#we managed to finish them JUST as the sun was setting so was perfect for photos
specialagentlokitty · 20 hours
Carlisle x reader - autumn plans
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Hihi! I saw your Halloween prompts and they sound so cute and I saw that requests were open too and I was wondering if you could maybe write a Carlisle Cullen x reader fic with 11 and 18? I love baking and I got some Barbie sweaters perfect for the colder months!!! - Anon 💜
11: “What’s that?” “Gingerbread haunted house.” “…what…?”
18: “Get under the covers you’ll freeze.”
Carlisle had been at work for the day, and while he was working, you decided to keep yourself busy so you went to his house first, walking to his wardrobe.
He had a lot of sweaters, a lot of them looked rather expensive or old, so you avoided those ones, instead you settled for a regular but warmish looking one and pulled it over your head before making your way out of his room.
“You know it would be easier if you just kept Carlisle’s clothes at your apartment at this rate.” Emmett smirked.
You rolled your eyes.
“I would but then I’d have no room for my clothes. Plus what’re you doing home?”
Emmett just pointed to the window where the sun was shining.
It wasn’t overly warm, but the skies were bright blue and the sun was doing its best to warm up the autumn covered streets.
“Ah, makes sense. Then why did Carlisle go to work? And where’s the others?”
“He’s fine as long as he stays inside and away from window. And Hunting.”
You nodded and looked at him, looking at the colour of his eyes.
You knew the darker they were the more likely they needed to go hunting, his were a bright gold.
“Alright I’ll let you off. I’m going shopping I’ll be back soon.”
Emmett grinned at you, giving you a small wave as you left the house and drove to the nearest supermarket.
At the moment you weren’t really sure what you wanted to go shopping for, but you just wanted to save some time.
You spent some time just browsing, occasionally throwing random things in your trolly just for fun.
And that was how you found yourself now standing in front of your boyfriend at his house, a ginger bread house in front of you.
What was supposed to be happy and jolly you had somehow managed to turn into dark and twisted, a perfect fit for Halloween since shops wanted to bring Christmas stuff out early every year.
Carlisle flicks his gaze between you and your stranger creation with a small smile.
“What’s that?”
You grin proudly.
“Gingerbread haunted house.”
He blinked his eyes a few times.
You excitedly explained every aspect of your creation, from the red icing, to the little gummy ghosts and spiders you had made.
Carlisle stood there happily listening, watching the excitement that was on your face with a small smile playing on his lips.
When you finished he chuckled, wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing a small kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“You are delightfully strange my love.”
You give a small laugh, kissing him softly before tucking your head under his chin.
“What else would you like to do this evening?”
He asks, pressing small kisses to your temple while he waits for you to decide.
He had a feeling he knew what you wanted, he had seen all of the snacks you brought in his room when he went to get changed.
“Move in bed?” You ask with a grin.
“I was waiting for you to ask.” Carlisle smiles.
Carlisle gently places a hand on your back, urging you towards his bedroom.
“You go get comfortable, I’ll make you a hot chocolate and be in soon.”
With a nod you run to his bedroom to set up the movie you wanted to watch, set up the snacks on your side of the bed, and climb under the covers.
True to his word Carlisle comes through after a few minutes, setting your cup on your nightstand, leaning down to softly kiss you before he pulls away.
He could see how you were shivering slightly, and though he had to heating in his house since they didn’t need it, he did have a fire place in his room, so we went to light it.
You watch him, and when he turns around to face you you grin.
“Get under the covers you’ll freeze.” You say.
Carlisle chuckles and walks over, climbing under the covers, letting you rest your head on his cold chest as he runs a hand up and down your side.
“I’ll freeze will I darling?” He teases softly.
He chuckled again, kissing the top of your head and starting the movie for you
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cloverwood · 3 months
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pretty photos of me and my mask :3
💚 Left photo by my partner and right by me 💚
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paperultra · 1 year
back of house.
Pairing: OPLA!Vinsmoke Sanji x Fem!Reader Word Count: 1,113 words Warnings: Mild swearing
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If it weren’t for his principles regarding women, you’re fairly certain Sanji would’ve throttled and strung you up to dry by now.
“I … I’m impressed, sweetheart,” he says with a bright smile, though under the swinging lights of the kitchen it seems more out of pain than pleasure. “You managed to burn water.”
Your cheeks flame as you peer into the blackened pot with him, all traces of the water you’d been tasked with boiling completely gone. Vanished. You have no idea how or why.
“I’m sorry, Sanji.”
“No need to apologize. Everybody makes mistakes –”
“Sanji!” you hear Zeff before you see him round the corner. “Why the hell do I smell something burning in my kitchen?”
“None of your business, old man,” Sanji snaps immediately, murmuring a quiet excuse me, dear to you before taking the pot by the handle and heading to the sink. He twists the faucet open and running water roars like thunder in your ears as he thrusts the pot underneath. “I have it under control.”
“Under control, eh?" Zeff says. He suddenly turns his squinted gaze upon you, and you shrivel. “This your doing, missy?”
“I –”
“Leave her alone,” Sanji interrupts. “I didn’t give clear enough instructions. It was my fault.”
“Oh, there’s no doubt about that.” Eyeing your guilty and defeated figure next to the stove, Zeff shakes his head with a sigh and points you to the door. “[Y/n], go out and wait tables for the rest of your shift.”
Immediately, you make a move to remove your apron. “Oka –”
Sanji makes a noise of dissent and turns the faucet off. “Wait tables? She can still chop the vegetables and help me plate.”
“You’ll do that yourself. Front of house needs the extra person, anyway.”
“I’m her mentor.”
“And I’m the damn boss.”
The rest of the staff roll their eyes and carry on while the two men argue in the middle of the kitchen. You swallow and take your apron off, balling it up in your hands. This isn’t the first time they’ve butted heads over your incompetence, and watching them now cuts at your last shred of dignity.
Clearing your throat, you grimace when Sanji’s head whips around to look at you.
“Zeff’s right,” you tell him. “Dinner rush is coming up soon and I’ll just be in the way, anyway.”
Zeff grunts with satisfaction.
The expression on Sanji’s face reminds you of a kicked puppy. “But …” he begins to protest.
“Oi, you heard what she said. Get back to work! We have customers waiting!”
Sanji blusters about before heading back to his station, casting you one final, forlorn look as he does so. You imagine that your own face looks just the same when you turn to leave.
You take orders and serve customers for the remainder of the day, as promised, and help with cleanup after closing time. And then, long after the sun’s dipped below the horizon, Sanji joins you on the upper deck with a steaming bowl of seafood fried rice.
“For the madam,” he says with a smile, offering you the bowl.
You accept it silently and take a bite as he sits down next to you. It’s perfect like it always is – savory and warm on your tongue, happy and gentle in your stomach. You’ve never known a home quite like Sanji’s cooking.
His eyes remain fixed on you as you eat all of the rice, scraping the bowl for every last grain and setting it down beside you once you’re finished.
“Thank you.”
“It’s nothing. I figured it would cheer you up.”
“It did.”
It did, and yet, your lips tremble and your throat closes up. You clench your hands into fists in your lap.
Sanji’s hand immediately presses your shoulder as you sniffle. “Are you alright?” he questions worriedly.
(His attentiveness strikes you like a hot iron sometimes, even now.)
“Why haven’t you given up on me yet?” you whisper.
His brow furrows. As if it’s obvious, he answers, “You want to be a cook. A lady’s wish is my command.” Sanji pauses. “And I can’t call myself the greatest cook in the East Blue if I can’t teach others to be great cooks as well.”
“I think you’d be the greatest regardless.”
You glance at him through watery eyes in time to see his face flush a deep red. He looks away hastily, chuckling with feigned modesty. “I’m flattered that you think so highly of me.”
Your shoulders lift in a shrug as you look back down at your hands. You reach up to blot away your tears.
How could you not think the world of Sanji? Or the world of anyone at the Baratie, for that matter? When you were kicked off the merchant ship you’d stowed away on two years ago, you had been sure that you’d be banned from setting foot in such a fine-looking restaurant. Years of scorn and slammed doors had not given you the chance to think otherwise.
But Sanji spotted you on the docks, called you madam like you really were one, cooked you a meal in the kitchen and talked to you. Zeff gave you a job and a bed of your own. The staff gave you a family.
“We’ll try again tomorrow. I’ll figure out something that’ll make everything click for you, and you’ll be a proper cook in no time.” Sanji leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and winks up at you. “I promise.”
As always, your heart skips a beat.
Maybe, you realize suddenly, you don’t necessarily want to be a cook so much as you want to love the way Sanji does.
“That’s my girl.” Standing up, Sanji takes your empty bowl in one hand and offers the other for you to take. “Now, shall I walk the madam to her room, or does she wish to stay out on the deck for a while?”
You allow yourself to grin, considering. “The madam wishes to stay out here and …” you hesitate but then decide to soldier on, “and possibly chat with a dear friend for a few more minutes?”
Your pulse pounds in your ears.
Sanji’s eyes widen a bit. Then he blinks, and then he smiles, drawing his hand back and quickly sitting down next to you once more.
“A lady’s wish is my command,” he says.
He takes out a cigarette, making a quip about Patty while he lights it, and your combined laughter rings out across the Baratie. It’s perfect like it always is – savory and warm on your tongue, happy and gentle in your stomach.
Indeed, this is home.
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scarqn · 3 months
Ken Sato Drabble: Picnic anniversary
Pairing: husband!Kenji sato x wife!fem!reader
Summary: it’s yours and your husband, Kenji’s 5th wedding anniversary, and he has a surprise for you.
No warnings, just cute stuff.
A/n: nothing too big, but enough. Sorry for being away for so long, I’ve been very busy with life🫡
Not proof read btw guys😂
For @dokyeomkyeom 🫡🫡
Today marks yours and you husbands wedding anniversary. This morning you were blessed with no screaming children jumping on your bed you share with Kenji. In fact, you were also blessed with breakfast in bed.
Ken had told you once you are done with your food, to get ready for something he has planned this afternoon. You had looked at him kinda surprised, “What have you got planned?” You had asked. Kenji winked at you, “It’s a surprise.” He replied before leaving you in your room with breakfast.
Once you were finished and ready, Kenji got the kids ready, packing a bag each for them for their grandpas, Kenji’s father. After many kisses goodbyes from you two mini you and Kenji, you and Kenji had finally started your journey.
The ride was 30 minutes long, your husband told you to relax for a while until you guys get there. And you did that, window down, your favourite music playing. You hum along to the music as Ken puts his hand on your leg, tapping a finger to the beat and grabbing your hand to peck it.
Half an hour later, you arrive at your destination. A wooded area? You have Kenji a confused look. “It’s about a 10 minute walk from here to where we actually need to be.” He tells you, pecking your lips. The walk wasn’t long, but you could feel you legs growing tired. No matter how much you chase around the children, you still can cope a ten minute walk.
Kenji stops in front of you, holding out a blind fold, “Gunna need you to wear this, baby.” He tells you. You eyebrows raise, “What’s this?” You hum. He shrugs and puts the blindfold over your eyes, “Gotta wait and see.”
He puts an arm around your waist, guiding you- and to make sure your dopey ass doesn’t trip and fall.
You stop and you feel your husband taking off the blindfold. You were greeted with a beautiful view of the landscape. “Wow.” You managed to say, only in a barely whisper. You were stunned and in awe.
You turn to Kenji and smile sheepishly, “What’s this?” You question. He kisses you, “Picnic.” He grins. Out of happiness and excitement you pull him in a bear hug, squeezing him tightly. “I love it.” You kiss his lips.
Both of you make your way over to where the blanket with a basket is laid out. You help him set everything out. Plates, wine glasses, food and the wine.
You notice it’s all of your favourite foods and snacks.
You both dig into the food almost immediately, “Oh my gosh I’m so hungry,” you moan as you stuff your mouth with a sandwich. “You had breakfast not even two hours ago.”
You glare at him, “Yeah, and?” He laughs at your reaction. You continue to eat the food, drinking wine on the side. It then comes to dessert; ice cream, a small chocolate cake with strawberries on top.
After you finish eating, you and Kenji chill out a bit, talking about your next vacation as the sun starts to set.
Kenji suddenly perks up, “oh, I almost forgot.” He says as he digs into the basket, “I got you a present.” You look at him with wide eyes, you didn’t even get him anything. “I didn’t get you anything.” You say almost boldly.
He chuckles lowly, “That’s fine, baby. But I got you something, here open it.” He hands the small box over to you. You shyly open the box to reveal a beautiful necklace. “Are those your initials?” You laugh out. He nods. “You’re so adorable,” you say before kissing him.
“I love it, thank you.” You take it out of the box, it’s white gold, since you hate gold with a passion. He helps you put it on and you admire it.
“Thank you, Ken. Seriously today has been perfect.” You hug him.
He looks at you with a smudged look, “What?” You question. “Did I tell you that the kids are staying at my dad’s for the night?” He grins.
I shake my head until I realise what he means, “We haven’t finished yet, let’s go home and finish this perfect day off with the most perfect sex.” He smirks.
“You know you can just tell me if you want another kid.” You say jokingly.
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swiftiethatlovesf1 · 2 months
Seaside Sparks
Hii, I hope you enjoy this summer romance with Lando :) I think he deserves a happy ending for this last race.
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"Not again," you complained in your head as the fourth volleyball fell next to you and your friends. It was a hot summer day, and your friends had decided that the best way to spend it was at the beach. Everything was perfect: no clouds, no wind, the sea was calm. Everything was perfect, except for a group of boys whose ball kept annoying you each time they threw it at you.
"Ugh, are they incapable of playing with the ball inside the volleyball court?" one of your friends complained.
"I'll go give it back this time and ask them to try to avoid us," you said, trying to maintain the peace.
However, the ball soon left your thoughts when you saw the culprit of all the attacks; tall and handsome as hell, with curls that made you want to touch his hair and the most addicting eyes you've ever seen.
"Thanks for bringing the ball back," the boy said as he took you in, leaving him breathless. "I'm sorry for annoying you. I guess volleyball is not our thing. I'm Lando, by the way," he explained as he offered his hand.
"I'm Y/N, and don't worry about it. Just try to hit the ball away from us, or my friend will have a less friendly chat with you," you said, trying to lighten up the situation.
A comfortable silence settled between you two as you gazed at each other, only to be broken by a shout from one of his friends. "Coming! Do you wanna play with us by any chance? We are missing a player," Lando asked, wanting to spend more time with you.
"Me?" you asked, shocked. "Um, sure," you accepted, going with the flow.
You ended up having a lot of fun with Lando and his friends, and you managed to avoid the ball going elsewhere. As the sun set and everyone started leaving the beach, you and Lando tried to avoid leaving each other since you both seemed to have a connection like magnets.
"Do you want to go for ice cream? I know a place," Lando asked nervously.
"Sure," you answered, trying to hide a smile that was threatening to burst from your face.
You wondered what you were doing. You were going on a date, if you could call it that, with a stranger named Lando. You were not a spontaneous girl, but something about him made you want to get to know him, his magnetic aura drawing you in.
As you both approached the ice cream parlor, your hands brushed against each other, and slowly interlaced as blush covered both of your faces.
While you waited in line, you got to know each other, and before you knew it, it was your turn. "I'll have a vanilla ice cream, and she…" Lando started.
"Chocolate ice cream, please," you finished.
As Lando paid, insisting it was his treat, you both settled on a bench overlooking the ocean, the sky painted in vibrant hues of pink and orange by the setting sun. The gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the serene silence between you.
Lando turned to you, his eyes reflecting the warmth of the sunset. "Y/N, I know we’ve only just met, but tonight has been incredible. It’s been so long since I’ve felt this free, without the weight of expectations or the pressure of the world on my shoulders. Spending time with you feels so natural, like we’ve known each other forever."
He paused, searching for the right words, his gaze never leaving yours. "I can’t quite put it into words, but there's this connection between us that I’ve never felt before. It’s like you understand me in a way no one else does. I’d really love to see you again, maybe go on an actual date, if you’d be up for it."
You smiled, your heart fluttering at his sincere confession. "Lando, I feel it too. Today has been magical, and I haven’t felt this alive in a long time. I’d love to go on a date with you."
Lando's face lit up with a genuine smile, and he gently took your hand in his, the touch sending a warm thrill through you. As the sun dipped below the horizon, you both sat there, basking in the new and exciting possibilities that lay ahead.
The silence was broken by your giggles. "Wait, Lando, you have some ice cream on your face," you said as you tried to wipe it off. As your face neared his, your attempts were stopped by his lips crashing into yours in a sweet kiss. It might have been the first, but it surely wouldn't be the last.
The kiss lingered, your senses overwhelmed by the taste of vanilla and chocolate mingling with the saltiness of the sea air. His hand moved to cup your cheek, deepening the kiss, making your heart race. You felt a mix of exhilaration and calm, as if everything in the universe had aligned perfectly in that moment.
When you finally pulled away, your foreheads resting against each other, you both laughed softly, the world around you fading into a blur. "So, about that actual date," Lando said, his voice low and filled with promise. "How about tomorrow? Same time, same place?"
You nodded, your eyes sparkling with excitement. "I’d love that, Lando."
As you walked back to your friends, hand in hand, the future seemed bright and full of endless possibilities. With Lando by your side, you felt like you were ready for any adventure that came your way.
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wowzer-bowzer · 19 days
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Title: A Perfectly Simple Gesture
Summary: Kate asks you or on a date.
Kate Martin had never been this nervous before a date, and she’d been through plenty of them. But today was different. Today, she wasn’t just going to a party or a casual hangout. Today, she was going to ask someone she deeply cared about out on a proper date.
Kate’s heart pounded as she stood outside of your dorm, clutching a bouquet of bright, colorful flowers and a small box of chocolates. It was a crisp autumn afternoon, and the campus was alive with the sounds of students rushing between classes. The leaves had turned shades of orange and gold, making the scene outside your dorm picturesque and fitting for what Kate had planned.
She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart, and finally knocked on the door. A moment later, you opened it, you face lighting up with a bright, genuine smile when you saw Kate standing there.
“Hey, Kate! What’s up?” You asked, your tone warm and curious.
Kate’s nerves were palpable, but she managed a smile as she held out the flowers and chocolates. “Hey, Y/N. I thought I’d surprise you. I brought these for you.”
Your eyes widened in pleasant surprise as you took the bouquet, inhaling the sweet fragrance of the flowers. “Wow, these are beautiful. Thank you Kate, I love them!” You glanced at the box of chocolates with a grin. “And chocolates too? You’re really going all out.”
Kate chuckled, feeling a bit of her nervousness ease. “I guess I wanted to make today special. I was actually hoping we could talk for a minute. Maybe go out for coffee or dinner?”
Your expression softened, a mixture of surprise and curiosity dancing in your eyes. “Are you asking me out on a date?”
Kate nodded, her face flushing slightly. “Yeah, I guess I am. I’ve been wanting to spend some more time with you, just the two of us. And I thought this might be a nice way to do it.”
Your smile widened, and you stepped aside to let Kate in. “I’d love that. Let me just put these in water and we can talk about it.”
Kate followed you into your dorm, taking in the cozy, personal touches that made the room feel uniquely yours. The walls were adorned with photos and posters, and a small desk was cluttered with textbooks and notes. It felt intimate, and Kate felt a bit more at ease.
You placed the flowers in a vase and set the chocolates on the desk before turning to Kate. “So, where are we going?” You asked, you eyes twinkling with excitement.
“I was thinking we could try that new café down on Main Street. I’ve heard they have amazing lattes and pastries,” Kate suggested. “We could just hang out and see where the day takes us.”
“That sounds perfect,” you replied, your smile never fading. “I’m really glad you asked.”
Kate felt a rush of relief and happiness. “Me too. I’ve been wanting to spend more time with you, and I thought today would be a great chance to do that.”
You spent a few more minutes chatting and laughing, enjoying the easy camaraderie that had always been a part of your interactions. Finally, you headed out together, walking side by side through the autumn afternoon.
As you reached the café, Kate couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment. Everything seemed to be falling into place perfectly. You ordered your drinks and pastries, finding a cozy corner to sit and talk. The conversation flowing effortlessly, punctuated by shared laughter and meaningful glances.
By the time you both finished your coffee and pastries, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the city. Kate walked you back to your dorm, feeling a sense of accomplishment and joy for the day.
Once at your dorm, you paused, you both a bit reluctant for the day to end. You looked at Kate with a soft, appreciative smile. “Thank you for today. It was really amazing.”
Kate smiled back, feeling a surge of warmth. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I had a great time too.”
You shared a tender hug, and Kate couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement for what might come next. As you closed the door, Kate turned to head back to her own dorm, her heart full of hope and happiness.
The day had been simple but perfect, and Kate knew it was just the beginning of something wonderful.
I would like to thank you, for the support on my last two fix’s. I’m literally so happy. But like seriously thank you. :)
Also I take requests. No smut though. :)
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icequeenbae · 1 year
Translucence (m) | Astro LDM
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Pairing: Cha Eunwoo x Reader (Lee Dongmin x Reader)
A Jinjin cameo? hehe
Established Relationship, slice of life, fluff, PWP, smut
Warnings: glass bathroom you heard me lol, explicit content, unprotected sex, this is smut with minimal plot (it’s becoming my style), a sprinkle of voyeurism, maybe a noona kink, maybe Dongmin's splendid ass is mentioned more than once
Word Count: ~4.2k
Author’s Note: Heyyy~ Finally posting my first ASTRO fic! This has been waiting to be released for a while now, but the timing wasn’t working out… But now that it’s done, I hope that you enjoy this little story! Let me know what you think~ And a special thank you to the lovely @the-boy-meets-evil for looking over my story, I really loved your comments, Jess <3
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Summary: It’s your first short vacation with Dongmin since you started dating, and you get a chance to stay at an extremely fancy hotel in Jeju. The ocean-view suite is perfect, yet there’s a small inconvenience… or a genius design?
Network tags: @superm-net  @exo-writers-net  @bbh-net  @k-vanity @ksmutsociety ​
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It was your first time taking a vacation together.
With the type of hectic schedule Dongmin had to maintain, you barely managed to book the hotel of your dreams for this weekend, which was actually your one-year anniversary. Two days was all you had, and you planned to enjoy them to the fullest, start to finish.
Which was why you’d surprised your boyfriend by appearing clad in a white sundress with a stylish wide brim hat to match. It was a simple feminine look, yet it set the mood from the start.
‘Wow, I’m suddenly looking forward to our flight…’ He smiled at you softly before murmuring, ‘You look beautiful.’
Avoiding his eyes timidly, you chewed on your lip to contain a silly grin. Dongmin took the handle of your suitcase to put it away in the trunk of the car.
‘Let’s get going, we have to be at the airport in thirty,’ Jinwoo’s voice startled you as the window on the driver’s side rolled down. ‘You’ll have a whole hour to exchange your lovey-dovey stares on the plane, children.’
‘Hyung…’ Dongmin mumbled in embarrassment, and you coughed, sliding into the backseat while your boyfriend’s palm hovered above your head protectively.
‘I’m older than you, Jinwoo-yah,’ you scolded, and he hummed in response.
‘Barely!’ He glanced in the rearview mirror, meeting your eyes, and added. ‘Noona.’
You shook your head in disapproval, and turned to Dongmin, who settled in the backseat with you and moved to buckle you up.
‘I can do it! Let’s not make Jinwoo cringe.’
‘Why would he cringe…’ Your boyfriend pouted, watching you tug at the seatbelt.
‘I’m fine unless you start the funny business,’ the leader announced nonchalantly from the front seat.
‘Have you ever caught us doing anything?’ You huffed, and the car was silent for a few long seconds. ‘Have you??’
‘Does hearing count?’ He asked, and your boyfriend’s eyes almost bulged out of his head.
‘Shut up,’ you laughed nervously, only half-assured that it was a joke.
‘It’s actually true. It was when we all stayed at the dorm for a sleepover. You rustle like mice,’ Jinwoo recalled.
‘What?? We weren’t doing anything fu-’
Dongmin’s hand suddenly squeezed your thigh, putting a stop to your protesting speech.
‘Please, just… change the subject, noona.’
Teasing you and Dongmin was Astro members’ favorite pastime, and you noticed from the very beginning. They simply loved making him a flustered mess. Not that you couldn’t relate – the face genius looked almost unbearably cute when embarrassed. You weren’t a stranger to teasing him yourself, just to get your fix of his adorable shy smile and his extensive nagging about how you never let him breathe.
In fact, he loved to nag. It was his way of showing affection.
‘Ah, noona… Your dress is so revealing,’ he kept whining while you were on the plane. ‘D’you know how active the sun is in Jeju? Did you apply the sunscreen thoroughly?’
‘Yes. But you can reapply it if you want an excuse to touch my chest,’ you murmured, making him flush red and lower his voice to a scandalized whisper.
‘That’s not what I meant-’
‘I’m sure it isn’t.’ You hummed, laying your head on his shoulder. ‘But I’d still let you.’
The flight from Seoul to Jeju Island was rather quick, about one hour in the air. And it seemed to be over even faster since you were too busy whispering, giggling like lovestruck teenagers, and ‘oh’-ing in excitement as you looked out the illuminator.
Going on a trip with your boyfriend was something you’d been dreaming of for months now, so your mood was through the roof from the moment you woke up. It kept gradually increasing while you were on your way to the dream destination, and reached its peak when Dongmin rented a car to drive the two of you to the hotel.
‘If anything is better than this view,’ you turned away from the window to look at your boyfriend’s relaxed form. ‘It’s probably this.’
‘What?’ He glanced at you, not catching your meaning.
He huffed, scolding you for being cheesy.
‘What, I’ve told you this before! You look most handsome either when you’re driving or when your hair gets wet.’
‘I shall try driving with wet hair someday. Will that make you explode?’
‘Is that your goal?’ You asked, tracing your index finger down the side of his neck, which made him squirm.
‘Stop it, you know I’m ticklish…’
‘You’re not ticklish, you’re sensitive.’ You corrected, running the pads of your fingers over his skin again to make him shudder. ‘So, who’s exploding now?’
He gave you a reproachful look, and you chuckled, pinching his cheek to annoy him further.
‘Why do you have to be so shameless, noona…’
‘Don’t you love that about me?’ You asked playfully.
‘I do,’ he was quick to admit. ‘I love everything about you.’
Caught off guard by his sudden confession, you fell silent. Dongmin didn’t say things like this often, he was a bit reserved about his feelings. You actually recalled that he’d only said ‘the three words’ twice in the span of your relationship. And on one of those occasions he was actually drunk, so… yeah. He was strangely tight-lipped about it for the romantic that he was.
But you’d learned to accept it. You wouldn’t push him to do something he didn’t want to or wasn’t ready to do. So, you just said nothing before your hotel was finally visible.
‘This is great, we can just drop everything and head out to the beach! I’m living for this weather,’ you said, clapping your hands in excitement.
Dongmin nodded in agreement.
As expected, the hotel was splendorous. You noticed that while your boyfriend was checking you in. Taking those few minutes to look around, you found yourself ogling the crystal-clear glass constructions that separated the lobby and the waiting area. The outer wall was also steel and glass, so you could enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Jeju even from there.
‘Let’s go,’ a low voice called, and you followed the tall figure to the elevator.
You really wanted to give him a back hug as he pressed the button, but decided to at least wait until you were on your floor.
Dongmin took your suitcase, which made you pout, unable to hold his hand.
‘I think it’s here,’ he guided you to the door and used the card to open it. ‘After you.’
And there went your plan to give him a back hug. Up in flames.
You sighed and stepped into the room.
‘Oh!’ You exclaimed, rushing to get rid of your outdoor shoes in favor of slippers. ‘Let’s check the view! Come on!’
Surprised by your eagerness, your boyfriend shook his footwear off as well, reaching out his hand to allow you to tug him towards the balcony.
‘Oh my god, this is even better than I expected!’ You squealed, almost jumping in excitement, and squeezed his palm. ‘My hands are itching to take pictures! Come on, lean on this railing.’
Knowing better than to argue with you, he did exactly as he was told, and posed for you.
‘Ah, so handsome,’ you kept repeating, while preserving this moment in the form of a photograph.
Dongmin lost his patience in about a minute, pulling you closer to his body.
‘Are you interested in the view or in spending time with me?’
‘I see you every other day, and it’s my first time in Jeju, of course I’m interested in the view!’ You exclaimed. ‘Especially when you’re making it even better.’
He allowed you to kiss away his pout, and held you close for a selfie.
‘No, my head looks too big like this!’
You jumped in place to reach the phone, because your partner refused to take likable pictures.
‘I got it, I got it,’ he assured you, angling it to make the two of you look disproportionate again.
When you pinched him angrily, he laughed in the cheekiest way possible, begging for mercy instantly.
At least then you’d managed to finally take presentable photos.
Leaving you to admire the ocean some more, Dongmin headed back inside to unpack your belongings. You needed to change into your swimsuits if you wanted to enjoy the rest of the day on the beach.
‘Uh- noona?’
‘Did you… see that?’
His voice sounded confused, so you followed it back into the room.
‘See wha- Omo! Is this..?’
You turned to your boyfriend, who denied you eye contact.
‘Glass bathroom.’ He noted blankly, without showing what his actual feelings about it were.
Was he shy? Anxious? Excited? Uncomfortable? You couldn’t decipher his expression for the life of you.
‘Yeah,’ you agreed.
It was a simple yet exquisite design, no one could argue that it looked good. But the problem was that the bathroom here had no wall separating it from the main bedroom space. Which could only mean…
‘Well, I’m sure we’ll manage,’ you shrugged, walking past Dongmin to find your change of clothes. ‘Get your swimwear out while I change. And don’t peek!’
He grumbled under his breath and you snickered faintly. Damn, you were going to have to face the bathroom issue at some point today. And you should mentally prepare.
It wasn’t on your mind for long though.
As soon as you hit the beach… The beautiful clear sky, the warm sand under your bare feet, the lagoon blue water – all of it occupied your head and made you forget all of the possible inconveniences.
‘Don’t swim away,’ Dongmin nagged, stretching out his arms to reach you.
‘Why, scared of going in deep water?’ You teased him, splashing him lightly with your foot.
‘Noona,’ he sulked, and you allowed the waves to push you towards your boyfriend.
As soon as you were within his reach again, he pulled you closer to his body, not caring too much about the spectators.
‘What now, giant baby?’
‘Don’t call me that,’ Dongmin murmured, and you instantly knew he wanted a kiss.
‘There’s too many people, Min-ah,’ you responded, placing your palm on his chest, covered by the soaked white fabric of his tee.
‘Just once,’ he badgered, stepping closer to you.
Of course, his feet were still grounded where you were floating.
‘Why should I?’ You feigned a complaining tone, glancing at his plump lips.
Dongmin’s hands seized you by the waist, and your forearms prickled with goosebumps.
Staying still while he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, you’d allowed him to steal this quick kiss before swimming away again.
You had literally spent all day in the water, taking short breaks to let your wrinkled skin get back to normal. And reapply sunscreen again, of course, with your boyfriend being a total worrywart.
‘I don’t want you to get sunburnt. Your skin is so fair and delicate, it’s important to make sure it’s protected. Did you know getting sunburned increases your chances of skin cancer?’
A worrywart and a smartass.
It was hard to be mad at his smart (and round) ass though, when he had brilliant ideas like tonight. Dongmin had suggested ordering a fancy dinner to your room and having it on your balcony to enjoy the view.
‘Wah, the sunset is perfect today,’ you said.
‘Your dress goes well with it. Very chic and minimalistic.’ His eyes followed the curve of your waist down to your thigh.
‘I’ve had it forever, but I have no clue where else to wear a red silk gown.’
‘Don’t.’ Dongmin’s cheeks and lips were both red from the wine. ‘Only wear it for me, noona.’
Chuckling, you rose from your seat and stepped closer to your boyfriend. Using just your index finger, you tipped his head up to meet his eyes, and then you put your right knee onto his chair, right between his thighs.
‘Are you telling me what to do now, aegi?’ You asked, enjoying the sensation of his gentle fingers ghosting over your thighs.
‘It’s your decision, but why would you deny me this request?’ His hand became more confident, creeping up your bare skin now. ‘Are you hungry for someone else’s attention?’
‘How drunk are you, Dongmin-ah?’ You asked, brushing your lips against his. ‘Because it seems like you could do something right here, where people might see us.’
Straightening up, you smiled angelically at him.
‘We need to shower and cool off. I’m pretty sure I have sand where it shouldn’t be.’
It was obvious that he was disappointed, but the night was young, and to fully enjoy the experience you had to sober up a little. But it was nothing a quick shower couldn’t fix.
‘You go first, I’ll get rid of the dishes. Don’t argue,’ you cut him off, nodding at the entrance to your room. ‘Go.’
It took you only a few minutes to tidy up, so when you walked in Dongmin was just starting out. The water was on, and he was in front of the glass door, almost ready to step in.
The realization hit you right then. You were going to see all of it. And you didn’t hate the idea.
You’d watched, as if in slow motion, how your boyfriend shoved his underwear down, revealing his plump butt, and got into the bath. Feeling no shame whatsoever, you stood your ground, staring at his bare back.
The water hit his body, languidly running down his smooth skin like a dozen forest streams. From where you were standing you could see the enticing flex of his muscles and the breathtaking curve of his waist. As he leaned in to wet his hair, you pressed a palm to your mouth. This slight voyeurism was making you quite… hot. And bothered.
Swallowing hard, you took a step towards him. You were a bit uneasy with the thought of how he might react. At least you’d hoped that he wouldn’t consider you a complete pervert. But you couldn’t resist the obvious temptation; it was most likely what this bathroom was built for. After all, you still owed him a back hug in your mind from earlier… Surely, he wouldn’t mind that you decided to give it to him now, you thought.
Easily sliding your dress and underwear off, you stopped in front of the glass that was getting foggy already.
‘Dongmin-ah,’ you called, opening the glass door to join him. ‘Noona doesn’t have to wait, does she?’
There was no way you could get a coherent response to your question as your hands wrapped around him and your cheek pressed to his shoulder blade. You felt him freeze for a moment, probably startled by your actions, and then he sighed under his breath.
‘What are you up to now? I thought you wanted me to cool off.’
‘Did you now?’ You hummed, pressing a quick succession of kisses along his spine. ‘Would you like me to stop?’
He pressed his palm to the wall in order to maintain his balance under the attack of your tantalizing hands.
Snaking your hand down to cup his balls, you smiled at his gasp of surprise.
‘That’s what I thought.’
With your body pressed so tightly to his, you didn’t even think twice before grinding on his ass and urging him to moan out loud as your fingers wrapped around his semi-hard penis.
‘Noona…’ He gritted, glutes flexing against your pelvis impatiently. ‘What are you doing…’
‘You don’t like it?’
Dongmin glanced at you over his shoulder before turning to face you. His hands gripped your sides and pushed you into him.
‘Were you watching me this entire time?’ He scolded in his low, velvety voice.
‘It was just a couple minutes,’ you defended weakly and wrapped your arms around his neck, ready to purr as his palms stroked up and down your back.
‘I see.’
You stood like that for a few moments, soaking in the warmth of your entangled bodies while the water splashed you from the side.
‘Didn’t you mention having sand in places it shouldn’t be?’ He murmured, hands dipping lower to squeeze your ass. ‘Want some help with that?’
‘How naughty,’ you snickered, messing up his wet hair even further. ‘Would you rather help me clean up, or...?’
He responded in a heartbeat, gripping you tight before lifting you up to settle you in the bathroom wall niche.
‘But I can always do both,’ he said, readjusting the shower head to splash you with water again.
You squealed and dragged him in the line of fire as well. Inevitably in ten seconds you were both properly soaked.
‘There was no need to get my hair wet. You look sexy like this, and I look like I need to use a hairdryer real bad.’
He ignored your complaints, leaning close and nearly grazing your lips. With your eyes shut, you waited a few seconds but nothing happened.
‘Were you expecting a kiss?’ He grinned in your face, eyes crinkling in mischief. ‘Aw, what a tiny baby…’
Recalling your earlier interactions in the water, you rolled your eyes at him.
‘So, this is your revenge?’ You asked, not resisting as he wrapped your legs around his waist to move even closer. ‘I don’t find it fair since I did let you kiss me. In public.’
He huffed in response to your statement.
‘You call that a kiss?’
Dongmin’s lips suddenly found yours, and you couldn’t avoid the contact. Tilting your head back you hit the tiled surface, but, thankfully, your boyfriend could predict this move. His palm on the back of your head cushioned the hit, and you could only squeak in surprise, parting your lips invitingly.
He wasn’t the type to waste an opportunity like that. And once Dongmin’s tongue was in your mouth, there was no point in fighting him. Your partner was a little too good at French kissing, and you could easily admit to being hopelessly weak to his talent. He was also a toucher, so whenever a makeout session started, his hands would be all over you.
Moaning as he squeezed your breast gently, you pushed against his chest to break the kiss. Your lips were moist, and you were sure it wasn’t because of the water still running, and you licked them in a failed attempt to gather your thoughts together. Dongmin used your momentary struggle to tease you.
‘That is what I call a kiss, noona. You know this.’
You gulped, trying to think of a good comeback. At this point, you really just wanted to surrender. But him being smug about it was an obstacle: you had no intention of pleasing his ego with instant capitulation.
Grabbing a handful of his hair, you pulled hard. His head whipped back, and you didn’t think twice before latching onto his neck hungrily.
Dongmin’s grunt was the single sexiest thing in the entire situation, not even the sight of his broad shoulders that you were holding onto right now or his curvaceous butt that you loved so much could compete with the sound he produced. It was both surprised and pained, loud and husky with pleasure. You could tell he was conflicted about it just from the way his fingers dug into the skin of your sides, almost scratching at your ribcage, while his cock twitched, pressed between your bodies. He needed to get you off of himself but did he want to?
Pulling away from his flushed neck, you tugged at his hair again just to hear him groan beautifully before he used his strength to tear your hand away from his hair.
‘Noona. You know how heavily it bruises,’ he rubbed his neck with the pads of his fingers. ‘Why would you?’
‘On a scale from one to ten,’ you murmured, brushing wet hair out of his eyes. ‘How much did you hate it?’
You touched the tender skin of his neck, just where the redness was growing, and his breath seemed to get shakier.
‘…s-seven,’ he mumbled.
Dongmin cleared his throat, staring at you through his dark eyelashes.
‘Three point seven,’ he offered this time, and you couldn’t help but smile.
‘That’s more like it,’ you hummed, finding his frowning lips in a quick peck.
Meanwhile, he reached down to wrap his fingers around his rock-solid cock to guide it where you both wanted it.
‘Ough-’ You gasped as he bottomed out in one go. ‘Don’t be impatient.’
Your boyfriend’s hips didn’t slow down one bit, although his next thrust seemed slightly more careful. He loved you but he was also damn stubborn.
The glass wall behind Dongmin was getting cloudier from the hot water, which you didn’t hate. The enclosed space seemed snugger now that you were isolated from your surroundings in a way, holding so tightly onto each other. Your skin was slippery under your partner’s fingers, yet he made sure to secure you in his arms. He liked to make it known that once he got you, he wasn’t letting go.
‘Mm- Dongmin-ah,’ you moaned, clutching his shoulder to ground yourself as he kept thrusting quickly.
‘There,’ he finished for you, already knowing what you wanted to express from the way that you tightened around him.
‘Yes, fuck-’
‘Don’t you wish you were more compliant earlier?’ He chuckled darkly, knowing damn well his hips were steadily pushing you towards your release.
The curses you muttered only spurred him on. He got fired up easily, and wanted nothing more than to see and hear you come undone. Especially when he felt he was denied something – like access to your body.
‘I’m… so close, Min-ah, please- You feel so good.’
You knew he liked to stay in control, so instead of bickering with him mid-sex, you just let him know how great he was at what he was doing. A tiny smile that he couldn’t contain revealed that he was pleased with the option you decided to take. With that, he got slightly more determined and aggressive in his thrusting. Patience was not the virtue that he possessed, so you simply closed your eyes, focused on the grind of your bodies.
‘God, I love you so much,’ he gritted, letting out a curse under his breath.
The words were muffled, but you heard them loud and clear. A pleasant shiver ran down your spine, and you moaned, muscles clenching around his cock. The smooth sensation of his length sliding in and out of you made your legs start to tremble.
‘Dongminie-’ You wailed as his hips kept up the brutal pace that brought you to your release so quickly.
He was still going fast and strong while you yelped, on the verge of pushing him away.
‘I’m there, I’m there… Y/N! Agh-’
Dongmin’s voice reverberated from the walls, not even absorbed by the thickened fog around you that you barely noticed. He groaned loudly as he came, and your pussy quivered while you took all of what he was giving you.
Resting his forehead in the crook of your neck to get a breather, he ran his hands up and down your damp waist. You allowed him a moment to gather his strength, finding his slumped shoulders and stroking them along with his back. There were still butterflies in your stomach – either from your recent orgasm, or from him sneaking in the words you cherished so much, or both.
His hands soon reciprocated.
‘Dammit.’ He cursed, turning his head to kiss your neck that was in close proximity. ‘I feel like I could go again.’
The announcement made you squirm. Going several rounds was more than fine with you, but the bathroom wasn’t really suited for his appetites. You could barely hold your balance on wet tile, and it was also getting too hot and humid for your taste.
‘Are you cold?’ He asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You realized his palm was slowly caressing your back, feeling almost scorching against your skin.
‘Not too cold. But I’d still prefer to continue after we finish the shower.’ You suggested, hoping that he wasn’t dead set on milking the bathroom thing further.
‘Noona needs to lie down. I got it.’
You were both grateful and annoyed at his answer.
‘Noona can very well be on top if someone lets her.’
He quickly let you down from the niche you were occupying. Just to remind you how much taller and broader than you he was, for sure.
‘Someone prefers to have noona underneath. Nice and pliable.’
‘It has to be your way, doesn’t it?’
You exchanged naughty chuckles.
‘Come on. Haven’t you been imagining exactly this since the moment you saw the bathroom area? I’m not entirely convinced it was my way just now.’
‘Oh well. I guess I’ll have to convince you once we get to the bedroom.’
‘Who said I wanted to relocate?’ He asked, eyes narrowing at you cunningly.
You were positive that next time you should go for a glass jacuzzi to get the best of both worlds. It’s bigger, warmer, comfier… And still see-though. And hot as hell.
Dongmin snorted, inspecting the pensive expression on your face.
‘I’ll give you a five-second head start to reach the bed. If I catch you on the way… We’re doing it here.’
In any other situation you would’ve called him out for his childishness. This time, however…
You were out the glass door in a heartbeat.
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A/N: Thank you for reading!! Please comment and reblog if you'd like to support me ✨ I don't write for fandoms other than EXO often, so feedback is important to me~
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xviiigumix0 · 8 months
1097 words 𓆏 gn! reader fluff, cursing, no use of capital letters.
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megumi had a big fat crush for you. and the idiot didn't even notice until nobara pointed it out.
''i don't know...'' fushiguro mumbled as sank into the couch ''everytime I see them i feel...nauseous, as if there's something on my stomach'' he closed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest ''those are called butterflies, you dumbass'' kugisaki's voice rang from the kitchen, as she finished cooking her breakfast ''hey!'' megumi frowned ''those cannot be butterflies, y/n is my friend'' he protested against nobara's teasing before quickly being cut off by her, yet again 'yeah, a friend you have a big fat crush on.' she sat on the dining table, in a way she could be seen by megumi and yuji who were on the living room across, as the first cheeks grew crimson.
''i dont wanna agree but, nobara's onto something, actually'' yuji chimed leaning forward on his seat towards fushiguro, who covered his face with one arm, shifting in the sofa ''well, even if i did like them, the fuck would i do about it?'' the black haired one exclaimed in annoyance. he had known you since he entered jujutsu tech, you've always been friends, but lately, something had changed. whenever he saw you he felt a fever incoming, he felt his hands trembling and and something similar to a wave of nausea, what is wrong with you he thought, all of a sudden things were just different around you, or even at the thought of you. he couldn't shake you off his mind, but yet, he did not feel so good around you, physically.
''tell them.'' nobara and itadori chimed in unison. and all of a sudden fushiguro's face flushed hot, quickly sitting up and shaking his hands ''no, no...i cant do that, were just friends and what if...'' he trailed off, his words becoming more of a ramble to himself. because, to be honest, he has thought about telling you, he has thought about it a lot, megumi already had every single scenario meticulously organized from bad to worst in his head, in his mind there's no way you like him.
''oh my god, fushiguro can you shut the fuck up? y/n likes you, i would know.'' nobara argued, taking another bite of her waffles. ''just go for it, fushiguro'' yuji encouraged, standing up next to him, tapping his shoulder ''and if they reject you, we can cry together'' he reassured.
''i won't cry'' megumi rolled his eyes.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
''how did i agree to this?'' he thought to himself and sighed, bouquet in one hand, chocolates in another. someway, somehow, kugisaki and itadori brought him into this. ''maybe i should just text them, tell them it was nothing...''
the three of them had organized a perfect plan for fushiguro to confess, at the end of the day, you and megumi would meet up in an empty classroom under the excuse of having a plan to prank nobara (she did not agree to that). and as the sun set, he would tell them everything he felt, they even wrote script which took hours to complete since fushiguro wasn't exactly fond off his friends teasing him for his feelings for you. nobara and maki managed to discover your favorite flowers, and itadori interrogated you about the food and specially sweets you liked, saying one day he'll invite you out to eat. the plan was perfect, totally foolproof, except for one detail.
megumi's heart was pounding in his chest, cold sweat down his face, his cheeks kept getting hotter each step he took towards the classroom you two would be meeting in, his mind was going a hundred miles per hour. until he stood in front of that door. he suddenly forgot about everything he was thinking about, his mind going totally blank.
he silently opened the door, and closed it behind him as he made his way over you, holding the flowers and the chocolate box behind his back, quickly going over everything he wanted to tell you. ''y/n'' he said in his usual, stoic tone, giving no signs of nervousness or doubt. you turned around, facing him. good lord. just in that moment, he totally processed why he liked you, the way the sunset hit you skin, your eyes, your hair, it was simply perfect. and the way you spoke to him, always so nice and sweet, can a man ask for more?
''fushiguro!'' you smiled so brightly when you looked at him, there's no question of why he loved you.
he took a deep breath at his own lack of words, flushing at your sight.
''is everything goo-''
''i love you''
''what?'' you softly stuttered
''i always had, i... i planned this for you and...'' he stumbled over his words, forgetting the whole script he had planned and bringing both his hands closed to his chest as he held your flowers and chocolates. ''its not going how i planned to'' he finished, looking at you, almost vulnerable as he poured his heart out.
'' fushi, i...'' you found yourself blushing as you stared at him in surprise
''this is your you'' he extended his arms, offering the gifts, you gladly accepted them
''i thought you were avoiding me.'' you stated taking the gifts with both your hands ''i thought i did something wrong''
he opened his eyes wide, fuck.
he took a deep breath, thinking how he could explain it to you, i love you so much it makes me sick didn't seem like the best option right now.
''i'm an idiot y/n, i'm an idiot that didn't want to accept how much he like you'' he stated, putting his brows together as he leaned in closer to you, the sunset making his eyes shine ''i did avoid you, i didn't know how to...react to my feelings so i...i'm sorry, im stupid'' he shifted his eyes towards the floor, now avoiding your sweet gaze
''i...love you too, idiot'' you said, smiling to yourself, managing to get a gasp out of him. you placed the box and the flowers in a desk, and stepping closer to him, you cupped his face with both of your hands, making him look at you ''you're really stupid, but its a part of why i like you so much'' you laughed, making you touch your foreheads
megumi closed his eyes and took each wrist on his hands lovingly ''are you not mad at me'' he mumbled after some seconds ''i couldn't be'' you answered softly.
''can i be your boyfriend?''
''i would be glad to accept you as my boyfriend''
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haaiii:3 this is kinda risky to post since is my first writing post, but fuck it im doing it. also, im sorry if anything i write sounds kinda weird or out of place, english is not my first language and it was just kinda implanted into my brain in 6th grade so i never truly 'learned'.
anyways, i hope you liked it !11!!!1!
-kat / gumi :3
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thelov3lybookworm · 11 months
I Didn't Ask For This (part twelve)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Summary: Marriage had always been something sacred to little Y/n, something dream like, where her husband would come and whisk her away to a fairyland. At least, that's what she had always thought.
All her dreams would be shattered.
But maybe she can salvage them?
Tw: none that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: you did not think I would forget about my baby, did you? Yes, I am in fact, not dead. And yes, I didn't write anything for this fic for a long time because I had no idea what to do 😌
Also, thank you for all the love that you gave this one. I am soo glad I was able to write something for you to love. 🥹❣️
This is the last part in this series. But if there is something you want to see in a possible epilogue, please send in an ask or comment.
A loud knock on the door startled Y/n, who was trying not to get caught reading the very... not child friendly stuff Nesta had given her. Cauldron knew what else Nesta had in store for Y/n.
The knock was a little too loud to be Azriel, because most of the time Y/n didn't even realise someone had knocked when Azriel knocked. So it was definitely most probably Cassian, who was probably excited about something.
She got up to open the door, wondering if she should hide the book she was reading in case Cassian decided to barge in. For Cassian, it wouldn't be anything new.
She felt like it was the biggest shock in her life when she found Azriel standing outside the door, his hand poised to knock again as he grinned widely at her, panting.
Because, first of all, Azriel was a quiet person. Hell, even his wings made no sound when flying. If he knocked so loud, it was probably something huge. She didn't know if it was a good thing or not.
And second and more concerning thing was that Azriel was grinning. This was a man who would glare at people just for smiling in his direction.
Now she wondered if she really should have hidden the book.
"Azriel? Is everything alright?"
Impossibly, he somehow managed to grin wider. Once he had gained some semblance of control over his breathing, he spoke.
"Everything's fine. Perfect even."
Now Y/n was seriously concerned.
"Why are you grinning?"
"I need to show you something."
He offered her his hand, which she eyed suspiciously before taking. "What is it?"
"It wouldn't be fun if I told you about it." He pointed out, leading her to a nearby balcony.
That made sense.
He picked her up and began flying, the setting sun making the atmosphere beautiful. That was all Y/n tried to think about because if she didn't, she would continue to hound Azriel for answers, and he was too stubborn for his own good. He wouldn't tell her what it was, no matter what.
Soon, he was landing in front of a beautiful house, a beautiful lawn surrounding it. The area was quiet. There were similar looking houses nearby, a few shops. They were near the center of Velaris, but the pace was still quiet, tranquil even. Just like Azriel.
Y/n thought she knew what was going on, but still she asked. "Why are we here?"
Azriel grinned, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "I wanted to show you this place. Do you like it?"
"It's beautiful." She stretched out the word, searching his face.
"I brought that home. I thought now that we are... getting to know each other again and are comfortable, we might as well live somewhere far from Cassian and Nesta. Figured you might be just as tired of them as I am. Of course, I'm not saying you should live with me if you don't want to, but one day... maybe?" He looked at her when he finished rambling, his eyes hopeful.
She smiled. "I would love to live with you Azriel. So, when are we going to move in?"
Azriel's face lit up like a child who had recieved a gift on solstice. "As soon as possible. If you're okay with it." He paused for a moment, thinking. "Do you want to take a look inside?"
Azriel led her inside the mostly empty but clean house, a little jump in his steps. Y/n smiled and shook her head as he walked in front of her, opening all the doors and cupboards, a small grin on his blushing face.
Azriel was cooking, having forced Y/n to sit and watch. Since there weren't many things in the house except for a couch, bed and a few cupboards, Azriel had flown back to the house of wind to get items for their dinner.
She had offered to cook, but he had refused. And since then, Y/n could tell he was trying really hard to impress her with his cooking skills.
They kept talking throughout, his focus equally divided.
Right now, he was seemingly about to flip the food in the pan, and he turned to her.
"Watch this." But then he realised she was already watching, and he faltered.
Unfortunately, he had already begun to move the pan. And because he wasn't paying attentiont to the pan, the food items in the pan scattered all around the kitchen, and Y/n hid her smile behind a hand.
Cauldron, Azriel was adorable.
He stared at the mess, his shoulders slumping. Y/n hopped down from the counter she was siting on and moved closer to him. "Go. Sit. I'll make us something."
Azriel shook his head. "No."
Y/n cocked her head. "Why not? I cooked all the time by myself before."
"I'll get something from a restaurant."
Her brows furrowed. "But why?"
"Because I want to treat you better than you have been treated before." He mumbled under his breath, barely audible. Maybe he was trying to not let her hear, but she did.
Her heart swelled, as if it tripped fell down the stairs and now had to rest in bed for its whole life.
"You are treating me good." She smiled at him when he looked at her with wide eyes. He blushed furiously when she placed a tender kiss on his cheek.
"What– what would you like to eat?"
Y/n sighed. "Anything. I don't really have something in mind."
Azriel nodded. "I'll be back soon."
And with that, he bounded off towards the door, leaving his shadows behind to clean up the mess he had made.
Y/n watched as her husband moved his hand animatedly, his face filled with excitement.
The two of them sat on the couch, knees touching. Y/n wondered if in a few moments she'd be on his lap.
It had started out with her on the couch and him on the armchair near the fire, having finished their dinner sitting on the kitchen counter top because there was no table or chairs. After that, they had moved to hear the fireplace.
They had sat in silence, contemplating what to talk about when she found Azriel grinning.
When she asked him about it, he told her about how his shadows loved to be nosy and knew almost everyone's secret. How they had been telling him about the secret of the little boy passing by the house. It was that he had stolen a cookie without his mother's knowledge, and how he prayed to the cauldron that she never found out.
Since then, he had begun telling her of all the juicy secrets he gathered over the years, his shadows occasionally chiming in to add to the information. He had slowly begun shifting towards her as he spoke.
It wasn't long before he settled on the opposite end of the couch, a huge smile on his face as he told her of one of his favourite secrets that he found out, his body seemingly moving of its own accord.
Throughout the night after that, he had shifted closer anytime he got a little more excited, her scooting closer when she got more and more intrested in the story he was telling.
He finally stopped speaking, taking a deep breath, his cheeks flushed and a wide grinon his face.
Y/n sighed. "Well... that was a journey."
"I have better stories than that." He smirked smugly when her eyes widened in disbelief.
"Liar. I don't believe you. Even Nesta's books have less dramatic plot lines."
He grinned, shaking his head. "Speaking of Nesta's books... did you enjoy the book that you were you reading today?"
Y/n immediately tensed. "What do you mean?"
He gave her a sly smirk. "I'm the spymaster of the night court, Y/n, and I've been married to you for almost six months now. Do you really think I don't know what conspires between you and Nesta when me and Cassian aren't looking?"
A blush climbed up Y/n's neck. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Sure. Let me help you with that–" And then, as if the damn book had been next to him this whole time, he pulled it out of between his shadows and flipped open to where she had been reading when he interrupted her that morning. She knew that because she found the candy wrapper she placed in between the pages to mark the her progress.
She gasped, but he was already beginning to read. "Where were you? I think it was here? He grinned up at her from between her thighs..." He paused for a moment, reading, before he clicked his tongue. "You are really interested in this?"
He was busy reading, and so he didn't see her reaching out to snatch the book until she had a firm grasp on the book. He looked at her in surprise, but she began tugging. Of course, he didn't let her pull it too far before he himself started tugging at it.
"Let go Azriel."
He gave a harsh tug, and Y/n was no match for his strength. She lurched forward, her hand landing on his shoulder. Her face was mere inches from his and he grinned up at her.
"Really? You like this–" He shook the book near her face. "–this thing so much? Honestly, you could choose better."
Her whole face flushed as she tried to keep herself from glancing at his lips. "Don't be mean. It's rude to judge people."
"Hard not to when you read childish things like these." She scowled at him, and he leaned closer to her as he whispered, "Honestly, I could show you better things. The male here is like a newborn child compared to me."
Y/n blinked in shock, his closeness doing nothing to help her slow brain. He huffed a laugh at her reaction, and the air on her face finally pulled her from her daze. She began to pull back, trying to retreat back into her original position, but he caught hold of the hand on his shoulder, his expression serious.
Azriel's eyes trailed down to her mouth, and his tongue flicked out to lick his lips. He glanced up at her eyes, his eyes swimming with question.
Y/n knew it would be pointless and stupid to pretend she didn't want what he was offering. She could not keep lying to herself when this was all she wanted since the two of them began spending more time together.
So she simply leaned back in, her eyes fluttering shut when his breath caressed her features again.
Azriel didn't need anymore confirmation.
He was tired of waiting, and now that she was so close, it was too hard not to sink his teeth into her. Into those beautiful lips, that beautiful body.
So he surged up, and caught his lips with hers.
In that moment, it felt like he had found peace. Something he had been searching his whole life for. Like he had found the home he never had.
Not the house he was currently in, but home in her.
And when she gasped, he realised there were multiple reasons responsible for that feeling.
First obviously being that he loved her.
Second, she loved him.
And how did he know?
He felt it coming at him in waves.
Through the newly found golden string connecting their souls.
I love you. The emotions he felt from her seemed to tell him.
I love you more. The emotions he sent back to her.
And there, on that couch in their new house, tangled in each other's arms...
Azriel and Y/n were finally home.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @maxxieluvs @bubbbllee @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @waytoomanyteenagefeels @tell-me-a-poem @the-lake-is-calling @spaxxxi @japanese-wonderland-blog @valeridarkness @moonlwghts @deadratio @esposadomd @harrystylesfan2686 @missusbarnes-rogers @whatthefuckshappeningrn @hyacinthoideshispanica @historygeekqueen @lizziesfirstwife @nastynesta @aroseinvelaris @nightless @cleverzonkwombatsludge @kodokunarisu-blog @selillusion @eos-princess @moonfawnx @a-court-of-milkandhoney @emilyo-218 @wannabewolf @ailyr92 @chronically-online-cheese @myheartfollower @hells-sluttiest-new-arrival @marina468 @menaosama @starryhiraeth @hereticdance @mali22 @valencia-rou @azrielsstarlight @marvelouslovely-barnes @luvmoo @starlight-hope @a-frog-with-a-laptop @fall-myriad @alt-ghost @elleofdragons @ruleroftides @5moremin @stargirl1714 @bunnymallowo @ivy-34 @aria-chikage @kalulakunundrum
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filthsthings · 2 months
Almost ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
young!Coriolanus Snow x mayor's daughter!Reader
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Summary: after Coriolanus killed Lucy, a marriage of convenience was laid out in front of him.
Tags: forced marriage, young!coryo
Warnings: 18+, toxic!young!Coriolanus,
A/n: Tigris is younger than Coryo by 3 years and reader is her classmate. Might become a series idk
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Rumors flew like a Mockingjay.
Free, passing through all the districts.
From the capitol to district 12. Through Panem.
Coriolanus Snow killed Lucy Gray Baird.
Coriolanus' growing hair has been unsteady from the buzz cut. But it never cost him to show up to the capitol looking almost perfect. His slightly tan skin, from the seam's sun, and pale hair were a mix that made him shine through the room.
"This is an outrage." the mayor from District 3 exclaimed.
"To kill inside the arena is one thing. To kill the victor outside is another." professor Highbottom chimed. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, his suit all wrinkly and so were his eyebrows. "we'll have to cover this with something else."
Tigris looked around the round table. Some familiar faces, some total strangers. All their voices are on top of one another. Their faces look so agonized as if it was their daughter who was killed by the criminal in the hearing.
Truth be told, his hearing would not have been held in the presidential palace if they didn’t like Coriolanus. If they didn’t want to put him in line for the presidency. Corio had that leadership aura radiate from him. And they all sensed it since they saw him for the first time. By giving Baird an unfair justice, they’re gaining themselves a favor from Snow.
They want a show from him. It has always been that way. From one president to another. The question is, how would they have their amusement?
Sitting within the inner circle of politics is new to her. It was never her thing, and Coriolanus never explained the system to her. 
"we could-" she started, voice meek and small. "we could cover it with a wedding."
The voices came to a halt. All heads turned to her.
"continue," President Ravintsill urged, leaning his torso towards the table while his eyes are burning through her forehead. Seeming all interested to her.
She looked at you, trying to seek comfort before clearing her throat. "A little story to entertain never fails to gain enough attention. I mean, it is the game's purpose, after all. A love story would be heartwarming. An awe. scandalized to gain sympathy. Let them empathize with him." Tigris managed to utter confidence building word after word.
"Yes," Professor Highbottom stroked his beard, thinking. "It is possible. It may be someone from her district. to-- somehow explain why he is so close to that place. It can also set his ground for the upcoming election."
Casca looked at everyone's faces. Waiting for a suggestion or violent reaction. They were all thinking. Thinking of what this boy could do if he married someone in their district.
"My daughter." You felt your body freeze as your father's voice stormed through the silence. "She is unwed, close age, she has experienced living here in the Capitol, finished in the academy, and you may just elevate your status by marrying a mayor's daughter, snow."
you knew that you would not marry for love. not in this millenia. But never in a thousand years would you have thought that you would marry your best friend's fiendish cousin.
The president hummed as a response. "Recession. I need a moment with myself."
You did not wait for your father to stand before you fled the room. It was almost suffocating to see Coriolanus in front of you, looking almighty as if you were all not there because of an offense of his own doing. The air was almost breathless when you noticed how his chest rose up and down. Being in the same room was almost too much. Almost.
Imagining what he would be as a president was terrifying. Let alone as a husband. You didn't wish to hold that against him as he didn't have enough grasp of the idea. That was before you became the wife-to-be.
You always saw how cruel Coriolanus snow can be. From his childhood to his internship as a game maker. He took pleasure from another's tears. Especially when he was the one who caused it.
And declining the proposal by your father was never an option to begin with. You have been trained long before stepping foot in the academy. To be a service of your district. A token, as your father would say. An ammo to be fired when your district needs connection.
Tigris' voice called your name from the other side of your cubicle. "I know you're there. Please, let's talk." She sighed heavily when you didn't respond. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you would be an option."
"I'm scared, tig. You see him. He's not a man that a woman would wish for." You managed to speak, sobbing. "What if he hurt me? Our children?"
Tigris remained silent. Failing to gather enough words to comfort you because she knows who her cousin is. Above anyone else.
A few minutes went by and you wiped your tears. Opening the cubicle to Tigris sitting down on the countertop, swaying her feet. You almost felt guilty for holding her accountable for this when you saw her worried face looking down at the floor. Almost.
She looked up at the sound of the door hitting the wall. Her feline features gathered to send a warm smile. Her smile lit your mood. It never fails to do so.
"It's not like I get a say in this. So it's fine, I guess," you end up in her arms before you can finish your sentence.
"I'll be with you along the way. I promise."
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Snow is falling. coating the capitol's cemented floors in white.
It was cold, wet, and dull.
Everything made it seem so scary to get out of bed. So you laid there, staring at the ceiling of your room in the president's mansion, waiting for your lady in waiting to wake you up. Thinking of how you would spend your next years in this arrangement.
The door opened forcefully, making you get out of bed on instinct. His hard gaze met your own, making you conscious and subconsciously making you cover your torso with your hands. Your lace night gown hugged your bony body, leaving your arms and thighs to his view.
"It is improper to greet your fiancé like this, Coriolanus," you lectured as you reach for your robe. You can feel his eyes on your back.
"Always the courteous." he replied, sitting down on your bed. His sarcasm punching you on the gut. "You have not been going out."
"Yes, well, I haven't really found a reason to go outside." you sighed after sitting down to a womb chair adjacent to his choice of seat.
The nervousness that seemed to tail you whenever he's around has caught up to you, weaving itself with your nerves. Your breathing is hitched as you watch him watch you. You both sat there in silence, examining each other's faces.
You, shielding yourself with your robe. And him, flaunting himself with his suit.
"Well, you have a duty. Given by your district, and your father." He broke the silence.
"What duty? To be a delight in your eyes or theirs?" With a heavy sigh, you closed your eyes and pursed your lips. Trying to contain your rage. "I am not an ornament to be displayed, my lord. I will marry you in due time so give me my remaining days to spend."
Coriolanus stared at you, expression unreadable. It gave you a chance to actually look at him and not challenge him to a staring battle. His hair has grown in the last 3 months, showing his waves more. His tan has also faded to his usual pale color, and his suit appears to be more expensive now than the previous.
The past months happened in a blur. After your engagement had been announced to the public with the sad tale with you as the maiden and Gray as the Villain, President Ravinstill got shot on a campaign for the academy, the voting was hastened for a month.
Pressured by the people of the capitol, Coriolanus flaunted you to the public, forcing you to move into the Presidential mansion. Though you were yet to be married, you went to his galas and parties. You hosted tea in the mansion with the other political wives, orchestrated by him, of course.
Coriolanus was charmed by you, his eyes sparkled whenever it set upon you, his smile reached his ears though not quite his eyes. All when the cameras are on you. Inside, you are a prisoner and him the judge.
"It's not like I'm forcing you to drown yourself, sweet pea." Coryo stood from his seat and walked to you, making you look up to him from your chair.
He smiles at you, sickeningly devious. "Go out of your room or not. You're still under my roof and you're not getting out of here anytime soon."
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billybob598 · 1 year
Well Shit (Lena Oberdorf x Reader)
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Hellooo people!!! This was requested by the amazing, lovely, (almost) perfect @wosofanstuff! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ares3460!!!!!!!! I LOVE MY GRANDMA. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one. As always any feedback good or bad is welcomed! Have fun!
Word Count: 865 (let's ignore this)
Lena observes as you go through finishing drills, dribbling around the cones seamlessly and completing a give-and-go with Lynn flawlessly. To anyone else, it would have looked like Lena was watching you because of your skills. Instead, she was admiring how beautiful you looked, how your hair fell just right over your shoulders, how your eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly in concentration as you controlled the ball, how your legs flexed when you kicked the ball, how the sun shined onto your face making you look ethereal. Yeah, it was fair to say that Lena was whipped. Luckily, you had been dating for a little over three months now. The German midfielder had no idea how she managed to convince you on a date, but by some miracle of God, she did. No one knew that you were together, both of you agreed that it would be too much stress on the relationship if the team knew. You loved them to bits, but sometimes they could be the nosiest people ever. 
“Obi?” A voice breaks her out of her trance.
“Huh?” Jule just chuckles at the confused look on the young German’s face.
“I know Y/N is an amazing player but we have to go do media,” she tells her friend.
“Oh, yeah, okay,” Lena’s cheeks heat up at being caught staring at you. Thankfully Jule just thought she was watching because you were good.
 Later that night, you’re at your apartment when your phone dings from an incoming text. 
Can I come over?
Of course xx
Be there in 5
Sure enough, a knock drew you away from the kitchen five minutes later. When you open the door you’re met with your girlfriend in an oversized hoodie and two cans of Fanta in hand. Fully opening the door so she can walk inside, you watch as she expertly moves around your home, proving how much time she spends there. 
“What are you making?” She asks, gesturing to the kitchen.
“Spaghetti. Have you eaten yet?” You say heading back to check on the pasta sauce. 
“Okay, it should be ready in like five minutes,” you wander back to the living room to see your girlfriend already setting up a movie on Netflix. 
The movie plays in the background as you eat your dinner, with light conversation continuing throughout the night. When the movie ends, Lena picks up the dirty dishes and begins to clean the kitchen. You sit on the island watching her. How one person could be so perfect you have no idea. 
“You’re staring,” Lena says with a smirk. You roll your eyes, a blush creeping up your neck.
“No, I wasn’t,” you say defensively. Her smirk only gets wider as she raises her eyebrows. God, how you wanted to just kiss the smirk right off her face. 
“Sure, schatz.”
“If anyone is staring it’s you,” you say, deciding to turn the tables on her.
“What?” She asks confused.
“I saw you staring at training today, you were practically drooling.” Now it’s Lena’s turn to blush.
“Shut up,” she mutters and throws the towel she was using at you. You laugh, music to her ears. A smile works its way onto her face and she walks around the counter picks you up and gently places you on top of the counter. Considering she’s got a good three inches on you, it’s not that difficult. She steps in between your legs, slowly reaches up and caresses your cheek. Your eyes flicker down to her lips and without hesitation, Lena tilts her head up and presses her lips against yours. One of your hands moves to her hair, running through it. Lena lets out a soft moan. You immediately take advantage and slip your tongue inside. The two tongues fight for dominance while Lena’s hand grips onto your waist. Her other hand finds the small of your back. Your senses are overwhelmed, the feeling of her lips on yours, her hair between your fingers, her hands all over your body, just…her. Then, she removes her mouth from your and starts to plant wet kisses down your neck. They get lower and lower and lower until-
“What the fuck?!” Someone yells, interrupting the makeout session. Both of you jump apart looking very startled. You freeze when you see half of the team standing there watching you with their jaws hanging and eyes comically wide.
“Well shit,” Lena mumbles, pulling away from you a little more. Of course, you had completely forgotten that you had given a spare key to Sveindís. And of course, she chose that night to break in and bring half the team for an impromptu movie night. Everyone was silent for a few more seconds when finally Alex spoke up,
“Are you two like, together?” You glance warily at Obi, she looks at you with a soft smile and slips her hand into yours before answering,
“Yeah, we are.” This opens up the floodgates.
“Oh my God!”
“How long have you been dating?”
“Who asked out who?”
“Who else knows?”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell us.”
“I knew it!”
It’s safe to say that movie night did not happen.
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queen-of-reptiles · 8 months
description: while walking alone back home along the beach, mary meets a few strangers, who teach her how to play volleyball, - her eyes are drawn however, to a better view.
mary fowler x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: just plain cuteness, like a few kisses and curse words but mainly just fluff and mutual pining
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y/n just posted
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liked by y/f/n1, y/f/n2, and 798 others
tagged y/f/n1, jake_uts1 and 11 others
y/n sun, sea, sand and sunsets (+ an angry Sally and a smug Jake)
view 300 comments...
y/f/n1: Is the second photo after I drowned you?
y/n: before - which is why I still look so happy 🙄
y/f/n1: 😇😇
y/f/n2: gAWd that party was so good
y/n: it was a veryyyyyy good night 😂
y/f/n3: i miss just dance sm omg ! 😅
y/n: i miss you sm omg
y/f/n3: don't i'll cry !! 🥹
sally_c: i was seconds from breaking Jake's neck
jake_uts: Don't worry babe, I was seconds from breaking yours
sally_c: 🥰🥰
y/n: You guys stress me out sm as a couple
jake_uts: 😏😏
see more comments...
y/n kept her eye on the volley ball - she and her friends were on the beach, as usual, the Australian sun setting over them, the temperature perfect in the sense of they could play without sweating but it was still warm.
"Spike!" Jake called and y/n jumped, pushing the ball with a harsh slap, the ball landing at Sally's feet who groans.
"I couldn't get my hand out in time ya cu-" Sally begins, but Jamie shoves her, the boy chuckling.
"Rotate." y/n adds, skipping from the court to umpire so her friend Melanie could have a go, they were an odd number today, with Sally, Jake, Mikey, Jamie and y/n.
y/n was watching the game when she saw her, a girl walking in shorts, her shoes in her hand watching them play, watching y/n shout out suggestions as they did.
The two met eyes, both blushing slightly as they did so. y/n chocked on her own spit, turning to bend and grab her water to take a long swig.
The girl was beautiful, she was stunning, and she was walking toward y/n. The panic that flooded through y/n's body was instant when she noticed the girl coming over.
"Hi." The girl smiled.
"Gd'evening." y/n hummed, watching as Mikey tried to spike but Sally manages to block it.
"Looks like fun." the girl says, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear.
"Oh, it is, but we're an uneven amount today - so I'm sat out for now." y/n explains.
"Well, if you guys can teach me, I can play?" The girl offers and y/n grins, she offers her hand to the beautiful girl.
"y/n." She introduces and the girl smiles.
"Mary." The girl smiles, shaking y/n's hand.
"Right listen up dick-heads." y/n calls, stopping the game but Jamie does roll his eyes at her. "If we can teach Mary how to play, she'll join in." y/n explains, Mary smiling sheepishly.
"Awesome." Jamie nods.
"Yeah great!" Mikey grins kindly.
"Sounds good." Sally adds.
"Let's do this!" Jake finishes and the group start.
They first dissect the game, Mary smiling as they explain what happens and the different type of hits. Then once they had done that, they taught her the positions of the court.
Mary was funny, she had a really pretty smile and y/n couldn't help but have to shut her eyes every few minutes to try and fight the thoughts about Mary's body.
Sally kept looking over at y/n, smirking with a knowing look in her eyes as she tried to focus on Mary and helping her play. Once Mary had warmed up a bit, y/n was teaching her how to serve.
"You want to keep your hands strong, pushing from the shoulder not the wrist." y/n explains.
"Okay." Mary nods. "Like this?" She then asks and y/n hums, moving behind her to guide her hands.
"Like this." y/n continues, not noticing the way her lips brushed Mary's ear, or the way the girl had stopped completely, trying not to sink into the warmth of y/n's chest.
"Okay." Mary breathed, Sally and Jake both sent each other a look, rolling their eyes as y/n stepped away, Mary looking back slightly with red cheeks.
Mary pushed the ball in the air, keeping her hand hard and pushing through it with her shoulder, the serve going over the net easily which caused the group to cheer.
"You got it." y/n grins and Mary smiles.
"Team time!" Sally yells. She then looks around. "Oh it is so girls vs boys." Sally then says and Jake laughs jokingly.
"Oh this will be so easy. You hit like a girl." He teases his girlfriend.
"And you whine like a boy." Sally teases him back making Jake pause and look at her confused.
"I'm not whining." Jake begins, but y/n lightly throws the ball at his face, it bouncing off his forehead and top of his nose and back into y/n's arms, causing Jake to whine and rub his head.
Jamie sighs at him and Jake pauses, realising he had fallen for Sally and y/n's trap, they high five without looking toward each other and Mary giggles behind them.
"Okay, let's play!" Mikey says, jumping up and down excitedly.
Over the next hour it was obvious the teams were very well matched, they were neck and neck in terms of victorious games and as they played the decider, they were once again a point in difference.
Mary was good, she was quick and seemed to have very good stamina, she was athletic and strong, y/n could see that in the way her muscles tensed when she jumped for a ball or hit one.
Ten minutes before their final game, Mary had taken her top off so she was wearing her swimsuit, and while y/n and her friends were already like that, y/n's mouth dropped.
Sally snorted as y/n looked away from Mary's toned arms and exposed back, she tried to ignore the giggles coming from Sally as y/n internally panicked.
Now, they were on the last game and y/n just knocked the ball over the net, Jamie running forward to hit it up and trying to get it over, y/n tipped it over again, Jake running forward to get it.
Then as it came back over, Mary spiked it into the back of the court, the ball bouncing as Mikey squealed in the hope it would help him get it.
y/n and Sally cheer, y/n moving over to pull Mary into a hug, ignoring the way Mary's hands feel on the bottom of her exposed back. Sally joins in on the hug, the three girls cheering.
"Yeah, yeah, we get it you won." Jake says and y/n laughs flipping him off as she grabs her bag.
"Whose up for drinks?" She asks and everyone's hands go up other than Mary. "You coming?" y/n asks, offering her hand.
"That okay?" Mary asks and the loud sound of 'yes; and 'of course' comes from the group.
"Come on, first round on me." y/n adds with a smile and Mary grins.
"Okay." She chuckles and takes y/n's hand, blushing as y/n squeezes it slightly, but Mary keeps their fingers looped as they walk away.
y/n just posted on her story x3
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maryfowlerrr just posted on her story x3
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username1: YOOOOOO anyone seen Mary's story?
username2: the one with THE GIRL???? 😩😩
username3: who is she???
username4: she's HOT 😰😰
username5: ^^^^^
username6: I FOUND HER - she's @y/n 😌😌
username7: you are quickkkkkk!! 😙
username8: 🤣🤣
see more comments...
The evening had now faded into very early morning, Mary and y/n were the only ones left, walking along the beach, talking about everything.
Mary explained to the group what she did and they were all mightily impressed. Sally and Jake went on to explain they were in university with y/n which was how they met and that Mikey ran a parkour park with his family.
"I just like being with kids, and I love beach sports." y/n shrugs, Mary smiling softly as y/n got bashful about what she wanted to do.
y/n had always loved the beach, she assumed it was because she was Australian through and through, but really she just loved the beach.
So, y/n had been at university for business studies and sports science, hoping to run a beach sports club for children once she got out, teaching surfing, volleyball, body boarding, the works.
"I think it sounds like a great idea." Mary promises. "You could even teach soccer." She adds, nudging y/n's shoulder and making her laugh.
"I don't know about that, I'm no Matilda." She teases Mary who rolls her eyes. "I hope you have enjoyed today, I'm sure being on Christmas break means you're meant to relax, so I hope we helped." y/n tells Mary who smiles.
Mary had come home during the break in the WSL, wanting to be with her family for Christmas and New Years, but she would soon be heading back off to the UK.
"You did. I really enjoyed today." Mary smiles.
"Good." y/n nods. Mary looks over at her, the two now back in their tops and watching the sea as the clock neared 2 am.
"You're really pretty." Mary said quietly, a soft smile on her face as she admired y/n's side profile, the girl turning to face Mary.
"So are you." y/n smiled shyly.
"Could we maybe spend some more time together?" Mary asks. "Just us, before I go?" She then asks and y/n smiles holding out her hand for Mary to take, which she does.
"I'd really like that." y/n nods and Mary grins, blushing slightly as she moves to put her head on y/n's shoulder.
"I'd really like it too." Mary says and y/n smiles out at the ocean.
"I'm really glad you decided to walk down the beach today Fowler." y/n chuckled and Mary giggled.
"So am I." Mary agreed.
The two sat there for a bit longer, sharing whispers and giggles before they got up and started to walk back to Mary's, hands linked as they moved through the quiet streets around them.
Once they got to Mary's door, the two stood talking softly for a moment, longer, eyes drinking each other in as much as they could, despite having already exchanged numbers and arranged to meet tomorrow.
"Good night Mary." y/n smiled softly and Mary pecked her cheek. "You missed." y/n hummed and Mary giggled, leaning up to peck y/n on the lips.
y/n moved her hand, cupping the back of Mary's neck to keep their lips together for just a moment longer, y/n had been thinking of doing this the second she had joined the volleyball game.
The two pulled away and y/n couldn't help but grin as Mary blushed, y/n let her hand leave the back of Mary's neck to run over her pink cheek.
"I'll see you tomorrow, pretty girl." y/n promises Mary and the girl nods before y/n winks and walks away, looking back just once to see Mary jumping up and down in front of her door.
y/n smiled, looking away and walking home, suddenly deciding she was very glad for volleyball.
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shytastemakerthing · 1 month
congrats on 300 :-D
i suggest caramel with mango and strawberry boba for Riddle and Jade!
Taking Riddle out for a night ride to have a picnic and look at the stars!
Going overnight camping with Jade to a mountain and looking at the stars while cuddling!
have a nice day!!
Thank you so much! I never really thought that this little blog would actually get to 300 followers but I am glad that it did! In the mean time, I hope that you enjoy your request!
Requests: Romantic date night with Riddle and Jade (separate)
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So first things first, you were only able to actually get this man on a late night drive that this was happening during perhaps spring or summer break
But really, he was just happy to be able to spend this time with you
He never really saw himself getting into a relationship with anyone, having been too focused on his academics before and then growing up the way that he did
But you were much like his missing other half that he now had
Everything was all set
You were driving, wanting to treat him to this
He had packed several snacks for you both to have, including strawberry tarts, a good date is never complete without one
You had the blankets
And now, you had arrived to your destination
If someone had told Riddle earlier in the school year that he would have found his other half, and they would partake in such activities, he would have laughed and then collared them for making such a statement, and yet, here he was.
Watching you set up the blanket, he brought over the basket with snacks before settling down next to you with perhaps the warmest expression anyone had ever seen him have.
"I would say that we chose the perfect night for this. Not a cloud in the sky, not too hot and not too cold..."
Your voice snapped him out of his daze before a soft smile came to his face, moving to help you finish setting everything up.
"As expected. After all, a lot of planning goes into such activities, but I knew that we would find a way to make it work."
After snacks, he found himself laying next to you, staring up at the stars, well, you were, Riddle was too busy watching you.
After all, the only star that he needed in his life, was you.
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Look, when you first mentioned going camping in the mountains with Jade, it was possibly the first time you have ever seen so much emotion swirling in his eyes, the most genuine and excited smile rising to his face
After all, he had been wanting such a trip for the longest time!
And here you are coming to him, about such a trip, just the two of you, in the mountains
Okay, he may have gone just a tad overboard with the packing, but he was excited
Not even Floyd and Azul had ever seen him like this before
Such a genuine happiness that was radiating from the eel, and you were the cause and you were certain that you had just unleashed something monstrous
Jade had honestly never felt an excitement such as this coursing through his veins. Yes, he loved hiking and going into the mountains, but it was so much more special now. Because you were with him, this time.
After the long hike to make it to the campsite, pitching up the tent, getting a fire going, and even rambling to you about whatever it was that he was seeing while you both were out, he couldn't help but feel the slightest bit flustered under your admiring gaze, watching him as if he were the one that hung the stars in the sky that you both would see once the sun had set.
"You're adorable when you ramble like this, y'know. I could listen to you talk for hours."
Your words were the arrow to the heart for this eel. How you managed to wiggle your way in and make yourself at home, he may never know, but he is eternally grateful that you did.
Jade could only chuckle and clear his throat.
"Well, it is rather nice to have someone listening when I do. I know the topics do tend to bore some, and cause discomfort in others." Your smile would be the death of him one day, he was certain of it.
What else was he supposed to think, when you both were laying beneath the stars, hand in hand, finding himself curling into your touch?
There was no doubt that date nights such a s this one would be happening much more often.
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Thank you so much for your request! Have a wonderful day/night!
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static-radio-ao3 · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic // june 13 // prompt: devour // words: 632 // part 1 + part 3
“Can you walk on it?” Regulus asks, one of James’ arms slung over his shoulder.
James would normally worry about dirtying Regulus’ pristine clothes: jackets spun from the finest silk, shirts so white they are blinding in the sun.
But Regulus looks tattered and worn down from their days spent in the forest. James isn’t sure how much time has passed, only that they are worse for wear.
There is a smudge of dirt along Regulus’ forehead. James wants to reach up and wipe it away, but when he lifts his arm, a sharp pain shoots through his shoulder.
“Prince Regulus, you should go. I’ll only slow you down.”
In an unprecedented show of strength, Regulus hauls James up, as if to prove a point. He manages a few stumbling steps, finding his footing before he finds himself face-first on the floor.
“Nonsense, Potter.” Regulus sniffs. Haughty and sure, like he didn’t almost eat dirt. “We are fine.”
Regulus had always been an excellent liar. Did you pay attention during the council? Yes, maman. Did you enjoy dinner? Of course, maman. Did you sleep well? Certainly, maman.
But James always saw through him anyways. Years spent in the corner of the room, his sole duty watching Regulus, making sure he is safe and sound. The very reason why James had pushed Regulus behind him a quick sorry, Your Highness on his tongue for shoving the prince.
“Prince Regulus, I was almost devoured by a talking spider. My leg is—”
He would rather not say it. The mere thought of it makes something sick roil in his stomach. Regulus cuts in before he finishes his sentence though.
“James. I am not leaving you, so suck it up and think of your knightly duties and stay awake.”
And really, James can’t quite argue with that, stunned into momentary silence when Regulus calls him by his name. He doesn’t think he’s ever heard his name said so sweetly, even though the words were drenched in distress.
Regulus is supporting nearly all of James’ weight, his entire left side practically useless as they stumble through the forest. They can only hope that the spider is too hurt to follow them. James quietly laments the loss of his sword. It had been a gift from his father, the Potter crest embedded in the handle.
“Prince Regulus, I—”
“Just Regulus is fine. You—” he cuts himself off with a cough. “You saved my life. Call me Regulus. Please.”
“Regulus.” James savors the sound of it. The sweetness it leaves on his tongue. He forgets, for a moment, that he had something else to say, his dizzy head spinning.
“What?” James asks. Then, “Oh! I was going to say we should find shelter. Set up camp. It’ll be night soon.”
Regulus nods, a simple thing. From the corner of his eye, James sees the way his curls sway with the movement.
Even though they are scratched and muddied and bruised from time spent in the ever-expanding forest, Regulus’ curls are perfect. Dark and shiny. James imagines they are also soft.
He can almost feel the silky strands flow through his fingers.
They go on like that for a while, the day slowly fading. Golden light in the woods turns to silver, shadowed trees stretching and nightfall catching up with them as they chase the sun.
“James?” Regulus asks after a while. Perhaps he is worried James is losing consciousness, calling his name to make sure he is still awake. Although the sound might very well lull him to sleep, soft and sweet.
“Yes?” James asks when nothing else follows, just the rustling of leaves and the crunching of branches under their feet as they look for a place to hide. To clean James’ wound. To sleep.
“Thank you.”
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clone-whore-99 · 11 months
Perfect Stranger
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Hunter x f! Reader
18+ minors gtfo
Warnings: SMUTTY MCSMUTTERSON! unsafe consumption of alcohol, one night stand, morning sex, 69ing, oral (both receiving), overstimulation, fingering, doing the deed with strangers, not beta or proof read. LMK if I missed any (✿◡‿◡)
Summary: Waking up next to stranger leads to a series of pleasurable events.
Authors note: Turns out Hunter is my comfort character and nothing gets me back into writing like the death of a loved one. Those were things I wish I didn't have to learn like this, but at least my pain can be your gain ❤
Also please like, reblog and maybe even comment if you enjoy this, it really means a lot to me 🥺👉👈
If you want to, you can also help me by buying me a coffee ❤
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The galaxy. Vast. Big. Dangerous.
But not at this moment. At this moment, you were safe and secure.
Which was odd, considering you were a single woman living alone, and yet there was an arm draped around your waist and a heart beating beneath your head.
The last rotation was a complete blur to you, only a few flashes of memories appearing before you, then disappearing just as quickly.
Slowly you opened your eyes and once the focus had set in, you were met with a sight to behold. Rock hard abs, as if they had been sculpted in marble just for you to see. And from them was this trail of short trimmed hair, urging your gaze to follow it lower. Only to be cut off by a pair of tights, holding on for dear life, low on the strangers’ hips.
That’s when you realized the shirt you were wearing must've been the strangers as well. It was matching in color and seemingly in texture too. It didn’t feel like anything had happened the night before, but maybe you had just been too drunk to realize. Though if that had been the case, you probably wouldn’t feel so safe in his arms. But you did.
Curiosity finally getting the best of you, you slowly - careful as to not wake the stranger - managed to turn your whole body around, so you were now facing him. 
You were still for a moment, waiting to see if you had disturbed his slumber. But his low snoring and calm heartbeat continued, proving success in your quest. 
His other hand was prepped behind his head, the shy morning sun barely peeking through the window, highlighting his features in an almost perfectly picturesque way.
His arms were muscular and led towards these broad, strong shoulders that looked like they were made to hold the weight of worlds on them. Just like his abs, his jaw looked like it had been hand sculpted and around it hung this beautiful, dark curly hair, held back by a bandana. 
Weird, you thought, sleeping with a bandana on. Though it seemed like sleep had probably taken him by surprise.
The bandana had a skull painted on it and right underneath that skull, was half of the man's face tattooed.
Delicately, you let a finger trace the tattoo, starting from the bandana down. The tattoo avoided his eyebrow, but covered his eyelid which could not have been a pleasant feeling. It avoided his nose and a big part of his cheek, much like a skull in itself. 
Your finger followed it all the way to where it met, at the edge of his lip in the shape of teeth. His lips curled into a smirk underneath your soft pad. He was awake. 
This didn’t stop you though, as you continued your tracing towards the middle of his lips, which then perked up into a kiss.
You let your hand fall back down to rest on his chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
The man let out a huff, though his smirk persisted. “It was bound to happen,” he replied nonchalantly, his voice deep and raspy, sending a thrill straight towards your core.
The strangers’ eyelids were twitching, as if debating whether or not they should face the day or stay in the comfortable darkness. 
“Did we…”
“No.” His answer was blunt, not even allowing you to finish the thought. “I’m not really into drunk people.” He then added with a devilish smirk.
“Then how come you’re here?” The words escaped your mouth before you had even thought them through.
His eyes opened just enough for him to see you, dark and caring. “Guess you really achieved your objective, huh. You went to the bar last night, put down a bunch of credits, claiming you wanted to forget. Never specified what though.” His hand began stroking your back, sensual in nature but with a hint of trying to map out your body with just his touch. “By the time it closed, you were a wreck. I helped you home, get clean and put you to bed. I was about to leave when you began whimpering and turning onto your back, so I decided to stay the night to make sure you’d make it through. Guess I fell asleep along the way, though.”
Heat rose in your body, fuzziness tickling your insides and forcing your lips into a smile. It was easy for him to lie to you, but his words rung truth within you. You meekly - yet sincerely - thanked him and silence fell over the two of you again.
His hand continued its disguised mapping of your body, while your finger began tracing the tattooed ribs on his chest.
Somehow the tracing turned into kissing, at first just one, but when there was no protest, several more. And when the tattoo ended, the kissing continued onto his abs, then hips and down the trail of hair, all the way to the band of the tights, which was now restraining a bulge.
The stranger wasn’t exactly innocent either, as you reached further down, so did his hand. From your back to your hips, down your thigh and up again, until it could grab a handful of ass.
You glanced back at him, wordlessly asking for permission to continue. 
He responded by grabbing your hips and pulling you over him, so you had a knee on each side of his head.
As you freed his cock from its restraints, he pulled your panties to the side to get a better view. He mumbled something under his breath, you couldn’t hear what but it sounded like admiration. 
You were also guilty in taking a moment to admire the sight before you. His cock stood tall, average in height though far from the same could be said about the girth. Your mouth began salivating, your walls clenching around nothing, which the stranger evidently noticed with a chuckle. The thought of having him inside you was almost enough to drive you crazy.
Like a starved person, you licked all the way from the base to the head, before engulfing your mouth around his cock.
The stranger hissed at the sensation, straining his hips not to thrust up into you. His approach was far less aggressive and more like he was studying your sex and seemingly relishing the scent of your arousal, though you could be mistaken.
After what felt like an eternity of him just staring at your most private parts, fingers every now and then ghosting over where you wanted the most contact, his tongue finally pressed onto your sensitive bud.
At first it was just small, careful licks. Then his lips closed around your clit and began to switch between licking and sucking. You moaned into his cock and he returned the favor, the sound vibrating through your body.  
You couldn’t even close your hand fully around the base of his cock, though you did your best while pumping up into your mouth. You kept switching between licking, sucking and slurping on the now messy mixture of precum and spit.
Once confident enough, you let go of his base to fondle the balls instead. Relaxing your throat, you took in all of him, hollowed your cheeks and swallowed.
The strangers head back with a groan, abandoning your sex in the process. “Kriff, I - ah - won’t lassssth,” he muttered barely apprehensible. His hands grabbed onto your thighs for dear life.
You didn’t care that he had stopped on his end. The pleads, moanings and groans were more than enough to satisfy you. You continued, feeling his balls tightening in your hands with each little movement you made.
It didn’t take long before hot, creamy ribbons shot down your throat, as you swallowed around his cock. The stranger had probably thought that was the end of it, but you were feeling mischievous and continued sucking, overstimulating the poor guy. 
His hands were now holding you in a bruising grip, his moans sporadic and desperate. But when he let out a weak “w-wait!” you stopped and glanced back at him.
In less than a second, your world was turned upside down - literally. You knew the man was strong - I mean, just look at him - but you had never imagined that he could so easily just grab you, pick you up and spin you around, so that now you were lying in his place and he was on top of you.
It had all happened so quickly, you barely realized it before he was taking off your panties completely. 
“Oh, and by the way Y/N” He said with a smug look while patting the inside of your thigh. “The name you’re gonna be moaning is Hunter.”
That was a challenge and a promise.
His attack was relentless. If you had thought his careful exploring earlier was due to inexperience, you’d be sorely mistaken. He started with a couple of broad strokes of his tongue, from your entrance to your clit, before diving into you. His tongue was exploring your insides, slurping in all you gave him. Meanwhile he was expertly using his nose to tease your clit, building your orgasm in no time.
You were helpless in his hands. Your body squirmed under the sudden attack, but his grip was holding the most important part still. Your moans grew louder and more desperate, though you kept stopping yourself right before saying his name - you weren’t going to lose the challenge that easily.
Your fingers slid through his luxurious locks, gripping anything they could get a hold of in an attempt to ground yourself. It didn’t work.
Your back arched into the bed, as the coil in your stomach snapped and waves of pleasure washed over you. A string of incoherent words escaped your lips and if the stranger - Hunter - hadn’t held you in place, you would probably have ascended to the stars.
He ate up everything you gave and then some. Your whole body was shaking as it came down from the orgasm, but he wasn’t relenting. No, he wanted revenge from you overstimulating him, he wanted you to moan his name and he was going to get it.
Hunter moved the attention back to your clit, sucking and licking the now oversensitive bud. He prodded one finger inside you, quickly adding another when he realized there was space. They seemed to be searching your insides, until he found that hard to reach spot inside you.
“Hunter!” You gasped, back instantly arching into the bed once more. You felt the smirk on his lips, as his gaze raised to meet yours. It was hungry, mischievous and victorious.
While remaining eye contact, he added a third finger, filling and stretching you more than you thought possible. All the while, his tongue continued its expert work.
You held eye contact for as long as possible, but had to give up, as each thrust and stroke of his fingers coerced a second orgasm to come forth.
“Hu-Hunter,” You moaned, by now having completely given up all control of the situation. “I can’t.” 
This seemed to finally stop the oral attack on your sex, though the fingers continued their hard work. “You can, Y/N. I know you can. Do it, for me, cum for me.” His voice was deep and raspy, encouraging yet commanding. How could you ever deny him his wish?
Hunter returned to his work on your clit, the small break from the stimulation and then having it instantly revived was what finally sent you over the edge.
His name was on your lips like a chant, your vision blurring as tears pricked your eyes, your walls squeezing around his fingers while the rest of you was spasming from the orgasm. His free hand was making sure you weren’t hurting yourself or him in the process, but had given up on keeping you in place. He had won and was now letting you ride out the high.
When you finally returned to this plane of existence, Hunter was sitting up, caressing your thigh and looking at you with such admiration. His hair was hanging loose around his face, making you realize you pulled off the bandana during the act. Half of his face and upper chest was glistening in your juices.
He was beautiful.
“Think you can handle one more round?” He asked, once you had managed to catch your breath again. His eyes quickly darted downwards before returning to you, urging you to follow their destination. 
And right there was his weeping cock, standing at attention and ready for action. 
You looked back up at him, quirking up an eyebrow as you challenged: “Do you?”
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Dividers by: @djarrex and unknown
Taglist: @zoeykallus @rain-on-kamino @ashotofspotchka @chxpsi @maulsrightleg @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @wildmoonflower @nunanuggets @lokigirlszendaya @wholesuhmsstuff @pb-jellybeans @dangracoon
(LMK if you want to be added to the tag list (✿◡‿◡))
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lias-writings · 1 year
The making of The Last of Us
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pairing: bella ramsey x fem!reader
warnings: kissing, established relationship, pet names, fluff, mention of hickeys, little jealousy
summary: just a few cute moments shared between you and your partner bella during the filming TLOU<33
a/n: hi! so sorry I couldn’t pos this sooner but here we are, I had a really hard week and i finally managed to finish this today anyway thanks to everyone who voted it was helpful, I hope you have a nice day/night and im going to sleep, love ya, enjoy!! <3
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before you two started dating:
you and bella were the only people around your age during most of the filming a spending 3 months together filming and still had like 8 more to go you just grew closer and gained sort of feelings for each other. both of you were too shy to admit something and the fear of making things awkward wasn’t really handy.
when pedro after weeks finally made bella confess to you, you couldn’t be happier, you were about to spend another months with your now partner working on a tv show you’ve grown to love- what a dream, right?
“get a room”
you were sitting on the grass, near the set, enjoying the sun. you haven’t seen much of it while working in canada so you were grateful for every sunny day.
re-reading your lines for scene you were supposed to film next and making sure you remember them correctly you heard footsteps behind you. you didn’t even had to look and you already knew who that is.
feeling two hand wrapping around your waist made it even more obvious to you.
“hi.” bella whispered in your ear gently. you could swear you heard his smile.
“hey.” you said back.
“what are doing love?” they asked while you turned your head to face them
“just reading the lines.” you answered holing eye contact with her and after few seconds of looking at each other with heart eyes and stupid smiles you felt his lips kissing your and you kissed back, almost immediately.
little kisses turned into a make out session but you two still held a little back, knowing anyone could be walking around.
after few seconds you felt bella’s hands back on your waist so instinctively put yours around their neck.
“jesus! seriously, get a room, you two are making single people cry.”
and that was all it took you and bella to open your eyes and almost jump from each other (you would if y’all weren’t sitting ofc).
“pedro, I swear to god, grow up!” you yelled with a smile creeping on your face. bella just chuckled and shook her head in amusement.
“yeah, yeah whatever, now get up we have a work to do, you can make out later.” the man said and started walking towards the set, which was few meters away.
me? jealous? never!
a/n: lily’s not an actual actress from tlou I completely made her up for the story !! she/her pronouns used for lily :)) oh!! and bcs the 2nd most voted was jealous!bella hear is a short one and longer, better, is on its way !!!
so you and bella have been dating for a few months and everything is great. a few weeks ago you started filming new episode, which means new people on the set. you got friends with a girl named lily, who’s playing a background character and it’s going good so far.
you would never claim yourself as an oblivious person, you always could tell when people tried to hit on you, but this time, you were completely blind.
lily had a crush on you even before you started filming but seeing you in person made her fall for you even more. she knew you were in relationship with bella (I mean you two made it really obvious) and she knew it was wrong from her to like you but she couldn’t help herself.
she started with just small talks with you during the breaks or between each takes, she would even became friends with bella.
after few days she asked you to hang out, you being a perfect gf obviously told bella, who didn’t really mind because lily seemed nice to them as well.
after few weeks of your friendship with lily bella finally figured out what’s all this about but he didn’t want to seem possessive so she haven’t said anything.
they even wouldn’t if you weren’t completely oblivious and didn’t keep on hanging out with lily.
you of course noticed that bella has been more affectionate when people were around and that they haven’t been as nice to lily as they used to. (not that lily was nice to bella, she sort of ignored them whenever you were around)
“don’t you see that? she’s totally into you!” bella said not really calmly after you confronted her about her behaviour.
“what are you talking about? bella, she’s my friend.” you answered confused.
“she doesn’t wants to be friends with you, the way she looks at you, touches your arms whenever you’re around, or when she’s flirting with you? in front of me? that’s not friendship.” bella says back as if it was completely obvious. (it was)
“bella i-wait, are you jealous?”
“me? jealous? never.”
and that’s when it hit you. bella might be an amazing actor but they can’t lie (at least not to you). you also realised that he was right the whole time. looking back you couldn’t believe you were so blind, maybe you wanted to believe that she’s your friend so bad, you didn’t see the rest of it.
in the upcoming time you made sure that lily gets the hint that you are not interested in her and that you would never choose anyone over bella. (i mean who would, it’s bella)
bella also made sure that lily gets the hint by covering your neck (not just the neck but mainly) in blue and purple bruises, not that it was handy while filming ( your makeup artist wasn’t happy and you better believe that) but it fulfilled its purpose.
a/n: btw!! I might do something like this in future again, i had fun writing it!!
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