#we just have this pc that’s more optimized for office work than actual. gaming. i mean hey we got it for 80 dollars!
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ozzyfromthecafeteria · 11 days ago
eyes up computer parts evilly
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jackdawyt · 5 years ago
Your bird is back with another Dragon Age 4 News Update!  🐦
For the first time this year, I’m doing a massive monthly news recap of everything we learned about Dragon Age 4 going forward (JUST) in the month of March, because slap my arse and call me Andraste, this month was huge for Dragon Age 4 updates, we’ve got a lot of exciting info to get into!
(Romance Tweets)
Calling all romance fans, you can bank on Dragon Age 4 to fulfil all of your intimate desires, perhaps even more so than the previous games. Jon Renish, Foundation Programming Area Director working on the next Dragon Age had a few things to say whilst watching a romance scene script read through:  
“Don't want to alarm anyone, but I'm starting to think 'Dragon Age' games might be a bit randy.” (March 3rd)
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‘Randy’, according to the Oxford Dictionary, means ‘sexually arousing’ and ‘exciting.’ So, we can prepare for that, whatever that is! Jon continues his tweet thread with:
“Well now it's all sad and sweet and emotional. I was not prepared for this rollercoaster.”
In true BioWare fashion, we’re going to have a lot of sexy times, however, brought together with moving and character developing moments – y’know, the ups and downs of the romance as the relationship builds and grows throughout the entire game experience.  
“Oh, nothing like that.  Just watching a script read through.”
Jon confirms that this was indeed a script read through, as we can tell reviewing a potential romance scene. As a romance advocate myself, I am very interested in the direction romances will be going in for Dragon Age 4. That is something that I will especially be keeping my eyes on. 
(E3/EA Play 2020 Update)
EA Play and E3 2020 are generally the most expected places to see a new Dragon Age 4 reveal trailer.
E3 2020 has been cancelled due to the current outbreak, however, we’ve yet to be updated on the status of EA Play 2020. Of course, it is most certainly cancelled since the tickets for the show were supposed to drop this March. But, we still don’t know what will replace the show.  
The teams behind E3 2020 are supposedly working on a digital showcase to display new announcements that would’ve been revealed on stage. We can only assume that EA will follow suite and do the same for EA Play, making it a digital show, like Nintendo’s Direct conferences.  
Regardless, this is something that we’re going to have to wait and see until EA speak out, and when they do, I’ll be sure to cover that in a news update. I feel we could have a Dragon Age 4 reveal, with an expected release of 2022/2023, but with everyone hectic right now, I’m unsure.  
(C Virus Update)
Speaking of hectic... with the current outbreak, EA have spoken and shared a statement about health and safety during these times:  
(March 13th) “These are challenging times for everyone.  We’re working to look after our employees and their families, and make sure we’re doing the right and responsible things to fight this pandemic illness.”
Thankfully, everyone working at BioWare have been asked to work from home. Justin Masse, Experience Designer working on the next Dragon Age tweeted he’s “working from home until April 1st", confirming the length of this situation.
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According to Crystal McCord, Associate Producer of Performance Capture and VO, working at home has been very productive for the team at BioWare as they have “exceeded all expectations.” 
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So, it’s great knowing that despite the crazy situation in the world right now, BioWare developers are staying safe, working from home and progressing hugely on the next Dragon Age title!  
(Slack Server)
(March 13th) While Mark Darrah was working from home, he tweeted a picture regarding his tiling progression, as he’s currently redesigning aspects of his home. However, in the very corner of Darrah’s picture lies a laptop screen with a Slack Server revealing many Dragon Age development secrets!  
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The server shows plenty of channels for the BioWare developers regarding specific work notes on all aspects of progression. A large amount of the channels are abbreviated to “MOR_” - which is most certainly shortened from ‘Morrison’, Dragon Age 4’s current project title as we know.
This list of the channels are endless, and I could spend forever looking into what exactly they all refer to regarding the production of the next Dragon Age game. We have one channel called ‘mor_announcement’ - does this hint at a new trailer to soon be showed off, or is it an old channel since The Dread Wolf Rises teaser? Are they planning an upcoming announcement? Surely, they would be right? Is that anytime soon?  
Another channel is called ‘mor_da_week’ which from what I can assume stands for Dragon Age week? We have a Dragon Age Day created by the fans and made offical by BioWare, but a Dragon Age week, that’s something I’ve never heard of...  
And there’s just plenty of channels referring to Dragon Age 4’s current development, there’s even a bad design ideas thread, an ask Mark anything chat, approvals on key aspects of the game, marketing assets, and so on!  
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It’s a gold mine of tidbits, orchestrated by none other than Mark Darrah, the Executive Producer on Dragon Age. He has once more tweeted a cheeky little tease that may appear mundane, passing a blind eye to it, however, when you take some time and actually look at what he’s posted, it reveals a nug-ton of info we can speculate on.
(New Associate Producer / Jobs)
Illustrator and Creative Professional “Mad Bee” has returned to work at BioWare, they previously worked on Anthem as an Art Quality Analyst. However, this time around, they are an Associate Producer, most likely working on Dragon Age 4. 
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And, following that, BioWare are currently hiring! I’ve seen this news piece get quite the few news articles, but I figured I could break this one down better, rest in peace PC Gamer.
So, indeed BioWare are hiring for many roles at the company, the most prominent role is a ‘Technical Director’ for ‘the next major title in one of BioWare’s most prestigious franchises.’  
Considering Mike Gamble, the new project lead for the next Mass Effect game tweeted this hiring out, I’d assume this position is needed for the Mass Effect team who are also in Edmonton, opposite the Dragon Age team.  
What’s most concerning about this job listing relating to the future of Mass Effect is that, according to the job requirements, the applicant needs to have experience ‘developing, debugging and optimizing AAA multiplayer games on PC or console.’  
To throw away my suspicion that Mass Effect or Dragon Age are going to have a heavy multiplayer experience, I looked at the other job listings located at Edmonton’s studio and I discovered other job listings, like an Engine Programmer which require the same experience of developing and debugging games, however, without the multiplayer element.  
So, perhaps BioWare have two teams, one working on the main single player element and the other working on the much smaller multiplayer aspect? I’d be naive to not reiterate the fact that future BioWare games are going to be live service, however, we still don’t know to what extent that will look like.  
(Tevinter Nights)
Patrick Weekes teased that Dragon Age 4 is most certainly in Tevinter following there Tevinter Nights Book plug, however, Patrick still calls the next Dragon Age game an unannounced project? Which I don’t understand because The Dread Wolf Rises teaser trailer at The Game Awards 2018 most certainly confirmed that a new Dragon Age game is currently in production and has been announced.
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Unless Patrick is calling it ‘still-unannounced' because they’re planning an announcement soon...
I feel like Patrick is just joking at the fact that the next game is most certainly set in Tevinter, considering PC Gamer made an article a while back stating that Dragon Age 4 is set in Tevinter based on the Tevinter Nights book reveal, it made plenty of the BioWare staff and community laugh at their credulous Journalism. So, it could just be that.  
Anyhow, March has actually been an amazing month to be a Dragon Age fan! We had the final issue of Blue Wraith and the release of the anthological Tevinter Nights!
Tevinter Nights dropped plenty of story hints for the future of Dragon Age. I was lucky enough to receive an early copy, as of which, I’ve created plenty of content regarding all of the story threads uncovered in the novel that you should check out once you’ve read the book for yourself, I’ve still got more to content to come from Tevinter Nights too!  
However, if you have not read it and very much care about the future of Dragon Age, which if you’re watching this video, you most likely do. So, you should go and read this book because we learn A LOT going forward for the future narrative of Dragon Age. The book is a huge spring board for the next game, so go and read it!  
(Blue Wraith)
The final issue of Blue Wraith launched and as much as I enjoyed it, the comic ended on a cliff-hanger!
The lead writers Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir are hopeful for another comic to come, stating:
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The two also spoke in a comic-centred interview by Deconstructing Comics about the direction of their entire Dragon Age comics. That since Knight Errant, their comics are created to prepare for a hypothetical Dragon Age 4, but not as a prologue or a plot for the next game. Nunzio suggested that fans should instead look at Tevinter Nights.
Nunzio shared on BSN Forums that hopefully the wait for the next comic won’t be as long as last time. Dragon Age: Deception came out through October – December of 2018, whereas Blue Wraith came out through January – March of 2020. So, perhaps the next comic run could come mid-2021.
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(Future Books/Comics)
Speaking of future books and comics, just after I finished Blue Wraith and Tevinter Nights, I was asking myself what’s next to look forward to regarding Dragon Age content. However, on March 23rd we got not one, but two book announcements coming later this year.
Dropping on the 13th of October, BioWare are revealing a new development book, charting the legendary game studio's first 25 years in a massive retrospective hardcover book at $39.99. Perhaps we’ll learn more about Dragon Age 4’s previous iteration, project Joplin?  
Following that, on October 27th, the five Dragon Age graphic novels are being put into a massive collection for $29.99.
This book collects Dragon Age: The Silent Grove #1-6, Dragon Age: Those Who Speak #1-3, Dragon Age: Until We Sleep #1-3, Dragon Age: Magekiller #1-5, and Dragon Age: Knight Errant #1-5.
But not Deception & Blue Wraith? Potentially they’ve left these two out because Dark Horse wish to progress with these comics, foreshadowing more comics in the future to come?  
(Reddit Leak)
Moving on to a slightly weird, and most certainly fake-but-take-it-as-you-will-update... we have a reddit leak showing many upcoming games release dates, with some actually being accurate. Dragon Age 4 is listed here, and according to this leak, it’s releasing the 15th of November, 2020. Again, most certainly fake, but take it as you will.  
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Speaking of fake leaks, a 2018 leak for Dragon Age 4’s contents has resurfaced, and oh boy is this thing fake. I feel like dissecting this thing as a separate video just for a laugh, but tell me down below if that’s a good idea or not.  
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With that, that’s all the updates we had in March! We’re three, almost four months into 2020, as crazy as this year has been so far. I’ve already created plenty previous news updates, so if you need to be caught up to date, or you’ve missed an update, or you’re just stuck inside and need something to put your mind at ease - I have a news playlist with every single major update regarding Dragon Age 4’s development, so be sure to check that out. 
I hope you all are holding up okay and staying safe, distract yourself by telling me some of your own hopes for the next Dragon Age game, it can be anything you'd like to see! Personally, I'd love to see Vaea make any appearance in DA4!
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drbacklinks · 4 years ago
Buy Backlinks
Dr. Backlinks
There are a ton of approaches to get modest backlinks for your site. You can go to destinations that will pay you for them or get them from any semblance of Search Engine Optimization firms. In this article I will discuss another approach to get modest backlinks, by utilizing gatherings.
In spite of the fact that it’s not actually equivalent to getting them from a Search Engine Optimization firm, the points of interest exceed the impediments. On the off chance that you would prefer not to squander cash on something that may be squandered in any case, why not exploit others’ mix-ups and show them what you’re made of?
The incredible thing about this is that it works the two different ways. However long you have a type of online presence, and are in a situation to make great recommendations, the odds are that some discussion individuals may have the option to allude you to their companions, or prescribe you to their companions, who may have the option to do likewise for you.
Suppose you’ve begun a site selling PC games. You need a backlink to guide your site traffic to your primary site. You may discover discussion sheets which have a ton of gathering individuals who are keen on similar kind of items as yours.
You ought to have no issue discovering discussion individuals with comparable interests. On the off chance that they don’t exist, make one. Maybe sign up, and join and start a string with your subject of decision.
By posting addresses you will check whether there is somebody effectively in the gathering who is keen on the very subjects that you are. Odds are you’ll find a solution rapidly, and it won’t take long for you two to frame a fellowship.
Be cautious however, as not all discussions are made equivalent. Not all discussions have individuals inspired by very similar things. You may locate that a few discussions have individuals who have communicated no interest in similar items as you, and you could be burning through your time attempting to get them to purchase from you.
It’s a smart thought to investigate the individuals and check whether they truly share your inclinations. On the off chance that you have a specialty, and simply like the possibility of new items, you should seriously mull over engaging in the discussion which rotates around your specialty.
You’ll have more decision as far as the items that you will talk about. You can likewise get suggestions from the people in the discussion, and you will get extra connections from different individuals.
You may likewise have the option to get free giveaways to additional lift your openness. They additionally may have the option to acquaint you with new individuals, and the chance is there that they will purchase from you.
Most gatherings will have a “leave me a remark” choice. In the event that you need to leave a connection, it will be valuable to give them your complete name so they can connect with you.
Once more, by helping other people, they will help you. It’s a mutually advantageous arrangement.
13 Easy Ways To Get Backlinks
Site improvement (SEO) can be clarified as the activity of planning, composing, coding (in HTML), scripting, and programming a full site to guarantee you will locate there’s very acceptable possibility that website page postings will appear in web postings for chose catchphrases. There are a few strategies or keys that should be found to viably utilize SEO.
Basic to that seeing, in any case, is actually an acknowledgment of how a backlink functions and how a top quality back connection could be best made. Backlinks are basically interfaces which a site proprietor embeds on different locales. Each connection contains anchor text and furthermore an immediate connection time for the standard site. The best anchor-text of these connections utilizes the site’s catchphrases.
It’s very basic truly… not every person might be #1. Take web composition organizations for example… there is unquestionably certainly no deficiency of them, and they are altogether investing such a huge amount of energy in the SEO to top the positions. Yet, from a colossal number of organizations, just 10 will achieve the main page, and only 1 will probably be inside the top. Furthermore, arriving’s just a large portion of the fight… you should some way or another figure out how to remain there in light of the fact that I promise you that #2 will probably be prepared to grab it of your stuff!
Luckily for you actually, it’s actually much more secure to do than you might suspect. Truth be told, there are various strategies to acquire joins that keep Google’s prerequisites in your brain. These incorporate discussion posts, online media, addressing inquiries for Yahoo! Answers, and others. I’ve discovered that an enduring quality backlink can be bought from joins being remembered for site postings. Surely these are the essential best quality backlinks you can work to your site(s).
Another downside today concerns the way that most of us aren’t adequately keen to know about a couple of the web promoting instruments and furthermore the language which include internet searcher showcasing, directed points of arrival, change devices, contributing to a blog, informal communication and progressed examination. In any case, it’s essential to understand that there are individuals who are completely conscious of all subtleties of these significant devices and they likewise can help you have a very resurgence of business. Because you can’t figure it right without anyone else, you ought to consider how the clever website admin can address each factor of internet advertising, subsequently making certain your webpage shows up high in any event higher on significant web indexes like hurray.
Top 18 Websites To Buy Backlinks In 2020 + $50 BONUS
For the motivation behind why Google tallies your all productive backlinks in light of the fact that the votes cast to remain in the most eminent position of the web index. Backlinks are one from the reasons individuals chase for areas that have lapsed. This is the place where the expert SEO administrations are truly gainful to totally free topics, there are an assortment of areas where these sorts of administrations help organizations draw more customers for their sites, which winds up in extended business. For the most part there are much of the time .edu.xx locales as well anyway they at present have less significance than .edu destinations. Not exclusively would your message be dispersed to numerous individuals who are thinking about finding out about it, by the by, you may deliver the sort of buzz that may bring about more reports (in addition to significantly more openness). Try not to do an excessive number of catchphrases it may hurt your rankings. Bullet point articles are simpler to compose and will in general be suggested as these let you coordinate different watchwords and furthermore focus on them. In the event that you are hoping to buy backlinks modest you will need the url building administrations of Rankers Paradise.
Besides, also it is an extraordinary webpage to offer the Backlinks and bring in cash from the Rankers Paradise site. Guests basically clicking alternatives straightforwardly accommodated your web webpage. Here are sites to make good cause gifts. YouTube Video Marketing – It is a lot easier to get traffic to, and furthermore to rank, YouTube recordings in the web indexes than conventional sites. We can undoubtedly have a rundown of web catalogs on Google or any the significant web crawlers that includes a key term “Indexes”. Prize tip: When exchanging content associations, use key articulations on the grounds that the certified associations. Coordinate this valuable information into quality, unique articles that convey gains to perusers as instructive substance. By adding inward connections focused on your web, build up the possibility of their perusers and assist them with settling on very much educated buying choices. Moreover, you have the capacity to tweak the anchor text which interfaces the site. In the event that your site is filed by Google, you will have the hop, and afterward the page score will make sure about the adaptation office. A crate that shows up at the absolute best of, or around the correct rail (work area just), of Page 1 of Google’s serp’s for applicable questions.
The technique you use is completely your choice alongside the email address subtleties are staggering. Sites which are in everything places don’t make on the grounds that an immediate impact except if they have a real string that goes through the substance that is made. Work on Quality Content: Thin entries are at any rate poo. This is around the grounds which it was rebuffed for inferior quality associations. Sites inside the most prominent 3 pages in the significant web crawlers like yippee like hurray pick up 90% of web internet searcher traffic. I would take traffic from Google over another strategy to acquire traffic about the web, beside traffic got from my articles on different locales, just as that traffic likely comes from glancing in Google. In the menu structure to the url structure and the page’s plan, a decent minor detail may affect an individual encounter. Or then again, they may have you recorded under a dull expression or articulation.
That implies your web webpage can in any case be ordered however streamline it to get versatile as well. In the event that you need to realize where to procure backlinks, you can go to these sites and get the necessary degree of connections for the specialty destinations. This can be a touch and it typically takes some time before you choose to see any noticeable pay. You can separate the earlier and offer positioning of the site by contrasting the report dispersed by them with the goal that you can generally very much want to utilize them. This implies that every single time you have another short article, supporters will get a notice. These are the approaching connections in your blog. Never buy joins from public organizations or PBNs. You can’t utilize them to get a couple of connections. Is it protected to purchase backlinks? You can really utilize gatherings to get backlinks modest. The greater authority backlinks you will locate the greater power your site will presumably be. It will look characteristic and pull natural traffic.
Purchase Backlinks – The Easiest and Quickest Way to Make Money
There are numerous approaches to purchase backlinks to your site. Yet, on the off chance that you need to capitalize on your endeavors, you ought to likewise consider a portion of different methods of purchasing backlinks also.
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maxismatchccworld · 6 years ago
Sims 4 Patch Notes
UPDATE: 4/16/2019 – PC / Mac
Happy April, Simmers. Nice to meet you! Maxis hired me as a freelance writer to work on these game update notes. (Side note — if you find a problem, blame SimGuru Graham — he’s my editor.) In all honesty, it’s a pretty sweet gig. I got to see the new Expansion Pack, Game Pack, and Stuff Pack that the team is working on, and did you know that they bring in bagels on Fridays? But hey, enough about me. Being a freelancer, I’ll be gone again before you know it.
Anyway, funny coincidence; there’s actually a brand-new Freelancer career arriving in this update that’s free for all players. I was playing around with it earlier, and go figure… my Sim self earns more money as a freelance writer than I do! Geez; guess I’ll have to live out my fantasies of getting rich through The Sims again. Looking beyond the new, free features though, I’ve got to say… those SimGurus really knocked it out of the park with this one. Just look at all those lovely fixes to many of the top discussed community issues!
Well, let’s get to it, shall we? Here’s everything you’ll find in this April update. Have fun!
Yours truly,
Sue D. Nym
Freelance Writer Extraordinaire
Freelancer Career
Freelancer is a brand-new type of career. Sims can choose to be a Freelance Artist, Programmer, or Writer, and will work through an agency that will connect them with a variety of gigs. Unlike other careers, there’s no defined work schedule to worry yourself over. Need some extra Simoleons? Smash through a few gigs in a single day and get paid! Need some time off? No problem – plenty of gigs will be waiting for you when you’re ready to get back to work. Your office is wherever you want it to be. Perhaps a quiet corner in the local library, or maybe you’d prefer a home office decked out in the new set of office furniture? You’re your own boss, so the choice is yours! Completion of gigs across the different agencies will lead to a variety of rewards, and ever-increasing pay. Really, it’s the best Sims career Maxis has ever made. [Sue, please… remove this. No editorializing. – SimGuruGraham]
New Objects
This free set of home office furniture and decor is ideal for your burgeoning Freelancer Sims!
Bookcase: Edgier LadderCase
Desk: Anglette Desk
Desk Chair: The Professional
End Table: A Cute Anglette
Decor: Not So Simple Pen Holder
Decor: Hand Reference Model
Decor: Robo, The Friendly Circuitry Kit
Decor: The Note Book
Laptop: FreeRoam Portable Computing Device
Wall Decor: Better As A Pair Of Paintings
Wall Decor: Supreme Freelancer Award
New Clothing
Freelancers tend to want comfy, but professional outfits. We’ve got them covered with the following new pieces of clothing.
A cable knit cardigan outfit
A sweater and skirt outfit
A layered sweater
A pair of flats
A collared sweater
A button up shirt
A crewneck sweater
A pair of drawstring pants
In collaboration with Moschino, your Sims can now enjoy an item from the Moschino X The Sims Capsule Collection. The new Freezer Bunny hoodie can be found in the Create a Sim catalog.
Immaculate White Shelf
I could have buried this down in the Fixes & Updates section, but�� it’s kind of a big deal. There’s now a plain white version of “The Immaculate” shelf available in Buy Mode!
[Note to self: Sue seemed super excited about this. It sure seems like something we should do more of… – SimGuruGraham]
The Sims 4
Sims will travel to the correct venue when invited out to an event by a NPC Sim.
Fixed an issue where the UI would occasionally indicate that a Sim was at work, when they were actually at home, which would block access to the Sim’s inventory.
Sims will no longer receive random phone calls from other Sims between the hours of 8pm and 10am, allowing them to enjoy a full – and speedy – night’s sleep.
Fixed an issue where multiple music tracks could end up looping and playing simultaneously.
Expecting parents will once again be able to “Take Family Leave” via their phone to take time off from work.
Fixed an issue where a Sim who had cheated with another Sim romantically, were then unable to successfully propose to that Sim and get married.
Fixed an issue where Sims in the eSport Gamer branch of the Tech Guru career were not earning money when programming video games.
The Pick Up Serving Together interaction will no longer cause one of the Sims involved to fail to route to the food.
Fixed an issue where interactions on the Digitalistic Sketchpad object would disappear if a Sim’s actions were canceled while they were picking up the Digitalistic Sketchpad.
Updated the Digitalistic Sketchpad object so that creating paintings on it will satisfy Aspiration goals and work tasks that involve painting.
Fixed an issue with the Lin-Z Smart Speaker, where the interaction to hire a Gardener would remain unselectable, even when the home had a garden that needed tending.
Sims will now look at the Lin-Z Smart Speaker when speaking to it.
The “Pre-Owned Painter’s Easel”, that’s unlocked via the Painter career, will now provide an Inspirational emotional aura, instead of a Focused emotional aura.
Fixed an issue where staircases were not rendering properly while held by a mouse cursor.
Updated positioning of overlapping Search & Reset buttons in a player’s catalog within the Gallery.
Adjusted icons of Lunar New Year recipes to better display what food you’re looking at within an inventory.
The children’s Yin & Yang Necklace will no longer clip into their neck when wearing a shirt that’s tucked in.
The “CleanRoom” wall pattern, which was previously missing a name for its 5th color variant, has now had that specific color variant named “Like Sand”.
Added the ability to click through different pack art on the main menu for any of the packs you currently have installed.
A new content alert icon has been added to individual careers within the Select a Career panel, to help players find new careers that have been added to their game.
Note: If a save file created prior to this update contains a Sim that’s already in this bad state, simply traveling to another lot with that Sim will permanently fix this issue.
As far as I’m aware, this is the only instance in the game where a color variant has been given a unique name. Huh… neat!
Fixed an issue for Mac users with Intel integrated graphics, where the mouse cursor would not move properly after adjusting the shape of a Sim’s body in Create a Sim.
Removed an outdated file that was causing a false error message to appear for 64-bit Mac users that said, “The Sims 4” is not optimized for your Mac and needs to be updated.”
Get To Work
Scientists will once again wear an appropriate outfit when going to work even if StrangerVille is not installed.
The “Chemical Analyzer” object can now be purchased from Build Mode without having to use a cheat.
Fixed an issue where selecting the Randomize from Gallery option until receiving an alien Sim, and then further randomizing that specific Sim, could result in a naked alien Sim.
Made updates to the list of valid objects that can be selected as the outcome of the SimRay’s “Transform Object” interaction.
City Living
Fixed an issue where objects from multiple festivals were appearing on top of each other in the neighborhood simultaneously.
Apartment landlords will now leave the apartment immediately after addressing a tenant’s complaint.
Added the ability for Sims with the Vegetarian trait to hire a Vegetarian Caterer by clicking on Stoves or Refrigerators.
Vegetarian Sims will no longer enjoy eating Mud Carp.
Cats & Dogs
After installing this update, Sims who adopt an animal after befriending them will be able to become companions with them and lecture them for misbehavior.
Fixed an issue where hungry pets would not eat from food bowls autonomously.
The pet toy box will no longer have its position rotated in a random direction when a Sim returns home from an active career.
Fixed an issue where the “Litter-Matic Scoop-Free” litterbox wasn’t looking clean after cat poop had been removed.
Fixed an issue with the Pet Adoption Agency, where they would occasionally show up at a Sim’s home without any pets to adopt, and would simply stand at the home’s front door and not do anything.
Note: Sims who have already adopted an animal after befriending them, in a save file created prior to this update, will continue to experience this issue. We’re investigating a separate fix for this issue in existing save files.
We’ve placed the magic gnomes responsible for this in the naughty box alongside SimGuruNinja.
Updated the Gardening career so that Sims will earn more than 10 Simoleons per completed work shift.
Fixed an issue where on days where no holiday was set to occur, a Sim’s work schedule would update to falsely indicate that the day was a Holiday just prior to going to work, causing the Sim to stay home for the day.
Fixed an issue where NPC Sims were not autonomously using the skating rinks that appear in certain neighborhoods.
Toddlers will no longer attempt to queue up behavior to “Run Inside” during bad weather conditions if they’re already inside.
Fixed an issue where Sims voices could not be heard when Singing Together around a Holiday Tree if City Living was not installed.
Get Famous
The Acting career task to “Get Into Hair and Makeup” can be successfully completed once again.
Fixed an issue where celebrity Sims who had been set to use their normal walkstyle were switching back to using the celebrity walkstyle after traveling to certain types of venues.
Three star celebrity Sims will no longer use the celebrity walkstyle.
Dine Out
Players who have City Living installed can now add the Siopao and Ensaymada dishes to their restaurant’s menu. Yum!
Vampire Sims created after installing this update will be able to continue to gain points after reaching the rank of Grand Master.
Fixed some circumstances where Vampire NPCs could appear at a venue and prevent the player from being able to save the game.
Fixed an issue where NPC Vampires would have their Vampire Energy drained after completing a load, which was causing them to idle in place instead of performing their expected autonomous behavior.
Note: Vampires that already exist will continue to experience a problem with gaining points after reaching Grand Master. We’re investigating a separate fix for Vampires in existing save files.
Fixed an issue where Sims that had been shared to the Gallery after completing Act 1 of the StrangerVille Mystery would be blocked from progressing in the mystery when downloaded from the Gallery into a new game.
The following environment objects, which were created for StrangerVille, have been added to the Build Mode debug catalog to allow placement on lots. Players must enter the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat before they can be seen in the catalog.
Added proper images to the Officer and Covert Operator branches of the Military career.
Removed the “Question about Spores in Lab” interaction for Sims who have already acquired the Modified Hazmat Suit.
Removed the “Heart of the Pack” styled look from Create a Sim, as it was authored using clothing that’s only available to Sims that have joined the Military career.
Updated the pack information panel on the main menu to not display world objects under the Build Mode Items.
10 different cacti
3 different Joshua trees
3 different RVs
2 clusters of rocks
2 junked cars
A group of desert flowers
A military truck
A tire
A parking stop
My First Pet Stuff
Fixed an issue where deleting/selling the rodent habitat could cause the game to become unresponsive.
Holiday Celebration Pack
The Crown Roast platter will now show a partially eaten state when half of its servings have been taken.
I’d like to adjust the wording here, as this issue was not specific to stray pets and there may be confusion. The bug was happening if you became Friends with the pet before using the Adopt interaction. You HAVE to become Friends for Adopt to become available on a stray, but some users were encountering this by petting their computer-adopted pet a bunch of times before hitting Adopt.
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thesims4blogger · 6 years ago
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (April 16th, 2019)
There’s a new Sims 4 PC update available via Origin!
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game!
UPDATE: 4/16/2019 – PC / Mac
Happy April, Simmers. Nice to meet you! Maxis hired me as a freelance writer to work on these game update notes. (Side note — if you find a problem, blame SimGuruGraham — he’s my editor.) In all honesty, it’s a pretty sweet gig. I got to see the new Expansion Pack, Game Pack, and Stuff Pack that the team is working on, and did you know that they bring in bagels on Fridays? But hey, enough about me. Being a freelancer, I’ll be gone again before you know it.
Anyway, funny coincidence; there’s actually a brand-new Freelancer career arriving in this update that’s free for all players. I was playing around with it earlier, and go figure… my Sim self earns more money as a freelance writer than I do! Geez; guess I’ll have to live out my fantasies of getting rich through The Sims again. Looking beyond the new, free features though, I’ve got to say… those SimGurus really knocked it out of the park with this one. Just look at all those lovely fixes to many of the top discussed community issues!
Well, let’s get to it, shall we? Here’s everything you’ll find in this April update. Have fun!
Yours truly, Sue D. Nym Freelance Writer Extraordinaire
Freelancer Career
Freelancer is a brand-new type of career. Sims can choose to be a Freelance Artist, Programmer, or Writer, and will work through an agency that will connect them with a variety of gigs. Unlike other careers, there’s no defined work schedule to worry yourself over. Need some extra Simoleons? Smash through a few gigs in a single day and get paid! Need some time off? No problem – plenty of gigs will be waiting for you when you’re ready to get back to work. Your office is wherever you want it to be. Perhaps a quiet corner in the local library, or maybe you’d prefer a home office decked out in the new set of office furniture? You’re your own boss, so the choice is yours! Completion of gigs across the different agencies will lead to a variety of rewards, and ever-increasing pay. Really, it’s the best Sims career Maxis has ever made. [Sue, please… remove this. No editorializing. – SimGuruGraham]
New Objects
This free set of home office furniture and decor is ideal for your burgeoning Freelancer Sims!
Bookcase: Edgier LadderCase
Desk: Anglette Desk
Desk Chair: The Professional
End Table: A Cute Anglette
Decor: Not So Simple Pen Holder
Decor: Hand Reference Model
Decor: Robo, The Friendly Circuitry Kit
Decor: The Note Book
Laptop: FreeRoam Portable Computing Device
Wall Decor: Better As A Pair Of Paintings
Wall Decor: Supreme Freelancer Award
New Clothing
Freelancers tend to want comfy, but professional outfits. We’ve got them covered with the following new pieces of clothing.
A cable knit cardigan outfit
A sweater and skirt outfit
A layered sweater
A pair of flats
A collared sweater
A button up shirt
A crewneck sweater
A pair of drawstring pants
In collaboration with Moschino, your Sims can now enjoy an item from the Moschino X The Sims Capsule Collection. The new Freezer Bunny hoodie can be found in the Create a Sim catalog.
Immaculate White Shelf
I could have buried this down in the Fixes & Updates section, but… it’s kind of a big deal. There’s now a plain white version of “The Immaculate” shelf available in Buy Mode!
[Note to self: Sue seemed super excited about this. It sure seems like something we should do more of… – SimGuruGraham]
The Sims 4
Sims will travel to the correct venue when invited out to an event by a NPC Sim.
Fixed an issue where the UI would occasionally indicate that a Sim was at work, when they were actually at home, which would block access to the Sim’s inventory.
Sims will no longer receive random phone calls from other Sims between the hours of 8pm and 10am, allowing them to enjoy a full – and speedy – night’s sleep.
Fixed an issue where multiple music tracks could end up looping and playing simultaneously.
Expecting parents will once again be able to “Take Family Leave” via their phone to take time off from work.
Fixed an issue where a Sim who had cheated with another Sim romantically, were then unable to successfully propose to that Sim and get married.
Fixed an issue where Sims in the eSport Gamer branch of the Tech Guru career were not earning money when programming video games.
The Pick Up Serving Together interaction will no longer cause one of the Sims involved to fail to route to the food.
Fixed an issue where interactions on the Digitalistic Sketchpad object would disappear if a Sim’s actions were canceled while they were picking up the Digitalistic Sketchpad.
Updated the Digitalistic Sketchpad object so that creating paintings on it will satisfy Aspiration goals and work tasks that involve painting.
Fixed an issue with the Lin-Z Smart Speaker, where the interaction to hire a Gardener would remain unselectable, even when the home had a garden that needed tending.
Sims will now look at the Lin-Z Smart Speaker when speaking to it.
The “Pre-Owned Painter’s Easel”, that’s unlocked via the Painter career, will now provide an Inspirational emotional aura, instead of a Focused emotional aura.
Fixed an issue where staircases were not rendering properly while held by a mouse cursor.
Updated positioning of overlapping Search & Reset buttons in a player’s catalog within the Gallery.
Adjusted icons of Lunar New Year recipes to better display what food you’re looking at within an inventory.
The children’s Yin & Yang Necklace will no longer clip into their neck when wearing a shirt that’s tucked in.
The “CleanRoom” wall pattern, which was previously missing a name for its 5th color variant, has now had that specific color variant named “Like Sand”.
Added the ability to click through different pack art on the main menu for any of the packs you currently have installed.
A new content alert icon has been added to individual careers within the Select a Career panel, to help players find new careers that have been added to their game.
Note: If a save file created prior to this update contains a Sim that’s already in this bad state, simply traveling to another lot with that Sim will permanently fix this issue.
As far as I’m aware, this is the only instance in the game where a color variant has been given a unique name. Huh… neat!
Fixed an issue for Mac users with Intel integrated graphics, where the mouse cursor would not move properly after adjusting the shape of a Sim’s body in Create a Sim.
Removed an outdated file that was causing a false error message to appear for 64-bit Mac users that said, “The Sims 4” is not optimized for your Mac and needs to be updated.”
Get To Work
Scientists will once again wear an appropriate outfit when going to work even if StrangerVille is not installed.
The “Chemical Analyzer” object can now be purchased from Build Mode without having to use a cheat.
Fixed an issue where selecting the Randomize from Gallery option until receiving an alien Sim, and then further randomizing that specific Sim, could result in a naked alien Sim.
Made updates to the list of valid objects that can be selected as the outcome of the SimRay’s “Transform Object” interaction.
City Living
Fixed an issue where objects from multiple festivals were appearing on top of each other in the neighborhood simultaneously.
Apartment landlords will now leave the apartment immediately after addressing a tenant’s complaint.
Added the ability for Sims with the Vegetarian trait to hire a Vegetarian Caterer by clicking on Stoves or Refrigerators.
Vegetarian Sims will no longer enjoy eating Mud Carp.
Cats & Dogs
After installing this update, Sims who adopt an animal after befriending them will be able to become companions with them and lecture them for misbehavior.
Fixed an issue where hungry pets would not eat from food bowls autonomously.
The pet toy box will no longer have its position rotated in a random direction when a Sim returns home from an active career.
Fixed an issue where the “Litter-Matic Scoop-Free” litterbox wasn’t looking clean after cat poop had been removed.
Fixed an issue with the Pet Adoption Agency, where they would occasionally show up at a Sim’s home without any pets to adopt, and would simply stand at the home’s front door and not do anything.
Note: Sims who have already adopted an animal after befriending them, in a save file created prior to this update, will continue to experience this issue. We’re investigating a separate fix for this issue in existing save files.
We’ve placed the magic gnomes responsible for this in the naughty box alongside SimGuruNinja.
Updated the Gardening career so that Sims will earn more than 10 Simoleons per completed work shift.
Fixed an issue where on days where no holiday was set to occur, a Sim’s work schedule would update to falsely indicate that the day was a Holiday just prior to going to work, causing the Sim to stay home for the day.
Fixed an issue where NPC Sims were not autonomously using the skating rinks that appear in certain neighborhoods.
Toddlers will no longer attempt to queue up behavior to “Run Inside” during bad weather conditions if they’re already inside.
Fixed an issue where Sims voices could not be heard when Singing Together around a Holiday Tree if City Living was not installed.
Get Famous
The Acting career task to “Get Into Hair and Makeup” can be successfully completed once again.
Fixed an issue where celebrity Sims who had been set to use their normal walkstyle were switching back to using the celebrity walkstyle after traveling to certain types of venues.
Three star celebrity Sims will no longer use the celebrity walkstyle.
Dine Out
Players who have City Living installed can now add the Siopao and Ensaymada dishes to their restaurant’s menu. Yum!
Vampire Sims created after installing this update will be able to continue to gain points after reaching the rank of Grand Master.
Fixed some circumstances where Vampire NPCs could appear at a venue and prevent the player from being able to save the game.
Fixed an issue where NPC Vampires would have their Vampire Energy drained after completing a load, which was causing them to idle in place instead of performing their expected autonomous behavior.
Note: Vampires that already exist will continue to experience a problem with gaining points after reaching Grand Master. We’re investigating a separate fix for Vampires in existing save files.
Fixed an issue where Sims that had been shared to the Gallery after completing Act 1 of the StrangerVille Mystery would be blocked from progressing in the mystery when downloaded from the Gallery into a new game.
The following environment objects, which were created for StrangerVille, have been added to the Build Mode debug catalog to allow placement on lots. Players must enter the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat before they can be seen in the catalog.
Added proper images to the Officer and Covert Operator branches of the Military career.
Removed the “Question about Spores in Lab” interaction for Sims who have already acquired the Modified Hazmat Suit.
Removed the “Heart of the Pack” styled look from Create a Sim, as it was authored using clothing that’s only available to Sims that have joined the Military career.
Updated the pack information panel on the main menu to not display world objects under the Build Mode Items.
10 different cacti
3 different Joshua trees
3 different RVs
2 clusters of rocks
2 junked cars
A group of desert flowers
A military truck
A tire
A parking stop
My First Pet Stuff
Fixed an issue where deleting/selling the rodent habitat could cause the game to become unresponsive.
Holiday Celebration Pack
The Crown Roast platter will now show a partially eaten state when half of its servings have been taken.
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loadscript696 · 4 years ago
Nordvpn Mac Not Connecting
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I just downloaded the Nord VPN app from the App store (designed to set up an IKEv2 connection), but when I open it and try to connect, the following dialog box keeps popping up and it keeps coming back no matter what I enter into it:
Apr 21, 2020 Fixes for NordVPN Not Connecting Connect to Another Server You can try connecting NordVPN to a few different servers. If it cannot connect to any, use this app on a different device like your phone. With NordVPN smart DNS, you can easily connect Apple TV to websites and servers using the server in a different location. On top of that, using a NordVPN DNS proxy for Apple TV will not cause you to have connectivity issues and low speeds.
If you're using the OpenVPN or NordVPN platform for accessing the Internet securely, you may have noticed that the Office 365 product (Outlook, Word, Excel, One Note, etc.) have reported that they do not have an internet connection ('NO INTERNET CONNECTION'). Launch NordVPN and connect to any server of your choice, preferably one that can unblock the streaming content you want to access on your Apple TV. Then, connect your Apple TV to this virtual hotspot network and to share NordVPN’s connection with the Apple TV. Set up NordVPN on Apple.
As a result, the IKEv2 NordVPN app from the App store will not connect. I managed to download and begin using the OpenVPN version of the Nord app, but I would like to know what the problem is with the IKEv2 version of the app. I'm running El Capitan on a 2015 Macbook Pro. Anyone else had this sort of problem?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch,Early 2015)
Posted on
Need a VPN or DNS for your device? Then, subscribe to
Fixing NordVPN connection issue might arise as a result of different reasons. We all know that NordVPN is one of the leading VPNs in the industry. So the tendency of having issues with connecting to the server is common and sometimes high. Though, if you have been battling with how to fix NordVPN connection problems, you landed yourself on the right place to get the right info.
NordVPN is a highly rated VPN provider for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS platforms. Connecting to that VPN server is usually straightforward enough, but some NordVPN users might still need to fix connectivity issues.
NordVPN not connecting can be due to conflicting software, corrupted adapters, misconfigured network configurations and more besides.
How to Fix NordVPN Connection Problems
Depending on your devices, here is the list of steps you need to take if you are having difficulties in connecting to the server.
iOS Fix
The process is simplicity itself, you don’t need any specialist here. Is what you can do in a few minutes on your own. Here are the steps:
Step 1 > Delete the NordVPN app, in the actual sense you are to uninstall the app from your device.
Step 2 > Restart the device
Step 3 > Reinstall the app, please download from NordVPN offical website.
Step 4 > Enjoy
You see, these steps are simple and easy to follow, on the iOS devices you had fix NordVPN connection problems.
DON’T MISS IT: NordVPN has a great 66% discount on the 2-year plan, costing you just $3.99/month. It also backs all of its plans with a 30-day money back guarantee.
Fix NordVPN Connection Problems on MacOS
If you have any issues connecting to the internet with NordVPN on any Mac OS device, then try the following:
> You need to install the OpenVPN app version directly from the official website
> Do uninstall the IKE version before installing the new one
> Try using the obfuscated servers or the TCP protocol
Most times, the Canadian servers will work better than all the others. As for this, you need to team up with NordVPN support team to take up from you.
Fix NordVPN Connecting Issues on Linux Fix
In order to avoid any sort of issues when running NordVPN from a Linux device, just follow the next steps:
Step 1 > First of all, open the terminal by pressing (Ctrl+Alt+T)
F1a8. Step 2 > Install the OpenVPN client by entering “sudo apt-get install openvpn”. If you are asked for a password, insert the one you used when setting up your account
Nordvpn Mac Not Connecting Wifi
Step 3 > Go to the OpenVPN directory with this command “cd/etc/openvpn”
Step 4 > Now download the OpenVPN configuration files with the command “sudo wget https://downloads.nordcdn.com/configs/archives/servers/ovpn.zip”
Step 5 > Extract the “config.zip” with the command “sudo unzip ovpn.zip”
Step 6 > Enter the directory where the server configurations are placed
Step 7 > If you want a full list of the server coverage, input the following command “Is -al”
Step 8 > Just choose the server that you want to connect to
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Step 9 > Start OpenVPN with the command “sudo openvpn (file name)”, where the file name is the chosen configuration
Step 10 > You will be asked for credentials, so insert those when necessary
Step 11 > You are now fully connected to NordVPN. If you want to disconnect, just boot up the terminal and press Ctrl+C.
DON’T MISS IT: NordVPN has a great 66% discount on the 2-year plan, costing you just $3.99/month. It also backs all of its plans with a 30-day money back guarantee.
Fix NordVPN Connection Problems on Windows 7
Before we move to some basic tips on how to fix NordVPN connection issues on Windows 7. Let quickly look at what we gathered from NordVPN official website.
> Log out of your account and log back in. After that, initiate a new connection and see if there is any change
> You should try connecting to the same network with a different device. This will help locate the source of the problem. Either it has something to do with the network or it’s the device malfunctioning.
> Try switching from TCP to UDP, changing the protocols to check if it changes anything
> Uninstall the application, reboot your device, and try installing it again. Try connecting to the network again.
> It could be that one of the servers is out of order so try connecting to other servers as well to see if it’s a local or a general issue
> For PC users, try disabling your firewall or antivirus. Many times, it’s the underlying protective protocols of these apps that interfere with the VPN network.
With regard to Windows 7 users being unable to connect to NordVPN, Reddit contains a few fixes that are likely to help.
1 > Try changing your account password and then log back in. Apparently, this is all that needs to be done in order to get over this stuttering with the connectivity. Or it could be that you changed your password frequently and the system is glitching, failing to recognize your identity. Again, just log out and sign back in. Ideally, it should solve everything.
2 > Some users have said that the IPv6 protocol was at fault. With it enabled, it was incredibly hard to connect to any server, let alone surf the internet or stream media. However, while this worked for some people, many more complained that it was actually no difference whatsoever when they turned off IPv6.
3 > In this case, try reinstalling the application and follow the instructions on the NordVPN website:
Step 1 > After downloading the installation package, open it
Step 2 > Click install on the first screen
Step 3 > The installation progress will begin, once finished, the application will automatically start
Step 4 > Provide your login details and click on the Login button
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Nordvpn Mac Not Connecting Iphone
Step 5 > The main screen will appear. You can see the server list and the map, navigate through the settings and access the server search feature on the top of the application.
Step 6 > On the bottom, you can find the Quick Connect button. This will find the optimal server for you using certain parameters and calculations.
Step 7 > To connect to a certain server in a specific country, click on the country pin on the map. After a successful connection, the app can be found in the system tray area at the bottom right corner of the screen.
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DON’T MISS IT: NordVPN has a great 66% discount on the 2-year plan, costing you just $3.99/month. It also backs all of its plans with a 30-day money back guarantee.
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foxpin51 · 4 years ago
Speed Test Open
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Find out the open source way, with fio. The actual workload of a typical disk doesn't look like that—and that 'simple speed test' doesn't reproduce a lot of the bottlenecks that slow down. This open-source Windows application tests your download speed on a set interval and logs the test results to a CSV text file. The logger also monitors service interruptions (PC offline/online) and IP address changes. Here are your options: Download the Speed Test Loggger (Only 1.7 MB, runs on Windows 7, 8, 10 and so on.).
Join Transform 2021 this July 12-16. Register for the AI event of the year.
Comcast, the largest U.S. provider of gigabit broadband Internet services, has demonstrated internet speeds greater than 4 gigabits per second (Gbps) in both directions over a cable network.
The test was conducted on Broadcom’s full duplex DOCSIS 4.0 chip, which will support future multigigabit upload and download speeds. By full duplex, it means that the upstream speed is the same as the downstream speed. Normally, most people can get access to a gigabit per second download speeds, but uploading crawls at maybe 20 megabits per second.
The test is part of Comcast’s long-term plan to reach 10G, or 10 gigabits a second full duplex, over its hybrid-fiber coaxial (HFC) network. The HFC network uses the blazing fast fiber-optic network technology as well as coaxial cables that come into our homes.
https://foxpin51.tumblr.com/post/653552030638587904/att-speed-test-ookla. Supported by the research arm of the cable industry, Cable Labs, Comcast is creating its 10G Platform as a multi-year, global technology initiative that will dramatically increase speed and capacity over HFC networks. During the pandemic, this kind of internet speed is critical, as Comcast saw its traffic rise 32% in 2020.
Behind the trial
Above: Comcast has been laying a lot of cable.
This trial begins to lay the groundwork for network operators like Comcast to deliver multigigabit download and upload speeds over connections that are already installed in hundreds of millions of homes worldwide. Cable operators in the U.S. have already installed networks that pass 85 percent of U.S. homes.
The Broadcom chip is expected to become the world’s first production silicon to be developed using the DOCSIS 4.0 Full Duplex standard, which represents an evolutionary leap forward in the ability to deliver ultra-fast speeds over HFC networks. One of the most important breakthroughs in the DOCSIS 4.0 standard is the ability to use network spectrum more efficiently, allowing operators to dramatically increase upstream speeds without sacrificing downstream spectrum to do so, Comcast said.
A key advantage of DOCSIS 4.0 Full Duplex is that it establishes a foundation for operators to deliver multigigabit speeds over their existing networks to the connections already in hundreds of millions of homes around the world, without the need for massive digging and construction projects.
Comcast technologists in Philadelphia and Denver conducted the test by installing the Broadcom SOC in a simulated network environment to track the performance of its Full Duplex DOCSIS features (including echo cancellation and overlapping spectrum) that combine to support substantial improvements in network throughput. In the test environment, the research team demonstrated the ability of the system-on-chip (SoC) to deliver upstream and downstream throughputs of greater than 4 gigabits per second (Gbps). Future optimization is expected to drive even greater capacity.
Comcast’s vision
Above: Inside Comcast’s CTC in Philadelphia.
Elad Nafshi, the senior vice president of next generation access networks at Comcast Cable, said in an email to GamesBeat that the performance of the Broadcom chip exceeded expectations. He said the SoC was built by Broadcom, and the test was designed and executed by Comcast network engineers in Philadelphia and Denver, with the support of technology partners at Broadcom.
“More broadly speaking, the developments we’re seeing today on 10G are the result of global collaboration between operators, technology makers and standards bodies,” Nafshi said.
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Last October, Comcast technologists were able to deliver 1.25 gig symmetrical speeds over a live, all-digital network by leveraging advances in Distributed Access Architecture, Remote PHY digital nodes, and a cloud-based virtualized cable modem termination system platform (vCMTS).
Even as Comcast works to test and deploy Full Duplex DOCSIS to enable multigigabit upload and download speeds in the future, the company is leveraging the technologies from the October trial, along with DOCSIS 3.1 in the upstream, to increase speed and capacity in the near term. In my area, I can pay for a gigabit downstream connection.
“Comcast has been working to develop the technologies that power 10G since well before it was formally introduced in January 2019,” he said. “(We) played a key role, along with industry partners, in developing the DOCSIS 4.0 Full Duplex standard. The lab test itself was the result of several weeks of construction, preparation and design by Comcast network engineers in Philadelphia and Denver.”
He added, “We don’t have any news to share at this point about new product and service offerings, but we’ve been excited and impressed by the pace of innovation with technologies like distributed access architecture, virtualization and DOCSIS 4.0. We’re very confident that the mix of speeds we make available today are more than fast enough to meet and exceed our customers current needs. We’re continuing to move forward with testing and development of this technology, because we know the future will bring even greater demand, and we want to be ready for whatever comes.”
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How to Test Your Internet Speeds
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Testing your internet or WiFi speeds is just a button click away, but before you do there are a few steps to keep in mind to ensure you get the best possible results.
Use a Wired Connection
Sieve tube elements. A wired connection will always provide the fastest speed and best Internet experience. When performing the speed test be sure to connect your computer to your modem using an Ethernet cable:
Connect the Ethernet cable from the back of the modem to the open Ethernet port on your computer.
Connect the power cord from the back of the modem to an electrical outlet.
Check the modem and router lights to confirm they have power, and are connected to the network and your computer.
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Remember that every Ethernet cable has a speed limit. Some cables only support speeds up to 10 Mbps, which is slower than most RCN Internet speed packages. Make sure your Ethernet cable can support the speed you’ve signed up for. If not, you’ll need one that will.
Turn off Unused Connected Devices
Be sure to turn off unused devices including laptops, tablets, phones, gaming systems, or other smart home devices. Multiple devices connected to your home network may result in slower internet and WiFi speeds. This is because devices divide bandwidth like a pie, with each device taking the portion it needs at the time of use resulting in slower speeds.
Speed Test Openreach
Close all Applications and Programs
Smart Speed
Applications or programs running in the background, even when not in use, may be using your internet connection. It is recommended that these programs be closed until after the speed test is completed. Snagit tool windows 10.
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recentanimenews · 5 years ago
INTERVIEW: Keeping English Dubbing Alive In The Wake Of COVID-19
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  With the state of emergency affecting the rate of production in Japan, the anime industry has taken steps to become operational once again, but under new safety guidelines. Part of those safety guidelines includes changing the setup for voice recordings. In Japan, voice actors will typically work in groups where they will all record an episode in the studio together, but that's not really an option right now in a COVID-19 world. Instead, Japanese voice actors have had to downsize when it comes to voice recordings, and are now recording multiple episodes one actor at a time. While this is a big change for the dubbing industry in Japan that will require some time to adjust to, this method of recording is actually the standard in the States. So, if Japanese voice actors are adjusting to the way English voice actors record anime, then how are English voice actors recording during the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer is ... remotely.
  Adapting To Remote Recordings
  At the time this article is written, other countries have slowly begun to open back up, however, some businesses and industries in the U.S. remain closed. Businesses like the dubbing industry have had to adapt to different methods in order to continue to operate. When it came time to conduct remote voiceover sessions, some voice actors found themselves ready — or at least somewhat ready. Like voice actress Faye Mata (Konosuba, The Rising of the Shield Hero). "I wasn't super prepared, but I had looked into recording remotely before we were all forced into that hikikomori (shut-in) life so I had a general idea of what I'd need. I guess it gave me a reason to finally take the leap." 
  Other voice actors, on the other hand, weren't as prepared for work-from-home life, as was the case for voice actress Laura Stahl (Welcome To Demon School Irumi-Kun, The Promised Neverland). "Oh, I was soooo not prepared!" says Stahl. "At the time I was working off of an 'all-in-one' monitor/computer, auditioning with a very basic USB mic. I had never had a remote record session before. Not to mention I didn't have the chance to go home and work on changing that situation for over a month into lockdown. I was staying with a friend for a little while. The whole thing was anxiety-inducing."
  Having to quickly adapt to the new workflow didn't just mean recording from home. It also meant voice actors having to create an environment in their living space that is optimal for voice overwork. Voice actor Chris Hackney, (Tower of God, Fire Emblem: Three Houses) explains, "When we had to stop going into studios, it was a mad dash to try and get a decent enough acoustic setup in my home so that I could hopefully be up to an acceptable standard to the studios."
Voice actors have the tough challenge of creating a space that could produce audio equivalent to that of audio produced in a sound studio. Depending on space and funds, for some actors that meant building/investing in a recording booth, for others, it meant soundproofing a space in their homes, such as closets! Voice actor Robbie Daymond, (Sailor Moon, The God of High School) took to Twitter to show fans a handcrafted recording booth complete with custom framework and ventilation system. 
  — Robbie Daymond (@robbiedaymond) August 10, 2020
  Mata explains, "I went through a breakup just before lockdown and went into full work mode, buying and upgrading my home studio and a streaming setup because I was determined to stay positive and be successful rather than stew in sad panda mode." In a YouTube video, Mata takes fans on a virtual tour of Porygon-Q, a prebuilt Studiobricks One Plus booth. "I used to record in my closet," says Mata. "But realizing how long we'd be out of studios, I didn't want to gamble anymore on neighbors taking random showers at like 4 PM (those SHHHHH water sounds are brutal). Also, I don't want them to think I'm murdering people all the time. My roommate has received texts from the neighbors asking if everything's alright because they heard screeching and yelling." Porygon-Q is equipped with various microphones for animation, video games, and commercials, "[Thick] squishy pads people stand on while washing dishes that genius moms probably invented so I don't get tired standing during long sessions, and a scented unlit candle so it always smells nice," explains Mata. 
    As previously mentioned, due to each actor's unique circumstance, every setup is different. "My recording space is in my bedroom," says Stahl. "I have a solid-state mini gaming pc mounted to the wall behind my desk, two monitors for ease of dubbing, carpets on the floor and foam on the ceiling to dampen noise — and I suppose the most unique thing about my space is that I ran a track in a U shape on my ceiling around my desk and hung sound blankets from them." This home studio sounds pretty original, and Stahl had a lot to think of when creating her space. "I considered using my closet, but it's not very large and would've been cramped and uncomfortable, which is a distraction for acting. I didn't want to use the common areas for ease of living for my housemates, and I didn't have an [exorbitant] amount of money or time to spend on something like a true booth. This seemed the most [efficient], and cost-effective solution."
  Creating a home space conducive for voice recordings was the first part of the remote recording process for actors. The next step would be working with studios on what is needed to conduct smooth recording sessions. Dubbing studios like Funimation gave fans a sneak peek into how they conduct their remote recordings with the release of My Hero Academia Episode 84. In a Twitter post, ADR director Colleen Clinkenbeard describes Funimation's remote process where special dub kits were sent to the cast. She also shows fans an iPad with the software to be used for the session which Clinkenbeard describes as a "mini little Pro Tools." When it comes time to actually record from home, "It gets easier the more you work with each production house," says Stahl. "They [studios] do each have their own particular way they want to do things — and the first session with a client since lockdown began is always a little nerve-wracking. Then you start to get into the groove of how you need to prepare for each session depending on who you're working with that day."
  — Funimation (@FUNimation) April 10, 2020
  SDI Media, the studio who dubbed DEVILMAN Crybaby, discusses workflow and tips for voice actors when setting up their recording space in a recently published article. With each studio taking a different approach, Chris Hackney finds that "Most studios are using some combination of Zoom/Skype/Etc to talk to me while I record and then there's various professional methods to stream the high-quality audio back to the studio. A bad Internet connection means you could also blow a perfect take, so it's a lot to think of. The other weird thing is sort of doing my own engineering, where I'll have to think 'Oh, this line is going to get kind of loud,' so I may have to manually control that so we don't blow a take. It's a brave new world for us all, but I'm happy to make it work." We can only imagine the extra level of difficulty added to each recording session now that voice actors need to become more cognizant of not only their performance but the technical results. While this must be difficult for the VAs, it does make sense seeing as everyone involved in the production of dubbing has to go the extra mile to continue to operate — including the audio engineers. "Bless the engineers right now," Hackney says. "Because they have the Herculean task of making all of us sound like we recorded in the same space."
  The Challenges Of Remote Recordings
Maybe you used to think recording anime voice-overs from your home seemed like a dream. But now we know it doesn't come without its challenges. Studios are specifically designed for conducting smooth and efficient recordings blocking out any and all noise from the outside, but every actor's remote space presents its own obstacles that need to be worked through. Dangers to a solid recording session can be cars passing by, aircrafts traveling overhead, unexpected maintenance work, or lawnmowers, just to name a few. For Chris Hackney, it's "Trash day and my kids! Myself — and I know many others — just don't have the kind of money or space to build something top-of-the-line like at a studio, so we're at the mercy of whatever the world has to throw at us. Trash day? Gotta wait for them to leave or schedule around it. My kids play a little too loud? Blown take. Everyone's doing their best to make this work, and I'm thankful for the patience."
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    Remote recordings definitely present their fair share of challenges, but does working from home mean more work overall? "100 percent," says Mata. "As far as working in LA goes, eliminating the wait in traffic for two hours every session gave me more time in my day! ... to be even more of [a] workaholic." For others, the answer is a little more complicated because once again, every voice actor's situation is different. "Actually I try to limit how many sessions I put into a day, or at least space them out well because I share this living space," says Stahl. "I can't ask my roommates not to leave the house between the hours of 9-4 PM just because I live over the garage. Nor can I ask my roommate who works in the office by my room to whisper in all of his Zoom meetings and phone calls. And I don't want to leave my air conditioning off for 6-8 hours in August. I try to be [courteous] to my housemates."
  Is the Future of English Dubbing Remote?
With the prolonged closures, no one really knows when English dubbing will become fully operational at studios again. Because of the uncertainty surrounding the virus, and with actors and studios adjusting to this new way of dubbing, it begs the question if the dubbing industry will adopt remote recordings permanently. For Chris Hackney, the answer is, "Not at all. The current environment is a fine substitute for the time being, but having a studio full of talent and the creative team can't be beat."
But this doesn't mean all talent are anxious to get back in the studio. "I see a healthy mixture of both," says Mata. "Some people have been recording remotely for a long time. When the US gets its ship together and it's safe to record in the same studio again, that is honestly best for audio consistency as far as space + equipment goes ... but even then, it's possible to adapt." And Stahl? "I think it's going to be a mixture. I do think many projects will go back to in-person recording. But at the same time, the fact that many actors have improved their home setups for this situation widens the talent pool. If a show that's produced in LA really wants an actor who's living in Atlanta now — it's more feasible. Or perhaps, if there are some actors that wouldn't consider a supporting role because it may not be worth the commute from say the OC to Burbank to them — now maybe they can negotiate. Only time will tell."
  The COVID-19 virus has caused worry and disruption on a global scale. Many are unsure when things will return to normal, and even when they do, will businesses continue to operate under the safety guidelines implemented during the pandemic, or will they try to return to the same workflow as once before? As Stahl said, "Only time will tell." But until then, great job to all the voice actors, studio staff, and recording engineers who are working hard to keep bringing anime to the fans!
What are your thoughts on the English dubbing industry's remote recording process? Let us know in the comments!
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      To keep up with their work, you can follow Laura Stahl, Chris Hackney, and Faye Mata on social media. 
  Pro hero Veronica Valencia is an anime-loving hot sauce enthusiast! You can follow more of her work as a host, writer, and producer on Twitter and Instagram.
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: news+feed@crunchyroll.com
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ubercharge · 7 years ago
a friendly letter to my isp
i didn’t even know it was possible for you to be this shitty. i didn’t think it was technologically possible at this point. a couple of years ago, i didn’t have my computer hooked up with an ethernet cable. with the pc on the upper floor and the router downstairs, you can imagine this setup was far from optimal. and if you didn’t guess that, you’re a fucking idiot, because it was a godawful setup and you should fucking know that.
i remember the command prompt ping tests to google’s ip. i remember the jagged ends of each reply line as the ping spiked from double to triple digits. running the ping tests didn’t solve anything, it didn’t make the internet any better or more stable, but it helped to know whether it was my pc or the internet that was choking. here’s a hint: it was usually the fucking internet. why, you may ask? well i know my pc, even now, isn’t a god tier computer. and sometimes it has problems. but as painful as its bullshit has been, the suffering my pc has caused me is nothing in comparison with the crap you deign to call a ‘service’.
it’s in your fucking name! internet service provider! we pay you handfuls of cash a month to provide internet. and, ok, to be fair, this on-off garbage counts as providing internet, right? at least when it’s on. when the ping test replies aren’t a long, long stream of “Request timed out.”, and when, despite the ping replies, web pages and anything that requires internet to function actually works.
i’d gotten used to playing with 100+ or even 1000+ ping when i was into tf2. i also had <20fps a lot of the time, so the harder parts about gaming (the shittiness of pc + internet) weren’t entirely your fault, even when i was rubberbanding like a motherfucker and had absolutely no clue where i was going, and no hope of finding out until the ping calmed down just long enough for me to watch my character run off of a cliff or into a saw blade.
well, things were better after the ethernet cable. exponentially so. the wifi was still garbage, and you could tell when spikes were happening depending on how fast (or, more likely, slow) things were loading (or, more likely, not loading) on mobile. but at least i could play an online pc video game without rubberbanding from egypt to the goddamn dark side of the fucking moon. i would pull up the occasional pingtest, especially if things seemed to be loading slow or there were any suspicious connection issues, but things tended to settle down within a reasonable amount of time. sometimes the weather or other external factors were to blame. i could get work done online again, because, you know, some people need the internet to do their schoolwork and other work. i hope this doesn’t come as a surprise, and you aren’t just throttling my (household’s) connection to get your rocks off.
because, seriously, the past few days? they have been some real painful kick to the goddamn nuts. i mean, it got so bad that my dad had to tell me to run a speed test, and i had to say, i can’t, because i can’t load any webpages. and then he had to call you guys to ask 'hey what the fuck is the deal’. and then, after  a couple of router reboots and whatever, after 3 hours of bejewelled when i might’ve been able to be productive but couldn’t because i was too fucking pissed, the internet worked again. just not very well. and i know because first of all, the pingtest doesn’t lie; second of all, the friends whom i was gaming with told me, hey dave, you’re kinda cutting out; and thirdly, the game itself involved some rubberbanding (my old friend) and y’know, the little yellow symbol in the upper left side of the overwatch HUD that tells you ‘your connection is fucking shit, is your router a potato, you should definitely go check that out right now because i think your router might in fact be a rotting root vegetable and not a functioning piece of technology!’
but i dealt with it, because even if it took some pain, at least shit was working again. not all was lost. better than not having it work at all, right? well, that brings me to today, and to tonight in particular. look, i’ll keep it simple: shit isn’t loading. y’know what would be nice? for shit to load. i have work to do. yeah, you can see i’m not constantly getting work done, but when i do, i generally require the internet and its resources to both help me and to keep me fucking sane instead of having to ruminate on your asinine bullshit inability to do the aforementioned thing you’re supposed to do because that’s what we fucking pay you for - to provide the internet service. 
do you have any idea how many times i’ve tried to launch and log into overwatch? i’m not sure if you’re privy to that knowledge, but i can tell you with full confidence that i must’ve wasted 20 minutes. this isn’t even me trying to get into a match, because, shit, i can’t even get into the fucking game itself. i just wanted to check my inventory. and i’m using this as an example because if i were to start listing the other webpages i’ve been trying (and generally failing) to use, then we’d be here all fucking night.
it’s actually kind of amazing how terrible you are. because i’d experienced drastic connectivity issues in the past, i could kind of brush aside the other times you’ve fucked up over the past year or so, post-ethernet cable. i’m not the kind of person to contact customer support, and especially not to yell at customer support. i like tipping more than necessary at restaurants, trying to make retail workers’ lives a little less shitty when i am given the opportunity. you know, typical decent person things. but holy fucking shit i cannot express the furious desire that ravaged my mindscape upon having to deal with your bullshit yesterday and today, wanting to ring you guys up and, even though i’m not the head of household or person who pays for the internet service, fucking yell at the first unfortunate living soul to respond: how is it even possible for you to be this shitty what the fuck do you think we pay you for one of the things you’re supposed to do is not be this shitty how are you failing at providing the internet if i have to deal with this for another hour, another fucking hour of slogging through webpages that can’t fucking load, i will come over to your headquarters or office or whatever and yell at you in fucking person you have no idea what i’m capable of. and of course i also thought, amidst the admittedly all-encompassing haze of anger, well that wouldn’t be very fair to the poor worker taking my call, and it probably wouldn’t help to solve much, nor would it incentivize helping to figure out whatever the problem was. 
but fuck if it wouldn’t have been satisfying for a moment.
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terryowen-blog · 5 years ago
Life is Good – Episode Two with Ruth Dela Rama – Dizon
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What Makes A Smart Phone A Genius Phone?
So, what’s the difference between just being smart to being a genius?
There’s an immense variance between being really bright and being intellectually gifted. While geniuses do tend to be extraordinarily intelligent, they also use imagination and creativity to conceive, realize or envisage something unique. They blaze new trails instead of just trudging down the beaten path. For the genius, the ability to imagine new possibilities is as important as intelligence.
Great geniuses in world history are central to our advancements in science, technology and understanding. Without geniuses from Archimedes to Stephen Hawking, our understanding of mathematics, literature and music would be completely different. Concepts that we now take for granted, like gravity, planetary orbits and black holes, might still be undiscovered.
In the same way, the LG Optimus cell phone is a concept – a genius prototype of the way mobile phones will be built and used in the near future.
On The Cellular Level
The telephone is a good way to talk to people without having to offer them a drink. (Fran Lebowitz)
It’s a fact that form and function are significant factors when buying a cell phone but performance is the most decisive dynamic to be considered. Never forget that a cell phone is only as good as the calls it makes. Thus, even if your handset has the best attributes but can’t make or take a single decent quality call, it’s virtually useless. Even the snatchers in Quiapo and Arranque won’t spend a New York minute trying to filch your phone.
While it’s true that the strength of a carrier’s network is critical to making good calls, the strength of the phone’s antenna and receiver play a big part in performance as well. The fact is, you are buying a cell phone so it follows that at its very core, your handset should serve its one true purpose – call the guy at the other receiving end.
So, for form, function and performance, who you gonna call?
No — not The GBs – call the Optimus, and you’ll discover that it doesn’t scrimp on the most basic function of any cell phone.
If you know the name and if you know the number, you can spend all your unli time talking until your jaw hurts because the LG Optimus cell phone’s 1500 mAh Li-Ion battery can last for up to 400 hours of stand-by or up to 7 hours and 50 minutes of talk time. You don’t even have to lift a finger to do it – with built-in voice dialing, your command is the phone’s wish.
When the time comes when every one of your friends and family members eventually catch up with you in the 3G trend, you’ll be ready to make true video calls with the phone’s 1.3 MP secondary front-facing camera which you can use for high quality video chats.
Additionally, I like the text messaging service’s threaded view. I do most of my communication via SMS and having this feature in the Optimus lessens the confusion of piecing together an ongoing SMS conversation especially if you’re discussing various issues with several people.
Add a proximity sensor feature (so my phone knows if I’m nearby so it can rest and save energy while I’m away), an accelerometer and a gyroscope, and the LG Optimus becomes one handy BFF (best fone forever).
The Fast and The Nitrous
There’s a way to do it better – find it. Thomas A. Edison
The LG Optimus 2X uses NVIDIA’s Next Generation Tegra, the world’s first processor for the mobile web, specifically designed for the high-resolution needs of tablets.
According to the NVIDIA website, Tim Bajarin, President of Creative Strategies, Inc. said, “The new NVIDIA Tegra processor has a unique feature set critical for tablets — fast web browsing with fully rendered pages, uncompromised graphics, snappy user interface and HD video — all with the battery life we’ve only seen with cell phones.”
The key to the Tegra’s capabilities are eight independent processors, including the world’s first dual core CPU for mobile applications. These processors are used together or independently to optimize power usage at all times. With its ultra low-power design, Tegra delivers over 16 hours of HD video or 140 hours of music — on a single charge.
The Next Generation Tegra is a leap in mobile computing performance for the following reasons:
The world’s first Dual-core 1GHz ARM Cortex-A9 processor, ULP GeForce GPU, Tegra 2 chipset.
Eight independent processors that make short work of web browsing, HD video encode and decode and mobile 3D gaming.
10x faster than the processors used in smart phones today, and up to 4x the performance of the previous generation Tegra processor.
Advanced TSMC 40nm process with active power management.
The series emphasizes low power consumption and high performance for playing audio and video.
At a maximum CPU clock rate 1.2 GHz (dual-core), it’s just .6 GHz short of the dual core PC I’m using now, and my computer plays Crysis, Call of Duty – Modern Warfare, Red Alert 3, Starcraft 2, Oblivion, The SIMS 3 and Medieval 2 Total War. It’s not a new PC but it’s still quite fast pa rin, debba?
NVIDIA believes that the future of GPUs on smart phones is no different than the future of PC GPUs. As a result, the GeForce ULV GPU in NVIDIA’s Tegra 2 looks very similar to a desktop GPU — just a lot smaller, and a lot lower power. Or, in the other words, the only thing stopping NVIDIA from putting an Intel 7-like or an AMD Hexacore-similar processor in a cell phone like the LG Optimus is that a processor that powerful needs large amounts of power more than any mobile battery can provide.
Basically, the Tegra 2 processor was designed for a tablet PC. But the guys at LG wanted to give the Optimus more computing nitrous (The Fast and The Furious speak right there) so they basically put an F22 Raptor jet engine in a Mazda RX7. The result is a cell phone that runs in machs not in miles, if you get my drift — my Tokyo Drift.
Now, imagine that Tegra powering your cell phone. Like a mobile phone on nitrous, the LG Optimus excels at multi-tasking between applications and boosts superior web browsing performance. Start-up times of programs /apps and games are suddenly in turbo speed. Your phone will always be sober (alive, alert and enthusiastic) unlike other phones which are as hard to wake up as “pess droonk” English hooligans who’ve had too much Vino Kulafu after watching a Manchester United match.
A dual-core powered cell phone augmented with a 512 MB RAM means you can run multiple applications simultaneously without reducing everything to a grinding crawl. You can switch between applications while maintaining your MS Office Word document or your Excel spreadsheets. You can listen to Bruno Mars and still download files while playing X Men for Android OS – and still receive calls from your boss who asks about the progress of your report. Gaya nga ng sabi ni pareng Bruno, “It’s simply amazing.”
Sa medaling salita, my dream (and every workaholic’s dream for that matter) of having a a mobile phone that works hard (and plays hard) as you has finally been realized with the LG Optimus.
Mobile Life is Like A Bowl of Frozen Yogurt
Like most tablet PCs in the market today, the LG Optimus is driven by the Android 2.2 Froyo.
The Android OS is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. Google Inc. purchased the initial developer of the software, Android Inc., in 2005. Android’s mobile operating system is based on the Linux kernel. Google and other members of the Open Handset Alliance collaborated on Android’s development and release.
The Android Open Source Project is tasked with the maintenance and further development of Android. The Android operating system is the world’s best-selling Smartphone platform. Android has a large community of developers writing applications or apps that extend the functionality of the devices. There are currently over 200,000 apps available for Android.
The Android Market is the online app store run by Google, though apps can also be downloaded from third-party sites. Developers write primarily in the Java language, controlling the device via Google-developed Java libraries.
While I was in Divisoria to buy some Naruto and Gundam action figures, I visited Jeney Tan, my favorite tablet PC vendor at 168 Mall. She is all out for the Froyo. She explained to me every conceivable feature and advantage of the OS including the accelerometer which tilts everything you see when you hold the gadget in landscape or portrait mode.
Jeney even made bida about the Android 2.3 Gingerbread that should be in the market by now. Pre-loaded with Froyo, the LG Optimus is upgradable to Gingerbread. Adding my own flawed logic, I informed her that Gingerbread is a big leap from Froyo that when the cell phone’s display is held in portrait or landscape mode, it actually tilts the user in that orientation. She then looked me straight in the eye and said the words that I will never forget, “Ser, bebele ba kayo?”
Like a bowl of frozen yogurt during hot summer nights, Froyo (short for frozen yogurt) is a refreshing approach to using tablet PCs and high-end, high performance phones like the LG Optimus.
The Way It’s Meant To Be Played
Movies are a complicated collision of literature, theatre, music and all the visual arts. (Yahoo Serious)
Before I got the LG Optimus, I had one of those popular media players made by a US company named after a red or green fruit (and no, it’s not a berry). The video playback and quality was okay but among my long list of peeves was that it played a limited number of video formats if not just one which is MP4.
The video format is okay for my cell phone and my computer. But my other portable player has trouble playing MP4s and only plays Windows Media Video formats. So, I had to convert videos to MP4 for my portable media player and into WMV format for my family’s other video player and for movie / video archiving.
It’s in playing various video formats that the LG Optimus shows its true awesomeness. Because it plays and supports multiple video codecs (plus DivX / XviD video support), I don’t have to convert / encode my movies or videos over and over again for viewing and archiving. That saves me time. Precious time that I can waste playing Tekken.
Beyond video support, the Optimus wows us with its display.
I remember the first time I saw the Optimus at an LG outlet glass shelf, I was really amazed at the proportions — 34-22-32. Uh, okay, that was the vital statistics of the salesgirl who look liked Megan Fox. What struck me was that the screen seemed bigger than my touch phone. Asking Megan, I mean the salesgirl, I discovered that my other phone only had a 3.5-inch (diagonal) widescreen multi-touch display while the Optimus had a 4.0 inch display (all the better to see Megan Fox with).
The Optimus is equipped with a 16M-color capacitive IPS LCD touch-screen of WVGA resolution (480 x 800 pixels). It has a HDMI port which you can use for HDMI mirroring. Just connect it to a wider screen or an HD TV and experience the most vivid and life-like videos this side of Cybertron.
Because the phone is able to play in full HD through any monitor, you see every detail of Jennifer’s Body in astonishing clarity and sexiness.
I usually watch videos and movies over large monitors when I’m with my family. Most of the time though, I’m using the LG Optimus to catch up on the latest movies while waiting for the FX or the van at the terminal. The viewing experience is just as good as the big screen which can sometimes make you feel that your head is going to be eaten by a giant 3D piranha.
But the best place to watch is in bed – relaxed and alone. And with the Optimus phone’s superior theater-like sound and HD video, I feel like I will have to save Bella again in the upcoming Twilight XXV: Vampire Sequels Without End.
Take Your Best Shot
A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. (Eudora Welty)
The LG Optimus possesses an 8 MP autofocus camera with an LED flash for insufficiently lighted areas like bars, discotheques, concerts and internet cafes / Counterstrike fragging rooms. It prioritizes people over things and stuff with that Photoshop-friendly face detection feature.
I could stop ranting about the phone’s super astig camera right here and you’d be convinced by its performance. But since I like listening to myself talk, let me continue.
Just for the camera phone, I’d sell my other touch screen phone made by a company named after a pomaceous fruit of the species Malus domestica. Compared with LG Optimus phone’s 8 MP camera, my other phone has a measly 5-megapixel still camera (boy, is it cool — NOT!).
Hands down, pants down – the LG Optimus takes the matrix of leadership in still camera shooting.
Size Does Matter
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. (William Shakespeare)
When the folks at LG designed the Optimus, they had the young Spielbergs and fledgling George Lucases in their mind. Empowering the YouTube generation, they imbued the phone with the ability to do 1080p video recording at 24fps and 720p at 30fps. I have a JVC Everio HD camcorder that does the same – and it’s a full-fledged video recorder! How the LG people managed to cram a lufet video recorder inside the Optimus phone’s sleek frame is beyond my comprehension. But that’s why they’re geniuses, you see.
And if you’re in a Miley Cyrus or Katy Perry concert and want to record the whole thing, there’s plenty of internal storage (8 GB) and a micro SD slot for 32 GB cards.
Even with just a video recorder match-up, the LG Optimus slaughters the leading, popular competitor which can only record VGA-quality videos at 30 frames per second with the front camera.
LG Optimus trashes the rival with HD quality video recording.
No contest. Match over. Anyone for pizza?
Got My Blueprint, It’s Symphonic
Music is the wine which inspires one to new generative processes, and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for mankind and makes them spiritually drunken. (Ludwig van Beethoven)
You’ll go gaga over the LG Optimus phone’s high definition virtual surround sound. It’s the first mobile device with 7.1 multi-channel virtual surround sound which encloses you in a lush acoustic experience. The Optimus allows you to chill out or just dance via earphones, speaker, Bluetooth headset or any device with HDMI connectivity to take pleasure in listening to the Dolby Mobile and SRS sound enhancement.
The decision to make the cell phone a virtual stereo component that fits in your pocket is the kind of genius thinking that the LG folks enjoy doing for all of us cell phone users. In the astute words of the modern day oracle we call Lady Gaga, they were born that way.
How The Web Was Won
To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me. (Isaac Newton)
For me, dinner time at the mall is always a constant battle. Whether I’m having meals at Gumbo, Tokyo Café, Banana Leaf, Bacolod Chicken Inasal, Koryo or Gerry’s Grill (all located at SM City The Block), I’m always wishing that my cell phone would successfully find and connect to the free WiFi available at the mall. Most of the time, I’m victorious as the Azkals and in rare occasions it’s like The Battle of Bull Run, Masada, Pearl Harbor and the Fall of Bataan all rolled into one.
But these days, with the LG Optimus, my WiFi struggles are like a walk in the park – the Sandara Park. Its WiFi is at 802.11 b/g/n which means it decently performs whenever you need to update your Twitter account while feasting on that plate of spicy Jambalaya or Garlic Potato.
A phone that can connect to Wi-Fi hotspots enables you to surf the Web or transfer data at much higher speeds. Even if your phone supports 3G networks, you may want Wi-Fi support, too, as it tends to be faster and more reliable than cellular networks. It can be cheaper, too, since surfing on a Wi-Fi network doesn’t require using your carrier’s service.
With the LG Optimus, enjoy high-speed access to your favorite sites with full web browsing faster than any other smart phone in the market. With the dual core processors sharing the load of stacking up graphics, pages and videos, you will notice a faster response time especially those sites with a lot of multimedia and flash components like IGN, FilePlanet or GameSpot. You’ll immediately notice faster access to your favorite websites like Facebook, E-mail, Flickr, YouTube and Angry Birds.
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night
Intellectuals solve problems. Geniuses prevent them. (Albert Einstein)
One of the best innovations of the LG Optimus Black is the enhancement and the durability of its LCD display. The LCD screen’s contrast and backlight strengths are indispensable for any cell phone. Ironically, it isn’t the darkness of the night that makes images or text unreadable – it’s the bright glare of sunlight which makes thing harder to peruse.
I usually ride shotgun in the FX or van which makes sunlight shine directly on my lap – the exact area where I would be reading an e-book (currently it’s Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic — Deceived). The brightness of the morning sun defeats the LCD screen making the e-book unreadable. It’s the same problem when I watch episodes of Gunny’s Lock and Load – the video is too bomalabs.
That’s the reason why I scored a cell phone capable of counter-acting the brightness factor. The Black’s 4” NOVA display has 700 nits of brightness, 16M-color WVGA capacitive IPS LCD unit. It’s the brightest cell phone screen in the world making outdoor viewing in broad daylight friendlier to the eyes.
The LG Optimus Black also supports multi-touch, which means you can register more than one touch point at a time. This technology allows you to pinch and grab the screen to zoom in and out on a Web page, for example. Other phones support single touch only, and can register only one tap at a time.
Thus, in brightest day, in blackest night, no video or e-book shall escape my sight. Let all who watcheth Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night, I swear, they’ll enjoy it with Optimus Black’s LCD light!
Is It Safe?
In the movie, The Marathon Man, the Nazi operative Szell (Laurence Olivier) repeatedly asked Babe (Dustin Hoffman) “Is it safe?” He was referring to the bag of diamonds Szell had procured at the height of the Third Reich. Of course Babe had no idea what it was all about and he got tortured severely for it.
I mentioned that movie for two reasons. First, one of my favorite actors is Dustin Hoffman. Second, most cell phone users are like that Szell character in the movie – they’re always asking the manufacturers “Is it safe?” referring to their handsets.
One of the most sensitive and most exposed parts of the cell phone is its screen or LCD display. Which is the reason why the kinfolks at LG made sure their units were ready for the vicious bump and grind of everyday buhay. No wonder the LG Optimus is equipped with a 4.0 inch, 480 × 800 pixel Gorilla Glass display.
The unique composition of Gorilla Glass allows for a deep layer of high compressive stress. This is created through an ion-exchange process. This compression acts as a sort of “armor,” making the glass exceptionally tough and damage resistant.
The Ion exchange process that makes Gorilla glass tougher than the other glasses used in other displays is a chemical strengthening process where large ions are “stuffed” into the glass surface, creating a state of compression. Gorilla Glass is specially designed to maximize this behavior. Thus, Gorilla glass is better able to survive the real-world events that most commonly cause glass to scratch, chip, or break. The result is a tough and damage-resistant glass that is ideal for today’s sleekest electronic devices and most sophisticated touch technology.
And for the environment-conscious cell phone user, Gorilla Glass is environmentally friendly and can be recycled. Corning Incorporated, which makes the glass, recycles it at various points in the manufacturing process, and consumers can recycle their devices as part of various recycling programs available in the Philippines.
Far and Away
It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. (Leonardo Da Vinci)
Isn’t it obvious? I’m a Nicole Kidman fan!
When you’re in the city, being lost is not as perilous as being disoriented in the forest or jungle. In such situations, you’ll need workable tools that will get you home even though you’re far and away in some Oklahoma prairie.
Among the many practical uses of the LG Optimus is its capability to direct you to the nearest geo-tagged landmark. The phone is fitted with a gyroscope, magnetometer, GPS w/ aGPS support, a digital compass and a geo-tagging feature for images and videos.
Choose Your Weapon
You know you’re a serious World of Warcraft player when the game starts interfering with your life. You know you’re an addict when your life starts interfering with the game. (Anonymous)
Playing games over cell phones isn’t something new for most of us. But with an ultra angas dual core like the Tegra in the hood of your handset, the gaming opportunities for your Optimus suddenly enlarge exponentially.
That’s good news for gamers like me. Better processor performance translates to plenty of power to manage advanced graphics and demanding visuals. Say goodbye to bursting bubbles or clicking multi-colored jewels as your staple cell phone game fare. Superior dual core processors allow you to play console-quality mobile games like Assassin’s Creed or Call of Duty – Modern Warfare with exceptionally responsive motion controls powered by a gyro sensor. Playing either as Kratos, Rayden or Max Payne, your choice of weapons are now almost limitless.
When you’re at home and have a monster LCD monitor, connect via the phone’s HDMI port and play X Men for Android. Nothing like seeing Logan in full HD unleashing a world of hurt and making shawarma out of those henchmen with his Adamantium claws.
With Adobe Flash 10.2 support and an Android app community churning out new games almost every day, the Optimus makes leisurely gaming while waiting for your turn at the dentist’s chair a virtual paragon of asskickery.
FM First Class
It’s not true that I had nothing on. I had the radio on. (Marilyn Monroe)
If you’ve listened to FM radio lately, you’ll notice that it sounds more like the AM band than what we’ve always known what FM sounds like. Besides the proliferation of talk shows, there are advice and counseling programs, jokes, skits and the proverbial balahura and balasubas DJs who dish out salitang kalye or palingkera style observations on politics, showbiz, romance, work and the intricacies of life.
The rise of the balahura and the balasubas DJs may have something to do with the surge of portable media players that can load up more music MP3s than one can possibly play in one whole day or work week. Thus, if it’s just listening to music that you’re after, you don’t need FM radio. You just need a media player and be your own DJ and choose your music line-up day after day.
But for us who also like to listen to intelligent banter and witty discussions like Monster Radio’s Morning Rush or Nicole Hyala and Cris Tsuper’s Tambalang Balasubas at Balahura, we turn to FM radio.
The FM radio experience with the LG Optimus is really top notch. For starters, the audio is first rate — stereo FM radio with RDS. There’s a micro USB port for charging and stereo Bluetooth v2.1.
But what makes the FM encounter first class is the social networking integration. Superior processor performance means you can listen to Chico and Delamar and then connect to Facebook or Twitter and send in your Daily Top Ten shout outs. The dynamic duo in turn may like or comment on your entry, and basically the whole feedback circle is complete.
In my opinion, that’s the way FM radio should be enjoyed – trulalu at walang halong eklavuh.
Your Future Awaits You
Choosing the right cell phone requires some handwork and clickworks with the mouse and a fair amount of legwork.
Hopefully, with this review on the features of LG Optimus, your mobile life will be lived out at the optimal level. With the complexities and opportunities of today’s high-tech life, a smart phone simply isn’t enough. You need a genius phone. And the LG Optimus is more than just smart. It’s a genius.
As Albus Dumblebee (the Grand Yellow Autobot Wizard of The Planet Hogwartstron) declares, “Step inside the world of the LG Optimus. Your future awaits you.”
Optimus is more than just smart. It’s genius. Visit lgoptimus.ph for more information! Likes: 25 Viewed:
The post Life is Good – Episode Two with Ruth Dela Rama – Dizon appeared first on Good Info.
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fapangel · 8 years ago
So then, I was thinking. I know you are skeptical of the Norks being able to aim their nuked armed missiles at us. But what if their goal isn't to just Nuke a major city or two, but pop a couple of EMP bursts across the majority of the U.S. and wreck our power grid? It would take months, if not years to restore the power, and the computers systems that would be fried would take years more to replace. That alone would result in FAR more dead and chaos than just wiping a city or two away.
“OH TEH NOEZ EEE EM PEE” is one of those intricately complex issues of national infrastructure, nuclear/electromagnetic physics, weapon design and international game theory that requires a real thorough, in-depth approach by people who know what the hell they’re talking about to untangle. Naturally this means there’s infinite space for the fear-mongering media and moronic reporters racing a deadline to pick and choose their narrative. The people downplaying the hype (the Daily Mail and Popular Mechanics, if you can believe it,) and the ones pushing the panic are only telling parts of the truth, so sadly you’re stuck with me to explain what the hell’s going on. 
There’s Two Kinds of EMP
EMP produced by a nuclear blast takes two very different forms, with each one wreaking a very different kind of havoc. To understand them we need to understand how a nuclear bomb produces an EMP. 
When a nuke goes off, it generates a ton of gamma rays. When these hit the atmosphere, they strip electrons from atoms in air molecules (the “Compton Effect”) which generates the electro-magnetic pulse. The initial gamma-ray burst from a nuclear weapon happens fast - one microsecond, or so - which means that the resulting EMP pulse also happens fast - and it is very energetic. This powerful and brief magnetic field induces current in conductors as it propagates outward, introducing power surges in electronics far faster than most circuitry’s clamping or surge protection devices can respond. Worse, it induces the current directly in the conductors (wires) rather than entering through a single point, like an incoming power line (which is where most surge protection is focused, for obvious reasons.) This is the EMP we usually think about - the “zap, you’re fried” kind.
But this isn’t the end of the pulse - not by a long shot: 
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EMP pulses are divided into three discrete phases by the scientific literature - E1, E2, and E3. Note the exponents on the “Time” axis - the initial gamma-ray pumped EMP burst takes a microsecond or so, but the E3 phase can last hundreds of seconds - possibly as long as five minutes. This is because it’s an entirely different beast.
Unlike the “E1″ EM pulse, which is triggered by the gamma rays released by the bomb, it’s the actual blast/fireball effects of the bomb going off that cause the second, much longer effects. The detonation of the bomb displaces a huge chunk of the Earth’s (now-ionized) atmosphere. When that air comes crashing back in, it creates a magetohydrodynamic effect. Magneto-hydrodynamics are infamously complex shit, but it boils down to the movement and interaction of fluid mediums having electromagnetic effects. In this case, the atmosphere is the fluid. The exact mechanisms of the effects are pretty gnarly (here’s the paper if you want to read it yourself) but the upshot is, an exo-atmospheric (high-altitude) nuclear bomb blast produces effects quite like when a Coronal Mass Ejection sends a big gob of the Sun’s atmosphere crashing into the Earth’s atmosphere - in other words, a “geomagnetic storm.” This creates an electromagnetic field of its own, but unlike the fast, violently powerful pulse of the E1, it generates radiation of much longer wavelengths, which induce current in much longer conductors - i.e. power lines. We were hit with a really powerful geomagnetic storm in 1859, which induced so much current in telegraph lines that operators unhooked their batteries to lower the current to acceptable levels. 
These effects matter because they propagate quite differently, and because different bombs produce these effects in wildly different quantities. The E1 effects, the nigh-instant “pulse,” is deflected sideways when it hits the Earth’s own magnetic field - causing it to spread laterally across the Earth’s surface, and covering a lot more area than it would if it just expanded outwards as a sphere from the bomb’s detonation point. Worse, the EMP effect is generated mostly by the gamma ray output of a bomb - but most of the blast effects of a bomb come from the x-rays (which are readily absorbed by the atmosphere and produce the heat-blast shockwave that does all the damage,) so bombs are typically optimized to produce lots of x-rays. In other words, the kiloton yield of a bomb has little to do with the possible EMP effect it can have, and even a small bomb, like the 10-20 kiloton boosted fission devices the North Koreans are presumed to have, can produce a sizable EMP effect. So with just a small-yield device, the North Koreans can indeed hit a sizable part of the Continental United States (CONUS) with an E1 EMP effect caused by a high-altitude burst. 
The E3 “geomagnetic storm” works - and propagates - much differently. Since it’s caused by the stirring about of the Earth’s atmosphere by a blast, the yield of a bomb is directly proportional to the strength of the E3 EMP effects. The bigger the fireball, the bigger the effect - and moreover, the lower the altitude, the bigger the effect, as it’s displacing more air... or something like that. 
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The consequences here are that the North Koreans cannot induce a very strong E3 effect across the entire country, as their bombs are far too low-yield to do so. 
Now I’d prefer to get more in-depth and explore which kind of attack produces higher destructive field energies given a set input (i.e. a probable 20kt yield boosted fission device of the type the North Koreans likely have,) and out to what ranges, given a low-altitude versus high-altitude burst, but I don’t understand the science at play here nearly well enough to make calls on that. Furthermore, the energy threshold that determines “destructive” varies widely depending on whatever device is being affected, so making comparisons in that fashion is challenging to begin with.
The best approach, then, is to analyze what kind of damage the E1-optimized attack the North Koreans can pull off will do, as opposed to the E3-optimized attack that they cannot. 
So what do they do? 
Simply put, the E1 phase of an EMP tends to blow out computers and microelectronic, while the E3 phase tends to destroy the national power grid. The latter is far, far worse.  
For the actual effects I’ll be relying on my two primary sources for this post; two excellent studies commissioned by the government from the clever lads at Oak Ridge Laboratories. This one concerns the E1 effects, and this one concerns the E3 effects. They used the results of actual EMP and/or power surge tests on various hardware and electronics, so we’ve some actual empirical data to work with, too. 
The E1 pulse is high-powered and high-frequency, which means it affects small devices the most - the small wavelength means it can induce current effectively in relatively short conductors. The antenna in your cell phone is more than long enough, for instance. Worse, long cables (like Ethernet lines) also make these devices vulnerable, because while the high-frequency burst won’t induce current as effectively in longer conductors, the pulse is generating tens of thousands of volts - and it’s hitting computer circuits designed for a few volts. Thus Ethernet lines et al can expose any given computer to a lot more induced current than it might’ve picked up from its own internal conductors; it increases the “attack surface,” so to speak. This applies in a wider sense - small devices like wristwatches are unlikely to be affected at all, whereas a big office building’s entire computer network is likely in deep shit. As the report notes, it’s nigh impossible to model how any one electronic device - an IC, a smartphone, whatever - will fail, because they’re such complex pieces of engineering with so many tiny sub-component chips and connections in them. Empirical testing is mandatory to get even a crude idea of the vulnerability, but that requires actually generating an EMP field to try frying things with - meaning there’s no good way to actually test big devices, much less entire building-sized computer networks! This naturally makes estimating the damage from any one EMP almost impossible - and this is before we consider the possible consequences of system upsets, i.e. a temporary error introduced by scrambled 1s and 0s induced by a power surge that doesn’t actually do damage. Corrupted data on tape drives, a system that hiccups for a moment, etc. In some industrial equipment such a bug could cause actual physical damage, and in other places you might just have to reboot your computer and go on your merry way. 
I’ll go off on my own, then, and point out that while all the above looks pretty grim for your average smartphone or desktop PC, that’s far from a universal truth. The E1 EMP would have to propagate just like any other field, which means the location - and even the orientation relative to the blast’s source - of the EMP would drastically effect how hard any given system or network is hit. Your average wage-slave workstation will fare poorly, but my gaming rig - built into a hulking metal Cooler Master case with enough fans that it can damn near hover - might fare better. Unless said workstation is inside a massive skyscraper office building, with tons of structural steel, piping, and power cabling helping to form a faraday cage around the entire interior space, as well as high-quality, fast-acting anti-surge protection in the basement. In fact, the city that building is in can affect the currents generated as well, either diminishing or intensifying them. 
What won’t be badly affected by the E1 pulse is the nation’s electrical grid - or the nation’s cars. Cars are basically rolling faraday cages, and there’s been actual empirical testing of relatively modern cars with high reliance on internal computer micro-controllers (in 2008) that showed most of them weathered high-power EMP fairly well. There are real risks to the computer controls of our power grid, and the study is up-front about them - but the important thing is that the actual heavy-duty switching equipment tends to be far more robust, and despite ongoing modernization, a lot of it’s still very rugged electro-mechanical “dumb” systems. An E1 pulse could definitely cause serious blackouts, with results much like what we saw during the great East Coast Blackout - rioting, looting, etc. - but a concerted effort could have the damage being repaired, and power flowing again, relatively quickly. 
Lots of computers will fry, but the power grid will survive, and so will our cars. The data and productivity loss (from non-operable gas stations, etc.,) will hit our economy hard, but the crucial point is that the damage to our crucial infrastructure will be limited to the most delicate parts of the control systems - in other words, highly centralized. This will make it much, much easier to repair. The potential data loss will probably be more devastating to the national economy with its impact on business, because that’s more irreparable and more permanent, depending on the scale and strength of the attack. However, some companies will come through much better than others (GO TO THE NUCLEAR CLOUD LOL TAPE BACKUPS IN THE BASEMENT 4 EVAH), the economy would rebalance and in the end, it’d be something we could weather and recover from. And remember, this is the worst-case scenario, and even the experts have spoken to how impossible it is to really quantify the potential damage from this kind of EMP. The essential point is our cars would keep rolling, our power would stay on, and the essential backbone of our civilization’s infrastructure would stay intact. No doom, no gloom, no “90% of the country dying of famine and disease,” no leather-and-metal clad post-apocalyptic biker gangs. 
The E3 effects are much, much worse, however, because the lower-frequency EM radiation is much harder to shield against, and induces current quite well in our national web of high-tension power lines. Worse, it induces Direct Current, in a system that’s designed for Alternating Current. Since our national power grid is a much more limited and quantifiable system than “every computer thing in the US,” the Oak Ridge Lab was able to do a rather more comprehensive analysis of the potential damage. The long and short of it is, the induced DC currents in the power lines don’t damage control systems - they damage the transformers and switching equipment, the heavy, expensive, elaborate guts of the power network itself. As the study says, this damage could take YEARS to repair. If an attack utilizing multiple higher-yield bombs - targeted to detonate over the most crucial parts of the US power network - were to be made, it could stand a very good chance of plunging the United States into a literal and figurative dark age. Then you can talk about societal collapse and Mad Max scenarios. 
In Conclusion 
It’s very, very hard to impossible to properly quantify the effects of EMP bursts - even moreso because a great deal of the related research is extremely highly classified and locked away in government archives for obvious reasons. But what we can infer pretty directly is that the truly devastating kind of EMP is the E3 effects that require fairly large-yield bombs to induce to any great degree, exactly the kind of bombs the North Koreans do not have. There’s been some baseless bullshitting about the North Koreans getting their hands on “super-EMP” bomb designs, but even if they somehow got their hands on some of the Soviet Union’s most closely-kept theoretical weapons research, you have to crawl before you can run - and they’re currently laboring on perfecting simple boosted-fission devices. 
However, as people have been saying for years now, all of this is only a matter of time. The North Koreans are rumored to already be working in hydrogen bombs - and those would give them the high-yield weapons needed for the truly devastating kind of EMP attack detailed above. 
Currently, the only defense the CONUS has is the Ground-Based Interceptors, previously known as Ground-Based Midcourse Intercept - an ABM program funded and championed by Bush, and later cut down and hamstrung by Obama. It’s because of Bush’s foresight years ago that we have even that scant defense. We are out of time - we need to decide, now, if we’re going to invest untold billions into an expanded missile defense system that might be enough to hold off North Korea’s future attack capabilities, EMPs included - or if we need to take our last chance to end these crazy bastards now, before they end us. 
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michelineeubank-blog · 7 years ago
Detector Songs's (WMG) Chief Executive Officer Stephen Cooper On Q1 2015 Outcomes.
PARIS (Wire Service) - Singer-guitarist Walter de Castro could not feel his good luck when he learnt his band's track The Primary" would certainly be actually featured on FIFA 2008," the Electronic Fine arts well-known soccer activity. This of course is certainly not the only advantage to music seminars in universities, listening and focus skill-sets are going to be evaluated and elevated when composing their very own parts and the little ones's group building as well as cooperation skill-sets will additionally be actually built. Considering that the requests are going to be a little bit of various from a musician, extra features like being actually attached to a clip suggested for laptop pcs, or the headphone jack directly in the mic (bypassing latency issues that sound copulating by means of your computer system might run into) create that beam. Everybody understands just what it is to feel and also as an artist you have the gift from being able to aid total strangers work through and also understand their own feelings as well as concerns by means of your popular music.
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The process for playing background music is identical, however there are a few added steps we need to take considering that our company should be able to personally quit the songs when our company leave the level (i.e. when we leave behind the Video game state). Shankar Jaikishan offered brilliant popular music in Nutan's movies like Anari, Dil Hey to Hai, Latt Sahab, Padmini's movies Jis Desh Me Ganga Behti Hai, Aashiq, Nargis's films Awaara, Shree 420, Chori Chori, Raat Aur Commotion, to name a few. A considerable amount of customers will definitely pay for around a year or even additional on their inadequate credit report lendings and then refinance the typical remainder of the loan with the same or a distinct loan provider.
Adolescents determine each other by songs they enjoy as well as the outfits they were actually. This is actually why music is increasingly considered promotional straw to drive retailing, ticket sales, and so on You may hear unrestricted popular music on over 100 terminals on this application and also customize your own personalized stations. I really like the Victorian popular music box, and also I presume others that appreciate Victorian decor will love it at the same time. This is a type from songs symbols which displays hands positioning instead of music pitch. My child started doing additional work with Dawson's Creek and also I additionally came to carry out that several times She after that analyzed movie and received an internship on One Plant Hill. I don't know who started that - Allen Moyle's Pump Up the Volume" with Religious Slater enters your mind - however it's good for the films as well as helpful for the popular music planet, which, now more than ever, have to rely on the harmony from unknown people. Sometimes this is done for the reason of accompanying a vocalist, considering that the written popular music is actually expensive or even also low for their voice. I played in a matinee, and he went to click the up coming web page Wonderbar, which has to do with three blocks North from the Super Prince, and also Big blew in as well as began mouthing, claiming he was leaving behind the club. Instead of doing this, work together along with one or more bands in your place (along with a comparable design to your own) to obtain more supporters to view you play and also listen closely to your music. The organisers anticipated much more than 200 million to listen - additional visitors in comparison to the Super Dish. Stands that are actually used for songs pieces deliver an optimal method from sustaining tablet PCs, so that is actually not a shock that this type of concept is actually being applied to tablet COMPUTER platforms. The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram clearly presents where the big red as well as blue giant and super big celebrities fall in connection to the main-sequence celebrities. A physical body continuously eliminating international invaders (leaked contaminants), is actually a worn body immune system, which is actually incapable to stave off the added leakage.
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pctestbench · 5 years ago
ASRock has a history of cramming an inordinate amount of power in a small space, so maximizing the potential of Intel’s 10th gen platform on an ITX board doesn’t come as much of a surprise. ASRock’s new Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3 marries Intel’s Z490 chipset with a 9-phase, 90A actively cooled VRM for overclocking support for Intel’s 10-core Core i9-10900K with premium features like 2.5Gb Ethernet, Intel WIFi 6, and even on-board Thunderbolt 3. It certainly looks great on paper, but how does it actually perform? Read on to find out!
  PC Test Bench would like to thank ASRock for sending us the Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3 check out!
ASRock’s Take on the Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3:
Phantom Gaming is designed by gamers and for gamers! Underneath its relentless appearance lie plentiful gaming-oriented features and excellent gaming capabilities. It’s all about bringing a new gaming experience to gamers!
Optimized for Water Cooling – XXL Aluminum Alloy Heatsink with Active FAN Design
XXL Aluminum Alloy Heatsink design with an active fan that effectively improves heat dissipation and promotes overall performance. This is aimed for die-hard gamers and enthusiasts to bring a new computing experience paired with Intel’s 10-core processors.
Thunderbolt™ 3 Technology
Thunderbolt™ 3 technology brings speed and versatility to the most advanced USB Type-C, offering a fast and simple level of connection for work or home. It enables lightning-fast data transfer up to 40Gbps and connects up to 3 Thunderbolt™ 3 devices with a single wire, and even provides quick charging with 5V@3A (15W). Just experience the world’s fastest connectivity with Thunderbolt™ ready motherboards!
Base Frequency Boost (BFB) Technology
Whoever said that only K series CPUs and the Z-family platform are capable of being performed with maximum power. Via ASRock BFB (Boost Frequency Boost) Technology, users may install their non-K series CPUs to ASRock’s selected 400 series motherboards and enjoy the base frequency boost with the hidden power of processors immediately.
Supports 10th Gen and future generation Intel® Core™ Processors (Socket 1200)
Supports DDR4 4666MHz+ (OC)
1 PCIe 3.0 x16
Graphics Output Options: HDMI, DisplayPort, Intel® Thunderbolt™ 3
1 CH HD Audio (Realtek ALC1220 Audio Codec), Nahimic Audio
4 SATA3, 2 Ultra M.2 (PCIe Gen3 x4 & SATA3)
1 Intel® Thunderbolt™ 3 Type-C
3 USB 3.2 Gen2 10Gb/s (Rear)
4 USB 3.2 Gen1 5Gb/s (2 Front, 2 Rear)
Intel® Wi-Fi 6 802.11ax (2.4Gbps) + BT 5.1
Phantom Gaming 2.5 Gigabit LAN
Polychrome SYNC
Quick Specs:
LGA1200 Socket – Supports Intel 10th Generation Core Processors
Mini-ITX Form-Factor
9-phase Digi Power
Intel Z490 Chipset
2x DDR4 memory slots – Supports 4666MHz+ OC, max 64GB, Supports ECC memory
On-board Thunderbolt 3
HDMI 2.0 and Displayport 1.4
5Gb Realtek Dragon LAN
Intel WiFi 6 2×2 + Bluetooth 5.1
Dual M.2 slots – support PCIe 3.0 and SATA drives up to 80mm long.
8 Layer, 2-oz Copper PCB
A Closer Look
  Like most ITX boards, ASRock’s Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3 comes in a deceptively small box. The Phantom Gaming branding is quite prevalent.
Inside the box, you get the following inclusions:
Quick Installation Guide
Software Setup Guide
Phantom Gaming Postcard
Support CD
2 x Serial ATA (SATA) Data Cables
1 x ASRock WiFi 2.4/5 GHz Antenna
2 x Screws for M.2 Sockets
Reusable Cable wraps.
ASRock’s Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3 follows the standard Mini-ITX form-factor. Intel’s LGA1200 socket sits nearly in the center of the board with two full-sized DDR4 ram slots to the right. The rear I/O is covered sans a vent for active cooling on the VRM. The top segment of the VRM also has a fan.
Like most ITX boards, there are a ton of components on the rear of the board. The only thing of note here is the second M.2 slot that supports 2280 drives only and can work with PCIe 3.0 or SATA drives.
The rear I/O cover is pre-installed and floats a few millimetres in each direction for the perfect installation in any case. It has the following:
Intel WiFi 6 802.11ax Antenna Ports
HDMI 2.0 Port
DisplayPort 1.4
Optical SPDIF Out Port
3 x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-A Ports (10 Gb/s)
Thunderbolt 3 40Gbps Type-C Port (Also functions as a USB 3.2 Gen2 10Gbps)
PS/2 mouse/keyboard port.
2x USB 3.2 Gen1 Ports
(Dragon RTL8125BG based 2.5Gb RJ-45 Ethernet
Clear CMOS Button
Gold Audio Jacks
A tall riser card just above the PCIe slot holds far more than the obvious primary M.2 slot.
You get a speaker header, USB 2.0 header, a pair of SATA ports, and even some diagnostic LED’s.
The card is quite tall, as is the VRM heat sink, so be careful if you are planning on a super-compact build.
The bottom edge of the board only has the main PCIe x16 slot. On a side note, it supports PCIe bifurcation riser cards to split into x8/x8 or x8/x4/x4 slots.
The front edge of the board has the front panel I/O header, a fan header, a pair of SATA ports, a USB 3.0 header, the main 24-pin power, and an RGB header.
The top edge of the board has two more fan headers, a digital/addressable RGB header, an actively cooled VRM heat sink, and the 8-pin EPS power connector for the CPU.
Cooling on the Phantom Gaming ITX is pretty robust. Even the chipset is cooled with a heat pipe to the active rear VRM segment, and the main M.2 sinks heat into this as well.
Under the Hood
Getting all the covers off is quite an involved process, and given that you have to peel the cover plate off of its double-sided tape covered home to even get started, we don’t recommend doing this yourself.
With all of that out of the way, we can start to get a look at the board. There is quite a pile of fan wiring for the actively cooled VRM heatsinks but it all goes back to one header.
The CPU socket is driven from a 9-phase VRM set up in what appears to be a 6+2+1 setup for Vcore, VCCIO, and VCCSA.
The VRM is controlled from an Intersil ISL69269 PWM controller.
The power stages themselves are 90A rated Digi-power Intersil ISL99390 smart power stages.
Back near the I/O is Intel’s T803A900 Titan Ridge Thunderbolt controller. This controller is capable of supporting dual Thunderbolt 3 ports, but ASRock only puts one to use here.
Realtek’s Dragon RTL8125BG 2.5Gb LAN controller is their first single-chip 2.5GBE controller.
A single memory phase is provided by a Texas Instruments 53355dqp 30A Synchronous Buck Converter.
ASRock starts you out in the ‘EZ Mode’ of the BIOS. You get a quick rundown of everything in the PC, as well as some basic options like turning on RAID or XMP.
Hitting F6 brings you to an advanced mode where all of the settings live. The Main tab is more of a landing page showing basic system specs.
  The OC Tweaker page is where most will spend the most time. You can also save 10 different profiles and load them as you please.
Clock speeds, multipliers, voltages, and the works can all be found under here in their respective sub-menus.
The Advanced page lets you dive a little deeper into certain areas like I/O or USB configuration.
Each of the advanced pages offers some important but less often needed settings.
The tools page is an important one and was our first stop to update our system to the latest available BIOS.
The hardware monitor is pretty self-explanatory. You can keep tabs on all system voltages, temperatures, fan speeds, and everything else related here.
You can also tune all of your connected fans from here.
Most enthusiasts probably won’t use anything in the security tab, but a BIOS password can be set here as well as turning on the Trusted Platform module if installed, handy if you deploy this board in an office or similar environment.
Here in the Boot tab, you can configure things like boot order, and even turn off the full-screen boot logo if you prefer to see a quick summary instead.
And last but not least the Exit Tab, you can save or discard changes made this session, as well as restore defaults. You can also override boot settings to boot to a different device just this one time.
ASRock Polychrome SYNC
Now you can adjust the RGB LED color through the ASRock Polychrome SYNC Utility. Download this utility from the ASRock Live Update & APP Shop and start coloring your PC style your way!
The very first time we can it, it had to update the onboard controller firmware. This was quick, and only happened once, so no worries.
Once in, you have quite a few options and effects to choose from. Our ram and even RGB M.2 drive showed up and were easily controllable as well.
  ASRock Motherboard Utility (Phantom Gaming Tuning)
Phantom Gaming Tuning is ASRock’s A-Tuning multi-purpose software suite with a new themed interface, more new features, and improved utilities.
Setting a profile is as easy as a single click, but you can also manually overclock from here as well.
You can also tune fans and keep tabs on all of your system information.
  ASRock Phantom Gaming LAN Software
  Live Update & App Shop
ASRock’s consolidated Live Update & App Shop is a handy tool to get everything installed all at once. You can grab all of the latest drivers and utilities from one location, as well as some suggested software like Google Chrome.
ASRock’s one-stop-shop for grabbing all needed utilities and the latest drivers in only a couple clicks makes system setup a snap.
    Restart to UEFI
With as fast as computers can boot it is difficult to impossible to get back into the BIOS, this handy utility reboots you directly into it.
Performance Testing
Test Platform:
CPU – Intel Core i9-10900K Mobo – ASRock Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3 RAM – 16GB (2x8GB) HyperX Fury RGB 3200MHz C16 GPU – Nvidia RTX 2080 Founders Edition SSD – Viper VPR100 RGB 1TB PSU – Thermaltake Toughpower Grand RGB Gold 750W Chassis – Open BenchTable Cooling – Custom Liquid Loop (EKWB Velocity CPU Block, EKWB PE240 Rad, 1x DDC Pump)
All testing is performed at default “out of the box” settings except for enabling XMP (Profile 1: 3200MHz 16-18-18-38 1.35V).
General Performance Testing
PCMark 10
PCMark 10 is the complete benchmark for the modern office. It is the ideal test for organizations that are evaluating PCs for a workforce with a range of performance needs. The tests in this benchmark cover a wide range of activities from everyday productivity tasks to demanding work with digital media content. PCMark 10 uses a modular approach to build relevant benchmark tests around common end-user scenarios. A Test Group is a collection of workloads that share a common theme or purpose. There are four test groups in PCMark 10, we use three of them. Essentials: covers the common, everyday ways that people use a PC. The workloads include Web Browsing, Video Conferencing, and App Start-up time. Productivity: measures system performance with everyday office applications. This test group includes Spreadsheets and Writing workloads. Digital Content Creation: This test group’s workload reflects the demands of working with digital content and media. The tests include Photo Editing, Video Editing, and Rendering and Visualization.
It’s always fun to see an ITX board keep up with full-sized boards.
  WebXPRT 2015
WebXPRT 2013 uses scenarios created to mirror the tasks you do every day to compare the performance of almost any Web-enabled device. It contains four HTML5- and JavaScript-based workloads: Photo Effects, Face Detect, Stocks Dashboard, and Offline Notes.  WebXPRT is run with the latest stable release version of Google Chrome browser, in this case, Version 61.
In our browser-based test, the pint-sized Phantom Gaming board actually leads the pack.
CPU Performance Testing
Super PI Modded 1.5
“In August 1995, the calculation of pi up to 4,294,960,000 decimal digits was succeeded by using a supercomputer at the University of Tokyo. The program was written by D.Takahashi in collaboration with Dr.Y.Kanada at the computer center. This record should be the current world record. (Details are shown in the windows help.) This record-breaking program was ported to personal computer environments such as Windows NT and Windows 95. In order to calculate 33.55 million digits, it takes within 3 days with a Pentium 90 MHz, 40 MB main memory, and 340 MB available storage.”
In this single-threaded test, the 10900K stays pegged at 5.3GHz the entire time which results in the fastest stock speed here we’ve seen to date.
“CINEBENCH is a real-world cross-platform test suite that evaluates your computer’s performance capabilities. CINEBENCH is based on MAXON’s award-winning animation software CINEMA 4D, which is used extensively by studios and production houses worldwide for 3D content creation. MAXON software has been used in blockbuster movies such as Iron Man 3, Oblivion, Life of Pi or Prometheus, and much more.
CINEBENCH is the perfect tool to compare CPU and graphics performance across various systems and platforms (Windows and OS X). And best of all: It’s completely free.”
We again see a single thread just blast ahead at full tilt for minutes on end for a killer score, but with all ten cores in play, it falls back to second place.
Cinebench is a real-world cross-platform test suite that evaluates your computer’s hardware capabilities. Improvements to Cinebench Release 20 reflect the overall advancements to CPU and rendering technology in recent years, providing a more accurate measurement of Cinema 4D’s ability to take advantage of multiple CPU cores and modern processor features available to the average user. Best of all: It’s free.
The same trend continues under Cinebench R20, but sustained all-core use certainly falls back to 4.9GHz around Intel’s standard time as expected.
  Passmark Performance Test – CPU Mark
“Fast, easy to use, PC speed testing, and benchmarking. PassMark Performance Test ™ allows you to objectively benchmark a PC using a variety of different speed tests and compare the results to other computers.”
Passmark’s full system test comes in a few points behind full-sized boards, with around 1k fewer points on the overall score.
  SiSoft Sandra – Cryptographic Bandwidth
“SiSoftware Sandra provides a robust package of diagnostic tools for testing your system and teasing out its problems–or potential headaches.”
Sisoft registered about 1.5GB/s less on CPU based cryptographic bandwidth as well, another all-core test.
  Black Hole 4.2
Let the beast run and benchmark your system in three different tests (Multithreaded, Single-threaded & 4-Threaded) that will test your CPU to the very limit, and score you among hundreds of other systems that have tested.
Multithreaded will test your CPU’s efficiency of running more than one thread without major system lag. The higher you score on this one, the more threads your CPU can handle with a comfortable speed. High multithreaded scores generally mean you can render things faster.
4-Threaded tests your CPU’s performance in games since most games currently run on 4 threads.
Single-threaded evaluates how fast the CPU can handle a single, dedicated thread for processing.
Blackhole runs a single-threaded test, a four threaded test, and an all core. The Phantom Gaming ITX/TB3 knocks it out of the park on the first two tests and does decently on the all core test for a mid-place run.
Workstation Testing
Blender Benchmark 2.82 – BMW27
A new platform to collect and display the results of hardware and software performance tests. Aimed at an optimal comparison between system hardware and installations using open source software and testing content in the public domain.
Our Blender render comes in at 2 minutes and barely over 5 seconds, very close to the rest of the boards.
  POV-Ray 3.7 Standard Benchmark – CPU
POV Ray’s standard benchmark comes in a fraction of a second behind the leader, but the spread here is very small.
The benchmark shows a rating in MIPS (million instructions per second). The rating value is calculated from the measured speed, and it is normalized with the results of the Intel Core 2 CPU with a multi-threading option switched off. So, if you have a modern CPU from Intel or AMD, rating values in single-thread mode must be close to real CPU frequency. There are two tests, compression with the LZMA method and decompression with the LZMA method. Once the total passes reach 50, the score is taken
ASRock makes just shy of 87,000 MIPS, a really solid score.
  System Memory Testing
  AIDA64 Engineer Edition
“FinalWire Ltd. today announced the immediate availability of AIDA64 Extreme Edition 1.50 software, a streamlined diagnostic and benchmarking tool for home users; and the immediate availability of AIDA64 Business Edition 1.50 software, an essential network management solution for small and medium scale enterprises. The new AIDA64 update implements AVX-optimized benchmarks for the upcoming Intel Sandy Bridge processors, adds a brand-new video encoding benchmark, and supports the latest AMD and NVIDIA graphics processors.”
Memory bandwidth on ASRock’s Z490 Phantom Gaming ITX/TB3 is solid, but latency is nothing short of spectacular. Sub 50ns latency from a 3200MHz C16 memory kit is just nuts.
  Passmark Performance Test – Memory Mark – Threaded
“Fast, easy to use, PC speed testing, and benchmarking. PassMark Performance Test ™ allows you to objectively benchmark a PC using a variety of different speed tests and compare the results to other computers.”
Passmark also shows great memory performance.
  SiSoft Sandra – Memory Bandwidth – Aggregate.
“SiSoftware Sandra provides a robust package of diagnostic tools for testing your system and teasing out its problems–or potential headaches.”
SiSoft is our only memory test that isn’t placing the ITX/TB3 in first place, but we still see a good score.
Synthetic Game Testing
  3DMark – Fire Strike
“Fire Strike is a showcase DirectX 11 benchmark designed for today’s high-performance gaming PCs. It is our most ambitious and technical benchmark ever, featuring real-time graphics rendered with detail and complexity far beyond what is found in other benchmarks and games today”
Our first synthetic test puts the Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/PG3 in second place, with first only a couple of points away from first.
  3DMark – Time Spy
“3Dmark Time Spy is a new DirectX 12 benchmark test for Windows 10 gaming PCs. Time Spay is one of the first DirectX 12 apps to be built “the right way” from the ground up to fully realize the performance gains that the new API offers. With DirectX 12 engine, which supports new API features like asynchronous compute, explicit multi-adapter, and multi-threading, Time Spy is the ideal test for benchmarking the latest graphics cards.”
It slips a touch further back on Time Spy, but is still pretty close, only a couple hundred points from first.
  Unigine Superposition
Superposition has a small spread on our test samples, but the Phantom Gaming board narrowly misses first place here.
  Game Testing
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI
Originally created by legendary game designer Sid Meier, Civilization is a turn-based strategy game in which you attempt to build an empire to stand the test of time. Become Ruler of the World by establishing and leading a civilization from the Stone Age to the Information Age. Wage war, conduct diplomacy, advance your culture, and go head-to-head with history’s greatest leaders as you attempt to build the greatest civilization the world has ever known.
Civilization VI offers new ways to engage with your world: cities now physically expand across the map, active research in technology and culture unlocks new potential, and competing leaders will pursue their own agendas based on their historical traits as you race for one of five ways to achieve victory in the game.
Our first real game test of ASRock’s Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3 shows it performing well, with an average turn time of nearly exactly 7 milliseconds.
  Far Cry 5
Anything can happen. Everything will.
Welcome to Hope County, Montana, land of the free and the brave, but also home to a fanatical doomsday cult—known as The Project at Eden’s Gate—that is threatening the community’s freedom. Stand up to the cult’s leaders, Joseph Seed, and the Heralds, as you spark the fires of resistance that will liberate the besieged community.
Far Cry 5 scores a solid 140FPS on average.
  Far Cry New Dawn
Face off against the vicious Highwaymen, led by twin sisters Mickey and Lou, as you fight to survive in a post-apocalyptic frontier set in Hope County, Montana 17 years after the global nuclear catastrophe. Form unexpected alliances, build a deadly arsenal of makeshift weapons using the remnants of the old world.
In New Dawn, we get 125 FPS, a mere 4 FPS from first place.
  Shadow of the Tomb Raider Experience Lara Croft’s defining moment as she becomes the Tomb Raider. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Lara must master a deadly jungle, overcome terrifying tombs, and persevere through her darkest hour. As she races to save the world from a Maya apocalypse, Lara will ultimately be forged into the Tomb Raider she is destined to be.
In Tomb Raiders’ latest installment, the Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3 takes first place in our testing.
  Ashes of the Singularity
Planet by planet, a war is raging across the galaxy. The technological singularity has given humanity the power to expand further than they ever have before. Now, they compete with each other and their sentient artificial intelligence adversaries for control of newfound worlds.
The Z490 Phantom Gaming ITX/TB3 falls a fraction of an FPS behind here, but the spread is pretty minimal.
Metro Exodus
Metro Exodus is an epic, story-driven first-person shooter from 4A Games that blends deadly combat and stealth with exploration and survival horror in one of the most immersive game worlds ever created.
ASRock scores another 1st place in our last real game test with a touch over 48 FPS average at maximum settings.
We always like to try the included software, so we fire up Phantom Gaming Tuning and toss it into Performance Mode.
Well, so much for that. Our scores actually drop slightly from the 228/2526 score at stock. This isn’t uncommon these days on the red or blue side. CPU manufacturers have gotten extremely good with the algorithms under the hood that keep their chips performing at the bleeding edge of silicon. When you start manually taking control of various aspects, you break this automatic performance, and you can lose a few points.
We reset to default and manually set all cores to 5.0 GHz. Our single thread performance comes back up near default, but we aren’t quite back on par with all cores in action.
We try pushing up to 5.1GHz but our score drops a little further.
Intel’s Extreme Tuning Utility reveals the culprit of our performance loss, we are hitting the Power Limit and throttling back.
Thankfully we can adjust this right from here so we just go ahead and max everything out.
Our next Cinebench run on the Z490 Phantom Gaming shows notable increases without that pesky throttling.
We are able to go ahead and push the clock up to 5.2GHz on all cores and this bumps our score up to almost 2800 points. Not bad!
Final Thoughts & Conclusion
Like we said in the intro of this article, ASRock has a habit of going all-in on ITX boards, even when no one else will and we find yet again they haven’t lost their edge. The Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3 offers everything a power user could possibly want in a pint-sized package. Solid power delivery provides great overclocking capability which pretty well ices the cake. Active cooling on the VRM heat-sinks stay all but inaudible, even while overclocking, and the heat-sinks themselves barely get warm, unlike many small boards that will almost burn you after a long render. Connectivity outclasses most full-size systems with Thunderbolt 3, USB 3 10Gbps, 2.5Gbps LAN, and the latest WiFi-6 connectivity. Actually, that verb is probably the most appropriate description of the Phantom Gaming ITX/TB3 – Outclass. Nothing else really needs to be said.
Great Job ASRock!
[sc name=”award-must-have” ]
[sc name=”link_to_same_company_reviews” company=”ASRock” ]
ASRock Z490 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3 Review ASRock has a history of cramming an inordinate amount of power in a small space, so maximizing the potential of Intel’s 10th gen platform on an ITX board doesn’t come as much of a surprise.
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knoxursoxoffpenwriter69 · 5 years ago
Gaming on Windows is just better.
Reasons windows is better I'll, save you guys the trouble there aren't any actually yeah. I agree. Are you guys kidding me? The vast majority of the world runs Windows on the desktop and believe it or not. There are some pretty darn good reasons for it, so guys we compiled the top 10 of them from our community to share with you in this video thanks LastPass for sponsoring a portion of this video. They relieve the burden of trying to remember all your passwords for every website. Let LastPass fill in your passwords, for you learn more at the end of the video or at the link below [, Music ]. First up and this one's a shocker gaming, our community spoke, and we agree. Gaming on Windows is just better. 
Not only are there tons of current games for the Windows PC platform like literally thousands of them, but accessing them and keeping them up to date is much simpler than it used to be thanks to online marketplaces like Steam, origin, you play, and yes, even the epic Game store and Windows gaming has far more going for it than just the current library. Recent progress towards integration with Microsoft's Xbox ecosystem has brought cross-platform play to some titles and even cross-platform purchases, and on the subject of compatibility. Well, there's the back catalog of games, which numbers in the tens of thousands with a shocking number of old games still being playable on modern hardware. I fired up 1602 80, a game from almost 1602 80 on my Windows, 10 PC with a Titan RT X on it with minimal tinkering required. 
That'S crazy! So we're actually working on a collab with good old games. Right now to show this off make sure your sub, so you don't miss it on the subject of tinkering Windows games, particularly the older ones, allow for a ton of it with large communities that have built everything from their own servers from multiplayer to mods that alter Visuals or gameplay elements and even mods that change the genre of the original title fun fact for you, young kids out there dota used to be a custom map in Warcraft 3. Finally, there's the advantage that comes naturally with being the incumbent gaming platform support wan na try out the hottest new peripherals like brand new graphics cards, VR headsets, haptic feedback, vests odds are excellent, that the Windows software is going to be much more polished than what's available. For other platforms, that is, if anything exists, for them at all, RTX real-time ray tracing on Mac. 
Please is actually a common one for users of every platform and it's that it just works or because I don't feel like something new like Apple Microsoft has made it OS that, for the most part, works as intended. Out-Of-The-Box, no real extra effort is needed. Thanks to Auto magical third-party driver installs through Windows Update when you get into the weeds with obscure devices, hardware compatibility on the platform does have its issues, but for the average user it is much better than it used to be, and so is the general intuitiveness of Using it I mean I still remember when they introduced the documents and pictures folder. Comm 4 is the toolbox. The registry editor, if used responsibly, is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to optimizing. The windows experience task manager got some big upgrades with Windows 8 and now makes it so simple to monitor CPU RAM network and even GPU usage. 
So anyone can do it, but if you want to go even further, this rabbit hole. 2 has pretty much no bottom resource monitor, gives you a much more granular. Look the information from cast manager, making it easy to identify processes that are sending large amounts of network data out or causing your disk to churn and slow down the rest of your system. Task scheduler is a crazy, powerful utility that lets. You have Windows, automate tasks for you. It can open and close programs for you when you log in and out it can send emails when tasks complete and you can even post to Twitter and Facebook using the window. Scheduler and power toys are back, so these are actually Microsoft provided tools that enthusiasts can use to add or enhance features.
 I was a huge fan of sync TOI back in the day and this new window management one for Windows, 10 looks sick. 5. Is the support base want to learn how to do some of the stuff? You'Ve talked about well, with 78 % of the worldwide desktop OS market share. If it exists, someone has probably done it so, like you want to become the new macro king. Well, there are tutorials on how to do that, need to troubleshoot a weird error between the official support from Microsoft, for both current and legacy windows and the thousands of enthusiasts on forums around the world. The odds of finding someone to help. You are pretty good. One. Great resource is actually our forum linked below, where our community is ready, willing and able to help feel free to check that out after the video 6 is productivity. Even Apple had to acknowledge. 
Windows is strength when it comes to buckling down and just getting some work done, whether you're trading stocks, writing reports, tracking financials, making super cool, PowerPoint, slides or making YouTube videos like us windows probably supports the software and the hardware that you need to get it done. Microsoft'S Office suite is incredibly powerful and works best on Windows if you want to do 3d or CAD work. Most of the industry-standard software is on Windows and, let's not forget the plethora of one-off and highly specialized programs needed for scientific study, engineering and many other industries. Now I wasn't sure where to put this little bit so we're gon na chuck it in productivity, shortcut keys, so many shortcut keys, classic control-alt-delete for when things go wrong windows and one two three and four to launch the corresponding app on your taskbar go ahead and 
Try it it's really cool and if you like bad one, you can grab the other new power toy that lets. You hold the Windows key to see all the shortcut keys for your active programs. Oh productivity bliss awaits my friends. Seven is OS unity with some notable exceptions. Windows hasn't changed too drastically over the years. So if you went straight from Windows, XP to Windows, 10 you'd probably find your way around it sooner rather than later, and if you're a technician. This can be really nice because it's not uncommon to find yourself working on a different version from one hour to the next. It'S a totally different experience compared to Linux, which has I don't know, I stopped counting after 30, let's just say a lot of different distros or versions that are designed for a multitude of different tasks or specialized use cases. 
There are mainstream optimized distros out there, but if you don't consult the internet beforehand as a newcomer, it can get really confusing and thing is even if you do consult the internet. People might not agree on which flavor of the month is vastly women do bunt to stop being cool. Eight was a bit of a surprise to me, but it came up a lot. So maybe I just take the taskbar and file explorer for granted. The modern taskbar is a great tool for maintaining a clean and organized desktop, giving you quick access to frequently used programs and offering up a quick preview of all of your active windows as for File Explorer. Well, it's got its issues. The search is pretty slow. The up, folder navigation is done. Sometimes, documents should go to sequel and slash users, slash your username, not this PC etc. 
But it's got wide support for thumbnail, previews lots of useful information readily available, and it requires no keyboard shortcut to cut paste. Sometimes you don't have to be great just better than your competitor. 9 is reliability with good Hardware. The days of daily blue screens are long. Gone crashes do still exist, but for years now I've experienced long periods of smooth and stable performance. Microsoft does have some work cut out for them to make their automatic updates mover in the regarde, but they at least seem to be aware of the problem. At this point, bringing us to ten finally sort of related to gaming to compatibility, got an old program from the Windows XP days. Well, there's a decent chance that, with some trial and error, you will be able to get it to run even in the latest. Builds of Windows 10. 
There are just so many specific use programs that have been written over the last couple of decades and losing access to them because of an OS update could be devastating for some people. Compatibility mode actually works more often than you'd think and when it doesn't, some quick googling will often bring up a solution, and the cool thing is that goes. Both ways got a computer that mom bought 10 years ago, but still wants to use. Well, there's a solid chance that Windows and most programs that run on it will still work on that, even if not very well. Our Skull trail system from 2008 was actually a great example of this no driver issues and, aside from a couple of games that refused to launch because of missing CPU instructions, our issues were related to performance rather than to compatibility, so guys go check out that video. 
If you haven't already now one of the tools we love using on Windows comes, of course, from our sponsor for this portion of today's video LastPass LastPass relieves the troubles of remembering your passwords and reduces the anxiety about getting locked out of your accounts and then waiting For reset password emails, you won't need to write down, remember or reset passwords anymore with LastPass LastPass allows you to keep track of an unlimited number of passwords and not just passwords. Even just things like you know, Wi-Fi codes or just things you want to remember and store somewhere safe, and it doesn't only work for desktop it even works on mobile sites and apps for both iOS and Android. When you open an app or a site, LastPass will fill in your username and password making logging in easy, so click the link below to find out more about LastPass. So, thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed this video see you 
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ramrodd · 5 years ago
Democrats don't want public to know origins of Ukraine investigation like they didn't want public to know origins of Russia investigation
Byron York is an active agent in the GOP Shadow Agenda that has been revealed by Rudy Giuliani’s “drug deal”
My big problem with the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam is that market place of ideas has become virtually bankrupted, morally, by the deliberate confusion employed by the GOP Deep State since 1970 to attain control of the mechanisms of the American economy totally unimpeded by any of the constraints of the rule of law necessary to the optimal performance of American and British constitutional capitalism. All the cultural metrics that the world depended upon in America since we nuked Japan in order to put a man on the moon has been systematically debased by everyone and anyone associated with Byron York, as an active agent in the cancer that was growing around Nixon’s Presidency that has matastasized into the dominant coalition of the GOP that is okay with the reality that Donny Duckass commited the High Crime of Treason to be elected. That’s not the problem: it’s that any never-Trumper and/or double-hater with buyers remorse or Pro-Choice Planned-Parenthood closet lesbian have not yet realized the raw treachery of everything associated with Byron York, Newt Gingrich, Steve Bannon and the House Freedom Caucus.
The Oliver Stone version of Vietnam is 99% correct from my perspective. I went through it in my own way and I know why I went to Vietnam and I haven’t changed my mind. And that extra 1% I have that Oliver Stowne is missing is the Shadow between the Idea that Conservatives represent the essence of American patriotism and the Reality that Donny Duckass committed treason to get elected.
In terms of commercial business processes, I don’t think the analytics the Russian Oligarchs hacked from the Clinton campaign and gave to the Trump campaign would be a crime. I don’t know: the American business culture can be brutal  and if it had been a corporate take-over or boardroom fight for control, opposition research is just another name for corporate espionage. This is what American businessmen complain about China, the theft of intellectual property. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs built their fortunes on intellectual property, stolen all nice and legal. A difference between the NASA and Soyuz moon programs is Democratic Socialism: we invented it and the Soviets stifled it. As a consequence, there was very little of the intellectual pollination among some of the smartest people in the world that is characteristic of a society where the theft of intellectual property is a business model more or less endorsed by Harvard.
So, in the run of a general business transaction in a totally Free Market, the lie, cheat and steal “Art of the Deal” business model of Duckass Donny may be declasse in some circles, unless you actually catch the Boss of All Bosses just at the moment he pulls the trigger and your body cam is on, he can confine the ripple effects of his business practices to the moment before he actually pulls the trigger.
This is Fascist Sophistry.  If it is characterized as Christian Stewardship in the manner of the Pro-Life Mega-Church Evangelicals (including the Kanya West synod of the SBC), you end up defining 30% of Donny Duckass’s core constituency, a fellow traveler with the Byron York crypto-Nazis and the Steve Bannon-Newt Gingrich subversion, sedition, sabotage and domestic terrorism “dismantling the administrative state” 60’s right-wing insurgency making up another 30% and then the Useful Idiots, the white males recruited by Gingrich to self-select into a storm-trooper presence in Congress for which treason is a virtue and not a High Crime.
The problem is, when you are running for a federal office, it is not business as usual. Collusion is a necessary element of successful business enterprise across organizational boundaries and, more often than not, in really successful inter-organizational relationships, Collaboration and a healthy working consensus does things like build a space rocket than can come out of orbit and land. But when an oath of office is required to do business, that collaboration is rigidly formal, in order to get the biggest bang for the tax payers invested buck. The sort of sloppy business practices of the Trump organization allows for scruples to adjust the ethical boundares to the transaction. The problem is, the Trump organization crossed a constitutionally defined inpenetrable boundry of foreign intervention with the express intent to pervert an election. Donny Duckass wasn’t just in the loop of the Russian hack: he was the loop. Just like the shake-down and bribery phone call to Zulinsky; in a purely commercial setting, it was a perfect call, so long as no one complained to law enforcement, business as usual. But Donny Duckass was closing a loop in a far larger complex of transactions, all of which satisfy the criteria for High Crimes in the original intent of the Framers of the US Constitution.
And the reason why the Never Trumpers cannot recognize the manifest treason is because of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, which is to say, the Liberal PC/MASH (the series) version of Vietnam.
Let explain a cost of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam. Bill Clinton should have shared a Nobel Peace Prize with the French Foreign Legion United Nations Blue Helmet Peace Keepers for the Dayton Accords. The French Foreign Legion put on a practical demonstration of tactical peacemaking, a skill set at the absolute leading edge of the military arts. As a result of their professionalism, Clinton had what he needed to propose the UN/NATO task force that went in and put real muscle behind the peacemaking and ended the conflict, and then, followed up in Kosovo. It was a historic first.
Now, in order to actually implement this task force, they needed the forebearance of Putin in order to intervene in his sphere of influence. For reasons of his own, he recognized the utility of the arrangement and, as a direct consequence, the UN/NATO task force provided the basis for Clinton and the French Foreign Legion Blue Helments to share a Nobel Peace Prize.
Of course, this all happened while Newt Gingrich and Tom Delay were trying to emasculate Bill Clinton with the mother of all kangaroo courts, the Ken Starr Sexcapades Impeachment, so, the nominating process for the Nobel committee missed an opportunity to define the (Bill) Clinton Doctrine as a maturing relationship between NATO and Russia. After 911, we couldn’t have condubcted our war on terrorism without forward positioning in the Russian sphere of influence. A new, constructive, relationship between NATO and Russia was informally concluded when the Russian flying column handed over the keys to the Prestinka Airport to an unhappy Gen. Wesley Clark at the head of a UN/NATO column. At the end of the Clinton administration, the military horizon for both NATO and Russia shifted to Africa. 911 altered the time table for that combined peace keeping and stability operations mission of NATO and Russia, but it hasn’t modified Putin’s commitement to the diplomatic aspirations of the (Bill) Clinton Doctrine: the thing that has changed is that the Bush-Cheney administration abandoned the (Bill) Clinton Doctrine for Robert Kagan’s and Bill Kristol wet dream of the latter day neo-imperialism characteristic of Peter Navarro’s Free Market Trade War economics summarized in The Project for the New American Century that provided the regime-change rationalization for the invason of Iraq. America became an outlaw nation when we invaded Iraq, but, because of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, Bush-Cheney was able to run America over the cliff of 19th Century colonialism.
But the real problem is that, because of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, Obama-Clinton doubled-down on the regime-change element of the Project for a New America Century with the murder of Ghaddafi and the whole Lybia-Syria jug-fuck. The fact that Hillary Clinton still cannot see the moral equivalence between the murder of Ghaddafi and the assassination of the Diem brothers in 1963 is the 1% blind spot of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam that prevents Never Trumpers from recognizing the treason Donny Duckass committed to get elected,
The Oliver Stone version of Vietnam makes Never-Trumpers fellow travelers (and, in the case of the Obama-Clinton diplomatic axis, useful idiots) with Byron York and the GOP Shadow Agenda. You are helping to blow up the administrative state that put man on the moon and created Silicon Valley as a result.
If Donny Duckass was just doing business as usual (which defines his goverance model), his telephone call was, indeed, perfect: he made a deal that Zulinsky just couldn’t refuse. But, as POTUS, it was an offer he couldn’t make. Likewise, if he had gamed the Electoral College without any foreign contribution, no foul, but he let the Russian Oligarchs get across the blue line unchallenged when it was his duty to challenge them and that’s a Benedict Arnold kind of behavior.
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airoasis · 6 years ago
How Do Satellite Offices Affect Your Law Firm SEO? with Jeff Berman
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How Do Satellite Offices Affect Your Law Firm SEO? with Jeff Berman
Good day Jeff! Kelly road here, without doubt, you realize, i am super excited to be talking to you today. Now we have been getting plenty of questions from our current consumers and abilities clients about satellite places of work and because the CEO and co founder of lawyer factor. I inspiration you may be a excellent one to direct the questions to thank you so much. Kelly. Tremendous enjoyable. So the first query that we get loads is, are you able to aid me realise the role and worth of having satellite tv for pc workplaces. Sure. So oftentimes handiest get this question is targeted round the benefits of it from an search engine optimisation factor of view. We’ll get to that in a minute, but One thing that doesn’t continuously get brought up is the notion that it may be relatively just right for conversion. Right. So when anybody is watching for serving to them an place of job they usually’re form of sold on, you recognize, accomplishing out to you, however they must travel a distance to get there. They are able to be extra likely to opt for anybody that’s a bit bit nearer. So having a satellite tv for pc workplace where they may be able to be that that’s toward them can fairly support from a conversion standpoint.Yeah. Comfort is of the utmost significance in significance at the present time. Exceptional. So as you style of acknowledged seo procedure. So how does satellite locations play into search engine optimisation method. Right, so, uh, customarily to form of frame, things like that. The different channels. Correct. So whilst you’ve bought a paid search method. You could have a variety of flexibility over where which you could show these commercials and even though there may be conversion sides of that. You can truly promote those anywhere you need. Nonetheless, on the seo side of the condominium. There are rules of the game from the perspective of how Google set things up that may be extra limiting.Correct. And one of the most massive ones is How Google is displaying nearby packs. Correct. So, from that finish the best way that nearby packs are displaying they’re tied immediately to physical administrative center areas. And within the case of a variety of distinctive offerings where folks are doing matters like a individual injury legal professional or even simply anything like individual injury legal professional. Those neighborhood those regional packs are going to show. And simply to make certain that all people knows what i am speaking about what that, what I mean is, you know, you bought advertisements on high right after which the regional packs are going to be a map with stories probably there are like instructional materials or call buttons on there and then the Google my business listing for the company after which beneath that the genuine search engine optimization organic results.So the The business areas are tied to the nearby packs and Google will serve these up, but a enormous one of the most significant accessories of what they are truly showing goes to be proximity to where any person’s doing a search right. So if any one has a mobile mobilephone, you already know, Google is going to grasp like the foot of land that they may be actually standing on And a variety of instances with pcs and special varieties of IP routing, they are able to work out where you are at. And they also wish to exhibit you outcome which have places of work that are businesses that have places of work which can be just about the proximity of where you’re when you are doing the search, correct. So that you can that end, let’s assume, a organization. Used to be within the suburbs of Chicago, since that’s where our places of work placed they usually’re in a suburb of Chicago, they’re no longer going to be in a position to compete for nearby p.C. Visibility. In downtown Chicago unless they’ve an place of work there as well. Correct, and vice versa. Even a legislation firm that has a really good presence in the metropolis. If the searcher is out in the suburbs, they’ll get nearby results for the suburbs there so if you are watching to have an seo presence in a distinct subject.And you shouldn’t have a bodily place of business location there you’re going to be trying to do it with one hand tied at the back of your again given that you are no longer going to be competent to compete based on the rules of the sport. Become independent from what you realize any type of seo organizations really doing on your behalf to generate these forms of outcome so Um, what we do is, you already know, we want to articulate and provide an explanation for this to a client that we are not able to it is not about simply sticking Chicago personal damage legal professional bunch of instances as a keyword on your website and you’re going to be in a position to compete there, you really ought to have the workplace a bodily place of business with the intention to do this. Then you push into variety of a gray subject for the reason that guess what various people figured this out. Correct. In order that they said, All correct, how can we take capabilities of.Getting within the regional %. If we’ve got an actual website online via authoritative. Now we have quite a few studies and unique matters built up so that we’ll be able to compete show up there. And so what a number of organizations have been doing is that they were going by means of and developing satellite offices in like shared administrative center spaces the place they didn’t have any sort of everlasting rent. I’m doing it all over state proper and so similar to immediately having all these neighborhood % advantages in these areas accordingly of that, so Google’s on to that and the clamp down. So when we’re making a suggestion, the purest, you do not have got to worry about it. Technique to set it up is that you’ve an precise physical workplace region that is your place of job. It’s now not a shared workplace that you’ve your possess suite quantity or, you know, absolutely if its own building That that is yours least then you are going to be first-rate.As you shift into these other types of setups. That you would be able to get just a little bit more within the gray discipline correct the place it depends upon what else is going on and the way Google views the structures. Proper. So in some cases. You have your possess suite, it’s an place of work constructing with a bunch of alternative offices and you are definitely ok in that sense. Um, however in different situations. There could also be competing companies which can be already being related to like a corporation that also does personal harm and it can be within the identical administrative center vicinity. They usually’re already being related to that place. It may be tricky to bump over them, or Google use it as a straight Shared workplace space where your list will work unless it does not work anymore.Proper. After which they may be able to just pull it thus. So you need to be cognizant of that going into it. You are not simply Opening up areas and check out and execute process on them after which walking into issues the place it’s now not working or not in a position to get leverage for a few of these other reasons, and as a part of what the way that will strategy with a view to do a few of that study forward of time so earlier than any person’s truely committing or signing a rent.We are going to supply strategies, pronouncing, whats up, that is what the building. Looks like we think that this will be ok. You know, you are, you’re in a dependable spot over here to take a look at to aid consultant that so you are no longer signing some long no longer term disorders that would have abilities problems like that. Yeah, I did not even consider about that being accomplishing out to your seo enterprise and asking them a few feasible region that you’re looking at. I didn’t even think about what an advantage that has over just sort of going, hello, that is the spot the place we want to be.Yeah, there may be a legislation organization down the street, however obviously consideration and something we have we’ve got run into disorders where attorneys have contact us after signing the lease and relocating, moving okay i am relocating to this vicinity. Um, and there may be gigantic problems that we will be able to be competent to catch ahead of time. Often these selections are made. Fully independently and also you can not help it. However when you have choices and some alternative, making this a part of the selection making method with where you’re signing up for region. Will have to be a significant component, exceptionally if you’re hanging you recognize numerous assets, time, cash into an search engine optimisation technique.This is a killer. If it can be no longer executed correct. Yeah, I imply massive i am not even enormous P I’s however like commonplace sized individual harm firms are in most cases spending as so much a month on their search engine optimisation as they’re for their industry location and that is giant. So big. All right, so how far up far out geographically speaking. Does your online trade list support you or how far out. Does it work. And i will give the basic longer answer of it depends, proper. So when you are in real dense areas is on the whole by way of dense. I imply like without doubt populace, but additionally density in phrases of the number of alternative law corporations doing one of the most apply areas to your on your radius. It tends to lessen it correct so if you are in, like, which you could be constant with illustration, if you are like downtown Chicago. We have noticeable stories. The place they have been every zip code, which is, you recognize, real small field has an additional neighborhood % that’s being served depending on on browsing there um As you get out to areas the place the quantity of law corporations, little extra spread it may possibly broaden you recognize the radius or quantity of field that it is showing i’d say, like, on common, you’re watching at possibly like like 5 miles as a radius.But again, when you get into extra dense areas that that’s going to to slash relying on you know proximity of the searcher to the place your actual disqualifications yeah I’ve noticeable. I know he talks a lot about he’ll just walk round downtown Chicago and as he is strolling. He’ll see what comes up in the nearby % there and it is strong one block can trade the whole thing. Really an fascinating point is when persons will inquire from me repeatedly about rankings and you already know, when am i able to be for this special time period in this area and is among the examples i exploit is this precisely had been saying however you ought to fully grasp that it’s so personalized and one of those reasons being the place you’re browsing from right then. In the event you take your identical telephone and you are running across the city and also you participate in the identical keyword search and exclusive areas, you are going to get distinct outcome.Particularly, the local p.C. So it is simply anything to be conscious of. From the standpoint that it is that rankings, no longer the pleasant metric. Due to the fact of that, despite the fact that you realize there’s price in being there and ultimately producing traffic and calls and outcome. So, yeah. One hundred% Jeff, thank you a lot for your talents on satellite tv for pc workplaces and i am hoping this helps. You probably have questions about satellite tv for pc places of work for your law company surely attain out and give us a call or go to www.Attorneysync.Com or electronic mail workwith@attorneysync.Com Thanks Kelly. Thanks. .
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