#we must wait yet again for another chance at more yukishima interactions
fala-alfredo-pasta · 3 years
can u share some some shimayukio headcanons or what you like about their dynamics? if u dont mind🥺🙏 (the Sans!Yukio pic you did is so good/funny. Your art style is so ❤️🤩!)
I genuinely was not expecting to get an ask about Yukishima anytime soon considering how long it’s been since I’ve made anything for them. I apologize so much anon 😭 I swear I will make content for them once more I’m just slow when it comes to making things ;-;
But to answer your ask! Ah headcanons...I feel like I used to have a lot but have forgotten many of them (ಥ﹏ಥ) but here’s a few And-They-Were-Roommates/Domestic ones:
When the pink box dye Shima used to color his hair gets discontinued he challenges Yukio that he couldn’t possibly replicate the exact same shade with different dyes knowing fully well that Yukio would never pass up on a chance to flex his perfectionism and resourceful prowess.
Of course Yuki succeeds and now is the personal dye mixer for Shima. Shima can entrust no one else with such an important role. Yukio just goes with it because otherwise Shima won’t stop begging him (and he lowkey hates seeing the energetic guy depressed because his roots are starting to show lol)
Yukio did try to teach Shima how to make it once but after a mishap that resulted in the need to replace the bathroom’s permanent hot pink stained tiles, among other things, he thought it best to never attempt such a thing again.
Shima has quite the hentai collection he’s built up and proudly displays them on a couple shelves in the living room. Yukio is not pleased. They find a middle ground and agree to move the shelves into Yukio’s bedroom since it’s the biggest and has the most space.
Yukio has read a couple of them...out of curiosity, of course. Purely for educational purposes, yes.
Shima knows about this and starts keeping tabs on which ones seem the most recently viewed so that he can start getting insight on what Yukio is into ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The sudden influx of hentai with particular kinks/tropes/and themes that...intrigue Yukio is noted but he’s not about to say anything about it. Who is he to hinder free por- uh someone’s hobby…
Maybe Shima uses his insight on Yukio’s taste for future activities together too. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Both are absolutely terrible at talking about their actual emotions that they developed acute awareness of each other’s body language that always gives away when one or both are upset.
They know they should probably work on actually verbalizing their feelings but boy is it great to not have to figure what words to say and just have someone be able to tell when you need your space or comfort.
They don’t say it but that’s the biggest thing they appreciate the other for and is a major reason they can live together so well.
After a particularly horrible nightmare Shima begs Yukio to let him sleep in Yuki’s bed with him (because Shima sure as hell isn’t going to sleep on the floor and he certainly doesn’t want to be alone now either). Yukio is too damn tired to put up much of a fight and let’s it happen. After realizing how heavenly comfortable Yukio’s bed is, Shima starts making any excuse he can to sleep in it.
Eventually it just becomes a routine thing and they just...start sharing a bed together. Yukio won’t admit it but he likes the added warmth Shima brings. Shima likes sleeping together too. Not just because he manages to get away with cuddling Yuki but also because the bed truly is that amazing.
Eventually Shima starts bringing in his stuff for convenience sake and that’s how his old room becomes the guest bedroom and he is once again reunited with his hentai. ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ
Lmao says “a few” and then proceeds to write my longest response to date. But the sad part is this really is only a couple compared to what would always be passing my mind. Perhaps they’ll come back to me later~
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