat for dreamers and morons. Something to be taken away at the slightest infraction, the barest of disappointments, and it would be withdrawn. I wanted to be angry. But honestly, I was just tired. I looked up at him, alcohol loosening my iron clad control the slightest of amounts. "So is that why you've been trying to kill me off with your words all my life? Because you couldn't convince mom to have an abortion and you didn't want to be a father?" The truth felt like ice on my tongue, a cold bitter thing I'd never been allowed to dilute with childhood whimsy of something else. Mother had never allowed me anything else, to her, I was the reason that Jake had left; to Jake, I was a tie to a past he didn't want to remember but was forced to live with.
 For the first eighteen years of my life I had stayed with my mother, part of me, looking back at it, wished that Felicia had just abandoned me to foster or adoption care. While it could have certainly gone worse for me there it also meant that I might have had a family that wanted me. "If that's the case," Jake's voice was rasping as he fought to not yell at three o'clock in the morning and wake everyone else in the house awake, "why aren't you dead yet?"
 I eyed Jake, the knowledge that he meant that hurt more than it should have. My sperm donor had never hid his distaste of me, the only memory I had of him visiting me was when I was five. He had come to visit my mother and I, I had been so excited I hadn't been able to sit still at school. I had drawn him a picture and Mrs. Kelly had me write out I love you Daddy, on it. It was the only time Felicia had actually acted like a mother. I had gotten a brand new winter coat, and mittens that looked like lions where when you opened and closed your hand the mouth moved. I had named them Optimus and Tigger, even though it was a lion and not a tiger. We had gone to McDonald's and Felicity had bought me a grilled cheese. I had been in the play area when she had called me down. And there, standing in a black suit, had been Jake.
 I had been so excited I shook as I ran over to our table and picked up my drawing, of my Daddy and Mommy and me all holding hands. But as I turned to hand it to him he stepped back. Disgust clearly evident on his face as he looked at me, leaving me there, holding my picture for him, as he turned and yelled at my mother, asking her how in the world she could keep something so deformed, so hideous. Felicia had smacked me when I started to cry and told me to shut up. It was that day, that I became an orphan.
 There was a knock at my hotel room door as I opened my mouth to tell him that I was alive out of sheer spite. Jake stormed over to it in a right peak, I lay back, flopping onto the bed and closing my eyes. Why the hell had I opened my hotel door? Right. Because some childhood fantasy had hoped beyond hope that my own Father had come to offer some sort of condolences. The door opened and there was a fervently whispered conversation that my drunk mind couldn't keep up with. "This is Cain." I opened my left eye at the sound of my name on a disguised breath. "The least you could do is get up and pretend that you have manners.' Compared do what had just been said previously the comment didn't even phase me.
 There, beside my sperm donor stood an attractive woman that I guessed to be in her mid forties. Her dark hair had strands of silver that reflected in the harsh glow of the hotel lamps about the room. Her green eyes were a deep forest color and seemed to be slightly too big for her face. She had a nose that a writer would consider as petite and cute with lips that sagged just a little in a becoming pouty look that most attempted with lipstick or surgery. I hated her. "Hello Cain, I'm sorry that we have to meet over these circumstances." I nodded my head once and then had to close my eyes to stop the spinning room from making me vomit on her shoes tempting as the thought was considering.
 There was another vicious round of whispering that made my head buzz with the beginnings of a headache. I wanted to lash out, to tell them to fuck off and leave me alone but I was too tired. The rum finally catching up with me, my limbs felt encased in lead, my eyes felt gritty and my head stuffed full of cotton. My thoughts felt fuzzy and slow, as though they too were weighed down. I heard my name off somewhere but I was too tired to care, my mind twisting memories around in a kaleidoscope of times and people I heard my name again, harsh and angry. Jake. Fuck him. And finally, everything went black and I was left in peace.
 I came back into reality slowly, lying there for a long moment in the comfortable fog of unreality, pleasantly apathetic to the universe at large and most importantly, my place in it. All too soon however, memories started piecing themselves together. The body. The funeral. The bar. The fight. Jake in my room. The words he had said. Meeting Aurora. I flinched at the last few memories, the pain coming back, fresh and new, overlaying the wounds of last night with the fresh clarity that sobriety brings. I hissed as I turned, my head throbbing viciously, at least it was distracting. I bumped the nightstand as I struggled to get vertical still a touch drunk from the night before. I wasn't really surprised. I had drank enough that if I wasn't an alcoholic it likely would have killed me. Shame that. I'd have to try harder next time. A thud sounded like a cannon blast between my temples and I groaned inwardly, knowing already that if I made a sound I would regret it. I opened my eyes to bare slits through the dusky light of dawn and saw a piece of paper, a couple pills, and a bottle of water with the fluid still sloshing back and forth. Without even thinking much I took the pills and crunched them down, the familiar taste of Advil getting washed down with a gulp of water. After a few minutes, when the room felt like it wasn't spinning as fast, I trusted myself to sip at the bottle though I had closed my eyes again.
 Taking inventory I frowned. I hadn't undressed at all from coming home from the King George Pub. But I wasn't wearing my boots now, and the covers were wrapped around me. Barely opening my eyes again I noticed that all the lights were off too, and that the shades were drawn. I shook my head and immediately regretted that stupidity as it felt like my brain sloshed back and forth and slammed into the sides of my skull. I sat perfectly still and panted, my mouth watering as my stomach churned. I would not vomit. I would not. The nausea spell only abated when I lay back down and relaxed, doing my best to not think about anything. Which was impossible. So instead, I focused on my sensations. The soft roughness of the hotel sheets, the cool air in the room, the brightening light pressing against my eyelids from the sun rising. And finally, I drifted back off.
 I felt human when I woke again a couple hours later. It was twenty to twelve, I had to get moving soon, though if I left now I was concerned I would lose the trust of the blankets after they had accepted me as one of their own. I had gotten so little sleep over the last week that even this alcohol induced slumber had been welcoming. I rose slowly, testing myself as I went, making sure I didn't feel another wave of nausea. Thankfully, I was just set with a headache from hell, though I wasn't sure if that was from the blow to the jaw, the chair, or the alcohol at this point. I glanced ruefully at the empty water bottle and noticed the small hotel notepad again. I didn’t recognize the flowing cursive that formed beautiful swirls and designs as it made individual letters and words. “Take these when you wake up. I put a couple more bottles of water in the fridge.” I glanced to the small humming appliance in question. “It’ll help you feel better. Again. It was a pleasure to meet you finally. Aurora.” I felt fury flash through me, white hot and feral I picked up the empty water bottle and through it as hard as I could against the wall with a clatter of plastic as it bounced down and across the desk. The sound was sharp and staccato in my ears but I welcomed the pain of it. I was breathing hard. Hurt, and angry. Mostly hurt.
 I was no longer a child. I no longer looked for someone to help me feel like someone wanted me. That I wasn’t so bad. That, maybe, I could even be loved. I was no longer a naive little boy searching for something that would never be given to him. I was alone. I had always been alone. That never changed; in fact, I now preferred it that way. I didn’t want anyone. I didn’t need anyone. I got up to go take a shower, stubbornly ignoring the water, even though the rational part of me knew that Aurora was right and it would help me feel more human. Still though, I loathed the idea of someone thinking me of helpless, as pathetic. I could, and did, do fine on my own. I stripped off my clothes as I walked. I could do this. On my own.
 Two hours later I sat in the church, the piano music dancing through my brain like broken glass shards. I almost regretted not drinking the water. Almost. I sat at the back, not bothering to interact with others there. They were there for my father. The picture perfect visage of a grieving man for a life he had once lived, the picture perfect family man. It sickened me more than my headache. I watched him, and if looks could kill, he would join Felicia six feet under. He had never once done anything for us, and yet here he was, basking in all the free publicity that built up a reputation. His political scene was perfectly sculpted, carefully curated to show the very best things that a man could be. Doting. Sympathetic. Kind. So full of bullshit I could smell it from back here. He sat near the front, with Aurora, and their three girls who Aurora had introduced me to as if I should care about my half sisters. Natalie, eighteen, just finished high school and was going off to Kinesiology on some volleyball degree. Ember, twenty-one, who was working on a Social Degree in a Youth Center, and Hannah, twenty four, three years my junior, had just passed her BAR exam. I hated her the most, full and concrete proof that Jake had never intended to reenter our lives twenty two years ago. I had wanted to lash out at her, even after the night before, but I couldn’t not here. Still, I stewed. Watching them. The picture perfect family. I wanted to cause a scene, to call him out, here, in front of everyone and tell them the truth of him. But who would believe me? The estranged son of an overdosed crack addict, at her funeral no less. And it was childish. Some urge to have him notice me, to at least acknowledge my presence in front of other people, even if it was just to yell at me.
 I had forgotten how annoying it was to wear the damned contact, I rubbed at my eye trying to get the gritty feeling to abate; I had gotten used to not wearing it and fucked if I knew why I was wearing it now. Felicia had forced me from the unfortunate day Jake had reentered our lives so briefly to wear sunglasses any time I was around others, or her, until she had finally got these blasted contacts for me to wear. I flinched again, at past remarks that made Jake’s delightful commentary last night look like the sweetest of compliments. The only time I had a modicum of peace was when she was high, her ‘happy pills’ made life tolerable, she even was nice to me sometimes. But it never lasted. Soon enough, she would come down, and I would again be told how much she wished she had followed through with what Jake had asked and aborted me. Ah, the lovely stories that would give me comfort to sleep at night. Only once, when she was high on something that was all kinds of illegal, did she try and kill me. No one would ever know that story, the way she looked at me when she told me that Jake would finally take her back now. The scar on my ribs still ached in the cold.
 I stood over the casket, the whole sermon had droned on into a monotonous drone of sound, and here, now, I was saying goodbye to the only constant thing I had had in my life. It was a strange feeling, this chapter closing on my life. Even though Felicia had taught me nothing that a proper parent should, she had still clothed and fed me, even if it was barely. The call from the police had startled me, I’m not sure why. Did I expect Felicia to live forever? Cheating death as she got high on who knows what she had scrounged enough money together to buy. I had to give the morticians credit, as I looked over her. She looked like she could have been my mother, someone must have donated the dress, it didn’t look like anything I recognized, the makeup had been expertly applied with a style that made it look as though she weren’t wearing any at all. The sores had been covered, her hair had been washed, and she finally, after all this time, looked to be at peace. I hoped she was. Jake had ruined her by leaving, and I had hoped that next time around, she could be loved like she deserved, and maybe she could love her child too.
 I twitched as I felt a weight on my shoulder and I looked over to see Jake there. The image of my fist going through his face was so vivid it took a half second as I struggled to separate reality from a desire so strong that I could already feel it. The crunch of bone beneath my knuckles, the whimper of pain, the hot gush of blood, the satisfaction. I glanced between us to his family. His only family. I wasn’t part of it, never had been never would be, I was simply a stranger that was going to fade away into collective memory, and then, likely even from that too. I wasn’t stupid. I knew my place. I wondered if his precious family knew why he was really here. How the lawyers had called him over things that he had purchased over twenty years ago and now he was here, to take every single one of those things away, so that nothing of him, no part of his existence that had spawned me could be traced back to him. He had even found a way to get a police search of my own house even though I had left Felicia when I was sixteen with nothing but the shirt on my back to make sure nothing was there either. There was a part of me that wanted to expose him, to shout to the world what he was doing, what he had done. But again. Who would listen to me? Pissed, and hurt, I brushed by him to go back to my corner but under all the surging memories, the pain, and the white hot fury I heard a soft growl, a command, as if he expected to hold some authority in my life after all this time. “Behave boy.” I left.
 It had been three weeks since Felicia had been buried. I had taken the proffered week of bereavement but had only needed three days to wrap up her estate. Whatever Jake didn’t decide to take I had settled to donate to a few shelters around her area that helped battered women and children. They needed it all more than I did anyways. After that, I had gone for a drive. There really hadn’t been a destination in mind when I had headed out but I knew that anywhere was better than being stuck at home for four days without working and going out of my mind in my indignant rage at Jake. Funny. He had never once been in my life, and I could honestly say I didn’t know the last time I had thought about him as an individual and yet he expected to swoop in, do what he wanted, and leave. Just like he always did. Fuck that. Bermuda and I had gone out,between her and sleeping under the stars it had helped me forget. I didn’t know what it was but there was something about the purr that teetered on the cusp of a growl that came from a high performance engine that could make everything that little bit better. Besides, it had been a long winter and I missed taking the old girl out for a spin, even though it was still a bit muddy, I had decided that I had wanted her company more than Ralph, my old clunker of a winter car. It was on the last day that the text had come through, and now, as I drove home after another long day at work, I read it again.
 “Cain.” I could practically hear it in her voice, but the urge to throw the device out the window had abated over time. “I know you likely don’t want to talk to me, we don’t know each other. But I think that could be handy. A fresh starting point. Nothing to lose, but maybe something to gain. It took me awhile to track down your number, I knew better than to ask your father for it.” The woman had at least some common sense. “I would like to get to know you. But if you don’t I do understand and don’t blame you. I’m not asking for you to make amends with Jake. I’m doing this on my own, because I know what it’s like to grow up without a father. If you would like to get back in touch, I’ll be here. Aurora.”
 It had taken me a long while to figure out why I hated her so much, to distance myself from the childhood rage that wanted to hate everything to do with my father. I hated Aurora because she was kind. I hated her because I didn’t want to like her. She was innocent in this, more innocent than me likely, and while logically I knew that, it didn’t take the pain away. And yet, I had tortured myself several times a day looking at that damned message. It was a hand, reaching through the murk, the grey shadows of my existence and offered a kind touch that I didn’t know what to do with. I hadn’t dated much, expecting them all to be my mother and so far, I had yet to be disappointed. Part of me didn’t want to sully the pristine image I held of Aurora, the other part didn’t want to be disappointed when she turned out exactly like the rest of them.
 Finally. After two weeks, and several cans of hard cider, I broke.
 Cain: Hello Aurora, it’s Cain.
 Lame, but what else was I going to say to someone I didn’t know. I looked at the steak in my fridge, knowing I should eat it but I couldn’t be fucked at the moment. I cracked another cider and drank half the can and sat heavily in my recliner. Work had been rough. The semi truck had seemed to have a mind of it’s own and decided that she was going to be stubborn that day. My knuckled ached from slamming them into steel trying to undo a particularly stubborn bolt, my foot throbbed from where I had had half the drive shaft land on it because some dumb ass didn’t put the supports in the proper place. In short, I was tired, in pain, and yes, slightly tipsy.
 Aurora: Cain, it’s good to hear from you. How are you? I’m sorry if I don’t respond quickly yet. Just making dinner.
 I appreciated that she didn’t bring up Jake in any way, it helped me separate her from that aspect of my life. I took another sip of my cider, my mind flashing to the steak again. I really should consider eating something. I took another sip.
 Cain: I’m alright. Long day. Feel like I went a round against Conor McGregor or something today.
 I didn’t know why I was being honest, it was just, nice I supposed, this informal form of communication. I flipped through the channels and settled on watching some sports highlights though I couldn’t care less about them at the moment. I finished my cider and finally the alcohol seemed to be taking affect as all the aches faded away. They’d be back, and I knew that, but this could at least give me some relief before bed.
 Cain: What did you decide to make for dinner?
 Aurora: I’m sorry that you feel so badly, and though I had to Google who you were talking about I think you could give him a good run for his money. And simple tonight, I found a recipe online about chicken breasts with a sauce made of sausage, onions, and mushrooms. Did you eat anything? I think we’re still on the same time for a little.
 Cain: Too tired. I had some juiced and fermented fruit and that’ll work until breakfast. Though yours does sound tasty. I think Conor could kick my ass since some inanimate objects did that very well today.
 Aurora: You do need to eat. And it is so far, I used hot Italian sausage for the flavors, it pairs well with the chicken. And what kicked your ass today? I regularly test gravity to make sure it still works!
 I laughed in spite of myself.
 Cain: Could be interesting to try. And just some parts on the truck I was working on, she was a grumpy old girl and decided to take it out on me.
 She sent me the Food Wishes recipe and I glanced through it making note of what was there, maybe I’d pick the things I needed up tomorrow before I came home and give it a try. It did sound good after all, and best of all, simple. In fact, most of the recipes here seemed simple. Though I enjoyed cooking here and there, I was no culinary master and this seemed doable at least. We talked for several more hours. Aurora was surprisingly pleasant to talk to once I opened myself up to the possibility, the alcohol likely helped a lot though too. We talked about cooking, about Chopped, and my guilty pleasure Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. It was nice. To talk to another person I mean, I wasn’t exactly a social creature and usually kept my own company unless I went out for drinks with the guys on a Friday night, even then, I usually didn’t stay long.
 The next several weeks went by in standard routine and yet, they stuck out, because of Aurora. Despite my best efforts to lock her out of my life, pretending that that night had just been a mistake I had talked with her daily, sometimes nothing more than an exchange of good mornings. More often than not though we spent hours talking, well into the night, and once or twice, most of the way through it before she made some comment about her old body needing to rest. It always made me roll my eyes at the thought and let her sleep, convincing myself to let her go to bed early the next day. Not that it ever really worked though. And what I didn’t even notice, that slowly, I came to know her as Aurora, not Jake’s Aurora. Slowly, she wormed her way into my life, talking about her life, about Natalie, Ember, and Hannah in ways that had nothing to do with Jake, and I hated to admit it, even to myself, but I needed that. This feeling that not everything was about him. Call me selfish.
 Aurora: I am in town, want to do coffee? I head back tonight.
 I stopped on my way out of work, the guys all around me piling into their own trucks and hollering about it being payday. The half wild Celts always seemed to act like payday was this mystical thing that happened rarely rather than twice a month on a rather consistent schedule. I frowned, wondering why she was in town, to my knowledge there was nothing here that appealed to her. Still though, I did want to do coffee, we had started to do a phone call here and there and this seemed like a logical step.
 Cain: Sure, just got done work. Let me clean up.
 Aurora: Take your time, I found a cute little place that has excellent pastries by the smell of it.
 Half an hour later I nosed Bermuda into a parking space that barely held her and got out of the car. The warm summer day was barely humid, just enough to be noticed. I looked around, not seeing Aurora I walked towards the small cafe on the corner of Fifth and Windsor. I had seen it more than once but given that I had only seen small little old ladies and rather, hipster, looking teens entering and exiting the establishment, I had avoided it. I stepped inside and was greeted to the smell of freshly brewing coffee and baked butter and chocolate. Oh yeah. Aurora hadn’t been kidding. This smelled like heaven. I turned as saw Aurora in a corner, we exchanged waves. I ordered and walked towards her.
 She looked, good. And good was such a poor word for what I saw in her. She wore a strappy dress that though it was sedate enough, it still cupped her in all the right ways. Her breasts were full and cupped by the white floral print silk, her dark hair was plaited in a loose style that seemed to highlight her beauty in ways that I couldn’t even describe. The occasional strand of white a highlight, as though she had twined silver silk into her hair. She smiled at me as I sat, her eyes wandering over me, appraising me too, would be my guess. I had worn a black tee and her eyes lingered on the sleeve I had from fingertips to where it disappeared from view under the shirt but spanned across my chest and other parts of my body in an intricate pattern of design and geometry that had been added to over the years. She was trying to make sense of it, would be my guess. I wished her luck. But as she looked back at me she tilted her head, like a bird, or a cat. It was oddly, endearing. “Your eyes are two different colors?”
 Fuck. I had forgotten to wear the god damned fucking contact. Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! I closed my right eye. And muttered an apology. But she startled me, she got up and walked over, cupping my cheek in a soft touch, her skin warm, her fingertips brushing my skin sending small jolts through my entire body. I didn’t know what to do, no one had ever touched me like this. Ever. She ran the fingers of her other hand over my cheek, the shell of my ear, my eyebrow, my jaw, my lips. “Open your eye Cain.” Her voice was soft, tender, and though there was no force behind her words, it felt like a command that struck me straight in the chest. But what broke me was the whisper that followed on those soft lips that glistened with gloss. “Please.”
 I slowly complied. Watching her carefully, ready to close it again the moment disgust tinged her features, the moment that always came. With everyone else. Aurora surprised me yet again, staying still, tilting her head back and forth slowly as she studied me carefully, her touch never faltering, her tender expression never cracking. “I am assuming you’re not blind?” I shook my head, it was blurry, and a bit hazy out of that eye and was prone to give me migraines once in awhile it did see. Though only issue with the massive cornea damage to it was that I had a restriction on my license. And the look. It was an off white color, more white then grey, the white was always a little bloodshot and never opened quite as much as it’s twin. I had unfortunately inherited Jake’s denim blue, a fact that I’m sure made Felicia hate me even more, especially since I looked like him too. It had driven her mad. Here I was, a defective version of everything she had lost. But as Aurora looked at me, as she touched me with a tenderness that I had never before experienced, I didn’t feel defective. I didn’t feel broken. I felt, like I might matter, at least a little.
 “You are so handsome,” her voice came out so soft that I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to hear it. She kept touching me, kept making me feel all these things that I didn’t know what to do with. She ran her fingers through my hair, going back to stroking the highlights of my face. Only after a long time, I don’t know how long, I didn’t really want it to end, did she go back to her side. I missed her touch, but the kindness of her expression was still there. I could make do with that at least. Maybe, maybe this is what it felt like to have someone care about you. It was weird. Yet, despite myself, I enjoyed it.
 Hours flew by as we talked, I felt relaxed, exposed, and yet I didn’t mind. Because as exposed as I felt, I didn’t feel alone. We talked about everything, nothing, about Natalie falling in with the wrong group of people and how Aurora was worried, I gave some pointers on how to help reach her and not shove her away, Having been young and angst once upon a time I knew how to help, not hinder. Aurora opened up about having grown up without her father, who had died when she was very young in a car accident. I felt badly for her, but she at least had her two older brothers Carl and Mark that had helped a lot, and unlike Felicia, Elise sounded like she had at least been a good mother. I also found out then that Jake and Aurora were not married, engaged for twenty odd years, but not married, I could tell that it bothered her despite her attempt to brush it off after I asked about the small ring on her finger. I opened up a little about the nightmare that my past had been, the general parts of it anyways. The way that Felicia had threatened to sell me just to get her next fix, things like that. She seemed awed by me, and though a part of me enjoyed it, the greater part was uncomfortable by it, I wasn’t some super hero or something. And finally, after some time, the dreaded topic came up, I hadn’t even known she had heard everything.
 “So, why did you get into that fight?”
 I knew exactly which one she was talking about, the one that had happened at the King George, and the reason that Hannah had flushed prettily when she was introduced to me. I looked to her and sighed, “If I told you that you don’t want to know, would you listen?”
 “Consider it payback for the ring question.”
 I squirmed a bit, Aurora’s eyes were penetrating, not in condemnation, or even judgement, but in kindness and in understanding. I took a long sip of coffee, trying to think of where to start. “I was sitting at the bar, I saw Hannah walk in with her then boyfriend, they sat next to me and started talking, Kevin wanting to know why they were here for a funeral of a woman that neither of them knew. He kept being rude about it. Hannah, stood up and said that’s what family does, and though she hadn’t met me, she would hope that her half-brother would do the same for her should Jake died. I can’t deny it, if Jake had died before Felicia I wouldn’t have shown up, but the fact Hannah did, the fact she was standing up for someone she didn’t even know, taught me that someone could be kind. Until then, and now you, I always thought that kindness was something people used day to day, a finite resource. It explained why no one had any left for me. Anyways, when Hannah went to use the bathroom and Kevin started flirting with the waitress and another girl nearby, I couldn’t stand it. Someone as kind as she didn’t deserve to be treated like she was replaceable. She is unique in this world, well, she is like you.” I amended and looked down at Aurora, her green eyes were glassy and I swallowed hard and finished quickly. “So, I lost my temper and gave him some facial reconstruction.” Thankfully, the waitress had vouched it was self defence against the slimy prick and I hadn’t been charged with abuse. But that, not my drinking, was why Jake had been so angry with me. I was a wild card, a scandal waiting to happen.
 “Really?” Aurora’s voice was quiet, shaky. “Hannah never talks about it and the only time I brought it up to Jake he got so mad he refused to talk to me for three days.”
 “Yes,” I didn’t envy her Jake and his tantrums, “despite looking like one of the bad guys, I did hang onto my honor, if not my soul.”
 She came over, her tears falling down her cheek and I pulled her into my arms, an intimate hold,with her sitting on my lap, her slight frame dwarfed by me as I rocked her slowly, wiping away her tears. I held her tightly, trying to give her strength and comfort and knowing that I was failing miserably at both. “Thank you,” she whispered brokenly, again and again as she pressed herself against me. “Thank you so much.” I felt, like a hero, like something I had done had finally been a good thing. It took a long while but finally Aurora got herself mostly under control, though her eyes were still shimmery as she looked at me, her hand on my cheek. “I hope that Hannah meets someone that values her, that cares for her, that can protect her, just like you.”
 Six Months Later.
 “Why the fuck are corsets so fucking complicated.” I growled at the material that refused to budge at my insistence, the cords on the back denying me the access to what I wanted most. Her breasts, I could never get enough of them, the soft flesh that tasted like heaven on my tongue.
 “Just fuck me,” her plea came out in a breathy moan, a whimper of need and desire. “We don’t have that much time, please. We need to hurry.” I knew that, but Christ it felt all kinds or wrong to not taste those beautiful globes at least once. Still though, her palming my cock beneath my slacks was driving me crazy, I couldn’t take it much longer. “Please.”
 Her moaned begging snapped something inside of me, some gentlemanly urge stripped away until the feral desire that I did my best to lock up and control came to the forefront. I slammed her against the wall of the closet, the small place making our intimate encounter all the more personal. “I just couldn’t take it seeing you like this, looking all dressed in white, some virgin goddess, the demon in me just had to defile you.” Her giggle faded into a moan as I sunk my teeth into her shoulder, on the crook where the neck met and would be covered by hair for the ceremony. I had defiled her, often, and this was nothing new. She scrabbled for me to get my slacks down and I moaned at the feel of her soft hands, manicured nails teasing the sensitive organ and I nearly came right there, wouldn’t that be embarrassing, and disappointing. I hissed down at her. “Spread your legs.” I didn’t even have to say now as she complied willingly, her whole body shuddering with her own pent up lusts. This wedding planning had taken too much of our time together and we were both starving for each other, this was going to be hard, fast, and feral. I’d make up for it later.
 “Oh yes, please, please baby please!” I covered her mouth with a hand as I slid into her, her body tight around me though she was so wet I was sure it would seep through the white lace of her dress. I couldn’t care less. I slid home. The only one that I had come to know. I growled into her skin, doing my best to keep my own sounds quiet enough that we wouldn’t have a voyeur on our intimacy, though, given how badly I wanted this right now I doubted I would stop, even if someone did open the door. Her muffled ecstasy felt tickled my palm as her nails sunk into my shirt, crinkling the ironed and starched shirt that had taken me forever to get just right. All well, if it was going to get wrinkled, this was the perfect way.
 “Oh fuck, you’re so fucking tight.” She tightened even more in her arousal, she always loved when I dirty talked to her. It drove her just as crazy as her moaning and panting did for me. I slammed into her, again and again, my thrusts feral and erratic as I drove into her, desperately, achingly. I hungered for her, for this. I wasn’t going to last. “Oh fuck girl, you need to be coming soon or I am going to be right jack ass.”
 She pulled my hand aside, “Oh yes baby, I’m with you, I’m with you oh yessss!” She hissed out the last word as she climaxed and I joined her, filling her with my seed and warmth, I shuddered around her, cradling her, covering her in soft kisses. Christ, I needed this woman, she drove me wild, and yet she secured me. “Get going,” she panted out, kissing me firmly, “I need to go to the bathroom and freshen up and you need to be ready. I’ll see you soon.” I nodded but kissed her once more for good measure.
 I made my way through the crowd, unnoticed, even though I stood head and shoulder above most of them. It was amusing in a sad way, that I could pretty much be a wraith. I stopped and poured some artificial tears into my eyes and sighed in relief. Aurora had taught me about these things awhile ago and they were a god send. I looked down to see Hannah with her father, she looked beautiful in her dress, though she did look flustered, Jake didn’t look any better, in his tailored suit, he looked agitated and angry. His voice came out a demand more than a question. “Have you seen Aurora?”
 “Yes, I saw her cum by me a little over five minutes ago.”
0 notes
jeremystrele · 6 years
51 Garden Statues To Add An Artistic Touch To Your Outdoor Decor
Think of them as art for your garden. Garden statues are the perfect accessory to enhance and intensify the intended mood of an outdoor space or sunroom. Whether you are looking to infuse your backyard with a bit of humor, balance the composition of your landscaping, or draw attention to specific aspects of your outdoor decor, a garden statue is a great solution. No matter your style or budget, there is surely a garden statue for your outdoor project, so we’ve scouted out the best of the best to help you find that perfect one. And we completely understand if it ends up being the super cool, solar dragon!
$90BUY IT Flamingos Garden Statue: A classic garden statue subject trades in the cheap plastic look for a chic, glossy enamel. A great way to add a pop of color to any backyard or garden.
$61BUY IT Decorative Weathered Crane Garden Statue: Being a symbol of good fortune and longevity, who wouldn’t want a crane or two in their garden!? This rustic, metal duo has been topped off with a patina finish that will only get better with age.
$86BUY IT Bronze Garden Cranes: Another crane couple, but this time in a sleek bronze. This crane comes as a single and can freely stand on hard, flat surfaces or be staked in the ground for greater stability.
$270BUY IT Herons With Outstretched Wings: This exquisite, bronze pair of heron make quite the statement with their outstretched wings, almost as if ready to take flight. Handcrafted with thick metal and finished with high quality, metallic paint.
$140BUY IT Blue Heron Garden Statue: This blue heron is a beautiful sight with its detailed feather work and brilliant, handpainted finish. He has a metal construction that is both durable and weatherproof.
$143BUY IT Peacock Garden Statue: A peacock statue that is well-suited for even the most elegant garden. This peacock takes on the name Staverden, named after the Staverden Castle in the Netherlands where white peacocks have been kept since the 1400’s.
$176BUY IT Sitting Dog Statue: In the words of Mr. Burns, “Release the hounds!” This sitting dog statue is made of magnesia and finished off in a distressed grey. Available looking in either direction.
$73BUY IT Dog With The Flower Basket Statue: Man’s best friend and apparently quite the decent flower gatherer. This statue represents the love and loyalty of a true friend.
$39BUY IT Digging Dog Statue: Face down, butt up, look at this adorable pup. This quirky sculpture is available in two styles, Terrance the Terrier and Highland Terrier (shown).
From $10BUY IT Dog Memorial Statues: All dogs go to heaven, but that doesn’t mean we don’t miss them like crazy when they’re gone. Celebrate the life of your pup with a memorial statue. Multiple designs available.
$137BUY IT Concrete Cat Sculpture: Celebrate your feline friend’s 9 lives on earth with a concrete, cat memorial sculpture. Made in the USA with quality, cast stone concrete.
$260BUY IT Cat Garden Statue: A piece of cat decor fit for the garden. This two foot tall cat and his mousy foes are constructed of alpine stone and stand a little over 2 feet tall.
From $16BUY IT Cat Memorial Statues: A cat memorial statue is a great way to memorialize your furry friend. Many designs available, some are even customizable.
https://amzn.to/2BnxuB8BUY IT Lone Howling Wolf Garden Statue: This lifelike statue is sure to be showpiece in any garden. It is hand cast using real crushed stone and handpainted.
$91BUY IT Lion & Lamb Statue: The king of the jungle can now be the king of your backyard! He even brought along a little friend. This famous biblical symbol shows that even enemies can live together in harmony.
$206BUY IT Lion Garden Statue: A regal looking jungle cat that is perfect to guard any garden. Place one on each side of a path or entrance for a look that exudes power and elegance.
$150BUY IT Resting Lion Garden Statue: Just your everyday lioness hanging out in a tree. While most statues are meant for ground use, this one can be perched on a tree branch. How neat is that!?
$81BUY IT Panther Garden Statue: On the prowl and looking fabulous. This jungle cat will infuse any garden with an exotic aesthetic. Available in 3 sizes.
$740BUY IT Life Size Deer Garden Statue: Add a big splash of the wild to any landscape with a life size deer. This woodland creature will look majestic anywhere you put it.
$56BUY IT Concrete Garden Turtle Statue: Slow and steady wins the race and this cute little guy also won over our hearts. This lifesize turtle statue is affordable, weatherproof, and boasts to last a lifetime.
$16BUY IT Meditating Frog Garden Statue: The new zen master for your garden has arrived! This meditating frog is the perfect statue to add a bit more tranquility to your outdoor space.
$46BUY IT Weathered Angel Garden Statue: A rustic guardian angel to look over you and your garden. Some reviewers have even stated that is makes a great memorial piece. Also available in 2 additional designs.
$107BUY IT Fiona The Flower Fairy Garden Statue: A magical addition to any yard, Fiona the Flower Fairy is both stylish and whimsical. Whether she is peeking out from your garden or catching a few rays in the sun room, she will always be brimming with a playful charisma.
$428BUY IT Archer Fairy Statue: Just over 4 feet tall, this stunning archer fairy will add big style to any outdoor space. Topped off with a two tone finish that elegantly enhances every detail of this bow wielding beauty.
$359BUY IT Angel Playing The Harp Garden Statue: A treat for the eyes and the ears! This harp playing angel statue uniquely features 10 wind chimes that will harmonize with every gust and breeze.
$380BUY IT Classic Angel With The Bird Garden Statue: This angel with her bird is the perfect symbol of the afterlife and reincarnation. Featuring a fade resistant, distressed finish that also boasts to be mildew resistant.
$55BUY IT Weeping Angel Garden Statue: Quite a few angel statues made our list, but none quite as unique as this one. While most angel statues are standing, this one sets itself apart from the crowd with its seated position.
$64BUY IT Cherub Garden Statue: Each slightly over a foot tall, these cherub statues are affordable and classy. The finish of this pair features hints of color, contributing to their unique finish.
$138BUY IT Marian Garden Statue: A garden statue that inspires devotion to the Holy Mother. This historical replica was based on a french church antique and is destined to bestow grace anywhere it is placed.
$1750BUY IT Shook Draco Metal Dragon Garden Statue: If you want a fantasy sculpture that is luxurious and dominant, then you definitely need to check out this metal dragon. He is an iron guardian that stands over 5 feet tall.
$80BUY IT Dragon Garden Statue With Solar Glowing Globe: A garden light that is anything but boring. This iron dragon statue features a solar globe that is symbolic of a “flaming pearl”. A true treasure for your garden!
$64BUY IT 3 Piece Swimming Dragon Garden Statue: Imagine this ferocious beast dipping and diving through your landscape. This medieval dragon will look fierce weaving its way through your flower garden or popping up by your pool.
$25BUY IT Sleeping Dragon Statue: A baby dragon that just wants to nap. This cute little guy is a highly affordable garden statue that is crafted from cold cast ceramic.
$172BUY IT Dragon Skull Garden Statue: Picture digging around the flower bed and unearthing this mythical beast! If you want a conversation starter for your garden, then this is definitely the statue for you.
$245BUY IT Sculptural Dragon Mailpost: Meet the new mail keeper! It turns out even dragons like to read the daily paper. A piece of dragon home decor that will make your mailbox look ferociously unique.
$162BUY IT Gargoyle Garden Statue: If they are good enough to keep castles safe, then why not your garden. Gargoyle statues were famously used on buildings to both divert rainwater and ward off evil. Talk about double duty.
$95BUY IT Yeti Garden Statue: This just in! There has been a Bigfoot sighting in the garden. Fair warning, probably not ideal for those with neighbors that can’t handle a good scare since he does come as big as life size.
$227BUY IT St.Francis Bird Feeder Statue: If you are a lover of all of God’s creations, then you and St. Francis have a lot in common. Welcome the saint of animals and ecology into your backyard with this bird feeder statue.
https://amzn.to/2BnOeZ2BUY IT Michelangelo’s David Garden Statue: A depiction of David before his victory over Goliath right in your garden. Made with real crushed stone and set in resin for superior durability.
$63BUY IT Boy & Girl Garden Statues: Featuring children in an antiquated bronze finish, this garden statue is both playful and timeless. The perfect touch of whimsy for any landscape.
$107BUY IT Boy & Girl Dancing Garden Statue: Ring-a-round the rosie, a pocket full of posies. A garden sculpture that is all about the carefree joys of childhood. Available in 2 sizes.
$117BUY IT Girl With Birds Garden Statue: With that many birds, this girl is practically a Disney princess! A whimsical, handpainted garden statue that is available in two sizes.
$125BUY IT Angel Protecting Kids Garden Statue: Always safe, always loved. These children are in the best hands–or wings–possible. Each guardian angel statue is meticulously handpainted by skilled artisans, giving an end result filled with depth and rich tones.
$58BUY IT Small Resting Buddha Statue: If you are looking for small piece to add to your zen garden, then consider this resting Buddha statue. Don’t have a zen garden? This statue would also look great in a yoga studio, meditation room, or sun porch.
$80BUY IT Meditating Buddha Head Garden Statue: Thanks to a weathered stone finish, this Buddha head looks far heavier than it actually is. A highly rated Buddha made from lightweight cast resin.
$77BUY IT Easter Island Statue For Garden: One of the world’s most intriguing archaeological artifacts can be right in your backyard! Assumed to be depictions of local chiefs, heroes, or gods, bring the mystery of these Easter Island statues to your home. Available in multiple sizes.
$40BUY IT Rock Arch Garden Sculpture: This stone arch perfectly highlights the beauty and simplicity of nature. Each of these arches is created using handpicked river stones from the shores of Java Island, Indonesia.
$63BUY IT Solar Illuminated Japanese Pagoda Lantern Statue: Shine some light on your beautiful landscaping with a solar , lantern statue. A great way to usher in not only light, but a bit of serenity and peace. Great for zen gardens.
$1146BUY IT Large Japanese Style Pagoda Garden Statue: Standing almost 6 feet high, this Japanese Pagonda will tower over your flowerbeds. A large statue that is sure to add some visual interest to any garden.
$300BUY IT Modern Abstract Garden Sculpture: If your garden needs a bit of modern flair, then this is the statue for you. The abstract nature of this piece will make it feel like there is modern art right in your garden.
$300BUY IT Abstract Wavy Garden Sculpture: A high quality, aluminum statue that can be enjoyed either indoors or outdoors. Each handcrafted piece includes a certificate of authenticity and a whole lot of modern style!
Recommended Reading:  50 Modern Outdoor Chairs To Elevate Views of Your Patio & Garden 40 Stunningly Beautiful Statues Of Fairies And Angels For Your Home & Garden
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51 Captivating Courtyard Designs That Make Us Go Wow
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drewebowden66 · 6 years
51 Garden Statues To Add An Artistic Touch To Your Outdoor Decor
Think of them as art for your garden. Garden statues are the perfect accessory to enhance and intensify the intended mood of an outdoor space or sunroom. Whether you are looking to infuse your backyard with a bit of humor, balance the composition of your landscaping, or draw attention to specific aspects of your outdoor decor, a garden statue is a great solution. No matter your style or budget, there is surely a garden statue for your outdoor project, so we’ve scouted out the best of the best to help you find that perfect one. And we completely understand if it ends up being the super cool, solar dragon!
$90BUY IT Flamingos Garden Statue: A classic garden statue subject trades in the cheap plastic look for a chic, glossy enamel. A great way to add a pop of color to any backyard or garden.
$61BUY IT Decorative Weathered Crane Garden Statue: Being a symbol of good fortune and longevity, who wouldn’t want a crane or two in their garden!? This rustic, metal duo has been topped off with a patina finish that will only get better with age.
$86BUY IT Bronze Garden Cranes: Another crane couple, but this time in a sleek bronze. This crane comes as a single and can freely stand on hard, flat surfaces or be staked in the ground for greater stability.
$270BUY IT Herons With Outstretched Wings: This exquisite, bronze pair of heron make quite the statement with their outstretched wings, almost as if ready to take flight. Handcrafted with thick metal and finished with high quality, metallic paint.
$140BUY IT Blue Heron Garden Statue: This blue heron is a beautiful sight with its detailed feather work and brilliant, handpainted finish. He has a metal construction that is both durable and weatherproof.
$143BUY IT Peacock Garden Statue: A peacock statue that is well-suited for even the most elegant garden. This peacock takes on the name Staverden, named after the Staverden Castle in the Netherlands where white peacocks have been kept since the 1400’s.
$176BUY IT Sitting Dog Statue: In the words of Mr. Burns, “Release the hounds!” This sitting dog statue is made of magnesia and finished off in a distressed grey. Available looking in either direction.
$73BUY IT Dog With The Flower Basket Statue: Man’s best friend and apparently quite the decent flower gatherer. This statue represents the love and loyalty of a true friend.
$39BUY IT Digging Dog Statue: Face down, butt up, look at this adorable pup. This quirky sculpture is available in two styles, Terrance the Terrier and Highland Terrier (shown).
From $10BUY IT Dog Memorial Statues: All dogs go to heaven, but that doesn’t mean we don’t miss them like crazy when they’re gone. Celebrate the life of your pup with a memorial statue. Multiple designs available.
$137BUY IT Concrete Cat Sculpture: Celebrate your feline friend’s 9 lives on earth with a concrete, cat memorial sculpture. Made in the USA with quality, cast stone concrete.
$260BUY IT Cat Garden Statue: A piece of cat decor fit for the garden. This two foot tall cat and his mousy foes are constructed of alpine stone and stand a little over 2 feet tall.
From $16BUY IT Cat Memorial Statues: A cat memorial statue is a great way to memorialize your furry friend. Many designs available, some are even customizable.
https://amzn.to/2BnxuB8BUY IT Lone Howling Wolf Garden Statue: This lifelike statue is sure to be showpiece in any garden. It is hand cast using real crushed stone and handpainted.
$91BUY IT Lion & Lamb Statue: The king of the jungle can now be the king of your backyard! He even brought along a little friend. This famous biblical symbol shows that even enemies can live together in harmony.
$206BUY IT Lion Garden Statue: A regal looking jungle cat that is perfect to guard any garden. Place one on each side of a path or entrance for a look that exudes power and elegance.
$150BUY IT Resting Lion Garden Statue: Just your everyday lioness hanging out in a tree. While most statues are meant for ground use, this one can be perched on a tree branch. How neat is that!?
$81BUY IT Panther Garden Statue: On the prowl and looking fabulous. This jungle cat will infuse any garden with an exotic aesthetic. Available in 3 sizes.
$740BUY IT Life Size Deer Garden Statue: Add a big splash of the wild to any landscape with a life size deer. This woodland creature will look majestic anywhere you put it.
$56BUY IT Concrete Garden Turtle Statue: Slow and steady wins the race and this cute little guy also won over our hearts. This lifesize turtle statue is affordable, weatherproof, and boasts to last a lifetime.
$16BUY IT Meditating Frog Garden Statue: The new zen master for your garden has arrived! This meditating frog is the perfect statue to add a bit more tranquility to your outdoor space.
$46BUY IT Weathered Angel Garden Statue: A rustic guardian angel to look over you and your garden. Some reviewers have even stated that is makes a great memorial piece. Also available in 2 additional designs.
$107BUY IT Fiona The Flower Fairy Garden Statue: A magical addition to any yard, Fiona the Flower Fairy is both stylish and whimsical. Whether she is peeking out from your garden or catching a few rays in the sun room, she will always be brimming with a playful charisma.
$428BUY IT Archer Fairy Statue: Just over 4 feet tall, this stunning archer fairy will add big style to any outdoor space. Topped off with a two tone finish that elegantly enhances every detail of this bow wielding beauty.
$359BUY IT Angel Playing The Harp Garden Statue: A treat for the eyes and the ears! This harp playing angel statue uniquely features 10 wind chimes that will harmonize with every gust and breeze.
$380BUY IT Classic Angel With The Bird Garden Statue: This angel with her bird is the perfect symbol of the afterlife and reincarnation. Featuring a fade resistant, distressed finish that also boasts to be mildew resistant.
$55BUY IT Weeping Angel Garden Statue: Quite a few angel statues made our list, but none quite as unique as this one. While most angel statues are standing, this one sets itself apart from the crowd with its seated position.
$64BUY IT Cherub Garden Statue: Each slightly over a foot tall, these cherub statues are affordable and classy. The finish of this pair features hints of color, contributing to their unique finish.
$138BUY IT Marian Garden Statue: A garden statue that inspires devotion to the Holy Mother. This historical replica was based on a french church antique and is destined to bestow grace anywhere it is placed.
$1750BUY IT Shook Draco Metal Dragon Garden Statue: If you want a fantasy sculpture that is luxurious and dominant, then you definitely need to check out this metal dragon. He is an iron guardian that stands over 5 feet tall.
$80BUY IT Dragon Garden Statue With Solar Glowing Globe: A garden light that is anything but boring. This iron dragon statue features a solar globe that is symbolic of a “flaming pearl”. A true treasure for your garden!
$64BUY IT 3 Piece Swimming Dragon Garden Statue: Imagine this ferocious beast dipping and diving through your landscape. This medieval dragon will look fierce weaving its way through your flower garden or popping up by your pool.
$25BUY IT Sleeping Dragon Statue: A baby dragon that just wants to nap. This cute little guy is a highly affordable garden statue that is crafted from cold cast ceramic.
$172BUY IT Dragon Skull Garden Statue: Picture digging around the flower bed and unearthing this mythical beast! If you want a conversation starter for your garden, then this is definitely the statue for you.
$245BUY IT Sculptural Dragon Mailpost: Meet the new mail keeper! It turns out even dragons like to read the daily paper. A piece of dragon home decor that will make your mailbox look ferociously unique.
$162BUY IT Gargoyle Garden Statue: If they are good enough to keep castles safe, then why not your garden. Gargoyle statues were famously used on buildings to both divert rainwater and ward off evil. Talk about double duty.
$95BUY IT Yeti Garden Statue: This just in! There has been a Bigfoot sighting in the garden. Fair warning, probably not ideal for those with neighbors that can’t handle a good scare since he does come as big as life size.
$227BUY IT St.Francis Bird Feeder Statue: If you are a lover of all of God’s creations, then you and St. Francis have a lot in common. Welcome the saint of animals and ecology into your backyard with this bird feeder statue.
https://amzn.to/2BnOeZ2BUY IT Michelangelo’s David Garden Statue: A depiction of David before his victory over Goliath right in your garden. Made with real crushed stone and set in resin for superior durability.
$63BUY IT Boy & Girl Garden Statues: Featuring children in an antiquated bronze finish, this garden statue is both playful and timeless. The perfect touch of whimsy for any landscape.
$107BUY IT Boy & Girl Dancing Garden Statue: Ring-a-round the rosie, a pocket full of posies. A garden sculpture that is all about the carefree joys of childhood. Available in 2 sizes.
$117BUY IT Girl With Birds Garden Statue: With that many birds, this girl is practically a Disney princess! A whimsical, handpainted garden statue that is available in two sizes.
$125BUY IT Angel Protecting Kids Garden Statue: Always safe, always loved. These children are in the best hands–or wings–possible. Each guardian angel statue is meticulously handpainted by skilled artisans, giving an end result filled with depth and rich tones.
$58BUY IT Small Resting Buddha Statue: If you are looking for small piece to add to your zen garden, then consider this resting Buddha statue. Don’t have a zen garden? This statue would also look great in a yoga studio, meditation room, or sun porch.
$80BUY IT Meditating Buddha Head Garden Statue: Thanks to a weathered stone finish, this Buddha head looks far heavier than it actually is. A highly rated Buddha made from lightweight cast resin.
$77BUY IT Easter Island Statue For Garden: One of the world’s most intriguing archaeological artifacts can be right in your backyard! Assumed to be depictions of local chiefs, heroes, or gods, bring the mystery of these Easter Island statues to your home. Available in multiple sizes.
$40BUY IT Rock Arch Garden Sculpture: This stone arch perfectly highlights the beauty and simplicity of nature. Each of these arches is created using handpicked river stones from the shores of Java Island, Indonesia.
$63BUY IT Solar Illuminated Japanese Pagoda Lantern Statue: Shine some light on your beautiful landscaping with a solar , lantern statue. A great way to usher in not only light, but a bit of serenity and peace. Great for zen gardens.
$1146BUY IT Large Japanese Style Pagoda Garden Statue: Standing almost 6 feet high, this Japanese Pagonda will tower over your flowerbeds. A large statue that is sure to add some visual interest to any garden.
$300BUY IT Modern Abstract Garden Sculpture: If your garden needs a bit of modern flair, then this is the statue for you. The abstract nature of this piece will make it feel like there is modern art right in your garden.
$300BUY IT Abstract Wavy Garden Sculpture: A high quality, aluminum statue that can be enjoyed either indoors or outdoors. Each handcrafted piece includes a certificate of authenticity and a whole lot of modern style!
Recommended Reading:  50 Modern Outdoor Chairs To Elevate Views of Your Patio & Garden 40 Stunningly Beautiful Statues Of Fairies And Angels For Your Home & Garden
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Garden Greens Add Personality to this Warm and Modern Apartment
51 Captivating Courtyard Designs That Make Us Go Wow
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51 Garden Statues To Add An Artistic Touch To Your Outdoor Decor
Think of them as art for your garden. Garden statues are the perfect accessory to enhance and intensify the intended mood of an outdoor space or sunroom. Whether you are looking to infuse your backyard with a bit of humor, balance the composition of your landscaping, or draw attention to specific aspects of your outdoor decor, a garden statue is a great solution. No matter your style or budget, there is surely a garden statue for your outdoor project, so we’ve scouted out the best of the best to help you find that perfect one. And we completely understand if it ends up being the super cool, solar dragon!
$90BUY IT Flamingos Garden Statue: A classic garden statue subject trades in the cheap plastic look for a chic, glossy enamel. A great way to add a pop of color to any backyard or garden.
$61BUY IT Decorative Weathered Crane Garden Statue: Being a symbol of good fortune and longevity, who wouldn’t want a crane or two in their garden!? This rustic, metal duo has been topped off with a patina finish that will only get better with age.
$86BUY IT Bronze Garden Cranes: Another crane couple, but this time in a sleek bronze. This crane comes as a single and can freely stand on hard, flat surfaces or be staked in the ground for greater stability.
$270BUY IT Herons With Outstretched Wings: This exquisite, bronze pair of heron make quite the statement with their outstretched wings, almost as if ready to take flight. Handcrafted with thick metal and finished with high quality, metallic paint.
$140BUY IT Blue Heron Garden Statue: This blue heron is a beautiful sight with its detailed feather work and brilliant, handpainted finish. He has a metal construction that is both durable and weatherproof.
$143BUY IT Peacock Garden Statue: A peacock statue that is well-suited for even the most elegant garden. This peacock takes on the name Staverden, named after the Staverden Castle in the Netherlands where white peacocks have been kept since the 1400’s.
$176BUY IT Sitting Dog Statue: In the words of Mr. Burns, “Release the hounds!” This sitting dog statue is made of magnesia and finished off in a distressed grey. Available looking in either direction.
$73BUY IT Dog With The Flower Basket Statue: Man’s best friend and apparently quite the decent flower gatherer. This statue represents the love and loyalty of a true friend.
$39BUY IT Digging Dog Statue: Face down, butt up, look at this adorable pup. This quirky sculpture is available in two styles, Terrance the Terrier and Highland Terrier (shown).
From $10BUY IT Dog Memorial Statues: All dogs go to heaven, but that doesn’t mean we don’t miss them like crazy when they’re gone. Celebrate the life of your pup with a memorial statue. Multiple designs available.
$137BUY IT Concrete Cat Sculpture: Celebrate your feline friend’s 9 lives on earth with a concrete, cat memorial sculpture. Made in the USA with quality, cast stone concrete.
$260BUY IT Cat Garden Statue: A piece of cat decor fit for the garden. This two foot tall cat and his mousy foes are constructed of alpine stone and stand a little over 2 feet tall.
From $16BUY IT Cat Memorial Statues: A cat memorial statue is a great way to memorialize your furry friend. Many designs available, some are even customizable.
https://amzn.to/2BnxuB8BUY IT Lone Howling Wolf Garden Statue: This lifelike statue is sure to be showpiece in any garden. It is hand cast using real crushed stone and handpainted.
$91BUY IT Lion & Lamb Statue: The king of the jungle can now be the king of your backyard! He even brought along a little friend. This famous biblical symbol shows that even enemies can live together in harmony.
$206BUY IT Lion Garden Statue: A regal looking jungle cat that is perfect to guard any garden. Place one on each side of a path or entrance for a look that exudes power and elegance.
$150BUY IT Resting Lion Garden Statue: Just your everyday lioness hanging out in a tree. While most statues are meant for ground use, this one can be perched on a tree branch. How neat is that!?
$81BUY IT Panther Garden Statue: On the prowl and looking fabulous. This jungle cat will infuse any garden with an exotic aesthetic. Available in 3 sizes.
$740BUY IT Life Size Deer Garden Statue: Add a big splash of the wild to any landscape with a life size deer. This woodland creature will look majestic anywhere you put it.
$56BUY IT Concrete Garden Turtle Statue: Slow and steady wins the race and this cute little guy also won over our hearts. This lifesize turtle statue is affordable, weatherproof, and boasts to last a lifetime.
$16BUY IT Meditating Frog Garden Statue: The new zen master for your garden has arrived! This meditating frog is the perfect statue to add a bit more tranquility to your outdoor space.
$46BUY IT Weathered Angel Garden Statue: A rustic guardian angel to look over you and your garden. Some reviewers have even stated that is makes a great memorial piece. Also available in 2 additional designs.
$107BUY IT Fiona The Flower Fairy Garden Statue: A magical addition to any yard, Fiona the Flower Fairy is both stylish and whimsical. Whether she is peeking out from your garden or catching a few rays in the sun room, she will always be brimming with a playful charisma.
$428BUY IT Archer Fairy Statue: Just over 4 feet tall, this stunning archer fairy will add big style to any outdoor space. Topped off with a two tone finish that elegantly enhances every detail of this bow wielding beauty.
$359BUY IT Angel Playing The Harp Garden Statue: A treat for the eyes and the ears! This harp playing angel statue uniquely features 10 wind chimes that will harmonize with every gust and breeze.
$380BUY IT Classic Angel With The Bird Garden Statue: This angel with her bird is the perfect symbol of the afterlife and reincarnation. Featuring a fade resistant, distressed finish that also boasts to be mildew resistant.
$55BUY IT Weeping Angel Garden Statue: Quite a few angel statues made our list, but none quite as unique as this one. While most angel statues are standing, this one sets itself apart from the crowd with its seated position.
$64BUY IT Cherub Garden Statue: Each slightly over a foot tall, these cherub statues are affordable and classy. The finish of this pair features hints of color, contributing to their unique finish.
$138BUY IT Marian Garden Statue: A garden statue that inspires devotion to the Holy Mother. This historical replica was based on a french church antique and is destined to bestow grace anywhere it is placed.
$1750BUY IT Shook Draco Metal Dragon Garden Statue: If you want a fantasy sculpture that is luxurious and dominant, then you definitely need to check out this metal dragon. He is an iron guardian that stands over 5 feet tall.
$80BUY IT Dragon Garden Statue With Solar Glowing Globe: A garden light that is anything but boring. This iron dragon statue features a solar globe that is symbolic of a “flaming pearl”. A true treasure for your garden!
$64BUY IT 3 Piece Swimming Dragon Garden Statue: Imagine this ferocious beast dipping and diving through your landscape. This medieval dragon will look fierce weaving its way through your flower garden or popping up by your pool.
$25BUY IT Sleeping Dragon Statue: A baby dragon that just wants to nap. This cute little guy is a highly affordable garden statue that is crafted from cold cast ceramic.
$172BUY IT Dragon Skull Garden Statue: Picture digging around the flower bed and unearthing this mythical beast! If you want a conversation starter for your garden, then this is definitely the statue for you.
$245BUY IT Sculptural Dragon Mailpost: Meet the new mail keeper! It turns out even dragons like to read the daily paper. A piece of dragon home decor that will make your mailbox look ferociously unique.
$162BUY IT Gargoyle Garden Statue: If they are good enough to keep castles safe, then why not your garden. Gargoyle statues were famously used on buildings to both divert rainwater and ward off evil. Talk about double duty.
$95BUY IT Yeti Garden Statue: This just in! There has been a Bigfoot sighting in the garden. Fair warning, probably not ideal for those with neighbors that can’t handle a good scare since he does come as big as life size.
$227BUY IT St.Francis Bird Feeder Statue: If you are a lover of all of God’s creations, then you and St. Francis have a lot in common. Welcome the saint of animals and ecology into your backyard with this bird feeder statue.
https://amzn.to/2BnOeZ2BUY IT Michelangelo’s David Garden Statue: A depiction of David before his victory over Goliath right in your garden. Made with real crushed stone and set in resin for superior durability.
$63BUY IT Boy & Girl Garden Statues: Featuring children in an antiquated bronze finish, this garden statue is both playful and timeless. The perfect touch of whimsy for any landscape.
$107BUY IT Boy & Girl Dancing Garden Statue: Ring-a-round the rosie, a pocket full of posies. A garden sculpture that is all about the carefree joys of childhood. Available in 2 sizes.
$117BUY IT Girl With Birds Garden Statue: With that many birds, this girl is practically a Disney princess! A whimsical, handpainted garden statue that is available in two sizes.
$125BUY IT Angel Protecting Kids Garden Statue: Always safe, always loved. These children are in the best hands–or wings–possible. Each guardian angel statue is meticulously handpainted by skilled artisans, giving an end result filled with depth and rich tones.
$58BUY IT Small Resting Buddha Statue: If you are looking for small piece to add to your zen garden, then consider this resting Buddha statue. Don’t have a zen garden? This statue would also look great in a yoga studio, meditation room, or sun porch.
$80BUY IT Meditating Buddha Head Garden Statue: Thanks to a weathered stone finish, this Buddha head looks far heavier than it actually is. A highly rated Buddha made from lightweight cast resin.
$77BUY IT Easter Island Statue For Garden: One of the world’s most intriguing archaeological artifacts can be right in your backyard! Assumed to be depictions of local chiefs, heroes, or gods, bring the mystery of these Easter Island statues to your home. Available in multiple sizes.
$40BUY IT Rock Arch Garden Sculpture: This stone arch perfectly highlights the beauty and simplicity of nature. Each of these arches is created using handpicked river stones from the shores of Java Island, Indonesia.
$63BUY IT Solar Illuminated Japanese Pagoda Lantern Statue: Shine some light on your beautiful landscaping with a solar , lantern statue. A great way to usher in not only light, but a bit of serenity and peace. Great for zen gardens.
$1146BUY IT Large Japanese Style Pagoda Garden Statue: Standing almost 6 feet high, this Japanese Pagonda will tower over your flowerbeds. A large statue that is sure to add some visual interest to any garden.
$300BUY IT Modern Abstract Garden Sculpture: If your garden needs a bit of modern flair, then this is the statue for you. The abstract nature of this piece will make it feel like there is modern art right in your garden.
$300BUY IT Abstract Wavy Garden Sculpture: A high quality, aluminum statue that can be enjoyed either indoors or outdoors. Each handcrafted piece includes a certificate of authenticity and a whole lot of modern style!
Recommended Reading:  50 Modern Outdoor Chairs To Elevate Views of Your Patio & Garden 40 Stunningly Beautiful Statues Of Fairies And Angels For Your Home & Garden
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from Interior Design Ideas http://www.home-designing.com/buy-garden-statues-for-sale-online
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